At a Meeting of the Warboys Somersham and Pidley Internal Drainage Board held at the Lakeside Lodge, Pidley on Thursday the 19th November 2015


J German Esq (Vice Chairman) C Leadbetter Esq D D Brown Esq P R Lummis Esq The Lord De Ramsey M F Newman Esq A Edgley Esq T E A Noble Esq D J Edwards Esq J M Short Esq D W Esq D R Stokes Esq M P England Esq B R Watts Esq K R German Esq H W Whittome Esq

The Clerk to the Board, Miss Samantha Ablett, Mr Malcolm Downes (Mechanical & Electrical Engineer) and Mr Robert Wilmer (District Officer) were in attendance.

The Vice Chairman took the Chair and explained the absence of the Chairman due to ill health.


That a letter be sent to the Chairman wishing him a full recovery.

The Vice Chairman welcomed Messrs Leadbetter and Short who were attending their first meeting of the Board.

Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from G J Bull Esq, D W Cornwell Esq, S J Criswell Esq, H J Heading Esq, C W King Esq, G R Munns Esq, P Murphy Esq, O Owen Esq, C E Robinson Esq and S W Whittome Esq.

B.1364 Declarations of Interest

The Clerk reminded Members of the importance of declaring an interest in any matter included in today’s agenda that involved or was likely to affect any individual on the Board.

B.1365 Inspection of District

Prior to the Meeting those Members present, with the exception of Messrs A Edgley, D W and M P England, D R Stokes and H W Whittome undertook an Inspection of the District which embraced (inter alia):-

i) Point 159 (adjoining) Drain at Mrs Shiels, adjacent to the Landfill Site.

The Vice Chairman referred to the culvert repairs that had previously been carried out and wondered whether the Board should relinquish this drain. Members viewed the fence. Mr Noble felt that giving up the watercourse might lead to issues. F:\Admin\BrendaM\Word\wsp\mins\19.11.15

ii) Puddock Pumping Station

Members viewed the depression in the roadway. The Clerk explained the position.

The Vice Chairman explained that more photographs were required in conjunction with the planning application for the old station.

The District Officer referred to a proposed weight limit for a bridge which would, he felt, mean more heavy vehicles looking to use the roadway.

iii) Honeysome Road, Chatteris – Proposed site of solar farm

The Vice Chairman spoke of the possibility of the developer fencing up to the 9 metre strip which would, he felt, restrict the Board's operations. He spoke of the dam in the neighbouring watercourse and wondered if the watercourse by the solar farm should remain a District Drain.

iv) Washways Pumping Station

Mr Downes spoke about the recent improvements carried out at the station. The Vice Chairman referred to the need to replace the floor tiles and that quotes for the fence had been received. He added that access to Acre Fen Pumping Station (in lieu of fencing) would now be restricted by a barrier.

v) Warners Drove, Pidley – To view works undertaken by the District Officer close to point 77

The Vice Chairman spoke about proposals to extend the District system from point 77. The District Officer spoke of badger issues close to point 77 and that the watercourse needed widening. The roadside bank was becoming vertical.

vi) Drain between points 76-78 to view works carried out by the District Officer

v) Pidley Pumping Station

Mr Downes drew attention to the condition of the bargeboards and guttering.

vi) Doosan DX140w Excavator

The Vice Chairman referred to the number of punctures over the last year – approximately 10 costing £500. He had obtained quotes for new tyres and for new wide wheels and tyres which he and the District Officer felt would enable the machine to run better and which could be removed when the machine was sold.

Members viewed the flailmower. The District Officer explained the modifications.

B.1366 Confirmation of Minutes


That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board held on the 4th June 2015 are recorded correctly and that they be confirmed and signed.


B.1367 Appointments for the year commencing 1st November 2015

a) Appointment of Chairman


That H J Heading Esq be appointed Chairman of the Board.

b) Appointment of Vice Chairman


That J German Esq be appointed Vice Chairman of the Board.

c) Appointment of Clerk


That the Middle Level Commissioners be appointed Clerk to the Board for the ensuing year.

(NB) - Lord De Ramsey and Mr Whittome declared interests (as Members of the Middle Level Board) when this item was discussed.

d) Appointment of Finance Committee


That the Finance Committee be constituted as follows, viz:-

The Lord De Ramsey K R German Esq D W England Esq H J Heading Esq M P England Esq D R Stokes Esq J German Esq H W Whittome Esq S W Whittome Esq

B.1368 Clerk to the Board

The Clerk informed Members that he intended to stand down from the office of Clerk of the Board at the end of 2016, that the Middle Level Commissioners would be taking appropriate steps to appoint his replacement and would keep the Board informed.

B.1369 Board Membership

Further to minute B.1327, the Clerk reported that Messrs Leadbetter and Short had accepted the invitation to join the Board.

B.1370 Land Drainage Act 1991 District Council

a) The Clerk reported that Fenland District Council had appointed Councillor P Murphy to be a Member of the Board under the provisions of the Land Drainage Act 1991.


b) The Clerk reported that Huntingdonshire District Council had re-appointed Councillors G J Bull and S J Criswell and Messrs P R Lummis and M F Newman to be Members of the Board under the provisions of the Land Drainage Act 1991.

B.1371 Water Framework Directive

Further to minute B.1331, the Clerk reported that the Anglian River Basin Liaison Panel had met once in the period, on 11th June, to discuss the outcome of the consultation on the River Basin Management Plan revision and the regional programme of projects funded by Defra for Water Framework Directive. He reported that he had also been advised that the statutory Plan to be sent to Ministers would be a “high level” document and not contain the list of local “measures” which appeared in the many schedules to the 2009 Plan and, whilst this made the 2009 Plan rather cumbersome, it did at least set out the measures expected in relation to a water body, whereas the present framework left the relevant measures to be discussed locally. Part of the ongoing work was to settle what “mitigation measures” were appropriate to the artificial and heavily modified water bodies of the Fens. The Middle Level Commissioners' Environmental Officer, Cliff Carson, was a member of a Group, looking at reasonable mitigation measures for such bodies, which were likely in fact to correspond with what was already in our Biodiversity Action Plans and therefore require, as previously advised, little additional work either by the Middle Level Commissioners or our IDBs.

