FEATURES PCs: Past. present. future 3 Freelancer Sam Lighlman provi des a n ou tsiders look at HP's pl ace in the world 01 personal com pu te rs-past. pres ent a nd especia lly the fu tu re. Cover phot o by T i m Holt . Extraordinary people 6 Walter Olesek. float ina in his belly boat on his own Rocky Mountain high. is a man at peace. DOD't touch that dial! 10 the company's newest channel page 6 Tune into the HI' VideoMagazine. of news and informat ion. Becho en Mexico 12 While Mexico recovers from devastat ing ea rthq u a kes. HP d e Mexico continues to be an economic bright s pot in the cou n try. - Tight times 16 Is 90 percent o f a paycheck b etter than none a t all '? Employees o f HP 's Vancouver Dtv is iori describe h ow HP 's current economic crunch affects them

QJ" .. DEPARTM ENTS YourTura 9 Measure readers write about matters of interest to all e m ploye es. Letter from John Young 18 HP's president reviews what 1985 dealt the electronics industry. ExtraMeasure 19 page 12 An HP comp u te r in Californ ia s na,gs a tiller in Maine: HP pedals it s com p u ter services a t the Tour de France: major advertising cam paig n IS under way. MEASURE

Editor: Assorrau- ed ito r ConI rihu tors: Brad Wh itwort IJ BeltvCiera rd Sam l.iahtrnnn John :\!onallan M all a .~illg cduo r : An direct or: ,Jrl f I krrin~loll J ean Burke All111' t tI' Ya« )\ it z (m-utauon : Kat hlcen (;ogarty

,~..1e..::sure IS (;t..~ ~h.: , .. I ~ r"""r{}i (.;'..~--')' 1,:/ e,.....:DI'_.... {'S'~5 ::;r.(: Qs.s...x :;'",?,s 0 ' ;....;e-¥l

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page 20

Hewle~ P:JclI':J'~j C':-!'!"t)C'~'" Sor, " ~t:·"r,·::::=!,c:n~i 'T ....:r,'-.f\;c·ur(~r ~)( rr,eO'),Jfeme'l' or-e corr ::;\.):~;T ::') c~·)dUC'S ,"''"'10 svsrc-r-s uSl?(j If': """'I(jI."S'!'"·, ::::':J~ ..... ess t;='r, _.V' '.J'C'rll);J sc-er-ce rn~'dl::':lrl(' or U 0d.JCCltICf, I"'Pernc:c..'s rrt:)rE:- thor &5,OJC' peoote worU",,(JE­

MI': ASlJHE On the second anniversary ojthe introduction ojthe HP 150 Touchscreen , Hewlett-Packard released its IBM-compatible Vectra to the marketplace. Measure asked veteran advertising and public relalionsjreelancer (and HP-watcher) Sam Lightman to take an outsider's look at where the company has been and where it's going in the world ojpersonal computers. Personal computers: Past,present,future

Time h a s a di stinctly nou-Iinear aspect about i!. Because each d ay in your lire represents a decreasing pcrr-entaue or the whole, time seems [0 rele­ scope as you g ro w older. To anyone ove r the a,ge of35, the personal computertzanon or the West ­ ern world see ms to h ave ocr-urred in a Ilash, whlk- Cor those IIJHlpr 25. il's b een .l(o ing on loreVfr- at least all t h ei r a d u lt lives . For some, then. names like Altair a nd I~SA[ conjure up not so much memories as rellexes After a ll, it wa s on ly 1977 when blue-jcaued a n d T-sh irtcd represcruatives from Polyvl orphic a n d Technical Iksign Labs a nd Wave-Mate a nd a hundred ot lu-rs were jostling for space a t lilt' lil's[ Wesl Coast Co m p u ter Fatre. Probably m ore than a ny ot her s ingle even t . I hi ' Cai ,' kicked otft h e per, son a l co m pu te " a.!.!;e. The yca r bef ore . a l Iewlr-tt-Pac-karr ! ter-lm n -Ian named h ad peddled hi s m ost preci ous poss esst ons -i-two HI>calculato rs-an d Steve Jobs h ad sold h is Volkswagen to pay for the parts of the lirst p roduction Apple compu ter Now they were l1nvei1in~ a fu lly asse m b led seco n d -gen e ration machine. the Apple II. Co m m odo re wa s iruroductnu the Pet , Everybody. ill Iacr . with an idea and a little room III the garage h adjumped II1tO (h e gamt', Just mi s sing the rail'. Radio Shack announced tilt' n{S-HO three months later. The c haos con ti nued until 198 I . The-n. al one 0 1' th e largesl press r-on­ Iercnoes in its history. IBM changt'd the game forever True to its rrm st l­ tuenrv, IBM used Charlie Chaplin to introduce "a [001 for modern I imes" thai lilt' business co m m u n ity could relate lo . While business l urm-d it s al tenlion to the serious machine, the games players and other vulnerable nan It'S I '~; lII l4'll r i ll g 1': 11: 11 Il l hel IIp.l rl w it h s k-Hke v lf,:llt The 11, ,', W1I\ '. , 1I1111t"slh,ltt u t l l 'liC .; l ' ,,,. l~ Ill. ' " U I II · L1'~ . T UII !.,,·S ind llir a lll i soveral 01h ers right oul of til t market. Hard on th e her-Is n IBM ca me t he com patlblcs. Ihe semi-compat ibles a n d the non-compaubtes from pe ople who h ad their own idea s about how a com pu te r s h ou ld opcrat e Al one polnt lh efe were more than 200 manufacturers 01 pcrs unal co m p u te rs . Between 1982 a nd 1985, sales of pers onal computers quadrupled. t he vast majortty of th em going lo the business market. lnevuabty, t he market choked on its own overindulgence a n d Ihe manufa cturers s u ifere d , III a cover a n ide on the comp uter slu m p thts Junc . Business Week td entrfied rive re asons lor t he current pause in s a les: the Un ited Slates ' manufacturtng sec­ lor, which buys o ne-th ird 01'a ll computers. is in a slu m p: po­ tenlta l purcha sers are wailing for new models : p ot ent lal us e rs a re sl ill uncomfortable with the rn ar -hines: the va r ious m a­ ch ines can't be conveniently lied togelher inlo n etworks: com­ panies arc digesting the te chnology [hey have- already pur­ chas ed. The Wall Street J ournal and others p r edict if cou ld lake a century 10 fulfill the promise ora PC on everv desk and in every horne. For th e moment. a reduction from 25 percent a year growlh in the sales 01 all kinds of computers to a mere lO

1I ~ 1 : ~ perce-nt has caused ex cru r tutin u pain throughout the industry, Further. I Ill' entry or the ,gia m s into the personal co m pu te r m arket has s i,gn a lt,cta IH'\\' pha s e. The in d ust ry IS m a tllring Of til e ea rl ies t pl ay ers . o n ly Apple and Ra ­ dio Shack cori u n ue to m u inta in a s i~­ ruficant presence in a PC m arket d orn ­ inated by IBM, Unless ot hr-rs h an' a s pecific niche, they arc rapidly lo~in1! ground, The seco n d wave of the s hake ou t is under way, Where was He-wlet t-Packard wh ilt' a ll thiswa sgoingon?

The butterflies were free The'tlec1ra pick$ upwhefe other ATcompatibles leave ett, with innovations and imprOll'ements Prior to 1983. Hewlett-Packard h ad galore that open a new WOf1d 01 soffware 10 HP users, tiptoed a ro u n d the persona) cornpuu-r mar ke t with o ffe ri n gs a imed primarily As n turned our. asrdr- 110m t he cnn­ The \'t'l'lra is l'tTtaIl11\'blue-ish, an at u s ers al ready familiar w ith IIH' co rn­ fusion cre-au-d 111 (he marke-t plan'_Ill' IB:\t 1'1' AT·('ompalible th,lt opens up (0 pany a n d its eq u ip m ent. With the 1'(" had neverrhele-,» 1I1\I'nll'(J ~ (btiITIIII.?, k('\'boarct what \\.t' wanted 10 s ell wert' lWOch fte r­ IllU('1l ahOlll I Ill' Ill.lrk(·l.t.., ,t1llll11 lll' :-. h.l:-. hl'l'lI ('('pl;II 'c'cllly OlH' Wllldl i~ e-nt lhings We h ad i mTll11'd a prodlll' I Crt'dl i\ il~ 01'" a 1'(' slIpplll'l [n 1!l!'n. I [ 1ll',1l111!tlll\' rt'S]>OII'-;I\'1' Itll',Hurt'S tl1l' that til wi th our illsl a lk cl lJasc', wtwtlH'r lookl'd lik('.1 rfllTlpallyl'lIuld sldl l..!,O lh 1U lB\lllllll'tloll kl'YS 01 I t h (' 1«'1 I I hi' Wl' ack nowlr clge c! that or 1101 We' pn' ­ OWIl \\'a\ : In I\IS;) III Tom \\crlk s lIll'lll ­ ('IClll Ill' IUllt'IIOll kt'\',,011 nb'-; t hI' lO]> , a s el1te- c!it a s a mainstream PC. and orah!t' w(lrel~. \ Oil IT 1'1 thc r '1l1 l lll' IJlI'-; 11l111lI)l'1 pad sc·'c1 frolllilwaipha it r eally wasn't " or\'ou 'n'olf tlll'hll" Thl' bll" l~ p;t1lllc'd k('yp'HlllI.I Cllr~Ol p,H1 and stllllllore I B :\l b h It'

