Helions Bumpstead Village Magazine

March 2021 Editorial…

After a few glorious days of spring sunshine, and recent news of the ‘roadmap’ out of lockdown, I am feeling hopeful that spring is on its way, and we will soon be allowed to meet friends and family again. Hopefully we will also have the opportunity to participate in some of the many village activities that we have missed over the last year. With this in mind, the Village Hall Management Committee has decided to plan a village fete, hopefully to be held in early September, as long as regulations allow. This will be done in memory of Margaret Picton and Jane Catchesides, who were so instrumental in organising past fetes. Jane and Bill Slade have kindly volunteered to coordinate this event, so please get in touch with them if you are able to help out, provide prizes, etc. - contact details inside. Also in this issue is an update on the Three Horseshoes from the Community Benefit Society; news on various local issues from both the parish and district councils; and an excerpt from the newsletter of Unity Healthcare (formerly Christmas & Clements Surgery) about the local vaccine programme. Fingers crossed that the number of Covid cases continues to decline, and the restrictions continue to be lifted. In the meantime I hope you all stay safe and well, and enjoy the lengthening evenings and slightly warmer weather.

Editor: Jackie Tyler, Ivy Todd, Drapers Green, Helions Bumpstead, CB9 7AT 07796 262737 [email protected] Copy date for the June magazine is 12th May please ADVERTISING / CLASSIFIEDS

Please send all advertising to the Editor - details above. Please include a billing address. The Parish Clerk will bill you after publication.

Cost per issue

Black/White Colour Full page £25.00 £30.00 Half page £15.00 £18.00 Quarter page £10.00 £12.00 Eighth page £5.00 £6.00 Revenue raised from advertising offsets the cost of producing the magazine. Teenagers advertising for babysitting, dog walking and the likes do NOT have to pay. The magazine is produced quarterly in March, June, September and December in A4 size. Copy date is 12th of the month prior to publication. Obituaries, birthdays, births, greetings for occasions such as anniversaries - all accepted and free of charge, but subject to resizing by the Editor. Chair’s Report Helions Bumpstead Parish Council

I hope everyone is keeping well. I know that we are all looking forward to the summer and the opportunity to meet again with friends, family and neighbours.

There have been some changes in the parish council over recent months with Chris Brown stepping down as Chair. Everyone on the council would like to thank him very much for all his hard work and support during his time with us. I have stepped in as Chair to cover the period until May. Chris’s resignation means that we do now have a vacancy on the parish council and we welcome applications from any village resident. If anyone is interested in finding out more about the role please do get in contact with me or with any of the other councillors.

You will all be aware of the proposal from Catesby Estates to develop a wide portion of land south of Haverhill up to the border of Helions, Steeple and Sturmer. In January we submitted an extensive response to the consultation on the West Local Plan, bringing together the comments submitted to us by village residents. In February a meeting was held between representatives of Catesby Estates and members of Haverhill Town Council, PC, Sturmer PC and ourselves. Serious concerns about the proposal were raised by all councillors present, most especially in relation to the lack of employment opportunities in Haverhill to support an increased population and the additional strain on an already overstretched transport network. Catesby were clear that if the development did not appear within the Local Plans for Braintree and West Suffolk then it would not go ahead. The first draft of the West Suffolk Local Plan will not be ready until January 2022 and it is at this stage that we will know if the development has been included as an option. If it has, there will be further opportunities for consultation and comment at that stage.

The winter has seen extensive rainfall and subsequent flooding of local roads. We are putting together a flood management plan for the village and I would like to take this opportunity to remind local landowners of their responsibilities to keep the ditches that border their land clear.

We continue to monitor the state of local footpaths and report any damage to County Council. If you are aware of any repairs that need undertaking please do let us know and we will ensure that Essex CC is notified. There is work already scheduled to take place as soon as the ground is somewhat dryer.

Please remember that if there are any village issues that concern you, you can contact me or any other member of the parish council and we will do our best to resolve them. All our contact details are in the magazine and on the website.

Sue Kehr, Chair, HBPC 730819, [email protected] https://helionsbumpsteadparishcouncil.gov.uk Helions Bumpstead Parish Council - Useful Information

PARISH COUNCIL OFFICE If you need the Clerk please contact: Cathryn Carlisle, by phone on her home number - 01440 731 964 - or by email: [email protected]

POLICE It is no longer possible to phone a local police station direct. In an emergency, ring 999, and for anything else ring 101 from any phone and ask for the control room, or https://report.police.uk/

EMERGENCY NUMBER WHEN TRAVELLING IN EUROPE For ALL emergency services while travelling in Europe CALL 112.

NOISE COMMUNICATIONS TEAM – STANSTED AIRPORT To report any low flying aircraft contact the above department directly on: 0800 243788 or email [email protected]

RECYCLING Please contact the Clerk on the number above if you require any additional clear recycling bags.

MAJOR ACCIDENTS AND INCIDENTS Please report any road accidents or major public incidents directly to the Clerk.

If you require any further information on any of the above items or any other Parish Council matters please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk using the contact details above.

Cathryn Carlisle, Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer Herkstead Green Bungalow, Cornish Hall End, CM7 4HH 01440 731 964 [email protected]

Mobile Post Office The mobile Post Office service is now running from the car park of the Three Horseshoes on Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:30am. There is also a small shop service through which groceries and greengroceries can be pre-ordered. Please ring or email for details and orders to: 01371 810310 / [email protected] The Emergency Page

In the event of an Emergency, ring one number in each of the first 3 headings 1 – 3 and then the appropriate number to address the particular type of Emergency you are having.

