PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Fri„ June 15, 1973

X •Coventry- The Weather Increasing cloudiness today with chance 0 of occasional rain this afternoon. High in m a ttrl| r tp r i the 70s. Cloudy, cool and occasional rain Manchester Woman Sunday. Low tonight in the 50s, high Sun­ day upper 60s. Principal at Robertson MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1973 ^ VOL. XCII, No. 218 Manchester— A City of Village Charm FOURTEEN PAGES-TWO TV-2 MINI PAGES. PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS

HOLLY GANTNER that month for a transition Diocesan Teachers College In Correspondent period. \tedison,Conn., Mrs. Kenefick Mrs. Kenefick has for the has a master’s of education Mrs. Marcia Kenefick of past three years been h reading degree in reading from the Bush Hill Rd. in Manchester consultant at the Mary Hooker University of Hartford and her has been named principal of the School in Hartford. She also has sixth year certificate from the George Hersey Robertson a number of years experience University of Connecticut. Summit Talks To Begin Monday # -t- . School. She will begin her new as an elementary teacher in Her aijpointement to the duties on August 1, with the Hartford, New Haven and Coventry‘post was announced current principal, Joseph Meriden. last night by Dr. Donald C. Har­ Tripp, to remain until the end of A 1962 graduate of the dy, superintendent of schools. Clean Air Plan Soviet Leader To Arrive Today OAD-FtEASERS! Reactions Vary WASHINGTON (AP) — Soviet Communist leader Le6nid /• By The I. Brezhnev was expected to arrive in the nation’s capital FOUR The Environmental Protection Agency’s stringent late this afternoon for a second round of summit con­ proposals to clean up the urban atmosphere have met with ferences that President says may reduce the danger of war. reaction ranging from support to charges that they are overly severe and unworkable. Nixon was at the Florida preparing for the FAST AND EASY W AR TO talks. EPA acting Administrator areas while motorists search Robert W. Fri announced the for parking places and, con­ Brezhnev’s airplane from proposals for a dozen urban sequently, pollution. ’This could Moscow was due at Andrews cluding: “Mr. Nixon: Don’t Julie Nixon Eisenhower (upper left) addresses A BEAUnrUl HEDGE areas on Friday. They include mean economic devastation to Air Force Base, Md., at about forget the Russian Jews.” The graduates at the American School for the Deaf measures ranging from gas­ a city like Los Angeles. We just 4:30 p.m. U.S. .officials dis­ demonstrators were arrested. Thursday, and her remarks were intererpreted Under $15 Under $20 oline rationing to reduced urban do not have a sufficient mode of couraged crowds and attention parking areas. public transportation to by calling it a “private The Nixon administration has (upper right) hy Mrs. Ethel Giett. She was accom­ The only double edge, double action hedge arrival,’’ barring news trimmer for under $15! Get ail the features of Model 33, plus: Fri said the EPA. probably transport the majority of the asked Congress to ease trade panied on a tour of the school (lower left) by Gov. would ask Congress to provide photographers and all but a restrictions for the Soviet • Double edge 13-inch blades for speed and • Powerful 2.4-amp motor for faster people.” Thoifias Meskill. (Herald photos hy Ofiara) convenience (cuts in both directions). trimming on the tough jobs. some relief, especially for City Councilman Robert J. handful of reporters. I The air Union, but 77 senators and 280 • Double action (two moving blades) for • Wraparound front handle for maximum areas such as Los Angeles and Stevenson said he thought the base was put under heavy House members have co­ control and ease of use. security. cleaner, vibration-free trimming. northern New Jersey, which proposed ban on parking lot sponsored an amendment to Model 37 • One-inch blade gaps cut through thick would suffer severe impact construction was “stupid” and Gerald L. Warren, deputy deny the request until the overgrown hedges with ease. only from application of the 1970 called the gas rationing idea ' White House press secretary, Soviet Union perm its free • Double insulated for safety. Clean Air Act. “an unrealistic way to attack said: “We are honoring a emigration of Jews and other • Lightweight, balanced design, side The proposals for Lbs the problem.” But Councilman request by the Soviets for this minorities. handle; durable Lexan'S housing. Bolton Graduation Rites Conducted \ Angeles were among the most Ernani Bernard! said he felt the to be a private arrival. He’s a The administration has Model 33 severe. Fri said they “could restrictions were necessary and guest of the United States while in this country. The official por­ responded with suggestions that result in banning all said, “We ought not to have too Last night under partially cloudy skies, 72 Boltop High only tion ceremonies. Student speakers were Richard Alton and tion of the visit begins Monday, U.S.-Soviet trade is essential to automobiles from the streets much trouble complying at School seniors were giveji diplomas at the school’s gradua­ Lois Campbell. (Herald photo by Pinto) June 18, at 10 a.m. Maximum world peace and the Jewish there by 1977 ...” all.” In Pittsburgh, Allegheny coverage will be permitted.” problem should be left to quiet Los Angeles Mayor-elect County Commission Chairman Plans called for the Soviet diplomacy. Tom, Bradley termed a gas Leonard C. Staisey criticized a Dfixon Promise Kept By Julie 14 ” leader to be met without fan­ rationing plan “unrealistic” but proposal for limiting traffic fare by Marion Smoak, the ac­ gave his support to a plan to into downtown Pittsburgh. He Individual And Society Theme halt construction of parking ting U.S. Protocol chief, then to Mrs. Eisenhower, who wore a Under $30 said the proposed ban should be graduation speaker and then polity record and said she facilities. be taken by helicopter to Camp W a to r tr u to WEST HARTFORD (AP) - light green skimmer dress with expanded to include chatting with the gowned h o p e ^ ‘.event^ in the long run Rockwell Deluxe Hedge The parking proposal was dis­ David, the presidential retreat , . . ^ Julie Nixon Eisenhower has a plaid skirt and white shoes, Trimmer has all the neighboring counties and that graduates and their teachers in will puV.^y father’s ad- puted by William Falkner, ac­ in Maryland’s Catoctin Moun­ kept a promise that her father was presented with a Under $40 | features of Model 37, plus: the county should move more Activities made nearly three years ago. a school garden. ministratiorHn perspective and ting director of special services Of Bolton Graduation Talks tains. On Brezhnev's schedule • 2.6-amp motor. rapidly on a controversial mass decorative plate made by deaf The Rockwell Ultra' « was a Sunday visit by Henry A. PRICED AS LOW AS In October 1 9 ^ President “I’m sorry I gave you such a he will be remembered because for the Air Pollution Control transit plan now in the early Summarized craftsmen and a scroll signed Hedge Trimmer—for ^ • 18-inch double edge, double DONNA HOLLAND preceded by junior class and himself had been engaged Kissinger before meeting Nixon Nixon promised through an aide workout,” the dark-haired Mrs. of the climate o^-peace he has action blades for fast trimming District. stages of construction. outside as being similar but on by the school’s students. professional landscapers or S marshals Linda Tomaszewski in the art of living. Monday at the White House. to stop and shake hands with a Eisenhower apologized to her brought.” for homeowners who want the ^ on big jobs. j. ______“I can’t really see how the St. Paul, Minn., Mayor Seventy-two young men and a larger scale. WASHINGTON (A P)-H ere, Prior to visiting the school, and Joel Fontanella. He spoke of how the art of Nixon flew to Key Biscayne, contingent of pupils from the sign-language interpreter Mrs. She told reportei^xin 4he ultimate m speed and convenience. Gives Model 38 removal of parking lots is going Lawrence Cohen said he women were graduated from He I spoke of how new life in brief, are major $7.95 she attended a Strawberry you all the features of Model 38. plus: Bolton High School last night in Each girl wore’ a white cap living hi^affected the seniors, Fla., with his wife, Pat, after American School for the Deaf Ethel Giett, a retiring teacher school’s garden aft^x the to be effective unless it is an couldn’t “say one way or graduates were entering ipto developments related to the Festival at the P.G. Smith • 2.8-amp motor. only traditional commencement and gown and carried a single including the issue of would challenge them with speaking in Pekin, 111., at the Mott modelt pricod under SIO. during a motorcade through at the school. Mrs. Giett had speech that she had no o^qc- attempt to ban cars and then another” if that city could meet Watergate case. Exclutivt uflttized onc-p^e Towers, a Hartford housing • Extra long 23-inch double edge, double - the ramifications of such a exercises. red rose, and each boy wore a scholarship, ability to construct problems and frustration that dedication of a scholarship thetl — far outlatU comparably Hartford. But he missed the raced to keep pace with Mrs. tion to some of .the currenV^ action blades for the maximum cutting sweep. the federal deadlines, but he priced mufflera. project for the elderly. proposal are obvious,” Falkner The Class of 1973 marched in blue cap and gown. and maintain relationships and had not been encountered in research center named for the Acouitically-tunad potithre pupils and their banner, leaving Eisenhower as she delivered jokes about Watergate. said “the idea of getting rid of SENATE COMMITTEE- perfect step to Edvard Pround parents and friends also pleasure and relaxations four years of high school. late Sen. Everett M. Dirksen. lound control. the children in tears. her fast-paced address. “I think it ha§ been such a Model 39 said. “This could mean ad­ congested parking in downtown Ousted White House counsel Unconditionally fuaranteed iMMERI $ 0 0 9 9 were seated in folding chairs offered such as sports, art and Miss Campbell’s talk was en­ Details of the Brezhnev visit materialt and worhmanthlp. Thursday at the school’s 1973 She polled the graduates bn serious matter that it’s good to ditional traffic tieups in work areas is excellent.” Grieg’s “Huldigungsmarsch,” John W. Dean III planned to only w Y behind the graduates. The music. titled “History, Reality and were carefully guarded. A commencement, the their plans for the coming year get some humor into it,” she meet today with Senate com­ FUZZ AUTO PARTSi *ECIAL speaker’s platform was backed He said the school had Mystery.’’ She spoke of broad outline of a schedule was president^ 24-year-old and departed after giving the said. But she urged jokesters to mittee lawyers to prepare for 25 OLCOn ST. (LlntU^ Time Otter) by a huge “ 73” sign and provided them with a “mini-* students must now make their provided Thursday by daughter repaid the First students the hand^nguage sign make sure they didn’t portray his appearance before the panel MANCHESTER Any ^lidard decorated with streamers and society” that was only as effec­ own decisions as thinking and Kissinger, national security ad­ Family’s obligation to the for 'I love you.’’ people as guilty before their Fast and easy Rockwell Astronauts Scan Sun flowers in the class colors of next week. Phone: 643-1551 tive as its members were active planning individuals. viser to Nixon. Kissinger joined students, appearing as the Mrs. Eisenhower touched on guilt was established in court. blue and white. in it. He compared the school’s the P resident in Florida Portae SPACE CENTER, Houston erupted on the sun Friday, and providing man with his first Watergate in her commence­ She said in response to a Principal Norman Shaw was (See Page Fourteen) Friday. | \ TYPEWRI1 (AP) — Skylab’s astronauts by good fortune Paul J. Weitz look from above the earth’s “mini-society” to the society MITCHELL—Former Atty. ment address, conceding that newsman’s question that she master of ceremonies. The in­ State Department spokesman Gen. John N. Mitchell will de­ Claansd, Ad]ust«d, scan the center of the sun for a was sitting at the solar obscuring atmosphere aUithis the scandal was “a bit like a believed the Senate Watergate vocation by Rev. John F. Flora John King said he did not know fend himself against all charges New Ribbon second solar flare today telescope console. fiery phenomenon. cancer” to her father. hearings should continue to be M A N C H B S m i III was followed by the salute to why details of the visit were so but will wait until he has “an SHOP because, unlike lightning, there He quickly shifted his in­ Astronomers at the space “You wish you could go into teievised. tax the flag and the playing of the slow in coming. Observers appropriate forum,’’ one of his is a tendency for flares to strike struments to the flare, center were as excited a bunch the hospital tomorrow and have “The Senate seems to feel 12.95 Incl. FRI. Star Spangled Banner by the News Capsules believe a possible reason is to lawyers said. twice in the same place. photographed it and sent a of kids at their first circus. \ it removed,” she said. “But the that the American public wants (Ho Delivery or high school band. keep would-be demonstrators 8:30 PM A sudden, massive flare televised picture to earth, In addition'to studying the judiciary system is slower than to see these hearings in detail Pick-up) 649-5253 Following greetings by Board off guard. Another could be that SAVE that. It will- take time to do a and now that we’ve had so sun, Weitz, Charles Conrad Jr. HALDEMAN-H.R. of Education chairman the five the Russians have not settled on and Dr. Joseph P. Kerwin Cease Fire destination was rumored to be Haldeman, former White House very thorough job.” many charges, accusations and Yale top-ranking students were a final schedule. planned several hours today in SAIGON (A P )-A Viet Cong the Mururoa test atoll 750 miles chief of staff, disputes She pointed to Nixon’s foreign allegations. I’d like to see all Typewriter Service SAT. Young Man Opens recognized. They were Diane Kissinger said he did not .their Apollo ferry ship, linked general says the Communist southeast of Tahiti, an island testim ony by Jeb Stua'i*t the witnesses come before the 20 BIRCH ST. Leiner,' Sharon Maneggia, expect the discussions to 3 3 6 TO 4 PM to one end of the 118-foot-long side expects the strengthened owned by France. Magruder implicating him in a committee and be able to MANCHESTER Edward Manning, Jeanette produce any immediate nuclear laboratory. Vietnam cease-fire agreement coverup, a Haldeman attorney 6IIY YOUR NEW answer at least some of those 649-49B6 - New Cimarron Trail Paggili and Susan arms liniitation. However, NORTH MAIN STREET They were to rehearse to be effective, since’ “ con­ Gallagher Sentenced said. charges,” she said. Tomaszewski. Nixon and Kissinger also have procedures for undocking and ditions for peace are more NEWARK, N.J. (AP) - Shanti School 5 BUFFALO, Okla. (AP) - It The sheriff said the bulldozer Richard Alton and Lois suggested that the summit may returning to earth next Friday favorable than in the past.” Former U.S. Rep. Cornelius C. took the mud of the Cimarron went through an old service sta­ Campbell were chosen to be a turning point to an even­ HEARING—George Hearing, Applications after a record 28 days in space. The Viet Cong’s Maj. Gen. Gallagher has been sentenced River to do what fences, tion first, then took down a few deliver graduation messages. tual arms agreement. 40, of Tampa, Fla., received a Applications for enrollineni: When radiation from the flare Hoang -Anh Tuan, head of the to two years in prison and a fine mailboxes, road banks and stop stop signs and mailboxes along Each senior was required to “You can have great hope,” one-year sentence for dis­ in the Shanti School — an alter­ triggered an alarm in the Viet Cong delegation to the of $10,000 for evading $74,000 in signs couldn’t: halt Luther the road. write a graduation speech, Nixon said in Illinois, that the tributing a bogus campaign native non-graded high school telescope system, Weitz Joint Military Commission, federal income taxes in 1966. FEbpERS Nutter and his bulldozer. “Finally he cut through the transcribed on plain paper and talks “will make progress letter accusing two Democratic housed in the Hartford railroad focused on- it and relayed pic­ claimed today that the South The 52-year-old Democrat Authorities said Nutter edge of a wheat field and then unsigned. The students toward reducing the danger of presidential hopefuls of sexual station — are still available at H eritage tures for two minutes while the Vietnamese government was was sentenced on Friday by carved a swath for 20 miles took out across country,” the themselves chose five staff war and reducing the burden of misconduct. the guidance office of storm peaked and for another guilty of new cease-fire U.S. D istrict Court Judge Q kn of across a northwest Oklahoma sheriff said. “ He took members who chose the ad­ arms ....’’ Manchester High School, MHS 15 to 20 minutes as it decayed, violations. But in an apparently I Leonard I. Garth. county into Kansas on Friday, everything down as he went — dresses delivered at gradua­ The President will return to ERVIN-Sen. Sam J. Ervin AIR CONDITIONER S i m ^ u r y ' conciliatory mood, he said it ' Gallagher represented part of Principal George Emmerling leaving a trail of broken signs fences and all.” spewing radiation and gases tion. the White House Sunday night. Jr., chairman of the Senate AT said today. into space. was too early to appraise the Hudson County in Congress for and fences before bogging down Hargus said at one point, “he Alton’s talk was entitled At the White House, four committee, said he is inclined Deadline for filing of Scientists described it as a situtation. 14 years. He was defeated in a in. riverbank mud. stopp^ and plowed up a sort of “Living: The Art and the members of the Jewish Defense to believe Magruder’s story, medium flare, but one that bid for re-election in the 1972 applications with the MHS . Sheriff Lee Hargus said dike across a county road and Challenge.’’ He said in the past League sat down on the floor of but that Mitchell “can tell us if produced more energy than is primary. ~ guidance office is June 21 at 8 Nutter, 20, found the 10-ton left it piled there.” four years fellow classmates Dollar^Suffers the Blue Room during a tour the events testified to by a.m., Emmerling said. After machine after having an argu­ The sheriff said the Cimarron used on earth by man in several LONDON (AP) - The U.S. Friday and chanted slogans in­ Magruder did happen.” MANCHESTER that date, Shanti School of­ ment with his father. River is about two miles into decades. One goal of the Skylab . dollar suffered another dreary ficials will conduct a lottery to ^ “He got the thing started and Kansas where the machine hit astronomy experiments is to day Friday on European money help unlock the secret of con­ determine - which two jusUtook off, really bulldozing it. markets, closing at record lows ■ * . * -h Manchester applicants will be There are many reasons why people things up as he went,” the When found, Nutter was sit­ trolled thermonuclear fusion, as the'price of gold soared. ___ vthfilke which is the source of the sun’s Officer selected for the 1973-1974 school want to own a condominium sheriff said, adding: ting on the bank of the river However, dealers said TELEVISION P APPLIANCES year. home at Heritage Glen of “I don’t think he e4er got it with his head in his hands. energy. trading was orderly and the Simsbury. No matter what the out of low gear. If he had got it Nearby sat the $40,000 county- This.^ould aid in the search Accused U.S. currency recovered some Dr, Lundberg Named reason, however, they all have one into high, there’s no telling owned bulldozer, bogged down for an unlimited and pollution- ground later in the day. LEGAL thing in common: abundant respect what would have happened. He in mud. free power source on earth. Of Theft for man and nature. They possess a might have bulldozed up half of No charges have been filed. Mayors'Meet Kansas.” NOTICE keen sense of compassion. They ' A Manchester policeman. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Honorary \^hairman understand and appreciate all that Patrolman Robin G. Andrews, The chief executives from more Admission of Electors Heritage Glen of Simsbury has to was served a warrant this mor­ than 500 of the nation’s largest Dr. George A. F. Lundberg development and ac­ Town of Bolton cities gathered here today for offer. One visit and you will ' ning charging him with fourth- S.r. has been appointed complishments that the past Connecticut Price Freezfe Details 41st annual U.S. Conference of become imbued with the same degree larceny in coiinnection honorary chairman of half century has brought to the Notice is hereby given that kind of feeling. It's infectious. with an alleged theft at the Mayors. Manchester Memorial the Board of Admission of Elec­ hospital, making it one of the Truly, a “limitededition"of 121 scene of an accident he was in­ Committees were to act on Hospital’s Appreciation Fund leading institutions of its kind in tors for the TdWn of Bolton will completed homes for sophisticated vestigating. some 50 resolutions covering Drive which begins today and be in session at the Community Now Being Worked Out the country'' ( condominium living. Andrews, 27, of 22 Skinner such topics as presidential im- continues through June 30. Hall on Bolton Center Road poundments, manpower Heritage Glen of Simsbury is WASHINGTON (AP) - The are under the ceiling, but beef Rd. was suspended from duty The drive is to raise $60,000 “One of the areas of greatest within said town on Thursday, In the industrial production training, public service employ­ currently converting to complete Nixon administration, without pay pending disposition for the purchase of a new blood needs facing any hospital today June 21,1973, from 7:00 p.m. to has reached its ceiling in most report, the Federal Reserve ment and community develop- • Compact! Less than 24" wide. Tote it home today condominium ownership, and bolstered by an indication that of the case. He was released on chem istry analyzer which is replacement of.obsolete 9:00 p.m., in accordance with supermarkets, a spokesman Boarcj said that its index rose . . . be cool tonight. many 1 and 2 bedroom homes are the economy/is beginning to said. a non-surety bond form ent revenue sharing simultaneously does 12 in­ facilities and/or equipment. It Section 9-18a of the State by 0.5 per cent in May, the The conference membership .still available from $29,300 (95% cool, is begirmihg to spell out appearance in Circuit Court 12, dividual tests on one sample of is only by private support that Statutes, to examine the The President’s freeze caught smallest increase since the 0.3 includes virtually all cities with • Flex-Mount pull out sides simplify do-it yourself MGIC financing available). This is ■ the details of the President’s 60- a number of rate increases ap­ Manchester, July 2. blood in a matter of seconds. our hospital has become a qualifications of applicants for per cent of last July. populations in excess of 30,000. leader in health care. This installation. a rare opportunity to purchase a day price freeze. proved by the government The warrant, served by In accepting his appointment. admission as electors of the In other economic private support has allowed us home in a highly desirable com­ agencies set to go into effect Police Chief James Reardon Dr. Lundberg, former chief of Town of Bolton and to ad­ As the administration developments, the stock Tests Likely to provide the necessary expan­ • Feature-filled! Sound Barrier design, three cooling munity at an exceptional value. For during the freeze period. One and Capt. George McCaughey, medicine at the hospital, said, minister the elector’s oath to received news Friday that market continued its plunge sion and equipment to better speeds, fingertip variable air control, adjustable further information please use the was a second and third class was issued by Circuit Court 12 P A P E E T E , Tahiti (AP) - "For 53 years the hospital has those found qualified. production in the nation's fac­ and the dollar dropped to a judge. Speculation increased today helped meet the health serve the community.” automatic thermostat, air exchanger. The qualifications are as coupon below or call Mr. lohn tories, mines and utilities rose rate increase in mail and a 5 record low in West Germany ' Fourth-degree larcency is an that France will begin its con­ requirements of the community A feature of the drive will be follows: The applicant must be Lynch collect at 2031658-2820. at the lowest rate in 11 months, per cent rise in freight rates. and weakened throughout offense involving theft of troversial nuclear tests in the and now is asking that th£ com­ the Master Donor’s Club which a U.S. citizen, must be eighteen the Cost of Living Council Foreign airline carriers will Europe: Heritage Glen of Simsbury something with less that $50 South Pacific within the next munity help with a successful hopes to receive 400 donations MANCHK8TKH years of age or over, and must issued guidelines about applica­ not be allowed to put into effect On the Chicago Board of 11 Library Lane value. couple of weeks. The specula­ fund drive so that new modern of $150 apiece. be a resident of the Town of tion of the freeze. a 5 per cent increase in tran­ Trade, where buyers speculate Simsbury, Connecticut 06070 The charge grew out of an in­ tion was prompted by the equipment needed to keep pace Dr. Lundberg. has' urged Bolton. Price increases on some pork satlantic rates that had been on what farm prices will be in approved by the Civil cident in connection with the in­ departure during the last few with the modern methods can everyone t5 contribute to the Dated at Bolton, Connecticut Name. and lamb cuts will be allowed the future, prices continued to vestigation of an accident May days from the harbor here of all be purchased. Modern equip­ or IwSBke Aeronautics Board effective Master Donor’s Club to help this 11th day of June, 1973. because they are not covered by drop sharply. Traders said un­ 5 at Wyllys and Porter Sts. It six French vessels known to be ment means better health Budgal to 38 Monitw TELEVISION ^ APPLIANCE _ July 1. provide better facilities for Virginia A. Assard Street the freeze, but instead by the certainty about what course the SivMgi Bank of However, domesfic carriers follows an intensive investiga­ connected with the tests. care.” each person, his family,‘and his MandMster William J. Houle C ity ____ President’s March 29 ceiling on government will pursue when Dr. (iforgr V.F. Liiiullirrg .Sr. NEXT TO STOP and SHOP will be able toikeep a similar in­ tion by police. The government refused Dr. Lundberg has seen the neighbor. Registrars of Voters meat prices, a council the 60-day control period Andrews has been a member comment and a navy Cathrine K. Leiner spokesman said. crease for their transatlantic expires have led many brokers OPEN WED. THURS. FRI. TILL 9 P.M. flights because it went into of the police force since spokesman would not say where Town Clerk .Phone - Most cuts of pork and Iamb to trade or liquidate. effect June 1. February 1969. the ships were bound. But their