MEASUHE Iu n ct io n keys in the m iddle, T h is is 0 1It' lIu!!;r krvbour d , And she's got. , . 00 MOD-ularity... •00 An o th er clc purture for HI' is the m od­ - ul aritv of the m acl nm- Vec tr u d oesn't come t"q ll ip p r d wit h s o much a s a sin­ gh' rearconnec to r. The I1 S('[" m akes his (or h er) ow n choice s in co n t i g u n ll ,~ hi s PC. He ca ll choose from a mong floppy o r h ard di sc lntr-rnnt or e-xu -r uul ru ass o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 s torage devices a n d colo)' o r hl urk-aud­ w h i te m onuo rx Millionsof personal computers and whitecollar workers Addit Ionul uu-mory ca n be a dd ed , a s ig n i!icanl pori ion o t it tn stall u bl e The number of personal compu1ers being used by whi1e-collaf workers should inc rea se d i rr-c tlv O i l tlu- ex is ti lll! h oard, with our dramatically in Ihe next five years, according 10 1nternational Data Corporation. the m 'l'd lor expan s to n ca rds. A sr-coud mlc roprorr-ssor c h ip ca ll a lso b e added th e Vectra a p p ea re-d. III' a lready h ad a pute r tz.uto n o f t h e Mu u s trv o{ Labo u r I II-' [~ut. to s peed m a th op e ra tion s , in poten t ia l distrihu lin n network for it fi ll' the provtncial gowT ll lllen t o f H r tt is l t a n o rh er clep a r tu rc. s uch IOllg -stamliIH.( that w ill hel p 10 as sure- It S SlIl.'C(,SS: Colu mbia in Canada. call vouch lor Ih at f!'a ill res as HI'-IB (Insr r cuuent Bll s ) , 111<1 some 2. 000 (ka krs ill the U,S , alo ne . TOII I 'S ,~ ro u p Iwgan by dimill alillg I -I I'-It (lntr-rfur-r- Loo p ) alT n ow o p tIOns Ma ry Bet h Cll'v!'n gcr o f ln fo Svstr-rn s IBM "We n eed ed di slnbuted proce-xs ­ "We h aw t his v is io n o ra w h at th e Inc. . all Hldr-a h-i in Wi lmututon , Del a ­ ing an d t lu-y J'l'ally d o n t do d tstrtbu red id ea l work stut JO J1 s hou ld be." s avs Cyril wa rt'. Iigurf's th e Veerra wi II im p rove processing ve ry well And il vo u wan I to Yan souut. vive prt-stdent u u d gCll n a l I1l'I' h a rrlw arr - s al es subst , I ti l url ly. «x pu nd from a 'l lI n 't' -((,l'lll tr; a l ~Y S I( ' l1 l 10 llIall;IL!t'r nt t lu- Perxou ul ('OIn p utc'l " U p l i n t il n o w. " shc' n ous. " t h ert - h a s ,] :300-lt' r lll illa l sys te- i u . (B M makes yo u (; rou p. " l l h a s to e mbod y th n -t- l' S S C' 11­ h r' t'll a noth er JO pCTc'enl 0 1(1I1r ]J0 II'Il ­ go ll1 ro u gll lll r e(' op('rating sys l em s 10 lia l c11araC'lnislics Firs t. i1 l11 11 St ruu t lul h a rrlwa rt -c ustom er» t lu u we h a v­ get rln-r« All i n all. tlw il syste m is jlls l intlust rv- xuu rd a rrl s o l twa re We \T C' I\'I ber-n a b h- io sw inu ove rlx -cause we lon rom p l k -atrd .. leanH'd 'llI al the mal kC'lp];,('t' t':-.. [w cls did nt h ave IB M corup at ilJility. Probably '' I t 's a Ii I 11(' i ron tc .' say s S (('Ve' Rud ­ th is , b u t \\!c'lwlit>vt' tln -, is n o : ('IlOllgh h alfof th ose cluut ca rr -a bOi l1 Ih e la b e-l doc k. " !WC;UISt' the impetus (or ['Cs in "Wt' IIlIl St a lso provide vocatioual T be-v ju sl want ,1l,(,CSS lO tIlt' live millmn lhl' beginllin g was to Irr-r people [rom Iu uv u onalu v, TIll' worksr at ron s hou ld software p ,Il 'k il ,~t ' S O il t he market ," I'Iw Ih rir corp orate' d a ta pn)(Ts sing ck-part­ t' II h a11('(' VO\ ; r aIJil i Iv to do t l Il ' jo b vnu ac-tuul nurnber is seve- ra l th ousand an d nu-n ts a n d get co m mand OVl'I' t lu-ir own all' paid io do, Th" l's Ih e secon d ch.u . C'lim b ing. 1J1l1 t l i r- po u u is w ell ta k en . da ta a n d s olt wu rr- Nnw l lll ~ t rt-nrl \s to at'leris[ic, a nd third is cu rnnn u u ca­ Wha t IW XI 'J see k o ut th ose co m pa n ies thai ca n lie­ lio ns c; l p, lh i li ly, T h is in c-lude-s a(' ('t' ~s Pn 's umably, this w ill lx liP's lla gsllip {ltc'se t h ings h ar-k nuosy s tr-m s " lo duta . tlteal.iili l v 10 c-om rn u nu-air-wtt}: ollert ng. wuh th e Touc hscreen P( :s a l Observes B ill Honlruruut. "TIlt' new 1I1~'TlJO S vo ice . 10 (Tt'alt' a n d a d d grap h ­ la s t lakillg lh c'lI prop el' p l,ll'('s ,I S P!rybotl v lovNllo touch: Ih l' La s n J l'1 TOIII S( 'l!ariC' 11. who d ireded the CO I1\­ a n d 'tlw l :h in kJpt. As a result, whel1

;'oJovPl11 ber-[)t'l'l'lI1\)er I ~ lH 5 ORDINARY PEOPLE

._. - - -' -­ ­_-...:.­ .'- .-.-

Walter is at home lIeating across Sprague Lake in his belly boof, waiting lor lhe big strike lhal signals the start 01another day.

:'I ll : .\ ~ l · [ < E A belly boat is a n inner tube w ith wad­ Chefs. according to Walte r, art" free ers a ttached in which fisherman Walter sp iri ts "beca u se. hey. if one place d os es O lesek floats s ilent ly and s ingu tarty a t do wn , vo u can always lind a n o ther," four in the m orning ac ross a deep An d so' wi th h is wif~ . Phyllis . who 11(' mountain lake, h oping again fo r the marr u-d lor t h e firs t time In 196 4 . bi g s tr ike His thoughts unwind lik e Walt er s pe n t (he ne xt 15 years "!tving line from a reel-ofRig Mike a n d Mom. in Nor! 11 Ca ro lina with th e Sou ther n the 8 2 nd Airborne Div is ion. ,~ r e a t fish, p eopl e, traveling, working in co u nl ry Kurt the ska teboard pro , hard melons. dubs In Michigan. I a lways h ad a job .. Phyllis, Phyllis ag

November-December 1985 ORDINARY PEOPLE

"Life ,~ (' I S s hor t whcn lue !.((W S h v yo u I'm th mki nu of \\ hal IH' t old 1lH' l a~ 1 Saturdav was lik e , He was ow fish I IIC bvfi a 111 afu-r whtr-h he a n d hl~Wlf t' played a ro u n d or golf Ttu-n hc a( , tended Ag Dav at Colo ra do Sta l l' Urn ­ vcrsrtv, a local ce leb ra t ion o f C olo r ado agricultlln'. where he sqlwt'l.t'd the melons with a touch known onl\ to chefs and ,l.! fa n d lll o tlu-rs At u-r t h at lit' and Phyllis look ill a CSt: toot bull uani« Walter. however, hacln t had t' lIo 11 l.! h golf. s o after the Iootball uam« he played another nine holes Ilw!lt,\·t'!w eJ1(!t'd the day bvmukinu drnner fo r t h« t.umly fi e a n d hr s part ner Ed Brovet lin­ tshed secon d in the HIJ-Forl COIl III S golrIeaglll', alll101I,ch Waller on ly took u p the ,e;a nlt' a year or so ago . a nd I s tarted IIIask about that. hut we wen' s tdetrackc d . " La ke Pow ell.' Wal u-r sa \ ' ~ ' I S o ne 0 1 the most a mazi ng pla ct's I \'(' Ioi m d i n my lifl'.lt's s uch a m a mmoth cn-at inn. i I puts u s a ll In perspecuve-i-u s hows m e so mel hi Il~ cf ea ll'll lilt" ., I If ~ a y~ h e goe s IIH're eve rvyear. i hcn ln vi t e« 1ll\ wife a n d me to go along , Hl' volumcr-r-, to drive the 1,000 nules the-re and bark Then W("11 rent a housr-bont, 111' ~av :-- , and yo u and " Mama ' 1 Il i ~ nume lor my wife Iwill have a really ,~ nod l l lll (, I guarantt'e u.

- Wa lte r Olesek: Te-s1ing the lore Is one 01 Walter's jobs as lirst-shift lood services supervisor in Fort Collins.

