The adipose conversion process: regulation by extracellular and intracellular factors Christophe Boone, Jacques Mourot, Francine Grégoire, Claude Remacle

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Christophe Boone, Jacques Mourot, Francine Grégoire, Claude Remacle. The adipose conversion process: regulation by extracellular and intracellular factors. Reproduction Nutrition Development, EDP Sciences, 2000, 40 (4), pp.325-358. ￿10.1051/rnd:2000103￿. ￿hal-00900394￿

HAL Id: hal-00900394 Submitted on 1 Jan 2000

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Reprod. Nutr. Dev. 40 (2000) 325–358 325 © INRA, EDP Sciences

Review article

The adipose conversion process: Regulation by extracellular and intracellular factors

Christophe BOONEa*, Jacques MOUROTa, Francine GRÉGOIREb, Claude REMACLEc

a Unité Mixte de Recherche sur le Veau et le Porc, INRA, 35590 Saint-Gilles, France b Parke-Davis Laboratory for Molecular Genetics, Alameda, CA 94505, USA c Laboratoire de Biologie Cellulaire, Unité de Biologie Animale, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

(Received 19 April 2000; accepted 28 June 2000)

Abstract — White adipose tissue regulates lipid metabolism and acts as a secretory organ. Because of its importance for human health and animal production, many studies have attempted to better under- stand its development at the cellular and molecular levels by culturing preadipose cells in vitro. This synthesis article describes our current knowledge, acquired by this approach, concerning the regulation of the different steps of the adipocyte differentiation program by extracellular (, , growth factors, retinoids and fatty acids) and intracellular agents (second messengers and transcrip- tion factors). The discrepant effects that have been observed for some of these factors are also discussed. This information is very important in the perspective of a better control of fat deposits in human and breeding species. preadipocyte / differentiation / hormonal agent / second messenger /

Résumé — Le processus d’adipoconversion : sa régulation par des facteurs extracellulaires et intracellulaires. Le tissu adipeux blanc régule le métabolisme lipidique et agit comme un organe de sécrétion. Étant donné son importance pour la santé humaine et la production animale, de nom- breuses études ont tenté de mieux comprendre son développement aux niveaux cellulaire et moléculaire en utilisant des cultures de préadipocytes. Cet article de synthèse décrit notre connaissance actuelle, issue de cette approche, concernant la régulation des différentes étapes du programme de la diffé- renciation adipocytaire par des facteurs extracellulaires (hormones, cytokines, facteurs de crois- sance, rétinoïdes et acides gras) et intracellulaires (seconds messagers et facteurs de transcription). Les effets divergents observés pour certains de ces facteurs sont également discutés. Ces informations sont très importantes dans la perspective d’un meilleur contrôle des dépôts adipeux chez l’humain et les espèces d’élevage. préadipocyte / différenciation / / second messager / facteur de transcription

* Correspondence and reprints E-mail: [email protected] 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:04 Page 326

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1. INTRODUCTION (NIDDM), hypertension, atherosclerosis and reduced fecundity [153]. On the other hand, White adipose tissue (WAT) plays an fat deposits are also known to influence meat essential role in the regulation of the energy quality [149]. Consequently, a better under- balance of vertebrates. The primary func- standing of the physiological and patho- tion of the adipocyte is to store energy by physiological development of WAT is accumulating triacylglycerols during exces- essential in order to improve treatments sive energy intake and to restore it during against human pathologies as well as for fasting periods. The deposition of fat results better controlling fat development of com- from the balance of (1) absorption of blood- mercially important species. circulating fatty acids (FAs) through the With the establishment of cultures of adi- action of lipoprotein lipase (LPL), (2) de pose precursors in vitro, many progresses novo lipogenesis, through plasma glucose have been made in our understanding of the and acetate, (3) lipolysis ensured by hor- adipocyte development at the cellular and mone-sensitive lipase (HSL), and (4) in situ molecular levels. The various in vitro mod- β lipid oxidation through -oxidations in mito- els used to study adipocyte differentiation chondria. White adipose tissue also acts as have been reviewed previously [69, 93]. a secretory organ. Adipocytes are now rec- Briefly, two models are mainly used: preadi- ognized to secrete many substances includ- pose lines and primary preadipocytes. ing leptin, the product of ob gene known to Preadipose cell lines that originate from regulate body fat mass by decreasing food mice have been largely investigated. Our intake and increasing energy expenditure, current knowledge concerning the general proteins linked to the immune system (e.g., features of the adipose conversion process alternate complement factors (B, C3 and D) and its regulation at the extracellular and α and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF )), intracellular levels have been essentially vasoactive factors (e.g., adenosine, acquired with this culture system, of which (PGs), angiotensinogen, the 10T1/2, 3T3-L1, 3T3-F442A, Ob17 and enzymes required for the conversion of Ob1771 cell lines have been the most stud- angiotensinogen to II, such as ied. On the other hand, primary preadi- renin-angiotensin and non renin-angiotensin pocytes have been successfully isolated from systems), proteins of the fibrinolytic and various animals and cultured in vitro. These coagulation cascades, such as type 1 plas- cells are far less easy to culture than cell minogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) and tis- lines, due, for instance, to the process of cell sue factor, and adiponectin, also known as isolation during which several precautions apM1 (adipose most abundant gene tran- are necessary in order to avoid cell alter- script 1), that can accumulate in vascular ations. However, primary cells have the walls when the endothelial barrier is injured advantage to possess the normal stock of [4, 7, 48, 93, 122, 131, 175]. Some of these chromosomes and therefore may better factors can also have a direct action on reflect the in vivo context. Moreover, it preadipocyte differentiation. For instance, allows comparisons between preadipocytes α TNF and leptin are known for their direct of different origins since primary cells can antiadipogenic and/or lipolytic activities, be isolated from various animals and from whereas PGI2 and PGE2 are characterized different fat depots, as well as from animals by adipogenic and antilipolytic activities, of different physiological states and ages. respectively [4, 16, 52, 93]. Two major critics have been addressed to People characterized by a dysregulation preadipocyte primary cultures. The first is of their WAT development (e.g., obesity, that preadipose cells are at different stages of anorexia nervosa) have increased risk to the adipose conversion process, leading to develop, among others, type II diabetes asynchronous differentiation. The second 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:04 Page 327

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is that non-preadipose cells, such as endothe- of murine blastocysts, that have been shown lial cells and fibroblasts, have been recov- to differentiate into fat cells in appropriate ered during the isolation process. However, conditions. This could provide an excellent these contaminant cells are not so numer- model for characterizing master genes con- ous than previously suggested since high trolling the commitment of undifferentiated percentages of lipid-containing cells have cells into the adipocyte lineage [57]. already been obtained in primary cultures This review summarizes our current [23, 68, 92]. Furthermore, we have shown, knowledge acquired from in vitro studies in a recent study performed with cells iso- that concern the regulation of adipocyte dif- lated from inguinal subcutaneous WAT, that ferentiation at extra- and intracellular levels. until 80% of the cells can accumulate lipids when cultured in specific conditions (i.e., serum-free medium and supraphysiological 2. THE STEPS OF ADIPOSE concentrations of insulin) [27]. This indi- CONVERSION cates that no more than 20% of the cells could be non-preadipose cells. A very inter- Studies with cell lines have demonstrated esting study, performed by Yu et al. [269] on that numerous steps characterized the adi- cultured porcine preadipocytes, strongly pose conversion process, summarized in suggests that this percentage is probably Figure 1. These steps were recently reviewed still smaller. In a first step, these authors by Grégoire et al. [93]. First, the multipo- depleted, in the presence of complement tential stem cells need to be committed to factors, the preadipocyte population with the adipocyte lineage (determination) by a an antibody developed in their laboratory process that remains uncharacterized. Inter- and recognizing an antigen expressed by estingly, a recent study showed that mam- preadipose cells, before the expression of mary stromal cells can differentiate into the classical early markers of differentia- fibroblasts, adipocytes or capillary-like tion, such as LPL. Then, they submitted the structures in a hormone- and substratum- remaining population to specific conditions dependent manner [271]. The recruited cells, (i.e., proliferative medium and glucocorti- named adipoblasts, proliferate (exponential coids during the proliferation step) and growth phase) until reaching confluence, showed that a significant proportion of these and stop at the G1/S stage of the cell cycle. cells can be recruited in the adipose path- At that stage, adipoblasts start expressing way. This experiment was very relevant early markers of adipose conversion, includ- because it demonstrated directly, and for ing LPL and α2 chain of type VI-collagen the first time, that the cells that are not able (A2COL6), and are named preadipocytes. to accumulate lipids in the usual culture con- Expression, secretion and/or organization ditions (i.e., insulin, glucocorticoids and/or of numerous extracellular matrix (ECM) thyroid hormones, generally after the pro- components (e.g., type I-, III- and IV-col- liferation step or during the whole culture) lagens, fibronectin, and laminin), as well as are probably, at least in part, non-committed of β- and cytoskeletal proteins/ cells and/or preadipose cells that are in a mRNAs (e.g., actin, tubulin, vimentin, very early stage of the adipose conversion vinculin, α-actinin and tropomyosin) also process. This study is also a first step for begin to be modified. In cell lines, DNA better characterizing the different sub-pop- replication resumes (clonal expansion) after ulations of preadipose cells in porcine pri- the arrest of exponential growth [18] and it mary cultures. A third system of culture has was suggested that clonal expansion stops at been recently developed. It consists of a precise stage of the G1 phase of the cell embryonic stem cells (ZIN 40, E14TG2a cycle (GD). In contrast, human primary and CGR8) derived from the inner cell mass preadipocytes do not require cell division 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:04 Page 328

