A Publication of the Embassy of , Washington, D.C.

September 1, 2011

I India RevieI w Vol. 7 Issue 9 www.indianembassy.org

President Pratibha Devisingh Patil paying tributes at the , , on the Prime Minister Dr. inspecting the Guard of Honor at the occasion of the 65th , in New on August 15. , on Independence Day, in Delhi on August 15. India Celebrates its 65th Independence Day n Next phase of n India opens mutual n Social Security economic reforms funds for Qualified Agreements with government’s top Foreign Investors more countries soon priority, says allowing investments for portability of Prime Minister up to $10 billion employee benefits Cover STORY

President Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil addressing the nation on the eve of the 65th Independence Day, in on August 14.

was won on the principles of truth and non-violence. It is this, as well as the India celebrates 65th transformational impact it had in other parts of the world, that makes our free - dom struggle exceptional. In Asia and in Africa, voices of freedom against Independence day oppression and colonial power, were encouraged by India’s example. We ddressing the nation on the to ensure better productivity. She also can be proud that we all belong to a eve of India’s 65th asked her countrymen to be ever country that has proved its greatness Independence Day, the vigilant to fight the menace of through values, which have found such A President of India, terrorism. a wide resonance. We, as the inheritors Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil, said that of that great legacy, carry a responsi - the country was committed to the Excerpts from President Pratibha bility to stand by truth and justice; to welfare of all and was pursuing the Patil’s Address to the Nation continue to conduct ourselves, in a agenda of inclusive growth. She said “Dear Citizens, manner that is in consonance, with that the growing gross domestic As I speak to you on the eve of our India’s standing, as a progressive and product (GDP) along with the welfare 65th Independence Day, I extend my responsible country, where values of of the people were the twin pillars of a warmest greetings to all of you living in democracy, harmony and tolerance are progressive nation, and that anti- India and overseas. To the members of deeply embedded. poverty programs, social welfare our Armed Forces and Para-military Today, our nation stands at a thresh - schemes and a commitment to ensur - forces who guard our frontiers, and old. There are important issues on 2 ing food security formed the core of our internal security forces, I extend which we must focus, and as we do so, the government’s philosophy of special greetings. keep in mind that these are times, inclusive growth. This significant day in our nation’s when we should also be on our guard, President Patil said the government calendar takes us back to the events about not straying away from our main was committed to providing common that made our country, a free nation. It objective, of strengthening the nation people opportunities to progress and is to Mahatma Gandhi — the Father of in its many aspects. This is a time for to eradicating poverty, hunger, disease our Nation, to all the other leaders of introspection, a time to take well- and illiteracy. Emphasizing the need our freedom movement, and to the thought-out measures, and to prepare for revolutionizing the agriculture sec - millions of people of our country, who well for the future. There have been tor, the President called for greater use fought with bravery and courage, that occasions earlier, when confronted of technology in the agriculture sector we pay homage. Our independence with many questions, we did find

September 2011 India Review Cover STORY answers. The real strength of a nation in our country. We are now a nation of shortage require to be addressed in a is judged not by the challenges it faces, 1.2 billion, constituting about a sixth of focused manner. We may need to but by its responses. Therefore, as we the global population. We will reap a examine whether existing rural analyze, make policies, legislate, imple - demographic dividend, only when our employment programs, can be utilized ment schemes and enforce laws, we population is educated and equipped for agricultural land of farmers, must not forget that the purpose of all with the necessary skills. This entails a whether small holders or otherwise, in our efforts is to move on the path of focus on education and skill develop - rain-fed areas. This will help to progress while ensuring that morals ment, to build their capacities to meet stabilize agriculture in these areas. and ethics in our society do not get the requirements of the nation. They Events of far-reaching consequences eroded. can add immensely to India’s economy are taking place in the world. In a glob - India is the world’s largest democra - — in the service sector, cutting edge alized world, these developments have cy. The country has performed well technologies, manufacturing, industry, ramifications beyond borders. We are 3 economically with a growth rate of 8.6 and agriculture. all aware of the consequences of the percent last year. We are committed to The underlying purpose of our work global financial meltdown of 2008. the welfare of all and are pursuing an is to provide to all citizens, opportuni - Uncertainty is again confronting the inclusive growth agenda. There is ties of progress and to eradicate pover - world economy, and would need to be much promise, much potential, much tackled through co-ordinated global hope and much optimism about our action, as also by suitable precaution - future prospects. I point this out so We are committed to ary measures in our country. Our that, as we deal with the challenges, we the welfare of all and economy has fundamental strength should not be unmindful of either our and resilience, and its large domestic achievements; or of our past; or the are pursuing an inclusive market can help it maintain steady principles on which our freedom, growth agenda. There growth rates. Constitution and democracy rest; or is much promise, The attack in Mumbai last month is very importantly, of our future. Our yet another grim reminder of the actions today, our decisions today, will much potential, much destruction that can be caused by ter - fashion our tomorrow. hope and much rorism. We need to be ever-vigilant, to A deep sense of responsibility is a optimism about our fight this menace which is a global phe - call of our times. All institutions and all nomenon. citizens, have to demonstrate great future prospects I recall the words of Swami maturity and, if I may say so, a degree Vivekanand, “This national ship of of self-restraint, as we deal with our ty, hunger, disease and illiteracy. I have ours, my countrymen, has been plying problems. always said that, it is a growing Gross for ages, carrying civilization and As we look at our past performance, Domestic Product along with the wel - enriching the whole world with its we can draw strength from the fact, fare of the people, that are the twin pil - inestimable treasures.” Dear Citizens, that the framework of our lars of a progressive nation. Today, the challenge for us, is how effective - Constitution has served us well. The anti-poverty programs, social welfare ly we carry forward the nation from institutions created by it — the schemes, and a commitment to ensure now onwards. Let history be the judge Executive, the Legislature and the food security, form the core of our that during our time, we found the Judiciary — have been stable and have inclusive agenda strategy. There are right answers to the challenges we achieved much. The separation of also a host of special economic pack - faced, and acquitted ourselves with powers, the elaborate system of checks ages for the under-developed regions dignity and continued to work with and balances, have given our country a of our nation. unity, to build the India of our governance structure in which equilib - We need a model to revolutionize dreams. rium is maintained, when every insti - agriculture, from the time when agri - Dawn will break tomorrow and our tution respects the field of responsibil - cultural operations start, till harvest is flag will flutter. Whatever task you are ity of the others. Credibility of institu - reaped and beyond, where post-har - doing in the interest of the country is tions depends upon their conduct, vest processing aspects are addressed. important, and I call on all citizens to which must be in accordance with the Institutions linked to making available pledge, that they will work with full constitutional framework. We should credit, seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, commitment and dedication, honesty strengthen them and their ability to have to be pro-active and work in co- and integrity and with a sense of pride. take corrective actions, whenever ordination with each other. There If we do this, there is much that we will required. There should be no effort, should be greater use of technology in be able to achieve as a nation. consciously or otherwise, that will lead the agricultural sector to enhance pro - With these words, I wish all citizens to the erosion of institutional ductivity. the very best on the occasion of credibility and authority. Also, issues and problems relating to Independence Day. The Census has just been completed dry land farming, including labor Jai Hind! ”