Wh en Wal ter wa s ill t lu- Army. IH' wa-. lip .u u l ~OIIlC h .rr d ;'\( '.\1 111 011 111 Ill' IIt,t'd llrh-a rm-d t lu-, o n lu-. ow n b a p tized. Two p ara I roopl'rs s t no d lip I S d r tvlru; to ~II( lll~ all (I' (.l ll h II\(' - \\ ' h {, lI l l l1 lT1 l11 ~' I )(' H\ boa t Ii" ll lll ~ II) lor him, To i ht s dav h e calls t h vm hIS s a lmon h(·.l(hll~ u p lilt' ' \ II-;;I I I Ilh- I IIt· lI \'ISll Bi~ :>.lll;,t, a n d :>'1 0111 S I\(' \\ III Ill!' h.lpp~ ' lo ~l 'l ' t lu : 111 11 IIlfllll I !!oing blue a n d there is 11111l"h' w t hr-m ' l1a\'e h l'('11 rook i n ~ lor, S III i ~ t lu­ d ow II ,lilt! I hI' "111 1 ~ () illl.': lip l snv. " "1'0 11 know vourr m n -alttv whr-n \nll I;, l n d ('~ l. m o s t ~ ( 'I1t' n lll ~ pn"ol1 HI I lu : 1't'; II1. 11\.11 1. 11IIS h whut Il 0. a ll abou t can hear a bu'uer!l\ land oll'Hlllr kr ;t '(' ­ \\ orld . \\'aIu -r ~ . I)'''' 1\ (. b eell !!l\'l'll Ih t' pn\ 1It' !..!,t, or hvu u; h e says, "beca u s e th ell you ,irt' at pl'al t' Oil Ihe W ,!\' b .n k lrum \1 11 luu an .m ot lur d.iv ' M with yourself. When you g Oll.l CO\'lT lip \\'.II(C'r and 1'1 1.\'111 ... wrll h I' "' IO P P lll ~ .u ~J o il il .\lOllfllwll l~ how vou reel ab out rlunus. t hcu \ 'OU l,(a r a l,(t· "ale' s II I o rrh-r to b r u u; h.u I;, .Io h n I [[' s publu n-lut ion-, un d d on't han' pe ,IL'e , I cry s ~ rn t' t i m t:s , but me-r e h .mchs« to ~l'l l at t lu - ~(' \( 'ral l'IHlllll11llll';lllllll" tn anal!,('r III crying lets OUI pain , C ryill g turns into t1t'.Illlarkl'1 ... wll ... lu-. Wi lt' r r ni-, :\ObOlh Fort ('o II ITl" . ( 'o!orado laughter,' hands vou a n vt h i nu, bUI i( dot'... nt I1I.1t ­ li e always ('OIlWS out like tl n s head (('I', 1)(,l'au~(' \'( II I .rlrv.iclv h.r, t ' wh.u \011

8 :\IEASUIU': YOUR TURN Measure readers share their views on matters of importance to employees,

tht' loca l t ribes m en were tile re-sult of Take bad with good (he Boers ' ill-t reat uu-ut o f those tr ib es ­ Caring for customers As a l fi -vear HPt'l1lplo!'ee, I s u p port th e 11H'11. Bernuse o l 1his. Ihe Bril ish WI 'f(' COITH11l 1lliCalioJ) is m valua bl c. but cu r rerucu tbacks in expenses a n d for o fte n forced io e n ter BO(T rr-rrtt ory 10 whirl i is more important : i nu-rual the parts o tthe world where legally ac­ prot ect I h ern sel ve-, In (h e S a n d Ri ve-r documents or documents thai hel p as­ cep ta b le , t he p ay cut 10 ke ep the co rn­ Cunven t iou o f l H ~ ~ , Hrtta ln formall y o.;ur(' returning rl ollar-, from sat is/it'd parry lin anctally SOl ind. f('co l!,nised I Ill' illelcpl'nderH'e of I h e ( ustomers ? If my m emory is correct . I his is t he Tral ;sva al a n r! two yea rs latr-r l he WI' SIT internal publk a rions (e. g . third time in mv HI' years that these a c­ O ra n ,l.;e FnT State. H &. [) NClIl'ork, .1l,1cuslIre) Iyprsel on tions h ave been t aken In the prtor two TIll' subsequent "gold rush' bnl\lglu hi.~h-gloss paper and prrnted in mor e Iirnes, a kt')' point was m ade I hal was people from all over th e world. The 11l;1l1 0111' color. wl iiI<' (II<' dovurncntauon rnt s slnu in Ihe most rccen t a n n o u n ce­ BOtTS taxed thes e il1l1l1l grants heavily we st'ne! 10cus tom ers is 0111'11 photo­ m ents that I h ave s een and h eard. The a n d d enied th em represr -u tut iun. [L W,l S co p u-d fro m a Ia s vr-printecl original puint : At HP we s hare in the profits two Brilain's ai d to th ese immigrants. or II c us to m ers an' ou r lirs! priority, times p er }'l' a r a n d durina diff icult UiLlan ders ,IS (Ill' H OlTS rulh-d i lu-m. wh v a re we Iorte-d (du e 10 ume and limes we s hare in the tlnanct al rh flir- u l­ Ih ut led to tlu- Sel'o n d Boer War re s ource con s !ra inls] 10cnnstantlv a s k ties through pay and ot her cuts. TI-mFOR HOOI{EI{ w hat \vc ca n Ien ve ou t ofexte-r uu l docll ' I feel this financ-ia l s h a r i ll ,~ of good A lt r u u-h a rn , UK m ent at Ion, ins tead o l h ow 10 im provr­ a n d bad times is a ke v to ou r s uccess as II? Let 's show OUI" customers t luu we rio a co m pa ny. carl' a b ou t them after tilt' sail'. ALMaclLHOY Warrior starts conflict Un lil docuuu -ru a uon is cOlls ick red S a n Die go [ m ust e-xp rexs lrlt rcr d tsu pp nintm ent pa rt o f a p rodu c t. and qual ity is Iil k('11 in las t issue s leut u r e- on Ms . G id d ing. s eriollsly, are we not s im ply pay ill g lip I do nol WIsh (0 dis c ou r a ,~l' h er ambi ­ serv icr- ( 0 e US( OIlWI' s a Li sfal'1ion ? More on South Africa tions as a bodv b u ilder, bUI h er a p pea r ­ EDNA HETCHLER I r ead w ith in le n'sl lilt' main a r ticle in a nce as Conar'l's pr () (h,~t'e in (h e ern­ ~ LJ ~A N FI~)-[EH July-Au gu st issue ofMcasure abou t pl oyec m aga z in e of a "p rour r- sxive" GLORIA M ILLER HPH ~A a nd rh e wa y HP p eople in South co m pany is ludicrous, ottens tve, a n d a San ta Rosa Afri ca art' workrnu IOgether to lu-lp sad, sad rerninder of h ow lil tit progress solve that coururys problems . has been m ade . How eve- r. I then read with s u rp r ise W[LLlJ\l\1 SEAl\:1J\N S im o n Middleton's pi ece : "Th e Hoot s of vancouver Write on! Ap a r therd.' From (his art nIe o ne would co nclu d e (hal apartheid resulted from What public issues affect HP people I( is ditficult to unck-rst nud whv YOU and theirjobs? Do you disagree with l3ritain's co lon ia l tnvolvernc-u t in South ch os e Gidding's body huildil lR: a s an Africa. Nuthing could be Iurther from somethingyou'veread in Measure? approprtate ft'at u rv lor MeC/sure III' Send us your thoughts. Wewant to t hr - t rut h . puts a lot o f ct lort in 10 pn ~i ( '('l i n ,~ a ll [-: Strnon satd Britain won suvcreign ty share your opinions and comments im age ofa co ru pan v Lhal actively IT- with more than 85,000 other in 1H14 11 would be Jalrer to s ay t h at or u i lx a n d s u p ports W O Il Wll a n d minor­ the Bri tish and Du tch mut u ally ag re ed employees, it it'S. I'd like' tolwlitW' Ih is a ll g:oes h a ck (I'your letter is selected for pub­ 10 British rule. Britain paid til l' Dutch lud e ~ to Bill 's a n d Daves , lit i th at all lication, YOU 'll receive a Measure 6 million pounds in ('ompt'l1salion e m ployee'S d es erve to 1)(' treated with I : Il l.' said Dutch se t tlers mi grated to T-shirt. (Be sure to send us a return r es pec t mailing address and Indicate your the intcrior be ca use- t h ev we re " b r id lin g Is lhis s u pp os ed ly ~e xy , h alf-dres sed und er E nglish (' ol on i ali ~m . " Th ey mi· T-shirt size- unisex small, medium, An lazon reall y lilt' yo u want 10 large orextra-large.) ~ ral ed b ecaus e ill IH:3:3 Britain abol­ projec t '? l'cIexpect this in a ra('(' car Address letters via company mail ished s lawrv The Boers ran Iheir magazi n e , \lOt in a puhliealiclI l by one fa rms b y slave );)I>o r to Editor, Measure. Publ1c Relations 01 Ihe most rt'sl)('cLn[ a n d l' nvietl cor po­ Department, Building 20BR. Palo [' T he ;11os1 misl eadin,l.( s(atertw n ts rat ions in the wo rld wer e that Britam m lruded in to lIw in­ AHa . Via regular postal service, the It's laken a lot of d bt'ip Iilll ' a n d erfort address is Measure. Hewlett-Packard terior w hen d ia m onel s a n d go ld were o n !vb . G idtling s part to a el' ol11 p lis h di scovered and thai a pa r theid re sulled Company20BR, POBox 10301, whal S i l l' h ,lS anell a p p la uel tll'r work Palo Alto, CA 94303-0890, Try to fro m th e ACrikall('l"s I lt'in~ ca u g h l be­ \VIlal is sad is II S (' 0 1l1I'r body to gt't a l­ limit your letterto 200 words, Please lween lhe Englisll ,m el num erically su­ tention a m i pn'Slllllably sell a produC'l perior bl ack g ro u ps. Ini tially, f3ri Ia ill sign your letterand give your loca­ IHI' as a n in terest iI1 ~.(t' ()lllp'lI1 y · n tion. Names will be withheld on was Sim ply in tcrested in IJrott'cti n~ iler S hmlle 011 you . I'd like Lo tlllnk you request. Ca pe st'a-roule. ThtTI'!"ort'. o(Tu pa tion. kllow h elll'I". was rf'strieted to coaslal art'as . Most 01 GRETCHEN OOSTE I-{ I rOUT tll(' problems between the British a n d Vancouver