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Figure 1. The steps of the adipocyte differentiation program, as observed with the cultures of preadipocytes in vitro. The multipotent cell is recruited in the adipocyte lineage through a process that is still unknown. Indeed, no master regulatory gene has been discovered until now. The committed adipose cell, named adipoblast, proliferates during the exponential growth phase and the early mark- ers of differentiation, such as lipoprotein lipase, emerge after the withdrawal of this step. This preadipocyte performs one or two mitoses (clonal expansion), after what the late markers of differ- entiation, such as glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase and synthase, emerge. The extra- cellular matrix components and the cytoskeleton are also very implicated in these first steps of the adi- pose conversion process. The cell starts to accumulate lipid droplets in its cytoplasm (immature adipocyte), the nucleus and the cytoplasm being progressively pushed to a peripheral position (mature adipocyte). 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:04 Page 329

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to enter the differentiation process [68]. (RXR) whereas orphan receptors can bind as After clonal expansion, preadpocytes reach homodimers. On DNA, the unbound recep- the stage GD’ and late markers of differen- tors are associated to co-repressors and tiation, such as glycerol 3-phosphate dehy- silence active promoters. When binds drogenase (GPDH), malic enzyme, and FA the , the co-repressor dissociates, synthase (FAS), emerge while the morpho- allowing interaction with other transcrip- logical differentiation (lipid accumulation) tion factors and co-activators, and leading to starts [93, 218, 250]. Terminal differentia- gene activation [32, 86, 100, 253]. tion of these immature adipocytes is marked by a progressive lipid accumulation that will 3.1.1. The glucocorticoids finally push the nucleus to a peripheral posi- tion. Among steroids, the effects of glucocor- ticoids on adipose conversion have been the most studied. These hormones are adi- 3. REGULATION OF ADIPOSE pogenic in both preadipose cell lines and CONVERSION primary preadipocytes, whatever the con- BY EXTRACELLULAR AGENTS ditions of culture [42, 80, 90, 103, 105, 176, 182, 189, 227]. In vitro studies have demonstrated that Glucocorticoids have been suggested to the various steps of adipocyte differentia- act through the PGs but so far results remain tion are strongly dependent on hormonal conflicting. Gaskins et al. [81] showed that factors, specific FAs and retinoids (Fig. 2). dexamethasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid, decreases the secretion of PGE2 by porcine preadipocytes whereas Gaillard et al. [80] 3.1. Ligands for nuclear receptors demonstrated that in Ob1771 cells corti- costerone increases secretion of PGI2 but Steroids (e.g., cortisol, vitamin D and sex not of PGE2. In latter case, PGI2 would hormones), triiodothyronine (T3) and enhance adipose conversion by increasing retinoic acid (RA) enter the cells by diffu- cyclic AMP (cAMP) and calcium concen- sion. They then interact with their intracel- trations [245]. In 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, lular receptor that belongs to the steroid hor- dexamethasone enhanced adipose conver- mone receptor superfamily (also comprising sion by inducing the expression of CCAAT/ vitamin D, retinoid and orphan receptors) enhancer binding protein (C/EBP)-δ, a pro- in a complex fashion still far to be under- tein that belongs to a family of transcrip- stood. The cytoplasmic steroid receptors tion factors ([69, 156]; Sect. 5). The iso- form an inactive complex with heat-shock form δ is expressed during the exponential proteins. When the ligand binds the receptor, growth phase of the adipose conversion [69], heat-shock proteins dissociate and homo- suggesting that glucocorticoids play an early or heterodimer receptors can reach the role during this process [260, 267]. An early nucleus where they bind to specific steroid function for dexamethasone, during the response elements. The non-steroid receptors growth phase, has also been described in (e.g., receptors for thyroid hormones, RA, primary porcine preadipocytes. Indeed, the and vitamin D) are not associated with heat- glucocorticoid, in the presence of fetal shock proteins and can bind DNA as homo- bovine serum for 3 days after seeding, or heterodimers in the absence of their lig- increases the number of cells expressing the and. For instance, binding of RA receptor AD-3 antigen, considered by the authors as (RAR) and thyroid hormone receptor to their an early marker of differentiation [259, 269]. cognate DNA response elements requires The early effect of glucocorticoids is prob- heterodimerization with retinoid X receptor ably due, at least in part, to the induction of 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 330

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Figure 2. Overview of our current knowledge concerning the regulation of the different steps of the adipose conversion program by extracellular agents. Insulin-like 1 (IGF-1) stimulates the first steps of the differentiation program. This is also the case for growth hormone (GH) in cell lines whereas a negative effect has been observed with primary preadipocytes. One explanation could be that GH stimulates the transcription of IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs) that can bind and, in some cases, inactivate IGF-1. Glucocorticoids, insulin, retinoids and fatty acids (FAs) enhance both early and late steps of the adipocyte differentiation program whereas T3 has been shown to have a direct positive impact only during the late steps. Interactions between glucocorticoids, insulin and T3 have been clearly described. High concentrations of retinoids, polyunsaturated FAs, interferon (IFN), interleukins (ILs) 1 and 11, transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) are well characterized as strong inhibitors of the adipose conversion process. A very late inhibitory action (dedifferentiation) has also been observed for TGFβ and TNFα. The case of other factors for which discrepancies have been observed is discussed in the text. 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 331

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the synthesis of ECM components. Indeed, that these preadipocytes do not need T3 to dexamethasone was reported to enhance the differentiate [103, 195]. Furthermore, T3 production of laminin and type IV collagen seems to have no impact on primary in porcine primary preadipocytes [113, 115]. preadipocytes isolated from rabbit [182]. These ECM components are critical for the This hormone is classically added to cul- development of the adipocytes that are ture human preadipose cells [59, 68, 106] embedded in a basement membrane. In but its requirement has never been clearly 3T3-L1 cells, dexamethasone has also been demonstrated. Interestingly, a recent study shown to stimulate the synthesis of chon- has demonstrated that this hormone can have droitin sulfate proteoglycans, known to an adipogenic impact, albeit limited, dur- increase during the adipose conversion pro- ing late differentiation of porcine preadi- cess [33, 213]. Smas et al. [214] as well as pocytes [27]. Experiments with rat preadi- Wolf [257] recently demonstrated that glu- pose cells suggested that the effect of T3 cocorticoids can also promote adipogene- may depend on the presence or not of serum. sis by repressing Pref-1, a transmembrane Indeed, no effect was observed on GPDH protein that is largely expressed in 3T3-L1 activity in serum-containing medium [255] preadipose cells but is absent in mature whereas, in chemically-defined medium, its adipocytes [212]. An impact of glucocorti- removal clearly decreased LPL and GPDH coids during the late steps of adipose con- activities [60]. These studies pointed out the version is not to be excluded since the num- complexity of the action of T3 and indicate ber and affinity of their receptors increases that this hormone would essentially act indi- during this process [44, 99, 110]. rectly on adipose conversion, by modulating other factors. In vivo experiments performed 3.1.2. The thyroid hormones on fetal pigs showed that thyroxine increases lipogenesis, an effect that is counterregu- lated by growth hormone (GH), and sug- High-affinity binding sites for T3 have been described in Ob17 preadipocytes, their gested that this thyroid hormone enhances number doubling during adipose conver- tissue development by increasing serum and tissue concentrations of insulin-like growth sion [83]. Stimulation of these cells by T3 alone increased, albeit in a limited extent, factor 1 (IGF-1) as well as of IGF binding the activity of adipose conversion-related proteins (IGFBPs) [116, 148]. enzymes (e.g., FAS and GPDH), and an The presence of T3 response element additive adipogenic effect was obtained with (T3RE) in malic enzyme gene promoter indi- insulin. A recent study showed that T3 recep- cates that T3 receptors can act directly on tors α1 and β1, but not β2, are strongly gene promoters of adipose conversion- implicated in the adipogenic action of T3 in related enzymes [61, 180, 268]. Gonzalez- the same cell line [55]. The β1 type might Manchon et al. [84] have suggested that, in have a particularly important role during the the absence of T3, binding of T3 receptors early steps of adipose conversion, since it homodimers to T3RE represses human malic is expressed only for 2 days from the growth enzyme gene expression. These homodimers α arrest, whereas the 1 type is expressed dur- would dissociate from the T3RE when T3 ing a longer period. This hormone increases is present and the receptors could then het- adipose conversion (i.e., number of erodimerize with RXRα, this new complex adipocytes as well as GPDH and malic activating malic enzyme gene expression. enzyme activities) of 3T3-F442A cells, but A recent study indicates that the expression only in presence of fetal bovine serum, indi- of this gene can also be repressed by type β cating that T3 is not adipogenic by itself -T3 receptors through a DNA-independent [73]. No direct study has been performed mechanism [85]. This hormone has also on 3T3-L1 cells but it has been observed been shown to regulate stearoyl-CoA 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 332

