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The Grizzly, March 19, 1991

Krishni Patrick Ursinus College

Bob Gonnella Ursinus College

Becky Carreon Ursinus College

Todd Koser Ursinus College

Judd Woytek Ursinus College

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Recommended Citation Patrick, Krishni; Gonnella, Bob; Carreon, Becky; Koser, Todd; Woytek, Judd; Rausin, Jennifer; Richter, Richard P.; Rubin, Harley David; Schafer, Neil; Compton, Erika; Walton, Kathleen; McCabe, Michele; Messina, Mary Frances; Shatz, Ellen; Becker, Matt; Major, Chris; Bleickardt, Eric; Harris, Adria; Cuddeback, Donna; Johnson, Terri; Castells-Talens, Antoni; and Solensky, Gina, "The Grizzly, March 19, 1991" (1991). Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper. 273. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/273

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Krishni Patrick, Bob Gonnella, Becky Carreon, Todd Koser, Judd Woytek, Jennifer Rausin, Richard P. Richter, Harley David Rubin, Neil Schafer, Erika Compton, Kathleen Walton, Michele McCabe, Mary Frances Messina, Ellen Shatz, Matt Becker, Chris Major, Eric Bleickardt, Adria Harris, Donna Cuddeback, Terri Johnson, Antoni Castells-Talens, and Gina Solensky

This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/273 ne9 Serving the Ursinus Tfieo Grizzly community since 1978 Publishing the truth from good motives and for justifiable ends Volume 22 Number 17 -Alexander Hamilton March 19, 1991 New U.S.G.A. Officers Appointed

that students complain about many committees on which students can BY BOB GONNELLA things on campus, yet they don't play an active role in decisions Of the Grizzly take the time to bring about made on the campus. Dean of Apathy on Ursinus College change. Woytek's plans for next Student Life Houghton Kane sees Campus? That is what one can year "include campus wide the committee structure as an arguably conclude after the recent elections for positions on J-Board excellent way to promote student­ Ursinus Student Govermnent and Campus Life and the faculty interaction and would like Association (USGA) elections. reorganization of the SAC into a to see more students and faculty Actually "USGA elections" is a new Campus Finance Board." participate on various committees. misnomer because one ordinarily Woytek also wants "to focus on This year USGA has been thinks of an election as being a parking on campus, the Health successful in running the USGA platform where two or more Center, and Wismer Renovations Booksale and the Wismer people try to convince people that as key topics in the upcoming Renovation Committee had a they are the best candidates for year." strong voice in deciding on the the position. Unfortunately, this Next year's Vice President, architechtural plans for the new was not the case as the elections Anjie Mason (Politics, '92), Wismer Multi-purpose Room. The scheduled for last week were seconds Woytek's desire to see Buildings and Grounds Committee canceled because every candidate more people become involved in was actively involved in the ran unopposed. USGA. While Mason feels that planning of the campus walkway According to Advisor Marc "USGA is seen as an organization and the Campus Life Committee Appelbaum, the reasons for the continued to play an active role in that simply hears about complaints cancellation of the elections fraternity and sorority pledging on campus" she "would like to see focused on student apathy. In issues. USGA as a breeding ground for effect, not enough people cared to USGA was also involved in the leadership training and allowing be involved. Which is a shame changes in the dining hall, the students to have more to say about USGA Offic:ers (doc:kwise from bottom left): EDen Sylvester, Judd Woytek, because according to Appelbaum, arrival of condoms on campus, and what occurs at Ursinus." USGA's Marc Appelbaum (advisor), Hassan Sherif, Gina Solensky, and AJ\jie Mason.. students really can have a large changes in the curriculum. Treasurer for next year, Hassan their own plans. Being concerned voice in what happens at Ursinus, do something about getting things With more student involvement, but that the administration Sherif (Biology, Politics, '92), about the health care of Ursinus' changed." perhaps students will benefit in becomes frustrated when not concurs in adding that "if students students, Solensky would like "to The USGA is an organization their own individual developments enough students channel their want different things done on see some improvements in the open to all students at Ursinus. as people as well. As Appelbaum displeasure so that they may bring campus, they should be willing to Health Center, especially in its There are five members on the notes, "Students need to about change. take on a small role in achieving hours, the availability of the Executive Committee who are to understand that getting involved in The students who will hold these things." doctors, and gynecological services be elected in campus-wide college is just as important as for women." In regards to the need positions next year are precisely In regards to social issues facing elections. getting good grades in terms of the type needed by Ursinus Ursinus, next year's Recording for students to take responsibility, USGA is directly responsible for their growth." Sylvester feels that students can because they want to be part of Secretary, Gina Solensky (Biology, appointing student members to the The USGA meets every other get things done "if they investigate the solution. Soon-t()-be President, '92) and Corresponding Secretary, different committees on campus. Wednesday at 7:30 P.M. in the Judd Woytek (English, '92), feels Ellen Sylvester (English, '93), have organizations like USGA, they can There are approximately 2S Wismer Parents' Lounge. Pennsylvania Pro-Life Rare Israeli Exhibition Arrives Safely From College Communications at the Berman Museum and marks 70 A.D. Many artifacts bear Convention Held the American debut of the inscriptions that had clear Officials at the Philip and traveling exhibit. Mike McMonagle, an activist in reference to writings in the Old BY BECKY CARREON Muriel Berman Museum of Art at Hurvitz said she spent some pr()-Iife work in Eastern P A and Testament of the Bible. Of The Grizzly Ursinus College are breathing a worrisome days but never once Mrs. Molly Kelly, Executive More than 3,000 volunteers lot easier today now that a long­ thought that the exhibition would Director for the Pennsylvanians for from around the world worked Students from various different awaited archaeological exhibition not open on time at the Berman Human Life. McMonagle's speech from 1978 through 1985 at the colleges and states came to has arrived safely from Israel. Museum. "We were determined to emphasized the history of pr()-Iife excavation site located in an Arab Ursinus this past weekend to hold Rare objects in the ex1ubit, do what we said we would and we work and the need to continue settlement just outside modem-day the Pennsylvania Intercollegiate called The City of David: wanted to share with the American upholding human life values in our Jerusalem's old city walls. They Federation for Life (PA-IFL) Discoveries from the Excavations, public these important artifacts society. He criticized the idea that were directed by Yigal Shiloh, a Convention. Seventeen colleges were removed from public display which bear history and tradition." the birth of children in our society prize-winning Jerusalem attended including Penn State, at the Institute of Archaeology at No missiles ever landed in has been treated as a commodity archeology professor who died in Muhlenberg, University of Hebrew University because of Jerusalem, she said, but the instead of as a precious gift. Molly 1987 at age 50. The City of David Pittsburgh, Fanciscan University, fears of a Scud missile attack. underground parking lot at the Kelly enthusiastically exhorted pr()­ exhibition, flISt shown at Hebrew . Geneva College, Carnegie Mellon Gila Hurvitz, curator at the Institute was turned into an life students to continue to uphold University in 1989, stands as a University, Temple, Yale, Cornell, Institute, said special security emergency field hospital. tnbute to Shiloh. Millersville, Ohio University and the primary issue of life and precautions were taken at the start "Fortunately we did not have to After the ex1ubition closes June Ursinus. emphasized that the abortion of the Persian Gulf war to protect use it; recalled Hurvitz, who once 30, it will be circulated by the In all about 75 students attended argument must center on the fetus the 3,OOO-year-old artifacts. "We served in the Israeli Army and Berman Museum over the next the conference which began on as a human being deserving of life. did this to safeguard these rare now has a daughter in the army. two years to four other cities in Friday night and ended Sunday Saturday morning IFL students objects from possible destruction This is the flISt time these finds the United States. morning. One of the main goals of attended various workshops caused by a missile," she said. from the ancient City of David will In a congratulatory message to the conference was "to get pr()-Iife focusing on pr()-Iife feminism, She recalled that she and her be seen outside of Israel. The the Berman Museum, Israel Pel~g, students together so they can learn abortion in the legislature, and staff worked frantically from 2 a.m. exhtbition traces 3,000 years of consul general of Israel in from speakers and learn from each crisis pregnancy centers. Leah to 6 a.m. the day of the first civilization through the time David Philadelphia, stated he hoped other" stated John Fry, PA-IFL Steading from Feminists for Life missile attack in mid-January to conquered the Canaanite city of "those who view this cultural and President. presented her argument of remove the artifacts from the Jebus and made it the capital of educational adventure will make Friday evening began with two public ex1ubition area. The his united kingdom, to its See Convention Page Three new discoveries of their own.. prominent pro-life speakers, Mr. exhIbition opened Friday, March 8, destruction by Roman invasion in Page 2 The Grizzly March 19, 1991