September 2011 India Review Cover STORY and social and economic progress. We have established an environment of communal harmony in the country. In these seven years, the pace of our economic development has been rapid. We have achieved this success despite the global economic slow-down of 2008 and rising prices of energy and commodities in world markets. We have strived for reducing inequalities in the country. In the last seven years, we have taken special care of the needs of our brothers and sisters from the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, minorities, women and children. We have enacted laws which would guarantee our people their basic enti - tlements. After the rights to education, employment and information, we will soon enact a legislation for providing food security to the people. ‘We need a second In the last seven years, our relations with various countries of the world have strengthened and deepened. It is green revolutIon’ only because of the result of our hard Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh at the Red Fort, in New Delhi, to address the Nation on August 15. work that today we have much more self-respect and self-confidence in n the occasion of the 64th The government would set up an ourselves. anniversary of India’s environmental assessment and moni - These successes are not ordinary. Independence, Prime toring authority to streamline the Today the world recognizes our poten - O Minister Dr. Manmohan process of environmental clearances, tial to be one of the major economic Singh addressed the nation from the Prime Minister Singh said in his powers globally. ramparts of the Red Fort in address. I congratulate the country’s farmers and said that India had embarked on a for their achievements this year. The journey to transform itself through Excerpts from the Prime Minister’s production of food grains has been at a rapid development. He assured the Address to the Nation: record level. Wheat, maize, pulses and nation that funds would not be a con - “My dear countrymen, oilseeds have all seen record levels of straint in the way of providing better I heartily greet 1.2 billion Indians on production. It is because of the hard education and healthcare to citizens. the 64th anniversary of our work of our farmers that today there Noting that the government would lay Independence. are proposals for export of food grains, emphasis on health in the Twelfth Five I have been addressing you from the sugar and cotton. Year Plan, the Prime Minister also said historic Red Fort for the last seven We need a second Green Revolution that the government would establish a years. In these seven years, our coun - in agriculture. We can tackle the prob - new Education Commission to suggest try has achieved much. During this lem of rising food prices only by improvements in education at all levels. period, we have traveled rapidly on the increasing agricultural production and 4 Prime Minister Singh said the govern - path of development and have seen productivity. We also need to increase ment was now considering the univer - success in many areas. agricultural production to implement a salization of secondary education. We are building the edifice of mod - food security law. Congratulating farmers for achiev - ern India on the foundation of the hard I wish to assure you today that we ing a high output in the current year, work and sacrifices of our soldiers, our are continuously monitoring the situa - the Prime Minister called for another farmers and our workers. We will not tion to find out what new steps can be Green Revolution to address the twin let their hard work and sacrifices go taken to arrest rising prices. Finding a issues of rising prices and food securi - waste. We will convert the dreams of solution to this problem will be our ty. He also said that Parliament would our freedom fighters into reality. top-most priority in the coming soon enact a legislation to provide In the last seven years, our govern - months. people with food security. ment has strived for political stability Our government wants to replace

September 2011 India Review Cover STORY the 117-year-old land acquisition law by a new Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation law which is forward looking and balanced. We have already prepared a draft legislation and have initiated steps to build con - sensus on it. We will soon introduce a Bill in Parliament to this end. We are satisfied with our achieve - ments in the last seven years in the areas of education and health. Whether it is elementary education, 5 secondary education or higher educa - tion we have taken concrete steps for The Prime Minister inspecting the Guard of Honour at the Red Fort, in New Delhi, on August 15. improvements at all levels. This has shown good results. In the last few Last month’s terrorists attacks in years, fundamental changes have taken united states greets India Mumbai warn us that there cannot be place in the area of education. Today ending India best wishes on its any slip up in our vigilance as far as the every citizen has a right to elementary Independence Day, Secretary of State fight against terrorism is concerned. education. We are now considering SHillary Clinton said India’s story was a This is a long battle to be fought universalization of secondary powerful example of what people could jointly by the Central Government, the education. achieve through peaceful State Governments and the common I have often referred to the 11th Five means. man. “India’s independence Year Plan as an education plan. We will It is not an ordinary achievement for movement and the inspira - lay the same emphasis on health in the tional leadership of Mahatma our democracy with a population of 12th plan as we laid on education in Gandhi still move people to 1.2 billion and so many religions, lan - the 11th plan. I will propose to the be the change that they want guages and cultures to march rapidly National Development Council that to see in the world,” Clinton said in a ahead on the path of development. I the 12th plan should be specially message on behalf of President Barack congratulate the people of India on this focused on health. I also promise that Obama and the people of the United States. achievement. funds will not be a constraint in the “At this time of profound change and hope We have embarked on a journey to for millions of people, India’s story stands as important areas of education and transform our huge and diverse a powerful example of what people can health. achieve through the peaceful pursuit of country through rapid development. We are continuously strengthening inalienable rights,” she said. A development which benefits every the physical infrastructure in our The US, she said, believed that the citizen of the country. It is natural country. This is an area which US-India partnership would be one of the that tensions would sometimes arise requires very large investments. It is defining partnerships of this century. in this process of change. In a for this reason that in the last seven “As you celebrate this special day with fam - democracy, such tensions also years we have pursued policies which ily, friends and loved ones, in Chennai, New become issues of political polariza - encourage investment in infrastruc - Delhi or anywhere in between, know that the tion. We should endeavor that even as U.S. stands with you as a committed partner ture. As a percentage of GDP, invest - and friend,” she added. political parties oppose and engage ment in this area has grown more in debate against each other, the pace than one and a half times in the last of our progress does not get affected. seven years. and road will get the topmost We should also have faith that our There have been improvements in priority. democracy, our institutions and our our capacities in the petroleum sector We have taken a major step this year social ideals and values have the and power generation, and in our air - for our poor brothers and sisters living capacity to deal with any difficulty. ports, roads, especially rural road, in cities. Recently we have approved We should all have faith in ourselves. and ports. As an illustration, the the Rajiv Awas Yojana. We want to The faith that we can build a promis - capacity in power generation that we make India slum-free through this ing future for ourselves. The faith, that are going to add in the 11th plan will scheme. We want the slum dwellers to united we can do the most difficult of be twice that of the 10th plan. In the get ownership of clean houses and tasks. Let us all resolve to build a 12th Plan, we will further accelerate have access to basic amenities like bright future for our country. investment in infrastructure. We will water and electricity. We will imple - Dear Children, join me in saying pay special attention to the remote ment the Rajiv Awas Yojana as a Jai Hind areas of our country and to rural national mission, together with the Jai Hind areas. Connecting such areas by rail States. Jai Hind. ”

September 2011 India Review Embassy EVENTS


ndia’s Independence Day was celebrated at the coun - expatriates and people of Indian-origin. The Charge try’s Embassy in Washington on August 15. Charge d’Affaires read out the President’s Address to the Nation I d’Affaires Arun K. Singh unfurled the national flag in delivered on the eve of the Independence Day. The audi - the presence of a gathering of around 200 Indian ence then participated in the singing of patriotic songs.

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PHOTO LEGENDS 6 1. Charge d’Affaires Arun K. Singh unfurling the national flag. 2. Charge d’Affaires Arun K. Singh reading out the President’s Address to the Nation. 3. Debapriya Dutta, Murli Mathur, Kumud Mathur, Ayona Dutta, Alka Batra and Promila Gupta singing patriotic songs. 4. Kumud Mathur and Asha Varadan singing patriotic songs. 5. A cross-section of the audience gathered on the occasion.

September 2011 India Review Embassy EVENTS


he Embassy of India hosted a presentation on elucidated the various classical Indian dance forms Indian classical dances by Padma Bhushan and also enthralled the guests with his Bharatnatyam T Prof. C.V. Chandrasekhar on August 2. He performance.


Shailaja Maru, a pupil of Prof. C.V. Chandrasekhar, introducing Padma Bhushan Prof. C.V. Chandrasekhar speaking on classical Indian Prof. C.V. Chandrasekhar. dance forms.

Padma Bhushan Prof. C.V. Chandrasekhar performing Bharatnatyam.

Radha Ganesan, a pupil of Prof. C.V. Chandrasekhar, thanking the A section of the audience. Embassy for hosting the event.

September 2011 India Review Embassy EVENTS COnfLuEnCE Of ThOughTS: MAhATMA gAndhI And dR. MARTIn LuThER kIng, JR.

n connection with the Martin Luther King, Jr. special event titled “Confluence of Thoughts: Mahatma Memorial Dedication Week and the upcoming Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” on August 24, I Gandhi Jayanti, the Embassy of India hosted a 2011. 1 2

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7 PHOTO LEGENDS 8 1. Charge d’Affaires Arun K. Singh addressing the guests. 2. Tony Johnson from the Executive Office of the Mayor of DC speaking on the occasion. 3. Chuck Hicks, Member of the Official DC Host Committee for the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Dedication Week speaking at the event. 4. Carrie Trybulec, Director, Gandhi Memorial Center, speaking on the occasion. 5. Prof. Bidyut Chakrabarty, Mahatma Gandhi Chair, James Madison University, speaking at the event. 6. Dr. Har Swarup Singh speaking at the event. 7. A section of the guests in attendance.

