вопрос 1 The Term Orthopaedics was coined by: 1. Nicholas Andrey 2. Hugh Owen Thomas 3. Thomas Bryant 4. Sir Robert Jones

ответы: 1

2. In a newborn child, abduction and internal rotation produces a click sound. It is know as: 1. Otorolani‟s sign. 2. Telescoping sign. 3. Mc Murray's sign. 4. Lachman‟s sign.

Answer: 1

3. Sprengel‟s deformity of scapula is: 1. Undescended / Elevated scapula 2. Undescended neck of scapula 3. scapula 4. None of the above

Answer: 1

4. In a newborn child, abduction and internal rotation produces a click sound. It is: 1. Otorolani‟s sign 2. Telescoping sign 3. Lachman‟s sian 4. Mc Murray's sign

Answer: 1

5. The word “Talipes” refers to: 1. Long feet with spidery toes 2. Flat feet 3. Club feet 4. Hammer toes

Answer: 3

6. Congenital dislocation of hip is more commonly seen in: 1. Caucasians 2. Negroes 3. Japanese 4. Eskimos

Answer: 1

7. Club foot is commoner among: 1. Males 2. Binovular twins 3. Females 4. Uniovular twins

Answer: 1

8. Which of the following test is useful in diagnosis of congenital dislocation of hip? 1. Barlow's test 2. Thomas test 3. Hibb‟s test 4. Laguerres test

Answer: 1

9. A club foot is: 1. A consequence of placenta praevia 2. Characteristically associated with breech presentation 3. Most commonly of the equino valgus variety 4. None of the above

Answer: 2

10. Talipes equinovarus is: 1. Equinus, inversion, abduction 2. Equinus, inversion, adduction 3. Equinus, eversion, abduction 4. Equinus, eversion, abduction

Answer: 2

11. Multiple fracture in a new born is seen in 1. Scurvy 2. Syphilis 3. Osteogenesis imperfecta 4. Morquio's syndrome Answer: 3

12. Not associated with osteogensis impertecta is: 1. Blue Sclera 2. Cataract 3. Deafness 4. Fractures

Answer: 2

13. Bone dysplasia is due to: 1. Faulty nutrition 2. Faulty development 3. Trauma 4. Parathyroid tumour

Answer: 2

14. Absent calvicles are seen in: 1. Cleidocranial dysostosis 2. Achondroplasia 3. Moriquo‟s disease 4. Oliver's disease

Answer: 1

15. Ollier‟s disease is commonest in: 1. Fingers 2. Thigh 3. Spine 4. Ribs Answer: 1

16. is: 1. A piece of infected bone 2. A piece of dead bone 3. Organised inflammatory exudates 4. Segregated marrow tissue

Answer: 1

17. Marble is: 1 fragilis 2. Osteopetrosis 3. Osteosarcoma 4. Paget's disease

Answer: 2

18. Which of the following is a diagnostic test for Acute Haematogenous ? 1. Plain X-Ray 2. Blood culture 3. CT scan 4. Clinical examination

Answer: 2

19. The most common site for acute osteomyelitis in infants is: 1. Radial 2. Femur 3. Hip 4. Tibia Answer: 4

20. When osteomyelitis disseminates by Hematogenous way the most affected part of bone is: 1. Metaphyses 2. Epiphyses 3. Diaphyses 4. Any of the above Answer: 1

21. Brodies abscess usually involves: 1. long 2. short bones 3. Pelvic hones 4. Flat bones Answer: 1

23. Sclerosis of a long bone may suggest: 1. Osteoid osteoma 2. Sclerosing Osteomyelitis 3. Both are correct 4. None of the above Answer: 3

24. Which never involves epiphyseal plate? 1. Tuberculosis 2. Osteoclastoma 3. Acute osteomyelitis 4. Osteochondroma Answer: 2

25. The most common organism causing osteomyelitis in drug abusers is: 1. E.coli 2. Pseudomonas 3. Klebsiella 4. Staph. Aureus Answer: 1

26. When does the lesion of Osteomyelitis appear on X-ray: 1. 2 hours 2. 24 hours 3. 1 week 4. 2 weeks Answer: 4

27. The complications of Paget's disease is: 1. Osteogenic sarcoma 2. Deafness 3. Heart failure 4. All of the above Answer: 4

28. What is the diagnostic radiological finding skeletal fluorosis: 1. Sclerosis of sacroiliac joint 2. Interroseous membrane 3. Osteosclerasis of vertebral body 4. Ossification of ligaments of knee joint Answer: 2

29. Calfey‟s disease occurs in: 1. Infants below 6 months 2. Above 5 years 3. Above 10-20 years 4. 20-40 years Answer: 1

30. Action of Vitamin D is: 1. Stimulates bone marrow 2. Increases calcium loss 3. Stimulates absorption of calcium 4. Stimulates osteoclasts Answer: 3

31. A diet deficient in calcium will most commonly result in: 1. 2. Rickets 3. 4. Osteitis fibrosa Answer: 1

32. A Bald child with swollen abdomen, hyperosteous bones with mental retardation has: 1. Hypervitaminosis A 2. Hypervitaminosis D 3. Down's syndrome 4. Tuberous sclerosis Answer: 2

33. Osteoporosis is characterized most commonly by: 1. Fracture vertebra 2. Backache 3. Bowing of legs 4. Abdominal Answer: 1

34. Bleeding into joint cavities is not common in: 1. Hemophilia 6) ITP 3. Christmas disease 4. None of the above Answer: 2

35. Earliest radiological sign of the Osteoarthritis is: 1. Narrowing of joint space 2. Osteophyte formation 3. Cystic lesion in cancellous bone 4. Sclerosis in subchondral bone Answer: 1

37. Arthroscopy is contraindicated in: 1. Chronic joint disease 2. Loose bodies 3. Haemephila 4. Meniscal tear Answer: 3

38. of head of femur can occur in: 1. Sickle cell anaemia 2. Caisson's disease 3. Intracapsular fracture neck 4. Trochanteriec fracture Answer: 1 b c

39. Which is true about Perthe‟s disease: 1. Not Painful 2. It manifests at puberty 3. Involves neck of femur 4. Viral etiology Answer: 2

40. Legg-Calve-Perthes disease is commonly seen in the age group of: 1. 1-3 years 2. 3-10 years 3. 10-20 years 4. 20 years & above. Answer: 2

42. Osgood-Schlatter disease is: 1. A traction injury of femoral epiphysis 2. A traction injury of the posterior epiphysis of os calcis 3. A traction injury of vertebral epiphysis 4. A traction injury of the tibial tubercle of the tibia epiphysis 5. None of the above is true Answer: 4

43. Osteocondritis in Osgood-Schlatter disease affect which bone? 1. Capitulum‟s 2. Metatarsal 3. Navicular 4. Tibial tuberosity Answer: 4

44. Commonest benign tumour of the bone is: 1. Osteoma 2. Osteochondroma 3. Osteoid osteoma 4. Chondroma Answer: 2

45. Osteogenic sarcoma metastasizes commonly to: 1. Liver 2. Lung 3. Brain 4. Regional lymphnodes Answer: 2

46. Commonest tumour arising from the metaphysis is: 1. Osteoclastoma h) Osteosarcoma 3. Ewing's sarcoma 4. Synovial sarcoma Answer: 2