News . / Village Idiots compete at Pitt / We're gonna Getcha! 8l"ERIKA COMPI'ON tournament with a win over '...... / with Asst. Nnvs Editor Elizabethtown but later lost to :CLASSIFIED : • A fabulous full buffet John's Hopkins and Penn State. • • I • Beverages all night, Throughout last semester Commented Donna Lorenzo :Camp Canadensis a residential: . I . "- including draft beer! students battled wits in the trivia coordinator of the College Bowl a~ :boys and girls camp in the Pocono: . Plus special events... game, College Bowl. Teams Ursinus, 'They were happy with ~ountains of Pennsylvania is: . $ February 21st answered questions ranging from how they did, even though they ~ for the summer season: HOnNHEELSSKATEBOARD history to science in the double didn't always win." :(6/21-8/18). All sports, pools,: . EXHIBITION by Fairman's elimination tournament. Last ______• ·Ca"• lake , S72-P.'122radio, video, drama, etc. • N I G H T Thrash & Threads semester's fmals produced a.. .t .....,...... : .. AT. PU LSATIONS .. February 28th winner, 'The Village Idiots." Idiot Widener College Students membersRobBrown,PaulGagne, CORRECfION . N I G H TeL U B $2 off with college 1.0. BillPlatt,andBrianWennydidn't A report by College .... March 7th BE A SPORT! With volleyball, enrodgrtahmeirthPearteiClF'pati°twn Wld'th the Communications in the Feb· 18 E.·. V··. E'.' R·· ·,Y ··· basketball cheerleaders, P r. or 0 ays 0 f Grizzly incorrectly stated t hat Dr. $1000 IN '. sports celebs and more! Spring Break, the "Village Idiots" Hugh Clark is the first Ursinus ~~ Sponsored by Miller Lite travelled to the University of faculty member to receive a WEEK. THURSDAY Pittsburgh, hoping to wreak havoc .college teaching fellowship from Earn up to $1000 in one . I Dress to impress - don't get turned . ( away - Call lor details . on their other competitors. the National Endowment for the week for your campus 0~n~ue::J~~~:t~~j~·~,~~~t~1~ttulr~~g On March 1 & 2, they competed Humanities. In fact, Dr. Robin organization. a popular & progressive mix 01 music! at Pitt in the regional college bowl. Clouser, associate professor of I (No alchohol) Plus a chance at / The team placed 10th out of 15 I German, received an NEH $5000 more! ( schools. Of the trip, senior Bill teaching fellowship to do research I ) Platt says "It was good. We're a in the Goethe Archives in Wiemar, This program works! diverse group, which helped. We East German, in 1982. College No investment needed. /./(~~ Call 1-800-932'()528 weren't out there to win, just to Communications regrets the error. Ext. 50 \.. . 242 BALTIMORE PIKE. GLEN MILLS. PA havefun." They began the . 215·459·4140.FAX215·459·1115.

