VOLUME LXIV Military Institute, Lexington/ Virginia/ November 3/ 1972 NUMBER 9 Wilkinson^ VanLaetham Head Figure Committee The Ring Figure Committee was chaired by Jimmy Wilkinson with George Van Laetham as vice chairman. To these two fell the unenviable task of overall responsibility for the Ring Figure and sub- dividing the innumerable jobs involved to various sub- committees. JB John Smith handled the preparations for the Superin- tendent's presentation of the rings, which started off the weekend. The dinner for Second Classmen, dates, and parents, which was held at "Club Crozet" prior to the Ring Figure dance on Friday night was organized by Ted Telle. 1974 Ring Figure Committee John Anderson White, III Decorations for the dance itself raising committee which inherent problems, was ably were created by the combined managed to come up with such handled by Jim Wilkinson. Jim talents of John Crawley and money making projects as was primarily responsible for Alan.Rasper. Clyde Richardson selling flowers for last Mother's all the arrangements with the John White Wins gets the credit for putting Day. Dave Stormont was head Holiday Inn at Staunton^to together the giant ring Second of the party committee which include both the dinner itself Classmen and their dates enter organized several money and the festivities that followed. Cocke Hall through. Jimmy making parties both last year Jimmy had an able assist from D. C. France Award Wilkinson and Mike Stark or- and this to help the class pay for Bill Pennypacker who arranged dered and purchased a dozen its Ring Figure weekend. To for transportation to and from John Anderson White, III, a mathematics major from roses for each of our dates and John White, as Class Treaurer, the banquet. Raleigh, North Carolina, was named as the 1974 Bob Cunningham was fell the weighty responsiblity of To all those who worked so recipient of the Douglas Carter France, III 71 Memorial responsible for the invitations. accounting for the class funds. hard to make the weekend a Award at the Ring Presentation ceremony of the Class PhU The class banquet on success the class offers its of 1974 today. Phil Parker headed the fund Saturday night, with all of its sincere appreciation. The Douglas C. France, in '71 John White has displayed Memorial Award was those traits of character which established two years ago by the award symboliz^, in all the 1974 Ring Committee Presents the Class of 1971 in memory of work he has done for the class of their brother rat Doug France, '74. He is the Treasurer of the who was killed in a tragic class, serving at the request of New Design For Class Ring automobile accident in the the class president. This job 1969. summer of This award is entails collecting dues for the When the 1974 Ring Com- today. This symbolizes that The class received its first presented each year at Ring class, keeping track of this mittee met for the first time in while uniforms and many other look at a '74 ring on April 20, Figure to the member of the money, and paying for late September of last year, the aspects of cadet life have when the Ring Committee put second class who emulates most first item brought up for changed, the basic ideals of on display a sample of the ring of the qualities of friendship, whatever the class needs. This a full-time job, fw the Treasurer discussion pertained, of course, Honor and Unity are the same which it had received from John helpfulness and unselfishness to the theme of the ring. The despite the passage of time. The Roberts'. A week later a which were a basic part (tf Doug must be available anytime the President needs him and his Battle of New Market, chains along the sides of the representative from the France's character. The award Jackson's Statue, and the Eagle design symbolize the ties with company arrived to take ring consists of a class ring with duty is not done after Ring were the traditional subjects for the Institute past which is felt orders from the class as well as inscription, "Douglas C. Figure. John will continue to class rings and had dominated by all cadets. 74's dykes are to show several other samples. France, III '71 Memorial serve until graduation. Daily, designs for over twenty years. remembered by a "71" at the Delivery was the last week in Award." A gift of $100 to help with his cheerful, friendly However, both the committee bottom of the design, reminding October which meant a long and meet the expenses of Ring manner and true spirit of a and the class felt that the time them of the important part they anxious wait for the class, but a Figure is also given to the brother rat, John proves that he had come for a class to express played in making them a class. wait well worth every minute. recipient. is most deserving of this award. its individuality by designing a ring which borrowed as little as possible from