25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Ministry of Forests and Environment Singha Durbar, Kathmandu Phone: +977-1-4211892 Website: www.mofsc.gov.np

Government of Nepal Ministry of Forests and Environment Singha Durbar, Kathmandu Nepal 2018

25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Government of Nepal Ministry of Forests and Environment Singha Durbar, Kathmandu Nepal 2018 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Editorial Team : Dr. Maheshwar Dhakal Mr. Dhananjaya Lamichhane Ms. Madhu Devi Ghimire Mr. Amit Poudyal Dr. Yadav Uprety Mr. Thomas Svich Ms. Monica Pandey

Published by : Environment and Biodiversity Division, Ministry of Forests and Environment (MoFE)

Copyright : © May 2018, Ministry of Forests and Environment (MoFE)

Reproduction of this publication for educational or other non-commercial purposes is authorized without prior written permission from the copyright holder provided the source is fully acknowledged.

Reproduction of this publication for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written permission of the copyright holder.

Cover photos : Gokyo Lake (Amit Poudyal) Rhinocerous, Tiger and Farming Land (Sagar Giri) Padamchal (Prabin Bhandari) Copper-Headed Trinket (Mahendra Kotila) Gharial Crocodile (KB Thapa) Danphe, Rhododendron Forest and Ghodaghodi Lake (Hari Basnet)

ISBN No. : 978-9937-0-4160-7

Available from : Environment and Biodiversity Division Ministry of Forests and Environment Singha Durbar, Kathmandu Phone: +977-1-4211892 Website: www.mofsc.gov.np

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ministry of Forests and Environment (MoFE) or of the organizations they represent. Message he year 2018 marks the 25th anniversary of the entry into force of Tthe Convention on Biological Diversity. The year is also coincide with the adoption of the Convention by Nepal. We are proud to the achievements that the Nepal has made in conserving its biodiversity during these 25 years. Nepal is trying to achieve sustainable economic growth through wise use of its natural resources. The Government of Nepal fully recognizes that the efforts to economic growth would only be sustainable if undertaken through sound environmental management and biodiversity conservation. We are fully committed to manage the country’s rich biological diversity as per the national need and in the spirit of the Convention on Shakti Bahadur Basnet Biological Diversity. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Honourable Minister all our conservation and development partners for their support Ministry of Forests and Environment and local communities for their sincere efforts to conserve and sustainable use the biological resources. Foreword

he CBD Secretariat has announced that this year’s International TBiodiversity Day theme will be “25 years of Convention on Biological Diversity: Safeguarding Life on Earth”. This 25th anniversary of the Convention presents us a unique opportunity to highlight our conservation efforts and achievements and also provides an opportunity to review and look towards the future. We have made remarkable achievements in the conservation field, which cannot be summarized in this one publication. However, this document has tried to summarize a few of them. I look forward to even stronger cooperation and collaboration among all the national Dr. Bishwa Nath Oli and international stakeholders in our conservation efforts in the Secretary upcoming days. Ministry of Forests and Environment Acknowledgements

would like to thank all the authors and contributors of this Ipublication. I am equally thankful to everyone who provides time and effort to make this publication in this form. A special thanks goes to the colleagues of the Environment and Biodiversity Division and IUCN for their tireless support. I am looking for the similar cooperation in the days to come.

Dr. Maheshwar Dhakal Joint Secretary and CBD National Focal Point Ministry of Forests and Environment


Policy and Institutional Reform to Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal...... 1 Bishwa Nath Oli and Maheshwar Dhakal

Agrobiodiversity in Nepal...... 7 Yubak Dhoj G.C. and Anil Kumar Acharya

Aspects and Prospects of Farm Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal...... 13 Grishma Neupane and Prakash Mathema

Major Achievements of 25 Years of Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal...... 17 Maheshwar Dhakal

Forest Coverage and Biodiversity in Nepal...... 23 Deepak Kumar Kharal and Milan Dhungana

REDD+ and Biodiversity Conservation...... 27 Sindhu Prasad Dhungana

Nature-based Tourism, Protected Areas and Economic Development in Nepal...31 Siddhartha Bajra Bajracharya and Maheshwar Dhakal

Status and Opportunity of Scientific Forest Management in Nepal...... 37 Ishwari Prasad Poudel; Vijaya Raj Subedi and Dipak Jnawali

Conservation Education for Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal...... 41 Bishnu Prasad Shrestha

Conservation Breeding Centers in Nepal...... 45 Laxman Prasad Poudyal; Bed Bahadur Khadka; Amir Sadaula; Krishna Prasad Bhusal and Kamal Prasad Gairhe

Bird Conservation in Nepal...... 51 Hem Sagar Baral; Laxman Prasad Poudyal; Raju Acharya and Tulsi Subedi

Small Mammals Conservation in Nepal...... 57 Sanjan Thapa, Tulshi Laxmi Suwal, Sagar Dahal, Hari Basnet

Ex-situ Conservation of Plants and Botanical Gardens in Nepal...... 61 Dipak Lamichhane

Watershed Management: Contributing towards Biodiversity Conservation...... 67 Ram Singh Thapa and Jagannath Joshi

Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities...... 71 Kamal Samarung ‘Kamal Kumar Rai’

Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity Conservation...... 75 Yadav Uprety; Amit Poudyal and Racchya Shah

Current Status of Wetlands in Nepal...... 79 Juddha Bahadur Gurung

Landscape Conservation Approach and Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal ...... 83 Laxmi Dutt Bhatta

Leasehold Forestry: Its contribution to Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration of Land Degradation...... 87 Pashupati Nath Koirala

Policy Reform on Forest Use for Non Forest Purposes...... 93 Chandraman Dongol

Transboundary Cooperation in Biodiversity Conservation...... 97 Dhananjaya Lamichhane

Role of Media in Biodiversity Conservation...... 101 Ramesh Bhushal

Bio-Finance and Biodiversity in Nepal...... 105 Rajesh K Rai and Vijay P Kesari

Role of Private Sector in Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal...... 109 Kalyan Gauli, PhD and Sony Baral

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Photo: Sagar Giri

Ministry of Forests and Environment 8 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Policy and Institutional Reform to Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Bishwa Nath Oli, PhD Secretary, Ministry of Forests and Environment Maheshwar Dhakal, PhD Joint Secretary, Ministry of Forests and Environment

Photo: Amit Poudyal

Introduction of biodiversity conservation. Success in Nepal has formulated a number of polices biodiversity conservation is one of the areas and legislative instruments to biodiversity that Nepal can showcase to the international conservation. Similarly, institutional reform communities. This papers highlights the policy has been made in the past to address and institutional reforms since the adaptation issues of biodiversity conservation. After the of the convention by the Government of adoption of United Nations Convention on Nepal focusing to the 25 years biodiversity Biological Diversity (UNCBD) in 1992, Nepal conservation actions in the country. has continuously been working with the spirit of the convention. As a result, remarkable Major policy intervention achievements have been made in the field Biodiversity being a common property

Ministry of Forests and Environment 1 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal resource, it demands constant policy reform engaging on forest protection, management for its long term conservation, management and utilization. These groups has covered and utilization. For access and equity of local more than one third of the forests across the communities over the biodiversity resources country. The community forest user group and its benefit sharing among the beneficiaries network is expanded all over the country and it demands policy back up. Policy not only it is also praised by international communities. support to develop enabling environment, The role of community forest user groups are but also help to safeguard the resources from further expanded not only in access and equity possible threats and externalities. Nepal being issues, but also community development a party of Convention on Biological Diversity, a and livelihood improvement activities. Such number of policies have been formulated from community based organization are also the very beginning. approaching to engage on carbon trade and developing mechanism on payment for Even before the adoption of the Convention, environmental services. Similar decentralized the Forest Nationalization Act 1957 is one of approach has also been adopted in the the pioneer policies of its kind. This policy had protected area system. Following the 4th an intention to protect the public forests from amendment of National Parks and Wildlife individual misuse and encroachment. Similarly, Conservation Act (1993), the Government the Forest Act 1962 is another milestone to of Nepal has been providing 30-50% of the protect the forests and keep intact in Nepal. annual revenue generated from the protected These two forest policies largely guided by area to the local communities for the sake state owned principles while local communities of biodiversity conservation, community largely excluded in the forest protection and development, livelihood improvement and utilization process. conservation education and communication focusing to the people and marginalized Along with the adoption of Convention on people, living in and around the protected Biological Diversity in 1992, the Government areas, which are the major outcomes of of Nepal has been applying participatory biodiversity conservation in Nepal. approach to forest protection, giving especial attention over the rights and responsibilities In 2015, Nepal promulgated the new of local communities. The community forestry constitution with the adaptation of federal program is one of the successful examples system. The biodiversity issues are considered where they can take every decisions of forest the subject matters all three levels of the management without any further degradation government: local, state and federal. The of the forests. Forests Act 1993 and Forest national forest policy, national parks and wildlife Regulation 1995 aim to ensure the basic needs reserve, wetlands and carbon trade which are of the local communities and supports the exclusive power of federal government while principles of sustainable forest management. management of national forests goes to state These forest polices are promulgated just one jurisdiction. In the meantime, environmental year behind the adoption of Convention of and biodiversity conservation issues along Biological Diversity in 1992. The community with Boundary Rivers are considered as forestry program become the most popular the concurrent matter of both federal and program with largest coverage in terms of state governments. Similarly, watershed people and forest area as well. Around 20,000 and wildlife conservation are the jurisdiction community forest user groups are actively of local government while forests, wildlife

Ministry of Forests and Environment 2 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal and biodiversity are also considered as the All these polices lead to maintain the rich concurrent matters of all three governments biodiversity in Nepal. No doubt that the considering the properties and characteristics forest coverage (44.74%) and protected area of the forest and biodiversity resources. Along coverage (23.39%) are the outcomes. The with forest policy, it is fundamental to redesign gradual shift from species conservation to the new forest act, national parks and wildlife ecosystem and landscape level conservation in conservation act and environmental act, and one side and involvement of local communities their subsequent regulations. Similarly, the on the other are visible achievements of bill on access and benefit sharing of genetic biodiversity conservation in Nepal. All these resources is under discussion and the outcomes in cumulative form is one of the areas government is planning to finalize it shortly. that Nepal can showcase to the international communities. Major 25 Polices in Biodiversity Conservation Major institutions 1. Constitution of Nepal (2015) In order to conserve, manage and use 2. National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act biodiversity resources, a number of institutions (1973) have been engaged from center to local 3. Soil Conservation and Watershed Management levels. The parliament supports to formulate Act (1982) 4. Forest Act (1993) the laws (acts) while councils of ministries 5. Environmental Protection Act (1995) supports biodiversity conservation through 6. Convention on International Trade of Endangered regulation and policy formulation. Similarly, Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (2017) National Planning Commission coordinates 7. Plant Protection Act (2007) planning, implementation and monitoring 8. Forest Regulation (1995) process of biodiversity conservation. The 9. National Parks and Wildlife Conservation strongest part of biodiversity conservation Regulation (1974) of Nepal is either one or another institutional 10. Himali National Parks Regulation (1980) representation at every level of the 11. Soil Conservation and Watershed Regulation government from local to central. As the (1983) national authority of biodiversity conservation, 12. Wildlife Reserve Regulation (1978) the Ministry of Forests and Environment 13. Environmental Protection Regulation (1995) and its divisions and departments have 14. Buffer Zone Regulation (1996) 15. Conservation Area Management Regulation been engaging on biodiversity conservation (2001) under the frame of Biodiversity Strategy 16. National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and Action Plan. The Department of Forests (2014-2020) has the largest network to 74 districts, 17. Forest Policy (2015) while Department of Soil Conservation and 18. Elephant Management Policy (1966) Watershed Management has coverage to 61 19. National Wetland Policy (2013) districts. Similarly, 20 protected areas under 20. Agroforestry Policy (2004) Department of National Parks and Wildlife 21. Rangeland Policy (2012) Conservation are engaging on protected area 22. Climate Change Policy (2011) management and biodiversity conservation 23. REDD+ Strategy (2018) activities. Since the adoption of Convention 24. Agriculture Development Strategy (2017) on Biological Diversity in 1992, a number of 25. Non-Timber Forest Products and Herbs institutions have been reformed to address Development Policy (2004) the three objectives of CBD.

Ministry of Forests and Environment 3 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

The eight plant resource offices have inventory of forest resources in Nepal. This been working on plant resources and their department has just published forest resource conservation and management activities. assessment of Nepal in 2016. The Regional These institutions are supported by policies Forest Directorates are responsible to carry out and also train human resources. monitoring and evaluation of field activities and reporting to the ministry on regular basis. Similarly, Ministry of Land Reform, Agriculture and Cooperative take cares of all issues of Biodiversity resources in federalism agrobiodiversity of Nepal. Nepal Agricultural The Constitution of Nepal (2015) is giving Research Council supports through research especial attention to forests and environment and extension. The council has a gene bank protection in Nepal. The right to live in clean to save the species and genetic resources. environment is secured under fundamental Agriculture ministry is also working as the focal rights (article 30) of the citizens. Similarly, ministry of the International Treaty on Plant the state policy directives and principles give Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture especial focus to adopt appropriate measures (ITPGRFA), adopted in 2001, a global response to abolish or mitigate existing or possible to promote the conservation of plant genetic adverse environmental impacts on the nature, resources and to protect farmer’s rights to environment or biological diversity, to pursue access and have fair and equitable sharing the principles of environmentally sustainable of benefits arising out of their use. Besides, development such as the principles of polluter civil society organizations, indigenous and pays, of precaution in environmental protection local communities, university and academia, and of prior informed consent. Similarly, the conservation and development partners are constitution has provision of making advance also supporting the biodiversity conservation warning, preparedness, rescue, relief and missions of the government of Nepal. rehabilitation in order to mitigate risks from natural disasters. The constitution has also These institutions are established in such a provided an exclusive power to federal way where each and every natural resources government on forest policy, national parks are addressed appropriately. For example, and wildlife reserve, wetlands and international Department of Soil Conservation and carbon trade. Similarly, the national Watershed Management is established to look forest management, water resource and over the soil and water related issues, which environment is given to the state government is the grounds for biodiversity resources. The while watershed and wildlife are given to the Department of National Parks and Wildlife local government. The forest, wildlife, , Conservation is responsible for protected water use, environment and biodiversity are area systems and alone while considered concurrent subject matters to all Department of Forests is established to look three tires of the governments. over the forests and trees outside the forests or plant parts. Department of Plant Resources Based on the provisions in the constitutions, supports plants research, botanical garden, the government of Nepal has recently been development of biotechnologies and support approved the new structure of the ministry. to entrepreneurs of plant resources. The The Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation Department of Forest Research and Survey and Ministry of Population and Environment is mandated to carry our research on both are merged and Ministry of Forests and natural and mandate forest, and periodic Environment is established. A separate

Ministry of Forests and Environment 4 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal division is designed in the ministry for taking to increasing demands of the people in a care environment and biodiversity issues. way that meets the needs of the present Similarly, the Department of National Parks without compromising the ability of future and Wildlife Conservation is designed to take generations. The biodiversity policies are care all protected area system in Nepal. The intended to conserve biodiversity resources local governments are independent to set on eternal basis. Therefore, the policies new institutions based on their resources and are intended to minimize and control the responsibilities. threats mainly invasive alien species, forest encroachment and habitat degradation, Ways forward minimize human-wildlife conflicts, reduce The biodiversity policies, legislations and disaster, pests and diseases, and control their institutions are gradually advancing to wildlife crime through law enforcement biodiversity conservation, sustainable use process. As Nepal has entered into the of its components and access and benefit federal system, it is crucial time to move sharing of genetic resources in Nepal. The forward with clear policy and institution government of Nepal has been implementing mandate for biodiversity conservation among various biodiversity conservation policies in the three tires of the governments based order to maintain ecological integrity, create on the past experiences. However, wider an environment to live people in harmony understanding and strong coordination with nature, balance between conservation among the stakeholders is fundamental for and development, and continuous support long term biodiversity conservation in Nepal.

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Photo: Amit Poudyal

Ministry of Forests and Environment 6 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Agrobiodiversity in Nepal

Yubak Dhoj G.C., PhD Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Land Management and Cooperative Anil Kumar Acharya Under Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Land Management and Cooperative

Introduction It is estimated that the cereal crops grow Nepal is mountainous agricultural country, increased by more than 114% and 175% to where crop cultivation ranges from 60 m (in area (3306316 ha) and production (8614284 Kechana Kalan, Jhapa where rice is grown) Mt.) respectively, in fiscal year 2015/16 as to 4700 m (in Khumbu, Solukhumbu where compared to the 1992/1993. Likewise, potato is grown) altitude. Rice is grown at an production of vegetable and fruit crops have altitude of 3050 m in Chhumjul, Jumla, which also increased by more than 328% and 354% is the highest elevation of rice growing areas respectively in fiscal year 2015/16 as compared in the world. Nepal represents 3.2% of global to the 1993/1994. angiosperm and flora diversity. This biodiversity is mainly because of prevailing climatic variation Policy and legislation support ranging from tropical to alpine cold semi desert. Agrobiodiversity includes all types of living Main four components of agrobiodiversity organism as well as their differences and are plant and crop genetic resources, animal inter-relationship of the animals, plants, genetic resources, aquatic genetic resources microbial organisms relating to food and and associated genetic resources. For each agriculture. It specifically denotes: i. Agriculture component, there are four sub-components Genetic resources (Plant genetic resources, i.e. domesticated, semi-domesticated, wild Livestock genetic resources, Fisheries genetic edible and wild relative species. resources, Insect genetic resources, Micro- organism genetic resources, Wild relatives Implementation status of agrobiodiversity of cultivated and domesticated livestock In the late 1980s, agriculture was the livelihood species) ii. Ecosystem services associated for more than 90% of the population, although with agricultural production system and living only approximately 20% of the total land area organism providing such services (Nutrient was cultivable, it accounted for, on average, cycle, Decomposition, Soil heath, Pest about 60% of the GDP. Due to expansion of and disease regulation, Pollination, Habitat other livelihood opportunities in the country, conservation management, Water cycle it has reduced to 65.6% of the population in conservation, Carbon sequestration, soil agriculture and the share of agriculture sector erosion control, Climate regulation iii. Non-living to GDP is estimated to remain at 29.37% in factors affecting Agrobiodiversity iv. Social, fiscal year 2016/17. economical and cultural factors (Traditional and

Ministry of Forests and Environment 7 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal local knowledge, Cultural factors and inclusive Biological Diversity) and ITPGRFA (International processes; Agro eco-tourism and other socio- Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food economic aspects). and Agriculture), the policy has been amended in 2071 (2014 AD) for the incorporation of those Thus, agrobiodiversity is an integral part obligations aligned with the national context. of biodiversity and the basis of agro and nutritional security, livelihood, poverty ITPGRFA MLS Implementation Strategy alleviation, ecosystem balance and sustainable and Action Plan (IMISAP) (2018-2025) is development. Farmers are playing major developed in 2017 and implemented from role to conserve, preserve and develop 2018 to 2025 for guiding exploration and agrobiodiversity and associated traditional collection, conservation, documentation, knowledge. exchange of materials, non-germplasm base technology transfer, resources utilization, In the context, Agrobiodiversity Policy 2063 capacity building, germplasm export and (2007 AD) was formulated aiming to identify, import, and monitoring of germplasm flows. conserve, maintain, develop and sustainable One window system for germplasm export (as use of agrobiodiversity and traditional depicted in Figure 1) will be adopted though knowledge; to establish farmers’ rights in SMTA (Standard Material Transfer Agreement), agriculture genetic materials/resources and whereas for import of germplasm (Figure traditional knowledge; to carryout fair and 2), multi-window system will be adopted. equitable distribution of agriculture genetic Germplasm Exchange Authority Committee materials/resources and traditional knowledge (GAC) has been formed, comprising of IT Focal as well as the benefit acquired from the access Person, Chief of Agrobiodiversity Section, of it; and to manage, conserve and sustainable MoAD; Chief of National Genebank, Chief of use of agrobiodiversity and traditional Seed Quality Control Centre (SQCC) and Chief knowledge to balance the ecosystem attuned of National Plant Quarantine Program (NPQP) with climate resilience and reduce the impacts to authorize the exchange of Agriculture Plant of climate change. Again for the streaming Genetic Resources (APGRs) (modern cultivars, of different international obligations, being breeding lines and genetic stocks, landraces, contracting parties of CBD (Convention on farmer’s varieties, obsolete cultivars, crop Figure 1: Export mechanism of germplasm wild relatives, weeds, potential domesticates, biotechnological cell lines/ agricultural microbes) in the country.

Figure 2: Import mechanism of germplasm

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Photo: Yadav Uprety

Community Seed Dank Directives 2008 and species and 29 forages species listed in Annex Procedures 2009 is under implementation 1, that account for >80% of human calorie to enhance access, exchange, use and intake from plants. Non-Annex I material management of quality seeds of FVs and MVs from CGIAR Centres, Contracting Parties according to the preferences and choice of the and natural and legal persons is voluntarily farmers which are produced, processed and included. On ratifying the Treaty, country stored locally in a community undertaking. agrees to make their genetic diversity and Legislation 'Agrobiodiversity Conservation and related information about the crops stored in Utilization Bill' required for the conservation, their gene banks and public domains available regulation and utilization of agriculture to all through the MLS. Ministry of Agriculture plant genetic resources within and outside has notified the 614 accessions (food 607 and the country harmonizing with the related forages 7) of plant genetic resources (Nepal international provision is being drafted with the Annex-1 Crops) to the Secretary of the Treaty consulation of relevant national stakeholders. for food and agriculture in January 2017. Similarly, Farmers right and breeder's right bill Arrangements are being made to prepare the is also under draft form. passport information of these accessions in NAGRC. Germplasm held in the collections Access and benefit-sharing of genetic listed will be made available to users under the resources conditions of the Standard Material Transfer Multilateral System (MLS) of Access and Agreement (SMTA) of the ITPGRFA. Till now, Benefit Sharing (ITPGRFA Article 10) is the the following contracting parties have notified common gene pool applicable to 35 food crop following accessions for MLS:

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Contracting party/ Country Accessions Contracting party/ Country Accessions Canada 1,00,500 Bhutan 60 Japan 40,000 The Philippines 811 26,523+7 Italy 16,943+ 29,845 Nepal 614 Germany 1,08,675 Netherlands 18,510 International Rice Research Institute 1,17,417 World Agroforestry Centre 1996 International Potato Center 16,061 International Livestock Research Institute 19,215 International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center 1,64,326 Total PGRFA material (accessions) globally: 4,362,100 Annex 1 crops 4,143,281 95% Non-Annex 1 crops 218,737 5%

Thus, Nepal has ample access to use those entitled ''Conservation and Utilization of accessions available in the global MLS for Agriculture Plant Genetic Resources" is improvement and development of high yielding prepared in 2017 through the organization and better performing varieities in the country. of workshop during the International Day for Biological Diversity (May 22 and 23 of National report and documentation 2016) with the close collaboration of different reports: SoWBFA and SoNBFA stakeholders viz. MoAD, DoA (Department Ministry of Agriculture, Land Management of Agriculture), FDD (Fruit Development and Cooperative as part of its function, has Directorate), and NAGRC. The document has prepared the Consolidated National Report been filled with updated information covering on State of Word Biodiversity for Food and the status of conservation, diversity, utilization Agriculture (SoWBFA) in 2016, covering all Plant and distribution of APGRs in the country. It has Genetic Resources, Forest Genetic Resources, listed the existing agrobiodiversity particularly Animal Genetic Resources, Fisheries Genetic English name, Nepali name and scientific name Resources and Associated Biodiversity of of most of the crop species including crop wild Nepal. As a part of international obligation, relatives. In addition, action matrix including the report was submitted to Commission on group recommendations will help guide the Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, nation for future works on agrobiodiversity. FAO and then it is globally available. Program intervention Based on the SoWBFA-Nepal chapter, Different organizations such as DoA through its synthesis book ''The State of Nepal’s DADOs and commodity dirctorates, Gene Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture (SoNBFA)" Bank and research stations (NARC), Libird, was prepared in 2017 to share national and Bioversity International Nepal (BI), Action international experts as well as to support Aid Nepal (AA), FORWARD, CEAPRED are future conservation and utilization activities of involved for the production expansion of crops, agrobiodiversity. their value addition and institutional support to Community Seed Bank in the country. Likewise, National document on plant genetic joint implementation (Gene Bank, BI, Libird and resources DoA) of Local Crop Project is undergoing in 4 National document on plant genetic resources districts for the promotion of 8 special crops

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(Humla, Jumla, Lamjung, Dolakha: amaranth, • Product diversification of niche specific buckwheat, naked barley, beans, proso millet, crops linking conservation along with foxtail millet, finger millet, cold tolerant rice). geolinked trade. Field gene bank and parks such as potato, • Promotion and legalization of community sugarcane, Ginger& Turmeric are established in seed bank for conservation and better their specific locations. DADOs, in high hill and utilization. remote areas, have production, marketing and • Strengthening human resource capacity in value addition interventions for underutilized agrobiodiversity conservation programs. and neglected crops. • Establishment of Field gene bank/park in all the farms under DoA and NARC. Issues and ways forward • Strengthening of database documentation Joint collaboration and interventions are and knowledge management. crucial to conserve, expand, value addition • Enforcement of agrobiodiversity policy, and use of agriculture plant genetic resources. strategy and action plans with legislations. There is need of creating legal space for the • Facilitation of Agrobiodiversity Index for implementation of the Treaty and its Multilateral biodiversity management, its measurement System, especially in the broader context of is crucial. ABS legislation. The following initiatives and joint • Expand the diet diversity management collaboration are needed for the conservation interventions in the food deficit districts. and utilization our genetic resources: • Harmonization and joint participation to • Documentation and registration of obligate the provision of international agrobiodiversity and traditional knowledge. convention, treaty and protocols in the • Technology development through national context. participatory approaches.