1 Emergency Services Police, Fire, Ambulance 999 Suspicious Incident with possible illegal implications 101

2 Parish Council Co-ordinators First Line of Address Tel No Sue Kehr Wiggons Farm 730 819 Neville Nicholson Lancelots Farm 730 580

3 Braintree Emergency Manager Kathy Brown 01376 55 25 25

Highways Services Problem line Essex CC 0345 603 7631 (option 1) Electricity Central Control (Nationwide) 0800 404 090 UK Power Networks 0800 31 63 105 or 105 Anglian Water 0845 7145 145 Local Doctors The Surgery, Bower Hall Drive Steeple Bumpstead 841 300

Emergency Equipment and Operators Chain Saw 1, Ploughing Firebreaks 2, Snowplough 3, Emergency Generators 4, Pumps 5 Operator Equipment available Malcolm Cox 1 1 Sages End Road 730 171 07909 750 186 Adam Haylock 1,2 Copy Farm 730 265 07836 385 504 Andrew Gage 1,3,4,5 Board Barn Farm 731 760 07977 222 884 Jonny Ramsey 1,3 Chestnut Lodge 730 230 Mark Istance 1 Avalon, Church Hill 730 812 Neville Nicholson 1,4 Lancelots Farm 730 580

Halls for Accommodation / Refuge Village Hall Key Holder Malcolm Rowson The Old Post Office 731 744 Martin Catchesides New House Farm 730 422 Sue Kehr Wiggons Farm 730 819 Gospel Hall Key Holder Michael Ramsey Slate Hall 730 288 Jonny and Susan Ramsey Chestnut Lodge 730 230 St Andrew’s Church Warden John Robins 3 Mill Road 730 608

Notes If you are able to offer an expertise or service and would be willing to be included in this list, please let me know on 730 580 or [email protected]. UK Power Networks is the number to ring for 11KV power line problems; they run a Priority Registration Scheme where vulnerable people can register for special attention in an emergency. Anglian Water run a similar scheme called the Water Care Register. HELIONS BUMPSTEAD COMMUNITY BENEFIT SOCIETY THREE HORSESHOES update FEBRUARY 2021

PUB UPDATE: It will not come as a huge surprise that our prospective tenants had second thoughts about committing to the hospitality sector during lockdown. We have therefore resumed our search for a tenant and already we have some new interest. The Covid pandemic has been devastating for the sector, and in some ways we consider ourselves lucky as a social landlord not to have seen any tenant of the Three Horseshoes suffer financially during these times. We are in contact with the 23 other community-owned pubs in East Anglia and there are many who are have found the going very tough indeed. Fortunately for our CBS the Three Horseshoes is in a relatively strong position and we can afford to wait, although we would obviously prefer not to.

COVID GRANTS ENABLING INVESTMENT: Throughout the Covid Pandemic we have qualified for the relevant business grants – as a legitimate business and as a wet-led pub. We have put some of these funds to good use in that we are currently waiting for delivery of a huge commercial parasol to cover the top deck of the pub patio which should make a significant difference for use of the outside space. A second project is to improve the car-parking area.

MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AIDER – FUNDING: In addition to government funding, we also secured a grant via the Plunkett Foundation funded by East Anglian housebuilder Hopkins Homes which will cover training for two mental health first aiders. The idea is to complement existing support networks within the village (and nearby villages) and add capacity in an area of growing concern nationally. This resource will not be a counselling service so much as a trained listening ear for those who are experiencing personal difficulty or worried about others who may wish to talk in confidence and perhaps be signposted to professional services. Literature and poster campaigns will also be available in the pub. Please contact Alison in confidence ([email protected]) if you would be interested in receiving the training.

ANY PUBLICITY IS GOOD PUBLICITY ? Having received the above-mentioned grant, we were approached by the Daily Telegraph and BBC Essex to talk about our village and community owned pub - see & listen here - www.helionscommunitypub.co.uk A photographer came down for pictures of Alex & Jacqui (our Post Mistresses), Richard and Alison. All good profile for our venture but as you can see from the photo, not an entirely comfortable experience – we apologise for not being able convene a group photo which would have incurred a fine!

OIL TANK: Just as temperatures were breaking the wrong sort of records, we were informed by our heating engineer that cracks had appeared in the pub’s oil tank. We successfully applied for an emergency Community Initiative Fund from Essex County Council, received much needed advice from Mark Sparkes in the village (our local OFTEC registered oil heating engineer in the village) and finally the multi-talented Steve Kiddy who took away our offending tank. We now have 6 weeks to wait until the fire-proofed “bunded” replacement arrives. The more recent spring-like conditions have been accordingly welcome.

POST OFFICE: We are so pleased the Post Office service (on Thursday morning 09:30-10:30) is going so well and their greengrocery service has been handy. Feedback is always a boost, with one piece of spontaneous praise coming in…. “The Finchingfield ladies are great...their produce is the best…regular deliveries and the facility with the Post Office has made a real difference”.

Because it’s a mobile service, there are occasional hiccups. Jacqui and Alex post a live update here: http://www.finchingfieldpo.co.uk/Mobile-Branch-Service-Status For Grocery orders please ring or email orders to 01371 810310 / [email protected] We also email service changes to our mailing list & pin last-minute changes onto the pub post.

GETTING STUCK INTO THE GARDEN: As we wait for the pandemic to recede, we are looking forward to getting stuck into the pub garden - even if the pub isn’t permitted to open properly we are optimistic the outside space will begin to show its value. There’s huge potential for us to work and learn together in the pub-garden in common cause. Each Saturday we aim to have sessions in the garden (provided we can be Covid Secure) with composting, digging and planting – finishing, if permitted, with some liquid refreshment. Details will be distributed through our normal communication channels.

COMMUNICATIONS: Please do email us at [email protected] if you want to join the Society email list, or follow us on Facebook for our occasional posts on #savethethreehorses.

Time permitting, we aim to start monthly printed mailshots across the village for Society and pub events to ensure that all our neighbours, including those not on email, know what will be happening when.