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Glassboro University, who has The United States and Canada parties tripled their share of votes Mrs. Patricia Colehower also devoted himself to counseling signed an environmental compared to the last election. gave 'i presentation on the services women with post-abortion agreement to cut in half the The government of South Africa of Birthright, an organization syndrome. emissions that cause acid rain. The asked Parliament to end which helps women of all ages in a Mrs. Pam Travor told her National U.S.-pledged deadline is by the segregated housing and repeal laws crisis pregnancy situation. By experience of an abortion at a The FBI reported a new case of year 2000 and Canada's is by 1994. that segregate the ownership of providing free food, clothing, Planned Parenthood facility when possible drug tampering in Hawaii. The 6th year anniversary of the land. The draft legislation calls for housing, and medical 'Care she was a teenager. "They said it A woman fell ill after taking a abduction of Terry Anderson was the elimination of all restrictions throughout the pregnancy and in would be easy. They never warned Sudafed 12-hour cold capsule. This marked last week with ceremonies on property ownership by Blacks most cases continuing well after me of the mental and case does not seem related to the across the country and new hopes by the end of June. the woman gives birth, Birthright psychological consequences of several Washington state Sudafed of his eventual release. Twelve Germans were indicted can provide assistance for women abortion." Mrs. Travor stated that capsule cyanide tamperings, which for the alleged aiding of Iraq World in crisis. after h~r abortion she went are responsible for the deaths of 2 poison gas production. Sec. of State James Baker Students at the convention also through a time of indulging in people and the serious illness of a U.S. President Bush warned Iraq toured 5 Middle Eastern nations heard Mr. Doug Scott who is drugs (slid alcohol to dope with the third. that a permanent ceas~fue would talking to the leaders of those legislative Director of Christian hurt of her abortion. She stated Twenty-one Americans held as be in jeopardy if Iraq does not nations about peace in the Middle Action Council and has appeared ''They (Planned Parenthood) say Iraqi prisoners of war returned to stop using Military helicopters to East. on several national networks they are pro-choice, but they never a hero's welcome last Sunday at attack anti-government rebels. The Four Jewish women were including CBS This Morning. Mr. gave me the choice of keeping my Andrew's Air Force Base. They President stated that the use of stabbed to death by an Arab in Scott addressed the audience with baby". Travor said it was the fear were greeted by Sec. of Defense these military helicopters violated Israel, last Saturday. The man his research on Planned and loneliness of her situation Dick Cheney, Gen. Colin Powell, the terms of the temporary ce~ called the stabbings "a message" to Parenthood. In his speech Mr. which drove her to have the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of rue in the Persian Gulf War. Baker. The Sec. of State was to Scott, citing many sources from abortion. Mrs. Travor then urged Staff, and elated family members. U.S. troops retook 30 miles of visit Israel the next day to speak to Planned Parenthood literature students if they know of a woman A Presidential anti-crime Iraqi territory last week to Israeli government officials about criticized the organization, in a crisis pregnancy to encourage legislation package was maintain a strong presence in the promoting peace between the especially in its work with reintroduced to Congress last country until a permanent ce~ and support her. Arabs and the Jews. feminism working within the pro­ week. The package includes the rue is agreed upon. Father Mannion then continued Last Sunday, mass rallies were life movement. She cited three with a talk on Post Abortion restoration of the death penalty Kuwait's emir, Shiek Jabar al­ held in 16 Soviet cities in support main reasons of financial Healing. He stated that in his work under federal law, a toughening of Ahmed al-Sabeh, returned to of Boris Yeltsin. They called for insecurity, humiliation, and lack of the "brokeness (of post-abortion criminal appeals procedures, and Kuwait last Thursday. He was met the resignation of Soviet President commitment from a male partner women) comes from the stricter penalties for crimes that by devastation and demands for Mikhail GOrbachev, and the which force women into having depersonalization of the fetus. involve the use of firearms. political reform. creation of new party, the abortions. When questioned about a last week, pledged its President of Ursinus Stu~tS for Last week, Exxon Corporation Syria, teenagers. He stated that he was People's Party of Russia, to Life and Vice President of PA­ agreed to pay $900 million in "maximum effort" to help secure not against sex education, but by oppose the ruling Communist !FL, EmilyColehower commented, damage and a $100 million the release of the 13 foreign presenting teenage sex "as normal Party. "We wanted to enlighten criminal fme to the state of hostages being held in Lebenon. 6 and positive, abstinence as people The Israeli Army killed 6 Arabs that abortion is not only killing. • .~aska, for t!te ~coI9gi~al ~!=r of the 13 are American. abnormal, Planned Parenthood whO report«*fly'cro~ the Israeli babies, but hurting women.· Page 4

