HUMANIORA The Pursuit of Happiness in American Mind and In Javanese Thought

VOLUME 14 No. 1 Februari 2002 Halaman 27 -33


Djuhertati Imam Muhni**

I. Introduction 2.1 Religious Pursuit of Happiness

very individual and in a larger issue its The first American religious pursuit of society has a concept of happiness and happiness can be traced back to the Pilgrim has a way to pursue it. This essay tries and the Puritan, the first settlers in New to bring out some of these concepts and its England. They were a group of Protestants pursuits as seen in two different societies, who were hunted and persecuted in England namely American and Javanese. The and had to seek refuge in Leiden, Holland discussion is more of a vision on the theme around 1608 – 1610. When they learned of a rather than a comparative study. The essay New World where they could be free from falls into two sections: the first describes persecution, they embarked on the legendary some important facts about American May Flower and reached New England and pursuits of happiness and the second survived to build a city upon a hill. When John discusses the pursuit of happiness in one Winthrop and his followers dreamt of a city small part of the Javanese thoughts or upon a hill, a “model” for Christian community, Kejawen, namely Soerjomentaram’s he envisioned a group of men and women of Ngelmu Beja. working together for the common good. Their chief motto was to work to Glorify God. 2. Pursuit of Happiness in America Life Ideally, it was to be a community of love, all made equal by their devotion to God who American pursuit of happiness falls into designed men’s life and who was present in two categories, first the religious hope and every human event and that He rewarded second the secular dreams. From the time good and punished bad. It had to be a stable of the first settlers through the colonial time, community where each member knew his or the revolution, the civil war, up to the modern her obligations in the social structure and time the Americans have a dream in pursuing accepted God’s disposition of good and where happiness which is often called the American no authorities could meddle with their Dream. They seek for freedom to embrace worshipping God, so that spiritual happiness any and without any can be achieved (Baym, 1989: 7-8). The oppression, freedom to express their ideals dream of religious freedom where the and thought and freedom from poverty and government or any other kind of authorities suppression. could not meddle with their belief was realized

* Ebrio naskah ini telah diseminarkan pada: 1. Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society at Murray State Collage, Tishomingo, Oklahoma U.S.A., Oktober 25, 1998. 2. Seminar Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, UGM, Maret 22, 2002 dan kemudian disempurnakan. ** Doktor, Master of , Staf Pengajar Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada, .

Humaniora Volume XIV, No. 1/2002 27 Djuhertati Imam Muhni in the “separation of the state and religion” to be more or less equal to other Americans. policy. It guaranteed American people to This movement is often referred to as the embrace any religious or belief without second American revolution: the struggle for restricted by the government. This policy racial equality ragged on the streets, courts, asserted that the government should not schools and churches all over the Southern dictate or influence how people embrace states of America which was felt throughout religion and what particular religion should the country. Black people protested, or should not be practiced in society. demonstrated, being beaten and put in jail in their effort to challenge the racist system and 2.2 Secular Pursuit of Happiness to change history. They struggled for equality from the schoolroom to the courtroom as they As mentioned above there are at least rejected the existing system of “separate but two kinds of secular happiness that the equal” education. History noted that in 1957 Americans had been pursuing. First they nine black teenagers dared to integrate believe that happiness can be achieved by Little Rock’s Central High school in acquiring the freedom of thought and equality Arkansas. In 1962, James Meredith in rights and second by achieving the dreams enrolled at the University of Mississippi as of a better life with wealth and being freed the first black student in a white university. from poverty. From then on, students, parents, and lawyers unite to guarantee a better 2.2.1 Freedom of Thought education and a better future for black children. Though there is still discontent here Thomas Jefferson with the other and there it can be said that Americans have founding fathers of America formulated in achieved their pursuit of freedom of thought. the Declaration of Independence the people’s quest for liberty to obtain natural rights, 2.2.2 Freedom from Poverty freedom of thought and freedom to choose who should govern them. Now we come to the second pursuit of We hold these to be self secular happiness, the dream of wealth and evident: that all men are created success. Benjamin Franklin, another equal that they are endowed by their America’s Founding Father was the first to formulate how to be rich with his essay The Creator with inherent and Way to Wealth written in 1757. In this essay inalienable rights; that among these a fictitious literary figure called Poor Richard are life, liberty and the pursuit of was Franklin’s mouthpiece to advice people happiness, that to secure these how to behave if they want to obtain wealth. rights governments are instituted Franklin through Poor Richard pointed out among men, deriving their just four main actions to achieve happiness powers from the consent of the through wealth, namely industry, frugality, governed;… as to them shall seem prudence and prayer. The first, industry means most likely to effect their safety and hard working, and if one is industrious one happiness (Baym, 1989: 640). never starves as Poor Richard says: at the It took more than two hundred years for workingman’s house hunger looks in, but the Americans to achieve this dream dares not enter so be ashamed to catch absolutely. Up to the 1960s the black yourself idle as God helps them that help American still experienced segregation and themselves. Then plow deep and you shall racial discrimination. Nonetheless, the Civil have corn to sell and keep (Baym, 1989: 361- Rights movement from 1950s-1960s had 362). The second, frugality means spending brought tremendous freedom for the blacks out one’s money wisely. If one would make