September 2011 India Review Consulate EVENTS 64Th AnnIVERSARY CELEBRATIOn Of IndIA’S IndEPEndEnCE

he Consul-General of India, 1 2 New York, Prabhu Dayal, hosted a reception on T August 15, 2011, to mark the 64th anniversary of India’s Independence. About 250 guests, including prominent members of the Indian-American community and 9 local dignitaries such as Assemblyman 3 message delivered on the eve of the Upendra J. Chivukula from New Independence Day. Wayne Jennings, Jersey State Assembly, Assemblyman President, Cultural Diversity Dr. Prasad Srinivasan from Awareness Council, New Hampshire, Connecticut State Assembly and lauded the efforts of the staff of the Archbishop Francis Assisi Chullikatt, Consulate General of India in further - representative of the Vatican, attended ing people-to-people contact across the celebrations. Representative of the cultures. He also presented a memen - , Chef-de-Cabinet & to on behalf of the New Hampshire 1. Consul-General Prabhu Dayal reading out Under-Secretary General at the the message of the Indian President delivered Cultural Diversity Awareness Council United Nations, Vijay Nambiar also on the eve of the Independence Day. to Ambassador Prabhu Dayal. graced the function with his presence. 2. Wayne Jennings, President, Cultural Diversity Prominent Indian-Americans Awareness Council, New Hampshire, presenting The Consul-General greeted the a memento to Consul-General Prabhu Dayal. representing various associations and distinguished guests on the occasion 3. Prominent Indian Americans jointly cutting a fields of activities jointly cut a cake in and read out the Indian President’s cake on the occasion. celebration of the occasion.


o commemorate India’s Independence Day, exas State Chapter of Indian American NASDAQ invited Prabhu Dayal, Consul-General Friendship Council (IAFC), a prominent com - T of India, to ring the Closing Bell on August 15, T munity forum, organized a function in honor of 2011. The ceremony was attended by a number of Nikki Haley, Governor of South Carolina, in Dallas on prominent Indian-Americans. August 19, 2011. Sanjiv Arora, Consul-General of India Speaking on the occasion, Consul-General Prabhu in Houston, Tom Leppert, former Mayor of Dallas and Dayal said, “I feel highly privileged and honored to have Zulfi Sadeque, Acting Consul-General of Canada were been invited to ring the NASDAQ Closing Bell today. invited as special guests at the event. NASDAQ has organized this event to cele - brate India’s Independence Day, which indicates the ever growing relationship between NAS - Consul-General Prabhu Dayal ringing the DAQ and NASDAQ Closing Bell India. I was also privileged to have been invited to ring the NASDAQ Governor Nikki Haley (center), Sanjiv Arora, Consul-General of India in Closing Bell in 2009 and 2010 for celebrating India’s Houston (to Governor Haley’s left), Tom Leppert, former Mayor of Dallas Independence Day. NASDAQ’s gesture is in recogni - (third from right) and Zulfi Sadeque, Acting Consul-General of Canada (to tion of the fact that India has become a global Consul-General Arora’s left). Dr. Krishna Reddy, Founder/Chairman, IAFC and Prasad Thotakura, IAFC’s Texas State Coordinator, are seen at third powerhouse. ” from left and second from right, respectively.

September 2011 India Review Consulate EVENTS IndEPEndEnCE dAY CELEBRATIOnS In hOuSTOn o celebrate India’s 65th National Anthem; reading President Indian-American community fora Independence Day, a flag of India’s Address to the Nation on and associations of international stu - hoisting function was held the eve of India’s Independence Day; dents from India in its T at Consul General Sanjiv singing of patriotic songs by Dr. jurisdiction. Arora’s residence on August 15. Rathna Kumar, Founding Director, On August 20, Consul-General The function was attended by over Anjali Arts Center, Houston, and had the honor of joining Mayor 300 people, with a large, diverse and Swaralayam Arts Forum (SAF) Annise Parker, other elected repre - broad-based representation of the students. sentatives and a large number of Indian-American community in As on earlier occasions, the Indian- other attendees at the annual gala cel - Greater Houston and neighboring American community was deeply ebrations of Independence Day, enti - cities; some other friends of India appreciative of successive ‘Open tled ‘India Fest’, organized by India were also present. A number of Houses’ held at Consul-General’s Culture Center (ICC), one of the old - students also participated in the residence to celebrate India’s est and most broad-based Indian celbration of India’s Independence National Days. As in the past, the community fora in Houston, and Day. The program comprised unfurl - Consulate also supported their partners, at George Brown ing of the Tricolor; singing of the Independence Day celebrations by Convention Center in Houston.

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10 PHOTO LEGENDS 1. Consul-General Sanjiv Arora unfurling the Tricolour at Independence Day Flag Hoisting ceremony at his residence. His wife, Chhaya is with him. 2. Consul-General Sanjiv Arora and Chhaya Arora (center) with Consulate officials and their families at Independence Day celebrations at Consul-General’s residence on 15 August, 2011. 3. Consul General Sanjiv Arora (left) and Chhaya Arora (right) with students of Swaralayam Arts Forum (SAF) at Independence Day celebrations at Consul- General’s residence on 15 August, 2011. SAF students took the lead in the singing of National Anthem and also sang patriotic songs at the function. 4. Consul-General Sanjiv Arora and Houston Mayor Annise Parker at Independence Day Celebrations, called ‘India Fest’, organized by India Culture Center (ICC) and their partners in Houston. ICC President Col. R.P.S Bhalla is to CG’s right; on Mayor Parker’s left are: Harris Country Judge Ed Emmett, Pro-tem Mayor of City of Sugarland Jacquie Chaumette, Sugar Land City Councilman Tom Abraham and Head of US Senator John Cornyn’s Southeast Texas Office Jay Guerrero.

September 2011 India Review Consulate EVENTS VISIT Of fORMER PRESIdEnT dR. APJ ABduL kALAM TO hOuSTOn r. A P J Abdul Kalam, On August 22, Dr. Kalam interact - Consul-General Sanjiv Arora host - Former President of ed with administrators, faculty and ed a dinner in honor of Dr. Kalam, India, visited Houston students at UH and Rice, besides which was attended by over 100 invi - D from August 21-22 at the visiting their research laboratories. tees, representing elected bodies, aca - invitation of University of Houston Dr. Kalam also gave a public lecture at demia, science and technology, space (UH) and Rice University (Rice). Rice. In his lectures, Dr. Kalam spoke research, healthcare, arts and culture, India House, a community center, of every citizen’s responsibility for official agencies, consular corps and acted as a co-host by organizing a pub - nation building (“What can I give?”) other fields. The guests came from lic lecture by Dr. Kalam on August 21. and his vision for inclusive growth and various places serviced by Consulate 11 The audience at the event included development of India, highlighting his General of India, Houston; a few of Congressman Al Green and County program Provide Urban Amenities in them also came from other parts of Judge Ed Emmett, among others. Rural Areas (PURA). the United States.

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5 PHOTO LEGENDS 1. Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam, Former President of India being welcomed by Consul-General Sanjiv Arora and Chhaya Arora at a dinner hosted by them in his honor at their residence. 2. Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam at the dinner hosted in his honor by Consul- General Sanjiv Arora (to his right) at his residence. On Dr. Kalam’s left are: Digvijaya Singh, Former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Ms Antel and Dr. John Antel, Provost of University of Houston. 3. Consul-General Sanjiv Arora (center) introducing Kanniks Kanikeswaran, an alumnus of IIT, Chennai & a music maestro based in Cincinnati, to Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam. 4. Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam flanked by Consul-General Sanjiv Arora, his wife Chhaya Arora, along with Consulate officials and their fami - lies at the dinner. 5. Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam presenting books to Chhaya Arora (right).