previous rings, Troubadour Theatre Presents yet maintained the important ties with the history of the In- Troilus And Cressida stitute. Suggestions from the class Cressyda. This tragedy was Next week Washington and were varied and they aided the written by Shakespeare in 1601 Lee University will present committee in a job which no one and was first performed at the Shakespeare's Troilus and conceded as simple. After Globe Theatre eight years later. Cressida at the Troubadour considerable work, several The play is set in the midst of Theatre. Reservations may be designs were produced, some of the Trojan War. made by calUng 463-9111 ex- which were described by a Although many people feel tension 273. There will be! representative of John Roberts this to be one of Shakespeare's nightly performances from! Inc., the makers of the rings, as poorer plays, one cannot avoid November 7-11. This is a special being "the best designs to come being captivated by its heroism, cultural event and men may out of V.M.I, in over a decade." love, violence and murder. The sign out to attend. Design players portray such legendary The play is based historically The design which the class characters as Aeneas, on Homer's Illiad and was first finally selected depicts a V.M.I, Agamemnon, Hector, Achilles, introduced into English and cadet of the Civil War period Ulysses and Helen of Troy. Geoffrey Chaucer's Troylus and standing next to a cadet of 1974 Ring Design Committee Page 2 The VMI Cadet, November 2, 1972 Theater To Present Sixty-Four Athletes To Opening Production by Wilson Johnson Enter Hall Of Fame Opening night for the VMI Flynn is also subordinate to the On Nov. 4 sixty-four athletes were chosen. Special Citations W; William W. Currence, W; Theatre's production of "One wishes of the head nurse. (rf the past will be inducted into were awarded. These went to William T. Downey, BKB. Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" McMurjrfiy's antics bring him the VMI Sports HaU of Fame. Herb Patchin who was head 1936—Archie H. Witt, Jr., W. is less than two weeks away. in contact with each of the The ceremonies will be at half- trainer for 35 years, Dr. Martin 1937—James C. Farley, FB, The cast is now in its fourth patients in the ward. Chief time of the game with Furman. Delaney '28 who was team W; Hansen M. Pasco, TR; week of rehearsal in Bromden, a big, strong Indian Each candidate that is inducted doctor for 29 years, H. M. Read Joseph H. Sherrard, IV, W. preparations for the per- who has forgotten the strength will have his picture and who coached track for 35 years, 1938—Albert H. Fiedler, FB, formances which will be given his size affords him, is played athletic record displayed in a Sam Heflin '16 who coached rat W; George E. Herring, TR; on the fifteenth through the by Dick Jaggi, a soi^omore at special exhibit that is located in football for 34 years, and Charles W. Roberson, FB, BB. eighteenth of November. The W&L. The role of Dale Harding the athletic section of the VMI "Hobie" Doyle who founded the 1939—William M. Echols, FB; play is directed by Bob Carrere, is played by fourth classman museum. Athletic Scholarship Fund. Thomas W. Gray, FB, BB; a W&L graduate now teaching Brian Smith. Harding is a The most outstanding choice The choices come from a William A. Irving, SW; Vendel at Lexington High School. somewhat effimiant man whose is probably Jimmy Leech, '21 period of athletics which stretch P. Kovar, FB, BKB; Richard D. The entire play takes place in illness stems from problems he who was the quarterback for the from the turn of the century to Strijckler, FB, TR; Andrew J. a ward of a State Mental has with his wife. famous "Flying Squadron" of the end of WWII. The can- Trzeciak, FB, BB, BKB. Hospital. The leading character The nervous, stuttering Billy 1920. Another outstanding didates are as follows: 1940—Benjamin H. Har- is R. R. McMurphy played by Bibbit is played by Brad choice is Frank Summer '22. He 1902—Ira B. Johnson, FB. daway, SW; Paul C. Shu, FB, second classman Roland Martin, a junior at W&L. is the first man to earn four 1904—William Couper, BB, BB, BKB, TR. Lazenby. McMurphy is a Scalan, whose preoccupation it letters in (xie academic year for FB. 1943—Joseph G. Muha, FB; character who has tricked the is to build bombs, is p^yed by a total (tf 12 mwe games in all. 190&-John E. Doyle, FB; Absha C. Protchard, FB; Emil authorities at the State Prison second classman Wilson Membership Edward H. Hancock, FB; Sotnyk, BKB. into believing he is insane, so he Johnson. Martini, played by The choices for membership Robert W. Massie, Jr., FB 1944—Robert S. Sherrard, W can be put into a mental second classman D

"Where men have the habit of liberty, the press will continue to be the fourth estate; the vigilant guardian of the rights of the ordinary citizen." . . .Sir Winston Churchill.