. /i •\

PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVfeNING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Sat., June 16, 1973 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., June 16, 1973 — PAGE THREE Sheinwold on Bridge V Radio for the Week Chur(^hes Plan Reception (These are the basic lis ti^ , and include only those news broad­ BIDUIM; PROBLEM GIVEN East plays low,’South leads the South dealer casts of 10 or 15 minutes in length. Some stations carry other short News for Senior Citizens | IN INTERCO LLEG IATE queen of hearts. Neither side vulnerable newscasts. Daily sports information can be found on the sports by Wally Fortin | For West (German Pastor TOLRNEY Eiast should take the second NORTH pages.) By Alfred Sheinwold 4 KJ3 heart with the ace. If East South United Methodist and churches to give Pastor was the house guest of the Rev. Today’s hand was part of an 0 1952 the programs of South Church. returns a diamond. South ruffs Concordia Lutheran Churches Kleinhanss an opportunity to Mr. Kleinhanss in the exchange intercollegiate tournament in 0 J65 His wife and family did not ac­ and enters dummy with a spade w n c -1 0 8 0 W INF-1230 Hellow everybody! Well, will co-host a reception for the visit an American-German program. company him. which a couple of hundred 4> K 1 6 (MMAsy-FrMiyl LARGEST AMUSEMENT FARR IN Josephine Schuetz, 615, and mixers, and ice. Here’s a great Members ^ the MCC will be to draw the last trump. we’re back, and ready for ac­ Rev. Dieter Kleinhanss of Lutheran church and talk with While staying with the The public is invited to attend colleges competed some years lEST ' EAST S W Town and Counliy (CBSi News Every Hour On The Hour) NEW ENGUNO Sam Schors, 612. chance to get to the ball and see providing meals for us here at Declarer then runs the spades, S:00 Bob Stede Show Reubach, West Germany, Sun­ the members of German Webbs, he has been active in all ago. The same hands were sent 9 8 765 IMoaday-Frtdayl ««« tion after spending a most Tuesday we jyere busy all the excitement, and be the Center, under a special the service and the reception discarding two clubs from dum­ 10 OS Theatre of Melody S:00JohnLaBiella day evening at Concordia Heritage. He speaks fluent 87 A64 11:06 Jean Colbert Show enjoyable week in Wildwood catching up on last week’s helping to make it a success. If project on Mondays and out to all of the participating my. 6:30 Jon Leonard Free Firkinf, Free Admiisien Church. English and will answer colleges, and the players were AKQ73 109 4 2 12 00 News. Weather 8 :00 World News Round-up Crest, N.J. This trip really work, and Gloria and I Went out you would like to lend a hand to Wednesdays starting in July, The play is just as easy if A 10 8 2 154 12:IS Meet Me on the Plaza 6 IS Jon Leonard ‘The evening’s program will questions concerning Germany, 1:00 Newt ENTIRE PARK OPEN ranks as one of the best yet, and to check out a ceramic kilii, and help, please call our office 643- and on through the middle of marked for their skill just as East takes the second heart and 10:00 J d f Jacobs open at 7 with a short worship his church or his family. SOUTH IilSMikeline 2:00 Jay Richard FRI 7 P.M., SAT. 1 P.M. everyone attending will be we hope to be picking one up 5310, and we’ll be happy to pass August. We hope you will con­ though they had taken an or­ returns a third trump. South ]:06 Ailemoon Edition A Q 10 4 2 4:10 Bring Back the Bands talking about it for a long time, real soon. I’m sure we’ll find it your name on to the committee. tinue to plan on getting in on service in German and English The Rev. Mr. Kleinhanss, Open dinary acadernic examination. runs the spades, discarding the 6 :00 News • ^ o d u . Weather 4:30JayRkhard SUN 1 P.M. KQ 103 6 :2S Strictly Sports 6:00 The World Tonight and still the big question is how an interesting craft, and be able Crafts Fair these meals for they’ll, be good in Concordia's sanctuary. After pastor of the Reubach South dealer last diamond and one club from 7 0S Accent 70 Phil Riaulo 8 6:16 can they do such an outstanding to make many items both for You know that we had a dis­ for you, and you’ll be glad you the service, the reception will Evangeliche Lutheran Church, Neither side vulnerable dummy. Declarer gives up one Q93 7:3S Edward Newman Reports 6:20 Phaultless Phil 7 SO Joe Caragiola 7:20 Pal Summerall SUNDAY, JUNE 17 job for so little. did. be held in Kaiser Hall of the is spending this month in 'w^dwii' the members to keep, and some play of our members’ crafts in Opening lead — King of 7 30 Mike WaUan All Day club, and dummy wins the Iqst North East 8.00 News The weather was great, and tolsell. Watkins window during our Big Srhdtile for the Week church. Refreshments will be Manchester as a participant in PHARMACY Diamonds 8 IS Pop Concert 7:35 Lowell Thoitias two tricks with the king of clubs 2 4 Pass 7 :4S Jay Diamond r 1 even a little cool at times com­ Meanwhile, our bowlers were Week, and it was so popular we Monday, 10 a.m. to noon, provided by the host churches. the German-American Pastors The problem was to get to 9 OS Niptbeat 11:00 Capitol Area View-point and the last trump. 4 ^ A ll Pass 11:00 Newt. Business. Weather The Rev. Mr. Kleinhanss is a Ex||iange Program, which is game in hearts rather than in 1:00 Sign Off pared to the hot and dusty busy knocking down the were asked to keep it there one kitchen social bingo, and one The important thing is that Opening lead — O K 11 20 Sports Final j Monday nights only: weather back here, ^nd it was hardwood in the very comfor­ more week. Now the Communi­ can of canned goods needed; 1 house guest of the Rev. Dr. and sponsored by the Northeastern Sunday spades. At hearts, you have 10 South's long spades can be used 11:30 Other Side 01 Uie Day 7 :4 S m rts Huddle Mrs. George Webb of SOuth Association for Church and (haurdayi 8:46 Don Shula Show because we were just a little table air-conditioned Parkade ty College will be holding an p.m. to 4 p.m., pinochle games. easy tricks; at spades, you have 5 ;00 Town and Country to discard losers from the 9:N NFL Football farther than a stones throw United Methodist Church. Society and the German All Medicinal Sorvicos Available only nine. then there are no trumps left in 6:00 Bob Steele Show Lanes. arts and crafts fair at the Bus pickup at 8:30 a.m., return North hand. Then dummy’s 10:00 GardenUme from the beach so there was Wednesday we had our college on Thursday, June 28, The reception was planned by Lutheran Church. 455 HARTFORD ROAD 643-5230 At hearts. West leads the North hand to control the ISalurday) trips at noon and 4 p.m. trumps control the situation. 10: IS Modern Living always a nice breeze. the congregations of both Last year, the Rev. Dr. Webb diamonds and continues with 10:30 Saturday Showcase 6:00 Jon Leonard regular turnout for our arts and and they would like very much Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., There is no such advantage situation. 8 :00 World News Round-up We ate our dinner in four another diamond. South ruffs It boils down to this: When lOSOWTIC Outdoors 8:TS Jon Leonard crafts class, and then it was a to have some of our members open card playing, TV viewing, when spades are trumps. The tl :00 Saturday Showcase 10:00 Jett Jacobs delightful restaurants and the and leads the king of hearts. If 12:00 News. WeaUier little too hot for dancing. We display their articles. If you are visiting, etc.; 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., same discards can be made, but you have two 8-card suits, one 11:00 ^ n g Bank the 50's meals were excellent, par­ EIGHTH UTILITIES DISTRICT OF MANCHESTER divided 4-4 and the other 12: IS Saturday Stiowcase 12:00 Jeff Jacobs had planned on having a interested, call our office. open summer bowling at the 1:00 News 2:00 Jim Bedewitb ticularly for the price. barbecue across the street in Speaking of Manchester (Com­ Parkade Lanes; 10 a.m. pick up divided 5-3, it usually pays to 1:1S Your Home Decorator 6:00 Jack Warner on Sports Our good friend Mike the park; however, the weather make the 4-4 suit your trump. 1:30 Saturday Matinee 7 ;00 The World this Week munity College, the ‘Theatre III for shopping; 1:30 p.m., return To The Best Board of Directors, parade so please look for your Departments Marching unit and 2:00 Opera 7:30 BiU Vassar Balansen, owner of the Com­ man didn’t help us any. We did will be presenting some trip from shopping. be surprised at their new look! Daily Queglion S:00 Monitor and Taxpayers of the Eighth Utilities District: 1:00 Sign Off pass Motel where most of us set up the buffet outside, but exciting and interesting plays Our administration has worked hard to provide the best in As d e a le r, you hold; 6:00 News. Weather Wednesday, 9 a.m. bus will 6:20 StricUy Sports stayed, went all out to make our Just a few notes and words to describe what your Board of ISundayl had the members take their at the air-conditioned hall. ‘They take students to Forest Park District interests and many long hours have been spent to do Spades, 9-8; Hearts, 8-7| 6:30 Monitor 6:30 Religious Programming stay a most excellent one. We Directors and President have worked out in the best interest of It :00 News. Weather loaded plates inside, and just are offering these shows to our for their picnic; 10:30 a.m., bus what we thought best for all. We have taken a few new areas Diamonds, A-K-Q-7-3; Clubs, 10:00 Jack Warner on Sports 11:20 Sports Final certainly are most ap­ about the time we finished ser­ members at an exceptionally wilLleave for Cioodspeed Opera the District, this past year. To start with, our Fire into the District along North Elm Street and are working with a A-10-8-2. 12:00 ^wardM. 12 .00 Other Side otih e Day 12:30 Songs of Erin preciative to him for working ving 100 persons the rains came nominal price. If you would like House. No program scheduled Department’s annual peach festival was so well attended that new shopping area by Pilgrim Mills and along Tolland What do you say?- iSusdayl 1:0O Edward M. S: 30 Sunrise Seranade so hard in planning our down. some information, call our of­ at the Center. we are making sure that we have plenty of extras so there will Turnpike. This progress will provide new shopping places for Answer: Bid one diamond, 6:00 Jim Beckwith 7 00 Sunday Strings 9:30 Rival Hm e ^ ^ schedule, and it worked out Oh, well, we sure were happy fice. Thursday, 9:45 a.m. to noon, be no holdup this coming August. Come see your Fire House and District people and work for its residents. I am very sorry to 8 00 .News Recording Stars you have a fine rebkidable suit 10:15 Holy Trinity Church very well. to see some relief from the hot Next Wednesday we will not pinochle games; 1 p.m. to 4 it’s equipment and enjoy our native state peaches and cream. say we lost the services of our more than capable Director, Pat with 13 points in high cards^ 8. IS Sabbath Message It :00 Jim Beckwith 8 30 Guideline 12:00 Sign Off On the day of our boat cruise, humid weather, and we we have an official meeting. It wilt p.m., bridge games. Bus pickup The department host^ our senior Citizens of Mayfair Village Donlon, who will be devoting more time tq his home and family, Nothing more js needed Ror a Alex Cord, as a 20th century scientist still alive in the 22nd 9 00 News. Weather it was a somewhat cloudy and a made the best of it by having be our day, to give all the at 8:30 a.m., return trip at and all had a good time. so I say again, Pat you will be sorely missed but never sound opening bid. 9:10 Hymntime century, and Marietta Hartley, as a futuristic double 9 30 National Radio Pulpit ^KENNY* bit windy day. We had the 250- our program inside. students of our special educa­ noon. We nearly lost our Department of Public Works Chairman, forgotten. Copyright 1973 agent, star in the movie “Genesis H,” Friday (June 22) at 10:00 Sunday Showcase seat Flamingo all to ourselves, We were told that Dora Hoyt tion class a well deserved pic­ Friday, 10 a.m. to noon, Harold Osgood, but thanks to God and all you good people I repeat here as I have for the past five years as President EAST WINDSOR General Features Corp. 12 :10 Sunday Showcase praying he is back in good shape and taking care of his job for ,U.S. RTE 5. • 'D R IV E -IN ' • ■ 623 3079 8 p.m. on CBS-TV. I2.4S TravelTrends and when we got out in the and Mildred Teemar are nic. We’ll be taking them on our kitchen social bingo; 7 p.m. to that there will be no raise in the Tax Rate and again want to 1:00 Sunday Best WPOP ^ 1410 ocean, viewing the island and patients at 'the Manchester bus to Forest Park for the day. 10 p.m., setback games. Bus all of you. I must infomi you that we are closing down the thank your Directors for their fine and devoted work and 2 :00 Monitor ROGERS S.XNews the fabulous hotels and motels Memorial Hospital. Georgina Also on that day, some of our pickup at 8:30 a.m., return trip treatment end of our plant and putting all our effluent into the cooperation in the District business and it was my pleasure in iMonday-Fiidayl 6 :10 Sunday Edition North End Interceptor where it will receive treatment at the 6 :00 Bill Love — Lou Morton and the * along the beach it started to get Vince is now recuperating at members will be going to the at noon. Pickup again at 6 p.m., working with them for you. 6:00 News. Weather. Sports to 00 Tom Jones jointly owned Town and District Secondary Plant. This change 6 30 Meet the Press a little choppy, and we did some home at 232 New State Rd., Goodspeed Opera House. return trip after setback William F. Hankinson 1.00 Bill Winters Lucie Arnaz, who co-stars on 7 05 Monitor jiving for a while. Apt. C. George Schroll is now We’d like to send our sincere games. will save us the cost of operating our plant and then paying our President, 8th Utilities District 7 30 Yale Reports 4 :00 Mike Greene CBS-TV’s "Here’s Lucy,’’ has 7 :00 Ray Dunaway share of the secondary treatment plants operational cost. It will VIOLENT Weekend Theater Schedule 8 05 Your Box at the Opera The captain of the boat was home after a short stay at the sympathy and condolences to left the comedy show for three 12:00 Bobby Rivers FIRST. al|o enable our Supt. of Public Works, Cal Taggart, to proceed 8 30 Eternal Light * pretty sharp, and turned us hospital. Roger Talbot on the death of his weeks to appear in summer around and high-tailed it back Movies for Seniors sister who was one of our Notices on a better cleaning and rodding of our piping system which will stock in the Midwest. She WDRC -1360 iSaturdayl to the bay with its calmer During the afternoon we had members, Virginia Talbot. have to be maintained according to State Laws and up to the Treasurers Report appears in ‘‘C a b aret’’ in 6 :00 Bill Love — Lou Morton new Environmental Laws. Along with this project we will be Jerry Lewis Twin Cinema 1, EDITION waters before anyone could get Mr. Jay Saver, manager of the For The Fiscal Year Ended May 31, 1973 Michigan and in “Once Upon a Jerry Lewis "^win Cinema 1, iMonday-FrMayl 10 :00 Ray Dunaway Final Dance getting rid of a bad situation in the Duval Street Pumping Caldor Shopping Plaze — *6:00 Bob DeCarlo 2 :00 Bill Winters seasick. All in all, it was a.nice New Jerry Lewis ‘Theatre at the Court of Probate, District of Manchester Mattress’’ in Ohio. Caldor Shopping Plaza — 3 FREE IN PERSON ‘This Monday evening we will NOTICE OF HEARING GENERAL FUND CHECKING ACCOUNT “THE HITCHHIKERS” “Slither” 2:00-7:10-9:10 10:00 Bob Craig 6 00 Chip Hobart ride, and in fact one couple is Burr’s Corner Mall. He has station which will now be diverted to a new line to go down “Slither” 2:00-7:10-9:10 3 :00 Dick McDonough 12 :00 Bobby Rivers have our final evening dance. E S T A T E O F TRUMAN A. Jerry Lewis Twin Cinema 2, APPEARANCES now planning to signing up for stated his interest in having Hilliard Street to the interceptor line. So from all of this I Balance, June 1, 1972 4,012.07 Jerry Lewis Twin Cinema 2, 7 :00 Joe Hager We hope to make this an WITHERELL, Deceased believe we will realize a saving and better Sewer Service to you Receipts; Caldor Shopping Plaza — 12:00 Dick Haddad ISundayl the Virgin Isles trip, stating movies, senior citizen style. He Pursuant to an order of Hon. William 800WI “PAPEB MOON" Caldor Shopping Plaza — '{S:00onMondayi 3,6 & 8 P.M. EAST H ARTFORD 9 06 Monitor that if they didn’t get seasick on enjoyable one with lots of E. FitzGerald, Judge dated June 6,1973 a District Taxpayers. Taxes including interest 129,162.65 “Gamma Rays on Marigolds” “Gamma Rays on Marigolds" 10:30 Congressional Report asked, and received, many U.S. ROUTE 5 ■ 'DRIVE-IN* • 528-7448 iSalurdayl gobies, cold drinks, and door hearing will be held on an application You can be more than proud of your Fire Department and its Connection charges 19,550.00 TECHNICOIOR' PANSVISION’ 7:30-9:30; “Willie Wonka” 1:30 laltemate Sunuaysi this ride, then they shouldn’t on suggestions and will be getting 7;30-9:30; “Willie Wonka" 1:30 6 :00 Bob DeCarlo prizes, so we want you to help praying for authority to sell certain real action and performance during the major Bon Ami Fire which, Disposal charges 13,479.53 Manchester Drive-In — ‘"The 11 00 .News. Weather. Sports SUNDAY AFTERNOON a larger ship. back to us when he can follow Manchester Drive-In — ‘"The 10 :00 Bob Craig 6:00 Religion us make it a success by atten­ estate as in said application on file more DUSTIN HOFFMAN 3 00 Terly Woods Entertainment if not for the cooperation of all of our neighbor Fire Fire service 4,875.00 Getaway” 10:15; “Prime Cut” Getaway” 8:50; “Prime Cut” 7 00 Sunday Through The Valley - Clilf through with the type of'movies ding. fully appears, at the Court of Probate on ANNE BANCROFT 7 00 Joe Hager Simpson The final evening turned out June 26, 1973 a t 19:39 a.m . Departments under the very capable direction of Chief Ted Refunds 1,537.97 8:50 ’ 10:45 12 :00 Dick Haddad seniors would like to see. Most, 8 00 Tom Jones By the way, last Wednesday Madeline B. Ziebarth, Clerk Lingard and his staff, would have become a District disaster in State grant — Manufacturers inventoryl,462.13 RT. 86 ICALDORI State Theater — “Save The iSundayl DRUM CORPS to be fantastic:” It really put the of course, will be re-runs of State Theater — “Save The II 30 Other Side of the Day was our final meal of the spreading fire to a larger area in the magnitude of its heat and Elderly relief 464.17 EXIT 931 PLAZA I S.A.R.I.R. THE GRADUATE Tiger” 2:10-5:40-9:15; “Sterile 6:00 Religious and public service 1 00 Mike Greene frosting on the cake as it all movies you liked a few years Tiger” 2:10-5:40-9:15; “Sterile programming 6 00 Chip Hobart season. We can’t find words to flames and embers flying sky high and falling almost Insurance claims and recoveries 223.51 Cuckoo” 3:50-7:20 9: w Scott Morgan started out with our dinner at ago. iRklUdMlWk Aa Cuckoo” 3:50-7:20 MEET express our sincere thank» to Court of Probate. District of Manchester everywhere. I would like once again to thank all who provided Petty cash returned (tax collector) 50.00 Meadows Drive-In — 2.00 Dick McDonough Zaberer’s Restaurant. Now On ‘Thursday morning we had NOTICE OF HEARING laWkcSB|aiAiGiMtC Meadows Drive-In — “Prime 7 00 Terry Woods 1 P.M. IN STADIUM Frank and Nancy Latiicca, [ ESTATE OF JOSEPH F. MeVEIGH, food and coffee and comfort to all these brave fire fighters in so Sale of used fire hose 10.00 “ G etaw ay” 10:45; “ Prim e 10 30 Religious and public service you’ll have to talk to others who 56 playing pinochle, and these Cut” 8:45; “Getaway” 10:45 INDIVIDUALS Marion Keegan, and all the Deceased freezing a temperature and inclement conditions. Transfers from Savings Accounts: ■(( Kii(mlt'(lj>t’’ Cut” 8:45 programming made the trip to describe the are the winners; Grace Baker, East Hartford Drive-In — 12 00 Sign o n DUETS • QUARTETS students for their hard work in Pursuant to an order of Hon. William You know the Town of Manchester is going to have its Savings Bank of Manchester 35,000.00 decorations jn this restaurant. I 607; Ann Young, 586; Emma “ Bummer” 10:25; “The East Hartford Drive-In — Sponsored By pleasing us with delicious E. FitzGerald, Judge, dated June 7,1973 celebration of their 150th Anniversary with events and a big Hartford National Bank 32,500.00 238,314.96 VI KSS-KM — 96.0 took some pictures, but my a hearing will be held on an application Hitchhikers” 8:40 “ Bummer” 8:40; ‘"The Russell, 581; Sam Schors, 567; meals. It was a big and busy “CAREY’S KID-DETS” flash wasn’t working — so I’m praying for the allowance of her ad­ East Windsor Drive-In — Hitchhikers” 10:30 I News two minutes before the hour. 24 Mollie McCarthy, 559; Mary season, and believe me the W RCH-910 hours a dayi FREE ADMISSION keeping my fingers crossed in Nackowski, 554; Bessie Coste, ministration account with said estate, Disburserriems: M2.327.03 (fea BURNSIDE “High Plains Drifter” 10:40; East Windsor Drive-In — meals were great, and the help ascertainment of heirs and order of dis­ “High Plains Drifter” 8:45; iMonday-Saturdavi (Suiiilux-Sulurduvi ONE PRICE BONUS BADGES hopes some cotne out. It was ,553; Paul Schuetz, 553; Vera tribution as in said application on file Administration: “Play Misty For Me” 8:45 Midnight All stereo music made it a real success. 6.00 Reveille really first class all the way. Tedford, 549; Ann Husarik, 549; more fully appears, at the Court of Salaries 8,050.00 Blue-Hills Drive-In — “Man “ Play Misty For Me” 10:40 9 00 Rhapsody 6 a m. Stereo 96 music TFer aN O0 O % - only G O M We will be starting a new n.7'T rm .r7i:n,'!!!■:■ nry 11 After a delicious meal of in­ Probate on June 26. 1973 at tl:99 a.m . Report of the Tax Collector in the Wilderness” 8:40; Blue-Hills Drive-In — “Mail 12 00 .Matinee 9 a m. KISS with More .Music I Ridtaflthtridataimany John Gaily, 547; Grace Moore, meals prog^ram this year. Operating, expenses 9,492.10 4 00 Highlights of Hartford Noon The Difference fs the .Music dividual servings of stuffed cor- 542; Beatrice Mader, 535, and Madeline B. Ziebarth, Clerk Transfers to Savings Accounts; “ Jeremiah Johnson” 10:50 In The W ilderness” 10:50; 8 00 Gaslight 6 p m. StereoMusic from the Sound to I tim« at y o u want F m . sar s u n nish hen, we went back to the Burnside Theater — “Carnal “Jeremiah Johnson” 8:45 12 00 Quiet Hours the Berkshires Friday -P irk open / P.M. Esther Anderson, 532. Fiscal Year Ending 5-31-73 Savings Bank of Manchester 25,000.00 iSundayl 9 p m More Music For New England motel to be treated to a Cupid Visits Hartford National Bank 25,000.00 Knowledge”" 7:30; “The Burnside Theater — “The Same as .Monday-Saturday listing, except from the Mansion Bidges on sile from Taxes collectible on Grand List of 10-1-71 plus refunds ; P.M. to 10 PM Good professional group from the Transfer to Interceptor checking TWO ■» FUTUV FICTUHES Graduate" 9:15 Graduate” 2:00-5:30-9:15; 6 00 Religious programs Do you want to hear some not included in Grand List 130,672.32 HE EFFECT OF QAMMAV It 00 Quiet Hours for III rides / P M. to Blue Hawaiian Motel. Their great news? Our Center is get­ account 13,843.00 AUCOUMSHOW South Windsor Cinema — “Carnal Knowledge" 3:50-7:30 closing 'S ON MAN-IN-THE-MOON PLATBOT season hasn’t started yet, but □ South Windsor Cinema — ting quite a reputation for Legal additions on Grand List of 10-1-71 59.29 Mike made a special treat by 81,385.10 SEX ODYSSEY ' Badges on sale 1 PM having the love bug pay us a South Windsor Cinema — “Sex Odyssey” 2;00-7;00; to 4 P.M. Good for all getting them to come and play unson' UltlPrlcM: AFTER THE BALL visit now and then. A couple of 130,731.61 4^ AduRt t23W RMt 79e X-M TBI NO SNf UNDO III “Sex Odyssey” 2:00 7:00; "After the Ball” 3:20-8:30 Tom Brokaw, a Los Angeles “American Bandstand’s 20th |S * tu r d iy { for us. weeks ago. Hector LaGace and Legal deductions on Grand List of 10-1-71 189.46 Public Works Department: Ir. Cttlztiit md ttudwits Group Mlot For TMt “ After the Ball’’ 8:30; newsman, has been named Anniversary Special,” a 90- ,Badges on sale 6 P.M. The group included some Salaries 20,542.24 FuRzar Frtao Floy MHMISHT MOTK IM .-U T . Me Vernon Cine 1 — “Dirty Alice Vozzolo were married. No Mon.-Tliui«. VAHISHIHB POIHT “Vanishing Point” 12:00 Mid­ White House correspondent for minute celebration of the en­ to 10 P.M. Good for all Hula dancers, and the girls This morning our cler- Operating expenses 64,704.90 MMoii. CaHG4G-2227 Harry” 2:00-5; 40-9; 30;' “Klute” Uides 6 P.M. to closing Candy Kitchen 130,542.15 8«0 night NBC News. His reports have during music program, will air were really terrific. My good receptionist Jae Mogara and Capital expenditu^wfr- 670.20 3:45-7:30 I Sunday Back taxes collected from Grand Lists of 1968, 1969 and 1970, been seen frequently on the on ABC-TV ‘Tuesday, June 19, at friend and member George Joseph DuPont said “I do.” We , f IMlRlo Wonka (Ftm Candy] 1:N Vernon Cine I —. “Klute” Vernon Cine 2 — “Let The I Afttrnoon-Badges on sale 1 P M Where Quality Candy Is Made Fresh Daily including interest and lien fees 1,357.63 SoL-lan. tRRiar at 2 F.M. [}[r^THEATRES EAST “NBC Nightly News” and 11:30 p.m. Dick Clark will to 4 P.M. Good lor all Vallone aqd I sure had some fun werO also told that real soon 85,917.34 UlODliTPM UtNCMUTtNiH PlRsSDI*UI ) t)l Good Times Roll” 2:00-3:45 2:00-7:20; “Dirty Harry” 4:00- “Today.” behost to Little Rictard, ‘Three rides I PM to 6 PM trying to wiggle with them. wedding bells will be ringing Choose From Over 200 Varieties 5:30-7:15-9:00 131,899.78 'DnCoODllMESBOU S 9:30; “Easy Rider” 12:00 Mid­ Dog Night, Paul Revere & the I could go on, but I’ll let those for Elsie Darby and Albert U.A. East 1 — “Let the (jlood Interest collected on Grand List, of 10-1-71 101.97 Fire Department; night Raiders, and Cheech & Chong. who made the trip fill you in. It’s Munson’s Candy for 14,456.75 Times Roll” 7:30-9:15 Celebrating our Bourret. We congratulate all of Salaries Vernon Cine 2 — “Let the All I can say is, next year I’ll be 17,231.93 U.A.East 2 — “Cries & them, and with them the best of 132,001.75 Operating expenses NOW PLAYING **** dttSAND 1 Good Times Roll” 2:0Q-7;3O- 25th Anniversary offered this trip again, and I FATHER’S DAY 10,392.57 Whispers” 2:00-3:45-5:30-7:30- health and happiness. Transferred to suspense (moved, deceased, etc.) 726.14 Capital expenditures WHISPERS 9‘15 hope that you will join us; and Now it’s a relief for me Give Dad our quality candy on his special day. 9:20 * t * S easo n * * * INEW 1st. RUN HIT! “ KOiSHUNTlX U.A. East 1 - “Let The Good PRO you’ll be sorry if you don’t. because now I know I don’t ■Treat him to his favorites; Nut Bark, Pecan Pat­ 42,081.25 U.A. East 3— “Lost Horizon” STOCK CAR PLUS FIGURE 8 ! 131,275.61 Times Roll” 2:15-4:00-5:45- May I suggest to you who have to rush into that. I still ties, Butter Crunch, Fudge, Assorted Chocolates, 2:30-5:30-8:30 " *« s EVEiiY SAT.-8:00 P. M. Uncollected taxes due 10-1-72 j 2,112.96 A Full-Length Feature Film 7:30-9:15 SOCCER a****o*o****io*x made the trip to send a little have plenty of time. We’ll be Hard Candy, Peanut Butter Kisses, Chunk Fire Protection: /' U.A. East 2 — “ Cries & tRRHKTlCVT Re-creation of the 60'sl ROUTE 159 ’ thank you note and any con­ going to. the Virgin Isles in Chocolate. ______Total taxes and interest turned over to Treasurer Water and hydrant fees 28,413.73 237,797.42 Whispers" 2; 00-3:45-5:30-7:38 MANCHESTER WILDCATS structive suggestions to our C0LUM8IA PICTURES PraMnH vs. AGAWAM, MASS. November, and I’m wondering from lists of 1968, 1969, 1970 and 1971 129,162.65 A METROMEDIA PRODUCERS CORPORATION PRODUCTION 9:20 DHIVE IN ROUTtS 6 I 44A good friend Mike. Here is what will turn up after that? Balance, May 31, 1973 4.529.61 U.A. East 3— “Lost Horizon” PMIKLPIIA SPARTIMS C in ^ ^ where to reach him. Remember that the end of INTERCEPTOR FUND CHECKING ACCOUNT 2:30-7:00-9:30 S a t Ju m 16 This collection figure represents a percentage of 98.327o of the M im w inu is.M .m aiTHiMmMl Mr. Michael Balansen, Com­ this month is the town’s big Balance, June 1, 1972 8.91 L e « n ie Mc Q u e e n / DUONSTUMM pass Motel, Rosemary Rd. and total collectible taxes. W t Frt. AnR Sol Read Sesquicentennial Week, and the Mary P. Laraia Receipts: MRTFORO-fclSP.M. Atlantic Ave., Wildwood Crest, very busy and hardworking -Transfers from Glheral Fund 13,84^ G oedTim cs W Midnight Movie M a c G R A W N. J. 082-60. Tax Collector IMQVIERAnNQB *5 2 2 -9 2 2 3 Herald Ads committee has contacted me Eighth Utilities District 13,851.91 FORRAREN18RNO Got home to a nice weekend, because it could use some help Disbursements: PO THE G ETA W A Y and stopped by the Center * younqphiple by our members. One thing it Note payment 10 , 000.00 easy niden Friday night to see some of the REVENUE ESTIMATE A SAM PECKINPAH FILM needs is some seniors to Interest on note 3,843.00 13,843.00 b r u t h it s mi A t s S M M •« M n i i a i i N I t M m Held Over 2 FROM FIRST ARTISTS gang playing setback. There volunteer to help on Friday and Taxes Collectible 1973-1974 1139,470.00 SMIN tlm SUfSttMlf t» . ROUTE 6, BOLTON — TEL. 649-4332 Sewer Charges 4,000.00 .,*• “DIRTY HARRY” ■ M l IW IIII >tr K M H Sr M r tSNtM l. were 39 players and the lucky Saturday at the Grand Ball. ‘The Balance, May 31, 1973 8.91 Fire Service (Town) 9,000.00 iTmaamii.M.iiwnwMHiiil winners were: Helen Erickson, work would be to serve, over OPEN DAILY and SUNDAY till 8:00 P.M. «U Mil Mwnu 1 2 ^ Agnes Morell, 121; Jennie the counter, soft drinks, Candy Also AvaUable For Fund Raising State Grants . “ CASH BALANCES i.i;i;iviakvii\ik Fogarty, 120; Ann Lehmann, Personal Property 1,462.00 General Fund Checking Account 4.529.61 E Elderly Exemptions 4K.00 8 91 This is a test pattern tu 118; Albert Oullette, 117; Ted Interceptor Fund Checking Account liENi; IIACKIVIAIV Public Works 12,000.00 20,019.53 determine The Herald’s print­ Rivard, 117; Floyd Post, 116; Savings Account — Savings Bank of Manchester MEADOWS • STIff HcQUEDI E 3 G race Windsor, 116; Lou Miscellaneous 600.00 Savings Account — Hartford National Bank 40,522.68 ing quality. AUMk OUW “Piiiivii; c u r Weber, 114, and Annie Rogers Corp. 9,000.00 TOTAL CASH BALANCES 65,080.73 "Tho Retaway” Johnston, 113. Interest on Savings Account 3,272.00 MSTuna Transferred from Savings Acctmnt 27,905.00 WOWU m n ' ■ ■■ Monday morning it was real Jug^fhebooks. ,, U irU n s tln t M M in f t A R O Y A L Balance May 31, 1973 4,529.61 HOWARD B, KENNEY Set fire to the fzctotvi' ”Prlma"cirt” (R) PnsiwXMttaNMi busy as we were registering for Treasurer Showing our baseball trip to Shea TREAT FOR DAD! Supply women for the clients. f DANTE’S ^ Stadium and for the one-day Total Potential Rev. 211,703.61 hWty Stoner will do anything to_ RESTAURANT outing for Jug End in the First Of The Season... REVENUE DEDUCTIONS ANNUA(C REPORT OF get one more season. ^ (HttHMlMytMy berkshires. Meanwhile, ISMrtslsvsM SULLIVAN AVE. PLAZA SOUTH WINDSOR -4 Administration downstairs was our kitchen FIRE MARSHAL S t ...... " Italian American Culalne • Cocktalla Salaries 9,150.00 social with Florence North FRESH RIPE Operating Expenses 12,075.00 The District had fire losses of $530,000 in the last fiscal year. pinch-hitting for our This is a high loss figure and reflects claims for the fire at the FATHERS DAY hardworking Georgiria Vince BLUEBERRY SUNDAE old Bon Ami of over $300,000. The cause of which is still under who was still in the hospital Total 21,225.00 investigation. Weekend Special! recuperating from a fall she P.S. Blueberry ana Peach Ice Cream Public Works Department Respectfully Submitted, VALUABLE COUPON had a couple of weeks ago. We available In the Economical half Gallon Salaries 21,464.00 GRANVILLE H. LINGARD, still need a few more fori the container...Or hand packed at the Operating Expenses 58,475.00 Fire Marshal WITH THIS COUPON { BAKED LASAGNE 2.75 Mets game, while we have a counter while you wait... Capital Expenditures 22,700.00 waiting list for the Jug End Pleaxe Note: Construction on the new four lane highway is ANNUAL REPORT OF Complete Dinner Special trip. progressing nicely. It’s business as usual at SHADY GLEN! X Total .102,639.00 J .■ Pinochle Winners Fire Department FIRE CHIEF In the afternoon we had a nice Salaries 18,035.00 50^ off Any Pizza; SUGED HLET PIZZJUOLA 4.75 turnout for pinochle despite the 1972-1973 Fiscal Year Operating Expense 59,925.00 • iJackLemmonmhis most important dramaltc (Large or Smln) J hot and humid day. We hustled Our Department answered 209 alarms. Fifty-four of those Equipment Replacement * 2,600.00 were outside the District. Four were Mutual Aid calls to other ! since jiTheDaysofWine and Ro^!' Hours: Open Wad., Tlmrs., 11 a.m. -10 p.m. ! out and purchased two big fans New Elquipment ^ 2,275.00 Fri., Sat. 11 a.m. • 11 p.m. : aBAKED StlffFED LOBSTER 5.75 for the windows in the hope it towns. New Apparatus Reserve Fund ■5,000.00 This compares to 232 responded to last year, 198 in 1971^ and Sun. 3 p.m. • 10 p.m. ! would help cool the main hall a These Are Complete Dinners With Juice, Soup bit. ‘The llicky pinochle winners Dairy Stores 162 in 1970. Closad Mon. and Tues. ! Total 87,835.00 1 wish to thank all those who assisted me in the past year, Vegetables, Breads, Desserts and Coffee. were: John Derby, 712; Mabel TWO CrtNVF.MENT LOCATIONS T r ' « . a biAWWnriRAN'OOl IVoJunon especially the District Volunteers and the Board of Directors o pen SUNDAY 12 NOON - 11 P.M. Keeney 669; Bea Mader, 649; Rl. 6 & 44A • Open Daily and Total Revenue Deductions 211,699.00 for their dedicated service to the Fire Dept. JACK LEMMON “SAVETHETK3ER” PtMHW Ann Fisher, 649; Michael Sun. PIZZA RAYS Parkade Branch ■ Mon. thru Sat. Total Revenue 211,703.61 V Respectfully Submitted, 644-2086 DesSimone, 637; Jennie Fogar­ ■’tlH T PROMPT SERVICE ON ALL CALLS ‘ Revenue Deductions 211,699.00 GRANVILLE H, LINGARD, Plus: STERILE CUCKOO ty i 634;. Marjorie McLain, 633; (John and Bernire Rieg) Chief 130 SPRUCE ST., MANCHESTER | Bess Moonan, 632; Paul Potential Excess Revenue. ^ 61 Contull Tima Box For Showtlmox TEL. AHEAD 643-0031 ! Schuetz, 618; Ann Perras, 618;