Ministry of Forests and Environment 11 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Photo: Yadav Uprety

Ministry of Forests and Environment 12 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Aspects and Prospects of Farm Animal Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal Grishma Neupane Senior Livestock Development Officer, Department of Livestock Services Prakash Mathema Secretary (Livestock Development), Ministry of Agriculture, Land Management and Cooperatives

Introduction level. Achhami cattle, which is less than one- Nepal is rich in farm animal genetic resources meter tall, and reared in the far-western hills (AnGR) both in terms of diversity and numbers. of Nepal, is the smallest breed of cattle in the There are 7.3 million cattle, 5.1 million buffaloes, world. Yak/Nak reared in high mountains under 0.8 million sheep, 10.1 million goats, 1.2 million transhumance system is famous for “yak pigs, 68 million poultry and 0.3 million ducks in cheese”, a niche product made from its milk. the country. Out of the total bovine population, Siri cattle reared in the eastern hills are the only 15% cattle and 36% buffaloes are best performing indigenous cattle. However, estimated to be crossbred animals. Similarly, with the growing practice of crossbreeding the percentage of introduced AnGR in other through natural and artificial insemination (AI), species of livestock (sheep, goats, pigs and this breed is believed to be extinct. poultry) is grossly estimated to range from 5 to 50% (5 to 10% in sheep and goats, 25% in Lime, Parkote and Gaddi are the native breeds pigs, and 50% in poultry). of buffaloes, which along with Murrah, the exotic breed, and their crossbreeds contribute Current status about 70% of total milk production in Nepal. Because of altitudinal, geophysical and These native breeds have been characterized climatic variations, Nepal has a huge diversity at phenotypic, production and chromosomal in flora and fauna. Regarding farm animals, levels. These breeds are preferred by most of 25 indigenous breeds of seven species have the subsistence farmers of mid-hills for milk and been identified in the country. The indigenous meat production. Among the native buffaloes, breeds have their own special importance. Lime buffaloes are declining in number. Special Despite their low production potential, attention and programs for its conservation are these breeds have positive attributes such of utmost importance. as hardiness, adaptability to local harsh condition, productivity in low input system, The predominant indigenous breeds of goat multipurpose use, socio-cultural attachment, in Nepal are: Chyangra, Sinhal, Khari and and contribution to food and nutrition security. . All these breeds are characterized at However, farmers are more interested to keep phenotypic and production levels. In addition to exotic and crossbred animals because of their this, Khari goat has also been characterized at higher productivity. As a result, the population the chromosomal level. Khari goat is the best of indigenous breeds is gradually declining. performing domestic goat in terms of fertility Seven indigenous breeds of cattle - Lulu, and meat production. Although the populations Achhami, Pahadi, Terai, Yak/Nak, Siri and of other breeds are maintained, pure line of Terai Khaila -have been identified. These breeds goat breed is difficult to find due to indiscriminate have only been characterized at phenotypic crossbreeding with Indian breeds. Bhyanglung, and production leves except Lulu which has Baruwal, Kage and Lampuchhre are the four also been characterized at chromosomal domestic breeds of sheep kept for wool and

Ministry of Forests and Environment 13 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal meat production. Baruwal breed is also used Efforts in conservation as pack animal in the High Mountain and Trans- Directorate of Livestock Production (DoLP), Himalayan regions in western Nepal. The four under the Department of Livestock Services indigenous sheep breeds account for 95% of (DLS), has been working as the focal point for the total sheep population in the country. These conservation of farm animal genetic resources. breeds have been categorized at phenotypic DoLP and District Livestock Service Offices and production levels. Among the domestic have been involved in the conservation breeds, the population of Lampuchhre breed and promotion of indigenous breeds for a has been declining and is at risk of extinction. long time. However, focused programs for animal genetic resource conservation were Similarly, Chwanche, Hurrah and Bampudke initiated only after 2009. The implementation are the three indigenous breeds of pig, mostly of these conservation programs are guided reared by some ethnic groups. These breeds by the “Livestock Genetic Resource In-situ have been characterized at phenotypic and Conservation, Promotion and Utilization production levels. There are reports of declining Program Implementation Directive” approved numbers of Hurrah and Bampudke. in 2012. As per the provisions of the directive, conservation programs were implemented in Sakini, Ghanti-khuile and Pwankh-ulte (Dumse) different districts based on the availability of are the indigenous breeds of domestic specific farm AnGR (Table 2). Furthermore, poultry which are preferred for the distinct National Livestock Breeding Center, Pokhara taste of their meat. So far, these breeds have has started to maintain an AnGR gene bank. been characterized at phenotypic level only. To date, the center has cryo-preserved the Because of the wide use of exotic dual purpose semen of Lime and Parkote buffalo bulls. breeds of poultry in rural communities, the Animal Breeding Division of National Agriculture population of Ghanti-khuile and Pwankh-ulte Research Council (NARC) with support from are decreasing, and are at risk. The current Asian Food and Agriculture Cooperation status of some of the indigenous farm animals Initiative (AFACI), a Korean Government funded that need attention are presented in Table 1. project, has initiated farm AnGR conservation program (NARC, 2016). The Division has Tabel 1. Current Status of Indigenous Farm Animals in Nepal Table 2. List of Focused Farm Animal Genetic Species Breed Level of Threat Resources In-situ Conservation Program Siri Extinct Implemented Districts Achhami Endangered Selected Farm Animal for Program Implemented Lulu Declining population Cattle In-situ Conservation Districts Pahadi Declining population Khaila Declining population Lulu cattle Manang and Mustang Yak/Nak Declining population Achhami cattle Achham Lime Declining population Kaski, Baglung, Parbat, Buffalo Gaddi Declining population Lime and Parkote buffalo Myagdi, Syangja, Gulmi Lampuchhre At risk and Arghakhanchi Sheep Bhyanglung Declining population Gaddi buffalo Dadeldhura Terai Pure line almost non-existent Lampuchhre sheep Siraha and Kapilvastu Goat Chyangra Declining population Kage sheep Okhaldhunga Ghanti-khuile Declining population Poultry Khari goat Tanahun Pwankh-ulte Declining population Hurrah pig Dang and Nawalparasi Bampudke About to be extinct Pig Hurrah About to be extinct Sakini chicken Dang

Ministry of Forests and Environment 14 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal been rearing and maintaining live specimens only about 400 and 1,000 liters respectively of Achhami and Lulu cattle; Lampuchhre, whereas the milk yield per lactation of exotic Baruwal and Kage sheep; Sinhal, Khari and cattle and buffalo is more than 4,000 and Terai goats; Gaddi buffalo; Sakini chicken; and 2,000 liters respectively. Wool production of Bampudke pig in its Khumaltar Station for ex- indigenous sheep breeds is about 800 grams situ conservation. It has also cryo-preserved per animal per year but that of exotic breeds is the semen of Lulu cattle, Achhami cattle and about 4,000 grams. Similarly, the adult body Khari goat in its gene bank. weight of indigenous goat and pig is not even comparable with their exotic counterparts. Gaps and challenges On the one hand, there is a need to increase The major gaps regarding farm animal AnGR the production and productivity of livestock to management and conservation are as follows: fulfill the national demand through improved • Lack of specific organizational set up livestock farming. On the other hand, our for AnGR conservation as practiced in indigenous breeds are under threat and neighboring countries. may become extinct if effective programs of • Lack of studies on the potential of conservation and promotion are not carried indigenous genetic resources in comparison out. Striking a balance between these two with their exotic counterparts in terms of dichotomous objectives is a huge challenge. adaptation, disease resistance, production enhancement with selective breeding, etc. Ways forward • Lack of special conservation activities It is high time to declare special farm AnGR in “Livestock Genetic Resource In-situ conservation areas in coordination with local Conservation, Promotion and Utilization government offices. Incentive packages Program Implementation Directive- 2012”: should be developed for the farmers who Its provisions cover only general extension keep indigenous farm animals so as to fulfill activities and are not focused on activities the greater interest of AnGR conservation. that directly contribute towards farm AnGR Male animals of other breeds in the declared conservation. conservation areas should be castrated as • Some of the indigenous animals are reared provisioned in Section 16 of Animal Health and by specific ethnic group as they regard Livestock Service Act 1999 so that they cannot animal husbandry as a means of livelihood cross breed with the conserved breeds. and traditional occupation. However, their occupation is under threat due to out- Livestock products from low producing migration of youth. indigenous breeds should be developed and • Limited access to rangeland resources due branded as high value commodities so that to the blanket approach of environmental they can fetch premium price. In addition to conservation is another serious challenge this, participatory farm animal biodiversity that needs to be addressed through parks as provisioned in National Agriculture case specific resource utilization and Policy 2004 need to be developed. These conservation approach. parks could serve as areas of agro-tourism. • Inadequate resources for technological Diversity of farm AnGR is our national asset interventions such as in-vivo and in-vitro ex- and the Government of Nepal has made situ conservation, gene bank establishment, commitment in various international forums to cryo-preservation, AI service with frozen conserve this important resource. So, there is a semen of indigenous breeds, etc. need to harmonize national plans, policies and programs in line with conservation, promotion The production potential of the indigenous and sustainable use of indigenous livestock breeds is low compared to exotic breeds genetic resources. If appropriate measures are and their crossbreds. The milk production of not taken, the indigenous farm animal breeds indigenous cattle and buffalo per lactation is may gradually become extinct.

Ministry of Forests and Environment 15 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Photo: Sagar Giri

Ministry of Forests and Environment 16 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Major Achievements of 25 Years of Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Maheshwar Dhakal, PhD Joint Secretary and CBD National Focal Point, Ministry of Forests and Environment

Introduction The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Since 1990s particularly after the adoption Plan have been instrumental to mainstream of the Convention on Biological Diversity the biodiversity conservation following the (CBD), the Government of Nepal has achieved spirit of the convention. Similarly, institutional commendable progress in biodiversity set up from center to local level is strength of conservation. Some notable and visible biodiversity conservation of Nepal. Parliament changes in biodiversity conservation can be committees, Councils of Ministries, National seen in policy and institutional reform, forest Planning Commission, Ministry of Forests coverage increment, species conservation, and Environment, and its departments and expansion of protected area system, botanical field offices and Ministry of Land Reform, and zoological garden, landscape level Agriculture and Cooperative, and its conservation, ex-situ and breeding centers, departments and field offices are working on community forestry and other community forest and agrobiodiversity conservation. The based forest management, promotion of role of formal and informal institutions such as non-timber forest products, international community forest user groups to biodiversity and transboundary relation, engagement of conservation is praiseworthy. Enactment of local communities, research and monitoring, CITES Act (2017) is another milestone to wildlife crime control and human-wildlife biodiversity conservation in Nepal. conflict management. This article highlights some 25 notable achievements of 25 years of 2. Mega fauna species conservation biodiversity conservation in Nepal. Nepal is one of the exemplary countries in the world to increase the tiger and greater one 1. Policy and institutional reform horned rhinoceros since the adoption of CBD. Nepal has formulated biodiversity conservation As of 2013, the tiger number is 198, which is policy from local to central levels. The 63% increment based on the national census Constitution of Nepal gives an especial in 2009. Similarly, the rhino number in 2015 attention to all three tiers of the government is 645, which is 15% increment based on to conserve, manage and use biodiversity the national census of 2011. These species resources as a concurrent subject matter. population increment in Nepal is pride of our The National Parks and Wildlife Conservation conservation system while other tiger and Act (1973), Forest Act (1993), Environmental rhino range countries losing the population. Protection Act (1994) and control of International Trade of Endangered Species 3. Protected areas expansion of Wild Fauna and Flora Act (2017) and their The concept of protected area system was subsequent regulations are the visible policy initiated in Nepal in 1970s. Chitwan is the first reforms for biodiversity conservation in Nepal. and oldest national park, established in 1973.

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Protected Area System of Nepal

There are 12 national parks, one wildlife reserve, in 1932. But now, the Government of Nepal one hunting reserve, six conservation areas has established National Zoological Garden in and 13 buffer zones in Nepal. Nepali protected Bhaktapur and also planning to establish state areas are largely based on wilderness concept level zoo in 7 states in the future. Department and fortress management principles. Since the of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation is adoption of CBD, Nepal has applied integrated the responsible government agency to manage conservation development program through the zoological garden in Nepal. Similarly, buffer zone activities. As of 2018, 23.39% of Department of Plant Resources is the principle the country land is covered by protected area agency to initiate the botanical garden in Nepal. system. Nepal has already met the Aichi target The department is also planning to establish at (17% of the terrestrial ecosystem). However, least one botanical garden at each state. the coverage in the Himalayan and lowland region is comparatively higher while protected Protected Area Coverage area system lacks adequate representation in 40,000 34186 mid-hill ecosystems. 35,000 28780 30,000 27631 4. Botanical and zoological garden 40,000 20077 Botanical and zoological garden are considered 20,000

15,000 as one of the parts of ex-situ conservation. Area km 10948 However, these gardens are also considered 10,000 8430 4376 as one of the important sites for amusement 5,000 932 and recreation. The Central Zoo was 0 established basically as the private zoo by then 1970-75 1976-80 1981-85 1986-90 1991-95 1996-00 2001-05 2005-10 Prime Minister Juddha Sumsher J.B. Rana Year

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5. Landscape level conservation 9. Implementation of Multilateral Nepal is a pioneer country to implement Environmental Agreements (MEAs) biodiversity conservation activities at Nepal is a party to various multilateral landscape level. , Sacred environmental agreements since the very Himalayan Landscape, Kailash Sacred beginning. The notable MEAs are CITES, Landscape, Chitwan-Annapurna Landscape UNESCO, Ramsar Convention, UNCBD, and Kanchenjungha Landscape are the UNCCD, UNFCCC, GTF, SAWEN, SACEP major conservation landscapes of Nepal. and many others. Nepal is also the State Landscape level conservation is giving an member of IUCN. Nepal is also serving equal opportunity to all conservation partners standing committee members for 2015-2018 to work in the team and produce cumulative and alternative CITES standing committee outcome of biodiversity conservation. members for 2016-2019 for the first time after adoption of both conventions. Further, 6. Ex-situ conservation of rare and Nepal is working as a member of Stockholm endangered species convention, Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement, Central Zoo, Elephant Conservation Breeding Montreal Protocol and many others. These Center, Vulture Conservation Breeding Center international agreements are providing ample and Crocodile Conservation Breeding Center opportunity to Nepal to work together with are notable example of ex-situ conservation of international communities. Nepal. 10. Transboundary cooperation with India 7. Community forestry program and China Community forestry program is one of the Nepal has memorandum of understanding with iconic programs involving local people in forest China for biodiversity conservation in 2010. management process. The program envisions Similarly, Nepal has legacy having national level an independent institution and decision transboundary meeting with India annually. The making authority over the forest product national transboundary meeting between India harvesting and benefit sharing on equitable and Nepal has also finalized a draft of MoU basis. This programme covers nearly one-third between two countries. The transboundary of the forest coverage and involves one-third of cooperation between Nepal and China, and country population. Nepal and India is playing important role for biodiversity conservation, human-wildlife 8. Promotion of non-timber forest products conflict management, combating wildlife crime Besides timber, non-timber forest products and capacity building. including medicinal and aromatic plants play vital role to local and national economy 11. Engagement of indigenous and local of Nepal. Various species of medicinal and communities aromatic plants and their derivatives are sold Nepal is a multilingual, multi religious, in international markets. These are the sources multi culture, and multi caste country. The of foreign exchange to Nepal. However, it is indigenous and local communities have been essential to simplify the process of medicinal engaging in various activities of biodiversity and aromatic plants and their parts collection, conservation since the ancient time. Nepal is processing and sale to the national and also committed to engage local communities international markets. for in-situ conservation with due recognition

Ministry of Forests and Environment 19 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal of their rights and responsibilities over the Minister Level, National Wildlife Crime Control biodiversity resources. Coordination Committee at minister level, and Wildlife Crime Control Bureau at Director 12. Research and monitoring General Level and wildlife crime control unit at Research on biodiversity conservation is a district level are its examples. regular and an eternal process elsewhere in the world. Nepal has adopted country wide tiger 16. Human-wildlife conflict management and rhino census. Similarly, protected areas Human-wildlife conflict is one of the most are started to count wildlife buffalo, swamp serious challenges to biodiversity conservation deer, black buck, blue sheep and other many in Nepal. The Government of Nepal has species. ID base monitoring of rhino is also adopted both preventive and curative measures adopted. MIST and SMART patrolling are other to manage this challenge. The wildlife relief examples for wildlife surveillance. This system policy covers 14 most conflict prone species, has greatly supported to law enforcement and gives one million of Nepalese Rupees for system among the protected areas. human death. This policy also covers partial amount for human injury, livestock damage, 13. Rhino zero poaching crops depredation and property loss as well. The most notable achievement of biodiversity Initiation of insurance mechanism is another conservation of Nepal is zero poaching of positive effort to minimize the human-wildlife rhino. Citing this achievement, the Secretary conflict and maintain human-nature co- General of CITES has provided commendation existence. certificate to the Government of Nepal on the occasion of 65th CITES standing committee 17. Establishment of SAWEN meeting in 2014. In order to coordinate and cooperate wildlife crime at transboundary level, an 14. Wildlife stockpile management intergovernmental organization called South A historic event of the wildlife stockpile Asia Wildlife Enforcement Network (SAWEN) management was organized on the occasion has been established in 2011. The secretariat of International Biodiversity Day on 22 May of SAWEN is established in Kathmandu, 2017 in . This event Nepal. SAWEN has its own statute and five was organized with a principle of 100% member countries namely Bangladesh, India, transparency getting more than 48 national Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka have already and international media coverage. The aim of adopted this organization while remaining three the event was to support wildlife crime control countries namely Afghanistan, Maldives and and the message was that the wildlife are Bhutan are on the process of its membership. valuable when they are alive and zero value of SAWEN has been providing regional platform their body parts after death. to combat wildlife crime in South Asia region.

15. Institutional reform for wildlife crime 18. Wetland conservation control Around 5.5% of the country land is covered by In order to coordinate support to wildlife law wetlands in Nepal. Small to large rivers, lake and enforcement process, the Government of reservoirs, and paddy fields are the common Nepal has reformed a number of institutions wetlands in Nepal. Ten wetlands of Nepal from local to central level. National Tiger having international importance are enlisted Conservation Committee (NTCC) at Prime into Ramsar Site with Ramsar Information

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Sheet (RIS). The Koshi Tapu Wildlife Reserve REDD +strategy has recently been approved is the first Ramsar site while Lake Cluster of and there is huge opportunity to collaborate for Pokhara Valley is the latest one. both climate change mitigation and adaptation and biodiversity conservation activities. 19. Initiation of sustainable forest management through scientific forest 23. Promotion of ecotourism management Nepal is one of the most attractive destinations The Government of Nepal has adopted to international tourists. More than 60% scientific forest management following the international visitors visit protected areas for principles of sustainable forest management. sightseeing, wildlife sighting, watching, The scientific forest management aims to trekking, mountain climbing, cultural supply forest products particularly timber, exchange, and many other activities. They reduce timber import, and enhance forest visit Chitwan National park for wildlife sighting biodiversity richness. particularly tiger, rhino and crocodiles, and Sagarmatha and for 20. Agrobiodiversity conservation mountain climbing and trekking. Annapurna Nepal is a mountainous country. Majority of the Conservation Area is another worldwide people depend on agriculture for their day-to- renowned trekking destination. day livelihoods. The Ministry of Land Reform, Agriculture Development and Cooperative has 24. Provision of IEE and EIA been implementing agriculture development Balancing conservation and development is activities across the country. a challenge for biodiversity conservation. The Government of Nepal has developed a legal 21. Climate change mitigation and instrument for Initial Environment Examination adaptation (IEE) and Environment Impact Assessment Nepal is one of the vulnerable countries from (EIA) for all kinds of development infrastructure climate change perspective. Glacier melting, aiming to apply mitigates measures or too much water in the summer and too little compensates the damages based on the water in the winter, erotic rainfall, flashfloods, nature and extends the development effects. disasters, river floods, change in the flowering and fruiting of the plant are some notable climate 25. Forestry for economic prosperity change effects in Nepal. The Government of Forests produce both tangible goods and Nepal has implemented Climate Change Policy intangible environmental services. These 2011 with mitigation and adaptation measures. goods and services have huge potentiality to The concept of climate change smart village is contribute in economic growth of the country. also being implemented in selected districts. High value timber for example Sal and other many economically valuable medicinal and 22. REDD+ and its implementation aromatic plants have huge potentiality to foreign REDD+ is a performance based incentive exchange. Sustainable forest management, mechanism to enhance sustainable forest protected area management, wildlife farming, management and discourage deforestation and ecotourism and enabling environment to forest degradation. A separate entity for REDD+ private sectors to invent on forest based mechanism called REDD Implementation Center enterprises are some of the areas to materialize is working on REDD+ issues. The National the principle of forestry for economic prosperity.

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Photo: Amit Poudyal

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Deepak Kumar Kharal, PhD Director General, Department of Forest Research and Survey Milan Dhungana Assistant Research Officer, Department of Forest Research and Survey

Photo: Hari Basnet Forest is one of the major sources of temperate broadleaved, lower temperate biodiversity. It is the major habitat for terrestrial mixed broadleaved, upper temperate biodiversity which includes wild flora and broadleaved, upper temperate broadleaved, fauna. A total of 118 ecosystems have been upper temperate mixed broadleaved, identified in the country and most of the temperate coniferous, subalpine, and alpine ecosystems are identified inside forest areas. scrub. There are 112 forest ecosystems identified in Nepal. The country includes 12 of the 867 Coverage of forest has significant importance global terrestrial ecoregions. The country’s form the biodiversity perspectives. Having only forest ecosystems can be categorized into about 0.1 percent of global land area Nepal ten major groups, namely tropical, subtropical harbors 3.2 percent and 1.1 percent of world’s broadleaved, subtropical conifer, lower known flora and fauna respectively and majority

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Timeline of Nepal’s Forest and Shrub Cover

Land Cover LRMP 1978/79 NRSC 1984 Master Plan 1985-1986 NFI 1994 DoS 1995 FRA 2010-2014 Forest 38.0 35.9 37.4 29.0 38.3 40.36 Shrub 4.7 - 4.8 10.6 - 4.38 Total 42.7 35.9 42.2 39.6 38.3 44.74 Source: DFRS/FRA, 2015 of them are found in forest ecosystems. The of tree species identified in the sample plots diverse climatic and topographic conditions of Middle Mountains, Churia, High Mountains have favored for the diverse forest ecosystems along with High Himal and Terai regions were hence providing habitat for diverse biodiversity 326, 281, 275 and 164, respectively. in a considerably small area. Information on forest genetic diversity is very Forest not only have rich ecosystem but also limited in Nepal. The Department of Forests support other ecosystem such as wetlands etc. has established seed stands for 38 socially by providing shelter and conserving required and economically important tree species resources. Forest coverage also assist the to conserve the genetic resources of these movements of wildlife as corridors hence playing species. Among the forest tree species studied, a significant role in biodiversity conservation. Dalbergia sissoo, Pinus roxburghii and have been found to possess a high Understanding such a high values of forest level of genetic diversity. ecosystem, Nepal has committed to maintain a sustainable forest coverage for ecosystem Nepal’s biodiversity is threatened by multiple and economic purposes. Constitution of Nepal factors. Loss, degradation and alteration of has placed a provision to maintain a sufficient natural habitats, such as forests, grasslands amount of forest cover in the country to keep and wetlands, overexploitation, invasion necessary ecological and environmental by alien species etc. The threats to forest balance. Similarly, Forest Policy 2015 has put biodiversity can be categorized into two broad a strategy to maintain 40% of land cover as groups (I) loss and degradation natural habitats forest for sustainable forest management and and (II) over exploitation of biological resources. enhance the production of forest goods and services which will be ultimately beneficial for Forest cover change dynamics directly and biodiversity that depends on the forest and indirectly impact biodiversity. Deforestation other ecosystems. of forest in Nepal has significantly reduced compared to the previous year’s however As of the latest Forest Resource Assessment degradation and forest disturbances have of Nepal, forest and shrubland area cover 5.96 affected biodiversity steadily as these and 0.65 million hectares respectively which is processes haven’t been well considered almost 45% of the total area of the country. Out during forest management activities. Moreover, of the total area of forest, more than 80% of the deforestation still is taking place in some part forest lies outside the protected area system of Nepal in accessible areas where there are and remaining forests are inside protected richer forest ecosystems. areas. The assessment also identified a total of 443 tree species belonging to 239 genera and Forest Resource Assessment (2010-2014) 99 families in the sample plots. The number results has shown that the forest cover in

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Nepal has increased compared to previous due to the loss and degradation of forest in assessments. However, the FRA results cannot those areas. be directly compared with the previous surveys as it has significant methodological differences Continuous loss and degradation of forests than the previous ones. Nevertheless, the FRA in the Terai and Siwalik regions, inadequate found the largest coverage of forest and/or attention to management of biodiversity in shrub in Nepal compared to last four decades community forests, poor linkage of community of forest resource assessments. forestry with livelihoods and poverty alleviation, limited participation of women and other There are regional variations in terms of changes disadvantaged social groups, inadequate in forest condition. The commercially and technical capacity for implementation of biologically valuable forest in the Terai lowlands sustainable forest management are some of and adjoining Siwalik Hills suffered from high the major gaps and issues in the management rates of deforestation and degradation over of forest biodiversity outside protected areas. the last four decades. According to a recent Encroachment of forest areas; Expansion of assessment of forest cover by the Forest cultivation into forest areas; Development of Resource Assessment Project, however, infrastructure inside forest land and planned indicates a declining rate of forest loss in the conversion of forest land by government Terai in recent years (i.e. by 0.44% per annum authorities are contributing to loss of habitat during 2001 – 2010). Forests in the Middle for forest biodiversity. Unsustainable over Mountains are, in general, better conserved harvesting of timber and other non-timber and in many places forest cover has increased uses, Uncontrolled forest fires and overgrazing in recent years due mainly to the community in forest areas, selecting logging of commercial forestry program and other demographic and valuable species contributing to forest dynamics. degradation which is subsequently degrading biodiversity. Similarly, invasion by invasive alien Many species of plants and animals, including species is noticeably impacting the forest 54 species of wild mammals and 18 species of regeneration and subsequently degrading the trees found in the mountains, are threatened. diversity in forest ecosystem. Birds are among the most threatened group of fauna. Over half of Nepal’s nationally threatened As forest is the most important ecosystem bird species inhabit lowland forests. It is found for biodiversity, maintaining forest coverage that the species relied on the ecologically rich will give positive results regarding biodiversity forests of lowland has been more vulnerable conservation.

