BRANSON REGIONAL April 22-25, 2021 the Mansion Theatre

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BRANSON REGIONAL April 22-25, 2021 the Mansion Theatre BRANSONREGIONAL April22Ǧ25,2021 TheMansionTheatre TalentOnParadeisownedandmanagedbyKimberlyandEricMcCluer YourhardworkingTOPstaffforthisshowalsoincludes AlishaClifton,JoeyDoucette,LeslieFelts,AudraKey,BrendanLean,BronsonMans, KaitlynMans,DebraMasur,JasenPage,JohnEarlRobinsonandEvaSeavers TalentOnParade,LLC AlivePhotoandVideo,LLC (316)522Ͳ4836 (314)472Ͳ5027 WELCOMETOTOP2021 Weareveryexcitedtowelcomeyoutothis2021regionalcompetition.Thisisour24thseasonand,despitethe extremechallengesofrecentevents,wearethrilledtobebackwithyou.Thefollowingarethe“TOP10” pointstokeepinmindforafun,fairandsafeeventforeveryone. 1. Dancecompetitionbyitsverynatureisasubjectiveevent,meaningitissubjecttoawidevarietyofopinions. Theoutcomeisalsosubjecttoavarietyofchangingcircumstancesthroughoutanygivendaythatyoulikelyhavenocontrol over.It’sjustadancecompetition.Pleaseacceptitforwhatitis.Especiallythisseason.Breathe,relax,havefunandenjoy thischancetodanceregardlessoftheoutcome.Thepastyearhascertainlytaughtusthatyouneverknowwhenyouwillbe allowedtotakethestageagaininthefuture. 2. Videorecordingandphotography(flashornoflash)willbestrictlyprohibitedbyaudiencemembers,except duringawardspresentations.Thisisaverycommonpracticeintheentertainmentindustry,andwithgoodreason. Studiodirectors,teachersandotherparentstendtogetverygrouchywhenchoreographyand/orcostumingarecopied withoutapproval.Moreimportantly,we’retryingtoprotecttheprivacyandsafetyofthekids.Thefactistherearepeople outthereofaveryquestionablenaturewhomaytrytousephotographicimagesinappropriately(gross!). 3. Donotleavepersonalitemsunattended.Again,thesadfactisthattherearethoseamonguswhowillthinknothingof takingstuffthatdoesn’tbelongtothemifgiventheopportunity.TOPcannotberesponsibleforlost,broken,misplacedor stolenitemsofanykind. 4. Pleasebeconsiderateofoneanotherinthedressingareas.Especiallyunderthecurrentcircumstances.Werequest thatyoulimityourtimeinthedressingareastoo.Getin,doyourbusiness,thengetout.Also,ifdressingassistanceis necessary,pleaselimittooneadulthelperperdancer.Youmightalsoconsiderarrivingatthevenueinyourfirstcostumeof thedayandleavingwhileinyourlastcostume.Remembertoalsopracticesocialdistancingasmuchaspossibleinthe dressingareas,(andinallotherareasofthevenuetoo). 5. Masksandsocialdistancingmayberequired.Wewillfollowandenforcethemandatesrequiredbytheappropriate authoritiesforthecity/state/venuewearein.Specificinformationforeachshowwillbepostedattalentonparade.comand includedwithinformationprovidedtothestudiodirector.Pleasebecompliantandrespectfulinfollowinganysuch mandatesastheyareputinplaceforyoursafetyandforthesafetyofthosearoundyou.Also,donotmoveseatinginto largergroupsthanwhatispreͲsetfortheday.Thesavingofseatsmayalsoberestrictedduetoareductioninseating requiredforsocialdistancingpurposes.Withlimitedseatingavailable,wealsoaskthatextendedfamilymembers,nonͲ dancingfriends,etc.watchtheshowfromhomeontheliveͲstreamfeed(whereavailable). 6. Dancersshouldremainintheaudienceforawards.Wewillnotbringdancerstothestageasagroupthisseasonfor awardsexceptforselectedTOP10lineups.Instead,wewillbeaskingyoutochooseonerepresentativeforeachacttopick upwhencalledbackstage.Specificdirectionsforeachawardsceremonywillbeannouncedfromthestage. 