The Heterogeneous Colonel Blotto Game

Galina Schwartz Patrick Loiseau Shankar S. Sastry

Abstract— The Colonel Blotto game, proposed by Borel in ogenously given resources across a finite number of battle- 1921, is a fundamental model of strategic resource allocation. fields with given values. Players’ resources are assumed to Two players allocate an exogenously given amount of resources have no outside value. A player wins a battlefield when the to a fixed number of battlefields with given values. Each battle- field is then won by the player who allocated more resources to amount of resources allocated to this battlefield is higher than it, and each player maximizes the aggregate value of battlefields the said amount for his opponent. Each player’s objective is he wins. This game allows modeling many practical problems to maximize his cumulative winnings, i.e., the total value of resource allocation in various strategic settings ranging of the won battlefields. Players strategies and payoffs are from international war to competition for attention in social . Despite its deceptive simplicity, this networks; it is particularly useful in security to model the allocation of defense resources on different potential targets. Blotto game is intricate. It stood unresolved for several The scope of applications, however, has been limited by the decades even for the simple case of symmetric players with lack of solutions of the game in realistic scenarios. Indeed, identical resources and a fixed number of identical (i.e., of despite its apparent simplicity, the Colonel Blotto game is very equal value) battlefields. intricate and it remains unsolved in the case with asymmetric players (i.e., with different resources) and with an arbitrary number of battlefields that can have different values. A. Literature review In this paper, we propose a solution of the heterogeneous Colonel Blotto game with asymmetric players and heteroge- The original 1921 Colonel Blotto game [1] was solved in neous battlefield values, under the assumption that there is a 1938 for the case of two players with symmetric resources sufficient number of battlefields of each possible value relative to and three battlefields by Borel and Ville, [2]. In 1950, Gross the players’ resources asymmetry. In particular, our assumption and Wagner [3] extended [2] to the game with identical implies that there must be at least three battlefields of each possible value. Then, we characterize the unique equilibrium player resources and an arbitrary number of battlefields; payoffs and univariate marginal distributions, along with the they also derived an equilibrium for the case with two proof that there exist n-variate joint distributions with such battlefields and asymmetric (unequal) player resources. The marginals. Our results expand the scope of potential applica- case of asymmetric player resources and an arbitrary number tions of the Colonel Blotto game, and mark a new step towards of battlefields remained unsolved until 2006. Only then, a complete solution of the game. Roberson [4] completely characterized the equilibria of a I.INTRODUCTION two-player Blotto game with any given number of identical battlefields and asymmetric player resources. The latter paper The Colonel Blotto game was introduced in 1921, by builds on the results for all-pay auctions established in [5], Borel to model “the art of war or of economic and financial [6], and uses the results of Sklar [7] and Schweizer and speculation”, [1]. There exist many versions of this classical Sklar [8] on copulas to demonstrate the existence of an n- game, which were developed overtime by various research variate distribution corresponding to the equilibrium set of n communities to target different applications ranging from univariate marginal distribution functions. modeling international conflicts to studying social interac- tions on Facebook. The Colonel Blotto games (or ‘Blotto The literature considers numerous versions of Blotto-type games” for short) model scenarios where strategic players games. These games could differ by procedures according to with exogenously given resource levels compete for multiple which the winner of each specific battlefield is determined, battlefields with given values. by the objective of the entire contest, and by the timing of In its basic variant, the Colonel Blotto game is a game the game. The most well studied objective is the plurality between two players who simultaneously allocate their ex- objective (i.e., maximizing the aggregate value of battlefields won); in this paper we assume exactly that. Another popular Galina Schwartz and Shankar S. Sastry are with Department of objective is the