To The Governor Governor Holton, The Board of Visitors at Virginia Military Institute is the group which has the largest say in what direction this Educational Institution will assume in future years. Each summer you have the opportunity to appoint new members to our Board, as wdl as to those of our sister state schools. The type of individual who gains your appointment has a great deal to say about how VMI will be operated. The youngest member of the VMI Board of Visitors graduated from here in 1955. We do not intend to degrade the individuals who presently serve on the Board, but it is the feeling of the staff of the VMI CADET that the appointment of a younger man would be in the best interests of our school. There is a gap of 18 WHX ME 1 years between the least senior member of the Board and this year's graduating class. This gap also indicates how long it has been since the youngest member of the Board was faced with the day to day problems of the average The Approved Solution Cadet. You have established precedent for this action by by Donald Kilcullen incurred P.T.'s for going excess your appointment of Mr. J. Harvey Wilkenson to the in the last period. Yet, the than the Blue Bo

Nearly two and one-half years ago, over 380 messed up Managing Editor Business Manager Consulting Editor college "freshmen" walked (double-timed) through MiKe Burlte Kevin Nettroor Hugh White 7 & 9 P.M. Jackson Arch. Tonite, over 250 of those same men (still Exchange Editor Photography Editor mixed up) will walk through an entirely different kind of Jules Thomas Gary Freedman 'Trinity Is Still arch. Each will exchange a kiss for a massive, glittering band of gold...a symbol of two and one half years of work Editorial Staff My Name" well done. News Editor Columnists Personnel Managers Receiving one's class ring at VMI is something only a Fred R. Parks III Don Kilcullen Tom Puskas Terry Tillman Louis Oowdy Sun., Men. & Tues. cadet can fully understand. At any other college, the Copy Editor Ron AAartin Bert Graham Scott Lingamfelter Cartoonists class ring means little beyond one's attendance at that Lan« Toom«y George TIsdale 7 & 9 P.M. Feature Editor Jay Jordan Dan Williamson school. Somehow, here, its different...very different. Herb F lather Jo* AAcCoskri* Dave Hoppock Somehow, here, it means something special. Layout Editor Here Come The To the Class of 1974, that ring is a symbol of Wilson Johnson achievement. It is a symbol of the motto it bears: over Ptietograplier John Stewart "Fo«" 260 proud young men, bonded together in ''Honor and Business Staff CircwiatioM M«««««r Advertisint Manager PMrtovgtis Unity." Bill Clore Carl Newby Congratulations, 1974! Charlta Banning The VMI Cadet, November 3, 1972 Page 5 To Reason Why Differing Opinions Compulsory ROTC Unpopular by Fred R. Parks On Different Issues by Bob Lane This past week, the VMI ROTC at VMI this past week. pulsory ROTC at VMI. On the first Tuesday of Vietnam: CADET staff conducted a The results of the survey follow. November many cadets and Nixoiv—Two-step solution: Corps-wide survey concerning The second question on the Survey Results survey form asked those who other people between the ages first a cease-fire, then a compulsory ROTC at the In- Approximately one-half of the were against compulsory ROTC of 18 and 21 will be exercising political settlement. stitute. Corps responded either in whole to choose one of the following their recently acquired voting Present Policy McGovern—Immediate halt or in part to the survey: 121 options to the present policy: rights for the first time in a At present, every member of to "acts of force" throughout First Classmen; 28 Second Two years of tactics instruction presidential election. Not unlike Indo-China and halting of U. S. the Corps of Cadets must Classmen; 169 Third Gassmen; in the Rat and Third Class many other poeple, a VMI cadet shipments of war material to complete four years of Army or and 187 Fourth Classmen. The years; Four years of ROTC may be somewhat confused as that area. Wants to "allow the Air Force ROTC whether or not reason for the small response study with no requirement to be to a candidate's position in Vietnamese to work out their he is maitally and physically from the Second Class was a commissioned as a pre- regard to a certain issue, own (political) setUement." qualified to be offered a com- Ring Figure rehearsal the requisite to graduation from because at times charges and mission upon graduation from evening the survey was con- VMI; or, No ROTC requirement counter charges directed the Institute. ducted. Few members of the at all. 148 cadets favored the against opposing parties tend to Amnesty: If a cadet is mentally and Class of 1974 found time to fill second (^tion, 135 favored no confuse the voter. To a certain Nixon—Flatly rejects physically qualified for a out the survey f(»Tns. ROTC requirement at all and, extent party platforms and proposals for granting amnesty- commission and is offered one, The first question was: 67 preferred two years of tactics main issues have been ignored to those who evaded the draft he may expect to be dismissed "Would you favor giving cadets instruction during the Rat and amidst all this "mudslinging;" during the Vietnam War. from the Institute if he refuses at VMI a choice r^arding Third Class years. therefore, this article is so "...The real heroes are 2.5 to accept that commission. participation in ROTC, or do designed as to present to the million young Americans who Careers in the Service In short, cadets have little you feel it should be man- reader a candidate's position on chose to serve their country The fourth question was: choice in the matter of whether datory?" 