Agenda Item No 10 PP14/07

Eden District Council

Council 22 February 2007

Penrith Market Town Initiative Update

Director of Policy and Performance 1 Purpose of Report

1.1 The purpose of this report is to inform members of the progress on the Penrith Market Towns Initiative (MTI), and specifically the Masterplan for the area outlined below.

2 Report Details

2.1 Members will recall that the Market Town Initiative (MTI) is a national regeneration initiative for rural service centres, which was established by the Countryside Agency and is supported in this region by the North West Development Agency.

2.2 The area covered is the town of Penrith and the rural parishes of Great Salkeld, Langwathby, Brougham, Clifton, Yanwath and Eamont Bridge, Catterlen, Hesket, Skelton, Castle Sowerby, Ainstable, Lazonby, Kirkoswald and Renwick, Glassonby, Hunsonby, Ousby, Culgaith, Milburn, Newbiggin, Kirkby Thore, Temple Sowerby, Morland, Cliburn, Sleagill, Newby, Thrimby, , Great Strickland Sockbridge and Tirril and Greystoke, Dacre, Lowther, Askham, Bampton, Barton, Martindale, Patterdale, Matterdale, Hutton, Threlkeld, , Shap Rural and Mungrisedale.

2.3 The MTI is managed by Penrith Partnership. Council representation on this body has changed recently to Councillor Brunskill.

2.4 An update report on the activities of the Penrith Partnership is attached at Appendix A.

2.5 A Health Check was undertaken, and included widespread consultation with local people and organisations. The result was an Action Plan that reflected a complex and challenging range of aspirations held by residents. Subsequently the Action Plan has been focused into 4 key areas, one of which is improving the public realm. Many consultees identified that the area did not make the most of its strengths and had lost a significant portion of its core market. Thus, one of Penrith Partnership’s main objectives is to re- establish Penrith as the key service centre for the area’s population, businesses and visitors.

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2.6 The aim of the Masterplan is to put in place a planning/design framework for the future development of Penrith that ensures the town remains economically viable, well managed and maintained, and is capable of sustaining the economy of the local area in the 21st century.

2.7 The Masterplan will demonstrate how the town centre can maintain and enhance its appeal to businesses, visitors and residents whilst balancing the sometimes conflicting needs arising from these stakeholders.

2.8 It sets out the preferred spatial approach to Town Centre development and provides the context for the preparation of more detailed development briefs. It includes a two dimensional vision of infrastructure requirements (including public realm) and illustrates how development opportunities will be integrated into the wider Town. It will include the identification of development and direct intervention opportunities and will explain how these will be delivered and give details of costs, phasing and timing. The main components of the Master Plan and associated principles are:

• Design Guidance: establishes clear planning and town design context as a basis for assessing development proposals and aims to ensure that new development is of a high standard.

• Environmental Improvements & Public Realm Strategy: that shows how the lanes, streets, squares and open spaces of Penrith can be better connected and includes priority projects for the enhancement of the public realm. • Development Briefs: for key sites that defines development concepts including possible uses, massing, and bulk of buildings but not the architectural style or detailed design. The aim is to inspire the market to provide appropriate high quality development. • Movement and Parking Strategy: Identifies an improved network to encourage more sustainable patterns of movement and balance the requirements of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. • Conservation Area Management Plan: to safeguard the unique market town character based on the series of interlocking public spaces and fine built heritage.

2.9 The Masterplan has been undertaken by experts, using NWDA funding. A reference group, including EDC staff, has given guidance in its development. A draft final report was presented to the Penrith Partnership reference group, and the consultants are now revising it in light of comments. Public consultation events were held in September and November 2006, attended by over 100 people - mostly the general public - and local Ward Members were present. The events were successful in identifying the views and aspirations of those attending for the town. A number of progress meetings have been held with the consultants, the reference group and a number of Penrith Partnership directors.

2.10 The draft Masterplan is currently being updated, and will comprise in excess of 80 pages. From Monday 19 February 2007 it can be accessed at

Page 2 of 5 M:\agenda\Agenda 2006-07\Council\22 Feb 07\Web\ca_cl07_22Feb_item10.doc A limited number of hard copies will be available at the Council meeting.

2.11 The Masterplan is due to be finalised by the Steering Group in early March, and published thereafter.

3 Policy Framework

3.1 The MTI Masterplan supports the following Council corporate and service objectives:

In working with the Penrith Partnership to enable the Masterplan to be undertaken, the Council is also fulfilling its overall strategic aims concerning the provision of affordable housing and a higher waged economy.