majority objective – in this case, each player Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at University of Califor- maximizes the probability of winning a majority of the nia, Berkeley; emails: {schwartz,sastry} 1 Patrick Loiseau is with EURECOM, Sophia-Antipolis, France; email: component contests. The original Blotto model assumes that [email protected]. the players move simultaneously. A number of recent papers Galina Schwartz and Shankar Sastry research is supported by NSF considered consider a simplified model, with sequential grant CNS-1239166, which provides funding for a frontier project FORCES (Foundations of Resilient CybEr-Physical Systems), NSF grant CNS- players moves, see for example [9], [10]. A comprehensive 0910711, and by TRUST (Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technol- recent review of Blotto-type allocation games is provided in ogy), which receives support from the NSF (#CCF-0424422) and the follow- [11]. ing organizations: AFOSR (#FA9550-06-1-0244), BT, Cisco, DoCoMo USA Labs, EADS, ESCHER, HP, IBM, iCAST, Intel, Microsoft, ORNL, Pirelli, Qualcomm, Sun, Symantec, TCS, Telecom Italia, and United Technologies. 1US presidential elections is an example of such a contest. Following the fundamental paper [4], many interesting necessary component in modeling Blotto-type interactions in theoretical extensions were proposed, and numerous papers networked environments with heterogeneous network nodes targeting specific application domains emerged; see for ex- (battlefields). ample [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18] among many More specifically, Theorem 1 establishes unique marginal others. In computer security for instance, the Blotto game can distributions with which any equilibrium resource allocation be applied to model the allocation of monitoring resources has to comply. The existence of some n-variate distribution to different domains of a system. There have also been that satisfies these marginals and also player resource con- experimental studies for various applications domains, such straints is merely hypothesized. The result of Theorem 1 im- as [19], [20], [21]. One of the first experimental studies portantly relies on constructing a one-to-one correspondence that looked into network infrastructures is [22]. Another between the solution of our Blotto game and the solution of interesting experimental paper is [23] where the authors n independent all-pay auctions, with the latter being already study social interactions using a Facebook application called established in the literature [5], [6]. “Project Waterloo”, which allows users to invite both friends Next, in Theorem 3 we establish the existence of an and strangers to play Colonel Blotto against them. n-variate distribution that was assumed to exist for the The applications of the Colonel Blotto game, however, proof of Theorem 1. The existence of such an n-variate have been restricted by the lack of a solution for the case distribution with the required properties is proven by a of asymmetric players and heterogeneous battlefields. This construction in two steps. First, each group of battlefields heterogeneous Blotto game was solved in [3] for the case of with the same value is deterministically allocated an amount two battlefields. It was recently approached for more than of resources proportional to its aggregate value. Second, two battlefields in [24]. There, the authors consider a more within each group, the allocation to battlefields is done with general nonzero-sum case where players could have asym- randomization as in Roberson [4]. The latter step is possible metric battlefield valuations. They address only, however, the thanks to our imposition of having at least three battlefields cases where a pure exists. They construct with the same value. an algorithm to find such equilibria, and characterize the situations in which heterogeneous nonzero-sum Blotto games C. Outline of the paper have a pure equilibria. That paper represents a The reminder of the paper is organized as follows. In growing literature that extends a standard zero-sum Blotto Section II, we introduce the notation and define the hetero- setup to the case of players with heterogeneous preferences, geneous Colonel Blotto game. In Section III, we formulate and thus non zero-sum games. Our paper is complementary our main results, discuss them and briefly outline the main to [24]. Our primary focus is on solving the heterogeneous steps of the proof. The technical details of the longer proofs zero-sum Blotto games in cases where no pure strategy are presented in Sections IV and V. Lastly, in Section VI we equilibria exists, which happens when