The Clerk advised that to date he had received no feedback on either the Middle Level Commissioners' response to the consultation on the revised Plan, on which he reported to the Board in June, or on the earlier flood risk management plans despite promises from the Environment Agency that this would occur.

B.1372 Water Transfer Licences

The Clerk reported that the position was that Defra had published proposals for bringing into force the changes to the water abstraction licensing system, which were outlined and enacted in the Water Act 2003. Successive proposed implementation dates had, however, come and gone. Most significant amongst these was the requirement that abstractions simply transferring water from one watercourse to another by IDBs become subject to licensing.

The Clerk reported that it was also the case that he had been advised that "Transfer Licences" would not have a designated quantity of water attached to them, since to do otherwise, would lead to all such applications being based on the driest year on record. Whilst, however, specific assurances still needed to be sought from the Environment Agency on these matters, it appeared at present that it was indeed not proposed to ascribe a quantity to Transfer Licences.

The Clerk reported that the Environment Agency had however also now consulted on a proposed charging regime for transfer licences. It appeared that the Environment Agency were proposing an annual charge of £1,500 to cover their "administration costs" in implementing these new procedures, although it was not clear what elements such charges would actually relate to. The Clerk advised that he had been in correspondence with Rory Stewart MP, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, and whilst it now appeared that this charge would be a "one off" had continued to object to it on the basis that, since water was transferred to serve licences granted to end user abstractors by the Environment Agency, the costs of administering such licences should already be met. The Clerk reported that he had also taken the opportunity to raise this matter during the Ministerial Visit to Denver, as did representatives of the Downham and Ely IDB Groups. He was pleased to report that ADA appeared at last to be taking up the matter with Defra.


B.1373 Outbuildings at Puddock Pumping Station

Further to minute B.1332, the Vice Chairman reported that the Chairman had been chasing this with Fenland District Council. He reported that the Chairman had spoken to Mr Fitzjohn who was acting for the Board and that matters were on the go. He advised that the bat survey had been completed but more photographs were required and that Mr Fitzjohn was dealing with the outstanding matters.

B.1374 Garage Roofing at Puddock

Further to minute B.1333 the Vice Chairman reported that he had been advised by the Chairman that there was nothing further to report but perhaps the Board should consider putting a protective sheet over the roof. He wondered if the sheet would direct water to where it ought not to go. The District Officer thought that structurally the building was sound but was of the opinion that if it was sold it might get pulled down. Mr German thought that replacing some tiles might suffice for the present.


That roof tiles be replaced as necessary but no other action be taken for the present.

B.1375 Land South West of Doddington Road, Chatteris – Mr G Collett

Further to minute B.1334, the Clerk reported that as he had been unable to locate the title deed he had applied to the Land Registry to register the land.

In response to Mr German, the Clerk outlined the Board's ownership of Fenton Lode.

B.1376 Pumping Station Bungalow

Further to minute B.1335, the Clerk referred to a letter from Terry Kent dated 24th July which the Chairman had asked should be referred to the Board. He reminded Members of the previous resolution to increase the rent from £500 to £550 per month. The District Officer advised that there were some works that needed to be done as a result of plumbing and other works. The Board discussed the position.


That, as previously resolved, the rental be increased to £550 per month.

B.1377 Roadway at Puddock

The Clerk reported that he had received an e-mail from Stephen Barclay's office advising that Terry Kent had contacted him regarding the state of the road leading to his bungalow. He had responded that the roadway was the responsibility of County Council as advised by their Mr Hunnable some time ago. The Clerk referred to the depression in the roadway, viewed earlier on the inspection, and reported that the Board only owned a very small section of the roadway, some yards away from the depression, of which he had advised the Council. He reported that their surveyor, Mr Tabner, had requested a site meeting but he wondered at worthwhileness.


The Board discussed whether to put planings down. Mr Whittome voiced concerns at whether the provision of planings would cause the Board to incur liability. The Board felt that they had a duty of care to its employee and tenant to ensure that they were safe but that the County Council should be pressed to repair the roadway.


That the Clerk inform Cambridgeshire County Council that, as a temporary measure due to concerns about their employee's and tenant's safety, the Board intend to put planings down in the depression pending the Council effecting proper repairs and that, in view of the condition of the roadway, the Board expected repairs to be undertaken within the next three months.

B.1378 Acre Fen Pumping Station

Further to minute B.1362, the Clerk reported that the Chairman had met Mr Downes. The Vice Chairman reported that, as reported earlier on the inspection, a barrier would be installed to prevent vehicular access to the station.

B.1379 Consulting Engineers’ Report

The Board considered the Report and the Supplementary Report of the Consulting Engineers, viz:-


Warboys, Somersham & Pidley I.D.B.

Consulting Engineers Report – November 2015

Pumping Stations Other than the matters described below, only routine maintenance has been carried out since the last meeting and the pumping plant at each of the stations is mechanically and electrically in a satisfactory condition.


Pumping Plant - Refurbishment and Improvements Installation of the new diesel power packs commenced during June, together with the outstanding mechanical and electrical works. Following this, testing and commissioning of the pump and power pack assemblies were completed in early July.

Some minor snagging works are in hand.


Pump No2 continues to operate with the Moisture Ingress Sensor (MSI) unit defeated. However a recent test of the motor windings, prior to its planned removal for inspection/service, showed a dramatic increase in its insulation resistance to a satisfactory level and with the Chairman’s agreement it was decided to postpone the service and continue to monitor the unit.