HELIONS BUMPSTEAD VILLAGE HALL As you will all know the Village Hall has been closed since the last report due to Tier 4 regulations and then full Lockdown so there is little to report. I’d like to thank Dave West and Phil Snowden for their help in putting the Christmas tree and lights up outside the Village Hall. Looking forward the Committee has decided that we would like a Fete to be organised in memory of Margaret Picton and Jane Catchesides and we would hope to have some of the usual stalls, a flower show, a dog show and performances by local musicians and artists. It is hoped to arrange a date in early September and Jane and Bill Slade have volunteered to be lead volunteers but they will need help from as many volunteers as possible to arrange the various activities. This is an opportunity for newcomers to the village to get involved and meet people and for others who would like to join in to do their bit. If you are willing to help, please contact Jane and Bill on [email protected] or 07748 962154. Obviously this will all depend on being able to arrange within whatever regulations are current at that time. Re-starting activities will also depend on relaxation of the current regulations. Malcolm Rowson, Chair, HBVHMC

Helions Mutual Support Network (HMSN)

The Village Support Network is STILL there!!

The established network of helpers was amended and expanded as we entered the first lockdown. Several of the ‘old’ helpers are just that…over 70! But, thankfully the Parish Council and others created a list of around 28 amazing younger volunteers, called HELIONS HELPING HANDS. They are still ready and willing to help…..and they certainly have HELPED many of us!

Life has been pretty tough for us all this year and for some it has been especially difficult but the Helions community has been and still is there to support us when we need it.

Shopping has been done, prescriptions collected, many telephone calls made to ensure people are OK and I’m sure people have been helped in numerous other ways too.

A huge THANK YOU to each of our wonderful Village Helpers. What would we do without you?

If you need assistance don’t hesitate to contact one of us and we will ask one of the fantastic volunteers to help you:

Sue Kehr 730819 or [email protected] Charlotte Purdie 730323 or [email protected]

Take care and keep safe and well HELIONS BUMPSTEAD 100 CLUB Thank you to all those members who renew every year, many of whom have been in the 100 CLUB since its inception. Membership has fallen recently and there are currently only 82 memberships.

Membership is STILL only £12 per year (just £1 per month). There is no limit on the num- ber of memberships you can take out, you might consider including family and friends. The draw takes place monthly, half the membership money for that month is paid out as 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes, and the other half goes to Village Hall funds.

If you are new to Helions Bumpstead or perhaps a ”lapsed” member, or someone who just hasn’t got round to joining, please consider joining or perhaps taking out membership for a member of your family by completing the form below and return- ing it to me. If you would like more information please telephone me on 01440 731744.


1st Marlene Holt 1st Len Robins 1st HBCC

2nd Martin Catchesides 2nd Michael Claydon 2nd Sally Nason

3rd Phil Snowdon 3rd Robert Lloyd 3rd Juliet Barrows

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… HELIONS BUMPSTEAD 100 CLUB APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Please return to Jo Rowson at The Old Post Office, Church Hill, Helions Bumpstead, CB9 7AJ

Name ……………………………………………………………………………….


………………………………………………………………… (please print) Telephone number...... I enclose the sum of £...... to cover...... membership(s) £12 per membership - cheques payable to Helions Bumpstead Village Hall THANK YOU Jo Rowson

RAFA Rides 2021 - out on the road and virtually Fundraising for The RAF Association (RAFA) The RAF protects our peace and security 24/7 throughout the world. Which is why I am joining cyclists from around the globe and joining Team RAFA to show my support. Collectively we are aiming to cycle 24,901 miles in 24 hours, with riders from Europe, the USA, Australia and New Zealand, all connected by one aim: support for our RAF community. The virtual event will take place at any time in the 24 hour period from 19:00 on Friday 4 June 2021, to 19:00 on Saturday 5 June 2021. From static bikes in living rooms, to taking to the mountains on cross country bikes - logging the miles, you can watch us soar round the world! Personally I'm virtually riding 150 miles on my trainer outside my bungalow - 7 Sages End Road on Saturday 5 June. All fundraising will ensure we can continue to help all those in need of our support. If you are able to support me, please visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Damian-Harriss7 Thank you!. Damian Harriss, 7 Sages End Road

for a better service Car Repairs, Servicing & MOT’s Free Collection & Delivery (Breakdown Exempt) 01440 714903 20-22 Hollands Road, Haverhill, CB9 8PP St Andrew’s Church

Leadership Team Revd Canon Jonathan Lowe The Vicarage, 3 Church Street, Steeple Bumpstead, Essex CB9 7DG Tel: 01440 731687, Email: [email protected]

Revd Sue Cruse 01787 462062 [email protected] Revd Theresa Lowe 01440 731687 [email protected] David Buckley 01440 730333 [email protected] Churchwardens: John Robins 01440 730608 Jane Slade 07748 962154 [email protected]

Updates and how to get help during the COVID-19 period

At the time of writing, the Government has not suspended public worship, however, the Diocese of Chelmsford has advised that we should set a good example in protecting our communities by suspending public worship during this lockdown. We continue to be the worst hit area of the country and our hospitals are now under extraordinary pressure. We must therefore do all we can to protect the most vulnerable and the NHS. Consequently, all services across the Two Rivers Benefice will now revert to online only. The on-line services are aimed at the whole family and are also available afterwards so you can watch in your own time. Simply type the following links into your browser: Facebook: http://tiny.cc/7y6zlz YouTube: http://tiny.cc/nx6zlz You can also listen to the daily “Words of Encouragement” via the YouTube and Facebook links.

Other Ways to Worship If you are unable or would prefer not to access the online worship, we also offer a weekly written service or can provide you with the service on a DVD to be played on your DVD player or a CD (audio only) version of the service each week. If you need any of these alternative forms of worship or if you need any help, spiritual or practical, or would just like to speak to someone, please contact us in the following ways: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 07311 824822 and leave a message. Text: Send a text message to 07311 824822.