47. Most reliable method for detecting bony metastases is: 1. MRI 2. CT Scan 3. 4. SPECT Answer: 4

48. True statement regarding osteogenic sarcoma is: 1. Affects middle aged people 2. X-Ray shows honey combing 3. Can be a complication of Paget's disease of bone 4. All of the above Answer: 3

49. Osteogenic sarcoma can develop in: 1. Osteoblastoma 2. Pagets duseases 3. Osteoid osteoma 4. All of the above Answer: 2

50. Commonest site of a : 1. Upper end of humerus 2. Lower end of tibia 3. Lower end of femur 4. Upper end of femur Answer: 1

51. Age group of osteogenic sarcoma is: 1. 1-10 2. 10-20 3. 20-30 4. 30-40 Answer: 4

52. The lytic lesion in the epiphysis in children is seen in: 1. Osteogenic sarcoma 2. Osteoclastoma ¢) 4. Chondroblastoma Answer: 2

53. Pain in thigh more at night relieved by aspirin is: 1. Osteosarcoma 2. Osteoclastom 3. Ewings tumour 4. Osteoid osteoma Answer: 4

54. Ewing‟s sarcoma can be confused histologically with: 1. Myeloma 6) Osteosarcoma 3. Osteomyelitis 4. Giant Cell tumour Answer: 3

55. The most common site of enchondroma is: 1. Ribs 2. Phalanges 3. Clavicle 4. Sternum Answer: 2

56. Ewing's tumour of bone: 1. Is a giant cell tumour 2. Is also a secondary deposit from a ganglioneruoma 3. Usually occurs in middle age 4. Is characterized by subperiosteal new bone formation which gives the appearance of „onion peel‟. 5. Can be treated satisfactorily by resection and the insertion of prosthesis. Answer: 4

57. The common mode of presentation of a case of Solitary Bone Cyst is: 1. Pain 6) Fracture 3. Inflammation 4. Expansion of the involved area Answer: 2

58. Which is a diaphyseal bone tumour: 1. Giant Cell tumour 2. Osteosarcoma 3. Fibrosarcoma 4. Osteoid Osteoma Answer: 4

59. “Soap-bubble appearance” of X-ray picture is characteristic of: 1. Osteoma 2. Osteogenic sarcoma 3. Ewing's tumour 4. Osteoclastoma Answer: 4

60. Dupuytren‟s contracture is: 1. Thickening of palmar fascia 2. Base of little finger involved first 3. Seen in cirrhotics 4. Seen in epileptics on hydantoin 5. All of the above Answer: 5

61. Dupuytrens contracture is fibrosis of: 1. Palmar fascia 2. Forearm muscles 3. Sartorius fascia 4. None of the above Answer: 1

62. The nerve involved in Carpal tunnel syndrome is: 1. Ulnar 2. Radial 3. Median 4. Anterior cutaneous nerve Answer: 3

63. The level of the constricting nodule in case of a Trigger finger is at: 1. Neck of the corresponding metacarpal bone 2. Metacarpophalangeal joint 3. Proximal interphalangeal joint 4. Distal interphalangeal joint Answer: 2

64. Thoracic Kyphosis in children is most often due to: 1. Traumatic 2. Pott‟s spine 3. Congenital 4. Normal Answer: 3

65. Which of the following movements are restricted in Frozen shoulder? 1. Abduction & Internal rotation 2. Adduction & external rotation 3. All range of movements 4. Only abduction Answer: 2

66. Which one of the following is a correct statement regarding idiopathic Scoliosis? 1. Lateral curvature of spine 2. Curvature in antero-posterior direction 3. Curvature in postero-anterior direction 4. Curvature in diagonal direction Answer: 1

67. The most common form of Scoliosis is: 1. Idiopathic scoliosis 2. Congenital scoliosis 3. Paralytic: scoliosis 4. Postural scoliosis Answer: 1

68. Tennis elbow is: 1. Olecranon bursitis 2. Pain over the medial epicondyle 3. Pain over the lateral epicondyle 4. Myositis ossificans Answer: 3

69. Which movement at shoulder gets restricted when supraspinatous torn? 1. Flexion 2. Adduction 3. Abduction 4. Rotation only Answer: 3

70. Traction injury to epiphyses of the vertebra is known as: 1. Osgood Shlatter‟s desease 2. Sinding Larsen disease 3. Scheurmann‟s disease 4. Severe‟s disease Answer: 3

71. Plantar fasciitis: 1. is not associated with infection else where in the body 2. is caused by a bony spur on the plantar surface of the OS calcis 3. can be relieved by supplying insoles 4. is a type of Dupuytren‟s disease Answer: 3

72. Hallux valgus is associated with all except: 1. An exostosis on the medial side of the head of the first metatarsal 2. A bunion 3. Osteo of the metatarsophalangeal joint 4. Over-riding or under —riding of the second toe by the third Answer: 1

73. Abnormally high patella is associated with: 1. Nail patella syndrome 2. Rupture of quadriceps tendon 3. Recurrent dislocation 4. Fracture through patella Answer: 3

74. Cobb's angle is measured for: 1. Lordosis 2. Lateral flexion 3. Kyphosis 4. Scoliosis Answer: 2

75. Formula of dry Plaster of Paris is

1. CaSO 4 * ½ H2O

2. CaSO 4 only

3. CaSO 4 * 2H2O

4. CaSO 4 * 5H2O

5. MgSO 4 * 2H2O Answer: 1

76. The best bone graft is 1. Allograft 2. Autograft 3. Deproteinised graft 4. Demineralised graft Answer: 2

77. Myositis ossificans is most common around the ...... joint 1. Knee. 2. Elbow. 3. Wrist. 4. Hip Answer: 2

78. The most important sign in Volkmann‟s ischaemic contracture is 1. Pain 2. Pallor 3. Numbness 4. Obliteration of radial pulse Answer: 1

79. The most important factor in fracture healing is 1. Good alignment 2. Organisation of blood clot 3. Accurate reduction and 100% apposition of fractured fragments 4. Immobilisation. 5. Adequate calcium intake Answer: 4

80. A Lady presents with a History of fracture radius, which was put on plaster of Paris cast for 4 weeks. After that she developed swelling of hands with shiny skin. What is the most likely diagnosis? 1. Rupture of extensor prolicis longus tendon 2. Myositis ossificans 3. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy 4. Malunion Answer: 3

81. Earliest Ischaemic feature after reduction of Supracondylar fracture is 1. Coldness 2. Pain 3. Swelling 4. Tingling Answer: 2

82. The time necessary for healing of fracture depends on the following factors 1. Age of the patient 2. Location of the fracture 3. Type of the fracture 4. Degree of damage to soft tissues 5. All of the above Answer: 5

83. The most common cause of anterior compartment syndrome is 1. Fractures 2. Post ischaemic swelling 3. Superficial injury to muscles 4. Operative trauma Answer: 1