September 2011 India Review Economy NEWS Pushing rEforms toP Priority: Pm

rime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on August 20 said the next P phase of economic reforms would be his government’s number one priority and expressed confi - dence that political consensus would soon be reached to achieve the eco - nomic growth rate of 9 percent. “I think second generation reforms are essential, but are also a lot more difficult to implement. They require a broad-based national consensus,” the Prime Minister said after chairing a meeting of the full Planning Commission. “That will be our priority number one — to push the reform process forward.” “Considering the uncertainties in the global environment, as also inflationary pressures at home, it would be prudent to have a growth target which would ensure the achievement of the objective of the target of sustained, inclusive growth,” Dr. Singh said. Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh Expecting domestic and internation - al market situations to improve, he be given priority even if it limits the said, “We will be working on a growth Economic census planned availability of resources for develop - rate of 9 percent per annum. But we to assess reforms mental activities in the short run.” will also keep open the possibility of “Resource limitations imply the he government on August 4 said it raising the growth rate to 9.2 percent.” plans to carry out an economic cen - need to prioritize carefully. Some India’s gross domestic product T sus next year to assess the impact of priority areas, for example, health, (GDP) had risen at 8.5 percent last fis - economic reforms on various industries and education and infrastructure, will have cal, despite the global financial crises to formulate policies better. to be funded more than others,” the and high commodity inflation, to “The census would not only provide Prime Minister said. emerge among the fastest-growing updated frame for detailed follow-up sur - He also emphasized the need for economies in the world. veys but would also give entrepreneurial more efficient use of available The architect of first generation data at village and ward level for planning resources in view of the constraints. and development, especially for unorgan - reforms, which he initiated as Finance ized sector,” Srikant Jena, Minister of State The Prime Minister said the 12th Minister in 1991, Dr. Singh said while for Statistics and Programme Plan period approach paper has made 12 second-generation reforms were being Implementation, informed the Lok Sabha in certain suggestions like giving pursued they would require a broad a written reply. implementing agencies greater consensus. At the same time, he hoped The census, which is the sixth such activ - freedom, flexibility, promoting such a consensus would eventually ity to be undertaken, will assess field work convergence between resources from emerge, as it did when the program being done by the ministry from January to different plan schemes, and the need was first launched in 1991. June of 2012, in collaboration with the for much greater attention to capacity state and union territory (UT) governments. He said the next stage of economic building, monitoring and accountabili - “The ministry plans to release the quick liberalization would fall in place with results within 60 days of completion of ty to ensure optimum utilization of the parties of different political ideologies field work by the states and UTs and the all- available resources. joining hands in national interest. India report within one year of completion “We need to engage the states on The Prime Minister said, “The of field work,” Jena said. all these issues,” the Prime Minister process of fiscal consolidation needs to said.

September 2011 India Review Economy NEWS rBi unvEils draft norms for nEw commErcial Banks roking houses and realty speech that it was the government’s firms are proposed to be intent to open up the banking sector made ineligible for new further. The Reserve Bank, on its part, B licences to operate commer - had also launched a discussion paper cial banks in the norms drafted by the on the subject. Among the companies country’s central bank, which wants and industrial houses hoping to apply 13 aspirants to be Indian entities with a for banking licences include the Tatas, sound track record of 10 years. the Aditya Birla Group, Anil Ambani- “The aggregate non-resident share - led Reliance Group, Bajaj Financial holding in the new bank shall not Services and Shriram Finance. exceed 49 percent for the first five activities, either individually or taken The central bank said final guide - years, after which it will be as per the together in the past three years will not lines would be issued and the process extant policy,” say the draft norms be eligible for such licences, the apex for licences would be started after issued on August 29 by the Reserve bank has proposed. receiving feedback on the draft guide - Bank of India (RBI) for comments. The central bank, which has called lines as also after certain vital amend - “Entities in the private sector owned for comments from all interested par - ments to Banking Regulation Act, and controlled by residents with diver - ties before October 31, also says that 1949. sified ownership, sound credentials certain additional requirements may be The other highlights of the draft and integrity and having successful stipulated in case of companies that norms include a minimum capital of track record of at least 10 years will be earn 40 percent or more from non- $109 million. This apart, a wholly eligible to promote banks,” it says. financial business. owned non-operative holding compa - Entities that earn 10 percent or more Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee ny also has to be set up to oversee both from realty, construction or broking had announced last year in his budget the banking and other financial companies wihin the promoter group. This holding company will have to rBi ProPosEs nEw rEgulations be registered with the Reserve Bank of for non-Banking financE firms India as a non-banking finance company and will need to keep at least he Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on are Reliance Capital, Bajaj Finance and 50 percent independent directors on its August 29 proposed new regulations Shriram Transport Finance. board. The draft guidelines also pro - for non-banking finance companies The proposed guidelines also said that the T pose that existing non-banking finance (NBFCs) which include seeking prior approval RBI should register only those new NBFCs from the central bank for mergers and acqui - that have a minimum asset size of more than firms, if considered eligible, could sitions where 25 percent or above shares of `500 ($10.8) million, while those who were either promote a new bank or convert an NBFC change hands. not raising funds from the public could be themselves into banks. The new The report of the RBI Working Group on the exempted from registration provided their entrants must have a viable business issues in the NBFC Sector proposed that “any assets are below `100 ($2.17) billion. model, outlining their financial transfer of shareholding, direct or indirect, of The group also said that NBFCs could be inclusion plan. 25 percent and above, change in control, asked to maintain certain liquidity ratios such merger or acquisition of any registered NBFC that cash, bank balances and holdings of The other highlights of the draft should have prior approval of the Reserve government securities fully cover the gaps, if Bank.” any, between cumulative outflows and cumu - include: The group was chaired by Usha Thorat, for - lative inflows for the first 30 days. n At least 25 percent of branches mer Deputy Governor of the RBI and now “Asset classification and provisioning norms should be in unbanked rural centers director of Centre for Advanced Financial similar to banks to be brought in phased man - n Exposure to promoters not to Research and Learning (CAFRAL). ner for NBFCs. Suitable income tax deduction exceed 10 percent of the paid-up An NBFC is a non-banking institution akin to banks may be allowed for provisions capital and reserves of the bank involved in the business of receiving deposits made under the regulations. Accounting n Aggregate exposure to all promoter or lending to various classes of consumers. norms applicable to banks may be applied to group entities not to exceed All NBFCs that raise funds from public are NBFCs,” said a note from the working group. supposed to be registered with the central The group also proposed to improve a host 20 per cent bank. of disclosure and risk management norms for n Banks should get their shares listed Some of the leading NBFCs in the country NBFCs. on stock exchanges within two years

September 2011 India Review Economy NEWS forEign invEstmEnt norms EasEd in domEstic mutual funds ndia on August 9 permitted for - corporate bonds issued by eign investors to participate in infrastructure companies. local mutual funds, allowing Permitting foreign investors into I them to invest up to $10 billion the domestic mutual fund market and expanding the capital flow chan - was part of the budget proposals for nels into equities markets. 2010-11. But allowing mutual funds In separate statements, the Reserve to accept overseas money into debt Bank of India and the capital markets schemes was the result of a meeting regulator Securities and Exchange between top industrialists and Board of India (RBI), said that non- Finance Minister Pranab resident investors who met SEBI’s Mukherjee. “The government know-your-customer requirements worth of debt schemes, which invest in accepted this recommendation and would also be allowed to invest in debt bonds of tenure of at least 5 years in held a series of discussions with the schemes run by mutual funds which the infrastructure sector. regulators to give QFIs access to were targeted at the infrastructure If the cumulative QFI investment mutual fund debt schemes investing in space. reaches $8 billion in equity schemes or infrastructure,” said the ministry. “The SEBI said that Qualified Foreign $2.5 billion in debt funds, SEBI would QFI scheme will make it easier for Investors (QFIs) could buy equity or auction the remaining limit to foreign overseas investors to participate in the debt fund units in the primary market, investors. However, the QFI ceiling on infrastructure sector projects in India, but would not be allowed to trade in debt funds will be within the overall and therefore would provide an addi - the secondary market. QFIs will also ceiling of $25 billion set by the RBI tional source of overseas long-term be allowed to buy another $3 billion earlier for foreign investments in debt funding,” it added. india’s tax social sEcurity Pacts with departments go green ndia’s excise and customs department morE countriEs soon has adopted an “environment strategy” ndia is in talks with several coun - France and Luxembourg. The number I under which it aims to eliminate paper tries for concluding bilateral of countries will increase gradually. documentation, promote web-based external social security agreements (SSAs) Talks are on,” said Regional PF and internal communication and give special I attention to environment related issues. that would make it possible to reach Commissioner S.K. Gupta . Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on the fruits of Employees’ Provident From November 1, 2008, interna - August 16 gave his approval to the Central Fund Schemes to international tional workers — both Indians work - Board of Excise and Customs proposal to workers. ing outside the country and non- adopt an environment friendly strategy in its The integrated computerised system Indian citizens working in India — day-to-day dealings. related to EPF functioning will also be have been brought under the ambit of “It would change the way business is fully operational by November, 2011. EPFO. done by the customs, central excise and “Under the EPFO (Employees’ “The integrated computerised sys - service tax officials,” the Finance Ministry said in a statement. Provident Fund Commissioner) there tem made operational in association 14 The new strategy of the department are 6,15,000 establishments and over with National Informatics Centre has includes training of officers for monitoring sixty million members,” Additional enabled the EPFO offices across the international trade in environmentally sensi - Central Provident Fund Commissioner country to function in a secured and tive goods, sensitizing officers to enhanced A.M. Raju said in Kolkata, India. efficient way. Claims are now being detection of environmental violations and “Unless there is a social security settled through the system in quicker protecting frontline officers from hazardous agreement (SSA) between the country time,” he added. substances by providing radiation detection from which the worker hails and the Gupta also said with the National kits. The excise and customs department also plans to “promote web-based external country in which the worker works, he Electronic Funds Transfer in effect, the and internal communication and develop cannot avail the benefits under the Act. accounts of the members can now be and implement green standards for At present, we have agreements with directly credited or debited as and infrastructure”. about 15 countries including Belgium, when required.