348 cadets were certain key issues; a presen- rather than desert it." "The few "Did you desire an armed or not they will spend some time against compulsory ROTC and tation cleansed of debris from hundred who chose to desert forces career at the time of your il68 were in favor of its con- the political battlefield. America must pay a price for in the service following matriculation at VMI?" 276 graduation. The CADET tinuance. This came out to a their choice." cadets stated that they desired Hie Economy: solicited the opinims of the ratio of over two to one favoring (or, as some stated: "seriously McGovern—Favors a Corps regarding compulsory the discontinuance of com- considered") a career in the Nixon—Favors continuation "general amnesty" for draft armed forces. 228 cadets were of federal wage controls- dodgers who did so because of not considering the service as a temporarily will need to conscientious objections to the career at that time. achieve 250 billion dollar budget Vietnam War. Would not apply Letter To The Editor The fifth question asked the ceiling which (Congress delayed to deserters, "...we must act as 276 cadets who had considered a through vetoes and im- Lincoln told us-'with malice career in the armed forces at poundment of appropriate toward none and chairty for all.' Editor, VMI Cadet: the time of their matriculation funds. He sees remedy of We must bend up ands of this Voting indexes indicating the members of Congress votea m at VMI, if they were still con- unemployment coming from nation, and we must bring all of records of members of this vital area." sidering that option. 172 still private sectors, not the public our sons back." Congress are very meaningful Again we see a wide variance desire a service career; and, sector of the economy. and should be of a great deal of in the voting records of Bill 105 have changed their minds McGovern—Will scrap the help in determining whom you Spong, Bill Scott, and the Busing: since matriculation. present wage price control think should represent you in Nixon—Opposes busing to average for the Virginia system when its authorized Washington. achieve racial balance in delegation, as follows: General Conclusions l^islation expires on April 30, I have seen numerous schools. Favors upgrading Although the survey was not 1973. Proposes institutions of inferior schools. Pledges to seek references to Americans for Bill Spong 70 percent as complete as it might have selective Wage-price controls Constitutional Action Index, Bill Scott 100 p«r cent constitutional amendment if Average of Virginia been, several general assump- on large corporations, with necessary. which gives high scores to delegation without tions can be made in view of the authority from Congress to Spong 97 per cent representatives who are for Corps' responses. suspend or roll back any in- McGovern— Opposes efforts safeguarding the God-given This indicates to me that Bill The majority of the Corps (67 flationary price of wage to place legislation or con- rights of the individual and Spong's voting record is out-of- per cent) feel that ROTC should decision in a major industry. stitutional restrictions on power promoting sound economic step with tiie rest of the Virginia not be mandatory. Of this ^ "Whatever employment the of courts to order busing. growth by strengthening con- delegation even on issues of majority, most feel that other 'private sector fails to provide, Thinks busing should involve stitutional government, and national security, and is further options should be offered during the Federal government will minimum amount of against group morality, a reason that Virginians should a man's stay at the Institute. initiate." dislocation. socialized economy, and cen- vote for Bill Scott for the United That is, some training should be tralization of government Drugs: States Senate this November. required—but a man should not The above mentioned issues jwwer. Nixon— Opposes J. CLIFFORD MILLER, JR. have to accept a commission are but a few of the issues With this Index we have seen liberalization of laws against Class of 1928 upon graduation. around which the campaigns that Senator Bill Spong's record marijuana favors combination of research, rehabilitation and revolve, but then again these in the first session of the 92nd A Growth of Disfavor are a few of the most vital. After Congress is 38 per cent com- enforcement. Proposes man- There was a general trend of datory sentences for "pushers." examining all the issues the pared to Bill Scott's 93 per cent, men turning against com- choice is that of the individual. and the average of the entire McGovern—Favors pulsory ROTC between the "liberalization," but not Make your decision wisely Virginia delegation, without Fourth and First Class years. because your vote means Spong's vote, (tf 86 per cent. "legization," Also proposes Furthermore, nearly four out of strict measures against something. Now another index prepared every ten cadets who came to "pushers." by the American Security VMI desiring a commission, no Council has just been released. longer want that commission. Quoting from this index: "Since There is an obvious growth of KEYDETS! national security decisions disfavor with ROTC as cadets involve the very survival of our progress through their