84. Fat Embolism occurs in 1. Hyperlipidemia 2. Diabetes mellitus 3. Castor oil intake 4. Fracture femur Answer: 1 d 85. A 4 year old female brought to casualty department with multiple fracture ribs, and inconspicuous history from parents. On examination show multiple bruise and healed fractures. The provable diagnosis is 1. Polytrauma for evaluation 2. Flail chest 3. Munchausen's syndrome 4. Battered haby syndrome

Answer: d

86. After an operation on femur bone, chest X-ray shows widespread mottling throughout the lung field like a snowstorm. It is diagnostic of 1. Fat embolism 2. Shock lung 3. Bronchopneumonia 4. Atelectasis Answer: 1

87. Sudeck‟s atrophy is associated with 1. Osteoporosis 2. Osteophyte formation 3. 4. Answer: 3

88. Last step in fracture healing is 1. Haematoma 2. Callus formation 3. Remodelling 4. Consolidation Answer: 3

89. Pathognomonic sign of traumatic fracture is 1. Redness 2. Swelling 3. Crepitus 4. Tenderness Answer: 3

90. The most common cause of non union is 1. Infection 2. Inadequate immobilization 3. Ischaemua 4. Soft tissue interposition Answer: 2

91. Dislocations occur most frequently in the 1. Shoulder joint 2. Elbow joint 3. Hip joint 4. Knee joint Answer: 1

92. Which of the following statements pertaining to green stick fracture is true? 1. Any fracture in a child 2. Fracture only in rickety children 3. Only if there is no deformity 4. All of the above Answer: 3

93. One of the features given below is essential in the diagnosis of a fracture of a bone 1. Deformity 2. A crepitus 3. A partial or complete loss of continuity of the bone 4. None of the above Answer: 3

94. Initial stage of clinical union of bone is equivalent to 1. Callus formation 2. Woven bone 3. Haematoma formation 4. Calcification only 5. None of the above Answer: 2

95. Duga‟s test is helpful in 1. Dislocation of hip 2. Scaphoid fracture 3. Fracture neck of femur. 4. Anterior dislocation of shoulder Answer: 4

96. Treatment of choice for fracture neck of humerus in a 70 year old male 1. Analgesic with arm sling 2. U-Slab 3. Arthroplasty 4. Open reduction — Internal fixation Answer: 1

97. Luxatio erecta 1. Tear of the glenoidal labium 2. Interior dislocation of shoulder 3. Anterior dislocation of shoulder 4. Defect in the humeral head Answer: 2

98. A patient with recurrent dislocation of shoulder presents lo the hospital. The doctor tries to abduct his arm and to extend the elbow and external rotation, but the patient doesn‟t allow to do-so. This test is called 1. Duga‟s test 2. Hamilton's test 3. Callway‟s test 4. Apprehension test Answer: 4

99. Common injury to baby is 1. Fracture humerus 2. Fracture clavicle 3. Fracture 4. Fracture femur Answer: 2

100. Ideal treatment with fracture neck of humerus in a lady will be 1. Triangular sling 2. Hemiarthroplasty 3. Chest-arm bandage 4. Internal Fixation Answer: 1

101. Bankart‟s lesion involves 1. Anterior aspect of the head of humerus 2. Anterior aspect of glenoid labrum 3. Posterior aspect of glenoid labrum 4. Posterior aspect of head of humerus Answer: 2

102. Commonest type of shoulder dislocation 1. Subcoracoid 2. Subglenoid 3. Posterior 4. Subelavicular Answer: 1

103. Treatment of fracture clavicle in an infant is best treated by 1. Cuff and sling 2. Figure of 8 bandage 3. Open reduction 4. Shoulder cast Answer: 2

104. All are related to recurrent shoulder dislocation except 1. Hill sachs defect 2. Bankart lesion 3. Lax capsule 4. Rotator cuff injury Answer: 4

105. Fracture of the clavicle are very common injuries. The most frequent complication of this fracture is 1. Malunion 2. Delayed union 3. Non union 4. Nerve injury Answer: 1

106. In Recurrent Anterior dislocation of shoulder, the movements that causes dislocation is 1. Flexion and internal rotation 2. Abduction and external rotation 3. Abduction and internal rotation 4. Extension Answer: 2 107. Recurrent dislocation is most common in the shoulder joint. Which one of the following is not an important cause for the same? 1. Tear of the anterior capsule of the shoulder 2. Associated fracture neck of the humerus 3. Tear of the glenoid labrum 4. Freedom of mobility in the shoulder

Answer: b

108. Recurrent dislocation is least common in 1. Shoulder 2. Knee 3. Patella 4. None Answer: 2

109. All of the following statements about dislocation of the shoulder are true, except 1. The injury is produced by a fall with the arm fully abducted 2. The commonest position for the head of the humerus to move into is the subspinous 3. The auxiliary (circumflex humeral) nerve is likely to be injured 4. The easiest way to reduce itis by simple pressure with the patient under general anesthesia with muscle relaxation Answer: 4

110. Attitude in subcoracoid dislocation of shoulder includes 1. Adduction 2. Limb on side of body 3. Abduction 4. Elevation Answer: 2

111. All are true regarding clavicular fracture except 1. May be caused by a fall on to the outstretched arm 2. Commonly occurs between the insertions of the coraco-clavicular and the costo- clavicular ligaments 3. May jeopardize blood supply to the overlying skin 4. Usually requires careful reduction Answer: 4

112. All are true regarding clavicle except 1. First bone to ossify 2. No treatment required for fracture except rest 3. Ossifies in membrane 4. Break at mid point Answer: 4

19. Recurrent dislocation of shoulder occurs because of 1. Crushed glenoid labrum 2. Incomplete labrum 3. Weak posterior capsule 4. Superadded secondary infection Answer: 1

114. In Anterior dislocation of the shoulder the nerve involved is 1. Radial nerve 2. Circumflex nerve 3. Ulnar nerve 4. Median nerve Answer: 2

115. Hill-Sachs lesion is associated with 1. Recurrent dislocation of shoulder 2. Recurrent dislocation of hip 3. Perthes‟ disease 4. Fracture neck of femur Answer: 1

116. Bankart‟s lesion is seen in 1. Anterior border of head of humerus 2. Posterior border of head of humerus 3. Anterior glonoid cavity 4. Posterior glenoid cavity Answer: 3

117. True about fracture clavicle is 1. Malunion 2. Most common site is medial 1/3 & lateral 2/3 3. Comminuted fracture 4. Due to fall on outstretched hand Answer: 1

118. Clavicular fracture is usually treated by 1. Traction 2. Open Reduction & Internal fixation 3. Figure of eight bandage 4. Plate & Serew fixation Answer: 3

119. In a fracture shaft humerus, which of the following complication requires immediate surgery? 1. Compound fracture 2. Nerve injury 3. Brachial artery ocelusion 4. Comminuted fracture Answer: 3

120. A 65 years female presents with impacted fracture surgical neck of humerus. Treatment of choice is 1. Arthroplasty 2. Arm-Chest strapping 3. Triangular sling 4. Wait and watch Answer: 3

121. A 22 year old male is admitted with fracture of the left femur. Two days later, he becomes mildly confused, has a respiratory rate of 40 / min and scattered petechial rash on his upper torso. Chest X-ray shows patchy alveolar opacities bilaterally. His arterial blood gas analysis is abnormal. The most likely diagnosis is 1. Cerebral cederma with early neurogenic pulmonary oedema 2. Pulmonary thrombo-embolism 3. Chest contusion 4. Fat embolism Answer: 4