Seniors Prepare for Graduation

BY MICHELE MCCABE fmal stages, and everything is year, they have selected famed This Week in UC History... falling nicely into place. Last week author Patricia McLaughin. Dr. Of The Grizzly student would be allowed to enter all Seniors should have received a McLaughin is a professor at Smith BY TERRI JOHNSON an area bar, regardless of whether packet which explains in detail College in Massachusetts and Of The Grizzly As hard as it is to believe, there he or she was twenty-one, for the what the Senior Gift effort actually teaches a course on Children's are less than two months until purposes of consumption of entails. The idea behind the gift is Literature. She is the author of How would you like to be told Graduation Day, Sunday, May 12, alcohol or for entertainment. This for all Seniors to pledge their $10 Sarah Plain and Tall, a Newbury that you needed a note from your for the seniors here at Ursinus. In poliqr was proposed for the key deposit as their contribution. Award winning children's book parents if you wanted to go home preparation for this monumental purpose of keeping students from day, the Senior Commencement The $10 can be designated to be which was aired last month as a for the night? Or told where you could go on the weekends to drinking and driving, and from Committee has been hard at work donated toward either the Myrin made for television movie starring socialize? These are a few of the "associating with the types of all year long in effort to make Library, the Music Program, the Glenn Close. She proves to be a new policies that Ursinus students individuals that patronize such Senior Weekend a memorable and Bruin's Athletic Club, the Berman very interesting and dynamic faced in 1965 when Ursinus named establishments." After these rules successful event. Museum of Art or to a general speaker. William Penn Cromwell as were made drinking would be The committee, led by the fund to be used wherever it is FmaI1y, because of the great president of the college following confmed to lounges, that would be President of the class of 1991, needed. success of the Senior Halloween the resignation of President Allison Puff, Vice-President, Julie A committee has been selected Party last October, the class established in every dorm, and in Helfferich. Cromwell, who was a Davidson, Secretary, Michele to contact each senior class officers have planned a St. the student union where a bar descendant of Oliver Cromwell of McCabe, and Treasurer, Rich member regarding their pledge. Patrick's Day Party for this would be located. However each England, was then serving as Laraqr, have had bi-weekly They include the senior class Wednesday, March 20th. Buses area where drinking was permitted Director of Social Activities for meetings with Dean Annette Lucas officers, Frank Chrzanowsky, will leave for the Elk's Club from would be chaperoned to maintain the national headquarters of the order. and Assistant Director of Alumni Becky Kolp, Julia Parsons, Michael Reimert Hall at 7:20 p.m. This is a Salvation Army. The Board of The reasons Cromwell gave for Affairs, James McCarthey, to work Cosgrave, Susan Soltez, Tom last opportunity for seniors to get Directors felt that Cromwell's making these changes was to out the specific details of guest Blomstrom, Keir Lewis and Mike together before Senior Weekend, reputation of being a strict eliminate the moral decay that was and student speakers, the Senior Ruth. and all seniors must come to make conservative would help control found in the Collegeville area, and Gift, fund raisers and Senior It is important for every senior to it as successful as the Halloween some of the problems that existed to ensure the safety of all students. Weekend events. In addition, they contribute to help make the Senior Party. Tickets are $10 ahead of on campus at that time. However the students of the 1960's have organized fund-raisers, Gift effort an overwhelming time and are on sale Monday to Cromwell's speech in Bomberger probably felt those proposals to including a Flock Night at success. Wednesday in Lobby B at lunch hall outlined some of the changes change the existing poliqr would Flamingo's Yogurt Bar and a In addition to the Senior Gift, and dinner. They will be $15 at the that he would like to implement be infringing upon their freedom. Senior Halloween Party at the bus. So come out on Wednesday the committee has chosen a guest when he became president. One of Elk's Club in Pottstown. and enjoy! speaker to speak at the groups that was hit hardest by Now that the second half of Commencement. In celebrating the the new president's ideas were the spring semester is well underway, ;CONTACTSi growth of the humanities here at women who lived on campus. commencement planning is in its I Ursinus during the 1990-91 school Cromwell wanted the women, who at that time were required to sign I I out of the quad if they were going I "Just Do It!" -- The Nautilus Connection to be leaving for the night, to have BY DONNA CUDDEBACK number. I said from the phone gimmicks, just a fitness center with a note from their parents giving ~ LStudent Services I Special to The Grizzly book. He nodded like I had said a one goal: FTI'NESS. them permission to return home dirty word. Then he told me that The Nautilus Connection offers for the night. Otherwise the ~ ENS lAB : Looking for a place to workout they had nothing for me there. various types of mem~erships to fil women were expected to be in Contact Lenses For Less i their dorm after' 12:30 every and get in shape, but feel They don't have memberships for your needs, and the rates vary l Fast. Convenient, Direct-ta-You evening. I uncomfortable going to the weight college students (he didn't ASK (much more accommodating than ;. savings of ~p ~o 50:'&. All Brands room on campus? Then why not me if I was a student, he assumed Bally's). There is also a discount The other area in which .~ and .Prescnptlons m stock, in- I look into joining a health club? It's it). I told him that I was 22 and I for college students, and 3-months Cromwell planned major changes c1udmg Tints & Disposables. I simple. Just" pick up the phone wanted a one-year membership (I memberships. Plus, it's only two was in the drinking policies. Overnight shipments a .. ailable. book, check out the ads under knew from my initial phone call minutcs from campus by car. Cromwell stated that no Ursinus Lenses 100% Guaranteed in fae· I "Health Clubs" and call the ones that I could use my membership As for equipment and services, l tory·sealed vials. that interest you. card at the Bally's center near my they have a Free Weight room, a •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Call for information and I That's what I did. Unfortunately, hometown, so I wasn't worried Nautilus room (with 25 machines), : Features Editors needed jor: I FREE CATALOG. I I made the mistake of calling about getting the one-year whirlpool sauna, steamroom, four .: next year. Anyone intere.sted: I 800-7'''6-78011'') i Bally's Holiday Fitness Center. membership). He insisted that they tanning booths, aerobics, massages, : please contact Co/een Camano: I " " 1 Their ad claims that they are and a complete cardiovascular 24 H ; still had nothing for me there. : at 454-0176 or Kate Grim at: , ~

