16 Street Beat 26 Family 22 Calendar Union Street: Where Home & Garden: April Events: Sample spring- retail leasing is still going Loving trees 26 time with the Union Street Spring strong 8 Celebration and Easter Parade, film Pet Pages festivals ranging from the huge to Food & Wine Skylar Grey: the small and quirky, the fifth annual New & Notable: Earning Alexii’s Art Market, the decorator home Florio’s new chef 16 respect 34 showcase, and more. 22

WWW.MARINATIMES.com Celebrating our 31ST Year Volume 31 Issue 04 APRIL 2015 The Back Story The Valley and the gap The recovery’s finally getting up to speed, but an income gap persists even as the Valley leads the pack

or the economy, it’s not quite the best of times, but it’s definitely not the worst. Wages still lag for most people, but the six-year economic Frecovery is finally posting sustained significant job growth. Silicon Valley continues to increase its lead over the rest of the economy, but many people are Scene from Salomy Jane, starring Beatriz Michelena and House Peters, filmed in Marin County, 1914. beginning to worry that governments are overly reliant on the Valley to produce growth and tax revenue. These issues were addressed by Forbes Media chair- Moviemaking in : man and editor in chief Steve Forbes and UC Berkeley economics professor Alan Auerbach earlier this year at The Commonwealth Club. Their conversation, A love affair with Hollywood excerpted below, was moderated by former Goldman Sachs General Partner John R. Farmer. This is the second of a three-part series. most of the Northern Bay boy hero was first developed across Area, has had a long love affair with in Niles Canyon John Farmer: We’ve read of historically low U.S. by ernest beyl the movies. (1907). Movies in color were devel- interest rates — but well above many developed coun- Motion pictures were invented oped across the Golden Gate in tries’ interest rates — a significant rebound in hous- ere’s an overview of Part 1: down on the Stanford Palo Alto Marin County (1918). The first ing, the lowest oil prices since the mid-’80s, unem- San Francisco narrowly farm (1878). The first public motion talkie, The Jazz Singer, was filmed ployment at the lowest level since 2007, the [U.S. missed becoming the film picture exhibition took place in San near Union Square (1927). being the] world leader in job growth since 2010, and Hcapital of the world. Perhaps it’s Francisco (1880). The first complete Ambitious and wanting a piece a robust domestic GDP with the deficit at a seven-year just as well. The city has enough movie studio on the Pacific Coast of the motion picture action, in low. Can all of this be real? What is in store for us? narcissism and other “isms” with- was not in Southern California but 1902 four San Francisco brothers, Alan Auerbach: It’s real, and if I had to choose a out being Hollywood by the Bay. San Francisco (1906). The classic Harry, Herbert, Joseph, and Earle country in which to live right now, the Nevertheless, San Francisco, in fact western with the strong, silent cow- Film history, continued on 20 economic forecast, continued on 4

Opinion Bad move Art World Switching the Alcatraz ferry to could cost a lot

by john farrell a minimum 50-year lease on Wharf will also lose mil- the ferry piers for itself and lions in revenue as the result ecently we learned to sublease to whoever wins of the projected 1.7 million that the National the future bids. The NPS annual passengers of the Park Service (NPS) has identified three pos- ferry going to Fort Mason. Rwants to move the Alcatraz sible locations: two at the This doesn’t even take ferry from its long-term Port (its existing location into account the effect of home at the Port of San at Pier 31½ and 33) and at the increased local traffic Francisco to Fort Mason. Fort Mason. and congestion for Marina Johannes Vermeer, View of Delft, c. 1660–61. Oil on canvas, 38 x 45-½ inches. This move may be District residents. Image credit: Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis, The Hague necessary if the NPS But because this cannot reach an agree- The Port will lose is a competitive bid ment with the Port on matter, it is appropri- ‘Rendez-vous with Art’ by Philippe a 50-year lease. millions from lost ate to look at how Per federal law, the the city will actually de Montebello and Martin Gayford NPS puts the Alcatraz lease payments. fare from a revenue ferry concession up for point of view. This by sharon anderson never have enough time to look. My expe- competitive bid every 10 If the NPS moves the is it in a nutshell: The rience was one of awe combined with years. Currently, the com- Alcatraz ferry to Fort Mason, city will also lose mil- ’ll never forget my visit to the disappointment. pany that wins the Alcatraz the city will lose millions in lions over the years in Huntington Museum and Library to How and why we interact with art in its ferry concession bid decides revenue. Let’s not blow it property tax revenue for view their collection of William Blake environment is the subject of a new book the location from which like the Presidio did with our General Fund. Let Iwatercolors. Rarely displayed, the exhibi- by Philippe de Montebello and Martin the ferries will depart. The George Lucas. me explain this one. Most tion was packed with museumgoers vying Gayford published by Thames & Hudson current concession with Besides the loss of mil- properties get reappraised for a glimpse of Blake’s astonishing visions (2014). Part travel book and part art histo- Hornblower Yachts expires lions for the Port, local busi- when there is an owner- in paint. With so many beautiful pieces ry, Rendez-vous with Art, which takes place in 2016. The NPS now wants nesses along Fisherman’s alcatraz ferry, continued on 4 to take in at once, I felt frustrated. I could art world, continued on 20

Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 1 Contents In This Issue 28 11


News Arts & Entertainment Around the Northside Big little screen action News briefs on a comfortable new alter- Michael Snyder suggests looking to the native to the Muni buses, Marina resi- small screen for some great cinematic cre- dents’ crime concerns, the continuing ations; plus the Books, Inc. best sellers. 20 jousting over Prop B, and a Presidio Parklands redevelopment update; plus Calendar 3 your letters. April events Community Catch the 58th annual SF Film Festival, see Ai Weiei’s Alcatraz exhibition before Digital city it leaves, take in the Vintner’s Market, cel- Supervisor Mark Farrell reports on ebrate the Beats, and much more. 22 efforts to expand broadband service in the city and bridge the digital divide; At Home 6 plus the Police Blotter. Urban home and garden Street Beat Julia Strzesieski offers up tree care tips for Earth Day’s 45th anniversary. 26 What the brokers know Susan Dyer Reynolds explores the types Real Estate of shops that are taking up space in the Navigating the market evolving local retail market; Christine John Zipperer looks at how some other places Roher serves up Marina and Cow Hollow around the globe deal with housing inequal- news; Ernest Beyl has good news for ity; the Roundup checks in on property- Capp’s Corner fans; and the Northsider related legislative action; Stephanie Saunders tips his cap to Mr. Marina. 8 Ahlberg offers suggestions for getting in on a tight market; and Carole Isaacs reports from Sports the front line of the condo revolution. 27 At our best Stever Hermanos interviews KNBR host Wellness and Family Kate Scott to learn the secrets of her suc- Getting it right cess; and Owen Edwards says our sports Thalia Farshchian reexamines salt; and teams and our society at large would Liz Farrell has tips for mothers too busy be better with the reintroduction of a to shop for themselves. 32 little sprezzatura. 12 Food & Wine Pet Pages Warming up a cool cat Spring foods Skylar earns the heart of Steve’s emotion- The Tablehopper heads to the Presido ally finicky feline. 34 for some new offerings; Julie Mitchell highlights Florio executive chef Colin Dewey; Susan Dyer Reynolds shares her ONLINE SPECIALS secrets for preparing perfect eggs; Ernest marinatimes.com Beyl visits the resurrected Sam’s Grill; and The Weekend Traveler visits the San Osso Steakhouse serves up our Not to Francisco waterfront, additional calendar Miss Dish. 14 events, plus archives.

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2 APRIL 2015 MARINA TIMES marinatimes.com News

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Leap hopes to attract city commuters looking for a better ride to work. photo: leap Google buses for all?

LOMBARD GETS lent crime is down by before San Francisco’s FIRST ROUTE OF about 25 percent over Superior Court to MUNI COMPETITOR the past year in District hear legal arguments Like cabs did with 2, property crimes have in the case. Uber, Muni buses could increased, and the police No Wall on the learn the modern mean- are still facing staffing Waterfront, which sup- ing of “You snooze, you issues that hamper their ports Prop B, warned lose” this year with the ability to deal with the that “the Chamber of launch of a new private problems. Commerce and business shuttle service designed About 300 people attend- interests have lined up to be more pleasant ed the March 24 town hall behind the State Lands than the city’s bus sys- at the Golden Gate Yacht Commission,” claiming tem. A company called Club, which also includ- that Prop. B has already Leap announced the ed District 2 Supervisor lost the city money start in March of the Mark Farrell and Northern because of changes to Lombard Express, the Station Captain Greg waterfront developments. first of an expected net- McEachern. Farrell said The pro-Pro B advocacy work of private mass he hosted the meeting group said the commis- transit, taking commut- as a result of neighbors sion’s lawsuit was “aimed ers from the Marina to contacting his office “to at repealing Prop B and downtown with four express concerns and frus- silencing [the] voice stops along the Lombard trations about an increased of voters.” corridor. level of crime in our Meanwhile, the Exa- The Leap buses are neighborhoods.” miner reports that afford- designed to be more com- One of the significant able housing developer fortable for riders, includ- focuses of the crowd’s TODCO surveyed local ing an interior more like concern was the local voters and found “over- a lounge than a bus, with Safeway; one participant whelming support” spacious seats, a laptop in the event said that for requiring a third bar, WiFi, USB ports, and Safeway had lost its com- of residential units to even a snack service. As munity affairs person; be reserved for below- with car-sharing servic- the Marina Community market-rate housing; es, Leap customers will Association had contact- in return, the voters, use its app for cashless ed the supermarket, but reportedly, are willing payment. attendees expressed con- to be more lenient about Rides will cost more cern that the store was a waterfront height limits. than Muni trips; a one- point of concentration for way trip on Leap is $6, crime. Supervisor Farrell PRESIDIO though multiuse dis- said he would contact PARKLANDS counts are available. Safeway to follow up. CONCEPTS UNVEILED District 2 Supervisor Other areas of con- The redevelopment of Mark Farrell has called cern include burglaries 13 acres stretching from for hearings to discuss at construction sites, an Crissy Field to the heart private commuter buses increase in shoplifting, of the Presidio took a like Leap and its com- and an unsettling occur- step further in late March petitor, Chariot. He has rence of home invasions with the release of new heard from people in (including people tied to conceptual designs for the Marina complaining their chairs in a home on the space. The designs Contact your neighborhood mortgage about the private buses Buchanan). can be seen at new- blocking their driveways Look for updates presidioparklands.org, loan officer for more information. and long lines of rid- in future issues of the where there is also infor- ers milling around their Marina Times. mation about up-com- Susan A. Kemp properties. ing opportunities for PROP. B IS the public to become Vice President marina residents NOT SETTLED involved. Mortgage Loan Officer sound off A pending lawsuit by Public feedback will con- NMLS #442143 on crime the California State Lands tinue through September, Marina residents at Commission over the when a final design will 650-488-2303 a meeting in March validity of Proposition B be selected. The redevel- [email protected] voiced strong worries has caught the eyes of leg- opment is due to be com- about an expansion in islators, developers, urban pleted in 2018. property crime, home- planners, and antigrowth lessness, and even home advocates. A hearing was News tips? E-mail: john@ invasions. Though vio- scheduled in late March marinatimes.com

Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 3 News

some respects the U.S. economy concern relative to the benefits hasn’t been a very broad-based looks good, and in other respects that we gain from having Silicon recovery. People don’t mind if it looks less good. Valley here. Bill Gates makes a zillion dol- In terms of international com- Forbes: Again, with the Valley lars, they want to know are they petitiveness, the fall of the euro is you can’t predict ups and downs. It moving up – are they moving good news for Europe, but it’s not is an absolute unique national and ahead? So that’s the problem: It’s good news for the United States. global asset. We should remember not so much inequality [as] it’s The weakness around the world is [that] if there is another recession, that we’re not growing the way certainly going to pose problems the last one was not the end of we should. for the U.S. economy in the next the Valley, even though a lot of The thing we should keep in year and the years to come. people got swept away from it. mind is that the quality of life gap It came back pretty quickly, and between the very rich and the rest Farmer: The Bay Area obvious- it will again. You remember in of the world is narrowing. If you ly benefits immensely from the the movie, The Social Network, look at The Simpsons 22 years ago Left to right: Steve Forbes; Alan Auerbach growth of the technology busi- where Justin Timberlake [play- and look at the possessions they ness, but can high-tech innova- ing Sean Parker] says to [Mark] had, even though their incomes Economic Forecast on the move again in Ukraine, tion continue to drive job growth Zuckerberg, “You have to go to the have gone nowhere after 22 years continued from page 1 and who knows what else is going in this area, and what is the Valley.” This was when Facebook in cartoon land, it’s a very differ- to blow up, so the political situa- impact on the rest of the nation? was going to get some financing: ent quality of life [that they have looks pretty attractive compared tion is not good. The other thing Auerbach: I think this area is “You have to go to the Valley.” today]. So things that we now take to most other developed coun- is the world global economy as a blessed to have all the innovation That’s still true, and even though for granted – handhelds and the tries. All of the things you men- whole is going to be very disap- that happens in the Valley. And it there are many other centers of like – [it’s] amazing, in terms of tioned are very positive signs. The pointing this year, below what is the thing that has made the San high tech, this is the epicenter. the quality of life. U.S. economy grew very well in the IMF [International Monetary Francisco Bay Area the strongest Unfortunately the state of You’re going to see more of the second half of last year and Fund] and others think it is going part of the U.S. economy over California, as Alan said, [has] that gap [closing]. You’re going is going to grow again this year, to do. Europe is in a recession; the last few years. Whether that depended on the Valley, and the to see the same things in other which is not true of many other Japan is in recession; I think growth rate continues is certainly rest of the state has done not areas as far as closing the gap in economies. On the other hand, Mexico and Brazil are at or will questionable, and as happened nearly as well – the rest of the the quality of life between the there are definite problems in our be in recession; China is slowing 15 years ago, there are going to state, a lot of it, has been hurting. West and the rest of the world. current economic performance, down. So that’s going to impact be recessions, there are going to [The Valley] is like an oasis in We’ve got to get some policies and some dark clouds on the hori- us, and bring us down. We’re not slowdowns, there will be sectoral the desert, and California’s got to right, and then the rest of these zon, which mean that while what strong enough yet to be the loco- reallocations as people discover make structural changes, because things will come to pass. you’ve mentioned is certainly real, motive of the world. that certain things aren’t work- the rest of the state is not doing Auerbach: First of all, I think there are still many things that we ing, but certainly the trend is very well at all. the fact that The Simpsons is cen- should be concerned about. Farmer: Would you comment positive. It’s mak- tral to our discus- Steve Forbes: Yes, the U.S. on other indicators of the state of ing over the Bay sion is indicative economy has gotten better, as it the recovery in the U.S.? Area: it’s becom- of the decline of well should have six years into a Auerbach: Well, the economy ing a wealthier, “The Valley is like an oasis in the American civiliza- recovery. The recovery suppos- is doing well in many respects. more educated desert ... the rest of the state is not tion. That’s equal- edly began I think in 2009, and it’s Investment was strong in the sec- population over ly shared and not an been [one of] the slowest, if not ond half of 2014, which is finally time, and there’s doing well at all.” – Steve Forbes issue of inequality. the slowest, in American history. happening; there’d been a lot of very little reason There are inter- While the unemployment rate is concerns that corporations were to think that’s going to change. It’s Farmer: There’s concern esting issues about [these chal- down, we all know [the preva- sitting on cash. That’s still true going to be good for California; about income inequality and the lenges], whether it’s inequal- lence of] part-time workers and to a certain extent, but invest- it’s going to be good for the rest wealth gap. What are the eco- ity, whether it’s levels of income, low labor force participation rates ment is starting to pick up. The of the economy. nomic consequences of growing whether it’s levels of standard of are still very, very worrisome. So concerns that I have about the There are problems associated income inequality in the U.S.? living, which as you say, are more we’re like a batter – I know I’m in U.S. economy, other than the fact with it. One is that the California Will income inequality continue equal than levels of income. First the town of the world champions that the growth we had last year government is coming to rely to increase? And is this an eco- of all, this is not anything that – batting .270 or .275, and win- is much delayed after a recession more and more exclusively on nomic problem, or more of a is due to U.S. policies, though ning the batting title only because that ended over four years ago, Silicon Valley to fund itself, and social problem? some people suggest it. The the rest of the world is doing much are that we have very weak labor that’s good when times are good, Forbes: I think people’s con- most important factor driving worse than we are. force participation, much below and not so good when times aren’t cern is not so much inequality it is globalization, and the fact While 2015 should be a good where it was at the beginning of good. We haven’t figured it out, in and of itself, but the fact that that if you have a skill that is in year for the U.S. economy, I think the recession, and we don’t really or at least not had the political incomes for many people have demand worldwide, you do very [there are] two things we have to have a good explanation for that. will to do anything about that in stagnated. I may reference that well, and if you have a skill for watch out for. One is deteriora- We have very, very weak wage California. So we’ll probably have median incomes today are still which there are great substitutes tion politically around the world. growth that normally would be another painful period when the lower than they were in 2007, and in developing countries with We saw the coup in Yemen, which picking up as the unemployment next recession hits Silicon Valley, this has been a top-tier recovery. lower incomes, you’re not going means more volatility, dangerous rate falls. The unemployment rate the way we did the last time when The top 10 percent have done to do very well. It’s here to stay in volatility, in that part of the world, has fallen to under 6 percent, but the dot-com bubble burst. But on very well, though the members terms of the underlying market which spills over to us. Russia is wage growth is still very weak. In the national scale, that’s a minor of the top 10 do change, but it forces that are driving inequality.

Alcatraz Ferry one with a note from a prior assessor stating, continued from page 1 “Do not assess. Too political.” We assessed parties that were using Fort Mason for ship transfer or at the completion of private benefit; over the past 10 years, they new construction. are no longer assessed. That means that However it is quite different when it the Alcatraz ferry concessionaire currently comes to what is called “possessory inter- paying property tax at the Port will no lon- ests,” which is when a private party uses ger pay if the ferry moves to Fort Mason. government-owned property and is subject During World War II, Fort Mason was to a possessory interest tax. The assessor the headquarters for the San Francisco Port relies on all government agencies to report of Embarkation, which controlled shipping Alcatraz: You can’t get there from here. photo: david jones / flickr their users. Many times these assessments facilities across the Bay Area. Throughout go unassessed or under-assessed — many that war, two-thirds of our troops sent Mason was no longer used for military restaurants, art galleries, and nonprofits. times due to politics. into the Pacific, and more than half of all purposes, the federal government trans- Many users, such as those for educational I recently talked with an appraiser from army cargo moved through West Coast ferred jurisdiction to the Golden Gate purposes, would be tax exempt. another county who handles possessory ports. This high volume continued in the National Recreation Area (GGNRA) in the For all of these reasons, the possible interest and asked about several assessments. 1950s with the Korean War and through 1970s to be used for natural, historic, and Alcatraz ferry move to Fort Mason is bad for The appraiser the early 1960s. cultural purposes. the city, not only financially but because it was aware of In 1955 the San Military installations are federal also hurts local businesses along Fisherman’s the potential I remember finding a note Francisco Port enclaves and are exempt from state Wharf and Marina District residents. assessments, but of Embarkation authority. According to the State Board Further, San Francisco should revisit the that county was from a prior assessor stating, was renamed of Equalization’s legal counsel, a federal assessment of private users of Fort Mason. not appraising the U.S. Army enclave is a property over which the federal Or just leave it the way it is. Unfair and because it was “Do not assess. Too political.” Transportation government holds exclusive jurisdiction. inequitable taxation. too political. This Terminal Co- The transfer of jurisdiction to the GGNRA reminded me of when I worked in the San mmand Pacific. In 1965 the headquar- negates the concept of federal enclave and John Farrell, MBA, is a broker/Realtor at Francisco Assessor’s office years ago and ters transferred to the Oakland Army exclusive jurisdiction, because Fort Mason Farrell Real Estate, and a former city assis- specialized in possessory interest. I remem- Terminal, and most of Fort Mason’s embar- is no longer used for military purposes. tant assessor for budget and special projects. ber going through numerous files and found kation facilities were abandoned. Since Fort Current tenants of Fort Mason include E-mail: [email protected]

4 APRIL 2015 MARINA TIMES marinatimes.com SFSeeProg_Marina_10x16_0223.indd 1 2/23/15 11:56 AM Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 5 Community

Police Blotter From the officers of Central Station and Northern Station Spotting and avoiding precrime

n the Steven Spielberg science Through most of this, people around and more like within seconds one would In the detained vehicle, officers found fiction film Minority Report, Tom him or within earshot of his offensive take a swing at the other. At this point, possible stolen property and a load- Cruise portrayed a policeman in the proclamations acted like they ignored him, many of the people sitting or standing ed sawed-off shotgun. A records check Ifuture where technology helps detect crimes keeping their eyes to their smartphones or nearby began to move away and even showed the vehicle to be stolen. before they happen — precrime. The police newspapers, or assumed that mid-dis- change to other cars. Special note should The subject was transported to Northern don’t arrive after a crime has been commit- tance stare at nothing people in elevators be made of the anonymous young woman Station and booked, but the suspected get- ted and try to capture the criminal; they and subways do. Some of them no doubt who helped an older woman who was away driver was released. arrive before it happens and capture the just didn’t want to get involved with a seated right next to the first man slip away. person who is going to commit a crime. troublemaker, but at least some of the As your humble correspondents joined the That’s fiction, but most people have the others knew enough that this was a clearly exodus, we spotted one of the other pas- NO FREE ROOM AT THE INN ability to see that something bad is about to disturbed person who wasn’t going to sengers using the emergency call button to March 17, early morning happen and that they should either report change his views if he had a nice talking- alert the train’s driver. The Wharf it, intervene, or get help. And then there to regarding racial or gender relations. To No police came, at least during the are people who lack that common sense. wit: Someone who is mentally ill is not next two station stops, so we can’t report Officers were dispatched following a On a recent weekday morning in March, likely to respond to such intervention the whether a physical fight ever broke out report of a threat at a Wharf hotel. The a BART commute to downtown became same way as someone who is not men- or if the guilty parties were apprehended. suspect demanded a free hotel room; something out of the ordinary when even tally ill; furthermore, responding to that But any student of precrime should have when the desk clerk refused, the suspect before the train doors opened at a station, the person’s statements as if they were made been able to spot that this was a bad scene pulled out a gun and threatened to harm passengers inside the train could hear some- by someone who was not ill is wrong — developing and recognize the need to get the employee. The suspect then fled to one yelling in the crowd of people waiting how much control over his actions and away and get help. North Point and Columbus, where officers to board. The door opened, and among the statements does a clearly disturbed man attempted to detain him. The suspect was people boarding the train car was a skinny actually have? very violent, punching the police officers; man with disheveled hair. He walked in a So it would have likely continued if there GETAWAY DRIVER GOT AWAY several of the officers were punched in the few steps, looked at a man standing harm- hadn’t been one man on the train who Jan. 1, 7:26 a.m. face, but eventually the suspect was taken lessly near the door, and spat at him (missing didn’t have that common sense. Slowly 2626 Filbert Street into custody. Three officers went to the his feet by inches). The spitter then walked working his way through the car from hospital for treatment. farther in the car and loudly said something the other end, this man did not appear to Officers responded to a report of a about, “Yeah, I spat at the man.” The doors be mentally disturbed, but he was clearly possible burglary in progress. One offi- closed and the train moved on. disturbed by what the first man was saying cer detained a vehicle she believed might ST. PATRICK’S SURPRISE The ride became uncomfortable for and shouting. So the second man argued be a getaway vehicle. Another officer March 17 everyone around the disheveled man, back, as if he was going to talk sense into spotted a subject on a second-floor land- 2400 block of Leavenworth because he kept talking loudly, criticizing the first man. ing of the building. He fled and she all of the people around him or inside his What happened instead was that the chased him, but he managed to get away Officers responded to a report of an auto head, using derogatory words for homo- first man became even more agitated and when he jumped from a backyard gate. burglary on St. Patrick’s Day. The victim’s sexuals and eventually talking about how stood up in the central walkway of the Despite his effort, he was detained min- car was broken into and his garage door black people don’t bother him except for train car to confront the second man, who utes later by other officers, who searched remote was taken from the vehicle. The some unnamed person who somehow was now just a foot or two away. Their him and found common burglary tools suspect returned in the middle of the night annoyed or insulted him. voices rose and they were sounding more and methamphetamine. with the remote and accessed the garage.

