Nordic Society Oikos

Habitat Fragmentation and Large-Scale Conservation: What Do We Know for Sure? Author(s): Susan Harrison and Emilio Bruna Reviewed work(s): Source: Ecography, Vol. 22, No. 3 (Jun., 1999), pp. 225-232 Published by: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of Nordic Society Oikos Stable URL: . Accessed: 07/03/2012 15:04

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Habitat fragmentationand large-scale conservation:what do we know for sure?

Susan Harrison and Emilio Bruna

Harrison, S. and Bruna, E. 1999. and large-scale conservation: what do we know for sure? - Ecography 22: 225-232.

Fos . .o We review the ecological effects of habitat fragmentation, comparing the theoretical approaches that have been taken to understanding it with the existing evidence from empirical studies. Theory has emphasized the spatial aspects of fragmentation and the role of dispersal among patches, and has generated interesting predictions such as a nonlinear relationship between the amount of remaining habitat and the probability of persistence. However, while the few available large-scale empirical studies of fragmentation all tend to show that it has major effects, these documented effects tend to be relatively simple ones such as the degradation of habitat quality within fragments. There is good reason to be cautious of any claim that corridors or the spatial configuration of remaining habitat can compensate for the overall loss of habitat.

S. Harrison ([email protected])and E. Bruna, Dept of Environmental Science and Policy, U. C. Davis, One Shield Ave., Davis, CA 95616, USA.

Habitat fragmentation has been a central preoccupa- address three related questions: First, what ecological tion in since the field began. One theories are being applied to habitat fragmentation, and reason for this is that fragmentation is occurring to how have they contributed to our understanding? Sec- natural throughout the world; the other is that ond, what do and don't we know about the ecological ecologists have felt they had something to offer in terms effects of habitat fragmentation based on existing em- of understanding and mitigating its effects. MacArthur pirical evidence? And finally, are we arriving at any and Wilson's (1967) theory of island was general conclusions about fragmentation, and what are the first to offer the prospect that an elegant and our most significant unanswered questions? general ecological model could lead to a powerful set of conservation prescriptions. Although island biogeogra- has faded from the scene the of a phy somewhat, hope Ecological theory and fragmentation general understanding of fragmentation on, as evidenced by a continued proliferation of models of As every ecologist knows, MacArthur and Wilson's fragmented habitats. At the same time, a growing num- (1967) theory asserted that the number of species in ber of empirical studies have examined how ecological insular habitats is set by an equilibrium between dis- processes of all kinds are altered when continuous tance-dependent colonization and area-dependent ex- habitats are turned into sets of isolated remnants. The tinction, and it predicted that the smaller and more literature on fragmentation grows ever richer, yet we isolated a habitat is the fewer species it will support. still lack a synthesis between general principles and This theory changed ecological thinking by identifying consistent field evidence. In this brief and opinionated the spatial configuration of habitats as an important essay, we will not attempt such a synthesis, but we will influence on populations and communities. Island bio-

This is an invited Minireviewon the occasion of the 50th anniversaryof the Nordic EcologicalSociety Oikos. CopyrightC ECOGRAPHY1999 ISSN 0906-7590 Printedin Ireland- all rights reserved