November-December 19 85 Being part of the TV generation has conditioned us. We're used to gell ing our news in two-minute blasts ofcondensed information and our enter­ Don'ttouch tainment at the touch ora button. The employee video program. the HP Video­ Magazine. is aimed at this generation of"video­ thatdial! philes" that responds with full attention when the VCR switch clicks on and the show begins. It's designed to cornplernent existing print

10 MEASURE com mun icatio ns in the co m pany as it ofem ployees h ave seen th e program for their employees AI the Finance see ks to s h ow HP co r po rate obj ect ives Those who h ave SCCIl it give I he p ro ­ Rem arket in g Divi si on on that site. all in action gram l1:0od m arks in te r ms of being in ­ 118 employees wat ch the program a t Television is s im ply the m ost effective teresting and pro fessi onally done. Of­ their m onthly ge t-toge ther in th e medium for some s to ri es . fice s u ppor l a n d pro d uc tion employees aud itor iu m It 's OK 10 r ead abou t s har ks . cafe­ rated 11 con s td erabl y hi gher than man­ The awa rd-win n ing program, a co­ teria food a n d s pec ial effects . Out tilt' agers a n d s u pe rvisors op era tive effor t ofCorporate Pu bli c impact is greater when you can see the Personnel or comm u n ica tions man­ Relations a n d HP Televsion Netw ork. blood a ro u nd the mouth of the preda ­ age rs a t each HP location d ecide how is produced s ix Ihues a year using HP lory. great white s h a rk that scien usts the program is s hown to em p loyees. capab ilities. Moderat ors S a m Ch u Lin s tudy with the a id ofHP eq u ipmen t. II's d epending on facilities availab le a nd a n d Linda Mour are both freelance tele­ fun to follow the cam era into HP kit ch ­ the number of em ployees . Management vts ton jou rnalts ts in the S an Francisco ens a round the world a n d see the differ­ s u pport. good advance publiclty a n d a Bay Area en t types of food s erved a t each a n d systematic plan to ge t the program Martka says a bou t 140 copies ofeach methods offaod preparation, or to set' s hown a re the key fac tors to s uccess program a re sent to locations in the bits of the s pecia l effects c re a ted w it h in locations where the video m aga zine U.S., Canada. Latin Am erica a n d the HP equip men t for Hollywo od m ovies is seen b y the most employees. Fa r East. Input on s tory idea s. s he s uch as "Star Wars" a n d " 20 10." TheHP Vid eoMa ga zine Ilts nicely says. co mes in from a ll over the wor ld . Producer Ma r ik a Ru urnet ca lls the into the agenda ofregul a rly scheduled T hose in terna ti onal s tories prov ide vid eo magazine format "consiste nt. but coffee ta lks. a n d that's the way the the biggest challenge. says assrstan t flex ible." Each ed it ion in cludes a n IS ­ Data Syste ms Div ision at Cupertino . producer Sally Goodwi n . The p roduc­ s ue s to ry (such as past loo ks at e rgo n ­ California. handles distribution. Some lion team tr ies 10include a l least one in omics a nd h azardous waste). an a ppli­ departm ents plug the video m agazine each iss ue. La nguage barriers , Sally cation s tory showing HP produ ct s at in to regul ar s ta ff meetings . says. are the biggesl sru rn b l tng block work. a news roundup ca lled "Aro u n d At Avond ale. Pennsylva nia. th e vid eo while tryi n g to track d own footage fro m the Circ u it" a n d fea tures on HP p eople. m aga zine is adve r tised in advance a nd far-Ilu ng locations s uch as Iceland. The HP VtdeoM aga zlne has be en s hown conti n uou s ly one day in the caf­ Hong Kong . New Zealand. S ri Lanka , around for alm os t two yea rs. Recent eteria fro m 7 a .m. to 5 p .m. E rnp loyees S in ga pore and Germany. M s u rvey results indicate that 6 3 percent are free to watch it a ny ti me. In Sunny­ -Jean Burke vale. Califor n ia , a large con fe rence room is booked for a week of showings : s u perv isors call a n d reserve Ih e room

Novembe r-December 19 85 II In these trying times for Mexico, HP provides a bright spot in a generally gloomyeconomic picture.

Mexico has troubles marketing effectiveness in different Its people have united to combat business senors,. he says "We ana­ despair, disease and equrpment short­ lvzed both our weaknesses and ages while recovertna from the tragtc strenuths and carne to the conclusion September earrhquakes that dernol­ that our hardware and software offer­ ished pans of Mexico Cuv and sur­ Ings lit beaut ifully with rhose indus­ rounding areas (see box 011 pa,ge 151 tries most concerned wu h productrvlty The count ry had problems enough improvement. such as manufacturing before betru; rocked by t hes« extra­ or distrihut ion companies," ordtnarv event ... , HP's list of Mexican customers (many An economic crisis lhal hegan in of whom were lured away from compett­ 1982 has produceel60 IHorn'nt i nlla­ [Drs , Manuel emphasizes) reads like a lion, a current account deticu and Who's Who of internat ional business. nearly HO percent devaluat ion of IIH' DuPon t , Ford, General Motors Ctba­ peso duri 11,e: the last 12 months. Gei,l!.y and Ericsson are all now HP While Hewlet r-Packard de Mexico can users, Siemens, t he West German­ do lurle to preve-nt natural drsasters. it based telccorurnuntcatrons equipment is doing its fair share to brighten Mext­ rnanufacturer, recently replaced an co's ecunonnc picture IBM system in its Mexican operation In the last two vears. Hewlett-Packard with HI' equipment de Mexico has see-n a growth in orders "Our penetration of the market has of 121 percent and a growth in ship­ been far bet ter than we expected." says ments of88 percent Jor~e Marttnez operauons manager "We expect things to slow down in for the new Mirrocornputadorus HP 1986." says Manuel Diaz. mana,ging jOlnl venture " It looks as if well ship director of HP de Mexico. "but onI\' be ­ trrple the number of Touchscreen per­ cause our ~rowt h has been so explosive sonal computers we thought we 'd be and has st retched us so beyond our able (0 sell our first year." resources, we (wed to rake th is nrne One reason for the PC s success in 10 catch our breath." Mextco, Jorge says, is the Iull-servtr-e HP's hard-fouaht vtctories in Mexico dealer network HI' has established have come from t he HP 3000 business throughout the nauon. There are computer line. Manuel says, But with about 60 in the- growing dealer net­ the format ion I Ills year or Mrcrocornpu­ work, i ncluding rl'gular dealers and tadoras Hcwleu-Packard l\lHPI, ajoint ori.ginal equipment manutacturers venture wuh the Mexican operation (OEMs) Grupo DESC, J ll"sgalll in~ ~round in T'he jo mt venture ill Mexico has not the Mextcan personal computer marker , bern" il hout t'hallrn,gt's. The computer One reason for this sudden ,gro wt h market ill lilt." countrv is ill some wavs has been HP's marketing focus the past verydifferent from its US counterpart. two years. Manuel says, "For one thing. the Mexican market "In 1983. we began exarntrung our is hi,ghly regulated with lots of permits