players resources are discuss the results and outline the plans for extensions. not too asymmetric. Then, under a condition on the number of battlefields of each specific value relative to the players II.PROBLEM FORMULATION resources asymmetry, we fully characterize mixed strategy equilibria of such heterogeneous Blotto games. We consider a Colonel Blotto game between two players, each of whom has a fixed amount of resources to allocate B. Contributions between a given number of battlefields. Each battlefield has a The Colonel Blotto game is a canonical model of strategic specific value. Players simultaneously allocate their resources resource allocation for players with multi-dimensional objec- between the battlefields. We assume that player resources tives. In this paper, we provide a solution of this fundamental have no outside value. The parameters of the game (players’ problem for the case in which the battlefields could differ in resources, number and values of the battlefields), players’ value, and players could differ in the amount of available actions spaces and payoffs are common knowledge. A player resources. We work under the assumption that there is a suf- who allocated a higher amount of resources to a specific ficient number of battlefields of each possible value relative battlefield wins this battlefield. The payoff of each player is to the players’ resources asymmetry (see condition (1) in equal to the sum of the values of the battlefields that he won. Theorem 1). In particular, our assumption implies that there Each player’s objective is to maximize his payoff. must be at least three battlefields of each possible value. We now introduce the notation and formally define the Then, our results completely characterize the equilibrium. game. Whenever possible, our notation follows the notation We present the unique equilibrium payoffs and the unique from Roberson [4], which we extend by allowing battlefields equilibrium univariate marginal distributions, along with the of different values. When all battlefields have equal value, proof that there exist n-variate joint distributions with such our setting reverts to [4]. marginals. This solution of the heterogeneous Blotto game We denote by A and B the two players and by XA ∈ R+ opens up many potentially applications where battlefields and XB ∈ R+ their respective resources. Without loss naturally have different values. We identify novel practical of generality, we assume that XA ≤ XB. Let n be an applications where our results are useful. In addition, we integer denoting the number of battlefields. Each battlefield j anticipate that our solution of heterogeneous Blotto game is a j ∈ {1, ··· , n} is endowed with a value v ∈ R+. We denote by v = (v1, ··· , vn) the vector of battlefield values, and by Let k denote the number of different battlefield values, and Pn j V = j=1 v the aggregate value of all battlefields. let {w1, ··· , wk} denote the corresponding set of unique

Players choose how to allocate their resources between battlefield values. Formally we have wi1 6= wi2 for all i1 6= the battlefields, i.e., each player chooses how to distribute i2 and, for all j ∈ {1, ··· , n} there exists i ∈ {1, ··· , k} j his (given) resources between the battlefields. Formally, a such that v = wi. Note that n ≥ 3k since we assume that pure strategy of player p ∈ {A, B} is a vector xp = there are more than two battlefields of each unique value. j n (xp)j∈{1,··· ,n} ∈ R+ satisfying the budget constraint For i ∈ {1, ··· , k}, define C(i) as the set of battlefields Pn j j  j j=1 xp ≤ Xp, where xp ∈ R+ denotes the amount of with value wi, i.e., C(i) = j ∈ {1, ··· , n} : v = wi . resources allocated to battlefield j by player p. We let Sp Define, for each i ∈ {1, ··· , k}, ni = #C(i) the number denote the set of pure strategies for player p: of battlefields of value wi (again, ni ≥ 2 for all i) and Vi = P j v = niwi the aggregate value of all battlefields of  n  j∈C(i)   Pk n X j value wi. Note that Vi = V . Sp = xp ∈ R+ : xp ≤ Xp , (p ∈ {A, B}). i=1  j=1  Throughout the paper, quantities with exponent j refer to battlefield j (e.g., vj the value of battlefield j); whereas For each battlefield j ∈ {1, ··· , n}, the player who quantities with index i refer to the group of battlefield i (e.g., dedicates the highest amount of resources wins this entire wi the value of battlefields in group i and ni the number of battlefield. Without loss of generality, we assume that in case battlefields in group i). of a tie, player B (the player with higher total amount of resources) wins the battlefield. Hence, for each battlefield III.MAIN RESULTS j j j ∈ {1, ··· , n}, if xA > xB then player A the battlefield, We start by characterizing the unique equilibrium marginal j j and if xA ≤ xB then player B wins it. For each player, the distributions for the game B(XA,XB, v): payoff in the game equals to the sum of the values of the Theorem 1: Assume that, for all groups of battlefields battlefields that he wins. i ∈ {1, ··· , k}, we have

