J. Steroid Biochem. Molec. Biol. Vol. 40, No. 1-3, pp. 207-214, 1991 0960-0760/91 $3.00 + 0.00 Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright © 1991 Pergamon Press plc


G. J. VAN STEENBRUGGE,1. C. J. C. VAN UFFELEN, 1 J. BOLT2 and F. H. SCHRODER 1 Departments of ~Urology and 2Endocrinology and Reproduction, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Summary--The LNCaP-FGC (fast growing colony) cell line, a subline derived from the LNCaP cell line, shares all the main characteristics, including its androgen sensitivity, described for the parental line. A number of sublines originating from the FGC line were characterized with respect to their response to steroid-depleted medium and to the synthetic androgen R1881. The growth of FGC cells in DCC medium with 0.1 nM R1881 was stimulated 2-3-fold compared to growth in DCC medium only. FGC cells that were continuously grown in DCC medium did not die, but their growth rate was clearly slowed down, and the cells remained responsive to androgen. These cells, therefore, have the androgen-sensitive, rather than the androgen-dependent phenotype. As cells of the subline FGC-JB could not be maintained in DCC medium, these cells better represent the androgen- dependent cell type. In contrast to the FGC line, cells of the R line, grew equally well in medium with complete or DCC serum. Under none of these culture conditions, R cells could significantly be stimulated further with R1881. Further analysis of the LNCaP-FGC sublines should provide valuable information concerning the development of androgen resistance in human cancer.

INTRODUCTION cancer cell growth is very likely. The available information on androgen-mediated growth The origin of prostatic tumors is assumed to be factor involvement in cell monoclonal [1], but during tumor growth and growth, however, is limited and is especially progression, a diversity arises among the tumor hampered by the lack of suitable model systems. cells [2]. This process is accompanied by a pro- Among the small number of permanent in vitro gression from a steroid-sensitive to steroid- cell lines of human prostate cancer described insensitive state[3]. This presents a major up to now, the LNCaP (lymphe node carci- problem in the clinical management of prostate noma of the prostate) cell line, developed by cancer, because tumors can only effectively be Horoszewicz [8], is the only model with andro- treated with endocrine therapy while they re- gen responsive growth in vitro [9]. LNCaP cells main androgen-sensitive [4, 5]. Studies with secrete prostatic acid phosphatase and prostate models for human breast cancer have shown specific antigen, the cells contain considerable that growth factors are involved in steroid regu- amounts of androgen receptors, whereas lation of breast cancer cell growth by both and progesterone receptors are not autocrine and paracrine mechanisms [6]. Steroid detectable [10]. independence could result from uncoupled During the last few years, the LNCaP model growth factor regulation by either constitutive has gained much interest. The LNCaP-FGC secretion of a stimulatory factor or decreased line, which is derived from an ~arly passage of secretion of an inhibitory factor [7]. the original culture, has been distributed from A strong parallelism between androgen- the Roswell Park Memorial Institute over a related prostate and estrogen-regulated breast large number of institutes, and it is also avail- able through the American Type Culture Col- Proceedings of the Vlllth International Congress on Hormonal Steroids, The Hague, The Netherlands, 16-21 September lection. This subline differs from the parental 1990. cell line (9) only by its growth rate. The LNCaP *To whom correspondence should be addressed: Dr G. J. van Steenbrugge, Department of Urology (EE-1002), cells are shown to secrete polypeptide growth Division of Urological Oncology, P.O. Box 1738, 3000 factors, such as epidermal growth factor (EGF) DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands. and transforming growth factor (TGF)-ct [11] 207 208 G.J. VAN STEENBRUGGE et al. and, like , EGF has been demon- contains information on the current knowledge strated to stimulate growth of the LNCaP of the various sublines with respect to their cells [12]. The growth regulation of LNCaP cell androgen responsiveness. The LNCaP-FGC cell by androgens and growth factors has been line descended from a fast growing colony of the reviewed by Schuurmans et al. in a separate original LNCaP cultures, and thus is considered paper in this publication [13]. the reference LNCaP cell line. The FGC line Propagation of LNCaP cell cultures led to the was kindly made available to us by Dr Julius development of a number of sublines with Horoszewicz (Buffalo, U.S.A.) and was trans- different patterns of hormonal responsiveness. ferred to our laboratory as a 16th passage These sublines descended from the parental culture. LNCaP line either spontaneously or by main- The FGC-JB is a derivative of an early pas- tainance of the original cell line in medium with sage culture of the FGC. The LNO subline, also steroid-depleted serum. An example is the spon- a gift from Dr Julius Horoszewicz, originated taneously emerged, androgen-insensitive LN- from cultures of an early (rth) passage of the CaP-r (resistant) subline, which was developed parental line that was grown and subsequently and further characterized by Hasenson et maintained in medium with steroid-depleted al. [14]. The present contribution describes the serum (Horoszewicz; personal communication). derivation and the major properties of the The LNCaP-r subline (designated 'R' in LNCaP sublines and some of the recent results our laboratory), was kindly provided by Dr obtained at our laboratory. Hasenson (Huddinge, Sweden).