12 MEASURE ~ ~ z ;;; ~ ::> .,; '< ~ ~ z ;;; z ~ ~ ~

required 10 import products." Manuel says. "Als o . co m pa n ies here do not h a ve­ Thll story on HPde Mexico WQS ready for the la rge , sophisticated d ata proc ess­ publication when the country WQI hUwith ing staffs lhal American firms do. So twodestructt¥e earthquakes In 5eptem­ we have 10 p rovide Iar more s u p po rt to ber. On page 15, there's an updateon I'IoW cu s to me rs than we would in the U.S ." HP employees tared and hawthey're Because ot the limi ted purc h asing helping rebuild In Mexico City and sur­ power in Mexico. " most of th e solu tions roundingareGS. we sell are low - to uuddl e- rangc systems - we s ell w ry few tn p-ot -thc-h n e HP :3000s ." h e says "This pu ts a lot 01 pressure on us to h a ve-jus t the right bag of o lTerill~s for our customers : ' Nevertheless. " Ifv ou do well ill Mexico in the l1t'p)nnIl1g," IVlamwl says. "you Rescue worker Is lawered Info rubble ot will have a cus to mer who wi ll be ex- three-IfOfY building. Iremely loyal. That's be cause lo a sma ll company h ere, the purc ha s e 01even a turing opcrattun in Mexico (p reviou s ly alion e mploys 23, wi th four people PC is as import ant as the installat ion the gove rnment had requrred at lea s t build in g the Touchscreens for dist ribu­ 01 a m ainframe is to a largf'f company," 5 1 percent Mexi can ownership ol a ll lion in Mex ico and . perhaps later this The bi g,l.(t'st c hallenge for HI-' d e tuvestments in the rou u trv) Tile decl­ year, to Argentina. Mexico, however. is working within the stun could .~ i Vt:" 113M a cost a nva n tag«. "I'm especia lly pleased with the fact join t-ven tu re framework in rlu - P(, m ar­ though Manuel Di a z hope-s till' d k-rt I ha t a fte r cre ation of Ihejotnt venture ket a n d s t ill bdng eOl11\H' tit ively priced, on HP sales w ill be III uumul, in Ap nl. our firxt PC went o u l th e door Mtcrocornputadoras Hp's Manufa ctur­ "IBM's agreement with t he .L;over n­ in July." says Fred. wh o has wit nessed in g Manager Fred Sciubba says . "He re nu-nt stipulates thut it ca ll sell no m ore four III' s ta r t-u ps in I h e U.S and Mex­ in Mexico. we have two obj ec tives. One than H per ceru o t the C ornputr-rs it ico. "Hu I l'm also pleased at the produc­ munufuot ure-s in Mexi co ." says Manuel. t ton levels we've marruatned si nce then, "S o I be ueve lhal in t he worst scenario. and the tact that in s uch short t une ou r market share wo u ld c)ecrl'ase only quality m atc hes that of the Touch ­ one pe rce n tage pouu or two. The real s creens m ade in the U_S." los e rs . l Lhi rik. wtll b« t he s mall lBM ­ Next d oor to the n ew Iaci l i ty, tile co mpatibles who were IiIlin g the gap Guadalaja ra Co mpu te r Operation le ft by IBM not beillg here. I s uspect which produces HP 3000s a nd several that in a co uple ofyears. n o more lhan h ard a nd floppy d is c memories ha s lOofthe 25 s uch lir m s currently here ber n conlributi ng to company profits w ill remain." for more than two years. says ge n era l m anager .Jose "Pepe" Grnpa, Because of th e growing dema n d for compuu-rs in New kid on the block Mexico. th e man ufactu r tng arttv ity a n d T he HI' Touchscreens are nie t u-u­ staffhave bo th increased lously m a n u fac tu r ed ~30 0 rruh-s nort h ­ "Wlu le we on ly ha d z o e-mployees two west 01 Mexico C ity ill Guadalajara. 111l' years ago. we lIOW have 130." says Pepe. is 10 maximize the return on in vest­ country 's se cond laruest city. Adjacen t "In the last year. floppy di sc shipments m en t by HP 's a nd Grupo DESC's toa Irainingground foryounu s en u­ have increased HO percent a nd ship­ shareholders. The second is to meet narlans. a n d on an at t ract ivelv land­ ments ofllP 3000 computers have or exceed MIIP's co m m it m en ts to caped sill' d olled wit h rubber trees a nd grown about 20 percent .. Lhe Mexi can ~ovf"r nment. cacti. Mtcrocornputadora s HI' produces The plant also began to manufacture "ThE' issue- is made mo re complex by the Touchscreen in a recen tly reno­ several n ew products in the last year. our b eing 1h e rn In o r l ty interest in the vated warehouse. With a wince. Fred in clu di ng til e HP 3 00 0 Series 37 CO Ill­ jo in t venture {IlPowns 49 pe-rcent of S ciubba re ca lls lilt' ortgmul building purer, the HP 7 945 h ard disc drive a nd 'MHP: Grupo DESC ow ns 5 1 percen t) "Wilen we 1I10wd in Ihis spring. the th e HI' 9 12 1 flop py d isc d rive . which is Cor what maximizes re t u rns for HP warehouse was really dark and dingy exported to other La tin Americ -an cou n ­ s hareholde rs ca n so rnclim cs co n flict and a llowed m into drip clown on yo ur tries. Canada a nd Aust ra lia . w it h wha t m aximizes re turns Co r our desk: ' he says. "T h es e prod uc ts no t on ly comple­ pa rtners .. Following a paint job . s truct ural ment our curren I product lrn e but a ls o In a ddition . til e Mex ican gove rn lllt' nt improvements and ihe in s tall at ion of h elp us offset our high sales in Mexico in August ,1I11l0Un lT d it wo u ld a llow furuuure and productton equipment. with exports. a C0111 111 ilm ent we m ad e IBM 10 create a whollv-owru-d manula c­ MHP was ready for business. T he o per­ to the Mexican govern men t," co ntroller

November-De ce m ber 19K5 C arlos B al audra ~ a,Y~ , r lln \(" I I ..., 11 1,' (\ in a 10 1 01 ove rt r n n -wurk , 11111 t' Jnp" J\ " "'" a re t'nlllll<-;i;I,,11C h l T d ll" " [ tw y t , 111"; ''l' IIIC' SlIl l e ..,,, 0 1 t h« IIpt' J,, 111 111 Gro\\' 11I o ft h« HP IIl ,l1 11I I; 1C 11 1 r1 11~ p lant lJ ,l S a ls

I JI' s Ii ,S -made SO I I\\.'rt prll!.'. T.t I Il'" ;" IlltO Sp,UI I'>lJ II «x plor« .t11C 1 (\,'\·('I"p...... 1 :l broad r ;ll1gl' 0 1 pI "iel I I 'll' 111 ... u : II i T:-. ES( 'lliT ICil',.t L:1I, K R ·\:\lltl.ll ,,, Ild!"1 0 1t lu-H P : ~ () ll () ";~ "' [ I ' 1l1 1,:..,( ' II I w i,' ra SpaIIIs h I er m II ' r ,I I k 11 Il I '" III<' Ml'n,wl' t\V'· Oj'\ 1ll 111l.':S1I' 11111l 11·a .../ ·" the p t>r O r1 Tl d I H I ' 0 1 t lu : ",\''''11 III h \ 5 0 ptT(TIH I II I ombu i. u ro n \ 1'1111 . 1 new C Pt: bo.ird ,,1'1 lror n j{o",'\ 1111

Help wanted T I ]( ' ll ld ll" II~ " (l l li l\( 1I 1 1 L: 1 ' ll Il L I~1 1 qna li!it,d 1·1l!.!.i !H'IT'" 10 wu I k " I I -, t ll"!l Luis Aguirre ensures the HP 150 Computadora Personal w ith the toque magico (magic louch) p r oiel'l~ ha-; lJ e l'1Il1(' " 01"1''1" I h l Pd" ! is well-poCked belore shIpment vear, Sd\ '» SI e-v« Clim-, n-",'d rt h . 11)( 1 devcl opnu-n t prt '.i'TI 11l,lll" l2.t ' r . \ \'(.\ I' Ill ' t ot h ri v r- u : '.111.1 11 ... 11 ... . " ll l llg , ' 11 revtewecl the i o ll t·,e,l' [ ·IH!.l lwnilll2, p Ill 1111 !'C,hlll!.'.h « '1II p, 'IIII\'" 111 ,11 k,·,. gral1l~ lt H O U l!,t1l1l 11 ~' 1t'''Il11dl)( llT ;I\I ' .....\" :'-Ltl lIwll 11. '/ estulilIs l n-r! ~ I roll~ rv lat u m sl u ps \1 It h II I l ilt' 11111111. " l llf ll l 1<· I· ...'·L:1I11 Til . \ \1 tilt' best schollis i ll till' ('U\l1I 1rv ­ , 1l<' ~d r ", ll h I 11111 1H rll l~ WII II I H;"!. \( 'J{ T he ";1Ih sld I,II .t I',1111 l'"Clb th e T,· ('no!ol.(ll·Od (' :'o IOIlII·IT".V " pn'", .u ul S) WIT\ . III ".1\ ... :11111111 rl l('I':I ,, 1 11,1.(10\1'" Mexu a n l'l l l2, l llI'(' 11[)!.!, "'1 110" 1. :>1:\ I u ou I I I "' , \\ ,tll L: 1>,,1.1 ( , I Il( r. L1 I >E ( ('OI11pIJLn Jlt'l"lplTnab u nder which .u u l P rum- h ,l\ I .tllI T"I I II, . tl pi,I II '" 111 I are lestt>cllJy sludl'nh Oil (0I 111J>1 1-­ cn u-r rh « ­ ~, "J:-' ~. Touet ln -r. Ill' el,' \-11 "';1< " ,t!Hl lTES () \\'1 111 I l ll "' I'· I'Ill't! ' Ll\J I'r ' ·...... l l n ·II ' :«. ' , ­ lJ lI i\' n o; l l ~· ill (;lIada!'lI ,lrol 1\ ',\(; I