America's leading health club training room. They also have l Fine, I said, and left. : 454-0218. : Z!l 7 o:,n. organization, and that they have instructors that show you how to .••••••• •••••••• ••••••••• I Now, their ad boasts of being 1109 It 211t Alia Hollywood. R. 3.1Cal ' all the latest exercise equipment. I use the equipment and help you ~ "an equal opportunity club." I -- _.... - - - _._. figured, what more could one ask dcsign a workout that is best for guess that only applies if you are for? you. SGT. GRIZZ--"THE BEAR FACTS" wearing a business suit. It also So I called and set up an boasts "THE FIRST RULE OF So if you want to get in shape, appointment for a tour. My fust WORKING OUT IS SHOWING do something about it! Don't March 11, 1991 at 10:50 A.M., Security is dispatched to a house on impression of this place was UP." Well, I showed up. They whine that you feel uncomfortable Main Street after the Suburban Cable Company found that students "trendy". This was Yuppie heaven. kicked me out. Then they going to the weight room on had spliced into the service with a splitter. The Cable Service to the Just inside the entrance is a health proceeded to call me all week to campus, just go someplace else. It house has been disconnected for the rest of the year. The incident has food bar, with stools neon signs find out if I was going to join or may cost you money (the 3-month been turned over to the Office of Resident Life. and actual bartenders servin~ student membership at the not. I told th~m no, and why. One foaming glasses of orange juice. of the ladies who called said "Now Nautilus connection is $115.00), March 13, 1991 at 11:15 A.M., It is reported to Security that unknown I found my way to the don't let one bad experience stop but you get what you pay for. And person(s) painted a suite door at Reimert and threw black paint on the information desk, amidst many you from joining a health club." I if you look around enough, you cement outside of the door. The Incident is believed to be FRAT stares from blank faces in business said I won't. I'm going elsewhere, can fmd a health club that's just related. The investigation continues. suits carrying duffle bags. I told and hung up. for you and makes you feel them my name and said I was And I did go elsewhere. I went comfortable. March 13, 1991 at 3:55 P.M., Security is advised that a Solicitor scheduled for a tour. A thirty-ish to the Nautilus Connection in attempted to sell perfume to a Staff employee. The employee told the looking man came around from Trappe. What a difference! The subject that Soliciting is Prohibited on Campus and was last seen behind the desk and suggested we people were friendly, helpful, and heading toward Main Street. Officers on duty alerted all houses on have a seat and discuss this. First, courteous. No flashy signs, no Main Street of the Incident and requested that Security be notified in he asked me how I got their phone the event they are appr03ched by the individual. Page 5 Flags: The Collegeville Connection BY ADRIA HARRIS come at the expense of so many How can you get your hands on The family owned factory has Fairs. But most of their business Of The Grizzly families." By "busy" Mr. Cornish a genuine Collegeville Flag? The been in the same location since its does not involve creating means 12-14 hour days for himself flags are available nationwide at a With the War in the Gulf inception in 1909. The company individual flags for special variety of outlets. The company drawing to a close, it's back to produces all manner of flags and occasions. The standard American and most of his one hundred has no retail distribution center of business for the folks at the banners, anyone with an idea can flag is still their best seller. employees. He believes that this its own, nor are there any plans to Collegeville Flag and corne to the factory and have a When asked about the effect of rush will last at least until the 4th build one. So, just to be on the Manufacturing Company. The flag made to order. With this in the war on the business, Vice­ of July and that while "the yellow company, located at 4th and mind, the company has President Doug Cornish asserted ribbon flag may die, patriotism will safe side, look for the Collegeville Walnut, is world renowned for the manufactured flags for the that it was "nice to be busy" but most likely remain in style for a label before you buy your next few more years." flag. variety of flags it produces. Olympics, and for several World's that it was "a shame that it had to ~ U.S.G.A. Minutes ! February 27, 1991