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6 APRIL 2015 MARINA TIMES marinatimes.com From the Chambers of our Supervisor Bridging the digital divide Expanding broadband Internet connectivity should be a top priority by SUPERVISOR MARK FARRELl not connected skew toward low- up parks and recreation centers income families, ethnic minori- in the Tenderloin, Chinatown, ccess to fast, afford- ties, the unemployed, the youth, Excelsior, Sunset, and the able, and reliable Inter- the elderly, and those living Bayview to try to provide more net is no longer just a with disabilities. access to individuals and fami- A“nice to have” – I would argue it Communities and individu- lies who desperately needed it. has become an economic right in als who do not have access to Now, children and families who today’s world. Years ago when the the Internet are at a system- use city recreation centers can Internet first launched, it would atic disadvantage compared to have a safe and secure place to have been impossible to fore- those that do. From being able learn, broaden their horizons, Internet tower: One way to reach more people. photo: phil hart / flickr cast the importance that it would to access information on any and improve their outcomes. play in our daily lives. From topic in the world, to applying The WiFi in parks, plazas, and Federal programs and resources not fail. I hope that everyone in empowering economic growth, for a job online, or accessing one open spaces project shows that exist to help the schools make the San Francisco believes all of San to empowering the mass collect- of the many growing number it is indeed possible for govern- necessary upgrades to get more Francisco’s youth should have the ing and sharing of information, of government services available ment to play an active and lead- of their students online, but it is tools to learn the skills they need knowledge, and just operating via the Internet, government has ing role in getting communities becoming increasingly clear that to make them successful in an our everyday lives – we need to to play a role in helping to con- connected that are not. more resources will be needed increasingly competitive world. make sure that we do everything nect people who lack access. One of the areas that I believe to ensure that San Francisco’s Working on expanding broad- in our power to make sure all of Over the past few years, I is ripe for addressing the digi- public schools can provide our band connectivity to further our San Francisco residents have worked to get more communities tal divide further here in San students with the 21st century close the digital divide is one of access to the Internet. online that lack Internet access Francisco is in our city’s pub- skills they need to succeed in the the most important things San Through the city’s expand- with our WiFi in parks, plazas, lic school system. Recently, the 21st century world. Francisco can address, because ing wireless network known as and open spaces project at 32 state — which controls and pro- I firmly believe we should do the investments we make today #SFWiFi and the city’s vides the vast majority of everything in our power to sup- will come back more than two- Community Broadband resources for our public port our school district in meet- fold and make our city stronger Network, we are start- All our youth should have school system here in ing these new mandates because, and more successful in the future. ing to enable more resi- San Francisco — passed if done right, we have the oppor- In a city that has some of the dents and visitors to have tools to learn needed skills. regulations that require tunity to make San Francisco’s brightest minds inside and out- access to the Internet public schools through- public schools one of the top and side of technology, stay tuned for free of charge. However, having locations across San Francisco. out the state to administer their most innovative school districts this issue to grow and for poten- Internet in public spaces does With Google’s generous grant standardized tests online. The in the nation. The opportunity tial solutions proposed, so we can not replace access to the Internet that provided the funding for state regulations, while critical in front of us to create digital, give every San Francisco child the at the home, and we know that the project, our office made sure to improving learning outcomes comprehensive, individualized opportunity they deserve. currently 12 percent of San to prioritize neighborhoods and in our schools, also present a learning plans based on each Francisco residents do not yet communities where we knew challenge for schools that lack individual student’s level and Mark Farrell is District 2 supervisor. have Internet access at the home. the digital divide exists. In addi- the infrastructure and revenue need to improve their outcomes E-mail [email protected] or Sadly, these 12 percent who are tion to the , we lit to support the new regulations. is something in which we can- phone 415-554-7752.


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Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 7 Street Beat

Left to right: Jute Design recently took a lease on 2254 Union Street, just one of a flurry of new tenants on that busy commercial avenue; North Beach might lack the destination retail of other major commercial centers in the city, but it’s not without action, with the Dante Building at 1606 Stockton Street getting a new wine bar-restaurant. photos: Blatteis Realty Co., Inc. Health of commercial real estate in the Northside Cow Hollow, Marina, Pacific Heights hot; North Beach lukewarm

by susan dyer reynolds extremely positive about it. The chain, thus triggering a conditional- the city are not open-minded. deal to move the beloved restau- [Union Street] Association is doing use hearing. The campaign waged The Union Street Association is rant Mama’s on Washington Square This is the third of a three-part a great job of allowing conditional- by the two neighborhood groups, really strong — they realize what into 627 Vallejo Street for two years. series on the state of Union Street. use permits to come in, and that centering around Pet Food Express they need to do, they want what’s “[The space at] 627 Vallejo has been open-mindedness is paying off.” potentially undercutting two small- best for the neighborhood, and I vacant for approximately three years, ow Hollow, the Marina, Conditional use, or CU, is a er pet shops on Chestnut, swayed think they see the big picture. I and it’s a shame because it’s a prime and Pacific Heights are type of land usage not typically the Planning Commission to deny think many of the other neighbor- location, and there is a strong local hot tickets for prospec- permitted in certain zoning dis- the conditional-use permit (in an hood associations have a narrower and adored operator that is ready Ctive retail and restaurant tenants tricts. Conditional use requires a irony of events, 2460 Lombard vision of what they want and don’t and able to lease it,” Blatteis says. “If in the Northside, while North Planning Commission hearing to became a pet supply store any- want. But the city is changing, this property was in another part of Beach remains a bit of a bargain, determine if the proposed busi- way called Wolf & Lion, a boutique and what worked 20 years ago the city then I believe we would have according to Jeremy Blatteis of ness is “necessary or desirable” for warehouse with lower prices than doesn’t work now … Union Street leased it over a dozen times by now.” Blatteis Realty Co., Inc. and Pamela the area. Neighborhood groups “the chain” that PFE opponents is adapting to those changes better A prominent businessman who Mendelsohn, senior vice president have incredible and sometimes- were so afraid of). Since then, both than a lot of other areas.” spoke on condition of anonymity with the San Francisco office of dubious influence over whether the groups have gone largely silent. Street, Mendelsohn says he knows what the problem Colliers International, two of San Planning Commission approves Marina Merchants Association, says, is “really strong” with its is in North Beach. “It’s still under Francisco’s top commercial brokers. conditional-use permits. which hosted standing-room-only robust retail. “Fifty percent of why the thumb of Aaron Peskin and Jeremy Blatteis is a third-genera- “Our phones are ringing con- meetings for the two smaller pet you go shopping is to get what you his wife, Nancy Shanahan. Because tion broker for the eponymous firm stantly from people who want to stores and their supporters, is now know you want, and 50 percent of the Peskins and the rest of founded by his grandfather in 1922. come to Union. There’s a high level little more than dust in the wind. is to be surprised when you find their anti-business buddies in the Blatteis was the first San Francisco of interest in our listings and we’re The meetings right after “the big something you didn’t know you Telegraph Hill Dwellers and the real estate firm to specialize in retail closing deals. I don’t remember PFE takedown” attracted few to no needed,” she says. “When I drive North Beach Business Association, leasing, and the company continues ever seeing this level of interest in attendees, and then the meetings clients around Fillmore Street, at deals don’t get done, and that’s just to seal some of the biggest deals in my 10 years working here,” Blatteis stopped all together. first they don’t like all the brands. fine with them. The rest of the city town, such as 2000 Union Street, says. “Historically, Union Street has Still, Pamela Mendelsohn, sen- Then they see the foot traffic and is thriving in arguably the biggest former home of Café des Amis. always been a retail destination, ior vice president of Colliers they say, ‘This is very vibrant.’ commercial boom we’ve ever seen Adriano Paganini — whose res- and I think right now it is way International’s San Francisco office, Fillmore Street’s challenge is that it in this city, and North Beach isn’t taurant empire includes Delarosa, stronger than most areas. I think believes Chestnut Street has a cou- has become very female oriented, participating — instead, they’re Beretta, Starbelly, Lolinda, and the for Union, the best is yet to come.” ple of big advantages. “Chestnut is and not so much masculine.” struggling with vacant buildings Super Duper Burger mini chain, Other Union Street deals Blatteis always strong. Apple was their big The area facing the biggest chal- and deals held up by red tape among others — plans to turn the recently closed include 2181 Union shot in the arm. It’s a destination. lenges, however, is North Beach, generated by these groups playing space into an unpretentious, beck- for Juicy News, after they lost You come to Apple and then you where it’s harder to do business politics. They use their influence oning Belgian brasserie. their lease on Fillmore; a high-end walk down the street and see all and there’s a lack of destination to get what’s best for them, and “I’m a third-generation San Italian chocolatier at 1998 Union the other businesses. Chestnut is retail. “When I take clients to North they really don’t care what’s best Franciscan, born and raised in (only its third location worldwide also mainly a food-based street, Beach, they always say how charm- for the neighborhood.” the Marina. We’ve done more after Italy and ); and which is perfect for what’s going on ing it is,” Mendelsohn says. “Rents Meanwhile, projects like Mama’s deals than anyone else in this 2254 Union with interior designer right now in San Francisco.” What’s are substantially lower. Sales vol- at 627 Vallejo Street languish, area, and I’ve never seen a mar- Ali Davin and her award-winning going on, she says, is congestion. “If ume dictates what tenants want empty buildings become blight, ket like this,” Blatteis says. In the studio, Jute Design. you had a restaurant, you used to to go where. I think it’s a lovely and prospective tenants move on Northside, business is booming Blatteis also likes Chestnut Street, be able to be any place and people neighborhood with tons of traf- to more welcoming areas, willing particularly in the Marina, Cow which he says, “remains vibrant would travel to get there. But now fic — there are diners walking to pay higher rents rather than spin Hollow, and Pacific Heights areas. and is becoming more open to a with the horrendous traffic, people up and down the streets, and the their wheels in the North Beach “Fillmore, Union, and Chestnut variety of business concepts.” are staying in their own neighbor- people who live there really love political quagmire. are very active streets, and there’s That newfound openness likely hoods. They used to do it because it their neighborhood. But I’m not The overall health of commercial high demand to be on all of them. has something to do with the neigh- was quaint, but now it also has to do sure how many of the retail stores real estate in the Northside is better Fillmore is extremely tight. There borhood groups. Anyone famil- with the hassles involved in getting are destination stores. It’s all about than ever. The more open-minded are a lot of boutiques on Fillmore, iar with the attempt by Pet Food around San Francisco. They don’t balance. You have to have a certain the residents and neighborhood but I feel owners should be able Express (PFE) to move into the long want to deal with all the traffic, amount of stores that are destina- groups are, the faster vacant build- to decide what or who goes into vacant Blockbuster building at 2460 they don’t want to hit a biker, they tions, and I don’t know that retail is ing will fill up with tenants. Both their buildings. People can decide Lombard will recall that the Marina don’t want to drive half an hour to doing as well in North Beach as it is Blatteis and Mendelsohn pointed if they want to shop at a boutique Community Association and the get to the Mission and stand in line in other areas.” to balance as the key for creating or online, or at a chain. The mar- Marina Merchants Association for an hour because they don’t take Blatteis recently brokered a lease a flourishing destination — a mix ket will dictate the demand.” worked obsessively to keep the reservations. It’s not fun!” for “a hip wine bar-restaurant” in of brand names, restaurants, retail One of the most exciting areas, locally grown, philanthropical- Mendelsohn, like Blatteis, be- the Dante Building at 1606 Stockton shops, and services diverse enough Blatteis says, is Union Street, which ly minded pet supply store from lieves Union Street’s strong, open- Street (where the famous Scorpio to give residents what they need, is experiencing something of doing so — not once, but twice. minded neighborhood association scene in the film and visitors what they want. a renaissance. “Union is doing a Because PFE has more than 11 is key to its success. “A lot of Dirty Harry took place on the roof- great job of coming back, and I’m stores nationwide it is considered a the neighborhood groups around top), and he’s been working on a E-mail: [email protected]

8 APRIL 2015 MARINA TIMES marinatimes.com Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 9 Street Beat

24th Annual Marina-Cow Hollow Insider Designer consignment on Union; “clean” eating on Chestnut

by christine roher ing processed, and plant-based. And two years later, with the help of a chef from Sunday April 5 10am - 5pm f you’re looking to add some Brooklyn, she did. high-end pieces to your wardrobe “We spent a lot of time researching Easter — without paying high-end prices and thinking about what kind of food I— drop by Sui Generis, the new wom- we wanted to serve,” said Mo. “We held Bonnet en’s designer consignment boutique on ourselves to the ‘OMG standard’ – unless Contest Union Street. we were like ‘OMG, this is amazing,’ we Owners Miguel Lopez and Gabriel weren’t there yet.” 11:15-1:30pm Yanec have worked in fashion for 22 years And what are customers OMG-ing for companies like Ralph Lauren and Max about? The beet burger is the num- Parade Mara. Nine years ago they left their jobs ber one seller. (“Get it with caramel- at to open a men’s consignment store in the ized onions,” suggested Mo.) Runners Castro. A few years later, they opened a up are the kale Caesar and eggplant 2 pm women’s shop as well. And in November, BLT. The chocolate chip cookies are they moved their women’s collection to a huge hit, as is the vanilla milk- shake (made with real coconut meat and almond milk). Chanel, Prada, Givenchy, Stella Mo has been surprised McCartney, Manolo Blahnik, and by the cross section of customers. Women are Christian Louboutin are some of loyal, as she had sus- pected they would be. the designers represented. But so are seniors … probably, guessed Mo, Bunny Hop Egg Toss Egg Roll this new Union Street location, which is because of their restricted diets. And men Live Music Petting Zoo tucked away in a small courtyard a few have become huge fans, too. Outdoor Dining Pony Rides Shopping doors down from the Coffee Roastery. “They walk in a naysayer and leave real- Gifts Fun For The Whole Family They say it’s exactly what they’d been ly happy,” said Mo. “Our food is satisfying looking for. and filling. And they appreciate that.” “I always wanted a women’s store in this Mo is now targeting an even younger area,” said Miguel. “And we didn’t want customer: She’s soon unveiling a kids’ menu. just a little box, we wanted personality. After that, she’s tackling Marin. So we found this little hiding place. It has Business has gone so well, she’s scouting charm. And it gives customers a private locations to expand (2240 Chestnut Street, experience, so they feel comfortable.” 415-872-9173, seedandsalt.com). The design of the boutique is airy and Back up on Union Street, on the end elegant, which complements the collec- less traveled (near Gough), two women tion. Racks are filled with glamorous spe- are providing the young, professional cialty pieces from designers like Chanel, “Marina Girl” with “fun fashion at afford- Prada, Givenchy, and Stella McCartney. able prices.” The store also sells handbags and shoes. Nancy Rooney and Kristin Ducharme Miguel points out that most shoes have opened Current Clothing after realizing only been worn a few times. The shelves many 20- and 30-something women are stocked with Manolo Blahnik and didn’t have much money left after paying Christian Louboutin. rent and other bills. So they sell trendy “We really take pride in the merchan- pieces from designers in New York City, dise we select and how we display it,” Los Angeles, and Quebec, and the aver- said Miguel. “We want customers to have age price is only $47. the same experience as downtown. It’s “We try to get you out the door with second-hand clothing, but we want it to a top and bottoms for under $100,” feel like you’re buying it from a retailer.” said Nancy. And that includes top-notch customer Current Clothing sells everything from service. Miguel said if he and Gabriel jeans to dresses to jewelry — whatever the aren’t in the store to help customers, a young professional needs. seasoned staff is — experts who know fashion well and enjoy con- necting with customers. They’re also often working to fulfill customer The beet burger is the wish lists, which often begin with number one seller at Seed vintage Chanel. But if you’re in the mood to + Salt on Chestnut. sell instead of buy, make an appointment with Miguel. He’s cur- “These girls go to work, to happy rently offering a promotional rate — a hour, and then they’re off on their 50/50 split. He holds all pieces for five Tinder date — we dress them for that,” months, and starts markdowns after said Nancy. two (2147 Union Street, 415-800-7584, Since opening last summer, Nancy and suigenerisconsignment.com). Kristin have learned something unex- Down on Chestnut Street, another pected about many of their customers: entrepreneur is giving customers what They need friends. they want — clean, wholesome food. “I hear it all the time — a girl just The owner of Seed + Salt, Mo Clancy, moved here for work and wants to make had no plans of entering the restaurant friends,” said Nancy. business, but she ended up there based on So she and Kirstin started hosting a personal need. monthly cocktail parties at the store, “I really try to eat clean, but I was hav- and have helped many women form new ing trouble finding things to eat,” said friendships. Mo. “Restaurants were vegan, but not “We just want you to leave with a smile clean. They still use things like cane sugar on your face and money in your purse,” and gluten.” said Nancy (1738 Union Street, 415-400- So Mo wondered if she could develop a 5517, facebook.com/currentclothingsf). full menu of “clean” recipes — no sugar, no gluten, no dairy, nothing fried, noth- E-mail: [email protected]

10 APRIL 2015 MARINA TIMES marinatimes.com Marina-Cow Hollow Insider Sketches from a North Beach Journal

Left to right: Capp’s bartender George McCarthy; Capp’s Corner. photos: ernest beyl; earl adkins Cheers to Capp’s Corner by ernest beyl Corner once a month with to our urban living. They his classmates from Saint provide us with social cen- n my Sketches col- Ignatius High School’s class ters in which to interact umn, I don’t like to go of 1955, and refuses to con- with our fellows. And that out on a limb. My edi- sider upsetting that tradition. becomes increasingly vital Itor will saw it off and I’ll So what happened? In a in our age when imper- crash. But I am making an very personal and skillful sonal computers isolate us exception here because the fashion, Governor Brown in cocoons of silence and spirits may be aligned on made his position known debilitating introspection. my side. On yours, too, if through moral persuasion. you believe in maintaining Others like poet Lawrence BE OPTIMISTIC NOT cherished San Francisco Ferlinghetti did as well. The OPPORTUNISTIC institutions like the iconic governor personally contact- So it’s increasingly impor- North Beach saloon-restau- ed the adversarial attorney tant that we be vigilant in rant Capp’s Corner at Powell and advised him to resolve support of what is really and Green Streets. the situation because even our human support system. It appears that the his clients (the landlords) And when our way of life is demise of the North Beach were in favor of an equitable challenged, we must stand landmark will not occur. result to the impasse. up and be counted the way Exhausting lease problems Governor Brown, Lawrence have gone on for months LOVING OUR CITY AND Ferlinghetti, and others have with unnerving uncertainty ITS NEIGHBORHOODS done in the case of Capp’s and absurd posturing by a The dilemma that faced Corner. Sure, we screw up voracious attorney. By the Capp’s Corner is not an iso- sometimes. We let old plac- time you read this, a new lated one. Situations like this es die off for lack of patron- lease will probably have occur frequently in neigh- age. Remember, too, that been signed — a happy borhoods across the city. we let the 49ers slip away. meeting of minds of both All of us can recount stories Sometimes we just can’t tenants and landlords. of unhappy closures of res- make up our minds. We’re taurants, bars, and favorite contentious. But we seem to GOVERNOR BROWN shops. These establishments be on track for doing some- WEIGHS IN that add so much vibrancy thing right with the Golden In my last column, I to our lives frequently lead a State Warriors. reported that proprietors fragile existence. Sometimes If you read this column Tom and Maureen Ginella it’s landlord greed, some- regularly, you know that I am planned to close the place times not. Frequently land- an optimist. I tend to believe at the end of March because lords are simply being pru- people are motivated to do they couldn’t meet over-the- dent with their investments good things — for the great- top demands by the land- and their hard-earned sav- er good of all of us. Many of lords’ attorney, and that only ings. We don’t blame them us optimists rallied around the miraculous interven- for that. We all love our city Capp’s Corner. And the good tion of Saint Ignatius could and the wonderful historic news is we will continue to save the joint. By turning to neighborhoods in which we be able to do that. Saint Ignatius, I was refer- live and do business. Cheers! ring to the fact that Gov. Old saloons and restau- Jerry Brown dines at Capp’s rants contribute a great deal E-mail: [email protected].