four All The Pizza You Con Eot nation, it is especially im- years at VMI. Although this For Only ^2.00 portant that voters know how trend would have to be studied in detail with several classes On before it could be {Hnned down, the indication is there. And, it is Wednesday From 4:30 - 6:30 EDSALL a strong indication. Whether the fault (if any) lies with the In- stitute, the ROTC, or a com- Paramount Inn GULF bination of both—remains to be seen. But we can safely con- clude from this survey that Bus. 552-4035 V. W. Specialist SOMETHING happens to Phones; cadets during their stay at VMI Res.552-3502 that causes them to develop a negative attitude toward the n* 6540 Edsoll Rood Alexondrio, Vo. military, in general. The problem, then, is for VMI James P. H. Green, Agent to pin down the cause. And, if it so chooses (as we would assume College Secretary: Phone 354-3044 it would) find a solution which would counteract that growth of Yerry Kenneally Rm. 158 210 Draper Road, N. W. Open - Evtryday 7 A. M. - Midnight discontent. Thad Smith Rm. 130 Blacksburg, Virginia V. M. I. SPORTS CADET

Page 6 The VMI Cadet, November 3, 1972

VMI Third REDLINE In State CC As was expected, William and Mary swamped idl comers in By Snookie Parker the annual State Cross Country meet. The Indians placed nine men Many people don't know what the game rugby is all out of the first 11 and came in about although rugby has its few enthusiastic followers. with a team score of only 20 The history of the game is vague. Legend has it that points, U. Va. ran a poor second there were two colleges in England by the name of with 51 points, VMI and Cambridge and Rugby. They supposedly had a long Madison weren't even in shooting distance at 123 points rivalry in soccer going and Cambridge had been and Richmond got last coming dominating Rugby College for years. One year, Rugby in with a whopping 153 points. College decided they were determined to win and in- PhU Meyer (U. Va.) upset W stead of kicking go^s in, a player out of frustration & M's Bill Low fcH* individual Dicked up the ball and carried the ball across the goal honors with a time of 35:17 over the mile course. Bill Warner and touch it down for a score. This style of play was of Roanoke placed third and he quickly adopted by many teams in England calling it was followed by eight more W & rugby soccer. It later evolved to rugby football and then M harriers. to just rugby. Rugby, a violent, grueling, action-packed sport for the Unidentified inb-amural football players battle it out for the ball. more rugged, brawling individual, is a cross between The^fali program has been termed a big success this year by many HBrfiCfS football of the modem day and soccer. It is much like football in that one may advance the Rip Roanoke ball by running and passing. The ball is stopped when its possessor is tackled upon which the ball carrier must Keydets Play Furman release the ball in order to keep it in play. For Second Win It is much like soccer in that the feet and kicking play Since an opening win over a large role in the game. It is also played in shorts and At Home Saturday Richmond the Keydets have run shirts just as soccer. poorly meet after meet, but The rugby season is really funny. In the fall, games Monday they put it "all In Last SC Game together" again in racing to are played with a touchdown (or try) giving the team their 2nd win 25-36 at Roanoke. standout. four points. In the spring, the real season for rugby, a VMI's footbaU team wiU host Despite the fact that the try is worth three points. Most teams are developed in Furman University in the final Probably the most worrisome course was wet and over cast home game of the 1972 season factor for VMI's offense is the conditions bore the threat of the fall and key their objectives on the spring season. Paladin defense backs led by for the Keydets. Furman, under more rain the Keydets per- One may also score by kicking a field goal worth three Vince Perone. Perone is a coach Bob King, currently owns formed superbly as they sophomore from Greenville, S. points and an extra point after each try worth two a 2-6 record overall and 1-4 "gathered 3rd through lOth C. who is only 5' 8" but stiU points. record in the conference. This places. record includes a near iq)set of leads the nation in pass in- The game is fast becoming a very popular sport in Bill Warner, (the No. 3 runner the leader terceptions with dght. Coach in the state) took 1st for college circles. It is an exclusive club sport in which no East Carolina, a game they lost King also has ten of eleven Roanoke in the time of 20:58 NCAA rules apply. 26-21. starters from last year's defense squad. They are led by which set a new course record The VMI Ruggers have built up a respected This year Coach King has but after him it was all Keydets. reputation in the rugby circuit in the past few years. come up with some interesting defensive end David Ski (6'1", 190) and linebackers Ivey Places They are one of the winningest teams around and by far surprises, the most prominent 1) Warner (R) is sqphomwe Q. B. Charlie Stewart (6'0", 195) and Keith one of the winningest teams in barracks. VMI has no Downey (6'0", 180). 