June 5, 2020

The Honorable Speaker of the House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515

Dear Madam Speaker:

On behalf of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), I am forwarding the enclosed “Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences: Fiscal Year 2019.” This submission is in accordance with Section 208 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended (Public Law 93-438), and the Federal Reports Elimination and Sunset Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-66) that require the NRC to identify and report abnormal occurrences (AOs) to Congress annually. An AO is an unscheduled incident or event that the Commission determines to be significant from the standpoint of public health or safety.

The enclosed AO report for fiscal year 2019 describes nine events involving Agreement State licensees. Seven AOs were medical events, as defined in NRC regulations; one AO was a human exposure event; and one AO involved the theft and recovery of three industrial radiography cameras containing Category 2 quantities of radioactive material.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me or have your staff contact Eugene Dacus, Director of the Office of Congressional Affairs, at 301-415-1776.


Kristine L. Svinicki

Enclosure: As stated Identical letter sent to:

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi The Honorable Bobby L. Rush Speaker of the House of Representatives Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy Washington, DC 20515 Committee on Energy and Commerce United States House of Representatives The Honorable Michael Pence Washington, DC 20515 President of the cc: Representative Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable The Honorable John A. Barrasso Chairman, Subcommittee on Environment Chairman, Committee on Environment Committee on Energy and Commerce and Public Works United States House of Representatives United States Senate Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20510 cc: Representative John Shimkus cc: Senator Thomas R. Carper The Honorable The Honorable Mike Braun Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Chairman, Subcommittee on Clean Air Water Development and Nuclear Safety Committee on Appropriations Committee on Environment United States House of Representatives and Public Works Washington, DC 20515 United States Senate cc: Representative Mike Simpson Washington, DC 20510 cc: Senator Sheldon Whitehouse The Honorable Lamar Alexander Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy The Honorable , Jr. and Water Development Chairman, Committee on Energy Committee on Appropriations and Commerce United States Senate United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20515 cc: Senator Dianne Feinstein cc: Representative Greg Walden