He Is a good ballplayer and one who has lifted the Cubs to fourth place will improve. and they are but one game from the In the series beginning with Bos- third-plac- e Giants. Three more ton today the Sox have a chance to games are slated on this expedition, get out of sixth place, for they are all in Brooklyn, and a continuance but half a game from the world's of the ball played so far will mean a champions. Four out of five from safe return to the North Side. Washington materially boosted the The Cubs have achieved this good South Siders, and they would have record by a complete reversal in undoubtedly scored a clean sweep if their defensive play. The pitching had not been used. in every eastern game has been mas- Jimmy Lavender pitched a one-h- it terful and the fielders have settled to game against the Giants yesterday. steady work. The infield combina- He three men, but did not issue tion, with two youngsters enrolled, a pass and fanned five. He was never works smoothly, and no in in danger. the older league can cover more ter- Now, one-h- it games are infrequent ritory than the Tinker outfit occurrences, and Lavender does not No better batting was needed, but have to repeat this performance to there has even been an increase in be considered one of the strongest that department, notably in the cases cards of the Cub defense. It is time of Mulligan and McCarthy. The Lavender was becoming effective and former has been aspecially prominent having a break in luck. He has been in New York. He cracked three sin- toiling manfully for several seasons, gles off Mathewson yesterday, which but has always halted when on the made his record for the last three point of arriving in stardom. games 10 hits out of 13 trips to the Usually he has been a whale of a plate. for seven innings, then loses And winning a few games has his effectiveness. On other occasions, heartened'the entire team. It is play- when he has gone a hot pace through ing real ball, the ball of which it is the game, his mates have failed mis- capable) and there is no reason to ex- erably to use their bats. Jim has lost pect a sudden and disastrous break. two -0 games this year and de- The stuff has been there all season, feats like that are not disgraces. but it is just beginning to show proper In fact, his predilection for explod- results. ing in the seventh may be partially Mitchell pitched better than Ra-ga- n, laid at the door of his mates. It is but breaks went to Braves. Ma-g- ee disheartening for a pitcher to go saved game for Boston when he along at a fast pace, holding the op- caught a liner off Mollwitz with his position, and watch his mates idle bare hand. Mollwitz and Egan each with their bats, doing nothing to help hit a triple and single. in copping the game. Six of seven Dodger hits were for Lavender does not have to be any extra bases and seven Cardinal er- more effective than he has been in rors made soft victory for Brooklyn. his last three or four games. That Ames was forced to quit. will insure him a regular turn in the Niehoffs homer in 12th with two box beside Packard, Vaughn and out enabled Phils to lick Pittsburgh. probably Tom Seaton. Lavender can Elxey held Pirates to five hits, but stand a good bit of work. He has so passed eight. much stuff on the ball that it affects Mogridge was knocked from box his control and he can acquire con- by Tigers. First time Yank hurler trol only by being freqently used. has been forced to quit in American A winning record of six victories league. Veach poled two triples and two defeats on the eastern trip j and two singles. Cobb got a triple