Committee(s): Date(s): Planning & Transportation 12 June 2012 Subject: Public / - Feasibility Study Report of: For Information Director of the Built Environment


On 24 April 2012, Members of the Planning and Transportation Committee considered Orders of the Court of Common Council of 19 April 2012. Officers were asked to respond to the following: (i) From the Ward of “Noting the frequent delays caused by the tail back of traffic from the pedestrian crossing in front of St Paul’s, and the resulting increased pollution, the voters of the Ward of Castle Baynard request the City of Corporation to install a temporary traffic light controlled crossing for a six month trial period to test whether this would overcome this long-standing problem” The background to this issue is that there have been two studies undertaken at this location in recent years, one in 2007 and most recently in 2011. In each instance, Members of the Streets and Walkways Sub-committee approved the Officer recommendation that a zebra crossing was a more acceptable solution at this location than a signalised crossing. The 2011 study concluded that a signalised crossing would severely impact upon pedestrian movement with pedestrian queues being unacceptable and dangerous as the limited availability of footway space would result in passing pedestrians spilling out into the carriageway. Traffic would experience minimal improvement, due to irregular traffic flows. The total time taken to travel along Ludgate Hill and St Paul’s Churchyard is largely determined by traffic conditions at the Ludgate Circus and New Change junctions, not the crossing at Ludgate Hill.

However, another study is currently underway to assess whether signalising the Ludgate Hill/ junction would provide a more acceptable solution. This study, which has been funded by TfL, will be reported to Members during Autumn 2012.

This report is in response to Orders of the Court of Common Council as considered by Members of the Planning and Transportation Committee on 24 April 2012. Recommendations It is recommended that Members note the contents of this report. Main Report


1. In July 2007 an evaluation report was presented to the Streets & Walkways Sub-Committee that considered pedestrian crossing improvements to the Ludgate Hill zebra crossing. Officers recommended that Members approved the retention of the zebra crossing and add additional pedestrian refuges at Dean’s Court and Ave Maria Lane. This recommendation was approved at committee.

2. Since the 2007 report a significant level of development has occurred in the locality, in particular an increase in the number of cafes and restaurants on the south side of Ludgate Hill and the construction of the One New Change shopping centre. In consideration of the complaints and given the recent development, Members again requested that a report be produced investigating this issue.

3. In July 2011 Members of the Streets & Walkways Sub-committee were presented with an update report containing the results of further traffic and pedestrian assessments of the Ludgate Hill zebra crossing conducted during February 2011. The assessment included analysis of pedestrian and traffic modelling for an alternative signalised crossing.

4. The 2011 studies concluded that a signalised crossing at this location would not reduce overall delays to motorists other than on a much localised basis. Overall vehicle travel times across this corridor would remain the same as other factors contributing to delays, such as kerbside activity and vehicles entering and exiting from Ave Maria Lane, will still be present. However, pedestrian movement, comfort and safety would undoubtedly suffer.

Current Position

5. On 24 April 2012, Members of the Planning and Transportation Committee considered Orders of the Court of Common Council of 19 April 2012. Officers were asked to respond to the following:

(i) From the Ward of Castle Baynard “Noting the frequent delays caused by the tail back of traffic from the pedestrian crossing in front of St Paul’s, and the resulting increased pollution, the voters of the Ward of Castle Baynard request the Corporation to install a temporary traffic light controlled crossing for a six month trial period to test whether this would overcome this long- standing problem” 6. During the 2011 study, Officers commissioned an independent review of the operation of the pedestrian crossing at Ludgate Hill. The study indicated that much of the disruption to traffic at this location is not directly related to the zebra crossing itself, but to traffic queuing from other downstream junctions. The proximity of Ave Maria Lane, and the effects of vehicles entering and exiting this street was another major factor. The effect of nearby kerbside activity also contributes to the disruption of traffic flow. 7. In that respect, although a signalised crossing would, in theory, smooth traffic flow, in reality the traffic capacity of a signalised crossing would be adversely affected by downstream junctions and in particular the interaction with Ave Maria Lane traffic.

8. It was also noted that journey times along this corridor are largely dictated by the performance of the main junction at each end of the corridor (New Change/ & Ludgate Hill/Farringdon Street/Fleet Street). The performance of intervening junctions has limited impact on overall journey times along the corridor.

9. Other factors such as kerbside activity (loading and unloading, taxis, buses and coaches) would impact on the efficiency of a signalised crossing. Independent detailed modelling of pedestrian flow of the signalised crossing was commissioned and this clearly demonstrated the number of pedestrians queuing at the signalised crossing would rise to unacceptable levels, completely blocking the footway. This would force other pedestrians to use the carriageway to bypass the waiting pedestrians, with obvious safety implications.

10. It is also clear from the study that implementing a signalised crossing at this location would cause increased delay to pedestrians (who at 58% of the modal share, are by far the heaviest users at this location).

11. It was concluded by the Members of the Streets and Walkways Sub- Committee that a zebra crossing is the most appropriate form of crossing at this location. As it has been clearly demonstrated that a signalised crossing could cause dangerous levels of pedestrian queuing, a six month trial of a signalised crossing is not recommended.

12. However, it should be noted that in October 2011 Members of the Streets and Walkways Committee approved Officer recommendation for feasibility studies as part of the Fleet Street, Temple & Whitefriars Area Strategy, which TfL have agreed to fully fund

13. The key objective of this latest study is to investigate the feasibility of signalising the Ludgate Hill/Ave Maria Lane junction as an alternative option for improving traffic flow. The study will also consider the impact that kerbside activity has on traffic flow.


14. The existing zebra crossing should be retained for safety reasons. However, an alternative signalised junction option is currently being investigated. Officers will report the results of this analysis in Autumn 2012.

Contact: Roland Jordaan [email protected] | 020 7332 3970