If you have a prayer request or would like someone to pray with you, you can contact our prayer team as follows: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01440 785759 (Jill Smith, Prayer Coordinator)

Please do regularly check the Two Rivers Facebook page or contact the Churchwarden for the latest information. We look forward to worshipping together again soon. “The Trials of Jonah…” The days when every child could tell you about the heroes of the bible are long gone, but the story of Jonah is one that is often recalled, particularly when we go through difficult times like we are at the moment. It’s because the tale of a man who tries to run away from God is totally unforgettable. But just in case, these are the highlights. God tells Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh and tell the citizens that God is going to destroy every last one of them because of their wickedness. Jonah doesn’t much fancy acting on God’s request, so he boards a boat going in the opposite direction. While aboard, a violent storm batters the ship, and Jonah realises that the only way that the ship can be saved is if he is thrown overboard. The reluctant crew do as Jonah asks, and the storm subsides. Jonah meanwhile is swallowed by a giant fish where he spends three days coming to his senses. The fish spews him on to dry land, Jonah goes to Nineveh to deliver the message from God, the people of Nineveh repent, and God decides that having turned from their evil ways he will not bring the destruction he had threatened. Which would be a great place to end the story. But in the book of Jonah, we can read a final chapter where we find the title character sitting despondently at a distance from the city waiting to see God’s wrath poured out onto the evil people. Why is Jonah so downcast? ‘Because you are a gracious and compassionate God’ says Jonah, ‘slow to anger and abounding in love. I knew that you would relent. I’ve wasted my time and risked my life telling them that the fire of God would be spent upon them. But it hasn’t come.’ But God asks Jonah if it’s right for him to be angry? ‘Get your priorities right’ says God. ‘If you’re more worried about yourself than the thousands of people living in the city, then you need to look at the kind of God I am.’ Some see God as an angry deity who sits at a distance, occasionally lobbing a thunderbolt and indulging in a bit of smiting. But that doesn’t reflect his true nature. Jonah got it right. Our God is gracious and compassionate. Mostly though he is the God of love, ready to forgive the repentant and welcome them into his kingdom. And there’s no better place to be. Blessings, Jonathan

Small financial grants for times of hardship available The trustees of the Charity of the Helions Bumpstead and Baxter Charities have small grants available to ease financial hardship for anyone who lives in Helions Bumpstead. If you would like to apply for a grant, please don’t hesitate to contact one of the trustees, and if you think one of your neighbours might benefit from a grant, please encourage them to contact a trustee.

The trustees are: Revd Canon Jonathan Lowe 731687 / [email protected] John Robins 730608 / [email protected] Jane Slade 07748 962154 / [email protected] David West 730154 / [email protected]

Redundancy - Help from Uttlesford Frontline

Job loss through redundancy confronts more and more of us in these uncertain times. And even if it comes as no surprise, its impact cannot be underestimated. More often than not, there will be severe financial consequences, an inevitable blow to self esteem and of course the million dollar question of What Next?

Redundancy is an extremely complex issue, and while employers have a legal obligation to follow correct procedures it is always advisable to make sure you fully understand all the the in's and out's of what is happening and are satisfied that your employer is fully compliant with the law. For instance if you decide to accept an offer of 'suitable alternative employment' within your organisation, your employer is obliged to offer you a four week trial period without affecting any of your statutory rights. And if there is a suitable alternative job which is not offered to you, then this could be classed as unfair dismissal by an employment tribunal.

If in doubt or unclear about any aspect of the redundancy procedure, then trusted organisations such as Citizens Advice can help. In addition to employment issues, it can also advise on the inevitable money problems that accompany redundancy and with identifying and applying for available benefits as well as how best to handle debt problems..

Finding new employment is a challenge for anyone facing redundancy. Today's jobs market is highly competitive and you may feel you lack the necessary skills for success. Practical help with job search, CV writing, application letters and interview techniques are offered free of charge by The Transition Project in Saffron Walden and the new Employment Support Scheme from the CVSU (Council for Voluntary Service Uttlesford). Their volunteers are trained in negotiating the complexities of the job-seeking market.

Details about all these services plus more information relating to redundancy are instantly accessible from Frontline. This is your comprehensive online library of local resources giving you direct access to specialist organisations that can provide help with many of life's problems - in most cases with the opportunity to self refer. In addition Frontline has compiled a comprehensive 7-page fact sheet "Preparing for Redundancy" downloadable free of charge.

Visit www.uttlesfordfrontline.org.uk How to Protect Your Dog From Being Lost or Stolen have seen an increase in dog thefts among our rural communities. While many dogs are companions, some are also working dogs which have been trained to help others and they love the work. PC Nigel Wright from the Rural Engagement Team said: “Working dogs can be a real asset to farmers, they are not only a beloved member of the family but also a vital member of staff. All dogs should be microchipped, it helps us when trying to identify a dog’s rightful owner, should they get lost or stolen. If your dog is stolen please report it to the police via our online service or 101. The sooner you report it the quicker we can have our officers looking out for them, when they are on patrol and carrying out other activities”. PC Wright also suggests that you take photos of your dog at different times of the year, as their coats can change, and it will help make them easier to identify. Most dogs are stolen for breeding or to be resold. When buying a new dog if you have some concerns, ask a vet to check their microchip and medical information. You can report a stolen dog to Essex Police via phoning 101 or via their website and remember to also inform the local Council Warden and vets as well. www.essex.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime Jane Frankland the stolen dog’s coordinator from DogLost said: “Many dogs are being stolen because of a sudden high demand due to an increase in the price of puppies. Dogs are known to have been taken from gardens, kennels even when on walks. We would advise to always be on your guard and even if you think you have a secure garden, do not allow your dog to be alone for a long time without checking on them, better still be there with them. Make sure your dog is microchipped as stated by law and check your details are up to date especially if you have changed mobile numbers. You can help increase the safety of your pet by checking your garden or land is secure regularly and if they are kept outside, make sure their kennels are locked overnight. By varying when and where you take your dog for a walk and not create a walking pattern, you can make it harder for them to be targeted”. Your dog should always wear a collar and ID tag with your name and contact details on it. Train your dog to come back when called and don’t let them off the lead in public until you are sure they will obey your call. Avoid leaving them tied up outside a shop and don’t leave them alone in the car. People have also taken to social media, stating that dog thieves are believed to be targeting homes and pets through a chalk marking outside houses, appearing on their fences, gates and even bricks of their homes, particularly in Suffolk. Therefore, stay vigilant. Cllr. Diana Garrod Bumpstead Ward

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Helions Bumpstead Gospel Hall

‘Where is He that is born King of the Jews’ Matthew 2:2 ‘Are you the King of the Jews?’ Mark 15:2 ‘This is the King of the Jews’ Luke 23:38 ‘The King of the Jews’ Mark 15:26 ‘Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS’ John 19:19

It was a climatic close to the life of Jesus of whom it was declared, ‘He went about doing good.’ Acts 10:38. He was scourged with rods by Roman soldiers until His back was likened to a ploughed field. They plaited a crown of thorns and crowned Him, clothed Him in a purple robe and put a reed in His hand, they bowed before Him and mocked Him, saying ‘Hail King of the Jews!’ John 19:1-3.