Northsider Good guys Presenting Mr. Marina 2015 by john zipperer In addition to the good feeling of hav- ing helped raise a record amount for he four-year-old Mr. Marina blood cancer research, winner Thomas competition added to its accom- receives a number of prizes, includ- plishments in 2015 by bringing in ing bottomless mimosas at Ottimista T$190,000. The money was not earned for a Restaurant and Bar, Chubbies shorts, pageant company or for program organiz- free burgers from Super Duper Burgers, ers. This event brings in all of that money monthly flowers from BloomThat, a tab (a total of $525,000 since the competition at HiFi, and sushi at Ace Wasabi’s Rock- started) for a good cause: the Leukemia N-Roll Sushi. and Lymphoma Society. The March 18 event took place at the OVERHEARD ON DOWNTOWN STREET Regency Ballroom; judges for the competition Man to companion: Let me tell you as included District 2 Supervisor Mark Farrell. someone who used to be a valet parker. Winning contestant Michael Thomas, who It’s always the person with a 20-year-old was profiled in these pages along with other Toyota Tercel who tips, but the guy with competitors last month, announced that he is the Maserati never tips. the son of a cancer survivor; his mother even traveled from the Midwest for the event. E-mail: [email protected]

Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 11 Sports

Sports Corner Sportscasting Besting the boys by steve hermanos Clovis, to wanting to be a Mic Man instead back at their radios saying, “Kate! Please tell of a member of the dance team at Cal, to Gary he’s full of crap!” Which harkens back ate scott rolls out of her working at KNBR today, I’ve always gravi- to my earlier answer about the age difference. Panhandle-area apartment at tated to spaces that others tend to see as Because Gary encourages the conflict, I think 3 a.m., commutes through the dominated by men and I’ve simply seen as our differences are a spectacular advantage. KBroadway Tunnel, and at a studio near places where I want to be. The more voices we can represent, the more the Embarcadero joins KNBR hosts Brian people we’ll have sticking around to listen. Murphy, Paul McCaffrey, and fellow report- Gary got into a Category 5 maelstrom er Patrick Connor to begin the day’s sports last year about his comments that it was The sound of your voice, your timing, talk on KNBR-AM (680) radio’s Murph & a bad idea for the San Antonio Spurs to and rejoinders are consistently outstand- Mac show, the highest-rated morning show hire Becky Hammon, a female assistant ing. How much of that is natural talent, Radio/TV broadcaster and sportscaster Kate Scott. among men in the Bay Area. coach, that she wouldn’t mesh with a and how did you work on those skills? photo: san jose earthquakes At 9 a.m. each weekday, Murph, Mac, team of male, pro basketball players. I’m humbled you’ve even asked. Thank and Connor depart into the fresh air, but How did you feel about that, and about you so much for the compliment! I never ume of your voice. Voice over and voice Scott remains in the studio for the day’s working with Gary in general? expect folks outside of the industry to give acting truly are arts. Those classes were an second show, delivering tidbits of news To be completely honest with you, we any of those “inside radio” things a passing unexpected kick in the pants. and the traffic, and continuing the repartee disagree so often that I don’t recall it being thought. Well, as Gary would say, I’ve been As for timing, I think that has a lot to with Gary Radnich and Larry Krueger. For anything other than a typical day of work “blessed” with this voice, though I have do with the fact that I’m a perfectionist Scott, that’s 35 hours of live, unscripted, for me, and I think that’s a big reason the tweaked it a few times over the years to get and in radio, a second of dead air can bantering, razor’s-edge radio every week. show is so successful. We respect the h— out it where it is today. The first tweak came feel like a lifetime. I absolutely despise it! Then there are the weekends, when Scott of each other, but we’re incredibly different after a high school boyfriend mentioned So when I started at KNBR, I paid really appears before the camera for NBC Bay people. He’s a 50-plus-year-old straight male that I’d been sounding really “nasally” while close attention to how and when the guys Area News as the sports anchor. Added to with a family, a Bentley, and 30-plus years in reading the morning announcements over I work with tended to breathe or break off that, she’s the sideline reporter for the San the industry, versus a 31-year-old gay woman the school P.A. system. I wanted to punch a thought, so that I was able to jump in the Jose Earthquakes. with no kids, 10 years into her career, driving him in the face. Heck, I’m pissed off all over moment they were done. I caught up with Scott recently to discuss a 10-year-old Prius with a broken tail light. again just thinking about it now, ha! There So I suppose the answer to your ques- what it’s like working with the big boys of Because of our differences, we come at every was no punch, but I did start listening to tion is it’s a bit of both. Bay Area sports radio. topic from vastly different perspectives. We’re myself more closely and — annoyingly — not trying to create conflict for the radio, we he was right, so I worked to get rid of that. Do you have any sports broadcasting You’re surrounded by men from 5 a.m. to simply can’t understand how the other can Then a few years ago a friend recom- idols? noon? How do you feel about mixing it up actually believe what they’re saying and that mended I get into voiceover, so I took some Linda Cohn of ESPN’s Sports Center. with Murph, Mac, Patrick, Gary, and Larry? honesty — in my opinion — is why it works. classes at Voice One and ended up learning She’s fantastic. She talks sports like one of This may sound odd, but working with Because while I may think Gary’s insane for a ton of stuff that I now utilize in my radio the guys. and mixing it up with men feels very nor- voicing a certain opinion, I also know there’s work. Little things, like how a slight change mal to me and it always has. Ever since I a good chunk of our audience nodding at in pace or tone can convey a completely Steve Hermanos is the author of Orange was a little girl playing baseball and bas- their radios in agreement. On the flip side, different meaning, how to emphasize a Waves of Giants! The 2012 Championship ketball with the boys in the street down in I know there’s another good chunk yelling word or phrase without changing the vol- Season. E-mail:[email protected] Staying fit shouldn’t be a pain.

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12 APRIL 2015 MARINA TIMES marinatimes.com Renaissance Man Can we have a word with you? Bring it back: The sprezzatura factor by OWEN EDWARDS zine, and the book was suggested end zone, try to act as if you’ve been noted, however, that one of our ing and education (“Everyone’s a to me by a motorcycling pal, Jeffrey there before.” In the fifties, I played local baseball batting heroes had winner!”), on the effect of tele- had the rare pleasure Schnapp, then the head of the high school football (quite badly) the dubious habit of slowing his vision on sports, on the “Real recently, while reading an essay Italian department at Stanford and and college lacrosse (not much bet- home run trot to an insolent and Housewives of Everywhere,” on in the “personal history” section now at Harvard. ter), and I can’t remember ever see- self-congratulatory glacial pace.) men feeling threatened by power- Iof The New Yorker, to discover that I As described by Castiglione, ing the kind of self-congratulatory Since sprezzatura was a virtue, the ful women and ramping up their once knew something that the great, sprezzatura was a high virtue in celebration players in all sports now opposing vice was simply its lack. bluster, on a steady diet of super- erudite writer John McPhee did not. Renaissance Italy, when – presum- indulge in. I managed to score one The understanding was that you hero movies, on the simple atro- McPhee recalled looking at an essay ably – any show of effort was decid- touchdown (due to a very well- either possessed sprezzatura or you phy of a noble tradition going the by one of his students at Princeton edly déclassé, an early 16th cen- thrown pass) and trotted back to didn’t. I suspect that sprezzatura, like way of the necktie, eye contact, and coming upon the word “sprez- tury version of “never let ’em see you my team with practiced humility – most virtues, is an acquired trait, not and family dinners. zatura,” which was new to him. sweat.” The roots of this form of vir- no end-zone dance, no high fives or something we’re born with. One has Is there any hope of saving this Dictionaries in English and tue may lie in the ancient Greek sin chest thumps, just the murmured, to be taught to be self-effacing, espe- particular saving grace? Perhaps, Italian were no help, and his Italian of hubris, now thought of as pride “Nice catch” from my teammates. cially when accomplishing some- though, like conquering Everest, son-in-law didn’t have a clue. He but in polytheistic times defined as Even without my showing every- thing very difficult. Observe groups it will be an uphill climb. May I finally got the definition of the rare any attempt to vie with the gods – one what a wonderful thing I had of chimps and gorillas, and you’ll see suggest that parents and teach- word from the student who had who were very cranky about that accomplished, my side still added a lot of male huffing, puffing, and ers start letting kids know that used it. There’s a longer version, but sort of pretension. Centuries later, six points to the scoreboard. strutting. These days, we live in the there are winners and losers, and sprezzatura is most easily defined the echoes of the virtue infused the Sprezzatura has long vanished age of self-proclamation exempli- almost invariably more of the as the quality of doing difficult thinking of the British empire, from from sports, both here and abroad. fied by the rivers of selfies flooding latter than the former. And that things and making them look easy. the aristocracy all the way down to Players wildly celebrate all sorts of Facebook, Instagram, et al. Everyone sports shows include the worst My pleasure came from hav- the soldiers who went out to hostile minor accomplishments, as if the with an iPhone is at the center of his ego trips of the week along with ing known the word for quite climes (just think about Lawrence). public, and team owners, need to or her universe, far less introspective their highlight reels. And that a long time before McPhee In that world, modesty was next to be reminded constantly that those than deeply self-interested. The idea the terms “bragging” and “show- learned it. Knowing it gave me godliness, and a chap simply did stratospheric salaries are justified. of making difficult things look easy ing off” be given the perp walks a momentary edge on McPhee, not blow his own horn. This mod- There may be no “I” in team, but has been replaced by making easy they so richly deserve, and “bad who teaches at Princeton while esty extended to the uncomplaining, there’s an “E,” and it clearly stands things look important. Getting to form” once more be recognized I dropped out, unlaureled, from remarkable women who traveled for “egotism.” Perhaps only golf the Eiffel Tower is not challenging as good criticism. the University of Virginia. across the desert or the jungles in retains modesty, with the sinking — it’s not climbing Mt. Everest — Who knows? If sprezzatura can I discovered the wonderful word their heavy Victorian dresses. In a of a 50-foot putt eliciting nothing but out from flow the countless be restored to its original glory, in a Renaissance work called The somewhat diluted form, sprezzatura more than a doffed cap. Baseball, “Look where I am, look what I did” perhaps a new Renaissance might Book of the Courtier, by Baldesar even reached to the suburban soci- too, still honors the credo of no- photos that are the digital equivalent be just around the corner. Castiglione, a primer on manners ety of my youth, where anything that big-deal when a great double play of dancing in the end zone. and noble behavior in much the might be construed as bragging was is turned or a fast ball sails up and Why is sprezzatura a lost virtue Owen Edwards writes frequently same vein as Machiavelli’s primer seen as a character flaw. out of the park. It takes a mighty and immodesty the default set- about design, style, photography, and on princely politics and tactics. At A few decades ago, a famous ovation to get a batter to come ting of at least a few generations? motorcycles. He believes in sprezza- the time, I was writing a column football coach admonished his back out of the dugout and tip Maybe we can blame it on the tura, and wishes he could practice it. about office politics for GQ maga- players, “When you get into the his hat to the crowd. (It must be self-esteem movement in parent- E-mail: [email protected] Did You Know? We Sell Homes for More Money, in Less Time!*

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Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 13 Food & Wine

The Tablehopper New and improved Presidio heats up by marcia gagliardi with dana eastland La Patte (1314 Grant Avenue) from David Carbonell, a French transplant who has been ichael Bilger and Evin living in the Bay Area the past five years. Gelleri of the former Georges His family has been in the bakery business restaurant in the Financial for more than 200 years, because that’s how MDistrict have a new project in the works. things roll in France, although he broke from It’s opening in the former Dixie space in the baking path to study art history, and then the Presidio and will be called Sessions to be a journalist and war photographer. But (1 Letterman Drive). According to a press now the family’s baking roots have tugged release, they’ll be offering “craft beer, craft Carbonell back. He is inspired by how cuisine, and craft cocktails,” so remember to obsessed San Franciscans are about food, bring your knitting. and because he wants They want to keep to offer baked goods the environment wel- with a real “French The Original Old Clam House coming and cheerful, Carbonell will offer the taste,” he will only use and the focus will French ingredients, be on session-style rare le pain du chat from the butter to CLAM BAKE CIOPPINO beers, or beers made rouge, which means “the flour. He knows this with lower alcohol so will be challenging, Clams, Mussels, Crab, Shrimp, Calamari & Fish Fillet you can enjoy more bread of the red cat.” but he really wants to than one at a time make it happen. Potatoes, Carrots, Onions, Corn, Garlic & Black Olives (and all day and night on your back porch He will focus on viennoiserie, with special- In a Spicy Cioppino Sauce before you get hammered). They will also ty pastries, breads, and desserts (he mentions have local beers on tap, cask-conditioned olive bread, cereal bread, and macaroons, beers, and some nitro beers. too). Carbonell will also offer some rare items, As for the food, they’ve partnered with like le pain du chat rouge, which means “the the organic farm at Skywalker Ranch in bread of the red cat,” a recipe that is more than Marin for their produce, and will offer sea- 300 years old. More than anything, he really sonally driven dishes designed for sharing. wants his bakery to become a daily stop for Lundberg Design — whose previous proj- the people in the neighborhood. ects include Mourad, Quince, and Hard The location was previously a shop, Metis Water — is working on the space. They will Makers, so it will require some permitting use large windows and natural elements to hurdles and remodeling. He wants the look bring the beauty of the Presidio inside, and to be like a humble “bread depot, where the space will offer both indoor and outdoor people feel at home, a French corner in the seating. The plan is to open in late spring. heart of San Francisco.” As for the name, Off the Grid has returned to the Presidio of course it has roots in the 17th century: and Fort Mason after a winter hiatus. It translates as “a string attached at your Picnic at the Presidio is back on the Main leg,” which was a reminder to flirtatious Post Lawn, with food trucks, food stands, married men that they should think before mimosas, bloody Marys, and music. looking at other women. Oh, the French. Partay! It’s happening every Sunday from Look for updates from us this summer. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. until November. Off the Grid Fort Mason is also back, with food FINANCIAL DISTRICT trucks, cocktails from Rye on the Road, An April opening is slated for the new beer from Magnolia Brewing, and wine location of Fish & Farm (424 Clay Street, pairings. You can continue to enjoy that 415-474-3474), which is moving into the party every Friday from 5 p.m.–10 p.m. former Elephant & Castle location in the Financial District. Fish & Farm, which RUSSIAN HILL currently is housed in the Hotel Mark The former Interior Visions is being Twain, will close that location on March transformed into a currently unnamed 31, according to Barbary Coast News. Look sushi restaurant (2206 Polk Street) from for a new American menu with sustainable the chef-owner of Saru in Noe Valley, Billy seafood and meat, along with a full bar, Kong, and the chef-owner of Seiya in San wine, and beer. Carlos, Kuo Hwa Chuang. The menu will Sachin Chopra and Shoshana Wolff, who focus on kaiseki (multi-course Japanese own All Spice in San Mateo, decided to close dinners) and traditional sushi, so don’t their restaurant, Game, which opened in expect yet another place with a menu of November in the former Masa’s space, and spicy tuna rolls with cream cheese. There have reopened it as a San Francisco location will be a sushi bar and tables, about 45 seats of All Spice (648 Bush Street, 415-874- in all. The change-of-use has been a long 9481). The All Spice menu is focused on process, but construction is under way, and modern American takes on Indian flavors, they hope to open in July or August. There along with a special chef’s tasting menu. will be more details to release soon, like the name, so we’ll keep you posted. TENDERLOIN/LOWER NOB HILL After Sean Baker left last month, it looks One to watch: The Bacchus Management like Verbena has a new chef. His name is Group (of Spruce and The Village Pub) is Ryan Shelton and his previous experience opening a restaurant in the Saratoga Hotel includes Chez TJ in Mountain View, the building (1008 Larkin Street; originally fantastic Baumé in Palo Alto (the restaurant reported in the Inside Scoop). The neigh- earned two Michelin stars), Le Cigare Volant borhood is unusual for the group — they’ve in Santa Cruz, and, most recently, the Palo typically opened shop in places like Pacific Alto Grill. He is currently in the kitchen at Heights, the Marina, and Woodside. We Verbena and is actively working on his new have been tracking the space for over a menu, which should be rolling out over the year, and Eater is reporting that the group next couple of months. No word yet on what is still waiting on a conditional use autho- opening chef Sean Baker is doing next. rization from the Planning Department, A neighborhood friend let us know that which includes a restaurant and bar with Ala Romana (1098 Jackson Street) in Nob seating for 72 in a 4,200-square-foot space. Hill has closed, and it looks like the space is They aren’t divulging any additional details for lease. right now, though it may be called The 299 Bayshore Boulevard | San Francisco Saratoga. Time will tell. NORTH BEACH 415.826.4880 | theoldclamhousesf.com San Francisco is lucky with our current EMBARCADERO bakery game right now, because it’s strong. If you’re heading to the Ferry Building, Due to open late summer is Un Fil À Tablehopper, continued on 16

14 APRIL 2015 MARINA TIMES marinatimes.com Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 15 Food & Wine

New and Notable Update


Muni is working on multiple fronts to make getting around San Francisco safer and more reliable for our customers. As part of this effort, we’re improving transit corridors throughout the city. Learn more about the details behind these improvements at one of our upcoming open houses. Your feedback is important to refining these proposals. Clockwise: Florio executive chef Colin Dewey; petrale sole; Florio strozzapreti. photos: devin moore

22 FILLMORE 14 MISSION April 8, 2015 | 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. April 21, 2015 | 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. International Studies Academy Mission Cultural Center New chef brings rustic 655 De Haro Street 2868 Mission Street San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Italian flare to Florio 30 STOCKTON by julie mitchell pork-and-veal meatballs with marinara April 13, 2015 | 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. sauce ($14/$19). Another standout dish is Moscone Recreation Center Fillmore Street fixture since the tagliatelle with guanciale (meaty, juicy 1800 Chestnut St opening in 1998, Florio’s bright- pork jowl) accented by red onion, black pep- San Francisco, CA red-and-dark-wood exterior, warm per, cream, and pecorino cheese ($20). Abar, and dining room with its classic black- Other first-course options include an aru- and-white checkerboard floors, is a neigh- gula and frisée salad with Asian pears, shaved borhood favorite. And now the cafe, which fennel, celery, hazelnuts, and a pear vinai- has always featured specialties from France grette ($11) and prosciutto di Parma and and Italy, is in the skilled hands of new burrata with unfiltered virgin olive oil and executive chef Colin Dewey, who has crafted baguette ($15). Main courses tend toward an Italian-focused menu. Dewey was most more bistro-like fare such as Fort Bragg recently executive petrale sole ($32); a chef at the city’s Zero seafood stew of fish Zero before taking a All items are made in- and shellfish with San MUNIFORWARD.COM three-month sabbati- Marzano tomatoes cal in Italy. The new house: pasta, sauces, ($28); and a grass-fed menu, introduced in burger served with February, retains some sausage, and pastries. Gruyère cheese and of Florio’s bistro clas- caramelized onion sics such as steak frites ($32) and pan-roast- served with salad or frites ($16). There are ed Mary’s chicken ($26/$47), while includ- several vegetable sides, such as roasted baby MEMORIALMEMORIAL DAYDAY ing updated renditions of rustic Italian dish- carrots ($8) and sautéed broccoli di ciccio es. All items are made in-house from pasta with preserved lemon and garlic ($9). to sauces to sausage and pastries. Dewey puts an Italian spin on desserts, “I’m excited to pay homage to the history too, with an extra-virgin olive oil cake with CEREMONY of Florio, and this incredible room, by hon- orange-infused oil from Sicily and butter- oring the Florio classics while making the milk panna cotta. (Note: menu specialties dining experience feel more like an authen- change weekly or biweekly.) tic Italian home,” says Dewey. The cocktail, wine, and beer menu is Honor && RememberRemember Dewey’s “Additions to the Menu” are list- straightforward, offering several cocktails ed near the top, starting with a savory roast- “de maison,” and an ample sampling of wine ed garlic sformato (a souffle-like velvety and beer from California producers as well custard) with caciocavallo fonduta (fondue as many Italian and French varietals. cheese) and black pepper walnuts ($10), Stop in at this Fillmore Street standby, and especially delicious with an appetizer of try a taste of something both old and new — crispy sunchoke chips ($5); strotzzapreti you won’t be disappointed. (hand-rolled pasta) with olive oil, poached Florio: 1915 Fillmore Street (btw. Pine tuna, spicy puttanesca sauce, and bottarga & Bush), 415-775-4330, floriosf.com/, daily (salted, cured fish roe) breadcrumbs ($21); 5:30–9:30 p.m. and meatballs with tagliolini — a luscious timbale of pasta and melt-in-your-mouth E-mail: [email protected]

Tablehopper with sturdier tables and chairs, more planters continued from page 14 for ambiance, and even new heat lamps so you can enjoy the view when the fog rolls in. you’ll notice the Frog Hollow (Shop No. 6, They are also improving the seating in the 415-445-0990) cafe has made some exciting interior and adding some new double doors changes. To start, they now have a beer and to the patio, but that is an ongoing project. wine license and serve two beers (Jagged The Ferry Building Blue Bottle Coffee Edge IPA and Hefeweizen Bavarian Wheat), (Shop No. 7, 510-653-3344) has completed Monday,Monday, MayMay 28,25, 20122015 along with two white wines (Bloomfield its remodel and is open for business. The Chardonnay and Viognier) and two reds space has been designed to help custom- (both from Cline Cellars). They are also ers order more easily and to increase the GrandParade March 10:30AM 10:30AM/Program / Program 11AM 11AM offering an after-hours menu Monday speed at which baristas can prepare drinks. through Saturday from 5 p.m.–7:30 p.m., Lookin’ good, guys! SanSan Francisco National CemeteryCemetery with special snacks. The menu includes a seasonal pizza, soup, and a house-made Marcia Gagliardi is the creator and Dana (at(at the Presidio) cookie plate. They’ve been growing barley Eastland is the associate editor of tablehop- 415.561.5300415.561.5418 -• www.presidio.gov on the farm for the last year or so for Thirsty per.com, a popular insider weekly e-column Bear Brewing, so the barley shows up in the about the San Francisco dining scene; sub- seasonal soup. To accommodate happy hour scribe for more news and updates. Follow diners, they’ve also added some new seating, Marcia on Twitter: @tablehopper.