122. The most common complication of clavicle fracture is 1. Injury to brachial plexus 2. Malunuion 3. Suffness of shoulder 4. Non union Answer: 2

123. The most common bone fractured during birth 1. Clavicle 2. Scapula 3. Radius 4. Humerus Answer: 1

124. Following statement regarding dislocation of shoulder are true except 1. Head of humerus usually dislocates forward from shoulder joint 2. Injury is produced by forced extension & external rotation of abducted arm 3. In posterior dislocation, appearance of shoulder is not normal 4. None of the above

Answer: 124c 125. In treating a fractured clavicle in a 14 month old child, the best procedure is 1. Open reduction 2. Shoulder cast 3. Figure — of — eight bandage 4. Kirshner pin Answer: 3

126. The position of arm in anterior dislocation of shoulder is 1. By the side 2. In abduction 3. In abduction 4. In external rotation Answer: 1

127. Anterior dislocation of shoulder is most commonly complicated by 1. Axillary artery injury 2. Cireumflex nerve injury 3. Recurrent dislocation 4. Axillary nerve injury Answer: 2

128. The Rotator cuff is composed of four of the following muscles except 1. Teres minor 2. Supraspinatus 3. Infraspinatus 4. Teres major 5. Subscapularis Answer: 4

129. Meyer's procedure is a method for treatment of 1. Recurrent shoulder dislocation 2. Habitual dislocation of patella 3. Congenital dislocation of hip 4. Fracture neck of femur Answer: 4

130. Fracture of clavicle is commonest at 1. Junction of medial 1/3 and lateral 2/3 2. Junction of medial 2/3 and lateral 1/3 3. Midpoint 4. Scapular end Delhi Answer: 2

131. Which of the following is true of shoulder joint? 1. Composed of only 2 2. Anterior posterior gliding of scapula of never occurs 3. Acromio clavicular joint is more important 4. Allows flexion, rotation and abduction Answer: 4

132. The most common complication of dislocation of shoulder joint is 1. Injury to brachial plexus 2. Injury to circumflex nerve 3. Rupture of supraspinatous muscle 4. Rupture of deltoid muscle Answer: 2

133. Hill-Sachs lesion in recurrent shoulder dislocation is 1. Injury to humeral head 2. Rupture of tendon of supraspinatus muscle 3. Avulsion of glenoid labrum 4. None-of the above Answer: 1

134. Regarding Recurrent dislocation of the shoulder, which of the following is false? 1. All traumatic dislocations will be recurrent 2. Recurrent dislocation results when the capsule is stripped, not torn 3. The humeral head is always within the capsule 4. All of these Answer: 1

135. Which is true regarding shoulder dislocation? 1. Posterior dislocation is often over-looked 2. Pain is severe in anterior dislocation 3. Radiography may be misleading in posterior dislocation 4. All of the above. Answer: 4

136. “Figure of Eight” bandage used commonly in the fracture of: 1. Scapula 2. Humerus 3. Clavicle 4. Metacarpals Answer: 3

137. Which is true about shoulder dislocation? 1. Anterior dislocation is common than posterior 2. Fixed medial rotation in posterior dislocation 3. Kocher‟s manoeuvre is effective in anterior dislocation 4. All of the above. Answer: 4

138. Fracture neck Humerus is common in: 1. Elderly woman 2. Young lady 3. Elderly man 4. All of these. Answer: 1

139. The best radiological view for fracture scaphoid is 1. AP 2. PA 3. Lateral 4. Oblique. Answer: 4

140. Commonest fractures in childhood is 1. Femur 2. Distal humerus 3. Clavicle 4. Radius Answer: 3

141. Triangular relation of Elbow is maintained in 1. Fracture ulna 2. Anterior dislocation of Elbow 3. Posterior dislocation of Elbow 4. Supracondylar fracture Answer: 4

142. Avascular necrosis of bone is most common in 1. Scapula 2. Scaphoid 3. Calcaneus 4. Cervical spine Answer: 2

143. Pulled Elbow is 1. Disarticulation of elbow 2. Subluxation of distal radio-ulnar joint 3. Subluxation of proximal radio ulnar joint 4. None of the above Answer: 3

144. Oblique view is required to diagnose fracture of 1. Capitate, 2. Scaphoid,

3. Navicular 4. Hamate Answer: 2

145. Suspected medial epicondylar fracture of humerus in a 4 year old child requires: 1. X-Ray both arms with elbow for comparison 2. X-ray same limb only 3. Examination under general anaesthesia 4. POP in full flexed position Answer: 1

146. A young adult presenting with oblique, displaced fracture olecranon treatment of choice 1. Plaster cast 2. Percutaneous wiring 3. Tension band wiring 4. Removal of displaced piece with triceps repair Answer: 4

147. In colles fracture not seen is 1. Proximal impaction 2. Lateral rotation 3. Dorsal angulation 4. Medial rotation Answer: 4

148. Carpal bone which fracture commonly: 1. Scaphoid 2. Lunate 3. Hammate 4. Pisciform Answer: 1

149. The cause of gun stock deformity is 1. Supracondylar fracture 2. Fracture both bones forearm 3. Fracture surgical head of humerus 4. Fracture fibula Answer: 1

150. Osteotomy done for mal united supracondylar fracture is 1. French 2. Shanz‟s 3. Me Murry‟s 4. Mc Alister Answer: 1

151. Which one of the following statements is not correct regarding fracture of the scaphoid? 1. It is the most commonly fractured carpal bone 2. Persistent tendemess in the anatomical snuffbox is highly suggestive of fracture 3. Immediate X-ray of hand may not reveal fracture line 4. Mal union is a frequent complication Answer: 4

152. The most common elbow injury in children is 1. Extension type of supracondylar fracture of humerus 2. Dislocation of elbow 3. Fracture lateral condyle of humerus 4. Fracture medial epicondyle of humerus Answer: 1

153. In supracondylar fracture of humerus, the distal segment is often displaced to 1. Anteriorly 2. Laterally 3. Posteriorly 4. Medially Answer: 3

154. Long term administration of ACTH produces 1. Osteopetrosis 2. Osteachondritis 3. Osteosarcoma 4. Osteoporosis 5. Calcification of cartilage Answer: 4

155. Main risk in fracture Scaphoid is 1. Non union 2. Malunion 3. Delayed union 4. Avascular necrosis 5. Carpal tunnel syndrome Answer: 4 156. Fracture lateral condyle of the humerus is a common injury in children. Which one of the following is the most ideal treatment for a displaced fracture lateral condyle of the humerus in a 7-year-old child? 1. Open reduction and plaster immobilization 2. Closed reduction and plaster immobilization 3. Open reduction and internal fixation 4. Excision of the fractured fragment Answer: 4

157. Fall on outstretched hand may lead to fracture of 1. Shoulder 2. Clavicle 3. Scaphoid 4. Corocoid process Answer: 3

158. The most common deformity seen in supracondylar fracture of humerus is 1. Inability to supinate and pronate 2. Varus 3. Valeus 4. None Answer: 2

