T H i C A K U I A 1 I M K S m ies Drop Wilt Breaks Five NBA Season StepheiKiee ' fATURDAV, MARCH 74, 1H2 DURHAM, N. C ^ A O i M j little cliques from forming. i

Bias Training Records; Celtics Games Won Title Wins State 4-A “Loa Angeles or Boston shouM NEW Y 0 H K — For the third 7/lOths of a per game as 1 win the championship.. They ' successive year Wilt Chamber­ compared with a 2.8 Increase a i have the t>est teams, although Facilities in Fla. lain 6i5 the PWladelphia War­ year ago. Cage Crown ' Log Angeles can’t win without pmiiAiDBLPHilA •— T he riors has re-wHtten completely The annual NBA collegc Baylor. Philadelphia Phillies reluctant­ the NIBA record book, smashing draft will be held at 12:00 noon ORBEN9BOIRO — Stephens Lee, of Asheville, and Jordan- ly became the last team to end nine all-time records, including Monday, March 20, at the Plaxa Bellamy (Walt, of Chicago) is fotased training facilities in a 50.4 per game scoring aver- Hotel, 5th Avenue and 59th Sellers, of Burlington, captured the state t>aaketball champion­ the most improved player la Florida, this week thanks to the ar?e to become the first player in street, New York City, N. Y. the league. local NAACP branch. League history to score over ship in the 4-A and 3-A divisions, A. Leon Higgintiotham, presi­ 4,000 points with 4028. respectively, here last week. dent of the local NAACP, ad­ The Boston Celtics, in copp­ Stephens-Lee defeated Atkins, I “Oscflr Robertson is the beat vised John Quinn, business ^ ing theif Slitth successive East­ of Winston-Salem, 06-3*, m the j all round player in the leagua. NCCProfTo finals of the 4-A bracket to I Ho can do more than anyona manager and Robert Carpenter.; ern Division title, by winning 60 owner — both of whom had games, set a new League most capture the title. else. The pa(>crs said he waa insisted nothing could be done (tames won record The previous Jordan-6elIers edged Merrick- I ‘stand-offish' 1 didn't find any­ Get Gold Key Moore, of Durham, 52-47, to win — that his branch would picket hljfh was 59 games also won by thing poculiar about his person­ the 3-A honors. the ylub’s home games. Boston during the 59-60 cam­ Albuquerque, New Mexico — ality. He's n regular guy . . . a The state tournament was “It Is obvious,” the NAACP paign. Dr. Ross E;. Townes, professor of twister, and all. staged here at the A. and T. said,] “that, the Phillies could physical oducation. North Caro­ of Cincinnati College campus last week. It obtam Iht^orttted housing facili­ lina College at Durham, is slated and . rookie, Walt Bellamy, of began on Wednesday and ended “Chamijerlain is best player ties Ne«|t> ballptayer* to receive the National Intra­ for Chicago, also had a share in the with the finals on Saturday. io the league. They always com­ if th w niipr* w illing to tight for mural Association’s C^ld Key, loon record breaking, Hie Aaheville cagers Jumped pare him with Russell, or vloa when they meet at New Mexico then{ Jiist as the other ball Chamberlain’s records are; off to an early 16-3 lead in their versa. But Rus.soll is a defenslva clubj hriv« «l»ne.”, University, March 21-24. Most points scored (40200; high- finals game with Atkins and specialist. Chamberlain couM The NCC professor is a past I rcfiibidinf the team 's of- .'fcortng aveirage (50.4); Most coasted in. They led, 35-21 at blork as many shots as Bill, but president of the organization and U>at - “the matter has fl*‘ld ?oals attem pted (3150); the half and were pressed only >yhy shoiild be burn hlm sel| I itu iiM )Hit>no reanlts have Most field goals made (1M7): served as its first Executive once, when Atkins dosed to out blocking shots when ha Secretary. He is receiving the fchtilned,” the NAACP call- Most free throws attempted within six points at 30>33 early could save this effort to maka key for outstanding work in the action (1363); Most free throws made in the third quarter. CLINICIAN shots on offense? latter position. faS5>- Most minutes played Henry Logan, of Asheville, —Cal Inrin, head baskatball Ci^rpenter "Is up at bat and Dr. Tbwne's is also scheduled (3fl8i!?