ECOGRAPHY 22:3 (1999) 225 geography became one of the founding tenets of the Other theoretical perspectives that have been applied field of conservation biology, and was used to derive to fragmentation include source-sink models (Pulliam principles of that included maximizing 1992, Dias 1996), which highlight the importance of the area-to-edge ratios for individual reserves, and connect- movement of organisms from high to low-quality habi- ing reserves with corridors to improve dispersal. Subse- tats; and percolation theory, which stresses the role of quently these principles were avidly promoted by some landscape configuration in controlling patterns of dis- ecologists and just as enthusiastically contested by oth- persal (Boswell et al. 1998). Though these various theo- ers (reviewed by Shaffer 1994). ries make predictions that diverge in some respects, The attention once given to island biogeography they are also unanimous in focusing on dispersal and theory by conservation biologists has now largely habitat geometry. Collectively, this body of spatial the- shifted to theory, as recently described ory has led to the perspective that spatial strategies, by Hanski and Simberloff (1997). Metapopulation the- such as corridors to promote dispersal or other ways of ory resembles island biogeography in focusing on configuring conserved habitat, can play an important patchy habitats, , and colonization, but dif- role in alleviating the effects of habitat fragmentation no fers in assuming a network of small patches with (Kareiva and Wennergren 1995, Rosenberg et al. 1997). on the persistent mainland habitat, and in focusing General theory does not, of course, make exact pre- with island dynamics of only one species. Compared dictions about how to conserve specific species in real makes an biogeography theory, metapopulation theory landscapes. Spatially explicit simulation models based even about the of dis- stronger prediction importance on the concepts of metapopulation and source-sink habitat since there is no persal among fragments: main- dynamics have enjoyed some popularity as a tool for will lead not to local land, inadequate dispersal only devising conservation strategies. Such models combine but to extinction of regional species. Metapopulation species-specific demographic and dispersal parameters models nonlinear effects of habitat loss: as predict with real or hypothetical configurations of the land- habitats are in a will become destroyed region, species scape, and can be used to examine how population extinct when the amount of remaining habitat falls viability depends on the size and spacing of habitat below a critical threshold set by their dispersal and fragments (e.g. Lamberson et al. 1992). However, spa- extinction parameters. Conversely, providing a small tially explicit models have been criticized for the exces- amount of additional habitat in the form of corridors sive sensitivity of their results to the values of can prevent extinction by increasing rates of dispersal. parameters many of which are poorly known or unmea- Because of its power to link with surable (Harrison et al. 1993, Ruckelshaus et al. 1997). habitat geometry, and because of its seeming potential A broader critique of spatial theory in conservation to arrive at positive solutions, metapopulation theory biology was offered by Fahrig (1998). Her generalized has generated great interest among conservation biolo- simulation model of a population in a fragmented gists (reviews in Harrison 1994, McCullough 1996, habitat examined a large range of values for the disper- Hanski 1998). sal and other -history parameters of an organism, as Island biogeography and metapopulation theory well as for the total amount and configuration (i.e. both consider non-interacting species. However, a re- of of habitat. Not the lated set of models sometimes called metacommunity degree contagion) surprisingly, total amount of habitat to have an overwhelm- theory considers assemblages of interacting species in a proved and consistent effect on However, the metapopulation-like setting of habitat patches with no ing persistence. of a amount of habitat mainland. Local populations are subject to local extinc- spatial configuration given affected in a fraction tion and colonization, as well as strong competitive population persistence only tiny of cases Unlike and/or predator-prey interactions. As first shown by (i.e. parameter combinations). many which ask whether it is Huffaker (1958), a patchy environment can promote spatial ecological models, possi- ble to find effects of coexistence between predators and prey in such circum- interesting spatial configuration, how often effects are to stances, because temporarily vacant patches provide this model asked spatial likely In to the the refuges for the victim species (reviewed in Harrison and be important. contrast prevailing wisdom, Taylor 1997, Nee et al. 1997). Extend this idea to entire answer appeared to be "not very often". assemblages, metacommunity models show that the In summary, there has been a considerable effort to interplay between patchiness, or , apply ecological theory to questions about habitat frag- and limited dispersal can lead to higher regional species mentation. Most of this theory focuses on fragmenta- diversity (Paine and Levin 1974, Case 1991, Caswell tion as a spatial problem, emphasizing the central role and Cohen 1991, 1993). However, increasing fragmen- of dispersal among fragments in determining whether tation can lead to the loss of the dominant species in or not populations will persist. In the next sections we metacommunity models that assume the best competi- evaluate how well such theory matches the existing tors to be the worst dispersers (Tilman et al. 1994). empirical evidence.