159. Tardy ulnar nerve palsy occurs as a delay sequela of 1. Supracondylar fracture of humerus 2. Posterior dislocation of elbow 3. Fracture of lateral condyle of humerus in children 4. Fracture of olecranon Answer: 3 160. Excision of head of radius in a child should not be done because 1. It produces instability of elbow joint 2. It leads to secondary Osteo arthritis of elbow 3. It causes subluxation of inferior radio-Ulnar joint. Answer: 3

161. Complication of fracture scaphoid is 1. Avascular necrosis of distal part 2. Injury to radial artery 3. Injury to radial nerve 4. Avascular necrosis of proximal part Answer: 4

162. Avascular necrosis of bone is most commonly seen in 1. Calcaneus 2. Cervical Spine 3. Scaphoid 4. Scapula Answer: 3

163. Medial epicondyle fracture results in injury to __ nerve. 1. Radial 2. Median 3. Ulnar 4. Axillary Answer: 3

164. Increased intercondylar distance is seen in fracture of all except 1. Olecranon 2. Medial epicondyle 3. Lateral epicondyle 4. Lateral condyle Answer: 1

165. The most common injury in a 7 years old child due to fall on outstretched hand is 1. Dislocation of shoulder 2. Colles‟ fracture 3. Fracture of clavicle 4. Supracondylar Fracture of humerus Answer: 4

166. Barton's fracture of the wrist 1. Involves radio carpal subluxation 2. It‟s a severe form of a Colles‟ fracture 3. Is often treated by open reduction and internal fixation 4. All of the above Answer: 1

167. The bony triangle is maintained in 1. Supracondylar fracture of humerus 2. Posterior dislocation of elbow 3. Intercondylar fracture of humerus 4. Lateral condylar fracture of humerus Answer: 1

168. Tardy ulnar nerve palsy occur as a delayed sequele of 1. Supracondylar fracture of humerus 2. Posterior dislocation of elbow 3. Fracture of lateral condyle of humerus in children 4. Fracture of Olecranon PGI Answer: 3

169. The treatment of choice of fracture of radius and ulna in an adult is 1. Plaster for 4 weeks 2. Closed reduction and calipers 3. Only plates 4. Kuntscher nails Answer: 3

170. In Monteggia fracture, which is true about ulnar fracture and head of radius 1. Both ulnar fracture and head of radius. is displaced posteriorly 2. Both ulnar fracture and head of radius is displaced anteriorly 3. Ulnar fractures is posteriorly and head of radius is displaced anteriorly 4. Ulnar fracture is anteriorly and head of radius is displaced posteriorly Answer: 2

171. Relation between3 bony point in elbow is reversed by 1. Fracture lateral condyle of humerus 2. Fracture medial condyle of humerus 3. Posterior dislocation of elbow 4. Supracondylar fracture of humerus ALMS: 2000 Answer: 3

172. Not a complication of Colles‟ fracture 1. Stiffness of wrist 2. Stiffness of shoulder 3. Carpal tunnel syndrome 4. Wrist drop Answer: 4

173. Commonest complication of Colles‟ fracture is 1. 2. Malunion 3. Vascular injury 4. Sudeck‟s osteodystrophy Answer: 2

174. Which carpal bone fracture causes median nerve involvement? 1. Scaphoid 2. Lunate 3. Trapezium 4. Trapezoid Answer: 2

175. The complication of Colles‟ fracture is 1. Radial nerve palsy 2. Stiffness of wrist joint 3. Ulnar nerve palsy 4. None of the above Answer: 2

176. The most common type of supracondylar fracture is 1. Neutral 2. Flexion 3. Extension 4. Lateral Answer: 3

177. Internal fixation is probably needed in all of the following except 1. Fracture condyle of humerus 2. Fracture neck of femur 3. Fracture of Olecranon 4. Fracture of scaphoid Answer: 4

178. is most commonly seen in 1. Rickets 2. Post inflammatory epiphyseal damage 3. Fracture lateral condyle humerus 4. Malunited supracondylar fracture Answer: 4

179. Treatment of Smith's fracture is 1. Above elbow cast apphed n extension 2. Colles‟ plaster 3. Dorsal splintage 4. Internal fixation Answer: 3 180. A 12-year-old child presents with tingling sensation and numbness in the little finger and gives history of fracture in the elbow region 4 years back. The probable fracture is 1. Lateral condyle fracture humerus 2. Injury to ulnar nerve 3. Supracondylar fracture humerus 4. Dislocation of elbow Answer: 1

181. Three point relationship is maintained in the following 1. Dislocation of elbow joint 2. Supracondylar fracture of humerus 3. Fracture medical condyle fracture of humerus 4. Lateral condyle fracture of humerus Answer: 2

182. A 10-year-old boy presented with pain and massive swelling left thigh. On examination reveals diaphyseal, lesion and soft tissue swelling. The likely diagnosis is 1. Osteosarcoma 2. Ewing's sarcoma 3. Osteoclastoma 4. Aneurysmal bone cyst Answer: 2

183. Pulled elbow is 1. A Sprain of extensor tendons 2. Dislocation of head of radius 3. Fracture of lateral condyle of humerus 4. Dislocation at elbow Answer: 2

184. Which is not a feature of pseudoachondroplasia? 1. Short limbs in comparison to trunk 2. Kyphosis 3. Normal size skull 4. None of the above Answer: 3

185. Galeazzi fracture is fracture of 1. Upper end of ulna 2. Lower end of ulna 3. Upper end of radius 4. Lower end of radius Answer: 4

187. A patient reported with a history of fall on an outstretched hand, complains of pain in the anatomical snuffbox and clinically no deformities visible. The diagnosis is 1. Colles‟ fracture 2. Lunate dislocation 3. Barton's fracture 4. Scaphoid fracture Answer: 4 188. The most common nerve involvement is dislocation of Lunate is 1. Median nerve 2. Anterior interosseus 3. Posterior interosseus 4. Median nerve Answer: 1

189. Galeazzi fracture is 1. Supracondylar fracture of the humerus 2. Fracture of the distal radius with inferior radio ulnar joint dislocation 3. Fracture of radius in the proximal site and dislocation of the elbow 4. Fracture of the radial head Answer: 2

190. If an adolescent boy falls on a out-stretched hand, the most common bone to be injured is 1. Fracture of lower end of radius 2. Fracture of both bones of forearm 3. Scaphoid fracture 4. Supracondylar fracture of humerus Answer: 3

191. Posterior interosseous nerve is injured in 1. Posterior dislocation of elbow 2. Monteggia fracture dislocation 3. Reversed Monteggia fracture dislocation 4. Supracondylar fracture of humerus Answer: 2

192. The most common cause of Volkmann's ischaemic contracture in a child is 1. Intercondylar fracture of humerus 2. Fracture both bone of forearm 3. Fracture lateral condyle of humerus 4. Supracondylar fracture of humerus Answer: 4

193. The most common complication of supracondylar fracture is 1. Genu valgum 2. Blood vessel injury 3. Volkmann's ischaemic contracture 4. Malunion with gun stock deformity Answer: 4