28 Humaniora Volume XIV, No. 1/2002 The Pursuit of Happiness in American Mind and In Javanese Thought his hard work a success one has to safe the dollars and a family sponsor in the U.S.A. money they got as Poor Richard says: if you This Indonesian family which consisted of a would be wealthy think of saving as well as father who was a driver at a Japanese of getting. He advised people not to indulge company, a mother, and two junior high school in extravagances, eating and dressing more boys regarded this lottery as a dream came than necessary, for Poor Richard says true. It opened up a wonderful opportunity for beware of little expenses; a small leak theirs sons. With his driver salary he would sink a great ship, and also according to him never be able to give his sons the highest one should not give parties too often because education in . He had heard about fools make feasts and wise men eat them. America as the land of opportunity, so he (Baym, 1989: 364). The third, prudence sold all his possession and moved to means the effort to manage one’s property America. The family spoke only broken wisely and cautiously. Bad management will English, had no family or connection in the surely lead to bankruptcy and you will lose states except one name of a church member all the wealth you acquired. The fourth, in D.C. who gave his name as sponsor. The Franklin through Poor Richard advised people first months were a struggle for them but to always remember that the wealth you gradually with the salary of a janitor and a obtained is of God’s Grace. Thus prayer is baby sitter, the family could rent a decent the most important thing of all the four actions. dwelling and the children went to school Benjamin Franklin concludes his essay almost free of charge. In ten years they could again quoting Richard with: “ Reader, if thou afford to buy their own apartment and a car, willt do the same, thy profit will be as great and could send the eldest boy to M.I.T and as mine” (Baym, 1989: 367). This essay the younger boy to Harvard. The boys had written in 1757 is still read by high school their own cars bought from their own salary students and is still influential in American working as cash registers in supermarket people’s behaviors in achieving their secular after school hours. The father proudly happiness. announced that if you work hard and save Another American pursuit of secular your earnings you can achieve success in happiness lies in the quest of freedom from America and obtained the happiness you hunger and poverty. “To live a better life” is pursued (Sadeli, 1998). the magic word of many immigrants from all over the world to venture to move to America. 3. The Pursuit of Happiness in th From the colonial time to the 20 century Javanese Life there came different people from Europe, Asia and Africa with different and Indonesia consists of more than three outlook of life, but they had one aim in hundreds islands with three hundreds common which was to have a better life different ethnic groups. Before one materially. The motto “from rags to riches” nation “Indonesia” the various ethnic was seemed to spur their spirit and enthusiasm each a nation by itself. For example in Java in achieving wealth. There are many success there were Javanese and Sundanese nations, stories of this “rags to riches” dream. One of in Sumatra there were Aceh, Batak and them is the success story of an Indonesian Minangkabau nations, in Sulawesi Bugis, family who happened to win a green card Toraja and Makasar. The oldest, largest, and lottery from the American government. most prominent group was the Javanese, the Winning a green card means that the family people from Java. One of the reasons of the can move and live in America and has the Javanese being prominent in Indonesia is rights of an American citizen except to vote perhaps that the Javanese has a strong belief in any government elections. The regulation or philosophy; it has been very influential that is that the family has to have a thousand for several decades people has tried to make

