U.S. Department of the Interior Date: 02/27/2020


1. Park: Rock Creek Park

2. Project Description: Project Name: Rock Creek Park Sign Plan

Prepared by: Bradley Krueger Date Prepared: 02/04/2020 Telephone: 703-289-2509

PEPC Project Number: 82573

Locations: County, State: District ofColumbia, DC

Describe project: Rock Creek Park is in the process of developing a unified plan for signage for US Reservation 339 and other properties administered by Rock Creek Park in NW Washington DC (to include units ofthe Civil War Defenses ofWashington). Existing signage is inconsistent with modem sign standards, having been installed incrementally over the last 20 years. Further, many areas do not have signage that are in need ofit for identification and visitor wayfindinding. This plan represents a sign palette or system that can be used an implemented in the future and provides a consistent and unified look. This system is based on modem unicore system and is being developed by Hunt Designs who developed sign system for NAMA.

Area of potential effects (as defined in 36 CFR 800.16[d]) The Area ofPotential Effect (APE) consists of all of Rock Creek Park (U.S. Reservation 339) and its administered sites in Northwest and Northeast Washington, DC. Each individual sign to be replaced will have its own localized APE. As most ofthe signs under this plan will be replaced, the limits ofdisturbance will mostly be within previously disturbed soils.

3. Has the area of potential effects been surveyed to identify historic properties?

No X Yes Source or reference: Civil War Defenses ofWashington/ Fort Circle Parks NRHP Nomination [Additional Documentation and Boundary Increase] (2015) Civil War Fort Sites, Defenses ofWashington NRHP Nomination [Boundary Increase], #78003439 (1978) Civil War Fort Sites, Defenses ofWashington NRHP Nomination, #74000274 (1974) Park and NRHP Nomination, #67000028 (1967) Linnaean Hill (Boundary Increase) NRHP Nomination, #11000466 (2011) Georgetown Historic District NRHP Nomination, #67000025 (1967) Georgetown Historic District NRHP Nomination [Amended], #67000025 (2003) Meridian Hill Historic District NRHP Nomination, #14000211 (2014) NRHP Nomination, #74000273 (1974) Montrose Park NRHP Nomination, #07001178 (2007) Old Stone House NRHP Nomination, #73000219 (1973) Peirce Mill NRHP Nomination, #69000014 (1969) Pierce Springhouse and Barn, #73000222 (1973) Pierce-Klingle Mansion NRHP Nomination, #73000223 (1973) Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway NRHP Nomination, #05000367 (2005) Rock Creek Park NRHP Nomination, #91001524 (1991) Peirce Mill NRHP Nomination (expanded nomination), #69000014 (2012) Rock Creek Park NRHP Nomination (Boundary Increase] (DRAFf 2016) Parkways ofthe National Capital Region, 1913-1965 NRHP Nomination, #645000086 (1991) Glover-Archbold Park NRHP Nomination, #06001260 (2007)

4. Potentially Affected Resource(s):

Archeological Resources Present: Yes Archeological Resources Notes: A variety ofprehistoric, historic, and multi-component archeological sites are under the administration of Rock Creek Park. Most of the signs will be replacements and installed within the same footprint as the existing ones, thus staying within previously disturbed soils. In some cases, existing sign posts will be utilized ifthey are found to be in good condition, thereby reducing ground disturbance. Additionally, the majority of the signs are located along roadways and trails in areas that have experience previous disturbance, thus further reducing the potential for impacts to archeology. For new signs and those that need to be relocated, there is a potential to encounter archeological resources during the installation process. For signs that are within or adjacent to archeologically sensitive areas, archeological testing will need to take place in advance or archeological monitoring will need to occur during installation.