226 ECOGRAPHY 22:3 (1999) Limitations of the available evidence understand the consequences of a given amount and pattern of movement would require a great deal of Despite the ubiquity of habitat fragmentation through- information about demography and interactions within out the world, and the great interest ecologists have patches. To make matters still worse, some spatial are some insurmount- shown in studying it, there nearly ecological models conclude that the most significant able obstacles to answering some of the most interest- aspect of dispersal is the tail of the distribution, i.e. the it. the most ing and important questions about Perhaps rare long-distance movements made by a vanishingly basic problem is that in habitats undergoing fragmenta- small proportion of individuals (e.g. Cain et al. 1998). tion, changes in spatial configuration are inevitably Given these daunting obstacles, it is hardly surprising confounded with reduction in total habitat area. Docu- that we lack a solid and conclusive body of evidence menting the ecological effects of habitat loss, which about fragmentation, and that instead our knowledge is may indeed be drastic, does not go far toward testing patched together from a variety of imperfect sources. theories about spatial structure. We next examine some of this evidence. Another difficulty is that sets of many similar habitat fragments are hard to find, as anyone who has tried to initiate a fragmentation study knows. Not only frag- ment size and but habitat shape, history, type, proxim- Evidence from microcosms, mesocosms and ity to disturbances, and many other features may vary even within a single region. Moreover, even mowing perfect sets of replicate fragments would only be condu- Some of the most elegant tests of spatial ecological cive to asking certain questions about fragmentation, theory have come from microcosm studies. For exam- such as how ecological processes vary with the size, ple, the only study to demonstrate experimentally that shape, or other characteristics of individual fragments. corridors can enhance population persistence is work To investigate regional effects, such as how the degree by Gilbert et al. (1998) and Gonzalez et al. (1998), who of connectivity among patches affects ecological pro- experimentally fragmented patches of moss on rocks; as cesses, it would be desirable to examine many replicate predicted by metapopulation theory, the invertebrate sets of patches, varying in the type of matrix habitat, inhabiting moss persisted longer in sets of frag- the presence or absence of corridors, or the distance ments connected by corridors than in sets of uncon- among patches. Likewise, to test whether species diver- nected fragments. Likewise, the best evidence that a sity or decline nonlinearly with the amount patchy environment can promote the coexistence of of habitat in the landscape, one would need either predators and prey is a study of protozoans in aquatic many replicate landscapes or a long time series for a microcosms by Holyoak and Lawler (1996); predator single landscape. Given these demanding requirements, and its prey persisted longer in arrays of bottles con- it is not surprising that Beier and Noss (1998) recently nected by tubes than in either arrays of unconnected concluded that no studies provided a completely satis- bottles or a single tank of equal total volume. factory test of the efficacy of corridors. At a somewhat larger scale, a number of experimen- Beyond the issues of replication and design, there is tal studies have examined fragmentation using patches also the question of how often fragmentation produces of either single plant species or of natural grassland spatial pattern similar to that assumed by models. communities created by either by planting or by using Models often envision a universe of small, discrete, grazing or mowing to isolate patches. Spatial scale in ecologically similar fragments, near enough to exchange such studies typically ranges from tens to hundreds of dispersing organisms with one another, and far from meters between patches and patch size typically varies the overriding influence of a mainland habitat. Whether from tens to hundreds of square meters. Such experi- this caricature captures the essence of many or most ments have shown that the spatial configuration of real fragmented landscapes is an open question. As habitats may affect plant diversity (e.g. Quinn and always, theory may either be an elegant simplification Robinson 1987, Holt et al. 1995); insect predation (e.g. that allows us to focus on the essential issues, or such Kareiva 1987), (Kruess and Tscharntke an oversimplification that its predictions are never met 1994), and pollination (e.g. Kunin 1997, Groom 1998); in real systems because the factors it excludes are too and the dispersal and demography of small mammals important. (e.g. Diffendorfer et al. 1995, Dooley and Bowers 1996, Another basic problem is the extreme difficulty of 1998). studying dispersal at a landscape scale. For obvious Micro- and mesocosm experiments have contributed practical reasons, we have almost no direct evidence on enormously to our ability to evaluate spatial ecological movements of animals or plants among habitat frag- theories. It is less clear how well they pertain to conser- ments. Even if we did, this would be far from adequate vation, however, and indeed many of them were not to allow us to assess how movement affects the popula- intended to address conservation questions. In the mi- tions and communities within habitat fragments. To crocosm studies, the dispersal ability of the organisms