Humaniora Volume XIV, No. 1/2002 29 Djuhertati Imam Muhni government acknowledge it as the sixth went back as early as the year 800 AD. religion. Though the philosophy is still intact, Indonesians are proud to inherit solid stone it has never been acknowledge as a religion. temples spread all over the islands where The philosophy is called Kejawen, which we can find old values and norms engraved means the thought and way of life of the on the walls of the temples. These Javanese. As the Javanese merging slowly engravings constitute an eternal source of into Indonesians and younger generation reference on ancient Indonesian philosophy. think more of being an Indonesian than of a At some places the teachings are Javanese, the Kejawen values and visions symbolized in pictures of fables and at faces conflicting ideas with materialistic another it is written in the forms of riddles norms in the “modern” Indonesian life. The or poems in various ancient ethnic quotation below is a conversation between scriptures, for instance old Javanese, Javanese young entrepreneurs’ ages between Balinese and Bugis scripts. Prince 29 – 40 in a party in 1997. Soerjomentaram studied these before he began to teach the Kejawen philosophy. One A : Hey, do you remember Tono of his most influential thoughts is his Kawruh the ever crying boy next door? beja, the pursuit of happiness, which was He’s a successful translated and edited by R. Imam Moehni businessman now. He looks into a book entitled In Wijding tot het very happy! Eeuwigdurende Geluk van B.R.M. B : You call him successful? I know Soerjomentaram (1930). On this occasion I him, he just got a Toyota will deal with this particular philosophy which Van no Mercedes nor BMW, has a bearing upon the theme of the pursuit how could you call him a of happiness. Soerjomentaram that success! in this mortal world you do not have to wait until the life hereafter to hell or To these younger generations of Indo- heaven, people can live in hell or heaven nesian the pursuit of happiness is identical depending on how he reacts upon life itself. with the pursuit of worldly success. This He categorizes certain feelings or behaviors country is still developing, so material gain as hellish acts and thoughts. Among others is essential to achieve happiness. To have a are: Toyota van is a necessity but if you have a 1. Neraka wedi, getun, sumelang : BMW, a Volvo, an Audi, than one is made, and one is entitled to be happy. This vision the hell of fear, regrets and anxiety of materialistic success conflicts with the old 2. Neraka meri lan pambegan : Indonesian values especially that of the the hell of envy, pride, and conceits Javanese. In the old vision people’s happi- ness depends on how they live, not what they 3.1. Neraka Wedi, Getun, Sumelang possess. (hell of fear, regrets and anxiety) In late 1920s in Yogyakarta kingdom, a prince called Soerjomentaram being fed up Anxiety and regrets are two significant with court life left the palace and repudiates aspects of the feeling of suffering. Regrets his prince-ling. He became a hermit and are fear of what you have done or experienced. began teaching the old Javanese belief Anxiety is the feeling of fear of what is going Kejawen throughout central Java. His to be or what you are going to experience. teaching and philosophical outlook have been Regrets and anxiety are the cause of enormously influential even at present. In his sadness, grief, and concern which bring teaching he did not bring new thoughts but unhappiness. They can drive human he dug out and brought to life the dormant into bitterness and despair. Meanwhile all philosophy that existed in Indonesia which human beings have a karep (will) of their own.