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desaturase gene and acetyl-CoA carboxy- implicated in this process because small lase (ACC) PI promoter [123, 251]. How- concentrations of RARα agonist were suf- ever, further investigations should be per- ficient to increase GPDH activity. It is note- formed to better understand the role played worthy that treatment with the RARα ago- by T3. This is necessary since T3 was shown nist Am580 did not influence the expression to stimulate malic enzyme mRNA synthesis of early markers of differentiation (i.e., in rat liver, heart and kidney but not in other A2COL6 and LPL), suggesting that adi- rat tissues including brain, lung and spleen pogenic effects of RAs are mostly effective [171]. during the terminal differentiation process. However, a critical role for RA has also Interestingly, thyrotropin (TSH), that been demonstrated during the early steps of stimulates T and thyroxine production, has 3 the adipocyte differentiation, since pre- recently been shown to directly enhance treatment of differentiating embryonic stem proliferation of rat preadipocytes, whereas it cell-derived embryoid bodies with t-RA for inhibits their adipose conversion [102]. a short time results in a high degree of adi- pogenesis [57]. Finally, in primary cultures, 3.1.3. The retinoids physiological concentrations of t-RA increase adipose conversion of rat preadi- Vitamin A can be metabolized into at pocytes but do not influence differentiation least three active retinoids that are named of porcine preadipose cells [190, 226]. all-trans retinoic acid (t-RA), 3,4-didehy- By contrast, supraphysiological concen- droretinoic acid (ddRA) and 9-cis retinoic trations of t-RA and/or 9-cis RA prevent acid (9-cis RA). Two families of nuclear adipose conversion of Ob1771 and 3T3-L1 RA receptors have been described: the RAR, cells, and cause death of 3T3-L1 cells by binding t-RA and 9-cis RA, and the RXR, [43, 145, 190, 192]. In this cell binding 9-cis RA, each one including three line, high doses of RA completely block the receptor isoforms (i.e., α, β and γ). These differentiation-related reduction in rrg/lysyl receptors act through the formation of oxidase gene expression, an enzyme that is RAR-RXR heterodimers or RXR-RXR able to alter ECM composition [63]. High homodimers. In addition, RXR can het- concentrations of RA also inhibit adipose erodimerize with other nuclear receptors, conversion of 3T3-F442A cells probably by such as the T receptor and peroxisome pro- 3 altering, at least in part, the assembly of liferator-activated receptor (PPAR) [21, 87, actin microfilaments [39]. The adipose con- 141, 150, 273]. version of porcine and bovine preadipocytes The RARα, RARγ, RXRα and RXRβ has also been shown to be inhibited by sup- mRNAs are abundant in adipose tissue, and raphysiological concentrations of t-RA have been detected in 3T3-L1 and Ob1771 and/or vitamin A [174, 226]. Interestingly, cell lines, especially in committed Ohyama et al. [174] mentioned that they preadipocytes and differentiated cells [101, previously showed that vitamin A inhibits 130, 190]. In Ob1771 cell line, physiologi- adipose conversion of ovine preadipose cells cal concentrations of t-RA or 9-cis RA at concentrations corresponding to its plasma increase the GPDH activity [190]. The level in sheep. The inhibitory effect of RA authors also observed stimulatory effects appears to be early because it can block adi- using physiological concentrations of syn- pogenesis by inhibiting the transcription thetic retinoids, and demonstrated that only mediated by C/EBPβ [196], an isoform that a very small proportion of RAR molecules is expressed during the exponential growth need to be activated to obtain the maximal phase of the adipose conversion process adipogenic effect. In addition, they (Sect. 5). The observation that RA needs to showed that RARα should particularly be be added for only 24 h at early stage of 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 333

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culture in porcine cell cultures argues also also known as aP2, and the less abundant for an early action of these molecules [226]. keratinocyte lipid-binding protein (K-LBP) However, wathever the origin of the [19, 244]. preadipocytes, pharmacological doses of The FATP and FAT have been shown to RA inhibit both early (e.g., A2COL6 and be expressed during adipocyte differentiation LPL) and late (e.g., GPDH and adipsin) of 3T3-F442A and Ob1771 cells, and to be markers of differentiation [5, 13, 224, 234]. closely linked to this process [1, 2, 194, Tontonoz et al. [239] hypothesized that stim- 206]. Similarly, activation of the cytoplas- ulation of RAR by RA could block terminal mic A-LBP gene, that is currently used as a differentiation by leading to RAR-RXR het- differentiation marker, appears at the begin- erodimerization preventing the formation ning of the triacylglycerol accumulation, of PPARγ2-RXRα heterodimers. This just following the emergence of other early would be consistent with the observation markers (e.g., LPL, A2COL6) [6]. that RAR suppresses the action of PPARγ and is supported by the fact that the actions In addition to the esterification process of RA are mostly mediated by RAR [132, that lead to triglyceride storage in the 262]. Xue et al. [262] also showed that RAR adipocyte, FAs are also implicated in the can inhibit PPARγ mRNA expression, cor- regulation of the adipose conversion pro- related with a decrease in the level of PPARγ cess [94]. For instance, exposure of Ob1771 protein. These results strongly suggest that cells to palmitate promotes post-confluent the inhibitory effect of RA is ensured, at mitoses, accumulation of triglycerides and least in part, through impairment of PPARγ- emergence of late markers of adipose dif- stimulated transcriptions. Therefore, RA can ferentiation (e.g., GPDH activity) [10]. Amri have a dual action on adipose conversion et al. [9, 12] also showed that long-chain (during early and late steps), depending on FAs activate the expression of A-LBP, LPL its concentration. The molecular mecha- and acyl-CoA synthetase, an enzyme that nisms remain to be clarified. is induced during adipose conversion and is important for starting lipid deposition. On 3.1.4. The fatty acids the other hand, polyunsaturated long-chain FAs (PUFAs) can inhibit adipose conver- sion, at least in part through decrease in In addition to their role in the production PPARγ and C/EBPα expressions. PUFA- of energy and in the formation of phospho- specific response element, acting as repres- lipids and PGs, long-chain FAs also act as sor of transcription, has been described in transcriptional regulators, whereas short-, the promoter of stearoyl-CoA desaturase middle- and very long-chain FAs remain gene [30, 252]. Furthermore, Ntambi et al. poor inducers [6, 19, 94, 243, 244]. Several [173] demonstrated that PUFAs decrease FA binding proteins (FABP) have been stearoyl-CoA desaturase gene expression in described [244]. Some of them are associ- hepatocytes, and Fukuda et al. [77] showed ated to the plasma membrane, such as the that, in hepatocytes and adipocytes, PUFAs membrane FABP, the FA transport protein can suppress the insulin stimulation of FAS (FATP) and the FA translocase (FAT). transcription. It is noteworthy that activa- These proteins ensure the entry of plasma tion of adipose conversion has also been FAs, mainly bound to albumin, into the cell observed with PUFAs [193]. by a mechanism that is still discussed. Oth- ers are cytoplasmic and could facilitate the Of interest is that long-chain FAs can transport of the FAs to their site of utiliza- enhance adipose conversion by binding tion. Two different intracellular FABPs have directly and activating PPARγ, that is able to been described in adipose tissue, the regulate the expression of A-LBP and FATP adipocyte lipid-binding protein (A-LBP), [6, 76, 239, 256]. Recent studies also 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 334