Let B(XA,XB, v) denote the above presented Blotto 2 XA game. The game B is a one-shot game in which players < ≤ 1. (1) ni XB A and B simultaneously choose their allocation of forces to Then, in equilibrium, each player allocates resources with the the battlefields to maximize the total value of the battlefields following unique univariate marginal distribution functions they win. The game B is a game. The ∀j ∈ {1, ··· , n}: parameters of the game (XA, XB, n and v), players’ action spaces and objectives are common knowledge. (i) For player A: In most cases of interest, that is when for each player the  X  x  X  2vj F j (x) = 1 − A + A , x ∈ [0, X ]; expected payoff is strictly positive, no pure strategy Nash A X 2vj X V B B V XB B equilibrium exists. We therefore will focus on mixed strategy (2a) equilibria. A mixed strategy for player p ∈ {A, B} is an n (ii) For player B: n-variate distribution Pp : R+ → [0, 1] whose support is j contained in Sp. For a given n-variate distribution, we denote j x 2v j FB(x) = j , x ∈ [0, XB]. (2b) by F : + → [0, 1] univariate marginal distribution of 2v V p R V XB resources allocated by player p to battlefield j. To improve the exposition, the detailed proof is relegated This problem was solved by Roberson [4] for the case to Section IV. Below we briefly summarize the steps of of identical battlefields. He proved the existence of a Nash the proof. The proof works by establishing a one-to-one equilibrium by constructing a mixed-strategy equilibrium correspondence between the solution of the Blotto game and and characterized equilibrium marginals and payoffs, which the solution of n independent all-pay auctions, with the later turned out to be unique. In this paper, we solve a gener- established in [5], [6]. alization of that problem to the case where the battlefields Theorem 1 (and the subsequent results) requires that may have different values. As we will demonstrate in the condition (1) holds. First note that it implies that ni ≥ 3, i.e., next section, there exists a plethora of equilibria (in terms each group of battlefields has at least three battlefields of the of the n-variate joint distributions), but all these equilibria same value. This ensures that we will be able to construct an have identical marginals and payoffs. n-variate distribution with the marginals in Theorem 1 (see To prove our results, we will need to assume that, for Theorem 3 below and the discussion that follows); which is each battlefield, there is at least two other battlefields with necessary to prove Theorem 1. Condition (1) also restricts the same value, i.e., we can make groups of battlefields the disparity of players resources. However, even for a large of the same value with at least three battlefield in each asymmetry, this condition will be satisfied as soon as the group. Moreover, we will also assume that each group of number of battlefields is large enough in each group. We equal-value battlefields has “enough” battlefields compared note that such an assumption is often made in the literature to the players’ resources asymmetry (see Theorem 1 be- to restrict the complexity of the analysis, for instance in [25]. low). To precisely state these conditions and establish our The cases in which condition (1) is not met can be studied framework, we introduce the following formal definitions. separately but are of limited practical interest. Under the condition of Theorem 1, we have unique equi- [25] consider a two-stage game, in which at the first stage librium marginals. These marginals are uniform, as in the (ex-ante), players 1 and 2 can form an alliance and transfer game with identical battlefield values, but now the marginal’s resources to each other. At the second stage of the game, each support is proportional to the battlefields value. Theorem 1 player i confronts player A in the game Bi with resources allows us to obtain the equilibrium player payoffs: updated via ex-ante transfer. Corollary 2: Under condition (1) of Theorem 1, in equi- The primary focus of [25] is on non-cooperative case in librium, player A and B expected payoffs are V XA and the absence of commitment (no ex-post transfers between   2XB V 1 − XA , respectively. the players could be enforced); and the authors demonstrate 2XB that for a range of parameters, a positive ex-ante transfer Proof: By direct computation, the expected payoff of occurs in equilibrium even with no commitment. However, player A with the equilibrium marginals of Theorem 1 is in Section 5, they also present a benchmark case of fully 2vj Z V XB committed alliances. In that case, players 1 and 2 can make j j V FB(x)dFA binding commitments about the ex post payoff allocation. 