Information from Council for town and parish clerks

February 2010


In this issue of the newsletter we update you on how we worked during the recent bad weather, update you on some major projects for children and highlight some events taking place this month.

Many thanks Rachel Baker Editor [email protected]

Keeping Wiltshire moving

Wiltshire Council, highways, refuse, streets and grounds crews were called into action during the recent bad weather.

Staff from around the county worked together day and night, seven days a week to ensure the county’s road network, towns and parishes were kept gritted and cleared. This joint working was made possible thanks to the formation of the new . Waste, recycling and cleansing staff that had their work suspended were diverted to assist highway snow and ice clearance. This enabled the council to cover more areas than has been possible in the past.

Snow – can you help?

Did you know Wiltshire Council runs a scheme where farmers can apply to assist with snow clearance?

This additional resource is extremely helpful, particularly in rural areas. Do you have any farmers within your parish that may be interested in signing up to this scheme? If so, please ask them to contact [email protected] for more information.

Wiltshire Council website – accessing information on councillors and meetings

The council recently went live with the system which is a committee management system used to automate the administration associated with the delivery of the democratic decision-making process. For full details of the full range of functionality it offers, please go to To access committee and councillor information on the council’s website, please • click on ‘Council’ on the homepage and then • click on ‘Councillors, committees and meetings’ From there you will be able to access information including calendar of meetings, committees, councillors etc. and the website has been updated to reflect the system which we hope parish and town clerks will find easier to use. If you have any queries or require further guidance, please contact Yamina Rhouati on 01225 718024 or [email protected]

1 Update on major building projects for new children’s facilities

Four key building projects that will provide facilities for local children are reaching key milestones this year: • A new children’s centre and reception classroom extension were completed at Studley Green Primary School, on 4 January. This £400,000 project was completed within budget and ahead of programme. • Work has begun on the conversion of surplus offices at Tisbury into a new children’s centre. It is expected to be completed in March. • A new contract has been let for an extended schools facility and pre-school accommodation at School. This £400,000 project will see the redevelopment of the former caretaker’s bungalow and is due for completion in June. • Construction will shortly commence on a new children’s centre between Pewsey Primary and Pewsey Vale schools. The £575,000 centre will include childcare facilities and is due to be completed in August.

Health and well being events taking place this month

Special health and well-being events are taking place this month in Malmesbury and Trowbridge.

The event in Malmesbury will be held at Malmesbury Town Hall on Saturday 6 February.

Attendees can have their blood pressure tested and discover various ways to improve health. This will take place from 10am to 12 noon, everyone is welcome.

Following this will be a lunchtime workshop between 12 noon and 1.30pm. This will look at research undertaken by Wiltshire Council and NHS Wiltshire on health challenges in the Malmesbury area. Places on the workshop must be booked by 2 February.

For more information, or to book a place on the workshop, email Miranda Gilmour at [email protected]

The Trowbridge event takes place on 24 February from 6.30-8pm at the Civic Hall.

There will be a presentation and a workshop looking at ways of addressing some of the health issues that affect local residents. Places must be booked by 12 February.

For more information, and to book a place, contact Rachel Efemy on 01225 718608 or email [email protected]

Forthcoming changes to bus services in

As reported in last month’s newsletter, the Wilts & Dorset bus company has advised us that on the 21 March 2010, it will be making changes to most of its bus services in the Salisbury area.

A summary of the main changes can now be downloaded from

If you need an advance copy of the new timetable for your local route, or would like a more detailed explanation of the changes in your area, please email Wiltshire Council's passenger transport unit at [email protected] .

Revised policy on grit bins

To see the council’s revised grit bin policy please click here


Constitution of Wiltshire Council

Most parts of the constitution were adopted by on 24 February 2009 for implementation by Wiltshire Council on 1 April 2009. The remaining elements of the constitution were adopted by Wiltshire Council on 16 June 2009. Wiltshire County Council adopted the constitution on the basis of the new Council reviewing its effectiveness in light of experience after six months.

You can view the Council's constitution on the following link:

The Council is now reviewing the constitution as requested and through the Council's Standards Committee has set up a cross party focus group to progress the review.

We would like to receive your comments on the constitution which will be taken into account as part of the review and we would be particularly interested in what elements of the constitution you feel work well or where you consider changes or other improvements should be made. You will be aware that separate consultations with town, parish and city councils are taking place in respect of area boards and the planning (development control) process. The outcome of these reviews will be considered as part of the work on the review of the constitution.

If you do have any comments on the constitution, please send them to Yamina Rhouati, Democratic Governance Manager - [email protected] or 01225 718024 no later than 1 March 2010.

Come along to your area board meeting

Please come along to your area board meeting. Dates and agendas for all area board meetings are available from

Updated toolkit for parish and town councils now available

The third edition of the Governance Toolkit for Town and Parish Councils is now available.

This is a comprehensive, practical reference guide. Topics include governing documents, public engagement, managing information, creation of new town and parish councils and elections.