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indicated that A-LBP functions as a posi- rabbit preadipocytes [105, 182]. However, it tive factor in FA signaling by directly tar- has been shown more recently that high con- geting and delivering FA metabolites to the centrations of insulin are not obligatory for lipid pathway [118]. the differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells [223]. Like most adipogenic inducers, FAs act Moreover, physiological concentrations are synergistically with other agents such as able to increase adipose conversion of rat GH [10] and retinoids for controlling the and porcine cells, even if supraphysiological adipose conversion process and lipid concentrations remain more efficient [27, metabolism [134, 191]. In addition, insulin 60, 90, 109]. These results suggest that, at can phosphorylate A-LBP, reducing its least in these cases, insulin is also able to affinity for FAs. Consequently, this increase have adipogenic effects by acting directly in unbound FAs could up-regulate expres- on its own receptor. sion of lipid-related genes [6]. Insulin and glucocorticoids are able to modulate the action of each other. For 3.2. Extracellular agents acting instance, insulin increases the number and through transmembrane receptors affinity of glucocorticoid receptors in porcine preadipocytes from fetal origin [44, 110]. Synergistic effects between these two Protein hormones, growth factors and hormones were also described in primary cytokines act through transmembrane recep- preadipocytes from different origins [90, tors that activate various intracellular path- 105, 182, 227]. Furthermore, it was sug- ways. Insulin, IGF-1, epidermal growth fac- gested that insulin could enhance the adi- tor (EGF), and platelet-derived growth factor pose conversion of porcine preadipocytes (PDGF) bind to transmembrane receptors that have been previously recruited by containing tyrosine kinase domains whereas glucocorticoids [113, 269]. It is noteworthy GH and receptors do not possess that such interactions also depend on tyrosine kinase activity but mediate their the origin of the cells, since rodent effect through cytoplasmic kinase proteins. preadipocytes are able to sustain the adi- On the other hand, transforming growth fac- pose conversion process with insulin alone, tor (TGF)-β stimulates a receptor containing in the absence of glucocorticoids [60, 90]. In serine/threonine kinase activity, whereas contrast, glucocorticoids are more adi- catecholamines, prostaglandins, adenosine pogenic than insulin in TA1 cell line and and angiotensin-II bind G protein-associ- primary rabbit preadipose cells [42, 182]. ated receptors [35, 52, 58, 100, 157, 160, In 3T3-F442A cells, insulin is only effec- 164, 197, 217]. tive when cells have been previously stim- ulated with GH [95]. However, an earlier 3.2.1. Insulin, IGF-1, and GH role of insulin is not to be excluded: this hormone is indeed sufficient to enhance adi- Insulin belongs to the most adipogenic pose conversion of porcine preadipocytes factors but its impact depends on the cellu- in the absence of other stimulators, and to lar model. Supraphysiological concentra- increase the expression of extracellular tions of insulin enhance adipose conversion matrix proteins, such as laminin and type of preadipose cell lines by acting through IV collagen [27, 113]. the IGF-1 receptor [215]. Cross-reactions with this receptor is indeed possible when Growth hormone has also been reported insulin is added at high concentrations [45, to enhance adipose conversion of preadi- 140]. Because no or poor effects are pose cell lines by acting through IGF-1. observed with physiological concentrations, Experiments on 3T3-F442A cells suggested similar interpretation concerns human and that GH would enhance adipose conversion 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 335

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by triggering the entrance of precursor cells showed that IGF-1 and IGFBP secretions into the differentiation program, by exiting are controlled by thyroxine, glucocorticoids the cell cycle and establishing quiescent and TGFβ. Finally, the action of IGF-1 is primed cells. These cells would be in a spe- strongly dependent on the age of the ani- cial G0 stage of the cell cycle that is per- mal since preadipocytes from porcine fetus missive for differentiation [50, 89, 97]. produce more IGF-1 and respond better to Then, as shown in 3T3-F442A and Ob1771 this hormone than cells from neonate pigs cells, GH would stimulate the transcription [45]. Furthermore, the various isoforms of of the IGF-1 gene, as also demonstrated for IGFBPs are divergently produce by fetal porcine preadipocytes [82], and sensitize (preferentially IGFBPs 2 and 3) and post- the cells to the mitogenic effect of IGF-1 natal (preferentially IGFBPs 1 and 4) by stimulating the expression of its receptor. preadipocytes [45]. This would lead to clonal expansion that would selectively increase the number of 3.2.2. Other growth factors these newly recruited cells [65, 89, 272]. and cytokines The surprising negative effect of glucocor- ticoids on 3T3-F442A cell line has been Although in vivo experiments have explained by the fact that GH binding is shown that EGF and TGFα, that also acts down-regulated by these hormones, proba- through the EGF receptor, are associated to bly through a decrease in the number of GH an inhibition of adipose conversion [154, receptors [138]. Other studies performed on 199, 201, 204], the results obtained in vitro 3T3-F442A cells showed that GH also up- remain controversial. Studies on 3T3-L1 regulates cytoskeleton proteins, such as vin- cells revealed that EGF increases adipose culin and tubulin, leading to the changes in conversion in serum-free medium [15] cell shape that are necessary for adipose whereas negative effect were obtained in conversion [26, 96, 98, 221]. serum-containing medium [3]. Furthermore, Studies on 3T3-L1 cells did not corrob- EGF increases the differentiation of porcine orate these results since exogenous IGF-1 preadipocytes [27], whereas it inhibits the was obligatory and sufficient for the differ- adipose conversion of rodent and human entiation of these cells [215]. In addition, preadipose cells cultured in similar condi- data collected on primary cultures showed tions [107, 198, 247]. Transforming growth that IGF-1 enhanced adipose conversion by factor α, that can be expressed by preadi- increasing the preadipocyte pool, whereas pose cells, exhibits antiadipogenic activi- GH had no effect or even a negative effect ties when tested on 3T3-F442A and rat [27, 112, 114, 249]. Some of the differences preadipose cells [154, 198, 199]. Studies on observed between cell lines and primary primary cells suggest that EGF exerts its cells could be explained by the fact that pri- function during the early stages of the adi- mary cells are most likely harvested in a pose conversion program. In rat preadi- later stage of adipose conversion and may pocyte cultures, the expression of EGF have been stimulated in vivo by hormonal receptors is increased early during the dif- agents, such as GH [68]. On the other hand, ferentiation process, then slightly decreased the inhibitory effect of GH in primary during the late steps. Such receptors are even preadipocytes appears contradictory since undetectable in mature adipocytes directly GH enhances the secretion of IGF-1 in pri- isolated from rats [78]. Similar observations mary culture. It has been hypothesized that have been made with human preadipocytes this negative effect might be mediated, at [75]. An early impact of EGF on adipose least in part, by stimulating the secretion of conversion is also supported by the obser- IGFBPs that can block the adipogenic action vation that, in porcine preadipocyte cultures, of IGF-1 [46, 186]. These authors also this growth factor strongly increases LPL 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 336

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activity, an early marker of differentiation, occurs after the arrest in the GD stage, but whereas its impact on malic enzyme activ- prior to the GD’ stage, of the cell cycle ity, a late marker, is not so conclusive [27]. [220]. One study also suggested that TGFβ should act, at least in part, by increasing the The effects of PDGF and fibroblast synthesis of fibronectin and collagen [125]. growth factor (FGF) are also still contro- Studies on porcine cells showed that it versial since positive and negative effects inhibits secretion of adipogenic agents such have been reported for cell lines and pri- as IGF-1, and increases IGFBPs secretion mary preadipocytes. These effects depend [185, 186]. This hormonal agent could act in on the growth factor concentration, the an autocrine/paracrine manner since it is medium composition and/or the origin of locally produced by porcine adipocytes in the cells. Treatment with PDGF increases vivo and in vitro [184]. Consistently with adipose conversion of 3T3-L1 cells [15, its inhibitory effect, its synthesis is decreased 223] whereas it decreases differentiation of during the adipose conversion of 3T3-L1 TA1 cells [166]. No effect is observed on the cells [254]. Finally, TGFβ can also reduce adipose conversion of human preadipocytes the expression of adipose genes in mature [107]. Studies on 3T3-L1 cells showed that adipocytes [240]. the omission of PDGF lead to loss of dif- α γ ferentiation as well as to cell death by apop- Tumor necrosis factor , interferon , tosis [223]. Platelet-derived growth factor and interleukins 1 and 11 strongly decrease can also act by modulating other growth adipose conversion in cell lines as well as in factors. For example, in the 3T3 cell sys- rat, porcine and human primary cells [22, tem, PDGF modulates EGF receptor by 27, 56, 91, 133, 178, 240, 247]. The mech- α inducing a transient loss of EGF binding anism of action of TNF has been largely activity, independently of any change in investigated. It can act directly on lipid EGF receptor affinity [258]. In serum- metabolism by decreasing FA uptake (e.g., containing medium, FGF was shown to decrease in LPL, FAT and FATP expres- decrease the differentiation of TA1 cells sion) and lipogenesis (e.g., decrease in FAS [166, 167]. In contrast, FGF had no or a and ACC expression), and by increasing poor effect on the adipose conversion of lipolysis [205]. Indirect effects have also 3T3-L1 cells or of human and rat primary been observed since this cytokine can alter β preadipocytes cultured in serum-free collagen (types I, III, and IV) and -actin medium [107, 195, 200, 247]. Recently, synthesis in 3T3-L1 cells [254]. These α FGF-10 was shown to be produced by rat authors also showed that TNF could exert β preadipocytes and to ensure their growth its effect by increasing the TGF mRNA without affecting differentiation [263]. content. Another interesting observation is that TNFα disrupts clonal expansion by Transforming growth factor β is able to changing the normal pattern of expression of block early and/or late steps of adipose con- p107 and p130 proteins, known to play a version in TA1, Ob1771, 1246 and 3T3-T role during this step that is necessary to the cell lines [56, 128, 219, 240]. Similar results adipose conversion process (Sect. 5) [155, were reported for rat, porcine and human 187]. The cells then enter the S phase but primary preadipocytes [179, 185, 186, 247]. undergo apoptosis. As observed with TGFβ, As suggested for PDGF and FGF, this neg- TNFα can reduce the expression of adipose ative effect appears to be independent on a genes in mature adipocytes. However, in proliferative action [185, 240]. Investiga- both cases, these “dedifferentiated” cells are tions on 3T3-T cells suggested that the distinguishable from preadipocytes since action of TGFβ could be mediated by a pro- one cannot detect some factors that are tein kinase C (PKC)-dependent pathway by expressed in preadipocytes, such as Pref-1 blocking an event of the cell cycle that [74, 240, 261, 274]. 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 337