0 With commitment, in equilibrium, players 1 and 2 maximize 2vj Z V XB   x 1 XA cumulative payoff – the payoff of a social planner fighting = V · · dx 2vj 2vj X against player A. Note that the objective of such a social 0 V XB V XB B planner corresponds to player objective(s) in a heterogeneous XA 1 XA = V · · = V . Blotto game with the battlefields that combine the ones of XB 2 2XB B1 and B2. The authors of [25] show that the optimal ex- The computation of expected payoff for player B is similar. ante transfer gives players 1 and 2 resources proportional Alternatively, his payoff can be inferred from the fact that to the total values of B1 and B2 respectively, which is the sum of player payoffs is V . consistent with our Theorem 1 and Corollary 2. Yet our Remarkably, Corollary 2 yields equilibrium payoffs iden- results significantly differ from [25]. Firstly, we consider a tical the payoffs in the game with equal battlefield values. rather than a two-stage game. Secondly, Theorem 1 describes only the marginal distributions. So we demonstrate uniqueness, which cannot be derived from far, we merely hypothesized the existence of some n-variate [25]. Lastly, our setting is more general, as it covers an distribution with such marginals that respects player resource arbitrary number of differently valued battlefields instead of constraints. Next, we will establish the existence of such n- two only. variate distribution. Theorem 3: Under condition (1) of Theorem 1, for each IV. PROOFOF THEOREM 1 player p ∈ {A, B}, there exists an n-variate distribution with support contained in Sp such that the marginals are given by Our proof follows the same internal logic as the proof of (2a) - (2b) for all battlefields j ∈ {1, ··· , n}. Theorem 2 in [4],2 which we revisit and extend to the case The proof of Theorem 3 is presented in Section V. where battlefield values may differ. The proof of Theorem 1 The proof is done by constructing an n-variate distribution is based on the results for all-pay auctions established in with the correct marginals that respects the players budget [5], [6], where the uniqueness of the equilibrium marginals constraints. Roughly speaking, the construction consists of is demonstrated. For completeness, below we briefly recall two steps. First, we make a deterministic allocation to each the relevant results. group of battlefields with the same value. The amount of The proof of Theorem 1 is done under an assumption that allocated resources is proportional to the aggregate value Theorem 3 holds, i.e., that it will be possible to construct a of the group. Second, within each group the randomization joint distribution with the aforementioned marginals. Theo- is done as in Roberson [4]. This is possible because, by rem 3 is proved independently in Section V. our assumption, each group has at least three battlefields. Our construction allows to obtain an equilibrium n-variate A. Preliminaries: results from the all-pay auctions literature distribution with the correct marginals respecting the budget constraints. Still, there may exist other solutions that ran- Consider a two-bidders all-pay auction with complete domize the global resource allocation between the different information. Let {A, B} denote the set of bidders, and vp groups of battlefields with a common value. denote the value of the object for bidder p ∈ {A, B}. By Our results are consistent with the recent paper by the rules of all-pay auctions, both bidders pay their bids Kovenock and Roberson [25] on coalitional Blotto games. regardless of the , and upon winning the auction, In [25], one player (A), is fighting two simultaneous disjoint the winning bidder receives the object which he values at Blotto games, B1 and B2, and each of the games has vp. Let Fp denote the distribution of bids of bidder p, and identical battlefields. Nominally, these games are completely let xp denote the bid chosen by bidder p. We will use the separate; still, they are related because player A has to subscript −p to indicate his opponent. The probability for allocate the common resources between them. In contrast bidder p to win the auction is P r(xp ≥ x−p) = F−p(xp). with player A, each of his opponents i ∈ {1, 2} in the games 2 Bi is engaged in a single Blotto game only. The authors of See also [26] and [27] for errata to [4]. Then, we can state that in equilibrium, each