September 2011 India Review Economy NEWS

others at a low cost, are certain key ‘mEdical tourism to BE factors making India a favored destination for medical tourism. “High-quality medical care at a frac - worth $2.3 Billion By 2015’ tion of the cost people would normally incur in developed countries is the basic reason behind this surge in num - ber of patients flocking to India for treatment purposes,” said D.S. Rawat, Secretary General of Assocham. As per the study, Andhra Pradesh, 15 Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, West Bengal and New Delhi are fast emerging as India’s best medical centers where facelifts, dental and botox treatment, tummy tucks, eye care, etc. are the most sought-after treatments. Further, with holistic medicinal serv - ices like yoga, meditation, ayurveda, allopathy and others, India offers a plethora of facilities difficult to match in other countries. “Ayurveda is increasingly becoming popular as a non-surgical treatment for various ailments among the patients hailing from abroad,” said the study. India gets the most number of for - ndia’s world-class medical tech - industry at around $1 billion with eign patients from the Middle East, nology, coupled with a skilled about 850,000 foreign patients visiting followed by the US, Europe and people medical workforce, will ensure India for treatment. from neighboring countries like I that the Indian medical tourism “India enjoys strategic advantage of , Nepal, , industry is worth $2.34 billion and that essential resources like world-class Afghanistan and others. the number of foreign patients visiting medical technology, infrastructure and However, Assocham added that the country crosses 3.2 million by a skilled medical workforce. The rapid India was facing tough competition 2015, a commerce chamber report has growth will not only earn foreign from , Belgium, Cuba, Costa said. exchange but will also give a huge Rica and Hungary, among others, that ‘Emerging Trends In Domestic boost to the country’s health sector,” are actively promoting healthcare Medical Tourism Sector’, prepared by said the study. tourism. “We propose developing the Associated Chambers of According to Assocham, availability ‘Multi-Specialty Health City’ on a Commerce and Industry of India of top notch facilities, especially in sec - public-private partnership basis at (Assocham) estimated the current tors like cardiology, joint replacement, 10 centers across the country,” worth of Indian medical tourism orthopaedic surgery, transplants and said Rawat.

accEssiBlE, affordaBlE hEalthcarE in thE offing ndia’s Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017) technology organized by the Confederation of experts said indigenous players in the health will give more teeth to healthcare by Indian Industry (CII). sector would have to be given more support to I emphasizing on accessibility and afford - “With over 80 percent of healthcare services achieve the target. ability, a member of the plan panel said on met by corporations, a large part of the popu - “With a population of 1.2 billion, support August 24. “The medical technology industry lace still finds itself outside the ambit of should be given to indigenous manufacturers needs to understand the demands of the delivery mechanisms,” he noted. in addressing the issues of quality and narrow - Indian market for innovation in the health sec - While Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, ing the technology gap we have in health - tor,” Planning Commission member Arun Maira in his Independence Day speech, announced care,” said Naresh Trehan, Chairman of the CII said at the fourth conference on medical that health would be deemed a priority area, National Committee on Healthcare.

September 2011 India Review Diaspora NEWS Indian-American named to top job in maryland leading Indian-American nal affairs, planning and deliver innovative solu - entrepreneur, Rajan strategies, fostering and tions, commercialization of Natarajan has been named promoting international technologies and business A Deputy Secretary of State diplomatic relationships. development,” he said. for Policy and External Affairs in “Rajan brings a wealth of Born in Pudukkottai dis - Maryland state in the United States. corporate business and trict, Tamil Nadu, in India, Democratic Maryland Governor industry experience to my Natarajan came to the US Martin O’Malley appointed Natarajan, administration,” said in 1989 to pursue post- 51, to this administrative office, the O’Malley, noting “he has doctoral research at the highest held by any Indian-American spent much of his profes - Michigan State University to date in the state. sional life in the corporate Rajan Natarajan after completing his doc - Natarajan’s responsibilities in this world, helping companies toral degree in bioscience new role include representing the gov - grow.” at the University of Madras. After ernor or secretary of state at designat - Natarajan also “has significant expe - completing his MBA in 1999 at ed public and community outreach rience in the technology sector and is Michigan, he became a technology events, advising the secretary on exter - used to thinking out-of-the box to entrepreneur. Indian-American to lead US efforts IndIAnS Among mIT’S to expand ties with diaspora Top 35 InnovATorS wo Indians and two persons of Indian origin itul Desai, an Indian- American international finance and figure among top ‘35 innovators under 35’ law expert, has been brought in to the U.S. State T (TR35) in the latest list of Massachusetts M Department’s South Asia bureau to lead its efforts to Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Technology Review. expand “partnerships and engagement with the private sector and Ajit Narayanan of Invention Labs, Chennai, and diaspora groups” in the US. Aishwarya Ratan of Yale University, who were part of Announcing the appointment of Desai as Senior Advisor in the TR35 India Winners announced in March 2011, have U.S. State Department’s South and Central Asia Bureau at an India made it to the annual list of people who exemplify Donor Roundtable, Assistant Secretary of State the spirit of innovation in business and technology. for South Asia Robert Blake said, “The U.S.- “The honorees are blazing new paths in a wide India relationship has never been stronger,” range of fields, including medicine, energy, commu - thanks to the “important role” that the Indian nications, IT, consumer technology, entertainment, community has “played in creating and and robotics,” Cambridge-based institute in strengthening these ties.” Massachusetts said on August 24. Chennai-based Ajit “Indeed I have made it a priority for the South Narayanan, 30, was selected for his work on Avaz, an and Central Asia Bureau to expand our partner - affordable speech synthesizer. He is currently work - ships and engagement with the private sector and ing with the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. diaspora groups here in the US,” he said. Aishwarya Ratan, 30, was working with Microsoft Mitul Desai Desai, who has been named Senior Advisor for Research in Bangalore in India when she won the Outreach, comes from a private sector career in prestigious honor for her work on converting paper international finance and law, where he worked on many issues, includ - records to digital in real time. Ratan has since moved ing global health, Blake noted. to Yale University, but the NGO that she was part - 16 “He also has extensive experience working with diaspora communi - nering with continues to test the slate in villages. ties. I know he is very excited to work with you in his new capacity,” Two winners of Indian origin include Bhaskar he said. Krishnamachari, 33, University of Southern Desai received his BA in Chemistry and Philosophy at Rudgers California, who has been selected for his work on University and his JD from the Boston University School of Law. He smarter wireless networks and Piya Sorcar, 33, for was born in Kankakee, Illinois, and lived in South Carolina, Ohio, and Teachaids, a software that can be localized to teach Pennsylvania before moving to Succasunna, New Jersey, where he taboo topics. spent most of his childhood. The winners will be honored at an awards cere - His parents, Indirajit and Surekha Desai who hail from Gujarat, mony during the 2011 EmTech MIT Conference, to be India, came to the US in the 1960s, when they were both in their early held from October 18 to 19, at MIT’s Media Lab, USA. 20s. He has a younger brother, Amit.

