2000-2001 Annual Report

METNET MET NET Metropolitan Educational Telecommunications Network

a 2000-2001 Annual Report


Prepared by:

Terry Kolomeychuk, METNET Coordinator Patty Lindroth, METNET Program Associate

a 2000 - 2001 Annual Report

The Metropolitan Educational Telecommunications Network (METNET) is a distance learning consortium consisting of 10 Twin Cities metro area community and technical colleges, Metropolitan State University and the . It is one of six higher education regional networks, known collectively as the Learning Network of Minnesota, established by 1993 State enabling legislation. METNET serves its member institutions with a range of educational technologies to enhance the delivery of programs and services between members and with other post-secondary MET NET institutions in the state. The University of Minnesota serves as METNET ‘s fiscal agent. Over the 2000/2001 academic year increased use of on-line course development software resulted in a doubling of the number of courses offered in web available format from 179 in 1999-2000 to 318 in 2000-2001. The number of ITV courses continues to grow from 73 courses the previous year to 82 courses delivered and received using this interactive medium. In fact, the metro region remains a net exporter and importer of ITV courses, as no courses were shared by member institutions in the metro region. Student e-mail accounts continue to grow. Student e-mail accounts will be issued for life. Also a new web based e-mail program called WebMailPro was introduced with enhanced features such as folders for message classification, address books and customizable user interfaces. The e-mail program is provided courtesy of the University of Minnesota.

METNET added to the bandwidth capacity of each MnSCU campus in the consortium, increasing service to each campus. Combined with the ongoing conversion to internet protocol based video, this has expanded the capacity and availability of bandwidth for academic and administrative network traffic to all campuses.

METNET has worked closely with the MnSCU system office and the University of Minnesota in updating the metro area network design to maximize the benefit of investment dollars. Lobbying activity for additional state legislative funds in the 2001 legislative session, has provided increased monies through the Higher Education Services Office, for modernization projects for our network infrastructure in the upcoming fiscal biennium.

This following report details the past year’s developments in METNET services and summarizes the distance education activity undertaken by the network's Policy Board and the Technology Committee. The report concludes with a look ahead to 2001/2002, and the challenges and opportunities of the next year.

METNET Annual Report July 2001 Page 1 Network Components

ITV Facilities METNET provides a dedicated T-1 digital compressed video network connecting all participating campuses in the metro area and a 3-site analog video network at Metropolitan State University. METNET has 21 digital video codecs, linking 24 classrooms among the 12 member institutions.

During the past year, METNET, the State Department of Administration InterTechnologies Group and the MnSCU system office have partnered to provide improved bandwidth capacity to all campuses in the consortium, increasing from a minimum of one T-1 capacity to two T-1’s that have been aggregated to provide increased service and speed to the internet (3 MB). MnSCU and the University of Minnesota have been integrally involved in planning these improvements. Work has continued on moving our network to an ATM core backbone using Internet Protocol (IP) based video and data streams. This will increase the efficiency of the network bandwidth and provide greater flexibility in the use of the network (Attachment 1). Vendor equipment incompatibilities and the complexity of being a technology innovator led to delays in the completion of this project. Project completion is anticipated in FY 02.

E-mail METNET is the only Minnesota higher education regional consortium to provide a student e-mail service. Student e- mail is currently available at all member institutions. There are currently 8500 users, approximately 25% of the eligible FYE's (full year equivalents) with active accounts, many of whom are using e-mail as an integral part of program course work (Attachment 2). Staff and faculty are also eligible for accounts. METNET introduced a web based e-mail service (WebMail) to its users in the fall of 1999. In the spring of 2001, METNET introduced a new full-featured webmail program (WebMailPro) provided by the University of Minnesota. It allows all students to access their e-mail accounts from any location with internet access, such as college computer labs, public libraries, internet cafes, family ISP providers, etc. A decision was made at the end of this current academic year to provide free e-mail accounts for life to all eligible students, faculty and staff.

METNET Web Site The METNET home page is located at http://www.metnet.edu. The design, featuring colorful clickable graphics as menu items representing each METNET service, has made it easier for visitors to navigate and find information. Several new informational pages about our services have been added, as well as online request forms for both Interactive Video and WebCT courses.

In addition to general information about METNET members and services, this site offers links to online resources such as electronic reference tools, library databases and research tutorials. Course information for METNET programming is available each semester.

METNET Annual Report July 2001 Page 2 Students initiate their e-mail accounts, change passwords and search the e-mail directory via the web page.

WebCT WebCT is a web-based software program that facilitates the creation of worldwide web-based educational environments. It can be used to create entire online courses, or simply to publish materials that supplement on- campus courses. Aside from facilitating the organization of course material on the web, WebCT also provides a variety of tools and features that can be added to a course. This includes student progress tracking, online chat, course content searches, bulletin boards, searchable linkable glossary, group project organization, student self-evaluation, grade management and timed online quizzes.

The programmatic shift begun in 1997/1998, continued throughout the 2000/2001 academic year, to more web-based course delivery. Since the Fall 1998 introduction of WebCT, the demand for training and course offerings has continued to increase dramatically. Over 300 courses were offered this academic year. This number is expected to grow next year, as there are over 500 courses already in development for next fall and spring.

To support the growth of this program, METNET has worked with campuses to provide training opportunities in the use of WebCT. Features of the current version of WebCT have provided increased functionality and allowed us to provide additional administrative capability at the campus level. A continuing trend has most campuses designating an individual responsible for assisting faculty in the development of on line courses.

WebCT courses from Lake Superior College in Duluth and Rochester Community and Technical College were also housed on our server. This service is provided for a fee.

