DMVC Accessibility User Guide This website has been designed with a common sense approach towards accessibility.

As such visitors can control the size of the text, the colours and the use of ‘access keys’ on the keyboard rather than the mouse to navigate through the pages.

Access Keys Access keys are keyboard shortcuts that replace the need to use the mouse for navigation in browsers that support them.

For this document, you can use :

Internet Explorer users using Windows can press the plus an access key. users using Macintosh can press the plus an access key. users using Windows can press the ALT key plus an access key. Firefox users using Macintosh press the CONTROL key plus an access key. users press CONTROL plus an access key. users press SHIFT, then ALT, then an access key.

We use the following access keys on this site: Home Page - Z Site Map - M Accessibility Statement - Q Terms and Conditions - V Please note your browser may not support access keys.

Text Sizes You may change the font size of this document to your preference through your browser. In Internet Explorer, select View > Text Size, and then your preferred size. In Firefox, select View > Text Zoom, and then your preferred percentage size. In Opera, select File > Preferences > Fonts > Minimum Font Size (pixels). Alternatively, scroll with the wheel of your mouse whilst holding down the control (CTRL) key.

New Browser Window Please note that all external , such as PDF documents, open in a new browser window.

Design All informational images have been assigned descriptive ALT text, with a title or description.

We aim to make this website accessible for everyone. The site has been tested on several browser types and with WAVE software for accessibility.

If you experience any kind of problem or have any feedback about the site, please email

[email protected]