2) Roanoke rugby coach; the players do it themselves.lt is all self- Elvington who last week threw 3) Moore (VMI) two touchdown passes and ran The game will be played at 4) Harris (VMI) motivation. VMI has the reputation of a rough hard- another. Another strong point is 1:30 at Alumni field. Half time 5) Elliot (VMI) running back Donny Griffith hitting team (which needs a little finesse added to its ceremonies of the game will 6) Mines (VMI) who leads the team in rushing play) that plays hard and partys hard. recognize 64 fwmer Keydet 7) Candler (VMI) with 410 yards despite missing Athletes and five special 8)Lowe (VMI) Nearly all large colleges have a rugby club now. two games beacuse of an injury. category selections as charter 9) MarshaU (VMI) Teams that VMI has seen, played or will play this next The offensive line may be a bit membera of the VMI I^XH-ts spring are Harvard, Princeton, Texas, University of weak with tight end John 10) White (VMI) (]^rgia, University of Tennessee, LSU, Duke, North Monferdini (6* 3", 200) the only Hall of Fame. Carolina, Naval Academy, University of Virginia, VPI and Richmond. As all matches are made by gentlemen's agreement, it is customary for one team to visit one SPORTS STAFF season and host the next. EDITOR It is a shame, that the VMI Rugby Qub has to turn Tom Moncure down matches with these larger clubs because the ASSOCIATE EDITOR Ct^y Manager administration will not let the club travel in the fall. T.J.Wilson Mike Monahan Many of these temas have asked to play us and us to WRITERS play them but the Ruggers have to explain how they Len Riedel, Mike Morrissett, Charlie Kaune, Johnny Morton, Mike can't attend in the fall. The fall season is usually set Dugan, Dan Dell'osso, Ned Wright, Pat Flynn, Terry Seilhammer. aside for tournaments. VMI has been invited to some of Salvo Lape, Clint Davis and Snookie Parker. the largest tournaments on the East Coast and some as far west as St. Louis, butmust turn them down. Hie players, being self-motivated and dedicated, Good Luck Class of '72 would love to attend some of these tournaments and play some of the larger schools. If enough interest is stirred from A.A. & J J, Class '92 maybe VMI could make a name for itself in the area of rugby. The VMI Cadet November 3, 1972 Page 7 Dayton Nips Keydets 14-10 With Late TD Pass

Last week the Big Red The second half saw VMI take passed to the Dayton 49, and it dropped their eighth straight the lead, but the Keydets lost it was there with third and 10 that game, 14-10 to the Flyers of on a 51 yard Polke pass. the Flyers got their victory. Dayton, at Dayton's Baujan Mike Cole started the second Polke hit Larry Nickels Field before a crowd of 7,243. half scoring by hitting on a 39 across the middle, and the 6'1" The scoring was light as both yard field goal. This was all the 180 pound senior broke a tackle teams moved the ball but were scoring done in the third and sped the remaining unable to score points. VMI quarter, and going into the final distance to complete a 51 yard came out running and Mac 15 minutes of play, it was play. Again the extra point was Bowman gained 132 yards. Dayton 7-3. good. Gene Williams moved from the The fourth quarter was one of The final score was Dayton defense to fullback and did a the most exciting of the season. 14, VMI 10. good job both running and Tom Schultze led the Keydets Although the game was blocking for Bowman. to the four with passes to another loss, one individual Morgan and his favorite record was set. Tom Schultze, Dayton, on the other hand, a receiver Ronnie Moore. the sophomore quarterback team known for a strong Moore's second catch came on from Frederick, Maryland, rushing game, got both their broke the VMI passing record of the four yard line with a ^^ .JMMJI k scores on passes from quar- defender all over him. It was a 1281 yards, set by Hill EUettt in terback Ken Polke to ends Don diving catch made on his knees 1966. Tom now has 1288 yards Sophomore quarterback Tom Schultze from Frederick, Maryland through the air, and still has Keeling and a game winning and help set up the only Keydet looks over the defense. Tom broke the old passing record for one three games left this season. score to Larry Nickels. touchdown of the day. season set by HiU Elett in 1966 last week against Furman. TTie old VMI Dayton record was 1281 yards, and through eight games this season. Schultze The first score of the game Mac Bowman powered over First downs 16 9 has completed 92 of 184 passes for a .500 percentage and a new record came on a 22 yard pass to from there and it was 10-7 VMI. Rushes-yards ....54-177 35-102 of 1288 yards. This average to 161 yards per game. At this pace Tom Keeling. The extra point was Dayton was forced to punt Passing yards ... 65 145 wUl throw for over one mUe this season. good as Schwarber split the after receiving Mike Cole's Return yards .... 30 5 iq;)rights, and the score was 7-0 kickoff, but the Big Red couldn't Passes 8-17-1 7-16^) Dayton. This T.D. came in the move the ball either and Ron Punts 6-35 8-34 second quarter and was the only Bongiovanni was forced to punt. Fumbles-lost 3-2 1-0 scoring in the fu^t half. Polke then wound up and Penalties-yards .. 7-65 7-86 Intramural Standings Basketball Won Lost Pet. Cumquats 3 6 .333 Ants 6 3 .544 This Week The Country Kitchen Pinners Panzio's 7 1 .875 Stinkers 3 5 .375 3West 5 3 .625 Bailers 0 8 .000 8 North Main St. Five's Boys 6 3 .667 Bread, Cakes, Pastries Yulee'sYippies .0 8 .000 Football Results Lexington, Virginia 24450 ACo.Go 4 5 .444 Skins 5 3 .625 FOOTBALL Ghetto 4 2 .667 Kris'sGuys 8 0 1.000 VMI 10 Dayton 14 Mothertruckers .2 3 .400 CROSSCOUNTRY 'Baked With The Home Made Touch!' Patriots i 6 .133 VMI 36 Raon(^e25 Bowling Zoo 0 8 .000 STATE MEET Strike 8 1 .888 Ghetto Bums... .6 2 .750 VMI placed third Leftovers 5 4 .544 Leftovers 4 4 .500 out of five teams Phone 463 5691 Squats 4 5 .444 KEYDCTS! Pres Brown's Inc. Make The Southern Inn 115 West Nelson Your Headquarters For Good Food. All Types Sporting Goods