Program Development

The number of courses offered as online courses increased dramatically since the introduction of WebCT in the fall of 1998. Initial course offerings totaled seven. The numbers have increased to 318 courses and approximately 8900 students registered and using web delivered courses during the past academic year. This total includes courses that are offered totally online or use a web enhancement for a regular course (Attachment 3).

It appears that most online users are using campus computer labs to access their courses. Activity for online courses occurs mostly during the regular class day. Heaviest activity on our WebCT server occurs between 7:00 and 3:00 pm weekdays. There is a significant drop off in use in the late afternoon. It also should be noted that there is no period during the day or night when no activity is taking place.

METNET Annual Report July 2001 Page 3 A comparison of courses from this academic year (2000-2001) to last academic year (1999-2000) shows an increase in the number of ITV courses (Attachment 4). Eighty-two courses were offered for a total of 220 credits (Course Schedules, Attachments 5,6,7). This past academic year provided another substantial increase in the number of courses offered in the past two years, from 73 to 82 courses. Inter-regional activity (courses shared by metro and non-metro institutions) continues to dominate the ITV schedule, accounting for nearly 100% of all activity. The only metro intra- regional instructional ITV course activity occurs between Hennepin Technical College-Eden Prairie and the State Women’s Correctional Facility at Shakopee.

Only one-half of our member institutions participate in ITV activity. Anoka-Hennepin Technical College and the University of Minnesota are the most active participants. Anoka-Ramsey Community College, Normandale Community College and St. Paul Technical College have increased their course activity this past year. Dakota County Technical College and METNET received a Certificate of Commendation from the Office of the Governor for innovative customized training program via ITV.

In addition to credit courses, METNET offered several non-credit ITV events such as professional development workshops, seminars, customized training, administrative meetings and collaborative planning sessions.

METNET Administration, Organization and Funding

FY 2001 funding (Attachment 8) consisted of two grants from the Minnesota Educational Telecommunications Council (METC), a network operational grant of $612,116 and a regional coordination grant of $58,333, in addition to a one time supplemental grant of $91,000 for network infrastructure improvements. Additional revenue is derived from membership dues and from hosting web courses for Lake Superior College and Rochester Community and Technical College. A one-time enhancement grant to increase network capacity and convert to H.323 IP based video should be completed this year.

As a regional network, METNET has developed relationships with the five other regional higher education networks in Minnesota. On-going discussions include the development of policies and procedures to increase inter-regional cooperation and collaboration.

METNET Annual Report July 2001 Page 4 METNET Board and Committees

Policy Board and Executive Committee:

The governing body of METNET is the Board of Directors or the Policy Board. The Policy Board consists of the member organization’s President or CEO, or their designee.

The Executive Committee is composed of the Chair of the Policy Board, the Vice-Chair, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Chair of the Technology Committee. For 2000-01, the officers are:

Chair: Sharon Grossbach, Hennepin Technical College Vice Chair: vacant Secretary: Steve Cawley, University of Minnesota Treasurer: Pat Johns, Anoka Ramsey Community College

Technology Committee:

Chair: Greg Pedersen, Hennepin Technical College The Technology Committee researches and develops policy recommendations related to the technical aspects of delivery and administrative systems, provides a forum for discussion of issues related to technical systems, and communicates with the vendor community.

The Technology Committee meets as part of the regular monthly meeting of the Metro area campus Information Technology Directors.

This past year a presentation was made at the MnSCU Information Technology Conference, April 2001 at Brainerd, MN. The session, Get Ready for H.323 Video Communications: H.323 Implementation in the Metro Region across IP Networks was a co-presentation by Terry Kolomeychuk, METNET, Mark Nelson, InterTech and Greg Pedersen, Hennepin Technical College and METNET Technology Committee Chair. (Attachment 9)

METNET Annual Report July 2001 Page 5 Looking Ahead

METNET continues to provide leadership and direction for the other higher education regional organizations throughout the state. The integration of video voice and data will continue to highlight growth on the technical side. The increased use of web based course development increases demands to provide quality and uninterruptible service to faculty and students.

For the 2001-2002 year and beyond, our priorities include:

• Complete the conversion of our video network to H.323 IP based video for both administrative and

instructional use.

• Video streaming and hosting service.

• Provide Gigabit Ethernet service to all campuses in the METNET consortium.

• Work more closely with the Metro Alliance to encourage the use of METNET resources and services.

• Participate in the planning and development of the Integrated Network Plan for the State of Minnesota, a

planned statewide network supporting the delivery of education programs.

• Continue to support and enhance online course development (WebCT).

• Increase the functionality of student e-mail program WebMailPro.

• Continue to upgrade the METNET web page for ease of information access.

• Continue faculty development opportunities and staff technical training.

• Provide staff support to the METNET committees.

METNET Annual Report July 2001 Page 6 METNET Annual Report 2000-2001


1) METNET Multimedia-Enabled Regional Intranet

2) METNET E-mail Account Summary 1995-2001

3) METNET WebCT Account Summary 1999/2001

4) METNET ITV Credit Course Comparison 1997-2001

5) METNET ITV Course Schedule Summer 2000

6) METNET ITV Course Schedule Fall 2000

7) METNET ITV Course Schedule Spring 2001

8) METNET FY01 Financial Summary

9) METNET H.323 Video Communications 1 METNET Multimedia-Enabled Regional Intranet May 15, 2000

Project Overview

METNET provides regional network services to 12 higher education institutions at 17 locations in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. This network currently consists of single or multiple T-1 circuits from a single central hub to each location and shared network access to the Internet, the MnSCU statewide backbone, and to MNET. The network uses time division multiplexing (TDM) to divide and assign T-1 channels of 64kb/s each into H.320 video bandwidth and IP data bandwidth.