Historical Structures/Resources Present: Yes Property Name: Rock Creek Park; Sherrill Drive LCS: 100084 Asset: 339-R07

Property Name: Rock Creek Park;Joyce Road LCS: 100087 Asset: 339-Rl0

Property Name: RCPP; Parkway Roadway LCS: 545774 Asset: 360-01

Property Name: Rock Creek Park; Grant Road LCS: 100083 Asset: 339-R06

Property Name: Rock Creek Park; Ross Drive LCS: 23324 Asset: 339-R12

Property Name: Rock Creek Park; Piney Branch Parkway LCS: 100082 Asset: 339-ROS

Property Name: Rock Creek Park; Bingham Drive LCS: 100086 Asset: 339-R09

Property Name: Rock Creek Park; Glover Road LCS: 23323 Asset: 339-R11

Property Name: Rock Creek Park; Beach Drive LCS: 23305 Asset: 339-R03

Property Name: Rock Creek Park; Wise Road LCS: 100085 Asset: 339-R08

Historical Structures/Resources Notes: A variety of historic structures and resources are under the administration of Rock Creek Park. These include, but are not limited to, historic roadways, bridges, culverts, buildings, earthworks, monuments/memorials, and other built structures. As this project consists ofreplacing signage, mostly along roadways and trails, it is highly unlikely for any impacts to occur to historic structures. These signs, while aesthetically compatible to their surroundings, to not contribute to the significance ofthe historic districts and properties. While some new signs are being proposed, they will be situated immediately adjacent to roads and trails and not expected to impact historic structures. Ifa sign post requires replacement, it will typically be within the same location as the current post and occupy the same disturbed footprint. Ifnew signs are proposed or an existing sign needs to be relocated, then additional compliance review and approval will be needed to ensure no impacts will occur to historic structures. Therefore, this project is not anticipated to adversely affect historic structures and resources.

Cultural Landscapes Present: Yes Property Name: Linnaean Hill Cultural Landscape, CLAIMS #600032 LCS: Location: ROCR

Property Name: Montrose Park Cultural Landscape, CLAIMS #600115 LCS: Location: ROCR

Property Name: Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Cultural Landscape, CLAIMS #600285 LCS: Location: ROCR

Property Name: Civil War Defenses of Washington/Fort Circle-ROCR Cultural Landscape, CLAIMS #600138 LCS: Location: ROCR

Property Name: Meridian Hill Park Cultural Landscape, CLAIMS #600106 LCS: Location: ROCR

Property Name: Rock Creek Park Cultural Landscape, CLAIMS #600031 LCS: Location: ROCR

Property Name: Pinehurst Parkway Cultural Landscape, CLAIMS #600160 LCS: Location: ROCR

Property Name: Francis Scott Key Memorial Park Cultural Landscape, CLAIMS #600260 LCS: Location: ROCR

Property Name: Fort Slocum Cultural Landscape, CLAIMS #600149 LCS: Location: ROCR

Property Name: Dumbarton Oaks Park Cultural Landscape, CLAIMS #600286 LCS: Location: ROCR

Property Name: Glover Archbold Park Cultural Landscape, CLAIMS #600114 LCS: Location: ROCR

Property Name: Old Stone House Cultural Landscape, CLAIMS #600153 LCS: Location: ROCR

Property Name: Grant Circle Cultural Landscape, CLAIMS #600164 LCS: Location: ROCR

Cultural Landscapes Notes: Several different cultural landscapes are under the administration of Rock Creek Park. Given the historic nature of Rock Creek Park and the different landscapes and settings ofits administered sites, four different context-sensitive design types are being proposed (i.e., Urban Context, Natural Environment and Trails, Regional and Local Use, Historic Sites and Statuary). The signs adhere to and are based off the NPS UniGuide Standards for identification, wayfinding, and visitor information. As such, this project will see the standardization of signs throughout the park. Some ofthe signs may slightly increase in size, to improve readability and conform to modern standards, while others will likely decrease in size to be more streamlined and easier to read. As this effort primarily consists ofsign replacement, there will not be significant visual impacts. Additionally, certain signs will now feature a blank band on the top ofthe sign to help identify particular park sites or components as NPS-managed sites (i.e., black band on the top with the NPS arrowhead logo and 'Department ofthe Interior, National Park Service'). These changes will be noticeable, but not anticipated to detract from the landscape or needlessly attract the eye ofthe casual observer. New signs will make sure ofthe context-sensitive design types so that they are aesthetically compatible and sympathetic to the surroundings. While the new signs will represent new, non-historic features into the cultural landscapes, they are ultimately reversible and not anticipated to have any permanent or lasting effects on either the landscape or setting. Therefore, this project is not anticipated to adversely affect cultural landscapes.

Ethnographic Resources Present: No Ethnographic Resources Notes: There are no ethnographic resources within the APE. Therefore, this project is not anticipated to adversely affect ethnographic resources.