4 The Legal, Financial and Risk Management Implications 4.1 The Council acts as Accountable Body for MTI funding, and is the employing body for staff, as outlined in PP73/04. The impact on the Council in this capacity was relatively minor due to the then modest value of the project. Since 2004, this has become more significant owing to the increase in staffing and value of sub-projects making up the Programme. However, the increase in staff have taken on the burden of extra activity, and the Council’s role continues to be, in the main, budget monitoring, audit costs and claims. 5 Reasons for decision/recommendation 5.1 This report updated members on progress made on the Penrith Masterplan 6 Recommendation:

It is recommended that: a) Members note the development of the Penrith MTI. b) Members feedback any comments on the Masterplan to the Penrith Partnership by the beginning of March. c) Council works with Penrith Partnership to explore the feasibility of proposals in the Plan.


Background Papers: Masterplan, Appendix A - Update report on the Penrith Partnership

Contact Officer: Andrea Hines, Economic Development & Tourism Manager Telephone Number: (01768) 212163

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Appendix A

During 2006 Penrith Partnership has achieved a number of successes working with local people on a variety of projects and initiatives to ensure a positive future for the town and the area it serves.

With funding from the Northwest Regional Development Agency (NWDA), Penrith Partnership, through its Market Town Initiative (MTI) programme, has almost completed its master planning study which identifies ways to improve the town centre and its public spaces. The process has involved local businesses and residents in a series of workshops to ensure that a shared vision for the town in the future is achieved.

Using early feedback from the study Penrith Partnership provided Eden District Council with a lengthy submission as a response to a planning application for proposed development of a key site on the major town approach, Ullswater Road. The Partnership took a positive approach emphasising the importance of the site in enhancing this entrance to the town and the way in which it might be developed to ensure that a positive impact is achieved.

The funding application made to NWDA in May 2006 for a grant to implement the marketing strategy developed earlier in 2006 was successful, bringing in £99,847 of NWDA funding towards a total project cost of £189,292. The Partnership is in the process of securing the balance of the funding from a variety of other sources. As a result of obtaining the funding the Partnership has been able to recruit a dedicated marketing officer to deliver this project.

As part of this project the Partnership secured over 2500 plants from Eden District Council’s summer planting schemes and is working with Eden Mencap to over-winter the plants; provide training opportunities for a number of local people with learning difficulties; provide a source of colour to enhance further areas of the town next year. The Partnership was able to secure contributions of compost, pots etc from a number of local businesses to enhance the project.

A further funding application to NWDA for a commercial facelift scheme; a training project for the retail and hospitality sector; implementation of the master plan and programme support has now been approved and a grant of £448,682 secured from the Agency. The total project value is £805,182, the balance of funding will come from a number of sources including businesses, Eden District Council, The Arts Council and other organisations.

Penrith Partnership worked closely with Penrith Chamber of Trade & Commerce to ensure that there was a bright and vibrant Christmas shopping experience in the town in 2006. Activities included the extension of the lights; purchase of new lights; provision of entertainment; a lantern procession and a window dressing competition.

Penrith Partnership 1-2 Buebell Lane Penrith CA11 7LH Tel. 01768 867047 email [email protected]

Penrith Partnership is a Company Limited by Guarantee, No. 4884502 Registered address Saint & Co Poets Walk Penrith CA11 7HJ

An application was submitted to Action for Market Towns (AMT) to host their two day annual conference in Penrith in September 2007. Penrith Partnership made the application on the basis that it intended to provide other adjacent market towns, eg Keswick, ; Longtown with the opportunity to showcase their projects and achievements to this national audience of around 250 delegates. Penrith was one of four towns across short listed and the only one in the North West. Penrith Partnership has been informed that Penrith came a close second and AMT has indicated that it would like Penrith to host the 2008 conference. Support for the application had been received from Northwest Development Agency, Vision, Cumbria County Council, Eden District Council and Penrith Chamber of Trade & Commerce.

The Penrith MTI has now moved into town centre office premises in Bluebell Lane, Penrith, which puts the project office and the Partnership at the heart of the community, and all of the projects will be run from this base. To assist with administration a part time member of staff is being recruited.

For more information please contact Jennifer Holliday, Penrith MTI Project Manager on 01768 865081 or [email protected].


Penrith Partnership 1-2 Buebell Lane Penrith CA11 7LH Tel. 01768 867047 email [email protected]

Penrith Partnership is a Company Limited by Guarantee, No. 4884502 Registered address Saint & Co Poets Walk Penrith CA11 7HJ