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3.2.3. The prostaglandins ated the adipose conversion [232]. The authors then suggested that these receptors Preadipocytes and adipocytes produce could act through cell-to-cell contacts at confluence. 15-deoxy-delta PGJ does not large amount of PGs, including PGI2, 2 PGF and PGE [124]. F need to activate membrane receptor since 2α 2 2α γ inhibits adipose conversion of cell lines and it is a natural ligand for PPAR [211]. rat preadipocytes [124, 169, 202, 203]. Because this PG can stimulate the synthesis 3.3. Conclusion of TGFα in rat preadipocytes, the existence of an amplification mechanism between these two differentiation inhibitors has been The complex hormonal regulation of the postulated [199]. By contrast, carbaprosta- adipose conversion has been studied exten- sively in vitro. Several discrepancies essen- cyclin (cPGI2), a stable analogue of PGI2, is recognized as a strong auto-/paracrine adi- tially due to the various origins of the preadi- pogenic agent for Ob1771 cells as well as for pose cells and to the different culture primary rodent and human preadipocytes conditions have emerged from these stud- [40, 170, 245, 247]. In addition to PGI , ies. However, they have highlighted a general 2 scheme that includes the moment of the hor- PGD2 and its derivative PG 15-deoxy-J2 may be endogenous ligands for PPARγ [117, monal effect during this process (Fig. 2). 142]. The roles of PGD2 and PGE2 are how- The hormonal agents that have been ever still controversed since divergent effects shown to play the most important adipogenic have been observed according to the cell functions during the adipocyte differentia- culture model [37, 203]. Despite these dis- tion are glucocorticoids, insulin, IGF-1, T3 crepancies, interesting models are emerg- and GH. Several works performed on cell ing concerning the auto-/paracrine effects lines and primary cultures clearly indicate of PGE2 and PGI2 [52, 53, 58, 246]. As that glucocorticoids play an important adi- mentioned above, fat cells can release pogenic function during the early steps of angiotensinogen that is a precursor of the adipose conversion. This early impact of vasoconstrictor angiotensin II, which has glucocorticoids would prepare the cells to been shown recently to play an important respond better to the adipogenic impact of role in the cell cycle progression of human insulin during the late steps of this process. preadipocytes [53]. In addition, by binding This could explain the synergistic impact to its receptor in adipocytes, angiotensin II of glucocorticoids and insulin that has been stimulates the production of PGI2 and PGE2. observed on late adipose conversion. Indeed, The PGI2 receptor is essentially present in if some studies suggested that glucocorti- preadipose cells and PGI2 would then coids could also have adipogenic functions increase cAMP concentration in undiffer- during late adipocyte differentiation, this entiated cells, enhancing their adipose con- has not been clearly demonstrated. Simi- version. By contrast, PGE2 receptors are larly, the possible early impact of insulin mostly present in mature adipocytes. Con- remains to be proved. IGF-1 is recognized, sequently, PGE2 would decrease cAMP con- in both preadipose cell lines and primary centration, avoiding lipolysis. In conclu- preadipocytes, to play an early role during sion, these PGs lead to an increase of the adipose conversion process, by selec- adipose tissue mass by enhancing hyper- tively increasing the number of preadipose plasia and hypertrophy. Interestingly, adeno- cells. However, as shown for porcine sine, by acting on its A1 and A2 receptors, preadipocytes, its positive impact on adi- can lead to effects similar to those obtained pose conversion could be affected by the with PGE2 and cPGI2 respectively [28]. local production of IGF-BPs, under the con- Transfection of Ob17 cells with the cDNA trol of glucocorticoids, thyroid hormones of human A1 adenosine receptor even initi- and GH. The case of GH appears more 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 338

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dependent on the origin of the cells but, in The actions of other hormonal factors are both systems of culture, this hormone has not so clear. This is the case of EGF, TGFα, been shown to enhance the transcription of PDGF and FGF for which adipogenic and the IGF-1 gene. Further studies will be nec- antiadipogenic effects have been observed essary to understand exactly why GH exerts according to the study. This is also the case adipogenic functions in cell lines whereas for PGD2 and PGE2. On the other hand, anti-adipogenic impacts have been described PGI is well known for its adipogenic effects in primary cells, as discussed in Section 7. 2 whereas PGF2α is a strong inhibitor of adi- On the other hand, some studies performed pose conversion. with cell lines and primary cultures showed that T3 can directly increase late adipose During this last decade, several works conversion, albeit in a limited extent. How- have described the role of long chain FAs ever, this hormone seems to exert its effect during the adipose conversion process. by preferentially modulating the activities Positive (e.g., by increasing the number of of other adipogenic hormonal agents, such as preadipocytes or by increasing the activity of insulin and glucocorticoids. All together, these in vitro investigations have allowed early and late markers of differentiation, to dissect the mechanisms of action of hor- such as LPL and GPDH respectively) and mones during the different steps of adipose negative effects (e.g., through a decrease in conversion. Moreover, they have highlighted transcription factors that play an important the interactions existing between these var- role during adipose conversion, such as ious hormones. Additional work is needed to PPARγ and C/EBPα) have been described extend these observations but this first according to the concerned FAs. Such dual scheme is a very interesting complement impact is particularly important since FAs for the in vivo context that should help to can be added in the diet for controlling adi- better understand WAT development. pose tissue development of economically Cytokines have been shown to interfere important species (e.g., by addition of spe- with the adipocyte differentiation. Indeed, cific oils). Physiological concentrations of TGFβ, TNFα, IL-1, IL-11 and IFN exhibit retinoids, that are synthesized from vitamin strong antiadipogenic effects, through var- A, are able to increase adipose conversion in ious modes of action, in both preadipose cell lines and primary cultures, mainly cell lines and primary preadipocyte systems. through RAR activation. The observation A dedifferentiation of mature adipocytes that retinoic acid can recruit stem cells in has even been observed with TGFβ and the adipocyte lineage make these lipophilic TNFα. Cytokines are well known for their molecules very interesting, mostly in the role in the coordination of the immune perspective of an early control of the adi- response and the link between immunity pose tissue development in meat-producing and WAT is reinforced by the fact that this animals. As observed for FAs, retinoids are tissue is able to produce various proteins of characterized by a dual effect since they can the immune system, among others TGFβ, inhibit adipose conversion when added at TNFα and complement factors [93]. In addi- tion, human obesity is accompanied by high supraphysiological concentrations. Conse- plasma concentrations of TNFα that are quently, these molecules could also be used responsible of insulin resistance. This rein- for better controlling fat development in forces the interest to better understand and vivo. However, further studies are neces- characterize the mechanisms of action of sary to determine the exact effects of these agents, that are a link between immu- retinoids, for example on the general phys- nity, WAT development and some physio- iology of the animals, especially in the case logical dysregulations, in the context of eco- of introduction of supraphysiological nomically important animals. concentrations. 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 339