Ministry of Forests and Environment 25 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Photo: Amit Poudyal

Ministry of Forests and Environment 26 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

REDD+ and Biodiversity Conservation

Sindhu Prasad Dhungana, PhD Chief, REDD Implementation Centre

Introduction countries for establishing Safeguard Information Gone are the days when environmental system System and Summary of Information. Similarly, would be overlooked for infrastructure and COP19 of UNFCCC held in Warsaw in 2013 financial gain. Projects are and should be developed REDD+ frameworks that included evaluated against not only their direct goals, but ‘Safeguard Information System' among others also how much positive or negative impacts they as pre-requisite for REDD+ programs across make on social and environmental systems. the world. Likewise, international agencies, Reducing Emission from Deforestation and such as the UN-REDD and World Bank Forest Degradation plus associated activities have also developed guidelines for REDD+ (shortly known as REDD+) would follow suit. safeguards in a way that Cancun Safeguards, Under REDD+, the developing country parties Warsaw Frameworks and additional safeguard to United Nations Framework Convention principles are fully internalized in REDD+ on Climate Change (UNFCCC) can claim projects under their financial and technical for payment against removal of or reducing assistance. emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent from their forests. The payment made against UNFCCC Safeguards for REDD+ per metric ton of CO2 equivalent implied that REDD+ safeguard principles and frameworks REDD+ countries would focus only on carbon allude to the precaution that, while REDD+ by promoting fast growing tree species in their are implemented, no adverse impacts are forests at a cost of biodiversity. That is why made on social and environmental systems few years back, REDD+ used to be criticized of including biodiversity; and if made, proper several 'assumed' trade-offs, such as 'carbon measures are taken into consideration for their or timber', 'carbon or biodiversity', and mitigation. Once these safeguards are properly ‘centralized or decentralized decision making'. maintained, it is argued that REDD+ and However, such paradox has not been the case biodiversity will reinforce each other. in REDD+ recently. Cancun Safeguards Principles require that REDD+ has been conducive for conserving REDD+ should support and promote the biodiversity thanks to several decisions made conservation of biodiversity among other by UNFCCC and associated institutions such conservation actions. More specifically, as UN-REDD and the World Bank. UNFCCC's Principle (d) of the decision underscores 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16) held in that REDD+ ‘actions are consistent with the Cancun, Mexico in 2010 defined a set of REDD+ conservation of natural forests and biological safeguard principles (commonly known as diversity, ensuring that... (REDD+) actions 'Cancun Safeguards'). It also directed REDD+ are not used for the conversion of natural

Ministry of Forests and Environment 27 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal forests, but are instead used to incentivize the WB and UN-REDD Safeguards on protection and conservation of natural forests biodiversity and their ecosystem services, and to enhance World Bank has its own 'Safeguard Policies' for other social and environmental benefits'. At any projects including REDD+ that are carried least four inferences can be drawn under out in collaboration with it. It is also developing this principle for countries being engaged a new 'Environmental and Social Framework' in REDD+. First, any actions that are meant that will eventually replace its current Safeguard to reduce CO2 emission from or sequester Policies. These policies and framework have

CO2 in natural forests do not result in the a strong biodiversity component. UN-REDD conversion of natural forests to other land use has developed 7 Principles and 24 Criteria or plantation forests. Second, the genetic, for social and environmental safeguards for species, ecosystem and landscape diversities REDD+ in which Principles 5, 6 and 7 and of forests, which are intervened for reducing their respective Criteria are directly related to emission or sequestering CO2 under REDD+, biodiversity conservation. should be kept intact. Third, REDD+ is not used as an excuse for promoting fast-growing Nepal's REDD+ on biodiversity exotic tree species to accelerate carbon stock Nepal has been participating in REDD+ in the forests. Rather, the protection and readiness since 2008. It has met several conservation of natural forests, biodiversity and readiness requirements, such as REDD+ ecosystem services are properly incentivized Strategy in place, submission of National Forest through benefit-sharing plans under REDD+. Reference Level to UNFCCC, and preparation Finally, other social and environmental benefits of several documents including monitoring are also explored and increased through framework for non-carbon benefits, readiness monetary and non-monitory incentives under package, Emission Reduction Program REDD+. Document (ERPD) and associated safeguard related documents including biodiversity Under this principle, any country participating monitoring protocol for REDD+. in REDD+ should ensure that natural forests and biodiversity are properly conserved while Nepal National REDD+ Strategy (2018) adopts carbon dioxide is sequestered, accounted and to 'addressing and respecting social and traded. It directly implies that neither natural environmental safeguards’ as one of the nine forests are converted into other land-use or guiding principles of Nepal's REDD+. Similarly, artificial forests, nor are any exotic fast growing the second among five objectives of the tree species introduced in natural forests for Strategy notes that effective implementation of expediting CO2 sequestration. Afforestation safeguards measures would be ensured. or reforestation is allowed under REDD+ in an already barren land for a long time, but not Nepal's draft Environmental and Social as ‘clear-felling and plantation' in the existing Management Framework (ESMF), 2018 natural forests. This principle also suggests identifies a number of likely positive that application of proper silviculture system environmental impacts of implementing is acceptable for sustainable management of Emission Reduction Program Document forests under REDD+, but without significantly (ERPD) in the Terai Arc Landscape - impacting on natural environment including including but are not limited to - sustainable biodiversity. management of forests; enhanced carbon sequestration; maintained ecosystem services;

Ministry of Forests and Environment 28 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal reduced deforestation and forest degradation; institutions for result-based payment. This biodiversity conservation; promotion of message should be clearly disseminated to natural regeneration; landscape restoration; wider stakeholders including government protection of vulnerable species (flora and and conservation partners. Second, payment fauna), greenery and maintained ecological is made only against carbon performance, integrity of the project area. It means that i.e. it is only the reduced emission reduction biodiversity conservation will be one of the measured in metric ton of CO2 equivalent that key outcomes of implementing REDD+ in the will be paid for in REDD+. country in addition to enhanced carbon stock in the project sites. Biodiversity conservation is not paid or directly incentivized but is put as a pre-condition Biodiversity Monitoring Protocol for REDD+, a for environmental safeguards. Provision separate document has also been prepared of incentivizing non-carbon benefits has to measure and monitor the changes in been addressed in Article 5(2) of the Paris biodiversity at several levels against the Agreement, but this has not been practiced yet. implementation of REDD+ particularly in the While claiming for carbon payment, it is in the Terai Arc Landscape. best interest of the REDD+ countries including Nepal that biodiversity conservation should Conclusion also be accounted for the payment in addition Critical issues remain for the countries like to the carbon price. Finally, as UNFCCC Nepal, which are considering the biodiversity has put conditions on REDD+ countries to component in REDD+. First, there is a conserve biodiversity while implementing misconception in Nepal and elsewhere that REDD+, it should equally enforce Annex I there is a trade-off between REDD+ and countries to consider biodiversity as one of the biodiversity. But this is not the case. Instead, elements to be paid for in addition to reduced biodiversity conservation is ensured when green house gases. Actually, UNFCCC and REDD+ is implemented. If biodiversity is CBD should collaborate for effective climate compromised for the sake of additional carbon actions, biodiversity conservation and fair benefits, it will actually be a breach of UNFCCC and equitable sharing of benefits coming out decisions as well as other agreements of REDD+ implementation in an integrated REDD+ countries make with international manner.

Ministry of Forests and Environment 29 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Photo: Siddhartha Bajra Bajracharya

Ministry of Forests and Environment 30 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Nature - based Tourism, Protected Areas and Economic Development in Nepal

Siddhartha Bajra Bajracharya, PhD National Trust for Nature Consevation Maheshwar Dhakal, PhD Ministry of Forests and Environment

Photo: Siddhartha Bajra Bajracharya Globally, tourism is one of the fastest growing Domestic Product (GDP) in 2016 generating US industries, and landscapes and wildlife $1.6 billion for the country. More than 427,000 in Nepal provides ample opportunity for people in Nepal were directly employed through developing the industry in the country. Nepal the tourism industry in 2016 which was 2.9% Tourism Board reported that Nepal received of total employment. In fact, about 945,000 940,000 international tourists in 2017 with people were directly and indirectly employed increased of 24.8% compared to the previous by the tourism industries in 2016. Mountains, year. Recently, the World Travel and Tourism rivers, wildlife, forests and associated cultural Council reported that travel and tourism related diversity are major attractions for tourists. economic activities generated 7.5% of Global Landscapes and wildlife are important products

Ministry of Forests and Environment 31 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal for tourism in Nepal. Biodiversity contributes wonders including snow capped mountains, significantly to the attractiveness and quality snow-fed river systems, natural lakes, gorges, of destinations. The major tourism attractions pristine forests are housed inside the protected in Nepal are concentrated in key biodiversity areas (PAs). As of 2018, there are 12 National sites and protected areas. The UN-World Parks, 1 Wildlife Reserve, 1 Hunting Reserve, Tourism Organization has reported that nature 6 Conservation Areas, and 13 Buffer Zones and adventure travel are among the fastest- covering 23.39% or 34,419.75 sq. km of the growing segments of this industry. Tourism land area of the country. Mainstreaming tourism industry could be a fundamental building block without damaging core values of biodiversity of the country if we could carefully connect conservation is one of the successful together with our natural capital. approaches in the protected area management of Nepal. Tourism has delivered much needed ‘Nature-based tourism’ is the fastest growing resources for conservation and provided a element of tourism, and often involving unique opportunity to local people with an excursions to national parks and wilderness economic incentive to protect biodiversity. areas, to developing countries where a Example from Annapurna Conservation large portion of the world's biodiversity is Area (ACA) clearly shows that tourism in concentrated. In this context, all the protected protected areas has provided new economic areas as well as some areas outside the opportunities for the rural communities. protected areas of Nepal are well qualified and At present, the tourism development is have a great potential for the development of concentrated mainly in Chitwan National Park nature-based tourism. By definition, ‘nature- (CNP), , Shivapuri based tourism is the tourism that involves Nagarjun National Park and ACA where experiencing natural places, typically through tourism has enabled the more effective use outdoor activities that are sustainable in of economic incentives to induce positive terms of their impact on the environment’. changes; promoted conservation by raising Mountaineering, trekking, hiking, nature walks, awareness among visitors, and by raising birding, canoeing, and jungle safaris are all the profile of biodiversity conservation and examples of nature-based tourism and Nepal protected areas management at local and could be a perfect destination for nature- national levels; and supported to generate based tourism. Nevertheless, nature-based additional funds for conservation. However, experiences are intimately linked to all other gradual growth in tourism in the protected aspects of the visitor’s total experience of a areas and concentration of tourism in a few destination, such as food, culture, relaxation, protected areas has called attention to move health, family needs, accommodation, tourism into new destinations. Besides moving transport, information, etc. All serve to to new destinations, a good tourism planning complement each other and together form the together with implementation of the planning basis of a visitor’s overall satisfaction with their and management system is realized essential. holiday. Reflecting the rich tourism sources, the management plan of all the protected areas Protected areas of Nepal provide habitats have considered tourism as an important for range of charismatic as well as flagship driver of sustainable economic development species including tiger, rhino, snow leopard, and mean to create decent job for people red panda, musk deer, and many more. Some living in and around the parks while conserving of the magnificent landscapes and nature's ecosystems and biodiversity.

Ministry of Forests and Environment 32 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Number of visitors in Protected Areas in 2073/74 (2016/2017)






- k a l fe ar er i d o g a u n n g o n j i ark ark ark ark nt a ark ark S r o n n k urna arun Pa r P P P P P P at i u n u n il d l

a h a B s n j h a a p a l a l a l a l a l a l W N am pa k Hun t

h n u

s er v a p Nat i i l s Nag a h u r n i ona l o n o n o n o n o n o n a l n k h o i a r p u c t i t i t i k pp i A a u K P h u uri A a p a n y Con s G Nat i Na t Nat i Nat i S M a

T K a p

u a N e N a a N d a h e l v k h i s S armat h h i ar s pt a Dhorpat a twa n o s a n Ra r S ard i n a a g P K B B h a S Ch i M a K Langtang

Annapurna and Chitwan experiences created opportunities for vertical advancement ACA is the most popular trekking destination in the tourism business. Tourism also assisted in the Nepal Himalayas, receiving more than in protection of the invaluable resources in ACA 158,000 international visitors in 2017. ACA on which it is based through the generation of contains some of the most spectacular revenue for park management agencies. Local natural areas in the world in a remarakable communities in and around ACA have received physical setting. It has an exceptionally substantial income and employment benefits high level of biodiversity in terms of species from tourism. This is a powerful economic richness and degree of endemism, which is justification for conserving biological resources due to the wide range of climatic conditions in ACA. The ACA experience clearly shows and altitude, which provide a diverse array of that a balanced interaction between tourism, ecosystems. Local communities of the area park, and local communities – or between are actively participating in the conservation biophysical resources and people – provides area management including tourism. Tourism mutual benefits for all. Such a balance is also development and management in ACA has considered important for strengthening the been considered as a good example of conservation capacity of the park authority, nature-based and community participation. while at the same time influencing local Tourism data indicates that there is a gradual attitudes toward conservation. increase in the annual number of visitors and provided significant opportunities for economic CNP provides similar situation. CNP is advancement. Tourist expenditure on the first national park of the country and is a way to ACA and in communities adjacent UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site. This is to or within the area is significant, leading to one of the best wildlife tourism destinations increased income, the reduced poverty, and of the country with good population size of

Ministry of Forests and Environment 33 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal tiger, rhinoceros, elephant, and many other provides a highest level of tourist satisfaction; mammals, birds, reptiles, etc. Annually, this and provides a meaningful experiences national park receives more than 130,000 to the tourists. Because of importance of visitors. People living in the periphery of CNP environmental quality and biodiversity for are receiving direct and indirect benefits from tourism, the tourism entrepreneurs including tourism. Tourism provided a good platform for local communities in and around such areas collaboration between the CNP authorities and has a long term interest in environmental other stakeholder. As a result, conservation protection and conservation. has flourished in CNP with gradual increase in the populations of tiger, rhinoceros and other Most of the protected areas of Nepal are prey species. More importantly, CNP has unique and very attractive, both naturally and made conservation record in 'zero poaching' culturally, and providing ecosystem services. of rhinoceros in consecutive years. In contrast, Although the protected areas of Nepal are many park authorities and institutions, both in providing tremendous benefits, as elsewhere Nepal and in other developing countries, are in the world, there is a significant funding still seeking a mechanism for the effective park gap for management. Nature-based tourism management and durable funding of parks. is an obvious option for the sustainable financing of protected area management and Key lessons learned for achieving sustainable development of the Nature-based tourism contributes to region. Alternatively, nature-based tourists conservation of biodiversity and cultural are in search for less crowded and pristine diversity; well being of local communities; destinations. Nepal's ambitious target to

Annual number of international visitors to Annapurna Conservation Area

Number of International Visitors 180000 160000 140000

s 120000 to r

is i 100000

of V 80000 60000 N0. 40000 20000 0

200 9 201 5 199 0 199 2 199 4 199 6 199 8 200 0 199 9 200 1 200 2 200 3 200 4 200 5 200 6 200 7 200 8 201 0 201 2 201 4 201 6 199 1 199 3 199 5 199 7 201 1 201 3 201 7 Year

Ministry of Forests and Environment 34 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal increase tourist number to 2 million by 2020 been slowly emerged as one of the ways also stresses the need to plan and develop to make the protected areas financially tourism in other potential protected areas. The sustainable. Protected area such as lessons learned from ACA and CNP could be Annapurna Conservation Area in Nepal is replicated and if possible, scaled up in the managed through tourism revenues alone. potential protected areas of Nepal for tourism development. The potential tourism products The protected areas in Nepal have played a of each protected areas and possible tourism very significant role in driving Nepal’s tourism activities should be mapped out during the industry. More than 45% of total visitors to planning process. In Nepal, nature-based Nepal visit protected areas. It is creating tourism delivers funds for conservation and much-needed employment and micro- provides a unique opportunity to local people enterprise development opportunities to the with economic incentives to protect biodiversity. local communities living within and outside There is always a danger that land clearance the protected areas. The tourism revenue is for tourism infrastructure development may significantly contributing to GDP of Nepal. The contribute to biodiversity loss. avenues of making more investment by private sector in partnership with local community will Conclusion further contribute to sustainable development Least Developed Countries like Nepal through the promotion of nature, culture and may have other priority sectors for public adventure tourism. Therefore, nature-based fund investment compared to biodiversity tourism development in protected area could conservation. Therefore, annual investment provide much needed foreign currency to the from the government for the protected country, creates economic opportunity to the areas management is relatively very low. local communities living in the rural areas, Development of nature-based tourism in new financial resources of protected area protected areas will create a new financial management, and a unique experience to the resource for the park management and has visitors.

Ministry of Forests and Environment 35 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Photo: Ishwari Prasad Poudel

Ministry of Forests and Environment 36 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Status and Opportunity of Scientific Forest Management in Nepal

Ishwari Prasad Poudel Under Secretary, District Forest Officer, Banke Vijaya Raj Subedi Under Secretary, District Forest Officer, Nawalparasi Dipak Jnawali Under Secretary, District Forest Officer, Arghakhanchi

Photo: Ishwari Prasad Poudel Introduction like Mynmar, Malaysia and Indonesia. The Most of the natural forests in the Terai and Inner use of aluminum materials in construction of Terai are old and overmatured. The success buildings is rapidly growing due to scarcity as of community forestry gained biomass and well as high cost of the sawn timber. greenery however actual management of forests is still lacking. Growing population and The prevailing legal instruments in forestry demand of wooden materials are increasing sector such as Forest Act 1993, Forest however production of timber is low due to regulation 1995, Scientific Forest Management lack of proper management of forests. The Guideline 2014 and and many other directives consequences is so drastically changed that are also placed in execution however the forest Nepal is importing timber from foreign country health and direct economic benefit (royalty

Ministry of Forests and Environment 37 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Government managed Particular Community forests (CF) Collaborative forests (CFM) Total forest (GMF) 30 but effectively implemented 285 (area 28,500 ha, 321 (area Implement forests number 15 (73000 ha but effectively 6 (area 13000 ha) average 100 ha/cf) 81,500 ha) implemented area 40,000 ha) present timber production 11,40,000 cft 16,00,000 cft 5,00,000 cft 32,40,000 cft 11,628 Employment 4222 persons/year 5925 person/year 1481 persons/year persons/year contribution) from forestry sector is diminished. scheme Ultimately management contributes Hence forestry sector is getting low priority as to the improvement of the forest health, well as low national investment. Due to proper increased supply of timber and employment to management of forest, governance issue in local people. the sector is highlighted. Being the policy instruments, competent human resources Present scenario the forest management issue could not be Scientific forest management is increasing in well addressed due to enabling environment collaborative, community and government and silviculture system based management managed forest rapidly. In forests, irregular modality. Realizing the adverse scenario, first shelter wood system is applied where average scientific forest management (SFM) operation rotation age is 80 years and regeneration was initiated from Tilaurakot Collaborative period is 10 years especially in the terai Forest, Kapilvastu based on application of hardwood. So far (by March 2018) total 81,500 Silviculture system since 2011. hectare forest is managed by 285 community forest user groups, 30 by collaborative forest There is good opportunity to manage the users committee and 6 by District Forest forest resource as well as creating local Offices (DFOs) as block forests. The summary jobs and contribute to the national treasury. is presented as followings. For example there is around 193,379 ha of forests in 20 districts of Terai and Inner Terai The real situation is being positive however managed/ conserved under community some sector especially not related to the based management modalities such as forestry purposes are against the SFM. Ministry community forests, protection forest and of Forests and Environment has high priority to collaborative forests. If only 50 percent of the the SFM. area is managed under sustainable/ scientific management, around 1.5 billion (15 arab) Ways forward Nepalese rupees can be contributed in national Scientific forest management is essential economy which is equivalent to the yearly to manage country's productive forest in government budget of Ministry of Forests and a sustainable manner. If government is Environment. According to Forest Resouce able to create enabling environment, good Assessment 2015, 11,76,468 ha forest of the governance, strong financial resource and country in Terai, Inner Terai, Chure and Mid Hills technology, we can achieve following targets ecological zone can be managed under SFM within five year.

Ministry of Forests and Environment 38 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

1 year 3 year 5 year particular CF CFM GMF CF CFM GMF CF CFM GMF Implement forests number 400 30 7 1000 30 7 2200 32 9 timber production cft 00000 16 29.2 5.6 40 29.2 5.6 88 30 6.5 Employment (person/year) 5925 10814 2074 14815 10814 2074 32593 11111 2222 Required budget (0000000) 8.05 73 17.5 21 73 17.5 42 75 19 Return (10 crore) 96 175.2 33.6 240 175.2 336 528 180 4

Hence we can manage 3,10,000 ha productive of trees and implementing other tending forest sustainably within five year period which operations, at least one species per ha is left can contribute 1,24,00,000 cft timber and considering the biological diversity. Hence around NRs 75 Arab royalty return per year. detailed floral diversity is well recorded and effective conservation activities are prescribed Assumptions: 40 cubic feet (cft) per hectare accordingly. Due to effective activities timber production. of canopy opening and appropriate soil conservation measures, biological diversity is One ha forest management requires 40 man highly considered in the whole SFM procedure. days and 270 man days is equivalent to person/year. Expected outcome • more than 3,00,000 ha forest area will be Average price of timber is NRs 500/cft sustainably/ scientifically managed. One time investment for CF (average 5 to 8 lakh) from government and rest will be contributed • The supply of timber in the market will be by community themselves. For other forests easy. The import of timber from foreign (CFM and GMF) average roughly NRs 1 crore country will be totally stopped within 3 for 1,000 ha forest is required. years.

SFM and biodiversity conservation • more than 45 people will get job annually Detailed boundary survey, features verification, from the forest management. stem mapping and regeneration survey are key technical aspects to record details • Biodiversity is well recorded and conserved. of plant species. The floral diversity is also included participatory approach. For removal

Ministry of Forests and Environment 39 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Photo: Bishnu Prasad Shrestha

Ministry of Forests and Environment 40 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Conservation Education for Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Bishnu Prasad Shrestha Under Secretary, Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation

Photo: Bishnu Prasad Shrestha Nepal has tremendous geographic diversity the world. A total of 118 types of ecosystem, that ranges from alluvial plains in the south to 75 types of vegetation and 35 types of forest the very rugged and permanently snow and have been identified. ice covered Himalayan Mountains in the north. Nepal is rich in biological diversity due to its About 45% of the country's land is under altitudinal and geographic variation. It is home the forest. Similarly, 23.39% of the country’s to an extensive number of species of flora land is under protected area system in Nepal. and fauna such as one horned rhino, royal There are twelve national parks, one wildlife , elephant, gangetic dolpin, red reserve, one hunting reserve, six conservation panda, snow leopard etc; that are important areas and thirteen buffer zones across Nepal. from national and global perspectives. Nepal Nepal now has a well-developed network of is endowed with 2.7% flowering plant species, protected areas which contribute to in-situ 4.5% of mammal species, 9.3% of bird conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity species, 2.6% of butterfly and moth species of across the country. Nepal has progressively

Ministry of Forests and Environment 41 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal marched from conservation policies away from that conservation education should form the 'people exclusionary' and 'species focused' core of every conservation effort so that it can towards 'people-centered and community lead to a successful biodiversity conservation based' approaches. Our conservation has programs. Conservation education is adopted been evolved from species level to landscape not only as a program for diffusing ideas and level and beyond boundaries. Nepal is one of conservation messages in the community the pioneering countries in the world to initiate but also as a means to bring about positive and implement landscape level conservation changes in the prevailing attitudes regarding on the ground. Currently, five major landscapes the sustainable use and management of have been identified in Nepal and interventions natural and cultural resources. Government to restore and public engagements are being ministries such as Ministry of Forests and done. Environment (MoFE) and departments such as Department of National Parks and Wildlife The main objective of conservation education Conservation (DNPWC), Department of is to bring about changes in the attitude and Forests (DoF) and other concerned agencies behavior of youth, local people, and local have been implementing the awareness raising leaders through various awareness programs, program for biodiversity conservation. so that they become catalysts in efforts to raise voices supporting conservation. Conservation Conservation Education has always been Education (CE) plays a significant role in an integral part of the Department of promoting biodiversity conservation. It helps National Parks and Wildlife Conservation people of all ages understand and appreciate since its establishment. DNPWC runs our country's natural resources and learn many conservation awareness programs how to conserve those resources for future for different target groups helping them generations. Conservation education enables understand how conservation of the people to realize how natural resources natural and cultural environment, including and ecosystems affect each other and protection of biological diversity and meet how resources can be used wisely. It also their livelihoods resource needs sustainably. encourages people to act on their own to Conservation education programs of DNPWC conserve natural resources and use them in for biodiversity conservation include capacity a responsible manner by making informed building programs, school based eco clubs, resource decisions. It is known that public conservation campaigns, environmental acceptance and engagement affects the awareness and extension programs, non- success or failure of biodiversity conservation formal education, printed educational efforts, thus, there is a need for conservation materials, publications, media coverage, education and outreach. Conservation radio/TV Programs, conservation videos/ education programs may produce significant documentaries. Using many tools to raise behavioral changes in their target audience awareness, conservation education plays and may be more crucial to successful long- a significant role in bettering understanding term conservation than biologically-focused among the people living in the National scientific work. Parks/reserves and the surrounding Buffer Zone, about the importance of conserving Most of the rural people of Nepal have low the natural and cultural environment. In level of awareness on the issues of biodiversity collaboration with conservation partners, conservation, Government of Nepal believes community-based organizations, local

Ministry of Forests and Environment 42 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal nongovernmental organizations, other conservation messages and street dramas are government agencies, DNPWC organizes organized at local levels to create awareness various awareness and capacity building on conservation issues among the local programs to increase the capacities of local communities. These are more frequently people to conserve and sustainably manage organized for environmental celebration dates Nepal's biological diversity in a way that is such as Global Tiger Day, National Conservation ecologically viable, economically beneficial Day, World Environment Day, World Forestry and socially equitable. Day, World Wetland Day, National Wildlife Week, International Biodiversity Day, etc. The Department of Forests is using different The Ministry of Forests and Environment media (including television and radio) to raise has encouraged organizations working in awareness on forest fire, uncontrolled grazing, the field of environmental conservation to and afforestation. Many forest user groups are make the most of celebrations as important implementing awareness campaigns against opportunities to communicate and raise forest fires. Many conservation partners are community awareness about the significance working to change local people’s attitudes of biodiversity conservation. towards biodiversity by working with them to recognize the importance of conserving Overall, Nepal has done a commendable biodiversity for their own livelihoods and job in wildlife and biodiversity conservation. well-being. Some individuals are also putting Populations on wild animals have been substantial efforts to raise awareness of increasing through consecutive years of zero general public. poaching, improved habitat, reduced illegal trade and raising awareness program. We Various awareness and extension programs are heading towards meeting the target of including campaigns, community education doubling the number of wild tigers by 2022, and extension programs, celebrations, audio/ a target set by the head of states of the Tiger visual programs, conservation boards with Range Countries at St. Petersburg in 2010.