|>; Most games scoring 50 led all scores with 21 points. coach of ih* A. and T. Col- thetje Is no need for him to to deliver a principal address at ’"Woody Sauldsberry is the best:^- noints 44): Most FG missed in Albert Connor led Atkins with 1«B* Aggiat, is one of 12- s triie oiJt, >0 . ;this Iw ue/' the the Friday session. His topic is defensive forward in the leaguai^oi one season (1528X 14 points. cliniclani scheduled to appear N A ^C P *aW. “An Anoraisal of Intra-mural He's the only guy I saw coulA-" Robertson, smashed Ms own The Jordan-^lIert-Merrick- Within 24 .hours, the team’s Activities.” at the annual convenUon of check Baylor. But when Bayloi^" recort of 0;7 by averag- Moore tilt was a close one all the Nattonal Association of quarters ^yera changed from a A native of Mount Pleasant, got ready to really cut looaa,'*^ int? 11.2,'f^s per contest- He the way. The two clubs were segregated Clearwaiter, Fla., Pennsylvania , Townes was HUDSON Baikelball Coaches at Louis­ Sauldsberry could forget it. I bI so broke ' Bob Cbusy of tied at halftime at 24 all. ville, Ky., M arch 22-24. hot41, to an integrated Tampa graduated from Virginia State Boston’s old individual assist re­ Paul Leathe led Burlington Qay motel. College and Indiana University Iryin will discuss basketball “The NBA seems to hava fe ( cord of 715 feeds with 889. with 20 points. Albert Love where he earned both master’s offensa at the session on Fri­ ‘gentleman's agreement' on ■ The yearling, Bellamy, with Mason Named to paced Merrlck-Moore with 17. day afternoon. a ..^13 percentage ex­ and doctorate degrees. quota for Negro players. Nonf ceeded Chamberlain’s .505 He is acting Athletic Com­ have more than four. Avery Boys Lose standard established during the m ittee chajrmap ,aj NC>C, qt\d, d i­ rector of the Tntra-mural Pro- John Avery Boys Club’s 60-fll season. All-State Team “The officials let a lot of League scoring increased gfam. Recently, he was named Visits Friends In Durham basketball team bowed S8-60 to Elarl Mason, Hillside High stuff go in the pro league thgi Community Boys Club of Wil- One of the twelve Itfyhi'eh in the Cleo Hill, spectacular star for neighborhood of $10,000 last School standout eager, this would be called in the collegg min^on In the finals of the North Carolina Conference to four years of the Wlnaton-Salem season, and regrets the fact CLEO HILL BACK week was selected to the All- conferences. The players scoiH Boys Club of America Sectional the National Day Committee on Teachers College basketball that he didn't get enough of an State basketball team by coach­ the officials. They know whicji batketball tournament. Evangelism in' the Methodist team, was in Durham this week opportunity to show what he ON WSTC CAMPUS es from all over the state. ones are strict and which a** The tournament was played Church. visiting a couple of his former could do in order to increase Mason, a senior, was the lead­ not. They can tell when the o|> last week-end at Wilmington. WlNSTONnSALEM — Cleo His wife. Dr. Mary Townes is teammates and took the occaaion his pay next year. in the biology department at ing scorer for the Hornets this {ic'ials 3how up whether It’S The Durham Boys Club team Hill, rookie backcoUrt player for to make comments on a wide • going to be a roughe game NCC and his daughter Emilie is year with a 20 point per game He had this to say about the had gained the right to meet the St. Louis Hawks, returned range of subjects Involving his nut. And they play accr>rauigl]r. WHmlngton in the finals by, de­ to Winston-iSalem this week to a student at Spaulding Elemen­ average, also starred in the first season in the professional NBA and basketball In general; feating Gastonia, B2-92, in the complete work on a teachers tary School. MASON classroom as an honor student. basketball league. “Coach (C. E.) Gaines used certificate. In naming the All-Staters no to tell us (Winston-Salem) about ", (assistant coacj^ senii-finals. Hill looked up Emmett Gill, re­ McGuire, Baldwin an Atken Hill, who was the star of the one school got more than qne getting mentally ready I didn't for Detroit) scouted CMarvii^ serve forward of the 1980 Winston-Salem Teachers Col HHS Seniors To player on the coveted team. know what he meant then, but Trotman at Raleigh. He thinks led the Wilmington team in the Rams, while he was In Durham. finals game against