Cell culture EXPERIMENTAL The cell lines FGC, FGC-JB and R were routinely maintained as monolayer cultures in Cell lines RPMI medium (Gibco Europe, Breda, The The LNCaP cell line was derived from culture Netherlands) supplemented with 10% fetal explants of needle biopsy material from a bovine serum (FBS; Boehringer, Mannheim, lymphe node metastases of a prostate cancer Fed. Rep. Germany, or Hyclone, Greiner, patient [8]. The arisen cultures could only be Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands), 2 mM glu- maintained by passing colonies of cells using tamine and antibiotics. The LNO cultures were the technique of microtransplantation over a grown under the same conditions, except that period in excess of one year. These cultures the medium contained 5% dextran-coated char- ultimately resulted in a cell line, LNCaP, coal (DCC; dextran 0.1%, charcoal 1%)-treated resembling a conventional , i.e. a (i.e. steroid-depleted) serum. Untreated (FBS) line with a constant growth rate that could serum contained 0.5-1.0 nM of testosterone (T), be subcultivated by enzymatic dispersion, whereas in DCC serum less than 0.1 nM of T as described in more detail by Horoszewicz (the detection limit of the assay) was estimated. et al. [8]. All cell cultures were grown in plastic tissue Figure 1 shows a schematic representation of culture flasks (Falcon, Oxnard, U.S.A.). Cul- the LNCaP cell line and its derived sublines as tures were kept in a humidified atmosphere of discussed in the present paper. The scheme also 5% CO 2 in air, at a temperature of 37°C. Cells

I I Iandr°gen" t R Jindependentl Jsublines J LNO t J in vitro / PC L LNCaP colony .--~ FGC v cell line I) FGC culture

r 1 EM FGC-JB I androgen- I I dependent I I sublines I L .I Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the LNCaP cell line and its descending sublines. EM: electron microscopically studied subline (cf. Ref. [8]); LNO: lymphe node original; FGC: fast growing colony; FGC-JB: FGC derivative; R (=LNCaP-r): LNCaP-(androgen)-resistant (cf. Ref. [14]). The LNCaP model for human prostatic carcinoma 209 were subcultivated at weekly intervals using a system based on the enzymatic reduction of the mixture of 0.05% trypsin and 0.01% EDTA. tetrazolium salt MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2- yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazoliumbromide] [16]. This Cell growth experiments proliferation assay was previously described to The growth of the different cell lines under be suitable for the assessment of - standard conditions, i.e. in medium with 10% stimulated growth of the LNCaP cell line [17]. FBS, was compared with their behavior when After 3 days preincubation in DCC medium, FBS was replaced by DCC serum. More specifi- cells were harvested, seeded in microtiter plates cally, the androgen responsiveness of the vari- (Costar, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.) at a concen- ous cell types was determined with the synthetic, tration of 5000 per well, and reincubated for nonmetabolizable[15] androgen R1881 (New 24 h to allow for reattachment. Subsequently, England Nuclear, Boston, MA, U.S.A.). Cells the cells were exposed to experimental media for from stock cultures were plated at a density of 5 days. Cells were pulsed with MTT, incubated 5.105/25 cm 2 flask and grown for 2 or 3 days in for 4 h whereafter the plates were processed as 5 ml medium with DCC serum, whereafter the described by Romijn et al. [17]. medium was replaced by medium containing DCC serum and R1881 in the range of 10-7-10 -1~ M. RESULTS Control cultures were grown in medium with 0.01% ethanol vehicle. Media were changed Effect of steroid-depleted serum on LNCaP every other day. Cells were harvested at 5, 6 or growth 8 days (see Results section) after the androgen Cultures of FGC and LNO differ in their was added and counted using a hemocytometer. response to medium supplemented with either In some experiments the effects of DCC and FBS or DCC serum, as illustrated in Fig. 2. R1881 treatment were evaluated with a test Both types of cells were cultured in medium