ECOGRAPHY 22:3 (1999) 227 was quite limited in relation to the scale of the experi- Kapos 1995, Kapos et al. 1997). The overriding impor- mental patches, making these systems reasonable as tance of physical has similarly been docu- models for the effects of population . But mented in many other studies of tropical and temperate microcosms still exclude several key real-world features, fragmentation (e.g. Saunders et al. 1991, Leigh et such as realistic amounts of spatio-temporal variability al. 1993, Esseen and Renhorn 1998). in the environment. The mesocosm studies mostly con- Many conservation biologists have speculated that cerned organisms that were relatively mobile and could fragmentation could lead to cascades of and visit numerous experimental patches in their lifetimes. other ecological changes beyond the level of individual Thus the effects of patchiness detected in these studies species. For example, a number of studies have docu- were probably largely behavioral, and would not neces- mented indirect effects of the loss of large-bodied spe- sarily translate well to larger spatial scales. While one cies that cannot maintain populations in small could debate ad infinitum the meaning and value of fragments. Since Barro Colorado Island in Panama model systems for studying fragmentation, the bottom became isolated by a reservoir, medium-sized nest line is that they are still simplifications of natural predators increased enormously in abundance in re- systems. Just as with mathematical models, further sponse to the loss of top predators, and the birds most research must still be done to test their applicability to vulnerable to nest predation became extinct (Sieving the species and scales of interest to conservation. We and Karr 1997). On smaller islets in the same reservoir, next consider studies that have more direct relevance to forest composition shifted toward large-seeded spe- conservation, although as a result of their larger scale cies following the loss of mammalian seed predators they also have less control and replication. (Leigh et al. 1993). Many of the same islets also lost their army ants (Partridge et al. 1996). On tropical reservoir islands in Venezuela, bird densities increased as rates of nest predation decreased in the absence of Evidence from a handful of large-scale capuchin monkeys (Terborgh et al. 1997). studies The collapse of plant-pollinator interactions is an- other possible cause of cascades of extinction in habitat The most comprehensive study of forest fragmentation fragments (reviewed by Rathcke and Jules 1993, Bond is the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments experi- 1995). In one of the most comprehensive large-scale ment in the Brazilian Amazon, created in 1979 during a studies of this question, Aizen and Feinsinger (1994a, period of rapid (Bierregaard et al. 1992, b) found that the fragmentation of Argentinian chaco Laurance and Bierregaard 1997). A series of 1, 10, 100 forest led to the replacement of native insect pollinators and 1000-ha plots was established, and a wide range of by feral honey bees, with variable but mainly negative variables was studied before and after these became effects on seed set for a number of species. However, isolated. The most conspicuous changes were in the the authors concluded that the short-term effects of this structure of the forest: total decreased, foliage change on the plant were less significant density declined in the overstory and increased in the than the direct effects of incursion into forest fragments understory, and for many forest-interior tree species by cattle. There are surprisingly few examples in which their adult mortality increased and their seedling re- the loss of pollinators has had significant demographic cruitment declined (Malcolm 1994, Laurance et al. consequences for plants; Bond (1995) argues that long- 1997, 1998, Benitez-Malvido 1998). Many other biotic term studies are needed to address this question, but changes were observed. Rates of dung removal de- also that many plant species are buffered by either creased as the dung beetle community became impover- self-compatibility, generalist pollinators, or vegetative ished (Klein 1989). An estimated 50% of leaf-litter reproduction. beetle species were lost from the smallest fragments Several studies have suggested that fragmentation (Didham et al. 1998). The frog community suffered few could affect interactions between defoliating insects and extinctions, but "weedy" habitat generalists became the insect parasitoids that may control their popula- more prevalent in small fragments (Tocher et al. 1997). tions. Parasitism on forest tent caterpillars by tachinid Understory frugivorous birds declined drastically in flies declined with increasing forest fragmentation, ap- small fragments, although some species partially recov- parently leading to longer-lasting outbreaks (Roland ered as successional filled the matrix between and Taylor 1997). Similar effects on other defoliators fragments (Stouffer and Bierregaard 1995). were studied by Cappuccino and Martin (1997) and Underlying many or most of the biotic changes in Cappuccino et al. (1998). The mechanisms for these this study were drastic alterations in the physical envi- effects remain unclear, however. ronment near forest edges. In particular, higher temper- Invasion of fragments by organisms abundant in the ature and wind speeds and lower humidity prevailed at matrix is frequently implicated as the cause of ecologi- distances up to 60 m into fragment interiors, and led to cal change in fragmented habitats. The best known higher rates of treefall (Kapos 1989, Camargo and such biological edge effect concerns nest predation on