Replacement Control Equipment In accordance with the instructions received at the Board’s last meeting a specification for new control equipment was prepared and quotations sought from four companies for the manufacture, delivery and installation of the equipment and the prices received were as follows:

Carlton Controls £24,936.00 Interlec £25,800.00 E Rand £35,491.00 Lawtronic Declined

With the Chairman’s approval an order was placed with Carlton Controls in the sum of £24,936.00. Some additional cost will be incurred including power isolation by the supply company, any cable


upgrading found to be required to meet current standards, any other items necessary and MLC Engineering Fees.

Before the new control equipment, which is currently being manufactured, is installed it is recommended that improvements to the fabric of the old pumphouse, which houses the equipment, be carried out which, as can be seen from the photos below, is in a poor condition.

Alternatively, instead of renovating the building, which is some 70 years old, the Board may wish to consider replacing it with a low maintenance GRP control building.


As requested at the last meeting three quotations were obtained earlier in the year for automatic weedscreen cleaning equipment. These were forwarded to the Chairman who decided that the offers should be put before the Board at its November meeting.

The values received were as follows:

Metalcraft……………... Heron 500kg Cantilever Automatic Cleaner… £61,620.00 C W Engineering……. CW5000 Cantilever Automatic Cleaner………£64,673.00 H C Watercontrol…….. VOPO Backraked weedscreen………………..£81,000.00

The H C Watercontrol cleaner is manufactured by VOPO in Holland and did not include for removing the existing beam in front of the existing weedscreen and installing necessary additional F:\Admin\BrendaM\Word\wsp\mins\19.11.15

support arrangements. Their offer does however include for a conveyer system to remove the debris cleared by the machine from the weedscreen deck to a side dump area.

Their installation is based on all necessary dewatering, lifting, access/egress, welfare facilities, civil works, removal of existing structure and all new ducts to be carried out by others.

Neither C W Engineering nor H C Watercontrol have included for differential level sensing control this would add approximately £2000 to their quotations.

Metalcraft has issued drawings for the proposed machine which is very similar to the Washways cleaner. This design is, in our opinion, somewhat more robust than the C W Engineering machine and the company is very local to the site for future maintenance and it is therefore recommended that this quotation be accepted if the Board decides to proceed.

The Board will also need to budget for other costs for the project including, but not limited to, fencing, hardstanding for the dump area if required and engineering fees.

The Board’s instruction is required.

Pumping Hours This will be covered in the District Officer’s report.

Changes to Planning Procedures Further to the introduction of the previously discussed pre-/post-application discussion process other procedures have been introduced, currently on a trial basis. These include, where relevant, a fixed fee basis for some services which has arisen from discussions and agreement with applicants, agents and engineering consultants. These include the following:

(a) In respect of relatively simple enquiries the Commissioners are currently offering a free Development Control and Consent “Surgery” on the third Tuesday of the month. Appointments are limited to 15 minutes during which applicants are be able to discuss their proposals and at which it can be determined whether pre-/post-application discussion is required for Discharge/Byelaw Consent issues.

(b) A soakaway certification and checking service which has been introduced for the processing of the acceptability of soakaways/infiltration devices in compliance with the Land Drainage Act and the Commissioners’/Boards’ byelaws where it can properly be shown to attenuate flows/volumes.


(c) Completing the “Acceptability of Surface Water and Sewage Effluent Discharge” form. This is a simple form where responses are made to four questions related to surface water/treated effluent disposal.

Initial internal discussions concerning the introduction of fixed fees for some types and sizes of development covered by the pre-application procedure have commenced.

Responses to Planning Applications One of the complaints aimed at the Commissioners relates to the failure to provide responses to planning applications in a timely manner. The main reason for this is because some LPAs, not only Huntingdonshire and Fenland District Councils, add planning applications to validation lists in week four or later. Unfortunately, the Commissioners do not have the resources to check all the lists on a weekly basis (a potential total of 64 lists per week). Therefore, to maximise the number of planning applications captured the week 4 list is normally used.

Members will be aware that neither the Commissioners nor the Board are statutory consultees and, therefore, do not actually have to provide a response to the planning authority, and receive no external funding to do so. The main reason for supplying responses is to protect the Board’s district and ensure that any byelaw consents are sought.

More timely responses would be of benefit to all parties and discussions have been held with the leading Planning Authorities but none are prepared to contribute to funding to improve resources. As a result, the Commissioners’ Planning Engineer has been instructed to concentrate on responding to pre-/post-application related issues and resultant planning applications as a priority with responses to other planning applications being dealt with when time permits, with greater reliance being placed upon our “Standing Advice”. This particular document may require further strengthening if this arrangement is to continue over the long term.

Despite the Planning Authorities’ position the Commissioners are requested to respond to planning applications that may potentially be contentious and informal requests have been received from Fenland’s Planning Officers to reinstate the weekly surgery session that occurred between late 2009 and late 2013. However, as the Board is not a statutory consultee it is considered that whilst the comments provided by the Commissioners on the Board’s behalf would be of benefit to the Planning Authorities in making informed decisions, this request is not followed up.