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4. REGULATION OF ADIPOSE 4.1. The cAMP pathway CONVERSION BY SECOND MESSENGERS Numerous studies, in which cAMP path- way has been stimulated by either plasma The hormonal agents acting through membrane permeant cAMP analogs (i.e., transmembrane receptors activate numer- 8-bromo-cAMP and dibutyryl-cAMP), ous intracellular pathways that are progres- forskolin or methylisobutylxanthine (MIX, sively better understood [35, 100, 157, 160, a nonselective inhibitor of phosphodi- 164, 197]. Specific regulation of these down- esterases), suggested that this pathway plays stream events could explain some of the a pivotal role in the adipocyte differentia- divergent adipogenic and/or antiadipogenic tion process. Treatment of 3T3-L1 cells with effects observed with hormonal factors forskolin, permeant cAMP analogs or MIX according to the origin of the preadipocytes. clearly increases GPDH activity and/or the The complexity of the regulation of adipose expression of stearoyl-CoA desaturase conversion is increased by the fact that the mRNA [29, 36, 103, 195]. Similar obser- intracellular pathways can be activated vations were performed with 3T3-F442A and/or modulated by ECM components, [265] and Ob1771 cells [40, 79, 245]. This through integrins [49, 151]. On the other adipogenic activity of cAMP pathway was hand, the discovery of cAMP-response ele- further supported by the observation that ment binding protein (CREB) binding pro- adenosine A2 receptor and cPGI2, that act teins (CBPs) pointed out the high level of through this pathway, increase the GPDH interactions between nuclear hormone recep- activity in Ob1771 preadipose cells, as well tors and the intracellular pathways induced as in rat and human primary preadipocytes by the hormones binding membrane recep- [28, 40, 245, 247]. tors [127]. Cyclic AMP pathway appears to play a In the precise case of the adipocyte dif- role early during adipose conversion, includ- ferentiation, the downstream events impli- ing the clonal expansion step. Indeed, in cated in the adipogenic action of insulin are 3T3-L1 cells, cAMP simulates the A-LBP the best characterized until now, as clearly promoter in confluent preadipocytes but reviewed by Sorisky [217]. The small not in proliferating or fully differentiated G-protein Ras, phosphoinositide 3-kinase adipocytes [264]. The authors also concluded (PI3-kinase), protein kinase B (PKB) and that cAMP does no act through cAMP mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) response element but relieve the inhibitory have been shown to be implicated. Janus effect of a negative regulatory element kinase (JAK)-2 and signal transducer and blocking the expression of this gene. In addi- activator of transcription (STAT)-5 appear tion, cAMP-elevating agents increase to be important intracellular pathways used stearoyl-CoA desaturase mRNA expression by GH for inducing adipose conversion of in preadipocytes but not in adipocytes [36]. 3T3-F442A cells, whereas neither MAPK The authors suggested that this cAMP-reg- nor S6 kinase are necessary [266]. In addi- ulated stearoyl-CoA desaturase expression tion, c-Fos and PKC appear to be implicated could play a role that differs from the in the action of GH on the adipose conver- lipogenic functions ensured by this enzyme sion of Ob1771 cells [66]. during late differentiation. One interesting Among the intracellular events, cAMP hypothesis is that stearoyl-CoA desaturase, and PKC pathways belong to the most com- by producing unsaturated FAs, could alter mon pathways activated by transmembrane membrane fluidity and then protein bind- receptors and several works demonstrated ing, conformation and function. As men- that they strongly affect the adipocyte dif- tioned above, FAs and derivatives can act ferentiation. as signaling molecules during the adipose 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 340

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conversion process, for instance through of differentiated cells [207, 241]. These PPARs, and stearoyl-CoA desaturase could results are supported by the observation that provide such molecules. In Ob1771 cells, staurosporin, an inhibitor of PKC, increases the cAMP pathway was suggested to induce both the proportion of differentiated adi- a transition from the G0 to the G1 phase of pose cells and GPDH activity [241]. Similar the cell cycle, allowing clonal expansion observations were performed with the and then the commitment of a maximal 3T3-T, TA1 and A31T cell lines [62, 166, number of cells able to respond to the adi- 167, 220, 270], as well as with rat primary pogenic hormonal stimuli [79]. cultures [208, 209]. By contrast, some studies showed that Protein kinase C appears to exert its the activation of the cAMP pathway is not antiadipogenic activity at an early stage of always associated to an increase in adipose differentiation since TPA was shown to conversion. Indeed, dibutyryl-cAMP in inhibit adipose conversion of 3T3-L1 cells combination with theophylline (a phospho- only when added concomitantly with the diesterase inhibitor) was shown to prevent inducers of adipose conversion, for 48 h lipid accumulation in 3T3-F442A cells from confluence [166]. One hypothesis is [222]. Recently, it has been demonstrated that TPA blocks the entry of the cell into that these cells respond divergently to the GD stage whereas studies on 3T3-T cells cAMP-elevating agents according to their suggested that PKC pathway could block concentrations and the moment of the treat- the adipose conversion program after this ment [265]. In addition, forskolin, isopro- stage [220]. The addition of various terenol and MIX are able to potentiate inhibitors of PKC to TA1 cells, for 24 h GH-dependent differentiation when added from 1 day before confluence, led to a dras- just after the confluence, whereas they tic decrease in the expression of clone inhibit the adipogenic effect of insulin when 5 mRNA, a differentiation marker of these added during terminal differentiation. cells [166]. Finally, studies on porcine preadipocytes were shown to be unable to respond to However, several PKC activators cAMP-elevating agents whatever the cul- enhance terminal differentiation of Ob1771 ture medium, the concentrations and the cells [40] and TPA exert both mitogenic and moment of utilization [24]. Further inves- adipogenic activities on porcine primary tigations are needed to explain such diverg- preadipocytes [23]. In addition, negative ing effects but a differential intracellular and/or positive modulation of adipose con- regulation according to the species is not to version by PKC have been reported to be be excluded. mediated through a replicative/proliferative effect during the clonal expansion phase, but TPA has also been shown to inhibit dif- 4.2. The protein kinase C pathway ferentiation independently of cell prolifera- tion [40, 62, 166, 207, 220, 270]. These By contrast with the cAMP pathway, results indicate that this pathway of signal PKC is generally recognized as a strong transduction belongs to a complex system inhibitor of adipose conversion. Protein able to have positive and negative effects kinase C activity is decreased during the on the adipose conversion process. The ori- adipose conversion of 3T3-L1 cells and the gin of such divergences remains to be inves- addition of phorbol esters, such as 12-O-te- tigated. These divergent effects can be tradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), that, explained by the fact that PKC pathway is at nanomolar concentrations, directly acti- regulated in a complex manner and that vates the PKC activity by mimicking dia- numerous PKC isoforms exist [161, 236]. cylglycerol [172], decreases the proportion These isoforms may have distinct biological 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 341

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functions [31, 54, 121, 147, 165, 242]. hormonal agents according to the origin of Moreover, they are differentially expressed the cells (Sect. 3). Such information is of and have different effects (i.e. adipogenic, high interest for our understanding of the anti-adipogenic or no effects) during the regulation of WAT development in vivo adipose conversion of 3T3-F442A preadi- since they could point out different regula- pocytes [71]. In addition, PKCζ, a non- tional mechanisms according to the species, DAG/TPA-activated subunit, could be the depots or even the physiological status of involved in the mechanisms underlying the the animal. variations in the proliferating and differen- tiating capacities of preadipocytes according to their anatomical localization [147, 159, 5. THE FUNCTIONS 242]. Therefore, according to the origin of OF TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS the cells, it is possible that the activation of AND OTHER INTRACELLULAR specific PKC subtypes may increase or AGENTS DURING THE STEPS decrease adipose conversion. This is sup- OF THE ADIPOSE CONVERSION ported by the fact that PKCβ can be PROCESS expressed and have an adipogenic role in 3T3-L1 but not in 3T3-F442A preadipocytes During this last decade, transcription fac- [71, 159, 242]. tors have been investigated extensively, improving our knowledge concerning their functions in the adipose conversion process 4.3. Conclusion (Fig. 3). Studies on second messengers clearly The molecules of the PPAR and C/EBP highlight the complexity of the regulation families are transcription factors containing of adipocyte differentiation by second mes- a leucine zipper domain for dimerization or sengers, as well as possible species speci- heterodimerization (e.g., with RXR and ficities. Indeed, whereas cAMP is generally C/EBP homologous protein 10 (CHOP-10), recognized as a strong stimulator of adipose respectively) and a basic domain for their conversion in rodent species, no effect has binding on DNA. Several isoforms have been described (i.e., PPARα, β (= δ) and γ; been observed on porcine preadipocytes, α β δ whatever the stimulator, its concentration C/EBP , and ) and cooperate for enhanc- ing adipose conversion during the various and the moment of stimulation. Similarly, α β whereas PKC generally strongly inhibits steps of adipose conversion. PPAR and are able to increase adipose conversion but differentiation of rodent preadipocytes, γ excepted in the case of Ob1771 cells, a very the most adipogenic is PPAR [51, 69, 156]. significant increase of this process has been obtained with porcine preadipose cells. The 5.1. The arrest of exponential growth fact that PKC can enhance adipose conver- sion of Ob1771 cells, as observed for PPARγ and C/EBPα expression is espe- porcine preadipocytes, suggests that some cially increased during clonal expansion but of these divergences could be due to other the low levels detected before could be suf- reasons than species specificities (e.g., ficient for enhancing cell cycle withdrawal preadipose cells at different stages of adi- during the exponential growth phase [69, pose conversion or different culture media). 156]. In addition, in some cell lines such as Further studies are necessary to deter- PAZ6 preadipocytes, PPARγ has been mine the exact origins of these discrepan- shown to be well expressed at confluence cies that possibly explain, at least in part, [225]. In the human fibrosarcoma cells HT1, the diverging impacts observed with some Timchenko et al. [235] demonstrated that 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 342