228 ECOGRAPHY 22:3 (1999) forest-nestingbirds in Scandinaviaand the easternand Biologicaledge effects, such as the penetrationof rem- midwesternU.S.; for a recent review of this extensive nant habitats by aggressivecompetitors or predators literaturesee Tewksburyet al. (1998).Nests near forest with deleteriouseffects on the native fauna, are also edges may receivehigher rates of attackby habitat-gen- common and may exacerbatethe effects of physical eralist nest predators such as cowbirds, crows, and changes at edges. These often involve exotic speciesor raccoons (e.g. Wilcove 1985), and nest success may aggressive natives that attain high abundancesnear increaseas a function of the amount of forest in the edges because they are subsidizedby resourcesin the landscape (e.g. Robinson et al. 1995), although the matrix. Biological area effects, such as the loss of strengthand generalityof this effect remaincontrover- large-bodiedspecies or top predatorsthat requirelarge sial (e.g. Paton 1994, Yahner 1996, Keyseret al. 1998, amountsof habitat, are also important;however, these Tewksburyet al. 1998). Other biological edge effects could be regardedas effects of regional habitat loss were observed in a study of fragmentedscrubland in ratherthan of fragmentationper se. southernCalifornia, where the invasionof fragmentsby Third, there is modest but growing evidence that generalistpredators such as cats appearsto have con- beyond its direct effects on species diversityand abun- tributed to declines in native ground-nestingbirds dance, fragmentationmay lead to chains of indirect (Soule et al. 1988)and rodents(Bolger et al. 1997).The effects and alteredecological interactions. Higher-order same fragmentsare also invadedby aggressivenon-na- effects have been observed in a number of systems tive ants that probably displace native ants through where fragmentshave lost importantpredators, seed competition(Suarez et al. 1998). Finally, humansmay predatorsor seed dispersers,leading to drasticchanges invade fragmentsand alter ecological processes.Lau- in abundance at lower trophic levels. Evidence is rance (1998) reviews cases of increased pressure by scarcer, thus far, for indirect effects caused by the human huntersin forest remnants. collapse of mutualisms,but it remainsan issue worth pursuing.Potential ecosystemeffects are suggestedby several interestingexamples, such as the reductionin dung removalby beetles in Amazonianforest, and the What do and don't we know? weakeningof the control of insect outbreaksby para- sitoids in fragmentedtemperate forest. Althoughthis reviewis far from comprehensive,we feel One commontheme among most of these examplesis it providesa representativeselection of studies on the that they are relativelylocal effects,caused by processes ecological effects of large-scalehabitat fragmentation. within or immediatelyaround the habitat fragmentin From existingevidence, we will argue there are several question. Few of the large-scalestudies showed either things one can say with some confidence about the direct or indirectevidence for the importanceof move- ecological effects of fragmentation.First, there is a ment among habitat fragments(although see Stouffer general pattern of biological impoverishmentof frag- and Bierregaard1995). Even though dispersalamong mented habitats compared with more intact ones. fragments is the defining feature of most theory on Many studiesfind that remnanthabitat fragments sup- fragmentation,there appears to be little basis from port fewer species of habitat specialists;often, frag- which to evaluate the existence of fragmentation ments support increased abundances of widespread thresholds,the disproportionateloss of top competitors generalistspecies. Thus, fragmentsof habitats such as from fragmentedhabitats, the demographicsignificance are not simplycookie-cutter pieces of the origi- of "sink"habitat, the efficacyof corridorsat promoting nal habitat;their biotas may be drasticallyaltered. The regional(as opposedto local) persistence,or otherideas most importantmessage from fragmentationstudies is that follow from dispersal-basedecological theories. that we cannot safely assume that conserving small remnant areas will succeed in preserving . Second, we can say something about the relative Conclusions importanceof differentmechanisms causing the loss of diversity and ecological function within habitat frag- On present evidence,there appearsto be a mismatch ments. Physicaledge effects appearto be predominant, betweenecological theory and empiricalstudies of frag- at least in forests, where increased light and wind mentation.Theory portraysfragmentation as a spatial penetration,increased treefalls, and decreasedhumidity problem and focuses on dispersal among fragments, have been shown to directlyand indirectlyaffect much while empiricalstudies tend to suggestthat fragmenta- of the biotic community.Such effects may renderfrag- tion is more a matter of habitat degradationin which ments hundredsof hectares in size virtually all edge; fragmentsundergoing changes in species composition Lauranceand Yensen (1991) have proposed a simple, for mainlyedge-related reasons. Existing evidence sug- data-motivatedmodel that estimates the amount of gests that spatial configurationis important mainly core area from empiricalmeasurements of edge effects. because of edge effects. Corridorsclearly cannot rem-

