Mon Co Hist. Assoc. 70 r c.u i Si Picel’o iii, Buy Fourth War Loan Bonds Now: Quota for Belmar Area $250,000 Th e Co a st A d v e r t is e r (Established 1892) Fifty-First Year, No. 36 BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1944 Single Copy Four Cents Borough Delays Viola Smith to Marry •'i , i ■ South Belmar School South Belmar Tax W est Belmar Serviceman Budget Is Unchanged Action on Hotel Mrs. D avid G. Sm ith, 518% Sixteenth School costs in South Belmar will Rate Drops $2.06 avenue, has announced the engage remain the same during the ensuing ment of her daughter, Viola M. Smith, year, according to a school budget Liquor Licenses to Louis Leonard Warwick, chief which will be considered at a public In 1944 Budget mate, United States navy, son of Mrs. hearing by the South Belmar board of Buena Vista Permit Would Grace A. Warwick, 125 H street, West education Jan u ary 28 at 7:30 p. m. at Improved Collections Are Odds and Ends . Belm ar. the borough hall. Fill Quota —- Debates The district school tax will remain Responsible, Mayor Miss Smith is a graduate of Asbury OFFSHORE FISHERMEN are hop at $9,000, the amount last year, with Amendment to Make Park high school and is employed at I Says— Public Hearing ing that improved conditions iin the $5,000 estimated revenue from state the New Jersey Bell Telephone com Atlantic will enable the Navy to cease Minors Liable. funds and a balance on hand at the Set for Feb.
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