30 Humaniora Volume XIV, No. 1/2002 The Pursuit of Happiness in American Mind and In Javanese Thought

Only by acknowledging and realizing that the is always there for us. Fear can blot out any karep (will) is always inside oneself, one can happiness that we might be able to be freed from the hell of fear and regret. Karep experience. Fear that you might lose your is a Javanese word meaning will, a conscious loved ones will hinder you to enjoy happiness power to manage and to execute behavior of the happy moment you share with each urged by inner strengths. In Javanese the other. Fear that you will not succeed in your word karep covers the acts of desiring, project and makes you withdraw before trying yearning, wishing and planning. One of the it will deprive you from the happiness you most important karep is the will to live or to feel when you achieved your goal survive. Every human action from the (Soerjomentaram, 1993 : 17). simplest to the most complex derives from Soerjomentaram believes that God one’s karep to preserve one’s . presides inside every individual human being. Thus one’s action is influenced by one’s will, He is inside you always, but it does not mean the core meaning of life (Moehni, 1930:12). that you are God. He is there in you to guide When one understands and realizes that you and to take care of you. You have to karep never ends one can be free from the recognize His existence and listen to His hell of fear and regret. As mentioned above, guidance. If you believe in this fact you will always have a positive outlook and confident regrets bring sadness connected with things of succeeding in everything you do. If you or events that has happened in the past and are pessimistic you show that you ignore anxiety brings out fear of what will happen in God’s presence and you will not achieve the the future. These two feelings can put one happiness you are looking for into uneasiness and desperation and finally (Soerjomentaram, 1990: 13). drive one into a breakdown and depression on losing any hope. Regrets derive from the conviction that one can be lucky or unlucky 3.2 Neraka Meri (hell of envy), Neraka because of what had happen. The Pambegan (hell of pride and conceit) understanding of the fact that one cannot be If you constantly have a negative outlook more unfortunate nor luckier will get one out of life – living in hell of pessimistic – you will of the hell of fear and regret. One only has to miss the opportunity to success and it might acknowledge that he has the karep to start you to look at other’s success and you overcome every obstacle. When this begin to live in a world of self pity and ended happened one will arrive at the heaven of tatag up in the hell of envy. You start comparing (confidence). In this state one will feel brave yourself with others and envying people who to face anything or to look at the past, one achieve things you coveted. If you live in will not be afraid of what will happen or what neraka meri (the hell of envy) you always the consequence of what had happened so feel you are inferior to others in the matter of that one can confront anything with semat (wealth), dradjat (social status), and confidence. Consequently one achieves self- kramat (supernatural power). In this state you reliance and can live happily and confidently begin to develop self-pity and feel ashamed in any situation, rich or poor, healthy or sick, to live among others. On the other hand, if alone or with family, etc (Moehni, 1930:50). you live in neraka pambegan (the hell of pride There are numerous forms of fear: and conceit) you feel superior than others in physical, psychological, spiritual, big and the matter of material possession, social small, severe and slight and many more. The status and power. In this position you are hellish experience of fear is rooted in lacks never satisfied with what you achieved of faith in God as well as the lack of karep because you are constantly worried that (will). To conquer fear – any kind of fear – there will be other people who become more you have to trust in God to believe that superior than you are. You are never at peace everything we do or any difficulty we face God with yourself.

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The hell of envy, pride, and conceit can negatively, always thinking of failure. For make men get wrong images of insights to example a man who is striving for semat the things and events occurring in his (wealth) at this state will think: surrounding, confused between right and I have to get rich and successful wrong. Consequently those men are capable so that I will be respected and of committing various careless deeds which powerful. But what if I got bankrupt and make their own and other people’s lives lose all my wealth, then I will be poor hellish. Envy, pride and conceit are inherent again and insignificant (Moehni, 1930: in human being, they are turbulent feelings 43). which need to be controlled, otherwise it will bring destructive traits in one’s character. The So he did not work hard nor safe any following is a picture of the attitude of a person money and ended up poor. On the other hand, who is in the hell of envy, pride, and conceit. one who can come out from those “hells” and “ I am striving toward richness and achieve the state of tentrem thinks and acts grandeur in any way I can so that I as follow: can be successful and no one can I will work hard and save diligently degrade me or make a fool of me. I so that I will be rich and successful. If can buy everything with money, I did not succeed, it would be all right, material, service, even people’s I would stay poor (Moehni, 1930:44). loyalty. I will be above everyone and they will respect me” (Moehni, 1930: Thus he worked hard and safe his 40). earnings without the fear of being poor and unsuccessful, knowing that the rank of a rich This person is so deep in the neraka or a poor man is equal in the eyes of God. In meri and pambegan (envy and conceit) that enjoying God’s grace and getting rid of all he confused the meaning of respectability. those hellish feelings, he celebrates the joy Furthermore, when a person understand and of happiness, carrying any grief and burden realize that all men are equal in the eyes of lightly (Moehni, 1930: 42-45). God, they will be free from these hellish Soerjomentaram believes that to achieve feeling and come to the heaven of tentrem happiness you have to conquer the hell of (at peace with oneself) where he can live envy in your soul. It offers a way out in a feeling satisfied and serene. simple symbolism of the way you walk. If When a person acknowledges that every you walk with your eyes upward to the sky, wish or dream which is realized or not you might not see a hole on the ground in realized will only bring a short-term happiness front of you. If you always look down, you or sadness, he will be absolved from the might bump your head on some branches. turbulent feelings and will be at peace with But if you alternately look straight and down himself. Furthermore, when a person and upward you might reach your destination understands and realizes that all men are unharmed. What the symbolism means is equal in the eyes of God, they will also be that if in your life you only look at how people free from these hellish torments and arrived are more fortunate or successful than you, at the heaven of tentrem (peace) where he you might be gripped in the hell of envy. On can live feeling satisfied and serene. the other hand, if you always look down on According to Soerjomentaram one who people less fortunate than you are, you will still lives in the hell of fear, anxiety, regrets, live in the hell of conceit. Thus you are envy, pride and conceit, has not achieved the supposed to balance the way you live by state of tentrem. He acts and thinks thinking that there are other people who are