METNET has contracted with The InterTechnologies Group, Minnesota Department of Administration to be the network service provider for the METNET regional network. MnSCU also uses InterTech for statewide data network services. InterTech has partnered with the University of Minnesota to develop and maintain high-capacity access to the Internet and Internet 2.

METNET is moving forward with a network service re-design to accomplish the following:

1. increase network access bandwidth to locations needing higher speed IP data connections by adding additional T-1 or higher capacity access facilities to locations, 2. add dynamic bandwidth allocation between the video and data applications in order to provide the highest-possible bandwidth to data applications at all times, 3. add shared network bandwidth to the Internet; and to the MnSCU and U of M statewide backbone, 4. enable implementation of quality of service (QoS) protocols to support real-time multimedia communications over IP connections within METNET, 5. partner with MnSCU and the U of M to extend QoS and real-time multimedia support across the statewide networks, 6. add support for user-initiated real-time multimedia connections for audio/video/data connections, 7. provide METNET locations with H.323 ready videoconference hardware and 8. support development of IP video/audio streaming technology for WEB-based communications. Student Services Videoconferencing

Public Internet

Seminar Room Conferencing

Ethernet Faculty Ethernet Workgroup

IP VIdeo Streaming Ethernet Server

MnSCU MNet Ethernet WAN Administrative METNET NxT-1 conferencing Multimedia IP WAN



Video Multipoint PSTN Conference Cloud Server H.320/H.323 Gateway(s) Preliminary MNet TDM ITV Classroom Cloud Concept Diagram Codec

METNET campus Video Applications

12/7/99 (MMN) 06/01 ATM-TDM video network.vsd METNET page 5 METNET Multimedia Enabled IP WAN Cambridge CC

Anoka Ramsey CC

N x T-1 MnSCU, UofM, MNet, Internet, Internet 2

Anoka-Hennepin TC N x T-1 U of M Twin Cities N x T-1 Metro State STP N x T-1 N x T-1 N x T-1

Metro State MPLS N x T-1 N x T-1 St. Paul TC N x T-1 backbone

N x T-1 MPLS C&TC N x T-1 UofM St. Paul MnSCU Hub MnSCU Hub N x T-1 N x T-1 Midway Metro State H.323/320 H.323/320 North Henn. CC N x T-1 Gateway Gateway N x T-1

H.323 MCS N x T-1 (METNET) H.323 MCS Dakota County TC HTC - BP N x T-1 ISDN (state) N x T-1 PRI Learning Network HTC-PLY/ISD 287 Inver Hills CC H.320 H.320 PSTN Onvoy H.320 MCU (K12 TAG) HTC-EP H.320

Normandale CC

version: 4/10/01 (mmn) InterTechnologies Group Minnesota Department of Administration 2

Account Initialization Summary

Total Accounts Initialized Anoka Hennepin Community College 330 Anoka Ramsey Community College 1324 Century College 69 Dakota County Technical College 221 Hennepin Technical College 947 Inver Hills Community College 699 Metropolitan State University 181 Community & Technical College 1157 Normandale Community College 2314 North Hennepin Community College 458 St. Paul Technical College 520 Total 8220

Users/Total Percent College Name 330/1322 25.0% Anoka Hennepin Technical College 1324/5234 25.3% Anoka Ramsey Community College - Cambridge Campus and Coon Rapids Campus 69/6089 1.10% Century Community & Technical College 221/1763 12.50% Dakota County Technical College 947/5262 18.0% Hennepin Technical College 699/3494 20.00% Inver Hills Community College 181/3827 4.70% Metro State University 1157/6908 16.70% Minneapolis Community & Technical College 2314/7844 29.5% Normandale Community College 458/4395 10.4% North Hennepin Community College 520/3711 14.0% St. Paul Technical College 9/18 50.0% METNET Systems Staff 8229/49867 16.5% Total

Account Initialization Summary 2000 - 2001 METNET E-mail Account Comparison 1995/96-2000/2001


8196 8229 8000


N 7000 u 6588 m b e r

o f

A 6000 c t i v e

E - m a

i 5000 l

A c c o u

n E-mail Accounts t 3948 s

4000 E s t a b l i s h e d 3000

2000 1830


0 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 E-mail Accounts 1830 3948 6588 7099 8196 8229 Academic Year METNET WebCT Account Summary 1998/2001 3

900 822 800

700 648 d e t a

e 600 r C

s 504 t

n 500 469 u o c c A 400 f o

r 318 e b 300 m u N 200 179 146 97 100 49

0 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 Active Course Accounts 49 179 318 Other (Development, Training, Archived 97 469 504 etc.) Accts. Total Accounts 146 648 822

Academic Year METNET 1997-98/1998-99/1999-00/2000-01 4 ITV Credit Course Comparison


Summer ‘97 Summer '98 Summer '99 Summer 2000 Intra-regional courses: 0 Intra-regional courses: 0 Intra-regional courses: 0 Intra-regional courses: 1 (2 credits) Inter-regional courses: 6 (23 credits) Inter-regional courses: 3 (11 credits) Inter-regional courses: 13 (40 credits) Inter-regional courses: 9 (21 credits) Intra/Inter-regional: No courses Intra/Inter-regional: No courses Intra/Inter-regional: No courses Intra/Inter-regional: No courses

Course Total: 6 courses Course Total: 3 courses Course Total: 13 courses Course Total: 10 courses Credit Total: 23 credits Credit Total: 11 credits Credit Total: 40 credits Credit Total: 23 credits