Avery. They lege basketball team for four Sam Jones is Each player made outstanding I do know. Half the battle is he's tuo small ^r the pros. ' Stage Comedy contributions to his team’s Gill Is a teacher at Whitted in getting in the right frame of bagged scores of 20,17 and 16 years, was grafted on the fint Junior high achool. points respectively. round by the Hawks last year success over the season which mind to play. A four-act comedy, entitled iMAillllfD MiNi Luther f^etcher and James He became the of a closed with the championship “Los Angeles and Boston Named to NAIA “Publicity Mad,” written by The 6,1” backcourt ace scotch­ If disappointment is niuuot Sanders, with 21 artd 18 points, controversy on the St. Louis playoffs. have-the best esprit de corps in your marital happiness, smw: Ken Parker, will be staged by ed reporta that he Intended to were the scoring leaders for club which involved the -Hawks quit pro ball for teaching. the NiBA. the L. A. coach al­ fox f r e t medical brochvr*.' the senior class of Hillside High Others named to the team ternates roommates so that John Ayery. “Big three” of Bob Petijt, Clyde “I’ll definitely go back to the Comes in plain wrappw. School Friday night, March 23, were Louis Hudson of Dudley every player has to get to know -ft S7-19 Lovellete uid Baf an, ao4 Hall of Fame High, ^ e e n aboro; WilHe Chap- Hawks next year it thay want obligation. Clarke o h i k C at 8:00 p. m. In' the school multfed ik tKe ftrlhg'of formdr the other. This also prevents Box 2-1, Deerfield, IIU m ^ KANSAS OITY Missouri — auditorium. |man, Second Ward, Charlotte; me,’^ he said. tile semi-finals game, all cokch Piuil Seymour. Samuel “Sad Sam” Jones, North Charles Nevels of Carver, Wln*> Earlier, reports had bean five of the Boys Club starters Hill Jiad beea used abundant Carolina.College cage great, will ton Salem; William Price of circulated that HUI, disgusted scored in the double figures as ly by coaert Creecy becaused he was benched this did substitute DaJkiyvis. James beginning of the season, but ation, National Athletic Inter­ of W. S. Creecy High in Rich season, announced that he would Saiyiders, ‘Jdh4lf|j4tks6n and after the stbrm subsided and Square; James Boone from Gum- quit the game and become a. Dayte were high id th 13 apiece.- Seymour had gone, he saw no collegiate Ai4so«tiatlon Hall of Fam e here thi.s week. berry; Fred Bowens of Willis- teacher. | Halftime score in this game wa^ more than two to three minutes ton in Wilmington; Harold Although Hill declared his In action j>er . ■ Jones’ Induction was announc­ John AvecjTr 4fl, Gastonia, 22. ed Alexander Duer, exera- Batiste o f Diilard in Goldsboro tentions to return to pro basket­ ®G33 tive secretary of the NIAIA. His and Albert Conner from Atkins ball next year, he made It clear selection was based on his out­ in Winjjton Salem. hat he was not happy with his standing collegiate record at Charles Daye of Merrick- past season. NCXT, where he emerged as the Moore:**ras named to the all- Hill, the number one draft Eagles' all time .scoring leader. tourittm^nt team with ten other choice of the St. Louis Hawks, During the 6-4 Jones’ career players. started the season in fine style, AtMMifk at NCC, he tallied 1,770 points Others included Nevels and just as a number one draft VOGUE choice should. Playing under over a four year period for a Conner, Curtis Watkins o f FOR ANY IS" SIZB 17.7 average in 100 games. D ur­ West Badin; Billy Hussey of the Hawks new coach Paul ing the 1958-54 and 1956-57 Elm City; Henry Logan of Seymour, he was In on plenty KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON season he led the Eagles to the Ashevlilie,' Garland Brown of of action and was scoring in th* CIA A visitation championship. Burlington; Haywood Moye of high teens. Raleigh; and Thomas Cunning­ But, suddenly the Hawks RETREAD In the process he was chosen to the All-CIAA team. ham'■pf Yord Rd., Charlotte, went Into a slump and, when AppU0i m HmwJ t in M in mr M y n t the reasons for the tailspln were Currently a member of the I Any >li— Boston Celtics. National Basket­ detailed. Hill became the center ball Association, Jones played of a controvjersy ihat caused service ball at' Fort Leonard Seymour to