16 APRIL 2015 MARINA TIMES marinatimes.com La Deliziosa Vita Recipe How to make perfect eggs every time by susan dyer reynolds thoroughly combined and frothy. is rubbery like a blown-up balloon, Meanwhile, heat a medium-sized while the egg white will be smooth hen it comes to nonstick skillet over low heat. Add and slippery). Once the membranes recipes and cooking, two tablespoons of butter and swirl and shell are loosened from the egg I get more questions it around to evenly coat the surface. white, you should be able to easily Wand comments about eggs than Pour the beaten eggs into the pan peel the entire shell away using your anything else. Though even the and watch closely. As soon as curds thumb and index finger. If you get great French chefs of today can’t begin to form, crank the heat to stuck, return to flicking the shell A perfectly poached egg. photo: susan dyer reynolds confirm it, legend has it that the high, and stir gently but consis- with your thumb until you loosen French toque contains 100 folds to tently with a wooden spoon. (For the membranes and shell again. Crack desired number of eggs 8–10-inch pan for two eggs and represent 100 ways to make eggs. larger curds, fold the eggs rather (This peeling technique also works into individual ramekins or small a 12-inch pan for four eggs). Without a doubt, eggs can be con- than stirring them.) Remove the for soft-boiled eggs.) bowls. When the water is gently Crack eggs into individual founding. They can be delicate and eggs from the heat just before they simmering, add a splash of vin- ramekins or small bowls. Add 2 devious, with mere seconds sepa- are done (if they look done in the PERFECT SOFT-BOILED EGGS egar (this helps the whites to stay tablespoons vegetable oil to the rating perfection and ruination. pan, they will be overdone on the Add one inch of water to a medi- together). Using a slotted spoon, pan and swirl to coat. Working There are also many myths about plate) and serve immediately. um-sized saucepan, and bring to stir the water to create a whirlpool quickly, pour one to two eggs eggs, perhaps the most prevalent is a simmer over medium-low heat. and gently slide the eggs in one at into one side of the pan, then that it is easier to peel an older egg PERFECT HARD-BOILED EGGS Carefully place desired number of a time (this winds the egg whites the remaining one to two eggs than a fresher one. I have found it (AND HOW TO PEEL THEM) eggs into the water and cover the around the yolk). Don’t crowd the into the other side of the pan. makes no difference how old the Gently lower desired number of pan. Cook for exactly 7 minutes. pan — if you’re cooking for a large Cover the pan, increase heat egg is; it’s all about technique (visit eggs into a medium-sized saucepan Remove from heat and run under group, do the eggs in batches of to medium-high, and cook for marinatimes.com for my how-to and add just enough water to com- cold water for 30 seconds. I prefer four. (You can also partially poach exactly 1 minute. Remove pan video on peeling boiled eggs). pletely cover. Bring water to a strong medium soft-boiled eggs, so that the eggs ahead of time, then finish completely from heat and let I have spent many years perfect- simmer and then turn off heat. Leave the whites are fully cooked and the cooking just prior to serving.) Set stand covered for 15–45 sec- ing the basics of egg cookery. Along pan on burner and cover. Set timer yolks are slightly runny. For softer the timer for 4 minutes. Prepare a onds for runny yolks (white the way I discovered some simple for 11 minutes for just-done hard- boiled eggs (slightly soft whites, very plate with a clean cotton kitchen around edge of yolk will be tricks that have proven foolproof. boiled eggs (best for eating), 13–14 runny yolks) cook 5–6 minutes. True towel or a paper towel. Using the barely opaque), 45 seconds to 1 They may seem counterintuitive or minutes for harder-boiled eggs (best aficionados can invest in an egg top- slotted spoon, remove each egg minute for slightly runny yolks go against everything you’ve read or for deviled eggs). Run eggs under per such as the one made by Rösle gently from the water and set on and opaque whites, and about 2 heard (for example, to make scram- cold water for 30 seconds. (around $20) to cleanly crack the top the towel to drain. Serve immedi- minutes for medium-set yolks. bled eggs, you must add milk and To peel the eggs: Drain water and of the eggshell so it’s easily and neatly ately with toast, hash browns, or For sunny-side-up eggs: Use cook them “low and slow”), but trust gently roll eggs around in the pan to removed. Serve immediately in egg- grits, or on top of English muf- spatula to transfer eggs from me, once you conquer these meth- crack the shells. While running one cups with “soldiers” (thin strips of fins with Hollandaise sauce and a pan to plate. For over-easy ods, you’ll never fear eggs again. egg under a small stream of water, buttered toast) for dipping. sprinkle of paprika. eggs: Prior to letting eggs stand, find the air pocket at the large end gently flip the eggs over with PERFECT SCRAMBLED EGGS and flick the shell with your thumb PERFECT POACHED EGGS PERFECT SUNNY-SIDE-UP a spatula, then flip them right Crack two eggs per person to loosen the inner and outer mem- Fill a large French oven or low- AND OVER-EASY EGGS side up onto a serving plate. into a medium-sized bowl. Whip brane and shell from the egg (the walled, wide stockpot with water Heat a frying pan over low the eggs with a wire whisk until membrane is opaque and the texture and set over medium-low heat. heat for five minutes (use an E-mail: [email protected]

Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 17 Food & Wine

The Hungry Palate Sam’s Grill 2.0 The place Sam’s Grill and where locals eat seafood! Seafood Restaurant by Ernest Beyl San Francisco restaurant and one evening with a lore. dates its group headed by historian ast summer, Sam’s founding to 1849, the Old Kevin Starr and attorney Grill, that histor- Clam House to 1861, Sam’s John Briscoe. Spectacular Bay Views ic fixture of San Grill to 1867, Fior D’ Italia Unless, you are an LFrancisco downtown din- to 1886, and Schroeder’s unshakable and total carni- ing at 374 Bush Street, to 1893. Sam’s opened as vore, an unremitting pas- was on life support. Then an oyster saloon in San ta-head, or a vegetarian, it closed and you go to Sam’s remained dark for the seafood. until October. That’s why they Suddenly, it call it Sam’s Grill came back to and Seafood Rest- life when a small aurant. The menu group of Sam’s is printed and loyalists took it dated each day over, negotiated because the res- a new lease for taurant gets daily the 147-year-old fresh fish delivery seafood restau- and the menu World Famous Restaurant rant, touched up reflects that. So the paint here it’s understand- and there and able that the line reopened to loud cooks at Sam’s rejoicing of its Grill have a NO photo: belden-place.com regulars. sturdy embrace ISHERMEN S Sam’s is a res- of the concept 9 F ’ taurant where regu- of the broiling, lars reign supreme. Sam’s is a restaurant grilling, or sau- 415.673.7025 And Sam’s regu- where regulars téeing of fresh ROTTO lars are downtown seafood. When I Free Validated Parking G business types, reign supreme. have dined there, well known to almost always No. 9 Fisherman’s Wharf at the foot of Taylor the establishment. It only Francisco’s California Mar- my fish, scallops, prawns, fishermensgrotto.com Banquet Facilities Available takes reservations for six ket that stood where the or whatever, have been still or more at lunch but will Bank of America build- sizzling on the plate as the take reservations for din- ing is now. It was called tuxedoed waiter set it down ner. The regulars, who all M. B. Moraghan’s. Later, on the white tablecloth. seem to know each other, it was operated by Sam Before launching into a simply walk in without Zenovich. Its name was the menu assessment, let me reservations and hang out Reception Cafe, but most mention the crusty and at Sam’s small bar for a patrons called it Sam’s. sour sourdough bread, a Bloody Mary or a straight- Then it changed hands in special bake by Boudin, up martini, before being 1937 when Frank Zeput which greets you at your ushered into one of the bought it, and it became table along with the small curtained booths that Sam’s Grill and Seafood crock of good salted butter. hides them away from the Restaurant. It moved to I’ve read a few complaints occasional Yelper or guide- 374 Bush Street in 1946. on the Internet that the book tourist. Phil Lyons bought it in bread is put out in advance While not a first-string, 2005. And now, as I said, and is dry. That has not varsity regular that suits up a group of Sam’s regulars been my experience. each day for my fix of fresh have taken it over. seafood, I have patronized These days your host at HANGTOWN FRY Sam’s for years on an occa- Sam’s is a personable Appetizers at Sam’s are sional basis. Readers will young man named Peter old school. The crab cock- know that Sam’s is my kind Quartaroli who has be- tail ($11.50) is a generous of place — no-nonsense come the proprietor and mound of Dungeness crab food and drink, served in a general partner. Besides legs and body meat laced a no-nonsense style. So being a good front man with a proper Louie dress- when word got out that for his restaurant, Peter ing. The deep-fried onion Sam’s Grill had reopened, I is an actor and producer rings ($4.25) deserve thought it would be a good who has appeared in more applause — crisp and not time to reassess what was than 30 film and TV proj- greasy as they sometimes Advertise in the going on at that somewhat ects — including playing can be. Maintaining my shabby corner of Bush a cop in the movie Zodiac. old-school ties, I have Street and Belden Place. He has also produced enjoyed the celery Victor But rather than make you six films and is currently salad ($10.50), originally wait longer for an evalua- brainstorming one based created by chef Victor tion, let me state that things on a character from Sam’s Hirtzler at the Hotel St. Reach over are just fine at Sam’s Grill Grill. I’m looking forward Francis, or the no-non- 30,000 readers in — meaning things are just to trying out for that part. sense crab Louie ($21.50), about the same. The old both of which remind me San Francisco’s tuxedoed waiters are still SIMPLY SEAFOOD of my San Francisco roots. northern there (two of them have Since it reopened last I’m told that the Caesar been there for more than year, I’ve dined at Sam’s with salad ($10.50) is a good neighborhoods 40 years), and the food has several buddies in whose choice, but I somehow maintained that consistent palates I have consider- have missed it. excellence that drew me able faith: James Melling, I’ve also missed the To inquire about our advertising rates and for more there in the first place. my North Beach chum, clam chowder ($3.50 information, contact us at [email protected] whom I call the Gentleman cup/$4.50 bowl) as well or call our offices at (415) 815-8081 FOUNDED IN 1867 Trencherman; Carl Nolte, as the mock turtle soup A bit of history will help the San Francisco Chronicle’s ($3 cup/$4 bowl). I know you position Sam’s Grill in Native Son columnist; sam’s grill, continued on 19

18 APRIL 2015 MARINA TIMES marinatimes.com Not to Miss dish Best Steak in Town Voted Best Romantic Restaurant

Spring at the Cliff House Warm & Cozy Inside – Amazing Views Outside Join us for these Cliff House Weekly Favorites • Wine Lovers’ Tuesday – Half Priced Bottled Wines* • Bistro Wednesday Nights – $28 Three-Course Prix Fixe photo: courtesy osso steakhouse • Friday Night Jazz in the Balcony Lounge Bone-in filet mignon at Osso Steakhouse • Sunday Champagne Brunch Buffet by susan dyer reynolds in a well-seasoned cast-iron skillet, the Valet parking every night after 5:00 pm. aroma of garlic and rosemary wafting *Some restrictions apply. Promotions are not valid on holidays. t had been nearly a year since I through the air. The caramelized crust checked out the carnivorous offerings was reminiscent of the bark on the very at Osso, the stylish Art Deco-inspired best brisket you can imagine; dark, crisp, The Lands End Lookout Isteakhouse on Nob Hill. I was a huge fan and smoky, creating the perfect seal to of the bone-in filet mignon at Bobo’s when keep all the juices inside the meat. The Be sure to visit the Lookout Cafe at the Lands End visitor center. Jerry Dal Bozzo was part owner there, so I interior was a meltingly tender, evenly Operated by the Cliff House team, the cafe serves a delicious selection expected the quality of the steaks at Osso rosy medium rare. of locally sourced grab-and-go items including the famous It’s It to rival Bobo’s when he sold his interest Bone-in filet mignon is different than originally for sale at Playland at the Beach. and opened his new place. its boneless counterpart — the bone My first visit to Osso shortly after imparts immense flavor, and the texture The center, under the direction of the Golden Gate National Parks they opened proved the steaks not only is more like that of a rib eye, including Conservancy, offers educational and interactive exhibits, a museum store, rivaled those at Bobo’s, they were even the intense marbling. I thought I would stunning views, and the amazing Lands End Trails. better. And so, for my birthday dinner be taking some steak home to share with last month, I chose Osso as the destina- my pit bull, Skylar, but I couldn’t stop Open daily from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Located at Point Lobos and Merrie Way tion (as an added perk, they offer free (it was my birthday, though I did feel a valet parking). Their signature steak, twinge of guilt). the bone-in filet mignon, which also I didn’t think it was possible for the 1090 Point Lobos 415-386-3330 happens to be my favorite, now comes bone-in filet mignon at Osso to get any www.CliffHouse.com in three sizes: petite (8 ounces, $39.95), better, but it has. If you love steak, you big (16 ounces, $49.95), and gladiator have to head to Osso. In my opinion, it’s (22 ounces, $69.95). I went for the big (it the best steak in town. was my birthday, so I felt no guilt what- Osso Steakhouse: 1177 California Street soever). It arrived at the table sizzling (at Jones), 415-771-6776, ossosteakhouse.com

Sam’s Grill As to side dishes, a (at Belden), Monday–Friday, continued from page 18 requirement for my bud- 11 a.m.–9 p.m., 415-421-0594, dies and me, I go for belden-place.com/samsgrill I have to try the mock tur- the creamed spinach tle soup, served only on and the glorious, crispy ♦ ♦ ♦ Wednesdays, and I’ve set hash browns ($4 each). myself a goal to do that These are extras, though AMBIANCE: because it has received your plate — really a A downtown crowd of raves from my buddies. platter — comes with an business types — both men Another Sam’s Grill goal accompaniment of sau- and women, but heavier on for me is Hangtown fry, the téed mixed vegetables the men. oyster and bacon omelet that dates SOUND LEVEL: back to the Gold Laughter and the Rush. I’m a good The fried Olympia Oysters banging of dice eater, but there are a favorite. Dab a bit of cups are not obtru- are only so many sive or unwelcome. days in a week for tartar sauce on each bite. And the private, this research. curtained booths (carrots, cauliflower, muffle sound. a few favorites and zucchini perhaps), Probably the number not done to mush but NOT TO MISS DISHES: one choice of dinners still with a bit of snap, Grilled petrale, scallops, at Sam’s is the petrale and a chunk of perfectly fried Olympia oysters with ($13.50). I prefer it char- boiled potato. tartar sauce, hash browns, coal broiled and napped The wine list at Sam’s creamed spinach. with a bit of brown butter Grill is not extensive but and a squeeze of lemon. it is serviceable. I tend to WHAT THE DIAMONDS MEAN: Other top choices for me stick to the Napa Valley St. Ratings range from zero are the boned Rex sole Supery sauvignon blanc to four diamonds and ($13.50), halibut ($16.50), ($9 glass/$35 bottle). reflect food, atmosphere, and swordfish ($22). All For dessert, I’m told and service, taking price are well handled, present- that Sam’s offers a fine range and type of restau- ed simply, and need no tiramisu ($6.50) and a rant into consideration. enhancing. I would also good rice pudding ($4). like to give a vote of confi- I can’t comment on them. OUR REVIEW POLICY: dence to the fried Olympia But I’m betting they We conduct multiple vis- Oysters ($22.50). This is a are good. its anonymously and pay favorite. I dab a bit of tar- our own tab. tar sauce on each bite and Sam’s Grill and Seafood away I go. Restaurant: 374 Bush Street E-mail: [email protected]

Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 19 Arts & Entertainment

dy star, Beatriz Michelena, who motion pictures, Vim Motion was the director’s masterpiece. was the featured celebrity at the Picture Company in Alameda, The mercurial von Stroheim, San Francisco Automobile Show and others. hell-bent for realism, made in 1913. He married her and his actors live in the rooms he the fledgling film company had ERICH VON STROHEIM’S GREED used as the setting for much of its star. It billed her as “The The imperious director and the film. The building at Hayes California Prima Donna” and in actor Erich von Stroheim made and Laguna gained fame. It was 1914, Salomy Jane, from a story one of his great films, Greed, reported by historian William by Bret Harte, was released in a in San Francisco in 1923. He M. Drew that in the late 1960s burst of publicity. The and early 1970s it was film was, as they say, a a brothel. Greed was box office smash. After Erich von Stroheim made one seven hours in length. that, The California The autocratic direc- Prima Donna starred of his great films, ‘Greed,’ in tor shortened it to four in almost every CMPC hours. After it had been film. Middleton turned San Francisco in 1923. further reduced against out to be a good director his will to 100 min- and Michelena, a fine actress, took the novel McTeague, writ- utes, it was finally exhibited. albeit in a bravura, musical ten by San Franciscan Frank When asked by the show busi- comedy fashion. Norris in 1899, and developed ness, trade publication Variety But it was just not to be. his own screenplay. A stickler how it would be possible to The Southland was rising. for authenticity, von Stroheim screen a movie almost eight Hollywood film magnets like found a two-story, 19th-cen- hours in length on one evening, Adolph Zukor, William Fox, tury building at the corner he replied, “That is a detail I Carl Laemmle, and Jesse Lasky, of Hayes and Laguna Streets hadn’t time to bother about.” who was born in San Francisco, and used it as the principal not only made movies but also location for what critics agree E-mail: [email protected] controlled distribution outlets. Payne, Middleton, Michelena, and Beyfuss were left without sufficient theaters in which to show their films. The last CMPC film was Flame of Hellgate. Greed was a San Francisco-made classic. Poster: © metro goldwyn mayer The beauteous Michelena Film History Comstock mining fortune who played a dance-hall girl. But continued from page 1 identified himself as a “clubman,” that was the end. The com- founded the California Motion pany closed in 1917. Middleton Miles organized a company to Picture Company just north of and Michelena divorced. He rent films to exhibitors. This San Francisco in San Rafael. went back to the automobile was a revolutionary idea at a Payne capitalized the company business. She went back to the time when exhibitors purchased with $1 million (big money at stage for a while and spent her movies directly from the manu- the time) and became president. final years in Spain. Though facturers. In addition to their He allied himself with George details are sketchy, film histo- rental business, they formed the E. Middleton, from a prominent rian Geoffrey Bell in his book Miles Brothers Motion Picture San Francisco family who oper- The Golden Gate and the Silver Company. Soon they were mak- ated an automobile agency on Screen (Fairleigh Dickinson ing simple, single-reel travel Van Ness Avenue. Middleton University Press, 1984), states films. Then, in 1905, that Payne and Beyfuss planning to add fictional “both, in time, were story lines to their films, Payne’s movie company was reported suicides.” the brothers built a com- Even though Southern plete film studio in San ready to go ‘big time’ with California and the major Francisco on Mission studios with their chains Street. Bad timing: April full-length features. of exhibitors were 18, 1906 changed every- ascending in the early thing. The catastrophic San would become executive pro- 1900s, the San Francisco Bay Francisco earthquake and fire ducer. Alex Beyfuss, an advertis- Area continued as a center of stopped motion picture making ing executive, was the company’s filmmaking activity. All through in Northern California for sev- chief accountant. the years of the silent films, there eral years. Meanwhile, Southern Though the California Motion were studios here. Not only California became dominant Picture Company (CMPC) be- the California Motion Picture in filmmaking. gan making short films promot- Corporation in San Rafael and ing the Middleton auto agency, Essanay in Niles Canyon, which CALIFORNIA MOTION by 1913 it was talking about finally shut down in 1916, but PICTURE COMPANY going “big time” with full- also the Leon Douglass Natural In 1912 San Franciscan length features. Middleton met Color Studio, which produced Herbert Payne, heir to a a seductive Latin musical come- some of the very early color Top to bottom: A still from Greed; Erich Von Stroheim in 1933.

What does it feel like to experience The book also makes the important art up close and in-person? Our guides point that the experience of looking is delve into the history and provenance based in the now. The person we are of famous art works, how they came to looking at today, say, in a Van Gogh live in their particular locations, and the painting isn’t the same person when competition between museums and pri- we return in the future with a differ- vate collectors. The sublime often over- ent set of experiences influencing our laps with the ridic- “looking,” com- ulous: They have bined with our to leave the Louvre prior memories of early; an aching What does it feel like to seeing. For exam- back is the culprit. experience art up close ple, the next time And how does one I’m at a Gerhard feel “close” to the and in-person? Richter exhibi- Mona Lisa when tion, I’ll probably she’s behind thick Plexiglas and has think about the retrospective in Chicago her own guards? The stories occasion- years ago, and that I had to leave early Jean-Honoré Fragonard, The Swing, 1767. Oil on canvas, 31-7/8 x 24-1/4 inches. ally disappear into art analysis that may because of a hungry relative. My next Image credit: The Wallace Collection, London seem self-indulgent to the reader, but time will surely be packed with last Art World know the score about art. De Montebello the real world intervenes just in time to time’s baggage. continued from page 1 was the longest-serving director of New keep the narrative fresh and immediate. York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art (31 What kinds of art stop us in our tracks Sharon Anderson is an artist and writer in on two continents and in six countries, years) and is currently its director emeri- and demand our attention? What makes Southern California. She can be reached at reads like a museum visit with friends who tus; Gayford is an art writer and critic. us turn away? mindtheimage.com.