V PAGE FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., June 16, 1973 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., June 16,1973— PAGE FIVE iianrlirHtrr l|pralh Local Churches | I Area Churches I Founded Oct. I, 1881 Second Congregational South United St. Bridget Church First Congregational St. George’s i Unitarian Meeting House Subscribers who fail to receive their ■indreK T u llf Methodist Church Church ' PuWished by Manchester Publishing Rev. John J. Delaney Church Episcopal Church 50 Bloomfield Ave., Hartford newspaper by carrier daily before 5:30 Fare 1228 Main St. Co., Herald Square, Manchester, Conn. United Church of Christ Pastor of Hebron Route 44A, Bolton Rev. Nathaniel D. Lauriat Rev. Dr. George W. Webb 385 N. Main St. 06040, telephone 643-2711 (AC 203). p.m. should telephone the circulation Rev. William J. Stack Rev. Herbert 0. Kelsey Jr. Rev. John F. Flora III Rev. Wayne Kendall Rev. Felix M. Davis, Pastor Published every evening except Sun­ department, 647-9946. Rev. William J. Killeen Vicar 10:30 a.m.. Worship Service, Rev. Robert W. Eldridge Jr. Minister Nursery and Worship Church days and holidays. Entered at the Member Audit Bureau of Circulation Pastors Saturday, Masses at 5 and ^ 9:30 a.m.. Worship Service. 11 a.m., ’Trinity Sunday. Holy School. Manchester, Conn., Post Office as Se­ 10 a.m. Morning Worship. ______•( Member of The Associated Press Full Tank More Important 7:30 p.m., school auditorium. ■ The Rev. Mr. Kelsey preaching. Eucharist, outdoors. Union Service with Center cond Class Mail Matter. 9 and 10:45 a.m.. Worship Ser­ Sunday, Masses at 7:30,9 and Sermon topic: “Chtr Father’s Noon, Annual chicken Avery St. Congregational Church at Se­ Burl L. Lyons, Publisher WASHINGTON - If I were million to 9.6 million barrels vice. Pastor kendall preaching 10:30, in church; 10:30 a.m. and Day.” Nursery provided. barbecue. Christian Reformed Church The Manchester Publishing Co. on “The Humaness of Hate.” cond Church. Nursery. Sermon 9:30 a.m.. Church School. assumes no financial responsibility for running for President I would less than today. noon, school auditorium. 661 Avery St. knock off the yakety-yak about More than coincidence must 7:30 p.m.. Spiritual Growth by the Rev. Mr. Davis, “Most 7 p.m.. Pilgrim Fellowship. Bolton Congregational South Windsor typographical errors appearing in adver­ Group will meet at-731 Oak St., Unlikely People.” Coffee Hour Church Subscription Rates Watergate for a few days and be involved when La Torella is Rev. Peter Mans tisements and other reading matter in make some loud speeches about joined in his denunciation of Big led by Pastor Kendall. in Fellowship Hall after the ser­ Gilead Congregational Bolton Center Rd. Minister V Payable In Advance The Manchester Evening Herald. vice. - Chureh Rev. J. Stanton Conover the so-called gasoline shortage, Oil by Attorneys General from Church of the Assumption Emanuel Lutheran Church Hebron Minister One Month...... $3.25 Display advertising closing hours, on account of in America an five other states. Again it Adams St. at Thompson Rd. 9:45 a.m., Sunday School. Church and Chestnut St. Si. Mary’s Rev. Herbert 0. Kelsey Jr. Single Copy...... 154 three full days prior to publication. automobile with a full gas tank should be noted that these are Rev. Edward S. Pepin 11 a.m.. Worship Service, Rev. C. Henry Anderson Episcopal Church Pastor 10:30 a.m. Confirmation Sun- By Carrier, Weekly...... 75t Deadline for Herald want ads, 12 noon is more important than an presumably responsible state Pastor 5:40 p.m., Christian Educa­ Rev. Ronald J. Fournier Park and Church Sts. day. One Y ear...... ,$39.00 prior to day of publication; 12 noon honest politician. officials, not merely irate tion Classes. Fairly or not. Big Oil’s motorists or bearded nuts Co-pastors Rev. George Nostand 11 a.m.. Worship Service. 6 p.m.. Evening Service. Six Months...... $19.50 Friday for publication Saturday and Rector Saturday, Masses at 5 and operations have become a seeking publicity and a Marxist Nursery provided. The Rev. Second Congregational Three Months...... $9.75 Monday. 9 a.m.. Divine Worship. Rev. Stephen J. Whit<' 7:30 p.m. Mr. Kelsey preaching. Sermon Church national issue. George Gallup state. St. John’s "There is no energy crisis,” 10:45 a.m.. Divine Worship Rev. Ronald Haldemii > Sunday, Masses at 7:30, 9, topic: “Our Father’s Day.” United Church of Christ has not been heard from at this 10:30 and 11:45 a.m. Episcopal hurch writing, but I would not be sur­ said Daniel S. Dearing of with the celebration of the Rite Rt. 44A, Coventry 7:30 a.m.. Holy Eucharist, Union Congregational Rev. Robert K. Bechtold Rt. 30, Vernon prised to learn that the gasoline Florida’s Department of Legal of Confirmation and the Sacra­ Services for ’Trial Use. Church Minister Rev. Robert H. Wellner, crisis irritates more people Affairs. “There is a competi­ ment of Holy Communion. Nursery for Infants through 3- 10:00 a.m.. Holy Communion, Rockville Rector than graft in high places or tion crisis.” All agreed not only 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. that Big Oil was using the year-olds at both services. Book of Common Prayer, with Rev. Paul J. Bowman 10 a.m.. Worship Service. even inflation. Most folks still sermon by the Rev. Mr. Pastor 10.a.m.. Family Service and "shortage” as an excuse to 11:15 a.m.. Family picnic on count children as their dearest Haldeman. Nursery care. Choir hurch School. destroy small competitors, but North United 27 Confirmands Rev. Lyman D. Reed church grounds. Fathers Day possessions, but the automobile Recognition and Award Sunday. that the Federal government Methodist Church Associate Minister must run a close second. In Emanuel Class St. Peter’s St, Matthew’s Church Thus, 1 expect many voters has been in cahooots with the 300 Parker St. Community Baptist '■ Emanuel Lutheran Church 9 a.m., Morning Worship. Ser­ Episcopal Church' Tolland are in a mo<^ to throw the oil big outfits. “Big Oil is bigger Rev. Earle R. Custor Tomorrow we are to honor father by he, as a father, did not try to make An American Baptist will bestow the Rite of Confir­ mon topic: “ Is Anyone Sandhill Road Rev. J. Clifford Curtin rascals out after reading in than the U.S. government," Pastor 585 E. Center St. mation on 27 young people Sun­ Listening?” South Windsor Pastor observing Fathers Day. better than the world he found. their newspapers that top law said Atty. Gen. Robert K. Rev. Ondon P. Stairs day during the 10:45 a.m. Rev Standish Macintoch enforcement officers from six Killian of Connecticut. 9 a.m.. Worship Service. Ser­ You know the fellow we mean. This is why many fathers get in­ Minister worship service. United Methodist Church Interim Vicar Saturday, Masses at 5 and 7 states told Congress the gas and Chiming in. North Carolina’s mon: “ Love Endures.’’ The young people will be Rt. 44A, Bolton p.m. That guy who at times only seems to volved. It is not to escape the tedium fuel oil shortage is a phony, a Atty. Gen. Robert Morgan Nursery for children five-year- 9:15 a.m.. Church School for accepted as full members of Rev. David M. Campbell 8 a.m.. Holy Communion. Sunday, Masses at 8:30,10:30 recalled that in 1970 former At­ old and younger. Double Sun­ eat and sleep around the house since of clay-to-day family life but pave the result of international collusion all ages. Emanuel Church, culminating Pastor------10 a.m.. Morning Prayer. and 11:45 a.m. ty. Gen. John Mitchell gave day, special offering to balance by the major oil companies. 10:30 a.m., Sunday School two years of intensive study 10:25 a.m.. Coffee and Cover- he is off some place working. Or when way for his offspring into a better major firms immunity for an­ the budget. Coffee fellowship With visions of dollar-a-gallon Sunday. Promotions and concerning the Lutheran sation. • he has a day off is wrapped up in some world. titrust prosecution so they after the service. Messiah Evangelical gasoline dancing in their heads, worship program. A nursery is Church and its beliefs. The 10:45 a.m.. Worship. Nursery Lutheran Church motorists need a villain. could negotiate jointly to St. Maurice’s Church other activity ranging from passing Granted this is not always done provided. group met weekly atclasses provided, infant through Grade (Wisconsin Synod) produce and buy crude oil from Calvary Church Bolton They were offered one by (Assemhiies of God) conducted by the Rev. C. Henry 2. Sermon: “The Gift of the 300 Buckland Rd. the plate at church, hauling around a deliberately or purposely but never- witnesses before the Senate An­ Rev. Robert W. Cronin OOEC— the Organization of Oil 67 E. Middle Tpke. Unitarian UniversalisI Anderson and the Rev. Ronald Holy Spirit.” South Windsor titrust Subcommittee from Pastor bunch of Boy Scouts, helping some the-less when you assess the social Expprting Countries. In effect, Rev. Kenneth L. Gustafson Society J. Fournier, co-pastors of the Rev. Karl R. Gurgel, New York, Connecticut, North said Morgan, the oil companies friend who tackled a too-big do-it- progress of a community, and the Pastor 481 Spring St. church. Pastor Saturday, Masses at 5 and 7 Carolina, Michigan, entered into “profit-sharing The confirmands are Scott Jack B. Grove St. Bernard’s Chureh yourself project, selling pop corn for Manchester area is no exception, it is Massachusetts and Florida. p.m. agreements with the OOEC,” 10 a.m., Sunday School, Noon, Annual picnic to be at Anderson, Miss Leslie Bayer, Rockville 9 a.m., Sunday School. Without exception, these Sunday, Masses at 7:30, 9:15, his service club or being mom’s fathers you’ll find on town boards, and the result has been higher classes for adults and children. Gay City State Park. Bring Miss Carol Bensen, Charles Rev. John J. White 10 a.m.. Worship Service. lawmen put the finger on Big 11 a.m. costs for American consumers. Nursery care for the little ones. your own food and drinks. Bodemann, Miss Carol Orgaiiist, Director of Music Rev. William Schneider handy-man. school boards, the legislature, the ad­ Oil. Moreover, they spoke from Michigan’s Atty. Gen. Frank 11 a.m.. Service of Worship Carpenter, Miss Christine Rev. Anthony Miller There are many more things he gets visory committees that abound, the personal knowledge because all Kelley blamed the "clandestine South United Methodist Church First Congregational and Bible preaching. Theme; The Salvalion Army Carpenter, Miss Debra Ann Church Sacred Heart Church had investigated possible anti­ regulation by a few oil com­ Cowles, Miss Elizabeth Saturday, Masses at 5 and 7 involved in and there are times when church boards, the service clubs, etc. “It’s Father’s Day.” 661 Main St. Rev. John A. Lacey Rt. SO, Vernon competitive oil industry prac­ panies...not accountable to the Dougan, Miss Kathy Duke, p.m. he seems more interested in other So give dad a break and perhaps a 7 p.m.. Gospel Service. Maj. & Mrs. Minister Rev. Ralph Kelley, Pastor tices in their states. people.” Miss Norma Horton, Miss Mr. Grove, who lives in Cedarville, Mass., has been direc­ Sunday, Masses at 7,8:30,10, Hymnsing, and Bible message. Lawrence J. Beadle Rev. Edwin W. Bartholomew Rev. Edward Konopka people and their problems than he is pat on the back tomorrow. The time “What shortage?” asked Tliese are the kind of figures Beverly Jensen, Robert Lutzen, tor of music at South United Methodist Church for the past 11:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Assistant Atty. Gen. Charles A. that even the most obtuse Ford Commanding Officers Assistant Minister in you. he has been taking away from you this Trinity Covenant Church Miss Nancy Malaq. 14 years. He conducts a full choir program at the church Saturday, Mass at 5 p.m. La Torella Jr. of New York. He or Chevrolet owner can unders­ Also, Richard Martin, Miss 302 Hackmatack St. 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. including the (Chancel, Junior and Youth Choirs, and the United Congregational 10 a.m.. Worship Service. Sunday, Masses at 7:30, I You might feel neglected but you past year has been invested in your pointed out that as of June 1 tand. He would not be human if Iris In Full Bloom. (Photo by Sylvian Ofiara) Sandra McCabe, Miss Jayne Rev. Norman E. Swensen Classes for all ages. English Handbell Ringing Choirs. He also is director of Church Church School. 10:30 a.m. and noon. reserves in the U.S. totalled he did not conclude that he was McCallum, Miss Heidi Meier, don’t know really how a dad feels future. His reward, regardless of the Pastor 10:45 a.m.. Holiness Meeting. music at Tabor Naval Academy, Marion, Mass., and United Church of Christ 202.5 million barrels, and yet being taken by some extremely Durwood J. Miller Jr., David Maj. Beadle will preach on former director of music at Avon Old Farms. He was the Tolland Vernon Aaaembliea of God about it. Most of them, we would ven­ gifts he gets on Fathers Day, will last year — when no "crisis” fat cats in the oil industry. If Montany, Miss Laura Prentice, 9:30, Sunday School. “Going Deeper.” first director of the Manchester Civic Chorale. He former­ Rev. Donald G. Miller 51 Old Town Rd. St. Margaret Mary’s Church ture, feel far worse than you do but come when you go out into the world existed — stocks were 1.6 there’s an energy crisis. Main Charles Reuter, Miss Teri 10:50 a.m.. Worship Service 5:30 p.m., Planning meeting Minister Wapping Street would like everybody to Small, Miss Lynn Stratton, ly directed several Hartford glee clubs including the Men’s there is something about being a and you too pick up the labor of will be a Baccalaureate Service for all Sunday School teachers Sunday, 9:45 a.m., Sunday Rev. William McGrath suffer. Inside Paul Waltanius, Karl Chorale Club and the University Men’s Glee Club. He to honor our students who have Rev. Joseph Schick father that makes a man reach making it a better place to live. Then Maybe this will come about, and prospective teachers. served for two years as dean of the Hartford Chapter, 9:30 and 11 a.m., Worship Ser­ School for all ages. graduated this year. The Rev. Wederstrom, Larry Wirts and 11 a.m.. Morning Worship. (]o-Pa8tors although given Big Oil’s 7 p.m.. Youth Witness in vice and Church School. beyond his own family. he will know the time invested has Today’’s Mr. Swensen, preaching on “A Miss Jane Zamaitis. American Guild of Organists. (Herald photo by Pinto) 7 p.m., Evening Evangelistic. political clout I will not hang by Center Park. 11 a.m.. High School Class. He knows, instinctively, we think, borne fruit for you will no longer be a Graduate’s Day.” Nursery for 7 to 8:30 p.m.. Pilgrim Saturday, Masses at 5 and 7 Thought my thumbs waiting for Der pre-school children. Children’s p.m. Tag. However, Dearing and Report St. James Church Fellowship. Wapping Community Church the world of a child must eventually child but an adult commited to in­ You have the freedom to Church for Grades 1 through 6. Sunday, Masses at 8:30, 10 Killian proposed some Msgr. Edward J. Reardon 1790 E llin ^ n Rd. choose exemption from your Rowland Evans and Robert Novak 10:45 p.m.. Church and Sun­ and 11:30 a.m. change. He would not be a good father volvement, not only with your family, remedies drastic enough to Pastor J South Windsor cross. You do not have to suffer day School picnic on the church if he sent his child into the world that but that greater and broader family of please the most fervent trust Rev. Daniel J. Karpiey Rev. Harold W. Richardson for another if you do not wish grounds. Rev. Eugene Charman man. buster. ’They would break up the Exit John Connally Minister St, Francis of Assisi to. No one can make you give big integrated companies so Rev. R. Stanley Eaton yourself for a great cause. But WASHINGTON - The flat intention of accepting any Center Congregational 673 Ellington Rd. that firms which produce oil no frankness that he could “turn Saturday, Masses at 5 and Associate Minister the sad fact is that unless you refusal of John B. Connally to assignm ent in Richard M. Chureh South Windsor longer would be permitted to the situation around” only if he 7:30 p.m. Fr. Frascadore do so you miss life. consider postponing a 60-day Nixon’s White House, just then United Chureh of Christ Rev. John Cv Gay, Pastor refine and market it as well. A acted immediately to let out the Sunday, Masses at 7:30, 9, 9:30 and 11 a.m.. Worship Ser­ Perhaps this was the type of starting to feel the heat of 11 Center St. Rev. Eugene M. Kibride guy could run for President on private trip around the world facts and only if he took im­ 10:30 a.m. and noon. Named To vice and Church School. Watergate. Rev. Lyman G. Farrar person Jesus had in mind when that platform even if he forgot starting early next month with mediate “minimal steps” to A Worthy Cfiuse he said, “Leave the dead to his wife, Nellie, is the con­ But when the White House Rev. Winthrop Nelson Jr. School Post Saturday, MasMS at 5 and 7 to say a good „word for show that his administration St. John's Palish National bury their own dead.” clusive piece of evidence that pul3licly announced he had Co-Pastors p.m. motherhood. was still functioning. Catholic Church HARTFORD (AP) - Father Unitarian Fellowship agreed to become a "part- ^ ------Sunday, Masses at 7:30, 9:30 An event worthy of your support old daughter, Melina Jo? Literally nothing of value is h ^ one-month tour of duty as a That was more than Presi­ Rev. Walter A. Hyszko Henry C. Frascadore, retiring of Glastonbury accomplished in this world un­ White House consultant has time” consultant, Connally was 10 a.m.. Union Service at Se­ Pastor and 11 a.m. Sunday evening is the tribute to the If you can’t attend the game dent Nixon apparently principal of South Central Academy Junior High less someone carries a cross. been unrelieved disaster. hooked. He accepted it in good bargained for, from Connally or cond Congregational Church. Family Worship and fun-time Catholic High School, has been Main St., Glastonbury late Chuck May in the form of a because of a hectic schedule, your Sometimes that cross means Uninvited to the White House grace, even though he was anybody* else. It was the 9 a.m.. Mass, English. ^ Camp Asto Wamah, (Colum­ appointed assistant suj^rinten- contribution may be mailed to P.O. physical death, as it did for for the long, private chats that forced to take leave from his severest critique of Mr. Nixon’s 10:30 a.m., Mass. English and memorial softball doubleheader at Today In bia Lake. Cars will leave dent of schools for the 10:30 a.m.. Service, Nursery Jesus, but without the cross used to'be normai routjge of his law firm and resign from cor­ deepening predicament ever Polish. St. Mary’s Church Box 910, Manchester. Game ticket Center Church at 9:20 a.m. Archdiocese of Hartford. and School. Fitzgerald Field. there would have been no History life as Secretary of the porate boards of directors. Con­ heard by a President whose Rt. 31, Coventry Archbishop John F. Whealon Rev. F. Bernard Miller What better way to top off Father’s donations are $1. Resurrection and no living Treasury, Connally has been nally assumed he would move dislike for either advice or bad said Friday that Father church. By The Aggocialed Press cut off from the flow of traffic into a lofty, obviously powerful Zion Evangelical St. Bartholomew’s Church Rockville Baptist Church P utor Day than to treat dad to exciting soft- The memorial game is a fitting news is notorious. Frascadore’s appointment Down through the centuries Today is Saturday, June 16, so vital to the business of top- perch in the White House, from Lutheran Church Rev. Philip Hussey, Pastor 69 Union St. Rev. PauljE. Ramen As a result, according to (Missouri Sunod) becomes effective July 16. ball and at the same time contribute tribute to Manchester’s own, Chuck men and women have been the 167th day of 1973. There are level government. Mr. Nixon which to help Mr. Nixon find a friends of both Mr. Nixon and Rev. Robert L. LaCounte Cwper and High Sts. A native of Bristol, he is a called to carry the cross of 198 days left in the year. has found neither the time nor way out of the Watergate Connally, the President has not Saturday, Mass at 5 p.m. Pastor Saturday, Mass at 5:15 p.m. to a trust fund for May’s three-month May. Rev. Charles W. Kuhl graduate of St. Anthony School, death in order to change the Today’s highlight in history; inclination to receive Con- wilderness. seen Connally alone for a single Sunday, Masses at 8:30,10:15 Sunday, Masses at 7:30, 9:30 Pastor Bristol, and studied at St. 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. and 10:45 a.m. direction of history. On this date in 1963, the first nally’s criticism and “It seemed like an attractive conversation since that first and 11, 11:30 a.m. Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield; You, too, have a cross to woman space traveler, Valen­ recommendations. challenge,” one Connally in­ day. Nursery through Adult, in­ 9 a.m.. Divine Worship. St. Bernard’s Seminary, carry. No one can tell you tina Tereshkova, was launched Accordingly, John Connally, timate told us. “It took him Thus, when the President cluding College Career Class. 10:15 a.m., Sunday School and Rochester, N.Y.; and Boston 11 a m.. Worship Service. where or what it is, but you into obit from a base in the object of the President’s unstin­ back to 1971, when he saved asked (ionnally to study a new United Pentecostal Church Presidential Youth Forum. College (Graduate School of First Sunday of each month. The probably would not have to look Soviet Union. ting admiration when he Nixon by finding a way ou.t of anti-inflation program with the 187 Woodbridge St. 10:10 to 11:30 a.m.. Grade 6 Elducation. He was ordained in Holy Communion; Second Sun­ far to find it. On this date— developed the new economic the inflation wilderness.” regular White House and Robert Baker and 8 Youth Instruction. 1959 and assigned to St. day, missionary service. Bible There is something within us In 1774, the first settlement in policy in 1971, is joining the high If that in truth was Connally’s Treasury economic advisers, Pastor Augustine Church, Hartford Nursery provided. th at rebels at being asked to do Kentucky, Harrodsburg, was heap of Nixon advisers who feli mood, it lasted only until his Connally found himself without Churchlrf Christ and served as director of the St. 7 p.m.. Informal evening ser­ Speaks Shopping Tour more than is absolutely founded. because their advice was un­ first day in Washington, May staff, without statistics and 10 a.m., Sunday School. Life of Jesus you will look and look, but not see, Lydall and Vernon Sts. Augustine School aHd chaplain vice. Nursery provided. by necessary. It is natural to seek In 1858, Abraham Lincoln palatable. Connally’s resigna­ 10. On Uiat day, he spent close without a factual basis for 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. "because this people’s minds are dulj, Eugene Brewer, and they have stopped up their' of the Newman Club at the Eugene ways to avoid our cross. But tion as consultant now seems to one hour with Mr. Nixon In recommendations. Too proud to Sen. Frank Moss, D-Utah, has said in a speech in Springfield, Minister ears, University 6f Hartford. Talrollville Brewer oranges and buy some imported from t Christ came to change our certain and his return to the ad­ the total privacy of his office. The Parable of the Sower III.: "A house divided against ask for special aid from the Full Gospel Christian and have closed their eyes. In 1964, Father Frascadore Congregational Church suggested President do Israel. However, such an act might natures and make us new itself cannot stand.” ministration in Mr. Nixon’s se­ Speaking from his experience White House, he worked the That same day Jesus left the house and was appointed yice principal of a.m., Bible (Classes. Fellowship Otherwise, their eyes would see, Unilrdfyhurch of Christ Years ago creationists often creatures. In 1897, the Alaska gold rush cond term doubtful. Thoughts of' as an uncommonly shrewd past month, often alone and went to the lakeside, where he sat down South Catholic and in 1966 was the White House grocery shopping at antagonize the Arabs unless he bought 10 a.m.. Worship. Sermon; Interdenominational their ears would hear, Rev. Kenneth E. Knox reacted irrationally to the dls- If we look for our cross, pick began with news of a rich strike seeking the Republican political operative, Connally lonely, from suite 681 at the to teach. The crowd that gathered around their minds would understand, named principal of the school. “An Office Presumes Func­ Orange Hall him was so large that he got into a boat Pastor semination of the least once a month. some imported Egyptian figs. it up, and for the sake on Bonanzq Creek. presidential nomination in 1976 pulled no punches with the Mayflower Hotel. and they would turn to me, says God, Father Zigford Kriss will tions.” Rev. Philip P. Saunders, and sat in it, while the crowd stood on the evolutionary hypothesis, es­ The senator’s idea is that if the of others, it will be to His glory. In 1920, the council of the seem far from Connally’s mind. President. Watergate was a Moreover, Connally found a and 1 would heal them.’ succeed him in that position. And on the domestic front, he’d 6 p.m. Worship. Sermon: “No Pastor shore. He used parables to tell them many 10.00 a.m. Worship Service pecially in the public schools. Dr. George W. WeW League of Nations held its first After his dramatic switch to potential administration-killer, chaotic situation among the President did this he would realize the Place To Hide!” PSalms 139. things. “As for you, how fortunate you are! (Summer Schedule) Sermon Efforts at justifying the crea­ have to avoid lettuce entirely unless South United public meeting at St. James the Republican party May 2, he said. He warned Mr. Nixon President’s regular economic 10:30 a.m.. Adult Bible Study ‘‘There was a man who went out to sow. Your eyes, see and your ears hear. Remem-, ■Topic: “We Worship What We tion position frequently were full impact of inflation on the average Methodist Church Connally had not the remotest with polite but Dutch-uncle advisers: contradictory and he was briefed by the FBI, which is Palace in London. ('oneordia Lutheran Church and open discussion. Sunday As he scattered the seed in the held, some ber this! Many prophets and many of Know.” illogical, and the defence conflicting economic theories, God’s'people wanted very much to see person. sort of frowned on now days. 40 Pitkin St. School. of it fell along the path, and the birds came against evolution often was constantly changing input from and ate it up. Some of it fell on rocky what you see, but they could not, and to Rev, Burton D. Strand 7:30 p.m.. Evangelistic ser­ more emotional than in ■niis may be well and true but there Obviously the meat section poses the same officials, and con­ ground, where there was little soil. The hear what you hear, but they did not." About Town Trinity Lutheran Church Pastor vice. telligent. are some problems. tinuous procrastination. seeds soon sprouted, because the soil Meadowlark Rd.- and Rt. 30 the greatest hazard since New The Polish Women’s Alliance Once the atheistic theory VouUMreo BREAKFAST IN BE0,SiRFf It has-become an abhorrent 9 a.m.. Holy Communion, wasn’t deep. When the sun came up it Jesus Explains the Parable of the Sower Rev. Donald McClean A visit to almost any Manchester Group 248 will meet Monday at had gained a hearing in school Zealand lamb involves balance of situation for Connally, Church School for age 3 through burned the young plants, and because the (Jiurrh of Jesus Christ of roots had not grown deep enough the “Listen, then, and learn what the para­ 7:30 p.m. £(t the home of Mrs. curricula, its advocates quick area food store reveals numerous payments, fish the Cod War, and the strongman in the 1971-1972 Grade 6. Nursery care for small ble of the sower means. Those who hear 8 and 10:30 a.m.. Worship Ser­ So ruT-TA^AHl Latter-day Saints (MormoiO plants soon dried up. Some of the seed Micholina Kurlowicz, 34 W. vice, Holy Communion. ly moved to exclude any com­ domestic and international pitfalls Nixon administration. Then, he children. fell among thorns, which grew up and the message about the Kingdom but do not politicaL pundits would have a ball if Hillstown Rd. and Woodside T. understand it are like the seed that fell Center St. This will be the last 9:15 a m., Sunday School. petitive-theory. Creation, if THERE IT IS.' kept H.R. (Bob) Haldeman, the 10:30 a.m.. Holy Commuriion, choked the plants. But some seeds fell in ,ll)at could trap or commit the Presi­ he bought tripe. Terryl E. Draney, Bishop along the path. The Evil One comes and meeting of the season. Adult Instruction Class. mentioned at all, was dis justly feared White House chief Nursery care for small good soil, and bore grain: some had one counted, even ridiculed. The dent and upset the whole works. of staff, waiting to see him out­ children. snatches away what was sown in them, Now Sen. Moss suggested the Presi­ hundr'd ^ains, others sixty, and others llie seed that fell on rocky ground stands evolutionary theory came to side his Treasury office on 7 p.m., A brief service for 9 a.m.. Priesthood. thirty.’' For example, the idea of the Presi­ dent use a list prepared by the White 10:30 a.m., Sunday School. for those who receive the message gladly as be taught as scientific fact, three occasions and once German-Speaking People. The And Jesus concluded, “Listen, then, if soon as they hear it. But it does not sink and the practice defended just dent wheeling a grocery cart down the bawled out Haldeman for Rev. Dieter Kleinhanss of Ger­ Classes for all ages. you have ears!” House chef but if the President is like 5 p.m.. Sacrament Service. deep in them, and they don’t last long. So as irrationally as creation throwing his weight around. many preaching. Fellowship aisles might have many political ad­ most American male shoppers, and 'The Purpose of the Parables when trouble or persecution comes because I Miss Carmela was. Now, Connally has become “a time following. of the message, they give up at once. The vantages but flanked fore and aft and At last, some degree of we have no proof that he isn’t, there is floating eunuch in charge of Gospel Hall Then the disciples came to Jesus and seed that fell among thorns stands for objectivity and balance are asked him, “Why do you use parables on the starboard and port with Secret bound to be some cost over-runs which nothing,” in the words of a First Chureh of Christ 415 Center St. those who hear the message, but the wor­ being called for. when you talk to them?” ries about this life and the love for riches WELL KNOWN Service men wheeling empty carts devoted Connally intimate. Srienlist now requires that evolution be will attract the attention of Sen. In that context there is 447 N. Main St. ,10 a m.. Breaking bread. Jesus answered, “The knowledge of the choke the message, and they don’t bear LOCAL HAIRDRESSER secrets of the Kingdom of heaven has been presented in text and and looking at other things than unit nothing surprising in Connally’s 11:45 a m., Sunday School. fruit. And the seed sown in the good soil William Proxmire and others. given to you, but not to them. For the man stands for those who hear the message and classroom as the unproven decision not to postpone his 11 a.m.. Church Service, Sun­ 7 p.m.. Gospel meeting. prices, there would be a lot of conges­ No, a Presidential shopping tour is who has something will be given more, so understand it: they bear fruit, some as hypothesis it is. Tennessee leisurely round-the-world tour. day School and child card. “God that he will have more than enough; but much as one hundred, others sixty, and Is Now Working At went a step further, requiring tion which would not sit well with the out of the question for reasons of the Preserver of Man,” is the What now worries Republican The Preshylerian Church the man who has nothing will have taken others thirty.” that creation be presented as already harried housewife rushing politicians hoping for a subject of the lesson-sermon. STAIRWAY TO BEAUTY domestic tranquillity, national securi­ 43 Spruce St. away from him even the Tittle he has. The a viable alternative to evolu­ miraculous Nixon cure from The Golden Text: Pslams 36:7. reason that 1 use parables to talk to them from one coupon item to another. Rev. George W. Smith, Pastor 983 Main Street, Manchester Tel, 649-6291 tion regarding the origin of ty and international relations. the ills of Watergate is whether The Christian Science is this: they look, but do not see, and they This selection of Holy Scripture consisting of life. Then too there are international Besides there are those who think, Cfttumsaiuw/ iMduuc that other tough, independent Reading Room, 968 Main St., is listen, but do not hear or understand. So Matthew 13.1-23 in Today’s English Version is a No Appointment Necessary open to the public, except on 9:15 a.m., Sunday School. the prophecy of Isaiah comes true in their part of the New Testament of our Lord Jesus relations to consider. and versatile Republican, Christ. CHURCH OF CHRIST in the light pf Watergate, there is only TflrifjtKsbftT holidays, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.* Classes for all ages. 10:30 a.m.. case: Tuesday Thru Saturday Melvin R. Laird, will encounter Worship Service. Nursery Lydiill and Vernon Street The President could cop out one,item the President should'eat; It similar pitfalls in the White Monday through Friday and ‘You will listen and listen, but not provided. I'hone: 64:1-2517 House after he begins. ’The fall from 7 to 9 p.m. on the first understand; ^A m erican Bible Society 1966. 1971 avoiding both California and Florida is not available any grocery store. It 7 p.m.. Evening Service. of Connally is regrettable; the ’Thuraday of each month. is called crow. fall of Laird could be fatal. PAGE SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., June 16. 1973 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Cohn^ Sat., June 16, 1973 - PAGE SEVEN BUGS BUNNY OUT OUR WAY BY NED COCHRAN OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE ■ir tW' COOK'S OPENIN'! I JUST WANTEP TOTEU. EVER SIMCB THIS CREEP'S \ SHE'S SCARED WHEN THEY'RE \ I DON'T CARE IF YOUR DRIVER SHE'S COMIN' YOU I'LL ONLY BE A FEW BEEN ON A c a n d id CAMERA) TLL CATCH THE DEVELOPED JUST REALLY WAS A TELEVISION AVEpV v n s E ^ ^ OUT! AAOKE MINUTES! KICK ’HE'S BEEN PUSSY- REAL H ER O N BRING THEM TD STAR. MAJOR! A BEGINNER MOVE. CHAUMCY! 5 AM n FocrrINC. AROUND t a k ­ FILM-LIKEIN ME-i-rLL CHECK WILL DOUBLE YOUR in g PICTURES ON THE CANT ENTER THE Btfl RACE HER BARE FEET, THEM FDR TOS- EVEN IF HEG FROM MISSION PATRONAGE! tNCIPENTALiy SLY/ HE'S AAAKIMO a W ITH SPRINGS IN SIBLE BLACK­ HE'LL HAVE A NERVOUS WRECK OUT H ER h a ir , AN' MAIL AND CON IMPOSSIBLE! BUT ILL GIVE O F M E w i t h TH AT SLOWIN' GUM FISCATION/ YOU A 8BEAIA-~HE c a n WARAi.^UT0 M0 8 lLE.' THING, MA-MAKE BUBBLES.-.STUFf ENTER THE PRELIMINARY HIM CUT IT OUT.! LIKE THAT/ EHTeRTAINMENTl ERVICES J^IRECTORY T

