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The BG News March 28, 1995

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Tuesday, March 28, 1995 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 82, Issue 123 U.S. first lady Final candidate visits Pakistan, for University learns customs president visits Nancy Benac And answered the questions of The Associated Press curious schoolgirls interested in her favorite color "All shades of Hopeful advocates sharing LAHORE, Pakistan - Hillary blue." Rodham Clinton perched on the She sympathized with poor to gain public, state support courtyard bedstead of 70-year- women overwhelmed by their old Burkat All and got the full many children (a mother of 10 rundown on his household: wife, Jay Young wished she'd had access to con- The BG News the country have to work to three sons with wives, four traceptives) and lamented with achieve what was once given. cousins with wives and 21 chil- high school girls about the relig- University presidential candi- "At many levels, nationally as dren. ious and ethnic divisions in soci- date Lee Jones told an audience APPkMo/AjllKum.r well as our state levels, it is no Then she trooped inside for a ety. "I have no answers," the in Olscamp Hall on Monday that longer automatically presumed tour of his mudcake "middle first lady said. U.S. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton is being welcomed by Salman if the University is going to sur- that we are playing an important class" home while one of the Clinton came to Pakistan for Khurshld, Indian Minister of the State for Foreign Affairs, right, upon vive, members of the University role in major issues facing soci- women kept busy outside shap- two days pledging to listen and her arrival at New Delhi airport early on Tuesday morning. Hillary Is community are ety," Jones said. "Certainly I ing dung into discs for fuel. on a three-day visit to India and part of her visit Is to help strengthen going to have to learn and came away with more the bonds of friendship between the U.S. and India. would argue that we are, but we'- Over and over on Monday, the than a mountainous heap of jew- share with the ve got to find ways to reconnect first lady interacted on a person- elry, clothing and other gifts. tan's premier business school. failing to crack down on human public what with those times." al level with the people of Pakis- 'To know about the world, one Wherever she went, Pakistanis rights abuses, but the first lady they do. Jones told the audience that tan. must know about people's were ready to oblige. chose to emphasize the positive. "We have to once the public has been In- She traded thoughts on mar- deepest yearnings and anxie- Human rights activists grum- She devoted Monday to educa- be able to gen- formed, other institution chal- riage vs. jobs With MBA-bound ties," she said in a speech to bled that Clinton should have tion, particularly for girls. She erate and main- lenges can be addressed. college women: "You don't want women at the Lahore University taken Prime Minister Benazir tain strong One of the challenges he cited to give up one for the other." of Management Sciences, Pakis- Bhutto's government to task for See CLINTON, page nine. community and was recruiting honor students. state support," He said compared to other insti- Jones said. "If tutions the University has a small we're going to be able to do that amount of entering freshman Ice Arena to host skating show it's essential that the institution that were in the top 10 percent of not only deliver an absolutly first • their high school class. rate undergraduate experience "What that says to me is that l for our students, but be per- there is substantial opportunity Various champions will perform at lce Horizons' ceived as having done that." for you to become increasingly Jones, the last of six candidates competitive in attracting those Amy Johnson the team of Roca and Sur. to visit the University, has been high quality students here," The BC News Wylie holds many medals in executive vice president and Jones said. numerous championships. He provost at the University of Ne- Jones spoke highly of the Uni- An Olympic champion and has earned the 1992 Gold Medal braska since 1985. He told the other ice skaters will entertain in the World Challenge of Cham- audience that institutions across See JONES, page three. the University community next pions, the 1992 Silver Medal in month. the World Professional Figure The University Ice Arena will Skating Championship, the 1992 host "Ice Horizons," a show star- Pro-Am Gold Medal and the 1992 Nominee thinks ring Paul Wylie, a 1992 Olympic Gold Medal in the United States silver medalist, and Renee Roca Open. and Gorsha Sur, the 1995 Dance Additionally, Wylie was cap- Champions of the United States. he can fill niche tain of the Olympic team in 1992 The show, which will also fea- and earned the 1993 Gold Medal Jay Young ture local ice skaters, will take in the Master Mlko in Paris. The BG News place April 21 at 7:30 p.m. and There are also five different April 22 at 1 JO p.m. and 7:30 p.m. production numbers, each with After his first day at the Uni- Tickets go on sale March 25 at its own theme, performed by versity, Lee Jones thinks there is the Ice Arena ticket office and local skaters, Cadden said. a place for him as the institu- cost $10 for reserved seats and Since 1968, the show has been tion's president. $7 for general admission. performed every other year be- Wylie Roca and Sur "I think the strengths that I Linda Cadden, director of the cause of the time Involved in or- bring, based on what I have seen show, has been directing the ice ganizing the show, said Dick The Bowling Green adult fig- former is Sam Cooper, the so far, would fit very nicely show for the past eight years. Powers, chairman and stage ure skaters will also perform gentleman that the Cooper Pool is here," Jones said. "I'm having a "It's going to be a great show. manager of the event. during the show with various named after," Powers said. lot of fun. I'm learning more It is one-of-a-kind," Cadden said. "The opening number will be themes. The junior figure The show will be dedicated to about the institution, sharing "It's one of the best ice skating performed by the Northern skaters will skate to the theme of Scott Hamilton's father, Ernest views and seeing the campus." shows in the country." Lights Southern Sun, a 200-mem- the "Little Mermaid." Hamilton, a former University The show will consist of var- ber group of local skaters," "The youngest performer is biology professor who died last As president, Jones said he ious performances by Wylie and Powers said. four years old and the oldest per- year. would find time to keep in touch with students. "You have to make time, be- cause you can't lose touch. It's too important not to lose touch," Jones Speakers to address contract Jones said. "You have to make "If I had time I would enjoy sure that you make time in this [teaching]. I very much enjoy the busy schedule to spend time cer- Coalition plans "We're calling it a day of alter- the end. We want to have work- time for protest but we don't interaction with students," Jones native education," said Annette shops and educational programs think that time is now," said Da- tainly with student government." said. events to educate Wannamaker, who is in charge of throughout the spring semester vid Huthmacher, a senior Eng- Jones said he would be able to He said the job of president public relations for the coalition. and into the summer." lish education major and mem- enjoy the roles and duties that go would bring him a lot of satisfac- University students "Well have copies of the con- with the job of president includ- tion. tract to show students what will ing notifying the public why the "It would be a lot of satisfac- Aaron Epple happen and who's affected if it's "The important thing is to emphasize what's University is a good investment. tion to lead the institution to in- The BG News passed. It's also about political "There's a role of translating creasing accomplishments," activism, because this is a going on in Congress now, like student aid and interpreting what this insti- Jones said. Ready to take action, the BGSU democracy and people can go out and welfare reform." tution stands for to the many Jones's employment history Coalition Against The Contract and make a difference." public constituencies so they bet- includes work at all levels at the With America will try to educate With several committees in ter understand, not only what a University of Arizona between students through a series of pre- charge of each issue, there will Crystal Kile strong institution it is, but the 1964-1985. He has worked as a sentations and Information be information tables throughout coalition organizer things we do to contribute to professor of chemistry at the booths Wednesday. the campus to complement the their dally lives," Jones said. "I University of Nebraska since ' A variety of speakers, mostly teach-ins. have got to interact with a lot of 1985. University faculty, will cover is- "The Important thing is to em- In addition to the protest, a ber of Students For Change. the external communities. Jones received his bachelor's sues such as welfare, student aid, phasize what's going on in Con- second group. Students For "(The coalition] is saying the degree from Wabash College in the environment and The gress now, like student aid and Change, will host a discussion In contract is all negative, but we "There are also ways to use 1960 and his doctorate at the National Endowment for the welfare reform," said Crystal Room 1007 of the Business Ad- feel there are a lot of good things students, use alumni and use Massachusetts Institute of Tech- Arts. The presentations will Kile, one of the coalition organ- ministration Building at 7:30 p.m. that'll benefit most of America, if other friends of the institution to nology in 1964. occur in the form of two "teach- izers and a graduate student In The purpose Is to point out some not all of America. We want to help get that message out. No one Jones and his wife Vera have ins" in the Grand Ballroom in the American Culture Studies. "Peo- of the good things In the contract take an objective look at the facts person can do all of that alone." two grown sons. He told the audi- University Union. The first will ple seem happy that debate is be- as well as make a more objective and have a formal discussion like Jones, who was nominated, ence at Olscamp Hall Monday he begin at 9:30 a.m, and the second ing mobilized on campus. We analysis. said if he is named president he enjoys to read and golf when he starts at 2:30 p.m. want to emphasize that this is not "There may eventually be a See ACTION, page five. would like to teach chemistry. can find the time. CAMPUSs£? CITY SPORTS

Barbara Bailey Steve Pankey will go The BG hockey team Hutchinson will return to through psychiatric was not picked for the the University. Tickets are evaluations before trial. NCAA Tournament after still on sale for the Page 6. its 4-3 overtime loss to performance. Michigan State. Page 5. 4? Page 11.

* Editorial The BG News page two Tuesday, March 28,1995 Kato is a lot like a muffler The Red Crayola sped down the we were graciously met by the If It would please the court, The BG News interstate and raced toward the largest man I've ever seen in my would you please give an approx- rising sun. With the radio blast- life. His name was Max and he imate date of your last shower." "Celebrating 75 years of Excellence" ing the beginning of the 'Star had more letters in his name than This grungy, shaggy grease- Wars' theme, I donned my Sa- he had teeth. ball is asking us to believe his mmy Hagar sunglasses and rev- His tremendous gut was hid- testimony and treat him with re- Julie Tagliaferro Michael Zawacki ved the engine. The fanfare sec- editor-in-chief managing editor tion began and The Crayola's frame started to shake as the "J don't think this guy has bathed since OJ.'s speedometer approached the 65 m.p.h. mark. "Warp one. Admiral NFL debut. I mean, look at his hair. He has Leah Bamum Dawn Keller Zunic," said my trusty compan- species of bacteria living in there that have news editor assistant managing editor ion in his very best Captain Sulu since gone extinct." impersonation. The cornfields flew past quicker than O.J.'s ali- bis. 'Warp two', he said again as Joe Peiffer Larry Hannan Sharon Turco the speedometer closed in on 70. city editor editorial editor feature editor 'Move over, Chuck Yeager!,' I yelled, 'Here we cornel' Suddenly, the car began to den unsuccessfully beneath his spect, yet he cant even bathe shake more violently and my taught flannel and his suspen- and/or comb hia hair before his sidekick changed his voice to scene far too tremendous to de- ders were stretched tighter than debut in the national spotlight. that of a very concerned Mr. scribe in a column, something the O-rings on the space shuttle. He is playing the anti- Students need to Scott "If you keep this pace up popped up out the road, flashed After a quick deliberation over establishment role of the chaotic Admiral, I can't guarantee she'll me an evil, toothless grin, the price of maintenance, we bad-boy who wears a sport coat. hold together!" Realizing the reached up and tore my muffler were escorted to a small waiting He's not a role model. He is Kato. focus on studying imminent danger, I took my foot off of The Crayola. Horrified, I room: a small enclave with a Kato is an actor - albeit, not a off the gas and watched reluctan- slammed on the brakes, threw it couch and a black and white very bright one - and he's at- tly as the speedometer plunged in reverse and swerved to hit the televslon. That was when I got tempting an Oscar performance. You waited, you counted the days on your calendar. to 55. The "Star Wars" theme had foul creature. Apparently, my my first look at Kato Kaelln. ended anyway, and the tape was sudden counter-attack scared it Kato's playing it both ways: You waited, you put off that paper due on April 3, How can we possibly lend any one second he's helping O J., the now playing the love theme from off. All that remained was the weight to this clown's testimony? ' you waited and finally, it arrived. next he's trying to bury him. But, now as all good things, spring break has come to "St. Elmo's Fire." tattered remains of my Midas First of all, he's a mental furball "Who made this stupid tape muffler. "Not to fear," I assured Anything to help himself get an end and all that is left to show for it is undeveloped who has a hard enough time un- more attention. film and large credit card bills. anyway," I grunted. "You can't my companion who, in his ner- derstanding the questions asked drive to this!" So, I slammed the vousness, had started doing the let alone formulating an intel- Basically, I view thia guy's tes- With visions of sun and sand still dancing in then- "Time Warp" In his fashionable heads, student spring breakers are now faced with eject button, flipped the tape into ligent response (I never thought timony like a new muffler. It the back seat, and stuck in my button-fly corduroys, "I have a I'd ever anyone use the word starts out inventive and Intact, catching up with their work as well as finishing strong in own personal Led Zeppelin mix Midas guarantee." So,'we sped 'gnarly' in court). Secondly, I but by the end of his testimony, it ,the remaining five weeks of the semester. tape. "Immigrant Song" off towards the nearest Midas don't think this guy has bathed will be worn-out and full of holes. J Most professors will tell you that the last few weeks of screamed through The Crayola's station, with The Crayola sound- since OJ.'s NFL debut. I mean, The only difference is that my the semester are the most important in determining how truck speakers, and all seemed ing every bit like my roommate look at his hair. He has species of muffler has a performance guar- well a student will do gradewise. Unfortunately, this is right with the world. gargling his Pepto-Blsmol. bacteria living in there that have antee. This guy definitely lacks the time of the year where it is very difficult to focus on That's when it happened. In a When we arrived at the Midas, since gone extinct "Mr. Kaelin, the 'Midas touch'. classes. As April approaches, so do warm weather and empty classroom seats as students find it easier and eas- ier to justify skipping class. Attendance policies are pushed to their limit when sit- ting out in front of University Hall starts to look a lot more appealing than going inside to class.

The News believes that students must try to put their distractions aside and work hard to get through the re- mainder of the semester. Although sitting in a lecture hall may not be the best way to spend a sunny afternoon, it is vital to getting the most out of education. Higher education does not work if students aren't inside the classroom. The News also believes that students who are serious about getting the most out of their education must make the conscious effort to get to class despite the various outside distractions that the spring brings with it. . Summer will come soon enough and then students can enjoy the rays and relax. Until then, students should re- member that they do pay thousands of dollars to attend the University. There's no need to waste it.

- However, students are wasting more than just their own money. As a student at a state university, they are also wasting the money of the taxpayers of the state of Ohio. Education at state universities are funded by the peo- ple of the state and when a seat in a classroom goes empty, even for one class period, that money is being wasted. ' Students have the right to waste their money, but not -the money of Ohio's hardworking taxpayers.