Planning Matters In addition to matters concerning previous planning matters, the following 50 new development related matters shown below have been received and, where appropriate, dealt with since the last meeting: F:\Admin\BrendaM\Word\wsp\mins\19.11.15

MLC Council Type of Ref. Ref. Applicant Development Location 793 H1402029AGDET Mr S Durrant Agricultural Chatteris Road, Somersham 794 F/YR14/1004/F Mr & Mrs M Vinn Residence Doddington Road, Chatteris 795 H1401937FUL Mr & Mrs Barton Residence Queens Road, Somersham Client of Robert Brenton Land west of Station Road, 796 Pre-app LK Consult Ltd Residential Development Warboys* Nor-Cambs Homes & 797 F/YR15/0042/F Developments Ltd Residence Doddington Road, Chatteris* 798 H/15/80017/COND Mr & Mrs J Van-der-Gaag Residential (2 plots) Warboys Road, Pidley Residential Development 799 H/15/00120/OUT A & A Augstein (4 plots) Bencroft Lane, Warboys 800 F/YR15/0096/SC Mr A Watts Solar Farm Road, Chatteris 801 H/15/00272/PMBPA Mr A Noble Agricultural Somersham Road, Pidley 802 H/15/00342/PMBPA Mr D Fabb Agricultural Fenside Road, Warboys Fenton Way/Iretons Way, 803 Enquiry Produce World Commercial? Chatteris* Travelling Showpersons 804 H/15/80061/COND Mr & Mrs Hart Quarters Fenton Road, Warboys 805 Pre-app Client of Amazi Solar Park Honeysome Road, Chatteris 806 H/15/00531/PMBPA G L & V Poulter Residence Warboys Road, Pidley Horsegate Gardens, 807 F/YR15/0291/F Mrs A Young Residence Chatteris 808 F/YR15/0335/F Atlantic Construction Ltd Residence Albert Way, Chatteris 809 H/15/00693/PMBPA Mr D Newman Residence Fen Road, Pidley 810 H/15/00461/PMBPA Mr D Newman Residence Puddock Road, Warboys 811 F/YR15/0370/F Mr & Mrs P Carson Residence London Road, Chatteris 812 H/15/80120/COND Mr R Wing Residence Station Road, Warboys* 813 H/15/00729/PMBPA Mrs K Renwick Residential (3 plots) Fen Road, Pidley 814 H/15/00870/PMBPA Mr Payne Residence Parkhall Road, Somersham 815 H/15/00786/HHFUL Mr Lumley Residence Puddock Road, Warboys 816 H/15/00377/FUL Mr D Hopkins Residence Fen Road, Pidley 817 F/YR15/0399/PNH Mr W Batixovsky Residence London Road, Chatteris 818 F/YR15/0429/F Honeysome Solar Ltd Solar farm Honeysome Road, Chatteris 819 F/YR15/0404/F James Graven & Sons Ltd Retail West Park Street, Chatteris* 820 H/15/00860/HHFUL Mr M Biggs Residence Warboys Road, Pidley 821 H/15/00834/PMBPA Mr D Hopkins Residence Warboys Road, Pidley 822 H/15/00929/P3PPA Mr S Clark Residence Parkhall Road, Somersham 823 H/15/00939/P3PPA Mr D Hopkins Residence Fen Road, Pidley 824 F/YR15/0474/F Mr & Mrs G M Stephenson Residence Westbourne Road, Chatteris 825 F/YR15/0480/PNH Mrs N Henson Residence London Road, Chatteris* Land Planning Partnership 826 F/YR15/0512/O Ltd Residential (58 plots) West Street, Chatteris* 827 F/YR15/0519/F F R W (UK) Ltd Residence Doddington Road, Chatteris* 828 F/YR15/0524/F Mr & Mrs G Mott Residence Albert Way, Chatteris* 829 H/15/01062/CLED Mr D Newman Agricultural Fen Road, Pidley 830 H/15/00810/FUL Mr W Hopkins Residence Fen Road, Pidley 831 H/15/01182/PMBPA Mr D Newman Agricultural Fen Road, Pidley 832 H/15/01120/FUL Mr S Ray Residence Fen Road, Pidley 833 NOT USED - - - 834 Pre-app A E Sutton Ltd Commercial Albert Way, Chatteris 835 F/YR15/0738/F Mr & Mrs Bills Residence London Road, Chatteris Miss N Henson & 836 F/YR15/0736/F Miss K Hurst Residence London Road, Chatteris* Pre-app/ Honeysome Road Solar 837 F/YR15/0429/F Ltd Solar Farm Honeysome Road, Chatteris 838 F/YR15/0812/F Mr & Mrs Heard Residence George Way, Chatteris 839 H/15/01399/AGDET P F England & Son Agricultural Crooked Drove, Warboys 840 F/YR15/0844/F Mr M Smith Residence Huntingdon Road, Chatteris 841 H/15/01589/FUL Mr S Clark Equine Parkhall Road, Somersham 842 H/15/01670/PMBPA R & M A Hopkins Residence Warboys Road, Pidley Planning applications ending 'COND' relate to the discharge of relevant planning conditions Planning applications ending ‘PMBPA’ relate to Prior Approval Agricultural to Dwellings Planning applications ending ‘P3PPA’ relate to Prior Approval - Storage to dwelling Planning applications ending ‘CLED’ relate to certificate of existing lawful use Planning applications ending ‘HHFUL’ relate to Householder Full Planning applications ending ‘PNH’ relate to household permitted regulations notification Planning applications ending ‘SC’ relate to screening/scoping opinions F:\Admin\BrendaM\Word\wsp\mins\19.11.15

Developments that propose direct discharge to the Board's system are indicated with an asterisk. The remainder propose, where applicable and where known, surface water disposal to soakaways/infiltration systems or sustainable drainage systems.

Mixed Use Development on land south east of London Road, Chatteris - Hallam Land Management Ltd (MLC Ref Nos 160 & 184) & Mixed Development on land at Tithe Barn Farm, Chatteris – Hallam Land Management (MLC Ref No 606)

According to documents on the Fenland District Council [FDC] website, further to the report made to its Planning Committee on 3 September 2013, at which it was agreed that “in principle” the development should comprise of 1000 houses and authorised officers to negotiate terms of Section 106 list of conditions, a further report was submitted at the Committee’s meeting held on 19 August 2015.

The minutes of the meeting advise that:

“The purpose of the report is to update the progress made towards the previous resolution, this is for a 5 year housing land supply and needs to move forward as a priority by negotiation and talking with consultants.”