BY GINA SOLENSKY U.S.GA. Recording Secretary

Dean Kane and Beverly Oehlert were guest speakers. They spoke to U.S.GA. about the Health Center. Dean Kane told us the history behind the Center and compared its past status to present. Beverly spoke about the changes that have occurred over the past few years regarding college health care. She informed U.S.GA. of the arrangement Ursinus has with Montgomery hospital-students can go there for the night for special cases of physical and mental illness. U.S.GA. also learned that charges or costs for the Health Center come 50% from tuition, the rest from endowments, etc. A Campus Health Care Survey will be coming out this week through the RA.s. The student Hecijt,h Advisory Committee asks students to take the time to fill out this survey. Students' comments are needed before any improvements for better ( health care can be made. The Student Activities Committee met to discuss • a new proposal: The U.S.GA. Campus Finance Board (CFB) would assume the current responsibilities of the Student Activities Committee (SAC) in distnbuting the Student Activities Fund money to various organizations on the campus. An explanation of the proposal was passed around at the U.S.GA. meeting. For more information about this issue, see Judd Woytek. The Campus Life Committee and the J-Board met with the senior staff to discuss "Where Ursinus Stands Now." They discussed how much students get involved with social time, class time, etc., the relations between students and faculty, a prediction ~-....r.tiIlIiIII •• for a change in the alcohol policy concerning underage drinking, and pledging consideration changes. The Building and Grounds Committee is currently putting a new Greenhouse with a staircase inside LSB. The Committee also is aiJning to repave potholes on campus and expand parking. Get the iU&T Calling Card and your first call is free. The J-Board met and stated that many of students have been dismissed from the college !Qr There's no better time to speak your mind. Because Our Calling Card is part of the AT&T Student Saver disciplinary reasons (some due to alcohol). now when you get your free AT&T Calling card, you'll Plus program, a whole package of products and services New Business get your first 15-minute call free'! designed to make a student's budget go farther Class elections will be held during lunch t.hi!: With your AT&T Galling card, So look for AT&T Calling card applications on Wednesday, March 20. Please remember to VOle . • "~~ " you can call from almost anywhere campus. Or call us at 1 800 525~955, Ext. 655. If any U.S.GA. member has any ideas for t:le ,:>":<~:h!:r; to anywhere. And you can keep And let freedom ring. Spring Weekend Booth, please bring your idea to 8310 GOO . b,sp:.Ll,Ji';.·{, card if d '.. ::J::J.Z .~.:,); .~ your , even you move an the next meeting (Spring Weekend is scheduled for .. .., .pi ••~ 'U;.'7~' ;:/." /~· get a new phone number. XI&T. Helping make college life a little easier. April 27 and 28) . Mr. Ursinus will be held April 5th. Reme:mber to tum in nOminations by March 25.

The next meeting will be held Wednesday, March ~An.T 20, at 7:30 p.m. See you there! • The right choice. "A $3.00 value for a roast·to·roast Calling Card call. Applies to rustomer·dialed calls made during ~ the A'IlU Night/Weekend calling period, llpm to Bam, ~day .through Th~ and Ilpm Riday through Spm SUnday. You may receive more or less calling ume depending on where and when you calL Applkations must be received by December 31, 1991. •••••••••••• Page 6 The Grizzly Arts and Entertainment March 19, 1991 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Knack is Bnack! BY MATI BECKER these one and a half-hit bubble gum rock died. 3.) And do Lost' .. .'She rides the blood red criticism of some total bimbo who Of The Grizzly wunderkinds. they have anything to offer or add, rocket. She mumbles yes, yes, writes music 'reviews' for the Fort Anyway, The Knack's new for that matter, to a record yeS ... or how about the tune 'I Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel. She Like the plague, there are some album is Serious Fun and if you industry that needs an enema in Want Love' .. .'and it's growin', and frashed the Knack saying they are things that just never go away. can stop laughing long enough the worst way. it's growing, and it's ... this things no good except for the wonderful Among others: herpes, Madonna after mentioning their name and The answer to all my questions out of control. It's too soon, it's ballad One Day At A Time. What and the Annual tuition increase thinking the immense silliness they and presumptions about the Knack too much-baby soothe my soul.' I want to know is, how stoned was because of spiraling operational brought upon the music industry a being just another loser pop band Wow! Deep and heavy lyrics. Not! she when she heard the album? costs. These are things that long time ago, you just might enjoy will be forthcoming, as in right Robert Frost is probably rolling Doesn't she know that ballads are perpetually burden some or all of this album. now. over in his grave going into made for individuals who know us. "So what?', you say. Well, the The Knack's return is rather No, the Knack is not just convulsions after hearing this gem nothing about music and generally Knack is back like a festering cold precipitous because 1.) There is another loser pop band. Why? of lyricism. But that really doesn't have no taste in music whatsoever. sore and the outlook is unlikely no raving demand for Knack Except for the total sap-out ballad matter. Frosty is dead as a Case in point, Pete S. and his sorry that the cold sore will heal soon. music. In fact, there probably isn't called One Day At A Time, the doornail unlike the sex drive of the song, 'I Saw Red'. Wait, wait, wait! The Knack? any demand for them, Knack hits on the 11 other tunes Knack. And another thing, do we In summation, this is an above Yeah, THE KNACK. My Sharona just like there isn't any demand for they churn out. really want intelligible, sensible, average effort from a group that is and Good Girls Don't (But I Do). Alladin (In)Sane's boring psuedo­ As always, you ask, 'what are respectable lyrics from the dorks just out to 1.) have some fun, and Remember? C'mon! It's only been intellectual, Rolling Stone wanna­ the songs about?' Well, sex, who wrote My Sharona? What the 2.) Piss people off because they're 10 years since their last album. It be record review. 2.) I thought silly sex,sex, and more SEX. Here's a hell is a 'Sharona'? still around breathing and making shouldn't be that hard to recall sample from 'Let's Get Now onto other criticism. It's serious music. Ursinus Students in Indonesia for a Day