Copyright © 1995 by The BO News. Reprinting of any material in this publication without the permission of The BG News is strictly prohibited. The BG News is an independent student voice founded in 1920 and is published daily during the academic year and Wednesdays in the summer. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of Contract will hurt country the student body, faculty or University administration. Opin- ions expressed in columns, cartoons and letters are not neces- Bowling Green State Universi- the elimination of the Public tion education (This also includes are also doing It in a hurry. sarily those of The BG News. ty la waking up. Americana are Broadcasting System, a $1.7 mil- federal protection of abortion Letters intended for publication must be between 200- getting screwed and University lion cut from the Department of clinics). Republicans promise to bring 300 words long, typed and include the writer's name, phone students are doing something Education, large cuts In monies They're giving you snappy ti- all 10 bills to the house floor about it. to The National Endowment for tles like "Personal Responsibility within the first 100 days of their number and University affiliation, if any. The BG News Bowling Green Is Joining many the Arts and Humanities and mil- Act" and "The American Dream reign. If you watch C-SPAN, you reserves the right to edit any and all letters. colleges and universities across lions of dollars in federal student Restoration Act." All I know is If can sea for yourself how these The BG News encourages its readers to notify the the country. Including Harvard, aid (hey, that's you and me). my federal loans aren't subsi- provisions are being carefully paper of any errors in the stories or photograph descriptions. Indiana U., Washington College, Elements of die Contract also dized anymore, my "dream" will rushed through the motions. Al- Antioch, Ohio State University, handicap much-needed environ- be more difficult to realize. though strong partisanship dis- Obeiiin and more In a national mental TV»\ affirmative ac- Get a copy, read critically, take courages most Republicans from movement against recent con- tion, and the Violence Against the rhetoric with a grain of salt. voting against any of these pro- The BG News Staff gressional blunder. Women Act One unifying theme In the Con- posals, they must still answer to Appealing to onmmon con- Concern about this legislation tract With America is the Idea us. photo editor Ross Weitzjier cerns, the new 104th Congress ciussus party lines. Conservative that if everyone were white and a sports editor Marty Fuller has offered 10 bills contained in individuals and liberals have op- member of a nice, nuclear, A contract we never signed is asst. sports editor Pat Murphy the Contract With America in an posed provisions In the Contract middle-class family, this country not a Contract With America, It Is graphics editor Jim Mericsko effort to "restore the American With America. The Contract does would be so much nicer. a Contract On America. Weekend Reality editor GltnLubbtn dream.'' Imj^itd address many lamits con- The truth is, the American nu- Tomorrow, colleges and univer- sities across the country will be I encourage everyone to get a cerning Americans and their clear family Is the most violent Weekend Reality mg. editor Melissa Upowski participating in A Day of Action copy chief Cindy Williams copy of the Contract, read it, and country, including welfare re- Institution In this country when realize the "dreem" in question U Against the Contract On Amer- assistant copy chief Kristin Stadum form. considering Incest, domestic vio- not yours or mine. The majority of welfare recip- ica, including Bowling Green lence and child abuse. We need State University. special projects editor RobinCoe After reading the 41-page ients are children. The proposed legislation promoting peace, assistant special projects editor Aaron Cray document carefully, I know that "reform'' Is based on Ignorance equality, and opportunity, not Get a copy of the Contract, certain provisions will gut many and myths about the "welfare "normalcy." reed it yourself and get aware. successful, well-meaning pro- 204 West Hall mother." The mam goal of this The proposed legislation would We are aU responsible, we are grams. As Americans, we should "reform'' according to the Con- make life as an American more Bowling Green State University all involved. Whether we like it take heed. tract Is to curb Illegitimacy and difficult than ever before, or not. Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0726 When the present members of teen pregnancy. However, the whatever your family situation. bgnewt ©andy.bgsu.edu Congress were campaigning, Contract says no funds will be Q»gresspersons are enacting Andrea Wood is a guest cot- their platforms did not profess used for abortion clinics or abor- these laws la our names. They umniMtfor The News

I The BG News Headline Tuesday, March 28, 1995 page three THEY SAID IT

"I'd rather be overcautious than take one ounce of chance." -Mary Ann Hale, principal ofMcArthur Elementary School REGIONAL Weathei ampus Ttiesday, March 28 On This Date orner Accu-Weather*towcB8l lor daytime conoWons and htoti fmptiratur— Sixteen years ago today, Ohio Sen. 1 8 Howard M. Melzenbaum held hearings Orchestra to cele- Harbison's "Viola Concerto" with the St. Paul Chamber Or- y^ ^ !?"!^ r$ in Toledo on the operation of the Davis- brate 50th anniver- chestra and presented the Besse nuclear plant near Port Clinton sary American premiere of the to "get down to the tremendous The internationally accla- "Pendereckl Concerto" with problems" the plant had been the Minnesota Orchestra. imed Stuttgart Chamber Or- experiencing during its operation. chestra celebrates its 50th an- She has appeared at the niversary season with a con- Mostly Mozart, Marlboro, cert at the University at 8 p.m. Lucerne and Saltzburg Fes- on March 29 in Kobacker Hall tival. Her Grammy-nominated of Moore Musical Arts Center. recording of the complete The concert, the third per- Hindemlth Sonatas on ECM formance in this year's Fes- Records received critical ac- tival Series, will be conducted claim. She has since recorded by Dennis Russell Davies and Hindemlth's "Trauermuslk" will feature renowned violist on her latest compact disc, Kim Kashkashian. "Lachrymae." The program will include In addition to ECM Records, "Chamber Symphony in C she has recorded on CBS minor, Op. 110a" by Dmitri Masterworks and Deutsche Shostakovich (orchestration Grammophon. Kashkashian is by Rudolf Barshai);"Abii ne currently a professor of viola viderem" by Giya Kanchell; at the Hocbichule fur Musik in "Rounds for String Orchestra" Freiburg, West Germany. by David Diamond and "Sym- The Stuttgart Chamber Or- phony No. 3" by Philip Glass. chestra's current five-week Davies, acknowledged as tour is its 11th tour in North one of the classical music America. The orchestra, which world's most innovative musi- appeared on the Festival Se- cians, is both a conductor and ries during the 1986-87 season, also will perform this spring at pianist. As general music di- JSHOHERS HMN TSTOHUS numcs SHOW rector in Bonn, Germany, Lincoln Center in New York, since 1987, he has served as the Kennedy Center for the chief conductor of the Beetho- Performing Arts in Washing- venhalle Orchestra, music di- ton, D.C., and in Toronto, Chi- ACROSS rector of the Bonn Opera and cago and Indianapolis. artistic director of the trien- nial Beethoven Festival. Founded by Karl Mun- THE NATION Youngsters engage in bill revelry in Bombay, India. Hill is a He has also been named to chlnger in 1945, the Stuttgart major fertility festival known for color and exuberance. It origi- become chief conductor of the Chamber Orchestra gave its nally honored Kama, the god of love. During the festival, young Austrian Radio Symphony Or- first performance little more Americans create polyg- as "gerrymander," "varmint," and old engage In smearing and spraying colored powder over chestra next year at Carnegie than a year after the end of lot of language "kitchenette" and the sadly ob- each other as a mark of good will and acceptance. Hall and principal conductor World War II. Munchlnger NEW YORK - We the people of solete "slobberchops." of the American Composers gathered the ensemble with a the United States, in order to Orchestra at Carnegie Hall purpose: in the devastating form a more perfect union, Author Bill Bryson puts it all and Brooklyn Philharmonic aftermath of the war, he wish- created our own unique polyglot together in Made in America, an JONES Orchestra. ed to create a German orches- of a language along the way. engaging account of how the Continued from page one. 1 . Kashkashian has established tra to act as musical ambas- And what variety: Through cul- American experience helped I • herself as one*of the most ac- sadors of good will, able to tural experiences and liberal American English part from its versity and said it has a strong research programs. He said he tour easily throughout war- borrowing, Americans have complished young artists of British elder sibling and spread foundation. He told the audience would like to see growth in that her generation. In recent shattered Europe. amassed such linguistic morsels its influence across the globe. seasons the American-born The musicians, chosen from he likes the University graduate area in the long run. artist has appeared as soloist among hundreds who audi- with major orchestras in New tioned, were assembled to play Women's Studies Program presents York, Berlin, Vienna, London, not only the well-known Munich and Tokyo. masterpieces of the day, but the best In addition to giving recitals also to resurrect the classics Suzanne Westenhoefer throughout the United States of the Baroque Era, creating a ; By Ken Parish Perkins thing to do on and Europe, she has toured rebirth of the chamber orches- Mtt£&k, Suit WrlM ol en [Mas UotninQ with a unique quartet which tra. Now the orchestra in- mm tuesdays... included violinists Gidon cludes some of the world's Kremer, Daniel Phillips and finest musicians from Hunga- Witty and glib, Ms. cellist Yo-Yo Ma. ry, Japan, Britain, the United M P***9& Westenhoefer, who has been Kashkashian presented the States, Turkey, Romania, Aus- featured on HBO's Comedy premiere performance of John tria and Germany. Central in a one-woman show, m IK: is disarmingly funny in all the unpolitically correct ways. Don't like her sexual preference? Than leave. She's perhaps one of the most contident comedians, men or $ Every Tuesday All Day \ women, to step on the Improv »\Not available for delivery.Dine-in or carry-out only. S m stage. March 30,1995 8:00pm \? ^^fSiV Call 353-BWWW < ■^■^■^■^■■^■^■^■^■J X KwfJPfl bw-3B.G. < 'l^k^k^k^k^k^k^k^ '^k^k^kV^kK Moore Musical Arts Ctnttr \\ V'l££v7 176E.Wooster 5 ^B^B^Hr ■ General Admission $5.50 A NE&Sr Bowling Green,Ohio < Tkkcb flo on u l« March 1,1995-1 BoiOlTict BUFFALO WILD WINGS & WECK

9/10/ C^Sff^y compUte woodproject ZU /0 \JjJ (includes poddies and Utters)

► PHOTO DEVELOPING DoubleJttnteFree . Bring in this Coupon , . forfl.00 off Spring , Break Pictures . V. «. - Jexplres_April3rd*_ _ _ J JULWML Packages plus. • • CardsCan and^Glfts and moremo 111 Railroad St. BG 352-1693 Register now for summer classes on BGSU STAR-90. Campus t The BG News page four Tuesday. March 28,1995 USG introduces proposals Twenty-one women Amendments call for organizational changes earn promotions,

Jim Barker to amend or ratify the president's legislation since the House will "We raised quite a bit of tenure for 1995-96 The BC News appointments with a simple vote on the issue April 5. money. At the beginning of the majority vote. Also introduced was a proposal fall semester this year, we were Heather Cvenoros The BG News Undergraduate Student to return a student-run coffee notified by letter that Food Oper- Government recovered from the Constitutional Amendment 12 ations would be taking over the table to the Business Administra- Despite the recent controversy over the gender equity issue at atmosphere of spring break in a calls for a change in the wording tion Building. The table, where table," Crawford said. hurry at Monday night's general of a clause that currently prohi- the University, both men and women have been granted tenure business majors sold snacks and and promoted to associate and full professor ranks for the assembly meeting, introducing bits part-time students from beverages to other students, has "In the letter they basically two new bills and two constitu- serving in USG. said, 'We understand you are 1995-96 academic year. been replaced with a similar Twenty-one of the 39 tenures and promotions consisted of „-.|ltional amendments. , making some money, so we are table run by University Food- women in the colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business Admlnls"" t\ Constitutional Amendment 11 Senate BUI 94-95-24 calls for Operations. taking over,'" she added. Qcalls for the addition of a new the removal of several secondary A policy created by Food Oper- tration, Education and Allied Professions, Musical Arts, Ubrar-^ ' ies and Learning Resources and the Counseling and Career De- section to Article 3 of the USG education issues from the Ohio Senator Lisa Crawford spon- ations in March of 1993 prohibits by-laws, which would give USG House of Representatives' 1995 the sale or distribution of food velopment Center. sored the proposal and said the Tenure has different requirements for each rank promotion, presidents the power to appoint budget discussions and their re- table had been a good fund-raiser and beverages within the boun- senators to committees. daries of Mercer Road and said C. J. Cranny, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. introduction as separate pieces for Delta Sigma Pi, who had "Requirements may include a terminal degree, significant The proposal would also give of legislation. The bill was Intro- operated the table for more than Thurstin Avenue or between Poe the general assembly the power Road and Wooster Street. research and service to the University community," Cranny duced and passed as emergency eight years without incident. said. Sue Carter Simmons was tenured and promoted to associate professor of English She said after six years at the University Greeks promote alcohol safety she is thankful for the promotion. "I'm glad for the recognition and acknowledgement of my work," Simmons said. would be something the whole safe," he said. Simmons said her goals are to continue research and teaching, Members offer weekend rides Greek community could use," The participants in the GADD which support two programs - undergraduate English education she said. "It would help to keep program would have a list of all and a doctoral program in rhetoric and composition. to benefit other brothers, sisters people safe.'' the different chapter members Simmons said she believes the University needs to continue to The program GADD will be of from each house so they know explore the gender equity issue because there is a contradicton Genell Pavellch for GAMMA, said the new pro- service to all members of the the people they are assisting are between the faculty's report and the administration's study. The BG News gram "Greeks Against Drunk Greek system, which Includes Greeks. Susan Petroshlus, professor of marketing, has worked at the Driving" will be a year-round about 2,000 people, and the target University for 14 years. She said she is happy with her promo- program to help supplement pro- date for starting the program is "We will also have waivers for tion. The University's Interfraterni- grams like "Brothers Against April 15. Durkin said. the drivers, and we will do back- Petroshlus said she is not sure whether there is a gender ty Council, Panhellenic Council Drunk Driving" and "Safe Ride." The GADD program would ground checks on their driving equity problem, but she was denied promotion last year. and Greeks These are programs offered by consist of eight members - two records," he said. "We want to "I filed an appeal to the Faculty Personal Conciliation Com- Advocating the individual fraternity and so- representatives each from two make sure the drivers are re- mittee, which one of the four charges was discrimination based Mature Man- rority chapters to assist their fraternities and two sororities — sponsible and safe and that no on gender," Petroshlus said. "I lost in the appeal process and de- agement of Al- members if they have been available between 10 p.m. and 3 one Is endangered." cided not to take it further." cohol are start- drinking and need a ride home. am. Friday and Saturday. Each car sent out to pick up Petroshlus said her concern with the gender equity issue is ing a program Jill Camella, liability educator The participants, who would be callers will have one fraternity whether women leave due to an unequal academic climate. to help keep for Panhel and co-vice president stationed at the Phi Sigma Kappa member and one sorority mem- "The question which needs to be addressed is how many wom- their members for GAMMA, said this program fraternity house, would be avail- ber, Durkin said. en leave because they don't like the [academic] climate," she safe on the would be a back-up to the pro- able to pick up callers and drive said. "This leaves them with no opportunity to be promoted." weekends. grams offered by the individual them home. Durkin also said every Greek Victoria Krane, who has been at the University for five years, Greg Duridn, fraternities and sororities. Durkin said the fraternities member will sign a waiver that was granted tenure and promoted to assistant professor of IFC liability "Right now, each house has its and sororities who have been they will not hold the GADD pro- HPER. chairman and co-vice president own program like this, but GADD contacted about the idea so far gram responsible if an accident "A promotion is a major goal In everyone's career - I feel have been 100 percent behind the should occur. wonderful," Krane said. program, and he hopes they will During the first couple of Krane's next goal is to aim for full professor. Tenure now al- all help out during its implemen- weekends of the GADD program, lows her to do more long-range projects. tation. Durkin said he and Camella will "This program would help be participating to make sure Krane said she believes there are campus-wide concerns for keep the Greek community everything is running smoothly. potential gender Inequity due to the past. Sorority fights child abuse