Ministry of Forests and Environment 43 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Photo: Bed Bahadur Khadka

Ministry of Forests and Environment 44 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Conservation Breeding Centers in Nepal Laxman Prasad Poudyal Department of National Park and Wildlife Conservation Bed Bahadur Khadka Chitwan National Park Dr. Amir Sadaula National Trust for Nature Conservation Krishna Prasad Bhusal Bird Conservation Nepal Dr. Kamal Prasad Gairhe Chitwan National Park

Introduction • Retain the traditional knowledge of elephant In-situ and ex-situ, both the conservation keeping, training approaches are adopted in Nepal. The breeding centers are established for three In the initial stage 20 elephants were received most threatened species i.e. Gharial Crocodile, from India, Thailand and Myanmar to start the Asian Elephant and Gyps Vultures. Gharial and breeding center. Vulture breeding centers are located at Kasara inside the Chitwan National Park and Elephant EBC is being managed by the Chitwan National breeding center is located at Khorsor Sauraha Park. It maintains an information center at its at Bufferzone of the park. premises which disseminate the information about elephant management, breeding and Elephant Breeding Center ecology. EBC is center of excellence to train The Elephant Breeding Center (EBC) was the elephant calves using traditional methods established in 1986 in Chitwan National Park improved friendly practices. It serves training with following major objectives support for calves from other parks and reserve • Fulfill the number of elephant calves working as well as private hattisars. Training begin for protected areas. when calves are 2-4 years old and completed • Conserve the species from extinction. in course of 20 days to one month. • Enhance scientific knowledge related to elephant reproduction, husbandry, nutrition Breeding elephant bulls are difficult to manage in and health. captivity due to their seasonal musth behavior. Breeding between captive male and female is Received From Elephant Name expected in the breeding center. However, it is Airawat, Lambodar, Binayek, Bhairab, quite often that the wild bulls visit the center Bhawanikali, Bhagwatikali, Menakakali, and mate with the captive female elephants. India Sashikali, Mangolakali, Indrakali, Devikali, Sometimes the wild bull takes captive female Gaurikali, Parwatikali, Sitasmakali, with him to the Jungle for mating. Since its Rambhakali, Sobhakali establishment, 45 elephant calves have been Thailand Shrutikali, Aiswarymala produced at EBC. Among them, 25 are male Maynmar Birendra, Dhirendra (M) and 20 are female (F).

Ministry of Forests and Environment 45 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Calves born in Elephant breeding Center

SN Calf’s Name Sex Mother’s Name Date of Birth Remark 1 Chitwankali F Rampyari 1987 2 Ramguj M Bhrikutikali 1987 3 Bahadurguj M Rampyari 1994 4 Gandakikali F Preranakali 1998 5 Karnalikali F Sitashmakali 1998 6 Raptikali F Sashikali 1998 Deployed to Parsa National Park 7 Narayanikali F Sashikali 2000 8 Parasguj M Preranakali 16.06.2001 9 Himanikali F Pujakali 18.06.2001 10 Vikram Prasad M Shamsherkali 07.04.2002 11 Balmiki Prasad M Sitasmakali 08.05.2002 Death due to training injury 12 Laba Prasad M Koshikali 03.10.2003 Deployed to Shuklaphanta National Park 13 Tamorkali F Komalikali 28.10.2003 14 Siddha Prasad M Laxmi kali 20.04.2004 Deployed to Shuklaphanta National Park 15 Krishna Prasad M Devikali 07.08.2004 16 Sher Prasad M Shashikali 28.09.2004 17 Bagmatikali F Chitwankali 20.10.2004 Death due to enteric disease 18 Kush Prasad M Samsherkali 30.09.2004 19 Sarasotikali F Preranakali 21.03.2005 20 Narayanguj M Aishworyamala 16.07.2005 Deployed to Parsa National Park 21 Chitrasenkali F Ganeshkali 25.08.2005 Deployed to Parsa National Park 22 Kaminikali F Sitasmakali 02.10.2005 Deployed to Parsa National Park 23 Dhamdhamikali F Pujakali 06.04.2006 24 Loktantrakali F Laxmikali 26.11.2006 25 Tirthamankali F Komalkali 19.05.2007 26 Chureguj M Ganeshkali 22.05.2008 27 Amaltari guj M Koshikali 21.02.2008 28 Himalguj M Preranakali 23.02.2008 29 Male (UN) M Shamsherkali 11.05.2008 Death due to EEHV 30 Ramguj M Devikali 07.12.2008 Twin 31 Laxmanguj M Devikali 07.12.2008 Twin 32 Simsarkali F Laxmikali 14.05.2009 33 Anarkali F Aishworyamala 09.05.2011 Death due to EEHV 34 Madiguj M Narayanikali 14.12.2011 35 Saurahaguj M Karnalikali 22.03.2012 36 Kasaraguj M Ganeshkali 13.04.2012

Ministry of Forests and Environment 46 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

37 Someshworguj M Devikali 06.03.2013 38 Tekguj M Pujakali 19.05.2013 39 Simsimkali F Chitwankali 29.05.2013 40 Luckyguj M Narayanikali 11.09.2014 41 Chamchamkali F Aishworyamala 09.11.2014 42 Khorshorguj M Pujakali 19.12.2015 43 Ambekali F Karnalikali 03.01.2016 44 Rimjhimkali F Chitwankali 21.03.2016 45 KrishnaChandraguj M Ganeshkali 19.05.2016

Chitwan National Park Office allocates the established the “Gharial Conservation and budget to manage EBC. In addition, the center Breeding Center (GCBC)” at Kasara, Chitwan also collects donation from visitors. The donation National Park in 1978. The major developments generated is managed by NTNC in close such as construction of the large breeding coordination with the park office. The donation pools, upgraded visitor Center, health fund is important for providing operational laboratory and fish farm took place between support such as construction and maintenance 2010-2013 with the support from WWF Nepal of the physical infrastructures. Currently, the and Save Your Logo program joint initiative EBC has staff quarters, office building, shades of LACOSTE and Fonds De Dotation Pour for elephant stables, information center and La Biodiversite (FDB), French based NGO. watch towers in its complex. A total of 65 staff In addition, the Zoological Society of London Darbandi is approved from the Government of (ZSL Nepal) provided the financial support to Nepal including a Senior Veterinary Doctor, a renovate the GCBC infrastructure in 2017. Veterinary Doctor, a Gazetted Subba, a Raut, 20 Phanit, 20 Mahout and 20 Pachuwa. The The GCBC activities include protection of Senior Veterinary Doctor, in coordination with natural nesting sites, collection and incubation Conservation Officer of Chitwan National of eggs from wild nests, rearing of hatchlings Park Sauraha Sector, looks after the overall to a length up to 1 meter and releasing them in management. to major river systems of Nepal. The periodic monitoring of wild and released Gharials in the Gharial Conservation and Breeding Center major river systems also important. Gharials are highly specialized crocodile with an extremely narrow niche which poses The nest watchers are hired to locate nests special challenges for management. Gharials in Rapti and Narayani Rivers. The eggs from are habitat and diet specialists, survive in the the Gharial nests are transported to GCBC fresh water and eat fish. and are incubated in the sand of breeding pools in natural conditions. The nest watchers With the realization of the conservation of the guard the nests, so that no eggs are stolen. Gharial Crocodile that were limited to a number Hatchlings are reared in GCBC with great care of less than 81 individuals and the hatchlings’ resulting 80% of the hatchling survival. survival rate was as low as 1% in the wild, the Government of Nepal with the support from Apart from supporting breeding stock of the Frankfurt Zoological Society, Germany Gharials for re-introduction program, this

Ministry of Forests and Environment 47 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Center also plays major role in outreach and pollution, flood and dam construction. awareness on Gharials. A small information section depicting the Center’s various activities, Turtle conservation and breeding center is also including in-situ Gharial conservation efforts in operation within GCBC complex. Of the are been set up. total 12 species of turtles recorded in Nepal and nine species recorded in Chitwan National GCBC had 664 Gharials of all age/size classes Park, seven species are conserved and bred in 2016. There was a total of 14 adult Gharials in the center. of which 12 were females and two were males. Of the two males one was 38 years old (born Chitwan National Park Office allocates the in 1979). The other male was 33 years old, had budget to manage GCBC. In addition, the both frontal limbs broken and was therefore center also collects donation from visitors. unable to perform courtship. At the end of The donation generated is managed by NTNC 2017, GCBC houses a total of 645 Gharials in close coordination with the park office. of which 13 are adults (including one male), 30 The donation fund is important for providing sub-adults, 504 Juvenile and 98 hatchlings. operational support, paying remuneration of the waged based working staff and The GCBC first batch of 50 captive bred construction and maintenance of the physical Gharials was released in Narayani in 1981. infrastructures. Currently, the GCBC has Total of 1246 individuals of captive bred one staff quarter cum office building, one Gharials have been released in Narayani, information center and three watch towers. A Kaligandaki, Rapti, Koshi, Karnali and Babai Senior Gamescout and four Gamscouts are rivers from 1981 to April 2017 (Figure 1). In- working at the center. The Gharial keepers situ conservation of Gharial crocodile is a are in waged based and hired as per the major challenge due to uncontrolled fishing, requirement of the project. Conservation

Figure 1: Gharial released in different River systems of Nepal (1981-2017)

Gharial Release Status in Nepal (Total 1246)

Kali Gandaki Gandaki 35

Karnali 41

Sapta Koshi 95

Babai 110 River Narayani 399

Rapti 566

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 No. of Gharials

Ministry of Forests and Environment 48 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Officer from Chitwan National Park looks after Vultures for release to help restore the wild the overall management. population for its long-term survival. 60 Chicks of White-rumped Vulture were collected from Vulture Conservation and Breeding Center Nawalparasi, Rupandehi, Kapilbastu, Dang, Vultures are large sized scavenging birds Kailali, Kanchanpur, Arghakhanchi, Palpa, of group raptors, feeding mostly on the Syangja and Kaski districts of western Nepal in carcasses of dead animals. Vultures play a 2008, 2009, and 2010 from its natural habitats highly important ecological role through the and reared in the breeding center. These rapid consumption of animal carcasses. They vultures kept in this breeding center started do safely disposing off dead animals and help to lay the eggs since 2012. It is becoming a in preventing the spread of zoonotic diseases. successful project as a total of 15 chicks were Nine species of vulture have been recorded hatched in the center in last two years. in Nepal, namely: White-rumped Vulture, Slender-billed Vulture, Red-headed Vulture, Six vultures were released into the wild from Indian Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Bearded VCBC in 2017. The release was successfully Vulture, Himalayan Griffon, Cinereous Vulture completed after the six female vultures were and Griffon Vulture. first transferred to the release aviary at Vulture Restaurant in Namuna Buffer Zone Community Vulture Conservation and Breeding Center Forest, Pithauli and released in to the wild (VCBC) was established in Chitwan National after assimilation with wild vultures. In April Park in 2008 as an insurance against the 2018, other 13 captive individuals (5 reared continuing decline of Critically Endangered and 8 bred) of White-rumped Vulture were White-rumped Vulture (Gyps bengalensis) transferred to the release aviary at Pithauli, and Slender-billed Vulture (Gyps tenuirostris). Nawalparasi. The VCBC currently houses 51 Covering an area of 6375 square meters VCBC White-rumped Vulture in its two colony aviaries lies adjacent to the Gharial Conservation and and two holding aviaries. Breeding Center. The Center is a collaborative project of Department of National Park and Currently, the VCBC has a quarantine aviary, Wildlife Conservation (DNPWC)/Chitwan a laboratory, two holding aviaries, two National Park, National Trust for Nature colony aviaries, one information center, and Conservation (NTNC) and Bird Conservation one staff quarter cum office building. One Nepal (BCN); with support from the Royal veterinary doctor and four keepers are working Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), at the center. Conservation Officer from International Center for Birds of Prey (ICBP) Chitwan National Park looks after the overall and Zoological Society London (ZSL). The main management upon the guidance from Chief aim of this center is to breed White-rumped Conservation Officer.

Ministry of Forests and Environment 49 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Photo: Darren Clark

Ministry of Forests and Environment 50 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Bird Conservation in Nepal

Hem Sagar Baral, PhD Zoological Society of London, Nepal Office School of Environmental Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Albury-Woodonga, Australia Laxman Prasad Poudyal Under Secretary, Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Raju Acharya Friends of Nature Tulsi Subedi Nepalese Ornithological Union

Introduction literal translation of the bird's English name Birds have played an integral role in tradition and into Nepali. The species is characterised by culture of Nepali people. Religions practiced the protuberance of spine-like structure at the in Nepal are aligned with the conservation tip of its wing; therefore the name. It inhabits of wild birds: Hindus and Buddhists worship primarily in the shrubberies and dense thickets many species of birds as forms of Gods and close to tall stands of forests in Mahabharat Goddesses. Religious, cultural and traditional hill ranges from east to west Nepal and is fairly values of Nepali people have always been common. linked with birds in some way or other. These traditional values and harmonious living with A very high total and even endemic bird, but birds have been a long conservation heritage this diverse avifauna of Nepal is facing some of Nepali people. imminent threats. Many of these species are facing enormous pressure resulting from Nepal has enjoyed 225 years of recorded anthropogenic activities . Unless interventions scientific ornithological research work. Nepal's based on sound scientific knowledge are in total bird list is sharply climbing towards 900 and place on time, some of the birds may disappear at present stands at a total of 887 bird species. altogether from Nepal as the country cannot afford resources to patch up the damage like Although a landlocked country sharing some of the more developed countries are geographic boundaries and habitats with currently struggling with. other neighbouring countries India and China, surprisingly Nepal possesses an endemic Red List for Birds of Nepal species of bird found now where else in the As many as 41 species recorded in Nepal are world: Spiny Babbler Turdoides nipalensis. listed in IUCN Red List of globally threatened It is known as Kande Bhyakur which is the birds, which are as follows:

English Name Scientific Name Category Notes Pink-headed Duck Rhodonessa caryophyllacea CR Probably extinct from the world Baer's Pochard Aythya baeri CR Rare winter visitor in small numbers

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Breeding resident with some movements not clearly Bengal Florican Houbaropsis bengalensis CR understood Formerly abundant now localised fairly common breeding White-rumped Vulture Gyps bengalensis CR resident Formerly fairly common now highly localised rare breeding Slender-billed Vulture Gyps tenuirostris CR resident Long-billed Vulture Gyps indicus CR Vagrant, recorded less than five times Red-headed Vulture Sarcogyps calvus CR Formerly fairly common now uncommon breeding resident White-bellied Heron Ardea insignis CR Extirpated from Nepal, 1846 last record Yellow-breasted Formerly common winter visitor, seen in large numbers; now Emberiza aureola CR Bunting rare and seen only in small numbers Lesser Florican Sypheotides indicus EN Erratic summer visitor, rare Formerly breeding resident in major rivers of Nepal, now Black-bellied Tern Sterna acuticauda EN breeding only in Koshi in few pairs, rare elsewhere Formerly frequent visitor to the southeastern lowland Nepal, Greater Adjutant Leptoptilos dubius EN now very rare Uncommon breeding resident in the east Nepal, fairly Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus EN common in the western Nepal Fairly common winter visitor, now reduced numbers Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis EN compared to the past Saker Falcon Falco cherrug EN Rare winter visitor Swamp Francolin Francolinus gularis VU Breeding resident, confined to two lowland protected areas Cheer Pheasant Catreus wallichi VU Breeding resident, midhills of west Nepal Common Pochard Aythya ferina VU Fairly common to uncommon winter visitor Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis VU Less than five records in Nepal Rufous-necked Hornbill Aceros nipalensis VU Extirpated from Nepal, 1846 last record Great Slaty Mulleripicus pulverulentus VU Breeding resident, west lowlands from Chitwan National Park Woodpecker Breeding resident, west lowlands from Chitwan National Park, Sarus Crane Antigone antigone VU found in farmlands Black-necked Crane Grus nigricollis VU Less than five records in Nepal, possibly breeding in Humla Wood Snipe Gallinago nemoricola VU Now mainly summer breeding visitor, formerly resident Indian Skimmer Rynchops albicollis VU Rare summer visitor Formerly bred, always in small numbers but more reduced in Pallas's Fish-eagle Haliaeetus leucoryphus VU recent years, localised to few areas Greater Spotted Eagle Clanga clanga VU Uncommon winter visitor Indian Spotted Eagle Clanga hastata VU Breeding resident, localised Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca VU Rare winter visitor Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilos javanicus VU Fairly common breeding resident, lowlands Asian Woollyneck Ciconia episcopus VU Fairly common breeding resident, lowlands, inner river valleys Kashmir Flycatcher Ficedula subrubra VU Rare passage migrant

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White-throated Saxicola insignis VU Rare winter visitor Bushchat Grey-crowned Prinia cinereocapilla VU Breeding resident, mostly in Chitwan valley Earlier Nepal Rufous-vented Prina Prinia rufiventris nipalensis, Swamp Grass-babbler cinerascens VU only at Koshi Tappu Bristled Grassbird Chaetornis striata VU Fairly common during summer in lowland grasslands Jerdon's Babbler Chrysomma altirostre VU Rare in Chitwan and Suklaphanta grasslands Black-breasted Paradoxornis flavirostris VU Extirpated from Nepal, last recorded in the 19th century Slender-billed Babbler Turdoides longirostris VU Fairly common in Chitwan National Park Yellow Weaver Ploceus megarhynchus VU Fairly common in Suklaphanta National Park Rustic Bunting Emberiza rustica VU Less than five records in Nepal

The most comprehensive work on the birds six conservation areas, one hunting reserve of Nepal was accomplished under the able and several bufferzones covering over 23% leadership of the DNPWC supported by the of Nepal land area. Birds are an important Zoological Society of London, to find out and integral part of the DNPWC's planning the status of birds within Nepal. This work and conservation approach these days culminated with the publication of The Status and increasingly they are featured in many of Nepal's Birds: The National Red List Series of the in-house publications and planning in 2016. More than 3000 bird references with documents. over 3500 pages of information in six volumes were documented. A total of 168 species of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation birds was identified as nationally threatened (NPWC) Act 2029 has listed nine species of with an alarming number - 99 species - birds under strict protection. All nine species Critically Endangered, a worrying figure represent non- families: three birds indicating the need for urgent intervention to are from Phasianidae; two from Ciconidae; two halt their decline. from Otidae; and one each from Gruidae and Bucerotidae. At the request of the DNPWC, Government framework for bird revised list of the protected animals with 92 conservation bird species were recommended for inclusion The Government of Nepal has for a long time at its next revision; but so far no actions have promoted conservation of birds in the country. been taken. Danphe Lophophorus impejanus known as Himalayan Monal or Impeyan Pheasant has Multi-species action plan on vultures have been been aptly chosen as the national bird of Nepal. recently revised and endorsed by the DNPWC. The Department of National Parks and Wildlife Bengal Florican conservation action plan is Conservation (DNPWC) was established the first bird specific action plan prepared by to look after the wildlife conservation and the Department. A pheasant action plan is initially it focused mainly on charismatic large underway that will include all eight pheasant mammals, reptiles and birds, but today it is species of Nepal. more balanced in its view and concerned about other taxa and forms of life. There are The Department of Forest manages forests now 12 national parks, one wildlife reserve, of various sizes with the major objective of

Ministry of Forests and Environment 53 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal sustainable utilization. Recently, under the World Owl Trust, World Wildlife Fund and the revised Forest Act, some patches of forests in Zoological Society of London. the lowlands and midhills have been declared as Protected Forests. Examples include the Skewed research attern Basanta Corridor Forest that lies within the An analysis on the number of bird research Terai Arc Landscape in Kailai District and projects carried out in Nepal shows these are Panchase Hill Forest of Kaski District. The largely focused on globally threatened species effect of such declaration is yet to be seen but mainly non-passerine species. All major bird many regard this initiative by the Ministry of studies in the country have been made through Forests and Environment as a positive step for support from outside funding agencies, the wildlife conservation. most important funders named elsewhere in the article. Studies on the globally threatened Furthermore Nepal's 10 Ramsar Sites species in the country have generated useful scattered all over the country are also getting information for their conservation planning not significant level of attention for conservation. only at national level but also contributing to Nepal became party to the Ramsar Convention global conservation movement. in 1987 with Koshi Tappu wetlands as country's first Ramsar site. Research pattern on species is highly skewed towards the international priorities, and this Supporting bird conservation in Nepal: is where financial resources are allocated. Initiatives from non-government sector In a country like Nepal most researchers/ Supporting work of the Government are several academicians cannot afford to undertake bird bird-focused organisations. Studies on birds research and conservation work for the love of have contributed greatly to the understanding it. Therefore, the significant amount of financial of their status, distribution and ecology. resources provided by donor agencies is Several species of birds are better known extremely important. However, this has also than ever before in terms of their population over-shadowed work that could have been and distribution. Bird monitoring has been important at national level as well as carrying an integral part of several organizations, and out good science with plentiful data. Currently now important contributions come from bird- there is no funding mechanism at national level focused smaller charities. Bird status checklists that promotes national priorities. Prioritizing have been published for several protected species for conservation is an important tool in areas contributing to the understanding of the planning but more or less neglecting birds that current status of bird species in many places. are supposedly ‘common or safe' is a great fault in procedure. So, how best can common World Pheasant Association and BirdLife species be kept common all the time, and International are the early pioneers of bird resources provided to study them before they studies in Nepal followed by The Peregrine become scarcer? It should be remembered Fund, RSPB, UNDP GEF, Critical Ecosystem that good science often comes from studying Partnership Fund, Van Tienhoven Foundation, a common species, and conclusions drawn US Fish and Wildlife Service, Wildlife can often be applied to scarcer species. Conservation Society, Rufford Small Grants Foundation, Whitley Fund for Nature, Darwin Recommendations Initiative UKAID, Oriental Bird Club, Taiwan The very high level of poverty and illiteracy in Forestry Bureau, Wetlands International, the country are directly linked to environmental

Ministry of Forests and Environment 54 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal conservation in Nepal. In places where human Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 2029 population is high, coupled with poverty and needs to be revised with inclusion of species illiteracy, bird and biodiversity conservation recommended by experts' report. problems are severe. Learning from such lessons, the Government of Nepal should Habitat conservation, especially relating to concentrate efforts to uplift the poor to a wetlands, needs to be actively managed. higher standard of living and provide education Wetland and lowland grassland restoration for all through the relevant ministries. If should become priority work under active recommendations such as outlined here are habitat management schemes. Provide implemented then conservation of nature in all special protection to birds during the breeding forms will be easier in the future. season. The laws that outlaw the hunting and trapping of birds should be strictly Despite the fact that our country has lost some enforced. The Important Bird and Biodiversity of the prime bird habitats and few species Areas (IBAs), Special Conservation Sites of birds, there is still some hope that the (SCS) should be given due priorities for remaining bird species and their habitats can conservation with appropriate management be adequately conserved. But this will only be regimes and mechanism. Rivers and wetland possible if the multitude of threats our birds welfare outside protected areas should be face can be minimized and some eliminated. regulated by making appropriate legislation Here are some achievable and pragmatic sympathetic to wildlife conservation and with recommendations which, if followed, will sustainable harvesting plan. The proposed downgrade the status of many of the currently Wetland Act may prove to be useful in this nationally threatened birds from the National regard. Fishing in protected wetlands should Red List. be further reduced and large scale fisheries in naturally occurring wetlands should be DNPWC responsible for managing over 20% discouraged. Alternative arrangements of country's land, should have adequate should be made for people who actually human and financial resources. The Ministry depend for their livelihoods on fishing in these of Forests and Environment should start a rivers. scheme to fund bird conservation projects that are important at national level. Nationally School and University curricula should include threatened species' population and ecology bird studies, relating both to common and should be studied in a way that it contributes threatened species. Bird conservation should to their conservation, with outcomes that help be promoted through art, literature and culture. manage the species. Research, monitoring Community participation and stewardship are and conservation of globally threatened needed so that bird conservation does not species should be continued. The National become lost battle.