7. Assignedperformancetimesaretobeconsideredapproximateonly.Flexibilityiskeytokeepingtheshowmoving. Pleasebeready,andwilling,toperformearlierorlaterthanscheduled.Also,beawarethatthetimingofawards ceremoniesorothereventsmayfluctuatewiththescheduleduringthecourseoftheday.Weencourageyoutomonitor theprogressoftheshowontheDanceEventsapp.AskastafferattheTOPShopmerchandiseareaformoreinformation abouttheappifneeded. 8. Pleaselimityourmovingaroundintheaudienceduringstageperformances.Whenyoustand,orwalkdownan aisleduringaperformanceyou’reblockingsomeoneelse’sview.Weunderstandthatit’snotalwayspossible,butpleasetry totimemovingaroundtoagapbetweenacts. 9. Smokingofanykindisprohibitedinthevenue.Thisincludesanykindofelectronicand/orvapordevices. 10. Gunsareprohibitedinthevenueandonthevenuegrounds.Thisincludesconcealedcarry. PARTICIPATINGSTUDIOS A Favorites Dance Academy - Lowell, Arkansas B Studio B School of Dance - Siloam Springs, Arkansas C Turning Pointe Dance Center - Rogers, Arkansas D Next Step Dance Studio - Harrison, Arkansas E Sonshine Academy - Conway, Arkansas F Christie McNeill Dance Studio - Jonesboro, Arkansas G Greenbrier Dance Academy - Mt Vernon, Arkansas H Quantum Athletics LLC - Lockwood, Missouri I Rison Starz Dance Academy - Rison, Arkansas J Balance Dance - Elkins, Arkansas K High Pointe Performing Arts Studio - Bentonville, Arkansas L Mountain Movers Dance Studio - Tahlequah, Oklahoma M Missouri State University - Springfield, Missouri N Attitudes Performing Arts - Ft Smith, Arkansas O Dynamics Dance - Springfield, Missouri P PC Dance Company - Tulsa, Oklahoma Q SLT's Illumination Dance Company - Springfield, Missouri R Red Door Dance Company - Springfield, Missouri S A&B Dance Center - Springfield, Missouri T Motion House Dance Company - Arnold, Missouri U Allstar Dance Academy - Warsaw, Missouri V Ozark Dance Academy - Ozark, Missouri W Studio VIE - Springfield, Missouri X Monarch Conservatory of Performing Arts - Grain Valley, Missouri Y CJ Dance Crew @Ronda's Elite - Blue Springs, Missouri Z Eva Moore's Performing Arts Center - Pleasant Hill, Missouri AA Briley Performing Arts Company, LLC - Joplin, Missouri AB Tiffany's Performing Arts Studio - Republic, Missouri AC PRC Dance - McCune, Kansas AD Searcy School of Dance - Searcy, Arkansas AE Sonshine Performing Arts Academy - Springfield, Missouri AF Jacksonville Dance Company - Jacksonville, Arkansas TOP“POP” akaProgramsOnPause Althoughwearethrilledtohavereturnedtohostingcompetitions,we’realsosad thatsomeofwhatmakesTOPspecialisstillonpauseduetotheCovidpandemic. Thefollowingprogramsare“waitinginthewings”andwillmakeareappearance assoonasitissafetobringthemback. TOPSTARZ TOPStarzisourinvitationͲonlyprogramthatbringstogetherselecteddancersfromour regionalcompetitionstoparticipateinspecialproductionperformancesatoursummer NationalFinals.WehavepausedthisprogramuntilCovidrestrictionsgenerallyhavebeen relaxedenoughtoallowforlargegatheringsofdancersfromdifferentstudiostorehearseand performtogetherincloseproximitysafely.Ifatanytimeduringthecourseofthisseasonwe becomeconfidentinaliftingofrestrictionsforthesummer,wewillestablishanopen