BY ERIC BLEICKARDT to promote an awareness and Science Editor appreciation of foreign cultures, traditions, and languages on the Imagine a fresh, piping hot bowl campus, dinners such as this allow of Hot and Sour Soup. This is you to taste an authentic meal followed by Bahmi, a main entree from a different country. Dinners consisting of pork mixed with are held twice a month and some cabbage seasoned with are cooked by natives of the extraordinary spices on a- bed of country, which puts these meals noodles. As a side dish, a leagues above the stuff Wismer marinated chicken leg served with passes off for food. They are free peanutbutter sauce is also and open to all students, faculty, included. For dessert, freshly and staff members. An African, quartered pineapple sprinkled over Hawaiian and Italian Dinner are sherbet tops this extravagant feast. still ahead this semester. If you It certainly doesn't sound like have ever wanted to taste the food Wismer. That's because this was a in the restaurants of France, Spain dinner sponsored by the or Switzerland, felt adventurous International Program. This was for Indian or African cuisine, or the menu at the Indonesian just plain can't stand Wismer food, Dinner that took place the day then try one of the International before spring break. As part of Program's dinners and experience Julian's House the International Program's effort the taste of a far away land. BY CHRISTOPHER MAJOR neafly everybody in Skipton, MA destroy David and Sally. As much Of The Grizzly has an opinion or two to offer. as they say the house is pulling M eistersingers With help of Colin, an aging The U r s j nus C 0 11 e g e they conducted their first tour \ them together, it's really pulling Two parapsychologists investigate librarian, David and Sally unearth them apart. You see, they aren't Meistersingers and the Chamber abroad, a 15-day visit to England. a haunted house in some secrets of the Gilfoy family themselves, Sally thinks. Something Singers will present their tour Conductor John FrenCh, Massachusetts, the Gilfoy.House. and begin to piece together who is making them act out what really program, recently performed in associate professor of music and Impotent David and his wife Sally the ghost really is. happened in that old house. But Massachusetts and Upstate New chairman of the Ursinus are a team. David gets erections Trouble is that Sally and what? York, in Bomberger Hall on the department of music, is also holder and they call it a paranormal David are opposing players on the Julian's House is more College campus on Saturday, of the William F. Heefner Chair occurrence. Actually, it's a little same team. David is quick to take than just a ghost story. It is the March 23, at 8:00 p.m. of Music at the College. He more complicated than that, but any tidbit of information and study of David and Sally and what Free and open to the public, the received his bachelor of music you get the gist of it. pinpoint a conclusion to suit his makes them tick. The characters program will include selections degree in conducting from the Judith Hawkes' frrst expectations. Sally, on the other are well developed by Hawkes from the works of Mozart and Philadelphia College of the novel Julian's House is a fun hand, is equally quick to discount (you wouldn't expect it to be her English anthems sung by the Performing Arts and a master of ghost story. David and Sally hear all of David's conjectures with a first novel) and move the plot Meistersingers and madrigals and music degree in choral conducting about the house from a friend, simple "It doesn't have to be so­ along, but at times it gets a little motets by the Chamber Singers. from Westminster Choir College in lease it, and rig it with all sorts of and-so." bogged down and a bit boring. But This year marked the 54th year Princeton, New Jersey. He is a ghost detectors. Then, nothing. No Then again, Sally knows the haunting scenes are amazingly that the singers toured with their candidate for the Doctor of sign of what haunted the eleven the old Gilfoy house is haunted. suspenseful and are enough to diverse repertoire of secular and Musical Arts Degree in choral sacred choral music. Over years, conducting at the University of families that had packed up and She's felt its presence, but doesn't keep you reading. Besides that left before David and Sally Curtiss tell David. She's been born with you really do want to fmd out who the Meistersingers have appeared Cincinnati's College-Conservatory moved in. To stir things up, they the gift of a sixth sense, by the this ghost is that's been causing all in nearly every state on the of Music. hire Rosanna, a spunky little way. Kinda like the little kid in this trouble. Eastern seaboard. In May 1990, psychic from Boston. Then it lbe Shining. She can read his The greatest flaw of this International Program shows up. mind which is strange, because if intriguing novel is that we never March 24 Cinema: M at 6:30 pm in From here on in it's a she could read David's mind, they get to fmd out what happens to 22 Ritz Trip, Philadelphia. Van Musser TV lounge matter of finding out just who the would avoid getting into the mess Locky. Don't ask, just read the leaves at 5:45 pm in front of 26 Hazaiian Dinner in Musser Hall ghost is. Neighborhood boys are they get in. book. Mllsser at 6:30 pm quick to offer their suggestions, as The house begins to March 19, 1991 Arts and Entertainment The Grizzly Page 7 ...... ~ Bowie: Something Old and Something New BY ALADDIN SANE Party Plan, but since it wasn't new has pulled a marketing rabbit out send-up of "Let's Spend the Night The Tower In Philadelpbia. This is Of The Grizzly it's senseless to review. But it of its hat. Included on all re­ Together"? Mick Who? I say. And Bowie raw, no studio over-dubs, grooves none-the-Iess. issues are outtakes and demo "Changes" from Hunky Dory. no re-recordings. Just Bowie. Most I headed up to Blue Tone Anyway, I ended up scoring versions of such timeless Bowie Then there's Bowic'f incantation are from the