Fall ‘97 Fall ‘98 Fall '99 Fall 2000 Intra-regional courses: 6 (23 credits) Intra-regional: 4 (14 credits) Intra-regional courses: 0 Intra-regional courses: 2 (3 credits) Inter-regional courses: 10 (31 credits) Inter-regional : 15 (42 credits) Inter-regional courses: 26 (76 credits) Inter-regional courses: 26 (75 credits) Intra/Inter-regional: 1 (3 credits) Intra/Inter-regional: No courses Intra/Inter-regional: No courses Intra/Inter-regional: No courses

Course Total: 17 courses Course Total: 19 courses Course Total: 26 courses Course Total: 28 courses Credit Total: 57 credits Credit Total: 56 credits Credit Total: 76 credits Credit Total: 78 credits

Winter ‘98 Winter/Spring ‘99 Winter/Spring 2000 Spring 2001 Intra-regional courses: 4 (15 credits) Intra-regional: 2 (7 credits) Intra-regional courses: 3 (4 credits) Intra-regional courses: 3 (8 credits) Inter-regional courses: 10 (23 credits) Inter-regional : 33 (123 credits) Inter-regional courses: 31 (81 credits) Inter-regional courses: 41 (119 credits) Intra/Inter-regional: No courses Intra/Inter-regional: No courses Intra/Inter-regional: No courses Intra/Inter-regional: No courses

Course Total: 14 courses Course Total: 35 courses Course Total: 34 courses Course Total: 44 courses Credit Total: 38 credits Credit Total: 130 credits Credit Total: 85 credits Credit Total: 127 credits

Spring ‘98 Intra-regional courses: 7 (28 credits) Inter-regional courses: 6 (19 credits) Intra/Inter-regional: No courses

Course Total: 13 courses Credit Total: 47 credits

Totals (1997-98) Totals (1998-99) Totals (1999-2000) Totals (2000-2001) Intra-regional courses: 17 (66 credits) Intra-regional courses: 6 (21 credits) Intra-regional courses: 3 (4 credits) Intra-regional courses: 6 (13 credits) Inter-regional courses: 32 (96 credits) Inter-regional courses: 51 (176 credits) Inter-regional courses: 70 (197 credits) Inter-regional courses: 76 (215 credits) Intra/Inter-regional: 1 (3 credits) Intra/Inter-regional: No courses Intra/Inter-regional: No courses Intra/Inter-regional: No courses

Course Total: 50 courses Course Total: 57 courses Course Total: 73 courses Course Total: 82 courses Credit Total: 165 credits Credit Total: 197 credits Credit Total: 201 credits Credit Total: 228 credits METNET ITV Course Comparison 1995/96 - 1999/2001

90 84 82 80 73 70

Number of Courses Offered 60 57 50 50 44 Summer 40 Fall 35 35 34 Winter 2928 28 30 26 Spring 21 Total Courses Offered 19 20 16 17 13 1413 13 10 10 5 6 6 3 1 0 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 (127 Total (293 Total (165 Total (197 Total (201 Total (228 Total Credits) Credits) Credits) Credits) Credits) Credits) Summer 1 6 6 3 13 10 Fall 5 29 17 19 26 28 Winter 13 28 14 35 34 44 ** Spring 16 21 13 Total Courses Offered 35 84 50 57 73 82

Academic Year ** (Total Credits per Academic Year) Due to Semester Conversion, Winter and Spring quarters are combined. METNET ITV Course Schedule 5 Summer 2000

SUMMARY: Intra-regional: 1 course (2 credits) Inter-regional: 9 courses (21 credits)

Course Total: 10 courses Credit Total: 23 credits

Hennepin Technical College-Eden Prairie to Minnesota Correctional Facility

DVMA 0900: Fundamentals of Math (2 credits) Tuesday, 9:00-11:00 a.m. (06/20/00 through 07/25/00)

Hennepin Technical College-Eden Prairie, Lake of the Woods, Windom from St. Cloud State University

IM 686: Teaching Via ITV (2 credits) Friday, 8:00 - 5:00 p.m. (07/21/00, 7/28/00, 08/04/00 and 08/11/00)

Normandale Community College and Riverland Community College-Austin from Minnesota State University-Mankato

Intro to Education Technology (2 credits) Monday-Friday, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. (06/19/00 through 06/30/00)

School Library Media Leadership (2 credits) Monday-Friday, 8:00 - 12:00 noon (06/19/00 through 06/30/00)

METNET ITV Course Schedule Summer 2000 Page 1 Normandale Community College, Pine Technical College, Riverland Community College-Austin from Minnesota State University, Mankato

LME 628 Distance Learning (2 credits) Monday-Friday, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. (06/05/00 through 06/16/00)

Normandale Community College from Minnesota State University-Mankato

Parents Without Control (4 credits) Monday/Wednesday, 6:30 - 9:45 p.m. (06/26/00 through 07/26/00)

Information and Society (2 credits) Monday-Thursday, 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. (07/17/00 through 07/27/00)

Normandale Community College and Riverland Community College-Albert Lea from Minnesota State University-Mankato

Information Resources (2 credits) Monday-Thursday, 8:00 - 12:00 noon (07/17/00 through 07/27/00)

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities to Moorhead State University

NURS 8140: Moral Ethical Positions in Nursing (3 credits) Thursday, 12:20 - 6:35 p.m. (06/22/00 through 07/27/00)

NURS 8242: Population Focused Health Care Delivery Systems (2 credits) Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. - 12:05 p.m. (06/27/00 through 08/08/00)

METNET ITV Course Schedule Summer 2000 Page 2 6 METNET ITV Course Schedule Fall 2000

SUMMARY: Intra-regional: 2 courses (3 credits) Inter-regional: 26 courses (75 credits)

Course Total: 28 courses Credit Total: 78 credits Continuing Ed Credits: .4

Anoka-Hennepin Technical College to Pine Technical College and St. Cloud Technical College

