- Commissioners' weekly activities

CALENDRIER du 26 mars au 08 avril 2018

Brussels, 23 March 2018

(Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine) Déplacements et visites

Calendrier du 26 mars au 01 avril 2018 Lundi 26 mars 2018 EU-Turkey leaders' meeting in Varna, Bulgaria President Jean-Claude Juncker in Varna, Bulgaria: participates in the EU-Turkey leaders' meeting together with Mr Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, Mr Boyko Borissov, Prime Minister of Bulgaria and Mr Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of Turkey. Ms in Tashkent, Uzbekistan (until 27/03): participates in a conference on Afghanistan: "Peace process, security cooperation and regional connectivity". Mr receives Mr Johannes-Jörg Riegler, President of the Association of German Public Banks (VÖB). Mr receives Mr Pekka Pesonen, Secretary General of Copa-Cogeca, the European Farmers and Agri-Cooperatives. Mr Jyrki Katainen receives a delegation from the French National Assembly to discuss foreign investment and European industrial policy. Mr Günther H. Oettinger in Warsaw, Poland: on a tour to gather views on the Future of EU finances and the post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), and holds a Citizens' dialogue on the topics of "The future of the EU finances after 2020". Mr in Lebanon (until 27/03): on official visit. Ms Cecilia Malmström receives representatives of industriAll (European Trade Union). Mr Karmenu Vella receives Ms Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Minister for the Environment and Forestry of Indonesia. Mr in Warsaw, Poland: delivers a speech at the high-level conference on African Swine Fever with the ministers of agriculture and Chief Veterinary Officers of EU Member States, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine; and meets Mr Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of Poland. Mr in Los Angeles, the United States: delivers a keynote speech on "Refugees, migration and the modern State" at the University of Southern California. Ms in Montréal, Canada (until 28/03): attends the G7 meeting "Preparing for jobs of the future" with employment and innovation ministers. M. à Paris, France: rencontre Mme Nathalie Loiseau, Ministre français chargée des Affaires européennes; participe à un séminaire sur l'inventaire du quinquennat "Les choix en matière économique, en matière fiscale et en matière de compétitivité" organisé par la Fondation Jean-Jaurès. Mr receives Ms Inger Andersen, Director-General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Mr Phil Hogan receives representatives of Copa-Cogeca, the European Farmers and Agri-Cooperatives. Mr Phil Hogan in Wuustwezel, Belgium: participates in a Citizens' dialogue on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Ms in Serbia: meets Ms Zorana Mihajlović, Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Minister for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure; visits the new Zezelj bridge; and meets Ms Ana Brnabić, Prime Minister of Serbia. Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska in Kraków, Poland: visits a site of the company Codecool and has exchanges with the management and students. Mr in Plovdiv, Bulgaria: delivers a speech at the opening session of the "Cultural heritage: for a more sustainable Europe" conference organised by the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU; and an opening speech at the 4th edition of the European Heritage Label Ceremony. Ms in Sofia, Bulgaria: delivers a speech at the Cybersecurity Challenges Conference;a speech at the IT HUB CONNECT event under the auspices of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU; and meets Mr Nenad Popović, Minister for Innovation and Technological Development of Serbia.