LUCK'S CAMPING SelfService Laundromat EQUIPMENT HIGH GRADE Alto Revcinoi' Tents, Cots, Sleeping Bags, MICKEY FINN BY HANK LEONARD Cutlom Mode Air Mattresses, Stoves, PRINTING Sutli, Pinit snd Lanterns I'M TERRIBLY GRATEFUL MR. TAPPIN IS QUITE TELL MR. TAPPIN CMh S3 TOLLAND TURNPIKE ’ Job and Commercial — r C A N 'T FIND THE BUSY' WOULD YOU THAT TWO MEN FROM •Tailoring FARR'S Manch/Vernon Town Line Printing OH — I ALMOST FORGOT TO SHERIFF- WORDS TO TELL YOU LIKE TO TALK TO THE SHERIFF'S TELL you, GOODIE.' I SPOKE H O W C O J L D HOW MUCH. HIS SECRETARY, IN •Dry Cleaning "Tiie Everything Store t” FREE TOWING Promiit and Efilclent TO THE GOVERNOR! VOU'RE I HAVE BEEN REGARDS TO AN •Laundry Service Camp • Bike ■ Sport PHONE M3-2467 Printing of AU Klnde S O W R O N G 2 MAIN STREET GOING TO GET THAT FEDERAL , APPOINTMENT? ( s a 't 176-178 SPRUCE ST. JUDGESHIP' A B O U T Y O U ? M E ^ N^ S at Depot Sqjare OPEN: MANCHESTER Community Press A HOT Open Dally to !);00 P.M. Monday to Friday IF-; • Drive-In ParWng J. FARR — 64? 7111 , 8 A.M. - 6 P.M. 254 Broad St., Rear TH E JU D G E ' S i s s : . H D NIA. Uc , T M U I r t OH b - lb Saturday 8 A.M. — 12 Noon Telephone 643-5727 MANCHESTER Osfnnsky Gifts for All Occasions CUSTOM MADI SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL MEMORIAL CO. MAHCHESHR CANVAS AWNINOS DEALER IN WASTE Bray’s Jewelry Store, 737 known watches. Mr. Bray Reuben Plen’s Texaco MATERIALS Opposite East Cemetery Main St., has been serving the carries I.ongine, Bulova, Witt- / HOW a SouT SOR<2Y, BiRE. THIS e«lZoav\ nauer and Caravelle Watches, &VEEPIN&OUT WCNT sweep?- it only FiY5. people of Manchester and Plen’s Texaco sells only top any one of which would make a THE OeTuE? IRON Quality Memorials vicinity for a great many name products such as One old time Indian (Pontiac- S su a fo o d , years; in fact, it is one of wonderful gift. Not only that, Firestone tires, Havoline motor tribe) recently was heard to PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER Over 30 Years’ Experience CHOICE VARIETY SCRAP METAL Manchester’s oldest jewelry but you know you are oil, Texaco and Delco batteries, say,- “Car Owners Who Plan M OM , T H NO, DEAR. SW E^ ^ I H A V E Call 649.5807 stores. Francis E. Bray was the purchasing a watch that will AD, Champion spark plugs. You With Plen to be Plen-ty IS J O V E A M E R I C A N give you beauty, accuracy and Qualify T R O U B L E and PAPER original owner of the store and can depend on Rube to replace Happy.” He was, of course, OGRODOWSKI O F P O L IS H ENOUGH WITH A. AlM ETTl, Prop. dependability. S H E ' S A N C E S T R V , 731 PARKER ST. in 1950 William Bray joined your car’s worn out parts with referring to Reuben Plen of OGFeoDOWSKI Harrison St, Manchester Seafood 3E1$ US FOB: POUISH! II Tel. 643-5735 or 643-5879 him, and on April 1, 1968 For years Bray's has done only the best made parts. Rube Plen’s Texaco, 381 Main St., expert watch repairing, and 43 OAK STREET '/ Aluminum Roll Up William Bray became the often tells a customer, “ You Manchester. A w ning* many people depend upon Mr. TEL. owner of the store. can buy a cheaper tire but how The reasoti the old sage 649-9937 • Door Canopleo Bray for his fine service. All M l STEVENSON This is a most complete store soon will you need to buy uttered this bit of wisdom is • Storm Door* work is guaranteed, of course. MERCURY and you will find Mr. Bray another one to replace it?" that more and more people are • Combination Window* BROS. Most of us tend to forget that always willing to help you in Now you can see when the coming to realize the Rute Plen Monchetter Awning Oo. Travel Agency regular cleaning of watches is a In THE FLINTSTONES BY HANA-BARBERA EXXON any way possible. For that very man said “PLAN with Plen” he is not just a run-of-the-mill RELINED 195 WEST CENTER ST. must to preserve them and Stock Telephone 649-8091. 646-2756 405 Main Street special girl, you will find fine was really saying “Let Plen’s gasoline station operator. No insure their accuracy. Don’t BttabUihed 194» Manchester quality diamonds here for your Texaco take care of your car Sir-ee Bob, Rube is a skilled, ANP,VOU TOLP HIM NO SERVICE wait until your watch stops r . Phone 649-5533 inspection. You can buy with and you can PLAN to save well trained machanic with a WE WERE SERVING CHARGE • Tune-Ups before having it cleaned. The BRAKE HAVE you assurance, and you know you PLEN-TY dollars and much background covering many l ^ Upholstery THOSE TINV RESERVATIONS FOR • General Automotive cost is a moderate one, and it y^j/aS»rfA2). BEEN TALKING are getting a fine diamond if unnecessary aggravation. years of experience. Like any and IVI Shop SANDWICHES TONIGHT^ •HOTELS Repairs on All will mean your watch will last SHOES P F R E D S ' you purchase it at Bray’s. The nicest thing about trading real craftsman in any trade. RE-UPHOLSTERING THE BORN LOSER •AIRLINES American Cars longer. BY ART SANSOM Looking for a fraternal ring? with Plen’s Texaco is that you Rube is FUSSY, FUSSY, AND • MODERN FURNITURE HOW, DID •STEAMSHIPS • We give S&H Green nnd ANTIQUES y o u KNOW Try Bray’s Jewelry Store, and Besides watch repairing, can be certain that there is no FUSSY .. one who just can’t ^ m a \ s t e o n co sou u AN W ?i5lM\0Krr! something that needs'repairs in PADS get it for you. had starting trouble and had the your car be a '72 Caddy or a '51 Made To Order YOUR this line, tak;e it to Bray’s Cuinpirik Selection of Choosing wedding gifts or misfortune to fall into the hands Kaiser he'll exert every effort MEMORIAL COMPLETE Jewelry Store for expert repair Mnterlala gifts for special occasions can of a trial and error to please you and make your I’REE ESTIMATES CORNER STORE PET CENTER service. Perhaps you have an be somewhat of a chore, but you “mechanic.” This “operator” car operate as it should. Mr. Lower Lex ol of the Parkade e Party Goods, Mt^axlnes old fashioned ring whose setting American 619-6.774 Cinaries- Parakeets will find a very fine selection of usually starts with a new heavy Plen is conscientious and he • Orocerlu, Cold Cuts and Mon., Tiieo., 0-6: Wed., Tropical Fish - Turtles gifts at Bray’s. Seth Thomas does not enhance the beauty ol duty battery, then if that feels his integrity is on the line e Fruits—'Vegetables Hamsters - Gerbils the stone. You can have this Foreign TInirN., Fri. 9.9; Sat. 9-5 clocks make a very welcome doesn’t cure it, a new starter, every time he does a job. 6-16 • Greeting Cards Mtied Breed Puppies remounted for a small sum and Aquarium Accessories, etc gift, and you might be voltage regulator, generator Whether the job be minor or We Depend On You .. enjoy wearing it again. Our Own Special Blended interested in looking at their etc. In the end the owner winds major, Plen's Taxaco policy is MANCHESTER You Can Depend On Us! Pet Foods Spiedel watch bands are fine display of sterling or up taking it to someone like “not to tackle any job unless we GLASS MUTT AND JEFF BUD FISHER carried here and these watch Open 7 Days A Week MANCHESTER crystal. Mr. Bray will be happy Rube who, immediately can deliver and satisfy the AUTO PARTS • For .\ulo WIndihleldi 6-K' tm Midnight bands are designed to make owner.” Plen’s will tell you at . T- HI.. lAI I (C NU. tiK, TJA u.l P*t. oh'" PET CENTER to gift wrap your selection for diagnoses the trouble such as • For Store Front* and your watch look even more MUTT, I SCRATCHED 9M»Pl[SI MUNCHESItll you, and you will find many and burnt valves. In this case all of the outset whether the job is nil nlcrii nl window* ITS. IN THE 352 MAIN ST. 646-0293 beautiful. Stop in and see the PLAIN JANE THE RIGHT REAR varied gifts that are sure to the replaced parts were worth doing so as not to waste OPEN BY FRANK BACINSKI BACK SEAT.', different styles. • For Table Top* FENDER A BIT.' please in a wide variety of unnecessary and represnts your money needlessly. SA T . to 1 P./Vi. Should you not find a band OPEN 6 A.M. (u 5 P.M. PEOPLE u su a lly f a l l IN LoVE WHEN CUPIO prices. money down the drain. With all Rube has to offer, he DoESTHISSioirroF THINCjjl 6 /6 SEE US FOR QUALITY that suits your choice, this car SATURDAY 6 A.M..NOON If you.are looking for a really Plen’s Texaco has the tools, could have had his pick of oil TAILORING easily be ordered, but mosi good watch, stop in at Bray’s equipment and the know-how to companies to align with. J. A. WHITE people find just what they want Jewelry Store and look over properly diagnose any ailment Having been sold on Texaco GLASS CO.. INC. CUSTOM in stock. products for many years, Mr. MADE A Sarvica their fine selection of well without guessing. When they .11 Bln*rll St.— Tel. fl49 7» t Plen just could not settle for SUITS O f say “will the real mechanic For Ladies and Gentlemen less than the best. It might be Sincerity stand up’’—Reuben Plen will Alterations — Cleaning stand with the best of them. The noted that Rube, an ex-military Reuben Plen’s Repairs Where Personal best mechanic usually is the man, was well acquainted with Texaco gasoline and oil in this MANCHESTER Consideration least expensive because guess When Quality Is Is A Tradition country and overseas and is Texaco Sfafion ■AL TAILOR SHOP work, trial and error costs the Important In Your car owner for unnecessary well acquanited with their vir­ 381 Main Strati - 121 SPRUCE ST. 649-2184 400 Mam Street tues. Selection of Art FREE PARKING parts and wasted effort. An & F ra m in g experienced mechanic such as “With ail my experience I Phone 643.9149 should feel that my efforts were Burr Corners, Manchester Reuben Plen can determine the Uydranmtfc Traninilsilon V problem positively and wasted were I to sell any Nest to Ciildor Repairing BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY products less than the best and Grooming! experience dicates the remedy. All Work Guaranteed Another thing about Plen’s with Texaco I know I sell the CHANGE OF PtANSl HEAD FOR TOURAINE FOR best,” says Rube, "that money Texaco Lubrication Service ------: N Texaco is that Mr. Plen keeps FINE QUkUIY Wo Give Orem Stamp* I WANTTDGO THB COAST GUARD STATION"---y POODLES can by. " Even Rube's AND ALL abreast of the times by FISHING, DUDLEY- ( AS RfiSTASYCKJ CAN! competitors recognize his abili­ DIAMONDS PAINTS BREEDS purchashing all the newest ty and one auto dealer recently From FOR BEST RESULTS 875-7624 manuals and trade publications detailing engine changes and said, “1 recommend Plen’s HOURS 9-5 Ml Texaco to many of my B R A Y ’S BY APPOINTMENT the newest innovations by the •expert Watch Repairing car manufacturers. Reuben customers because Reuben PAUL’S STUD SERVICE FO R- takes special interest in his •fine Selection of Gifts P a in t & Craft Center Poodles, Toys & Miniatures also keeps his tools and equip­ For All Occasions ment up-to-date so that he can customer’s cars. Reuben takes 615 MAIN STREET time to notice minor ailments •longine, Bulova SUDS & SCISSORS Suds and Scissors Doggie service your new car the way it Michigan, comes from a family .and points them out to the Wittnauer and Caravelle Tel.'649-0300 POSIRD. PLAZA-Rt. 30 Salon, Rt.'30, Vernon, is a com­ is supposed to be done. You can MANCHESTER of veterinarians. She lived in bwners in time, in many cases, W atches VERNON plete dog shop offering trained bet that Plen’s Texaco is as I'ARKADE Manchester for four years to avoid expensive repair bills 737 Mam S I . Manchester ' - people who are experts inT^the modern as tomorrow, so PLAN PHDNE 643-5617 L .... . S S iB iSima before moving to Vernon 16 later.” FULL .SELFX.TION OF care of your dog’s needs. Your with Plen and be PLEN-ty years ago. IMPORTED BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE DON WILLIS dog requires a good grooming happy. A N l J CAPTAIN EASY BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE whether it’s a Heinz 57 variety She now employs six trained DOMESTIC I SEE YOU HAD YOU THERE YOU 60 I'VE HAD DON'T M IND WHtr, or a purebred. Grooming makes girls to care for. your doggie’s LOOKING AT ^REALLY. MR. WHITTLE, I GARAGE WINES ' HAP ANY AGAIN ------ENOUGH.' M R. SAWYER. ITS TOE your pet more comfortable and every need. STAR GAXER^ THE PIANO, UNDERSTAND YOU I MUST SAY, NOW THEN...GETTIM6 CH, MY! THAT f ^ a R e c e n t in t im a t in g that FOR THE MEV« BROAD­ HOYT,.,IT WAS BACK TO THAT A!e »K STEAK LOOKED 18 Main St., Tel. 649-4531 easier for you to care for. You will find a complete line By CLAY R. POLLAN- m . SAWYEP. AND VDUR SISTER ^ AHSUNDER- C 0 9 D LIQUORS CAST. HE NEVER m i s s e s RECKLESS OF FATAL BOULDER AND SO DELICIOUS.., Jib, ARIES LIBRA DO YOU PLAY? DIDN’T GET ALONG. ^MURDEREP • MR. STEAK • Suds and Scissors is owned of quality doggie and cat toys as- Your Daily Activity Guide PULS l STANDINGS? m m ! IT m o r n in g o r night YOU. FlRIMfl POSSIBLE MOTIVES BEFORE YOU M4R. It Sf/»r. 23 r v t . 244 Center Streel__ well as all kinds of fancy and According to the Stars. MT SISTER, ALL THOSE ■ FOR t r y i n g TO JUST LOST MV Specializing in and operated by Virginia Kirka. 19 HARVEST HILL PLEASE BULLBTS- Manchester • 646-1995' To develop message for Sunday, ocf. V MU VOU­ APPETITE The shop has been in operation plain collars, leashes, sweaters 3- 5- 9-14 - - ) f i - PLAY FOR BRAKE SERVICE read words <;orresporiding to numbers 34 37 4 46 DISCOVERY ME. OPEN 7 D A Y S-11 to 9 for five years at this address and coats at the salon. By22-28 39 M-59-75 VS- SOCIETY FOR CATS Specializing in U.S.D.A. ^ y/- TAURUS of your Zodiac birth sign. BRANDS Front End Alignment and Virginia has more than 10 Suds and Scissors, a state in­ 1 You 3 1 Depend 61 The koRPIO Killpns Small Animals Choice Steaks and ' AfR, 20 2 Begin 32 Cultivate 62 In years of experience in dog spected shop, is state licensed OCT. Boar(1m£ t, Placement MASTER CHARGE General Repair Work Fresh Sea Food I W MAT 20 '3 Heed 33 Things 63 Bright and a member of the National 34 Be 64 Fortune NOV. grooming. '^11-13-16-55 4 Chonge AdopImn'A Disposal Center 5 Voice 35 Sense 65 New 15-33 48-52/? > PER.SONAL CHARGE Virginia, originally from Dog Groomers Association. ^62-73-76 6 Goin , 36 W ith 66 Judgment ^:77;?L88i>3 ROUU 83 VfRNON ACCOUNTS INVITED GEMINI 7 Travel 37 Objective 67 Good SAGITTARIUS 8'5-005? Get A PaiflHng Pi«lil.m ? We’ll Help! 'j'AUAi 21 8 And 38 Prayer 66 Ooy TEL. 649-M46 f 1 DAY CARRY ' INTERIOR DECORATING 9 Of 39 Action 69 Admiration ft 10 Someone 40 To 70 Of DEC. 21 T ^ i Service still means something to us—and semce IN SERVICE 11 Copneorn 41 Move 71 Today '' 4- 7- 8-43 19-26 30 42/fl means spending enougii time witli you to help you Ly - 12 M oy . 42 E>plore 72 And Factory Trained 53 54-71 l3 M o y 43 Vofiety 73 Money 65-78-87-89(3, select the right paint finish for that job you’re plan­ CANCER ALLEY OOP Technicians! 14 Ejipenence 44 Embroce 74 Doy CAPRICORN EXPERT REPAIRS ON FOREIGN CARS BY V.T. HAMLIN ning. See us for paint and sem ce when you plan your 21 15 Chonge 45 Fdreseeoble 75 Gool OfC. 22 ^ TYPEWRITERS 16 Help 46 Toword 76 Matters next project. 22 17 This 47 W in 77 W orking JAN. 19 UNITED SPORTS GAR REPAIR, Inc. DOaS! THE LAW'S ...BUT I'LL BE b a c k ! I'M STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF and GOT THEIR HOUNDS OUT GONNA SETTLE WITH \A2O29-40-45 18 Is 48 W hich 78 Field t-23 47-6t,<- KL. 8.1, Vernon, Conn. ADDING MACHINES ' ^ " ' 67-74 19 6reok 49 Upon 79 Of 69-70-80 84^:' a f t e r m e ! I ' v e g o t t a ' THOSE SCIENTIFIC GUYS 20 Look 5 0 A 80 Influentiol I’hone 646-4185 GET AWAY fr o m HERE.' 'IF IT'S TH' LAST THING I DO! All Makes and Models! LEO 21 Use 51 On 81 Out AQUARIUS I WISHTI NAD'^ WEU.LEO, DANIEL \ /WAL.NOW.THET'S’I ^ QUIET.' I K E E P JULY 2J 22 Avoid 52 Are 82 Sobboth JAN. 20 ESTIMATES ON ALL MAKES PAID MOREHEEDr lOONE ANDHK LIKE I / JKTWHIfT ITPLP HEARIN6 ASORTOF EAJ A w m A ... BY ROUSON EIDIlES Friend of ours say} too WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING ’ Before yoii talk in front o o £ - /C t-u c K Y HoRsel Four l e a f NUMBERS T — r HOME OF FAMOUS BRANDS... many people have been 0 . 0 ^ .■SHOE of your next dry martini, CLOVFF •hotpoint •mgytag •igidaire •zenith fiddling in government ----- ■* CHARMS h while the rest of the pub­ recall that they can make tiAscors •rca •Panasonic 'westinghouse •hotpoint radio transmitters as' small •stereos •dishwasher^ •radios "tvs ‘ dryers ‘ etc. Next to Stop lic burned. 46 West Center St., Manchester, and and Shop as olives or onions. Route 83, Vernon Open Eves, till 9 P.M. at the Parkade Phone 643 ssei Some of the jokes we've TELEVISION read lately have been writ­ ■ A boss is a man who ten by aptly named “gag” "no's” 2vhat 2jou're rlging. writers. (NEWSPAPER ENTERPPISE ASSN.) 6{uvaJi2ivuA NIA t x ftouscM PAGE EIGHT — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., June 16, 1873 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Sat., June PAGE NINE Matlack in Groove Gritty^Player After Head Injury t Open Leader

NEW YORK (AP) - “I the injury he’s been throwing my. stamina, but I threw well. OAKMONT, Pa. (AP) — Gary Player, a gritty little never heard of the the bill better than he did the But something goofy always figure of 5 feet, 8 inches and 149 pounds, marveled as he first part of the year,” Manager sophomore jinx,” Jon seemed to happen to us to turn M watched his playing partner, Tom Weiskopfj throw all of Yogi Berra said. Matlack the games around or I’d make a Matlack said with a grin agreed. his towering 185 pounds into a thundercap drive. Friday night. Until a week mistake and get beat.” “If I had a body like that,” “I had it going pretty good □arence Gaston was the only * ^ Benefit Softball Sunday Night ago the National League’s against Atlanta the night I got ^ the South African remarked to “Gary is a gutty competitor. Padre to bother Matlack Friday Rookie of the Year in 1972 hit,” he said. "Maybe I was a friend, “nobody would beat Even when he’s playing badly, Sjwrts buffs looking for a little entertainment, and also a night. He singled home a run in me.” he has a way of rising to the oc­ chance to lend their financial support for a good cause, was a leading candidate for pressing the first few games. the fourth inning and homered comedown of the year in "I was squeezing the ball so They weren’t beating the casion/’ Nicklaus said. “But I might like to visit Fitzgerald Field at Charter Oak Park in the seventh. But with one out "Little Black Knight” as the think I can overtake him, 1973. hard it didn’t have a chance to in the e i^ th , John Milner and Sunday night. do anything. I had found what I 73rd U.S. Open Golf Cham­ naturally—otherwise I wouldn’t The slow-pitch softball benefit doubleheader will find "I’m not superstitious, but Ed Kranepool singled and pionship moved into the third even play the last two rounds.” everybody drilled me with this was doing wrong and I really Garrett drilled a long home run all proceeds earmarked for the young daughter, Melina Jo got my game together and was round today at the aged Oak- Behind the five leaders came thing,” said the tall left-hander off Steve Arlin, 2-4. mont Country Club. another cordon of five, hunched May, of the late 22-year-old Chuck May. The latter was' who suffered a 2-8 start and a in the groove that night against Matlack struck out seven, killed in an auto accident two weeks ago following a soft- Atlanta. Q On Friday, P lq ^ r shot a se­ at even par 142. These included hairline skull fracture May 8 getting Nate Colbert three ball game in which he starred for Moriarty Brothers’ entry “I don’t think I realized how cond straighU siQ ^r round-a Lee Trevino, who had a 72; the when he was struck on the times, and three of the hits he 7 0 -fo |A U 3 J^ t gave him the 53-year-old Julius Boros, a two- serious an injury it was. I got in the Silk City League. forehead by a line drive. "I’d allow ^ were ground balls. halfway time Open winner, with 69; Ar­ hit in the head, but to me it was ‘ ’ Herald photo by Bucelviclui Teammates of May, headed by John Quaglia, im­ get a phone call and all I’d hear "I had a bump on my head for Player had a one-stroke edge nold Palmer, shooting his se­ just like getting hit in the leg. mediately set the wheel in motion to stage a memorial was, ‘congratulations on the a while,” he said, "but I don’t over Jim Colbert, who shot 70- cond straight 71; the Weiskopf, For two days I had a mild BOB KOWALSKI twinbill. Tickets were distributed to all team managers in rookie award. How do you feel -even have that now. The only 68-138. who had a 69, and Gene Borek, a headache and then it went about the sophomore jinx’?” mark on my forehead is a Jack Nicklaus was not far 37-year-old club pro from East GROMAN’S BIG HITTER local softball play. away.” The committee hopes to realize $5000 for the three- Matlack, 15-10 last year, is up chicken pox scar when I was behind.' Norwich, N.Y., who got in as a Matlack returned to action seven years old. I knew tonight month-oldgirl and establish a trust fund. to 4-8 following Friday night’s Nicklaus, the defending last minute alternate when six-hit 5-2 victory over the San May 19, pitching a scoreless in­ I was capable of pitching nine Opener at 7 will feature Sportsman Tavern of champion, 6-1 favorite and Dave Hill withdrew in a huff. Diego Padres on Wayne ning against Pittsburgh. Then innings and I threw the ball Borek fired a course record Manchester and Jo-Ann’s of Rockville. Ninety minutes recognized king of the game, Garrett’s tie-breaking three- he lost to Los Angeles, San harder in the last inning than in holed out from a trap 50 feet 65 after starting with a 77. later, Groman’s powerful entry will square off with Francisco and Cincinnati. the first. I think I’m in a good Benefit Softball run homer in the eighth inning. away for a birdie four at the Top second-round scores: Kasden of Derby. All four teams are members of the It was his second straight com­ “In my own mind, I needed to groove now and I feel great. I (AP photo ) 12th, and climaxed his round Gary player 67-70—137 Connecticut Amateur Softball Assn, circuit, the best of its plete game triumph. come back as soon as I could,” never heard of the sophomore with a hirdie at the 18th for 69, Jim Colbert 70-68-138 kind. "Since he’s come back from he said. "I didn’t really have jinx.” Don (.nrrilhers and Trainer AI Wylder Hold Bear, ^Looking Back at the Local Sports Scene placing him three strokes back Johnny Miller 71-69-140 Twinbill Sunday Tickets will be available at the field. . . I at 140. Bob Charles 71-69-140 This threw him into a tie with Jack Nicklaus 71-69-140 Donations may also be sent to P.O.Box 910, Manchester, One of Manchester High's better basketball squads was the 1929-30 squad C^tained All roads will lead to Fitzgerald Field in the Charter Oak Ron Itryuni's (Unul Luck ('.harm Smv the hcf'ly ll in llis lllh (nimv New Zealander Bob Charles Julius Boros 73-69—142 Conn., in the name of Melina Jo May. by Ernie Dowd. Rear row, Coach Will Clarke, A1 Smith, Jim O’Lea^, John Tierney, sports complex Sunday night for the Chuck May Memorial All that’s needed for a successful night is a break from and Johnny Miller, only other Gene Borek 77-65—142 Dom Squatrito, Roger Me Cormack, Line Murphy. Front row. Bill Courtney, Bruno players in the original 150-man Arnold Palmer 71-71—142 softball game with all donations going to May’s three- the weatherman. Nicola, Dowd, Mark Moriarty, Howard Turkington. field under par. Tom Weiskopf 73-69-142 month old daughter Melina Jo in the form of a trust fund. Series^ Heros Lee Trevino 70-72—142 John Quaglia, the hard-working coordinator for the Timing for Increase Late dollar-a-ticket benefit, reports ticket sales have been good. Four members of the State’s ASA Softball League will One wonders if the timing was late in the Manchester Stymied RSox Stottlemyre Clips compete in a doubleheader. Scheduled in the opener at 7, Country Club just asking the town Board of Directors to Auto Racing Riordan's Hits will be Sportsman Tavern of Manchester pairing off aginst consider an increase in greens fees. Action will not be Looking Back Jo-Ann’s Restaurant of Rockville. taken until the board’s July meeting. It seems that this in­ Set Tonight The Herald’s Lumi‘s 4:30 (22) Red Sox vs. A’s, Davis’ decisive single punched four hits, while Dave- is going to continue on a new Guidolin was promoted to 'PN U B EIP IU SPUTflHS coach of the parent Boston M Woili Pononalty SopervIsML W t art 100% In sw M l Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, 2 WTIC stretched the Orictles’ I'.m-s and Rich Reynolds both career in hockey. Sat. Juno f6 Bruins. Despite many injuries, REGAL MEN'G GHOP Chicago at Atlanta, 2 4:30 Yanks vs. .Angels, designated hitter’s batting i-ollecled three bingles. Ravlicht was named Friday Qw oKfy B e g in s DRLMSTUIUII ■THC COKHETC MfWS STOM" San Francisco at Phildelphia WINF ,ln a losing effort, Phil Hence player-coach of the Boston the Braves finished second in MANCHESTER VERNON streak to 17 games. MRTFORD-LISP.M. San Diego at New York Monday had three base knocks with Carl Braves for the 1973-74. the AHL Eastern Division and DeMAIO BROTHERS 901-907 MAIN STREET TRI-CITY PLAZA Staffoid KSotor Spaettw af RuyalH-lniliiiiiH Buckingham, Larry Weigent, then reach^ the Calder Cup CAU 643-7691 ’ 643-2478 872-0538 Ix)s Angeles at Montreal 8:15 (22-.30) Angels vs. ' 5 2 2 -9 2 2 3 American Hockey League X ROUTF MO, STAFFORQ SPRINGS. CONN St. Louis at Houston White Sox John Mayberry boomed his Rich Higgins. Al Bombardier,,^ season. semifinals. PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Sat., June 16, 1W3

