ISSN 1022-7954, Russian Journal of Genetics, 2019, Vol. 55, No. 12, pp. 1472–1487. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2019.


The Impact of Genetics Research on Archaeology and Linguistics in Eurasia J. Mallorya, *, A. Dybob, c, d, and O. Balanovskye, f, g, ** aQueen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT7 1NNUnited Kingdom bInstitute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, 125009 cInstitute for Oriental and Classical Studies, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 105066 Russia dLaboratory of Linguistic Anthropology, Tomsk National State University, Tomsk, 634050 Russia eVavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, 119991 Russia fResearch Centre for Medical Genetics, Moscow, 115522 Russia gBiobank of North Eurasia, Moscow, 115201 Russia *e-mail: [email protected] **e-mail: [email protected] Received July 17, 2019; revised July 31, 2019; accepted August 1, 2019

Abstract—This article attempts to outline the current impact that genetics is having on the fields of archaeol- ogy and historical linguistics across the Eurasian continent. It positions the relationship between all three dis- ciplines by reviewing the earlier history of their interactions. In the area of archaeology, there has been a long history of research into the subject of human migration. We briefly review the application of such techniques as craniometry, pigmentation, dermatoglyphics, classical markers and the retrospective reconstruction of population movements from the modern DNA of human populations. We then turn to the revolution created by the application of ancient DNA in three separate areas: Early Man dispersals and legacies, the spread of agriculture and the massive expansion of populations during the Early . Examples are provided of how aDNA is impacting on the study of the origin and dispersals of ethno-linguistic groups. In addition to 1 human migrations, genetics is also impacting on the reconstruction of past lifeways and examples are drawn from research on palaeodiet, palaeopathology and palaeodemography. Genetics is also contributing to major issues of historical linguistics involving the origins and dispersals of the major Eurasian language families. It provides evidence that helps distinguish between instances involving significant migration from those effected by language shift with a minimal genetic trail. Two cases, the Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Altaic homelands are reviewed along with some of the methodological problems of synchronizing genetic and lin- guistic evidence.

Keywords: population genetics, ancient DNA, archaeology, historical linguistics, physical anthropology, Indo-Europeans, Altaic DOI: 10.1134/S1022795419120081

The results of population genetics research over the ulation groups of the Continent. Research has pro- past century have impacted on a number of other dis- ceeded along two different methodological paths: ciplines studying human populations, particularly 1) retrospection, i.e. the reconstruction of the past those with an interest in reconstructing past societies, from the known genetic data on present populations; such as archaeology (which here will also include and 2) direct examination of the past, i.e. the applica- physical anthropological analysis of human remains) tion of genetic research to material retrieved from past and historical linguistics. The primary impacts have (prehistoric and historic) contexts whose chronology concerned attempts to trace both the origins and dis- has been established. persals of human population groups and their lan- guages across the entire continent of Eurasia and on The intersection of genetics with linguistics pri- into the Americas. In addition, the data have some- marily involves the search for the homelands of the 1 times been employed to reconstruct past lifeways, various major language families of Eurasia, e.g. Indo- palaeo-demography in its widest sense. The chrono- European, Uralic, Altaic, Sinitic, and the patterns of logical framework extends, so far, from the entry of their dispersals. In fact, much of the archaeological Homo erectus into Eurasia up until the recent past and discourse over the 19th and 20th centuries was driven by the establishment of all of the historically known pop- scholars seeking to establish the homeland of the


Indo-European language family or that of its constit- anthropology and re-expanded from there when uent branches, e.g. Celtic, Germanic, Slavic. In this genetic research became possible again. way the interface between genetics and linguistics has In this review we consider a few points of how been largely secondary to the combination of genetic genetic research – starting with physical anthropology and archaeological evidence. Nevertheless, there are (“pre-molecular genetics) and ending with aDNA – still some areas where genetics has had a direct impact has impacted on the archeological understanding of on linguistics, including locating in both time and human migrations and past lifeways and influenced 1 space the branching of populations when it may corre- historical linguistics. spond to the branching of languages. Although the term archaeogenetics, i.e. “the study of the human past using the techniques of molecular MIGRATIONS genetics” [1], was only coined twenty years ago, The study of prehistoric migrations is the main area archaeologists have employed genetic evidence in of overlapping interests between archaeology and pop- their reconstructions of the past since the 19th century. ulations genetics. Genetic and wider – biological – The traditional progression, both methodological and evidencehas been widely explored to trace human chronological, between the use of Classical Markers, migrations employing both retrospective and direct modern DNA evidence, and ancient DNA (aDNA) approaches, and using a variety of physical anthropo- evidence was preceded by a period in which other logical and genetic traits. “pre-molecular” techniques such as craniometry and the geographical plotting of a variety of phenotypic Craniometry traits, e.g. dermatoglyphics, pigmentation, were regarded as reliable evidence that could be employed The longest employed anthropological approach to to trace population origins and migrations. These defining human population groups and trace their ori- traits describe phenotype rather than genotype and are gins and dispersals involves craniometry, the measure- therefore classified as physical anthropology rather ment of the human skull. In the first half of the 19th than population genetics. However, the rationale for century Anders Retzius devised the cephalic index using these traits for reconstructing the human past which divided skulls into brachycephalic broad-heads was that these traits are inherited ones (though influ- and dolichocephalic long-heads. These classes, aug- enced also by environmental factors), and therefore mented later by mesocephalic ‘medium’ heads, could be considered as a proxy of genes. Moreover, became reified into separate classes of human popula- there is no clear boundary between the phenotypic tions which were imagined to have had distinct origins and genotypic characteristics. Even classical (bio- and varying histories of admixture. By the early 20th chemical)genetic markers are actually the activity of century the degree to which the cephalic index was human enzymes, which is, strictly speaking, a part of governed by environmental factors rather than solely the phenotype. And traits, such as the ability to recog- by genes was being vigorously challenged although the nize the bitter flavor of phenictiocarbamide (con- terminology was still employed in more complicated trolled by a single gene) can be equally classified as attempts to describe human populations based on geo- physical anthropological and genetic markers. graphical variants, e.g. Nordic, Alpine, Dinaric, Med- Some of these techniques are still employed and iterranean. By the 1970s, those physical anthropolo- one of the major questions is to what extent they will gists who believed that the cranium did provide a use- be ultimately replaced by full sequencing of modern ful index of genetic relatedness employed a suite of genomes and aDNA or whether they will still be select measurements to which were applied multivari- regarded as useful adjunct approaches. Although all of ate analysis and principal component analysis. At least the earliest techniques are clearly associated to some here there was sufficient evidence that indicated there degree with inherited traits, the approach to the data was a correlation between craniometry and genetics [3]. did not involve any of the laboratory techniques asso- These techniques are still employed today although ciated with molecular genetics. In fact, it has been reception of their conclusions has been varied across argued that except for the Hirschfields’work during Eurasia with far greater skepticism, usually indicated World War I, physical anthropology, at least in the by archaeologists completely ignoring such data, in West, “generally ignored genetics” until the 1960s western Europe, especially among Anglophone schol- because so much of early human genetics, was devoted ars, and far more attention in Eastern Europe and to eugenics [2]. In the East – mainly in the Soviet Asia. Union –anthropogenetics was initially a branch of Recent advances in aDNA have addressed some of physical anthropology, and some famous anthropolo- the major issues that were tackled a generation ago by gists, like Viktor Bunak and Yakov Roginsky, under- physical anthropologists and it is instructive to com- took research in population genetics as well. When pare the results of the two approaches. As an example genetics was dismissed as a false science in the Soviet we take Roland Menk’s attempt [4] to resolve the issue Union (during the so-called Lysenko period) human of whether there was a major migration from the Pon- population genetics partly survived within physical tic-Caspian steppe c 3000 BCE into as

RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS Vol. 55 No. 12 2019 1474 MALLORY et al. was suggested in a popular solution to the problem of The concordance between physical anthropologi- Indo-European origins. Menk employed 26 cranial cal and genetic patters seems to be a rule, rather than measurements across a sample of 1842 skulls to pro- an exception. This is not surprising, because both sys- duce a principal components map (Fig. 1). The map tems describe the biological variation of human popu- recognized four main groups with several outliers. His lations. Another example of such concordance comes Palaeo-Europid group comprised samples from two from data on modern populations of Eastern Europe. cultures, one of which is now separated from his other Figure 2A presents one of the largest studies based on groups by geneticists being primarily Eastern Euro- 22 phenotypic traits, including height, eye and hair pean Hunter-Gatherer (EHG). He recognized a Kur- pigmentation, and face measurements of 648 popula- gan core, a blanket label for the Yamnaya and closely tions from Eastern Europe and the Caucasus [7]. Fig- related later steppe cultures which geneticists now ure 2B presents the PC plot for the populations from identify [5] as primarily an admixture of EHG and exactly the same geographic area constructed using Caucasian Hunter-Gatherers (CHG) (but this would genome-wide data available via the GG-base [8]. also include one of his Proto-Europid cultures, the Both, physical anthropological (Fig. 2A) and genetic Sredni Stog). Beyond that he identified cultures that (Fig 2B) data agree on the main patterns: the abrupt had been influenced by the “” expansions. genetic difference between East European and (geo- Some of these, including the Afanasievo culture of the graphically adjacent) Caucasus groups, gradual differ- Altai-Yenisei region, are now seen to be genetically ence between East European and adjacent Volga-Ural identical to the [6] and so both cra- groups, the similarity of West and East with Bal- tic-speaking groups, while South Slavs cluster with niometric and genetic evidence converge to attest Balkan populations. There are also some minor points a migration of c 1500 km. It also includes the Andron- where physical anthropological and genetic data dis- ovo culture which also has a steppe core [6] but also agree – for example, on the genetic plot Belorussians contains a substantial additional admixture of both cluster with Poles/Lithuanians while on the anthropo- Anatolian Farmers (AF) and Western Hunter-Gather- logical plot Belorussians, like Russians, are intermedi- ers (WHG). His third group, labeled ‘’, ate between Poles/Lithuanians and Volga-Ural here a cover label for what today we would call Anato- groups. lian Farmerdid contain cultures that aDNA describes as AF (e.g., Linear Ware, Gumelnitsa, Russe, TRB, What becomes clear from such studies is that mod- Tripolye) but it also contains most of his Corded Ware ern advances in the identification of specific cranial samples and the descendant Unetice culture, both of measurements and the manipulation of data does indi- cate that differences in the human phenotypes (crania, which are distinguished by a principle steppe compo- bodies, and other physical anthropological traits) do nent (EHG + CHG) although mitigated by AF and carry a significant genetic signal but that aDNA offers WHG which may explain why they have been pulled a far more sensitive tool for evaluating migrations and into the craniometric orbit of Farmers admixture in populations. But although geneticists, rather than steppe pastoralists. This led Menk [4] to again at least in the West, have been largely content to dismiss a steppe migration into Central Europe ignore the craniometric evidence, there may still be although the aDNA evidence finds 75% of Corded areas of common interest. It should be noted that the Ware sampled possessing steppe ancestry [5]. sample size for craniometric datasets is much larger Also, Beaker skulls were placed in a totally separate than that for aDNA, and even with the rapid growth of category although all those sampled should have been aDNA data there will always be many skulls which can also genetically grouped with the steppe-derived be described craniometrically but not genetically although also heavily admixed because of the poor preservation of DNA. It would be with AF and WHG. It is also noteworthy that two of also helpful – though not necessary for productive his isolates, the Siberian Neolithic sample and the cooperation – if genetics can isolate out the genes that Comb Ware sample might be explained genetically as control variability in cranial measurements. belonging to the West Siberian Hunter-Gatherers and WHG groups, again showing some agreement between craniometrics and genetics. Figure 1 visual- Pigmentation izes the similarity of the craniometrics and genetic In 1878 the German-American anthropologist, results. Most importantly, the green area – predomi- Theodor Poesche, published his study of Indo-Euro- nantly “blue” steppe component but with some pean origins which employed the textual evidence of admixture with“yellow”Anatolian Farmers compo- ancient literature to argue that the earliest Indo-Euro- nent – is also intermediate between these two clusters peans (e.g., , Romans) had light hair and blue on the craniometric plot. Therefore, the discrepancy is eyes. Confusing a high incidence of albinism with the mainly about the interpretation of the plot – should center of the blond ‘race’, Poesche located the Indo- the green area be interpreted as part of the “Old European homeland in the Pinsk Marshes [9]. Europe” cluster or as a bridge between “Old Europe” Poesche’s theory was soon replaced by Karl Penka [10, and “Kurgan influence” clusters? 11] who assembled far more textual evidence on the