As can be appreciated with a development of this size many wide ranging issues were discussed but matters of interest to the Board are that:

 In terms of viability the Council view for the site is border line. However, the developer has taken a commercial decision and considers that they can deliver the site.  It was identified that the London Road access is more restricted and Council Officers agreed that an informative could be included regarding the preference for access to be via A142.

It was ultimately agreed that: “Delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning, in agreement with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman and Ward member, to grant outline permission in accordance with the Schedule S106 Heads of Terms and updated conditions and the inclusion of an informative regarding the preferred routing of construction vehicles via Ireton Way and the A142.”

Proposed development consisting of Class B1 (Business), Class B1 (Light Industry) and Class B8 (Storage & Distribution) at Womb Farm, south west of Doddington Road, Chatteris - Colliers CRE (MLC Ref No 524) & Triman Developments (UK) Ltd (MLC Ref No 528)


No further correspondence has been received from the applicants or the applicants’ agents concerning this site and no further action has been taken in respect of the Board’s interests.

Erection of workplace homes at land south west of (Womb Farm) Doddington Road, Chatteris - Mr G Collett (MLC Ref Nos 437 & 613) & Midland Ventures Ltd (MLC Ref No 548)

Following completion of the infrastructure associated with this site further planning applications have been received.

No further correspondence has been received from the applicant or the applicant’s agent concerning the provision of the original site infrastructure and no further action has been taken in respect of the Board’s interests.

Erection of foodstore (A1), petrol filling station (pfs), car parking and associated highway works on land north of Honeysome Industrial Estate fronting Fenland Way, Chatteris - Harrier Developments Ltd (MLC Ref Nos 567, 584, 585 & 663) & Erection of Builders Merchants at Fenland Way, Chatteris - Harrier Developments Ltd (MLC Ref No 584)

Further to the last meeting debate continues concerning the adequacy of the hydraulic modelling report provided by MTC Engineering (Cambridge) Ltd [MTC].

In its last report, Peter Brett Associates (PBA), who is undertaking an independent review of the model, raised several issues which the Board considered should have been included and also be readily available. MTC considered that it was not reasonable to expect a three week turnaround. The Clerk to the Board responded as follows: “While I accept that, until recently, MTC did not have Peter Brett’s note, no documents should need compiling. They should already exist and just need sending on. The Board meet in November and, if the information is not provided by then, the Board may ask Peter Brett to give a view on what they have been provided with. It should not be forgotten that this is the second opportunity that MTC have had to provide this information.


Iain Smith Clerk to Warboys Somersham & Pidley IDB”


A response to the outstanding points was submitted by MTC the following day and these are, at the time of writing, being considered by PBA.

Erection of a vegetable processing building and formation of balancing pond – Client of Grounds & Co (MLC Ref No 627); Allpress Farms Ltd (MLC Ref No 638); Produce World Ltd (MLC Ref Nos 776 & 777); Industrial/Haulage Yard at Fenton Way, Chatteris (MLC Ref No 529) & Erection of warehouse with offices and business units on land west of Fenton Way, Chatteris - R W Simpson Ltd (MLC Ref No 644)

Further to the last meeting a revised method of installation is being used to construct the clear span skew deck bridge and an application for discharge consent has been submitted and is currently being processed.

Extract from Frith:Blake Consultings Drawing No. 2014-026-SK-1DB-01 Rev C1 showing the impermeable area created by Phase 1 of the development

These are primarily issues for Nightlayers IDB but, as advised previously, the Board own this redundant section of Fenton Lode/Twenty Foot Drain and whilst a landowner’s charge for the access crossing has been previously sought the charge for the outfall structure has been the subject of discussion with the Clerk to the Board. Using the landowner’s charge received from Mr G Collett as a basis it was considered that, when comparing the respective consented areas, a landowner charge in the region of say £30,000-£35,000 may be appropriate. It is not known at the time of writing if these discussions have been concluded or the charge paid.


Residential development on former playing field at Kingsfield Primary School, Treeway, Chatteris – Cambridgeshire County Council (MLC Ref Nos 478 & 595), - Roddons Housing Association (MLC Ref Nos 583, 610 & 666) & - M & D Developments (MLC Ref Nos 669, 678 & 680)

No further correspondence has been received from the applicants or the applicants’ agent concerning this development and no further action has been taken in respect of the Board’s interests.

Erection of a wind powered pump to maintain the water levels of lakes within the restored mineral site at Somersham Quarry, Long Drove, Somersham - LaFarge Aggregates Ltd (MLC Ref No 708)

No further correspondence has been received from the applicant or the applicant’s agents concerning this site and no further action has been taken in respect of the Board’s interests.

Proposed Windfarm to the south east of High Fen Straight Drove (A141) between Cross Drove and High Fen Pump Drain, Warboys – Client of URS Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited (MLC Ref No 699) & Erection of an anemometer up to 60 metres for a temporary period of up to 3 years at land north of High Fen Farm, High Fen, Crooked Drove, Warboys - Energiekontor UK (MLC Ref No 760)

No further correspondence has been received from the applicants or the applicants’ agents concerning this site and no further action has been taken in respect of the Board’s interests.

Residential Development involving demolition of existing storage building on land west and south of 74 West Street, Chatteris – Client of LK Consult Ltd (MLC Ref No 742) and Land Planning Partnership Ltd (MLC Ref No 826)

Further to the November 2013 report the applicants’ consultant, LK Consult Ltd, requested an update on a previous pre-application discussion response made, on the Board’s behalf, in September 2013 on a prospective four phase residential development, potentially consisting of 124 dwellings, to the west of West Street, Chatteris.

A planning application for fifty eight dwellings was subsequently submitted to Fenland District Council and a response is currently being prepared.