CTDS 1840: Facilitating Positive Behavior II (3 credits) Monday, Wednesday - 6:00-9:00 p.m. (08/21/00 through 10/18/00)

Anoka-Hennepin Technical College and Pine Technical College from St. Cloud Technical College

CSPD 1826-33: Physical/Developmental Supports II (3 credits) Monday, Wednesday, 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. (10/23/00 through 12/13/00)

Anoka-Hennepin Technical College from St. Cloud Technical College

ACCT 2826-33: Intermediate Accounting I (4 credits) Monday-Friday, 9:00 - 9:55 a.m. (08/21/00 through 12/21/00)

ACCT 2828-33: Cost Accounting II (4 credits) Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 8:50 a.m. (08/21/00 through 12/21/00)

CSPD 1831-33: Person Centered Planning (3 credits) Monday, Wednesday - 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. (10/23/00 through 12/13/00)

METNET ITV Course Schedule Fall 2000 Page 1 Anoka-Hennepin Technical College from Ridgewater College - Hutchinson

Health Seminars (0 credits) Thursday, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (09/14, 10/5, 11/9 and 12/7/00)

Anoka-Ramsey Community College and Southwest State University from St. Cloud State University

BCIS 340: Management Information Systems (3 credits) Wednesday, 6:00-9:00 p.m. (09/06/00 through 12/14/00)

ENGL 461/561: TESL Theory and Methods (3 credits) Thursday, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. (09/07/00 through 12/14/00)

Anoka-Ramsey Community College - Coon Rapids, Fosston, Barrett and Warroad from St. Cloud State University

IM 622: Media Selection/Eval for Young (3 credits Monday, 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. (09/11/00 through 12/18/00)

Dakota County Technical College from Project SOCRATES and the Minnesota State University-Mankato Library Media Education Department

Distance Education Class (2 credits) Thursday, 4:30 - 8:30 p.m. (09/21/00 through 11/16/00)

Dakota County Technical College, Anoka-Ramsey Community College, Brainerd High School and Ridgewater College - Willmar from St. Cloud State University

ENGL 464/564: English Syntax (3 credits) Tuesday, 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. (09/12/00 through 12/12/00)

ENGL 464/564: English Syntax Final Exam Tuesday, 5:30 - 9:00 p.m. (12/19/00)

METNET ITV Course Schedule Fall 2000 Page 2 Hennepin Technical College - Eden Prairie, University Center Rochester, Ridgewater Community College - Willmar and Central Lakes College from Northport

Supervision Pathology Assistants (.4 CEU) Friday, 8:00 - 12:00 noon (12/08/00)

Hennepin Technical College - Eden Prairie, Owatonna High School, St. Cloud High School from Minnesota State University, Mankato

Family Nursing 2 (2 credits) Thursday, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. (08/31/00 through 12/14/00)

Family Nursing 3 (2 credits) Thursday, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. (08/31/00 through 12/13/00)

Hennepin Technical College - Eden Prairie to the Minnesota Correctional Facility - Shakopee

Math Fundamentals 0900 (3 credits) Tuesday, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. (09/12/00 through 11/28/00)

Math Pre Algebra 1000 (3 credits) Tuesday, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. (09/12/00 through 11/28/00)

Math Lab Wednesdays, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. (08/23/00 through 12/13/00)

Hennepin Technical College - Eden Prairie, University Center Rochester and Ridgewater College – Hutchinson from Minnesota State University

619 Adult Language Disorder (3 credits) Monday, 6:00 - 8:50 p.m. (08/28/00 through 12/11/00)

Metropolitan State University - St. Paul and Alexandria Technical College from Bemidji State University

IT 4878: Quality Assurance (3 credits) Saturday, 8:00 - 12:00 p.m. (09/09/00)

METNET ITV Course Schedule Fall 2000 Page 3 Metropolitan State University - St. Paul from Bemidji State University

IT 3870: Technical Sales/Presentations (2 credits) Saturday, 9:00 - 3:00 p.m. (09/16/00)

Normandale Community College, Southwest State University and Owatonna High School from South Central Technical College

Speech Disorders in Children 677/291 (1 credit) Friday, Saturday, 8:00 - 4:00 p.m. (08/18/00 through 08/19/00)

Normandale Community College and Bemidji State University from St. Cloud State University

IM 624: Org. of Information Resources (3 credits) Thursday, 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. (09/07/00 through 12/13/00)

Normandale Community College to St. Cloud State University

JPN 2100: Intermediate Japanese (5 credits) Monday/Wednesday, 6:00 - 8:20 p.m. (08/28/00 through 12/20/00)

St. Paul Technical College to Central Lakes College - Brainerd

CHDV 2840: Child Development Staffing and Supervision (3 credits) Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (09/07/00 through 11/30/00)

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities to University Center Rochester and Southwest State University

Rhetoric 4501: Usability & Human Factors in Technical Communication (3 credits) Tuesday/Thursday, 10:15 - 11:30 a.m. (09/05/00 through 12/12/00)

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities to University of Minnesota - Crookston and Southwest State University

Food, Science & Nutrition 1123: Fundamentals of Nutrition (3 credits) Monday, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. (09/11/00 through 12/18/00)

METNET ITV Course Schedule Fall 2000 Page 4 University of Minnesota - Twin Cities to University of Minnesota - Crookston and Southwest State University

Rhetoric 1001: Introduction to the Major of Scientific & Technical Communication (1 credit) Tuesday/Thursday, 8:45 - 10:00 a.m. (09/05/00 through 10/19/00)

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities to University of Minnesota - Crookston, Ridgewater College - Willmar, Central Lakes College - Brainerd and South Central Technical College

AFEE 1001: Intro to Ag Education and Extension (1 credit) Wednesday, 1:55 - 2:45 p.m. (08/30/00 through 12/13/00)