Genell Pavellch The Kappa Delta sorority had Patrick's Day, raised about benefit. The BG News its annual "Jall-N-Bail" March 11 $1,600 this semester, said Libby Peper said the philanthropies to raise money to aid in the fight Lunz, Shamrock Project chair- help give Greeks a good image. Earlier in the month, students against child abuse. woman. "These events are opened up to'. and faculty were in danger of The philanthropy, originally "I am very proud of our philan- the whole campus, and they do • getting arrested as part of one known as the Shamrock Project thropy and how it went," Lunz something for a good cause," she '. sorority's philanthropy. due to the date's closeness to St. said. "We made money to go to a said. i great cause." Lunz said 128 people were ar- UIWVERSFTY UNION rested during the event and that ♦ Best Values on Campus everything went fairly smoothly, partially thanks to the nice "I am very proud of weather. our philanthropy and ■kV ■ ii ^ I • \ v "We had a lot more fun this how it went." ■ year, and it was such a beautiful l»lll \S\YI KOOII BOWL-N-GREENERY day," she said. Cindy Peper, a first-year soror- Libby Lunz N.Y. Tijuana ity member, said she was also very happy about how It went Shamrock Project chairwoman Strip Tuesday "I was really excited for It and it was a lot of fun — it was inter- $5.20 esting to see people's reactions Local agencies that received Steak when we came to arrest them," Make your own tocos, proceeds from the sorority's phi- she said. lanthropy in previous years in- $6.95 fajitu, burrltos and Chlmlchangas. She said the participants in the clude the Children's Resource ln< S.!'.id S !},]■-•-i' event were very cooperative Center in Wood County and Wood Incl: Complete salad bar, taco when told who the money would salad, baked potato and County Foster Care. OI»I:> .»-7i»>i unlimited beverage.

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WATER. SEWER! CiH 3M4IM for m ■epoiatMH » m 725 Ninth: 1 Bdrms, FREE WATER & SEWER! micfm,tvoornML 125-131 Clay 1A 2 Bdrms. FREE HEAT, WATER, SEWER A CLOSE TO CITY PARK KAPLAN ! The BG News Campus Tuesday, March 28, 1995 page five Speaker will discuss cults Comedienne about cults. Hassan was the as- said Murray Welsh, program as- Former Moonie will address sistant director of the church and sistant of the Honors Program. the national headquarters. "Students that attend higher plans repeat experiences, mind control "Hassan is trying to educate learning institutions are more the public and especially stu- willing to listen and open them- Amy Johnson address students in the Lenhart dents on how cults use mind con- selves to the cults," Welsh said. The BC News Grand Ballroom tonight at 8 p.m. trol to gain members," Nettling Studies show that young stu- performance The event is co-sponsored by 14 said. "Hassan was 19 to 21 years dents majoring the in the liberal A former cult member will in- organizations located on and off of age when he dropped out of arts are recruited more often be- form students the University campus and is college to become a member of a cause they are very open- about his expe- presented by the Honors Student cult." minded, Welsh added. rience with. a Association. at University Colleges are known to be big "I encourage everyone to at- cult. "Mind Hassan was a two-year mem- recruiting places for cults be- tend because this is a wonderful Control, Cults ber of the cult "Moonles," part of cause students are looking for opportunity to educate oneself Amy Johnson After Hutchinson opened and Pheno- the Unification Church, said Kim new groups and friends. This is about a confusing and sometimes The BC News for Rita Rudner, she signed menon," will Nettling, HSA member and all a form of mind control to gain misunderstood subject," he said. autographs for two hours, said address a sub- chairwoman of the Informative members. Nettling said. Attending the event can clear Well received by all who at- Steve Snyder, director for ject some stu- Committee. Students attending college up the question of what a cult ac- tended the Rita Rudner con- spotlight entertainment for dents know cert, Barbara Bailey Hutchin- Hassan has testified before should better educate them- tually is. UAO. nothing about. Congress and has developed a selves about the effects of cults "Anyone I have ever talked to son is coming back to the Uni- "Tons of people asked her to Hassan versity. Steven Has- new way to counsel former because of the high chance of be- about cults really has no idea do a whole performance," san, a former cult member, will members and their families ing approached by cult members, what they are. Nettling said. The famous voice of com- Snyder said. mercial jingles, such as Hutchinson was nominated McDonald's "What You Want for a Grammy Award In 1992 is What You Get," will reveal and 1995. She Is a four-time Lecturer targets Korean weapons her talent to students who winner of the Campus Enter- missed her the first time. tainer Award. The show will take place to- Llndsey Krout The Asian studies program brought Koh to made containing the threat, much con- night at 8 p.m. in Kobacker The concert is one that stu- The BC News campus. troversy still remains," Koh said. Hall. Tickets are on sale now dents have asked for and will Koh focused on the potential North Korea Koh is also not a stranger to controversy. at the University Activities enjoy, said Erik Dickson, Korean potential to produce nuclear had to greatly build up its nuclear arms. One paper written by Koh was banned from Organization office in the graduate adviser for UAO. weapons was the discussion of a lecture giv- "North Korea Is potentially capable of being discussed by the North Korean Union and at the Kobacker "This is another chance for en on campus. B.C. Koh, professor of politi- making many atomic bombs every year," government, although approval was later Ticket Office. The tickets cost students to experience a cul- cal science at the University of Illinois at Koh said. "This would create a nightmare, given. $5 and can be charged to the tural performance," Dickson Chicago, lectured in Olscamp Hall before particularly for the United States, Japan and "I feel that this subject is very important, Bursar's Office. said. spring break. South Korea." and I think the background should be given Koh's speech was "North Korea and the by someone who is an authority," Kawa- Bomb." Koh went on to discuss the North Korean shima said. ACTION "He is a well-known scholar in the field of perception of nuclear weapons and evaluat- Koh is also the author of four books, in- policy in North Korea," said Fujiya Kawa- ed some of the conditions made in the treaty cluding The Foreign Policy Systems of North Continued from page one. shima, professor of history at the University between the United States and North Korea. and South Korea and Japan's Administrative and fellow member for Students and director of the Asian studies program. "Even though much progress has been civilized, educated adults. We Elite. don't think we should use scare For Change. "Even though the tactics," he added. coalition weren't interested, we Although the agenda has not still have a standing invitation been finalized, Huthmacher said for them to come up and partici- Irish Club provides service, fun the discussion will be an open pate." forum where everyone will have Kile said the major reason for Membership is not the only "We've done a lot of communi- a chance to express their ideas not speaking at the Students For Organization changes purpose thing that has changed about the ty service - at the soup kitchen a and ask questions about the con- Change discussion was that so Irish Club in its four years, couple times a semester and at tract. few members would debate on during four-year stay on campus however. David's House in Toledo. We An original thought was to everything due to the way the is- "It used to be just a big party," even raised some money for St. have a few coalition members sues are broken up. J.P. Boyle Irish Club has done all of that and Burke said. "Now it's about SO Thomas More," Burke said. serve as panelists to debate the "None of our members felt The BC News more. percent service and SO percent issues, but the proposal was re- comfortable speaking on behalf Founded in 1991 by three stu- big party." The group also has social fused. of the entire coalition," Kile said. It's not often that an organiza- dents from Cleveland, the Irish events. "We want to provide an oppor- "We're not trying to cut off dia- tion with a provision in its consti- Club has grown from 20 mem- That service time has been do- "We sponsored a dance a tunity for students to hear the logue, but [Students for Change tution stipulating a beer budget bers Its Inaugural year to 60 this nated to many community organ- month ago. We brought in an other side of the story," said members] were never sure of can make a difference in the year, according to John Burke, izations in Bowling Green and Irish band," Burke said. "Some Todd Kleismit, a senior journal- what the setup of the discussion community, but the University current president. surrounding areas. people even did a jig." ism and political science major would be." BLUE RIBBON PHOTO BURLINGTON AIR EXPRESS

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page six Tuesday, March 28, 1995 Accused Murder inquiry continues BG stalker Suspect takes polygraph test; companion still missing to undergo Aaron Grey Juvenile was last seen walking along railroad The BC News tracks In Flndlay on March 16. A Flint, Mich., murder suspect arrested In Bowl- A nationwide runaway search has been issued evaluation ing Green on March 14 is still being held In the for the second youth, but no murder charges have Joe Boyle Flint Juvenile Detention Center as police continue been brought against him, Mlddleton said. The BC News the Investigation. Mlddleton said the second Juvenile is a possible David Michael Melf L17, suspected of murdering suspect in the murder case, and they would like to Accused stalker and Universi- his twin brother, could be released this week If he question him. ty graduate student Steven Pan- passes a polygraph test, said Flint Police Sgt. Melfl, his twin brother and the other youth were key will undergo a psychological Charles Mlddleton. all seen entering a house in Michigan three weeks evaluation before his July 18 Jury "Melfl already passed one polygraph test given ago. Melfl and the other boy were seen leaving the trial. by an independent polygraphist," Mlddleton said house, and the twin was later found stabbed to "This week we're going to Interview Melfl and his death. father and give him a second test" Bowling Green police arrested Melfi in Food "There's a six month Police have no leads on Melfi's traveling com- Town, 1080 S. Main St., for shoplifting on March panion, who was staying with him at a Gypsy Lane 14. They discovered he and his friend had been maximum on this trailer park until Melfl was arrested. The second missing since the twin's murder. charge, and given the nature of this crime, I can't say that six Tk« BC N»iAui WekiMr Council discusses closings months is going to University graduate student Steven Pankey (right) stands before "The reason I held the meeting commuter lot runs out. acting Judge Jerry Lee. Pankey if accused of stalking, and If Jee Boyle solve the problem." The BG News Is because just one week from "The trustees had no problem convicted, could face six months in prison and a $1000 fine. tonight the whole council will with closing Derby or Frazee, but Students who live on Pike or make a definitive decision," Kle- they have a lease on the Pike lot MarkTolles Pankey's lawyer, Michael Bel- If convicted, Pankey could face Derby streets or Frazee Avenue ismit said. "The administration for several more years," Kleis- Bowling Creen City prosecutor cher, did not object to the evalua- a sentence of up to six months in may need to find a new route to really would like us to close all mit said. tion, nor did the Judge. prison and $1000 fine. classes. three because Conrall would Another factor weighing into "I think the court is pretty In a Ward 1 community meet- have no problem helping us open the decision is liability the city In a March 17 pretrial confer- much obliged. If it's a possibility, However, Pankey may soon ing. First Ward Councilman Todd up Merry Street." may have if there are further ac- ence, Bowling Green City Pros- we'll follow through," Lee said face at least two more charges, Kleismit explained that Bowling The process of closing the rail cidents at the unmarked cross- ecutor Mark Tolles asked the act- Tolles and Belcher agreed to as two other women filed com- Green City Council will vote crossings has been spurred on by ings. ing judge, Jerry Lee, to have make arrangements with WCCA plaints with the University Police Monday on which, if any, of these Conrall, which will provide im- "When there is a car-train ac- Pankey evaluated by the Wood for Pankey immediately follow- Department and the Bowling three railroad crossings will be provement funds for other cross- cident, I wonder if the city is go- County Mental Health Center. ing the proceedings. Green Police Division. closed ings if the city closes at least two. ing to get sued," Kleismit said. "Conrall has a program where Since going around lights or if we close a street, they'll help gates is not a legally defensible * * * * FLASH * * * * us Improve another crossing," act, Bowling Green Police Major What's the) Kleismit said. "They haven't giv- Tom Votava noted that the real USAF Seeks Pilots HI en us an ultimatum or anything, cost of such a lawsuit is not the point, ) settlement, but the litigation. f/vnnnthl / PUT SOME THOUGHT 555 from they're Just giving us another op- Kenneth?^ WT0Y00RSWM€R Class of '97 ~w_ tion." "It could co3t $18 to $20,000 to ¥ \° /' 616 the Oass^TB^^"" If Pike Street is closed. It may win the case so it wont 'cost us ! j= ^\ / fcr#Ctass of '99 present an obstacle for Universi- anything,'" Votava said. '95 SUMMER PHILOSOPHY ty commuters accessing the lot The possible closings come at a First Term 5/22-6/30 behind the smokestack from the time that is particularly crucial east side of the tracks. in Bowling Green, as Thurstin 210 Development Of Pars ons 2:45-4:20 MTWR LitllelieW Street Is due to be repaved and 327 Phil CM Punlshmont 11:00-12:35 MTWR Stuait However, according to Kleis- 340 Marriage & Alternate a 1:00-2:35 MTWR LinlelieU mit, the University trustees have have sidewalks added.. 340 Christian Origins 2:45-420 MTWR Lomasky given their seal of approval to a "I'm really going to have to be 480 Hegel 1:00-5:00 TR Callen HfRING Bd^tj^RJDENTS !!! closing of Pike Street, but only if convinced that we need to close a Second Term 7/3-6711 it is done after their lease on the street, period," Kleismit said. 101 Intro To Philosophy 8:00-9:15 MTWRF Stall Scholarships 103 Introduction To Logic 1:00-2:35 MTWRF Staff 319 Death & Dying 2:45-420 MTWRF Staff 372-2176 HEW- &* W^i &0 &"4'

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taMbl<<«>M>l« t^M«*MbMMti »*•<■•)*■ kalllKllbMNatik' fclPta|l>n»-,WIWII|«FWIl>SMJl*l*.(ltl»"-(lt<»lt.(ll»'W - Management Company »«*.[nii>'%.nisiw^ii»»M-ictii«i» i iin»w*.ni' 530 S. Maple 352-9378 —*_ : " The BG News State Tuesday, March 28,1995 page seven Senator Man fights to save ship targets Officials may scrap historic USS Missouri The Associated Press ful," Thurman said. "She was pounding the beach foreign with projectiles weighing 2,700 pounds each. And I CHILLI COTHE, Ohio - An Ohio man who served remember saying to myself, 'I'd love to be on on the USS Missouri during the Korean War Is something that big some day.'" affairs waging a letter-writing campaign petitioning law- The battle, which wrested Okinawa from the makers and Navy officials to save the historic Japanese, lasted from April through July 1945. The Associated Press battleship. About 12,500 Americans were killed, and 300 Al- "I've told them it would be a dishonor to scrap lied warships were sunk or damaged The COLUMBUS - The par- the ship," said Paul Thurman, 67, of Chillicothe. Japanese lost 110,000 men, and more than 60,000 ade of presidential hopefuls "The Missouri Is part of American history." Okinawans also died in the fighting. continued through Ohio The Missouri, commissioned SI years ago during Robert Hergenrather of Philllpsburg was on the Monday as Republican Sen. World War II, was the site of the official surrender Missouri when the Japanese surrendered in cere Richard Lugar traveled to of Japan on Sept. 2,1945. It is berthed in Bremer- monies aboard the ship in Tokyo Bay. Ohio to raise money and to ton, Wash. Hergenrather was one of 98 Marines assigned to tout his qualifications. On Jan. 21, the Navy announced It was retiring the battleship. One of his GOP rivals - the Missouri because it had become too expensive "We were supposed to be the honor guard at the a Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas - to maintain. treaty signing, but we didn't even stand at atten-. was scheduled to appear at The move allows the Navy to sell the ship for tlon because at that time the Americans had no re- a Columbus fund-raiser scrap or to a foreign government unless a private spect whatsoever for the Japanese," he said later in the day. group can raise enough money to open the vessel Thurman was also In Tokyo Bay that day, watch-, Lugar, a four-term sena- to tourists as a memorial. Navy spokesman Lt. Ing the surrender from the Gherardl a few nun-' tor from Indiana and form- Commander Kenneth Ross said. dred yards away. He left the Navy in 1947, but re- er Indianapolis mayor, Thurman, a city councilman, was 18 when he got enlisted in 1950 after die Korean War began and • started the day with a news his first glimpse of the 887-foot Missouri, on April was assigned to the Missouri. conference, where he tried 1, 1945. He was aboard the Gherardl, a destroyer Thurman, who has a S-foot-long scale model of to distance himself from protecting the U.S. Invasion fleet off Okinawa the battleship, has written letters to Navy officials the growing field of poten- from Japanese kamikaze planes. and U.S. senators and congressmen urging them to tial Republican challengers "She was Incredible; so streamlined, so power- save the Missouri. to President Bill Clinton. "I bring to the race someone who has the broadest sense of experi- Bomber protests probation ences - executive, legisla- APPkm/JlmWUmer tive, military, academic, John Nolan Brockhoeft, 44, is under house The six-member commission is business - of any of the Robert Hergenrather poses with a print of the U.S.S. Missouri and arrest - and his whereabouts are scheduled to vote on the appeal some other memorabilia at his home in Philllpsburg, Ohio, Feb. 28. The Associated Press candidates," Lugar said. electronically monitored - In the Tuesday in its Chevy Chase, Md, While other candidates CINCINNATI - The U.S. Par- Cincinnati apartment he moved offices. focus on the deficit, tax ole Commission may rule Tues- into after his release from the A majority vote of the commis- cuts and the GOPs "Con- day on a convicted abortion clinic Ashland, Ky., prison. sion - part of the Justice De- tract With America," Lu- Arsonist strikes bomber's appeal of probation Before his release, he wrote a partment - is necessary to gar, 62, said he plans to conditions that prevent him from 12-page letter to the parole com- change the restrictions. A 3-3 place foreign affairs and associating with anti-abortion ac- mission criticizing it as "thought split would leave the conditions farm policy at the center of tivists. police" with a political agenda to unchanged. his campaign, which he will Islamic school John A Brockhoeft, released violate his constitutional rights. The decision will not be formally announce April 19 The Associated Press second fire was believed to have Feb. 17 from federal prison, is "I have confessed my sin - to released until Brockhoeft Is noti- in Indianapolis. been set by drug dealers after under supervision of federal the Lord my God," Brockhoeft fied by mall, said Tom Kowalskl, In keeping with that EAST CLEVELAND, Ohio - A mosque members tried to stop probation officers until February wrote. "I have sought his for- the commission's director of case pledge, Lugar urged Clin- fire that damaged an Islamic them from selling drugs near the 1998 because of his convictions giveness and feel a peace that he operations. Brockhoeft is not al- ton to consider military op- school was the result of arson, an school. for firebombing a Cincinnati is still with me and will deliver lowed to attend the closed hear- tions to free two Americans investigator said. abortion clinic in 1985 and at- me - from the totalitarian politi- ing. being held in Iraq after ac- "We have ruled it as arson and The mosque's spiritual leader, tempting to bomb a Pensacola, cal oppression you have aimed at See tOMBO, page nlnt. cidentally crossing the bor- are continuing to investigate," Imam Ali, said drug dealing no Fla., clinic in 1988. me." der with Kuwait. Lt. Roger Maple of the Cleveland longer was a problem and he was "I think the president has Fire Department's investigation surprised anyone would want to to respond vigorously," he unit, said Monday. damage the school now. said. "Other nations are The fire Sunday gutted a class- watching how we handle room and conference room at the "We live in harmony with our this." School of the Oasis, causing neighbors," he said. Lugar said he's not intim- damage estimated at $25,000. No idated by Dole's collection one was injured. The school has about 130 stu- Student Publications of endorsements from Go v. It was the third arson fire at dents in kindergarten through George Voinovich and most the school since it opened 12 12th grade. It was expected to is pleased to recognize and congratulate the following of Ohio's other top elected years ago, said the Universal Is- reopen by Wednesday. students for their acceptance into the officials. lamic Brotherhood, a mosque "Each of those distin- that operates the school. Maple said the school is on the guished officials has one A fire in the 1980s damaged a border of Cleveland and East 1995 Undergraduate vote," he said. classroom, and a fire in 1990 Cleveland, and the Cleveland de- damaged a basement door. That partment responded to the fire. Design Exhibition.

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^ggjggg^gajga—gajgjfjg-gi ■JBtia^BtaflBtlfc. mtmmmmm aaaiaBggMggii The BG News State Tuesday, March 28, 1995 page nine Board releases funds DOWN WITH THE FLAG Stock fraud investigation costs taxpayers

John Mates* hours biUed in October by the dlverted more than $8.5 million The Associated Press law firm, which claimed some of Investors' money to himself employees worked 300 hours in and $ 1.5 mi 11 ion to his family. COLUMBUS - The state Cco- one month. Awaiting trial are Eyerman's trolling Board on Monday Thomas said some employees daughter, Beth, who was presi- released $750,000 for legal fees were working 20-hour days to dent of the company, former in an investigation of stock fraud prepare for the trial, reviewing General Manager Robert D. Ho- that already has cost taxpayers 20,000 documents and preparing dge and attorney Dwight I. Hurd $1.5 million and could reach for 300 witnesses. The three have pleaded innocent more than $4 million. Investigators in 1992 said Du- to all charges. Dublin Securities The bill likely will top that amount by the time the June 26 trial on fraud charges against Dublin Securities is completed, a "The best law firms in the state are fighting lawyer for the Columbus firm all over the state to get this money back." handling the case told the board. The high cost of the In- vestigation and prosecution is Duke Thomas due to the sophisticated nature of special investigator for the attorney general's office the alleged fraud, said Duke Thomas, special investigator for the attorney general's office and blin Securities, a penny-stock and Dublin Management are also special counsel for the Ohio De- brokerage in suburban Worth- defendants. partment of Commerce. ington, had defrauded at least "This was like the CIA where Thomas is a lawyer with Vorys 6,600 customers of $14 million. everything was on a right- Sater Seymour & Pease, which is The owner, Clarence Eyerman, to-know basis," Thomas said of handling the case for Attorney pleaded guilty in December to the computer records kept by WIMsOriaKatMa General Betty Montgomery. charges of racketeering, aggra- Dublin Securities. Deciphering Ohio Gov. George Volnovlch removes Us unfunded mandates flag from a pole at the Statehouse Fri- Board member Sen. Alan Za- vated theft, grand theft, theft and the records required bringing in day la Columbus. The flag, symbolizing his opposition to federally unfunded mandates, was removed leski, D-Vermilion, voted against two securities charges. The plea computer experts. less than a week after Volnovlch attended a White House ceremony where President Bill Clinton releasing the money. He said the was entered in Franklin County Investigators looked at 40,000 signed a bill limiting such requirements. price tag was excessive and Common Pleas Court. Eyerman to 50,000 checks to determine equaled the yearly budget for the died in January in Arizona while where the money had gone. Lorain County prosecutor's of- awaiting sentencing. Eyerman spent much of it on fice. Eyerman originally was indic- gambling and other expenses, in- He also questioned the 2,000 ted on 327 counts alleging he cluding a $25,000-a-night suite. Six-year-old strangled CLINTON Continued from page one. you're nobody," she said. resources into social programs, Clinton responded: "I think it is including health and education, by pet puppy's leash visited an affluent urban girls important that people know the but critics say she has failed to school in Islamabad, a dusty Pun- mothers of Pakistan want their make progress or set a clear jab village classroom for girls daughters educated." course. The Associated Press and the Lahore University cam- Pakistan's crying need to bet- The country's social needs will the death an accident. pus. ter educate its people Is evident continue to grow with its bur- WAYNE, Ohio - A 6-yearold girl who fell asleep Authorities said they believe Nicole was stran- "Investing in the health and in the numbers: almost 40 per- geoning population. after playing with her dog was strangled by the gled while asleep. They think that after she fell as- education of women and girls is cent of children have no access to Clinton visited with Bhutto at animal's leash leep the dog still wanted to play and got the leash Brad Ault found his daughter, Nicole, dead on a wrapped around her neck. essential to improving global education; the literacy rate Is 35 both the beginning and end of the couch when he came home from work Sunday The girl's mother, Kim Ault, was asleep In a bed- prosperity,'' she told the business percent, 10 points lower for fe- Pakistan leg of her five-nation morning. The girl would have turned 7 on Monday. room. students. males; primary school enroll- tour of South Asia, praising the A worried mother in Burki ment is about 46 percent, still Nicole usually kept a short nylon leash on the The dog, which weighs 15 pounds, is a puppy, Lt. prime minister's effort to im- beagle mix when she played with it, said Lt. Chuck Randy Emans said. He did not know the dog's age. village put it more simply. lower for girls. prove opportunities for women "If you don't get educated. Bhutto has pledged to put more Frizzell of the Wood County Sherif fs Department. The family is keeping the dog in a barn at their and girls. "The girl played with the dog all the time, and home. Emans said authorities had no plans to order that's the way she played with it," he said. the dog destroyed. BOMBER WHEN YOU RIDE DRUNK, ONE MORE County Coroner Douglas S. Hess said he ruled Wayne is 24 miles south of Toledo. FOR THE ROM CM HAVE Continued from page (even. AN ENTIREU DIFFERENT kKANINC. The commission forbade duct 1 ve services or abortions. Friends are the most important thing in the world. Brockhoeft from writing or He said that could be used to speaking about abortion; asso- deny him access to visit most ciating with anti-abortion acti- doctors. The former mall carrier We care. vists; and from being employed from Hebron, Ky., said he want- by or represented by anyone who ed medical attention for his ir- in any way advocates use of vio- regular heartbeat. We listen. lence to fight abortion. Brockhoeft said Monday that He also challenged a re- he married Joanne Phimester, 23, striction that forbids him to have a New Zealander, on March 17 We explain. any contact with any hospital "or after obtaining parole commis- other facility" with staff that is sion approval to contact and or has been engaged in repro- marry her. We educate.

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Bob Thomas already command up to $10 mil- arrival as a top star. The Associated Press lion per film. But Oscar hasn't brought the "Forrest Gump," the leading Midas touch to every winner. LOS ANGELES - The gushing candidate for best picture, has "You'd think it a given, that an winners at Monday night's Acad- sold more than $300 million Academy Award will propel ca- emy Awards walk off the stage worth of tickets in the United reers skyward," observed Leon- with more than an 8 1/2-pound, States and Panada alone. ard Maltln, historian-sage for gold-plated statuette. TV's Entertainment Tonight. "It Oscar has the power to raise an And Jessica Lange ("Blue doesnt always happen that way. actor's salary many-fold and add Sky"), who was front-runner for "Consider the Louise Fletcher millions in box office and video- best actress, has been a top ear- syndrome, which Is inexplicable. cassette sales for the year's best ner among female stars for She is a good actress, quite at- picture or for movies winning years. > tractive, yet little happened to more than one award. her after winning for 'One Flew Before Marisa Tomei was Academy Awards can benefit Over the Cuckoo's Nest' " in named best supporting actress newer careers, providing a 1976. for "My Cousin Vlnny," she touchstone for lasting stardom. played occasional roles as a fiery The same with Kathy Bates, Latin. The Oscar gave her star That happened with Bette who won a best-actress Oscar in billing and probably tripled her Davis, who won her first award 1991 for "Misery." salary. in 1935 for "Dangerous." It was a "Her win didn't bring her in- The Oscar sweep by "The consolation prize for not being stant success," Malt in said. "She Silence of the Lambs" was esti- recognized for "Of Human Bon- hasn't had the roles she is capa- APPkMWRkOBda Blrwhrf mated to have added $10 million dage" the year before. ble of, though she has a good one Gall Mumcuoglu sleeps outside the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles Monday during the morning to video sales. now with 'Dolores Claibome.' hours before the commencement of the 67th annual Academy Awards. Mumcuoglu Is part of a crowd of Not that the favorites of this Audrey Hepburn ("Ronvin spectators who gathered on bleachers to await the famous Oscar arrivals. year's 67th annual Oscar cere- Holiday," 1953) and Julie An- "The passage of time dims the mony have to worry where their drews ("Mary Poppins," 10CA) luster of having won an Oscar. next limo ride is coming from: became superstars with their Each career follows a different Best actor contenders Tom awards for their first American path, and at some point the re- Doctors develop tubeless Hanks ("Forrest Gump") and films. Ingrid Bergman's win for cord of having won an Oscar be- ("Pulp Fiction") "Gaslight" in 1944 signaled her comes meaningless." colon examination process THIS WEEKEND ON CABLE Use A Condom. Daniel Q. Haney The new approach yields a 3-D, from-the-inside The Associated Press view of the colon that doctors can explore by mov- MTV Spring Break ing around a joy stick while watching the passing your head needs a holiday @ beautiful NEW ORLEANS - Millions of Americans know bumps and crevices on a computer screen. lake havasu. ariznna with non-slop beach Extra Set they should have their colons checked for cancer Colon cancer is the No. 2 killer of men and wom- anlics. Caleb "MTV's Spring Break" Ibe but cant stand the thought of it. So doctors are de- en after lung cancer. This year an estimated 55,300 weekend ol Saturday March 25. Of Prints veloping a decidedly less unpleasant alternative - Americans will die from it. CHANNEL 32- a colon exam without the tube. Dr. David J. Vining of Wake Forest University, The mainstay of screening for this disease is a the principal developer of the new method, calls it skinny, flexible tube that is inserted through the "virtual cokmoscopy," a way to combine X-rays rectum into the colon. The doctor looks through and computers to examine the entire colon without the tube for growths called polyps that may be Bring in a roll of 135, Disc, actually putting anything into it except air. cancerous. 110, or 126 color print film KZ for developing, and get an extra set of prints for FREE HOURS March 28-April 10 Fast Free Men-Wed 11AM-1AM Thur. M, Sot 11AM - SAM The Picture Place Sun Noon ■ 1AM 352-8424 In the Student Unien Delivery [pTzzAl

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Tuesday, March 28,1995 page eleven MSU eliminates BG icers Track teams Falcons miss out on title, begin spring NCAA berth Scott Seitz second with a time of 9:47.83. The BG News John Boyle Finally, Ruth Ristvey finished The BG News third In the javelin with a best The Bowling Green wom- of 154-0, which betters the en's and men's track teams provisional qualifying stan- DETROIT - It was deja vu for began their 1995 outdoor the Bowling Green hockey team. dard for the NCAA meet. season last weekend by com- "This meet made our team A year to the day after Michi- peting In the Alabama Relays gan State's Steve Guolla ended realize that we can compete In Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The with the top teams in the na- BG's season in overtime in the women's team finished sev- Central Collegiate Hockey Asso- tion such as Louisiana Slate enth with 18 points while the and Alabama," women's coach ciation quarterfinals, Guolla re- men tied for twelfth with sev- peated the feat. Steve Price said. "Just about en points. everyone improved on their Guolla's breakaway goal, at The highlight of the meet 14:59 of overtime, gave the Spar- times compared to hist year," was two school records set by Price said. tans a 4-3 win over the Falcons in the women's squad. Kaleitha the semifinals of the CCHA Johnson, Andrea Lindsley, The men's team also had Championships March 18 at Joe Kristin Inman, and Jane Moel- some excellent performances. Louis Arena. ler placed third in the shuttle Rick Marinelli finished fourth Guolla was sent in alone on BG hurdle relay with a time of in the decathlon with 6,334 goaltender Will Clarke on a pass 60.22 besting the mark of 61.45 points. Brad Schaser earned a from right wing Tony Tuzzolino. set in 1990. The other record second-place finish in the Guolla faked twice and slid a was set by the 800 relay team S.000 meter run with a time of backhander between Clarke's The BG NtwWIUat Weitucr where Julie Shade, Lindsley, 14:28.61. The 6,000 meter re- pads for the winner. Michigan Slate's Ed Guolla (11) fires a shot as Bowling Green's Brian Holzinger (kneeling, left) looks Clarice Gregory and Johnson lay team earned a third-place "It was a deke and then [be- finished sixth in a time of finish in a time of 16:27.07. tween the legs]," MSU head 1:39.05 to beat the old record The team included Eddie Ni- coach Ron Mason said. "That's any given time and we certainly and sent center Mike Hall in coach Buddy Powers, the CCHA of 1:40.63 set In 1992. cholson, Jim Weckesser, Rob his best move. He used it and it weren't ready from the get-go." alone on Buzak to cut the Spartan Coach of the Year. "We carried Another standout for the Bowman and Schaser. worked." BG responded with sustained lead to two at 9:45 of the period. the play. We had ample chances women was Nikki Lessig, who Bowling Green ended the pressure on the MSU defensive Kevin Lune netted his 12th goal to score goals but couldn't get it finished second In the shot put "The trip was a positive season at 25-11-3, its best record corps and goaltender Mike Buzak of the season at 15:12 to cut the done." and third in the discus. Lessig training session for us but I'm since the 1987-88 campaign. But for the first five minutes of the deficit to one. BG outshot the Both goaltenders were out- is coming off an Ail-American not pleased with the way we the Falcons didn't go down with- second period but had nothing to Spartans 12-6 In the period, while standing throughout, especially performance at the NCAA's. performed," men's coach Sid out a fight show for Its efforts. attempting 25 more shots than in the latter stages of the game. Tracey Losi had an out- Sink said. "This meet was a BG was outshot 16-7 and out- Then the Falcons were dealt a MSU. Buzak stopped Perrault from standing performance in the good starting point for our scored 2-0 in a first period that seemingly insurmoutable blow Holzinger deflected a Kelly just above the left circle only two 3,000 meter run by finishing outdoor season." was one of the Falcons' worst when Clarke came out to play a Perrault point shot for his 35th minutes Into the extra session. periods of the year. loose puck near the blueline. goal of the season that tied the Clarke rebounded well from his "They came out strong and Clarke misplayed it and Richard game at 3-3 with 3:33 remaining second period mistake, stoning caught us on our heels," said Keyes tapped the puck into the in regulation. MSU center Richard Keyes from GRADUATE STUDIES DATABASE Brian Holzinger, a finalist for the open net for a 3-0 MSU lead. right in front late in regulation PSYCHOLOGY • COUNSELING • SOCIAL WORK AND RELATED STUDIES Hooey Baker Award and the But BG, as they had all season, "We came back in the second and got a piece of Keyes' break- CCHA's Player of the Year. never quit. Mike Johnson tipped and third period and I thought away attempt with just over 4,000 Concentration Programs "You've got to be ready to play at a pass past an MSU defenseman played very well,"said BG head three minutes gone In overtime. More than 1,000 Graduate Schools Over 300 CredentiaUing Programs 500 Professional Organizations Plus: School Catalog Service Why spend hours researching what school has what concentration, in what area of Falcons honored by CCHA the country. We how aN the information right here, the most ejdensfve database available, and we even mail you the catalogs from the schools you choose. Infor- DETROIT - BG senior center First-year BG coach Buddy 11 goals and 22 assists for 33 Superior forward Wayne Stra- mation packets ore available for students and Resource Centers. Powers was the selection of his points while recording six power- chan was named Best Defensive Brian Holzinger was named the CAJBEEI NETWORK ASSOCIATES 1994-95 Central Collegiate coaching peers as the CCHA play goals, one shorthanded Forward and Michigan's Steven Halko was named as the league's 2210 Mi. Cormel Avenue, Su»e 110, Dept 11 -30 e GUwfc PA 19031 Hockey Association Player- Coach-of-the-Year. This season, marker and two game winners. • (215)572-7670 FAX (215) 576-8354 of-the-Year March 17 at the Powers led the Falcons to their He had 11 multiple-point games, Best Defensive Defenseman. league banquet. best CCHA regular-season finish while playing In 26 of BG's 27 Holzinger became the first since the 1987-88 season. The conference games. Perrault Is Advertisement / Business Spotlight Falcon since Brian Hills to Falcons' league winning percent- the second Falcon honored as receive the honor. He finished age of .704 was their best since Best Offensive Defenseman join- second in the league in scoring the 1986-87 team compiled a ing current Los Angeles King with 44 points on 21 goals and 23 74-6-2 record. BG ranked second Rob Blake. Howard's Club H: assists. Included in his 21 league In the CCHA In goals per game In other awards; Michigan goals were five power play mar- (5.00) and fifth in goals allowed goaltender Marty Turco was kers, two shorthanded goals and per game (3.74). named Rookie-of-the- Year, Lake a melting pot for all a team-leading three game-win- The CCHA Best Offensive De- ners. He Is also one of the fina- fenseman is BG sophomore Kelly lists for the Hobey Baker Me- Perrault. Perrault led the league morial Award. in scoring by a defenseman with Book Now UJLZXrjUJL'LX For Summer!

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Make the SMART Owner Jeff Ulhman offers something for eveyone at Howard's Club H. ♦ Buff Apartments-call By Ann Kinder Green are for college students to 2:30 a.m. Monday through only. Howard's is a real melting Saturday and 2 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. ♦ Campbell Hill-i left Howard's Club H has been a pot. Townies and college kids on Sundays. Schwedersky doesn't permanent fixture of downtown cohabitate nicely here." mind the hours because every- BowlingCreensince1973. How As most bars do, Howard's has one is there to have a good time. ♦ Frazee Avenue Apts-1 left have they withstood the test of its share of beer, both domestic "A bar is what you make it," time? and imported. Asa matter of fact, Schwedersky said. "A bar can be ♦ 334 N.Main-2 left Howard's has been able to last they have the largest selection of a gathering place. At Howard's, because it is different, consistently beer of draft. good-natured people are out to offering live music of all types, all "We have 17 different kinds of have good-natured fun." types that is except . They beer on draft," Schwedersky said. also showcase new bands. "We also have one of the largest If live music is what you crave, Call or stop In for a complete listir>3 of available apartments and houses. "Not only were we one of the selections of imports in Bowling then head out to Howard's Club first bars to offer bands, but we Green." H any night of the week to hear a have a lot of diversity," said Pete Howard's presently employs new band, some Blues, or just Greenbriar Inc. Schwedersky, manager of 15 people, half of which are stu- some good old Rock 'n' Roll, but Howard's. "Most bars in Bowling dents. Hours of operation are noon never any Disco. 224 E. Woostcr 352 0717 T V Sports The BG News Tuesday, March 28, 1995 page twelve Playoff system unfair to Falcons

DETROIT -- After 25 wins and that knew one of the best seasons BG was ranked ahead of NCAA the highest league finish in five in school history was left unfini- tourney participants Denver, years, the Falcon hockey team shed. The touch left off the year, Michigan State, New Hampshire, an NCAA Tournament bid. 0. Pat Clarkson, Minnesota, Wisconsin ended another season at the Joe. Six months of determined "There's no question we feel f? and Rensselaer Polytechnic In- hockey ceased with an overtime we're a tournament team," said Murphy stitute. goal by the same player who beat Central Collegiate Hockey Asso- "I think we've got a better BG last year. ciation Player of the Year Brian team than half the teams in the Glum faces walked out of the Holzinger. "We were second in country," Clark added. lockerroom after another loss to the league and our league's a Former Miami Head Coach nemesis Michigan State. Faces great league and I think we de- R George Gwozdecky stymied the serve four teams." Falcon tournament hopes. Gwoz- The problem was that the decky is the current head coach selection committee didn't share at Denver which challenged BG Holzinger's sentiment. The for the final tournament spot. committee felt the CCHA had The Pioneers were ranked tenth only three teams good enough for in the WBVI Radio Hockey Rat- its 12 -team field. ing released March 12 while the As the pairings were an- Falcon were ninth. The WBVI nounced last Sunday night, and poll Is similar to the RPI Poll the BG would stay home for spring selection committee uses. break, one question arose. How The committee used five cate- Thc BG Newi/Ron Weltmer does a team which was ranked gories to select the final team. among the top ten teams for most The categories were recorded in A shot by Bowling Green's Bob Johnson (12) goes awry against the of the season get left out of the the last 20 games, record against Spartans. tournament? possible tournament teams, win- Falcon left wing Jason Clark ning percentage and two catego- giate Hockey Association The committee has to decide on commented on that question ries based on the RPI ranking. playoffs and was left out of the one of the two options. Either after the game. Hold it Two categories based tournament take the regular season cham- on the same poll - slightly stupid "Why have a poll? We're Denver won the RPI rating which ranked fifth all year and we're means they won two of the five "The tournament should go back to giving not going to get in," Clark said. categories. Add those with the "It's a waste of time. Why have a Pioneer's better record against four automatic bids and eight at-large bids." t poll?" possible tourney teams and Den- ver headed to Worcester, Mass. After that, the committee insti- pion or the playoff champion like BG headed into the CCHA to face New Hamsphire in the tuted a policy to admit the regu- they have done in the past. The Playoffs ranked fifth in the first round. lar season and playoff champion tournament should go back to WMEB Media Poll, the Final Using the same item for two from each league. So for a tour- The BG NewiJRoM Weltiacr giving four automatic bids and WMPL Coaches Poll, the Final categories initiates the downfall nament that consists of 12 teams, eight at-large bids. Kelly Perranlt looks for an opening against the Michigan State de- Troy Record Poll, and the Final of the selection committee. Last eight can be given automatic Pat Murphy is a junior journal-' fense. College Hockey USA Coaches year Colorado College lost in the bids, leaving only four at-large ism major and hockey writer Poll. first round of the Western Collc- berths. for The News.

MBSAnM^oA**}Tyson♦ urged to dump King NOW RENTING* ♦ Choose from choice apartments within walking ♦ The Associated Press 'Today, I dont think Don King would fight Tyson if King, quoted in Monday's New York' Arum's archrival, is not involved. Daily News as saying, "I was told' distance to campus Summer 1995 and school year ♦ is out, but we'll know in a couple NEW YORK -Mike Tyson of months," promoter Dan Duva that there's some sort of rift be-; 1995-1996. ♦ is out of prison. Is Don King out said from his office in Totowa, Phone calls to King's office in tween King and Tyson. I was told' ♦ of the picture? NJ. Florida and his Ohio home, lo- that Tyson wanted privacy and 2 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, gas heat Various published accounts on "I think King is out," promoter cated near Tyson's residence in asked everybody to leave, includ-' and water included, air conditioning Bob Arum said from his office in Southington, were not returned. ing Don." Monday suggested that promoter 1 t ♦ King has lost his hold on the Las Vegas. "I dont care that There were reports that Tyson On Monday, Lewis told The As- & sent King away after the former kf>41 Third St. Apt. 4, B.G. Resident Manager 3522-438qZ former heavyweight champion, much, except it facilitates a Ty- sociated Press that "all the ru- released on Saturday from an In- son-Foreman fight." champion returned to his home mors being circulated are second diana prison, where he served The 46-year-old Foreman, on Saturday. and third hand. I'm not surprised,! time for a rape conviction. promoted by Arum, more likely Promoter Butch Lewis was nor should anyone else be, after! being incarcerated for three, years that the kid would want; Advertisement / Business Spotlight privacy. People are reading too! much into it. I don't take it as a ^BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY sign that Don is on his way out." > Preferred Properties stresses The New York Post reported I Tyson was angry when he found; hands-on management, treating FESTIVAL SERIES 1994/95 a Showtime crew in his home, taping footage for a documentary Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra to be aired in April. The news-' tenants with respect paper reported it had been told King had made a $20 million deal ■ Wild Conductor Dennis Russel Dovies on Showtime, with whom King < Wadnwdcy, Mardi 29,1993 has worked for some time, for a at 8 p.m. combination of the documentary KobadowHal and rights to telecast Tyson's Moore Musicol Arts CMIPM* first comeback bout. Tickers: S3 BGSU Student. Several phone calls were made Presented by the College ol Musical Arts to the cable TV network, but lb order tickets, call 419/372-8171 Showtime would not comment » j or 800/589 2224 See Tyson, page 14. I

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The spa, which features a sauna and pool, is available to all Preferred Property tenants.

By |en Armstrong efit from the hands-on manage- planned at the Fox Run site for ment approach that he and over development this summer. Preferred Properties of Bowl- 10 employees offer. The spa, located in the Pied- ing Green offer a variety of living "That's why it is a plus to rent mont complex on High Street, options for Bowling Green stu- from Preferred Properties. I man- has recently been updated with a dents, including the city's only age and own the rentals. It's our tanning booth, sauna, weights, health spa with heated indoor business, not a sideline," Valen- equipment, pool and locker pool. tine said. rooms. Such complexes as Haven With their continuous service, All Preferred Properties renters House, Fox Run and Piedmont Preferred Properties main office have free access to the hea Ith spa. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR PEOPLE are most familiar to students. is located 530 South Maple Street. "We have a theory at Preferred ON THEIR WAY TO THE TOP. Open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Properties: handle our units as if I Doug Valentine owns and man- If you didn't sign up for ROTC as a By the time you have graduated from ages the management company. Monday through Friday, manage- would live in them. We treat the freshman or sophomore, you can still college, you'll have the credentials of More than 30 years ago, Mr. ment provides emergency main- students with respect. Without catch up to your classmates by an Army officer. You'll also have Valentine pioneered the devel- tenance and service personnel 24 them, we wouldn't have a busi- attending Army ROTC Camp Chal- the self-confidence and discipline lenge, a paid six-week summer opment of Bowl ing Green's num- hours. ness," Valentine said. it takes to succeed in college and course in leadership training. beyond. bered streets in the second ward. Some of the newest apartments "If you want a decent place to Starting with nothing, he saw the in town at Fox Run have central live" and you are capable of pay- potential to create apartments for air and heat, microwaves, wash- ing our reasonable rates, we can ARMY ROTC accomidate you better than any- the growing university popula- ers and dryers in the apartment in HUITBT nun cran wo cu TUB. tion. and extra large walk-in closets. one else in Bowling Green," he Mr. Valentine's residents ben- Seventy-two new units are being added.. Far details visit Captain Boisseau, ■ I Rep. 131 Memorial Hall or call 372-2476 The BG News Sports* Tuesday, March 28, 1995 page thirteen Gymnasts finish last in MAC Jordan and Ferguson set records, but too little, too late for BG

Randy Setter Ferguson was named Fresh- "All around we did well, but not the season's second meet Fergu- The BG News man of the Year after she tied on floor or beam with all our son and Erne Cole scored 9.45 's to Jordan's beam record of 9.775 set falls," Ferguson said. "We ex- back-up Jordan's 9.7 vault which MUNCIE, Ind. - Despite two last year at Radford. Jordan tied pected to do so much better, but placed her in fifth-place overall. gymnasts tying two school re- Julia Zellkov's vault record of we had to get rid of all our falls." "We were reel happy with our cords on the balance beam and 9.7, set In 1993 at Illinois State. BG started off the competition vault scores," Kruk said. "We vault. Bowling Green bowed out Despite the record-tying with low floor scores, scoring were looking to do much better of the Mid-American Conference scores in the two events, BG 4S.6S, compared to 47.125 set two than we actually did in the other Championships with a sixth- backed up the scores with me- weeks earlier against Kent State. events. Beam scores weren't on place finish Saturday. diocre performances by the rest Alice Kruk's 9.3 was the highest and neither were floor scores, The Falcons, paced by the re- of the team. Only Ferguson and score for the Falcons, who all but both should be big motivators cord-tying scores of Karen Jor- Kelley McClelland (9.2) stayed averaged scores around 9.0. for next year." dan and Heather Ferguson, on the balance beam through Scores on the uneven bars scored 184.125 to finish behind their entire routines, which were consistent with previous Ferguson's first-place finish on Kent State (185.825) and Western spoiled their attempt to finish season performances, led by the balance beam was definitely Michigan (186.4). above last place. Jordan's 9.425 and Kim Pope's BG's highlight of the meet. Central Michigan won with a The Falcons finished off the 9.3. Elisa Martinelli finished her "We were really happy with 189.45, followed by Ball State at meet on a bad note and watched career with a solid 9.15 in the how she did," Wenrich said. "We 189.1 and Eastern Michigan at the other teams pull ahead as event. knew what she was capable of do- 187.625. they fell off the beam one by one. "Bar scores were really moti- ing and it is definitely something "It was a fun meet but a long "We had a strong meet going vating since we had problems for to build on for next year." day," Jordan said. "It was up in up until our problems on the half a year," Wenrich said. the air all day as to where we beam," Jen Wenrich said. The team set a season-high in "Heather did awesome," Jor- The BG Nt.«Kud, Setter would finish, but we knew if we "Mainly, we had problems on vaulting with a team score of dan said. "Especially since we all feme Cole and the rest of the Bowling Green gymnastics team finished hit our routines we would do beam, but our floor scores were 47.225, topping the previous best fell in front of her and she did not a disappointing sixth out of six teams at the MAC Championships. well." also pretty low." of 46.65 set against Ball State In let that get to her." Swim coach resigns Spurs, Pacers triumph While the BG swim teams' re- highest spot was second In 1988, Spurs 114, Pistons 93 21 before Detroit rallied. sixth straight home game, cords have sunk to the bottom of 1991 and 1993. AUBURN HILLS, Mich. - Trailing 80-63, the Pistons beating the New Jersey the pool this year, head coach David Robinson had 40 went on a 11-0 run, capped Brian Gordon has decided to re- This season the men's club Nets 98-87. went 1-10 overall and 0-5 in points and 12 rebounds by Lindsey Hunter's 3-poin- The Pacers, who led by as sign as head coach of the Falcon Monday night to lead San ter with 1:32 left in the squad as of June 30. league meets, while the women's many as 21 in the first half, Antonio past the Detroit quarter. Gordon, 37, has served as the team was 3-7 and 0-5 in MAC won their fourth In a row Pistons 114-93 for the But the comeback was overall despite making only skipper of the swim team for the competition. Both squads fin- Spurs' eighth straight vic- shortlived, with Robinson five field goals in the third past eight seasons. ished last in the six-team MAC Championships this season. tory. scoring six points in San quarter "The timing is right for myself It was the most points Antonio's eight-point run to and the program to step down," Derrick Coleman led the In his first season at the Falcon scored by a player against finish the period. That Nets, who have lost five of Gordon said. "I believe that I deck, Gordon's women's squad the Pistons this season, top- have taken the program as far as made it 88-74, and Robinson their last six games, with 27 were nosed out by Miami for the ping the games of 37 by ended any doubt about the I can. The time has come to pur- points and nine rebounds. Championship. The Falcons cap- Shaquille O'Neal on Jan. 11 outcome by scoring the sue other personal and profes- New Jersey has been held tured four Individual titles and and Robinson on Feb. 24. first four points of the sional opportunities." under 100 points in six con- set 14 school records. He was Sean Elliott added 29 fourth to put the Spurs up secutive games. Gordon is a 1979 graduate of named co-MAC Coach of the points for the Spurs, two by 18. Coleman scored 11 In the Rider College and served as an Year. In the same season, the BG more than his high game assistant coach for six seasons at fourth period as the Nets men racked up their first win- last season with Detroit. Al- Pacers 98, Nets 87 pulled within six, 93-87 on a Alabama before coming to ning year in the past four cam- lan Houston scored 24 INDIANAPOLIS - Reg- 3-pointer by Kenny Ander- BGSU. paigns. points for the Pistons, who gie Miller scored 25 points son with 1:58 remaining. His men's squads compiled a BRIAN 60R00N lost for the eighth time In 10 and Rik Smits added 24 In 1993 Gordon's women's club record of 37-58 during his tenure games. points and 12 rebounds Indiana was without while his women's teams were ish under Gordon In the Mid- posted a 9-1 mark as he went on San Antonio, up 61-45 at Monday night as the In- guard Vern Fleming, who more successful, tallying up a American Conference was third to claim the MAC women's Coach the half, moved in front by diana Pacers won their sat out with the flu. 67-28-1 mark The men's best fln- in 1988-89 while the women's of the Year.