Ironically, in His life most of those who referred to Jesus as ‘King of the Jews’ were non-Jews. Early in the life of the Lord Jesus, wise men from the East asked ‘where is He that is born King of the Jews?’, at the end of His life, Pilate asked ‘are you the King of the Jews?’ John 18:33. Pilate showed Him to the people and told them to ‘Behold your King!’ John 19:14, to which they cried ‘Away with Him, crucify Him…………We have no king but Caesar.’ John 19:14-15. The Jews had rejected the Lord Jesus as their Messiah and King. He was nailed to the cross, and ‘above His head was placed the written charge against Him…This is Jesus King of the Jews.’ Matthew 27:37

The Jews knew from their sacred writings which we now have in the Old Testament of the Bible, that God had promised a Messiah, a future King. Jesus was the promised Messiah. The Jews had been waiting for Him for generations, but they were expecting someone who would come as a political ruler, someone to lead them against the Romans who had invaded their country and now ruled over their nation and lives. Instead, He was a lowly, humble servant, Jesus of Nazareth. They refused to acknowledge Him for who He was. They dismissed His claims, that He was the Son of God sent to save His people, as blasphemy, which fuelled their hatred and determination to destroy Him.

When He hung on the cross, it was not the end. God had given His ‘Only begotten Son’, who gave His life, willingly, so ‘that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life’ John 3:16 Peter in his first sermon tells the Jews that ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ was a ‘man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by Him in the midst of you…Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, you have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain: Whom God has raised up.’ Acts 2:22-24 Jesus died, was buried, rose again and is now in Heaven.

The Bible is God’s word and message to everyone. Just as God had promised to send a Messiah, and He fulfilled that promise, so He has made many promises which He has and will fulfil. One of these promises is that one day the Jewish Nation, in fact all the nations, will bow down to Jesus. ‘at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, …in heaven…in earth ….under the earth; …every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father’ Philippians 2:10-11

Today, many still reject Jesus. He has brought love, hope and peace to a troubled, sinful world. Something that no-one and nothing else can give. We are fearful. Everyday the news is full of COVID-19 and its effects. We are so grateful to the medical staff and researchers and all who put their lives on the frontline for us. The vaccine has given some hope, but not even that is secure. We are still not sure how much protection it will give and for how long. Jesus Christ is the only true answer to a troubled heart. He is the Son of God who loved you and gave Himself for you so that if you ‘confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved’ Romans 10:9.

This Easter time, take time to think about Jesus ‘King of the Jews’

The following is a hymn which we often sing:

The Theyfollowing bound is a thehymn hands which of we Jesus often in sing:the garden where He prayed

They led Him through the streets in shame; The following is a hymn whichThey spat we oftenTheyupon bound sing:the Saviour the hands so pureof Jesus and in free the gardenfrom sin, where He prayed They said, ‘crucifyThey led Him! Him He’sthrough to blame.’ the streets in shame; They bound the handsThey of spat Jesus upon in the the Saviour garden so where pure and He freeprayed from sin, UponThey His precious led Him headthroughThey they said, the placed ‘crucify streets a crownHim! in shame; He’s of thorns,to blame.’ They spatThey upon laughed the Saviour and said, so ‘behold pure and the free King!’ from sin, They struck HimThey and theysaid,Upon cursed‘crucify His precious Him, Him! and headHe’s they theyto mockedblame.’ placed aHis crown holy of name, thorns, They laughed and said, ‘behold the King!’ All alone He suffered everything. They struck Him and they cursed Him, and they mocked His holy name, Upon His precious head they placed a crown of thorns, All alone He suffered everything. They laughed and said, ‘behold the King!’ To the howling mob He yielded, He did not for mercy cry, They struck Him andThe theyTo cross the cursed howling of shame Him, mob Heand He took theyyielded, alone; mocked He did His not holy for mercy name, cry, And when HeAll cried, alone ‘Tis He finished!’Thesuffered cross everything.ofHe shame gave HimselfHe took toalone; die, Salvation’sAnd when wondrous He cried, plan ‘Tis finished!’was done. He gave Himself to die, To the howling mob He Salvation’syielded, He wondrous did not forplan mercy was done. cry, He Thecould cross have of called shame ten He thousand took alone; angels And whenTo He destroy cried, ‘TistheHe finished!’worldcould have and He calledset gave Him ten Himselffree; thousand to angelsdie, HeSalvation’s could have wondrous calledTo destroy ten plan thousandthe worldwas done. andangels, set Him free; But He diedHe alone, could havefor you called and ten me. thousand angels, But He died alone, for you and me. He could have called ten thousand angels Carl Ray Overholt To destroy the world and set Him free;©1959, renewed 1987 by PsalmSinger MusicCarl Ray Overholt He could have called ten thousand angels, ©1959,(Admin renewed by Music 1987 Services by PsalmSinger Inc) Music CCLI Copyright (Admin Licence by 287310 Music Services Inc) But He died alone, for you and me. CCLI Copyright Licence 287310

Carl Ray Overholt You may like to Youlook may at the like following to look at websites:the following websites: ©1959, renewed 1987 by PsalmSinger Music hbgospelhall.com (Admin by Music Services Inc) hbgospelhall.com CCLI Copyright Licence 287310 your542day.comyour542day.com understandingthegospel.orgunderstandingthegospel.org Helions Bumpstead Helions Bumpstead Gospel Hall Gospel Hall

You may like to look at the following websites: hbgospelhall.com your542day.com understandingthegospel.org Helions Bumpstead Gospel Hall