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities to University of Minnesota - Crookston, University Center Rochester and Southwest State University

Rhetoric 3221: Theories of Human Communication (4 credits) Tuesday/Thursday, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. (09/05/00 through 12/12/00)

Rhetoric 3257: Scientific & Technical Presentations (3 credits) Tuesday/Thursday, 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. (09/05/00 through 12/12/00)

Rhetoric 4671: Principles & Application of Project Management & Design I (3 credits) Monday, 3:00 - 5:30 p.m. (09/11/00 through 12/11/00)

METNET ITV Course Schedule Fall 2000 Page 5 METNET ITV Course Schedule 7 Spring 2001

SUMMARY: Intra-regional: 3 courses (8 credits) Inter-regional: 41 courses (119 credits)

Course Total: 44 courses Credit Total: 127 credits

Anoka-Hennepin Technical College and Bemidji State University from St. Cloud State University

GEOG 435: Boundary Law (3 credits) Tuesday, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. (01/16/01 through 05/08/01)

Anoka-Hennepin Technical College to Pine Technical College and St. Cloud Technical College

CTDS 2870: Support Intervention (2 credits) Wednesday, 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. (03/21/01 through 05/09/01)

CTDS 2800: Internship (4 credits) Monday, 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. (01/08/01 and 05/07/01)

CTDS 2860: Challenging Behaviors (2 credits) Wednesday, 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. (01/10/01 through 02/28/01)

Anoka-Hennepin Technical College from St. Cloud Technical College

ACCT 1817-33: Intermediate Accounting II (4 credits) Monday-Thursday, 9:00-9:50 a.m. (01/08/01 through 05/15/01)

METNET ITV Course Schedule Spring 2001 Page 1 Anoka-Hennepin Technical College from St. Cloud Technical College (continued)

ACCT 2232-33: Auditing (4 credits) Monday-Friday, 11:00-11:50 a.m. (01/08/01 through 05/15/01)

ACCT 2831-33: Income Tax II (2 credits) Tuesday/Thursday, 8:00 - 8:50 a.m. (01/09/01 through 05/15/01)

ACCT 1817-33: Cost Accounting I (4 credits) Monday-Friday, 10:00 - 10:50 a.m. (01/08/01 through 05/18/01)

Anoka-Hennepin Technical College to Pine Technical College

CTDS 1810: Facilitating Positive Behavior (3 credits) Thursday, 5:00-8:00 p.m. (01/11/01 through 05/03/01)

Anoka-Ramsey Community College - Coon Rapids from St. Cloud State University

MBA 667: Organizational Behavior (3 credits) Tuesday, 5:30 - 10:00 p.m. (01/16/01 through 03/06/01)

MBA 670: Corporate Strategies (3 credits) Thursday, 5:30 - 10:00 p.m. (03/19/01 through 05/10/01)

Anoka-Ramsey Community College - Coon Rapids, Bemidji State University and Pierz High School from St. Cloud State University

IM 616: Social Implications (3 credits) Wednesday, 6:00 - 8:45 p.m. (01/17/01 through 05/09/01)

Anoka-Ramsey Community College - Coon Rapids, Fergus Falls Middle School and Fosston High School from St. Cloud State University

IM 618: Recent Trends in Media (3 credits) Monday, 6:00 - 8:45 p.m. (01/22/01 through 05/07/01)

METNET ITV Course Schedule Spring 2001 Page 2 Dakota County Technical College, Walnut Grove High School, Southwest Telecommunications Coop, Ridgewater Community College - Hutchinson, and Canby High School from Minnesota State University - Mankato

CI 606: Selected Topics - Middle School Reading (3 credits) Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (06/11/01 through 06/15/01)

Hennepin Technical College - Brooklyn Park, Northland Community and Technical College, Central Lakes College, Southwest State University, and Luverne High School from St. Cloud State University

ENGL 462/562: TESL Methods: Reading/Writing (3 credits) Thursday, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. (01/17/01 through 05/10/01)

Hennepin Technical College - Brooklyn Park, Dakota County Technical College and Greenbush High School from St. Cloud State University

ENGL 469/569: Topics in Linguistics (3 credits) Monday, 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. (01/22/01 through 05/07/01)

Hennepin Technical College - Brooklyn Park, Central Lakes College - Brainerd, Ridgewater Technical College and South Central Technical College - Faribault from St. Cloud State University

ENGL 463/563: ESL & Culture (3 credits) Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (01/18/01 through 05/08/01)

Hennepin Technical College - Eden Prairie, Alexandria Technical College and Bemidji State University from St. Cloud State University

IM 628: Administration of Media (3 credits) Thursday, 6:00 - 8:45 p.m. (01/18/01 through 05/10/01)

Hennepin Technical College - Eden Prairie to Minnesota Correctional Facility

MATH 0900: Math Fundamentals (3 credits) Tuesday/Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. (01/23/01 through 05/15/01)

METNET ITV Course Schedule Spring 2001 Page 3 Hennepin Technical College - Eden Prairie to Minnesota Correctional Facility (continued)

MATH 1005: Business Math (3 credits) Tuesday/Thursday, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. (01/23/01 through 05/12/01)

Math Lab (0 credits) Wednesday, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. (01/24/01 through 05/18/01)

Hennepin Technical College, Winona State University, Central Lakes College and Southwest State University – Marshall from Minnesota State University

Auditory Processing (1 credit) Friday and Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (04/20/01 and 04/21/01)

Metropolitan State University from Bemidji State University

IT 4877: Industrial Maintenance & Safety (3 credits) Thursday, 6:00-9:00 p.m. (01/11/01)

IT 4537: Industrial Design (3 credits) Saturday, 6:00-9:00 p.m. (03/31/01)