Compliments Of Photo Supplies & Men's Clothing Builders Supply Co. r Gifford-lliil | 1 is helping build • Of Petersburg, Virginio 1 a bener world. j Seven Springs Yocht Club On Loke Chesdin 5 •mMNiu • Route 5 'W Potorsbvrg, Virginia Cecil L Williams • 2949 STEMMONS FREEWAY/DALLAS. TEXAS 75247 • Owner Page 8 The VMI Cadet November 3, 1972 Post 5 Asks The Question: Book Review What's New At VMI? By J. M. Jordan What's new in companies (grrrr) Chad, has pulled off Our congratulations go out to lately? another hot one. His girls have Keydet first classman Bowden, help you put down challenges Intervention and Revolution, by A Co.: There is nothing like been given notice to start who for failure to have any from those of your own people Richard J. Bamet. The World having a fourth classman for a boning up on "The Military other war, has declared the who demand more radical Publishing Company, Cleveland company Tac, but he'll catch Housewife;" stand back, Volar. same on all D company up- action would not longer be and New York, 1968. 302 pages. on. Misto Jefferies has Reg Staff: Did you think we'd! perclassmen who fail to place available." This policy, Mr. They were keeping China safe managed thus far; but how can forget you? Well, we try. their thumbs on the seam of Bamet contends, would go a fcH- Jesus Christ and Standard we blame his actions, once a We noticed that Wednesday their pants. From now on long way to erase the image of Oil. Back before World War II, Hokie, always a Hokie. was laundry day on the third platoon lieutenants will carry Ugly American that we have when America was an imperial B Co.: Seeing as how we can't stoop. Rows of washroom paper bayonets and will penalize power, the Navy kept a small acquired, and would help build towels were hanging out to dry. offenders accordingly. But just a world of stable, independent, resist cheapshotting the fleet of gunboats on the rivers of company Tacs this week, Capt. Several people said it was for to show our good-man Bowden China to protect the rights of free nations, capable of sup- the Jackson Battery, but we isn't so perfect, he porting themselves and not Wilkinson definitely gets flrst American missionaries and prize for absurdity. It appears know better. carries a flashlight to see where businessmen. The natives were dependent on American troops 1. How is the corps doing? he is marching. to crush the opposition. that he is above seeing virgin docile, the sun never set on the haircuts. Good ol' Havasy X- 2. Over 75 percent of the co^s Oh yes, what about brasso British Empire, and Mao Tse- zero has to see them first, then has less than 20 demerits,' company and their dress right. Tung was hiding back in the Mr. Bamet does have some valid points. The US does seem and only then can they be therefore 25 percent has 20 or Poor old A Co. has to form up so hills, little more than a bandit. more demerits. to consistently back the dic- revealed to his majesty. far down the road that Bugbee Although Mao now controls tators and tyrants. After the 3. In the time the corps has needs a megaphone to give his China, and the British Empire C Co.:My God, Gamett An- Geneva settlement in Vietnam been back Captain Gray has report to the road sentinel who is dismembered, the word has drews again? Do they ever go to in the early 1950's, the US been the DI for four divisions or then relays it to Joe Duffy. C not filtered through to all parts BRC? backed Diem's govemment in 33 percent the corps. Co.'s just as bad, causing the of the United States govern- D Co.: Well, well, Lew the South. Diem was not exactly 4. Captain Gray has missed 8 Reg staff to form up in front of ment: "the National Security Welker's back from last year, democratic, and the remants of percent of the men he has had a Preston Library. That's okay! Manager is trying to squeeze but this time he's been rein- his opposition from the left and crack at two weeks running. The less heard of McCurdy the the baffling choas of postwar carnated as "Smackrat right went up into the hUls to 5. At least part of the corps is better! revolution into the familiar Ciriaco." fight against him. Gradually, lucky, but on the whole, the Speaking of McCurdy, it mold of Great Power politics as E Co.: WDGAS. Ho Chi Minh's party seized the corps either has or will step into seems he couldn't find a date practiced in the 1930's. Ho Chi F Co.: All F Troop has to offer it. movement and transformed it Wednesday night with all those Minh becomes Hitler, Vietnam is its better than excellent Rat into the National Liberation Shame on the exhibitionist for girls around so he went around is the Rhineland. Negotiation is Choir, chanting its way down to Front that is negotiating in showing off his tee-shirt and looking in darkened cadet's Munich. If the insurgents are the daily mess. They may even Paris today. In trying to stop a those two Keydets getting in- rooms hoping, maybe just not stopped in Vietnam, they make the RCTS by '76. toxicated on Coca-Cola in the revolution, the United States maybe! Oh well, better stick to will have to be stopped even- Biology library. Thank heaven seems to have started one. Mr. Band Co.: What's his face, football, Chuck. tually in San Francisco." This is weilder of the mace. Ranger