32 Humaniora Volume XIV, No. 1/2002 The Pursuit of Happiness in American Mind and In Javanese Thought less fortunate than you are even though you oppression in embracing any religious or are surrounded by people who are much beliefs, people are free to celebrate their more successful than you are. spiritual fulfillment as long as they do not Soerjomentaram believes that life in this world offer public menace. Economically American is mortal and happiness or unhappiness is people are well off compared to other people temporal. Once you realize this and succeed in the world. Though there are still some dire in getting rid of those hellish feelings you will poverty in some areas such as in the deep achieve the happiness you pursue in this country, in the Appalachian and Orzak world (Soerjomentaram, 1998: 21). This leads mountains, as well as in the slum of big cities, to a Javanese moral value that you have to there is always opportunity open for them to be content with what God gives you. Older better their own life. They only have to Javanese generation accept this value but recognize their forefather’s motto that any younger ones find it old fashioned and is kind of work is divine. inapplicable for living in a modern world. To achieve happiness you have to grasp any REFERENCE opportunity that comes to you and you have to acquire material gains to be successful Baym, Nina et al. ed. 1989. The Norton and happy. To them the pursuit of happiness Anthology of American Literature. New is analogous to the pursuit of success York: Norton Company. materially. Sadeli, Amad.u.p. 1998. Interview. Washington D.C. 4. Conclusion Surjomentaram, Ki Ageng. 1989. Kawruh In conclusion let me mention the Jiwa. Jilid 1. Jakarta: Haji Masagung. concern of Javanese older generation of what Surjomentaram, Ki Ageng.1990. Filsafat a future Javanese will be. They are afraid that hidup bahagia. Jilid 1. Jakarta: Haji the coming generation will completely ignore Masagung. the God inside themselves in order to achieve material success. In old Javanese thinking, Surjomentaram, Ki Ageng. 1993. Kawruh material gains are mortal, either you can lose Jiwa. Jilid 4. Jakarta: Haji Msagung. it at any time or you can never be satisfied Moehni, Imam R. 1930. Inwijding Tot Het with all you got since the hell of envy will Eeuwigdurende Geluk Van B.R.M. always be there to ensnare you. Some Soerjomentaram. Djokja: Druk Bob. Javanese still hold to the old value that the pursuit of happiness is through conquering Morrison, Toni. ed. 1991. Race-ing , and avoiding those hellish acts and feelings En-gender-ing Power. New York: so we can achieve heaven on earth or true Pantheon Books. happiness in life. Meanwhile, it is safe to say Wolfe, Alan. Ed. 1991. America at Century’s that most Americans nowadays have End. Barkeley: University of Carolina achieved the American dreams or the pursuit Press. of happiness in a certain degree. There is no

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