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I will, as soon as it is permissible for us to gather as a group of volunteers, send out via the village email system a call to arms – in the interim if anyone feels sufficiently energetic and can spare some time to help clear , bags have been left, but please respect present guidelines. Although “one swallow does not make a summer “ – the emergence of bulbs for me signals Spring, hopefully by the time this goes to press, villagers will be able to enjoy the splendour of the bulbs on the Village Green. Dave West (730154 / 07796 801784)

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01223 832 928 www.rothwells.biz Stop Stansted Expansion The Parish Council gave the three minute presentation below to the Appeal by Stansted Airport to increase passenger numbers from the current 28 million p.a. to a limit of 42 million p.a.. Helions Bumpstead Parish Council Objection to Increased Passenger Numbers at Stansted APP/C1570/W/20/3256619 Good Morning, I am representing the views of the residents and Parish Council of Helions Bumpstead. 20 years ago, planes occasionally flew out from Stansted Airport, turned over Helions Bumpstead and flew back to the airport. That was because the runway was busy and the aircraft were stacking to wait for a landing slot. But this stacking has gradually increased until, before lockdown, stacking aircraft were usually turning over Helions Bumpstead all day from June to November and sometimes on into the night. Obviously the considerable noise in a quiet area 15 miles from Stansted, represents a loss of amenity and the downwash from planes flying repeatedly over the same route causes their chemical and particulate pollution to be mixed with surface air over a wide area. But the main issue is the unnecessary release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere causing climate change. Stacking planes waste tens of thousands of tons of fuel, flying slowly in warm, dense air with frequent turns which makes them very inefficient and they consequently release far more carbon dioxide than in normal flight. It is the single most unnecessary and environmentally damaging of commercial aircraft practices and increasing passenger numbers at a single runway airport would exacerbate the problem and greatly increase the unnecessary release of carbon dioxide Everyone else is trying to reduce their carbon footprint, insulating their houses and electric cars using renewable energy. We replaced our perfectly serviceable boiler with an apparently more efficient model while Stansted was simultaneously flying aircraft in pointless circles above our house on tax free fuel. That is neither equitable nor reasonable. The problem is that the runway at Stansted is full and the airspace above it is overflowing. The planes are like cars circulating around a full car park, looking for a place to park, but with hugely greater environmental consequences. Allowing an increase in passenger numbers at Stansted, with a consequent increase in unnecessary carbon dioxide release, would directly contradict the Government’s legally binding commitment to reduce net carbon dioxide emissions to zero by 2050. It would also conflict with the Government’s levelling up agenda where it seeks to move employment and economic activity to the north of where there are already many under used international airports and stacking is not necessary. Stansted should not be allowed to expand their passenger numbers until they eliminate stacking.

January 2021

Q I don’t think the I’m at risk, so why should I have the vaccine?

A Being vaccinated against COVID-19 is a fully tested and safe way to reduce the risk of dying or becoming seriously unwell from this potentially deadly disease. Vaccination, sanitation and clean water are the main reasons why we are living longer than we did in medieval times. Many people have mild symptoms, but it only takes a look at the daily figures from Government briefings to see alarming numbers of hospital admissions and deaths. What is often under-represented is the number of people who have the infection leading to longer term, often disabling, symptoms known as “long COVID” which can affect all ages. There is currently no treatment for this longer-term complication. The best chance we have of getting life back to normal is mass vaccination as soon as possible.

Q Why are you not doing more, faster?

A We are limited by the amount of vaccine but anticipate that the programme will continue to accelerate as supplies become more readily available.

Q Do you have enough staff to do deliver the vaccination programme?

A Yes, but this is another reason why it is being done outside of the surgery. Suffolk GP Federation has back office resources which has enabled a large number of additional people to sign up to help administer the vaccine and the clinic, with supervision from a duty clinician. We will do our best to continue providing (as close to normal as practicable) GP services as we have done throughout the pandemic via the Unity Healthcare team based at the Clements Surgery.

Q How can I help?

A When invited for vaccination, please respond promptly and make sure you attend your appointment. Avoid spreading misinformation online and try to reassure your friends and neighbours. Be kind and courteous to the staff who are working tirelessly to help you. Continue to support one another as you have done so well throughoutJanuary this pandemic, 2021 which a real credit to the people of Haverhill. Dear Pa tents, I want to share with you a few important updates. First and foremost, coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is here! Dear Patients

Sufolk I want GP to Federa share withton you and a few Unity important Healthcare updates. have worked together to set up a mass vaccinaton centre at The First and EpiCentre foremost, in coronavirus Enterprise (COVID Way, -19) Haverhill vaccine is here! Research Park, to serve the enSuffolk GP Federation and Unitytre popula Healthcareton of the have worked together to set up a mass vaccination town and surrounding areas, which is approximately centre at The EpiCentre in Enterprise Way, Haverhill Research Park, to serve the entire population of 50,000 people. This has been an enormous piece of the town and surrounding areas, which is approximately 50,000 people. This has been an enormous work behind the scenes, and I’m sure you will share piece of work behind the scenes, and I’m sure you will share my appreciation for the unsung heroes my appreciaton for the unsung heroes who have who have been involved in this ambitious set-up. been involved in this ambitous set-up. Some Frequently Asked Questions: Some Frequently Asked Questons: Q Why are you not doing vaccinatons at the surgery? Q Why are you not doing vaccinations at the surgery? A The nature of this vaccine is that 1,000 doses need to be administered every week. We do not have sufcient space to ofer appointments at this level at the Clements Surgery (or any of our satellite sites) A The nature of this vaccine is that 1,000 doses need to be while adhering to social distancing measures and conadministered everytnuing the general work of general prac week. We do not have sufficient space tot ce. Q When will I get my vaccinaton? offer appointments at this level at the Clements Surgery (or any A NHS England has produced a priority system, and paof our satellite sites)tents will be contacted when it is their turn. The while adhering to social distancing practce has no infuence over this, so please do not contact us. measures and continuing the general work of general practice. Q How do I know that my invitaton to make an appointment for vaccinaton is genuine? Q When will I get my vaccination? A You’re right to be wary because there have been a number of scams. You will never be asked to pay for this vaccinaton, nor for personal A or NHSf nancial England details. has produced COVID-19 a priority vaccina system,ton and is patients provided will free of charge by the NHS. be contacted when it is their turn. The practice has no influence Q Why The EpiCentre? over this, so please do not contact us. A We needed a locaton with sufcient space, suitable storage facilites and good parking that was available for use in a prominent locaton. We are very grateful for the o fer from The EpiCentre to use their excellent faciliQ How do I knowt es. that my invitation to make an appointment for vaccination is genuine? Q Is COVID-19 vaccine safe? A All A You’re of the right COVID-19 to be wary vaccines because have there been have been through a number rigorous of scams. test ng. You will They never have be asked been to developed relatpayvely quickly because doctors and scien for this vaccination, nor for personal or financialtsts from across the world have been working on it as a details. COVID-19 vaccination is provided free global priority. No shortcuts have been taken. of charge by the NHS.