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Photo: Hari Basnet

Ministry of Forests and Environment 56 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Small Mammals Conservation in Nepal

Sanjan Thapa, Tulshi Laxmi Suwal, Sagar Dahal, Hari Basnet Small Mammals Conservation and Research Foundation

Several mountaineering and wildlife which are small-sized mammal species; expeditions (American, British, Japanese, Nepalese Field Mouse (Apodemus gurkha) and Czechoslovakian, Yugoslavian, Hungarian Csorba’s Mouse-eared Bat (Myotis csorbai). and Indian) documented on mammals Conservation of these endemic mammals including and focused small sized mammals has yet to be prioritized, though preliminary since 1960s. But, prioritized conservation researches on these endemic species are of small sized mammals had to wait over 30 sprouting. years. Since 1990 conservation action on an elegant small sized mammal, the Red Panda It was neither too late nor too early to initiate came on to the horizon. In 1990, Department the conservation of small mammals in Nepal, of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Small Mammals Conservation and Research (DNPWC) declared Red Panda Conservation Foundation was established in 2009 with a Area within the Langtang National Park (LNP) goal to prioritize research and conservation of as recommended by First Management Plan small mammal in the country. Understanding of LNP (1976-1980) with certain regulatory the conservation needs of small mammals means. Nevertheless, listing of ten small and realizing the discrimination in conservation sized mammals (Chinese Pangolin, Indian strategy and policies for the small sized Pangolin, Hispid Hare, Red Panda, Spotted mammal species, Government of Nepal, in Linsang, Leopard Cat, Eurasian Lynx, Clouded collaboration with conservation partners and Leopard and Pygmy Hog) in the protected stakeholders now has stepped on for the list of mammals by National Parks and conservation of small mammals in the country Wildlife Conservation Act 2029 B.S. (1973 with a starter on the Red Panda and Pangolins. A.D.) established a legal framework for these species. Unfortunately, conservation of most Red Panda Population and Habitat of these listed species was prioritized never Viability Assessment (PHVA) and Species during Species-Level Conservation approach. Conservation Strategy (SCS) Workshop Also, the need of conservation of small sized was organized in National Trust For Nature mammals was negated in the glory of the Conservation by Zoo Outreach Organization conservation of charismatic flagship mega on 2-6 September 2010. This meeting had mammalian fauna. The side effects of this recognized 11 subpopulations of Red Panda resulted not only negligence towards these in Nepal and estimated total population around small sized mammals but also led to the loss of 317 individuals within the confirmed habitat a species, the pygmy hog, and uncertainty of of 592.39 sq. km. and possible population Indian Chevrotain and isolation of Hispid Hare estimated were 582 individuals within 3244.52 etc. Nepal harbors two endemic mammals sq. km and additional 2652.13 sq. km. Site

Ministry of Forests and Environment 57 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal specific Red Panda Conservation Action Plan has initiated the development of world’s first for Langtang National Park and Buffer zone monitoring protocol for pangolin conservation 2010-2014 was enforced. This Draft of Red and conducted the first nation-wide survey Panda Conservation Action Plan for Nepal was of Pangolin in 2016. Individual and local submitted to WWF Nepal in June 15, 2012. NGOs attempts for pangolin research and Government of Nepal has prepared Red Panda conservation awareness had been limited Protocol for community based monitoring and to Kathmandu valley, Kavrepalanchowk, conducted first nation-wide Red Panda Survey Sindhupalchowk, Makawanpur, Gorkha, in 2016. The national survey of Red Panda Taplejung, Sankhuwasabha, Ilam, Dhankuta, confirmed the occurrence of the species from Chitwan and Parsa. The national survey 23 districts with three new districts; Bhojpur, revealed the current status, distribution, habitat Lamjung and Dolpa. This survey also initiated and threats to pangolin and their habitat. nation-wide genetic level research on Red The distribution of pangolin based on the Panda. WWF Nepal and other partners and occurrence of burrow and signs were reported stakeholders have been conserving threatened from 44 districts throughout Nepal with the and endangered mammals including Red occurrence of Chinese Pangolin confirmed Panda in Sacred Himalayan Landscape. Trans- from 27 district while of Indian Pangolin from 6 boundary conservation of threatened and districts in lowlands. Furthermore, Department endangered mammals including Red Panda of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation has been initiated by ICIMOD, TMI and other have just published "National Pangolin Action institutions at Kanchanjunga Lanscape. Hariyo Plan" for the long term conservation of Ban Program is supporting the establishment pangolin in Nepal. ZSL initiated community of a community-based red panda monitoring managed pangolin conservation areas in system in Langtang National Park and Buffer Makwanpur, capacitated law makers for the zone. Red Panda Network has been focusing law enforcement targeting illegal pangolin its community based conservation of Red trade. However, NTNC has been involved Panda in Panchthar-Ilam-Taplejung Corridor. with community-based pangolin conservation National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) projects in Taplejung, Makwanpur, Gorkha has been focusing conservation of biodiversity etc. SMCRF has also been working in close including Red Panda in Gaurishankar collaboration with Community Forest User Conservation Area. All these projects and Group for pangolin conservation in Kathmandu programs are undergoing in and outside the Valley. Taudolchhap Community Forest User protected areas in close collaboration with Group and Rani Community Forest User GoN. On the other hand, Individual level Group have been involved in release of rescued awareness and research has been undertaken pangolins since 2008 in Bhaktapur and in Gaurishankar Conservation Area, Rara Makwanpur districts respectively. These both National Park, Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, species and their body parts are frequently Langtang National Park and Jajarkot, Bhojpur confiscated within Nepal and its borders. and Lamjung districts outside the protected Recently it is confirmed that Nepal has become areas. route for international illegal trade of pangolin and its parts. Government agencies including Similarly, Government of Nepal, (Ministry Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) have been of Forests and Environment) has recently effectively working in close collaboration with prioritized Pangolin conservation in Nepal. stakeholders and partners to curb illegal wildlife With support from Hariyo Ban Program, GoN trade including these small sized mammals. In

Ministry of Forests and Environment 58 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal this line, Publication of conservation outreach In collaboration with Ministry of Forests and booklets on fifteen species of wildlife by Environment (Then Ministry of Forests and Soil Hariyo Ban Program included Red Panda and Conservation), Department of National Parks Chinese Pangolin. and Wildlife Conservation, Tribhuvan University and SMCRF in support from conservation Besides, these species, individuals (universities partners successfully organized first “South scholars in Nepal and abroad) and local Asian Conference on Small Mammals” in NGO’s efforts on research and conservation Kathmandu, Nepal. Although Government awareness of a few more small sized has yet to prioritize most of the small sized mammals such as bats, rodents (squirrels, rats mammals, the initiation for Red Panda and and mice, Himalayan Marmot), lagomorphs Pangolins conservation and full support by (Hares and Pikas), small cats (, Government agencies for the conservation Leopard Cat, Clouded Leopard, Pallas Cat, of these species has high hope and future for Rusty-spotted Cat) and small carnivores has the conservation of small sized mammals in been undergoing in and outside the protected Nepal. areas of Nepal. The small conservation project of these species is focused on diversity, Small Mammals specifically plays an important distribution, ecology, education and outreach role in maintaining and providing ecosystem supported by international funding agencies services but the information in this aspect etc. Conservation genetics, a cutting edge of these species are not better understood. tools has also been deployed for research in Hence, conservation of small mammals in small mammals in the recent years. the ecosystem-level conservation approach should be prioritized. The Theory of Change of A publication on small mammals by Pearch conservation of flagship species in one hand (2010) “A review of the biological diversity and hopefully conservation of small sized and distribution of small mammal taxa in the mammals in the other can lead a holistic terrestrial eco-regions and protected areas conservation of wildlife in Nepal. In overall, of Nepal” highlighted a need of nation-wide Nepali researcher’s capacity enhanced in systematic survey of these species. Similarly, collaboration with foreign scientists and “The Status of Nepal’s Mammals: The National institutions and in support from government and Red List Series” inform small mammals as non-government agencies and stakeholders to the most poorly known groups amongst undertake research and conservation activities mammalian fauna in Nepal in terms of current for the conservation of small sized mammals in information and research and considers 48% the country is an achievement within these 25 of the total small mammals as Data Deficient years, which needs to be continued in years (DD) species. to come.

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Photo: Dipak Lamichhane

Ministry of Forests and Environment 60 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Ex-situ Conservation of Plants and Botanical Gardens in Nepal

Dipak Lamichhane Chief, National Botanical Garden, Godawari

Photo: Dipak Lamichhane

Introduction purpose of ex-situ conservation of plants is an Conservation of plant diversity outside their insurance policy and largely depends upon the natural habitat is ex-situ conservation of plants. availability of facilities. It has also advantages It is also known as off-site conservation. Article that easily provides materials for propagation, 9 of the Convention on Biological Diversity re-introduction, agronomic improvement, (CBD) encourages the contracting parties to research and education. adopt measures for the ex-situ conservation for the purpose of complementing in-situ The importance of ex-situ conservation of conservation. According to the target 8 of plant diversity is increasing in context to Nepal Global Strategy of Plant Conservation (GSPC), where rich plant diversity are getting lost 2010-2020, at least 75% of the threatened due to their habitat loss, deforestation and plant species in ex-situ conservation in the degradation; population growth and poverty; country of origin and at least 20% available over-exploitation, commercial trade of wild for recovery and restoration. The primary flora both legally and illegally and climate

Ministry of Forests and Environment 61 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Botanical Gardens of Nepal

S.No. Botanical Gardens Altitude (m) Area (ha.) Vegetation zones 1 National Botanical Garden, Godavari, Lalitpur 1515 82 Sub-tropical 2 Botanical Garden, Maipokhari, Ilam 2200 9 Temperate 3 Dhanushadham Botanical Garden, Dhanushadham, Dhanusha 100 20.27 Tropical 4 Vrindaban Botanical Garden, Padampokhari, Makawanpur 500 96 Tropical 5 Mountain Botanical Garden, Daman, Makawanpur 2320 m 65 Temperate 6 Tistung Botanical Garden,Tistung, Makawanpur 1700 45 Sub-tropical 7 World Peace Biodiversity Garden, Pokhara, Kaski 775 164 Sub-tropical 8 Dhakeri Botanical Garden, Banke 130 5 Tropical 9 Mulpani Botanical Garden, Kapurkot, Salyan 2000 5.65 Temperate 10 Dhitachaur Botanical Garden, Dhitachaur, Jumla 2500 4.5 Temperate 11 Deoria Botanical Garden, Deoria, Kailali 170 149.5 Tropical 12 Godavari Botanical Garden, Godavari, Kailali 185 100 Tropical Total 745.92 change. There are number of methods of ex- Botanical Gardens in Nepal situ conservation like botanical gardens, seed In Nepal, there are twelve botanical gardens gene banks, in vitro storage, cryopreservation, covering an area of 745.92. ha in nine different etc. districts for in-situ and ex-situ conservation of plant species. These botanical gardens Botanical Gardens Conservation Strategy are managed by the Department of Plant (1989) defined botanical garden as a garden Resources (DPR), Ministry of Forests and containing scientifically ordered and maintained Environment (MoFE) since 1962. collection of plants usually documented and labeled and open to the public for the purposes Roles of Botanical Gardens for Ex-situ of recreation, education and research. This Conservation definition has been further reduced by Botanic The main roles of botanical gardens for ex-situ Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) conservation of plant species are: as botanical garden is an institution holding • Establishment and maintenance of the documented collection of living plants for the facilities for ex-situ conservation and purpose of scientific research, conservation, research of endemic, rare, endangered, display and education. So, botanical gardens threatened and useful plants, are the living museum of plants, conservation • Safeguard those populations of plant centers, education centers and research species which are in danger of genetic centers. Botanical gardens are often run deterioration; by universities or other scientific research • Adopt measures for the recovery and organizations and often have associated rehabilitation of the threatened species and herbaria and research programmed in plant their introduction into their natural habitats or some other aspects of botanical • Rescue, collection and conservation of science. There are more than 2,500 botanical specially rare, endangered and threatened gardens in the world in 150 countries. plant species,

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Photo: Pragyan Pokharel • Domestication of Medicinal and Aromatic Major Programs and Activities Plants (MAPs), The major programs implemented in the • Development and Management of different botanical gardens of Nepal for ex-situ landscapes and thematic gardens for conservation are plant study and research ex-situ conservation like Rhododendron programme; herbs development programme, garden, Orchid garden, Ethno-botanical plant conservation and garden development garden, Biodiversity Education Garden, programme and President Chure-Terai- Physic garden, Taxonomic Family garden, Madhesh programme. Tropical garden, CITES garden, Arboretum, Fern garden, Terrace garden, etc. The major activities under these programs are : • Establishment and management of • Implementation of five years management nurseries for quality planting materials of plant of each botanical garden, MAPs and their cultivation through local • Production of plantlets of MAPs and other farmers and forest user groups, useful plants and their commercial farming • Creating suitable condition and • Collection and conservation of germ plasm infrastructure development for ex-situ of endemic, rare, endangered, threatened conservation of plant species in seed gene and other useful plants (For example: In bank, tropical house, alpine house, etc. National Botanical Garden (NBG) Godavari, • Study and research on useful plant Lalitpur ex-situ conserved endemic plant resources, is Hypericum cordifolium; Rare plant is • Conservation education and awareness Alstonia scholaris and endangered plant creation, is Podocarpus neriifolius. Similarly, among • Networking and information dissemination, 860 total plant species conserved in NBG • Capacity building and Technology transfer. 395 plant species are ex-situ conserved. These ex-situ conserved plant species

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Photo: Dipak Lamichhane includes endemic, rare, endangered, Forest Policy (FP), 2071: The policy has threatened, medicinal and other useful focused on in-situ and ex-situ conservation plant species. of rare, endangered and threatened plant • Collection and conservation of germ plasm species. of plant species in different landscapes and thematic gardens like Rhododendron Nepal Biodiversity Strategy (NBS), 2002: The garden, Orchid garden, Ethno-botanical strategy has emphasized to establishing new garden, Physic garden, Taxonomic Family botanical gardens. garden, Tropical garden, CITES garden, Fern garden, Terrace garden, etc. Nepal National Biodiversity Strategy and Action • Arboretum and educational garden Plan (NBSAP), 2014-2020 : management, Strategy: Enhancing conservation of • Establishment of demo plots of MAPs, species and genetic diversity. • Domestication and agro-technology Action plans: i) Strengthening conservation development of prioritized MAPs, of threatened and rare plant species • Study and research on indigenous through network of botanical gardens and ornamental plants and MAPs, other means; and, • Conservation education and information ii) Establishment of a gene bank to conserve sharing. genetic resources of wild flora by 2019.

Existing policies and legal provisions Forestry Sector Strategy (FSS), 2016-25 : The existing policies, strategies, action plans There will be 20 botanical gardens established and legal provisions for ex-situ conservation with better coverage in all physiographic and botanical gardens are : regions by 2025.

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Environment Protection Rules (EPR), 2054 : Human Resources: Lack of trained and skilled For the establishment of new botanical garden human resources. having an area more than 10 hectors, Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) is mandatory. Others: Over grazing and disputes with the Problems local people in water sources in some botanical gardens. Major Problems The main problems in ex-situ conservation and Way forward botanical gardens are : The way forward for the ex-situ conservation and overall development of botanical gardens Legal instrument: No separate legal provision of Nepal are : (Plant Resources Act) for ex-situ conservation and the management of botanical gardens, • Need of Plant Resources Act for strengthening and systematic management Institutional Development: Lack of national of botanical gardens, and international networking between the • Effective implementation of management botanical gardens for technology transfer and plan of all botanical gardens for ex-situ capacity building. conservation, • Establish network of botanical gardens Financial Resources: Poor funding for study nationally and internationally for capacity and research, human resources development. building and technology transfer, Infrastructure Development: Poor and • Priority in scientific study and research traditional type of infrastructures (shade work; and, houses, glass houses, etc.) as well as there is • Infrastructure and human resources no facilities of seed gene bank and automatic/ development. high-tech green houses .

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Photo: Hari Basnet

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Watershed Management: Contributing towards Biodiversity Conservation

Ram Singh Thapa Under Secretary, Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Jagannath Joshi, PhD CARE Nepal

Photo: Amit Poudyal

Soil and water (key components of a watershed) for sustainability of these resources. Natural are the principle natural resources of Nepal and factors such as fragile geology, extremities are the ultimate source of people's livelihood in topography, high seismic activities and and wellbeing. About 68% of the people climate change (extremities in climate- erratic still depend on these natural resource as rainfall, change in rainfall pattern/intensity and they are enjoying combined and subsistence global warming) with anthropogenic activities farming system basically in Hills and Mountain such as population pressure, improper land watersheds. However, sustainability of use practices are pushing accelerated soil these resources has been a major concern. erosion, landslides, flooding, sedimentation Watershed degradation in general and and desertification. The consequences are accelerated soil erosion combined with mass reduced biological productivity and carrying movement in particular is a major challenge capacity of land, reduced, agricultural land per

Ministry of Forests and Environment 67 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal capita, reduced production of food, fodder and protection, conservation pond construction, other agricultural as well as forest products run off harvesting dam construction, on farm (shortages of food, fodder, firewood and other conservation, fruit tree plantation and fodder/ wood), drying up of springs, water bodies and grass plantation. Degraded land rehabilitation consequently the loss of biodiversity. refers to the vegetative and structural measures applied in degraded lands including Conservation of soil and water resources forests, barren lands and graveled and sandy to address above mentioned issues is riverbeds. These activities minimize surface essential, which contributes in the livelihood soil erosion, encourage infiltration and enhance improvement of the watershed resources the biodiversity in the degraded land. A total dependent people and biodiversity of 16050.69 hector degraded land have been conservation. Department of Soil Conservation rehabilitated through district soil conservation and Watershed Management (DSCWM) has offices till now which has promoted greenery been planning, implementing and monitoring and added biodiversity. These activities have soil conservation and watershed management contributed in habitat conservation in some programs/activities based on the principles of critical areas and promoted indigenous flora integrated watershed management to address and fauna. A case study carried out by DSCWM the issues. Holistic management of land, on degraded land rehabilitation revealed that water and vegetation within hydrologically flora and fauna species has increased in the defined boundary is considered as integrated rehabilitated degraded lands eg, in Borrow Pit watershed management (IWM). The goal of (Kulekhani, Makwanpur), Pipaltar (Nuwakot) IWM defined by DSCWM is to contribute to the and Subbakuna (surkhet). River/stream bank livelihood and well-being of the people through protection has been implemented under sustainable watershed management of the disaster risk reduction and natural hazards river basins and the purpose is to increase management basically in chure and bhavar the productivity and utility of land and water area of the country. About 4645.35 hector land to prolong the services of the development have been reclaimed and promoted greenery infrastructures leading towards livelihood through bioengineering stream/river bank improvement on an equitable and sustainable protection in Chure and Bhavar area of the basis through integrated soil conservation country. Farmers are growing cash crops like and watershed management. Major program/ water melon, cucumbers in some rehabilitated interventions recommended to achieve land thus contributing in livelihood of the the goal are: Disaster Risk Reduction and people. These activities have protected land Natural Hazards Management, Sustainable from further degradation. Implementation of Land Management, Water and Sediment soil conservation and watershed management Management, Development Infrastructure interventions/activities have contributed in Protection and Climate Change Adaptation. biodiversity conservation; however study is yet These programs are contributing in biodiversity to be carried out in this regard. conservation directly or indirectly. Landslides and gully formation are the most Major achievements towards biodiversity common and mainly water induced hazards conservation in Nepal due to fragile geology, rugged Major soil and water conservation activities topography and extreme rainfall in monsoon includes degraded land rehabilitation, season. DSCWM has been implementing conservation plantation, water source landslide/gully treatment activities. Landslide/

Ministry of Forests and Environment 68 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal gully treatment refers to the vegetative and plugging, contour wattling, strip plantation and structural measures applied in landslide as well others. About 5221 hector lands has been as in gully area and their catchment area. A total conserved from these activities which is directly of 6596 numbers of gullies and landslides have contributing on biodiversity conservation. been treated rehabilitating about 3298 hector vulnerable lands. Treatment of landslides and Water management, mainly construction of gully prevents the further degradation of land conservation ponds and wetland management and promote greenery hence biodiversity. is also integral part of integrated watershed management. 2563 ponds and 19 wetlands Construction of development infrastructures so far has been constructed/managed by like rural roads without considering the DSCWM till now. Wetlands are considered as environmental impact and appropriate fertile lands for agriculture and rich from the conservation measures has been serious point of view of biological diversity. concern in Nepal. DSCWM is trying to address the issue to some extent through road Conclusion slope stabilization applying bioengineering Watershed has been considered as the techniques. Both vegetative and structural management unit for conservation and measures are applied above and below the utilization of natural resource such as land, roads for its sustainability. About 570.65 forest, water and the people depend on it. hector land have been rehabilitated under Integrated management of all these resources these activities which has promoted greenery in the watershed can ensure the sustainable enriching biodiversity and reestablishing the development. The achievements so far made land. by DSCWM seems contributing towards the sustainable land conservation and biodiversity Besides, DSCWM has been implementing on- conservation to some extent. Sustainability of farm conservation activities to conserve soil the physical development infrastructure such and water and improve production through as hydro-power, drinking water, irrigation, various measures. The major sub-activities and road need to be linked with integrated include plantation of trees, shrubs, grasses watershed management perspective and or herbs on marginal lands or unused lands, should be guided by federal, state and local erosion control measures such as micro-gully government policies.

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Photo: Yadav Uprety

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Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

Kamal Samarung ‘Kamal Kumar Rai’ Federation of Indigenous Kirat Associations (FIKA) Nepal Indigenous Knowledge and Peoples Network (IKPNs)

Photo: Kamal Kumar Rai Introduction language, culture, traditional occupations, For Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities folklore, traditional cultural expressions, (IPLCs), the Mother Earth is alive and sacred customs, religious and spiritual practices. They since ancestral time. They have taken care of are living in harmony with nature, land, water, resources and it should be preserved for all mountains, lakes, wetlands, sacred sites, etc. coming generations. More over 900 million They have traditional knowledge associated indigenous peoples and local communities with biological and other natural resources, reside in the World. Nepal is the country with which is symbiotically and historically lingual and ethnic diversity. More than 38 associated with nature and resources. percent indigenous and local communities are living in different parts of the country. The Kirat indigenous peoples are called “Sila indigenous peoples and local communities of Putra”, the ancient people of the country. Kirat Nepal have their own traditions, way of life, histories are in oral. The Kirat regime was in

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Photo: Kamal Kumar Rai

600 B.C. in Kingdom of Nepal, 32 Kirat kings contributed over 24.4 percent of lands for for 1000 years with spiritual power of rule. biodiversity conservation. The Kirat era now 5078 celebrate Yaletung Chandi Purnima to worship nature “Uvaoli IPLCs are the stewards of nature, biodiversity, and Udhauli”. Kirat land is the ancestral water and culture in the world. Because of their territory of Kirat indigenous peoples. Out of traditional knowledge, practices, innovation, 32 different mother dialogues only 27 are in traditions, traditional occupations, traditional practiced. Language is the identities, tangible way of life, tangible and intangible bio culture and intangible culture, traditional, sacred, practices, traditional cultural expression, secret knowledge, religious, spiritual, folklore they have developed adequate management and customary systems associate to lands, system for biodiversity conservation, territories and resources. FIKA Nepal is taking customary sustainable uses, religious and care of the ancestral identities of the Kirats. spiritual relation and harmony with nature. This is duly recognized and respected on the IPLCs and Convention, Nepal objective of Convention on Biological Diversity. Our country is rich in biological diversity having diverse indigenous peoples and local It is now 14 years of IPLC volunteerism communities. Nepal is one of country in the to CBD Focal Ministry with visioning to world that IPLCs and other communities have engagement and self inclusion on the

Ministry of Forests and Environment 72 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal process of provision and objectives of Conclusion Convention in national level via ABS and FIKA IPLCs Nepal has started on National Nagoya Protocol. Kirat associations such Action of Plan on traditional knowledge in as Bahing, Kulung, Lohorung, Chamling, accordance with the CBD 8(j) in the Focal Nachiring and Samarung involved on the Ministry. ABS draft in between 2004 to 2007 with consulting with other Nepalese Indigenous With the theme, '25 Years of Convention on Nationalities including Nepal Federation of Biological Diversity: Safguarding Life on Earth', Indigenous Nationalities, Nepal Federation of IPLCs Nepal has planned to celebrate within Woman Indigenous Nationalities and Nepal communities and alliance with CBD national Foundation Development of Indigenous focal ministry. Nationalities. NGO-FONIN followed up the ABS till 2015 and now FIKA Nepal is IPLCs are aware of the risks, challenges volunteering on the behalf of Nepalese and impacts; we therefore have proposal to IPLCs, by coordinating with CBD National ensure Free, Prior and Informed Consent, full Focal Point on the finalization of ABS draft and effective participation and to respect the bill, considering the objective of convention human rights of non-contacted Indigenous and international standard human rights of Peoples before developing projects that will indigenous peoples. destroy the nature.

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Photo: Yadav Uprety

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Traditional knowledge and biodiversity conservation

Yadav Uprety, PhD IUCN Nepal Research Centre for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST), Tribhuvan University Amit Poudyal IUCN Nepal Racchya Shah IUCN Nepal

Conceptual context Although the potential contribution of traditional Traditional knowledge is defined as a knowledge was recognized in the early 1970s, “cumulative body of knowledge, practice, it was the Brundtland Commission, the and belief, evolving by adaptive processes Convention on Biological Diversity, the Forest and handed down through generations by Principles, and Agenda 21 that brought to cultural transmission, about the relationship the public eye the importance of traditional of living beings (including humans) with knowledge. The Convention on Biological one another and with their environment”. Diversity, the Forest Principles, and Agenda Although there are some differences among 21 have placed a clear demand and provided them, terms such as traditional knowledge, guidance to the international community for the indigenous knowledge, traditional ecological incorporation of traditional knowledge in various knowledge, traditional ecological knowledge activities. Principle 22 of the Rio Declaration and wisdom, traditional environmental on Environment and Development states that: knowledge, local ecological knowledge, etc., “indigenous people and their communities and are often used interchangeably depending on other local communities have a vital role in the context. Traditional ecological knowledge environmental management and development is the predominant term used among because of their knowledge and traditional conservationists and resource managers, as practices. States should recognize and duly it includes the qualifier “ecological”, accounts support their identity, culture and interests for the interplay between organisms and their and enable their effective participation in the environment, and is not restricted to indigenous achievement of sustainable development”. peoples alone. This kind of knowledge comes Since then, international and national agencies from a range of sources and is a dynamic throughout the world are actively involved in mix of past tradition and present innovation promoting and facilitating the documentation accumulated through trial and error over and use of traditional knowledge in resource many years. It is place-based, geographically management and other development activities. specific, and largely dependent on local social mechanisms, and therefore it varies within and More and more, traditional knowledge has between societies. received increasing attention from researchers

Ministry of Forests and Environment 75 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal over the past few decades, particularly with have depended on local environments for regards to sustainable natural resources the provision of a variety of resources, they management and biodiversity conservation. have developed a stake in conserving, and in Indigenous People and Local Communities some cases, enhancing biodiversity. Sacred (IPLCs) are a source of this valuable knowledge. landscape, forests and groves are patches These people are not only knowledgeable of vegetation traditionally protected by local about the use of particular plant or animal communities which form excellent examples species but also possess considerable of in situ biodiversity conservation. Therefore, knowledge about the ecological processes. it is important that the value of the knowledge- It is for this reason that scientists are finding practice-belief complex of IPLCs relating to value in collaborating with these populations. conservation of biodiversity is fully recognized Consequently, the contribution of traditional if ecosystems and biodiversity are to be knowledge in various fields has been growing, managed sustainably. and traditional knowledge is maturing as a science. It is particularly appropriate for Moreover, customary practices and institutions adaptive management, as traditional practices based on knowledge-practice-belief system acknowledge that environmental conditions of managing rangelands are other apparent are always changing, requiring societies to examples in Nepal. The rotational grazing respond. Incorporating traditional knowledge system, transhumance, and locally developed into decision making also ensures that projects resource governance system are some of the are not only ecologically sound, but also examples of how people have developed a economically viable and socially acceptable. resources management system that would It is said that science often tries to solve help sustain the resource base while also problems in an analytical way by breaking meeting the demand of the local communities. them into parts, whereas traditional knowledge Traditional resources governance systems is usually holistic in nature and based on have been found to be well developed and personal observations following trial and error, effective, and have for centuries played an an approach capable of dealing with complex important role in biodiversity conservation. social and ecological issues over the long term. For example, in Byas of Darchula district, the communities decide a date in the last week Nepal's context of September (full moon time) for harvesting Traditional knowledge has been recognized in grasses and herbs. Harvesting restrictions national biodiversity conservation strategies. are imposed to ensure that people obtain However, proper acknowledgement, adequate fodder in times of scarcity (especially recognition and use of this knowledge remain in winter season) in a fair and equitable way challenging. IPLCs of various parts of the and the resource are conserved. Every year country have long been interacting with Kulung community of Sankhuwasabha collect nature and using plant and animal resources Allo from forest starting on first day of Mangsir for diverse purposes, mostly in a sustainable (mid-November) and spend a week in the manner. They use plants or their products forest for collecting Allo. The spirit of these mainly as medicines, vegetables, edible oil, practices is to control the over exploitation dye, timber, fibre, and fodder. Animals or their and conserve all components of biodiversity parts have mainly been used as medicines, including genetic and ecosystem. Recent furs, skins, source of wool, etc. There are studies in Nepal on animal behavior have also reported cases that in places where IPLCs integrated traditional knowledge in different

Ministry of Forests and Environment 76 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal ways but there is hesitation from the scientific meaning that traditional knowledge is not only community to clearly acknowledge that they about use of medicinal plants as perceived in used traditional knowledge. This knowledge Nepal. can provide unexpected new information for researchers, and show new opportunities and Traditional knowledge is transdisciplinary ways for professionals even for conserving and should be respected, preserved and rare and threatened species. Several such documented. To make such efforts more successful examples can be found throughout effective, experts in different fields need to the country. work in collaboration. Successful conservation depends on the effective coordination of Way forward science and traditional knowledge, which IPLCs use both the descriptive and the should be considered to be on an equal normative aspects of the concept of biodiversity. footing and treated as complementary to each They have nurtured, enhanced, sustained, other. Cultural sensitivity, intellectual property and conserved biodiversity in various ways. rights, and ethical issues should be properly They have tried to restore productivity and addressed for research partnerships to be biodiversity of degraded lands through various fruitful. mechanisms over the years. International scientific community is looking for using In the context of access and benefit sharing multiple knowledge system in conservation regimes under Convention on Biological and therefore traditional knowledge has Diversity and Nagoya Protocol due recognition received increasing recognition. It is now should be given to traditional knowledge and widely used in forest landscape restoration, its holders. If this can happen, more effective wildlife management, and climate change integration of traditional knowledge into the research, among others, which have direct visioning, planning, overall decision making and implication on biodiversity conservation implementation of biodiversity conservation strategies is possible.