bidder must infer that playing with the marginals (2a) for player A is choose his distribution Fp to solve a to the marginals (2b) for player B. A similar Z ∞ reasoning provides that playing with the marginals (2b) for max (vpF−p(x) − x) dFp. player B is a best response to the marginals (2a) for player F p 0 A. Hence, the marginals in (2a)-(2b) in Theorem 1 constitute By applying the equilibrium characterization from [5], [6] to a Nash equilibrium. our setting, we infer that there exists a unique equilibrium, In the rest of the proof, we show that, if a profile is an and it is given by equilibrium, it must have the form as given by Theorem 1. (i) if vp ≥ v−p, then Let p ∈ {A, B} denote a player in the game B(XA,XB, v). x For a given strategy P−p of his opponent, with marginals F (x) = , x ∈ [0, v ]; (3a) j p −p {F }j∈{1,··· ,n}, player p select Pp to solve v−p −p n Z ∞ (ii) if vp ≤ v−p, then X j j j max v F−p(x)dFp , (6)   Pp v − v x j=1 0 F (x) = −p p + , x ∈ [0, v ]. (3b) p v v p −p −p subject to the constraint that the support of Pp is contained Next, let us consider n independent two-bidders all-pay in Sp. This is equivalent to solving the following constrained auctions with complete information. Let each auction j ∈ optimization problem: j j {1, ··· , n} has a value v for bidder p ∈ {A, B}. Let F n ∞ p p X Z denote the distribution of bids of bidder p in auction j. Each max vjF j (x)dF j, (7) j −p p bidder chooses his distributions of bids to solve {Fp }j∈{1,··· ,n} j=1 0 n Z ∞ subject to constraints (C1) and (C2): X  j j  j max vpF−p(x) − x dFp . (4) j (C1) there exists an n-variate distribution with marginals {Fp } 0 j∈{1,··· ,n} j=1 j {Fp }j∈{1,··· ,n} that puts positive weight only on alloca- Since the auctions are independent, in equilibrium the tions whose sum is below the sum of expected allocation marginals are uniquely determined for each auction j by (3a) on each battlefield, i.e., j j - (3b), with vp and v−p replaced respectively by vp and v−p.   n n Z ∞  n X j X j B. Proof of Theorem 1 Support(Pp) ⊆ xp ∈ R+ : xp ≤ xdFp ,  0  Armed with the results of previous section on all-pay auc- j=1 j=1 tions, we now proceed to proving Theorem 1. First, we show and in the next lemma that the marginals in Theorem 1, together (C2) the sum of expected allocations on each battlefield is with the joint distributions in Theorem 3, indeed constitute below Xp, i.e., a Nash equilibrium, i.e., that they are best responses to each n Z ∞ other. X j xdFp ≤ Xp. Lemma 4: Under the assumptions of Theorem 1, the n- j=1 0 variate distributions from Theorem 3 (that have the marginals Integrating condition (C2) through a Lagrange multiplier λ , given by (2a)-(2b)) form an equilibrium of B(X ,X , v). p A B player p’s problem becomes Proof: Suppose that player B’s strategy has marginals j n Z ∞ (2b). Let (xA)j∈{1,··· ,n} ∈ SA be a pure strategy of player X  j j  j max v F−p(x) − λpx dFp + λpXp, A. Then, his expected payoff is j {Fp }j∈{1,··· ,n} j=1 0 n n j (8) X X x XA vj · F j (xj ) ≤ vj · A ≤ V · ; B A 2vj (5) subject to λp ≥ 0 and (C1). X 2XB j=1 j=1 V B From now on, we assume that we are at a Nash equilib- where the first inequality uses the fact that rium. First observe that, at equilibrium, both players use their resource budget entirely, hence λp > 0 for each p ∈ {A, B}. xj 2vj F j (xj ) = A if xj ≤ X , Indeed, suppose that there exists an equilibrium such that B A 2vj A V B V XB player −p does not use all of his resources. By Lemma 4, and player p has payoff strictly larger than the one in Corollary 2. xj 2vj Indeed, if player −p does not use all the resources, player F j (xj ) = 1 < A if xj > X , B A 2vj A B p could obtain the payoff strictly higher than the one in XB V V Corollary 2 by playing the strategy of Theorem 3 that has the Pn j and the second inequality in (5) uses the fact that j=1 xA ≤ marginals of Theorem 1. Since the sum of expected payoffs XA by definition of SA. of both players is a constant (it is equal to V ), player’s −p From direct computation (similar to the computation in the payoff is strictly smaller than the one in Corollary 2. This proof of Corollary 2), we obtain that V XA is the payoff contradicts the fact that we are at equilibrium because by 2XB achieved with marginals (2a) against marginals (2b). We Lemma 4, player −p could obtain a payoff at least equal to the one in Corollary 2 against any player p strategy by the marginals). Recall that XA ≤ XB, and consider two employing the strategy from Theorem 3 with marginals from cases: λA ≥ λB and λA < λB. Theorem 1. We conclude that, in equilibrium, both players First, assume λA ≥ λB. Then the marginal of player B is use all of their resource. given by (10a) and the budget constraint gives:

Note that our reasoning above relies on Lemma 4 that n vj n Z λ j X A xλA X v demonstrates that the marginals in Theorem 1 constitute a X = dx = , B vj 2λ Nash equilibrium. Thus, it relies on condition (1): without j=1 0 j=1 A this condition the marginals are not well defined.3 which gives (11a). Similarly, the marginal of player A is Next, we re-write (8) as given by (10b) and using the budget constraint provides: n ∞ j Z  v  j X j j n v n j 2 max λp F (x) − x dF + λpXp, Z λA j −p p X xλB X v λB 2λBXB {Fp } 0 λp X = dx = = , j∈{1,··· ,n} j=1 A vj 2λ2 V (9) j=1 0 j=1 A subject to λp > 0 and (C1). The objective function (9) is the which gives (11b). same as (4) (up to multiplicative and additive constants), if Next, assume λA < λB. Then, by the same type of j we replace v with v /λ . By a straightforward adaptation XB ·V V p p computation, we obtain λA = 2 , and λB = = 2XA 2XA of Theorem 3, we know that (C1) is satisfied for the XA λA · which contradicts λA < λB because XA ≤ XB. marginals given by (3a)-(3b) for any values v . Therefore, XB p This completes the proof of Lemma 5. the equilibrium marginals must satisfy (3a)-(3b) by replacing We combine (11a)-(11b) with (10a)-(10b) to obtain that at v by vj/λ , that is, for all j ∈ {1, ··· , n}: p p Nash equilibrium the marginals are uniquely determined by (i) if λp ≤ λ−p, then (2a)-(2b), which completes the proof of Theorem 1. j j xλ−p v V. PROOFOF THEOREM 3 Fp (x) = j , x ∈ [0, ]; (10a) v λ−p In the proof of Theorem 4 Roberson [4] provides a (ii) if λp ≥ λ−p, then procedure to construct an n-variate distribution with the marginals as in Theorem 1 for the case where all battlefields  λ  xλ vj j −p −p have equal value, when there exists at least three battlefields. Fp (x) = 1 − + j , x ∈ [0, ]. (10b) λp v λp To prove Theorem 3, we apply the same procedure separately Note that it is also possible, as in [4], to obtain this to each group of battlefields with equal value. characterization by adapting straightforwardly each step from We construct the allocation for an arbitrary player p ∈ the proofs for all-pay auctions. Here we have chosen to apply {A, B}. For each group of battlefields i ∈ {1, ··· , k}, Vi the existing results from [5], [6] to shorten our exposition. allocate an amount V Xp of resources to the battlefields Knowing that there exists an n-variate distribution such in C(i) according to the process described in the proof that constraint (C1) is satisfied for the marginals (3a)-(3b) of Theorem 4 of [4] (i.e., use this process replacing Xp Vi allowed us to conclude that the marginals must have the same in [4] by V Xp). By Theorem 4 of [4], this process gives structure as for n independent all-pay auctions. However, positive weight only to allocations that respect the budget the set of n-variate distributions such that (C1) is satisfied constraint individually for each group of battlefields of the P j Vi is clearly a strict subset of the set of equilibrium n-variate same value, i.e., such that j∈C(i) xp ≤ V Xp for all distributions for the n all-pay auctions problem. Indeed, for i ∈ {1, ··· , k}. Therefore, it is clear that distribution of instance, the independent n-variate distribution is a solution the global allocation obtained satisfies the global budget for the n all-pay auctions problem whereas it clearly does constraint, i.e., has support contained in Sp. not satisfy (C1). By Theorem 4 of [4], the marginal for a battlefield j ∈ 2vj To conclude the proof of Theorem 1, we show that: C(i) (i ∈ {1, ··· , k}) has the form of (2a)-(2b) with V XB j 2 Vi 2 Vi 2 niwi 2v Lemma 5: At equilibrium, Lagrange multipliers are replaced by XB. Since = = for all ni V ni V ni V V uniquely determined by j ∈ C(i), the marginals obtained coincide with the ones in (i) for player A: Theorem 1. This concludes the proof of Theorem 3. V VI.CONCLUDINGREMARKS λA = (11a) 2XB This paper examines the heterogeneous Colonel Blotto (ii) for player B: game: a resource allocation game between two players with given resources who fight over a fixed number of battlefields X · V A with arbitrary values with the objective of maximizing the λB = 2 . (11b) 2XB aggregate value of battlefields won. We characterize unique Proof: The Lagrange multipliers are determined by the equilibrium payoffs of the players, and their strategies to resource budget constraints (in expectation computed from achieve them. 3For the analysis of Blotto game with identical battlefields and highly This paper generalizes prior literature which is restricted asymmetric player resources see Theorems 3 and 5 in [4]. to either homogeneous battlefields or symmetric players. 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