5. The proposed action will: {check as many as apply) No Destroy, remove, or alter features/elements from a historic structure No Replace historic features/elements in kind No Add non-historic features/elements to a historic structure Yes Alter or remove features/ elements ofa historic setting or environment (inc. terrain) Yes Add non-historic features/elements (inc. visual, audible, or atmospheric) to a historic setting or cultural landscape No Disturb, destroy, or make archeological resources inaccessible No Disturb, destroy, or make ethnographic resources inaccessible> Yes Potentially affect presently unidentified cultural resources No Begin or contribute to deterioration ofhistoric features, terrain, setting, landscape elements, or archeological or ethnographic resources No Involve a real property transaction (exchange, sale, or lease ofland or structures) Other (please specify):

6. Supporting Study Data: (Attach if feasible; if action is in a plan, EA or EIS, give name and project or page number.)

B. REVIEWS BY CULTURAL RESOURCE SPECIALISTS The park 106 coordinator requested review by the park's cultural resource specialist/advisors as indicated by check-off boxes or as follows:

[ X] 106 Advisor Name: Bradley Krueger Date: 02/04/2020 Comments: The proposed project consists ofthe development ofa unified sign plan for Rock Creek Park (U.S. Reservation 339) and other properties under its administration. Rock Creek Park itself is a historic district listed in the National Register ofHistoric Places (NRHP) and administers other NRHP sites and districts, in addition to many cultural landscapes. The existing signs are small-scale features that do not contribute to the significance of the historic properties/districts. Rock Creek Park, Rock Creek Conservancy, and Hunt Designs developed the sign plan, which is based off of and adheres to the NPS UniGuide Sign Standards. The plan will be implemented over time and improve park signage by: standardizing existing and new signs; adding an NPS identity band; and utilizing a context-sensitive design depending on the location and/or subject matter ofthe sign. Some ofthe signs may slightly increase in size to improve wayfinding and readability, while others will decrease in size and be more streamlined. Overall, the new designs are neat, concise, and appropriately promotes NPS sites. These changes will be noticeable, however, they are not anticipated to detract from the landscape or attract the eye ofthe casual observer. For new or relocated signs that are to be installed outside of previously disturbed soils, additional compliance review and approval will be necessary to avoid impacts to archeology. While new signs will represent new, non-historic features within identified cultural landscapes, the erection ofsignage is ultimately reversible, so there are not anticipated to be any permanent adverse effects to the cultural landscapes or settings. Therefore, this unified sign replacement plan is not anticipated to adversely impact the historic characteristics of Rock Creek Park Historic District or other historic properties/districts that make them eligible for inclusion in the NRHP.

Check ifproject does not involve ground disturbance [ ] Assessment of Effect: _No Potential to Cause Effect _No Historic Properties Affected _x_No Adverse Effect _Adverse Effect _Streamlined Review Recommendations for conditions or stipulations: Project must be executed as planned and approved through the compliance review. The new signs shall adhere to the NPS Sign Standards. No vegetation shall be removed as part ofthis project until ROCR Resource Management has been consulted and given notice to proceed. In the event archeological resources are discovered during the project, work must cease until the ROCR Cultural Resources Program is able to assess the impact and give clearance to proceed. Doc Method: Standard 4-Step Process

[ X ] 106 Advisor Name: Allison Young Date: 02/26/2020

Check if project does not involve ground disturbance [ ] Assessment of Effect: _No Potential to Cause Effect _No Historic Properties Affected _x_No Adverse Effect _Adverse Effect _Streamlined Review Recommendations for conditions or stipulations: Doc Method: Standard 4-Step Process

[ X] Archeologist Name: Bradley Krueger Date: 02/04/2020 Comments: The proposed project consists ofthe development ofa unified sign plan for U.S. Reservation 339 and other properties administered by Rock Creek Park. While there are a variety ofprehistoric, historic, and multi­ component sites administered by ROCR, this project will mostly be replacement in kind of existing signage. As such, few instances ofground disturbance are required. When a new sign is proposed or an existing sign relocated, the area must be reviewed in advance by the ROCR Cultural Resources Program to determine the archeological sensitivity ofthe area. Based upon the results ofthat review, either archeological testing or monitoring may be appropriate. Ifarcheological resources are discovered during the course of testing/monitoring, relocation ofthe sign would be warranted. Providing the above protocol is adhered to, then this project will not result in adverse effects to archeological resources.