for "Phone-a-bone Hundley." the main point of Intervention Bamet's conclusions are not as and Revolution. Mr. Bamet sound as his premise, however. contends that the United States The Latin America republics On Sounds must stop using American have all been independent for troops to intervene in the affairs about 150 years, and have been of nations in the Third World, supported by various outside BCTS Opens With Excellent Show countries only in recent years. Major followed the Mozart and it must stop consistantly by Barley R.Myler Following a short in- backing the forces of the status Yet dictators have been around termission, the orchestra composition. It included harp- quo and of reaction. What is in epidemic proportions for The performance of the returned to perform Mozart's sicord, solo violin, and oboe. good for Standard Oil is not decades with Bolivia, for Cologne Chamber Orchestra Concerto in A Major KV414. This concerto was unfamiliar to necessarily good for the rest of example, having only 150 last night was somewhat This work included a solo by me; however, it adequately the world, Mr. Bamet con- presidents in about 130 years. beyond my expectations; pianist Tedd Joselson. The displayed Hayden's genius- tinues, and for the United States Why should they suddenly learn however, I did feel that the concerto involved a delicate flowing melo^, clarity, and to continue to poUce the world is to govem themselves now? To audience could have been melody on the piano, alternated purity. The entire theme was wrong. continue with our present poli(^ somewhat more responsive. I with solemn background from intertwined with the uniquely of chastizing restless natives is grant that the acoustics in JM the woodwinds. haunting melody of the oboe, By backing Diem in Vietnam, obviously disastrous, yet to Hall are not the fmest for a with the moving background of Batista in Cuba, and Trujillo in Hayden's Concerto for Violin simply abandon it is no better chamber orchestra, harpsicord developed viol in. the Dominican Republic, the and String Orchestra No. 1 in C nonetheless, they performed United States did ensure that solution. Perhaps we should; excellently. American business was gradually transfer support to Ring Figure Weekend protected, but it only sat on the the nationalists up in the hills, The program began with a lid of the social and economic and away from politicians in the suite for string orchestra en- music by the VMI Commanders change that is inevitable and capital city. America has titled "Don Quixote," composed Friday. Nov. 3, 1972: and by Bill Deal and the Ron- firmly identified itself with always been best at developing by George Phillip Teleman. The 1:15 P.M.—Presentation of dells. The doors to Cocke Hall reaction and repression in the stable political institutions. If work followed Quixote's class rings, Jackson Memorial will be closed at 9:15 P.M. eyes of the revolutionaries and we were admired rather than numerous adventures. The Hall. nationlists in the hills. The CIA- hated in the third world, movement was quick, yet 3 P.M.—Ring Figure practice Saturday. Nov. 4. 1972: backed coups, like in perhaps some of it would rub off drawn—imitating the rustic for second classmen and their 1:30 P.M.—Varsity football, Guatemala in 1954, did not stop where it is needed. In 1946, there vigor of Quixote himself. dates. HOME, VMI vs. Furman, revolution as they were in- was a movement afoot in the U. 4:15 P.M.—Second class , with tended to; they only made it S. government to back Ho Chi parade. halftime ceremonies an- more likely, and, since the Minh and an independent 5 P.M.—Banquet for second nouncing selection to VMI's United States was the villan, Vietnam. The movement lost, classmen and their guests, Sports Hall pf Fame. forced the revolutionaries into and we opposed Ho. What would Crozet Hall. 7:30 P.M.—Class of 1974 the hands of the Russians for things be like if we had sent 9 P.M.—Class of 1974 Ring dinner dance, at Holiday Inn support. guns and money to him instead Figure, formal, Cocke Hall, Downtown, Staunton. of the French? It and the im- M.I. 11.1. I. Sun. 2 p.m. Since making the world safe Evrninw 7 li tt p. m. Kv.iunw 7 4 8 p.m. plications of what Mr. Barnet for Standard Oil has failed so WED Ihni SAT. miserably, Mr. Barnet con- suggests in Intervention and Revolution are worth serious NwiwcantM some cludes that United States' 'DaMMli'ai* book, consideration. tf fW UM ftSt IfeM. some foreign policy needs a drastic movie. overhaul. Specifically, "the Mr. Bamet proposes a mutual United States must" confront cessation of military aid to the ^DrOM^ MIKE the Third World governments Third World by both the U.S. A. THEBRADUAn Com^dnt with the choice it now helps and the U.S.S.R. This has its advantages, but to suddenly them avoid: Learn to govern NOV. effectively and justly or face pull out all the stops like this mounting insurgency. Prepare would create a long period of Biur to transform traditionali political anarchy and in- JACK ..TOUIMJGHIM ttLOMSUVlOfl LOVES stability. societies into nations or give Iioauiif |Qi> :c way to revolutionaries who can convince the people that they Corner Of Main can do it better. The third op- Family Shoe Store And Washington tion, which is now the basic policy of both the United States Headquarters For Dingo And Snoot Boots and our Third World clients SUE make those necessary changes AI»o Carrying The New Two-Toned Higher Heeled Shoes For Men to maintain stability and we will