Installation of a Biomethane Injection pipeline (to inject into the National Grid) involving the erection of an associated plant compound with 2.4m high boundary security fence and gates at Gas Pipeline for Anaerobic Digester Plant, Iretons Way, Chatteris – Little Green Consulting Ltd (MLC Ref No 783) and Pretoria Energy (MLC Ref No 785)

No further correspondence has been received from the applicants or the applicants’ agent concerning this development and no further action has been taken in respect of the Board’s interests.

Construction of a 4.34MW solar energy farm, to include the installation of solar panels, ancillary plant, 2.0m high security fencing, 24 x pole mounted 2.4m high CCTV cameras and associated works including underground cables at land east of Honeysome Farm Bungalow, Honeysome Road, Chatteris– Honeysome Road Solar Ltd (MLC Ref No 805, 818 & 837)

A pre-application discussion request and associated documents and plans have been

received and discussion undertaken with Amazi Consulting Ltd in the Spring concerning the flood risk aspects of a proposed solar farm to the east of Honeysome Farm for inclusion in a FRA.

The response to Amazi went beyond providing information for inclusion within an FRA and dealt with other related issues concerning the Board’s interests. Further advice was provided in August following concerns about flood risk from the development’s investor.

Following a request from the Case Officer in September a formal response was made to Fenland District Council. This advised that:

 Relevant issues require the Board’s written consent.  The layout shown on the plans would not be recommended for consent.  Suitable bunds should be provided to prevent overland flows during extreme events.  Environmental Issues concerning the presence of Water Voles within the Board’s system should be considered.


Extract from the Board’s District Plan showing the site and its proximity to the Board’s infrastructure

Subsequent advice was given to the Case Officer concerning the imposition of relevant planning conditions.

The planning application has been the subject of extensions of time but it is understood that the latest will cease soon but at the time of writing a decision is pending.

As part of an internal consultation the Chairman considered that no encroachment should be considered, a view supported by the District Officer. The latter also advises that channel re-profiling is due to be undertaken on this section of watercourse in the near future.

Discussion is progressing with the applicant, however, he recently advised that:

“Having reviewed again the IDB Byelaws and the Guidance documents I am unable to find any evidence which requires Honeysome Road Solar Limited to seek consent from the IDB for an access track. My reasoning here is:

1) The access track is not a building or structure;

2) The access track would not obstruct access to the watercourse for maintenance purposes;

3) The access track (constructed from gravel) would be permeable and so would not increase flood risk at the site.

In light of the above could you please confirm to Honeysome Road Solar Limited the specific byelaw which is engaged for the purposes of this proposal?”


Hopefully an amicable solution will be found but the Board may have to consider undertaking appropriate enforcement action if the applicant does not meet the Board’s requirements.

Extract from Pegasus Environmental’s Drawing No. A.0264_06-A showing the currently proposed layout

Proposed extension to existing unit at 16 Albert Way, Chatteris - AE Sutton Ltd (MLC Ref No 834)

A pre-application discussion request along with associated documents and plans have been received, and discussion undertaken with A E Sutton Ltd concerning a proposed extension to its existing unit, as shown on the plan below. Please note that the dimensions shown are to the water’s edge and not the brink of the channel.

The proposal has been subject to an internal consultation with the Chairman who, as a result, confirmed that the previous comments, made when dealing with the original development, concerning the stability of the channel profile remain relevant and sees no reason to change this position.


Plan provided by AE Sutton showing the proposed extension

The Board has concerns regarding the drain's slope stability and will require assurance that the development is suitably designed to accommodate any ground movement that may arise from natural causes or from any future works to Fillenhams Drain, be they maintenance operations, dredging or any other works (eg bank slope reduction) required by the Board and that the Board will be absolved of any damage that arises as a result of inadequate provision in this respect.

Unfortunately, the submission did not include details of the foundations and without these it is hard to confirm that the stability of the channel profile will not be affected by the extension.

Suttons were advised that the Board was to meet soon and it was suggested that if they wished to submit further information it would be beneficial for this to be provided so that it can, if deemed appropriate, be discussed further at the meeting. At the time of writing no further submission has been received.

Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) Local Development Scheme (LDS) No further correspondence has been received from HDC concerning the LDS and no further action has been taken in respect of the Board’s interests.


Fenland District Council (FDC) Neighbourhood Strategy Fenland District Council (FDC) District wide Level 2 SFRA Following concerns raised by local developers and agents in respect of Planning Inspectorate decisions concerning development within flood zones 2 and 3 shown on the Environment Agency’s Flood Mapping, the Council is considering whether to embark on a Level 2 SFRA for the whole district, with the exception of Wisbech for which one was prepared in 2012.

The key reason for the production of a Level 2 SFRA is to allow FDC to undertake further analysis that provides an evidence base to determine the Sequential and Exception Tests across its District. It will focus on areas where there are potential development pressures in zones of medium (Flood Zone 2) to high (Flood Zone 3) flood risk and where there are no other suitable reasonably available development sites at lower flood risk after applying the Sequential Test. Completion of the Level 2 SFRA will provide the Council with the necessary level of information for a better understanding of flood risk at the local level and give better consideration of flood risk issues when making planning decisions in accordance with both National and Local planning policies.

Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD Further to the last meeting report, the draft Cambridgeshire Flood and Water Supplementary Planning Document was the subject of a public consultation from Friday 4 September to Friday 16 October 2015.

A response to the County, in respect of the SPD, was submitted on behalf of the Commissioners and associated Boards and, in addition to advising on some basic errors, identified the following:

 Like the NPPF and PPS/G25, and the associated guidance documents, the SPD is generic and does not appreciate the special circumstances of water level/flood risk management within The Fens. Therefore, it is considered that further guidance is required to assist all parties involved within the planning process of the specific issues that are different to other parts of the Country, and must be considered when making planning decisions.

 The current document is “wordy” and is likely to become ineffective. A set of guidance notes for the target audience would assist and provide a more effective “journey” for users of the document.