ECOGRAPHY 22:3 (1999) 229 edy edge effects, nor most of the other consequences of Aizen, M. A. and Feinsinger,P. 1994b.Forest fragmentation, fragmentation that have been best documented. While pollination and plant reproduction in a chaco dry forest, corridors the losses of Argentina. - 75: 330-351. might possibly prevent large- Beier, P. and Noss, R. F. 1998. Do habitat corridors provide bodied species from fragmented landscapes, it is far connectivity? - Conserv. Biol. 12: 1241-1252. from self-evident that they could do so; such losses Benitez-Malvido, J. 1998. Impact of forest fragmentation on be a function of of seedling abundance in a tropical rain forest. - Conserv. might mainly the total amount Biol. 12: 380-389. habitat in a region, not its configuration or Bierregaard, R. O. Jr et al. 1992. The biological dynamics of connectivity. tropical fragments. - Bioscience 42: 859-866. D. T. et al. 1997. of rodents to habitat The issues of habitat configuration and large-scale Bolger, Response fragments in coastal southern California. - Ecol. Appl. 7: dispersal remain worth pursuing with all our available 552-565. approaches, even if fully conclusive tests are almost Bond, W. J. 1995. Assessing the risk of plant extinction due to impossible. Our point is not that of pollinator and disperser failure. - In: Lawton, J. H. and spatial aspects R. M. Extinction rates. Oxford Univ. do not but that the May, (eds), Press, fragmentation matter, applicability pp. 131-146. of current spatial theory to real fragmented landscapes Boswell, G. P., Britton, N. F. and Franks, N. R. 1998. Habitat remains an open question. As the study of fragmenta- fragmentation, percolation theory and the conservaiton of a . - Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 265: 1921- tion develops, it is important to avoid jumping from the 1925. growing body of evidence that fragmentation matters to Cain, M. L., Dammann,H. and Muir,A. 1998. the conclusion that we have an adequate conceptual and the Holocene migration of woodland herbs. - Ecol. 68: 325-348. framework for understanding it. There is sometimes a Monogr. Camargo, J. L. C. and Kapos, V. 1995. Complex edge effects tendency for scientists and conservationists to be capti- on soil moisture and microclimate in central Amazonian vated by the theoretically interesting issues such as forest. - J. Trop. Ecol. 11: 205-221. and at the of ad- Cappuccino, N. and Martin, M. A. 1997. The birch tube- corridors, expense maker Acrobasis betulella in a habitat: the the less and more basic fragmented dressing interesting perhaps importance of patch isolation and edges. - Oecologia 110: ones such as the degradation of habitat within frag- 69-76. ments. It is important to stress once again that no Cappuccino, N. et al. 1998. 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Academic Press, pp 193- more important for ecologists than determining how 218. diversity can be maintained in remnants of natural Caswell, H. and Cohen, J. E. 1993. Local and regional regula- tion of relations: a model. - habitat. With to we one species-area patch-occupancy respect fragmentation, believe In: Ricklefs, R. E. and Schluter, D. (eds), Species diversity of our most useful contributions will be to simply in ecological communities: historical and geographical per- continue seeking facts and patterns in careful observa- spectives. Univ. of Chicago Press, pp. 99-107. Dias, P. 1996. Sources and sinks in population biology. - tional and experimental studies on of direct Trends Ecol. Evol. 11: 326-330. interest to conservation; useful generalizations may Didham,R. K. et al. 1998.Beetle species responses to tropical slowly emerge as the number of such studies grows. The forest fragmentation. - Ecol. Monogr. 68: 295-323. for new tools such as information Diffendorfer,J. 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