194. Gunstock deformity is due to 1. Fracture of 1st metacarpal bone 2. Fracture of lower end of radius 3. Supracondylar fracture of humerus 4. Lateral condylar fracture of humerus Answer: 3

195. Rupture of extensor pollicis longus occurs four weeks after 1. Colles‟ fracture 2. Radial styloid fracture 3. Smith's fracture 4. Scaphoid fracture 5. All of these Answer: 1

196. The most common cause of nonunion is 1. Periosteal elevation 2. Haematoma between fragments 3. Callus formation 4. Diminished blood supply 5. All of the foregoing. Answer: 4

197. Tardy ulnar neuritis may be due to 1. Advanced osteo arthritis of elbow 2. Cubitus valgus deformity 3. Both of the above 4. None of the above Answer: 2

198. The true statement regarding supracondylar fracture of the Humerus in children 1. Admission to hospital is essential following reduction 2. It is due to a fall on the point of the elbow 3. It requires open reduction 4. It is usually compound Answer: 1

199. A Colles fracture is 1. Common in adolescence 2. A fracture about the ankle joint 3. Common in elderly women 4. A fracture of head of the radius Answer: 3 200. Which of the following is known for Non union in children, if lest untreated? 1. Fracture shaft of humerus 2. Fracture shaft of femur 3. Fracture distal 1/3th of tibia 4. Fracture lateral condyle of humerus 5. Supracondylar fracture of humerus Answer: 4

201. The following fractures are known for Non-union except 1. Fracture of lower half of tibia 2. Fracture of neck of femur 3. Fracture of scaphoid 4. Fracture of patella 5. Supracondylar fracture of humerus Answer: 2

202. Fracture of lateral condyle of humerus seen in age group of 1. 2-3 years 2. 3-5 years 3. 5-15 years 4. 15-25 years 5. 35-45 years Answer: 5

203. The most important cause of Nonunion of fracture of humeral shaft is 1. Comminuted fracture 2. Compound (Open) fracture 3. Overnding of fracture ends 4. Distraction at fracture site 5. Operative reduction ORISSA; 1990) Answer: 4

204. About displacement of distal fragment in Colles fracture, true is 1. Anteriorly and medially 2. Posteriory and laterally 3. Anteriorly and laterally 4. Posteriorly and medially Answer: 4

205. In children the following fracture often require open reduction 1. Femoral condylar fracture 2. Supracondylar racture of the humerus 3. Fracture of the both bones of forearm 4. Fracture of lateral condyle of the humerus Answer: 4

206. Tardy Ulnar nerve palsy is caused by 1. Fracture lateral epicondyle of humerus 2. Fracture medial epicondyle of humerus 3. Elbow dislocation 4. Supra condylar fracture af humerus Answer: 1

207. Open reduction in children is required for 1. Fracture both bones of forearm 2. Femoral condyles 3. Lateral humeral condyle 4. Distal tibial epiphysis Answer: 3

208. The basic principle in the treatment of fractures of both bones of the forearm is to 1. Reduce angulation of radius and ulna 2. Restore the normal relationship of radius and ulna 3. Immobilize the elbow only 4. Prevent over riding of fragments 5. All of the above Answer: 2

209. „Dinner fork deformity‟ is present in case of 1. Smith's fracture 2. Student's elbow 3. Colles‟ fracture 4. All of these Answer: 3

210. Which of the following is commonly seen in Colles‟ fracture? 1. Non union 2. Delayed union 3. Malunion 4. Rapid union Answer: 3 211. The commonly injured carpal bone next to scaphoid is 1. Trapeium 2. Trapezoid 3. Lunate d Capitate 5. Hammate Answer: 3

213. In Scaphoid fracture, important views are all except 1. AP 2. Lateral 3. Oblique 4. Cone Answer: 4

214. If head of the radius is removed, it will result in 1. Lengthening of limb 2. Valeus deformity 3. Varus deformity 4. No deformity Answer: 2

215. In supra condylar fracture of humerus, the nerve most commonly injured is 1. Radial nerve 2. Ulnar nerve 3. Median nerve 4. Auxiliary nerve Answer: 3

216. Moneteggia fracture is fracture of 1. Lower 1/3 of Radius 2. Upper 1/3 of Radius 3. Lower 1/3 of Ulna 4. Upper 1/3 of Ulna Answer: 3

217. The most common cause for tardy Ulnar palsy is 1. Fracture of lateral condyle in child hood 2. Supra condylar fracture 3. Olecranon fracture 4. Monteggia‟s fracture Answer: 1

218. Which fracture requires open reduction in children? 1. Fracture of both bones of forearm 2. Epiphyseal separation of tibia 3. Intercondylar fracture of femur 4. Lateral condyle fracture of humerus Answer: 4

219. Following are the common sites of Avascular necrosis, except: 1. Proximal half of scaphoid 2. The body of talus 3. Patella 4. Head of the femur, Answer: 3

220. Which of the following statement(s) is / are true? 1. Oedema & tenderness over the anatomical snuff box is the pathognomonic features of Fracture of the scaphord 2. Normally the radial styloid is 1/2 lower than the ulnar 3. Dinner fork deformity is characteristic of Colle's fracture 4. All of the above Answer: 4

222. Strike the false statement(s): 1. Reversed Colle‟s is called Smith's fracture 2. If the lower limb is externally rotated, it is most likely due to fracture neck of femur 3. If the thigh assumes flexion, adduction and internal rotation following a history of severe Injury, a posterior dislocation is the likely cause 4. None of these Answer: 4

223. Which complication may arise after supra-condylar fracture? 1. Median nerve injury 2. Damage to brainchild artery 3. Cubitus varus 4. All of the above Answer: 4

224. Which tendon gets involved in Colle‟s fracture? 1. Abductor pollicis longus 2. Extensor pollicis brevis 3. Extensor pollicis longus 4. All the above Answer: 3 225. Bennett‟s fracture is fracture dislocation of base of _____ metacarpal: 1. 4th 2. 3 nd 3. 2nd 4. 1st Answer: 4

226. Mallet finger is 1. Avulsion fracture of extensor tendon of distal phalanx 2. Fracture of distal phalanx 3. Fracture of middle phalanx 4. Fracture of proximal phalanx Answer: 1

227. The term Bennett's fracture is used to describe 1. Fracture-dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb 2. Interphalangeal fracture dislocation of thumb 3. Anterior marginal fracture of distal end of radius 4. Fracture dislocation of trapezometacarpal joint Answer: 4

228. Which of the following Scaphoid fracture is most prone to develop Avascular necrosis? 1. Fracture of waist of scaphoid 2. Fracture of tubercle 3. Fracture of distal pole 4. All of the above Answer: 1 229. A Bennett's fracture is difficult to maintain in a reduced position mainly because of the pull of the 1. Flexor pollicis longus 2. Flexor pollicis brevis 3. Extensor pollicis brevis 4. Abductor pollicis longus Answer: 4

230. Tardy ulnar nerve palsy occur as a delayed sequele of 1. Supracondylar fracture of humerus 2. Posterior dislocation of elbow 3. Fracture of lateral condyle of humerus in children 4. Fracture of Olecranon Answer: 3