Throuuh all I n "',' , 1<> m.u n t.u n uur " lI l l'l''''S ford U n IH- r St! \'. Hl'dt' :'ok"Il'O ; I IH I "'I rt" )tl~ m.uke: u u; pn·.... · !)' . ' I h.rt 11.1" 111' 1 C', - 1)I.I/' ~;l \~ . - II '.' 1\ rll h.iv. I II \1 o rk four other mu-ru.u innal tirms IT.l\ I po" 11111111'e1 1 h , 1" .11 I ~ I () Ill' IIII' 1l1 111l I WI" ' h k e l u -r k \\"1' m.iv lu- t1i";'lIl]lllll lll'd wit h a rra nu et l a prouram wu h tAt.; III 1\\ I"" JltlP,II I\'II I\It-:-"IlO :\ l ld l llJ,II, t l u - L:,')\I'l llllwllt'" IJ{:\ l d l" I"i"ll bu : \\'1' Guudal aj ar« wl 11'1'1'1).\ ..,1 i ule-n 1-- I al l [(' I1!.'.'·.lll\'IIll!' l u l ll ld.1111< ." " ' 1,, 11\1 -- 1,, .. · \ 1 ill I I "'11111 II dlHl \\1" ''11 .11111\ will 11111 earn a m a ster s dl'!!.f('! · II I 1'I1'Ctr o i 11 ('" 111'\\'orh 11111 ,. I I I t lu: \(1) 1ld Ch ll "'b "" rt I I<'L:t' o l l lJ l l r Ill\f: ~IIlH 'l\ t l urc. M I r Ol11 Stanlord f lOll o r ..,('u ,o ll pro 1~1'.t111 1· lllhl !"I ,I""!ll . 1 \1 11o1 e! l I l ...rOl ll<'r __ ,!"k .1" O I lt- r n /ullll ll The ('l"fon 10 re( rlli t l tl(' ht'~ 1 " II~I ' Ill' \\'lTdl 1"' 11 \\ 1111 \"ll QIl\"' , )c I t I" .l 11,· , · I, t ll( ' 11J11111 , lil~1 Ii ;\ ...(·d 11\ Iwcrs possilJ1l' has n 'l 'll It·d I II I (It' :'ott-x , lIlolh., ·~ VOIl \\( '1 k ..I I II:lrd" ­ I l. l .... 1'1-\,1-­ i('o 10 a rt'!;lIIH'1\ 1I1lk11ll\I'n e,r;ldll.t1 ,. r IJ,II I·II IIT Il..,I .I -III ... l llIl lid Iit'lp I II ' Sl'hOO!11l n 'lllOII' TOIl;uI/.I1lI I.t . W Illi'l l \\ , .,III IC T I Ill" I (' 01 "'111 L: 1 111111',' 1ILio n ,I lid h as onl,\ 50 s(lld('nt~ but oLTn~.1 ~ II I W ' 1111 1·1I11 'l' L:I' lll., 11! IH\l 'Tl 111I «1111 11 1'::- '''' rior edlll' S; I\ S 1'( 11I, l r k l·!. \\' tl lill p rn 1I111" I\'II H IiHlt-d C(llllill lltllQ (0 hire l\'o·s hridl l ' I'Il l\- :\pp h ,1lHI __ 1' \ ('r. t! " ITl. lil l!!\! t:'Sl. most d i l l ,I..(Pl1 ( \Ull kers w i ll al low ( 1l1l1(l;1I1 1>\I- l in ll '"

14 :'ol E:\S\ !HE Doetonwork In makeshl" field hospitals tollowing ear1tJquakes. Earthquake damage leaves four employees homeless

Alberto Arredondo wasjust out of the ruins he found Annette had survived the crippled phone serv ice. The im ­ shower and getting dressed to go to and was already giving medical care mediat e n eed was for op erational his job at the headquarters ofHP de to the injured. . equipment. so HPM expedited delivery Mex ico (HPM) when th e first killer "Withtn a few minutes we went from of measurement gea r to large ven do rs. ear th q u ake struck in Mexi co City at a normal situation to chaos." says Over th e weekend. an HPM team 7 :20 a .m. on Thursday. September 19. country manager Manuel Diaz. In phoned users of some 180 HP systems Bracing h ure '1 If It, d rwayof sprawling Mexico City. the damage in the earthquake zon e. S ix of 40 ma­ hisswaying 11 -It ap lmen t. he was concentrated in only one area­ jor systems h ad been destroyed: an ­ heard cras h e lh ( ther build­ but it was the heart of government other 15 were n ot in ope ration be­ ings in his block collapsed. His build­ services in the capital. Facilities ofthe ca u se th ey were in damaged ing banged steadily against the one nation's telephone company were dev­ buildings. Cus tomers who were up next door-forcing Alberto and his astated. So were ihree hospitals and and running were asked ifth ey could Wife Gabriela to lie on the floor. When a number of federal agencies. provide use oftheir own sys te ms or the tremors stopped. the Arredondos As all Mexican people rallied sponta­ make floor room available for equip­ scooped up two-month-old Gabriel neously to help in the emergency. ment of firms who needed to run pay­ Alberto and made their way down many HP people were among those roll and other essential programs. the stairs to the street. who excavated buildings and du~ out "The response was s u perb." says It would be the last time they were victims. Victor Luna put 10 work his Samuel Araiza . m arketing m anager. in their home. tratntng as a Red Cross paramedic. By Monday it wa s ac cu rately known Co-workers Luis Orozco. Abel Mu­ Friday morning. with power re­ where th e trouble lay. Hotline appeal s rillo and Ca rlo Abba who lived nearby stored. lop management ofHPM and for paris and product s went out to th e were also left homeless: three other Microcomputadoras met to set up an rest of HP. Normal processing was re­ HPM people suffered lesser los ses. em ergency committee. It would be the sumed quickly, with HPM accommo­ Company facilit ies in five locations first ofdaily meetmgs at 5 p. m . for the da tingsome customers on its own in Mexico City were more fortunate. next two weeks. Included in the ses­ equipment . Of III . ~ I h ugh 1 hu I ty ', arth­ sions were people from the support Tou ched by the h u man s ide of the tU, . 1 II lh 1 htcrs til') organizations that were to help get d isas ter. employees vot ed overwhelm ­ all' , 7.. 1ft rsh III next day customers back in operation. ingly to co n tri butea day's pay to as­ \ Ithjtt ruck In th pI< I r. With Mexico Ci ty cut off from phone sist earth q uake victims. HP en ttues ith rt ~I ' Idle ,llln g contact to the ou tslde. Guillermo in Mexi co a re giving m atchin g funds . mm ue it.1 ul 'f lll I 1 ed Gonzalez flew Friday 10 the undam­ The Guad alajara emp loyee relief co m ­ streets. only 20 percent of the HPM aged HP site in Guadalajara to set up a mi ttee is a id ing the s tricken village o f s ta ff made it to the office Thursday. remote COMSYS/i IP DESK node. The telex Guzman . Mexi co City fu n ds will be Werner Hinke. who came in early. machine in the Monterrey office be­ split evenly between n ational reli ef heard on the radio that the Medical came another message channel. and help for colleag u es like Alberto Ar ­ Cen ter- wh ere his Wife Annette was HPM's Ruben Berron qulckly con­ redondo- whos e homes were s hake n a resident physician on duty-had tacted Telefonos de Mexico. a major a par t in a few fearsome m inutes. been destroyed. When he reached the customer. to offer help in restoring - Betty Gerard

NOVI'm twr-1kccm lwr 19 H5 15 Vancouver Dtvtsion's Jo Younkin never thought she'd see the day whe-n HI' would cu t her pav and work sc-hedule "We d all heard about the ' ru n r- d av fort ­ n1,ght plan back in the 7U.., . bUI we never thouuht it would happen 10 us," explains t he product ion worker. vlt was kind of scary because we d bee-n work­ mg a lot ofovert rrne and a 101 ofSatur­ davs before Ihe cuibac k . In AUguSI . Jo. her \'coffee breaks. Abou t a dozen and its people. Vancouver product ion people are "on September cost the group loan,.to the San Diego Divixinn for six valuable time on an already months. li\'ing far from home, tight schedule, "Because our In a community long doIIIIIIared by the t trnber and text ile mdust 1')', HI"s ar­ design includes a custom in­ rival in VanCOII\'er In 1979 was viewed tegrated circuit and the JC as a welcome dtverstttcatton of the local fat) and other services in the econornv Other electronics firms haw company shut down that since followed. RCA recenrlv an­ nounced plans to build a jouu-venrure weekend, we didn't losejust plant WIth Japan s Sharp Electronics the two unpaid days. We lost Juke Piper.,j production worker 111 five days' time. But our intro­ the print-head a ss e m b ly are-a. feels sorry for 5001(' people who lefl HI' 10 duction date can't move back. join a nearby semtconducror firm "Most of my co-workers can "Thev left because rhev nee-ded tilt' ex­ afford the smaller paycheck." tra money, but they end('d IIp being laid offat least rill March," she explains. "I d says Carol. "And they all have rather stick wit h a company that has a the right attitude going in: reputation for t reat inu its people 'I'll do what it takes to get the r ight. " M - B ra d \\'lii/lL'Orfh job done...·

16 MEASURE Making dollars count HP's b elt-tightening measures have hil Stevie Whitmore's household hard. "My husband hasn't worked for more than a year, so I'm the sole breadwinner right now. " To make her trimmed paycheck go farther. the couple has cut out en ter­ tainment and trips that would cos t them money. Instead they've substi­ tuted short fishing trips and visits to fri ends on the days HP's clos ed. Stevie, who works in Vancouver's printed-circuit board area , worked for a number ofcom pan ies in the easte rn U.S, before joining HP five years ago. "HP is the most people-oriented place I know. Everywhere els e, em p loyees were treated as objects . I certainly appreciate what HP's doing for m e. "

Facing economic reality, again This is the third time Lake Seng Koh h as faced tight times a t HP. "In 1977. I was in Singapore as acti ng ge neral m anager for Dick Love. I a n nou nced a 'nine-d ay fortnigh t" to the work force. Fortunately, it lasted only four to six weeks," He also s aw HP's Co rvallis , Oregon, s ile struggle with too many people a n d n ot enough work before h e transferred to Van couver as a production m anager, "HP's cu lt u re ce rta in ly h elps n eutralize the s hock of s uch cu tbacks:' says Lake. " It gives everyo ne a real-life lesson on th e importance of HP's profit objective. "Wh en things were humming along la st year, we didn't hire any new production people h ere. Instead. we worked a lot ofovertime. Today, people under­ stand why we asked them to work long hours a n d they appreciate the business decision we made then."