 The document fails to readily identify the difference between the Environment Agency and the IDBs, our differing concerns and requirements and even differences between


individual IDBs. The overriding impression given is one where the role, function and governance of the IDBs appear not to be clearly understood.  Whilst the Commissioners and associated Boards appreciate that the use of SuDS does have a place within water level/flood risk management, particularly the discharge into managed watercourses, it is considered that, despite the significant emphasis placed on such facilities, the use of attenuation devices in The Fens is not always the correct or most appropriate solution. Therefore, care needs to be taken to ensure that resources and funds are not wasted by seeking to impose attenuation solutions when a direct discharge is acceptable to the local drainage authorities.

 The water resource issues raised predominantly refer solely to potable water supply but other water resource issues which exist within the study area, for example, agricultural use, navigation, amenity, biodiversity, were not fully considered, particularly if drought conditions, like those recently experienced, become more regular, and if the impact of climate change becomes a reality.

The response advised that IDBs may therefore not be able to accept the principles and policies which accommodate a County wide “broad brush’’ basis, which are not consistent with the more detailed requirements of their local areas, and went on to advise that:

a. In the flood risk areas managed by IDBs, development proposals are too often granted subject to planning conditions to allow LPAs to reach their targets, without sufficient regard to IDB comments on flood risk.

b. LPAs receive fees for dealing with planning applications, IDBs do not; unless the developer chooses to follow an IDB pre-application procedure. Too often our advice is ignored and we are expected to provide a subsidised service for planning authorities to enable them to meet their targets, which the Boards are not prepared to do.

c. We wish to encourage LPAs to, in turn, encourage developers to adopt the pre- application procedure. In the absence of the developer doing so, we can give no guarantee that, under the present arrangements, we will be able to respond to the Council’s request for advice on flood risk.

d. When dealing with issues related to our byelaws and consent procedures the Commissioners and associated/administered Boards will promote and require continued adoption of and compliance with the relevant principles contained within PPS25 and the associated Practice Guide together with the provision of a FRA that F:\Admin\BrendaM\Word\wsp\mins\19.11.15

meets their own requirements ie detailed assessments on the impacts on the respective water level/flood risk management systems and the provision of adequate evidence to prove that a viable scheme for appropriate water level/flood risk management exists, and that it could be constructed and maintained for the lifetime of the development.

The County Council has stated that the responses received during the consultation will be analysed and reviewed, and where necessary, changes will be made to the SPD before being adopted by each of the Cambridgeshire local planning authorities.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough (C&P) Minerals & Waste Management Development Plan (M & WMDP) Whilst general discussion concerning responses to planning related matters have been held no further progress has been made concerning the establishment of a “liaison forum”.

Formation of an access culvert at Fenside Road, Warboys No further correspondence has been received from the applicant or the applicant’s agent concerning this development and no further action has been taken in respect of the Board’s interests.

Outbuildings at Puddock Pumping Station No further correspondence has been received from the applicant or the applicant’s agent concerning this development and no further action has been taken in respect of the Board’s interests.

Consulting Engineer

2 November 2015

Warboys, Somersham & Pidley (333)\Reports\November 15


Warboys, Somersham & Pidley IDB

Supplementary Report – November 2015

Construction of a 4.34MW solar energy farm, to include the installation of solar panels, ancillary plant, 2.0m high security fencing, 24 x pole mounted 2.4m high CCTV cameras and associated works including underground cables at land east of Honeysome Farm Bungalow, Honeysome Road, Chatteris – Honeysome Road Solar Ltd (MLC Ref No 805, 818 & 837)

Following further discussions with the applicant’s agent, Forenergy, a revised layout has been provided and is show on the plan attached.

The Board will note that the proposed roads are not within the Board’s maintenance access strip alongside the watercourse.

A topographic survey of the watercourse is currently being undertaken in respect of the underground power cable crossing. This will be directionally drilled with the entrance and reception pits outside the Board’s access strips and a minimum 3m clearance between the top of the cable duct and the hard bed of the existing channel.

A byelaw application concerning this proposal is expected in the next few weeks.

Graham Moore

Graham Moore Planning Engineer

12 November 2015



With regard to the Washways Pumping Plant Refurbishment Scheme, Mr Downes reported that a quotation in the sum of £1,800 had been received for the minor "snagging" works which would be eligible for grant aid.

In response to the District Officer, Mr Downes confirmed that no other pumps were due to be lifted.

With regard to Pidley Pumping Station, and as had been seen earlier on the inspection, the bargeboards and guttering were in a poor condition. The District Officer drew attention to Benwick IDB's Bettys Nose Pumping Station which had been similarly refurbished. Mr Downes advised that Bettys Nose was smaller. Mr German felt that if Puddock Pumping Station was sold Pidley Pumping Station could be used and needed for storage. The Vice Chairman also considered that the Board needed to know the costs of demolition and rebuilding before this could be done.

With regard to the erection of a vegetable processing building and formation of balancing pond for Produce World Ltd (MLC Ref Nos 776 & 777), the Clerk drew attention to the fact that the developer had an alternative attenuation option which would being them on much the same lines as Mr G Collett.

With regard to the construction of a solar energy farm at land east of Honeysome Road, Chatteris for Honeysome Road Solar Ltd (MLC Ref Nos 805,818 & 837), Mr Whittome wondered if a consent from the Board for a cable would be required. The District Officer requested updated information regarding the area of land proposed for the farm. The Clerk agreed to raise these issues with the Planning Engineer.

The Vice Chairman pointed out that the drains around the site should be cleaned out if the farm proceeded.

With regard to Fenton Lode New Cut (Tesco site), the Clerk reported on the response just received from Peter Brett (Associates) which advised that some increase in flow and volumes discharged had occurred and that, in view of their opinion, he would be asking the Consulting Engineers to calculate the appropriate discharge contribution.