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Figure 3. Overview of our current knowledge concerning the regulation of the different steps of the adipose conversion program by intracellular agents. The control of the two growth arrests is very deter- minant for the early steps of the adipocyte differentiation process. The most important mechanisms implicated in this regulation are the inhibition of E2F (a transcription factor that activates proteins impli- cated in the cell cycle) by PPARγ and retinoblastoma proteins, the actions of the growth arrest-spe- cific (gas) and of the growth arrest- and DNA damage-inducible (gadd) genes, and the inhibition of the cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs), for instance by SDI-1 that is under the control of C/EBPα. The late steps of the adipose conversion program are under the control of PPARγ, C/EBPs and SREBP1. The specific inhibitors of C/EBPα and SREBP1 are in black boxes.

induction of C/EBPα caused inhibition of complex. This effect was accompanied by an cell proliferation and DNA synthesis by increase in the phosphorylation of these pro- increasing gene expression of p21/SDI-1, teins as well as by a decrease in the expres- as well as by stabilizing this protein, that is sion of the catalytic subunit of the serine- an inhibitor of the cyclin-dependent kinase threonine phosphatase PP2A. The authors (CDK). On the other hand, Altiok et al. [8] then hypothesized that PPARγ could stop showed that activation of PPARγ in the adi- exponential growth phase by inhibiting the pogenic HIB1B cells leads to a growth arrest transcription of genes that are associated as well as to a decrease in DNA binding and with entry into S phase and DNA synthesis transcriptional activities of the E2F/DP-1 since E2F-binding sequence has been 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 343

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described in the promoters of such genes DNA damage-inducible (gadd) genes prob- [146]. C/EBPβ and γ, that are preferentially ably also play important roles in withdrawal, expressed during the early steps of adipose from growth phase and/or clonal expansion, conversion and then disappear while clonal since they are differentially expressed at expansion arrest occurs, have the function to distinct growth arrest points, at confluence increase the expression of PPARγ and or at the end of post-confluent mitoses [210]. C/EBPα, as discussed later, but a role dur- ing this early step is not to be excluded [69, 156]. 5.3. The early and late adipocyte differentiation 5.2. The arrest of clonal expansion In cell lines, C/EBPα and PPARγ expres- Regulation of cell growth withdrawal sion strongly increases during clonal expan- after clonal expansion has also been inves- sion and the positive effect on adipose con- tigated. The CDK inhibitors p18, p21 and version suggests that they prepare the cells p27 are probably implicated in this growth for terminal differentiation by activating arrest since this step corresponds to an several adipogenic genes [69, 156]. In addi- increase of their mRNA/protein expression, tion, adipocyte determination and differen- that is under the positive control of PPARγ tiation factor 1/sterol regulatory element- in the case of p18 and p21 [163, 181]. A binding protein 1 (ADD1/SREBP1), a recent study demonstrated that the calcium- member of the bHLH (basic region/helix- activated protease calpain degrades p27, loop-helix domain protein) family, is known allowing the preadipocytes to re-enter the to induce genes implicated in the FA cell cycle after confluence and to undergo metabolism (e.g., types 1 and 2 stearoyl- clonal expansion and terminal differentia- CoA desaturase genes) by binding on spe- tion [177]. As observed during the expo- cific DNA binding sites, such as the E-box, nential growth phase, the cell growth stim- a helix-loop-helix consensus sequence, and ulator complex E2F/DP is inactivated during the sterol response element [51, 69, 228, growth arrest of clonal expansion. In 3T3-L1 237]. A model of action for C/EBPs, PPARγ cells, such a role could be attributed to two and ADD1/SREBP1 has been proposed [69, proteins of the retinoblastoma tumor sup- 156]. C/EBPβ and C/EBPδ are expressed pressor gene family, p107 and p130, that early and activate PPARγ and C/EBPα can bind E2F [187]. Indeed, at confluence, expression. On the other hand, ADD1/ E2F predominantly binds to p130 and very SREBP1 also enhances PPARγ activity few free E2F is detectable. When clonal probably by initiating the production of expansion starts, p130 protein level decreases endogen FAs issued from lipid metabolism. whereas p107 protein increases and free E2F Indeed, this transcription factor is able to appears, available for transcription. The induce FAS and LPL, two key enzymes of initial pattern is recovered when clonal FA metabolism, and it has been shown that expansion stops. Another member of the cells expressing ADD1/SREBP1 produce retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene fam- and secrete lipid molecule(s) that bind ily, the retinoblastoma protein (pRb), is also directly to PPARγ [135, 136]. Because able to block E2F activity and has been PPARγ can also induce C/EBPα expression linked to adipogenesis [51]. In addition, it (and vice versa), it is possible that the role of has been shown that pRb becomes phos- ADD1/SREBP1 would be to maintain phorylated during clonal expansion and that PPARγ, and then C/EBPα expression, when it increases the binding affinity of C/EBPα C/EBPβ and C/EBPδ concentrations are and β on C/EBP response elements. Growth lower [69, 156]. C/EBPα is also able to arrest-specific (gas) and growth arrest- and autoactivate itself by binding on the 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 344

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promoter of its own gene [156]. Interest- scription factors during the adipose con- ingly, Castillo et al. [38] recently cloned a version process (Fig. 3). novel protein, termed PGC-2, that is able to Three transcription factors are particu- γ bind PPAR , but not the other PPARs, con- larly important: PPARγ, C/EBPα and tributing to its adipogenic action. The case ADD1/SREBP1. PPARγ and C/EBPα δ of PPAR is not so well documented but appear to act on both exponential growth this isoform is expressed very early and arrest, by interfering with factors implicated could have a function before the expression in the cell cycle regulation, and terminal γ of PPAR [11]. differentiation, through activation of adi- pogenic genes. On the other hand, ADD1/ 5.4. The inhibitors of the adipogenic SREBP1 is essentially involved during this transcription factors last event, by activating genes implicated in FA metabolism, as well as by enhancing γ On the other hand, the action of these PPAR activity. transcription factors can be downregulated C/EBPβ and δ play an indirect, but essen- by other transcription factors. Indeed, tial, role on terminal adipose conversion by CHOP10 is able to heterodimerize with activating PPARγ and C/EBPα expression. C/EBPα and then to avoid its binding on The regulation of clonal expansion CCAAT binding sites. Similarly, inhibitor of growth arrest appears independent of DNA binding-3 (Id3) can heterodimerize PPARγ, C/EBPs and ADD1/SREBP1. As with ADD1/SREBP1, avoiding its binding described for exponential growth arrest, a on E-box [69]. However, the expression of control of factors involved in the cell cycle Id4 is increased during 3T3-L1 differenti- regulation, essentially exerted by retinoblas- ation, suggesting that it plays a role during toma proteins in this case, is clearly impli- this process [47]. In the same cell line, Tang cated. Despite the absence of observation et al. [230] showed that Sp1, a retinoblas- until now, we cannot exclude such a con- toma control protein, binds the C/EBPα pro- trol by retinoblastoma proteins during expo- moter early during the adipose conversion nential growth arrest. program, prior to the stimulation of differ- It is noteworthy that repressor factors entiation and then to post-confluent mitoses. have been discovered, especially for the This prevents the binding of C/EBPs and activity of C/EBPα and ADD1/SREBP1. then its transactivation. Stimulation of these cells by cAMP-elevating agents decreases As assessed by these results, our knowl- Sp1 level early in the differentiation pro- edge concerning the regulation of adipose gram. This allows the access of C/EBPβ conversion by transcription factors is sig- and/or C/EBPδ to the promoter of C/EBPα. nificantly increasing. There is still very few Similarly, another transcription factor, data that have emerged from primary cul- C/EBPα undifferentiated protein (CUP), tures despite of their interest, as demon- also known as AP-2α, binds and repress strated by the variations that have been C/EBPα transcription [129, 229]. As observed concerning the regulation of adi- observed for Id3, the expression of CUP is pose conversion by hormonal agents and decreased during the adipose conversion second messengers. In addition, it has been process [69, 129]. shown recently that, when compared to cell lines, porcine adipose precursor cells express C/EBPα and PPARγ very early [111, 137]. 5.5. Conclusion The authors then suggested that porcine preadipocytes are probably more advanced In vitro studies have allowed to better in development than 3T3-L1 cells. These understand the functions of various tran- considerations clearly demonstrate that 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 345