230. A middle aged male fell from a height presents with shortening of leg, internal rotation and tenderness in Scarpa‟s triangle. Diagnosis is 1. Hip Dislocation 2. Fracture neck of femur 3. Fracture shaft of femur 4. Fracture of acetabulum UP Answer: 1

231. Position of the lower limb in posterior dislocation of hip is 1. Flexion, Abduction and external rotation 2. Flexion, Adduction and external rotation 3. Flexion, Abduction and internal rotation 4. Flexion, Adduction and internal rotation Answer: 4 232. A Bennet‟s fracture is difficult to maintain in reduced position because of the pull of 1. Extensor pollicis longus 2. Extensor pollicis brevis 3. Abductor pollicis longus 4. Abductor pollicis brevis Answer: 3

233. Avulsion of extensor tendon gives rise to 1. Mallet finger 2. Dupuytren‟s contractrue 3. Trigger finger 4. Swan neck deformity Answer: 1

234. Lower branch of brachial plexus injury leads to 1. Erb‟s palsy 2. Klumpke‟s palsy 3. Bell's palsy 4. Wrist drop Answer: 2

235. Galeazzi‟s fracture is 1. Lower 1/3nd fracture ulna with radioulnar dislocation 2. Upper 1/3nd fracture ulna with inferior radioulnar dislocation 3. Lower 1/3nd fracture radius with radioulnar dislocation 4. Upper 1/3 fracture ulna with superior radioulnar dislocation Answer: 3

236. Middle palmar space ends distally 1. Along the digital sheaths 2. Into the flexor tendon sheaths 3. Into the web space 4. By mixing with the superficial palmer space Answer: 3

237. Commonest dislocation of the hip is 1. Posterior. 2. Anterior. 3. Central. 4. None Answer: 1

238. The following is true in the treatment of posterior dislocation: 1. Closed reduction under anaesthesia 2. Open reduction 3. Skeletal traction 4. Soft tissue Answer: 1

239. Flexion, adduction and internal rotation is characteristic posture in 1. Anterior dislocation of hip joint 2. Posterior dislocation of hip joint 3. Fracture of femoral head 4. Fracture shaft of femur Answer: 2

240. Treatment of choice for old non-united fracture of shaft of femur 1. Compression plating 2. Bone grafting 3. Nailing 4. Compression plating with bone grafting Answer: 4

241. In 65 year old male with history of fracture neck of femur 6 weeks old, treatment of choice 1. SP nailing 2. Mc Murray's osteatomy 3. Hemiarthroplasty 4. None Answer: 3

242. In the case of 65 year old person with fracture neck of femur the treatment of choice is 1. Closed reduction 2. Closed reduction with internal fixation 3. Open reduction 4. Replacement of head and neck of the femur with a prosthesis Answer: 4

243. Commonest complication of extra capsular fracture of neck of femur is: 1. Non union 2. Ischemic necrosis 3. Malunion 4. Pulmonary complications A Answer: 3

244. Fracture femur in infants is best treated by: 1. Open reduction 2. Closed reduction 3. IM Nailing 4. Gallows‟s splinting P Answer: 4

245. The attitude of limb in traumatic dislocation of hip joint is 1. Flexion, adduction, external rotation 2. Flexion, adduction, internal rotation 3. Flexion, adduction, and external rotation 4. Flexion and adduction only Answer: 2

246. Flexion, abduction and external rotation at hip joint with limb length discrepancy is seen in 1. Fracture neck of femur 2. Anterior dislocation of hip 3. Posterior dislocation of hip 4. None Answer: 2

11. Fractured neck of femur is associated with all except 1. Causes shortening of the leg 2. Causes internal rotation of the leg 3. May be pathological 4. May be treated with hemi arthroplasty Answer: 2

247. The treatment of choice for a 4 week old Femoral neck fracture in a 55 years old man is 1. Open reduction and internal fixation 2. Mc Murray's Osteotomy 3. Hemi replacement arthroplasty 4. Total hip replacement Answer: 3

248. Which of the following fractures would best be treated by Open reduction? 1. Fracture of the femoral shaft of the child 2. Colles‟ fracture 3. Displaced fracture of the femoral neck 4. Fracture of humeral shaft Answer: 3

249. Fracture of femur at the level of isthmus is best treated by 1. Intramedullary nail fixation 2. Plate and screws 3. Closed method 4. External fixation Answer: 1

250. Nonunion is a very common complication of intracapsular fractures of the neck of femur. Which of the following is not a very important cause for the same? 1. Inadequate immobilization 2. Inadequate blood supply 3. Inhibitory effect of synovial fluid 4. Stress at fracture site due to muscle spasm Answer: 4

251. Traumatic dislocation of hip is characterized by 1. Adduction internal rotation deformity 2. Abduction external rotation deformity 3. Adduction external rotation deformity 4. Abduction internal rotation deformity Answer: 1

252. Fracture shaft of femur in children of less than 2 years old is treated by 1. Open reduction 2. Extermal fixation 3. Gallows‟s traction 4. Closed reduction Answer: 3

253. Mc Murray's osteotomy is based on the following principle 1. Biological 2. Bio mechanical 3. Bio technical 4. Mechanical Answer: 2

254. A patient with hip in adduction and medial rotation and is unable to move Probable diagnosis is 1. Posterior dislocation head of femur 2. Fracture shaft o femur 3. Fracture neck of femur 4. Sciatica Answer: 1

255. Trochanteric fracture of femur is best treated by 1. Dynamic hip screw 2. Inlay Plates 3. Plaster in abduction 4. Plaster in abduction and internal rotation Answer: 1

256. In fracture of femur popliteal artery is commonly damaged by 1. Proximal fragment 2. Distal fragment 3. Muscle haematoma 4. Tissue swelling Answer: 2

257. A fracture neck femur in a child is best treated by 1. Spica in abduction 2. Spica in abduction + internal rotation 3. Masterly inactivity 4. Open reduction and internal fixation Answer: 2

258. The most common complication of Transcervical fracture of Femur is 1. Avascular necrosis 2. Malunion 3. Non union 4. None Answer: 3

259. Behcet's syndrome is commonest in 1. Ankle 2. Wrist 3. Knee 4. Hip Answer: 3

260. Characteristic features of the acute compartment syndrome in the lower leg include all of the following except 1. Acute pain on employing the stretch test 2. Normal pulses 3. Normal sensation distally 4. Verous occlusion Answer: 3

261. Which is most appropriate treatment for the femur with nonunion more than 3 weeks? 1. Internal fixation 2. Bone grafting with internal fixation 3. External fixation 4. Prosthesis Answer: 2

262. In which one of the following femoral fractures is Avascular necrosis common? 1. Pertrochanteric 2. Transcervical 3. Sub-Trochanteric 4. Shaft of femur Answer: 2

263. In the case of a 70 year old lady with intra capsular fracture of the neck of femur, the ideal treatment would be 1. Closed traction 2. Hemiarthroplasty 3. Internal fixation with nail 4. Internal fixation with nail and plate Answer: 2

264. Late complication of Acetabular fracture with dislocation of hip includes 1. Prone to trauma 2. Recurrent deslocation 3. Osteoarthritis 4. Stiff hip Answer: 3