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, (k>nn.. Sat., June Wif 1973- ELEVEN The “ Action Marketplace" Artlelaa tor Sale 45 Woowi Without Board 59 Apartments For Rant ~ 6 3 F a s t — E f f e c t iv e TAG SALE — Articles priced URGENT — Male Roommate low to get rid of. June 17th-18th, needed starting July 1st. TVo- Over 15,000 Paid Subscribers 8 a,pi. on. 125 Brookfield Street, bedroom apartment. Call HNHNIUn Manchester. Herald Classified Ads Over 60,000 Daily Readers evenings. 872-0028. MUOR (15 Word Minimum) Fast Results SENIOR CITIZENS TAG SALE — Barber supplies, LIGHT housekeeping room, ful- household articles, etc. &tur- ly furnished, stove, XPHRTHNIS day and Sunday, June 16-17,. 9 1 D a y ...... 8it per word per day refrigerator, and linens HomMttad Strttt COPY CLOSING TIME FOR a.m. - 7 p.m., 75 Columbus provided. 801 Main Street, 649- (Off W. Middle Tpke.) 3 D a y s ...... 7$ per word per day Street, Manchester. CLASSinED ADVERTISEMENTS - DISCOUNT SHOPS ^ 9 . MANCHESTER 6 D a y s ...... 6s per word per day BulH by TAG SALE — Two families, 295 26 D a y s ...... 5(t per word per day 12:00 NOON DAY BEFORE PUBUCATION ROOM for rent, private home, UftR HOUSING CORP. and 303 Burnham St., for working girl, very central, Happy Ads ...... $1.50 Inch Deadline for Saturday and Monday Manchester. Stoves, 643-6745. , r 1 and 2-bedroom luxury is 12:00 Noon Friday refrigerators, furniture, apartments. Features wall-to- FREE CHI CHECKING 20% DISCOUNT GOLD CARD HOLDERS bottles, insulators, and mis­ PLEASANT furnished room for w.all carpeting, vanity tile PHONE 643-27U Known for 9>Mlity cellaneous. 9-4, Saturday and Order your extra working man. Inquire 4 Pearl baths, built-in oven, range, Servfcos Offered 12 Mualeal-Dramatlea ACCOUNTS:c o to Senior Citinns all day Sunday. Street, Manchester. ^0 Halp Wanted 35 Halp Wanted 35 copias of Famous fo r Service 10% dishwasher, refrigerator and HERALD to all Senior Clttiem at Monday and Tuesday, disposal, electric heat, 2 air ’TRIAL guitar course. Twelve Manchaster's 150th on most Items. TAG SALE — Saturday, June PLEASE RBID LAND clearing, light X BOOKKEEPER, full charge. any ol our branchea. 1:30 - 4:30 Wednesday, ROOM in private home, female conditioners, glass sliding landscaping, old buildings and weeks summer course for Excellent position for REAL ESTATE Thursday and Friday. See our other specials^ 16, Sunday, June 17th., 10-5 p.m. only, parking and kitchen doors, all large rooms. Full BOX LETTERS Anniversary edition 17 Bond Street,. Manchester. YOUR AD junk removed, driveways beginners only. Rental g u itm experienced bookkeeper, must privileges. 643-6609. basement storage area, ample For Your resurfaced and sealed, pain­ available. Lessons on organ, SALESMEN now - for friends HARTFORD Tools, fishing equipment^ be experienced in all phases of Are you just getting your parking. Starting at $175. Classified or “Want Ads’ ting. 646-8514. piano, drums for beginners and houseware, toys, odds and end^ EAST Hartford Center — at­ Information bookkeeping and capable in license? Or perhaps you have and family who NATIONAL BRAY'S Handy to shopping, schools, are taken over the phone as a adults. Call Mr. (Hejarx 649- general office procedures. Send SS8 MAIN STREET tractive room? kitchen THE HERALD will not it already. Either way, you have moved away BANK JEWELERS Boats-Aecassorles 46 bus and religious facilities. convenience. The advertiser LIGHT trucking, odd jobs, 3057. Or stop in at Meyers resume to Box ‘‘U’’, MANCHESTER privileges, reasonable, for a disclose the identity of any Piano, Center Street, owe it to yourself to in­ 1ST MAIN ST. tew li^ t duties. Woman. 528- should read his ad the FIRST lawns mowed, trees cut and 111 Manchester Herald. from Manchester. and Trust Co. S44 Center St., Manobeater Model apartment open for advertiser using box letters. removed. Cellars and attics Manchester. vestigate the outstanding sts-sin MANCHESTER 16’ THOMPSON, 60 h.p. motor, 2529. inspection 1-5 p.m., Saturday DAY IT APPEARS and Manchester Phone: eis-lies Readers answering blind box cleaned. Free estimates. Call benefits offered by our agen­ St3-8S17 trailer, full cover. Call 649-4677. REPORT ERRORS in time WANTED — Experienced and Sunday. Other times by ads who desire to protect their 643-6000. Pitrata Inatruetlona 32 woman to ido house cleaning, cy. Exceptional commission YOUNG man to share house in 'ipointment. for the next insertion. The 1970 FO U R T E E N FOOT identity can follow this one or two days a week. Must structure, bonus plan, training Manchester - Vernon area with Herald is responsible for only runabout, 35 h.p. motor, trailer, 2 of the same. Inquire 643-07M procedure; CUSTOM made draperies, very Men ft Woman 17-62 have references and own and guidance, and a personal For your A rt and Paint Call: ONE incorrect or omitted reasonable. Guaranteed work. Inquire for details at like new, many extras. Firm anytime after 6. Train Now For transportation. Call 647-9629 interest in your success. Call 10% OFF Gall $1,395. Call 649-7367. U&R Housing Corp Enclose your reply to the insertion for any advertise* Call anytime, 649-42W. between 7-9 p.m. Supplies, stop in a t... our store. Open Mon. - box in an envelope — address today for a confidential inter­ All regular priced merchan­ 1 0 % CLEAN, pleasant room, for 643-9551 ment and then only to the ex­ Civil Sarvica Exams view. to the Classified. Manager, EDWARD Machie - 643-0339, REAL Estate Career. Earn dise. .Sales and fair traded M f-a B O G Sat 9-9:30, Son. 9-8 Qardan^roducta 50 working gentleman, located 50 Robort Murdock, Realtor tent of a "make good’’ No Hl|j^tcliooj Nocamry DISCOUNT Woodoridge Street, Manchester Evening Herald, insertion. Errors which do not Specializing in pruning trees $15,000 to $25,000 annually. REALESCO merchandise excluded. E. A. JOHNSON 643-9551 and shrubs, new lawns, turf iM h ifliM : Excellent commission arrange­ For details on Senior Cltlieas STRAWBERRIES — Pick your Manchester. Inquire before 2 together with a memo listing lessen the value of the t in Rnl EsMi C«.84S-12n NORTHWAY i own, 50 cents a quart. Bring p.m. Stephon J. Luchon Jr. the companies you do NOT lawns, flower beds and rubbish ment. For confidential inter­ Gold Card privUegee. MMCKSTER Sup’t. - 646-5257 advertisement wiil not be cor­ removal. Call after 6. $ 4 .2 2 H r. view, Mr. Pasek, 289-7475, PAINT GO. PHARMACY own container. Charles Zeppa, want to see your letter. Your rected by "make good” Ctwlcai HOUSE e w n CENTER, MC. School Rd., Bolton. M9-8719. Pasek-Rutherford, Realtors, 128 MAIN STREET 299 N. MAIN ST. 311 Main S t, Manchealar Apartments For Rant 63 letter will be destroyed if the insertion. LIGHT trucking. Father and Customs MLS. EXPERIENCED waitress, advertiser is one you’ve & MANCHESTER (Next to Top Notch) 646-2130 STRAWBERRIES - Pick your 95 WEST Middle Tpke. 4W Son, Attics, cellars, odd jobs. I? mature, reliable, for food and HALE LIQGEn DRUG WE HAVE customers waiting room duplex. Heat, hot water, mentioned. If not it will be Phone 649-1805. CARD Gallery — Sales help, liquor service. Evenings and MS MAIN STREET MANCHESTER PARKADE S4S-4S1S own, free containers. Adults on­ 643-2711 Kssp prsssnt job whils 64MSS1 ly. Hours 8-12 noon, 5-8 p.m. for the rental of your apartment stove, refrigerator, garage. handled in the usual manner. prspsrini si boms for female, full-time. Apply in per­ weekends. Apply in person. ■4. 4 or home. J.D. Real Estate July 1st. $175 monthly. Phone LAWN MOWER Service, repair son, Manchester Parkade. ,C!asa Nova Restaurant, Route Berry Patch Farm, Route 30, OovsrnRMnI Exsms...... 1 Oakland Rd. South Windsor. Associates, Inc. 643-5129. 649-2865. Lost and Found npm and sharpening, pick-up and WRITE: (Indwls phono no.) 83 Talcottville. Do not call. FREE CHECKING SERVICE Mobllabffe Homaa delivery. Hours Monday FULL-TIME service station Courtesy and . . . If it's hardware. to our Gold Card Vlanchester Tire} LOOKING for anything in real 4Vi ROOMS, second floor, heat through Thursday, 8 a.m. to BOOKKEEPER — part-time, EdltAdsma STRAWBERRIES - Pick your LOST — Small Beagle, male, NATIONJIL attendant and lubrication man . . . Consideration we hove it! Senior dtixena |j own, large fields, very good estate rental — apartments, and hot water, middleaged cou­ black, brown and white. SKAMPER Deluxe, 15’, hard­ 5:30 p.m., Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 with some minor repair work. for Manchester (Construction g ive n to homes, multiple dwellings, no ple preferred. No pets or top tent trailer. Excellent con­ p.m., Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 TRMMN6 SERVICE Days, 7-5 p.m. Experienced firm. Full charge. Call between i CUnUDCURL HoRors picking. Containers furnished. Answers to the name Siratty. Buckland Farms, Follow signs fees. Call J.D. Real Estate children, 649-4068. dition. Brand new vinyl. Sleeps p.m., 872-8311. e/o box H preferred. Apply in person. 18 4-6 p.m., 647-1045. 1 inBraadSt. Senior Citiiens a t... Open Saturday $ • 12 Noon Associates, Inc. 643-5129. Call Mr. or Mrs. Goodchild, MANGHESHR for your convenience to Buckland and Slater Streets. Keeney Drive, Bolton, 646^348, 8, stove, sink, etc. $1,150. 228- Msnchsstsr Evsning Main Street. Senior Gltizens’ THREE ROOM apartment. reward. 0384. ODD JOBS, lawn care, light COOK — Mature woman to 5 HARDWARE & Main Street. Adult or adults tree work, removai service to work in small restaurant, Mon­ 1 SHAMmm) MANCHESTER Gold Gards PICK your own strawberries, PART-TIME service station 1 at the Corn Crib on Buckland VILLAGER preferred. Call 643-8921. LOST — Gold framed bi-focal A BEAUTY - Self-contained dump. Reasonable, 528-8649. attendant, nights, 5-9 p.m. plus day through Saturday. Call 646- SUPPLY GO. MANGHESTER 9168 for appointment. { SET $2.2$ . DRUG 295 BROAD ST. Road, Wapping, 3-6 daily. glasses, vicinity Lyness, 1972 Shasta, 22’ Stratofiyte, occasional weekends. Apply in 871 MAIN STREET APARTMENTS DELUXE one — Bedroom tandem wheels, air-conditioner, ’TWO handymen want variety of c, 1973 by NIA, Inc. Halp Wanted 111 MAIN STREET STATE BANK (Oppoalte Seara Roebuck) apartment, wall-to-wall McKee, Keeney Streets. Phone 35 person, 18 Main Street. r PICK your own Strawberries, sleeps up to 7. Excellent condi­ jobs, iawns raked, limed, fer­ WANTED — People who would J i For Senior Citizens MANCHESTER Five-room, 2-bedroom town carpeting throughout, complete 649-8467 after 6 : ' Mon. to Sat. 1$41 MAIN STREET Grisel s. Route 85, Bolton, tilizing, mowing. Cellars, at­ like to earn $100-$800 a month, CALL 643-1161 house, wall-to-wall carpOting, appliances, vanity bath. Cen­ tion, $3,750. 643-5668. "Where have I been all day? I was at a place right up MACHINIST wanted - WANTED — Snack bar I ' 649-2S17 $49-4541 $4S-44S5 MANCHESTER across from School Rd. Daily Panonala-Announeamanta 2 tics, cleaned. Reliable service. _ ort work, experienced manager for golf course, part-time or retire within five 1 fireplace, 2 air conditioners, trally located $175 monthly. the street watching the Brvin committee." years with about $1,000 per 5:30 to 8 p.m., weekends, 8 a.m. Motorcfclaa-BIcyclaa 11 Reasonable rates. 643-5305. only. Overtime and paid in­ summer months only. Phone - 8 p.m. 649-9700. appliances, heat and hot R.D. Murdock, 643-2692. surance. Penobscot ’Tool and 742-9860. month permanent income. (^11 AppUaaoes and TV Too! water, IVi tiled baths, washer FOR SALE — Four tickets for mmSO S sn rto t oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the Manchester Sesquicenten- MOTORCYCLE insurance — TREE Removal — pruning, Gage, Merrow Rd., Tolland. for interview. 1-889-7739. 'The town's leading NOW. and dryer hookup, patio. No FOUR-ROOM Charges of any kind with Household Goods 51 apartment. nial Grand Ball, Saturday, June Lew j-ates. Immediate binding spraying, etc., fully insured. Painting-Papartng 13 Haating-Plumbing 17 Route 15, Exit 99. 875-8083. DRIVER and stock man, with FREE pets. Hartford Road, first floor. SALESWOMAN — permanent hardware store" CBTs Complhnontary — 69 30. Call 872-0900. authority. Call Joan Lane at Licensed. Free estimates. Class II license, for plumbing CLEAN USED — refrigerators, cellar storage, garage. $1S5 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Clarke Insurance Agency, 643- Phone 633-5345. HOUSE painting, exterior, B O m Heatipg and Plumbing JANITORS — Experienced, and heating supplies. Call 649- full-time position in Children’s Chocking Accounts, ft youYo Call 649-7620 monthly. Available immediate­ wear. Apply in person, Mari- b l a u ^ ^ H A P P Y ranges, automatic washers >4utot For Sala 4 1126. scraping. Heason^le. Free es­ — Prompt, courteous service. part-time days, evenings, 4563 for appointment. No Service Clharge. 69 o r ovor. 1 lurnitufO store'. 1 with guarantees, See them at B. ly, 649-2871. Manchester area. Call 643-5691, Mads, 691 Main St., timates. Call 568-6652. Call 643-1496. Unlimited free money BUSH D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 Main EXPERT bicycle repairs, all 3-6 p.m. Manchester. b i r t h d a y NEW 3-bedroom townhouse, 1W NEED CAR? Credit bad? ERAMIC orders for Senior CHtUens St., Call 643-2171. FIVE ROOM first floor apart­ Bankrupt? Repossessed? makes, models and speeds. NO JOB too small. Immediate HARDWARE GO. V im CONNKTBaJT BANK ment, 2 bedrooms, stove, no baths, fully carpeted, all Peugeot, Raleigh dealers, MACHINISTS - We have the WAREHOUSEMAN HELP wanted male or female, with savings accounts. :' $40-1021 carpentry, rec rooms, older floors). Inside and outside or female, experience and cleaning of air-pollution Requires experience in ac IF YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW... Box "SS . POODLE-Terrier, jvhite, 8- r ------2 1971 HONDAS, 175 and a 450, 1925. age, basement with washer- 1967 CHEVROLET Impala remodeling, kitchens, painting. John Verfaille, 646- necessq;^. 289-1820. equipment. Must be counts payable, payroll and Call, Write or Drop In for your FREE pamphlet TTr F ; months old, male, all shots, $45. TAG SALE — Moving, mis- sedan, 283, conompletely rebuilt both excellent condition. Must bathrooms, formica work, 5750, 8^-2222. the ability to assume respon­ PAINTERS — Minimum four 649-4734. ' cellaneous items, 47 Virginia WANTED — Antique furniture, dryer hook-up, stove, dis­ CATERING - Will prepare m^hanicallylly inclined.• Steady glass, pewter, oil paintings or hwasher, rugs, heat, electrici- with many extras. Excellent sell. Call after 5, 646-1083. ^ ceilings. 649-9658. i WOMAN wanted for work for reliable man. Tepco sibility in a growing concern. j^ars experience. Phone 649------:------^ _ Manchester, Saturday and conditon 742-8015. i food, hors d’oevres, main dis­ housekeeping department in ■V . . • - - I other antique items. Any quan­ W, hot water included, $265. MANCHESTER - Four-room hes, cakes, etc. Services — will Air-Pollution Control System, Please call Betty Bracey for FREE Kittens looking for a Sunday, June 16th - 17th, 8 to 4 tity. The Harrisons, 643-8709, References, security, adults, apartment, oh bus line. Heat, HONDA - SS125,1969, top con­ modern convalescent home. 122 Naubuc Ave., Glastonbury, Our firm Is a member of the Hall Group — the top home. Beautiful black and pm. dition. 1,300 miles. Best offer. serve and clean up, parties, an appointment. Z 165 Oakland Street. 649-1187. hot water, appliances, parking, 1968 CHEVELLE, 327, 4-speed, Bonda-Stoeka-Mortgagaa 27 Hours 7-3. Excellent working Conn. 633-7958. quality national network of service-motivated real TYPING at home. Must good white, box trained. 643-8065 ------^------Phone 649-0738 anytime. banquets, etc. Experienced. BoofIng-SIdIng-ChImnay It conditions and benefits. Phone $165 monthly. No pets. 643-0030. many extras. Best offer Phone Call 647-1269 after 6. estate professionals, extending from coast to typist and live in Manchester, after 2:30 p.m. PRACTICALLY new Yashica 643-2097. MORTGAGES, loans first se­ Mr. Jacobs, 646-2321. CAVROK CORPORATION pick up and dehve7 required ------^ super-8 movie camera, Ansco old THREE-ROOM apartment, •••••••••••••••••••#•••••••• ROOFING and roof repairing, SEWING Machine operators, coast, dedicated to excellence; through metal bed. cF/i Call 649-4291 stove, refrigerator, hot water COZY four-room apartment, in Servliaa Ottarad 12 cond, third. All kinds. Realty experienced preferred but will Vernon — 87S-2848 Also own typew riter, ^ n d ALTERED, innoculated. cats dual projector, filin g together 1968 VOLKSWAGEN station Paintinq-Paparing 13 > Coughlin Roofing Co. 643-7707. statewide. Credit rating, un­ SALESMAN — part-time, education... furnished. Cabineted kitchen, older home. New kitchen, bath, train, art-time and full time. r e f e r e n c e s to Box DD, boarded. $2.50. (iages i'A’ long, for health reasons. 649-7386. parking. $150. Phone 649-6544. wagon, luggage rack, excellent SHARPENING Service - necessary. Reasonable. Con­ evenings and Saturdays, retail Manchester Herald. Fenros Cattery, since 1950. W5- , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••a appliances. Carpeting, own 'RICHARD E. Martin. Full 649-318 driveway, nice yard, balcony. running condition. Good deal. Saws, knives, axes, shears, BIDWELL Home Improvement fidential, quick arrangements. experience helpful. Hourly, , ■' , SlSl by appointment. ’ ------Rooms Without Board 59 Call 8W-2249. * skates, rotary blades. Quick rofessional painting service, Co. Expert installation of Alvin Lundy Agency. 527-7971. plus commission. Immediate IMMEDIATE openings for ac------i . . . r ______3jmm HONEYWELL Pentex FOUR-ROOM Duplex, Good location. $165 monthly. service. Capitol Equipment Pnterior - exterior. Free es­ aluminum uding, gutters and 100 Constitution PLaza, Hart­ opening. P.O. Box 1009, curate statistical tTOists. Part- HELP! Father unknown, SP500, 55mm F/2 Takumar THE THOMPSON House - Cot­ available July 1st, features 646-6310 after 5 p.m. HALL/HIRTFORD, HK. private driveway, large yard, 1966 MALIBU station wagon, Co., 38 Main St., Manchesteer. timates, fully insured. 649-4411. trims. Roofing installation and ford. Evenings, 233-6879. Manchester, Conn. tim e, flexible hours and mother doesn’t want us We’re l^ns, 4-months old, $125. Call tage St., centrally located, power steering, power brakes, Hours daily 7:30-5, ’Thursday repairs. 649-6495, 875-9109. 21 Tolland TurnpVio large, pleasantly furnished basement for storage, stove, FOUR-ROOM apartment, heat, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY excellent working condtions in beiire evicted Litter trained 6434)213 after 6. refrigerator, carpeting, pan­ 283, $695. 643-1409. 7:30-9, Saturday, 7:30-4. 643- NEED your house painted this MORTGAGES - 1st, and 2nd AVON offers quick relief for Mandioslar, Conn. 06040 modern, convenfently located l3 e 8 w ^k o ffite n f^ ^ ^ ^ ------rooms, parking. Call 649-2358 hot water, appliances, central 7958. summer? Top quality work. HORACE Tetrault — Siding, mortgages — interim financing the family budget pinch. As an Tel. 646-1141 8052. GARAGE SALE — 30-year, ac- lor overnight and permanent eled rooms. Nice location. Ideal location, parking, security, 1970 PONTIAC, Bonneville, Free estimates. Call 528-8248. roofing, storm windows, aw­ Avon Representative you can- For the top administrator in one of Hartford’s leading in­ D. Shaban, Gen. Mgr. ___ !______■ cumulation of miscellaneous guest rates. for couple. Security, required. lease. $180, 649-3340. — expMient and confidential $175 monthly. 643-9233. very clean, low mileage, new LIGHT trucking service, nings. Quality workmanship, service, J. D. Real Estate dustrial companies. In addition to the usual diversified AFFECTIONATE 1(4 year old collectibles and hand-me- tires, air-conditioning, vinyl delivery, itertls moved, lawns, DONALD E. Tarca - free estimates. Fully insured. Assoc. M3-5129. color TV, all the things you secretarial duties, must have the ability to act with little Conn. « mixed collie, spayed, good with dow ns. S o m e th in g fo r top. Call 644-2337. miscellaneous work. No job too paperhanging and painting. 872-9187, 649-3417. need, without disturbing family supervision as an administrative aide to relieve a busy ^------— children. 647-1617 after 5 p.m. everybody. Saturday and Sun- small. Phone 649-6484. Free estimates. Call 6436812. HeraM P cyTMITTLE's FRAU REALLV FLIPPED UW TIL H E TRIED IT AT THE 6 finances. Call 289-4922. JANITOR — part-time, prefer ...... day, June 16-17, Box 285, Birch SECOND Mortgages — residen­ executive of many office details. Secretarial school graduate WE’RE on the grow and looking MEXT PARTY •" 1966 FORD station'wagon, ROOFING — Specializing tial, commercial, industrial to with minimum of three years experience preferred. Send Clauified A4> retired gentleman, apply Poultry-Supplies 43 Mountain Rd., Bolton. OVER THE OLD HAWO-KiSSiMG ROUTiWE- TREE Service (Soucier) — T. J. FLANAGAN and Sons, repairing roofs, new roofs, for ambitious people to grow small 8, automatic, power consolidate 'bills, business MALE help with some resume including salary requirements to: Get Fast Resaits with us and share in the Moriarty Bros. 301-315 Center ------^------steering, air-conditioning, 9 Trees cut, building lots cleared, Interior-exterior painting. gutter work, chimneys, cleaned expansion, alleviate cash St. Ask for Scotty. BABY Ringneck Pheasants for r ”" l ' ~ 7 " CH AW M ED .W HOW CriOMMED, HOW trees topped. Got a tree Reasonable rates. Swirled and repaired. 30 years mechanical experience. Mor­ tremendous opportunity. ------^------sale 228-9585 TAG SALE — Saturday and ...rk passenger, good condition. $ ^ . problems. Jan Brennan nings or dara. Apply 270 Hart­ Box K, Manchester Evening Herald MECHANIC — Part-time, Ford Openings are now available in I'M SURE .' AOALLAUMT. J I'M SURE.' D l6 -(jUSTiMG.' 428 Lake Street, Bolton. 643- problem? Well worth phone ceilings our specialty. Call 643- experience. Free estimates. Associates Mortgage Company, SHEET metal mechanic ...... Sunday, June 16-17, 9-5 p.m , 70 1949. ford Rd., Manchester. fleet. 3 a.m. - 7 a.m. Apply Good our service department. We’re 9708. call. 742-8252. Howley, 643-5361. 528-7500. ______^______capable of layout and ^ ttin g Bala 45 window^‘fan‘ - y — ^ Humor Corp. 46 Kennedy Road, very fussy and demand people commercial and residential ______s'Oe. Har oeiis, window fan, INSIDE-Outside painting. WINDSOR Roofing & Siding- STAFF accountant CPA firm, South Windsor, 289-8251. who are ambitious, dependable CHEVROLET, Bel Air, 1964, ODD jobs, landscaping, WE Have Money! Call us. Se­ responsible and personable ac­ duct work New Engird LIVE BAIT - Open 24 hours. hn^S d Uems"® household repairs, carpentry. Special rates for p^ple over S . Alcoa Aluminum Siding, Bird and take pride in their work. If new tires, exhaust, brakes. cond mortgages arranged countant wanted. Auditing and you quality you will be eligible, M^hanical Services, Inc., 649- Ri„g bell for seiV et Shiners, household items.______Good gas mileage. Call 742- Call 649-4594. Fully insured. Estimates given. Roofing, storm windows and WANTED Teacher aide, full­ quickly. Mortgage Lenolng inconie tax experience helpful. for top pay with plenty of over- crawlers^ etc. 144 Deming TAG SALE - Saturday 9-dark, Va 9784. Call 649-7863. doors, and gutters. Aluminum Agency, Hartford, 522-4221, KENTUCKY FRIED CfllCKEN time, to work with pre­ awnings. 643-9444, 688-4849. Our staff is aware of this ad. time, incentive bonus ...... Wapping rain or shine. 26 Woodland St., CARPENTRY — Porches, gar­ evenings, Hartford, 523-5154. Please send resume to Box “V” schoolers, in daycare center, ages, additions, repairs, small PAINTING and paper hanging, programs, vacations, paid Situation Wanted 38 i z ! ! : ______Manchester Furniture, an- Trucka-Traetor 5 Manchester Herald. - Outstanding Career Opji>orfun/fy Vernon. % ar ’round, $4,500. holidays, insurance, uniform jobs. Free estimates. Call commercial and residential. ROSSI Roofing, siding, Call 872-96'?6 between 9:30 a.m. ______*T iT»#fiktfr»* u * J tiques, clothes, toys, surf Stephen Martin, 646-7295. Free estimates. Call 644-0642. chimneys, gutters. Free es­ service and steady year ’round 1964 CHEVROLET Curb Van, and 12:30^b'm’ employment. Experience in WILL DO Babysitting in my p ril!u n | p?atfs“ 0^ IS’ good running condition. Cali timates, fully insured. Days, Bualnaaa Opportunity 2t for Store Managers and Assistants home. Days. Call 643-0001. 23x32” . 25 cents each or 5 for$l. ------POWER MOWERS, hand J. P. LEWIS & SONS custom evenings,^ 529-8056, Paul building or associate trades after 4 p.m., 643-9101. TOOL and Die makers, first helpful, but not necessary. Ap­ -----z Phone 643-2711. TAG SALE - 52 Bissell Street, mowers repaired, pick-up and decorating, interior and Cosgrove, 643-5364. MANCHESTER food store with SUMMER HELP class, mainly continental JOURNEYMAN Electrician, 11 ------Saturday and Sunday, 8-5. delivery. Prompt-Reliable- exterior, paper hanging. Fully beer permit near Conununity Hartford area growth plans of America's leading prepared proved for Veterans benefits. 1961 FORD Econoline window process, with aircraft quality. Please apply in person, to Rick vears exMrience, desires work NEWSPRINT end rolls, 25 Moving,many miscellaneous van, new clutch and battery, Service. Call Sharpall, 643-5305. insured. 649-9658. G&K ROOFING and siding. College. Excellent potential. Wanted for light assembly food company has current opportunity for mature serious Fringe benefits, CMS and BC, locally. Call 289-7573. cents each. Inquire side door, items. Hayes Agbncy, 646-0131. work. RotaUng shifts, 7- people who like good iqpome and are willing to work for it. Satterlee, during regular runs decent. $150 or best offer, major medical, group indemni­ business hours. Rectown USA, Mancliester Evening Herald. ------^------649-3025. TRUCKING', odd jobs, moving GRAD students available for No restaurant experience necessary: W$ wiil train you. $145 2:30 p.m. and 2:30-10 p.m. ty and Life, profit snaring and Route 6, Willimantic. ^ ^ ------tag sa l e — Sunday, 10 a.m. OhartJii 'to- large appliances, cleaning painting, 4 years experience, PIZ21A and grinder store. Good weekly to start, rapid advancement based on personal rate pension plan, pleasant working Dogs-BIrds-Pats 41 DARK RICH, clean loam, 5 to 4 pm. Wood storms and cellars, attics. Also will buy fully insured. Free estimates. fully guarant income, excellent location and Apply in person. of progress. Excellent insurance and incentive bonus conditions. Apply in person, ------yards, $23.50 plus tax. Gravel, screens, toys, household goods. JIM AUItiBK Auto-Sarvlea and sell used furniture. 643 Call our competitors and then timateses, 6^2168. lease, zoned for beer permit. Gunver Manufacturing Co., 234 WANTED — Part-time male xmmuoA.n.'?. program. help in haying. Inquire 364 FAT and Sassy kittens free. 643- sand, stone, pool and patio .Free coffee, 80 Jensen Street, Aeeaaaorlaa 1775. call us, 649-70M. Beautiful interior, new equip­ Hartford Rd. ! 6920. / sand, 643-9504. Manchester, First house up ALLIOeV-i i/uv: I' . Bidwell Street. v w ^ GUTTERS and roof repaired ment. Merritt Agency, 646-1180. KAGl CO. ------^ ^ ------from Parker. and replaced. Excellent A M U lW . TWO JOIE Chitwood tires, and S painting, ir 91 Elm Street Extension SUPERINTENDANT of AKC toy poodles, white and SCREENED loam, gravel, ------,------mags, G-60-14, Revengers and KEEPSMUR- exterior, low rates. Free es­ workmanship. Reasonable PACKAGE Store — Ideal one- Call 278-7740 for appointment H Nw iKst is tie sm I, dnek the (JANOBKOEKA KEEPHVrr Manchester apartments. Apply Mrs. cream -w hite,. championship processed 'gravel, sand, stone, RAILROAD ties, 8’x6”, free GOOSE'S GOAT. mags, good condition. $300 or timates. Cali 643-8162 or 649- prices. Free estimates, 646- man set-up. Frechette & Mar­ Routhier, 685 Parker Street, HeraM OessHieA Ads ir4 fiM the INM bloodlines, bred for tempera- and fill. George H. Griffing, An- delivery. For information call i-fS offer. 846-5382. 5624. 1399. tin, Realtors, 647-9993. Manchester. with reoM ter jm hteei ment, 643-8825. dover, 742-7886. 872-4126. PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Sat., June 16, 1973 Out of Town- Houeea For Sale Apartmenti For Rent 63 72 Houeea For Sale 72 Houeea For Sale Houeea For Sale 72 *Lots-Land For Sale hU NCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat., June 16. 1973 ■ For Rent 66 73 PAGE THIRTEEN Out of Town-For Sale THREE-ROOM apartment, RAISED Ranch, 8 rooms, one MANCHESTER - Four- " *fsnted-R^I Estate ,,77 full, 2 half-baths, all large BRAND NEW ROCKLEDGE — Cleared pleasant, convenient suburban CHANGE bedroom Raised Ranch, 2 building lot; 132x170’. Under - ...... I location, like private home, rooms, 2 fireplaces, wall-to- baths, immediate occupancy. ANDOVER — Swiss chalet^ THIS Three-bedroom Raised Ranch $10,000. Meyer Realtors, 643- great view, 3 bedrooms. 2 full lawn, basement, working wall carpeting, large fully Top locatfon, $52,900.- Hayes 0609, 649-5524. adults. 643-2880. equipped kitchen, central vac with IVk baths, dining room Agency, 646-0131. baths, 4V4 acres. A beauty. Call Striving Today CHeasant \^ k y) system, 2-car garage, one acre with slider to large tree- Tedford Real EsUte, 647-9914. fo r a AVAILABLE immediately. wooded lot. Pnilbnck Agency, MANCHESTER - Six-room COVENTRY — (North-East) 20 shaded deck and back yard. picturesque acres. Partially WILLING-PON - Big 2- Pleasant three and four room Realtors, 646-4200. Fireplace, aluminum siding, Ranch, IMi baths, built-ins, u: I fU * t ^ P r T o m o rro w wooded, trout stream, brooks apartments, heat, hot water, FOR SALE aluminum siding, city utilities. M room Ranch witji .3 stone and garage. Immediate oc­ high gravel building sites. fireplaces, rec room, walk-out ton y^eal C^late C^ompan^ ' appliances, carpeting, air- TO THIS cupancy. $37,900. $34,900. Hayes Agency, 6460131. Possible pond site. Frontage on ‘ conditioner. Lease, security. Distinctive •• •• basement, sunporch, 2-car gar­ 2 roads. Owner. 643-7357. age, 3.8 beautiful acres with $175 - $195. 649-3978. 643-6165. ATTCNTION MANCHESTER - Original South W indsor apartments Duplex, one side beautifully BLANCHARD & ROSSEnO privacy. Needs some finishing. SPECIALIZING IN BOLTON PROPERTIES -owner offers a beautiful 2- VERNON— Approximately one Happy 56th Anniversary It’s overpriced at $34,900, but LANDLORDS: We supply modernized, other good condi­ Realtors/MLS 646-2482 family home, 5 rooms each SOLD tion. Excellent income. Close 189 West (Center St. acre wooded lot on desirable GREAT GRANDMA AND Happy Father’s Day absent owner says, give him an BOLTON CENTER ROAD-BOLTON, CONN. screened qualified tenants for east of the river. floor including 2 bedrooms, for­ Box Mountain Drive. 6463124. offer. Kiss Realty, 4262734. your vacancies at no cost or to shopping. Only $37,500. — 9 mal dining room with china GREAT GRANDPA g r a n d p a SHEEHAN Phone 646-2311 obligation to you. Homefinders. 6 4 4 - 2 5 4 5 closet, natural trim throughout, 40 ACRES of land in HOHMUTH and Hebron — Six-room Ranch, 4 527-5448. HOLCOMBE REALTORS 4-car garage. Center of town 646-373S 644-2447 RANCH — Aluminum siding, Manchester on East Hartford Glad you’re here from UNCLE WARREN bedrooms, park-like yard. Low garage, full basement, 3 location. $43,900. Woiverton line. Philbrick Agency, ' Florida. w t p y m 30's. Tedford Real EsUte, 647- Call bedrooms, one-acre lot, plea­ Agency, Realtors, 6462813. (The Chaplain) Realtors, 646-4200. Love, 9914. Bualnaaa Locatlona- sant area. Low 30’s. Keith Real Love, Hebron PRESIDENTIAL Estate, 6464126, 649-1922. contemporary Ranch, 12 Ricky and Denise ROCKVILLE - 5, 4; and 3 room For Rent 67 HALL/HARTFORD, INC. RANCH — 6 rooms; 1V4 baths, TOLLAAD — 3 acre building Scott Wanted-Real Estate 77 VILLA6EAPTS. apartm ents, $105 to $150 acres, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, lot, pond, pine trees. $9,000. Call' 21 TOLLAND TPKE. formal dining room, 3 beamed ceiling, garages, view. MANCHESTER monthly. Appliances, and yard. PROFESSIONAL office, bedrooms, garage, treed lot. SIX-ROOM older home, 2-car Tedford Real Estate, 647-9914. MANCHESTER garage, oversized lot, studded Hutchins Agency, 6465324. SELLING your home or One and two bedrooms. Utilities extra. Phone 872-0359. beautiful, spacious. Excellent $33,900. Philbrick Agency, Happy Father’s Day Happy Father’s Day acreage? For prompt friendly 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. exposure. First floor, all 6 4 6 -1 1 4 1 with gardens and fruit trees, Resort Property-For Sale 74 Happy Father’s Day Near schools, churches Realtors, 646-4200. MANCHESTER - ’Three fami­ HONEY service, call Louis Pimock Twelve Complete facilities, parking. Reasonable convenient location. Priced to To The Realty, 6469823. and shopping center, on sell quickly. Broome & Co., 10 ly central location, separate rent. 649-1680, 649-3549. WEST Side Cape — 6rooms, 4 BOLTON Lakefront — Vernon ; Love, GREATEST DAD bus line. Call anytime. FINALLY, North Main St., West Hartford, furnaces, nice lot, bus line, $46,- section. Private setting. Five- DADDY Call for FREE down and 2 up, wall-to-wall phone 233-1037. 900. Hayes Agency, 6460131. ALL CASH for your property First Aid Course 122 EAST Center St. New first- carpeting, fireplace, aluminum room Ranch type home . $26,900. [ Although we jump and climb all over you, the minute you Jane within 24 hours. Avoid r ^ Upe, COMPARATIVE PROPERTIES REPORT Hayes Agency, 646-0131. , come through the door at night, help you eat your supper and 6 4 6 -2 6 2 3 A TOWNHOUSE floor professional office space. storms and./icreens, near bus THREE-FAMILY, newly insUnt service. Hayes Agency, Convenient location, ample line, $31,000, Philbrick Agency, FIVE-Room Ranch, your newspaper ends up Inside out and upside down. Happy Father’s Day 646-0131. ^ breezeway, garage, small renovated throughout, good in­ From, ANNE EM T Tuesday: Democratic Town YOU CAN AFFORD! parking and on bus line. Will Realtors, 646-4^. HOUSE on lake, for sale or It’s just our way of telling you, we’re happy you’re home Dad­ ' To Committee meeting, 8 p.m.. MANCHESTER - New on patio, l>/!i baths, fireplace, vestment or home with income. rent, seasonal, central Maine. ^ Ma, Eddie, Patty, Barbara, Correspondent subdivide from 100 square feet Bowers School Ray Lima, Hutchins Agency, dy, because we love you and you’re the best. WE WILL buy your house for Town Office Building: Midget EAST WINTONRURY to 2,000 square feet, to fit your market, 6-room immaculate COLONIAL - Ranch. Near treed and fenced half acre lot. 875-1141, ask for Joel Dwyer. : GRANDPA HACK I Tom, Andy, Ricky, Sally, cash. Call anytime, Hutchins Tel. 228-3971 Cape, stone wall around lovely Wall-to-wall carpetiVig, 6465324. Football Registration, 7 to 9 CENTER Street - 4‘A-room HILLS APTS. needs. 646-1180. Country Club. Six rooihs, large Love, ; ; Jackie, Jill, Philip and Agency, Realtors, 6465324. Eleven Hebron residents and treM lot, new 3-zone oil heat, excellent condition inside add Love, one Columbia resident have p.m.. Town Office Building; townhouse, 114 baths, all Corner of WIntonbury RANCH formal dining room, paneled CUSTOM built, air-conditioned, Out of Town-For Sale 75 Tommy 60 CENTS square foot for 38,000 convenient location. Bel Air out. $35,900. Call owner, 649- Scott and Daffy SELLING your property? Call successfully completed the Girls Softball Registration 6:30 appliances, carpeting, two air- Avenue, S Blue Hllla Ave., fireplaced living room with 6455. 9 room California Ranch. Robbie square feet. Will divide. Real EsUte, 643-9332. 