Bell Beaker SIB NEOL “Old Europe” BELL-GDR

Kurgan influence HAINBURG





Fig. 1. Correspondence between craniometrics and ancient DNA analysis of Neolithic/. The plot represents similarities between ancient European populations based on craniometrics data (modified from [4]. Black lines designate clusters of populations identified in [4]. Colors designate which genetic component(s) – revealed by aDNA – predominates in the same populations. The green color marks the mix of the blue (steppe) component with the yellow (Anatolian farmers) component. pigmentation of the ancient Indo-Europeans to con- brown eyes, while another individual, associated with clude that the homeland lay in Northern Europe. This the shift in the main western European genotype in the launched a frenzy of publications of increasingly dubi- Early Bronze Age had alleles indicative of light hair ous value regarding the ‘original’ phenotype of Indo- and (possibly) blue eye color [14].More importantly European speakers. The political misuse of these for those who have sought light hair and eye color observations is too well known to recount and discus- among ancient Greeks, aDNA has revealed that sion of pigmentation, whether drawn from the Bronze Age samples of Greeks have revealed them to accounts of ancient literature or from the artwork of resemble their depiction in contemporary frescoes, i.e. various peoples of Eurasia, receded from most schol- dark hair and eye color [15].In short, research in arly journals after 1945. Nevertheless, the subject has aDNA is not only revolutionizing our understanding been returned to more recently where more dispas- of the genotype of past populations but it is now shed- sionate scholars have indeed concluded (based on ding light on their phenotype, on the actual appear- non-genetic evidence) that “early IE-speaking elite ance of prehistoric populations. groups often had light hair and light eyes, even in regions where the mass of people had dark hair and dark eyes” [12]. Dermatoglyphics Now aDNA provides the opportunity to test both The analysis of the patterns in both finger and palm the literary and artistic depictions of ancient popula- prints has been employed to reconstruct past popula- tions. The pigmentation and eye-color of a tion movements on the understanding that broad pat- Iberian [13] has been associated with alleles consistent terns of frequency are governed by genetics. Retro- with dark skin pigmentation, dark hair but blue eyes, spective studies have been undertaken across Eurasia while an Irish Neolithic woman had black hair and [16–18], from which the SE-NW clines within Europe

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(a) 1 Russians 2 Ukrainians 3 Belorussians KOM 4 Mordva KAR 5 Mari, Udmurts FIN 6 Komi LAT RUS MOR 7 Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvash POL 8 Karelians, Vepsa, Izhora LIT MAR_UDM 9 Moldavians, Bulgarians BEL 10 Lithuanians, Poles UKR TAT_BAS_CHU 11 Latvians, Estonians CZE HUN MOL_BUL 12 Finns, Swedes ROM 13 Hungarians 14 Greeks, Macedonians CAUCASUS 15 Czech, Slovaks, Romanians 16 Caucasus 17 Caucasus 1 2 3 –101234 K2 5 6 (b)

Fig. 2. Correspondence between physical anthropological and genetic analysis of East European and Caucasus populations. a – analysis of physical anthropological data (modified from [7]); b – analysis of genome-wide data (PC plot). have been used to support the hypothesis that the Classical Markers European Neolithic was a product of demic diffusion The preparation of principal component maps of from SW Asia. The application of such techniques to classical genetic markers, e.g., ABO blood group, Acid prehistoric populations is extremely limited to finger phostaphase 1, Adenosine deaminase, by Luca impressions on prehistoric pottery and clay tablets Cavalli-Sforza and his associates had a major impact recovered in the SE Aegean where the frequency pat- on both archaeological and linguistic discourse in terns (between arches, loops and whorls) have been Eurasia and elsewhere throughout the world. His st published revealing a marked shift between the fre- maps for Europe, for example, illustrated a 1 PC (28.1%), which was usually interpreted as having been quencies found in Minoan Crete and Mycenaean formed by the expansion of the first farmers across Greece [19]. But very little could be made of this as the Europe in the Neolithic (c 7000–4000 BCE) while his Mycenaean pattern is also reflected in several modern 3rd PC (10.6%), which was centered on the Black and Central and South African populations. Caspian seas, was associated with later expansions of

RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS Vol. 55 No. 12 2019 THE IMPACT OF GENETICS RESEARCH ON ARCHAEOLOGY 1477 the Yamnaya culture and its descendants westwards. aDNA. For example, in such studies the center of dis- The problem with such maps based on modern gene tribution of R1b, the dominant male haplogroup of distributions was the uncertainty as to whether they western Europe, was placed in Iberia (hence the use of actually mapped past genetic ‘events’. Critics, for a Basque personal name, Ruisko), and it was pre- example, argued that the 1st PC may have also sumed that its distribution should be explained by the included evidence of the earlier peopling of Europe repopulation of western Europe after the last glacia- during the Palaeolithic or later east to west movements tion. Some critics thought it might be better explained associated with the Roman Empire. Similarly, the 3rd by the expansion of the earliest farmers from the Near PC, interpreted as a result of an Eneolithic migration East [26]. But the evidence of aDNA has now indi- might very well have also been a product of a series of cated that R1b was only carried westwards to Atlantic later historical migrations from the steppelands into Europe as part of the migration from the steppelands Central Europe. at the transition between the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age [5, 6, 27]. A very similar set of cartographic methods for ana- lyzing genetic structure was independently developed There are also examples, when retrospective-based in the East by Soviet researchers. These methods have conclusions match the aDNA evidence, like the basal been applied not only for variation of classical markers position of Upper Paleolithic Ust-Ishim within the but also for variation of archeological characteristics Y-chromosomal NO clade, or concordance between [21, 22]. In one study, 186Upper Paleolithic sites (26– phylogeography of haplogroup Q variants and the 16 ky BP) from across the USSR were characterized by aDNA evidence of its presence in the Americas. In 116 features of material culture – for example, pres- cases of relatively minor discrepancies between aDNA ence/absence of bones of a given species at the site, and retrospective phylogeographic approaches, presence/absence of specific tools, etc. This dataset aDNA – due to data scarcity – does not necessarily resulted in amap of the 1st PC (Fig. 3A) revealing provide the better estimate. For example, the appear- ance of haplogroup N3a3 in the Baltic region is phylo- a genetic contrast between West and East Eurasians nd with a very narrow intermediate zone. Applying the genetically dated back to the 2 millennium BC, while same methodology to the Final Paleolithic period aDNA data available so far identified the earliest N3a3 (15–12 ky BP, Fig. 3B) it identified a wider intermedi- one thousand years later [28]. Normally, data on phy- ate zone [21, 22], while analysis of the modern gene logeography of modern haplogroups play in orchestra pool (Fig. 3C) demonstrated that the same West-to- with the aDNA and helps to resolve the picture better. East trend became smooth and gradual [23]. These and many other studies exemplified that Ancient DNA geographic maps of PCsworks as an interdisciplinary The greatest current impact of genetics on archae- method, revealing the stable patterns of a genetic land- ology has been in its ability to provide creditable evi- scape, however, it is often not clear which migrations dence for human migrations and the deeper origins of shaped this landscape. mixed populations within verifiable time depths. Examples can be taken from a cross section of the Modern DNA many research projects that have sought to trace human dispersals in Eurasia across time. At the beginning of the 21st century there were fre- quent attempts to retrospectively establish patterns of migration employing frequency distribution maps of Early Man DNA markers in modern populations. Haplogroups of The impact of genetics on our understanding of the both non-recombining chromosomes – mitochon- archaeological ancestors of modern humans has been drial DNA and the Y-chromosome – became the profound. It has resolved a number of major issues most popular tools. Some of these studies crossed that have been long debated among archaeologists from specifically scientific journals to the genre of investigating the Palaeolithic. For example, the con- popular science where haplogroups were made more tribution of Neanderthals to modern Homo sapiens reader-friendly by being assigned personal names, e.g. has long been disputed among physical anthropolo- Ursula (mt U), Helena (mt H), [24] or Ruslan (Y R) gists. With the recovery of Neandertal mitochondrial and Ruisko (R1b) [25].Potentially, this phylogeo- genome it was concluded there was no admixture at graphic approach is able to locate a haplogroup in both all. In a few years, however, the same group of space and time, i.e. estimate the place and date of a researchers led by Svante Paabo managed to sequence haplogroup’s origin and the directions of its dispersal the nuclear Neanderthal genome and demonstrat- by human migrations. However, this approach, when edthat Neanderthals did breed with biologically mod- employed to tackle some of the major questions of lin- ern humans and that their genes contribute some- guistics and ethnic origins, suffered from a number of where between 1 and 3% of the genome of non-Afri- methodological problems, and some proposed expan- can humans. Moreover, due to the analysis of a finger sions were later contradicted by the evidence of bone from the Denisova cave in the Altai Mountains,

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(a) Archaeological variation, 26-16 ky BP


(b) Archaeological variation, 15-12 ky BP

(c) Genetic variation, Modern populations

Fig. 3. Correspondence between archeological and genetic variation. a – map of the 1st PC of archeological data on Upper Paleo- lithic (26–16 ky BP) (modified from [21, 22]); b – map of the 1st PC of archeological data on Final Paleolithic (15–12 ky BP) (modified from [21, 22]); c – map of the 1st PC of genetic data on modern populations (modified from [23]). aDNA has revealed that the Neanderthals were not the Spread of Agriculture only distant cousin to breed with modern Homo sapi- ens, but that genetically different Denisovans also While archaeological evidence had long shown that contributedto populations in East Asia and Oceania farming was introduced into Europe from Southwest where they provide somewhere between 5 and 8% of Asia, primarily Anatolia, there had been long serious disputes as to what extent it was solely the result of the genes of the people of New Guinea. One of the migrating farmers. As Europe was already populated more astonishing finds was that of a young woman by hunter-gathering Mesolithic communities, archae- who had a Denisovan father and a Neanderthal ologists sought to determine to what extent the spread mother. In any event, archaeologists and physical of farming was due to generations of migrants of Ana- anthropologists now recognize that there can be no tolian ancestry and to what extent it involved accultur- coherent story of the expansion of the human race ation by local Mesolithic populations. The standard unless all three strands of their information can be model presumed that migration was the primary vec- brought together. tor in Southeast Europe and possibly central Europe

RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS Vol. 55 No. 12 2019 THE IMPACT OF GENETICS RESEARCH ON ARCHAEOLOGY 1479 but that the local component increased all around the In 2015 two articles appeared to vindicate the periphery of Europe. The results of aDNA have largely Steppe model [5, 6]. They revealed that 75% of confirmed this model with Balkan Neolithic popula- Corded Ware individuals carried the genetic signature tions closely resembling Northwest Anatolian [29], identified in the Yamnaya culture which argued for a and the earliest Central European farmers were like- source population somewhere in the steppelands. Fur- wise primarily of Anatolian origin [30], and, perhaps ther research found that the steppe signature was more unexpected, the mitochondrial DNA of the ear- known as far west as Britain [27] and Ireland [14] liest farmers in northern Europe (the TRB culture) where it was recovered from burials of the Beaker cul- were more closely related to the farmers who migrated ture that covered much of western Europe after the from Anatolia than the local hunter-gatherers [31].In Corded Ware culture. France, however, there was increased evidence of Prehistorians are still trying to deal with the impact WHG in the Paris Basin in the same area that Neo- of these results because they far exceed the expecta- lithic migration streams along the Danube and along tions of archaeologists concerning their ability to iden- the Mediterranean merged [32]. tify migrations in the archaeological record. Stefan On the other hand, although we have seen aDNA Burmeister has even suggested that it has become research routinely refuting the retrospective extension “obvious that archaeology has lost its previous meth- of modern DNA patterns, the discrepancies have also odological hold on investigating migration.” [35]. To stimulated more focused research. For example, the explain the patterns of aDNA some have argued for model of the earliest farming communities being a more protracted period of interactions between the entirely from Anatolia has been challenged where evi- steppelands and Central Europe rather than a massive dence drawn from both aDNA and modern DNA have migration while others have sought other explanations suggested that some of the supposed markers of Ana- to deal with a situation in which they believe there is tolian farmer ancestry may have already been estab- absolutely no archaeological evidence for either lished in post-glacial Mediterranean Europe before a migration from the steppe or for the derivation of the the spread of farming [33]. Corded Ware culture from the Yamnaya [36–38]. The genetic implications of aDNA on Britain and Ireland are even more extreme as an archaeological commu- Early Bronze Age Migrations nity, that had rejected migration as a serious vector for One of the most sensational discoveries of recent the appearance of the Beaker culture on the two aDNA research has concerned the role of migrations islands,are now attempting to understand not how it from the steppelands of the Pontic-Caspian region could have happened but also how it resulted in a both east as far as the Yenisei and Altai and as far west major replacement of the male genome in a period of as Ireland. The samples were gathered to help resolve only a few centuries. As Volker Heyd has remarked: a two-hundred year old controversy as to the location “the aDNA results force us to reconsider; to question of the homeland of the Indo-European language fam- our own evidence and the methodology we apply…and ily. Although potential homelands had been identified to re-focus our interpretations” [36]. Archaeologists all over Eurasia, most discourse had concerned three are having to come to grips with living in ‘interesting potential dates and locations: Anatolia, where it was times’. associated with the dispersal of farming c 7000 BC, Greater Armenia where it was dated to c 5000 BC and largely argued on the basis of linguistics rather than Origin of Ethno-linguistic Groups archaeology, and the European steppelands c 4500– Working with archaeologists and linguists, geneti- 3000 BC where it was tied to a series of expansions are now providing critical information on the ori- both east across western Siberia and west into Central gin of ethno-linguistic groups across the world. These and eventually Western Europe. Although arguments can vary in complexity, especially when an ethnic involved many archaeological cultures, the two most group occupies a territory that has seen many passing prominent were the Corded Ware culture that footprints. A good example would be the Hungarians. extended from the Netherlands east to the Urals and Although they are one of the more recent peoples to the Yamnaya culture that stretched from the Urals arrive in their historical seats, settling there according west to the Danube. Those who supported a Steppe to both historical and archaeological evidence c 900 Homeland argued that the Corded Ware culture had CE, their long trek from the eastern Urals carried them its origin from the steppe cultures. While there were across much of the same ground as previous settlers in certain somewhat generic similarities between the two their territory, the Huns and Avars, the last of whom cultures, e.g., single grave under a kurgan, pas- are generally agreed to have made a more significant toral economy, use of corded decoration on pottery, contribution to the peopling of Hungary than the later even supporters of the Steppe Homeland did not argue Magyars. Applying aDNA to the burials from the var- for a major invasion but rather some form of accultur- ious earlier population groups as well as the earliest ation to a new Yamnaya socio-economic package of Magyar graves is slowly providing greater clarity to the strategies and values [34]. diverse ethnic composition of each of Hungary’s pre-