lose his Joh. WfMHJi Mlssoqrl. He was the Reports say that the Hawks Celtics’ num b^ one draft choice “big thrte,” , Clyde) in 1057, receiving a strong re­ T^velletl and BoW Petit, com­ commendation from Horace BCC To State plained to Seymour that Hill ‘®ones” McKinney, head cage was getting too much action as GOODYEAR RETREADS mentor. Wake Forest College. a rookie and should spend more, ufitk exclusive McKinney called Jones the "best time on the baneh. Cage Title Seymour disregarded the ad­ M O D / i E M TRIAD DlflGN ball nlayer** In the south dur-' ing the famed Carollna-Rosen-1 NATDRALIZERS BALTIMORE, MD. — Lee vice 1{)ecause he felt the club • San* distinctive icaturn u found • Applied by factory-apprOTed bluth era. i Cornish, 17-yoar-old .senior at needed some shooting help from m iww tire tread detigm metliodi Sam’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. I NEW CRBSGJiN’r-'fOE Baltimore City College, spark­ the backcourt. • New, improved compound quality * N c», modemixed tread detifBS Jame* Davis, reside a t 537 Nel-1 ed his team to the Maryland However. Hawks owner Bea son Street Durham, N. C. | An irmer eleuiticized Scholastic Association basket­ Kemer sided with tlje “b 1 g TERMS AS LOW AS >1^ A WEEK ball championship in the Mor-, three.” Seymour was fired and collar hugs yc%tr . 11gan State College gymnasium Hill benched. footfornekff _ ^ | ! recently. TTnahle to understand the Softball Leaques walking *' Cornish, high scorer for City “why” of all this. Hill spent comfort all season, made eight field nearly three miserable months BRAKE- FRONT END •»o;;'s and fOul shots for a total li'atherlng snilnters and wonder­ o' 20 nolnta, high for the game. ing. He admitted that he con­ Ho *oo’' nrossession of things in sidered quitting (It one time but With a gmceftU the ihir'I ouarter, making five has ffotten p v ^ that now. 'U'juiii o^Onamze mid-heel am soft of hi ''<*>'1 goals in one of the Naturally, he wants to play The Bill Jones Slow Pitch air-foam inner most bi ’’lant drives o f the sea­ more next year, and would have SPECIAL League members will hold their son in tn- as'ociation. liked to have played more last • Allfln Front In d jq le to cushion season. first meeting of the 1962 sea­ He was warded the trophy • Cback Shock AiMOfbara son March 27 at 7:30 p.m. at yourivalky as outstanaii player of tJie He said the Hawks general m the W- D. Hill Recreation center play-off game. T)ouglass High m anager and owner told hins • RapcKk Piont W haal ^ All interested past teams and won the first of three-game he was being groomM for next I B aarlngs prospective teams are urged to series the week before, whan year, but ha couldn’t under­ • Adjust Iralwt' attend. Edward Boyd commis­ Cornish scored only four polnta. stand this by the way he was • Chock bhauatSyiloM sioner of the league will presi­ He bounced back in the second handled last geason. • loto n co fro n t WlMob PAY AS YOU RIDE de. game with fourteen markers, As for next year with the ' Tbe Comnuntty Softball leading City to tie the series at Hawks, he said: League will hold It’i Initial P aten t one-all. In the third game, he “Nobody knows what the meeting on Wednesday, March S 1 3 .9 9 had his best night of the leries. situation win be. I expect 38 at the W hite Rock commu­ Final score was City, 91; there’ll be lots of trades. Lovel nity Center at 6 p. m. This Douglass, 38. lette may nult after this season. League sponsored Jointly by the Lee Is the son of the Rev. He has a bad leg. Then, tha St. HILLER HURST, INC CHy Recreation dept, and the Roscoe'Griffin and Mrs. Howard L. Comlsh. Louis fans are accustomed to White Rock Recreation Dept, The Rev. Comlsh is director of a winner. After all, the Hawks OPPOSITE a T Y HALL PHONE bpera^ with eight teams last SHOE CO. the Christian Center at Morgan had won the divisional tUle for the past five years. Tha club year bnt expecting an «c- PHImmm t M - Z m .State College, and Is a mem­ pciMlon, beace all intereatsd in 114 W . M ain ber of the Washington Con­ will probably loae money If they en(«rfaig teflini >re n^ed to a t ference of The Methodist don't gat a wionnr again soon." ffpgf . 7 V C /il MO • OU) CH«Tt« WSTILLIH^ CflKfWW. lOOISVttU, UHTUq^ BiU MU nid* la Dm