Other newsQ Why The EpiCentre? An invitaA Wet neededon to provide feedback to a public consulta a location with sufficient space, suitable storageton regarding the formal closure of the Camps facilities and good parking that was Road site has already been circulated. Please feel free to contribute your views. We are not using this available for use in a prominent location. We are very grateful for the offer from The EpiCentre to site (other than as a shared coronavirus “hot site”). It would be beter used if community services and/ use their excellent facilities. or the Haverhill Family Practce could occupy it. We conQ Ist COVIDnue to be available to help you as best we can with your medical needs. As the vaccina-19 vaccine safe? ton campaign gears up, we may ask you to bear with us as we juggle these responsibilites. However, we will conA Allt ofnue to try our hardest to provide you with the excellent access and support that you have the COVID-19 vaccines have been through rigorous testing. They have been developed grown more accustomed to since we implemented our new system. We conrelatively quickly because doctors and scientists from across the world have beentnue to recruit new sta working on it as a f (as resource allows), so you will see growing numbers of new faces, voices and names. Please make global priority. No shortcuts have been taken. them welcome! Dr David Brandon and the Unity Healthcare Management Team

Unity Healthcare, Greenfelds Way, Haverhill, 01440 841300, www.christmasandclements.co.uk Message From Your District Councillor

Latest Budget News BDC’s Cabinet has decided to freeze its share of council tax for the year 2021/22 in recognition of the financial challenges due to the pandemic. This will go forward for formal approval at BDC’s Full Council meeting 22/02/21. Car parking charges will also remain frozen in 2021/22. Half a million pounds will be earmarked for future climate change initiatives including increasing the number of electric charging points, creating a community tree and bulb planting scheme and investing in cycling as a sustainable method of transport. Work continues on the Climate Change Strategy and it will be published later this year. The Council has also set aside money for its Exceptional Hardship Fund which can provide short- term assistance to families facing exceptional financial difficulties, and further money to help prevent homelessness. Money is also allocated for disabled facility grants which help vulnerable people make changes to their homes so they can remain independent. Business Support The Covid-19 outbreak still presents a significant challenge to businesses. Between March 2020 and 03/02/21 BDC have issued £35 million to more than 2,600 businesses. More about all the grants and support at www.braintree.gov.uk/helpforbusinesses Test & Trace Support Payment This is still in place and low-income households may be entitled to a one-off payment of £500 if they are required to stay at home and self-isolate. Eligible residents: www.braintree.gov.uk/coronavirus Community Transport For any resident of the Braintree District Council area who does not have access to transport, transport can currently be provided for emergency health related appointments including coronavirus vaccinations. Transport is offered to those who have a mobility difficulty, people who need to travel in their wheelchair and those who are able bodied. To allow for two metre distancing, one passenger will be carried at a time, or two from the same household or if the individual needs a carer. The driver sits behind a Perspex screen and vehicles are sanitised between every trip. Transport for vaccinations is currently free of charge and is offered seven days a week from 8am to 6pm. For other health related appointments, e.g. doctor/dentist, a subsidised fare is chargeable. T: 01376 557883 9am-3pm. An answerphone is available to leave a message outside of these hours. Covid-19 Vaccine Scams Indeed, at the time of writing this the UK had vaccinated more people than the rest of the Europe combined, and the Government hopes that by the middle of February a first dose will have been offered to everyone in the four top priority groups. Coronavirus related scams which includes ruthless criminals calling, texting or visiting individuals offering Covid-19 vaccinations for large cash sums are increasing, so remain vigilant to these opportunistic criminals who are using this crisis to trick people. Remember a genuine NHS Covid-19 vaccination booking will NEVER: Ask you for payment or any bank details. Ask you to press a button on your keypad when on the phone. Ask you to send a test to confirm the booking. Covid-19 Vaccine – Who CANNOT have the vaccine? Public Health England information states that the vaccines do not contain living organisms, and so are safe for people with disorders of the immune system. These people may not respond so well to the vaccine. A very small number of people who are at risk of Covid-19 cannot have the vaccine and should discuss this with their GP if they are in any doubt. This includes people who have severe allergies. Women of childbearing age, those who are pregnant or breastfeeding should read the detailed information on www.nhs.uk/covidvaccination. Please discuss any doubts with your GP. With best wishes to all, Cllr. Diana Garrod District Councillor - Bumpstead Ward