17 LETTER FROM JOHN YOUNG HP's president puts 1985 in perspective,

l"m WTil in g l liS ! ' ll .r bc l r ~ ~ee have brolll.',h l some mtliv ldual produr­ our year-end r _1I11 s . But bv 11 time tl\ u v ln -m-Ilts . few of them 11 <1\'e been I you read it. vou'll al r - dv hnve ,(,e'n CO ll ll l"t tcd to each 01 her \\ i1hin.l com, announcements ofour 1985 fiscal war prcheustv« tnlnrmut ion strale,~\' 'l lu -sc performance-and know what your "isl,lllds of l nfornuuton h av« fallen profit-sharing will look ltke So perhaps short of t hI' huvcr-,' cxpertut ions the most appropriate' message I can of­ Thus far 1\ t' referred to fh c fa c(()r~ fer at til is writing would be 10 put liP's i h.u huv« ruadr- t UH5 a difflcull \ ('ar for performance in perspect ive by discuss­ dl'C Ironks InanufalIUrtT>;- OVCrt 01­ ing some of the ractor» that han' had pal Il~ , Sllll~.!~isl1 ('apltal ,l4oocb markets. a pronounced effect on the electronu-s John helped celebrate HP's 25th onnlYersory a slowdown in defcnse procurement , industry this past year, in LOYelanc:l, CoIOl'odo, in August, asking em­ Hurtuuuons i n tlu-dollar and a 'wau­ 1985 has been a year of slower ,~ r ()\\ Ih ployees '01' 25 mot'e years 0' HP leadership. and-see" au tt udr .irnoruz rustorncrs. Ior electrontcs-c-one that's posed difti­ DOl'S t lu -comirll4loL!etlll'rofalllhese culties for all HP product llncs and for I ry 's ,~ r o w l h r,lll'S are 1Il0\ lllg more \"\('nl:-, nu-an I he flit urc looks les~ our competitors as well . But overall. in , closclv in htu-wit h t h.u sl'llllruflhe brll4hl') J think not \1,/c '\eyetlO tup all dustrv sales haven'. declined, Till' vconorriv. Whe-n our CllslullHT,> fac e I he market pote-nt iul for elertrontr-s tapering off In growth has appeared all slowdowns s o do we . equipment WI' still have lllallY cuntrt­ the more dramatic because 1984 was Third, [Jure hascs of c1l'l t ronic equip­ but ions to make BUl \\T must do a 1)('1 ­ such a boom year, For example, liP's ment b~ U S ~O\'l 'rrHl\('IlI.lnd ddl'lbl' u-r and bCIu-r job ofunclcrstandtng and 1984 sales were up 30 percent over the contractors have slowed 1',lrl of this IS meet in!.! rc a I ('u ::. 1O I1 H'[ Ill'nb_The com­ previous year-agrowth rate \~'C' said Ihe predktubk- rcsuh of \\ hal phase the pel it ion I~ ,l4 rO\\ inl.!, a nd so a n ' custom­ was unlikelv 10 continue into 19H5, defense-related projeets ha\ l' cnl(Ted ers eXplTl<\ IIOIl~ We were right with that projection, al­ The needed cqui pmcnt wa ... bouuhr at [Jul the pause ill ,l!ro\\ th the in d u s t ry though thl' downward trend line proved t hc beginninl4 of t he Prol('C I - la s t year has seclI provides an I'xI'('lIelll op p or tu­ a liltle steeper than expected ld like to or the year lJeillre Cornpoundtnu this n it~ 10 ronccn t ruu-011 our sirengths discuss brtcflv sorne of the forces that natural and ex pcctcd lla liening of pur­ and 10 build for tl](' future . I believe the have contributed to a disappointiru; chases, the whole U S defense pro Ifewlc'l t-Packard Company b as strung year for the entire industry, curcmcnt process is u nrk-r lI11l'T1SC as its 1'\ r-r bern, Our H&D invr-s: ments First. there were Jots of compcutors scrut inv Hil2;lllnow, there arv rnore .irc focused Oil 1he right problems. OUf - each expertlng to achieve a cerratn auditors out then' rhan bll\'('r~. Dan' capabilitics ill mcnsurerm-n t and COlJl­ share of the market. Given the fat t thut Packard is ht'.tdin ,~ a comnussron that putuuon are idl'all~ ali ,~ned to make the 1984 saw so much groWL h for the in­ wtll be rccommcndiru; wav-, 10 trnprovc needed contributions Our rvputat ion dustry. that optimism appeared war­ the procurement proces«. and his lead­ for qualitv and support are a cornpi-t i­ ranted, Bulthe aggregak expectations ership capabilities will pro\e most valu­ thT adv,lntage in the lll

18 MEASURE Showing the government a thingor1wo HP Germany recently spon­ sored a symposium In Bonn, West Germany, for representauves of the Ger­ man parliament. members of the federal administra­ tion. and business and press op inion leaders. The one-day event was held in the Baden-Wurttern­ berg embassy in Bonn to Computerized lobster grabsAir India's black boxes demonstrate to government When an Air-India jet great lobster with two front or the sub will run over the officials how technology and crashed into the ocean off claws for grasping obje cts. cable or even escape.,.says innovation could be used to the coast oflreland June 23 Three Video cameras "see" AT&T's Roy Bergfors, who solve social and environ­ kUling 329. recoveryofthe and a pinger sends out helped design the sub. mental problems. "black boxes" aboard was sound signals for As SCARAB I was borne HP Germany's top cri tical to find out the cause positioning. offto Cork, Ireland, with managementwas well­ ofthe disaster. SCARAB Ifirst spotted Its prizes, the identical represented at the meeting, After conventional efforts and retrieved the flight-deck SCARAB II continued the explaining the company's to locate the wreckage voice recorder lying by itself search through the wreck­ products and objectives to failed, a submersible craft on the ocean floor , then age. It's an old hand at such participants. developed by AT&T to repair found the flight data re­ public service. having re­ Thesometimes-heated telecommunications cables corder the next day. The res­ covered a lost Dutch heltco­ roundtable discussions fo­ joined the search. cues were made at a record per offthe coast ofVirginia cused on health-care costs, The unmanned SCARAB I depth of6,600 feet. An in 1982 and rocket boosters medical electronic system (Submersible Craft Assist­ HP 1000computersystem from NASA's space shuttle. expenses, environmental ing Repair and Burial) was on the ship translated Issues, and the social toted to thesceneby ship sound signals to calculate consequences of office and lowered overboard ­ the relative position of the and industrial automation. tethered to the mother ship sub to the ship, wh ich was by a 1O.000-foot cable carry­ then pictured on three HP ing power and Signals. The graphics displays . craft hovers above the ocean "In SCARAB's usual work, floor, using seven built-in the mother ship has to keep thrusters. It looks like a track ofwhere its child is

November-December 1985 19 of the two-millionth Series CHAIn 10 handheld calculator CHANGES was celebrated at the Cor­ A new Integrated Circuit vallis. Oregon. sue.... Two Group has been formed HP products were among within the Information wmners ofID (Industrial Svsterns and Networks Desrgn) map;azme awards sector under Freel for outstanding computer Sehwett8Uuul as group equipment destgns of general manager. It com­ 1984: the HP mouse de­ prises the Northwest IC signed by the Corporate Division. Cupertino IC DI­ Design Center and the HP vision, Integrated Circuits 7978 Streaming Tape Division and Singapore IC Drive designed bya Gree­ Operation.... Tape prod­ ley DIvision team. ucts from the Greelev DIVI­ sion have been spun offfor a new Greeley Tape Opera­ tion (reportmg to the Computer Peripherals Bristol Division).. .. The Colorado Sprmgs Division HP's tour de force at Tour de France has shifted to the Elec­ Fo r Ihe sceolld )T a r. Hewle t t­ \\ i I h Tour Ill- FrancI,d, l( I 'll' ''' tronic Instruments Pa r-ka r ei Fran('e (,O il Ir ilru 1(' <1 t o m ouu or r.« c r-. h( t ill' \' Group, .. The former Per­ to the ~u nT S S o f \lu- Tour (It­ a lld .u u-r I!I(' r acr :\ mol» lc sonal Computer Group France . t he rrn nu rv » I, l r ~ ­ lab o r. u urv. ,'q l llppl -