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Photo: Amit Poudyal

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Current status of Wetlands in Nepal

Juddha Bahadur Gurung Conservation Development Foundation

Photo: Hari Basnet Definition is the largest wetland in the world. Around 9% Generally wetland means land area that of the total areas is covered by wetland in the permanently or seasonally saturated with world but in Nepalese context wetland cover water. According to Ramsar Convention, there small areas compare to other parts of the are 41 types of wetlands, which can found world. In Nepal, wetland covers approximately around the globe but in Nepalese context 5.57%, which are categorically river 48.2%, only 6 types of wetlands namely river, lakes, lakes 0.6%, reservoirs 0.2%, pond 0.9 %, pond, reservoir, marginal swamps and irrigated marginal swamps 1.5% and irrigated field paddy fields are defined. 48.6%. But only lakes inventory with biological and social information is completed in Nepal Wetlands are considered the most biologically in the last couple of years. Wetlands are diverse ecosystems. They host wide range classified with type such as freshwater, of plants and animals. Except Antarctica all brackish or saltwater. In Nepal, only freshwater continents have wetlands. Amazon River basin or Himalayan wetlands can be found.

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Importance As a signatory of Ramsar Convention Nepal Wetlands are important to maintain ecosystem has declared 10 Ramsar sites till date. The services to local communities in many ways. In Government of Nepal has planned to declare detail the services are summarized into major 14 Ramsar sites by 2020, which is more than four heads: the committed number. a. provisioning services (food, fuel, fresh National intiatives water and genetic resources), wetlands Based on national interest and international are sources of food, fuel, fresh water and commitments, Nepal has developed policies, genetic resources. We obtain most of food acts, regulations and directives and the from wetland such as fish, frog, insects and formation of relevant committees. The many more. Constitution of Nepal 2015 (Appendix V) has stated that it is a subject matters of federal b. supporting services (primary production government. Thus, government has formulated of habitat water and nutrient cycling, soil Nature Conservation National Strategic formation and retention), Wetland are Framework for Sustainable Development 2015- sources of primary production for aquatic 2030, Wetland Policy 2013, and Forest Policy habitat and good site for nutrient cycles. 2015, similarly some acts such as National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1973, c. cultural services (Spiritual and religious Forest Act 1993, Environment Protection Act values, educational and inspiration, 1997, Self Government and Watershed Act recreation and aesthetic value and 1982, Electricity Act 1992, Water Resource ecotourism). Most of the civilization started Act 1992 are major acts that contributed the from Wetland or water bodies. Even today wetland resources in Nepal. our daily religious practices related with wetland. It is center for recreation and Now a days, the wetlands of Nepal are ecotourism. facing number of problems. Especially lakes has facing siltation, encroachment, invasive d. regulatory services (pollination, invasive species, biodiversity losses, over exploitation, retention, climate regulation, water disaster, environmental pollution and purification, natural hazard control, pest inadequate knowledge and poor committed and diseases control).Wetland regulate on conservation that accelerate the lake many natural phenomenon and control degradation. Lake Phewa in Pokhara is one disaster and water purification. of the best examples to facing all types of problems. Local initiation to fight against the International commitments problems are continues. Nepal is signatory to various biodiversity conservation international treaties and Currently Nepal wetlands are less priority area conventions. Ramsar Convention 1971, and less number of conservation programs United Nation (UN) Convention on Biological are launching compared to other biodiversity Diversity 1992, UN Framework Convention conservation programs even though some on Climate Change 1992, UN Convention to local communities initiated some sustainable Combat Desertification 1992 and many more conservation programs. In 2007 Nepal conventions and treaties are related with Government has established National Lake biodiversity conservation. Conservation and Development Committee

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(NLCDC). It is milestone of wetland conservation than one hector size. The larger numbers of even though adequate conservation programs lake are recorded in Tarai districts especially in are not fully in function. Another one is Kailali (48), Kanchanpur and Rupandedhi (29), formulation of wetland policy and formation Kapilbastu (24), Nawalparashi and Danusha of National Wetland Committee in 2013 is (23), Jhapa (20), Kaski (17) and Sirah (13). In two good steps for wetland conservation. contrast number lakes less in Mahabharat Updating the information, coordination among range except Kaski district hold (17). It is very the stakeholders, revisiting formed policy less number of lakes (15.5%) compare to aerial and regular meetings are major function the photo survey in 2009. In the field survey proved committee. that number lakes dramatically decreased. There are many reasons for reduction of lakes In Nepalese context, lakes cover very small number. It may be reduced due to lake size for portion or less than one percent in term of survey, climate change impact, degradation of area. But it is important for many socio- lakes and many more reasons last couple of cultural as well as biodiversity conservation. years. NLCDC has started some lake conservation program by preparation of strategy plan Regarding the status of lakes out of 485, only and inventory of Lakes. In the beginning the 97 lakes are in good condition the rest lake aerial survey of lake completed in 2009 and (80%) are in degrading state. Lake aging or recorded 5,358 lakes in Nepal. Based on disappearing is natural process. It is kind of this data, NLCDC and Department of Forest ecological success but accelerating rate of (DOF) had conducted verification of lakes field. disappearing lakes is serious issue. Natural The survey has set broader standard format or climate change and anthropogenic factors such as below 3000 m and bigger than one are two major accelerating agents for lake hector in sizes as well as lakes core and basin degradation and disappearing process. areas also demarcated during the survey which is completed in five phases through out Wetlands are important site for conservation of the country. It is completed in 2015 and the biodiversity. It is considered as major site for surveyed out of 75 district only 62 districts biological diversity of all ecosystems, serving holds lakes. home to a wide range of plants and animals. Alaramic rate of degradation of lake is sign of According to photo survey in 2009 out of 5,358 danger for biodiversity conservation. There is lakes only 3131 (60%) found in below 2999 m urgent need of collective efforts to conserve and the remaining 2,227 (40%) are above 3000 wetlands. An effective and timely action is m. Based on this data in field survey only 485 needed for the conservation of wetlands. lakes are recorded below 3000 m and bigger

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Photo: Laxmi Dutta Bhatta

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Landscape Conservation Approach and Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Laxmi Dutt Bhatta International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Understanding Landscape conservation emphasizes and advocates for ‘’landscape approach and ecosystem approach’’ for conservation, The ‘’Landscape conservation approach’’ that implies coordination and collaboration is an evolving process, and discussed in among actors responsible for various land recent years, particularly in 1990s. However, use management, irrespective of their the concept evolved from the basic principles jurisdictional and administrative boundaries. Carl Troll’s 'landscape ecology' in 1939. The While Sustainable Development Goals (SDG, concept has two basic dimensions, a) species goal 15) of the United Nations, stress on do not know physical boundary but they have biodiversity, forests, rangelands and deserts, right to exist and proliferate, and b) need to ensuring the conservation, restoration consider both human and physical geography and inter alia, sustainable use of terrestrial at scale. This is the basic reason, where global ecosystems, Nepal reiterates its commitment contemporary discussions and scientific un- towards SDGs and Aichi target under derstanding to manage living organisms and CBD while reflecting those commitments species beyond their ‘’protected’’ boundaries. through National Biodiversity Strategy and This resulted the landscape level conservation Action Plan (NBSAP). Nepal has achieved approach, considering biodiversity conser- significant positive results in its conservation vation, both at species and ecosystem level, efforts, through a number of conducive beyond the defined habitat such as protected policies and institutional arrangements, areas. However, the landscape conservation ensuring community engagement and benefit approach is still evolving, and do not have a sharing, shifting from top down measures to well-defined definition, and varied in different ‘’landscape level approach’’ in nature and context. species conservation, developing corridors and bottlenecks to connect large protected Biodiversity status in Nepal area network. However, the inter-ministerial Sandwiched between Tibetan plateau and collaboration, both horizontal and vertical, Gangetic plains, Nepal offers many niche remains still an issue to achieve greater impact climate with its very high altitudinal variation of landscape level conservation. With recent within short geographical distance. This state restructuring process, the challenge may specific location harbors rich faunal and remain more, as this needs strong coordination floral diversity in the country. Within very few among all three levels of government system in kilometers of aerial distance, one can enjoy the country, irrespective of their jurisdictional subtropical Sal forest to upper temperate and administrative boundaries. Rhododendron, supporting habitat of Rhino to

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Red panda, respectively. In less than 0.1% of human landscape together with the ecological global land area, Nepal is home to 9.3% (852) processes. of global bird species. Floral diversity in the country represents 2.3% (465) of lichens, 5.1% Nepal has already started to explore of bryophytes (853) and 2.7% of angiosperms conservation beyond the protected areas (5,856) of global population. More than 181 system before the UN Convention on Biological mammal species (4.5% of global species) and Diversity in Rio, 1992, learning from rapid 2.6 % of moths and butterflies are recorded in habitat degradation, and fragmentation. While the country. We are still exploring new species. Nepal signed CBD, this has been instrumental Our scientists recently found new species to adopt landscape approach, considering under Asteraceae family in western Himalaya human landscape in biodiversity conservation. and named as Saussurea ramchaudharyi. Immediately after Nepal signed CBD, integrating human landscape in ecosystem was Nepal’s journey: From Species, Localized attempted in Nepal’s Makalu Barun National efforts to Transboundary Landscape Park and Conservation Area (MBNPCA). Conservation The conservation area was later declared as Global efforts on biodiversity conservation buffer zone, making consistence and in line is considered formally initiated in the United with buffer zone management regulation. The states when Yellowstone national park was concept of buffer zones around the protected declared in 1872, which is also considered as areas, ensuring community participation, and world’s first protected area aiming to conserve also ensuring benefits to these communities faunal species in their designated habitat. from the protected areas was fully internalized Nepal follows this path after 100 years when by the state law and policies. The buffer it declared (Royal) Chitwan National Park zone management regulation significantly (CNP), the first protected area in the country, contributed in biodiversity conservation, and aiming to conserve mega species like Rhino conservation of mega and keystone species. and Tiger. Although, declaration of CNP can The corridors and bottlenecks management, be discussed as formal attempt to biodiversity connecting protected area system was conservation, Nepal initiated such efforts introduced in Terai Arc Landscape (TAL), before the date, such as Gaida gasti (Rhino encircling 11 protected areas in Nepal and patrol). Nepal’s first national code, Muluki Ain India. Combination of buffer zone concept, 1852/53, also provisioned for conservation and later corridors and bottlenecks is towards efforts such maintaining forest cover in adopting landscape approach to conservation water source, protection of water catchment in early 2000s. Increase in population of areas, though, these provisions were not mega species like Rhino in Chitwan, Tiger in directly towards biodiversity conservation, various protected areas of Terai, are significant as such. Until 1990s, Nepal’s biodiversity achievements from the implementation of this conservation efforts were particularly based on approach, while also benefiting to communities. the principles of specific habitat conservation within the specified boundaries. Declaration Despite about 24% of Nepal’s area under of Annapurna Conservation Area (ACA) in protected area system, which is far more 1986 was based on holistic conservation than global average of 10%, this may not be while ensuring community participation to adequate to address threat to biodiversity. conservation. The ACAP model is well in line Besides, establishing and managing such with present landscape approach, considering large scale protected areas is expensive in

Ministry of Forests and Environment 84 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal countries like Nepal. Important dimension is Act, will be an important milestone in human landscapes, and landscape required for landscape approach to conserve genetic and human welfare such as waterscape, agriculture biodiversity resource while ensuring benefits to landscape, if not considered, part and parcel local communities. of overall management approach, is not effective to sustainability of these resources. Conclusion The reason, Nepal shifted to landscape Landscape level approach provides ample approach to address these challenges, as also opportunities, not only in conserving envisioned in its National Biodiversity Strategy Nepal’s valuable biodiversity resources, but 2002, later succeeded by National Biodiversity also opens for bilateral cooperation with Strategy and Action Plan 2014. These sectoral neighboring countries to combat wildlife policies, together with National development crime, and illegal trade. Strong collaboration plans, also emphasized the need of landscape among various institutions, both vertical and approach to conservation for human welfare. horizontal, is prerequisite. As envisioned in Under the directions of these plans, and Nepal’s biodiversity strategy and action plan, policies, Nepal has already declared large area holistic approach within identified landscape under landscape management. The Kailash would optimize resources use, and thus Sacred Landscape, Kanchanjunga landscape, contribute to sustainability. Nepal has already Terai Arc Landscape, Chitwan-Annapurna entered into decentralized federal structure, Landscape, Sacred Himalayan Landscape which also provides opportunities to effective are already declared. The Western Mountain participation of local governments and Landscape is under consideration. With communities. However, benefit sharing of these functional landscapes, Nepal’s policy to these resources would be an issue. In order enhance transboundary cooperation among to achieve Nepal’s commitment to Aichi adjoining countries, such as China and India target, and also sustainable development in Kailash sacred landscape, India and Bhutan goals, landscape would be an appropriate in Kanchanjunga landscape, and India in Terai approach and effective development Arc landscape, not only helps to strengthen solutions to address conservation and capacity of stakeholders, but instrumental in development challenges of the country. bilateral cooperation in combating illegal trade, Strengthening bilateral relationship, and and wildlife crime. Recently, Government of transboundary cooperation between the Nepal has accessed the Nagoya protocol on neighboring countries, not only helps access and benefit sharing (ABS) under the strengthening capacity of Nepali stakeholders CBD. At the meantime, Nepal is developing and implementing agencies, but also suffice ABS bill, if comes into force as parliamentary for collective global commitments.

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Photo: Amit Poudyal

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Leasehold Forestry: Its contribution to biodiversity conservation and restoration of land degradation

Pashupati Nath Koirala Project Coordinator, Adaptations for Smallholders in Hilly Areas Project

Photo: Hari Basnet

Introduction began in 1992 as a project and ended as a The Leasehold Forestry (LHF), primarily programme in 2014 with the name of Hills pro-poor support, is one of a successful Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development community based integrated forestry regime Project (HLFFDP) to Leasehold Forestry and in Nepal. It aims to reduce the rural poverty Livestock Development Programme (LFLP), and improve the environmental amenities which is being continued by the government through forestry sector intervention. The open of Nepal. In 25 years, 72,198 households access degraded forestland is legally leased have been grouped into 7463 are managing to the poorest group (about one ha to two ha 43,631.35 ha forest land in 39 districts. This per household) for 40 years for first time and paper provides a brief overview of leasehold could be renewed the lease up to 80 years forestry program and its contribution towards with majority usufruct right. This programme biodiversity conservation, land degradation

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management and climate change mitigation Mott and CO3, Sterile setaria, Leucaena , potentials. Forage peanut, Common Stylo, Paspalum), Hedgerows (Leucaena, Morus alba) for Biodiversity conservation to rural sustainable land management, conservation livelihoods support of the species and displacement of invasive The LHF has contributed, not only for land species. restoration, to conserve the carbon and biodiversity through restoring the degraded The species richness increased from 70 land into a productive field with sustainable species in a plot to 130 species after seven management and institutional set up. The years and from 30 species in a new plot to programme has generated a generous support 90 in number of species after ten-year period to conserve and develop the biodiversity sector respectively. Importantly, life sustaining support enriched through degraded land management species composition of fuel-wood, fodder, with various ways. timber, fruits and multipurpose species have been recorded 59%, 14%, 13%, 11% and 3% Local species promotion is one of the key respectively. achievements. Local Khari goat species is being conserved through the programme Majority of the abandoned land and degraded including plant diversity maintain in the forest forests were with invasive species such as areas. Meantime, forage supply system Lantana and Eupatorium. After managing from support is contributing to maintain forage the leasehold groups/households the land areas diversity for landslide protection (Leucaena have been changed into other valuable species, spp, Thysanolaena maxima, Stylo, Jointvetch, means free of invasive species. The Table shows Napier, Mulato), fodder production (Napier promising results in the leasehold plot. Changes observed in the leasehold plot Category District Leasehold Plot Control Plot Wildlife/Birds species Leopard, Monkey, Dumsi, Rabbit, Wild cat, Jackal, Deer, Wild animals Chitwan Rabbit and Jackal Wild Boar Titra, Kalij, Himalayan Bulbul, Latokosero, Crow, Koili, Birds Gorkha Bhangera and Phista Bhangera and Phista Forest/Non Timber Forest Products/Fodder/Forage species Schima wallichii, Castanopsis spp. Quercus incana, Open scattered weeds/ Panchthar Taxus baccata, Alnus nepalensis, Rhododendron invasive species Regenerated species arboreum Makwanpur 5680 counted No/ha 4820/ha Non Timber Forest Majhito, Titepati, Nundhiki, Kurilo, Tejpat, Amala, Asuro, Gorkha Titepati, Unyu, Angeri Products (NTFPs) Tulasi, Pani Amala, Machhino, Chutro, Patpate, Lokta Morus alba, Melia azaderach, Ficus semicordata, Morus alba, Prunus Fodder species Dadeldhura Leaucaena sp., Bauhinia sp., Prunus cerasoides, cerasoides and Bhatmase. Anogeisus sp. etc Forest cover Panchthar and 60 to 70 10 changes (%) Dadeldhura Source: Impact of Leasehold Forestry on Livelihoods and Forest Management, FAO, 2014.

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Environmental services and climate In Devghat-9 in Tanahu, deer and monkey change mitigation potentials from sightings were observed much after leasehold forestry regenerating the sites. It has provided shelter a Nepal's leasehold forestry program has had a number of birds' habitat including invertebrates significant positive environmental impact and that are 'playing a great role in pollination, communities. Degraded forest is leased for 40 seed dispersal and maintaining soil quality years to groups of poor households for their and nutrients flow for maintaining ecosystem exclusive use. Vegetation cover increases from processes and forest resilience. 32% in new sites to 90% after seven years. Fodder and forest products are harvested Climate change mitigation potentials where little or none were produced before. In The deforestation issue has been at the most sites there is rapid natural regeneration center of international environmental debate and ultimately it has great contribution towards for years. Despite national and international the increment of biodiversity. efforts to halted forestation, it continues at a rate of about 13 million hectares (ha) per year. It has been revealed that different environmental The figure is alarming, at 14.6 million ha per services had been enhanced positively after year. Deforestation not only causes loss of the Leasehold Forestry Programme. Majority carbon, but also results in loss of biodiversity, of the LFUGs reported increase in the disturbed water regulation and destruction of overall green vegetation, area under forest, livelihoods of a large number of the world’s tree, and pole, movement of birds (94%,) poorest. Deforestation is the second single plant diversity and richness (86%) improved Greenhouse gas (GHG) source, behind energy varieties of Forest species (78%), increased production, responsible for about a quarter wildlife movement (76%), increased number of anthropogenic GHG emissions. From the of the trees in the farmland (78%). Similarly various literatures it has been identified that control of forest fires was reported by 60 % of forests have a paramount role in lowering the LFUGs and control of landslips by 45% of the net GHG emissions to the atmosphere. them. Between 2003 and 2008, a significant Therefore leasehold forestry program play increase in household income was observed pivotal role in the productivity, accumulation that can be directly attributed to the Leasehold of terrestrial carbon pools and land Forestry and Livestock Program. Together with management regimes. The carbon value of Forest Product, revenue from the sale of goats the inventory depicted that it had good carbon accounted for 46 percent of income growth. sequestration from leasehold forest plots. A significant amount of carbon is sequestrated

Land degradation restoration in 22 districts, on average 4.6 Ton CO2 per In the leased forest land, Broom grass year/ha (FAO, EX-ACT analysis). Carbon stock (Thysanolaena maxima) or Tiger grass management under the land use system plantation in the shifting cultivation areas in management in an abandon and marginalized Tanahu, Chitwan, Palpa, Nawalparasi, Gorkha land through leasehold forestry program is and Makwanpur has supported to grow and an important strategy to address climate conserve the other intended tree species to change issues and also a cost–effective and upgrade the biodiversity of the areas through practical solution to climate change mitigation planting Cinnamomum tamala, Michelia and sustainable development. The modality champaca including several fodder species of the programme was extended through after conservation from grazing and forest fire. Western Upland Poverty Alleviation Project

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Shifting cultivation at Jhirubas, Palpa (Before Leasehold forestry project) Photo: Pashupati Nath Koirala in ten districts in Mid-western high mountain compete with food crops. districts, Livelihoods and Forestry Programme (LFP), Multi-Stakeholder Forestry Programme Therefore, it is necessary to better (MSFP) and Biodiversity Sector Programme understanding of forage plantation systems, for Siwaliks and Terai (BISEP-ST) areas. The adoption of new techniques and site suitability Leasehold forestry has become a tested model and soil test management. Thus the paper of success for reducing poverty and improving aims to explore the contribution of the bio- the environment. diversity conservation and management for sustainable land resource management in Though the programme has been considered one aspect whereas it also explains about the environmental friendly for land restoration few gaps identified as research and design and management, a few issues in local areas of forage plantation during the program species promotion, awareness in the local implementation. endemic species and participatory action research are needed to be considered from Conclusion the very beginning of the leasehold program. The approach of improvement to Furthermore, the forage program serves as environmental services through biodiversity an interface between the animal and plant conservation, maintenance and restoration of production programs and soil management land degradation, climate change mitigation and plant nutrition. However there is less focus potentials and generating benefits through on adaptation of forage plants to particular the leasehold forestry programme has been niches within production systems. Similarly it a successful model in the country. However, has been considered that forage production the contribution has not much been spelled is limited with little or no cost and should coherency with global conservation regime

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Amriso cultivation at Leaseland, Jhirubas, Palpa Photo: Pashupati Nath Koirala such as United Nations Convention for between the livelihoods generators and the Combat Desertification (UNCCD), United ecological promotion supporters through Nations Framework Convention for Climate leasehold forestry programme in the country. Change (UNFCCC) and Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD). In conclusion, it has developed a key insight and robust connection

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Photo: Amit Poudyal

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Policy Reform on forest Use for Non Forest Purposes

Chandraman Dongol Joint Secretary, Ministry of Forests and Environment

Forest clearance Clause 68. Power to use the Forest: (1) The Ministry of Forests and Environment Not withstanding anything contained in is responsible for the conservation and this Act, in case there is no alternative except to use the Forest Area for the development of forestry sector in Nepal. The implementation of the plan having Ministry has two separate departments to fulfil national priority and if there shall be its responsibilities related to forestry sector. no significant adverse effect in the The Department of Forests manages them environment while conducting such plan, Government of Nepal may give assent under the provisions of the Forest Act 1993, Forest Act, to use any part of the Government and the Department of National Parks and 1993 Wildlife Conservation manages them under Managed Forest, Community Forest, Lease hold Forest or Religious Forest for the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation the implementation of such plan. Act 1973. According to their jurisdiction, both (2) In case any damage is to be occurred the departments have ownership of forest land to any person or community while giving in their territory. However, the processes of assent to use the Forest pursuant to seeking forest clearance are different. Sub-section (1), Government of Nepal shall have to make proper arrangements showing the process of seeking forest in this regard. clearance in two different territory Enabling provisions on Forest / Protected Acts The above table clearly shows the ambiguities Areas Clearance while diverting forest of protected area for non- Clause 6. Operation of services within forestry purposes. In order to obtain forest land national park or reserve: (1) Government under the Forest Act, developer has to convince of Nepal may, in the utmost interest the government that the infrastructural project of the national park, reserve or conservation area, make arrangements should be a national priority project and no for operating hotels, lodges, public alternative areas are available for the proposed National Parks transport services or similar other project other than using forest, and it does and Wildlife services or facilities by itself or through not cause significant negative impacts on the Conservation other parties by entering into a contract environment. Act, 1973 by following the prescribed procedure. (2) No person shall operate services or The handing over of the forest area to facilities of any kind within the national park, reserve or conservation area development projects legally began with without entering into a contract under the enactment of the Forest Act, 1993. As the Sub-Section (1). Forest Act, 1993 a result, forest conversion for non-forestry 68. Power to use purposes increased sharply until 2005. The

Ministry of Forests and Environment 93 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal increasing demand of forest clearance was percent land cover under forest. due to easier and quicker process in obtaining required amount of forest land without any The present condition is not to let forest go resistance from the government and the local unless at least an equivalent area, preferably of people. Furthermore, there was no need of IEE similar ecotype, are added somewhere else in and EIA to convert forest land to non-forestry the country. The developer may be permitted purposes. to use the forest land for making a permanent structure if it compensates the government Introduction of guidelines with an equivalent substitute land being used To address the growing needs of forest for making permanent structure, preferably in clearance, the Ministry of Forests and Soil the similar ecotype situation. In addition, the Conservation introduced the Forest clearance developers are required to plant 25 times the Guidelines 2007. This Guidelines has number of trees felled in the leased forest systematized the forest hand over process land. However, for the hydropower projects, to some extent but the demand of forest the number has been reduced to 2 meanwhile land for lesser important project could not keeping in view the ongoing energy crisis in the be discouraged. In order to discourage the country in 2015 but now developer required tendency of asking the forest areas even for the to plant 25 times the number of trees felled. projects of lesser importance, the government Additionally, the developer will have to manage has introduced the provision of compensatory and protect the planted forest for five years. If land for the forest area handed over to the they cannot do this by themselves, they can developer in 2010. Following the provision of deposit money required for plantation and land to land policy, the demand for forest land protection of plantation sites for five years to for lesser important non-forestry purposes has the district forest office. reduced. However, many developer blames that there is no specific policy or legislative Developers’ demands support in swapping areas and planting trees There is a growing resentment from developers but it is being done on ad hoc basis until the against the existing requirements of procuring forest clearance guideline 2017 is came under equivalent private land in the similar ecological implementation. zone, planting trees on that land, and managing and protecting the site for five years At present, there are two governmental policies have create several problems to them. The procedures for handing over forestland for Investment Board Nepal (IBN) and several infrastructure projects. The first one is “Forest other government agencies associated with conversion for nationally priority project” 2017 the development sectors have expressed that which deals with the forestland under the the current forest clearance guidelines should jurisdiction of Forest Department while the be revised to accept cash compensation for second one was infrastructure construction the use of forest or park lands for non-forest and operating working procedures for the purposes. forest land inside protected areas, 2009. Both these procedures set numerous conditions for The provision of 1:25 plantation might not be obtaining forestlands. The conditions are taught difficult for smaller projects, but for the bigger to the developer and reluctant to divert forest projects that could be a difficult proposition. for non-forestry uses but it provides safeguard In response to national energy crisis in 2015, towards the Forest Policy of maintaining 40 the tree planting ratio has been reduced to

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1:2 but now it has been abolished after the being lost by the conversation of forest to amendment of guidelines in 2017. The forestry non-forest purposes. Furthermore, guideline sector has to rethink and address the issue should clarity, about how much should be being raised by the developer regarding land to charged to the developer and where to make land compensation policy and a large volume payments for planting trees and managing and of plantation requirement for a mega project protecting the tree plantation sites. The federal through a policy reform. forest law must provide a price determination mechanism, and also the procedure for flow Policy reform of the paid price straight to the plantation This is a right time to review and reform the body. Similarly, the provision for a land bank policy, this is because the government is working and an authority responsible for plantation on the formulation of federal forest policy and management could be an alternative to resolve laws. The MoFE should be mild towards the the hassle of developer and to maintain forest projects implemented under the BOOT model cover in the country side. The plantation while addressing the forest clearance issue. body should be recognised by federal law The federal forest policy should acknowledge for planting, maintaining and protecting sites a cash compensation provision to forest use for all replacement planting on lands received for non-forestry purposes. It is further required as compensation. The objective of plantation a legal provision to establishing necessary is to maintain the level of forest cover that framework of mechanism that require for the country has at present. Planted forests acquiring land and undertaking replacement will be established through planting and/ planting. or through deliberate seeding of native or introduced species. This is done either through A standard norm is requiring accessing the Net afforestation or by reforestation of previously Present Value of forest eco-system services forested land.

