The Ratification Debates of the US

What issues delayed the ratification of the US Constitution?

How were these issues resolved? The Articles of Confederation (1777) End of the American Revolution (1783) The Constitutional Convention (1787) Articles of the Constitution

Article I

Article II

Article III Articles of the Constitution

Article IV

Article V

Article VI Article VII Was everyone happy with the Constitution? n Many American were not supportive of the Constitution (Felt betrayed)

u Federalists = those who support the Constitution u Anti-Federalists = Those who do not support the Constitution

n It would take four (4) years before all the states ratified the document The Constitution “fixed” the Articles, but at what cost?

§ Anti-Federalists argued that the new Constitution:

§ provided insufficient protection for the rights of individuals and states from the powerful new Federal government.

§ Anti-Federalists preferred either…

§ To scrap the national government entirely

§ Keep the Articles as they stood. What was the basis for Anti- Federalist opposition?

n In general, the Anti-Federalists viewed the Constitution as a threat to four cherished values u Law u Political Stability u The Principles of the Declaration of Independence u Fear of government power (Federalism) James Madison ()

Alexander Hamilton John Jay () (New York) The Federalists The Anti-Federalists

Patrick Henry George Mason Richard Henry Lee (Virginia) (Virginia) (Virginia) Patrick Henry (1736 - 1799) What is “federalism”?

n Federalism is the dividing of power between a strong central government and smaller political units (like states)

u é Federalism = é central government power u ê Federalism = é in state power

n The Anti-Federalists feared too much government power would jeopardize their personal freedoms Why were the anti-Federalists so interested in states’ rights?

n Anti-Federalists believed that effective governments could only exist in states with a small territory with a common population u State issues would be ignored for the sake of the national government

n A large national government would impose uniform rules despite American diversity u Hardship and inequity Anti-Federalist Issue #1

n Only a small country can enjoy the affective attachment of the people to the government and voluntary obedience to the law

u In a large country, the people will not have confidence in their legislature because they are too far removed from the individuals who govern them Anti-Federalist Issue #2

n Small republics ensure correct representative policymaking

u Federal elections presented voters with a choice among representatives from the well-known elite, or the natural aristocracy. u Local officials looked after the best interest of the public at large Anti-Federalist Issue #3

n The Constitution did not include protections for civil liberties u Personal liberties u Legal rights n Anti-Federalists feared that a powerful central government would take away their rights won by the Revolution Anti-Federalist Issue #4

n Fear of a government aristocracy u All governments are aristocratic in some respect u “rule of the few over the many”

n The Constitution, however, prevents the many from effective control over the few

u Voting Rights

u Term Limits u “wealth and privilege” What was the Ratification Controversy? n Ratification was closely contested nationally during 1787 and 1788

u Nine of the thirteen states were needed for ratification

n Rejection by any of the four most prominent states (Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, or Virginia) would have doomed the Constitution

u New York would become the biggest issue Why was New York so special? n New York was one of the most powerful states in the new country:

u (capital of the US)

u Trade / Economics u Population

u A strong / powerful state government

n Most prominent Federalist was Alexander Hamilton New York Becomes the Key… Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) What issues faced Hamilton in NY? n The Anti-Federalists were led by Governor George Clinton u 1739-1812 u 5x state governor / Future Vice-President n Clinton had a vested interest in preventing the formation of a strong national government u Threatened his own power in NY n Clinton’s popularity / influence made him a formidable rival What was Hamilton’s strategy? n Hamilton focused on “behind the scenes” political manipulation to build support among political elites u Recruited “friends” from the Constitutional Convention for help n Propose series of essays designed to persuade the public of the Constitution’s value u These essays served as a “debaters handbook” What were the Federalist Papers?

n A set of pro-Constitution essays published in New York newspapers u Written by Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay u Published under false names (why?) u Also published nationally

n The essays: u Linked opposition to the new Constitution with “hot-heads” (Patrick Henry) u Those with a vested interest in maintaining a weak government (George Clinton) u Pushed public opinion towards ratification “Publius” - Publius Valerius Publicola Four Themes of the Federalist Papers

1. An explanation of the blessings of national government

2. An indictment of the Articles of Confederation failures

3. An analysis and defense of the Constitution and it’s creation

4. An exposition of the costs and benefits of freedom à They are essays designed to persuade What other states became issues during the Ratification? n There were other states: u Virginia « Patrick Henry (Anti-Federalist Papers) u North Carolina « Open protest / violence u Rhode Island « Close to civil war « Demanded a Constitutional bill of rights Order of Ratification (1787-1790)

States Date of Ratification Votes (Yes - No) Delaware December 7, 1787 30 - 0

Pennsylvania December 12, 1787 46 - 23

New Jersey December 18, 1787 38 - 0

Georgia January 2, 1788 26 - 0

Connecticut January 9, 1788 128 - 40

Massachusetts February 6, 1788 187 - 168

Maryland April 28, 1788 63 - 11

South Carolina May 23, 1788 149 - 73

New Hampshire June 21, 1788 57 - 47

Virginia June 25, 1788 89 - 79

New York July 26, 1788 30 - 27

North Carolina November 21, 1789 194 - 77

Rhode Island May 29, 1790 34 - 32 Washington’s Election (1789) Washington’s Inauguration (1789) How were the final issues of the ratification process resolved?

n Many anti-Federals become supporters of the Constitution with the inclusion of a “Bill of Rights”

u Passed in 1789-1791

u Written primarily by James Madison

n Unresolved Issues: u Federal power vs state rights

u Definition of civil liberties

u Protection of the average citizen