September 2011 India Review Science NEWS

IndIAn-orIgIn ScIenTIST ‘ScIenTISTS gIve IndIA STrATegIc edge’ deSIgnS nAnoSIzed bATTerIeS cientists provide the country its strategic parity with world powers team led by a nanowire energy storage Sand innovations define the 21st scientist of devices with an ultrathin century India, Ashwani Kumar, Minister Indian origin separation between the of State for Science and Technology, said A has packaged electrodes,” said Arava at the release of The India Idea , a book lithium ion batteries, which Leela Mohana Reddy, on scientific innovations, in New Delhi . power mobiles and smart - study co-author and “To perceive and execute an idea is 17 phones, into a single research scientist, the genius of India,” he added. nanowire. The break - according to a university “This is a nation of billion people and through could be a valuable statement. it is a nation of billion opportunities,” power source for new gen - The team’s experimen - said Kumar, who is also Minister of State erations of nanoelectronics. Pulickel M. Ajayan tal batteries are about 50 for Planning, Parliamentary Affairs and Pulickel M. Ajayan, who micrometers tall, as thick Earth Sciences. did his B. Tech in metallurgical engi - as a human hair and almost invisible The minister said his “passionate com - neering from Banaras Hindu when viewed edge-on, Reddy said. mitment” was to regularly applaud the University, India in 1985, India and a Theoretically, the nanowire energy achievements of the Indian scientists Ph.D. from Northwestern University storage devices can be as long and as and to reiterate the debt of gratitude of in the U.S. in 1989, had been inching wide as the templates allow, which the country for their innovations. toward single nanowire devices for makes them scalable. The nanowire “The story of India is in its innova - years. The researchers at Rice devices show good capacity. The tions and it defines the India of the 21st University first reported the creation of researchers are fine-tuning the materi - century,” he said, noting he had often 3D nano batteries in December, 2010, als to increase their ability to repeated - been overwhelmed during his visits the journal Nano Letters reported. ly charge and discharge, which now abroad by appreciation for India’s scien - “The idea here is to fabricate drops off after about 20 cycles. tific innovations. InnovATorS from AcroSS IndIA AwArded ijay Bhaskar Reddy left his $108 depending on the features and According to the alumni of Birla highflying job in a leading was introduced in southern India in Institute of Technology, the scanning V multinational company in July 2011 with an ambition to cover device — ‘3nethra’ is priced between Bangalore to help farmers distressed the whole of India with the device $9,756 and $11,924 and by erratic power and water supply. He soon. Chandrasekhar has already sold 12 of invented a device which promises to “I’ve sold 50 of them so far and have them since its introduction in April, transform the way farmers irrigate received orders for another 100,” said 2011. their fields. Reddy adding that Samsung had Meanwhile, other innovations “The ‘Kisan Raja’ device allows promised to help him with GSM tech - invented by another trendsetter farmers to remotely control the agri - nology in the device, to reduce the included a coir bar named ‘Coir Atlas’ cultural motors, using their mobile or prices. which can be substituted for a wooden landline phone with the help of a SIM While Reddy took upon himself to log used by steel producers while card installed in the device,” Reddy help the country’s poor farmers, some transporting their products. said. like K. Chandrasekhar decided to con - Among others on the roll included a Reddy is part of a group of five tribute to the country’s health sector device that makes the tie-and-dye innovators from across the country by inventing a machine which pre- process in the production of silk sarees who were felicitated at the ‘Samsung screens five major eye diseases. less cumbersome. An NGO in Innovation Quotient’ in a scheme to “This machine can detect eye dis - Maharashtra that was involved in support them financially. “If someone eases like cataract, diabetic retina, helping farmers increase their produce steals the device and changes the SIM glaucoma tools and cornea issues in the fields through innovative meth - card, the machine would not work,” within five minutes ,” Chandrasekhar ods. At the end of the event, K. added Reddy, an alumnus of Indian said. “This machine will eradicate the Chandrasekhar was declared the win - Institute of Technology, Madras. unnecessary need of visiting a doctor ner for inventing 3nethra, and Kisan Raja is priced between $65 just for an eye checkup,” he added. received a cash prize of $10841.

September 2011 India Review Trends in SOCIETY

Automobiles industry poised for heAlthy growth India is all set to become one of the world’s most attractive automotive markets for both manufacturers and consumers. The automobile industry in India, currently estimated to have a turnover of US$ 73 billion, accounts for 6 per cent of the country’s GDP, and is expected to hit a turnover of US$ 145 billion by 2016

he Indian automobile indus - Auto Industry in India — Indian Automobile market — try, the seventh largest in the Growth Drivers Key statistics world, has demonstrated a The automobile sector in India has India’s automobile industry, current - T phenomenal growth. The been experiencing significant growth in ly estimated to have a turnover of industry has grown significantly over the last few years on the back of factors US$ 73 billion, accounts for 6 per cent the last ten years, during which indus - that include: of its GDP, and is expected to hit a try volumes have increased by 3.2 n Favourable demographic distribution turnover of US$ 145 billion by 2016. times, from a level of 4.7 million num - with rising working population and The automobile industry currently bers to 14.9 million numbers, accord - middle class urbanization contributes 22 per cent to the manufac - ing to Vishnu Mathur, Director n Rising affluence of the average con - turing GDP and 21 per cent of the total General, Society of Indian Automobile sumer, as per capita income rises. excise collection in the country, accord - Manufacturers (SIAM). With a tremendous growth in wealth ing to Praful Patel, Minister, Heavy The industry, by virtue of its deep as the economy grows, there will be Industries and Public Enterprises. connections with several key segments significant increases in spending on In 2010-11, the total turnover and of the economy, occupies a prominent discretionary items and consumer export of the automotive Industry in place in the country’s growth canvas. It durables India reached a new high of $73 billion exhibits a strong multiplier effect and n Increasing disposable incomes in the and $11 billion respectively. The cumu - has the ability to be the key driver of rural agri-sector lative announced investments reached 18 economic growth. A robust transporta - n Overall GDP growth, with a rise in $30 billion during this period. He also tion system plays a key role in a coun - industrial and agricultural output said that the forecasted size of the try’s rapid economic and industrial n Introduction of ultra-low-cost cars Indian passenger vehicle segment was development, and the well-developed n Increasing maturity of Indian original nearly 9 million units and that of two Indian automotive industry justifies this equipment manufacturers (OEMs) wheelers, close to 30 million units by catalytic role by producing a wide vari - n Availability of a variety of vehicle 2020. ety of vehicles, which include passenger models meeting diverse needs and India achieved the position of the top cars, light, medium and heavy commer - preferences growing passenger car market in the cial vehicles, multi-utility vehicles such n Greater affordability of vehicles world during the January-June period as jeeps, scooters, motorcycles, n Easy finance schemes in 2011, overtaking the US, which mopeds, three-wheelers, tractors etc. n Favourable government policies grew at 14.40 per cent, according to