Mardi 27 mars 2018 President Jean-Claude Juncker receives Mr Miroslav Lajčák, President of the United Nations General Assembly and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Slovakia. Mr in Paris, France: delivers the opening remarks at the OECD Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum; participates in a panel on "Integrity for Fairer Globalisation: Challenges and Trends"; and meets Mr Angel Gurría, Secretary General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Mr Frans Timmermans and Mr Phil Hogan deliver keynote speechesat the 11th Forum for the Future of Agriculture, in Brussels. Ms Federica Mogherini in Tashkent, Uzbekistan: participates in a conference on Afghanistan: "Peace process, security cooperation and regional connectivity". Mr in Montréal, Canada (until 28/03): attends the G7 meeting "Preparing for jobs of the future" with employment and innovation ministers; participates in sessions on "The impact of transformative technologies on the economy and society", "Common approaches to artificial intelligence" and "Stimulating innovation", and in a business roundtable; visits the Centech Business incubator. Mr Valdis Dombrovskis participates in the Public hearing on the 2018 review of the Solvency II implementing measures, in Brussels. Mr Valdis Dombrovskis receives Mr Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA). Mr Jyrki Katainen and Ms Mariya Gabriel take part in a European Political Strategy Centre (EPSC) working dinner on the European Strategy for Artificial Intelligence, in Brussels. Mr Johannes Hahn in Lebanon: on official visit. Mr Johannes Hahn inJordan (until 28/03): on official visit. Ms Cecilia Malmström in Gothenburg, Sweden: participates in a seminar on SMEs at the West Swedish Chamber of Commerce. Mr Karmenu Vella receives Ms Inger Andersen, Director-General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Mr Karmenu Vella meets representatives of Ocean Energy Europe, in Brussels. Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis in Milan, Italy:participates in a meeting on Mediterranean Diet Reference Standard with representatives of the Italian National Standardisation Body (UNI); delivers a speech at the Inauguration Ceremony of the Academic Year 2017/2018 at the San Raffaele University; visits Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico hospital; and holds a Citizens' dialogue in Turin. Ms Marianne Thyssen in Montréal, Canada: attends G7 meeting "Preparing for jobs of the future" with employment and innovation ministers; participates in sessions on "Establishing a context of the evolving labour market, changing economy and the importance of partnerships", "Growth: sharing opportunities and benefits" and "Adapting to the new world of work: Supporting workers through transitions"; meets Ms Muriel Pénicaud, Minister for Labour of France; Mr Hubertus Heil, Federal Minister for Labour and Social Affairs of Germany; and visits Centech Business incubator. M. Pierre Moscovici reçoit des élèves du lycée professionnel Théodore Monod. M. Pierre Moscovici reçoit Mme Elise Lavielle, Directrice adjointe des stages de l'Ecole Nationale d'Administration. Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska in Kiev, Ukraine: participates in the EU-Ukraine High-level industrial and regulatory dialogue; meets Mr Volodymyr Groysman, Prime Minister of Ukraine; and delivers the keynote speech together with Mr Stepan Kubiv, First Vice Prime Minister at the EU-Ukraine High-level industrial and regulatory dialogue's side event. Ms Corina Creţu delivers a keynote speech at the Conference "European Territorial Cooperation Post 2020", in Brussels. Ms Corina Creţu receives a group of mayors from Buzău County, Romania. Ms Corina Creţu receives Mr Philip Cordery, former Secretary General of the Party of European Socialists (PES). Mr in France: participates in an observation of a maritime counter terrorism exercise in Dunkirk; and in a discussion on counter-radicalisation policies; and visits the Joint Police and Customs Cooperation Centre (PCCC) in Lille. Mrs Mariya Gabriel receives representatives of the European Technology and Travel Services Association (ETTSA).

Mercredi 28 mars 2018 College meeting President Jean-Claude Juncker receives Mr Joseph Daul, President of the European People's Party (EPP). President Jean-Claude Juncker receives Mr Sauli Niinistö, President of Finland. Mr Frans Timmermans receives Mr Christophe Deloire, Secretary General of Reporters without Borders. Mr Frans Timmermans receives a group of European imams, in the framework of the Article 17 dialogue with religious and non-confessional organisations. Ms Federica Mogherini receives Mr Sauli Niinistö, President of Finland. Mr Andrus Ansip and Ms Marianne Thyssen in Montréal, Canada: attend the G7 meeting "Preparing for jobs of the future" with employment and innovation ministers; participate in the session "Innovation and employment ministers: our approach to prepare for jobs of the Future"; Mr Andrus Ansip meets Mr Masaki Ogushi, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan and Mr Masahiko Tominaga, Vice-Minister for Policy Coordination (International Affairs) at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan, and Mr Michael Kratsios, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy U.S. Chief Technology Officer. Mr Jyrki Katainen has a working lunch with Mr Sauli Niinistö, President of Finland, in Brussels. Mr Jyrki Katainen receives Mr Alessandro Profumo, CEO of Leonardo - Aerospace, Defence and Security company. Mr Johannes Hahn in Jordan: on official visit. Mr Karmenu Vella receives representatives of the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis delivers a speech at the Big Data Challenge and Public Health Conference, in Brussels. Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis receives representatives of AnimalhealthEurope. Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska receives representatives of EUROFER. Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska in Leuven, Belgium: visits the site of applied nano-electronics company IMEC. Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska participate in the signing ceremony of the European Defence Fund Preparatory Action contracts, in Brussels. Ms Corina Creţu receives Ms Gabrijela Žalac, Minister for Regional Development and EU Funds of Croatia. Ms Mariya Gabriel receives Mr Johannes Gungl, Chair of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC). Ms Mariya Gabriel chairs the 2nd Roundtable discussion on priorities for digital reforms in the Western Balkans, in Brussels. Ms Mariya Gabriel receives representatives of Reporters Without Borders.

Jeudi 29 mars 2018 Maundy Thursday Ms Marianne Thyssen in Montréal, Canada: attends G7 meeting "Preparing for jobs of the future" with employment and innovation ministers; and the joint session "Our Approach to prepare for jobs of the future". Mr à Paris, France: prononce un discours à la session de clôture de la conférence sur l'intelligence artificielle en présence de Mr Emmanuel Macron, Président de la République française et Mr Cédric Villani, Députe à l'assemblée nationale française.

Vendredi 30 mars 2018 Good Friday 13:15 Mr Dimitris Avramopoulos meets with the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and the Minister of Immigration Policy Ioannis Mouzalas, in Athens.

Calendrier du 02 avril au 08 avril 2018 Lundi 02 avril 2018 Easter Monday Mr in Athens, Greece:meets Mr Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece. Mr Carlos Moedas in Portugal (until 08/04): participates in a dinner debate at the Portuguese Order of Engineers meeting.