Normandale Community College to St. Cloud State University

JPN 2200: Japanese (5 credits) Monday/Wednesday, 6:00 - 8:20 p.m. (01/17/01 through 05/16/01)

St. Paul Technical College and Duluth Courthouse Conciliation Room from Minnesota State University

Rehabilitation Counseling Techniques (3 credits) Friday, 1:00 - 3:50 p.m. (01/19/01 through 05/11/01)

METNET ITV Course Schedule Spring 2001 Page 4 St. Paul Technical College, Fairmont High School, Walnut Grove High School, Alden Conger High School from Minnesota State University

NURS 619: Identify and Help Struggling Readers (4 credits) Tuesday, 6:00 - 9:50 p.m. (01/23/01 through 04/10/01) St. Paul Technical College and Jefferson High School-Alexandria from St. Cloud State University

COMM 605: Ethics in the Media (3 credits) Monday, 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. (01/22/01 through 04/30/01)

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities to Minnesota Court of Appeals

LAW 6115: Advanced Evidence (2 credits) Tuesday, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. (04/17/01)

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities to University of Minnesota - Crookston and Ridgewater Community College - Willmar

AFEE 2096: Professional Practicum in Ag Education: Early Experience (1 credit) Tuesday, 10:10 - 11:00 a.m. (01/23/01, 02/13/01 and 04/17/01)

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities to Norman County East-Twin Valley

HORT 1003: Master Gardener Course (3 credits) Saturday, 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. (03/17/01, 03/24/01, 03/31/01 and 04/07/01)

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities to Norman County East-Twin Valley

HORT 1003: Master Gardener Course (3 credits) Tuesday/Thursday, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. (3/13/01, 3/15/01, 3/20/01, 3/22/01, 3/27/01, 3/29/01, 4/03/01 and 4/05/01)

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities to University of Minnesota – Morris and River Bend

EPSY 1600/5300 - Special Topics: Addressing the Needs of Young Children Who Engage in Challenging Behavior (1 credit) Monday, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. (03/05/01 through 05/07/01)

METNET ITV Course Schedule Spring 2001 Page 5 University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (2 locations) to Southwest State University

Agronomy 3203: Environment, Global Food Production & The Citizen (3 credits) Tuesday/Thursday, 1:00 - 2:40 p.m. (01/18/01 through 05/03/01)

University of Minnesota - Crookston to Southwest State University

HRI 3241: Hospitality Selection & Procurement (3 credits) Monday/Wednesday, 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. (01/17/01 through 05/02/01)

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities to University of Minnesota - Crookston, Central Lakes College, South Central Technical College and Minnesota West Community and Technical College - Worthington

AFEE 1002: Principles of Career Planning for Agricultural Professionals (1 credit) Thursday, 12:50 - 1:40 p.m. (01/18/01 through 05/03/01)

University of Minnesota – Twin Cities to North Central Research and Outreach Center

Animal Science 4604: Dairy Production Systems and Management (4 credits) Wednesday, 1:45 – 4:00 p.m. (03/14/01)

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities to University of Minnesota - Crookston, University Center Rochester and Southwest State University

Rhetoric: 5662: Advanced Technical Communication (4 credits) Wednesday, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. (01/17/01 through 05/02/01)

Rhetoric 3257: Science & Technical Presentations (3 credits) Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 11:45 - 12:35 p.m. (01/17/01 through 05/04/01)

Rhetoric 3266: Group Process, Team Building Leadership (3 credits) Tuesday/Thursday, 10:15 - 11:30 a.m. (01/18/01 through 05/03/01)

Rhetoric 3701: Rhetorical Theory Science & Technical Communication (4 credits) Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 9:35 - 10:25 a.m. (01/17/01 through 05/04/01)

METNET ITV Course Schedule Spring 2001 Page 6 University of Minnesota - Twin Cities to University of Minnesota - Crookston, University Center Rochester and Southwest State University (continued)

Rhetoric 4561: Editing Style for Technical Communicators (3 credits) Tuesday/Thursday, 3:00 - 4:15 p.m. (01/18/01 through 05/01/01)

Rhetoric 4672: Principle Application of Project Management Design II (3 credits) Monday/Wednesday, 4:05 - 5:20 p.m. (01/17/01 through 04/30/01)

Rhetoric 5511: Research in Science & Technical Communication (3 credits) Monday/Wednesday, 1:55 - 3:10 p.m. (01/17/01 through 05/02/01)

METNET ITV Course Schedule Spring 2001 Page 7 8 METNET FY01 Financial Summary -- Available upon request 9

METNET H.323 Video Communications Get Ready for H.323 Video Communications

H.323 Implementation in the Metro Region across IP networks

Terry Kolomeychuk, METNET Mark M. Nelson, InterTech Greg Pedersen, Hennepin TC

MnSCU InformationTechnology Conference April 18, 2001 What You Will Learn About:

• H.323 video standards • Overview of the Metro video project • Wide area network requirements • Campus perspective

2 IP videoconferencing standards - H.323

• Telephony Standards developed by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) • H.323 is part of the “H” series of standards for audio/visual communications over various networks • Tightly linked to H.320 standard in wide use today for videoconferencing over narrowband (T-1 or less) networks • Newer standard than H.320, still being deployed • H.323 also includes a subset of audio standards for Voice over IP

3 H.323 standards

• H.323 includes audio and video codec standards for digitizing and compressing analog signals • H.261 and H.263 are algorithms for video codecs • G.711, G.722, G.728, G.729 are voice coding standards • H.323 includes standards for multipoint (three-way) connections and other signaling protocols. • T.120 data conferencing may also be incorporated into systems • http://www.itu.int/itudoc/itu-t/rec/h/index.html

4 H.323 Standards Issues

• H.323 standards are in still in the early stages of deployment by manufacturers • IP data networks are packet-based and are not readily adapted for real-time communications • H.323 standards do not fully address Quality of Service (QoS) protocols that enable real- time communications over a WAN

5 IP Quality of Service

• For H.323 to be ready for standard educational applications across WANs, IP networks need to provide QoS to manage: • latency • packet loss • jitter • Protocols that support QoS across IP WANs • RSVP • IP Precedence

6 H.323 Application Components

• H.323 video endpoint from manufacturers able to meet QoS requirements • Cisco’s Multimedia Conference Manager router software feature set provides gatekeeper and RSVP management. • The gatekeeper provides admission control, bandwidth management, address resolution, user authentication and authorization, call accounting, and call routing functions for H.323 connections.