20 APRIL 2015 MARINA TIMES marinatimes.com Michael Snyder on ... Television Serials make a killing by michael snyder sive. When a Kevin Spacey or a Jeremy Irons actively seeks a TV series or when fter a marathon viewing of someone with the pedigree of a Neil all eight episodes of the charming Jordan or David Fincher gets in bed with and clever comedy series Mozart HBO or Showtime, you know the terrain Ain the Jungle , I have one more reason has changed. to acknowledge the astonishing rise in Thanks to the expansion of cable TV quality on the television front. With the and the British model of the 6- to 13-epi- growth of high-end serialized narratives sode series, we’re getting shorter runs (mini, maxi, or ongoing, open-ended with much less filler than one would series), the one-time boob tube is giving find in the standard 20-plus episodes the movie industry a serious run for its per season, which has been the norm money. Plus, the shows, like so many fea- on American networks for decades. ture films, are now available on demand Some of it is due to U.S. channels actu- in our homes and over our portable ally running various shows from the devices, which means … binge watch- U.K., Ireland, France, and Scandinavia ing! You can turn HBO’s first season of with success. Or the powers that be on True Detective (an eight-hour run featur- this side of the Atlantic are deciding ing, by the way, a couple of bona-fide that quality does trump quantity. And movie stars Matthew McConaughey and all of that is reinforced by the rise of Woody Harrelson — taking the short- the streaming services as an alternative run video route) into the home enter- to the networks — and the premium tainment equivalent of sitting through all cable channels. four operas in Wagner’s Ring Cycle over Thus, the delights of Mozart in the the course of a day. Jungle, set in modern-day Manhattan’s classical music scene features a stellar cast TRANSMEDIA STORYTELLING led by British perennials Malcolm McDowell Consider that the proliferation of plat- and Saffron Burrows and the buoyant Top to bottom: Mozart in the Jungle is a charming and clever comedy series; The cinematic Game forms makes the consumer experience Mexican movie star Gael Garcia Bernal. of Thrones returns with its fifth season on April 12. Photo: © amazon; hbo even richer, especially when it approach- Eight installments. Witty. Sophisticated. es the realm of what has been dubbed Fun. Source? Amazon’s original series plat- the mother, and Tchéky Karyo as a retired murder in its first go-round and became transmedia storytelling, wherein a saga form. The Big Bang Theory keeps running French detective — brought uncommon richer, more complex and disturbing in unfolds in various pieces or chapters over on CBS with almost two dozen episodes a honesty, depth, and pain to their roles, its second season as it dealt with the a range of outlets. This is epitomized by year, but those knee-jerk multicamera sit- enhancing the mystery and, as is the case aftermath of the heinous crime at its the Marvel Comics cinematic universe — com beats and that laugh track can really with a great series, viewer attachment and heart. (A remake of Broadchurch dubbed with its string get to you empathy. Unlike many movies, a multiepi- Gracepoint was shot in the U.S. for FOX of superhero after a while. sode series has the time to truly build char- with the same lead actor, Scotland’s David movies spot- The pointed acters and create bonds with its audience. Tennant, former star of another cur- lighting The HBO’s sword, sorcery, and political sat- So a rabid, burgeoning group of rent TV phenomenon, the long-running Avengers, Iron political intrigue extravaganza ire of Veep on admirers waits upon every season of British fantasy series Doctor Who, doing Man, Thor, HBO (which Downton Abbey, the plush, hoity-toity an American accent, but it didn’t catch on and Captain Game of Thrones is enough to has won tro- large-ensemble soap opera about the like the original.) America — phies for its British aristocracy in the early 20th The French develop the chilling super- and its televi- make Cecil B. DeMille jealous. lead actress century. Coming from ITV in England, natural drama, The Returned, about sion compo- Julia Louis- it boosts PBS pledges with every fleet- loved ones coming back from the grave, nents such as Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Dreyfus) and the inside-the-TV-business ing handful of installments. The fans seemingly intact, and throwing a village Agent Carter on a broadcast network hysteria of Episodes (with Matt LeBlanc dote upon BBC America’s Orphan into a fearsome crisis, and it spawns an (ABC) and the upcoming Daredevil and of Friends hilariously deconstructing his Black, a weird and wonderful sci-fi American remake. The Bridge — a taut A.K.A. Jessica Jones on a streaming service celebrity image) come in under 10 half show about a beleaguered sisterhood murder mystery from Scandinavia — (Netflix) — as well as video games, online hours a year, and offer consistent rapier of disparate, emotionally (and some- follows the route taken by the Danish webisodes, and tie-in comic books. wit. You’re not left bored; you’re left crav- times physically) damaged clones — all series The Killing and is reworked for ing more. played by the same fantastic young the U.S. market with movie actors Diane QUALITY TRUMPS QUANTITY actress, Tatiana Maslany, in a weekly Kruger and Demián Bichir as its leads. The writing, production, and acting on ENGLISH AND EUROPEAN tour de force. It’s more than a trend. It’s a new Golden various programs being transmitted could INFLUENCES Water-cooler talk about garden-variety Age of Television, and it appears that it’s honestly, flatteringly be called movie qual- Or, if you’re lucky enough to have seen CSI-style police procedurals running on here for a while. ity. The sweeping, epic art direction on the the knockout BBC drama The Missing the Big 4 broadcasters has been replaced annual dozen or so installments of HBO’s when it aired on Starz, you already know by discussion of Netflix’s award-winning Michael Snyder is a print and broadcast jour- sword, sorcery, and political intrigue how absolutely gripping it was. If not, seek political drama House of Cards (inspired nalist who covers pop culture on KPFK/Pacifica extravaganza Game of Thrones is enough out this eight-episode time-shifting nail- by the BBC series of the same name and Radio’s David Feldman Show and Thom to make Cecil B. DeMille jealous as he biter about a little English boy who disap- powered by the swaggering Mr. Spacey). Hartmann Show and on Michael Snyder’s peers down from that big Soundstage in pears while on vacation with his parents in Or people are debating the latest brief U.S. Culture Blast, available online at GABnet. the Sky. And the talent involved — in France. The actors — most notably, James run of ITV’s Broadchurch — a mystery net and YouTube. You can follow Michael on front of and behind the lens — is impres- Nesbitt as the father, Frances O’Connor as series that was ignited by a small town Twitter: @cultureblaster

The Best of Books What you’re reading compiled by brian pettus 4. All the Light We Cannot See: A Novel (hardcover), Books Inc. best-seller list by Anthony Doerr 1. The Life-Changing Magic of 5. The Girl on the Train: A Tidying Up: The Japanese Novel (hardcover), Art of Decluttering and by Paula Hawkins 10. Still Alice (paperback), tory that reads like a novel. the Day turns his prodigious Organizing (hardcover), 6. Season of the Witch (paper- by Lisa Genova Dead Wake tells the story talents to tell a Chaucer-like by Marie Kondo back), by David Talbott of the sinking of the ocean tale of love and memory, of 2. City of Thieves: A Novel 7. Cool Gray City of Love: NEW TITLES WE LOVE liner Lusitania, the event that traveling and getting lost, (paperback), 49 Views of San Francisco Dead Wake: The Last some say brought America and of a Britain that never by David Benioff (paperback), Crossing of the Lusitania, into World War I. A thrilling, was. A departure for him, but 3. Boys in the Boat: Nine by Gary Kamiya by Erik Larson absorbing book. nevertheless, told in his bold, Americans and Their Epic 8. Redeployment (paperback), The new book from the beautiful style. Quest for Gold at the 1936 by Phil Klay author of Devil in the White The Buried Giant: A Novel, Berlin Olympics (paper- 9. Dept. of Speculation (paper- City, Larson continues to show by Kazuo Ishiguro Brian Pettus is the manager of back), by Daniel Brown back), by Jenny Offill his deft hand in writing his- The author of Remains of Books Inc. in the Marina.

Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 21 Calendar

North Beach First Fridays Friday, April 3, 6–9 p.m. Various North Beach venues Visit over 20 galleries and other venues in this April Events monthly effort to connect and cultivate an audience what not to miss this month to the history, character, and vision of the neighbor- hood. Free, northbeachfirstfridays.com

SFMOMA Artists’ Gallery Warehouse Sale MAJOR EVENTS LAST CHANCE GALAS & BENEFITS Opening reception: Wednesday, April 29, 6–9 p.m. Sale: Thu–Sun, Apr. 30–May 3 Aquascapes: Bldg. A, Fort Mason Center The Art of Underwater Gardening Browse through hundreds of original artworks by Tue–Sun thru April 12 300 Bay Area artists at substantial savings. Many () artistic styles and media are represented: painting, See this unique form of water gardening, a pop- drawing, works on paper, mixed media, and more. ular international trend, and learn how aquatic At the reception, be among the first to shop the plants have adapted to life in the deep. $5–$8, sale and enjoy wine, a signature cocktail, and music. 415-831-2090, conservatoryofflowers.org Reception: $10, sale: free, 415-441-4777, sfmoma. org/artistsgallery Primo Angeli: A Retrospective Tue–Sun thru April 19, noon–4 p.m. Museo Italo Americano (Bldg. C, Fort Mason Cntr.) THEATER On display are celebratory posters, logo designs, and packaging art demonstrating Angeli’s imprint 5th Annual Spring Book Sale Magic Theatre: Sister Play Wed–Sun thru April 19 & Tuesday, April 7 on the S.F. landscape and his great impact on Wed–Sun, April 1–5, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Bldg. D, Fort Mason Center graphic design. Free, 415-673-2200, sfmuseo.org Festival Pavilion, Fort Mason Center When Lilly, Anna, and her husband, Malcolm, Benefiting the S.F. Public Library’s educa- retreat to their late father’s cabin, they expect to @Large: Ai Weiwei on Alcatraz tion programs, this sale features over 250,000 24th Annual Union Street Spring relax, unwind, and take stock. But when a charming Daily thru April 25, 8:45 a.m.–4:30 p.m. books, CDs, DVD, books on tape, vinyl, and Celebration & Easter Parade but shadowy drifter enters the picture angling for other media. All books $1 on Sunday. Free, This emotionally moving exhibition consists of seven 415-626-7500, friendssfpl.org Lilly’s heart, their pilgrimage takes a surprising turn. Sunday, April 5, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $20–$60, 415-441-8822, magictheatre.org Union Street (Gough to Steiner) site-specific sculpture, sound, and mixed media instal- lations in four locations on the island usually off limits This family event includes an Easter bonnet 34th S.F. Ballet Auxiliary Fashion Show S.F. Playhouse: Stupid F— Bird contest (11:15 a.m.–1:30 p.m.), bounce house, to visitors and explores human rights and freedom of Thursday, April 2, 11 a.m. Tue–Thu thru May 2 kids’ rides and games, a petting zoo, pony rides, expression. Ai, a critic of China’s authoritarian regime, Kensington Park Hotel (450 Post St.) entertainment, and more. Parade begins at 2 has spent time in jail and is not allowed to travel outside Enjoy a cocktail reception followed by a runway It’s Chekov’s The Seagull on steroids: Con hates his of the country without permission. $30–$37 includes p.m. Free, sresproductions.com mother. And Nina, the girl he adores, lusts after his access to all of the island amenities, 415-981-7625, show, luncheon, and live auction, and raffle. Then, mother’s lover. Mix equal parts ambition, sex, and alcatrazcruises.com view the Neiman Marcus 2015 spring design- S.F. Vintner’s Market er collection at the Union Square store. $350, alcohol, and what you get is a recipe for madness. $20–$60, 415-677-9596, sfplayhouse.org Sat–Sun, April 11–12, noon–4 p.m. Gough Street Playhouse: 415-865-2000, sfballet.org Festival Pavilion, Fort Mason Center The Braggart Soldier, or Major Blowhard Big Bang Gala 2015 & Party After Dark Taste and buy from over 150 wineries pouring Thu–Sat thru April 26 Thursday, April 23, 6 p.m.–midnight new releases, special collections, and hard-to-find 1620 Gough St. California Academy of Sciences vintages in this farmers’ market-type environment. If you’ve seen Sondheim’s A Funny Thing Happened $80–$150, 415-596-1191, sfvintnersmarket.com Explore the tastes, sounds, and creatures of the on the Way to the Forum, you already know these night during these two events benefiting the characters, and that the Roman playwright Plautus Academy and featuring dinner, speakers, live was a major influence for every possible style of music, late-night bites, and an open bar. $75 & up, comedy through the ages. $20–$40, 415-798-2682, 415-379-5411, calacademy.org/big-bang-gala-2015 custommade.org

COMMUNITY CORNER ARTS & CULTURE Celebrating the Beats: Poetry & Jazz Walk to Work Day 2015 Tuesdays thru April, 6:30–8:30 Thursday, April 9 Top of the Mark Hub: Steep Brew cafe, Whole Foods Market Enjoy specialty cocktails and bites alongside a jazz (1765 California St.) and poetry jam in celebration of the birth of the Join Supervisor Mark Farrell from 8–9 a.m. to cel- Beats. Visit website for lineup. Free, 415-392-3434, 48th Annual Northern California ebrate this fun and festive day to encourage the topofthemark.com Cherry Blossom Festival most healthful, sustainable form of transportation: walking. Just a 15-minute walk counts! Stop by vari- National Poetry Month 42nd Street Moon: Nick and Nora Sat–Sun, April 11–12 & 18–19 ous hubs (http://bit.ly/W2WD2015Hubs) for freebies Tuesday, April 14, 6:30 p.m. Post Street (btw. Laguna & Fillmore) including a Clipper Card, totes, snacks, and more. Koret Auditorium, S.F. Main Library Wed–Sun, April 1–19 In a celebration of Japanese culture, this street Free, 415-431-9255, walksf.org Acclaimed authors Joanne Kyger and Bill Berkson Eureka Theatre (215 Jackson St.) fair features Japanese food, a film festival, ike- read from their new works. A book sale by Reader’s This “lost” musical, not seen since its original bana demonstrations, traditional music, taiko Books follows the event. Free, 415-557-4400, sfpl.org Broadway run, features those iconic sleuths drummers, martial artists, and much more. The from Dashiell Hammett’s The Thin Man, Nick Grand Parade caps the festival at 1 p.m. April 12. 400 Years of Provocative Shoes and Nora Charles, solving the murder of a stu- Mostly free, 415-563-2313, nccbf.org Tuesday, April 14, 7 p.m. dio bookkeeper in 1930s Hollywood. $21–$75, JCCSF (3200 California St.) 415-255-8207, 42ndstmoon.org Bouquets to Art Direct from the Brooklyn Museum’s exhibition, which calls “provocative Tue–Sun, April 14–19, 9:30 a.m.–5:15 p.m. BATS Improv: Improvised Shakespeare and profligate, appalling and dazzling,” see the Saturday, April 4, 11, 18, & 25, 8–9:45 p.m. images and film of some of our culture’s most Each of the over 125 floral designers chooses Bayfront Theater (Bldg. B, Fort Mason Cntr.) coveted iconic fashion artifacts — a fitting ending a piece of art from the museum’s collection Starting with a title chosen by the audience, actors after viewing the museum’s costume collection, and creates a floral work of art to complement spin a completely improvised, completely original High Style, at the . $25–$35, 415- it in this popular weeklong exhibition. $22–$23, tale in the style and language of the Bard. $17–20, 292-1200, jccsf.org 415-750-3504, www.famsf.org 415-474-6776, improv.org Presidio Poetry Series Earth Day S.F. 2015 Generation Theatre: Fanny Saturday, April 25, 2–3:30 p.m. Saturday, April 18, 10 a.m.–7 p.m. Thu–Sun, April 16–26 Presidio Branch Library (3150 Sacramento St.) 22nd St. (btw. Mission & Valencia) Southside Theater (Bldg. D, Fort Mason Cntr.) Enjoy a poetry performance by three iconoclastic This unique celebration combines green sustainability The second play in Marcel Pagnol’s celebrated and insightful poets. Free, 415-355-2880, sfpl.org discussions, activism, workshops, and solutions into a Presidio Parklands Project Public and heart-warming Marseille Trilogy, composed day of fun and excitement for the whole family with Meeting & Workshop of Marius, Fanny, and Cesar, the three plays tell chef demos, a fashion show, entertainment, and the story of a small bar on Marseille’s old harbor Saturday, April 18, 10 a.m. more. Donations encouraged, earthdaysf.org MUSEUMS & GALLERIES over an entire generation. $20–$35, 415-644-8676, The Observation Post (211 Lincoln Blvd., generationtheatre.com S.F. Decorator Showcase Presidio) Exquisite Nature: 20 Masterpieces of 3630 Jackson St. Help shape the design of the 13 acres that Chinese Painting (14th–18th century) ACT: Let There be Love will connect the Presidio to the bay after the Tue–Sun, April 25–May 25 Tue–Sun thru Nov. 1 Wed–Sun, April 23–May 8 completion of Presidio Parkway. This workshop Monday, May 31 Asian Art Museum 405 Geary St. will address key park layers, including circula- Twenty-five designers will transform this Julia These rarely seen paintings, differing in style and This often-humorous family drama follows the tion, planting, lighting, and furnishings. For more Morgan 1916 Elizabethan manner that backs up to geographical representation, include variations on story of an aging West Indian immigrant, his les- information, to view the proposed alternatives, the Presidio Wall and spans 9,700 square feet over popular subjects such as landscape, birds and flow- bian daughter, and Polish caregiver while explor- and to comment, visit newpresidioparklands.org. four stories with six baths and seven bedrooms. ers, country life, and historical stories and celebrate ing memory, regret, and forgiveness. $20–$105, Free, register at eventbrite.com or 415-561-2122 $35, 415-447-5830, decoratorshowcase.org. the natural world. $15, 415-581-3500, asianart.org 415-749-2228, act-sf.org


The Sing Off Tour Wednesday, April 8, 8 p.m. The Warfield Experience the ultimate a cappella experience in this unique opportunity to see your favorite groups from the NBC television series perform live. $29.50– $52.50, 888-929-7849, thewarfieldtheatre.com

Charles Lloyd Thu–Sun, April 23–26 SFJazz Center (201 Franklin St.) The jazz legend presents the U.S. premiere of Wild Man Dance Suite written for this meeting of American, Hungarian and Greek musicians (April Lines Ballet: Spring Home Season 23–24). He performs with his new quartet April 25 and with Bill Frisell and Friends April 26. $25–$65, Fri–Sun, April 3–5 & Wed–Sun, April 8–12 866-920-5299, sfjazz.org YBCA Theatre (701 Mission St.) T he spring season includes the premier of a Merle Haggard 58th S.F. International Film Festival new dance-theater piece plus Concerto for Two Tuesday, April 28, 8 p.m. , choreographed to Bach’s Concerto in Violins Marin Center (10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael) D Minor performed live by the Philharmonia hese days, it seems Lance Armstrong, Julian active performance-art Widely regarded as country music’s greatest liv- Baroque Chamber Players. $30–$65, 415-863-3040, like there’s an Assange, and Eliot ing recording artist, at the age of 73, the veteran piece by iconoclastic indie linesballet.org singer-songwriter-guitarist-producer-bandleader is annual film fes- Spitzer. A party will fol- filmmaker and actress Ttival in every town, vil- low at Madame Tussauds Miranda July. The San still making some of the most compelling music of S.F. Ballet: Shostakovich Trilogy his long and storied career. $45.50–$85.50, 415-473- lage, and glen. Some of with live music, dancing, Francisco Film Society Various days, April 8–19 6800, marincenter.org the fests are designed to food, and drink. and the San Francisco War Memorial Opera House have a major impact on There will be public Museum of Modern Art Back by popular demand, this groundbreaking NIGHTLIFE the movie business, with components of the annu- have teamed up to co- tribute to one of Russia’s great composers has been Hollywood insiders flock- al San Francisco Film present New Society for described by the S.F. Chronicle as “Simply one ing about in search of Society Awards in con- two nights, on Tuesday, of the company’s most satisfying nights in years.” products for distribution junction with the SFIFF. April 28 and Wednesday $22–$345, 415-865-2000, sfballet.org and critics trying to get This year, esteemed direc- April 29, 8 p.m. at the a jump on the best new tor Guillermo del Toro Brava Theater Center. Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater films. Some of the fests are will receive the Irving M. On the music front, Tue–Sun, April 21–26 simply means or occasions Levin Directing Award art-rock duo Cibo Matto Zellerbach Hall (UC Berkeley) for civic boosters to preen and headlines An Evening will hit the Castro on Conveying the panorama of American cultural with pride and generate experience through powerful movement and with Guillermo del Toro Tuesday, May 5 at 8 p.m., graceful fluidity, the company returns for its local revenue. But few on Saturday, April 25, 8 with their blend of hip- annual residency, praised last season by the S.F. of these gatherings have p.m. at the Castro. An hop and electro-pop, as Chronicle: “The names and faces may change, the distinction, breadth, onstage interview of del heard most recently on the dances may vary, but a night at the Alvin Ailey Reverend Horton Heat and longevity of the San Toro will be accompanied their 2014 album Hotel American Dance Theater guarantees you a night Francisco International by a selection of clips from Valentine. They have of amazing dancing.” $40–$96, 510-642-9988, Thursday, April 16, 8 p.m. Film Festival. his career, a sneak peek developed new musi- calperformances.org Bimbo’s 365 Club (1025 Columbus Ave.) The SFIFF will launch at his upcoming projects, cal soundtracks to some The Reverend Horton Heat (the stage name for its 58th program in vari- and will be followed by a surreal and abstract band front man Jim Heath) is perhaps the most 17th Annual Bay Area Dance Week ous venues later this screening of his dream- shorts (including the popular “psychobilly” band of all time, rivaled Daily, April 24–May 3 month, and as ever, like 2001 blend of chiller rare 1970 movie version Various S.F. venues only by genre founders the Cramps.. Ages 21+, the two-week event is and political allegory, The of eminent Bauhaus art- Featuring hundreds of events, BADW provides a $25, 415-474-0365, bimbos365club.com grand tour of dance styles, including Argentine designed as a banquet for Devil’s Backbone. ist Oskar Schlemmer’s true fans of world cine- Then Richard Gere is to Triadic Ballet), which tango, classical Indian, jazz, hip hop, ballet, tra- Tubaluba and DJ Kevvy Kev ditional hula, and more. Free, 415-920-9181, ma, rather than a mar- be honored as the recipi- will be played in this Saturday, April 18, 9:30 p.m. bayareandw.org ketplace for studio suit- ent of the Peter J. Owens one-time-only program. Boom Boom Room (1601 Fillmore St.) ors in search of the next Award for excellence in And San Francisco’s The sounds of New Orleans played in a style box-office hit. Expect the acting. On Sunday, April renowned avant-garde called Jambalaya Brass Rock. Ages 21+, $10, MUSIC/CLASSICAL boomboomblues.com usual eclectic and tasteful 26, at 6:30 p.m., Gere gets string ensemble Kronos selection of foreign and the live-interview/clip- Quartet will team with Chamber Music S.F.: Cobb’s Comedy Showcase independent movies and retrospective treatment at experimental filmmaker The Four Seasons of Vivaldi & Piazzolla Wednesday, April 29, 8 p.m. documentaries, as well as the Castro. An Evening and multiple Golden Sunday, April 19, 3 p.m. Cobb’s Comedy Club (915 Columbus Ave.) a few high-profile good- with Richard Gere will Gate Award-winner Bill Marines’ Memorial Theatre (609 Sutter St.) Catch a handpicked lineup of today’s rising comedy ies that are sure to create be topped off by a screen- Morrison on Wednesday, Tango meets Baroque! Hear 18th-century Venice stars. Ages 18+, $12.50, 415-928-4320, cobbscom major buzz and critical ing of Oren Moverman’s May 6, 6:30 p.m. at blended with 20th-century Buenos Aires in this edyclub.com acclaim upon theatrical new feature Time Out of the Sundance Kabuki invigorating cocktail of musical styles featuring release. Consider that last Mind — a dramatic inves- Cinemas for Beyond soloists from the S.F. Opera Orchestra. $36–$46, year’s festival featured 263 tigation of alienation and Zero 1914–1918. This 415-392-4400, marinesmemorialtheatre.com FILMS & LECTURES screenings of 158 films destitution starring Gere unique visual explora- from 51 countries, and as a lost soul in search of tion of World War I com- 13th Annual USF hosted a roster of over 210 food and shelter in a harsh bines rare 35-millimeter Human Rights Film Festival filmmakers and industry urban environment. footage with a score Thu–Sat, April 9–11 guests from over 21 coun- Another highlight by Serbian composer Presentation Theater, University of San Francisco tries. In addition to the should be the Film Aleksandra Vrebalov. (2350 Turk Blvd.) From shorts to feature-length films exploring every- movies themselves, there Society’s Golden Gate Finally, the festival thing from homeless Chicago teens to an Iranian will be a few of the highly Awards, which have been will close things out on woman who wants to be an astronaut, the festival anticipated special events presented at the festival Thursday, May 7 with a promotes awareness of global human rights issues. on the schedule that are since its inaugural year in 7 p.m. Castro showing of Free, 415-422-5555, usfca.edu/artsci/hrff/ unique to the SFIFF. 1957. This year’s competi- Experimenter — direc- Kicking off the pro- tion — comprised of films tor Michael Almereyda’s 8th Annual Disposable Film Festival 2015 gramming and the cel- from 20 countries — will bio-pic about the life of Thu–Sun, April 9–12 ebration will be a gala on award nearly $40,000 in scientist Stanley Milgram Thursday night, April 23. total prizes in various nar- (Peter Sarsgaard) and his This festival is dedicated to competitive shorts, all The centerpiece will be rative and documentary explorations into human made on mobile phones, DSLRs, and webcams. a Castro Theater screen- categories. behavior — followed by $30 reception and opening night pass; additional ing of Steve Jobs: The In its ongoing acknowl- one final party. passes needed for workshops and panels and other Man in the Machine, San Francisco Inter- events. disposablefilm.com edgement of multimedia’s S.F. Symphony: Sa Chen the latest from fearless, impact and influence national Film Festival: 3rd Annual Food + Farm Film Fest prodigious documentary on cinema, the SFIFF Daily, April 23–May 7, Thu–Fri, April 23–24 Thu–Sun, April 17–19 director Alex Gibney, has scheduled a number various venues. For tickets, Davies Symphony Hall Roxie Theater (3117 16th St.) whose previous subjects of shows in its Live & complete program informa- Vasily Petrenko conducts China’s premier pianist You won’t want to miss four days of amazing films have included James Onstage series, including tion, and schedule updates, in her debut performance with the SFS in a pro- paired with delicious food, great parties, and live Brown, Dr. Hunter S. the West Coast premiere visit festival.sffs.org. gram of Barber, Rachmaninoff, and Shostakovich. goats. Yes, goats. Visit website for ticket informa- $15–$164, 415-864-6000, sfsymphony.org Thompson, Fela Kuti, of New Society — an inter- — M. Snyder tion. foodandfarmfilms.com

Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 23 Calendar

ing crisis of America’s aging infrastructure. $7–$20, 415-597-6700, commonwealthclub.org POTABLES & EDIBLES Mexican-American Vintners Assoc. Spring Wine Tasting Wednesday, April 8, 5–7 p.m. Fleet Room, Bldg. D, Fort Mason Cntr. Taste and purchase wines from 15 Mexican- American Vintners Association wineries. Includes food pairings of cheeses, charcuterie, and bread. $35–$75, 707-266-1296, nsmava.org

Inventiveness and Innovation: S.F. Vintners Market Contemporary Architects and the Sat–Sun, April 11–12 Art Market San Francisco Influence and Impacts of Architecture Festival Pavilion, Fort Mason Center and Architects of the 1915 World’s Fair Try and buy wine on the spot in this showcase of up to 200 topnotch wineries selling their wines direct. ow in its fifth San Francisco’s New Art Area curators, collectors, Wednesday, April 22, 6–8 p.m. $80–$150, 415-596-1191, sfvintnersmarket.com season, the Art Acquisitions Fund. and designers. California Historical Society (678 Mission St.) Everyday Food Smarts Market will Last year’s Art Market As the Art Market This panel discussion moderated by John King of Thursday, April 16, 23, & 30, 7–8 p.m. Nreturn to the Festival saw record-breaking has grown into a major the S.F. Chronicle explores the continued impact Learning Studio, S.F. Main Library Pavilion at Fort Mason sales, citywide partner- regional event, it rein- of the vision of Panama-Pacific International Through a combination of recipe demonstration, Exposition architects, including Bernard Maybeck Center on April 29 ships, and over 20,000 forces the importance of take-home resources, and informal discussion, this and Willis Polk and whether their vision can still through May 3. This year visitors in attendance. local involvement in the three-week cooking and nutrition workshop pro- features a wide assort- Art Market Productions arts. The Art Market is be seen today, the relevancy of their work in ment of contemporary is Brooklyn-based and the colorful place where today’s context, challenges then and now, and public space. $5, 415-357-1848, ppie100.org art from noteworthy owned by Max Fishko and local creativity overlaps national and interna- Jeffrey Wainhause, who with the international art tional galleries. have organized success- world. And it doesn’t have Hank Paulson: Dealing with China Art Market San ful national fairs includ- to end on May 3 if you Tuesday, April 28, 6 p.m. Francisco 2015 is collabo- ing the Miami Project, purchase a one-of-a-kind Commonwealth Club (555 Post St.) rating with the de Young Contemporary, and piece to enjoy year-round. The former Treasury secretary who helped steer the and Legion of Honor the Seattle Art Fair. All Art Market San country through the 2008 economic collapse dis- fine arts museums for the fairs seek to provide Francisco 2015: Benefit cusses opening up China to private enterprise. He this year’s first Benefits a high-quality art experi- Preview Reception, Wed- is also the co-chair of Risky Business, a project that Preview Reception on ence by connecting col- nesday, April 29, 6–9 p.m.; highlights the economic risks of climate change. Wednesday evening, lectors and dealers in an VIP Party, Thursday, April $7–$55, 415-597-6700, commonwealthclub.org April 29. Beneficiary optimal environment. 30, 6–10 p.m.; Market, ticket buyers will have This year, be sure to Friday–Saturday, May 1–2, Tapas Grand Wine Tasting the pleasure of a first experience a series of 11 a.m.–7 p.m., Sunday, SCIENCE & Sunday, April 26, 2 p.m. access private preview presentations coordi- May 3, noon–6 p.m.; $25– ENVIRONMENT Golden Gate Club (Presidio) of the art fair and will nated with the galler- $400; visit artmarketsf.com Playshop: Beatmaking with Nature This event lays claim to the most extensive enjoy live entertainment ies and artists including for tickets and to preview annual tasting of domestically produced Spanish Saturday, April 4, 10 a.m. at this catered event. collector tours, curator images of participating gal- and Portuguese varietal wines in North America. California Academy of Sciences Proceeds will benefit the talks, and special art- leries and artists. $55, www.tapasociety.org Teen leaders from the Bay Area Video Coalition will Fine Arts Museum of ist presentations by Bay — S. Anderson lead you in learning about professional music indus- try software and methods, and participants will be vides the practical background you need to get able to mix their own nature-based music. $35–$40, inspired in the kitchen. Free, 415-557-4400, sfpl.org 415-379-8000, calacademy.org MARIN CENTER PRESENTS A Toast to Neighborhoods: Spring Cocktails of the Farmers’ Market Wednesday, April 29, 5:30–8 p.m. Ferry Plaza Enjoy seasonally inspired drinks, hors d’oeuvres, NEIL BERG’S and music at this annual event celebrating spring’s bounty. $50, 415-291-3276, www.cuesa.org

Spring Grilling Ideas Thursday, April 29, 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. Sur la Table (2224 Union St.) Learn how to prepare a colorful and delicious spring menu using the season’s freshest ingredients plus fun and easy grilling techniques. $69, 800-243-0852, 105 YEARS OF surlatable.com SPORTS & HEALTH 11th Annual Create with Nature Earth Day Levi’s Presidio 10 Race Sunday, April 12, 8 a.m., 8:30 a.m.–2 p.m. Saturday, April 18, 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Start/finish: Crissy Field Stinson Beach (across from Sports Basement) BROADWAY Drop in and join community members, pro- In this fun, family-oriented race, choose a 10-mile, fessional artists, and passersby to construct 10K, or a scenic 5K. Events at the finish line expo Direct from New York, Neil Berg’s sculpture using sand, rocks, shells, seaweed, 105 Years of Broadway features five of SUNDAY, MAY 3, 3 PM and other beach treasures. Includes musi- Broadway’s finest stars singing hit songs from $60, $45, $35, $25, cians, dancers and beach cleanup. Free, classic shows like My Fair Lady, South Pacific, $20 students (20 and under) 415-561-3000, parksconservancy.org West Side Story, Chicago, Jersey Boys, Wicked, and more. If you love Broadway musicals, this is your must-see event of the season!

Off the Screen: Joshua Light Show with Linda Perhacs and Julia Holter Saturday, April 18, 8 p.m. (Pier 15) The Exploratorium’s Kanbar Forum hosts an immer- sive light show in collaboration with musicians Julia Holter and LInda Perhacs. The show combines new and old light and video technology. $15–$20, 415- 528-4444, exploratorium.edu S.F. Giants Opening Day Monday, April 13, 1:35 p.m. Reimagining America’s Infrastructure ORDER NOW FOR BEST SEATS! AT&T Park Marin Center, San Rafael Tuesday, April 28, 6 p.m. 15 minutes north of the Golden Gate Bridge The Giants open their season with a three-game marincenter.org Commonwealth Club (555 Post St.) series against the Colorado Rockies. $99–$375, Find Us On Facebook Plenty of FREE Parking Panelists from the worlds of economic policy, urban 415-972-2000, sfgiants.com planning, and environmentalism examine the grow-

24 APRIL 2015 MARINA TIMES marinatimes.com Saturday, April 4, 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Saturday, April 4, 8 p.m.–midnight Sharon Meadow, Golden Gate Park H.V. Balcultha, Hyde Street Pier Enjoy carnival rides, games, egg hunts, live enter- Sing traditional sea-faring songs aboard this tainment, and a BBQ competition among the Rec floating historic vessel. Dress warmly and bring and Park, S.F. Police, and S.F. Fire Departments. $8, a mug for hot cider served from the ship’s gal- 415-831-2700, sfrecpark.org ley. Free, reservations required at 415-561-7171 or Easter Kids’ Run [email protected], nps.gov Sunday, April 5, 9 a.m. Cheap Fun in San Francisco (98 Funston Ave.) Monday, April 6, 2–2:45 p.m. Enjoy an Easter race with challenging hills and North Beach Branch Library (850 Columbus Ave.) beautiful scenery in a mostly unknown corner of From free museum days to free live music in the the city. Adults welcome. Free–$5, 415 978-0837, park to author lectures at the library, get the run- dserunners.com down on the many fun and inexpensive activities and attractions that everyone can enjoy. Free, Senior Smiles Health Fair 7th Annual Earth Week S.F. Symphony: Music For Families ArtSeed Art-a-thon 415-355-5626, sfpl.org Saturday, April 11, 2 p.m. Saturday, April 25, 9 a.m.–noon Univ. of the Pacific Dugoni School of Dentistry Saturday, April 25, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. (155 Fifth St.) Thoreau Center for Sustainability (1012 Torney Adults age 55 and older are invited to Ave, Presidio) receive free health and wellness services: All ages and skill levels are invited to test their dental health, hearing, cholesterol, and creative art-making endurance at this event with bone density screenings, blood glucose and every hour spent making art to support ArtSeed’s blood pressure testing, and more as well education programs. Drop in and stay for any as refreshments. First come, first served. duration. Participants are asked to register and 415-929-6400, dental.pacific.edu collect pledges for each hour they create art. 415-561-6300, artseed.org include awards for age divisions, hot breakfast, party tents from multiple sponsors, and live music. Proceeds support The Guardsmen’s’ programs for Davies Symphony Hall at-risk youth. $40–$70, guardsmen.org/presidio10 What does it take to create a story with music? Treasure Island Flea Find out as the symphony tells a fantastic musical tale, and the audience chooses the Sat–Sun, Apri1 25–26, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Great Lawn, Ave. of Palms 3rd Annual Presidio Y Trail Run twists and turns. $15-$64, 415-864-6000, Browse original artwork, antiques, vintage Sunday, April 26, 7 a.m.–noon sfsymphony.org apparel, repurposed and upcycled items and Meet: Barnard Avenue (at Lincoln) behind Presidio more; over 25 food trucks/booths; beer, wine, YMCA JUST FOR FUN cocktails with happy hour specials until noon; This challenging course winds through the Presidio DIY workshops; live music; and kid zone. Free, trail system with beautiful overlooks and passes S.F. Bike Party treasureislandflea.com through newly opened portions. Choose a 10K, 5K Annual Bug Day Friday, April 3, 7:30 p.m. or 1.5 mile-course. Proceeds support the Presidio Secret Location YMCA’s youth development, healthful living, and Saturday, April 18, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Join this monthly celebration of biking for rid- Calendar listings social responsibility programs. $17–$50, 415-447- (199 Museum Way) ers of all ages, types, and skill levels — you’re 9622, ymcasf.org/presidio/trailrun This incredible extravaganza of insect- encouraged to dress up for a fun and safe Please send your event listings to calendar@ inspired fun features crafts, games, live enter- ride with stops to dance and socialize. Visit the marinatimes.com with succinct specifics about tainment, and special this year, honeybees. Facebook page for location. Free, facebook.com/ your event, location, dates, times, prices, and CHILD’S PLAY Bring a picnic lunch to take advantage of sanfranciscobikeparty contact information (telephone and Internet). the lawn with a view. Free, 415-554-9600, Sea Chantey Sing Spring Eggstravaganza 2015 sfrecpark.org/venue/randall-museum/ Visit marinatimes.com for additional calendar listings.

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Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 25 At Home

Urban Home and Garden Trees

Mary D. Toboni TOBONI&CO. Top PU Producer c. 415.317.4255 d. 415.345.3002 [email protected] BRE# 00625243

Fort Mason once served as an Army Post for more than 100 years. Recognizing the geographic and economic importance of the San

Francisco Bay, the land was originally named Earth is ordering the cake and expecting presents. Photo: earthdaysf.org the Port of San Francisco by President Millard Fillmore and was known to locals as Black Point. By 1855, large and very expensive homes were Happy 45th birthday, Earth Day! built and soon became the preferred location for Gillian Toboni San Francisco’s elite and well educated. To this TOBONI&CO. by julia strzesieski LOOKING FOR which cause walking haz- day, three homes from this private and wealthy A FEW LEMONS ards and wreak havoc on c. 415.297.5572 community still stand - Brooks House, Haskell d. 415.345.3131 n San Francisco, we If you have a patio or sewer systems. House and Palmers House and are the three [email protected] really celebrate Earth yard, smaller trees such as Proper care: The right oldest buildings in Fort Mason. BRE# 01523027 Day every day of the dwarf citrus can be planted tree also needs the right Iyear with our earth friend- in large planters or wine early care. Basic tree care ly lifestyles. Still, we look barrels. JustOneTree.org is a begins with watering at least forward to Earth Day campaign to promote plant- 15 gallons per week. To help on April 22 for what has ing fruit trees as the most keep your tree wet during For a Custom Designed Market become one of the larg- efficient crop for dense cit- dry seasons you can apply Analysis and Opinion of Value on your est secular holidays in the ies. This project is part of mulch or plant nonwoody Property (at no cost of obligation), world, as a way to observe the nonprofit group Urban ground cover. or if you are interested in buying the strides that Good support: property, please call 415.345.3131 or have been made in Your tree will also email [email protected] recycling, energy- need support while it saving technologies, JustOneTree.org would grows large enough and appreciation of to stand on its own. our planet. like all lemon trees Arbor stakes con- Now celebrated registered so they can nected with cross in nearly 200 coun- braces create a frame tries and coordinat- work on planting more from which you can Looking for a Realtor who knows ed by the nonprofit support the tree your Neighborhood? Earth Day Network, in deficient areas. using a loose arbor former Wisconsin tie. Keeping the tie Senator Gaylord Nelson Resource Systems, estab- loose ensures that your tree founded Earth Day as an lished in 1981 to promote will move enough to grow environment teach-in, greater urban self-reliance on its own. modeled after the teach- through community action. Professional care: Fin- ins that were taking place The Department of ally, you should have your on college campuses across Public Works estimates that tree inspected and pruned the country. His idea of a there are between 2,000– by a qualified professional grassroots demonstration 4,000 lemon trees in the city. to ensure that any devel- to protest what was hap- JustOneTree.org would like oping issues are addressed pening to our environment all lemon trees registered before they become life took hold. Since then, Earth so they can work on plant- threatening to the tree. You Day has grown into the ing more in deficient areas can locate certified arbor- worldwide movement we to reach the self-sufficiency ists through Friends of the now commemorate. goal. Visit JustOneTree. Urban Forest. Or you can Enjoy the many festivals org to register your new or become a qualified profes- and events that will take existing lemon tree. sional yourself and care place in the Bay Area on for your own tree, giving Earth Day, April 22, and TREE-PLANTING it the personal attention on the weekends before CONSIDERATIONS it truly deserves. Friends and after (earthdaysf.org, Choose the best tree: of the Urban Forest offers earthday.org). For a tree to have the great- tree-care classes and work est impact, it needs to be days where you can learn ARBOR DAY healthy and thriving. A cutting-edge pruning tech- Don’t forget that Arbor healthy tree begins with the niques and practice your Day is April 24. Often selection of the species best arbor skills while making Call your neighbor, Silvana Messing, eclipsed by its more suited for your location. our urban forest healthier for all your real estate needs. glamorous cousin Earth Consider the soil type, if and stronger. For more Day, Arbor Day has been there are obstructions like information on how you around since 1872 in the overhead wires, environ- can have a healthy tree in Silvana Messing United States. According mental conditions like high front of your home, contact CalBRE#: 01141928 to a Chinese proverb, winds or salt air, and what Friends of the Urban Forest 415.305.8702 “The best time to plant a you want your tree to look at fuf.net. [email protected] tree was 20 years ago.” But like when mature. 117 Greenwich Street the next best thing would Planting your tree: No time or space for tree San Francisco, CA 94111 be today. And if urban When planting a tree in planting or care? Just give SothebysHomes.com living prevents you from the ground, make sure to a tree a hug. This is San planting a tree, give a little consider the size the tree Francisco after all! love to a tree you enjoy will eventually become. on your street: Consider Sidewalks all over the Julia Strzesieski is the mar- cleaning up the debris Bay Area are cracked and keting coordinator at Cole Operated by Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. Sotheby’s International Realty does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage or other information. that so often collects in erupting by expanding Hardware and can be reached sidewalk tree basins. water-seeking tree roots, at [email protected].

26 APRIL 2015 MARINA TIMES marinatimes.com Real Estate

Real Estate Investor Norquist vs. Le Corbusier Property politics How others respond to housing inequality by john zipperer use neighborhoods of modernist cities, with booming economies towers to house people. and growing populations, prevent fter John Norquist There have definitely been their populations from becoming left his longtime position many wrong-headed urban plan- even more economically stratified as mayor of Milwaukee, ning trends in the United States and forcing out the middle class? Left to right: Urban planning guru John Norquist; Urban planning visionary Le Corbusier. Ahe spent a decade heading up the in the 20th century. But each of Allen presents seven approaches, Photos: Center for Neighborhood Technology from Wicker Park, Chicago, USA; SVT bild Congress for the New Urbanism, those wrong-headed moves was some of which have been tried an organization that promotes an attempt to improve something. here, some of which could be, and Fourth is to expand into areas Recession, but the goal was laud- smart urban planning. Called a Le Corbusier was reacting to the some which will never be. previously set aside, such as able if the execution deplorable.) A “fiscally conservative socialist,” dirty tenements and slums that First is the demand-side greenbelts. Considering that San year ago in these pages, affordable Norquist has no problem com- had long haunted the world’s great approach of making it more dif- Francisco’s “greenbelt” is water housing advocate Andre Shashaty bining seemingly contradictory cities. But Norquist took him to ficult to buy a home. South Korea, and Daly City, we can assume this argued that the federal government ideas to make a workable plan, task for neglecting the way peo- Israel, and elsewhere use this is a no-go. has largely pulled out of affordable and he has long championed such ple actually live their lives and method to make life more miser- Fifth is to encourage renting, housing enablement and financ- plans in the areas of real estate and replacing it with utopian dreams. able for wannabe owners; it does such as the rent-happy Germans ing, and there is no likelihood that urban planning. Norquist recounted how a century nothing to prevent stratification, do. This takes a real determina- that will change any time soon (see At an affordable housing con- ago, a family might emigrate from because wealthier buyers have no tion to go against the wishes of “We’ve written it off,” April 2014, ference in 2005, Norquist spoke Germany to Milwaukee, live in a problem clearing hurdles of low the people; homeownership is the Marina Times). In San Francisco, about how cities have gone cheap apartment above a street- debt-to-income ratios or loan-to- one long-term investment that at least, the city does facilitate wrong when they tried hard- side retail shop and work its way value ratios. most Americans make. Besides, down-payment assistance for mid- est to do it right. He took aim up, eventually buying the shop Second is the supply side. In not everyone wants to rent all their dle-income homebuyers. Mayor at Charles-Édouard Jeanneret- and moving the family to a nicer some places, land banks make land lives; that might be why so many Ed Lee has recently announced Gris, a Swiss-French architect neighborhood. Then they’d rent available for moderate-income Germans moved to Milwaukee. an expansion of this effort, so we and urban planner better known the apartment above their store to housing, but as Allen notes, free- The sixth approach is to shall see how much this can helps as Le Corbusier, who Norquist immigrants from Poland (this is marketeers dislike this govern- spread out and build outside of stabilize San Francisco’s rich-poor used as a prime example of the a very Milwaukee-centric exam- ment involvement. San Francisco the city limits. That leads to ugly housing divide. movement that had destroyed ple, mind you). Those new ten- being a “fiscally liberal socialist” urban sprawl. Are there other approaches that cities. In Norquist’s view, cities ants would go through the same city, that’s probably not a problem, Finally, Allen offers the idea of could help us, or will they cre- have a natural flow and pattern upward trajectory, and on and on. but our approach here has tended subsidizing ownership. President ate unintended consequences of that can be improved but can Last month, the Financial Times to focus on loosening develop- George W. Bush made a big push misery and market disruption like also be ruined by urban planning writer Kate Allen explored the ment rules on city-owned land. to help lower-income people buy Le Corbusier bulldozing sleepy decisions. Le Corbusier’s sin was ways that cities and countries deal The third approach is to skip homes. (The lack of proper regu- neighborhoods to make way for his penchant for wanting to bull- with a problem with which we are the market altogether and make lation of the financing schemes residential-only mega-’hoods? doze huge sections of cities such very familiar here in the City by it all state-owned. Even in San used to get them loans helped tank as Paris to make way for single- the Bay. How can fast-growing Francisco, that won’t fly. the world economy in the Great E-mail: [email protected]

Russian Hill NoPa Jordan Park Offered at $8,950,000 Offered at $3,720,000 Offered at $3,495,000 Exceptional Single Stunning Architectural Spacious 5BD/5.5BA Family View Home. With Renovation. Ultra-modern Home. Large three-level 2 separate entrances, 2 2-unit building located family home on large lot garages and 2 elevators, in NoPa. 2BD/2BA top in terrific location in a this 4BD/4.5BA home floor penthouse. Lower Pending! desirable neighborhood. is the embodiment of level: 3BD/3BA house-like Remodeled and urban simplicity. Includes townhome style 2-level flat. expanded in 2001 to a family/media room, 2 private garages, fireplaces, include updated kitchen home office with built-ins, views and garden. Sold and baths, a new 2-car wine cellar, elegant living separately: Upper: $1,725,000. side-by-side garage room with wood-burning Lower: $1,995,000. and new systems. Lovely fireplace, formal dining TinyURL.com/10-12-Loyola level landscaped garden. room, chef’s eat-in kitchen. Paula Pagano AnnieWilliamsHomes.com 65Montclair.com 415.860.4209 Meagan Levitan Lowrie MacLean Annie Williams 415.321.4293 415.305.3326 415.819.2663

Pacific Heights Central Richmond Mission Bay Offered at $2,988,888 Offered at $2,475,000 Offered at $2,219,000 Contemporary Beautiful 4+BD/3.5BA Luxurious Airy 3BD/2BA 3-Level View Home. Mediterranean-Style Condo at The Madrone. This 3BD/3.5BA townhome Home. This lovely 3-level This corner unit is one of New Price! is like a single family home. home features a home only four units on the 12th There are no common office (or 5th bedroom), floor and has sweeping walls or roof, and the formal living room with uninterrupted views to the garden is all yours. The fireplace, a spacious water, the Bay Bridge, the home features beautiful 2nd family room, a large City’s downtown skyline, craftsmanship and kitchen with adjoining AT&T Park and the East refinished hardwood floors, family room and dining, Bay. Attended lobby, top high ceilings, skylights, walk-out rear deck, level tier building amenities. 1-car granite counters and two rear patio and yard, and deeded parking space. Great fireplaces. 2-car garage. a large garage. location. Must see! 1911-bVallejo.com 447-17thAve.com 480Madrone1205.com Stephanie Ahlberg Stephanie Ahlberg Lucy Yeung 415.321.4232 415.321.4232 415.793.6859