Mardi 03 avril 2018 M. Pierre Moscovici à Paris, France: rencontre M. Emmanuel Macron, Président de la République française. Mr Christos Stylianides in Geneva, Switzerland: represents the European Union at the 2018 Yemen High-Level Pledging Event, co-hosted by the United Nations, the governments of Switzerland and Sweden. Ms Vĕra Jourová in the Czech Republic: attends a Roundtable on Hate speech online; and hosts a Citizens' dialogue on the Future of Europe. Mr Carlos Moedas in Évora, Portugal: delivers a keynote speech at the University of Évora on the theme "Young people and Europe: new approaches, renewed challenges".

Mercredi 04 avril 2018 Mr Christos Stylianides in Beirut, Lebanon: delivers a keynote speech at the "Diversity in Unity and Fundamental Freedoms for Christians and Muslims in the Middle East: A Conference for Parliamentary Dialogue", taking place in the Parliament of Lebanon. Mr Carlos Moedas inPorto, Portugal: delivers a keynote speech on "New agendas for research and innovation for the health of the future" during "Meetings with Health Innovation" of Health Cluster Portugal.

Jeudi 05 avril 2018 Mr Valdis Dombrovskis receives Mr Steven Maijoor, Chairman of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). Mr Valdis Dombrovskis receives Ms Michèle Tabarot and Mr Alexandre Holroyd, members of the Committee for European Affairs of the French National Assembly; and Mr Christophe Naegelen and Mr Sylvain Waserman, members of the Committee for Foreign Affairs of the French National Assembly. M. Pierre Moscovici à Lyon, France: visite le chantier d'insertion de l'association « Fil en Forme »; visite la Société publique locale (SPL) Confluence; participe à un dialogue citoyen sur le thème "Une Europe qui protège, vraiment"; rencontre M. Georges Képénékian, Maire de Lyon, Vice-Président de la Métropole de Lyon; et participe aux rencontres de la fédération française des maisons de l'Europe. Mr Christos Stylianides in Lisbon, Portugal: delivers a keynote speech at the International Conference on Higher Education in Emergencies, organised by the Foreign Ministry of Portugal and the Global Platform for Syrian Students. Ms in Copenhagen, Denmark: participates in a Citizens' dialogue. Mr Carlos Moedas in Portugal: in Viseu: participates in the Science Roadshow; inÍlhavo, Portugal, delivers a keynote speech at the conference "Business Platform Innovation - the Lever of Economy".

Vendredi 06 avril 2018 Mr Jyrki Katainen in Milan, Italy (until 07/04): participates in the Citizens' Dialogue on Jobs and Growth in Tomorrow´s Europe at the University of Bocconi; participates in a working lunch with the European Creative and Cultural Industry representatives (ALTAGAMMA Foundation). Mr in South Africa (until 07/04): on official mission. Mr Karmenu Vella receives Mr Marek Gróbarczyk, Minister for Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation of Poland. Ms Vĕra Jourová in the Czech Republic: delivers a keynote speech at the conference "Data as an opportunity for the Economy". Mr Carlos Moedas in Lisbon, Portugal: participates in a lunch debate at the Engineering Academy; and meets Mr Rui Rio, President of the Social of Portugal.

Samedi 07 avril 2018 Mr Jyrki Katainen in Milan, Italy: participates in the 29th edition of the European House - Ambrosetti Finance Workshop "The Outlook for the Economy and Finance"; and delivers a keynote speech on the future of the European industry. Mr Neven Mimica in South Africa: on official mission.

Dimanche 08 avril 2018 Mr Neven Mimica in Zimbabwe: on official mission. Mr Carlos Moedas in Lisbon, Portugal: participates in the closing session of the conference 'Ulisses' on the topic "European Democracy: an idea whose time has come?"

Prévisons du mois d'avril: 10-11/04/2018 Informal meeting of environment ministers in Sofia, Bulgaria 12/04 General Affairs Council on cohesion 16/04/2018 Foreign Affairs Council 16-17/04/2018 Agriculture and Fisheries Council 17/04/2018 General Affairs Council 17/04/2018 General Affairs Council (Art. 50) 17-18/04/2018 Informal meeting of employment, social policy and health ministers on social policy in Sofia, Bulgaria 19/04/2018 Informal meeting of energy ministers in Sofia, Bulgaria 19/04/2018 Justice and Home Affairs Council 23/04/2018 Informal meeting of employment, social policy and health ministers on health in Sofia, Bulgaria 27/04/2018 Eurogroup 27-28/04/2018 Informal meeting of economic and financial affairs ministers in Sofia, Bulgaria

Permanence DG COMM le WE du 24 mars au 25 mars 2018: Christian WIGAND: +32 (0) 460 76 47 00

Permanence DG COMM les vacances des Pâques du 29 mars et 02 avril 2018 : Anca PADURARU: +32 (0) 498 96 64 30

Permanence RAPID - GSM: +32 (0) 498 982 748 Service Audiovisuel, planning studio – tél. : +32 (0)2/295 21 23 CLDR/18/2481