You can download a full copy from

Or you can request a hard copy of the full document, or parts of it, by contacting Wiltshire Council’s democratic governance manager Yamina Rhouati on 01225 718024.

Road Closures for Special and Community Events (Town Police Clauses Act)

Responsibility for the processing of applications to obtain a road closure under the Town Police Clauses Act (TPCA) for Special or Community Events has changed.

All new applications will be processed by Wiltshire Council’s traffic regulation order team.

For full details of the service, including guidance for event organisers and application forms, go to

3 sanddiversionssummary.htm

Please note the new arrangements for your own use and to bring to the attention of any event organisers; in particular that applications should be submitted a minimum of eight weeks in advance of the event.

If you have any queries about this service please contact Gerry Fordham on 01225 713486.

Have your say on Wiltshire’s single equality schemes

Wiltshire Council, NHS Wiltshire, and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service have joined forces to make it easier for people to feedback their views on work to promote equality.

This will inform the equalities action plans for each organisation and shared across the voluntary and community sector.

An event will be held in February for people to find out more and give their views. People interested in attending can email [email protected].

Community groups and organisations can also request a visit from one of the partners by contacting Wiltshire Council’s [email protected] , 0300 456 0100 or text phone on 01225 712500.

Anyone wanting to comment can: Fill in a form at one of the libraries across Wiltshire; email [email protected]; or complete a survey online at,,, and

Operational Flood Working Groups

Please find attached a briefing note sent to Wiltshire councillors regarding the above.

Extreme Weather

Please find attached letter from Keith Humphries, the cabinet member for health & wellbeing regarding the recent extreme weather and the lessons learnt.

Single Point of Contact for Military and Defence related matters

Please find attached letter from Alistair Cunningham, Service Director, Economy & Enterprise regarding the establishment of a single point of contact for defence-related enquiries.

Wiltshire Wildcats Wheelchair Basketball comes to Tidworth

The Wiltshire Wildcats Wheelchair Basketball Club is hosting wheelchair basketball at Tidworth Leisure Centre every Saturday.

Children aged from 10 and upwards, young people and adults are all welcome.

The sessions are held from 3-5pm and cost £5. For more information contact Liza Toomey on 01980 849167 or email [email protected]

Playbuilder project update

Building has commenced at several of the year one playbuilder project sites, including:

4 • Colerne, which includes natural play elements of boulders and logs into their £50,000 design. • Marlborough, where they are building a polished concrete skatepark and new play equipment for toddlers and teenagers as part of a refurbishment of the Salisbury Road recreation ground.

Wiltshire Council was awarded £1.1 million in April 2009 as part of the national playbuilder scheme, funded by the Department for Children, Schools and Families, to develop 22 play areas.

Outdoor Play and Learning Project (OPAL) update

The Outdoor Play and Learning Project (OPAL) has been launched to help schools improve the space they have for play.

Wiltshire Council will pilot the project in three schools and we will update you as this project progresses.

Charter for Children's Play

Did you know that the right to play is enshrined in Article 31 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child? Read more here in the Play Charter

Digital switchover

With only weeks to go to switchover, the BBC-run Switchover Help Scheme is urging everyone to help someone else switch to digital TV.

People eligible for help are those:

• aged 75 or over, • have lived in a care home for six months or more, • entitled to disability living allowance, attendance, or constant attendance allowance, or mobility supplement, • or are registered blind, or partially sighted.

In the run-up to switchover, every eligible person receives a Switchover Help Scheme letter and information pack explaining the options.

They need to respond to get the help by returning completed information pack forms. Most people will be asked to contribute £40 towards the help. The service is free for people who receive pension credit, income support, income based jobseekers allowance and employment and support allowance.

For more information go to

New dance sessions now underway at Tidworth Leisure Centre

A 10 week ‘back to dance’ class for over 18s was launched at Tidworth Leisure Centre on 20 January.

Held every Wednesday, each session is free and is aimed at beginners and people who used to dance but have not danced for a number of years.

The classes are held from 10.30-11.30am. For more information and to book your place contact Tidworth Leisure Centre on 01980 847140.

5 Sport in

There are many sporting activities taking place in the north of the county, including: • Women running groups in , and , with a group looking to start in Malmesbury. • A beginner touch rugby project for adults, which is due to start at Chippenham in mid March. • Women’s football is flourishing and a first adult league for women will launch in September. To support this in Calne, a 10 week coaching project to encourage women to get back in to, or try, football will soon be launched. For more information about any of these projects please contact Alex Muse, sports development manager for Wiltshire Council on 01249 706452.

Wiltshire markets

For an excellent range of goods, visit Wiltshire’s markets. For more information, click here ets_further_information-Anchor-2


For the latest news about any roadworks, utility work and non-street works that may be taking place in your area, please log on to the Wiltshire Council website htm

As well as this weekly update, you will also find emergency contact numbers and details of roadworks taking place in neighbouring authorities.