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Photo: Amit Poudyal

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Transboundary cooperation in biodiversity conservation

Dhananjaya Lamichhane Under Secretary, Ministry of Forests and Environment

Photo: Amit Poudyal

Introduction conservation and sustainable development. Nepal is a landlocked country and is As the biodiversity is of common concern of surrounded by India in east, south and west, humankind, the countries has sovereign right and by China in north. Therefore, Nepal’s over its conservation and utilization as per biodiversity has also been shared with the precautionary and do-no-harm principles. two neighboring countries along the bordering The transboundary cooperation mainly aims areas. Most of the biodiversity hotspots and to reduce the loss of biodiversity associated protected areas of Nepal are located along the with deforestation and forest degradation, international boundaries with China and India and to assist neighboring countries to set and represent mainly two ecoregions- Alpine aside and manage protected areas crossing Shrubs and Meadows in the mountains and the borders. Since the biodiversity is better Tarai-Duar Savannas and Grassland in the managed in an ecosystem and landscape lowland Tarai. Nepal, India and China are the level, the transboundary cooperation between parties of the Convention of Biological Diversity nations can be a key to achieve the desired (CBD) 1992 and therefore have common but outcomes of the conservation efforts at global differentiated responsibilities in biodiversity and regional levels.

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Photo: Dhananjaya Lamichhane

Major achievements Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Nepal has a good experience in transboundary Change of India government and other national conservation and management of its rich and International conservation partners were biodiversity by virtue of landscape level present in that important event. Bilateral conservation systems that go beyond the cooperation with india is constantly making border. There are a number of landscape headway towards restoring critical corridors level conservation programs across the and connectivity for wildlife movements, country which extend beyond the political and curbing illegal wildlife trade and smuggling, administrative boundary and focus on short- rescuing orphan and stranded wildlife, and term and long-term activities in line with the joint surveillence and monitoring along the principles of sustainable development. These borders and river basin areas. landscapes, for instance, Terai Arc Landscape (TAL) encompass the important protected areas Likewise, Nepal-China Bilateral transboundary of Nepal and India along the border that has meeting was recently being held in October contiguous forests and grasslands. Similarly, 2017 in Kathmandu, which worked on, among Sacred Himalaya Landscape is extended others, preparing a Cooperative Conservation across Nepal-China border of Nepal whereas Service Agreement on Greater One-horned Kailash Sacred Landscape and Kanchenjungha Rhinoceros for promoting the cooperative Landscape are being managed as tri-national conservation on Rhinos between China and conservation initiative between Nepal, China Nepal, enhancing the long-term survival of and India. The two countries, Nepal and India, this species, as well as implementing the have regularly held the high-level meeting and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for field-level meetings since 1990s, and those donating two pairs of Greater One-horned meetings have been very instrumental in Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) signed by fostering wildlife and biodiversity conservation State Forestry Administration of the People`s and curbing wildlife trade in the border regions. Republic of China and Ministry of Forests and Recently, a 2-day transboundary meeting Environment of Nepal on April of 2017, based between Nepal and India was held during upon the previous MoU signed by Nepal and 24-25 September 2017 in Kathmandu Nepal China in 2010. The rhinos are being planned organized by Government of Nepal, Ministry of for translocation from Nepal’s Chitwan National Forests and Environment. Delegates from the Park to China’s Guangdong Chimelong Safari

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Park and Shanghai Wild Animal Park, as the high-mountain development issues using two parks were visited and studied by a joint the conservation of the charismatic and expert official team from the both countries for endangered snow leopard as a flagship. their suitability and adaptability to the newly The second GSLEP Steering Committee translocated rhinos. Cooperation with China meeting was held on 20th of January 2017 in the recent years has been very helpful in in Kathmandu, Nepal. Prior to the Steering biodiversity conservation especially throgh Committee meeting, a two days Management information sharing and needful actions against Planning Stocktaking Workshop was also held smuggling of wildlife organs, and timber and on 17th and 18th January 2017 in Kathmandu. non-timber forest products. Nepal is also a GTF member country and actively contributing to achieving its objectives Moreover, Nepal has been involved in a that aim to highlight the rationale for tiger number of global as well as regional networks preservation, provide leadership and utilize a and forums for biodiversity conservation common approach throughout the world in such as South Asia Wildlife Enforcement order to safeguard the survival of the tiger, its Network (SAWEN), Global Snow Leopard and prey and its habitat. Ecosystem Protection Program (GSLEP) and Global Tiger Forum (GTF). The SAWEN which Conclusion and ways forward was officially launched in January, 2011 in The transboundary cooperation has been Paro Bhutan is an inter-governmental wildlife very promising in biodiversity conservation at law enforcement support body of South Asian global, regional and national levels. Countries countries namely - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, joining their hands together have paved the Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan way to make the consolidated contributions and Sri Lanka. From the Secretariat based in achieving the objectives of Convention on in Kathmandu, Nepal, SAWEN operates its Biological Diversity, the Biodiversity Decade, the activities in promoting regional cooperation Aichi targets and the Sustainable Development to combat wildlife crime in South Asia and Goals as well. Such cooperation could also focuses on policy harmonization; institutional be applied in forest areas and biodiversity capacity strengthening through knowledge hotspots outside the protected areas of and intelligence sharing; and collaboration Nepal. While focusing on conservation of with regional and international partners to mega species of wildlife, conservation of plant enhance wildlife law enforcement in the biodiversity should not be lagged behind. Policy member countries. It is now a legitimate harmonization, institutional strengthening, intergovernmental organization with and awareness raising and capacity building endorsement of the SAWEN Statute by five of local-level actors like government officials countries namely Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, as well as local people are crucial for Pakistan and Bangladesh. Whereas, GSLEP effective cooperation. Adaptive management is a joint initiative by all 12 snow leopard approach in landscape management could range countries, international organizations, be applied through sharing of knowledge, civil society and the private sector aimed at skills and technology transfer among the long-term survival of the snow leopard in its stakeholders. Building upon the experiences natural ecosystem. It was launched following and achievements of the successful 25 years the adoption of the Bishkek Declaration at the of Convention on Biological Diversity, it should Global Forum on snow leopard conservation strive for safeguarding the all forms of life on held in October 2013. It seeks to address earth.

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Photo: Ramesh Bhusal

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Role of media in Biodiversity conservation

Ramesh Bhushal South Asia Content Coordinator for Internews’ Earth Journalism Network (EJN) Nepal Editor at www.thethirdpole.net General Secretary of Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists (NEFEJ)

Photo: NEFEJ Media helps to shape the public perception and achieve this success. But there is ample of attitudes toward any issue and conservation ways media can claim its role was significant. is not an exception in Nepal. Where does Like Nepal’s political system, the media has conservation issue stand in the mainstream also undergone drastic changes in the past mass media of Nepal? Does the media is few decades. From state owned to private, playing its role as effectively as expected? terrestrial to satellite, print to online, broadcast These are some of the questions often raised to podcast and finally one to many, Nepal’s when it comes to the role of the media in media growth has been phenomenal in quantity Nepal’s relatively successful conservation but there is still a long way to go when it comes efforts that yielded some good results. One to the quality of content produced. With over simple answer of the question is ‘yes’ but it’s 100 television stations, more than 600 radio hard to say to what degree media helped to stations and several hundred newspapers

Ministry of Forests and Environment 101 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal and magazines, Nepal is rich in the number of on news about environmental development media outlets it has but politics has dominate and media advocacy. Issues like conservation, over other issues. Environmental issues have environmental problems hardly used to receive hardly been mainstreamed but over the time attention of mainstream media. As both, multi there has been increase on the coverage of party democracy and private media growth was issues like wildlife or forest conservation. at pace, social issues were not of larger concern in a media community that was completely The state media was meant to lionize the deeds dominated by political affairs. NEFEJ played of the rulers in pre-democracy era pre-1990 critical role in providing a platform for journalists but with the phenomenal growth of the media to discuss environmental issues as well as train in past three decades a diversification of issues hundreds of journalists across the country and is what we can see currently. Development sensitized them on the importance of issues of the media has a much longer history than like conservation. conservation efforts in Nepal but by the time aggressive efforts on protecting flora and In 1997, NEFEJ in partnership with few fauna started after 1950’s, major changes in other organizations was successful to the media landscape also occurred. The first establish South Asia’s first community radio printing press arrived in Nepal in 1850 and ‘Radio Sagarmatha’. It opened avenues for the first newspaper started publishing in 1901 private/community radio broadcasting in the with landmark years of the first IBM computer country. This landmark success opened the introduction in 1971 in the country. The Radio opportunity to communicate issues at local broadcast system was initiated in 1951 as level and decentralized power of media at local Radio Nepal, Nepal television in 1984 and level. Community radios across the country the Internet era started in 1994. While all the were instrumental to aware people on issues state owned media outlets were busy pleasing like conservation. As Radio Sagarmatha state machineries, there was hardly a healthy had a special focus on the environment and criticism of government’s policies and actions development, most of the radio stations in pre-1990’s. With restoration of democracy in established thereafter across the country 1990 there was a boom in private media from followed its program formats and also had an where media started to act aggressively. idea of issues that needs to be prioritized.

Interestingly, Nepal has a different evolution One of the most important things that the of environmental media compared to several NEFEJ did was to sensitize journalists across other countries in South Asia. Before the the country on issues like conservation and restoration of democracy in 1990, a group of produce a new generation of journalists who journalists formed a forum called the ‘Nepal have new ideas and interests on covering these Forum of Environmental Communicators’ in issues. One of the very first television programs 1986 as a private company because other focused on the environment and development laws weren’t conducive to establishing any called ‘Ankhijhyaal’ was started in 1994 and non-governmental organizations and a still continuing. Likewise, several mainstream journalist’s association was merely a distant media have also played instrumental role dream. Later in 1990, the forum was registered in brining out issues of several endangered as Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists species, acted as a forum to discuss why it (NEFEJ)—a non-governmental organization matters and have brought issues related to with focus to lead mass media programmes public. This bridged the communication gap

Ministry of Forests and Environment 102 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal between communities and policymakers. plays a crucial role in raising critical issues and It brought the voices of voiceless people at informing communities and policy makers that community level who otherwise wouldn’t have can have positive impacts to bring sustainable their say in policymaking process. development as a result but there is need to The Nepali media has been quite friendly and increase in coverage of environmental related active in carrying out dialogue on conservation issues to better inform policy makers. As issues but it lacks regular follow-ups and in- media reporting has been more concentrated depth reporting on pointing out the gaps in into few mega species there is urgency to talk the country’s conservation efforts or policies. about ecosystems, climate change, rivers and Coverage of issues related to conservation has aquatic animals. Rivers are being dredged been often limited to a few mega species and rampantly for the sake of economic growth forests, but overall the reporting of biodiversity in the name of sand and boulders, which has and ecosystems is still lacking. By in-large severely impacted Nepal’s aquatic lives, but Nepali mainstream media was successful there has been significantly less reporting done to inform people at greater extent but yet a by Nepal’s media. serious debate on how the country should move towards sustainable development where Nepal’s media has played a critical role to conservation is a component is still lacking. achieve what is at present but with the new While pro-developmental slogans reiterated federal system in place and mega projects by politicians could amuse people that have in pipeline there is urgency to do more in become a regular information diet for Nepalese future. With government’s plan to carry out every morning, there has been very less developmental works aggressively, two done to move toward environmental friendly giant economies India and China vying for development in the country. investments, there will be tremendous pressure on natural resources thus severe impacts on More voices are needed to keep track of the rich biodiversity. Not only wildlife, all aspects of development and keep it focused in the right biodiversity should be fit in Nepal’s media frame direction. More questions need to be asked unlike a few species or chunks of forests in the on whether the government is following past. The new system could be opportunity for through with promises made by signing more all play their role and build happy and healthy than thirty environmental and conservation country instead of developed country. Nepali related international treaties and agreements media’s have that ability but should have better or deviated its move while implementing commitment toward these issues. developmental projects in the ground. Media

Ministry of Forests and Environment 103 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Photo: Sagar Rimal

Ministry of Forests and Environment 104 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Bio-Finance and Biodiversity in Nepal

Rajesh K Rai Green Governance Nepal Vijay P Kesari UNDP Nepal

Introduction spirit of international agreements including The theory of Himalayan environmental Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD). degradation (1968) brought Nepal in the international attention. Since then, Nepal has National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan been consistently making strenuous efforts to (NBSAP) 2014-2020, provides a strategic manage the Himalayan environmental crisis framework for the conservation of Nepal’s effectively and efficiently. Two key events of biodiversity. It is the principal instrument for 1973- the establishment of Chitwan National implementing the CBD strategic plan at local Park and handover of forest management level. Funding was a major constraint for authority to the Thokarpa Village of implementing Nepal Biodiversity Strategy Sindhupalchok mark the historical milestones (2002) and same fate can be repeated for of Nepalese conservation effort that has been implementation of NBSAP too. The estimated following till now. Over the four decades, total cost of the NBSAP implementation is Nepal’s journey of biodiversity conservation USD 673 million (NPR 67,268 million). It is has achieved series of notable successes; estimated that only 55% of the total budget 23.23% of the land is conserved as protected can be covered through government funding areas (20) and almost the similar size of forest and rest is anticipated to be fulfilled through area is under community management. Almost contributions from Donors (25%), I/NGO (10%), half of the population has been organized into Private sector (2%) and another source (8%). 20,000 forest users groups that are directly involved in various community-based forest Biodiversity finance in Nepal management and biodiversity conservation It can be envisioned that biodiversity finance activities, recognizing itself as probably the may help to both raise and manage capital largest conservation movement in the world. as well as provide financial incentives for There is a general predisposition within the sustainable biodiversity management. On the conservation society that extreme poverty other hand, it may also focus on improving and biodiversity hotspots are co-located, cost-effective conservation approach, which and ecosystem services contribute up to allocates resources efficiently. Traditionally, 90 percent of the so-called GDP of the domestic public budget is the main source of poor. Poverty ensues when a link between funding with a share of around 50 percent of ecosystem services and human-wellbeing the total conservation expenditure. Similarly, breaks or damages. Therefore, wise use of around a tenth of total biodiversity finance resources and efficient conservation initiatives is shared by fund flows from developed in biodiversity rich low-income economies like yet relatively biodiversity poor countries to Nepal is eminent. In accordance to this, Nepal biodiversity rich but low-income economies. attempts to demonstrate its active commitment Another approach is to create market for to manage its biodiversity for prosperity in the ecosystem services and attract private

Ministry of Forests and Environment 105 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal investment to biodiversity conservation. conservation and environment friendly requires additional costs. On the other hand, better In Nepal, low input from the government conservation may generate disservice in the towards biodiversity conservation is not unusual form of human-wildlife conflicts currently on the considering its estimated contribution to national rise, increasing the conservation cost. Therefore, economy. The forestry sector covering 44.74% conservation strategy and plan should be of the total area contributes only 3.5 percent of complemented by a strong financial strategy to the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This secure long-term funding. figure looks horrible demonstrating that our nature conservation efforts derive extremely Establishing trust funds may help to secure long- low productivity. But conservation activities term and stable source of funding. There are are not designed to contribute directly to the more than 50 conservation trust funds around conventional GDP. In the meantime, forestry the world to finance nature conservation. But in sector has time and again experienced very our case the National Biodiversity Trust Fund, discouraging actions from decision-makers, which was envisaged by Nepal Biodiversity who have constantly ignored biodiversity Strategy (2002) as the main source of funding conservation. The most recent one being the for the National Biodiversity Coordination allocation of a mere 1.7 percent of the total budget Committee and National Biodiversity Unit (FY 2017/18) for the then Ministry of Forest and could not be established. Soil Conservation, which is also responsible for biodiversity conservation amongst others. Despite such challenging stories, Nepal has an example of self-financing protected A notable point is that there are ecological limits area management modality in Annapurna to economic growth. Effective biodiversity Conservation Area. The conservation area does conservation improves the carrying capacity not receive regular financial support from the of an ecosystem and creates more space for government but has been authorized to collect economic growth. Hence, measuring economic entry fees from visitors. The resulting revenue progress in terms of nature protection may put is directly utilized for its management through conservation in the priority list. This means activities that protect natural and cultural our accounting system should depreciate heritage and educate to sustain the economy resource depletion and count pollution costs and social benefits of tourism. In addition, against growth. Unless, the value of services Nepal continues to practice redistribution of provided by ecosystem, which is not traded a certain portion of revenues from protected in the conventional market, is well understood areas to their buffer-zone communities for or appreciated; likelihood of overlooking enhancing biodiversity conservation. Similarly, conservation programs will continue to swell. Forest User Groups are involved in forest management and conservation voluntarily with Nepal’s thriving economy and recent rights to use forest resources following the administrative restructuring have created both constant capital rule. This means use not more opportunities and challenges for biodiversity than mean annual increment. conservation. For instance, rapidly growing infrastructure development projects like BIOFIN Hulaki Road, Fast Track, international airport, UNDP has initiated a new global partnership hydropower projects and Irrigation Canal projects called Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN), are threatening the functionality of corridors and in response to the 10th Conference of the protected areas. Many wild species have been Parties, which supports countries to enhance killed in road accidents. Making infrastructures their financial management for biodiversity and

Ministry of Forests and Environment 106 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal ecosystems. The ultimate idea of BIOFIN is to Environment in coordination with the Ministry of improve conservation outcomes using finance Finance must take lead in this initiation. and economics assessing information on current expenditure and financing needs and Conclusion develop resource mobilization strategies. It aims Conservation goals can only be achieved in the to address the biodiversity finance challenge presence of a long term and stable financial in a comprehensive manner. Currently 30 source for implementing conservation activities. countries are participating in BIOFIN and Nepal Nepal’s unique but complex characteristics in is going to join the initiative soon. terms of strong social and ecological linkages, and growing economic activities seeks for BIOFIN Initiative has developed a robust an appropriate Sustainable Financial Model methodology to develop the Biodiversity for Biodiversity Conservation. This should Finance Plan (BFP), which is based on three however consider several aspects. First the different assessment stages. The first step connection between ecosystem and human is “Policy and Institutional Review”, which welfare should be understood and appreciated. assesses enabling environment for biodiversity Well-functioning ecosystem can provide more finance and identifies stakeholders. This is space for economic growth. Second, efforts to followed by “The Biodiversity Expenditure diversify conservation funding sources should Review” which analyses trend in public and be intensified. This means, it has to strengthen private expenditure in biodiversity conservation traditional sources while creating market for and projection of future expenditure. This ecosystem services. These markets could be is supported by “The Financial Needs both voluntary and compliance. Payment for Assessment”, which estimates the cost of Ecosystem Services (PES) scheme can be an NBSAP implementation and assesses the appropriate strategy to increase biodiversity financial gap between estimated and projected finance, particularly from domestic source. expenditures. The BFP thus prepared will Reducing Emission through Deforestation and prioritize solutions to close the financing gap, Forest Degradation (REDD+) could be another optimize current and future investments, and opportunity to attract international funds. develop business cases for the best options. Besides market approach, encouraging private Several BIOFIN solutions have been identified sector to invest in biodiversity conservation as and practiced in BIOFIN countries including a part of their corporate social responsibility Wetland Banking, Nutrient Trading, Biosafety may help to add up fund. fee, Voluntary Climate Financing, Dept-for- Nature Swaps, Disaster Risk Insurance, and In this context, BIOFIN Initiative may contribute Ecological Fiscal Transfers. to develop an appropriate financial plan for the implementation of NBSAP. Since, the financial While discussing about the plan, primary plan is based on the assessment of enabling concern should be on how it can successfully environment, account of expenditures and be implemented. Since, BIOFIN facilitates assessment of financial needs, it provides a coordination between conservation partners robust mechanism to improve conservation and stakeholders, their involvement in BFP outcomes. In addition to securing conservation preparation process can build a sense of funds, it also contributes to make conservation ownership. This can be crucial for smooth efforts cost-effective and enhance implementation of BFP. Institutionalization of the cooperation among conservation partners and BFP and integration of financial solutions into stakeholders. Effecting implementation of the national planning cycle requires strong political BFP can be heralded as better biodiversity commitments, therefore Ministry of Forests and conservation.

Ministry of Forests and Environment 107 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Photo: Amit Poudyal

Ministry of Forests and Environment 108 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Role of Private Sector in Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Kalyan Gauli, PhD Senior Programme Officer, GIZ Nepal Sony Baral PhD Scholar, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria

Photo: Sagar Giri Background considered very relevant to enrich biodiversity Conservation of biodiversity through and resource-dependent people in Nepal. The sustainable use of resources and equitable initiative has considered private sector as one benefit sharing is one of the major concerns of the key sectors responsible for biodiversity in Nepal. International Partnership for conservation and its economic use. The role the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI) promotes of private sector in conserving biodiversity is collaboration in the conservation and crucial particularly in developing countries restoration of sustainable human-influenced like Nepal, where majority of the population natural environments through broader global depend on natural resources for their recognition of their value. This initiative is livelihoods; thus, involvement of private sector a partnership made up of 184-member in commercialization of natural resources is organizations dedicated to working together to needed for economic transformation of the realize societies in harmony with nature and is country. However, as the private sector is often

Ministry of Forests and Environment 109 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal being criticized for excessive exploitation of have significantly reduced pressure on forests natural resources leading to their degradation in Nepal. For instance, community forest user and generating negative externalities for groups are encouraging their members to maximizing their profits, it will be a difficult plant fodder trees in their private land so that call to balance their role with biodiversity the household not only gets fodder but also conservation. Nevertheless, there are several fuelwoods from the branches while harvesting examples where private sector is actively fodder. This in return has helped to conserve involved in biodiversity conservation and forest. For example, timur (Zanthoxylum economic development. armatum) was almost a neglected species with only limited domestic use until early Conservation through forest-based 2000. Communities were not interested to enterprises conserve this species, and people used to cut Conservation perhaps cannot be sustainable and destroy the plant because of its thorny without economic incentives. People may not branched. When MAPs exporters explored be interested on conserving the resources its international markets, the product started without knowing what tangible benefits they to sell in a good price. The product which get from the conservation. Enterprise-oriented had a price of NRs 85 per kilo in Nepalgunj conservation approach not only improves market in 2010 escalated to above NRs 1,000 the livelihoods of the low-income households per kilo in 2018. As a result, communities are but also protects biodiversity. For instance, planting timur in their private land and there is invasive species, such as Lantana camara a huge demand of timur seedling, particularly and Eupatorium spp are one of the major in province 5 and 6 of Nepal. This is just one threats to biodiversity across Nepal. These example to show that private sectors, in species are replacing endemic species in collaboration with community, can conserve a level of extinction. Contrary to common biodiversity and boost local economy. misconception of taking such species as an invasive, this resource has been used to A study conducted by Multi-stakeholder produce bio-briquette that has contributed Forestry Programme in Nepal has estimated not only to conserving biodiversity but also that the forest-based industries can generate in supporting the local livelihoods. Here, it is more than NRs 87 billion creating more than worthy to mention the bio-briquette enterprises 400,000 sustainable full time equivalent operating in Shikre of Sidhupalchok district, jobs under the conservative scenario. In an where the communities, in a partnership with optimistic scenario, this can be projected a private sector, are producing and selling bio- to NRs 370 billion creating about 1.4 million briquettes. Bio-Briquettes are a promising jobs. This comes along with transparent and source of alternative energy with a proven traceable value chain, which is unfortunately record of their effectiveness to increase lacking in most of the cases. Maintaining earnings for the poor, reduce health risks for transparency and traceability of the value women and children, maintain carbon pool in chain not only supports in managing the forest forests, and reduce the propagation of invasive sustainably but also ensures fair distribution of alien species. the benefits across the value chain actors.