September 2011 India Review Trends in SOCIETY

SIAM. In passenger vehicles, India was Demand for two-wheelers from six segment. The car, priced between the fastest growing market at of the eight domestic mobike manufac - $9,094 and $13,653, will compete 18.2 per cent during the six-month turers rose 16 per cent in June, 2011 to with Maruti Suzuki Swift, Hyundai period . more than 880,000 units, compared to i20, Volkswagen Polo and Ford Figo. India’s automobile industry is 761,000 units in June 2010. expected to grow by 11 to 13 per cent Australia is looking at possibilities of Government Initiatives in the fiscal year ending March 2012, building better relations between its With the gradual liberalization of the according to Pawan Goenka, world-class firms and rapidly growing automobile sector since 1991, the President, SIAM. The industry body Indian automotive industries with an number of manufacturing units in said that Indian automakers sold objective to create new export opportu - India has grown progressively. 143,370 cars in June 2011. nities. Currently, 100 per cent Foreign 19 The four-wheel passenger vehicle Pune-based Force Motors has signed Direct Investment (FDI) is permissible market has grown impressively at the an agreement with Daimler AG, under under automatic route in this sector, demands of the new middle class and which Daimler will supply technology including passenger car segment. The there is huge opportunity, as market for the development of a multi-purpose import of technology/technological penetration remains low. vehicle (MPV) by Force Motors. upgradation on the royalty payment of Swedish automobile manufacturer 5 per cent without any duration limit Domestic market share for 2010-11 Volvo Cars Corp is looking at introduc - and lump sum payment of $2 million is India’s automobile industry is grow - ing corporate editions of its luxury also allowed under automatic route in ing fast, but two wheelers remain a sedans S60 and S80 to shore up vol - this sector. dominant category. More than 78 per - umes in the Indian automobile market. The automobile industry is deli - cent of motor vehicles on the road are French car maker PSA Peugeot censed and import of components is two-wheelers, their popularity driven Citroen has selected a site near freely allowed. by low price, high fuel mileage, and an Sriperumbudur, to the west of With an objective of accelerating and ability to drive efficiently through dense Chennai, in Tamil Nadu for setting up sustaining growth in the automotive traffic. The share of different types of its car plant. The company is planning sector and to steer, co-ordinate and vehicles during 2010-11 was: to invest $911.72 million in an inte - synergise the efforts of all stakeholders, passenger vehicles (16.25 per cent), grated automobile project. the Automotive Mission Plan (AMP) commercial vehicles (4.36 per cent), Toyota has launched its first made- 2006-2016 was prepared. The plan three- wheelers (3.39 per cent), and for-India small car, the EtiosLiva, in aims at making India a global automo - two-wheelers (76 percent). the intensely competitive hatchback tive hub. The AMP 2006-2016 aims at doubling the contribution of automo - Recent Investments/ Trends Two wheelers remain a tive sector in GDP by taking the The auto industry has made huge dominant category in turnover to $145 billion and investments in the country. As per India’s automobile providing additional employment to 2008-09, the total investment of auto 25 million people by 2016. industry in India was $13.89 billion. industry. More than 78 Another $17.78 billion of new invest - percent of motor The Road Ahead ments have been announced by the vehicles on the road The automotive industry is at the auto industry out of which some have core of India’s manufacturing econo - already been made and the rest will are two-wheelers my. India is all set to become one of the come up over the next 2-3 years. The world’s most attractive automotive industry, therefore, is keeping pace markets for both manufacturers and with the growing demand for vehi - consumers. The resulting benefits to cles in all segments. society, such as economic growth, The Karnataka government increased jobs, and stability for has cleared investment families employed by the proposals amounting to more automotive industry, are than $19.74 billion. Murugesh significant. As income levels Nirani, Karnataka Industries rise, and easy finance is Minister, said that Honda available, the automobiles Motorcycles and Scooter industry in India is expect - India would be investing ed to experience a healthy $307.7 million in Narsapur growth rate. Industrial area of Kolar dis - TATA Nano is world’s lowest priced car (Courtesy: India Brand trict of the State. Equity Foundation)

September 2011 India Review Short STORY THE SPARROW

By Anil Chandra

The author, a former Indian bureaucrat, is a short story writer and a scholar. Chandra has also written three books on history covering ancient India and China

igh above the earth on its He watched the sparrows one soon got round to the sparrow. giant lattice towers, the morning taking off and occasionally “I know”, his father said. “Your power line strode across coming back on the power lines. One mother told me.” H the flat and unchanging of the sparrows, however got “It’s still there.” countryside until it disappeared. One entrapped, hanging there flapping its “Well,” his father said and looked of the great pylons was near his wings. Hira Lal saw it was caught by at him hard with his sharp black eyes. father’s hut in a square patch fenced its leg. He wondered how it could “Well, we can’t do anything about it, off with barbed wire. Warning plates have got caught, may be in the wire can we?” in red paint said in two languages. binding or at a joint. He wanted to “No father, but ...... ” ‘Danger!’ And there was a huge rush and tell his mother, but she “But what?” figure of volts, thousands of volts. would scold him for being late for He kicked at a stone and said noth - Hira Lal was eleven and he knew school. So he climbed on his bicycle ing more. He could see his father was volts were electricity and the line took and rode off to school. kind of stiff about it; that meant he power far across the country. Coming back from school he felt did not want to hear any more. Hira Lal filled the empty spaces in anxious but did not look up until he At dinner none of them talked his life by imagining things and the was quite near. The sparrow was still about the sparrow but Hira Lal felt as power line took his thoughts away there, its wings spread but not mov - if it were hanging above their heads. into a magical distance, far off among ing. It was dead, he guessed. Then he Going to bed, his mother said he tall buildings and bustling towns. saw it flutter and fold its wings. He must not worry about the bird. That was where the world opened up. felt awful to think it had hung there “God will look after it.” Hira Lal loved the power line dearly. all day. “It’s going to hang there all night It made a door through the distance The boy went in and called his by its foot,” he said. His mother 20 for his thoughts. mother and they stood below the sighed and put out the light. The next On clear evenings when the power line and looked at the bird. day was Sunday and he did not have sparrows gathered he would see the The mother shaded her eyes with her to go to school. First thing, he looked wires like necklaces of glass beads. hand. It is a pity, she said, but she out and the bird was still there. He He loved to hear the birds making was sure it would free itself somehow. would rather have been at school excited twittering sounds; he loved to “Couldn’t...” he began. instead of knowing all day that it was see how they fell off the aluminium “Couldn’t nothing,” she said quite hanging up there on the cruel wire. wire into space. The birds could fly firmly in the way he knew she meant The morning was very long, though anywhere they wanted and they business. he did forget about the sparrow quite opened another door for him. He His father came home in the often. He was building a mud house liked them very much, too. evening. Hira Lal followed him and under a tree and he had to carry

September 2011 India Review Short STORY water and dig up the earth and mix it station near his village, a good 5 kms He went out and saw his father and into a stiff clay. away. When he got there he was faced the back of a man in white shirt. It When he was coming in at midday, with an enormous high fence of iron was Ram Bharose! he had one more look and what he staves with spike tops and a tall “Ram Bharoseji” he shouted “Are saw kept him standing there a long locked steel gate. they going to do it?” time with his mouth open. Other Hira Lal peered through the gate “They’re doing it,” Ram Bharose sparrows were hovering around the and saw some men off duty sitting in said. trapped bird, trying to help it. He the sun playing cards. He called to A linesman and a truck driver came rushed inside and dragged his them and a thin man in white shirt up. The linesman explained to mother out and she stood shading her came over. Hira Lal explained what Hira Lal’s father that a maintenance eyes again. he wanted. If they would switch off switch-down had been ordered at 21 “Yes, they’re trying to help the the current then he could go up and minimum load hour. He wanted to be entangled bird. Isn’t that strange?,” save the sparrow. shown where the bird was. Hira Lal She said. The man smiled broadly and glanced, frightened, at his father who In the afternoon Hira Lal lay in the clicked his tongue. His name, he said nodded and said, “Show him”. grass and felt choked thinking how was Ram Bharose. He was just a Hira Lal went in the truck with the they helped it and nobody else would maintenance man and he couldn’t man, the driver and Ram Bharose. It do anything. His parents would not switch off the current. But he took them only five minutes to get the even talk about it. With his keen eyes unlocked the gate and let Hira Lal in. truck in position under the tower and he traced the way a climber could get “Ask them in there,” he said, grin - run up the extension ladder. up the tower. But if you did get up, ning. Ram Bharose hooked a chain in his what then? How could you touch the Inside, a junior engineer led Hira belt and switched on his flashlight. sparrow? Just putting your hand near Lal to a room where a balding man He swung out on the ladder and the wire, wouldn’t those thousands of with glasses was sitting at a desk. began running up it as if he had no volts jump at you? Hira Lal did not say five words before weight at all. Then using the pylon The only thing was to get some - his lips began trembling and two tears insulators and his flashlight, he body to turn off the power for a rolled out of his eyes. picked out the sparrow hanging on minute, then he could climb the tower The man said: “Sit down, son, and the dead wire. He leaned over and like a monkey. At dinner that night he don’t be frightened”. carefully worked the bird’s tiny claw suggested it and his father was as Then the man tried to explain. loose from the wire binding, and then grim and angry as he’d ever seen. How could they cut off the power? he put the sparrow in the breast pock - “Listen son,” his father said. “I The factories would stop, hospitals et of his shirt. don’t want you to get all worked up would go dark in the middle of an In a minute he was down and he about that bird. You leave it alone”. operation. Hira Lal was concerned took the bird out and handed it to the Turning to his mother for support about the sparrow but things like that boy. Hira Lal was almost speechless he said: “It’s only the other birds just happened and that was life. holding the sparrow and feeling its that’s keeping him alive. They were all “Life?” Hira Lal said thinking. “It slight quiver. In the light of the flash - trying to help today”. was more like death.” light he could see its pale brown “Yes, I know. I saw them,” replied The balding man smiled. He took throat, and that meant it was a young his mother. down Hira Lal’s name and address bird. “He can’t live much longer, Amma. and he said, “You’ve done your best, “Thanks,” he said. “Thanks, Ram Why can’t father get them to switch Hira Lal. I’m sorry, I can’t promise Bharoseji. Once again thanks, Ram off the electricity?” you anything.” Bharoseji”. “They wouldn’t do it for a bird, Hira Lal got home hours later and Hira Lal held the sparrow in his son”. his mother was frantic. He lied to her cupped hands and it lay there quietly Leaving for school the next morn - saying he had been detained after with the tips of its wings crossed. ing, Hira Lal tried not to look up. But school. He did not have the stomach Suddenly it took two little jumps and he couldn’t help it and there was the to look for the sparrow. He felt so bad spread its slender wings. Frantically sparrow spreading and closing its about it because they were all letting its wings beat the air and it seemed to wings. He got on his bicycle and rode it die. And that was life, the man said. be dropping to the ground. Then it as fast as he could. He could not It must have been the middle of the skimmed forward just above the grass think of anything but the trapped bird night when he woke up. His mother and Hira Lal remembered long after - on the power line. was next to him and the light was on. ward how, when it really took wing After school, Hira Lal drove his “There’s a man come to see you,” and gained height, that it gave a little bicycle to the nearest transmission she said. shiver of happiness.