10 Cells x 106 FGC (56e p) FBS (10%) 5

1 .~/~_L ---e FBS/DCC(10%)

0.5 126 h

Cells x 106 LNO (67e p) FBS (5%) FBC/DCC(5%) =5. q,/y //


2 ~ 6 Time (days) Fig. 2. Growth of FGC and LNO cells in complete (FBS) and in steroid-depleted (DCC) serum = medium change. 210 G. J. VAN STEENBRUGGE et al. with a serum percentage in which the respective ence of 5% DCC serum is shown in Fig. 3A. cells were routinely propagated (see Experimen- FGC cultures were preconditioned for 3 days by tal section). No difference was observed between growing the cells in medium with 5% DCC- the growth of the FGC cell in medium sup- medium prior to harvesting and seeding the cells plemented with 10 or 5% (FBS) serum (result in microtiter plates for performing an MTT not shown). After a lag phase of 2 days, FGC assay. Cells that were continued to grow for 5 cells exponentially grew for the next 5 days, the days in DCC medium showed a 2.3-fold in- doubling time being 34 h, whereas during the crease in cell number, and could be further same period of time in DCC medium the cells stimulated with R1881 (Fig. 3). In this particu- doubled only once (Fig. 2). lar experiment growth of FGC cells could sig- FGC cells that were continued to grow in nificantly be stimulated (2.5-fold) only with a DCC medium did not die, but clearly slowed concentration of 0.1nM R1881, the level down their growth rate, while the cells also reached being similar to that of cells grown in showed morphological changes. Such cultures control (FBS) serum. could be maintained for long periods of time FGC-DCC cells cultured for 3 months (i.e. and therefore were considered as being a separ- 13 passages) in DCC medium were still sensitive ate LNCaP subline, designated FGC-DCC. for R1881, the pattern of response, however, was different from that of the parental FGC Androgen responsiveness of the FGC line cells (cf. Fig. 3A and B). FGC-DCC cells were The ability of androgens (i.e. R1881) to 4-fold stimulated after prolonged growth in stimulate growth of the FGC cells in the pres- DCC medium, and were maximally (2-fold)



0.80 2.5 2.5 0.70 E c 0.60 L.0 L0 0.50 1.2 1.3 1.2 d. 0.40 1.1 0 1.0 O.g 0.30 I I I 1 :~ I 0.20 0.10 I I - 0.O0 Day O DCC .001 .01 .1 1 10 100 FBS Concentration of R1881 (nM)

1 .OO B 0.90 2.0 2.0 0.80 0.70 ÷ 1,5 E c 0.60 -5 -{- © 1.3 0.50 1.o 1.o t E~ 0.40 0 0.30

