9 bus time schedule & line map

9 Allhallows - Fenn Street - The Hundred of Hoo View In Website Mode Academy

The 9 bus line (Allhallows - Fenn Street - The Hundred of Hoo Academy) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Grain: 3:05 PM (2) Hoo St Werburgh: 7:55 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 9 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 9 bus arriving.

Direction: Grain 9 bus Time Schedule 25 stops Grain Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:05 PM The Hundred Of Hoo Academy Grounds, Hoo St Werburgh Tuesday 3:05 PM

St Werburgh Crescent, Hoo St Werburgh Wednesday 2:10 PM

Thursday 3:05 PM Main Road, Hoo St Werburgh Friday 3:05 PM The Five Bells, Hoo St Werburgh 13A Main Road, Hoo St. Werburgh Saturday Not Operational

Kingsnorth Close, Hoo St Werburgh Kingsnorth Close, Hoo St. Werburgh Civil Parish

Bell's Lane, Hoo St Werburgh 9 bus Info Direction: Grain Fourwents Road, Hoo St Werburgh Stops: 25 Trip Duration: 36 min Ratcliffe Highway, Sharnal Street Line Summary: The Hundred Of Hoo Academy Grounds, Hoo St Werburgh, St Werburgh Crescent, The Fenn Bell, Fenn Street Hoo St Werburgh, Main Road, Hoo St Werburgh, The Five Bells, Hoo St Werburgh, Kingsnorth Close, Hoo St Werburgh, Bell's Lane, Hoo St Werburgh, St Mary's Cottages, Fourwents Road, Hoo St Werburgh, Ratcliffe Highway, Sharnal Street, The Fenn Bell, Fenn Street, Barn Street Cottages, St Mary Hoo St Mary's Cottages, St Mary Hoo, Barn Street Cottages, St Mary Hoo, Dagenham, St Mary Hoo, Dagenham, St Mary Hoo Holiday Village, Allhallows, Kingsmead Caravan Park, Allhallows, Holiday Village, Allhallows, St David's Holiday Village, Allhallows Road, Allhallows, All Saints Church, Allhallows, The Chimnies, Allhallows, Button Drive, Lower Stoke, The Kingsmead Caravan Park, Allhallows Nags Head, Lower Stoke, Grain Crossing, , Power Station, Thamesport, High Street, Holiday Village, Allhallows Grain, Chapel Road Shops, Grain, Lapwing Road, Grain St David's Road, Allhallows 66 Avery Way, Allhallows Civil Parish

All Saints Church, Allhallows The Chimnies, Allhallows

Button Drive, Lower Stoke

The Nags Head, Lower Stoke Grain Road, Stoke Civil Parish

Grain Crossing, Isle Of Grain

Power Station, Thamesport

High Street, Grain 27-29 High Street, Isle Of Grain Civil Parish

Chapel Road Shops, Grain Chapel Road, Isle Of Grain Civil Parish

Lapwing Road, Grain Coastguard Cottages, Isle Of Grain Civil Parish Direction: Hoo St Werburgh 9 bus Time Schedule 15 stops Hoo St Werburgh Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:55 AM Kingsmead Caravan Park, Allhallows Tuesday 7:55 AM Holiday Village, Allhallows Wednesday 7:55 AM St David's Road, Allhallows Thursday 7:55 AM 66 Avery Way, Allhallows Civil Parish Friday 7:55 AM Dagenham, St Mary Hoo Saturday Not Operational Barn Street Cottages, St Mary Hoo

St Mary's Cottages, St Mary Hoo

The Fenn Bell, Fenn Street 9 bus Info Direction: Hoo St Werburgh Ratcliffe Highway, Sharnal Street Stops: 15 Trip Duration: 19 min Line Summary: Kingsmead Caravan Park, Fourwents Road, Hoo St Werburgh Allhallows, Holiday Village, Allhallows, St David's The Fields, Hoo St. Werburgh Civil Parish Road, Allhallows, Dagenham, St Mary Hoo, Barn Street Cottages, St Mary Hoo, St Mary's Cottages, St Bell's Lane, Hoo St Werburgh Mary Hoo, The Fenn Bell, Fenn Street, Ratcliffe Paddock Drive, Hoo St. Werburgh Civil Parish Highway, Sharnal Street, Fourwents Road, Hoo St Kingsnorth Close, Hoo St Werburgh Werburgh, Bell's Lane, Hoo St Werburgh, Kingsnorth Close, Hoo St Werburgh, The Five Bells, Hoo St Kingsnorth Close, Hoo St. Werburgh Civil Parish Werburgh, Main Road, Hoo St Werburgh, St The Five Bells, Hoo St Werburgh Werburgh Crescent, Hoo St Werburgh, The Hundred Of Hoo Academy Grounds, Hoo St Werburgh 13a Main Road, Hoo St. Werburgh Civil Parish

Main Road, Hoo St Werburgh

St Werburgh Crescent, Hoo St Werburgh

The Hundred Of Hoo Academy Grounds, Hoo St Werburgh 9 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved