Zendo Etiquette Guidelines ARRIVAL • Please arrive at least 5 minutes early to each () period. • Enter through the front door. If you arrive after the second round of the Han, come around to the side door, leave your shoes outside, go through the red door and sit in the hall behind the zendo (sunroom). • If there are changes in zazen times, they will be announced during work meeting and posted on the front door of the zendo.

GENERAL • Bow in gassho (prayer position) upon entering the zendo. • Check the resident seating chart for your assigned seat, or ask the monitor or to show you to a seat (they will be standing in the front of the zendo). • When you arrive at the cushion you will use, bend down and adjust it on the back half of the mat. • Stand and bow to your cushion in gassho. Turn clockwise and bow to the community in gassho. • Please breath quietly, be at ease, and rest in your posture. • If it is absolutely necessary to adjust your posture, move as quietly and efficiently as possible. • Please refrain from sniffling or blowing your nose in the zendo. • To use the restroom or get a drink of water, please exit from the zendo into the sunroom during kinhin (walking meditation). After using the restroom, please continue kinhin in the sunroom and come back into the zendo at the sound of the bell. • At the end of the meditation period, stand, restore your cushion to how you found it, bow to your cushion in gassho, turn and wait in gassho to bow at the bell with the entire community. • When leaving the zendo at the end of meditation, those nearest the sunroom exit first, peeling away from the tatami. Please follow when it is your turn. • Bow in gassho before leaving the zendo.

APPAREL • Please wear comfortable, loose clothing in muted or dark colors (ideally black) w/o patterns or large prints. • Please do not wear socks, hats, gloves, shorts, tank tops, leather clothing, stiff pants or noisy clothes (e.g. nylon) in the zendo.

If you are unsure of what to do while you are in the zendo, please watch the seniors and follow along. No one expects you to be perfect, it is alright to make mistakes as you learn the form which invites us all together into a practice of . If you have further questions please connect with Genzan, our Temple Coordinator.