Buena Vista Merced Heights Offered at $629,000 Offered at $599,000 The City’s Best Elegant 1BD/1BA Condo Charming 3BD/1BA To see homes for sale in your neighborhood, in Park Hill. This gorgeous Home. Light abounds home has an updated throughout the house! make your smartphone smarter using our kitchen with new appliances The large living room has mobile App. Text: HILLCO To: 87778 and an open living room a wood-burning fireplace & dining room perfect for and picture window. Two Hill & Co. is a proud member of the Who’s Who entertaining. High ceilings spacious bedrooms look In Luxury Real Estate international network. provide beautiful Buena over the backyard, and Vista Park views. One car the lower level bedroom parking included and looks out to the garden. laundry room on every floor. 2-car garage. 355BuenaVistaAve.com 72Vernon.com Amy Levins Scott Brittain 415.577.2343 415.385.6657 Sharon Levins Sandra Bagnatori 415.990.1818 415.518.4865 415.921.6000 • www.hill-co.com

Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 27 Real Estate

The Marina Times Real Estate Real Estate Roundup Legislative actions Market Report: February 2015 By Hill & Co. SINGLE FAMILY HOME SALES BEDROOMS/ ABOVE/AT/BELOW DAYS ON Neighborhood Address Bathrooms Sale Price Asking Price Market

Cow Hollow (no sales)

Lake 177 8th Avenue 3BD/2BA $2,050,000 Above 15 2336 Lake Street 5BD/4.5BA $3,400,000 Above 48

Laurel Heights (no sales)

Lone Mountain 2755 McAllister Street 3BD/1BA $1,080,000 At 0

Marina 336 Avila Street 3BD/3BA $2,610,000 Above 7

Nob Hill (no sales) Cranes in the sky, parking spaces down below. Photo: Trance addict - Armin van Buuren - Oceanlab

North Beach (no sales)

Pacific Heights 2187 California Street 4BD/3.5BA $4,400,000 At 0 Where will Zuck park? 2807 Clay Street 5BD/4.25BA $5,995,000 At 27 by john zipperer 2519 Pierce Street 5BD/4.5BA $7,875,000 Below 71 expansion of the size (height or bulk) 2604 Pacific Avenue 6BD/6.5BA $10,995,000 At 19 to the building is allowed. THE ZUCKERBERG BILL: “Increasing our housing stock requires

Presidio Heights (no sales) CONSTRUCTION PARKING a wide range of solutions, and adding PLAN INTRODUCED in-law units is a sustainable way to build Russian Hill (no sales) Last fall, neighbors in Dolores new housing in our neighborhoods,” said Park complained that Facebook titan Supervisor Scott Wiener, who introduced Sea Cliff (no sales) Mark Zuckerberg had hired people the measure. “These units are a great way to save park- to expand our Telegraph Hill 340 Chestnut Street 2BD/2BA $2,500,000 Above 16 ing places for building supply construction Contractors would need to without affect- CONDOS workers who ing the existing BEDROOMS/ ABOVE/AT/BELOW DAYS ON were working provide a parking plan as character of Neighborhood Address Bathrooms Sale Price Asking Price Market on his home our neighbor- there. With a condition for permits. hoods.” Cow Hollow 2945 Baker Street #1 0BD/1BA $357,000 Below 87 parking at a 2244 Greenwich Street 2BD/2BA $1,360,000 Above 14 premium in the city, and with parts San Francisco, HUD PARTNER 1501 Filbert Street #PH7A 2BD/2BA $1,575,000 At 67 of the street already blocked by con- TO REDO PUBLIC HOUSING 1501 Filbert Street #PH7C 2BD/2BA $1,648,000 Below 25 2931 Fillmore Street #A 2BD/2BA $1,925,000 Above 11 struction equipment, the neighbors Cities across the country have 1501 Filbert Street #TH5F 2BD/2.5BA $2,485,000 Below 27 were understandably upset about the changed the way they handle public 1501 Filbert Street #PH7G 2BD/2BA $3,475,000 Below 64 rare open parking slots being taken by housing. San Francisco joined that parkers-for-hire. group in February when city leaders

Lake 1347 Lake Street 1BD/1BA $845,000 Above 81 On March 17, Supervisor Mark and Housing and Urban Development 2421 Lake Street 2BD/1.5BA $950,000 Above 35 Farrell and Supervisor Malia Cohen (HUD) Secretary Julián Castro 162 9th Avenue 3BD/3BA $1,730,000 Above 75 introduced a bill that would force announced a partnership to transform contractors to provide a construction the city’s public housing system. The Laurel Heights (no sales) parking plan as a condition to getting effort will enable San Francisco to a permit for occupying street space for leverage about $780 million in investor Lone Mountain 42 Annapolis Terrace 1BD/1BA $660,000 Above 53 construction work. The requirement equity and other resources to rehabili- will kick in for projects that require tate up to 4,584 public housing units for Marina 3501 Laguna Street #208 1BD/1BA $855,000 Above 14 more than one parking space permit low-income residents. 3010 Franklin Street #5 2BD/1BA $870,000 Above 0 over at least three months. The effort, part of HUD’s Rental 52 Toledo Way 2BD/2BA $1,450,000 At 0 “I hear complaints from residents Assistance Demonstration program, 1241 Francisco Street 3BD/1.5BA $1,455,000 Above 12 every day frustrated by the volume of will let the city access resources such as scarce neighborhood parking spaces debt financing and low-income hous- Nob Hill 10 Miller Place #502 1BD/1BA $675,000 Above 7 that are taken away by construction ing tax credits to finish the rehabilita- 1635 California Street #21 2BD/2BA $1,120,000 Above 21 parking permits, in particular when tion and preservation of its public units. 1317 Hyde Street #3 2BD/1BA $1,215,529 Above 8 1601 Pacific Avenue #402 2BD/2.5BA $1,465,000 Above 5 they sit empty for days at a time,” said “By working together – uniting pri- 1250 Leavenworth Street #3 2BD/2BA $2,175,000 Above 0 Farrell. “Requiring a construction park- vate capital, public oversight, and local ing plan will help our residents and housing nonprofit experts – we are able

North Beach (no sales) our city get a better grip on the impact to transform both these apartments and of on-street parking space losses dur- the lives of families who live here,” said Pacific Heights 2501 Scott Street #403 1BD/1BA $830,000 Above 21 ing construction projects, and free up U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi. “This 3046-3048 Jackson Street #3046D 3BD/2BA $1,032,500 Above 158 additional spaces for residents in the innovative public-private partnership 3041 Sacramento Street 3BD/2BA $1,762,500 Above 6 evenings when they are unoccupied.” offers a bold new model for the nation in 1925 Pacific Avenue #6 3BD/2BA $1,800,000 Above 46 repairing public housing without losing 1990 Green Street #401 2BD/2BA $1,880,000 Above 6 INVITE YOUR INLAWS units or shortchanging residents.” 3039 Sacramento Street 3BD/2BA $1,987,500 Above 6 FOR SEISMIC REtroFIT The project will take place in two 1824 Jackson Street #D 3BD/3BA $2,080,000 Above 8 With many property owners in the phases, with the first 1,425 units com- 3139 Jackson Street 3BD/2BA $2,303,139 Above 10 city either undergoing mandatory seis- pleted between August 2016 and April 2253 Franklin Street 4BD/3.5BA $2,500,000 Above 10 mic retrofits or planning and dreading 2017, and the remaining units com- them, the city has thrown them a pos- pleted by December 2017. Presidio Heights (no sales) sible bonus. In early March, the Board of Supervisors unanimously passed leg- QUOTE UNQUOTE Russian Hill 1425 Vallejo Street #204 1BD/1BA $746,000 Above 14 islation to allow the creation of new “We should really be considering the 1125 Francisco Street #5 2BD/1BA $1,100,000 Above 13 in-law rental units in buildings that are cumulative impact of not building. Because 34 Street 2BD/1.5BA $1,200,000 Above 7 1050 North Point Street #1501 2BD/2BA $1,998,000 At 37 doing seismic retrofits. The ordinance, by not building over and over again, we, 1050 North Point Street #1503A 2BD/3BA $2,998,000 At 77 which could go into effect as early as one, increase crowding in the units that 1000 North Point Street #1801 4BD/3BA $3,375,000 Below 119 this month, would add new housing do exist, and we also force people to spend stock of a type that is typically afford- more money on the units that do exist.” Sea Cliff (no sales) able and unsubsidized. —Sonja Trauss, founder of The new units will be subject to rent San Francisco Bay Area Renters Telegraph Hill 1919 Grant Avenue 2BD/1BA $1,250,000 At 10 control if the building in which they’re Federation, in S.F. Business Times created is also subject to rent control. The data presented in this report is based on the San Francisco Multiple Listing Service and is The units have to be built within the Real estate news tips? E-mail: accurate to the best of our knowledge, but cannot be guaranteed as such. For additional information, building’s existing “envelope,” so no [email protected] contact Hill & Co., 1880 Lombard Street (at Buchanan), 415-321-4362, hill-co.com.


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Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 29 Real Estate

Real Estate Update The house chase The spring real estate market A little open-mindedness and buying savvy will help you get a place even in a tight market by stephanie saunders ahlberg ket place. I have found over Oakland. I have seen a trend the years that buyers make over the last couple of years, he traditional real their decisions based upon where younger buyers are estate spring market is a particular monthly mort- attracted to the marketplace of heating up — but not gage payment, and that the Oakland and the nearby East Tjust in San Francisco proper. actual sale price of the home Bay neighborhoods. There Daily Real Estate News recent- is almost secondary. As rates are many jobs in Emeryville, ly reported that inventory is increase, however, then one and Oakland has made a con- Buying a small multiunit building and letting the rents pay the mortgage is one increasing just in time for the of two things must happen: certed effort to build a strong creative yet time-tested way of beating an expensive real estate market. spring selling season. Winter is Either the buyers will need base of restaurants, entertain- Photo: Ser Amantio di Nicolao over, and sellers are beginning to tolerate a higher month- ment, and transportation. As to spruce up their homes to put ly payment, or the buyers prices rise in San Francisco affordable neighborhoods close my husband and I did when we them on the market. will need to establish a new proper, many people look by. For those who love Noe Valley, bought our first San Francisco Increased inventory gives lower price point to stay at some of the markets out- look at Glen Park. property. We were in our early buyers more selection, and close to the payment they side of the city to find more Also, if you drive around the 30s and could not afford a increased choice means are considering. affordable housing. city, you will see many con- single-family home in Pacific increased sales. I’ve At the same time, struction cranes. These are pri- Heights, so we bought a four- noticed a distinct many San Francisco marily for new condominium unit building and the extra rents increase in invento- buyers are becoming projects. Check with your real made it affordable for us. ry over the last few Many San Francisco buyers are more open to lesser- estate agent about seeing any in These are just a few sugges- weeks. New listings becoming more open to lesser- known neighborhoods which you are interested; you tions to keep in mind as you are appearing in my in the part of town can often buy new-construc- conduct your spring real estate inbox daily. Sellers known neighborhoods. where they are looking tion condos with less competi- search. Be sure to talk over are encouraged by to buy. This is an excel- tion than resale properties. your options with your real today’s higher prices, but these According to Realtor.com, lent way to stay in San Francisco And finally, if you would like estate agent. prices will likely level out as 20 nationwide markets are and yet find a home closer to a certain area — for example, Wishing you a happy spring! inventory increases. Because already showing a big upswing your price range. For example, the Marina — but can’t afford to interest rates remain low, and in listing views and homes for if you are interested in Forest buy a single-family home there, Stephanie Saunders Ahlberg has selection is increasing, this is sale. Several of these markets Hill, you can broaden your search consider buying a condominium been a real estate agent for over an excellent time for buyers to are in California, including a bit and consider Forest Hill or even a duplex with a friend. 30 years and joined Hill & Co. make a purchase. Santa Rosa, Vallejo-Fairfield, Extension, Mt. Davidson Manor, You could also buy that duplex in 1983, where she has consis- When interest rates in- Santa Maria-Santa Barbara, Monterey Heights, Sunnyside, and use the rental income from tently been among the top 10 crease, some buyers will like- San Luis Obispo, San Diego- Midtown Terrace, or Sherwood the other flat to help with your salespeople. She can be reached at ly pull back from the mar- Carlsbad, and San Francisco- Forest, just to name a few more mortgage payment. That’s what realtyinsanfrancisco.com.

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30 APRIL 2015 MARINA TIMES marinatimes.com Real Estate Today Getting to know the condominium developments Explore new condos in changing neighborhoods by carole isaacs out how much the flooring, carpet, and Van Ness Avenue. As of this writing, there won’t need to worry about $100,000 addi- appliances will cost. is only one condo on the penthouse floor tional in costs to make the condos spec- rom the Van Ness corridor, Within 30 minutes I was in love. In fact, I with a spectacular view of the Golden Gate tacular. Set to open the end of the summer, Hayes Valley, the Mission, South of have to say: “Seeing is believing.” Of course Bridge available. 30 percent of the 656 condos are sold. Market, Mission Bay to Dog Patch, that does not mean this is the building for My last stop — the Lumnia on Main There is a wide range of location choices FSan Francisco is undergoing dramatic you. 8 Octavia was so hyped, I did not think it and Folsom streets — is unquestionably between these four buildings. What they change. If you are considering buying in would live up to the story, but it does. Walking targeted to the luxury market. A two-floor all have in common is that only a few years any of these neighborhoods, it is especially home through penthouse just ago these areas were a gleam in the eye of important to be aware of your precon- Hayes Valley, I came on the the developers and not on buyers’ radars. ceived notions and to explore new pos- am now a believ- market at $49 Today buyers are snapping up these new sibilities. Much of the new construction is er in the location. Much of the construction is million. This condos as they are released. Keep in mind located in neighborhoods that are in tran- The streets were is the most that a general rule is that higher floors cost sition or newly developed from the ground crowded and in neighborhoods that are in expensive prop- more, and as the market goes up in price, up. You will need to think creatively to buy the restaurants erty for sale in so will the cost of new construction. The a condo in one of the many new buildings. had lines out the transition or newly developed. San Francisco. good news is that because the condos are When a new buyer called and asked me door. This was at Though this list- pre-sold before the opening of the build- about 8 Octavia, I did not have answers 2:30 in the afternoon on a Saturday. To under- ing has caught everyone’s attention, the fact ings, multiple offers are not an issue. to his questions at my fingertips. In fact, stand the uniqueness of 8 Octavia, you must is that the building amenities are what The moral to this story is obvious. There I had not previewed the building, because see it in person. make the Lumnia special. is no way to know whether you like, love, of my own preconceived ideas. I was VIDA: Next stop was in the Mission The Lumnia’s architect Bernardo or hate a home until you see it in per- not fond of the location. The building to see VIDA at 45 Bartlett Street. Barely Fort-Brescia took the time to get to son and walk around the neighborhood. designed by the famous architect Stanley on the market a few months, there were know the lifestyle of people who live More important than anything else: Don’t Saitowitz has received much attention, only a half-dozen condos left for sale in in San Francisco. In a visit to the sales hesitate, because these new condos are but the price per square foot has been March. The building goes through the office, you will find a model showing the selling fast. reported to be one of the highest of any of whole block from Mission to Bartlett beautifully landscaped rooftop terrace If you are interested in any of these or the recently completed condo buildings in with commercial units on the lower floor with outdoor dining area, barbecue fire other new construction buildings keep San Francisco. facing Mission. Here the base price does pits, and movie lawn. There is a 70-foot in close touch with your agent to make Motivated by a new buyer with ques- not include appliances, window cover- indoor lap pool, fitness center, climbing sure the best choice is available to you. It tions, it was time to catch up on a few of ings, or upgraded flooring. VIDA is all wall, bicycle storage and repair station, is important to take your agent with you the new condo buildings. Here are my about the location. All of the shuttles stop a pet grooming station, and even a chil- the first time you visit a new construction insights on 8 Octavia, VIDA, Amero, within two blocks near the BART Station. dren’s play area for young families. If you condo building. Remember that though and Lumnia. A Crunch Gym will be opening across are wondering where to shop for grocer- the sales staff may be friendly, they work for 8 Octavia: My tour included the model the street on Mission, with a theater next ies or gourmet foods, a new grocery store the developer. home on the sixth floor, an incomplete door. It is difficult to keep up with the called Market on Main will open at the home on the second floor, and the com- changes in the Mission, they are happen- same time as the building. Carole Isaacs is a Realtor with McGuire mon roof deck. The good news is these ing so quickly. Like 8 Octavia, high-end appliances are Real Estate, where she is a Top Producer. condos include everything except the Moving closer to home, I stopped by the included in the price. The Lumnia offers a Follow her on Twitter @CaroleIsaacs or washer and dryer. In most new construc- Amero at 1051 Filbert Street. There are few upgrades such as window coverings, visit her online at caroleisaacs.com or call tion, the price looks good until you find 27 units here at the corner of Filbert and closet systems, or different flooring. You 415-608-1267.



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Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 31 Wellness

The Healthful Life Spice of life Relieve Pain and Unlock your Body’s Potential with Massage Take it with a grain of salt by Thalia Farshchian adequate amounts of stom- have high blood pressure, Most common muscular pains, i.e. that kink in your neck or tightness ach acid to appropriately but studies show that in your back, are muscles locked in a spasm. Through expert touch, s our country digest food. Many people hypertension is more com- massage therapy re-educates your muscles and joints and guides realizes that diet- suffer from low stomach plex than simply reducing them back to optimal levels of flexibility and performance. ary guidelines over acid due to chronic stress, salt intake. Low potassium For athletes, massage is a key component for optimal performance. Athe last 30 years have inadequate water consump- levels have been shown to While training hard is essential, massage increases recovery time, not been working well, tion, poor diet, and the be more common in those stamina and strength by providing your muscles with increased cir- health and nutrition are aging process. affected with hyperten- culation to rebuild faster. Massage also helps athletes avoid injuries gradually being rede- sion. Healthful foods rich from overuse and heal from the ones they have more rapidly. fined. Sugar is becoming SALT AND WATER in potassium include dark enemy number one, fat is RETENTION leafy greens like spinach, Oxygen Massage Therapy has been unleashing the potential locked no longer a health taboo, Many people are con- avocado, salmon, sweet in our clients’ bodies for over 8 years. All of our massage therapists and the love of salt is not cerned about water reten- potato, winter squash, are extensively trained and have years of experience to help you necessarily bad. tion and bloating from and mushrooms. When reach and exceed your goals for wellness and athletic performance. considering potas- sium supplementa- Clinically Oriented Massage Therapy tion, consult your Book an appointment today: Sugar is enemy number one, fat physician because www.oxygenmassagetherapy.com is no longer taboo, and the love of too much can have (415) 738-7708 harmful effects on salt is not necessarily bad. the kidneys. 1905 Union St at Laguna. Prehypertensive By appointment only Salt got a bad rap higher salt intake. Water Americans consuming because excessive intake retention does not have to 3,600 milligrams of sodi- can worsen high blood be an issue. um daily for more than pressure associated with For those who sub- 18 months were twice as a silent disease called scribe to a low-carbohy- likely to suffer from heart hypertension. Most peo- drate diet, the need for disease, stroke, and/or ple do not know that salt salt is actually higher. heart surgery than those actually has a number of Low-carbohydrate diets who reduced their intake TM health benefits, including lower the need for a blood to 2,300 milligrams of assisting in modulating sugar shuttling hormone sodium daily. Extremely stress hormones, low salt diets improving diges- also have con- tion, and increas- sequences like A weekly insider e-column ing energy. increased choles- terol and insulin packed with SF restaurant LOW BLOOD resistance asso- PRESSURE AND ciated with dia- STRESS betes. Balance is and bar news, reviews, For those with key. low blood pres- For those with and culinary happenings. sure, salt can normal or low alleviate feeling blood pressure, lightheaded upon salt can be your standing and can friend, so I advise improve energy. those people to Subscribe (for free!) Salt is naturally salt to taste. thermogenic and supports increas- IS ALL SALT at tablehopper.com ing body heat CREATED and circulation. EQUAL? People who There is a suffer from low Photo: jaymie koroluk / flickr surge of many blood pressure fancy salts on often have functional called insulin. Insulin tells the market. Salt comes in imbalances of the adre- the body’s cells to store pink, black, red, blue, and nal gland, which regulates fat, but it also tells the combined with herbs and stress. The adrenal gland kidneys to store sodium. seasoning. This range has four primary func- Because insulin circula- can add wonderful fla- tions: produce the stress tion is lower in a low carb vor to your food. The hormone, cortisol; modu- diet, both sodium and key is to seek out unre- late blood sugar; modulate water are easily excreted. fined salt that you can blood pressure; and create This helps to shed the add to your own food. It the precursor to the sex water weight, but can is best to avoid refined hormones, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Those affected by stress For those with normal or low blood and adrenal gland pressure, salt can be your friend, so I imbalance may have strong cravings for advise those people to salt to taste. salty foods. Salt actually low- have negative effects if salt and sodium that is ers cortisol and adrena- sodium drops too much. added to prepared or line to regulate the stress People on a low-carbo- packaged foods. response, which also helps hydrate regimen may feel the thyroid gland function fatigued, lightheaded, or Thalia Farshchian is a natu- more effectively. may develop headaches. ropathic doctor at Discover For those not monitor- Health. Her background DIGESTION SUPPORT ing carbohydrates in their includes both conventional Salt is comprised of diet, water retention can and alternative modalities, sodium and chloride be an issue with excessive and her practice is pri- and a wide array of other salt intake. marily focused on weight trace minerals like iodine. management, hormone Stomach acid is comprised HOW MUCH SALT? imbalances, and gastroin- of hydrogen and chloride. It is important to moni- testinal conditions. E-mail: Our bodies use salt to build tor sodium intake if you [email protected]

32 APRIL 2015 MARINA TIMES marinatimes.com Family

Caring for Our Kids Momstyle

Y ou don’t have to give up style. Photo: courtesy stitchfix.com Fashion finds for moms The stores come to you by liz farrell what I was looking for. She brought shoes, accessories, and a great variety f you are like I am, shopping is a of options, and it only took one hour. luxury, and the times I can escape You don’t pay for the stylist, you pay my hectic schedule for a few hours only for what you buy, and what you Ialone are rare. More often than not don’t want is returned for you. I was when shopping, I have some if not all of pleasantly surprised about the reason- the kids with me, and I race through a ableness of the price points. The stylist store, frantically trying on a few things, does the shopping at major department and either leave with nothing, or end stores and local boutiques. There is no up buying some- pressure, but you thing I didn’t love may find yourself because I was like I was trying rushed or some- I do love shopping, but hard not to buy it one was having a these days, shopping for all. The best part meltdown. is while you are Recently, I have myself isn’t a priority. on the go, if you found some better see a pair of shoes options that help busy women shop and you love or a dress you can’t live with- update their closets while saving time. out, you can take a picture and send it Here a few of my favorites. to your stylist, and she can bring it on Stitch Fix: This company is head- her next visit. The company is currently quartered here in the city, and their in a private beta, but you can sign up website gem is an easy way to update for the waitlist and get early access at your wardrobe. Start by simply com- boonandgable.com. pleting a profile so the stylists can get Rent the Runway: This company an idea of your style, size, and budget. is based in New York, and in the few You can choose to receive a box of short years they have been in operation, clothing and accessories every month they have grown dramatically. I was one or whenever you want. Each box con- of the first few hundred to try them, tains five items, which can be anything and have been a loyal customer since. from dresses to jeans to a handbag. Whether you are looking for a dress Your stylist is different every month so for an upcoming gala, school auction, you are guaranteed variety, which could or special something for a night on the work in your favor or not. You pay for town, they have it all. They offer design- what you like and send the rest back. er dresses, jewelry, and handbags for all The service is $20 per month, but if occasions, and the rental is just a frac- you purchase one of the five items, that tion of the retail price. The dress rentals $20 goes toward your bill. If you hap- range from $50–$200, which is quite pen to love everything in the box, you reasonable given the designers offered. get an extra 25 percent off your total. You can rent the dress for either four or Returning items is easy — they provide eight days, and it includes a free back- a prepaid return envelope that you can up size or a second style for just $32.50. drop at any post office (stitchfix.com). After your event, you simply mail it back Boon and Gable: Also San Francisco in the prepaid envelope and the com- based, this company is currently get- pany handles the dry cleaning. Another ting its app up and running. The idea plus about this site is that there are many is similar to Stitch Fix, but instead of reviews, which include customer pho- items arriving in a box, personal styl- tos, so you can see exactly how the dress ists arrive at your door. Similarly, you looks on others (renttherunway.com). first complete a style profile on their app, which includes detailed questions I am a big fan of anything that allows about your lifestyle, tastes, and what me more time to spend with my family you typically spend on clothes and and doing what I love. I do love shopping, accessories. The app lets you choose a but these days, shopping for myself just convenient time for the stylist to visit isn’t high on the priority list. These great — I chose naptime. You can be very websites allow busy moms to stay current specific about what you want your styl- in their style while saving time. ist to bring, for example, a dress for a cocktail party or something to spice Liz Farrell is the mother of three young up your everyday outfits. I had a great children. She was formerly a television experience — I felt as though my stylist producer in Washington, D.C. and San understood my style, my budget, and Francisco. E-mail: [email protected]

Marinatimes.com MARINA TIMES APRIL 2015 33 Pet Pages

The Adventures of Skylar Grey Chapter 23

love at first sight.