Conservation through ex situ management Conservation through ecotourism Plantation of trees and cultivation of Medicinal The rich biodiversity associated with forest and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) in private land also ecosystem gives Nepal a comparative

Ministry of Forests and Environment 110 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal advantage in terms of quality ecotourism and reinvesting in forest conservation. The resources. Nepal’s protected areas cover a Baghmara forest is a replanted and regenerated total of 34,185.62 km2, which is over 23% of forest area forming a buffer zone adjacent the total geographical area of the country, and to the Chitwan National Park. It is offering these are the prime attraction for tourists (both different eco-tourism activities, such as bird domestic and international) in the country. The watching, elephant safari, nature walk, and protected areas provide a variety of ecotourism canoeing. The community earned NRs 65.2 products but the inflow of tourists to different million in 2013. This earning is an incentive for protected areas is not the same. Protected the community from their efforts of conserving areas, such as Chitwan National Park and the nature. Annapurna Conservation Area, receive about 85% of the total tourist arrival in the country. Ways forward One of the reasons is that other protected For the conservation of biodiversity, sustainable areas are far less explored. In addition, such and commercial use of the resources is a skewed distribution of tourist is perhaps important where people get incentive from the influenced by the presence or absence of conservation. Involvement of responsible private private sector. In above mentioned areas, sector is necessary for commercialization. The private sector has invested a lot in hospitality government should encourage private sector industries in the form of hostels, resorts, home to invest in less explored areas by creating stay and tracking services which created enabling environment in terms of favorable enabling environment for tourists to visit policies, such as tax incentive for certain period, those areas. As a result of increased number subsidies to minimize their risk, and developing of tourists, the state is also earning revenue infrastructure like roads. Furthermore, the from different sources. For instance, Chitwan provincial and local governments can play key National Parks earned NRs 246.91 million in role on it. Nevertheless, the government’s role the fiscal year 2014-15, which is reinvested for to enforce private sector to maintain traceability the conservation of the national park. Likewise, of their supply chain by developing standards Baghmara and Kankali community forests or enforcing international standards cannot be in are other examples where ignored. communities are earning from ecotourism

Ministry of Forests and Environment 111 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Photo: Amit Poudyal

Ministry of Forests and Environment 112 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

;fd'bflos jg / h}ljs ljljwtf M gLltut cj;/ / ;Defjgfx?

ef/tL kf7s dxf;lrj, ;fd'bflos jg pkef]Qmf dxf;+3, g]kfn lbn/fh vgfn clwjQmf, k|fs[lts ;|f]t Joj:yfkg sfg"g

k[i7e"ld h}ljs ljljwtf ;+®If0fdf ;fd'bflos jgsf] of]ubfg h}ljs ljljwtf;DaGwL ljifo cGt®f{li6«o ;fj{hlgs gLlt tyf g]kfndf ;fd'bflos jgsf] ;kmntf ® o;sf] of]ubfgsf] ljifodf sfg"gsf] If]qleq kg]{ ePklg h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ;+®If0f, lbuf] pkof]u ul®Psf k|fo ;a} cWoogx¿n] ;fd'bflos jgsf] Pp6f d'Vo ® o;af6 k|fKt nfesf] afF8kmfF8;DaGwL ljifox¿ ®fli6«o sfg"gsf pknAwLsf] ¿kdf h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ;+®If0f ® j[l4nfO{ g} cf}NofPsf ;fy} cflbjf;L hghflt ® :yfgLo ;d'bfosf] k|yfhlgt cEof;af6 5g\ . ;fd'bflos jg Joj:yfkgsf]  Pp6f d'Vo p4]Zo h}ljs ljljwtf klg lgb]{lzt ePsf x'G5g\ . To;}n] h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ljifodf ®fHo ® ;+®If0f ug'{ ®x]sf] n] ;fd'bflos jgsf] z'?cft\ ;Fu;Fu} kfl®l:yltsLo cflbjf;L Pj+ :yfgLo ;d'bfosf] e"ldsf, clwsf® ® bfloTj lgwf{®0f ljljwtf, jg:klt ljljwtf ® cfg'j+lzs ljljwtfsf] ljsf; ePsf]  ubf{ h}ljs ljljwtf;DaGwL cflbjf;L ® :yfgLo ;d'bfosf k|yfhlgt s'®f :jo+ ;®sf®L k|ltj]bgx¿n]  k'li6 u®]sf 5g\ . ;®sf®sf] tkm{af6 cEof; ® clwsf®sf] ;Ddfg ug'{kg]{ x'G5 . ljZjsf ;a} b]zx¿n]  h}ljs ljljwtf dxf;lGwsf] ;lrjfnodf k]z ul®b} cfPsf ®fli6«o cfkmgf] b]zsf]  h}ljs ljljwtf;DaGwL gLlt tyf sfg"g ® sfo{qmdsf] ;~rf® k|ltj]bgx¿df ;fd'bflos jgsf dfWodaf6 h}ljs ljljwtfsf]  th'{df ® sfof{Gjog ubf{ ;bLof}+b] lv g} ;d'bfosf k|yfhlgt cEof; ® ;+®If0fdf pNn]vgLo of]ubfg k'u]sf] ® h}ljs ljljwtfsf] j[l4df klg clwsf®nfO{ cfTd;ft ub}{ cfPsf 5g\ . of]ubfg k'u]sf] s'®f clen]lvt ul®b} cfPsf] 5 . h}ljs ljljwtf ;a} dfgj ;d'bfosf] rf;f] ® ;®f]sf®sf]  ljifoleq ;fd'bflos jgn] jg:klt ljljwtfsf ;fy} jGohGt'sf] jf;:yfg kg]{ ePklg o;dfly ®fli6«o ;fj{ef}d;Qf ;lxt cflbjf;L ® :yfgLo ;+®If0fdf of]ubfg u®]sf]  sf®0f jGohGt'sf] ;+Vofdf pNn]Vo j[l4 ;d'bfosf] clwsf® klg lglxt ®x]sf] x'G5 . To;}n]  h}ljs ljljwtfsf]  ePsf] 5 eGg] s'®f klg ;fj{hlgs ¿kdf g} k'li6 ePsf] 5 . oBlk, ljifodf th'{df ePsf cGt®f{li6«o sfg"g tyf dfkb08x¿, ljleGg jg:klt ® jGohGt'sf] j[l4df ;fd'bflos jgn] k'¥ofPsf] of]ubfgsf]  b]zx¿sf aLrdf ePsf cGt®b]zLo tyf If]qLo ;lGw ;Demf}tfx¿ ® ®fli6«o clen]v eg] tof® x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . ;fd'bflos jgdf ;+®If0f ®fli6«o gLlt tyf sfg"g th'{df ® sfof{Gjogdf cflbjf;L ® :yfgLo ® j[l4 ePsf] h}ljs ljljwtfn] vf;u®L kof{ko{6gsf] ljsf;df ;d'bfonfO{ cleGg c+u dfGg'kg]{ x'G5 . ;f]xL cg'¿k th'{df ul®g] gLlt d4t u®L :yfgLo :t®df ®f]huf®L ® cfocfh{gsf cjz®x¿ ;d]t tyf sfg"g ® of]hgfx¿n] g} h}ljs ljljwtfdfly cflbjf;L ® :yfgLo l;h{gf u®]sf]  5, h;n] ubf{ :yfgLo ;d'bfodf ;fd'bflos jgdf ;d'bfosf] clwsf® :yfkgf u®L ljleGg cj;®x¿ l;h{gf ul®Psf] h}ljs ljljwtfsf]  ;+®If0f ug]{ pTk]®0ff ;d]t hfUb}  cfPsf]  5 . To;}n]  x'G5 . o; n]vdf ;fd'bflos jgdf h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ljsf;sf ;fd'bflos jg, h}ljs ljljwtf ;®If0f ® ®f]huf®L tyf cfo cfh{gsf ;fy} o:tf h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ;b'kof]udf :yfgLo ;d'bfonfO{ k|fKt aLr cGt®;DaGw sfod ug]{ gLltut jftfj®0f l;h{gf ug'{ cfjZos gLltut ® sfg"gL cj;®x¿sf] ;+lIfKt ;ldIff ub}{ ljBdfg ;jfnx¿ x'G5 . ;Daf]wgsf nflu s]xL ;'emfjx¿ k|:t't ul®Psf] 5 . gLltut ® sfg"gL cj;®x¿ p2]Zo ! h}ljs ljljwtf;DaGwL cGt®f{li6«o sfg"gx¿df ;fd'bflos of] n]vsf]  d'Vo p4]Zo ;fd'bflos jgsf dfWodaf6 h}ljs clwsf® ljljwtfsf] ;+®If0f, lbuf] pkof]u ® nfesf] afF8kmfF8sf nflu ljBdfg h}ljs ljljwtf;DaGwL d'Vo cGt®f{li6«o sfg"gsf] ¿kdf ®x]sf] ®fli6«o tyf cGt®f{li6«o gLlt ® sfg"gdf ul®Psf Joj:yfx¿sf]  ;jn h}ljs ljljwtf dxf;lGw !((@ ® cGo ljleGg sfg"gx¿df h}ljs kIfsf ;fy} sdL sdhf]®Lx¿sf] ;ldIff ub}{ k|fKt cj;® ® r'gf}ltx¿sf] ljljwtfdf :yfgLo ;d'bfosf] clwsf®sf af®]df d'Vo ¿kdf lgDg phfu® ug'{ ® ljBdfg r'gf}lt ;Daf]wgsf pkfox¿ k|:tfj ug'{ ®x]sf]  5 . Joj:yfx¿ ul®Psf] 5 M

Ministry of Forests and Environment 113 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

h}ljs ljljwtf;DaGwL d'Vo cGt®f{li6«o sfg"g :yfgLo ;d'bfosf] clwsf®;DaGwL Joj:yfx¿ • cflbjf;L hghflt ® :yfgLo ;d'bfosf] h}ljs ljljwtf ;DaGwL k®Dk®fut 1fgsf]  ;+®If0fdf ®fHon] ;3fpg' kg]{ . h}ljs ljljwtf dxf;lGw !((@ ® cfg'j+lzs • h}ljs ljljwtf k|fKt nfesf]  ;dGoflos afF8kmfF8df cflbjf;L ® :yfgLo ;d'bfonfO{ ;|f]tdf kx'Fr ® o;sf] pkof]uaf6 k|fKt nfesf] ;+nUg u®fpg' kg]{ . lgikIf ® ;dGoflos afF8kmfF8 ;DaGwL cle;lGw • cflbjf;L ® :yfgLo ;d'bfodf h}ljs ljljwtf dxf;lGwsf Joj:yfx¿ af®]df Ifdtf @)!) ljsf; ug'{kg]{ . • cflbjf;L ® :yfgLo ;d'bfosf]  k®Dk®fut 1fgdf kx'Fr k|bfg ug'{eGbf klxnf k"j{;"lrt ;xdlt lng'kg]{ . ;ª\s6fkGg h+unL jg:ktL tyf hLjhGt'sf k|hftLsf] cGt®f{li6«o Jofkf® ;DaGwL dxf;lGw • ;ª\s6fkGg h+unL jg:ktL tyf hLjhGt'sf k|hftLsf]  cGt®f{li6«o Jofkf® ;DaGwL !(&# ®fli6«o gLlt tyf sfg"g ® of]hgf th'{df ubf{ :yfgLo ;d'bfonfO{ ;+nUg u®fpg' kg]{ . • l;d;f® gLlt tyf sfg"gsf]  th'{df ® sfof{Gjogdf :yfgLo ;d'bfonfO{ ;+nUg u®fpFb}  hnk+IfL a;f]jf; h:tf cGt®f{li6«o dxTjsf l;d;f® ;DaGwL cflbjf;L ® :yfgLo ;d'bfosf]  k®Dk®fut 1fg, cEof; ® ;Lksf]  l;d;f®;DaGwL dxf;lGw !(&! ;Dj4{g ug'{kg]{ . • k|fs[lts ;Dkbfx¿sf]  ;+®If0f ® ;f]af6 k|fKt nfesf]  afF8kmfF8df :yfgLo ;d'bfonfO{ ljZj ;f+:s[lts tyf k|fs[lts ;Dkbf ;+®If0f lx:;] bf® agfpg' kg]{ . ;DaGwL dxf;lGw !(&@ • k|fs[lts ;Dkbf ;+®If0f If]qx¿sf]  3f]if0ff ® Joj:yfkg ubf{ k|efljt :yfgLo ;d'bfo;Fu k"j{;"lrt ;xdlt lng'kg]{ .

dfly plNnlvt cGt®f{li6«o sfg"gdf ul®Psf oL ;d'bfod'vL sfg"gL # h}ljs ljljwtfdf ;fd'bflos clwsf®;DaGwL sfg"gL Joj:yfx¿nfO{ Jojxfl®s ¿k lbO{ sfof{Gjog ug{sf nflu h}ljs Joj:yfx¿ ljljwtf;DaGwL ®fli6«o gLlt tyf sfg"gdf klg ;f]xL cg';f®sf jg;DaGwL sfg"g M jg P]g @)$( ® jg lgodfjnL @)%! df ul®Psf Joj:yfx¿ ug'{kg]{ x'G5 . Joj:yfx¿ cg';f® ;fd'bflos jg pkef]Qmf ;d"xn] cfkm\gf] jg Joj:yfkg of]hgfdf jftfj®0fLo ;]jfsf]  ¿kdf ®x]sf]  h}ljs ljljwtf @ h}ljs ljljwtfdf ;fd'bflos clwsf®;DaGwL ;+a}wflgs ;+®If0f ;DaGwL Joj:yf u®L To:tf]  ;]jfsf] pkof]u ug{ ;Sb5g\ . Joj:yf h}ljs ljljwtfnfO{ jg;DaGwL sfg"gdf Pp6f d'Vo jftfj®0fLo g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgdf df}lns xssf] ¿kdf :jR5 jftfj®0fdf afRg ;]jfsf] ¿kdf kl®eflift\ ul®Psf] 5, h;sf] Joj:yfkgnfO{ ;fd'bflos kfpg] gful®ssf] xs, k®Dk®fut aLpdflysf] ls;fgsf] clwsf® ® jgsf] cleGg c+usf] ¿kdf jg Joj:yfkg of]hgfdf ;fdfj]z u®L jftfj®0f Pj+ ljsf;sf aLr ;Gt'ng sfod ug{ e"ld Joj:yfkg ug]{ o;af6 h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ljz]iftf cg';f® kmfObf lng ;lsg] h:tf Joj:yf ul®Psf] ePklg oL clwsf®x¿sf] cEof;sf nflu cjz®x¿ ®x]sf 5g\ . klg ;fd'bflos ¿kdf h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ;+®If0f ePsf] x'g'kb{5 . ;+a}wflgs gLltsf] ¿kdf h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ;+®If0f, ;+jw{g ® :yfgLo ;®sf® ;~rfng;DaGwL sfg"g M :yfgLo ;®sf® ;~rfng lbuf] pkof]u ug]{ ® h}ljs ljljwtfdfly gsf®fTds c;® kg{ glbg] P]g @)&$ df h}ljs ljljwtf ;+®If0fsf nflu :yfgLo ;®sf®nfO{ ®fHosf] bfloTj x'g] Joj:yf ul®Psf] 5 ® ®fHon] oL bfloTjx¿ s}of} lhDd]jf®L, clwsf® ® bfloTjx¿ k|bfg ul®Psf] 5 . :yfgLo k'®f ug{sf] nflu ;fd'bflos jg pkef]Qmf ;d"x nufotsf :yfgLo ;®sf®n] klg h}ljs ljljwtf ;+®If0f cfkm} PSn}n] ug{ g;Sg] ePsf]n] ;d'bfosf] ;xof]u lng' kg]{ x'G5 . To;}u®L ;+a}wflgs ¿kdf ul®Psf] ;fd'bflos jgnfO{ d'Vo cfwf® agfpFb} h}ljs ljljwtf ;+®If0f ®fHozlQmsf] afF8kmfF8;DaGwL Joj:yfdf h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ;+®If0f ug{ ;Sb5g\ . ;fd'bflos jgx¿n] h}ljs ljljwtfnfO{ kof{ko{6g ug]{ clwsf® tLg j6} txsf ;®sf®x¿sf aLr afF8kmfF8 ul®Psf] 5 ljsf;sf] Ps d'Vo cfwf® agfPsf] x'gfn] :yfgLo ;®sf®sf]  ® o:tf]  clwsf®sf] cEof; ubf{ tLgj6} txsf ;®sf®x¿n] :yfgLo kof{ko{6g of]hgfsf] sfof{Gjogsf nflu klg h}ljs ljljwtf ;®If0f ;d'bfosf] e"ldsfnfO{ ljl;{P® h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ;+®If0f x'g ;Sb}g . ug]{ ;fd'bflos jg pkef]Qmf ;d"xn] :yfgLo ;®sf®;Fu ;xsfo{ ug]{ To;}n]  ;®sf®x¿nfO{ h}ljs ljljwtf;DaGwL cfkm\gf]  clwsf®sf]  cjz® k|fKt ug{ ;Sb5g\ . ;b'kof]usf nflu klg ;fd'bflos jgn] pNn]vgLo ¿kdf ;3fpg ;Sb5 . ;+®lIft If]qsf]  h}ljs ljljwtf ;+®If0fdf ;fd'bflos jgsf] of]ubfg

Ministry of Forests and Environment 114 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

M vf;u®L dWojlt{ If]q ® ;+®If0f If]qx¿df ®x]sf]  h}ljs ljljwtf ljBdfg r'gf}ltx¿ ® ;Daf]wgsf nflu ;'emfjx¿ ;+®If0f ® o;sf] ;b'kof]udf ;fd'bflos jg pkefQmf ;d"xx¿sf] • g]kfnsf jg tyf h}ljs ljljwtf;DaGwL k|fo ;a} gLlt tyf pNn]vgLo of]ubfg ®x]sf]  5, lsgsL dWojlt{ If]q ® ;+®If0f If]qsf] sfg"gdf h}ljs ljljwtf ;+®If0f ® ;b'kof]usf nflu ;fd'bflos sfg"gdf ;fd'bflos jgsf dfWodaf6 g} h}ljs ljljwtf ;+®If0f ® jgnfO{ g} d'Vo cfwf® agfpg] elgP klg ;fd'bflos jgsf ;b'kof]u ug]{ s'®fnfO{ dfGotf k|bfg ul®Psf] 5 . ;+®If0f If]q ® dWojlt{ Joj:yfkg of]hgfdf h}ljs ljljwtf;DaGwL Joj:yfx¿ ;dfj]z If]qsf] h}ljs ljljwtf ;+®If0fsf] Ps d'Vo cfwf® ;fd'bflos jg g} ug{sf nflu cfwf®d"t tYof+s tof®L ug{df k|ofKt ;xof]u k|fKt ePsf]n]  ;+®lIft If]q;DaGwL ;®sf®L lgsfo ® ;fd'bflos jg pkef]Qmf x'g ;s]sf]  5}g . To;}n]  ;fd'bflos jgsf Jofj:yfkg of]hgf ;d"xsf aLrsf] ;xsfo{ cfjZos x'G5 . To:t}  ;+®lIft If]qx¿df x'g]  th'{df ® sfof{Gjog ubf{ h}ljs ljljwtf;DaGwL cfwf®e"t jGohGt'sf] rf]®L lzsf®L lgoGq0fdf ;fd'bflos jgn] d'Vo of]ubfg ljj®0f ;dfj]z ug{ ® ;f]sf]  ;b'kof]usf nflu of]hgf th'{df ug{ ug]{ ePsf]n] ;+®lIft If]qx¿n]  ;fd'bflos jgnfO{ Pp6f cj;®sf]  ;xof]u ® ;|f]t ;fwg pknAw x'g' kb{5 . ¿kdf lnO{ ;xof]uL ;d'bfosf] ¿kdf ;xsfo{ ug{ ;Sb5g\ . • ;fd'bflos jgdf ;+®If0f ul®Psf sltko jg:kltx¿sf]  ;+sng ® ;b'kof]udf k|ltaGw nufOPsf] 5, h;n] ubf{ ;+sng ® ;b'kof]u $ ;fd'bflos jg ljsf; dfu{bz{gx¿df h}ljs ljljwtf M ug{ k|ltjGw nufOPsf h}ljs ljljwtf ;+®If0f ug{df sd ;fd'bflos jg ljsf; sfo{qmdsf] dfu{bz{g @)&!, ;fd'bflos jg pT;fx x'g]  u®]sf]  5 . To;}n]  s'g}  h}ljs ljljwtf ;f]sf]  dxTjsf ;|f]t ;j]{If0f dfu{bz{g, ;fd'bflos jgsf] sf7 bfp®f ;+sng tyf ljqmL cfwf®df ;+sng tyf ;b'kof]udf k|ltjGw nufpg] ePdf To:tf] ljt®0f lgb]{lzsf @)&@, vf]6f] ;+sng lgb]{lzsf, hl8a'6L tyf u}®sfi7 h}ljs ljljwtf ;+®If0f u®] jfkt ;fd'bflos jgnfO{ pTk|]®0ffsf] jg k}bfjf® ;j]{If0f dfu{bz{g cflb ljleGg b:tfj] hx¿df ;fd'bflos ¿kdf lglZrt\ Ifltk"lt{ pknAw u®fpg] Joj:yf ug'{kg]{ x'G5 . jgsf jg Joj:yfkg of]hgfx¿df h}ljs ljljwtf ;+®If0fsf nflu • ljleGg sfg"gx¿sf aLrdf h}ljs ljljwtfdflysf] :jfldTj ljleGg Joj:yfx¿ ug]{ ;lsg] k|fjwfgx¿ ;dfj]z ul®Psf] 5 . oL s;sf] x'g] eGg] af®]df ®x]sf] ljjfbn] klg h}ljs ljljwtf ;+®If0fdf ljleGg Joj:yfx¿sf cfwf®df ;fd'bflos jg pkef]Qmf ;d"xx¿n]  k|efj kb}{ cfPsf] 5, To;}n] h}ljs ljljwtf h;n] ;+®If0f u®]sf]  h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ;+®If0f, ;b'kof]u ® nfesf] afF8kmfF8sf nflu 5, ;f] pk®sf] :jfldTj klg ;+®If0fstf{df g} x'g] Joj:yf ul®Pdf ljleGg Joj:yfx¿ u®L ;f]sf]  sfof{Gjog ug{ ;Sb5g\ . To;}n]  k|fo dfq ;fd'bflos pkef]Qmf ;d"xk|lt Gofo x'g hfG5 . ;a} ;fd'bflos jg pkef]Qmf ;d"xn] s'g} g s'g} ¿kdf cfkmgf] jg • ;fd'bflos jgdf vf;u®L hGohGt'sf] jf;:yfg ;+®If0f x'g] ePsf]n]  Joj:yfkg of]hgfdf h}ljs ljljwtfsf] ;+®If0f ® ;b'kof]usf nflu k|f0fLhGo ljljwtfsf] ¿kdf jGohGt'sf] Jofks j[l4 ePsf] 5 . ljleGg Joj:yfx¿ u®L ;f]sf] sfof{Gjog ub}{ cfPsf 5g\ . jgsf] Ifdtfn] y]Ug g;Sg] ® dfgj jGohGt' 4G4 a9g] u®L j[l4 ePsf] jGohGt'sf] Joj:yfkgdf nflu kfng, lzsf® ® ljqmL ljt®0fsf nflu % h}ljs ljljwtf ®0fgLlt tyf sfo{of]hgf M k|ltaGw gnufOPsf jGohGt'x¿sf] kfng, lzsf® ® ljqmL ljt®0f ug]{ g]kfnsf] h}ljs ljljwtf ®0fgLlt ® sfo{of]hgfn] ;+®lIft If]q eGbf cg'dlt k|bfg ul®Pdf jGohGt'sf] lbuf] Joj:yfkg x'g ;Sg]5 . aflx®sf] h}ljs ljljwtf ;+®If0f ® ;b'kof]usf nflu ;fd'bflos • h}ljs ljljwtfnfO{ Pp6f dxTjk"0f{ jftfj®0fLo ;]jfsf] jgnfO{ g} d'Vo cfwf® dfGg] ®0fgLlt ® sfo{of]hgf agfPsf] 5 . To;}n] ¿kdf kl®eflift ul®Psf]n]  o:tf]  ;]jf Joj:yfkg u®L ;f] af6 o; ®0fgLltsf cfwf®df ;+®lIft If]qeGbf aflx® ®x]sf jgx¿df h}ljs kof{ko6gsf] ljsf; u®L ®f]huf®L ® cfo cfh{g a9fpg] cjz® ljljwtf ;+®If0f ® ;b'kof]usf nflu ;a} txsf ;®sf® ® ;DalGwt l;h{gf ug]{ qmddf b]vf k®]sf gLltut ;jfn ;Daf]wg ul®Pdf lgsfox¿n] ;fd'bflos jgnfO{ d'Vo cfwf® agfpg] u®L of]hgf th'{df :yfgLo ;d'bfodf h}ljs ljljwtfnfO{ ;d[l4 tyf ;Dd'glt;Fu ® ;|f]t ;fwgsf] ljlgof]hg ug'{kg]{ x'G5 . hf]8] ® n}hfg ;lsG5 .

Ministry of Forests and Environment 115 Photo: Amit Poudyal

25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal 25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal

Ministry of Forests and Environment Singha Durbar, Kathmandu Phone: +977-1-4211892 Website: www.mofsc.gov.np

Government of Nepal Ministry of Forests and Environment Singha Durbar, Kathmandu Nepal 2018