20 M ~AS U HE "What if ...n What if... m iII ions of poten ­ tial computer buyers began hearing about HP's strong com m it m en t to the U.S . business market? It's happening. Through the "Whatil ... ­ adverttstng campaign, HP plans to reach millions of business people who influ­ ence and decide on the pur­ chases ofbusiness cornput­ ingsystems. Thecampaign kicks offon National Foot­ ball League broadcasts November 24 and In The Wall Street Journal Novem­ ber 25. The ads feature HP people always thinking about how to provide solu­ tions to customers' problems. The1Vads wtll run all year on many nationally broadcast sports programs , OK, hold it right there, buddy Including professional bas­ Ifyou're smart, you won't ordered supplies from DMK. ketball, golf. tennis. major league baseball, as well as mess with the MAESTRO data and asked Jerry for a data base at the Direct Market­ base with the names of local the professional football games. The ads also will in~ Division (DMK) in HPPC users. appear on news broadcasts. Sunnyvale. California. HP's TaminaSchwartz This is the most coordi­ The DMK MAESTRO provided a list of customers recently played private eye in the South Portland area nated and consistent ad to solve a $50,000 cross­ and Fairchild was able to campaign ever staged by HP country mystery. match a name from the and it is expected to reach It all started when the MA ESTRO zip code list wi th 90 percent of the target security department at the name of a frequent aud ience an averag e of 12 Fairchild Camera an d visitor to the Fairchild stte, limes during its first three Instrument Corporation in The computer thiefcon­ months. South Portland, Maine, con­ fessed to the crime in an HP aims to increase its ta cted DMK's JerryMeek . interview, and the property name recognttton and d e­ Fairchild needed help to was retrieved from his home. velop an image in the minds re cover $50,000 worth of The DMK MAr:STRO data ofpotentiai customers. For stolen HP personal base is a collection ofHP effective marketing . build­ computers . computer. peripheral a nd ing awarenes s is a neces­ The South Portland instrument owners used for sary first elem ent Despite secu rity team reasoned the direct-mail programs at the cu rren t ind ustry s lu m p . hardware thief might have s everal HP dtvistons. the ca m pa ign is a cr it ical effor t to es ta blis h the co m­ pany's competitive edge and enhance the selling process. The TV ads ar e backed up by a parallel effor t ill major print media, with ads in general interest, business a nd comp u ter publications .

November-December 1985 21 MEASURE

The HP 2603A datsvv.... heel MORE was engineered by INEW HATS two original equipment Alain Collder 10 general manufacturers to spectfl­ manager, Grenoble Net · cations by the Vancouver works Division.. .. D awe Division. which will mar­ Sanden toGM, Office ket it. Olivelli Peripherals. Systems Division.... Lee Inc. ofItalv makes the ThoaapMD to GM. Lake printer; the triple-bin Stevens Instrument Divt­ sheet and envelope feeder sion.... Bobwat.o. to is from BDT Products, GM. Vancouver Division Inc.. ofWI'SI Gerrnanv...... RezJam. toGM. To simplify program devel­ Greeley Division.... Job opment for the HP3000. Boose to operations man­ the Information Techriol­ ager. GreeleyTape 010' Group's Computer Operation. Language Lab has devel­ HP on the moo-ve Down Under B.aIg...der Yekle oped HP Business BASICi A distributed network of SLX the ol her All rescarch 0 11 to country manager, HP 3000 with powerful new HP 1000s is helping keep exot 1(' viruse« happens I ll · Netherlands.. .. Alfredo programming features ... Au strali a's an i mals safe side the innermost rooms, ZiaCaie to rnarkeung From the Analytical Group fro m hoof a nd mouth and The bLlildin.~ is deslgnl'd so manager Europe for sales comes the HP I040M diode­ other dread a n im a l d iseuses that it ;i1 rlll!htl1("S~ b 10 .., 1 1Il force 15 .. . JefGrabam to array detection svstern bas~d The co m pu te r sys tem a n v of I he rooms, I Ill' ai r rnarkettng manager. U.S. on the HP 9000 is at the Australian Ani mal llo~\'~ onlv toward i lu -ccnu-r Fif'ld Operations, Series 300 computer. [1 Heal th Laboratorv (AAl-{L I oft he buildrnu a nd not !o ­ uses core software origi­ in Geelong. Victoria. the ward the oU lsH1t' _~o ail ' nally developed for use with most technoloutcally ad ­ bornr virus could ( ' ~ C~IPI ' I NEW PRODUCTS HP's GC/MS products. vanced a n d most se.-ur e t he buildmu The HP LaserJet I'Ll:S The Design Systems laboratory of its kind. AAHL employees art' pro· printer from the Boise DI· Group IDSG I has new The Jab, which opened terted from viruses lJ~ ~Pt·· vision ran produce a full introductions in its this April. helps vetertnari­ cia! t'Cjll Ipmeru and prou.r­ page ofhtgher-resolutton DesignCenler Series that ans prevent exor ic (foreign I t in' clot h i l1 .l~ E\'er\'ClIH' graphiCS and has added includes both mechanical diseases from spr ead inu m ust c- lIalll.,t(· dOlllcs CO :lI· rnernorv [512 Kbvtes), and electrical computer­ through herdsofAuslralian plerclyupoj: el1leri lll! lht, Users may download up to aided engineering (CAE) livestock . Th is is important lab. and shower upon Ie~l\ ' 32 fonts into the printer's products. The Design­ for th e country, which ex­ illg tIlt' la b Showe-rs art memory ... A physician at Center ME Series 50 is a ports S4.0 billion or animal also required whe n JIlO\ In l! a remote location is now complete system of me ­ product s a n n u a lly (S 1..1 brl­ between (,('flaln parts 0 1 t tit' able to access information chanical CAE products lion of beef& lamb, m ostlv bUllding. All clot hinl.( WOI'll about a patient from the running on the HP 9000 to the US. and Japan I. . inslde is la u nc!n e d wit lt i n hospital's HP crrttcal-care Model 550. It provides de­ Specraltsts a t the lab lab walls network (HP Care-Nell. us­ sign solutions - based on d iagn os e s uspec te- d exouc The network ofll!' lOO() in,g software that runs on either tnreracuve solid or d isease outbreaks and train A~OO series computers the HPTouchscreen II per­ 3-D geometric modeling­ veterinarians h ow to recog­ plays a major ro le in all ..s · sonal computer The com­ for the entire process of nize them. The sc ientis ts peers 01 AAHL's operat ions. plete station. from the Wal· product development and con d uct bas ic re search a n d The cornpu tel's con trol laho­ tharn Division. is named can be configured for a develop and test vaccines. rarory tnstrumerus. nil t lre HP Care'View. user's particular needs . The lab is a s e t otarrught securuy system ami coli ('('t The HPColorJ'ro eight­ Also new are two CAE svs­ rooms , built one inside scientific data. pen plotter from the San terns for togtc design cap­ Diego Division. designed ture and verification : the for business people need­ HP Logic DestgrtStauon ing graphics for reports [based on the HP9000 and overheads. was intro­ Series 3001 and lhe HP duced with more than 100 Personal Logic Desrgn­ software packages. It in­ Station [uSing either the terfaces with most Pes ... HP Vectra or IBM PC·AT)

22 MEASURE. Philippe tours principal facilities For four days this Septem­ shows him a silicon wafer ber. Prince Philippe of Bel­ that will become tiny indi­ gium pard a quiet visit to HP vidual chips like the one facilities on the West Coast Prince Philippe is holding. as part ofa IO-day firsthand In tours of HP Labs. the m troductton to U.S . high Personal Office Computer technology. . Division, and the corporate In Corvallis. Oregon. the computing center in the prince (left) and his aide de BayArea. the 25-year-old camp. Colonel Guy Mertens. prince learned how HP de­ saw how computer-aided velops and uses state-of-the­ design systems produce art electronic products. plotted ou L1ines for inte­ grated circuits. Tim Wil­ liams (right), R&D manager for the Handheld Computer and Calculator Operation.

GUEG~ WHAT ~ A~OT~-\(~R. CHANGE 1"-\ THE ORGAN~t.AT{O~AL CHART.. ~r-i~~~~~l..-.I J

November-December 1985 23 PARTING SHOT

Dakin care of business HP is doing Its part to keep the world stocked with teddy bears. R. Dakin & Company. worldwide manufacturerof stuffed animals and dolls, uses an HP 3000Series 42 for Inventorycontrol In Its manufacturing facility In Lindsay. CaJifomia. Beau Wetll. vice president ofmanufacturtng. says It used to take four Dakin employees two and a half weeks to plan raw material requirements and Inventory usage. By the time the mfor­ matlon was ready to use. It wasn't timely. "The HP 3000gives us more lead time. allows us to decrease Inventory and helps ensure theworld has enough teddy bears to go around. ~ says Beau. Dakin took bids from 13 suppliers when purchasing the manufacturing system. Beau said. "After a careful, laborious look at what was available. we chose the HP product, largely because It could handle multiple inventory locations. ~ Dakin was founded In 1955 as a distributor of tm­ ported handcrafted shot­ guns and sportinggoods. and entered the toy market in 1957.

MOVED LATELY? CHANGE OF ADDRESS SHOULD BE REPORTED TO YOUR PERSONNEL DE MENT. r1:11 HEWLETT Bulk Rate ~aI PACKARD U.S. Postage POBox 10301 Paid Palo AHo, California 94303-0890 Hewlett-Packard Company