FOCUS - Election Special April 2017

Great Missenden Editor : Ruth Juett Contact us via

Just Vote for Ruth(please) The councillor for , independent Seb Berry, has resigned. Seb has a new job, and after seven years of fighting HS2 has decided to concentrate on other interests. Great Missenden Liberal Democrats take this opportunity to thank Seb for all his hard work, not just against HS2 but for the village in general. That means that on May 4th there will be elections for the County Council in Great Missenden, and Heath End, and a district council by-election, just in Great Missenden.

The Liberal Democrat candidate for the Chiltern District by- election in Great Missenden is Dr Ruth Yeoman. Ruth Yeoman has stood for election in Great Missenden before, she was our candidate here for the last county council elections four years ago. Ruth is a Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, where she leads research projects on the future of work and new business models. She has been a school governor, charity trustee and founder of a pre-school learning alliance playgroup. With her university background, Ruth Yeoman is particularly keen to maintain post-Brexit links between British and other European universities. She says “Continuing to work with our academic colleagues in Europe will be important in keeping jobs and research funding in our country, especially here in the south-east.

Our Liberal Democrat candidate for the County Council seat for Great Missenden, which includes Prestwood and Heath End, is Ruth Juett. Ruth says “thanks” for the warm welcome she has been receiving from local residents. Ruth’s daughter lives on the outskirts of Great Miisenden off the road, her grandchildren attend school in the village. Ruth says “I am asking you to support me to be your county councillor. My family lives here so I have the best interests of the village and all its residents at heart. Great Missenden and Prestwood is where my grandchildren live and go to school. Education will be one of my priorities as your county councillor.” You can contact Ruth by email at [email protected] or by phone on 07942 895566

Liberal Democrats on Buckinghamshire County Council will:  prioritise resources for social care, education and repairs to our roads  maintain links with Europe – we are a trading nation, the prosperity of Buckinghamshire residents depends on business and commerce  argue for a new single unitary council – the option that is small enough to care, but big enough to matter, and saves the most money  make sure that HS2 keeps its promises to local people, and do what we can to minimise the destruction which this white elephant will continue to cause to our communities

Published by Alan Bacon on behalf of Ruth Juett & Ruth Yeoman (Liberal Democrats) all at Windrush, , , Bucks HP5 2XN. Printed by Aylesbury Liberal Democrats, 6 Castle Street, Aylesbury.HP20 2R They Spent How Much? £110,000,000 in six years Recent Conservative election leaflets have boasted about how they have spent £110 million on road resurfacing in the past six years. The bad news? That’s exactly what they have done! A pity that so much money has been spent, yet the roads are still a mess. As local residents know, the same potholes seem to be filled again and again. Liberal Democrats at County Hall have suggested it would be cheaper to borrow the money to do the job properly, and pay it back through the savings made by not having to do the same job again. Previous editions of Focus have also pointed out that utility companies should be made to pay for their own road repairs – and pay again if it’s not done properly the first time. The tax-payer shouldn’t have to pay twice. Reading the Tory leaflets for these elections, one would be forgiven for thinking that someone else was in charge at County Hall. The fact is that Buckinghamshire has been run by the Conservatives since the 19th century – so there’s no-one else to blame for the state of the roads. As Ruth Juett and her friend Bluey the dog say – some of the potholes are big enough for a dog to fall into! Libraries – National Treasures Parking – what do you think? Ruth Juett and Ruth Yeoman are Residents have complained to Ruth backing local libraries, which are a Juett, Liberal Democrat candidate th joy for every generation and crucial for County Council elections on 4 to the fabric of our society. May, about the cars parked on Ruth Juett says “Great Missenden Road by whilst commuters take the train. local library is a fantastic place. We, This causes huge difficulties for the Liberal Democrats, will families with pupils at Missenden transform our libraries into real School, not to mention other road community hubs and continue to users and local residents. . What do support the community library you think should be done? You can model.” contact me by email at [email protected] More on Brexit from Tim Farron, Liberal Democrat Leader Tim Farron MP, the Leader of the Liberal Democrats has said that “Theresa May has triggered Article 50; the clock is ticking towards a Hard Brexit – but it can still be stopped. “For nine months, our party has been the only opposition to this Conservative Brexit Government’s plans – we’ve fought to keep us in the single market, to guarantee EU citizens' right to stay and for a referendum on the final deal. That fight will continue. “Over the next two years we will see the Government entering the most complex negotiations in British political history. They insist that they can negotiate both the terms of Britain’s exit from the EU and our new trading relationship in the next two years. They can't. It will be impossible for a new deal, especially one that is in Britain’s interests, to be negotiated in two years. In the meantime, Whitehall will grind to a halt as it grapples with the Brexit negotiations, neglecting everything else – including the crisis in the NHS and social care. “That is why our fight must continue. We cannot allow the Conservatives to negotiate a disastrous hard Brexit that nobody voted for. We cannot allow the Brexit negotiations to make the crisis in health and social care any worse than it is today.”

If you agree with us – join us! As tens of thousands have done since last June. Details at