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vious settlers [39–41]. Mixing with the more numer- the contrast between the archaeological and genetic ous previous inhabitants of what is now Hungary has evidence does raise interesting issues regarding how resulted in the dissolution of the genetic ancestry of and why natural selection for the genes permitting the Magyars, so that modern Hungarians resemble the milk consumption developed against a background of populations that currentlysurround them. However, archaeological evidence that demonstrates the prac- the ancient mtDNA from the period right after the tice long preceded the rise of the appropriate genetic Magyar invasion finds its closest parallels among the mutations. Bashkirs– a Turkish-speaking people of the Urals. Palaeopathology 1 PAST LIFEWAYS Research into the evidence of pathogens from Determination of Sex archaeological sites has greatly augmented our knowl- The determination of the biological sex of an indi- edge of ancient diseases, previously recoverable only vidual by physical anthropologists is often a probabi- when they left skeletal traces. Some recent examples listic determination depending on the skeletal material include the recovery of evidence for bovine tuberculo- available and the age of the individual. Ancient DNA sis (Mycobacterium bovis) from individuals now routinely recovers the sex through molecular data from southern Siberia [47]; the discovery of traces of and should expand our ability to determine the sex of leprosy (Mycobacterium leprae) from Japan [48] to Ire- samples, especially among pre-adolescents who are land [49]; and the earliest emergence of plague (Yer- usually too young to exhibit diagnostic sexual charac- sina pestis) in Late Neolithic Ukraine that appeared to teristics. It also draws attention to misidentifications spread with a massive incursion of steppe pastoralists made by physical anthropologists. In a recent publica- into Central Europe [50]. tion [42] the sex of 132 individuals was determined by both skeletal and genetic evidence and this revealed 22 Palaeodemography cases (17%) of conflicting identifications. Although physical anthropologists have recognized that distin- The theoretical potential of aDNA to provide esti- guishing older females (post-menopause) from males mates of background populations, calculated on the is problematic, the sample did not reveal any bias in basis of a measure of heterozygosity, the lower the the identification of older females. Determination of value the more likely that the individual comes from a sex, as with age, is one of the critical variables restricted breeding population that would be typical of employed by archaeologists to assess the social organi- hunter-gatherers. The time transect in Central Europe zation of a society by burial remains. was the first study which clearly demonstrated that mitochondrial haplotype diversity (analog of hetero- zygosity which is applicable for haploid chromo- Palaeodiet somes) indeed increased with the start of the Neolithic Although archaeologists and palaeo-ecologists [51]. The higher heterozygosity is typical for farmer have a wide range of techniques for recovering past societies because these have a much larger population diets, e.g., palaeo-ethnobotany, stable isotope analy- size than hunter-gatherers, and thus are less affected sis, analysis of ancient DNA and other ancient mole- by genetic drift (genetic drift often converts variation cules is now uniquely placed to help resolve some within a population – heterozygosity – into genetic major issues of Eurasian palaeo-diets. This is particu- variation between populations). The genetic drift larly interesting with reference to the exploitation of depends on effective population size (Ne), and genetic livestock for secondary products. A popular model of methods allow an estimated Ne from the modern European prehistoric economies argued that in the genomes. A well-known example is that size estimate Early Neolithic livestock were raised exclusively for of a population which came out of Africa was just a few meat and that dairying was a later development of a so- thousand. Even though the absolute numbers might called ‘Secondary Products’ Revolution [43]. Lipid depend on the demographic parameters used for cal- analysis of Early Neolithic ceramics from Anatolia culations, the relative numbers are more reliable and [44] to Ireland [45] has revealed that dairy products from genetic data we can see in which epochs/regions were routinely being exploited from the very beginning populations grew fast, or grew slow, or experienced of the Neolithic. On the other hand, aDNA has so far a decay or were stable in size. shown no evidence of genes remitting lactose intoler- Knowing the population size is of course important ance in the Neolithic and even in the Early Bronze for reconstructing the past lifeways, but one should 1 Age cultures that are traditionally associated with take into account the non-trivial relation between total increased pastoralism, the presence of genes that population size (which archeology is interested in) and would enhance consumption of milk products has the effective population size (estimated from genetic been found to occur atonly very small levels [6, 14, 27, data). Though for many populations their effective 46]. Of course, the processing of milk into cheese size comprises from one quarter to one third of a total greatly reduces the problems of lactose intolerance but size, this conversion coefficient becomes different

RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS Vol. 55 No. 12 2019 THE IMPACT OF GENETICS RESEARCH ON ARCHAEOLOGY 1481 when population size changes over generations (the were derived from three different sources (Danubian bottleneck effect), or when only some males contrib- Farmers, Mediterranean Farmers, and local Hunter- ute their genes to the next generation, or when differ- Gatherers) no correlations with the variety of mortuary ent families have quite unequal numbers of children. traits could be determined, other than perhaps a greater The detailed analysis of Eurasian Y-chromosomal lin- tendency for those of HG descent to be buried on the eages [52] determined that a huge portion of them dis- periphery and with more exotic grave goods [32]. appeared around 8–4 ky BP and a number of new ones These are isolated and somewhat fortuitous exam- expanded right after this period. As there are no rea- ples of the future potential of genetics to inform on the sons to expect a dramatic population decline in the social organization of past societies. Much will depend late Neolithic and Bronze Age (actually human popu- on to what extent the genetic profiles of ancient popu- lation continued to grow in number during these peri- lations will be able to go beyond immediate kinship ods), and most other factors affecting the genetic drift relations and provide a broader picture of the complex could be ruled out, the analysis concluded that it was of breeding networks that that might help to define the a substantial change in social organization in the more widespread social relationships that existed Bronze Age which resulted in the dramatic differences between political entities. in the number of survivingchildren across different families/clans/demes: “A combination of culturally driven increased male variance in offspring number LINGUISTICS within demes and an increased male-specific variance The impact of genetics on linguistics is closely tied among demes” [52]. This study exemplifies, that to archaeological narratives of population dispersals a genetic estimate of the effective population size does but here there is probably a subtle difference. It should not necessarily describe the total population size but it be universally acknowledged that the spread of lan- can provide even more interesting evidence of the past guages and the spread of genes may be two entirely demography. unassociated processes [58] because the language one It is possible that the greatest impact of genetics on speaks can be entirely independent of one’s genetic archaeology may well lie in its future contribution to history (you can choose your language but not your the reconstruction of the social behavior of past soci- genes). On the other hand, there is perhaps an even eties. Already there have been a number of studies that larger rejection of any one-to-one association between have targeted sites that can address longstanding a language and material culture so while genetics may archaeological problems. The Upper Palaeolithic site be an unsuitable proxy for language affiliation, it may of Sunghir, Russia, for example has yielded evidence still be regarded as a better substitute than what is that Upper Palaeolithic societies may have engaged in offered by archaeology. the same forms of reproductive strategies (exogamy, avoidance of inbreeding) as seen in modern hunter- gathering populations [53]. Similarly, a study con- Massive Migration or Language Shift: Genetics Judges cerning the emergence of the Yamnaya culture relies Language dispersals are generally explained by two heavily on a discourse focusing on marriage networks mechanisms: migration of people where a significant indicated by aDNA [54]. replacement of a prior population results in the spread On a more local level, aDNA analysis of a group of of the immigrants’ target language. The second pro- Corded Ware burials from Eulau, Germany, have ver- cess involves language shift, the adoption by a local ified the frequent assumption that people buried population of an intrusive target language. Since the together are from the same family [55]. Another evidence of genetics not only can reveal rather clear example from Koszyce, , involved a mass grave evidence that a migration has taken place but it can belonging to the Globular Amphora culture in which also reveal the creation of new marriage networks that all 15 individuals had been killed by a blow to the skull. might enhance the spread of the target language by The aDNA evidence indicated that the deceased con- language shift, genetic evidence may often be more sisted of four nuclear families and that mothers and convincing that the type of cultural evidence available their children had been buried adjacent to one to an archaeologist. another, obviously by people who recognized their One of the genetic methods used to distinguish relationship. Moreover, the fact that the graves con- between the demic spread of languages and language tained males who were related but females who were shift is a comparison whether a genetic pattern is more not provided evidence that the society was organized correlated with a linguistic one or simply with geogra- along patrilineal lines [56]. In contrast to these family phy. To perform such a test, one needs a matrix of lin- groups, aDNA from five burials from the same cham- guistic distances between languages (lexicostatistics ber of a megalithic tomb at Carrowkeel, Ireland, provides most reliable ones though attempts were also revealed no evidence of close kinship between the made to use formalized grammar databases) and individuals [57]. And in another genetics-aided exam- a matrix of genetic distances between the same popu- ination of a large Neolithic cemetery at Gurgy, lations. The third matrix – geographic distances – is France, where mtDNA indicated that the deceased the easiest one to obtain. In many regions of Eurasia,

RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS Vol. 55 No. 12 2019 1482 MALLORY et al. the pattern of genetic similarities between populations remotely resembling consensus [62]. If one does not better correlates with their geographic proximity accept an “admixture language” then the natural rather than with the relatedness of their languages. But question remains: did Proto-Indo-European evolve there are a few regions with the opposite trend, for out of language spoken by EHG or out of language example areas populated by North Caucasian and spoken by CHG? So genetics has pushed the current Tungusic speakers. In the North Caucasus, the genetic homeland debate into several camps: those who seek matrix perfectly correlates with thelinguistic one, and the homeland either in the southern Caucasus or Iran even the genetic tree of population relatedness is (CHG) and those who locate it in the steppelands nearly the same as the tree of their languages [59]. north of the Caucasus and Caspian Sea (EHG). Those Such a coincidence is possible when the demographic who prefer a southern homeland look to proposed history of population splits was equally reflected in contacts between Indo-European and the Kartvelian splits of languages and splits of gene pools – a realistic and Semitic languages [63–65] while those who prefer assumption provided that after the split the daughter the steppe hypothesis point to the evidence that Indo- populations have not genetically mixed with external European is most closely related to Uralic, whichshould groups, or all populations received the same degree of pitch its origin nearer the Urals [54, 66, 67]. The matter admixture. This was likely the case in the narrow and is complicated enormously by the fact that CHG can- isolated mountainous area of the North Caucasus. not possibly represent the signature of a single lan- However, this assumption is certainly not correct for guage family as it is found over a broad area from the the Slavonic-speaking populations which rapidly Caucasus to the southern Zagros that encompassedthe spread across half of Europe and assimilated the pre- territory of a whole series of other language families, vious inhabitants of the Balkans, Northeast Europe e.g., Hurro-Urartian, Elamite, Kartvelian, and one and the Volga area. As a result, the genetics of Slavic must devise a credible model of how the Indo-Euro- populations reflects largely the genetics of pre-Slavic pean-speaking segment of CHG found its way north populations and exhibit therefore only a weak correla- of the Caucasus [68]. tion with the tree of Slavonic languages [60]. However, even in the case of language shift by elite dominance this elite group spread their language along with their The Altaic Case genes, and this small proportion of genes that arrived The somewhat similar interrelation between with the languagecan be potentially traced. For exam- genetic and linguistic evidence can be seen in another ple, one can identify the set of genetic markers (IBD half of Eurasia where Altaic languages are spoken. haplotypes) that spread along with the Turkic lan- Though the limited number of aDNA samples avail- guages [61]. able to date from this region does not permit one to The aforementioned studies were done on modern verify the principal migrations, there is a large area of populations, and aDNA is at least equally promis- so-called “Amur basin ancestry”with a supposed ing.Still the current impact of aDNA research on lan- proto-Altaic segment within it. guage dispersals is largely experienced through The Altaic language family includes the Turkic, archaeological models and linguists are only just com- Mongolic, Tungus-Manchu, Korean and Japonic lan- ing to grips with some of the wider implications. Here guage groups. Though this view is not generally are a few. accepted, most issues become resolved when ancient borrowings between the proto-languages of these The Indo-european Case groups are identified [69, 70]. After all, Indo-Europe- anists are not confused by the significant layer of bor- Just as the genetic evidence for a steppe homeland rowings between Germanic and Celtic, or Germanic appeared to weaken a popular theory (among archae- and Slavic protolanguages. ologists more than linguists) that the Indo-European languages spread from an Anatolian homeland with At present, two groups of linguists – in Moscow the spread of farming and the AF genetic signature, a and in Jena – are actually involved in the detailed new complication arose: the steppe signal that is found study of the Altaic family and its constituent groups from Ireland to the Yenisei comprises an admixture of and the chronology of the collapse of groups obtained EHG and CHG. Such an admixture would appear to on glottochronological grounds practically coincides. involve two deep sources that should have developed For example, Proto-Altaic split into Korean-Japa- separately over the course of thousands of years; in nese, Manchu-Tungusic, and Turko-Mongolic fami- short, there is no reason to believe that the two com- lies c8 – 7 ky BP; Turkic and Mongolic diverged about ponents spoke closely related languages or even 6.5 ky BP; the Bulgar branch split from Turkic 2.5 ky belonged to the same language families. Such a model BP. Some of these dates are confirmed by borrowings suggested that Proto-Indo-European may have origi- to/from well dated historical stages of ancient and nated out of the merger of two very different language middle Chinese. families, a theory that had once had been suggested by As for the ancestral homeland for Proto-Altaic, several linguists but had never attained anything attempts to locate it were made on the basis of the

RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS Vol. 55 No. 12 2019 THE IMPACT OF GENETICS RESEARCH ON ARCHAEOLOGY 1483 reconstruction of the vocabulary of the natural envi- The gene pool of Mongolic, Tungusic, and Turkic ronment [71–76]. It is interesting that applying the speakers forms a Trans-Eurasian cline of mixed West same approaches to Proto-Altaic and Proto-Indo- and East Eurasian ancestry, in which the Eastern Eur- European resulted in different environments for these asian component is nearly identical to the contempo- proto-populations. Proto-Altaic speakers lived in (not rary populations from the Amur river basin [77]. very high) mountains, arid and dusty steppes. There Notably, this genetic component was present in this are many terms for quick-flowing rivers, words for area for at least 7 thousand years [78] and likely pre- large rivers (but not for the sea), coniferous trees, oaks, dates the first split of the Altaic family. This might a number of narrow-foliated trees, and wild cereals, mean either that the Amur basin groups shifted their which altogether indicate the border zone of the language to Tungusic or that there was classical demic southern taiga and the steppes [71, 72]. A careful con- diffusion of Tungusic speakers but the ancestries of sideration of the agricultural terminology does not incomers and aboriginals were too similar to be distin- confirm the hypothesis of Proto-Altaic semi-pastoral- guished with current genetic techniques. ism; instead, there are names for pigs and cultural (or The Farming/Language Dispersal Hypothesis pre-cultural) plants, including millet. posits that a language family owes its dispersal to the Like the hypothesis linking the expansion of the growth of a speaker population through the practice of Indo-European languages with the spread of farming agriculture; the population growth steadily pushed the in West Eurasia, Martine Robbeets ties the distribu- new farmers and their language into wider territories, tion of Altaiс languages to the dispersal of millet farm- displacing the languages of preexisting hunter-gath- ing from Manchuria. “In the area of southern Man- erer populations. This model does not fit very well, churia and eastern Inner Mongolia, the predominant because farming was not an important component in basis of life since the 7th millennium BC has been mil- most areas populated by Altaic speakers. One can sup- let agriculture, supplemented by fishing, hunting and pose that only the beginning of the Altaiс dispersal was gathering in the surrounding woodlands. In the west- initiated by agricultural development, and later the ern part of this region, which is ecologically transi- language was transferred to the West by equestrian tional towards Mongolia, nomadic pastoralism devel- elites; further genetic data from both, ancient and oped as an innovation in the first millennium BC” modern DNA may help to reconstruct the migrations [75]. Specifically, she connects the Altaic family with in more detail. two subsequent cultures – the Xinglongwa (ca. 6200– 5400 BC) and the Zhaobaogou (ca. 5400–4500 BC). Methodological Cases This is the area of theLiao river valley, and that is highly suitable for the landscape reconstructed from The integration of linguistic and genetic studies is the Proto-Altaic vocabulary [72]; moreover, this cul- partly driven by some methodological similarities. For ture used two species of millet and began to domesti- example, both linguistics and genetics compute dis- cate pigs. tances between languages or populations, while for archeology it is much more problematic to quantita- Here, in contrast to the Indo-European case, there tively measure similarities between cultures. Bayessian is not much debate about either the date nor the place methods which are popular in genetics for phyloge- of the proto-Altaic homeland. However, the mecha- netic tree construction are now widely used by lin- nisms for the spread of Altaic languages over the area guists for creating trees of languages. comparable with the Indo-European one are still Genetics and linguistics are also similar in the way unclear, and genetics has a potential to shed light on they date events: by linguistic diversity between mod- this. ern languages (assuming a stable word substitution On the general overview, the distribution of the rate) or by genetic diversity between modern genetic genetic features of Altaic speakers is much more lineages (assuming a stable mutation rate). Coinci- related to the geographical proximity of population dence of genetic and linguistic dates make the recon- groups than to the genealogical classification of their struction of the demographic history much more reli- languages. This coincides well with the migration able, while the lack of coincidence indicates a likely model through language replacement (elite domi- language shift event. In addition to these retrospective nance), when only a few genes remain from the origi- approaches, the application of ancient DNA allows us nal proto-language-speaking group, migrating along to use the dated episodes of genetic migration to esti- with the languages [75]. However, when the Turkic mate the various dates of language branching. For group – for which many examples of language example, as the Corded Ware culture expanded into replacement are documented historically and geneti- Northern Europe by c 3000 BC and this region is the cally – is omitted from the analysis, the genome-wide presumed homeland of the , a variation within the remaining Mongolic and Tungu- presumption is sometimes made that some form of sic groups starts to better resemble linguistics rather Germanic was spoken in south Scandinavia from c than geography (Balanovsky, Dybo, et al., in prepara- 3000 BC onwards. However, linguists have rarely tion). imagined that the Germanic language itself came into

RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS Vol. 55 No. 12 2019 1484 MALLORY et al. existence much before 500 BC leaving a 2500 year gap This study was carried out within the state assign- between the putative genetic event and the presumed ment of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of formation of Proto-Germanic after which it expanded the Russian Federation for the Research Center for over northern Europe. While one might feel confident Medical Genetics (impact of genetics on archaeology) that the genetic evidence indicates that some form of and by the Russian Science Foundation project 17-14- Indo-European was spoken in Northern Europe by c 01345 (impact of genetics on linguistics)and by the 3000 BC, what that form was and whether it was in any Russian Science Foundation project 18-18-00501 (col- way directly ancestral to Proto-Germanic seems ques- lection and analysis of the Altaic linguistic materials). tionable and it is entirely possible that Proto-Ger- This paper does not include experiments involved manic arose elsewhere and only assumed its geograph- animals. ical position and archaeological identity at a later date. This paper does not contain experimental data on The same goes for the presumption that the genomic humans. change associated with the Beaker culture is equiva- lent to the expansion of the . 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