0.20 0.10 i 0.O0 Day 0 DCC .001 .01 .1 1 10 100 FBS Concentration of R1881 (riM) Fig. 3. MTT assay for dose response for FGC (A) and FGC-DCC (B) cells grown in complete (FBS) or steroid-depleted (DCC) medium, substituted with different concentrations of the synthetic androgen R1881. The LNCaP model for human prostatic carcinoma 211 stimulated at concentrations of 0.1-100nM the FGC cells, however, the R cells could not R1881, whereas the response pattern of the significantly be stimulated further by DCC parental FGC cell clearly showed an optimum medium with R1881 (0.1 nM), or by medium at 0.1 nM. containing normal serum (FBS) (Fig. 5B). In fact, the R cells could be grown equally well in Growth properties of the FGC-JB subline medium with either DCC, DCC + R1881, or The FGC-derived subline, FGC-JB, although FBS. In this experiment it was also proven that like the parent FGC line androgen-sensitive, neither the FGC cell, nor the R cell when grown exhibited a slightly different pattern of respon- in FBS containing medium, could be further siveness (Fig. 4). Generally, growth of FGC-JB stimulated with the optimal concentration cell was less optimal: in comparison with the (0.1 nM) of R1881 (Fig. 5A and B). FGC line, JB cells detach more easily from the culture plastic and these cells had a slower DISCUSSION growth rate. In contrast to the FGC cells (Fig. 4, left panel), neither during a 3-day period of There has always been a need for the develop- preconditioning the JB cells, nor during the ment of hormone responsive model systems for subsequent 6 days of culturing these cells in human prostate cancer. Examples of hormone DCC medium, could any increase of the cell dependent human prostate carcinoma in vivo are number be found (Fig. 4, right panel). Indepen- the transplantable PC-82, PC-EW and Honda dent of the baseline (no steroid) response to the tumors, as reviewed in Ref. [18]. These well DCC medium, for both the FGC and the FGC- characterized tumors were hetero-transplanted JB subline an approx. 2-fold increase of the cell directly into nude mice, but lack the property of number was obtained with 0.1 nM R1881. continuous growth in vitro. Up to now, LNCaP is the only androgen-dependent prostatic cell Growth properties of the LNCaP-r (R) line line established in vitro. Hence, it offers the Figure 5 shows the result of an experiment possibility to study the involvement of (steroid) (based upon an MTT assay) in which the re- and other factors in growth and sponsiveness of the FGC and the R line were differentiation of prostatic cancer cells under compared. Growth of both the FGC and R line culture conditions. was stimulated when grown in DCC medium The FGC line, which directly descended from (3.2- and 4.5-fold, respectively). In contrast to the LNCaP cell line, that was initially developed

25 Cells X 105

20 t

15 FGC FGC-J B (62 e p) (55 e p) I

10 I



-3 o 6 6 - 3 0 6 6 Time (days)

-- + -- + R1881 (10-1OM) Fig. 4. Androgen responsiveness of the FGC and the FGC-JB cells in the presence of medium with or without 10 -t°M R1881. 212 G. J. VAN STEENBRUGGE et al. from the patient material (Fig. 1), retained moreover, the cells appeared to be rather all the main properties of the original susceptible to mechanical disruption. LNCaP [8, 9]. This cell line, which was dis- The present contribution describes the origin tributed over a large number of institutes, is the of the LNCaP subline, LNO and of the subject of an increasing number of different FGC sublines, FGC-JB, FGC-DCC and R (cf. studies. Meanwhile, a number of sublines have Fig. 1). Except for the FGC-DCC line, the been developed which either arose spon- LNCaP-derived sublines of the present study taneously from the parental line, or which were were previously studied by K6nig et al. [19] with obtained by prolonged culturing of the FGC respect to their cytogenetical characteristics. line in steroid-depleted medium. Generally, the Clearly, the basic karyotype of the parental application of LNCaP and its derived sublines LNCaP cell line [20] was well preserved, which should be preceded by their careful characteriz- means that all sublines showed the same kary- ation, in particular with respect to their hor- otypic evolutionary pattern. This comprises a mone-dependent growth. It is recommended to doubling of the stem line to a near-tetraploid carefully assess the appropriate culture con- cell population, preservation of the original ditions, especially when FGC cells are trans- markers, and generation of some new, subline ferred from one laboratory to the other. specific marker [19]. Successful propagation of LNCaP cells strongly The growth behavior of all LNCaP sublines depends upon the culture conditions, such as the was studied in steroid-depleted (DCC) and in serum (batch) used, the type of culture plastic androgen-substituted medium, the results being and the enzyme(s) used to subcultivate the cells, summarized in Table 1. FGC-JB appeared to be

1.40 FGC 2.~ 1.20 2.O 1,9 1.00 t


1,0 0.60

...... t 0.40


0.00 III Day 0 DCC R1881 FBS FBS+R1881 Experimental medium


1.3 120 1.2 1.1 1.00 1.0 --5- --t- +-


0.60 0 0.40


0.00 Day 0 DCC R 1881 FBS FBS+R 1881 Experimental medium Fig. 5. MTT assay for growth of FGC cells (upper panel) and R cells (lower panel) in complete (FBS) and (DCC) medium with and without the synthetic androgen R1881. The LNCaP model for human prostatic carcinoma 213