Mr Newman drew attention to the planning application (MLC Ref No 810) which had not been made by Mr D Newman.


i) That the Report and the actions referred to therein be approved.

ii) Washways Pumping Station

That the quotation for the minor "snagging" works be accepted and undertaken as part of the scheme.

iii) Pidley Pumping Station

That the Consulting Engineers obtain quotations for replacement guttering, drainpipes and bargeboards at Pidley Pumping Station and the Chairman and Vice Chairman be authorised to take any action necessary.


iv) Westmoor Pumping Station

That the quotation in the sum of £61,620 from Metalcraft plus additional costs for the installation of automatic weedscreen cleaning equipment at Westmoor pumping station be accepted.

v) Land West of Fenton Way, Chatteris – Produce World

That the developer be informed that the Board required a landowners' contribution of £12,000.

vi) Proposed Solar Energy Farm, Honeysome Road, Chatteris

That, in advance of any development proceeding on the proposed solar energy farm, the drains around the site be cleansed.

iv) Fenton Lode New Cut (Tesco site) – Harrier Developments

That Harrier Developments be required to pay a suitable discharge contribution, allowing for any actual attenuation, as calculated by the Consulting Engineers.

B.1380 District Officer’s Report

The District Officer referred to the works undertaken this year and to the re-profiling work which needed to be done. As regards next year, work was currently proposed for High Fen with Acre Fen incorporated. However, in 2017, he would prefer to do Acre Fen and Westmoor which would leave only one District for 2016. With regard the fencing by Mrs Shiels, viewed earlier on the inspection, the Vice Chairman felt that further consideration should be given to giving up the drain. He advised that the drain upstream of point 77 at Warners Drove did take water from several landowners. In response to Lord De Ramsey, the District Officer felt that the appropriate length to be adopted was approximately 500 metres. Lord De Ramsey felt that drain by the trees should be re-profiled.

With regard to the excavator, the Vice Chairman and Mr German pointed out that the cost of the new wheels was roughly twice the cost of the tyres only and confirmed that the old wheels would not be scrapped. Mr German pointed out that, even with these extras, the budget had still been met.


a) That the Report and the actions referred to therein be approved.

b) Drain upstream of Point 77, Warners Drove, Somersham

That the necessary arrangements be made for the section of District drain upstream of Point 77 to be adopted by the Board and the District map amended accordingly.

c) That the Vice Chairman be authorised to purchase a set of wide wheels and tyres for the excavator.


B.1381 Pension Staging Dates

Further to minute B.1345, the Clerk confirmed that the Board's staging date for the auto- enrolment pension scheme was 1st April 2017.


That the pension for the District Officer be reviewed at the November 2016 meeting of the Board.

B.1382 Financial Statement

The Clerk reported that the Board’s revenue cash balances on the 18th November 2015 were:-

Clients Premium Account - £492,972.00 Clients Premium Account (Labour) - £689.34 Clients Deposit Account - £500,000.00

He also reported that drainage rates and special levies amounting to £13,405.25 were outstanding on the 18th November 2015.

B.1383 Rate arrears

Consideration was given to writing off rate arrears amounting to £24.81.


That the arrears be written off.

B.1384 Association of Drainage Authorities

The Clerk reported:-

a) Annual Conference

On the Annual Conference of the Association held in London on Wednesday the 11th November 2015.

He referred to the address given by the Parliamentary Under Secretary and Minister responsible for Water, Rory Stewart MP and to the emphasis placed on partnership working.

The Vice Chairman referred to the issue of monies and the stress on capital expenditure compared to maintenance.

b) Annual Conference of the River Great Ouse Branch

That the Annual Conference of the River Great Ouse branch of the Association would be held in Prickwillow, Ely on Tuesday the 18th March 2016.

The Clerk reported on the Committee meeting held in October 2015.


c) Subscriptions

That it was proposed by ADA to increase subscriptions by approximately 5% in 2016, viz:- from £783 to £823. [The increase in 2015 was 4%]

Mr Whittome felt that the rise was too steep.


That the increased subscription be paid for 2016.

(NB) - Lord De Ramsey (as ADA President) declared an interest when this item was discussed.

B.1385 Cambridgeshire Flood Risk Management Partnership Update

Further to minute B.1353, the Clerk reported that recent discussions had included SUDS provisions, the increase in rain gauge provision and surface water management plans.

B.1386 Information regarding Asbestos

The Clerk reported that the Board had a duty to provide details of any asbestos in their installations, especially pumping stations, to be recorded in a Register so that these were known and any contractors could be made aware.

The District Officer agreed to confirm the position.

B.1387 Completion of the Annual Accounts and Annual Return of the Board – 2014/2015

a) The Board considered and approved the comments of the Auditors on the Annual Return for the year ended on the 31st March 2015.

b) The Board considered and approved the Audit Report of the Internal Auditor for the year ended on the 31st March 2015.

B.1388 Expenditure/Estimate Update

The Board considered the Estimate Update.

The Vice Chairman explained that he had estimated the cost of drainworks, balanced against extra cost of Board's machine and felt that should be well inside budget.


That the update be approved.


B.1389 Dates of next Meetings


That the next Meetings of the Board be held as follows in 2016, viz:-

i) Thursday the 9th June 2016

ii) Thursday the 17th November 2016 (prior to which the District Inspection will be held)

(File Note – As the ADA Conference was also due to be held on 17th November 2016, the Vice Chairman took the decision to hold the Board's winter meeting a week later on the 24th November 2016.

B.1390 District Officer

The Clerk advised that due to the confidential nature of this issue, it was necessary to pass a formal resolution to exclude the public.


That in pursuance of Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public be excluded from the meeting when the above matters are being considered by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. ______

(NB) – The District Officer left the room when this item was discussed.