1 ' - - us first. We’ll buy your home to7:30p.m., Gilead Hill School; conditioners, heat and hot Bloomfield. Six rooms, full basement, built-in bookcases. Two - three Fireplaced living room, formal FIVE-Room Ranch, carpeting, requirements of the American Commercial or industrial use. bedrooms, fireplaced family 1 a I Happy Father’s Day immediately at a fair price, all Little League game. Lions vs. water, stor^e. $210. By ap­ MANCHESTER — 6-bedroom modern kitchen, formal dining room, modem kitchen new roof, large lot, dead-end Red Cross and were awarded pointment, Charles Ponticelli, 2 SEDROOM * $184 Sprinklered, truck dock, of­ room, garage, plus many street, $21,900. Hayes Agency, Happy Father’si,^Oay ; cash. Call Lou Arruda, 644-1539, Standard American Red Cross . Wildcats, 6:15 p.m., St. Peter’s Colonial, 2 baths, aluminum dining room, 3 bedrooms, MANCHESTER with dining area, family room, DADDY B Field. 649-9644, 646-0800. 3 8EDR00M * $212 fices. Warren E. Howland, extras. $38,500. Philbrick Agen­ three large bedrooms, fourth 6460131. Happy 56th Anniversary Arruda Realty. First Aid cards. Realtors, 643-1108. siding, 2-car garage, formerly a baths, treed lot, gar­ cy, Realtors, 646-4200. ' From Wednesday: Lions Club All Utilities Included tourist home, located in possible. 2-car garage. Completing the course were MANCHESTER — New one and age, city utilities. $33,900. COLONIAL To Wonderful Parents and Grandparents POOPIE-HEAD : meeting, 7:30 p.m.. Chestnut Beautiful new, luxurious business zone. Bel Air Real .Beautifullv lanascaped TOLLAND $68,900. Lynn, your "Traveler” Anhe Marie Aubin, Bernice two-bedroom townhouses, full 476 MAIN STREET - Six- In good neighborhood, near grounds. Marion E. Robertson, Lodge; Ambulance Study Com­ housing in suburban Bloom­ rooms, office or commercial Estate, 643-9332. CRCA 1700 COLONIAL MOM AND DAD HOHMUTH Nurse Daughter, INVITATION Barraqso, Anne Emt, Jeanne private basement and en­ PHJLBRICK everything, shaded lot, great Realtor, 643-5953. Ford, Susan Gradual, Janet mittee meeting, 7:30 p.m.. trances, patios, heat, field 2 & 3 bedroom space. Across from Post Office. INTEREST RATES Restored to full glory, Love, 2.9 ACRES, 7 rooms, two baths, for children. 3 bedrooms, TO BID Hayden, Sandra Hooker, Jean Town Office Building; Rham appliances and carpeting in­ Townhouses, with wall-to-wall Call 646-2426, 9-5 p.m. AGENCY Are rising so don’t wait to in­ MANCHESTER - Two- warmth and charm. Modem Happy Father’s Day built-ins, kitchen carpeting, fireplaced living room, formal Jim and Louise, Don and Lottie, We Love You Paine, Maralyn Porter, Esther High School Graduation, 6:30 cluded. From $215-$265 per carpet & fully equipped fireplace, garage. $33,900. REALTORS spect this large new 3- dining room, family room. bedroom Condominium, in­ kitchen and baths with all of Gary, Neal, Gerry, David and Donna, The Manchester Board of p.m. or 8 p.m. if inclement; Lit­ month. Paul W. Dougan, kitchens. For more informa­ BUSINESS II Zone, frontage on bedroom Colonial with cludes air-conditioning, today’s modem conveniences. DAD So, So Much. Radican, Rena Zachmann and Tolland Tpke. and 1-86. Six- Hutchins Agenc^, 649-5324. 6 4 0 -4 2 0 0 Bruce and Linda, Bob and Shirley, Education seeks bids for the tle League game, Dogers vs. 6 Joyce Twiss of Columbia. Realtor, 643-4535, 646-1021. tion visit site or call 243-2931. baths, fireplace, aluminum carpeting, all appliances. Adult Situated on over 2 acres with Love, Garbage and Rubbish Removal room house. Warren E. F.J. SPIIEGKI Jim and Debbie, Denis and Joyce The American Red nross Giants, 6:15 p.m., St. Peter’s Rental Office Ooen Daily 1-5 siding, and a cool treed lot. living. Garage, full basement. stonewall boundry. Call today Hugs and Kisses for the 1973-1974 school year. Field. FOUR-ROOM apartment, first Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. Realtor 643-2121 ; Chris, Bobby and Cliff Course was sponsored by the p.m. RENTALS BY P ric ^ to sell at $36,200. A Call evenings, 6:3610 p.m. 646 for an iMpection. 649-5306 A.H. Angie and Patrick ; Sealed proposals will be floor, adults only, no dogs. BOWERS School — 7 room 1868 Agent. Hebron Volunteer Fire Depart­ GREATER HARTFORD ONE month free rent, 2,000 TWO-FAMILY great buy on any market! JoAnn Culver. received until July 17,1973 until Available duly 1st. $135. Stove, Colonial. Freshly painted ment and was held over a Thursday: Board of refrigerator, parking, 20 Knox REALTY MANAGEMENT CO. square feet, 5 rooms and recep­ 3:30 p.m. a t which time they HOME LIKE throughout. Plus large storage BLANCHARD & ROSSETTO SPACIOUS new Colonial, ..B&W.. Happy Father’s Day Happy Father’s Day ; period of five weeks at the Selectmen meeting, 5 p.m., Street, Manchester. Call 646- East Hartford, CL tion office, air-conditioned, shed, near bus line, $32,900. MANCHESTER - 7 room offered by original1 owner, 7%7Vz The BARROWS It WALLACE Co. will be publicly opened. The Town Office Building; 243-2931 carpeting, lots of parking. Call Realtors — MLS Hebron Fire House. 5190. Philbrick Agency, Realtors, Realtors/MLS 646-2482 Colonial, 2V2 tiled baths, rooms,, 3 bedrooms,, Ilarge fami- POPS right is reserved lo reject any Republican Town Committee Equal Houaing Opportunity NO OTHER Manchester Parkade — M9-5306 Happiness Is... Instructor for the course was Mr. Reale, Frechette & Martin, 646-4200. 189 West Center St. lastered walls, range, dis­ ly room, can-peting, fireplace, and all bids. Specifications and Realtors, 647-9993. With Love, Jack Hooker. He was assisted meeting, 8 p.m.. Town Office DUPLEX, 3 bedrooms, base­ Kwasher, garbage disposal, deck. One acreicre lot, stream. To Our bid forms may be secured at Building; Little League game, ment, attic, garage, storage HEBRON — Two-bedroom extra large 2-car garage, 3-zone trees. Excellent neighborhood. BOLTON Line — 4-bedroom A girl spending two weeks Us Guys and Friskie, too by fireman John Franceschena. Not just a fine residential NEW COLONIALS - Built by the Business Office 45 N. School Tigers vs. Buffaloes, 6:15 p.m., shed and nice yard, central, apartment, appliances, wall-to- STORE or office space, ground Mak Construction Inc. All city CIRCA 1730,16 rooms, recently hot water oil heat, city utilities. Priced to sell, 6463588. Ranch fireplace, full cellar, 2- DAD ; Street, Manchester, Connec­ Bulletin Board floor, 190 West Middle Tpke. area, off East Center Street, at Y.W.C.A. CAMP AYA-PO St. Peter’s Field. security, 647-9881. wall carpeting. Cellar storage, utilities on deep lots, $37,500. restored, 7 fireplaces, summer Built by Ansaldi. Near Martin acre lot. Assumable mortgate. ticut. Raymond E. Demers, The following meetings and large yard, parking, twenty Call 643-6802, 669-6205. but also aluminum siding, new kitchen, 6 plus bedrooms, new School. Charles Lesperance, THREE acres, 6room Ranch, Vacant. $32,300. Graham Real­ Call today, they won’t last at 1 For Information Call Congratulations Business Manager. ^tivities are scheduled for next Saturday: Little League MANCHESTER - Newer 2 minutes to Hartford, fifteen heating system, plumbing and this price. Philbrick Agency, baths, kitchen. ’Two-car garage. 649-7620. two baths, two fireplaces, gar­ ty, 289-5931, 289-1872. W ek: Hartford Region Y.W.C.A. WE LOVE YOU Sincerely, Mother-Son Hardball game, 1 bedroom apartment, quiet loca­ minutes to Manchester, $190 Resort Property- wiring plus comfortable 3 and Realtors, 646-4200. $58,900. Philbrick Agency, ages, Florida room. Hutchins NURSE NEDNICK Monday: Regional District 8 For Rent 68 Bob, Linda, Jim, Bill, Raymond E. Demers p.m., St. Peter’s Field. tion, includes heat, appliances, monthly. 646-0882, 649-2871, 4-room flats. An older home Realtors, 6464200. EXCEPTIONAL 7-room Agency, 6465324. VERNON — Three-bedroom Board of Education meeting, and carpets. $200 per month. Ranch, IVa baths, large lot, 3- 525-1163 Love, Sue, Deb, Donna, Jerry Business Manager that is truly like new. Colonial in prestige area. \Vs 7:30 p.m., Rham High School; Sunday: Republican Women’s Paul W. Dougan Realtor, 643- HEBRON, four-room apart­ MISQUAMICUT - 4V, room MORTGAGE Helper — Comes baths, fireplace, kitchen with car garage in excellent condi­ Mommie ! and Kathy 4535, 646-1021. ment, electric heated, storage cottage, heated, furnished. No MANCHESTER with this Contemporary Ranch. built-ins, attached garage. All tion. International Associates, Midget Football Registration 7 Club Beer Fest, 4 to 9 p.m., area, refrigerator, stove, singles. $175 weekly. Phone 643- $30,900 — L arge older Owner’s side has 7 rooms, IVi on a nice lot. This won°t last. OPEN HOUSE Inc., Realtors, 647-1300. to 9 p.m.. Town Office Kalom’s, Elizabeth Dr.; Little MANCHESTM - Nice 2 parking. No pets, 228-9115. 0491. $37g900 Colonial, 3 bedrooms, living baths, formal dining room, International Associates, ’ Happy Father’s Day Happy Father’s Day Building; Little League game, League doubleheader, Bosox BC^TON $43,900. Happy Father’s Day Astros vs. Bosox, 6:15 p.m., St. bedroom apartment, first floor WARREN E HOWLAND room, dining room, den, 1^ sunken living room, den or 4th Realtors, 647-1300. ly Oinier New England vs. Giants and Dogers vs. half of 2-family, includes Bualnaaa Locatlona- COVENTRY U ke — Cottage, baths. Might consider rent bedroom, plus studio apart­ Sunday 2-5 PERFECT SEH IN G DAD GRANDPA McKAY DAD Peter’s Field. Clubs, 1 p.m. Lakewood Heights. Beautiful 5- REALTOR 643-1108 You ain’t appliances, private basement. For Rent 67 with option. ment, (3 rooms and bath). Over MANCHEW e r - Avery In one of the finest locations From, Gas Supply $174 per month. Paul W. room cottage, sleeps 7 or 8. Call Aii My Love, From, $31,900 — Condominium — 1% acres with beautiful view. Street, just reduced, 9-room in town. 7 room Ranch nestled My DADDY Dougan Realtor, 643-4535, 646- Mitten Agency, 643-6930. Philbrick Agency, Realtors, Spacious new Colonial, 7Vt Jan Tom, Barbara and Andy MANCHESTER - 100,000 living room, dining room, Colonial, 5 bedrooms, IVs baths, rooms, 3 bedrooms, .large among the tall shade trees. 3 Mark and Chris Favorable ' 1021. square feet, will divide. MANCHESTER — Six-room 6464200. 3-car garage, acre lot with plen­ bedrooms, 2 full baths, rec You Ain’t my J CAPE COD — Brewster — kitchen with all appliances, family room, carpeting, Hebron Suitable for manufacturing and Colonial, iVs baths, formal ty of privacy, convenient to room with fireplace, stone BOSTON (AP) - The short MANCHESTER - New 3 Sleeps 4-6, June 23rd to July 4th. central air-conditioned, 2 fireplace, deck, one acre lot. Happy Birthday warehouse. 1-748-5634. dining room eat-in kitchen. everything. LaPenta Agency, patio, pool, custom built, steel SUGAR-DADDY Happy Father’s Day We Love You range supply outlook for gas­ bedroom Duplex, IVz baths, full August 18th through aluminum siding, two-car gar- baths, 2 bedrooms, rec room, Realtors, 6462440. Stream, trees, loyely view of oline continues favorable in September. 649-2371. beam, 2 car garage. Call J. d a d , FELICIA basement, includes appliances 460 MAIN St. — Ideal for store, age,priced to sell. Mitten Agen­ wall-to-wall throughout. Im­ Case Mountain. Excellent But You’re To The New England and eastern BREATHTAKING Jennings for inspection. ’ Happy Father’s Day I . and carpets. $267 per month. office, etc. $160. Call 646-2426,9- cy, Reaitors, 643-6930. maculate. WE have a beautiful 6room neighborhood. Priced to sell. Love, Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 643- COLUMBIA Lake — Waterfront GREATEST DAD Canada, the Massachusetts 5. $35,900 — Condominium, Colonial Cape, in the Rockledge 6463598. "MY HONEY’’ Barbara, Margaret M^mmy, Daddy, 4535, 646-1021. cottage. Accommodates 4 peo­ MANCHESTER - 6-room older View from this large U&R ..B&W.. OF ALL Division of the American Cuts Allocated living room, dining room, Raised Ranch in Forest Hills area. Impossible to describe, it The BARROWS It WALLACE Co. and Anne Mgry, Susan and Kitti Auhomobile Association 466 MAIN Street — Building for ple. July openings. 649-0498,643- Colonial with 2-car garage, Realtors — MLS kitchen with all appliances, location. Four bedrooms, must be seen. Items like an 168 CARRIAGE DR. reported Thursday. any business, office, or com­ 2593, 228-9852. large kitchen with pantry, for­ “English Tavern’’ rec room, an ^M anchester Parkade — 649-5306 central air-conditioning, 3 living room, dining room, Your, AAA said a survey covering Furnlehed Apartmenta 64 mercial use, near Center. Call mal dining room, 3 bedrooms, “in-law” suite, compietely air- Love, Happy Father’s Day / Happy Father’s Day In School Budget U COLUMBIA Lake — Four room baths, 3 bedrooms, rec room, New England, eastern Canada 646-2426, 9-5 p.m. solid value at $28,900. Wolver- kitchen, play room, rec room, conditioned, the landscaping, EAST Hartford — Three- Brookiyn-born Nanna, Marion, Beth, DADDY THREE-ROOM furnished cottage, all modern appliances, ton Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. wall-to-wall throughout. 2Vz baths, 2-car garage, cen­ dall, we are ready to go. T. J. WARANOKE Road - Has bedroom Split Level, two baths, DADDY provinces, the New York 646-0333, or 228-3803. WiFEY Kathy, Nancy, Sheila, heated apartment. Private en­ MANCHESTER 10,000 square Exceptionally clean. tral air conditioning. Extras Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. much to offer and we have this rec room, garage, fireplace, - Love, \ Love, Thruway, New Jersey Turnpike trances. Working adults. No feet industrial space. Fully MANCHESTER - 8-room $36,900 — Cathedral ceiling galore. Custom-built for pre­ 8-room Contemporary with 34 beautifully landscaped. $34,900. Kevin, Brian and Steve 1 and Garden State Parkway, IN Adirondack Mountains, Colonial with 2-car garage, Kate and Tim ANNE EM T month of May shows $1,399.80 pets. Security deposit. Parking. sprinklered, loading docks, of- in this clean Split-Level sent owners. Must be seen. PRIME residential area — 7- bedrooms, huge living room 668-7789. Cindy also in New Jersey, indicates 643-4860. secluded cabin, sleeps four. All first-floor family room, 4 Correipondent with participation remaining fice area. Hayes Agency, 646- home; deserves a look-see, 3 room Garrison Colonial, IV2 dining room combination with motorists will be able to obtain 0131. conveniences. $75 a week^ 1-518- bedrooms, V h baths, and much high ceilings and full wall Tel. 228-3971 high at 54 per cent. bedrooms, living room, dining baths, fireplaced living room, TOLLAND — Looking for the Happy Father’s Day Happy Father’s Day gasoline throughout this area. ROCKVILLE - Nicely fur­ 576-4764. more. Over 2,500 square feet of formal dining room, /Kitchen, cutstone fireplace.. Efficient old farmhouse with ten acres? Happy Father’s Day Happy Father’s Day Acting on recommendations Her overall receipts for the nished 3>4 room apartment, living area. Priced in the 50’s. room, kitchen, baths, SENTRY REAL ESTATE Nearly all turnpikes and toll MANCHESTER 4,000 plus family room, 3 bedrooms, gar­ birch cabinets kitchen, glass We got one, and it’s a beauty. GRANDPA DAD With Love To The DADDY roads, including the mide by the superintendent’s year, estimating for June residential area, adults only, no square feet store-building for CAPE COD Bass River and Zinsser Agency, 646-1511. family room, garage, base­ age, one acre lot, Martin School enclosed family room with Corner property, a prudent in­ amount to $43,763!86 with an ad­ N SERVICES office, the Board of Education pets. $160 monthly. 646-lOM. lease. Huge paved parking Dennisport, Two and three- ment. area. Mid 50’s. Call Edith Muse, bluestone floor. This home is vestor could make out real good Love, KING OF OUR CASTLE ! Love, Massachusetts Turnpike, are ditional $4,3M.02 anticipated > bedroopi cottages, all con­ 2 8 9 -4 3 3 1 Your Pur-r-r-fect now allocating gasoline, AAA < last night voted 4-3 to apply the area. Prime location in town NEW Duplexes, 3 bedrooms, $36,900 — Parklike yard Keith Real Estate, 6464126, unique in design and was 1 here. Call Lloyd O’Dell, at T. J. Marge and Dave Mary, Felicia, Susan, Kitti - for reimbursements. Adding to veniences, June and August I'A baths, living room, family Realtors MLS Gretchen and Amy I Sahib said. On Massachusetts 128, an $25,324 cut approved at this THREE-ROOM bachelor apart­ with highway access. Hayes makes this 7 room Ranch an 649-1922. custom built by a builder for his Crockett’s Tolland office, 875- and me too! this a starting balance of ment, split level, private en­ vacancies. Call weekdays after kitchen, separate basements Arco station in Newton is week’s budget meeting to thir­ Agency, 646-0131. exceptional buy on Notch Rd., own living enjoyment. ’The lot is 6279. $148.53, the program' shows trance, all appliances including 6. 644-2623. and driveways, aluminum large, well treed, professionally limiting sales to 10 gallons per teen different areas in its 1973- Bolton. Happiness Is having a ' To The Most Wonderful I Happy Father’s Day total receipts of $48,709.88. TV, parking. Available July 1st. siding. Reserve your lot now. landscaped and very private. Happy Motoring customer and an Arco station in 1974 operating budget. Manchester Wanted to Rent Coventry Dad like You. Disbursements for the year 643-1879 after 1 p.m. 69 Frechette & Martin Realtors,' $38,500 — Two-family — SIX-ROOM Ranch in excellent OPEN HOUSE Home does need redecorating Happy 41st Birthday HUSBAND CAPTAIN BOB Beverly is limiting sales to five Voting against the cuts were 647-9993. desirable corner location, all but at $53,900 it’s a bargain. HajSpy Father’s Day Charles Barrasso, Mrs. Cynthia through May total $40,327.65 QUIET, reliable family ^ sire s condition on Vernon Street, on a SPACIOUS CAPE From Your Crew, gallons. Arco’s station in HURWIT large rooms. Call for more good sized lot. 3 or 4 bedrooms, Please call Blanchard & SMOKEY JORGE Wilson and David Allbee. with $4,970.55 still payable for 3 bedroom house available Sunday 1-S P.M. Immaculate 8 room, 3 twin Love, ' Lexington on 128 is not Out of Town- PROFESSIONAL MANCHESTER - Porter details. 1% baths, garage, full base­ Rossetto, Realtors, 6462482. Love, I Happy Father’s Day Who think you are the Barrasso and Allbee expressed May and $2,600 anticipated for For Rent 66 August' 1st. 'References, l-5ffi- Street section, 6-room Cape, size bedrooms plus den or 4th Tom, Jane, Mark, Carolyn, BHIy, Lynn, Gerry ; allocating at this time, June for a total of $47,898.20. OFFICE SPACE 2723 or 123 New St., Bristol, $39,500 — Oversized Ranch ment. ’This house is a good,, bedroom. Carpeted living Your Loving Wife, greatest. “Sunday closings are more disatisification with having to tile bath, fireplace, enclosed value. Price in the 30’s. Call 558 HilllanI St. PRIVACY — is the watch-word and Marijee Chico, and Chi Chi reduce the budget, feeling the Mrs. Porter’s projection for VERNON — Four-room apart- 3(X) Square feet, ground floor, Conn. porch, $29,900. Hayes Agency, in excellent area. Don’t miss room, dining room and Nee SUe, Bob, Tim, and Judy / common,” AAA's “Gasoline Agent, 649-3100, or 649-8465. ' for this 3-bedroom Ranch, board had cut its budget suf­ 1973-1974 is that “business will ment, in.- tw.£-family. walk in, hpat, carpeted, air- 646-0131. calling on this one. nestled on a wooded acre in kitchen. Rec room w/office. Gauge” report said. “One- Apartment Bulldlngs- ficiently before even presenting probably remain the same as Convenient rural lo^tion with conditioned, new construc­ $45,900 — Boulder Rd;, 7 MANCHESTER - Only NEW 6room Raised Ranch southwest Manchester. This Lovely wooded acre lot. Happy Father’s Day I To The Happy Father’s Day fourth of those surveyed in the For Sale 70 Piease Rest On it to a vote. Mrs. Wilson agreed this year or get better.” She yard.^$160 monthly includes, tion. Ideal for accounj^nt, in­ room Cape with 2 baths, $29,900! Finally, a lovely older home also features a huge, in­ Father’s Day Hartford, Conn., area are heat, hot water, stove and and Colonials with wall-to- BOOMPA TUBBY : “TOPS iN POPS” To The Best with this, but also felt strongly believes the program will be surance agents, manufac­ ARCHITECTURAIIY fireplace, garage, circular,' Colonial in a sylvan selling! wall carpeting, aluminum viting family room with second Happy Father’s Day closed all day Sunday. On|y a able to assume the increases on refrigerator. 647-1113. MANCHESTER - 4-family fireplace and bar. Some MERRin AGENCY DAD . that the administrator’s turers rep. Busy locajion. Call brick, 4-car garage, good in­ very clean condition, in-law Features three bedrooms, I'k siding, 1V5 baths and heavily Love, DICK and DON few stations are now open on labor and food if all remains as bathrooms, country kitchen. finishing touches needed. Come REALTORS 646-1180 Bunky Lee and her new i ED McKEEVER ;; recommendation to cut back on Mr. Barker. come builder. Hayes Agency, CREATED situation. New siding, nice treed lots. Built by Taylor Love, From, Sunday in Haverhill, and this it is at present. GLASTONBURY - Modern An architect created this un­ New heating, plumbing, recent­ take a look and make an offer. Cousin, Johnny Lee, Jr. Matt and Linda, * Love, (1 practice is now developing in the hours of the speech teacher 646-0131. grounds. Made Homes, Inc. Mid 30’s. Mid 30s. Realsesco, 643-1250. j Maureen, John, Dale, Nell Ginny, Debbie, Melissa would be in the schools was Oil appliances and conveniences, SIMONS iquely designed Ranch in one ly painted. Inspect! LaPoll (8 poun^ds, 3 ounces) | Katie, and Timmy Lawrence,” $49,900 — Porter St. Large company. Realtors, 569-1030. Brian and “Mollie’’ and Virginia definitely hurting the school and utilities paid, 2 bedrooms, Realtors/MLS 646-1117 of Manchester’s finest HEBRON — Near Bolton town Gasoline supplies were Recognizing the present air, parking, and yard. $182, exceptional older Colonial. EAST Middle Tpke. - Two program. 1129 Tolland Tpke. Business Property- neighborhoods. This home is BLANCHARD & ROSSEHO line. Six-room Raised Ranch. reported normal on Nantucket situation with the oil crisis, the Homefinders Fee, $20, 549-6980. Drive by, look for our sign. family, 5-5, wood and brick con­ Out of Town-For Sale 75 Although the Board of board authorized Dr. David For Sale 71 situated on two wooded Excellent condition, 2-car gar­ Out of Town-For Sale 75 Out of Town-For Sale 75 Out of Town-For Sale 75 Island but motorists taking cars Then call us. struction, excellent condition age, large lot. Call Mitten Real­ Finance had recommended that Cattanach, ^perintendent of lots . . . it’s that large. PRIME PROPERTY Realtors/MLS 6462482 with large barn, large lot. COVENTRY (NORTH)$37,500 to Martha’s Vineyard Island 'i ty, 643-6930, Realtors. ELLINGTON — Large restored COVENTRY — Five room cot­ $20,000^be reduced from teacher schools, to f o l i a t e with the Aniwen to Prifioai Puixl* EAST Center- St. — Office Beautiful professional 189 West Center St. Charles Ponticelli, 649-9644, A should fill up before boarding Here is an opportunity to FULL DORMER Georgian Colonial, 1834 circa, tage, fully furnished. Close to Coventry salarie9v^d $5,000 for a new present suppler, Dahl Oil Co., W o r l d T o u r building, originally set-up for 6460800. the ferry at Woods Hole since m ± dental office. Waiting room, landscaping and incom­ F-M acquire an older 2-family BOLTON Lakefront — 6 room On this big Cape. 3 b lo o m s new 2-zone heating system, Lake. Secondary financing well at Giiead Hill School, only rather than go out for bids. parable appointments. 6 4 7 -9 9 0 3 home in a highly desirable of­ year 'round Cape. IVi baths, on the top floors, IW baths, wiring, plumbing, 2 modem ON THE WATERFRONT all stations on the island are receptionist uoom, two MANCHESTER - Two-family available. $10,000. Philbrick the $5,000 for the well was cut However, Dr. Cattanach will Owners are moving to Frechette A Martin fice afea on East Center fireplace, trees, $32,900. front to back living room, baths, V4 acre lot. Within Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. allocating gasoline. ACROSS 57 More rational operating rooms, spare room, WARANOKE Road - Here is 4-4, $5,000 cash required. Good Is located this 7-room year from the budgk. put the milk contract out for cimiid three labs, half-bath, parking Florida. It is the only reason R ealtors Street in Manchester. Plenty Hutchins Agency, 649-5324. fireplace, dining room, coun­ walking distance to school and “Despite limited hours of 1 Capital of „ DOWN i:-'!kd(.i4[;i i:J(:aidfd your opportunity to purchase a financing. International * shopping. Must be seen to ap­ 'round California Ranch. Two Ollier Cuts bids as has been, the case in the 1 Stops plus three room apartment on they would leave this outstan­ 203 Main St. Manchester of paved off-street parking. try kitchen, garage, nicely set operation and allocations of gas Egypt choice home in ideal location... Associates, Inc., Realtors, 647- VERNON — Manchester line. preciate. High 40s. Call for ap­ 1852 RESTORED Colonial. bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, two- Among'the other cuts were past. 6 Damascus is 2 Concur PIP" second floor, $50,000. Philbrick ding home. Call. Price just reduced for quick 1300. on a large country lot. For to customers by ^m e stations, 3 Possessive a “ must sell” special, so to Immaculate Ranch on quiet pointment,. Marge Winans, Barn, 60 A fields, 30 A. timber, car garage with apartment, $4,230 for teachers’ salaries. Ileullli Re|iurl its capital Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. sale. ^ speak. Sparkling 7-room (^pe more info call' Tony 4 A. pond. Scenic $105,000. 150 motorists who drive on the top 11 Harass pronoun street, sunny kitchen-with Realtors, MLS, 875-0340. plus 3 possible building lots. This would keep the music The public health nurses 4 ------City, JVIANCHESTER - Executive NEW Listing. Immaculate Wasilefsky, 6465306. half of the tank will be able to 12 Products of ...... WMREN L HOWLAND JARVIS REALTY CO. with 2 baths, rec room, and gar­ dining area, 2 bedrooms, A, 7R home, near Rt. 91, $60,- Michigan Ranch, prestige neighborhood, age. Drive by, it’s No. 141, and Ranch on large lot with several “ 000. Palmer & Little, Priced at $40,000. drive anywhere in New teacher’s time at the Hebron reported 721 visits to the health oysters Houses For Sale 72 REALTORS-MLS 643-1121 carpeted living room, heated Hebron 14 Pendent 5 Ship’s lowest REALTORS 643-1108 custom-built for present owner give us a calk T. J. Crockett, trees. Completely and tasteful­ • •B&We. Charlestown, N.H. 1-603-826 England this weekend,” the school and at the Gilead School rooms during the'month of deck rec room, $28,500. Woiverton The BARROWS It WALLACE Co.. ornament with all the amenities. Central ly redecorated. Wall to wall in 1969 COLONIAL ZINSSER AGENCY report said. three days each instead of the May, and first aid was given to 6 Scantiest Realtor, 6461577. Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. Realtors —/ MLS 5277. 15 Acquit air-conditioning, Pella ther­ several rooms. Stone patio. With 4 of the largest bedrooms r e a l t o r s 6 4 6 -1 9 1 1 AAA said it was obvious that five days recommended. 571 students. Also reported was 6 oneself of 7 Affirmative 24 Verbal 38 Second sale mopane windows and doors _ Manchester Parkade — 649-5M^^ 8 Ethiopian 25 Military 39 Jargon MANCHESTER - 7-room MANCHESTER - 2-family, 67 Priced to sell immediately. Mr. EAST Hartford — Older four- you’ve ever seen. Front-to- motorists “have changed their The speech teacher’s time a high I'ncidence of chicken pox 16 Peer Gynt's throughout. First-tloor family HEBRON — New 7-room mother title assistant 40 Moccasins Colonial first-floor family large rooms, fireplace, ouilt- Negro, Belfiore Agency, 647- bedroom Colonial, double gar­ back fireplaced living room, buying habits and are keeping will stay at four days instead of at the Hebron School. 9 Presser room, 2 stone fireplaces, 2’A BOLTON — Newly listed 6 Raised Ranch. Buy now, pick 17 Accomplisher 27 Calf flesh 42 Lock of hair room, large lot, excellent ins, separate furnaces, 2-car 1413. age, city utilities. Needs work, large formal dining room, an eye on the gas gauge. There the five days as requested. During the month the nurses 19 Born 10 Foreigners 28 Irish river 44 Golf mounds baths, rec room. Call today to garage, nice lot. Char-Bon room Ranch on large treed lot. your own color. Two-acre treed 11 Chief god of 30 Cougars 47 This (Sp.) ANTAGE REALTY, INC. neighborhood. Mid 50’s \ Ted- $23,500, Meyer, Realtors, 643- Swimming pool in rear yard. dream kitchen, and 1V5 baths. COVENTRY — 6-rooms, 3 has been no increase in the Also approved was $500 less reviewwl growth and develop­ 20 Fowl inspect this ^ a lity built home Agency, 643-06$3. 0609, 649-5524. lot. High 30's. Tedford Real 21 Pairs (ab.) Memphis 34 Violent dread 50 Nights (ab.) in AA zone Philbrick Agency, ford Real Estate, 647-991f Lots-Land For Sale 73 Early occupancy. Mr. Negro, Maintenance free exterior and EsUte, 647-9914. bedrooms, 2-car garage, 2 acres number of calls for emergency for substitute salaries, $200 less ment films for the fourth and 22 Land's----- , 13 Winter 35 Seek to ^ 51 Obtain for homebound instruction, $250 fifth grade girls with with vehicle Realtors, 646-4200 Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. attached garage. Plus a large treed lot. Low 20’s. Tedford road service assistance from England obtain 53 Unit of MANCHESTER - Edison VERNON - Manchester line — 18 Bitter vetch A-ZONE, city water and sewer, acre plus tr e ^ lot. $39,900. Real Estate, 647'9914. members who have run out of for textbooks, $500 for teaching parents, and notices for a polio 23 Greek portico 36 Pedal digit weight Road, just reduced, 8-room Flowering shrubs and shade Offers New Homes By... WALKER Street — 6-room QUALITY BUILT $9,000. J. D. Real Estate LOOKING for a part or full­ gasoline.” supplies, $200 for miscellaneous clinic at the Gilead School were 26 Disunites I 2 3 4 5 1“ r ~ 8 T ~ w Cape, 3 bedrooms, formal t/ees surround this Colonial, BLANCHARD & ROSSEHO time business on. a main drag? 29 Tear home, living room, dining room B y dining room, fireplace, 2-car Associates, 643-5129. MANSFIELD — .Save agent expenses, $1,500 for special distributed to 275 students who 15x15 modem country kitchen, North Coventry Realtors/MLS 6462482 We have a new heated building commission. We own it. Four 31 Indian weight II 12 13 and kitchen on first floor, 3 Nutmeg Homes garage, aluminum siding, dining room or den, 3 education transportation, $400 were not fully immunized 32 Baranof HOPE VALLEY . NEW RAISED MNCHES 189 West Center St. 33x24’ with overhead doors and year old, 3-bedroom Raised \ V ' - . O ' ' ' * bedrooms, and bath on second sunroom, rec room, walk to COVENTRY — One-half acre, for custodial salaries, $100 for against polio. y mountain 14 iS . bedrooms. Fine neighborhood. amesite parking area, plus an Ranch, fireplace, oak floors, '■V • floor, 2-car garage. Assumable Three 8-room Colonials i(t East Catholic. LaPenta Agen­ $3,900. Tolland, acre, $3,900. An­ 15 minutes to llartford. Carpeting in family room with custodial supplies, $5,500 for During this month pre­ 33 Light brown 16 17 is mortgage, $31,900. Philbrick prestigious Forest Hills. All dover, $1,800. overlooking lake. fireplace, living room, dining immaculate 7-room home. All nice basement, oil heat, one 34 Babylonian Construction Co. cy, Realtors, 6462440. Utilities, $32,900. 646-5062. on l ‘A Commercial - Industrial acre in country. Immediate oc­ replacement of the roof at the kindergarten vision and audio coin m Agency, Realtors, 6464200. have 2V s baths, 2-car garages, Hayes Agency, 6460131. room, eat-in kitchen, 1V4 WILLINGTON - It’s a good Herald H 2 I it zone acres, fronting Route 32 in cupancy. It’s a fair price at Hebron School, $2,944 for equip­ screenings have been held at 37 Sweet i 4-bedrooms, first floor family baths, king sized master deal. Owner moving. Big '.'lA'.f.' .,„v-v ■ . . m SOUTH WINDSOR custom built 4-bedroom Mansfield. $46,900. Kiss Realty, $26,900. Bring your check book. ment, and $4,000 for special the Hebron School and the secretion 2^ 24 2S “Dougherty Estates' Manchester room with fireplace and much bedroom, 2 other bedrooms, Yesterdays growth and development 40 Footlike part 6 -6 D U P U X MANCHESTER - 102x632' AA !! i r s GOT CLASS II executive type Colonial Cape 429-2734. Kiss Realty, 429-2734. education tuition. 41 Small child more. Priced from $54,900. laundry, 2-car garages, acre In other financial matters, program continued at both H 3 T Manchester RANCHO-CONDO zone, wooded lot. Asking $13,- That’s what this 7 room Ranch with formal dining room, at­ 25 Years Ago 43 Devour Exclusive Sale By 900. Helen D. Cole, Realtor, lots. Starting at $36,900. tached 2-car garage, heated the board voted to respect the schools. 45 Air raid a H s r Gracious adult living. Unique with 2 car attached garage ANDOVER — Lakefront 5-room A fire which broke out in the 3 bedrooms, living room, MLS. 643-6666. basement, 24 acres with freeze that is in effect and to . precautions 34 35 • Garrison Colonials • Capes Ranch Condominium. 3 has. Excellent yard, excellent FRECHETTE 8 MARTM cottage, completely furnished, Wonder Market on Main St. (ab.) 37 u 39 ZINSSER AGENCY dining room, kitchen and bath privacy, horse barn, riding BOLTON LAKEFRONT treed lot. Low 20’s. Tedford causes serious damage to the continue its efforts to minimize bedrooms, 2 full baths, rec MANCHESTER - two AA area. 3 bedrooms, country REALTORS 647-9903 trail, brook, pond site. $54,900.' 46 Present 40 43 • Dutch Colonials • Ranches Realtors' 646-1511 on each side. Separate fur­ Real Estate. 647-9914. Rubinow block. expenditures. 48 Female saint 44 room with fireplace, living zoned lots with all utilities kitchen, fireplace, rec room, Offers considered. Kiss Realty, FHe minutes Irom Msnehester OpeoiFor Inspection Uiirreclioii (ab.) 4b w 4 ^ 1 room, dining room, eat-in naces. Possible extra building located in desirable Forest much more. For more info 429-2734. Uufeleria Sunday, 1-9 P.M. RETIRE in beautiful southwest Registration for midget foot­ 49 Shrink 1 kitchen with all appliances. Hills. Zinsser Agency' 6461511. call Tony Wasilefsky 6465306. PRIME PROPERTY 10 Years Ago Mrs. Marjorie Porter, 52 Landed 4« SI lot. Priced at $39,900. N.H. New 3-bedroom home, ball will be held Monday and 62 PricM Start .,*36,900 Price? Mid 30’s. SOUTH Windsor Spacious RETIRE in beautiful Southwest cafeteria manager, reported property Carpeting throughout. LOW 50’s completely furnished, on one This was a Sunday; The Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 54 Classifier b4 SS CAPE — 3 bedrooms, full base­ BOLTON — Prime R-1 residen­ and gracious 8 room older home N.H. Buy your own acre lot for that she is now anticipating a ' ZINSSER AGENCY ..B&W.. on U-i acres of lovely treed acre lot in setting. Total Herald did not publish. p.m. at the Town Office 55 Long loose ment, quiet neighborhood, love­ tial acreage. 19 acres plus, high mobile or modular home. $4,800 Eight-room Spilt Level. Prin­ price only $28,500. Stone Assoc., $211.68 profit for the 1972-1973 nrm ents 66 57 8 7 2 - 9 4 0 2 elevation, mostly cleared, $U,- The BARROWS & WALLACE Co. land. Mid 30s and worth it. Mr. per lot. Stone As.>50c.Jnc., 800 cipals only. Call owner. Building and not Wednesday MERRin AGENCY ly oversized lot, privacy. Realtors 6461511 Realtors — MLS Inc., 800 Park Ave., Keene, school year. 5 6 n iia e f 16 Route 83, Vernon, Conn. 000. Meyer. Realtors. M3-0609, Swain, Belfiore Agency, 647- evening as previously reported. Realtors 048-1180 Priced in 30s. Jesdor Realty, Mancfaeiter Parkade — 649-6306 Park Avenue, Keene, N.H. 6 4 9 -0 0 8 0 N.H., 03431. 1-603-352-8000. Her net gain report for the (NiWSPAKS ENTIIPItlSI ASSN.) 633-1411. 646-3177. 1413. 03431. 1-603-352-8000. '■ vV' I

PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. SaL. June 16, 1973 Police Report Vernon Mrs. Amanda Hultine Francisco Mollet, 16, of 78 Mrs. Amanda Hultine, 87, Oak St., was charged Friday Police formerly of 20 Russell St., died night with illegal possession or early this morning in a local' Stanley Janocha, 62, of 130 control of a non-narcotic con­ Grove St., Rockville, was convalescent home. She was trolled substance. born April 5, 1886. charged on a Circuit Court 12 The charge was made after a arrest warrant with breach of Survivors are two sons, John member of the Manchester Hultine of Manchester, district peace in connection with a re­ Police Department’s narcotics cent neighborhood disturbance. manager for Southern New division apprehended Mollet on England Telephone Co.; and He was released on his written Case Mountain during what promise to appear in court July Carl H. Hultine of Rumford, police termed a “pot party.” R.I. 3. Mollet was held overnight Funeral arrangem ents in and released this morning on - I charge of Watkins Funeral Louis Angeloni, 40, of his written promise to appear in Glastonbury was charged on a Home, 142 E. Center St., are in­ court on July 9. complete. Circuit Court 12 arrest warrant with misuse of credit cards and Frank T. Miner Sr. David A. Joslin, 20, of no cer­ obtaining money under false CQUMBIA-Frank T. Miner tain, was charged Friday with pretences. Police say the arrest Sr., 43, of Rt. 6 died Friday at sale of marijuana (two counts) was made in connection with a Hartford Hospital. He was the and possession of marijuana July 16, 1971 incident. husband of Beverly Legary (two counts). The arrest was H- He was released on a 3500 Miner. made on a Hartford County non-surety bond for court July Mr. Miner was born in Superior Court bench warrant, 3. Manchester and had lived in police said. Columbia for 21 years. He was a Joslin was taken to the S ' - , r Vernon Police report a veteran of the Korean Conflict. Connecticut Correctional burglary, which apparently oc­ He had been employed for 13 Center at Hartford in lieu of a r curred early this morning, at years at Pratt and Whitney 310,000 surety bond. Peralli’s Gulf Service Station at Division of United Aircraft, Rt. 83 and Regan Rd, Rockville, Corp., Middletown. netted thieves an undetermined Survivors, besides his wife, Krause Chains amount of cash. are a daughter, Mrs. Patricia No further details of the theft Tucker of Columbia; two sons, Park Road, were available. Frank T. Miner Jr. and Timothy R. Miner, both of Waits Results Larry Gilbert, 23, of 193 Columbia; and three sisters, Windsoville Rd., Rockville, was Mrs. Everet Colburn of /^t 10:30 this morning. Ward charged with intoxication and Chaplin, Mrs. Edmond Far- Krause installed a chain lock at breach of peace. The charges botka of Norwich and Mrs. the entrance of Bolton Notch were made after an investiga­ -A Honor Booth of East State Park. tion of a complaint from the 'For many years Krause has Greenwich, R.I. -v.M l Pines Restaurant, Rt. 83, which Funeral services will ^ .^ o n - had trouble with people reported that a man refused to day at 11 a.m. at the Potter blocking the road to his house, leave the premises. Funeral Home, 456 Jackson St., camping, dumping rubbish and Monitors set the pace as students of Bolton High School Gilbert was released on a $50 Willimantic. Burial will be in trespassing on his property. march in procession to receive their diplomas at gradua­ non-surety bond for court July Ellington Cemetery.' ’The only way to Krause’s house tion exercises last night. (Herald photo by Pinto> 3. Friends may call at the is through the road to the park. Individual And Society funeral home Sunday from 7 to There is another access to the 9 p.m. park but as no signs are posted (Continued from Page One) the greatest but I’m all I got, I 1967 and a benediction by Rev. Horse people rarely use it. Since List of Graduates She said one step toward gotta be me.” Robert W. Cronin, the In Memoriam Krause has received no achieving a meaningful place in He charged the graduates to graduates marched out in a In loving memory of our dear moUier satisfaction for maintenance of ‘Robin Elizabeth Addison Deborah Lynn Mageau be themselves, be nice people solemn recessional and headed •Sharon Ann Maneggla society was to keep in mind the Thief Ann!) Aceto, who passed away June 16, the road from the state or •Richard Charles Alton Jr. and love other people and above for the many family parties 1947. Bruce Norbert Amundsen •Edward Paul Manning experiences gained while at keeping trespassers off his Stephen H. Arnold James R. McCurry Bolton High. She said to all to stay close to God. which were scheduled Though your smile has gone forever. property, he installed the chain Armand John Aubey John Steven McCurry remember not to forget the Following the address throughout the town. Is Back And your hand we cannot touch lock. Huberte M. Bastarache James Allan McDonald diplomas were presented by Music during the program We shall never lose stheet memories, •Lori Ann Meloche good and bad experiences of It’s been nearly a hundred This morning, he said, “If I Rosemonde Marie Bastarache which included numbers by the Of the one we loved so much. Harriet Fairchild Beecher Janice Lee Miller their lives to the present. Superintendent of Schools, Dr. years since local inventor receive no complaints, in other David M. Behrmann Barbara Lynn MlnIcuccI Miss Campbell ended by Joseph Castagna and Maneggia. high school hand and chorus Sadly missed, Christopher M. Spencef^San words if I am not arrested as a William R. Boyd Linda Jane Moonan Sons and Daughters saying “Let us never forge the When the graduates turned to was under the direction of employe of Cheney Bros, who result of this action, I will in­ Cynthia Lee Butterfield Mary Anne Murphy history, reality and mystery face the audience the hundreds school music director Edward •Renee Marie Myette invented the Spencer repeating In loving memory of Vincent stall a gate.” Thomas Edward Cairo life holds for us. Yesterday w^s of friends and family members DiFronzo. Salvatore. •Lois Marjorie Campbell • • Sabrina Anne Ogleby rifle, drove his first steam- Diane Marie Chick Gary N. Ouellette , history, today is reality and gave the class an ovation. Junior ushers for last night’s powered horseless carriage Dear Dad — Though you are no Donha Marie Churllla •Jeanette Paggloll tomorrow is mystery.” Following the signing of the program were Evalyn Assard, around Manchester, scaring the longer with us on Father's Day, Linda Theresa CIscon Carol Andrew Preuss BHS Alma Mater written by Douglas Fish, Mary Jean Lit- Welfare Head Lois Elizabeth Prindle The Bolton High School horses. The loving memories of you in Stantoh Kendall Conover vinskas and Karen Schiavetti. Our hearts will always stay. Allan James Dascanlo William Stuart Reopell Chorus under the direction fo Diane Tedford of the Class of And it’s been at least 50 years To Provide David Edward Delany Debra Ann Richardson senior class member Debra since automobiles started Sadly missed, Bonnie Sue Dupre Laurie Joan Rufinl Richardson sang "We’ve Only becoming prevalent in town. Domenica and Dominick Speakers Paul Edwards John Frank Rys Jr. Just Begun.” Paulette Ann Rys Tolland When the vehicles did start Karen Elsie Flano Scholarships and awards Legal Notices state Welfare Commissioner Deborah Lee Gauthier Gary Michael Santos becoming popular horses Patricia Ann QrlHIn Robert Bruce Selble totaling $2,900 were presented weren’t the only thing that was Court of Probate, District of Manchester Nicholas Norton has announced Diane Elizabeth Gross Fay Lynn Sherwood by Robert Murdock, president “phased out” — Horse thieves NOTICE OF HEARING the formation of a speakers’ Philip Andrew Groves Marie Denise Simon ESTATE OF STELLA A. MAKULIS Patrick J. Small of the Bolton Scholarship Fund, gave way to automobile Pursuant to an order of Hon. William bureau by his department, “to Wendy Elaine Hagan Sheila Marie Hoar Cynthia Louise Storrs Inc. Board Tables robbers. E. FitzGerald, Judge, dated June 13,1973 better acquaint groups and a hearing will be held on an application organizations around the state Gregory Hoffman Ralph Edwin Strickland Jr. Murdock explained the pur­ So there aren’t many horse praying for the allowance of her ad­ Brenda Smith Houlberg John James Struff III pose of the organization, noting thieves around in 1973 — or so ministration account with said estate, of the aims and objectives of Robyn Lee Islelb •Susan Tomaszewski ascertainment of heirs and order of dis­ among its many contributors Bank Purchase most people think the Welfare Department.” Melissa Zoe Kendall Vincent Daryl' Ursin tribution as in said application on file are many local civic groups, He said he or his deputy, ‘Michael P. Kurys ‘ James Clifford Webb However, there was a report more fully appears, at Uie court of Beth Pamela Wogman businessmen and private Probate on July 2, 1973 at 11:30 a.m. Henry Boyle, will fill all ‘Beth Eileen LaFrancIs of a stolen horse in Manchester •plane Susan Lelner Susan Lynne Wright citizens. Madeline B. ZIebarth requests personally, unless a building is not expandable. last week. Clerk Bonnie Lee Lopez Those awarded scholarships - VIVIAN V. KENNESON conflict in scheduling prevents Debra Frances Luchenblll •National Honor Society Other persons noted the town It wasn’t a normal horse, ‘Honors last night were Richard Alton, Correspondent Court of Probate, District of Manchester them. In that event, a fully would lose $6,900 annually in though; This one is bright red, NOTICE OF HEARING Walter C. Waddell Memorial Tel. 875-4704 ESTATE OF ELISEO STENTELLA, qualified person will be fur­ taxes from the building, if is about five-by-six-feet in size, an incapable person nished, he said. Fund; Lois Campbell, Bolton The Board of Finance has owned by the town. and it has wings. r Pursuant to an order of Hon. William E. tabled action on the purchase of Interested clubs and High School Student Council The bank would give .the The flying horse, of course, FitzGerald, Judge, dated June 11,1973 a Witness Tampering Scholarship; Stanton Conover; the former Savings Bank of hearing will be held on an appljcation organizations should direct school administration more was on a once-used gasoline Tolland building as proposed by praying for an order of sale of certain their inquiries to Speakers’ Melissa Kendall, Bolton In­ than 2,500 square feet of space service station sign. It was real estate and that some disinterested Charge Made the Board of Education. Bureau, care of the com- surance Advisory Board; Lori upstairs and a little less in the reported stolen from Maple person be appointed to make said sale as Meloche, Philip C. Liguori basement level. There would be Super Service Inc.^ 220 Spruce . in said application on file more fully nrlssioner. State Welfare An appraiser will be hired to Chapter of the National Honor a possibility of having special St., on 'Thursday. appears, at the Court of Probate on Jolv Department, 1000 Asylum St., Against Policeman appraise, the building, located 2, 1973 at 9:30 a.m. Hartford, Conn. 06115. Society; Renee Myette, education classes in the So if you see a shady-looking HARTFORD (AP)-A Capitol on the Green, and the Board of Madeline B. Ziebarth Topics available include the worked to recruit new Manchester W tary Club; building in addition to the ad­ character flying around on a ______Clerk policeman has been charged Finance will meet next week to Work Incentive Program and members of the Republican Jeanette Paggioli, Philip C. ministration offices. bright red horse, call the with tampering with a witness make a recommendation. If the Court of Probate, District of Manchester the department’s Home Care party. Ligouri Chapter of the National Valuk Resigns Manchester Police, who are NOTICE OF HEARING who spoke to detectives in­ board decides to approve the for the Elderly Program. Other The newspaper has also Honor Society; John Rys, Robert Valuk, assistant prin­ looking for the culprit. ESTATE OF HOWARD L. RICE, vestigating alleged violations of Bolton Scholarship Fund; purchase, a town meeting will Deceased . topics are the flat-grant claimed that some forms used cipal of the Middle School has the state merit system. to transfer party affiliation Paulette Rys, Bolton be called for the end of June. Pursuant to an order of Hon. William system, medical care, and aid The present option expires June resigned, effective June 30, to E. FitzGerald, Judge, dated June 12,1973 Hartford (bounty State’s Atty. have been improperly Scholarship Fund; Susan accept a principal position in INVITATION to the blind and disabled. 30 and it is not' expected to be a hearing will be held on an application John D. LaBelle said the of­ notarized. Tomaszewski, Rockville Public Orange. praying her administration account with extended. ficer, Albert T. DeCarlo Jr., 31, LaBelle said in a statement Health Nursing Association and Valuk has made several TO BID said estate for allowance, ascertainment of Hartford was charged Friday The Board of Education of the j of heirs and order of distribution as in Friday concerning his prohe Susan Wright, . Bolton Representatives from the significant contributions to the About Town in connection with an alleged Town of Vernon, Connecticut said application on file more fully that “it appears that there may Scholarship Fund. State Board of Education^ Middle School and the school appears, at the Court of Probate on July threat against Mary E. Brow­ The Bolton Scholarship Fund will receive sealed bids for: Reservations close Tuesday be some persons tampering visited the bank Tuesday and,') system as a whole. 2, 1973 at 10:30 a.m. ning, 63, of New Britain. with witnesses who are inter­ also made nine awards to SCHOOL SECURITY Madeline B. Ziebarth. Clerk for the Manchester although they offered several His leadership in the field of LaBelle is heading the in­ postgraduates of Bolton High SYSTEMS - ELECTRONIC. Registered Nurses Association viewed in connection with the suggestions, said that building Grant, applications has given Court of Probate, District of Manchester vestigation into the merit School who are presently Bids will be received at the banquet June 26 at Willie’s investigation.” was an exceptionally good buy. the system many invaluable Dick i NOTICE OF HEARING system allegations. He said enrolled in colleges and univer­ office of the Superintendent of ESTATE OF KATHERINE P. NOSKE He warned that persons who The cost of the house to the rear money- boosts which have Steak House and may be made Mrs. Browning, a matron with Schools, Park and School intervie aka KATHERINA NOSKE induce dr try to„ induce sities. of the bank building would not, stimulated the expansion of on­ with Mrs. Miss Francis the state Department of Motor Street, Rqckville, Connecticut Pursuant to an order of Hon. William witnesses to testify falsely or to Recipients of these however, be reimbursed by the going programs and en­ through E. FitzGerald, Judge, dated June 13,1973 Zimmer, 2354 Ellington Rd., Vehicles in Wethersfield, was until 12:00 noon, Monday, June withhold testimony “will be scholarships are Kathleen state, as it is a wood frame. The couraged the development of Bandsta a hearing will be held on an application South Windsor, or Mrs. 25, 1973 and then at said place interviewed June 8 by two of his arrested forthwith.” Buckson, Rosemary Carpenter, estimated $5,000 for new ones. for the allowance of the administration Elizabeth Golden, 3 Hilltop and time publicly opened, read, The si account with said estate, ascertainment detectives in connection With Tampering with a witness Mary Lodi, Marie Paggioli, renovations and furnishing Part of the duties of the new Ave., Vernon. and recorded. of heirs and order of distribution as in the probe and that she was carries a maximum penalty of David Potter, Donald Roser, would be 50 per cent reim­ business manager will be anniverj said application on file more fully threatened Thursday ,hoth a $5,(X)0 fine and five years in Stephen Sherman, Wayne Vin­ Specifications and proposal aj)pears, at the Court of Probate on July Eugene Freeman was in­ bursed by the state, along with applications and follow ups o& Tuesda}( directly and through a friend. prison. cent and^-Elaineii Toner. ■ forms may be secured from the 2, 1973 at 11 a m. stalled as service officer of the half of the purchase price of grants. DeCarlo is assigned to the On behalf of the Republican office of the Superindentent of ^ (June 2i Madeline ^ Ziebarth, Clerk VFW, and William C. Lynn as $140,000, less the value of the Mrs. Gail Sckor, a business Motor Vehicles Department in Town Committee, Kay Peter­ Schools, Park and School , The ir surgeon. Their names were house. education teacher at the high Court of Probate Wethersfield. son presented a cimizenship Street, Rockville, Connecticut. District of Manchester omitted in the story of the VFW school, has resigned effective Bobby F LaBelle's office is in­ award to Richard Alton. Sharon Board of Finance chairman The right is reserved to reject installation ceremonies which June 30. with Joh NOTICE TO CREDITORS vestigating allegations made by Higgins Named •Maneggia received the Stuart Joslin recommended in­ Mrs. Shirley Clark, a teacher any or all bids or any part when appeared in last Tuesday’s the Hartford Courant that'jobs vestigating alternate construc­ such action is deemed in the ESTATE OF ORSOLA RESSIA Herald. To CDC Post citizenship award presented by at Hicks Memorial ^hool, has Pursuant to an order of Hon. William and promotions in the state John Mhhon on tehalf of the tions to house the school ad­ requested a maternity leave to best interest of the Board of E. FitzGerald. Judge, all claims must be civil service have come more Democrat Town Committee. ministration, as the bank Education. (3 ) W TIC The Ladies Guild of the Richard L. Higgins, 26 Green begin at the Thanksgiving presented to the fiduciary named below easily to persons who have The charge to the candidates Raymond E. Ramsdell, Hartford — C on or before September 5, 1973 or be Assumption will have its annual Rd., has been appointed chief of recess and e'nd in mid- was delivered by Col. John E. Superintendent of barred by law. TTie fiduciary is: potluck and meeting Monday at the new Financial Services February. Josephine Hahn Richters Jr. Jukido black belt Schools 6 p.m. in the Church of the Division of the Connecticut 31 Bank Street Display Planned holder, life insurance salesman Assumption Hall. After dinner, Development Commission. Manchester, Conn. and author. 06040 the group Will attend a Novena By Guard Unit His duties include supervising He told the graduates that the in the church sanctuary, where A variety of equipment used the agency’s multi-million About Town Court of Probate. District of Manchester best way yet to come. He said, new officers will be installed. by the Connecticut National dollar revenue, bond program NOTICE OF HEARING “ Learn to love people and use Boy Scout Troop 126, ESTATE OFGERTRUDE JOHNSON. The group will then return to Guard will be displayed in The passed by the 1972 General ALL WORK things rather than to use people Emanuel Lutheran Church, will Deceased the church hall, and a visiting Manchester Herald parking lot Assembly which provides low- I- I and love things.” He told them hold an Eagle Court of Honor Pursuant to an order of Hon. William priest will give an Hour of on Saturday, June 23 from 10 interest, long-term financing E. FitzGerald. Judge, dated June 7,1973 to accept themselves that they Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the GUARANTEED a hearing will be held on an application Recollection talk. Dessert and a.m. to 4 p.m. to help kick off for a variety of development church. A social hour will 25 years’ experience sesquicentennial celebrations. and pollution-control projects. wouldn’t grow or go until they praying for authority to Sell certain real coffee will be served. Mrs. Ted did. He told them to keep follow. Mtate as in said application on file more The support company of the ’The purpose of the program is Brindamour is in charge of the saying, “I gotta be me. I ain't fully appears, at the Court of Probate on 1st Bn, 169th Inf, Connecticut to create new jobs and expand June 25, 1973 at 9:30 a.m. meeting arrangements. Madeline B. Ziebarth, Clerk Army National Guard will Connecticut’s economic base. American Legion Auxiliary provide a display of 106 Prior, to his appointment, BITUMINOUS Court of Probate, District of Manchester will elect officers at its annual millimeter recoilless anti-tank Higgins served as a develop­ ' Open Mondays Year ’Round! i NOTICE OF HEARING meeting Monday at 7:30 p.m. at rifles and 4.2-inch heavy mor­ ment agent and also coor­ small griHs — bug candles ^ DRIVEWAYS, PARKING LOTS, ESTATE OF HELEN LOUISE the Legion Home. A potluck tars, and a display of dinated the agency’s small picniG diesis — thermos jugs ^ ANDRE, Deceased will be served at 6. Members maintenance, medical and the business loan program. TENNIS COURTS, PATIOS, ETC. Pursuant to an order of Hon. William E. F it^ erald , Judge, dated June 12,1973 are reminded to bring food dis­ latest communications equip­ Aftef graduating from the June Specials, Free Estimates a hearing will be held on an application hes for the supper. ment.' University of Connecticut in i!ndf }f s i xfe have every 'i praying that an instrument purporting to This equipment is identical 1966, Higgins joined the Com­ little thing!" be the last will and testament of -Said Sunset Council, Degree of with the type currently being mission as an administrative deceased be admitted to probate as in buy your winning «/I said application on file more fully Pocahontas, will have a potluck used by the active forces and trainee. G&H PAVING Monday at 6;30 p.m. at the provides the local Guardsman the nOriiele ef ma)iil(wdt | loltory tichot c appear!, at the Court of Probate on June He is presently active ia the <)owritown mandUlter. 26, 1973 at 9:30 a m. Zipser Club. The business with up-to-date training during Connecticut Industrial Develop­ at fairway... 649-5233 Madeline B. Ziebarth, Clerk meeting will begin at 8. the course of the year. ment Council. < - - TTIUJ Vi :tion with a re- od disturbance. 1 on his written ar in court July