Table 1. Growth properties of several sublines of the LNCaP in vitro cultured for at least 3 days in DCC medium model Growth Response to prior to testing their serum or androgen androgen responsiveness. Although in some studies dihy- Subline FBS FBS-DCC (R1881) drotestosterone (DHT) was shown to be stimu- FGC + + + + + latory for LNCaP cells [11], care should also be FGC-DCC + + + + + FGC-JB + -- + taken for the application of this androgen, as it LNO + + + + ND et al. R ++ ++ -- was previously shown by Berns [22] that FBS: Fetal bovine serum; DCC: dextran-coated charcoal treated both testosterone (T) and DHT were rapidly serum; ND: not determined. metabolized by LNCaP cells. Therefore, in the -- = no growth; + = growth; + + = faster growth. present study the non-metabolizable androgen R1881[14] was used for testing androgen the only line that can not permanently be main- responsiveness of the LNCaP sublines. tained in medium with DCC serum (Fig. 4). Steroid-depleted (DCC) serum has exten- Long-term cultures (up to 6 months) of FGC sively been used in studies on cell growth and cells in DCC medium i.e. in the absence of response of hormone-sensitive cell lines [23, 24]. androgens, did not result in growth of andro- Although essential for preconditioning the gen-independent cells, although compared to LNCaP cells in hormone-sensitivity tests of the the FGC line, the FGC-DCC cells showed a present study, the use of charcoal-treated serum slightly different pattern of androgen (R1881) is of limited value as it is not only depleted of responsiveness (Fig. 3). Apparently, under these steroids, but most likely also of growth factors conditions the hormone-dependent phenotype and lipoproteins. Hence, there is a great need of this cell line is rather stable. For more for the development of serum-free methods of conclusive results, however, growth of the cells culturing the LNCaP cells, such as described for under these circumstances should be followed other prostate cell lines by Kaighn et al. [25]. for longer periods of time. Moreover, it was For a better and more reliable determination of observed that FGC cells cultured in medium the effects of hormones and growth factors on with complete (FBS) serum for more than 30 LNCaP growth in vitro, the use of defined media passages gradually showed a better growth re- is a obligatory step in further studies with the sponse in DCC medium (result not shown). A LNCaP model. From our own experience and comparison between the growth of the parental from other investigations [11] it became clear FGC line and the R line showed a similar that at least for attachment to the plastic of the pattern of serum and androgen responsiveness culture dish, LNCaP cells should necessarily be (Fig. 5). With that respect, it can not be ex- cultured for 24h in serum supplemented cluded that, finally, the R line arose from a medium. Once attached, LNCaP cells could be long-term culture of the FGC line [14]. It can be tested for androgen and growth factor respon- concluded that under the condition of long-term siveness in a serum-free culture medium Ill]. maintainance of the FGC cells, an increase of In conclusion, the LNCaP cell line and its the basal growth rate without steroid, rather derived sublines provide a suitable in vitro than a reduced androgen-responsiveness was model for the study of several aspects of andro- observed. Similar observations were made gen responsiveness in human prostate cancer. with estrogen-dependent ZR-75-1 and T-47-D Investigations into the role of growth factors human breast cancer cells [21]. and their receptors, will further elucidate the A maximal growth response of all sublines mechanism of androgen stimulated growth of tested was found for cultures in FBS medium LNCaP cells. Comparative studies, including (Figs 3 and 5, Table I). This could not be further detailed cytogenetical characterization of the enhanced by adding an optimal concentration various sublines, should yield valuable infor- of 0.1 nM R1881 to these cultures. With this mation concerning the development of andro- respect care should be taken with the interpret- gen resistance in human prostate cancer. ation of results obtained with LNCaP cells tested for androgen responsiveness in the pres- Acknowledgements--The work reported in this manuscript was supported by the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) through ence of complete (i.e. androgen containing) Grants IKR 87-8 and 90-13. serum, such as described for the R line by Hasenson et al. [14]. Such an approach can REFERENCES easily lead to misinterpretation of the results 1. Dexter D. L. and Calbresi P.: Intraneoplastic diversity. obtained. In the present study LNCaP cells were Biochem. Biophys. Acta 695 (1982) 97 112. 214 G. J. VAN STEENBRUGGE el al.

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