7 H.323 Application Components

continued….. • Multipoint Control Units (MCUs) for bridging three or more sites • H.320 gateways for connecting H.323 sites to H.320 sites

8 Benefits

• H.323 enables user-initiated connections • H.323 permits dynamic bandwidth allocation • data applications can use all available bandwidth when video is not present • H.323 integrates data and video transport • ‘shared & bigger pipes’ for all applications • network provisioning can be less costly • Scaled bandwidth growth



• Provides network services to 12 higher education institutions in the metro region • Single or multiple T-1 circuits from a single hub • Shared access o the Internet, the MnSCU statewide backbone and MNet


• Network uses time division multiplexing (TDM) to divide and assign T-1 channels of 64 kb/s each into H.320 video bandwidth and IP data bandwidth.

12 H.323 Integrates Data/Video

ITV classroom 1 Multi-port CSU T-1 line 1.5 mb/s ITV classroom 2

LAN - TCP/IP Router T-1 line 1.5 mb/s & CSU

13 H.323 Integrates Data/Video

ITV classroom 1

T-1 line ITV classroom 2 Router 3.0 mb/s & CSU T-1 line less overhead LAN - TCP/IP

14 H.323 Integrates Data/Video

ITV classroom 1 ITV classroom 2 T-1 line Desktop conferencing Router T-1 line 4.5 mb/s & CSU less overhead Multicast IP-video T-1 line

LAN - TCP/IP add T-1’s or move to DS-3 as needed

15 METNET Multimedia Enabled IP WAN Cambridge CC

Anoka Ramsey CC Century College

N x T-1 MnSCU, UofM, MNet, Internet, Internet 2

Anoka-Hennepin TC N x T-1 N x T-1 Metro State STP

N x T-1 N x T-1

Metro State MPLS N x T-1 N x T-1 St. Paul TC N x T-1 backbone

N x T-1 MPLS C&TC N x T-1 UofM St. Paul MnSCU Hub MnSCU Hub N x T-1 N x T-1 Midway Metro State H.323/320 H.323/320 North Henn. CC N x T-1 Gateway Gateway N x T-1

H.323 MCS N x T-1 (METNET) H.323 MCS Dakota County TC HTC - BP N x T-1 ISDN (state) N x T-1 PRI

Learning Network HTC-PLY/ISD 287 Inver Hills CC H.320 H.320 PSTN Onvoy H.320 MCU (K12 TAG) HTC-EP H.320

Normandale CC

version: 4/10/01 (mmn) InterTechnologies Group Minnesota Department of Administration 16 Videoconferencing Benefits

qImprove decision making – make better decisions faster by bringing all the key stakeholders together more easily than traditional in-person meetings. Get the up-front input and buy-in needed for success qBuild closer relationships with customers and colleagues by meeting face-to-face over distance more often than you can when travel is required qBoost productivity of experts and improve access to them too by making them accessible via videoconferencing qManage projects better, resolve issues faster, by bringing all the players together qIncrease educational opportunities, improve your workforce through distance education and tele-training qReduce travel time, travel stress, and travel expenses by meeting over distance

17 What will it take to develop H.323 applications?

• Select equipment manufacturers that can support requirements. • Reinforce LANs to support dedicated full-duplex 100Mb/s Ethernet connections to H.323 conference systems. • Implement gatekeepers to manage WAN access • Implement MCUs for bridging more than two sites. • Implement gateways to H.320 locations. • Provide adequate staff training and support the introduction of the video application.

18 What will it take to develop H.323 applications?

• Reinforce LANs to support dedicated full-duplex 100Mb/s Ethernet connections to H.323 conference systems. • VLans to contain broadcast or • Separate dedicated connections.

19 What will it take to develop H.323 applications?

• Provide adequate staff training and support the introduction of the video application • Vendor Supplied – Make the first connection • Media – IT – Facilities Scheduling

20 Planning for H.323 Services

• Joint Powers Agreement and Integrated Network Project • DS3/OC3 backbone being deployed now • Gatekeeper/RSVP QoS support in METNET-MnSCU campus routers • Higher-Speed MnSCU Backbone network

21 H.323 Video

Terry Kolomeychuk, METNET Coordinator 612-625-1777 [email protected] www.metnet.edu

Mark M. Nelson, Product Manager, InterTech 651-297-7208 [email protected]

Greg Pedersen, Dean of Technology, Hennepin Technical College 763-550-1726 [email protected]

22 Metropolitan Educational Telecommunications Network


University of Minnesota ® 1420 Eckles Avenue ® 50 Coffey Hall MET NET St. Paul, Minnesota 55108

METNET Coordinator: METNET Program Associate:

Terry Kolomeychuk Patty Lindroth Phone: (612) 625-1777 Phone: (612) 625-1776 FAX: (612) 624-0784 FAX: (612) 624-0784 [email protected] [email protected]

METNET www.metnet.edu [email protected]