enrollmentforthosewhoareinterested.Regardlessofwhetherthathappensthisseasonor not,wehopetobringbackTOPStarzinitsoriginalformforthe2022season. TOPCHARITYDANCEDOWN OurCharityDanceDowneventhasmadeitpossible(withyourgeneroushelp)forusto donatemorethan$100,000overtheyearstosomeveryworthcauses.Thisisatoughoneto putonpausesinceweknowthesenonͲprofitsdesperatelyneedourhelp,nowmorethan ever.Wehavenochoicehoweveruntilweareclearedtobringtogetheralargegroupof dancersfromdifferentstudiostothestageagain.Whenthathappens,wewillbringitback.In themeantime,youcanmakeindividualdonationsdirectlytoourfavoritecharities,Drea’s DreamandTheTruth365,viatheirwebsitesifyouwouldliketo.Drea’sDreamisadance therapy/expressivemovementprogramforchildrenwithcancerandspecialneeds ( SpokespersonisTOPDancerGabiShull( COLLEGEBOUNDDANCEFAIR ThisprogramispartoftheTOPmissiontoassistdancersinmovingbeyondthecompetition stageandintoposthighschooldanceprograms.It’saneventwhereawidevarietyof colleges,universities,andpreparatorydanceprogramsarerepresented.Thousandsofdollars inscholarshipsarealsotypicallyawardedonthespotaswell.Wenormallyhostthisevent everyotheryearand2021wassupposedtobean“on”year,butCOVIDrestrictionsledtoits cancellation.Watchforannouncementsattalentonparade.comaboutwhenCollegeBound willreturninthefuture. BRANSONREGIONALJUDGES JEFFBLOCHOWIAKOklahomaCity,Oklahoma Mr.Blochowiakhasbeenaperformer,teacherandcreatorintheentertainmentindustryforover30years.Hebegan dancingattheageofeight,beinginspiredcompletelybymusic.Tapdanceespeciallyfeltnaturalandthemostmusical toJeff,whichhehassincespecializedinthegenre.Alongwithdancetrainingandcompeting,healsobecamevery involvedintheatre,especiallymusicals.Posthighschool;JeffcofoundedhisthirtyͲyearrockgroup“WarrenPeace”, wherehesingsleadvocals,playspiano/keyboards,guitar,bassguitarandpercussions.Inthisgroup,Jeffhadthegreat honorofsharingstageswithsomeoftheworld’smostknownrockbandssuchasToto,ELO,Starshipandmanymoreas wellhasbeenastudiomusicianandstandinformanyothermusicalprojects.Jeffisalsoacurrent21Ͳyearemployeeof thefederalgovernmentandaretireeoftheUnitedStatesAirForce.Jeffhashadtheprivilegetofocusmoreondance thepast12Ͳ15years,ashehastaughtallaroundthecountry,sharingadifferentperspective;educatingandfocusingon themusicalinstrumentationoftap.Jeffistheowner/directorofBlock16StudiosinEdmond,Oklahomawherehealso sharestheteachingandchoreographyresponsibilitieswithhisdaughterHannahBlock,whoisastrongforceandbig inspirationtohimasadanceteacher.Hehasreceivedawards,accolades,andtitlesfromregionalandnationaldance competitionsasinstructoranddirector,butthegiftforhimhasbeenwitnessingthegrowthofthestudentsintheir danceandtheirtrueappreciationofmusic. SAVANNAHNIXOklahomaCity,Oklahoma Growingupinafamilyofdancers,Ms.Nixtrainedandcompetedextensivelyinallmajordancestyles.Shereceived stateandnationalhonorssuchasMissDanceofOklahomaandtrainedunderthelateRobertL.ReedIIasamemberof the“St.LouisHoofersClub”.Shehasappearedinnumerousperformancesandtelevisedeventsandtraveledtothe BeijingSummerOlympicstoperform.SavannahstudieddanceattheUniversityofCentralOklahoma,andcompleted herbachelor’sdegreeatSouthwesternChristianUniversity,whereshewascaptainofthedanceteam.Sheiscertified
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