September 2011 India Review Cinema NEWS

he man who jived and rock- and-rolled into our hearts is no more. Shammi Kapoor, T the swashbuckling actor of the 1950s and 1960s who redefined the image of the traditional hero, to become an everlasting style legend, died on August 14 after battling illness for years. He was 79. He was the “junglee”, who careened wildly down snowy slopes and straight onto the popularity charts, shouting “Yahoooo...” That full-throated Yahoo... falls silent scream that spawned a thousand imi - Funeral procession of Shammi Kapoor in Mumbai being led by his son Aditya (left) tations was the turning point in his and nephew Randhir Kapoor(right). Inset: Shammi Kapoor about a year ago. career. Shammi Kapoor carved a niche for himself by putting on danc - wildly to “Aaja, aaja, mein hoon pyar when Shammi literally gave himself to ing shoes that minced, waltzed and tera” with Asha Parekh in Teesri the music, flailing his hands and legs as twisted like none other before. Manzil , matched steps with Mumtaz he moved skilfully between shikaras in Shamsher Raj Kapoor, as he was in Bramhachari with “Aajkal tere mere Kashmir Ki Kali (leading to a sprain, it named at birth, made his debut in pyar ke charche”, wooed Sharmila is learnt)? 1953 with Jeevan Jyoti . Tagore in An Evening in Paris with the Shammi was also the eternal roman - wild “Aasman se aaya farishta”. tic lover who melted the heroine with A star was born The story goes that dance com - one intense gaze as he crooned The hits rolled out one after anoth - posers would leave him to choreo - “Ehsaan tera hoga mujh par” in er. Kashmir Ki Kali , Professor , graph his own steps. Remember the Junglee or “Akele, akele, kahaan jaa An Evening in Paris , Teesri Manzil , abandon of “Tareef karoon kya uski” rahe ho” in An Evening in Paris . Brahmachari , Rajkumar ... The list is Shammi was married to the leg - long. The songs were an inalienable endary Geeta Bali, who died early dur - part of the persona of Shammi ing the making of Teesri Manzil . The Kapoor. Mohammed Rafi was the couple had two children, Aditya and chosen voice and soon, the star and Kanchan, who stayed away from the his songs effortlessly segued to create arclights for much of their lives. a lasting legacy. He then married Neela Devi, who Shammi, ever flamboyant, twisted was a constant presence by his side. films don’t work because of trends: Parvin dabbas oy bonding is in and bromance is the new buzz - friends! Word of mouth is very quick...so how well a word with films like Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara , film does doesn’t depend upon trends. This is a mis - B Delhi Belly and Pyaar Ka Punchnama making a take a lot of people make... They think ‘this kind of mark at the box office. Actor Parvin Dabbas’s direc - film is working well, so let’s go with it’. But I don’t torial debut Sahi Dhandhe Galat Bande also think I would ever think like that,” he added. centers on four boys, but he says that he isn’t The model-turned-actor and his actress wife 22 the one to follow any trend. Preeti Jhangiani have launched the uniquely “I have not tried to follow the trend. These named production company Very Fishy Films. two, three films released recently, and I Sahi Dhandhe Galat Bande , an action wrote my film much before these films comedy written and directed by Parvin came. Films don’t do well because of trends. himself, is the first project under their Films do well if there’s something interest - banner. ing for the audience to see,” Parvin said. “As filmmakers, we hope to make different “You might get interested in a film due to a kinds of cinema. It’s not that we are trying trend, but if you see it and don’t like it, you’re too hard to maintain variety, and neither is not going to talk good about it. You’ll trash it on it a business decision. It’s just a creative Twitter and Facebook and in front of your decision,” he added.

September 2011 India Review Travel & TOURISM

eXcitinG GetawaY in Gujarat 23 he western coastal state of targeting tourists from places like stay in the Saputara hotels and visit Gujarat boasts of a pretty Nashik, just 77 km away, and the Shirdi during the daytime,” said little hill station Saputara, major religious spot of Shirdi, some Kamlesh Patel, Chairperson of T or the abode of snakes, 140 km away. The state’s commercial Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Ltd. tucked away in its southernmost part capital of Surat is 164 km away and The state government is also con - where the green hills, rolling mist and the journey by bus to Saputara takes structing Visamohs or rest houses, at mountainous vegetation virtually around four hours. a cost of $4.3 million, on the way transport you to the likes of some of “We are erecting two major gates from Maharashtra to Saputara where the better-known hill resorts of north on the border with Maharashtra to tourists can stop, bathe and rest for a India. welcome visitors to Saputara,” said while. It will even have play facilities Located in the Sahyadri hills in Mittra, adding that they were adver - for children. Dang district, Saputara is Gujarat’s tising the hill station in a big way in To entice more tourists, the state one and only hill station. It is 873 places like Shirdi to woo people to government is planning to create a meters above sea level and inhabited spend a day there after visiting Shirdi big lake, three times the size of the by the Bhils and other indigenous or maybe even think of staying current one, with a promenade people. overnight at Saputara and visit Shirdi around its edge, as well as a butterfly A man-made lake, nestling near the the next day. park of international standards — all main motorway, is a major attraction “Often, it is very difficult to get at a cost of around $13 million. with tourists for its boat rides and hotel accommodation in Shirdi. We “We are organizing a paragliding walks along the promenade. With a are advertising our hotels in a big way festival from December in Saputara,” thick haze of mist covering the hills, a there so that people can choose to Patel said. fine spray of rain beating down and The state government is also erect - the cawing of ravens amid the sal and ing an amphitheatre where tourists bamboo thickets, Saputara is an ideal can watch local artistes perform. getaway for tourists in summer. Saputara currently has 12 major The Gujarat government is pro - hotels as well as some low-budget moting Saputara in a big way and accommodation for tourists, total - wants to give tough competition to ing around 550 rooms. the more popular hill stations dot - The hill station also boasts of ting the Himalayas. It launched a other tourist attractions like month-long Monsoon Festival from the sunrise and sunset point, the the end of July to entice tourists with major waterfalls Gira and Girmal, a adventure sports like paragliding and tribal museum, artistes’ village and a trekking thrown in along with ropeway. dances by the tribals and a glimpse Although named Saputara, the of their crafts. The state govern - irony is that there are actually no ment was also roping in snakes to be found in the resorts of icon to promote the hill station! “There are snakes in the spot, said Vipul Mittra, State the jungles, like in other places. Principal Secretary, Tourism. However, the indigenous people of Located just around a kilometer the region know how to treat snake away from the Maharashtra Top: A roadside shrine of Bhils. bites with herbal remedies,” said S.K. border, the Gujarat government is Bottom: Bhils dancing at an event in Saputara. Nanda, District In-charge, Dang.

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n Celebrating Eid

Devouts offering Eid ul-Fitr prayers at the Jama Masjid mosque in New Delhi on August 31, 2011. Muslims around the world celebrate Eid ul-Fitr to mark the end of the month of Ramadan, after the sighting of the new crescent moon. AFP Photo / Manan Vatsayana

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