Check if project does not involve ground disturbance [ ] Assessment of Effect: _No Potential to Cause Effect _No Historic Properties Affected _x_No Adverse Effect _Adverse Effect _Streamlined Review Recommendations for conditions or stipulations: For new signs and relocation ofexisting signs, the locations must be shared with the ROCR Cultural Resources Program in advance to assess potential impacts to archeology. Ifinstallation will occur outside of documented previously disturbed soils, then archeological testing and/or monitoring shall occur. If archeological resources are discovered during the course ofthe project, work must halt and the ROCR Cultural Resources Program must assess the find before work can resume. Doc Method: Standard 4-Step Process

No Reviews From: Curator, Historical Architect, Historian, Other Advisor, Anthropologist, Historical Landscape Architect


1. Assessment of Effect: No Potential to Cause Effects ---- No Historic Properties Affected ---- x No Adverse Effect Adverse Effect

2. Documentation Method:

[ X ] A. Standard 36 CFR Part 800 Consultation Further consultation under 36 CFR Part 800 is needed.

[ ] B. Streamlined Review Under the 2008 Servicewide Programmatic Agreement (PA) The above action meets all conditions for a streamlined review under section III ofthe 2008 Servicewide PA for Section 106 compliance.

Applicable Streamlined Review Criteria (Specify 1-16 ofthe list ofstreamlined review criteria.) [ ] C. Undertaking Related to Park Specific or Another Agreement The proposed undertaking is covered for Section 106 purposes under another document such as a park, region or statewide agreement established in accord with 36 CFR 800. 7 or 36 CFR 800.14.

[ ] D. Combined NEPA/NHPA Process Process and documentation required for the preparation ofan EA/FONSI or an EIS/ROD to comply with Section 106 is in accord with 36 CFR 800.8.c. [ ] E. Memo to Project File

3. Consultation Information

SHPO Required: Yes SHPO Sent: Aug 23, 2019 SHPO Received:

THPO Required: No THPO Sent: THPO Received:

SHPO/THPO Notes: The NPS initiated Section 106 consultation with the DC Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) on August 23, 2019. SHPO staff were also present during the November 5, 2019 on-site sign mock-ups. Advisory Council Participating: No Advisory Council Notes: Additional Consulting Parties: Yes Additional Consulting Parties Notes: This project is also being reviewed by the Old Georgetown Board, the Commission ofFine Arts, and the National Capital Planning Commission.

4. Stipulations and Conditions: Following are listed any stipulations or conditions necessary to ensure that the assessment ofeffect above is consistent with 36 CFR Part 800 criteria ofeffect or to avoid or reduce potential adverse effects.

Please see "Conditions and Stipulations" in Section Band "Mitigations/Treatment Measures" in Section C.5 ofthe Assessment ofEffect form.

5. Mitigations/Treatment Measures: Measures to prevent or minimize loss or impairment ofhistoric/prehistoric properties: (Remember that setting, location, and use may be relevant.)

Required Mitigations - For the proposed project actions to be within compliance requirements during construction and/or project implementation, the following mitigations must be adhered to:

• If signs are to be replaced or installed outside ofpreviously disturbed areas, either archeological investigation or monitoring shall occur. • For large, monument-style identity signs (e.g., Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway), additional compliance review and approval shall be required. • In the event archeological resources are discovered during the course ofthe project, work will immediately halt and ROCR Cultural Resources Program notified. Work will be allowed to resume only after the finds have been assessed and notice to proceed has been given. • Any NPS-ROCR infrastructure impacted during construction activities, including but not limited to paved and unpaved roadways, walkways, turf, shall be restored to pre-work conditions or better upon completion ofthe project.

6. Assessment of Effect Notes:

NPS cultural resources staff from the park and region reviewed the proposed undertaking and determined it will have "No Adverse Effects" to historic properties.


Compliance Specialist: NHPA Specialist~ Bradley Krueger ~ Date: Feb.27, 'ZDZD


The proposed work conforms to the NPS Management Policies and Cultural Resource Management Guideline, and I have reviewed and approve the recommendations, stipulations, or conditions noted in Section C ofthis form.

~ Sign

Date: f J