Skylar’s persistence paid off with cool cat Alexii. Loving Alexii (or, how a persistent pit bull warmed up a cool cat)

by susan dyer reynolds though Blue had grown attached to her and was much more tolerant. Occasionally, teve is my dog sitter, so it Sky would turn into Scary Sky and run was important that Skylar meet the after the cat, though Alexii was so laid real ruler of his abode right away: a back the game rarely lasted. She would sit S15-year-old, 8-pound, rescued Himalayan on her rear like a circus tiger, flashing her leftovers cat named Alexii. When Steve adopted front claws, and Sky would back off. After consignment home furniture Blue as a puppy, it took a while for them a week of living with the cat, however, the to tolerate each other. Until this day, relationship took a strange turn. 4 1 5 . 4 0 9 . 0 0 8 8 Blue has a bizarre obsession with Alexii At night, both dogs and the cat decid- O P E N D A I LY 1 0 - 6 — any time ed my bed was 1 3 5 0 VA N N E S S AV E the cat is get- the place to be. SHOP ONLINE: WE LOVE LEFTOVERS.COM ting attention, I found the cat purring away Jealous Blue Blue comes fly- would curl up ing from wher- next to Alexii City and County of San Francisco in the middle of a snoring Outreach Advertising ever she is and and flash “The March 2015 muscles in on Blue and Sky sandwich. Vampira,” her Stay Connected To the City through SF311 the moment. “I upper lip raised The SF311 Customer Service Center is the single stop for residents to get information on don’t know how Blue knows when Kitty is to reveal her big, white, snarling teeth. government services and report problems to the City and County of San Francisco. And now, getting attention from two rooms away,” Alexii’s reaction was priceless — she would we have even more ways for you to stay connected to the City with our SF311 App and SF311 Explorer website. Steve says. start grooming Blue’s head. Sometimes, Jazzy met Alexii several months after I Blue would simply lay her head at Alexii’s The SF311 App lets you get information on City services and submit service requests on-the-go right from your smartphone. You can track your service requests through the app or through our adopted her in 2006, and it went off with- feet, close her eyes, and wait. Within new website, SF311 Explorer. out a hitch. Steve sat on the sofa with the seconds, Alexii would be gently licking SF311 Explorer not only lets you check the status of your own requests, it enables you to see cat on one side and Jazzy on the other. At right between Blue’s eyes. Night after what issues are being reported throughout all of San Francisco and what the City is doing to first, Jazzy was excited, but after watching night, Skylar watched the ritual with a resolve them. a Rita Hayworth marathon on TMC, dog combination of curiosity and amusement. Download the SF311 App from your smartphone’s app store and visit the SF311 Explorer at and cat — and Steve — were sound asleep. And then, she started scooting closer and explore311.sfgov.org today! About two weeks after I adopted Skylar, closer to Alexii, moving just a few inches Healthy Foods and WIC Nutrition Services at No Cost To You it was time to take my 10-week-old pittie each night, until she managed to take Eating well during pregnancy is important. The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutrition puppy to meet Miss Alexii. On a warm Blue’s position. As usual, Alexii ignored Program can help. WIC serves pregnant women, new mothers, infants and young children September evening in 2012, Steve invited her, but Sky was determined to warm the under fi ve years old who meet 185% or below of the federal poverty income level. WIC benefi ts include nutrition and breastfeeding education and support, checks to buy healthy foods (such us for dinner. Sky and Blue were already heart of this very cool cat. She imitated as fresh fruits and vegetables) and referrals to low cost or free health care and other community fast friends (though Blue still occasion- Blue’s moves to a tee, laying her head at services. ally got annoyed with her never-ending Alexii’s feet and closing her eyes. Nothing. Enrolling in WIC early in your pregnancy will give your baby a healthy start. Also, WIC staff can energy), but a cat was something Sky had Sky would crack open one big green bug show you how you and your family can eat healthier meals and snacks. Migrants are welcome to apply as well. never even seen before. When we walked eye and look up as if to say, “Where’s the into the living room, Alexii was sitting on love?” Alexii would groom herself, then San Francisco WIC has six offi ces throughout the City. For more information, please call (415) 575-5788. the side table by the couch, still as a statue. turn her back to Sky and go to sleep. Week Sky bounded right past her, thrilled to after week this continued — Skylar’s head This institution is an equal opportunity provider. see Uncle Steve and cousin Blue, but out at Alexii’s feet, eyes closed in anticipa- Department of Elections of the corner of one big green eye, she tion of a sandpaper tongue bath, Alexii The Department of Elections, established on March 18,1878, reminds all eligible San Franciscans noticed the white fluffy thing was mov- cool as a cucumber. And then one cold, to keep your voter registration up to date. U.S. citizens over 18 years old can register to vote. ing. As Alexii calmly groomed one leg, rainy night, Sky’s patience paid off. She Re-register every time you move, change your name, or want to change your political party preference. Go to sfelections.org, visit City Hall, Room 48, or call (415) 554-4375. Follow us Skylar trotted over and stood beneath the rested her head beneath Alexii, and Alexii on Facebook.com/sfelections and Twitter@sfelections. The next San Francisco election is November 3, 2015. Thank you for being a San Francisco voter! table, barely able to reach the top with began grooming her head, right between her chin. Alexii stopped and stared at the eyes. Skylar took full advantage of Board of Supervisors Regularly Scheduled Board Meetings March and April 2015 her with suspicious blue eyes, and Skylar the moment and snuggled closer. Alexii stuck her nose into the poof of cream- stopped her kisses, stared at Sky with OPEN TO THE PUBLIC – Come see your San Francisco government in action. Tuesdays, 2:00pm, City Hall Chamber, Room 250. colored kitty fur, closed her eyes, and took slightly less suspicious blue eyes, then a long, deep sniff as if she were smelling curled up next to her, resting her tiny • March 3 • March 10 freshly washed sheets in a laundry deter- head between Sky’s paws. • March 17 gent commercial. Alexii went back to When I awoke the next morning, I found • March 24 • March 31 grooming her leg, and Sky went back to the cat purring away in the middle of a • April 7 bugging Blue. snoring Blue and Sky sandwich. I guess • April 14 • April 21 When we moved in with Steve tempo- Blue felt a bit left out — or perhaps she was • April 28 rarily after the sale of my house, I wasn’t coming to appreciate all that selfless kitty The City and County of San Francisco encourage public outreach. Articles are translated worried about the cat, because Skylar had love she took for granted before watching a into several languages to provide better public access. The newspaper makes every effort to stayed with Steve numerous times when I persistent pit bull pup work so hard to get it. translate the articles of general interest correctly. No liability is assumed by the City and County of San Francisco or the newspapers for errors and omissions was away. Now a year and a half old and still CNS#2721129 full of puppy energy, she still pestered Blue, E-mail: [email protected]

34 APRIL 2015 MARINA TIMES marinatimes.com

Announcement: We need foster homes now! Good dogs land in shelters for many reasons. Grateful Dogs Rescue pulls dogs from the San Francisco and other local municipal shelters and we work hard to match the right dog with the right humans. Help us save dogs by becoming a GDR foster parent, either short-term or long- term. Apply today! GDR provides guidance throughout the fostering process and pays for all vet care, grooming, training, etc. for our foster dogs. GDR is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in SF. New volunteers are always welcome! ANNOUNCEMENT:ANNOUNCEMENT: We need foster Wehomes! need Grateful foster homes!Dogs Rescue Grateful partners Dogs Rescuewith partners with the San FranciscoHerethe city areSan shelter Francisco just to asave city few dogsshelter of from toour euthanasia.save wonderful,dogs from Make euthanasia. your homeavailable Make a short your dogs:home a short term or long termterm safe or haven long termand help safe savehaven a dog’sand help life. saveVet bills a dog’s for life.foster Vet dogs bills paid for fosterby dogs paid by GDR. VolunteersGDR. and donationsVolunteers are and always donations welcome! are always Our website welcome! features Our websitemore dogs, features more dogs, events, training resources,events, training etc. ApplyELLIE: resources, today etc.to foster, Apply adopt, today or to foster-to-adopt! foster, adopt, or GDRfoster-to-adopt!HOLLY: is an GDR is an all volunteer, 501(c)(3)all volunteer, non-profit. 501(c)(3)ChihuahuaMake non-profit. your mix year-end healingMake tax-deductible your year-end donation tax-deductible Sweettoday! donation Scottish today! terrier quickly after being hit mix (and Forest’s sister!) by a car Holly, our female Scottish Elliott (Ellie for short), the terrier mix, is 3 to 4 years old AUSTINsweetestAUSTIN Chihuahua/terrier mix, LULU andLULU weighs 12 pounds. She is is about 2Austin to 3 years is an old and eight-month, Austin weighs aroundis an 10 eight-month, pounds. a lively,Lulu spirited is a little girl. 6 pound,Forest,Lulu 6 her years is abrother, little 6 pound,is also 6 up years for puggle (beagle x pug).puggle He’s a15 (beagle x pug). He’s a15 She has a wonderful, carefree temperament. She loves to adoptionold sweetheart (see above). Chihuahua. Hollyold sweetheart walks She well Chihuahua. on leash She and pound puppy full of pound curiosity puppy full of curiosity loves to cuddle and sharesloves foster to cuddle and shares foster cuddle. She is very playful, with both humans and other can be an independent girl around strangers, but bonds and affection. He’s veryand active affection. He’s very active home with other smallhome dogs. with other small dogs. dogs, and gets along great with everyone! Ellie was brought and loves going out forand walks. loves going out for walks. nicelyShe’s with easy her goingpeople. and HollyShe’s happiest easycan be going a little and happiestmouthy to the shelter after being hit by a car and badly injured in Austin is very affectionateAustin with is very affectionate with and likeswhen chasing you are small close things by.when Being youso there are close should by. Beingbe no late November,everyone but he is makingmeets. Hesteadyeveryone likes healingto he meets. progress. He likesEllie to kids, cats,alone or is notsmall fun animals for her. aloneSleeping in her is forevernot fun for home. her. Sleeping Though snuggle and sleepsloves with tosnuggle his roll people and and play atsleeps bedtime. in withthe Hegrass.his enjoyspeople Because a at bedtime.in of a crateher He isinjuries scaryenjoys for a Lulu,shein shea and crate would her is scary prefer siblings for sleeping Lulu, did she near not would you. get prefer much sleeping socialization near you. good game of chase withgood dogs game his ofsize. chase He is with friendly dogs with his size. He is friendly with her mobility is limited until she fully recovers.Lulu Ellie was is terrified a great of growingtheLulu car wasbut up, terrifiedhas she gotten is of a muchtheconfident carbetter. but hasLulu girl, gotten just muchwaiting better. for Lulu you little kids. Austin is quitelittle smart kids. and Austin already is quite knows smart how and to already knows how to spunky little girl with lots of love and adorableis great quirkson her toleash, toand isgive greatloves her onto direction. exploreher leash, outdoors. and Holly loves is She house-trainedto exploreis outdoors. and willShe dois sit on command, he is workingsit on command, on his house he istraining. working Austin on his house training. Austin bring to the right family. She is waiting to findhouse herbroken forever and alertswellhouse her in foster a broken home parents and with alerts that another she her needsfoster dog. toparents that she needs to can be left alone, but preferscan be being left alone, around but people. prefers Are being you around people. Are you home, and she’d love for it to be in the Northside!go outside. This little girlgo wants outside. to be This your little friend. girl Dowants you to have be your friend. Do you have up to giving this active,up fun-loving to giving pup this hisactive, forever fun-loving home? pup his forever home? a gentle, loving home fora her?gentle, loving home for her?MISSY: BAILEYFOREST: BAILEY Little “Chi-weenie” with Scottish terrier mix who PHARAOHaPHARAOH big heart Bailey is an adorable,loves huggableBailey a good is an adorable,lap huggable 11-year-old Corgi-Pomeranian11-year-old Corgi-Pomeranian Pharaoh a 10-week-oldMissy,Pharaoh Shep- a a 10-week-old 4-year-old Shep- “Chi- Forest is a Scottish terrier mix (his body is mostlymix Corgi (his body is mostly Corgi herd mix puppy. His fosterweenie”herd par- mix puppy. (Chihuahua/Dachs His foster par- - and his head is themix. Pom and He’s part!). his anhead adorable is the Pom boy part!). ents have given him lotshundents of love have mix), given weighs him lots about of love 12 He currently weighswith 23 He bigpounds. currently paddle weighs feet! 23 Forest pounds. and nurturing since beingpounds.and born. nurturing She sinceis a sweet, being born. sensi - is 3 to 4 years old, and weighs Bailey is very healthy butBailey could is very healthy but could tive girlPharaoh who hasLOVES been everything throughPharaoh in a LOVES lot of everythingchanges lately. in 12 pounds. He’s slightly under-socialized, but enjoys his world: people, playinghis world: ball, people, playing ball, shed a few extra shed pounds. a few extra pounds. Now in a loving environment, she is learning to be playful Bailey is lookinglearning for a Baileycompanion new isthings. looking he He’s can for OK hanga companion with out leash with hewalks can but hang prefers out with sitting in your lap, givingsitting kisses, in your lap, giving kisses, again. Missy loves playing and would do well in a home on the couch, atbeing the park,inon your the or oncouch, arms a nice ator thewalkin yourpark, through orlap! on the He a nice lovesnapping, walk attention through puppy treats, the toys,napping, and puppyother dogs.treats, Hetoys, is alreadyand other dogs. He is already with other dogs. She loves people, so she would also be neighborhood. and His idealaffectionneighborhood. home andwill beis Hisaone total ideal without lickhome smallmonster. will betrained one He withoutcan to comebe smalla when trained called, to sit come for treats, when and called, fetches. sit for treats, and fetches. happy as an only dog getting all the attention. We think children. He doesn’tbit mouthy requirechildren. soa lot there He of doesn’t exercise should require but be he no a loves lotyoung of exercise Pharaohchildren but is intrained he his loves to usePharaoh wee wee is trained pads. Pharaoh to use weeis looking wee pads. Pharaoh is looking it’s best for her to be in a home without young children going for walks newand beinghome.going outdoors. Forest for walks grew Heand isup beinggood with outdoors.on two leash other Hefor similar-sized issomeone good on to leash spend fortime someone with him, to asspend he is time too withyoung him, as he is too young and is fine with other anddogs. is fineBailey iswith looking other fordogs. a walkingBailey is looking for a walking since she is easily frightened by sudden moves or loud dogs so he will do well with another dogto in be the left home. alone. He willto be positively left alone. make He you will laugh positively and make you laugh and companion- are you thecompanion- one? are you the one? noises. Missy is little, with a big personality. His sister Holly is also up for adoption (seesmile! below). Pharaoh will be yoursmile! new Pharaoh best friend.will be yourHe will new love best friend. He will love you Soooo much! you Soooo much! LADY FRIEDA:LADY OZZIE: Lady is a 4-year-old,Breast 21-poundLady cancer is a 4-year-old, survivor 21-pound who SHILOHFoxSHILOH terrier/whippet mix Schipperke mix but looksSchipperke more mix but looks more Shiloh. He is a 6 year-oldperfectlyShiloh. Rat He sized is a 6 foryear-old city livingRat like a combinationloves oflike borderdogs a combination and cats alike of border Terrier mix and aroundThisTerrier is 40 Ozzie, mix and a delightful around 40 fox collie and black Frieda bear!collie is Lady7 pounds and black of sweetness. bear! Lady pounds. He loves his walkspounds. and He loves his walks and had a miserableThis beginning 5-year-oldhad a miserable loves to explore beginning terrier/whippet mix. Ozzie to her life, unlovedthe worldandto her tied on life, her unloved walks. Frieda and tied all the people he meets.weighsall Shiloh the people about he 24 meets. pounds Shiloh — a to a short cableis bylearning dayto a and shortthe basic cable commands by day and is a pure joy at homeperfectis and a pure is size joy for at home city life. and No is - and will useinside a doggie a storeroom door. She atinside gets night. along a storeroom with dogs at and night. body wouldcompletely ever guess house that completely trained.he is 11 to 12 years house old trained. because Shiloh is not comfortableShiloh when is not comfortable when Despite this, Ladycats has alike. Despiteadapted Frieda this, well is Lady ato breast her has foster adapted cancer home well survivor. to her We foster believe home he’s such an active, spunky guy. And nobody would ever strange dogs run up to strangehis face. dogs He rungets up nervous to his andface. can He gets nervous and can and quickly learnedwe caught basicand it quickly mannersearly enough learned and housetraining. and basic that manners the whole and housetraining.tumor was guess that he is almost blind from retinal degeneration be- Gentle Lady loves her Gentlewalks. LadyShe loves loves belly her walks. rubs while She lovesact belly out. rubsHis perfect while homecauseact wouldout.he gets His be perfect aroundone with home so time well. would to giveOzzie’s be one house with timemanners to give are removed. She also came to us with a brokenhim pelvis lots thatof love has and timehim for lots daily of walks.love and Someone time for to daily toss walks. Someone to toss lying upside-down in yourlying lap.upside-down Lady thrives in your on humanlap. Lady thrives on human impeccable — not a single accident! He is very respon- attention and wouldhealed be attentionafter happiest extended and as thewould cage only be rest. dog happiest Whenin the as you thehis see onlyball this fordog littlehim in theand rubhis his ball belly. for himHe knowsand rub all his his belly. basic He knows all his basic sive and always comes when called. He loves to cuddle up home. Lady is readyone walking forhome. a gentle, and Lady lovingplaying, is ready home there for wherea gentle,is no she doubt loving commands. shehome feels where Shilohfine she is lookingcommands. for the Shiloh perfect is looking companion for the perfect companion can get the attentionnow. Frieda shecan deserves. get has the had attention a hard start, she butdeserves. is friendlyto andshare outgoing life’s simple rightpleasures.to sharenext life’sto his simple foster pleasures. mom. Ozzie’s original family’s loss despite it. She is looking for the forever home and lifetime is someone else’s gain, because he’s going to be a fabulous of cuddles she so deserves. companion for a very lucky person. GDR’S MESSAGE:GDR’S Are you MESSAGE: looking to Are adopt you lookinga dog in to the adopt San Franciscoa dog in the Bay San area? Francisco Then you Bay area? Then you should comeAdoption outshould to the Event: comeGrateful Grateful out Dogsto the Dogs Rescue Grateful Rescue Adoption Dogs will beRescue event at Citipets, onAdoption March 183 16 eventWest at Pet Portalon FoodMarch Ave., 16 fromat Pet noon Food to Express on Market2 p.m.Express onfrom Saturday 12:30on Market to April 3PM. from 4. OurCome 12:30 second toand 3PM. meetMarch Our our event second lovable, will Marchbe adoptable at BellaPelleevent willdogs! at be 9 at BellaPelle at 9 Maiden Lane on MarchMaiden 30th Lane from on March11AM to 30th 2PM. from 11AM to 2PM.

FOR MORE INFORMATIONFORFOR MORE MORE INFORMATION ONINFORMATION THESE AND ON ONOTHER THESE THESE DOGS: AND OTHEROTHER DOGS: DOGS: 415-587-1121415-587-1121 • 415-587-1121 www.gratefuldogsrescue.org • •www.gratefuldogsrescue.org www.gratefuldogsrescue.org

GRATEFUL DOGS RESCUE GRATEFUL [email protected]@[email protected]

This page is sponsoredThis by page is sponsored by Locally owned and operatedLocally by owned Michael and & operated Mark by Michael & Mark

Marinatim DOGS RESCUE es.coGRATEFUL m MARINA TIMES DOGS RESCUE GRATEFUL APRIL 2015 35 “Dogs (and even cats) care about selection and price! It gets us healthier food, toys and treats!” – Molly The Doodle

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36 APRIL 2015 MARINA TIMES marinatimes.com