Breathe – (feat. Ina Wroldsen) Technique: 3:27 Low Intensity – Medium Complexity Directions for body placement, timing, and cues for signature movements in this song.

CHOREOGRAPHY DETAILS TIME MUSIC CHOREOGRAPHY REPS COACHING Cheerleader Hip Rock Combo 0:00 In Dum dum 2x8 Get Ready -- Standing on the spot with feet apart: 0:08 V1 Whatcha 4x8 Cheerleader Hip Rock Combo 4x Cue: side & down Rock the hips R to L and move the arms in “cheerleader” pattern: Elbows out to side/Straight Arms to a Low V/ Hip Rock R, L (OTS) w/ arm pattern: Side & up Elbows out to side/Straight Arms to a High V. Keep hips rocking, knees bent, arms strong and hands in fists. Elbows side/Low V “cheerleader” Elbows side/High V *after the very last High V (on rep 4), you will throw the arms up the High V, but keeping circling them out and down so you are in good starting position for the Elbow Pull. 0:23 You’re 2x8 Elbow Pull -n- Slide (small) 2x Cue: “pull back, L, R Elbow Pull/L arm circle sweep sharp, sharp, Elbow Pull -n- Slide (small) (B) with slide step to R (s,s,d) smooth” Standing on the spot with the feet apart: Reverse and Repeat OS Rock the hips to R and pull the L Elbow back, releasing the arm down to the side (hand in fist). Rock the hips to L and pull the R Elbow back, releasing the arm down to the side (hand in fist). 0:31 I need 2x8 Elbow Pull -n- Slide (big) 2x Make it bigger Then slide step to the R, bringing the feet together, at the same time sweeping the L arm back in a large, soft Same combo as above w/bigger circle (hand natural and soft). Rhythm of the move is (single, single, double). movements and longer slide step. Reverse and Repeat OS (this move is done twice more on each side with bigger movements and a longer slide step). 0:38 C Breathe 4x8 Hip Snap Pivot Turn 2x Cue: “R snap Up R arm Snap U/D x2 w/hip rock (OTS) and down/ Pivot Hip Snap Pivot Turn ½ Pivot Turn (R) w/L arm push x2 turn to back and Pop the R knee (F) and Swing (“like a snap”) the R arm up and down x2 near the R hip. Keep the elbow into the Reverse and Repeat L front.” body and let the hips rock up/down with the motion. Step the R foot (F) and ½ Pivot Turn with the L arm pushing away as you turn (facing the back). 0:53 Dum dum 4x8 Head Rock & Front Turn 2x Cue: “Rock the Step the R foot (F) again and ½ Pivot Turn with the L arm pushing away (to face the front). Head Rock R,L x2 head. Front turn” Reverse and Repeat L (R) Front Turn Reverse and Repeat L *your “pushing arm” on the pivot turn will become your snapping hand when you get back to face forward OS.

1:09 V2 (quiet) 4x8 Cheerleader Hip Rock Combo 4x Strong arms Head Rock & Front Turn 1:24 You’re 2x8 Elbow Pull -n- Slide (small) 2x With the hands by the ears, elbows pointed out, Rock the Head side to side (R,L) x2 1:32 I need 2x8 Elbow Pull -n- Slide (big) 2x (R) Front Soutenu Turn: Step out to R -arms in 2nd position/turn on toes feet together – arms in 1st 1:39 C Breathe 4x8 Hip Snap Pivot Turn 2x position/open and complete turn – standing on R bend leg, left leg extended (toe pointed) and arms floating down (L arm in front/R arm in back). This turn is fluid, but more of Jazz style than Ballet to keep consistent with 1:53 Breathe 2x8 Cross Whip Combo (OTS) 2x New Move: Cue: the feel of the music. R arm low whip w/ side tap (s,s,d) “Whip 3,2,1” Reverse and Repeat L L arm low whip w/side tap (s,s,d) 2:02 Spell the 2x8 Cross Whip Combo (Travel F/B) 2x Same move Cross Whip Combo (OTS) forward and back Cross whip the R arm in front of the body (L,R,L and down), keeping the movement low in front of the hips. 2:10 Dum dum 4x8 Head Rock & Front Turn 2x Feet shuffle tap (OTS) at the same time the arm whips: Step L/Tap R. Step R/Tap L/ Step L/Tap R and Hold. 2:25 Br Breathe 4x8 Hip Snap Pivot Turn 2x Rhythm is (single, single, double). Cue “Whip 3,2,1 and Hold”. Reverse and Repeat again with the L arm. 2:40 Breathe 2x8 Cross Whip Combo (OTS) 2x Stay low 2:48 Into you 2x8 Cross Whip Combo (Travel F/B) 2x Cross Whip Combo (Travel F/B) Same as above, but traveling Forward R, L and Back R, L. 2:55 C Breathe 4x8 Elbow Pull -n- Slide 4x 3:11 Dum dum 4x8 Head Rock & Front Turn 2x

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