265. In upper one third femoral shaft fracture, the displacement of proximal segment is 1. Flexion, abduction and external rotation 2. Flexion, abduction and external rotation 3. Flexion, abduction and internal rotation 4. Flexion, abduction and internal rotation Answer: 3

266 . In anterior dislocation of hip, the posture of lower limb will be 1. Abduction, externally rotated and extension 2. Abduction, externally rotated and flexion 3. Abducted externally rotated and flexion 4. Adducted, internally rotated and flexion Answer: 2

267. The femur is fractured at birth at 1. Upper third of shaft 2. Middle third of shaft 3. Lower third of shaft 4. Neck region Answer: 1

268. Which of the following causes acute compartment syndrome most frequently 1. Fractures 2. Postischemic swelling 3. Exercise initiated syndrome 4. Soft tissue injury Answer: 1

269. In transverse fracture of the patella, the treatment is 1. Excision of a small fragment 2. Wire fixation 3. Plaster cylinder 4. Patellectomy Answer: 2

270. Acomminuted fracture of the Patella should be treated by 1. Inserting screws and wires 2. Physiotherapy alone 3. Removal of all the patella 4. Removal of smallest piece only 5. Plastering & Immobilization Answer: 3

271. Non union is a common feature of fracture of 1. Supracondylar humerus 2. Clavicle 3. Lower tibia 4. Coracoid process Answer: 3

272. A patient develops compartment syndrome (swelling, pain and numbness) following manipulation and plaster for fracture of both bones of leg. What is the best treatment? 1. Split the plaster 2. Infusion of low molecular weight dextran 3. Elevate the leg after splitting the plaster 4. Do operative decompression of fascial compartment Answer: 4

273. Compartmental syndrome is treated by 1. Fasciotomy 2. Bicarbonate 3. Chloride rich fluid 4. Early aggressive fluid Answer: 1

274. Infracture neck of fibula, the following nerve is involved 1. Common peroneal nersve 2. Anterior tibial nerve 3. Posterior tibial nerve 4. Medial popliteal nerve Answer: 1

275. Club foot with hypoplasia of calf muscles with inability to extend knee and hips is seen in 1. Arthrogryposis 2. Congenital dislocation of hip 3. Congenital myotonia 4. Sull‟s disease 5 Reiter's disease Answer: 1

276. Healing below Knee joint is slow because of 1. Decreased subcutaneous fat 2. Increased movement 3. Weight bearing 4. Poor vascularity Answer: 4

277. The classical example of muscular violence is 1. of fibula 2. of patella 3. of clavicle 4. All of these Answer: 2

278. Transverse fracture of the patella with separation of fragments is best treated by 1. Closed reduction with cylinder cast 2. Open reduction with screw fixation of the fragments 3. Blind fixation of the two fragments with Kirschner wire 4. Open reduction with Kirschner wire fixation of the fragment an tension band wiring Answer: 4

279. One of the following fracture requires plaster of Paris cast with equinus position 1. Distal fracture both bones leg 2. Distal fracture fibula 3. Bimalleolar 4. Fracture Talus Answer: 4

280. Fatigue fractures (Stress fractures) are most commonly seen in 1. Metatarsals 2. Tibia 3. Fibula 4. Neck of femur Answer: 1

281. Cotton's fracture is 1. Avulsion fracture of C7 2. Trimaolealar 3. Bimalleolar 4. Burst fracture of atlas 5. None of these Answer: 2

282. Fracture involving both the malleoli is 1. Cotton's fracture 2. Potts‟s fracture 3. Pirogoff‟s fracture 4. Dupuytren‟s fracture Answer: 2

283. Fall on heel with fracture os calcis is associated with commonly 1. Fracture clavicle 2. Fracture vertebra 3. Fracture femur 4. Posterior dislocation of hip Answer: 2

284. What is March fracture? 1. Fracture of 2™ metatarsal 2. Fracture of 4" metatarsal 3. Fracture of cuboids 4. Fracture of tibia Answer: 1

285. The usual site of includes 1. Tibia 2. First metacarpal bone 3. Second metacarpal bone 4. Second metatarsal bone Answer: 4

286. Stress fracture not involves 1. Metatarsals 2. Metacarpals 3. Tibia 4. Caleanium Answer: 2

287. The mechanism of injury of transverse fracture of medial malleolus results due to 1. Abduction injury 2. Adduction injury 3. Rotation injury 4. Direct injury Answer: 3

288. Avascular necrosis is a complication of 1. Fracture of talus 2. Fracture of medial condyle of femur 3. Olecranon fracture 4. Radial head fracture Answer: 1

289. In which type of fracture, the tuber-joint angie is reduced to about half 1. Crush fracture of calcaneum 2. Fracture neck of humerus 3. Dislocation of shoulder 4. Spilt fracture of calcaneum 5. Fracture neck of femur Answer: 1

290. Pott‟s fracture is fracture of 1. Lower end of tibia 2. Lower end of tibia + fibula 3. Lower end of tibia + Calcaneum 4. Caleancum + Talus Answer: 2

291. The commonest cause of pathological fracture is generalised affection is: 1. Carcinoma 2. Osteoporosis 3. Cyst 4. All of the above Answer: 2

292. Flexion, abduction and external rotation with limb length discrepancy is seen in 1. Posterior dislocation of hip 2. Central dislocation of hip 3. Anterior dislocation of hip 4. Fracture neck of femur Answer: 3

293. Prosthetic replacement of femoral head is usually indicated for 1. Fresh intracapsular fracture head of femur in old patients 2. Fresh intracapsular freture of femoral neck in a young adult 3. Unreduced posterior dislocation of hip 4. Untreated femoral neck: fracture in a patient over 65 years 5. Pathological femoral neck fracture due to secondaries Answer: 4

293. Vascular sign of Narath is noticed in 1. Fracture neck of femur 2. Perthes disease 3. Posterior dislocation of hip 4. All of the above Answer: 3

294. In spondylarthritidis all are true except 1. 50% of seronegative cases have HLA B27 2. May be preceded by Urethritis 3. SLE causes erosion of cartilage 4. Have a greatly increased incidence of Psoriatic arthritis Answer: 4

295.Treatment of choice for a4 week old femoral neck fracture in a 55 years old male is 1. Open reduction and internal fixation 2. Mac Murray's osteotomy 3. Hemi replacement arthroplasty 4. Total hip replacement Answer: 3

296. Commonest complication of Trans-cervical fracture of femur is 1. Non union 2. Malunion 3. Avascular necrosis 4. All of the above Answer: 1

297. The commonest hip injury in the elderly patients is 1. Stress 2. Extracapsular 3. Impacted neck of femur 4. Sub capital capsular fracture neck of femur Answer: 1

298. Fracture femur in children is treated by 1. Open reduction 2. Gallow‟s splint 3. Intra medullary nailing 4. Closed reduction & splintage. Answer: 2

299. Which is true about dislocation of hip joint? 1. Posterior dislocation is commoner 2. In posterior dislocation whole lower limb is rotated medially 3. In anterior dislocation whole lower limb is rotated laterally 4. All of the above Answer: 2

300. All of the following names are associated with tests / operations around the hip joint except 1. Bryant 2. Shenton 3. Mc Murray 4. Salter 5. Nelton Answer: 4