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You can pick up a price list inside the door, first floor Hayes Hall then call 372-7724 for a sales appointment. Sports The BG News Tuesday, March 28,1995 page fourteen Michael takes Manhattan Player looking Mike Nadel The Associated Press see how well we stack up," he for right glove said. "It's n tough situation. We NEW YORK (AP) - In 1991, have to prepare ourselves for a 406 Kir ticed,'' Robertson said. "The 1992 and 1993, the New York good battle, physically as well as The Associated Press other day we had a pickoff at Knicks didn't represent the emotionally. The Knick team has first and I went to tag the guy Eastern Conference in the NBA always rebounded the ball HAINES CITY, Fla. (AP) - and it slipped right out of my Finals. The Chicago Bulls did - strongly and played solid de- Every time a baserunner glove. It was an error, but I - and went on to win the cham- fense." reaches first, Robby Robert- gave the error to my glove." pionship each year. The last time the teams met, son tries to make his glove in- The Reds have ordered a The New York Knicks didn't March 2 In New York before ru- conspicuous. first baseman's mitt for him, have Michael Jordan. The Chi- mors of Jordan's return had sur- There's nothing wrong with but it's been slow getting to cago Bulls did. faced, the Bulls blew a big lead the dark brown glove. It's in camp. Robertson answers the Last year, neither team had and lost. good condition and works just question now almost before Jordan, who was playing minor Jordan's presence Tuesday fine - if the Job is catching fly it's asked. league baseball for the Birmi- will "bring a renewed effort" balls. "Not in today," he said Mon- ngham Barons. The Knicks final- from the Knicks, Jackson said. "I Unfortunately, Robertson's day, before an exhibition ly overcame the Bulls in an emo- think they were rather bored Job description changed when against Kansas City. tional seven-game series and with us the last time; that"s one of the Cincinnati Reds brought It doesn't seem that getting reached the Finals. the reasons we got a lead. This him to camp as a replacement a glove should be such a prob- "That was their window of op- will bring them to a full alert player. The outfielder with lem. Major leaguers usually portunity," Chicago coach Phil immediately." one glove got moved to first have lockers filled with them. Jackson said Monday. Jackson said the Knicks' trip to base when there was no one But Robertson's problem re- The window might have Chicago on April 16 - one week else to play there. minds that these are not usual slammed shut. Jordan is back. before the regular .reason ends - So, in one of those replace times. And if the season ended now, his will be a more acevrate measur- ment ball quirks, the Reds The Reds' other first base- Bulls would face the Knicks in ing stick. have a first baseman with no men are right-handed. Their the opening round of the "That's going to be a drawn-out first baseman's mitt Balls mitts are useless to Robertson, playoffs. battle in which we're going to tend to squirt out of Robert- who Is left-handed. "Bring him on," was the initial wage a little bit of playoff spirit," son's glove when he makes Robertson, 23, was out of reaction of Knicks president he said. "We're going to be at full tags, and short-hop throws are baseball after two minor- Dave Checketts when Jordan's strength, Michael Jordan will be an adventure. league seasons, driving a un-retiremenl became official conditioned, our team will be a- That's why he tries to keep bread truck in Alabama when last week. dapted to his style of play and it out of sight when a baserun- the Reds Invited him a month Checketts 4 Co. get their first our chemistry will be back." APplwtWFrad Jewell ner Joins him he doesn't want ago. They needed bodies after chance to check out Jordan, Part If the Knicks want to avoid to have to explain. Michael Jordan (left) of the Chicago Bulls and Patrick Ewing or the their minor leaguers chose not II, on Tuesday night when the opening the postseason against "It's weird, but nobody's no- to play exhibitions. Bulls visit the Knicks. Jordan, they might actually be New York Knicks exchange looks during the 1992 Eastern Conference Jordan, who lit up Atlanta on better off losing Tuesday. Finals. Saturday in the best of his four Chicago, with the sixth-best Ernie Grunfeld pointed out that Charles Oakley and Anthony games back, will be playing at record in the East, is only 2 1/2 Jordan's supporting cast isn't as Mason. And they're still embat- Tyson- Madison Square Garden for the games behind fifth-place Cleve- strong as it was during the Bulls' tled, with Mason having just re- Continued from page 12. first time since his 29 points led land. If the Bulls pass Cleveland, championship run. turned from a five-game suspen- the BullJ to victory in the pivotal they'd face the No. 4 seed, proba- "What you have to remember sion for showing up Riley. fifth game of the 1993 confer- bly Charlotte or Indiana, and the is they're a different team," he "They've battled with them- "I dont think the public cares Arum, however, contends the ence finals. Knicks would get the Cavaliers. said. "There's no Grant, there's selves mentally, which is part of who promotes Mike Tyson be- public is interested in whether "It's a measuring stick. New Before Jordan's return became no Cartwright, there's no Pax- trying to be a champion," said cause I think they'll buy tickets King resumes his promotional re- York is a contender. V/e have to official, Knicks coach Pat Riley son." Jordan, a master of mind games. to see Mike Tyson right, not be- lationship with Tyson, said: "It would change the think- The Knicks have changed "But I think they still have the cause Don King is the promoter," "The public wants to know ini- ing of who and who cannot win." little. They're still formidable fundamentals to win." Duvasaid. tially that King is out," Arunn said. "King has painted himself} But Knicks general manager and physical, with Patrick Ewing, HUGE 1 bdrm, 215 E. Poo Rd. as the devil. People interested in- all utilities, included except. Arc you wishing for a weekend Tyson are rooting for him to sue} electric. 91/2 or 12 mo. lease. HOUJ much do you really know ceed in his life and they know the' starts at $310/mo. 353-5800 without GUTS? worst thing for Tyson as a person' about MIND CONTROL and CULTS? is King." Yes! There were reports Tyson was' The time to find out is now! Then come to the Women's Camping trip at upset because King had arranged! Mohican State Park. for a welcome-home spread thatj Hear When: 4:00p.m. March 31 - 6:00p.m. April 2 included champagne and shell-; ^ fish Alcohol, shellfish and porkj Management Inc. Steven Hassan, Former "Moonie" Cost: 828.00 are forbidden by Islamic law. ■ Author, Psychologist Reports that Tyson had mar-! speak about his experience with the cult Slgn-ups start March 13 and ried his 28-year-old girlfriend* EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS, end March 29 in the Monica Turner, a Georgetown) 215 E. Poe Rd., starts at $225. Tuesday, March 28 8:00 p.m. University medical student, in a' All Utilities included. Halt the Lenhart Grand Ballroom oflice Muslim ceremony in prison were; Security Deposit holds it now. FRCC! denied on Monday by Phil Sla- 353-5800 Call at 2-7164 or 2-2343 for more information vens, assistant superintendent at the Indiana Youth Center. Co-sponsored by Honors Student Association Programmers' Council, Black Student Union, Dry Dock, Honors Program, Resident Student Association, Phi Eta Sigma, Pleasant View United Methodist Church, St. Management Inc. Thomas More Student Connection, UAO, Alpha Lambda BGSU HOCKEY Delta, Collegiate 4-H, and Undergraduate Student Government BANQUET SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1995 6:00 P.M. Social 7:00 P.M. Dinner BY POPULAR DEMAND UNIVERSITY UNION LENHART BALLROOM Sponsor Table $155/8 per table UPTOWN Sponsor-A-Player $25 Individual Tickets $ 16 Contact for Sponsors: Steve Keys 655-3575 or 352-4641 PRESENTS Tom Click 352-5825 or 372-2086 TICKETS AVAILABE AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS THRU APRIL 4th Falcon House All State Insurance B.G/s 123 S. Main 1039 N. Main FIRST-BIG-TIME T.0/S CAMPUS CORNEI COUNTRY 900 E. Wooster (next to Cafe Shadeau) 352-3365 FILM DEVELOPING SUPER SALE! NIGHT Color Print Film Developed & Printed WEDNESDAY • FEATURING LATEST IN COUNTRY VIDEOS AND MUSIC • DANCE LESSONS FROM 8:00-9:00 PM 1.99 3.99 12-15 exp. 24-36 exp. • $ DOLLAR SPECIALS ALL NIGHT $ Applies to 3V2" Double Prints or 4" Custom single • NEWLY ENLARGED DANCE FLOOR AND LIGHT SHOW prints from full-frame 35mm, disc 110 or 126 C-41 process develop & print orders. Sale dates: 3/26/95 - 4/2/95 The BG News Sports ;Tuesday, March 28,1995 page fifteen Reds' GM sees Court throws curve to MLB Ronald Blum returned to the bargaining table future lockout The Associtaed Press for the first time since March 4. Owners were expected to offer a dragged on. Joe Kay NEW YORK - With the start of new proposal, but it waant ex- The Associated Press "That's Mrs. Schott's de- the season just six days away, the pected to contain major changes. cision, her sole decision," baseball strike landed in court Daniel Sllvennan, the NLRB's PLANT CITY, Fla. - Base- Bowden said. "And there are a and a federal judge scheduled a New York regional director, ball owners will vote to lock lot of factors that have to be out players If they decide to hearing Friday that could lead to asked Sotomayor to proceed answered before you can take an end of the 7 1/2-month wal- quickly, hoping players would re- end their strike without a new that type of vote." kout turn If the Judge "leveled the basic agreement, Cincinnati Schott gave no indication of Reds general manager Jim After a 30-minute hearing playing field." her feeling Monday. She Monday, U.S. District Judge "We're very pleased the judge Bowden predicted Monday. released a one-sentence The players' union Is pre- Sonla Sotomayor asked owners will have an opportunity to reach statement after the National for a brief by Wednesday and pared to end Its strike If a fed- a decision before the commen- Labor Relations Board went to asked the National Labor Re- eral judge in New York forces cement of the season. If she de- court to ask for the injunction. lations Board for a response by sires to do so," Silver-man said owners to abide by the expired the following day. collective bargaining agree- after the hearing. "Although the decision by She left open the possibility ment. A hearing on an Injunc- the National Labor Relations Lawyers for owners said the tion request is set for Friday Board Is disappointing, all I she would make a decision before court case isn't tied to an end of Sunday's scheduled season afternoon. can hope for now Is that any the strike, and said the judge Some owners favor locking opener. The NLRB is asking her should take her time. Owners, and all decisions regarding to issue a preliminary injunction out players if the union ends this issue will be made In the who want to eliminate the old the strike without an agree- that would restore the key provi- rules, maintain they have a right best Interest of the fans and sions of the expired collective ment It's unclear if they can under labor law to have the the future of major league bargaining agreement. get the necessary 21 votes baseball," Schott said. Player Relations Committee, among the 28 teams. Players say they would end which represents all 28 clubs, Bowden said owners can't their strike If Sotomayor Issues Bowden thinks they can. negotiate a collective wage for afford to resume with regular the Injunction, and the union's "One of the issues that may all free agents. players unless there's a labor executive board is scheduled to "We simply do not know what get Involved is would the agreement. convene Wednesday in New York the government Is talking about," players agree to have a no- "This game cant postpone to formally pass a resolution stat- management lawyer Frank strike pledge through the the problems for another ing that. Casey said. playoffs and the World Se- year," he said. "That's Just go- Many owners are in favor of ing to continue to damage Sotomayor said she will decide ries?" he said. "My feeling, locking out players if the union Thursday night, after reading the baseball's situation. We need unlike some other people's ends the strike without an legal papers from both sides, feelings, is that the owners to resolve this through nego- APptMtWIUtkjrWUkia agreement. But it Is unclear If whether to allow witnesses at will vote for a lockout, that tiating at the table. That's the they can get the 21 votes among Chunk O' Connor, an attorney for the baseball owners, speaks to re- only way to solve this prob-. Friday's hearing. She urged they will have enough votes the 28 teams needed to start a players and owners to find a solu- porters during a news conference outside the U.S. District Court in for a lockout That's my per- lem. New York on Monday. lockout. tion at the bargaining table. sonal opinion. I think a lot of "And there's no point even The baseball season, which That was the last day they com- playing baseball, in my opin- "I suspect the public would like 22. the owners have come a long ended when players walked out piled with the agreement, which way and lost a lot of money to ion, until we have that solved. you to resolve It without our Sotomayor will base her de- last Aug. 12, opens Sunday night Intervention," she said. expired Dec. 31,1993. cision on three criteria: have It resolved that way." Whether we call it a strike or On March IS, the agency filed Bowden couldn't say call It a lockout is unimportant in Miami with a game between The NLRB's petition asked the 'the likelihood owners violated the Florida Marlins and New judge to restore free agent bid- an unfair labor practice com- the law, whether owner Marge Schott to me. The main thing Is we York Mets. All teams except the ding and salary arbitration. plaint against owners. The hear- "whether a decision in favor of is inclined to vote for a lock- need a work stoppage in order to make sure that once we Baltimore Orioles have hired re- Owners have refused to arbitrate ing before Sotomayor isn't to de- the players would be meaning- out. Schott has been a big pro- placement players. with players this year, and ha- termine the charges - that will less without the Injunction; ponent of using replacements have an agreement that base- Shortly after lawyers left the ven't signed anyone to a major be determined before an admin- "whether an Injunction would while the labor dispute ball can be played." courthouse, players and owners league contract since Dec. 22. istrative law judge starting May be "just and proper."

Cleveland's Hart The Voice of Hallmark, McDonald's and United Airlines is Back... hurls criticisms BARBARA BAILEY HUTCHINSON Chuck MeMn league caliber. Hart angrily dis- TUESDAY, MARCH 28,8PM, The Associated Press agreed with Johnson's assess- KOBACKER HALL ment of the situation. WINTER HAVEN, Fla. - Cin- "To me, that's another sign of a tickets available NOW in cinnati manager Davey Johnson guy who just didn't think," Hart "Just didn't think" when he called said. "There are so many Issues replacement baseball a travesty, there, a tremendous number of Cleveland general manager John issues. He was paid during the Office & Kobacker Box Office Hart said Monday. strike, wasn't he? So were all his Johnson got in trouble with the coaches. And now you're going to Reds' front office last week after open the door to concession ONLY $5.00 he compared the abilities of re- workers, ushers, people In the Call 2-7164 or 2-2343 for info.—^ placement players to those of See Hart, page 16. players in an Independent Class

A league. Advertisement / Business Spcrftight "This may be what we have to put up with. What a travesty," Johnson said. While readily conceding that Easystreet Cafe: atmosphere and replacement ball isn't of major- quality keep customers coming back for more aPfEHHtnik Cincinnati Red Ricky Magdaleno lies on his back after being upended The antique furnishings of by Kansa City's Ed Jarak daring a Monday afternoon contest EasyStreet Cafe, along with the quality and quantity of entertain- (DCID

Hart having to watch less-than major ment," Hart said. "That's his call. correct throughout the strike, we're going to keep the shop turned to the helm under orders Continued from page 1S. league baseball himself. That's a I respect Sparky Anderson be- even during a recent miserable open,"'Hart said. from general manager Jim Bow- communities where baseball is poor leadership example." cause he's done a lot of things in stretch that sow his team lose Hart noted that Johnson's Reds den, who told him either to man- played." Hart wasn't quite as harsh in this game. But too many people seven straight games. lost their first five spring games, age or take a leave of absence. Hart suggested that Johnson's his criticism of Tigers manager would be adversely affected if "If you look at It, 98 percent of then went on a winning streak Once there's a settlement, comments were made selfishly, Sparky Anderson, who has re- we don't play." quality baseball people have when Johnson temporarily teams will need at least two "without thinking about all the fused to manage replacements Indians manager Mike Har- stepped up and said. These turned the team over to coach weeks and probably three to get other people affected, other than "I thought he used bad Judg- grove has remained politically arent major-league players, but Ray Knight. Johnson recently re- their regulars ready. Hart said. Classifieds