iloni, 40, of s charged on a arrest warrant redit cards and ly under false e say the arrest nnection with a ;ident. ised on a |500 for court July

ice report a JUNE 16 thru JUNE 22 apparently oc- is morning, at irvice Station at 1 Rd, Rockville, n undetermined

ails of the theft

•t, 23, of 193 ig Rockville, was itoxication and 1. The charges r an investiga- laint from the It, Rt. 83, which man refused to ses. {leased on a $50 for court July ill rse ief

it least 50 years biles started alent in town, ides did start pular horses ' thing that was - Horse thieves autom obile

I’t many horse in 1973 — or so ik •e was a report I in Manchester

normal horse, e is bright red, six-feet in size, I. se, of course, used gasoline sign. It was from Maple c.j, 220 Spruce .

shady-looking ... around on a se, call the ice, who are ulprit. lTIOn " T JID lucation of the I, Connecticut led bids for; SECURITY ECTRONIC. iceived at the erintendent of Dick Clark (above left as he is today) is shown and School interviewing some of the top recording stars , Connecticut through his years on ABC-TV’s “American Monday, June Bandstand.” at said place opened, read, The show’s success will be celebrated in a 20th anniversary special, in two parts, scheduled for and proposal Tuesday (June 23) at 11:30 p.m., and next Saturday ured from the irindentent of (June 23) at 1 p.m. and School ' The interviews show are (top to bottom) with Connecticut, Bobby Rydell in 1960, with Annette Funicello, and * irved to reject any part when with Johnny Mathis in 1958. semed in the the Board of * (3) WTIC (8) WTNH (18) WHCT (20) WATR (22) WWLP (24) WEDH ' (30) WHNB (40) WHYIN I. Ramsdell, Hartford — CBS New Haven — ABC Hartford— Ind. Waterbury — ^BC Springfield — NBC Hartford— PBS New Britain — NBC Springfield-- ABC ent of TV PAGE 2 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD SATURDAY, JUNE 16 SATURDAY, JUNE 16 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD Tonight, June 16 TV PAGE 3 — — 5:00— (30) HEE HAW How Meny Times Have You Been Premised A No Wax Floor That Wasn’t? Daytime TV, Monday Friday (3) PERRY MASON (40) VENGERS Hera’s One That Is — 8:008: 0 0 — ______— 10.-00 — (24) MISTER ROGERS (18) RIGHT ON (3) SUNRISE SEMESTER (3) MOVIE — 4:00 — (20) FILM — 1:00 — — 7:30— SOLARIAN...The Armstrong Floor — 6:10 — , (8) DIALING FOR (3) ANDY GRIFFITH (30) Mc HALE'b n a v y (3) GEORGE KIRBY (8) DAVEY a GOLIa V*!^ DOLLARS (3) JOYCE BROTHERS (8) MOVIE — 5:30— (18) NASHVILLE MUSIC Ttpat Shines Without Wax! (20-22-30) DINAH SHORE (8) W HArs MY LINE (18) JOANNE CARSON (18) CAR AND TRACK (20) FILM — 7:00 — (24) SESAME STREET (20) MY LITTLE MARGIE (20-22-30) SOMERSET (24) ZOOM (22) JONATHAN WINTERS (3) NEWS (40) LEAVE IT TO (22) TO TELL THE TRUTH (24) SESAME STREET (30) LLOYD BRIDGES (8) CARTOONS BEAVER (30) NOT FOR WOMEN (40) LOVE, AMERICAN — 8: 00— VERNON FLOOR COVERING ONLY (3) ALL IN THE FAMILY Kelly Rd. (20-22-30) TODAY SHOW STYLE — 8: 00— Call For Estimates — 10:30 — (40) ALL MY CHILDREN (8-40) HERE WE G a AGAIN 646-7370 (3) NEWS (20-22-30) BAFFLE — 4:30 — — 8:00 — (18) MOVIE (18) DEL REEVES (40) DICK VAN DYKE (3) MERY GIFFIN "The Flying Missile" (1950) COUNTRY CARNIVAL (3) CAPT. KANGAROO — 1:30 — (24) THIRTY MINUTES (40) JACK LaLANNE — 11:00 — (3) AS THE WORLD TURNS (18) NEW ZOO REVUE (24) SP O R TS ’70s (8) NEWS (30) BLACK EXPOSURE (8-40) LErS MAKE A DEAL (20) MY LITTLE MARGIE — 8:30— (20-22-30) SALE OF THE (20-22-30) DAYS OF OUR (22) MIKE DOUGLAS — 6:30— (3) A TOUCH OF GRACE — 8:30 — (8) i LOVE LUCY CENTURY LIVES (30) GILLIGAN’S (3)-CBS NEWS (18) WILBURN BROTHERS (40) W H A T’S MY LINE ISLAND (8) NEW S (40) ROMPER ROOM — 2:30 — — 9:00— (40) I LOVE LUCY (20) MAKE ROOM FOR — 11:30 — (3) LOVE IS A MANY (3) MARY TYLER MOORE — 9:00 — (3) LOVE OF LIFE DADDY (3) HAP RICHARDS SPLENDORED THING James Garner portrays a racing-car driver in “ Grand (8-40) STRAUSS FAMILY EXPERiENCE (8-40) BEWITCHED (8-40) DATING GAME ■ — 5:00 — (22-30) NBC NEWS (8) PHIL DONAHUE (18) PORTER WAGONER ONE OF THE REASONS (20-22-30) HOLLYWOOD (18) JIM a TAMMY Prix,” a movie to be aired by NBC-TV in two parts tonight (24) TURNING POINT (20) ROMPER ROOM (20-22-30) DOCTORS X (2-22-30) MOVIE (24) MISTER ROGERS (June 16) and Tuesday (June 19), both nights at 8 p.m. (40) REASONER REPORT WHY YOU CAN ENTRUST YOUR (22) KITTY TODAY SQUARES — 3:00 —/ "Grand PrIx" (1966) (30) BEVERLY HILLBILLIES — 12:00 — — 7:00— (30) MIKE DOUGLAS (3) THE PRICE IS^IGHT (40) McHALE’S NAVY — 9:30— (40) STRUM a DRUMMERS (3) NEWS (8-40) GENERAL HOSPITAL (3) WILDLIFE THEATER (3) BOB NEWHART (8-40) PASSWORD (8) LAWRENCE WELK HEARING — 9:1.'! — (20-22-30) ANOTHER — 5:30 — T V Notes (18) GOSPEL JUBILEE (20-22-30) JEOPARDY (20) NBC NEWS PROBLEM TO OUR CARE (3) YOGI BEAR WORLD (20) MAKE ROOM FOR “ Roberta Flack ... The First Corp., the hamburger (22) NEW S . — 10:00— — 12:30 — — 3:30 — ' DADDY (3) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ^ — 9:30 — (3) SEARCH FOR l-me Ever,” a visual song restaurant chain, he money will (24) MASTERPIECE (3) GAMBIT (3) RANGER STATION (22-30) HOGAN’S HEROES album, will be presented by permit the successful program THEATER (8-40) JIGSAW TOM ORROW (8-40) ONE LIFE TO LIVE (24) ELECTRIC COMPANY (24) DAVID SUSSKIND (22) NOT FOR WOMEN (8-40) SPLIT SECOND (40) NEWS ABC-TV Tuesday, June 19, at 8 to continue for another year. ■j ------ONLY (18) LIVING WORD (20-22-30) WHO.WHAT, OR (20-22-30) RETURN TO p.m. Song highlights include — 11:00— Your Beltone HEARING AID SERVICE (40) FLINTSTONES — 5:55 — “ The First Time Ever I Saw An ABC»TV “ News Inquiry” (3-8) NEWS ‘ Neighbor WHERE PEYTON PLACE (3) NEWS One of the most sensitive Your Face,” ‘‘Summer special — “ Oceans; The Silent (18) I SPY > John D. Hulscr • Yree Home Appointinrnta — No Obligation • areas in the world today — the Breeze,” and “ Killing Me Soft­ Crisis” — has won an awardin (40) ABC NEWS Sinai Peninsula, captured by . 34 PRATT ST., HARTFORD, CONN. Phone 247-7724 ly With His Song.” the environment category of (20) HAVE GUN Israel in the Six-Day War of Monday, June 18 the American Film Festival- Open Mon, - P'ri. 9 to 5 — Saturdays 9 to 1 1967 — is the subject of a “ NBC WILL TRAVEL — 6: 00— — 9:30— Educational Film Library — 11: 00— “ Zoom,” the Public Broad­ (3-8-22) NEWS (40) COLOR OF BLOOD Reports” special Tuesday, July Association competition. The — 11:30— =^lll (3) DORIS DAY (3-8-18-22-30-40) NEWS casting Service children’s show 10, at 10 p.m. NBC-TV crews (3) MOVIE (18) I SPY documentary film (broadcast — 10:00— (20) HAVE GUN — — 1: 00— threatened with extinction (20) SOUNDING BOARD traveled throughout the penin-» May 29) spotlighted the en-“ "The Glen Miller Story" (1954) (3) MEDICAL CENTER WILL TRAVEL (8) COLOR OF BLOOD financially, will be able to stay sula by jeep for more than two (8) MOVIE (24) SESAME STREET croaching poliution of tte "Dayton’s Devils" (1968) (24) THE SESSION (24) JANAKI on the air, thanks to a $565,000 months in preparation for the (30) TO TELL THE TRUTH (3) MOVIE Earth’s waters by industrial (40) THRILLER — 10:30— contribution from McDonald’s special, “ Sinai.” (40) DANIEL BOONE — 11:30— waste. (20) JOHNNY CARSON (18) LIVING WORD (3) MOVIE — 6:30— (24j HOW DO YOUR "Man from God's Country" (1958) (8) MOVIE Sylvania: (3) CBS NEWS CHILDREN GROW? (20-22-30) JOHNNY CARSON "Man From God's Country " (1958) (8) ABC NEWS Sunday, June 17 (22-30) NBC NEWS — 7:00— — 7:00— i — 10:30— — 2: 00— — 6:30— (8) THIS IS THE LIFE (3) MOVIE (30) CATHOLIC SERVICE (8) MOVIE (8) TEMPERATURES RISING — 7:30— — 11:00— "The Bob Malhlas Story" (1954) (18) AMAZING GRACE "Annie Get Your Gun" (1950) (8) TRUTH OR (8) WORSHIP (3) CAMERA THREE (30) MOVIE (20-22-30) NBC NEWS END OF YEAR SALE (22) GOSPEL HOUR (8-40) BULLWINKLE "Juarez" (1939) CONSEQUENCES (24) THIRTY MINUTES (18) DICK VAN DYKE (30) RING AROUND THE (22) CELEBRITY BOWLING (40) MOVIE • STEREO WORLD "Blockade" 1038) (22-30) NEWS — 11:30— . — 7:00— (24) LOVE TENNIS — 8: 00— (3) f a c e t h e s t a t e (3) PAINTING — 3:00— • TELEVISION (40) ABC NEWS (3) DAVEY 8i GOLIATH (8) DIALOGUE (3) CBS SPORTS (8) PARENT GAME — 7:30— (8) CATHOLIC SERVICE (22) SPORTS ACTION (18) SHARE ^ (18) T E A C H IN (8) POLICE SURGEON (30) UNDERDOG (30) ADELANTE (20-30) WILD KINGDOM — 3:30— • RADIOS (18) MOVIE (40) CLOSEUP (40) MAKE A WISH (22) NEWS . (8-40) GOLF TOURNAMENT (24) ZOOM "Man In the Dark" (1953) — 8:30— —NOON— (18) RELIGIOUS TOWN HALL (20) FILM (3) CAPTAIN BOB (40) IT TAKES A THIEF (3) CHALLENGE — 4:00— SPECTACULAR SAVINGS (22) HOLLYWOOD SQUARES (8) CAPTAIN NOAH (8) CONN. SCENE (18) MAYOR’S HOUR Summer Hours Close 12 Noon Sat. (24) CHAN-ESE WAY (22) BILLYj JAMES HARGIS (20) MEET THE PRESS — 7:30— (24) SPEEKING FREELY (3) DICK VAN DYKE (30) MOUSE FACTORY (30) ROCKEY 8i HIS (30) MEET THE PRESS (8) CONN. SCENE (40) POLKA FRIENDS (40) ROLLER DERBY — 4:30— (40) DAY OF DISCOVERY (3) CBS TENNIS CLASSIC (20-22-30) WORLD OF — 8: 00— — 12:30— (18) COUNTRY PLACE DISNEY ELECTRONICS (8-40) JACQUES COUSTEAU ^ ^9 :0 0 — (3) FACE THE NATION STANEK (20-22-30) BASEBALL (22-30) ZLATEH THE GOAT (24) NATURALISTS (3) INTERlbAT’L ZONE (8) BLACK IS 277 BROAD STREET — PHONE 649-1124 PREGAME SHOW (8) CARTOON CARNIVAL (20-22-30) — 5:00— — 8: 00— (24) RICH AT THE TOP { 2 i ) EAR TH LAB (3) UFO — 1: 00— (18) JOURNEY TO (3)M.A.S.H — 9:00— (30) TENNESSEE TUXEDO ( 3 ) CONGRESSIONAL ADVENTURE « (8-40) FBI (3) HERE’S LUCY ^(40) LATUM REPORT (24) DEBATES FOR THE ’70s (18) GOD’S GOOD NEWS (8-40) MOVIE (8) EIGHTH DAY (24) AMERICAN ODYSSEY ■Rogue's GAIIery" Capt. Jacques Cousteau and his underwater adventurers test a full-sized decoy that will -9 :3 0 - (20) FILM — 5:30— (18) 700 C LU B ' enable them to move into and film a herd of hippopotami in East Africa’s Lake (18) JIMMY SWAGGART (3) WE BELIEVE (22) MOVIE Make a Difference Where You Save! (24) FROM CENCEPTION Tanganyika. Their results, the ABC-tV special — “ Hippo! — airS Monday (June 18) at 8' (8) MAKE A WISH (20) FILM — 8:30— IT DOES "Duck Soup" (1933) (3) MANNIX TO CONSUMPTION p.m. (repeat). (30) JONNY QUEST (30) WHAT ABOUT WOMEN (30) LEE TREVINO (18) CHALLENGE OF TRUTH (40) JEWISH HERITAGE “ft 'ft f t (40) CONVERSATION WITH — 8: 00— (20-22-30) COLUMBO INSTANT I —10:00— (3) THE WATERGATE YEAR — 1:30— EARNINGS Tuesday,’June 19 (3) LAMP UNTO MY FEET (3) MOVIE (18) NEW DIRECTION — 9:00-«- vS AVIMGS (8-40) CURIOSITY SHOP SINGERS ■» , "A Message to Carcia" (1936) (8-40) PILOT FILMS — 6: 00— (20) FILM — 10: 00— (22) CHURCH SERVICE (24) TURNING POINT 5% Dividend paid (8-40) MARCUS WELBY (8-40) ISSUES & ANSWERS (18) KATHRYN KUHLMAN S S t ) 4 I \ I I {J .VJ (3-8-22) NEWS (22) POLICE SURGEON (30) WORLD OF SURVIVAL (30) LET US CELEBRATE (30) JUNIOR TALENT SHOW (24) MASTERPIECE rrom day of depoait. (18) ISPY (24), BOOK BEAT (20-22-30) NBC REPORTS > THEATER //tfstnr/rm s a vtMfos 4 times T^rly. (20) SOUNDING BOARD (30) ANIMAL WORLD (2 4 )'PLAYHOUSE N.Y. ■ aacaasTtfi etetsT riwaactat laaTivTiee (24) SESAME STREET (40) DRAGNET — 9:30— — 10:30— - T - (30) TO TELL THE TRUTH Furniture — Carpet (3) BARNABY JONES ______I'OU* M APi ST.. MANCHESTER e ROUTE SI. OOVENITIY — 8: 00— (18) LIVING WORD (40) DANIEL BOONE r B l A U " " Bedding — Appiiances (18) ORAL ROBERTS (3) M AUDE — ITrOO— • — 6:30— (8) DEAL WITH THE ISSUES (3-8) NEWS I Furniture Stores — : — Ills MAIN "STREET, MANCHESTER 10 00 (3) CBS NEWS (18) ADVENTURER \ (18) LIVING FAITH (18-22-30-40) NEWS ^ IliiMletown — Old Saybrook — (8) ABC NEWS (20-22-30) MOVIE \ OPEN MON. Him FRI. till 9 p.M. (Sal. lill 5:30) (24) FIRING LINE (20) HAVE GUN — (22-30) NBC NEWS (24) HOMEWpOD WILL TRAVEL — 10:30— — 7:00— — 8:30— (3) PROTECTORS — 11:30— MANCHESTER (3) UNTAMED WORLD (3) HAWAII FIVE-O (3) MOVIE & BOUTIQUE (22) MANCINI GENERATION (8) TRUTH OR (8-40) MOVIE (30) WHNB-TV REPORTS "The Girl who KnowToo Much" VILLAGE BRIDAL SHOP SALES CONSEQUENCiS ‘‘The Heist" ( 1956) - OLDSMOBILE (18) MANCINI GENERATION (20>22-30) JOHNNY CARSON WEDDING GOWNS — 11: 00— (18) DICK VAN DYKE (3-22-30) NEWS "Your Oldsmobito Dealer" (22-30) NEWS ' — 9:00— (40) AMERICAN • BRIDESMAIDS GOWNS ^ (24) ZOOM t (18) 700 CLUB BANDSTAND'S — 11:30— 20TH ANNIVERSARY • MOTHER OF THE BRIDE DRESSES (3) NAME OF THE GAME 512 WEST CENTER ST. - 543-1511 Ricardo Montalban guest- (40) ABC NEWS (24) INTERNATIONAL Mon.-Sat. 10-6 Kelly Rd. (8)M O V IE stars as a prince in CBS- —7:ib— PERFORMANCE — 1: 00 — Open: Thura.-Frl. 10-9 Vernon Circle Tel. 643-4809 "Bobby tWare Is Missing" (1938) TV’s “ Here’s Lucy” Mon­ (3) I’VE G O T A SEC R ET (8 ) -AMERICAN (18) NEW S — 9:30— day (June 18) at 9 p.m. (8) YOU ASKED FOR IT (3) PILOT FILMS BANDSTAND'S (22-30) JOHNNY CARSON NEW or USED (repeat). (18) JONATHAN WINTERS 20TH anniversary TV PAGE 4 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD SATURDAY, JUNE 16 Wednesday, June 20 — 6: 00— (24) FRENCH CHEF (24) AMERICA *73 (3-8)22) NEWS (40) ABC NEWS — 11:00— Attention: (18) I SPY — 8:30— (3-8) NEWS (20) SOUNDING BOARD — 7:30— (8^0) MOVIE Brides To Be E SpeCiCJi\\N| -f oi- (3) NEW PRICE IS RIGHT (18-22-30-40) NEWS 'fouri9 readev-s (24) SESAME STREET •Th» Heart*.’' (20) HAVE GUN — Why take a chance on the (30) TO TELL THE TRUTH (8) LErS MAKE A DEAL (20-22-30) COOL MILLION WILL TRAVEL most important occasion of h ■ y ' (40) DANIEL BOONE (18) STAND UP a CHEER (24) JANAKI your life. Why not let one of (20) FILM — 9:00— our Hairstylists guide you to — 8:30— (22) WAIT TILL YOUR (3) DAN AUGUST — 11:3 0— select a hairdo that’s suited (3) CBS NEWS FATHER GETS HOME (8) 700 CLUB (3) MOVIE for you. (8) ABC NEWS (24) MAKING THINGS GROW (24) GOVERNOR’S REPORT "With a Song In My Heart" (1952) (22-30) NBC NEWS (6) MOVIE (30) CIRCUS — 10:00— GOLDEN CHARM — 7:00— (40) DRAGNET "World Without Sun" (1964) (3) CANNON (20-22-30) JOHNNY CARSON (3) AMERICAN ADVENTURE — 8: 00— (8-40) OWEN MARSHALL COEFORES (8) TRUTH OR (40) CHAD EVERETT AT ilii (3) SONNY AND CHER (20-22-30) SEARCH TEXAS 649-2806 V, CONSEQUENCES (8-40) THICKER THAN (24) HOMEWOOD 1143 Tolland Tpke. \ y = £ j - (18) DICK VAN DYKE MEDICAL CENTER The Mini Page is a member of the Educational Press Association of America. WATER __ — 10:30— Burr Corners (22-30) NEWS (20-22-30) ADAM-12 (18) LIVING WORD — 1: 00— Manchester # • y.- (8) CHAD EVERETT “Let’s Got Together at the Golden Charm” By BETTY DEBNAM Ling-Ling Do Their Zoo Thine! p n April 16,1972, the male panda, Hsing- ¥ SSiof ^P^°” °^*?ced shing-shing), and the female pan(ia, Ling-Ling, arrived at the Na­ tional Zo() in Washington. A goodwill gift from the People’s Republic of China, they PULL SELECTION OP soon became one of the biggest tourist at­ IMPORTED AND tractions in the country. DOMESTIC WINES • The pandas live in a large, air condi­ tioned Panda House. Because their house • 1 LIQUORS - p l u s - and outdoor yard is being remodeled, the h a r v e s t HILL pandas will he kept indoors all summer. ______DISCOVERY When the yard is finished, it will be planted This beguiling group of puppies will grow up to be among b r a n d s the m ost vicious creatures in the anin(ial kingdom. Wild Goodall and the Worid of with bamboo, grass and shade trees. dogs which roam Africa are the subject of the Emmy- f ju ™ Africa,” Thursday .MASTER CHARGE PERSONAL CHARGE I planning to visit the pandas, Thursday, June 21 ACXXIUNTS INVITED try to be there at their feeding times, 9:30 TE L . 649-0446 m the morning and 4 in the afternoon. — 6: 00— (18) DICK VAN DYKE (24) PLAYHOUSE N.Y. (3-8)22) NEWS (22-30) NEWS — 11:00— Ihey are most active then and might be (18) DICK VAN DYKE (24) ZOOM — 9:00— (3-8) NEWS (3) MOVIE Our SPEEDY Specialty asleep at other times. (20) SOUHDING BOARD (40) ABC NEWS (18-22-30-40) NEWS TRULY DELICIOUS (24) SESAME STREET Petulla" (1968) (20) HAVE GUN — The pandas live in cages right next to (30) TO TELL THE TRUTH — 7:30— (8) JANE GOODALL WILL TRAVEL CHICKEN (40) DANIEL BOONE (8) THIS IS YOUR LIFE (18) 700 CLUB (24) JANAKI each other and are separated by a wall in­ (20) FILM — 9:30— Brown in 6 Minutes Panda pictures courtesy doors and a fence outdoors, — 6:30— (22) THRILLSEEKERS (24) JUST JAZZ — 11:30— The world’s “ finest eatin’ To panda watchers it is quite (3) CBS NEWS (24) ERICA (3) MOVIE chicken” with incomparable the Smithsonian Institution (8) ABC NEWS — 10: 00— taste. obvious that Ling-Ling and • Though it is unusual to breed pandas in (30) WAIT TILL YOUR (8-40) STREETS OF SAN "Sergeant Rutledge" ( I 960) (22-30) NBC NEWS FATHER GETS HOME (8) MOVIE \ CALL IN ORDER Hsing-Hsing like each other ^ s , it is hoped that Ling Ling and Hsing- FRANCISCQ Pick Up 10 Minutes Later — 7:00— (40) DRAGNET (20-22-30) DEAN MARTIN "Hantfe of a Stranger" (1962) very much. They have never Hsing will become parents when they be­ (3) NATIONAL (20-22-30) JOHNNY CARSON — 8: 00— (24) INTERNATIONAL (40) CRIMEWATCH WITH DECTS DMVE-W come full grown, about 16 to 22 months. GEOGRAPHIC (3) THE WALTONS been pujt together, but are (8) TRUTH OR PERFORMING TRUMAN CAPOTE 462 CENTER ST. 643-2669 (8-40) MOD SQUAD — 1030— separated by’walls and wire CONSEQUENCES (20-22-30) LAUGH-IN — 1: 00— • Pandas come from the mountains of (18) LIVING WORD (8) CRIMEWATCH fences. China where the weather is cold and rainy Friday, June 22 all year around. ‘ 1.. — 6: 00— (20-22-30) SANFORD AND • When they are full grown, pandas weigh (3-8-22) NEWS SON (20-22-30) JOHNNY CARSON (18) I SPY ^ t a n e k around 300 pounds and measure about six (24) WASHINGTON WEEK — 1:00— (20) SOUNDING BOARD IN REVIEW (8) MOVIE iLKrRONi:S feet from the tip of their noses to the end (24) SESAME STREET "The Maverick'-^ ( 1952) of their tails. (30) TO TELL THE TRUTH —8:30— (20-22-30) MIDNIGHT Laeon.'uofiiE s (40) DANIEL BOONE (8) ODD COUPLE SPECIAL 1 • In captivity, pandas are fed bamboo, (20-22-30) LITTLE PEOPLE — 1:50^ 277 BROAD — 6:30— _ (24) JUNE WAYNE i (3) CBS NEWS ' (3) MOVIE bread, fruit, cereal, vegetables, eggs, chick­ (8) ABC NEWS — 9:00— "U Grows on Trees" (1952) en, vitamins, salt, honey and raisins. (22-30) NBC NEWS (8-40) ROOM 222 fJLMmUL Ling-Ling is the more friendly Pandas' can pick food with their front paws (2()-22-30) CIRCLE OF FEAR One of itature’s most awe- of the pandas. and carry: it to their mouths., Sometimes — 7:00— (24) AMERICAN ODYSSEY inspiring events —’ the total loiai t t m (3) WORLD OF KRESKIN solar eclipse — will be telecast Above, she takes a bath in a they eat while lying on their backs. (8) TRUTH OR — 9:30— (8-40) LOVE THY NEIGHBOR by NBC-TV Friday, June 29. as CONSEQUENCES It occurs over Kenya, East STEREO panda-size wooden bucket. (18) DICK VAN DYKE — 10:00— Africa, at 10:40 p.m. The “ live” • Pandas usually have one baby at a time. (20) NBC NEWS (8-40) BURNS AND via satellite special is the first RADIOS It weighs about four ounces at birth. (24) CPTV REPORT v SCHREIBER in three program^ planned by > I (40) ABC NEWS \ (22-30) BOLD ONES NBC during the ellipse.. TV-Radio Sales and Service — 7:30— (24) NATURALISTS • In the wild, pandas usually live alone (3) WHArS HAPPENING — 10:30— This is how you anti pair up only during the breeding season (8) LASSIE (24) FROM CONCEPTION TO Atlantic Heating Cil which lasts for a month during the spring. (18) BASEBALL CONSUMPTION L.T. WQQD CQ. Dolroil Tigers vs Yankees would write the — 11: 00— 51 BlsaellSt.M3-1129 Mary FYann has joined the (20) HUMAN DIMENSION (3-8) NEWS • Young pandas often climb trees. Adults (22) LE rs MAKE A DEAL (18-22-30-40) NEWS cast of NBC-TV’s “Return (24) WORLD PRESS For 24 Hour B in o r Service, Phono 649-3701 pandas’ names in do, too, once in a while, but they are to Peyton Place,” seen (20) HAVE GUN — (30) HOLLYWOOD SQUARE WILL TRAVEL Stuffed pandas have been a favorite of clumsy. Pandas c^n lean against something weekdays at 3:30 p.m. She (40) NANNY a (24) JANAKI children for years. With the arrival of and push themselves into standing position, plays a powerful in­ , t h e PROFESSOR Don WILLIS Garage ChinesW. ' dustrialist. — 11:30— SPECIALISTS IN . ® Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing, the sale of but they do not walk on their hind legs as — 8:00— (3) MOVIE (3) MOVIE WHEEL ALIGNMENT AND these popular toys has hit record highs. some bears do. "Blood and Sand " (19 4 1) b r a k e s e r v i c e Genesis i r (1973) (8-40) IN CONCERT (8-40) BRADY BUNCH g e n e r a l a u t o r e p a i r (18) NEWS ^ 649-4531 - 18 MAIN ST., MANCHE.«;t f r F Puzzle-le-do" Every answer in this puzzle begins Meet the Relatives: Lesser Pandas! with the letter F. Super Sport: Chi Chi Rodriguez across: f l c M - U , p "7/vc 1. The number after fou rteen...... Chi Chi Rodriguez, once the 4. Hair on an animal is biggest clown in professional i t s ...... golf, is joking less and concen­ The tooth...... puts fT money imder your pil- L trating more on the game. As low when you loose a result, Chi Chi won $113,000 one. Em in 1972. Rodriguez, who is five 6. Over, done with, com- A mother lesser panda feet, seven inches tall and pteted.>leted. . g— 7. Bob loves French...... and her baby. weighs 120 pounds, grew up in with his hamburger. Puerto Rico. He taught him­ d o w n : ANSWER BOX self how to play golf. Chi Chi 1. Beds, chairs, tables »•*! -fl •^•1 *e made balls out of tin cans and and couches are all Jfl *2 •in)|iunj *t clubs out of guava trees.'Rod- He CRs//v\ahe. cfessc^■i^' oMoa 'JacKi'e, 2. A of evergreen I r n riguez also overcame a critical ’Disappear! tree...... Ajm *9-9 childhood illness. Chi Chi is a 3. Wrong, not true____ _ UMIIUanj *1> very religious man and says 5, Quick, speedy...... ■Kuay God has done a great deal for Congratulations Jackie McMillan of Greeneville, Tenn., you’re a Reddi-Wief Winner! Don t let ^®sserts go out undressed. Reddi-Wip makes them taste their best! him. A product of Hunt-Wesson Foods, Inc.

^ T . M . ^ Mini Jokes W ord-a-ma-jig' Secret Do: Decodes the message! Do the math under each blank. Match the What one letter can you add to the end of all these Mswer with the number, and then the words to make a new word? Add the letter. Say the letter m each block. Then read the words. Ask Mom to see if you’re right! message! (H a t di\d 1 h e lelephone sa\j to 1. rid...... /. scrap ...... The mother lesser A be *ba"lhtub3> X panda’s name is k 2. Tim 8. h a t...... Mara. If buttercups are yellov^, 3. hid.. wKat qre biccups? 9. S id ...... 10. h op...... ‘ ______9 Pictures courtesy the Smithsonian Institution 2XH 2 * 3 3 X 7 32t 2 4 • Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing are called ^‘giant 11. "mop...... L

pandas, although they aren’t as large as this term ■b would lead you to believe. 6. tap 12. pan ...... ANSWER BOX The I.ETrER E

Though some scientists disagree, pandas are usu­ • m d z i .dotu.'it Kloq 01 »P!* '6 .J.q s •a*% 'O «iu -g .pi|. ■, 0 atui, j ,p[j ., ally classified as members of the raccoon family and not the bear family. Panda Sundae'______Try ’N Find:“ Water Fun YouCQUCcwer • The lesser panda is a relative of the giant panda. 1. PuY a Water fun words are hidden in this block of let­ VdqcV Though not as famous, a family of four lives in the ters. They run across and down. See how many you can find. Scoojp of' .. Washington Zoo. cotNoies vonilla ice Lessor pandas are different from giant pandas SW 1 MM I N in many ways. They are smaller. Giant pandas are cream In [M h Sa^e 0io<3 /rttHTh K A B U C K E black and white, lesser pandas are chestnut with I T 0 S H E L Q dish. cream colored faces. Their tails are full and have nil SQU^nj" Vvu s h bands. In the wild, lesser pandas travel in pairs or in r Nou oia. sa-Ces a -te cr M E R \ D T S 2. Add’ ®MPPC iam ily groups.^ r » o n o D ^ v j S R G B I C F chocola+e s u m m e r •• PH K Rva 1 • The giant pandas are found only in China, the Cookies dbr ears. lesser pandas live in the Himalayas from Nepal and 0 L T S I 0 P 3. For e^es ard nnotrth, add chocoWte Sikkim eastwards to upper Burma and southern ■I * O U V W N M X China. They live higher in the mountains and like a L 1 F E G U A drops or ^ small caiviies. ANSWER BOX colder climate than the giartt pandas do. puM *i»oq *M|«M '(ood *ii|« :uMO(j pjtmf«ji| ’ ||9«|w ‘futuiunMv :m oi»v

/ / Newsmakers:

The Leaders of China W/ Mao-Tse-tung (MAH-o-dzuh^' uphe \8 %o legis doong) is the Communist leader conti of the People’s Republic of China. Th He is very old now. He was in cons a . Dem charge of the Communist army / Nove that took over China in 1949. Repu If const have lb whetl Premier Chou En-lai (jon-en-lye) valid, this r is in charge of China’s dealings ►.17 The with other countries. He has been Super \3 It was a friend and aid to Mao-Tse-tung a cast 28, plan V for years. Const! \0 Den gerryi paid n A the qu /vlini S p n "" “It •5 politic ‘iapple. •'Icnair • 1 neQr+ side til I arouse • \ K\ta * \ balloon 8 7 - • p^\r of eNe glasses A7 o 0 0 •1 SQil- looaf «\b Jut o A “Hew It has b( life, wil notation ferventl; generatii sant a pi In his.( E. Bud chapter and whi publishet O HS • The boi arrange Manches celebrati enough, Manches A M ini Page “How Do You Do?” I Entitle How do you write from 1 to 10 in Chinese? We have AW a b o a rc i •the left space for you to practice! ' | Pr endsbvp f 1 2 3 ^ tit 5 Friendship ■mg\n^ i 0 ) •Mi P someone *4 a ladder A/, i >>ben i I h e ’s s W V 6 7 \n a-tree ft. 8 9 10 1 »• «. ^ 0 . / \ V u ___ _ w ords __ ■ ,< -f 1 . ,0ont worrv^.Vleve on 1be \Na\/ w lh help” \ o 1 «• \

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