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investigating the expression and function effects of PPARs activators reflect a gen- of transcription factors in primary preadi- eral increase in adipocyte differentiation pocytes is an inevitable step in the perspec- rather than a specific increase of UCP2 tive to better understand and interpret, at mRNA expression [225]. long term, the regulation of adipose con- The transcription and activity of semi- version in an in vivo context. carbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO), an enzyme known for its positive impact on glucose transport, are largely increased dur- 6. NEW INSIGHTS ing the adipose conversion of 3T3-L1 and IN CONTROLLING FAT 3T3-F442A cells [162]. The authors showed DEVELOPMENT that both expression and activity of SSAO can be modulated by pathways implicated in Despite the discovery of numerous intra- the adipose conversion process, such as cellular factors implicated in adipose con- cAMP pathway and TNFα, suggesting that version, the list is far to be exhaustive. Reg- this enzyme could be involved in the regu- ularly, new agents playing a role during this lation of adipocyte homeostasis. process are identified. Their functions are not always well defined and it will be very The murine double minute-2 (mdm-2) important to carefully study these new gene, coding for a protein that is able to agents in order to increase our knowledge block the MyoD-mediated myogenesis [70], concerning the regulation of the adipocyte is more expressed in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes differentiation. than in A31 cells that lack the possibility to differentiate [17]. However, this expression Uncoupling proteins (UCPs) are well remains elevated in adipocytes and the known for uncoupling the respiratory chain results suggest that adipogenesis is unaf- reactions from ATP synthesis in mitochon- fected by elevated Mdm-2 protein level. By dria [119, 188]. Three UCP homologues contrast with other cell types in which Mdm- have been described: UCP1 is restricted to 2 interacts with proliferation stimulators, brown adipose tissue, UCP2 has been found such as p53 [108, 144], the overexpression in several tissues, including WAT, and of mdm-2 gene appears independent on p53, UCP3 is expressed preferentially in skeletal and Mdm-2 could mediate proliferation- muscle and brown adipose tissue [72, 248]. independent effects. Aubert et al. [14] showed that UCP2 mRNA expression increases during adipose con- Ho et al. [120] recently demonstrated that version of Ob1771 and 3T3-F442A cells. nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) is The fact that the gene of PIL-7, coding for a present in both preadipocytes and adipocytes subunit of cytochrome C oxidase, was sim- but has a DNA binding activity only in ilarly expressed indicates that some mito- mature adipocytes. They also showed that chondriogenesis is taking place during adi- NFAT increases A-LBP gene expression pose conversion, probably playing a role in whereas the inhibition of its nuclear local- the energy expenditure of mature adipocytes. ization impairs adipose conversion. The δ authors suggested that NFAT could act after The authors also suggested that PPAR γ α could play an important role in the regula- PPAR induction but before C/EBP induc- tion of UCP2 mRNA expression in preadi- tion, raising the possibility that the induc- pocytes. The implication of PPARs in UCP2 tion of the C/EBPs genes could be them- mRNA expression was also suggested by selves controlled by members of NFAT Camirand et al. [34]. However, in the human family. PAZ6 cells, in which this mRNA expres- Another very interesting way of investi- sion is also increased during the adipose gations concerns the redox signaling. Indeed, conversion, it was demonstrated that the superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, two 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 346

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inorganic molecules known for their destruc- factors. A better identification of these genes tive actions on organic structures, are also could highlight new regulators and/or new used as signaling pathways within cells and interactions during the early steps of adi- can be produced in response to hormonal pose conversion. factors such as PDGF, EGF, IL-1 and TNFα [100, 183]. In the case of adipose cells, May and de Haen [158] observed that hydrogen 7. DIVERGENCES ACCORDING peroxide can mimic the stimulatory effects TO THE ORIGIN OF THE CELLS of insulin on glucose transport and lipid syn- thesis. However, the mechanisms of action Studies performed on preadipose cell of these molecules, in the context of their lines highlighted the general features allow- cellular functions, remain unclear. Albeit ing an undifferentiated cell to accumulate poorly studied until now, this signaling path- lipids and develop into adipocyte. In addi- way is more and more investigated and the tion, many studies have attempted to define results should have very important impacts the hormonal and intracellular regulation of in our understanding of the regulation of this process [5, 69, 93]. However, some differentiation programs such as adipose divergences have been observed according conversion. to the origin of the cells. This can be Finally, many studies of adipose con- explained by the fact that cell lines are at version concerns the identification of prob- different stages of the adipose conversion able master gene(s), responsible of the com- program. For instance, 10T1/2 cells express mitment of pluripotential cells into the multipotential characteristics since they can adipogenic lineage, such as MyoD in the differentiate, among others, into preadi- myogenic lineage [231]. Several candidates pocytes, premyocytes or prechondrocytes have been proposed for the adipogenic pro- [233]. Other cells can only differentiate into gram. For instance, C/EBPα and PPARγ adipocytes, such as TA1, 30A5, 3T3-L1, cooperate for inducing the commitment of 3T3-F442A and Ob17 [41, 88, 143, 168]. NIH-3T3 fibroblasts into the adipocyte lin- Such differences are not surprising because eage [238]. However, although these tran- these cells are obtained from different pro- scription factors are expressed early during tocols. For example, 3T3-L1 and 3T3- the adipose conversion process, no detec- F442A cells have been cloned from Swiss tion before confluence, a time at which the 3T3 cells, originated from Swiss 3T3 mice cells have already started their adipogenic embryo [88] whereas Ob17 preadipocytes program, has been performed until now [69, have been obtained from epididymal WAT 225]. An interesting system of culture, that of adult ob/ob obese mice [168]. In addi- can be used for better characterizing proba- tion, we cannot exclude that the aneuploid ble master gene(s), has been developed by caryotype of the preadipocyte cell lines Dani et al. [57]. As mentioned above, it con- might explain some of the divergences sists of cultures of embryonic stem cells observed between cell lines and/or between derived from the inner cell mass of murine cell lines and primary preadipose cells. blastocysts. The authors showed that treat- One of the most striking example of ment of these cells with retinoic acid leads divergences concerns the 3T3-F442A cells. to adipocyte differentiation, indicating that These cells appear strongly dependent on the receptors and pathways involved are GH for ensuring their adipose conversion probably intimately linked to probable mas- [50, 97] whereas 3T3-L1 and Ob1771 cells ter gene(s). Recently, in 3T3-L1 cells, are less dependent on this hormone [64, Imagawa et al. [126] identified 58 clones 80, 103, 215]. This difference might be corresponding to genes that are induced very responsible for the negative effect of glu- quickly after the addition of the adipogenic cocorticoids observed on 3T3-F442A cell 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 347

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differentiation, since glucocorticoids are to EGF, cAMP-elevating agents and PKC though to decrease the number of GH recep- stimulators [23, 24, 27]. These differences tors in this cell line [138], whereas these observed between the regulation of porcine lipophilic hormones are highly adipogenic in adipocyte differentiation and that of other adipocytes of other origins [42, 80, 103]. species has been previously reviewed [25]. Consequently, the effects of GH in 3T3- F442A cells, as well as their intracellular consequences [96, 98], remain difficult to 8. CONCLUSIONS extrapolate to preadipocytes of other ori- gins. However, this indicates that 3T3- These last decades, many studies have F442A cells might be in a different stage of attempted to better understand the develop- adipose conversion and the information ment of the adipocyte differentiation at cel- accumulated with this cell line could be of lular and molecular levels. Despite some interest for describing the regulation of variations according to the study, essentially preadipocyte regulation in this particular due to the preadipocyte origin and/or to the step of the adipose conversion process. culture conditions, some general features Cultures of primary preadipocytes, emerged concerning the regulation of the directly isolated from the animals, were different steps of this complex process. developed because they reflect better the in Many efforts have been made to study vivo context. Their interest was demon- the dependence of adipocyte development strated by the fact that their adipose con- by hormonal agents. Glucocorticoids and version process exhibits some differences IGF-1 appear to be the most efficient hor- when compared to that of cell lines. These mones during the early adipose conversion studies were essentially performed with rat whereas insulin is the most adipogenic hor- preadipose cells but preadipocytes from monal agent during the late steps. Some murine, rabbit, ovine, porcine, bovine and studies on cell lines suggest that IGF-1 also human species were also successfully cul- plays an important function at this time. The tured [27, 67, 92, 107, 113, 152, 174, 182, actions of T , GH and EGF seem to be more 216]. These cells can be isolated from dif- 3 dependent on the origin of the preadipocytes. ferent fat depots, as well as from animals The roles of other growth factors and of different ages and/or different physio- cytokines are not to be neglected since they logical state [92, 104, 139]. These experi- can influence adipose conversion through ments showed that the regulation of adipose numerous pathways, such as the cell cycle, conversion is strongly dependent on the ori- the extracellular matrix, the cytoskeleton, gin of the cells, and pointed out species the synthesis of other hormonal agents and specificities. For instance, the primary apoptosis. Retinoids and FAs also regulate preadipocytes are generally considered to adipocyte differentiation. If the role and be in later steps of adipose conversion than mechanism of action of retinoids remains cell lines [5, 68]. In addition, preadipose to be defined, they could belong to the first cells isolated from fetus or young animals events implicated in the commitment of mul- differentiate better than those obtained from tipotential cells into the adipogenic path- older animals [20, 45]. Grégoire et al. [92] way. On the other hand, recent studies also showed that obese-derived preadi- clearly demonstrated the central role pocytes differentiate poorly, when compared assumed by FAs since they can control, to lean-derived cells, probably due to dif- among others, their own metabolism. ferences in their stage of commitment. Finally, studies performed in our laboratory Several studies have attempted to showed that porcine preadipose cells do not describe the intracellular pathways that are respond like preadipocytes of other origins necessary for adipocyte differentiation. 01•RO402.Boone 26/09/00 10:05 Page 348

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