LA MESA OBlrCUA: MONTHLY LECTURE Gamma Phi Lil' Ka/a Gamma PhfThe ome is Summer subleasers for a 2 bedroom CAMPUS EVENTS SERIES PRESENTS: comm g when you will Mt, apartment 354-7508 FOR SALE R J. Chavez, Ph. D. Fellow. HIED who your t>g Sister will arway • be 1350-1400 "The Importance ol Recruitment and I hope you'e eioied to find out. Summer subleaser, own rrx PER WEEK OR MORE! — PSICHI JUPA — Retention ol Latino Students In Higher what being a little it all about. Cell Mara al 353-0630 1M2 Kawasaki Ninja 250 black w/red trim. Neat meting March 28 Education' It's nice to know wall always be friends, People Needed To Do Fun. Excellent conq ; on. 3600 miles. Easy, Respectable Pan or Tonight ■ 9:00. Rm 103 Psych Wednesday. March 29. an 2:00 p m There win be no more guessing, $2700 Ob 0. Cal 354- 5134 WANTED -2 roommales lor 85-96 school year Ne«T-ShirtsAvsil.S Campus Room, 3rd Floor ol the University When Big Hunt end 11 Full Time Work Al Home. Large house, own room, Si SO/mo. ♦ utii 24 Hr. Mag Gives Details Rattle Tic $ Due Union. Love Forever. Your Big Please call 354-491 a. Lease begins June 1. Brand new roller blades. Sin 11-12. Never LIL' SIBS AND KIOS WEEK END CALL NOW! been worn (419)475-9787. 'Attenbon' is coming soonl GPhB GPhiB Lil' Sarah GPhiB GPhiB We need 1-2 male or lemale roommales tor Excellent dorm lize refrigerator. $60; Sanyo Phi Upsrlon Omicron it having on Environmen- T-shirt orders can be placed 1JJ09-474-2I77 large dorm size refrigerator. $100; Zenith T.V. tal T-shirt sale 3/27 end 3/28 in the Union in Student Acnvites A Orientation One fish, two fish summer. Low rent, close ID campus, nice apartment. Call Heidi or Lori 352-86 n with remote. $05; Wedding/Formal dress. $65: Fonjm. Many designs to choose Irom lor only Ollice. 405 Student Services. Red fish, blue fish Now don't you wish Heavy gold chain, 30 grams. All in good condi- $12 each. They will be in belore Eerrt Day Orders are due Wed.. Mar 29 A are $7.00 Intl. Ld rant apply. tion. 372-3034. Buy yours nowl Call 2-2843 tor more mtormationl You could get the dish This may seem childish. HELP WANTED •T-Shirt Sale" Ul' Sibs and Kids is April 7-94 EARN 15-9 hr. working outside but your big is a bit oudandishl 1.11.' SIBS AND KIDS WEEKEND w/other college. Students in Col. Area GPhiB GPhiB YOUR BIO GPhiB GPhiB For Sale'Goil Clubs AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION Training provided. Call Chuck @ 2-1567 Tommy Armour 845's w/graphrte shafts, in $1750 weekly possible for more into. Tuesday. March 28th at 7 30 pm mailing our circulars . excellent condrtion. $475 or best offer. Call Formal Meeting in BA 116 LOST 4 FOUND INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DOE: MEN'S VOL- 372-4577. LEYBALL - APRIL 4; M.W.C BIATHLON - For into cal 202-296-9065. Speaker B.tl Clark ol KISS FM Eam cash stuffing envelopes at homo. All ma- L APRIL 5; M.W OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT GIANT YUKON Mountain Bike terials provided. Send SASE to P.O. Box • APRIL 10. ALL ENTRIES DUE BY 4:00PM IN Perfect Condition -FOUND- "ATTENTION - 10075, game, KS 66051. B.G./O.S.E.A. IS HAVING 130 FELD HOUSE ON DUE DATE. Graphic Design 4 VCT Major. 6 months old 1994 model. A BOWLING PARTY SUNG LASSESS asking $250.00 353-7326 INFRONT OF JEROME LIB ULKARA BGSU Student Publications is now interview- INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT FRI. MARCH 31 S-IOPM Eam up to $25 - eeSlhour CALL. DESCRIBE Congrats to you and Stul ing tor rhe position of PRODUCTION ASSIS- BUCKEYE ROOM - UNION leaching basic conversational 352-6496 I'm so happy lor youl TANT. Gel hands-on esperienosl See details JVC CD Player. Like new condition. Single disc $1.00 PER GAME . English In Japan, Taiwan, or S. Korea. ve.YourBkj and requirements al Student Employment. 450 $100. Scon® 372-5032. SHOE RENTAL FREE Student Sen/toes. Full-time VCT co-ops avail- No teaching background or Asian languages CALL BRETT AT 2-5289 OR 2-2943 MACINTOSH Computer. able. required. For into, call: (206) 6321146 IF VOU ARE INTERESTED SERVICES OFFERED ext J55441. Complete system Including printer only Summer 11BS $599 ••ATTENTION" Looking lor a job? Eam SSOOO to S6000 work- Call Chris at 600-289-5685. BGSU Skating Club ing on Put-in-Bay. Cal tor details and applica- Co. needa Junior or Senior to provide GRAPHIC DESIGN MAJORS TONIGHT Pregnant? We can help. Free and confidential tion. Tuesday and Thursday 1pm to 8pm. In-home care aervlcea In counties near UniGraphica. the university's design A every Tues. night - 9pm Ice Arena 600-440-6353 pregnancy lest, support, and information. BG B.O.Smr. 1995, S5.50-S7.20.hr. Pi-time. A desktop publishing service. Macintosh Centns 810 Computer. 8/80, J2.50 plus skate rental. Pregnancy Center. Call 354-HOPE. Apply with resume In Co-op ollice. la interviewing NOW tor the NATIONAL PARKS HIRING 2419600 Data/ Fax Modem, 17" monitor, ions SKYDIVING CLASSES staring Apr 1st. Stu- 238 Administration Bidg. 9596 academic year. Don't miss outl Seasonal A full-lime employment available at of software. $2,000 OB O. Call 354-0214. COLLEGIATE 4-H dent and group discounts. Visa and MrC ac- 2-2451 dealils See details at Student Employment National Parks. Forests a Wildlife Preserves. COLLEGIATE 4-H cepted. 10 minules from BGSU campus. SKY- 450 Student Services Benefits plus bonusesi Call: 1-206-545-4804 Don't miss the meeting this Tuesday at DIVE BG. 352-5200. ext N55445. FOR RENT 8:30 in 300 Moseiey. We're making Wl» do typing 250 COUNSELORS A INSTRUCTORS Need a part-time or summer fob? A2G Easier Baskets so don't miss outl WANTED neededI COLLEGIATE 4-H $i.25/page Research Co. is now hiringl $4.50/hr. 0-20 Private, coed summer camp In Pocono Wins COLLEGIATE 4-H Call Vicki 352 3356 hrsnvk. Sup by 126 W. Woosler to fill out an land 2 BR apartments. NE Pennsylvania. Lohikan. Boa 234 BG. application. Office hours: M-F 9-6. 1 year, nine months, or summer leases. 'Subleasers Needed* Kemiwor in. NJ 07033. (908) 276-0998. 352-7454. Everyone loved her when she opened tor For Summer '95. Close to campus and bars. Needing summer employment? 24 hr. SUB- 5 bedrooms. 2 baths, caff 352-6261. WAY SANDWICH SHOP now accepting appli- Rita Rudner on Parent's Weekend. PERSONALS ASSEMBLERS: Excellent income REMEMBER cations tor pt time positions Flexible hrs., 1 bedroom apartmeni. immediate to assemble products at home. BARBARA BAILEY HUTCHINSON benefits avail. Must be over 18 A enjoy working occupancy. Pets are allowed. 1 Male Roommate Needed Into 1.504-646-1700 DE PT OH-6255 'tie voice ol Hallmark, McDonald's. with the public. SSmr. to start. Apply in person Call 354-8800 ? GPhiB ? GPhiB 7 GPhiB ? GPhtB 7 for 85/98 year and many more* at Subway/Fuel Mart at intersection of Rt. 6 A Call Mike at 352-614? ATTENTION BUSINESS, MARKETING, IN CONCERT Lil Wendi: 23 about 15-20 mm. E. of BG. Ability to work Carnations are pink. AND MANAGEMENT MAJORS: TUESDAY. MARCH 28. 8PM, KOBACKER midnights a plus. No phone calls please. Oceans are blue. Summer work available with experience to 1 or 2 bdrm. apta. or single room for male HALL 1 or 2 summer subleasers for 1 bdrm.apt. I wanted a Nine, help with resume. Also gain three credit Painters. Summer Job. Only a lew led. TICKETS AVIALABLE NOW IN THE UAO Reasonable rent. nours. Make JS.800 this summer. Please call And I'm glad I found you1 Cleveland Area. Good starting pay. Call today. 9 or 12 mo. leases. OFFICE OR 353-2057 Love. 352-4918 and leave message. 218-292-0960. Cany Rentals' 353-0325 KOBACKER BOX OFFICE TYour&g? ONLY $5.00' Part-time leundry.mostly night hours. Apply at i rmmi needed tor '95-*96 school year Don't rmss this encore pertormancel ? GPhiB 7 GPhiB ? GPhiB 7 GPhiB 7 Attention: Eam Money Rsadsng Books I Wood County Nursing Home. 11060 E. Gypsy 2 bdrm, 9 & 12 mo. lease inc. heal, hot water, Ca'l 2-7164 or 2-2343 tor into. Si67/mo.NouWioee Up lo 1500 weekly. Choose subject mailer Lane Rd. between 8-430pm. cooking & sewer Conveniently located - close FREE FINANCIAL AIDI Call 353-0630. Marti. For more details, cal: 1(206) 362 4304 to campus, library, A I-75. Clougn & Mercer, ext E 0019. Political Work Univ. Village 352-0164. First Annual NCAA March Madneea BenetH Over $6 Billon in private sector grants A schol- Tired ol flipping burgers? Free Throw Shooting Tournament, Cash arships is now available. All students are eligi- 2 or 3 non-smoking females, rum. apt.. Camp counselors and speciality ataff for Make a career move. S325/salary. No ble regardless of grades, income, or parent's utilities paid, dose to campus. Camp Courageous, a residential summer experience, pd. training, benefits Prlzee 3530325 ■ CARTY RENTALS income. Let us help. Call Student Financial 353-5074 Tim. camp aervlng people with mental retarda- Sunday, April 2 8:00pm Anderaon Arena V30IO lOpm. 241-6587 lo schedule mt Summer Lease avail.-1 or 2bdrmapts. Services: tion and developmental disabilities, of all Summer jobs available. $220 per month, air conditioning. 1.800-263-6495 ext. F55443. ages, located In Whltehouae, OH Contact 2 subleasers needed for beautiful house Sngterooms-$ll0/mo. isiSwk. session only Into the Slreeta the camp director at 2036 Brookdale Rd., close to campus, cheap rent. The next meeting tor Into the Streets wil be Toledo, OH 43606, (419) 531-2612. Pt time driving instructor needed lor evening a G-Phi'B Wed.. March 29 at 9 PM. The room we are Call 353-0630. wkend. hours. Must be 21, w/ clean driving re- Ul' Kim, Caiawba Willows GoltCou.su 601 Thlrd-lbdrm furn.-grad«*12mo, lae. meeting in has been changed to 1003 BA. . cord a avail all summer. Paid training. Can 704 Fihh-2bdrm turn -9. 12, smr. IHHI. The moon is shining brighty in the sky. Now Hiring Come gel involved with community servicel 2-3frfendly, open-minded, honest individuals 352-2234 I'm so glad you are a Gamma Phi. (419)7342524 710 Seventh-2bdrm unfum.-12 mo. lease. Into the Slreeta to live in a large historic 4 bdrm. house The day is almost here. 2590 Sand Rd. RESORT JOBS 352-3445-NO PETS w/porch and a large yard. 1165 * utilities. Call Be patient and don't (ear Pon Clinton. OH 43452 Earn to S12mr. a rips. Theme Parks. Hotels. Christine or Bnan at 352-5305. For soon you will see. Spas, plus more. Tropical a Mountain des- Physical Therapy club Cnemistsr Biologists What a great Big/Lil pair we will be. tinations. Call 1 -206-632-0150 ext. R55443. Apt. for sublease in a dulpfex. 1 bdrm, Con- Joel us on a trip to tour MCOI Chemical Technologies, toe of Jackson Ml Love Your Big neaut St Excefent location, new carpet, Meet at the Health Center 6:00 p m seeks to interview graduating seniors with de- Run your own business. Gain valuable experi- 2-4 summer aublsasers needed lor a 2 bdrm.. $320/mo. util. included. 353-1140. March 29. $5 dues are required. CPN'B grees in Chemistry or Biology tor positions in ence while building your resume. Eam up to Physical Therapy Club roomy apt. Is furnished, has A/C and Is close lechnicel services. Resumes lo Box 241 BG. 110.000. Irrigation sales a installation. Vehicle lo csmpusl Please cal:3S4-1145. required Call Student Sprinklers Gamma Phi Beta-Little Kary Children's coed summer camp near Pinckney Huge 1 bdrm. avail, for Babysmer for two year ok) needed. Summer 1-800-26 5-7691. Ml now hiring Health, life guard, naturalist, and summer. New carpet, off street months only. Must be rsasbls ft flexible. Re Hey Diddle Diddle counselor positions. 313-878-6628 tor more Student Painters is now looking for hard work* parking. 353-3017. frences required, call 352-0611. leave a mes- Now Your My Little into. ing, moovaied students to paini this summer. Under the Crescent Moon sage. Eam 15 50-17 50 per hour working outside @ 9(aCeidoscope Counselors: CAMP WAYNE, co-ed camp. Subleasing 1 bdrm. apt. Unfurnished. Actives laugh 'cuz they know who I am least 40 hrs. a week. Positions are available all $395 • eiec. Pots allowed. Wheel chair But you won't find out until Junel Pennsylvania. 6/22-8/20/95 Have the moat Female subleaser needed throughout Cleveland, Bowling Green, Toledo, accessible. Nice, quiet atmosphere. ILoveYouLMel memorable summer ol your Mel Great oppor- lor May *95 to August *95. Lima, and Mansfield. For more information Please call 353-3410, leave message. Astrology, Torot, & Love, Your Big Call 353-4631, ask tor Shelly. tunity tor growth in personal, prolessional and please call i -800-543-3792 parenting skills. Counselors needed tor Ten- Polm Readings nis. Swim (W.S.I, prsferred). Baaketbal, Sort- SUMMED LIFEGUARD A SWIMMING Gamma Phi LIT Llaa Gamma Prs Seeking Star Wars Action Figures and Ships. ball. Volleyball. Soccer, Golf. Sell Detense. INSTRUCTOR POSITIONS Reading by Appr. It won't be long now Cash peid. Cell Oavtd at 1-600-261-5637. Gymnastics. Cheorleadlng, Aerobics, Student Recreation Center Just wail and you'll see Applications avail, in SRC office Senous male roommate needed tor Fall of *95 NatursCamping. Ropes. Piano, Guitar. Jew- When's The Last Crystals, Cooks, 'cause we're the best bignil pair elry, Batik. Sculpture. Drawing/Painting, Silk- Apply NO W i For into can 2-7477. only. Call Chad O 353-3300. Jewelry, Incense, Matched up in BGII screen, Other staff: Group Leaders. General. Time You Had A LovalnTTKE. Driver/Video. Many other positions. ON Oils, and Much Morel YourBK3l?l Telemarketing Position Available Home Cooked Meal? CAMPUS INTERVIEWS: April 21st Call our Evening hours. Whin house. OH GAMMA PHI BETA office at 1-800-279-3019 to make an appoint- Send resumes to: McVicker Insurance Hours This LUeek ment Gamma Phi • Lil' Dana' Gamma Phi GET DRESSED 5825 WeckerlyRd.Wrviehouse. OH 43571 Monday - Friday -I lo.m.-cp.m. Friends are friends torever COUNSELORS ■ INSTRUCTORS neededl and that is how we'll be 100 positions! Coed summer camp. Pocono Saturday-11 cm.-7p.m. VAN DRIVER. Pert-ome positions to provide BEFOREYOU Mine, PA. Good salary rMps I (9Ce3>6s*-3139. Closed Sunday because well be the beet transportation to and from social service Bg'LiI PairmallofBGi CRUISE SHIPS NOW HI RING agency. Must be between the ages of 21-65. RESTAURANT 140-C E. Woosrer Our family stands waiting HIT THE ROAD. Eam up to fa.OOOWmontfl working have a valid drivers license and excellent dnv- and soon you wll see on Crusts Ships or Land-Tour companies. ing record. Submit resume to P.O. Box 738, (behind Modharrer) what a great addition you wil be. When you come to Bob World travel. Seasonal a fun-time Bowing Green. OH EOE. Love In TTKE. Your Big 354-4015 employment available. Evans, you are treated No experience necessary. "Summer Sales Posrtiona"-Co!!ege Coupons, like guests for a home For more information the leader in university coupon books, is now hiring Summer Interns We are looking for Vie can 1 -206-634.0468 ext. CS6444. cooked meal. top 12 college students nationwi to sell Ml in our university coupon books. This la an 8 In my book, SamB's, Extra Set 1726 E. Wooster Street ??.. Desk clerk needed. Midn,ghM:00em Sal. thru week position with an average earnings ol my favorite BG restaurant, Weds.. S shifts per week. Start inmed. Long 13500. A car Is required. Interviews «■ be (Behind B.P. Station) avm posiaon. Buckeye Budget Motor Im. lakmg place In the Cooperative Education Of Mastercard/Vlea accepted deserves star billing. It's the Of Prints 352-1520. Between 8-4. ask tor Tim «oa on Thursday, March 30*. Carry Out Available best place to eat between Toledo & Columbus, *1*4

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