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Mobile : 07979 620488 At this difficult time, we are fortunate to live in such a lovely area where we can take exercise close to home in attractive and interesting surroundings. One of the local delights is the number of thatched buildings. Thatch was once the roofing choice of the poor as it was locally sourced, inexpensive and sustainable; now it seems that only the better-off can afford the necessary regular servicing and replacement. Most roofs are thatched with long wheat straw and many are topped out with a decorative straw feature on the apex. These are called straw finials. Pheasants and foxes are still among the favourites for this tradition that goes back centuries. These finials may once have been installed to keep away birds or even witches, while some may have been the trademark of the individual thatcher. Today, they are more likely chosen by the customer from an online catalogue. They seem to be more abundant and varied than ever. I have spotted some fine examples around The Hundred Parishes such as the two running hares on a cottage at . In Finchingfield and Radwinter you may find families of ducks and there is a large thatched cow on the barn of the Red Cow pub at Chrishall. You may see a hare on Dick Turpin’s Cottage at Hempstead or a galloping horse at Great Bardfield. High Roding has a delightful cat stretching up the chimney stack and a fox chases a hare in Brent Pelham. An eagle has landed in Aythorpe Roding and there is a flying pig in Ugley. The 16th-century Thatchers pub at Hatfield Heath is appropriately situated on a road that was once part of the route for horse-drawn cartage of wheat from Suffolk to London. Do keep looking up! Ken McDonald, Secretary Helions Bumpstead Parish Council 2020-2021

Chair Vice-Chair Ms Sue Kehr Wiggons Farm Wiggens Green Helions Bumpstead Suffolk CB9 7AD ( 730819 [email protected]

Parish Councillor Parish Councillor Richard Kirkland Mr Neville Nicholson 2 Horsham Hall Cottages Lancelots Farm Copy Hill Drapers Green Helions Bumpstead Helions Bumpstead Suffolk CB9 7AB Suffolk CB9 7AT [email protected] ( 730580 [email protected]

Parish Councillor Parish Councillor Andrew Parker Mr Nigel Turner Roskins Meadow, Parsonage House Water Lane Wiggens Green Helions Bumpstead Helions Bumpstead Suffolk CB9 7AL Suffolk CB9 7AD ( 730079 ( 730243 [email protected] [email protected]

Parish Councillor Parish Clerk Ms Sue Cunningham Ms Cathryn Carlisle Cosy Corner Herkstead Green Bungalow Sages End Road Cornish Hall End Helions Bumpstead Essex CM7 4HH Suffolk CB9 7AW ( 731964 ( 730500 [email protected] [email protected]

County Councillor District Councillor Mr David Finch Mrs Diana Garrod Blacksmiths Cottage Pope Mill Farm Borley Coupals Road Sudbury Sturmer Suffolk CO10 7AE Suffolk CB9 7UW [email protected] ( 01440 712742 [email protected]

Village Magazine Editor Newcomers to the Village Mrs Jackie Tyler ( 730959 Sam Smith ( 730347 [email protected]

Website Master Mr. Martin Catchesides ( 730422 [email protected] Village Hall Management Committee Members 2020/21


Chair Malcolm Old Post Office, Church Hill [email protected] Rowson 731744

Vice-Chair Sue Kehr Wiggons Farm [email protected] 730819

Treasurer David Marne House, Church Hill [email protected] Hiscox 731937

Secretary vacant

Minutes Sue Kehr Wiggons Farm [email protected] Secretary 730819

Bookings Secretary Martin New House Farm [email protected] Catchesides 730422

Committee Michele 2 Mill Road [email protected] Member Wilkinson 730537

Committee Nigel Parsonage House [email protected] Member Turner 730243

Representative Sue Kehr Wiggons Farm [email protected] - PC 730819

Representative Jane Slade Hill House, Church Hill [email protected] - PCC

Representative Martin New House Farm [email protected] - Table Tennis Catchesides 730422

Representative vacant - Bowls Club

Sub-Committee Members: Finance: David Hiscox, Malcolm Rowson House: Malcolm Rowson, Sue Kehr

Registered Charity Number 301337 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES (most clubs not currently running)

Club Time/day Venue Book Club Approx every 6 weeks Call 730422 Bowls Club Tues and / or Fri 7.30pm Village Hall Church Services Please see church noticeboard St Andrew’s Church Church Tapestry Club 1st Tuesday of the month 2.30 pm Various Helions Bumps & Babes not currently running Helions Village Hall Karate Club Saturdays 9-10:30am Village Hall SB Parent Baby & Toddler Group Tues 10.00am -12.00 noon SB Village Hall SB Pre-School Play Group Mon to Fri – 9.15-12 noon SB Village Hall Singing For Fun Sundays, 3-4pm Village Hall Table Tennis Club Thursdays: 7pm Village Hall


Please contact the organiser of the club or group to check before attending a meeting.

Club / class, etc Contact name Contact Number 100 Club Membership Jo Rowson 731744 Book Club Martin Catchesides 730422 Bowls Club John Hudson 07847 403744 Church Bells – Tower captain John Robins 730608 Church Electoral Roll Claire Greenwell 730011 Church Flowers Sally Nason 730774 Church Tapestry Club Jacqui Bryant 730535 Church Warden John Robins 730608 Common Ground Monthly Walk Phil Snowdon / Dave West 730006 / 730154 Cricket Club Gordon Moore 730681 730079 / 730523 Helions Oil Syndicate Andy / John [email protected] Helions Bumps and Babes vacant Neighbourhood Watch vacant Noise Nuisance Scott Castle, BDC (01376) 551414 Naomi Snowdon / [email protected] Singing For Fun Jenny Beeching [email protected] Steeple Parent Toddler /Playgroup 07376 079254 Charlotte Purdie 730323 / 07887 775706 HMSN – Helions Mutual Neville Nicholson 730580 Support Group Philippa Walker 730858 / 07879 837973 Simon Walker 730858 / 07465 414343 Table Tennis Club Martin Catchesides 730422 Village Hall Hire Martin Catchesides 730422 DIARY DATES / EVENTS

Date Time Event Venue


Mon 8th 7:30pm Parish Council Meeting Meetings currently held online via Zoom - contact Mon 15th 7:30pm Village Hall Committee Meeting organisers for further details APRIL

Mon 12th 7:30pm Parish Council Meeting

Mon 19th 7:30pm Village Hall Committee Meeting


Mon 10th 7:30pm Parish Council Meeting

Mon 17th 7:30pm Village Hall Committee Meeting


Mon 14th 7:30pm Parish Council Meeting

Mon 21st 7:30pm Village Hall Committee Meeting

Please check times and dates with the organisers before attending events


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