greatest hits catalog, Records ( interestingly enough, Bowie's David Live, the latest in classies as "Moon age Daydream", of the original Pink Floyd on but it also spotlights Mott the they don't even sell records) early Rykodisc's digitally mastered "Hang On To Yoursclf', and 1972's psychedelic The Man Who Hoople's "All Young Dudes" as last week to plunk down some Bowie series. "Ziggy Stardust". Sold The Wo rid, with the eight well as "Rebel, Rebel." cash on something new and worth Rykodisc has re-issued all of Most importantly, Ryko's re­ minute opus "Width of a Circle". Hopefully Ryko will continue reviewing. I was hoping for Bowie's early work, from Space issues mean that Bowie's greatcst One of Bowie's greatest releasing vintage Bowie. I wouldn't Daniel Ash's (of Love & Rockets) Oddity to the epic Diamond Dogs. works are flIlally available after all triumphs was Bowie Pinups, where mind adding Low, Lodger and solo disc; or the new Paul The sound OIL the re-issues is clean these years. The pre-Let's Dance David covers The Who, Pretty Heroes to my collection. Until Rodgers/Ker11lY Jones project. and clear. The original analog years. Things, The Yardbirds, Syd's Pink then, I'll just do as the Ziggy Nothing seemed too interesting as tapes have been remastered for a At the risk of dating myself, Floyd, the Kinks and even (God Stardust cover mandates: TO BE I SC3r11led the best-sellers. Instead, better release than most re-issues who could ever forget Space only knows why) Bruce PLAYED AT MAXIMUM I hassled Leonard Wagner again (like the horribly mastered Led Oddity with Major Tom? Or the Springsteen. VOLUME to order me a couple of CD's. Zep colle<.tion). relentless "Suffragettc City" with The rcefer headed Diamond Where have you gone Andrew Leonard's a great guy, by the way, Not stopping at simply its Hey-Man's and Wam-Bam­ Dogs is also among the re-issues. Wood? RIP. always ready to please you with improving the sound quality of the Thank-You-Ma'ams, from Ziggy The Orwellian disc is even more special orders if he doesn't have it CD's, Ryko includes full lyric Stardust and The Spiders From tripping without the tape hiss in stock. sheets as well as original cover and Mars? flossing your brain. Instead I picked up the Red Hot rare Bowie pies. What about Alladin Sane's Rounding out the re-issues, thus Chili Peppers' The Uplin Mofo And that's still not all. Rykodisc (sorry folks, I stole the name) far, is David Live David Bowie At Talkillg With Betty Boop r-~-···~< -- --~--~~--~ BY MARY FRANCES MESSINA York City. BiJdner, who was Philadelphia area. Whcn asked Of The Grizzly pursuing an acting career full time about his goals for the future, Mr. TRAPPE for the last year, came to Wells replied that he wants to "be I' On March 5, Universal Studios Philadelphia to try out for Betty the best darned entertainer I can BEER & SODA Florida held open call auditions at Boop. Prior to the audition, be". the Holiday 1r11l Center City in Bildner rented Betty Boop Each participant performed a 489-2070 Philadelphia. Universal Studios, cartoons to learn the wide-eyed one-minute, comic monologue in "YOUR FULL SERVICE BEVERAGE STORE" which opened its new theme park gal's voice and gestures. However, character. If the monologue was in Orlando in October 1990, was true to character, then you were talent and preparation is not MON-WED 10-7 TRAPPE SHOPPING CENTER seeking experienced actors to play enough to bring celebrity to life. invited to callbacks. Those who THURS 10-8 130 WEST MAIN STREET western stuntmen/women for their made it past callbacks received FR19-9 TRAPPE, PA 10426 Physical resemblance is also a key SAT 9-8 live-action shows. Auditions were element. Ultimately, Bildner chose an invitation to work in Florida. PROOF OF 1.0. MAY BE REQUIRED! also held for celebrity look-alike to portray Boop because she had Not a bad dcal, eh? performers. the right body part to fill out the A look into the registration part. room reminded one of what it Perhaps the best and most might be like in a carnie show contemporary celebrity look-alike' after hours. Men in black or white was Steve Erckle from the cowboy hats juggled various television show "Family Matters". surgery. Vicki and Harrison shack a1so shows up in town to cause BY ELLEN SHATZ paraphernalia. Marilyn Monroe, Dressed in black flood pants, up in the mayor's hideaway for a some trouble, starting by punching Of The Grizzly dressed in a floor length pink satin suspenders, and glasses with tape Valentine's romance, yet break up out half the police force. gown which tied in the back with a over the bridge, P. Antonio Wells after a night of passion (An All My Cbildren matching satin bow, sashayed did a great job in bringing his Ursinus relationship?) Santa Barbara around the room. Meanwhile, Adam ignored Brooke's warning Lisa/Eden help Andre rob famous personality to life. to leave her alone, trying Charlie Chaplin twitched his black Although he was a little put off Days of Our Lives Santa Barbara of their jewels, but mustache and tottered around the desperately (and pathetically) to Kim returned to Salem, walking Cruz is onto them. Dash saves when people told him he looked win her back. Natalie headed to room swinging his cane. The like Steve Erckle, Wells is now in on Shane and Kayla kissing. Julia (How valiant for a rapist!!) tamaraderie between the actors the Caribbean for a quickie Stephanie celebrated her 1st Quir11l dreams of telling Kelly he's using the resemblance to his divorce from Adam. Hayley stowed was evident by the way they advantage. birthday. Kayla and Marcus kissed, alive and Robert is dead. Gina playfully addressed each other by away on the plane to escape too. (What a hoi She really gets wants to conceive and Keith is When he is not practicing the returning home with her mom who their character's names and Erckle dance, Wells is a member around the male cast, doesn't only too willing to help, but Flame needs her to collect public willingly exchanged information of Choice COr11lection, an acting she?) Jack married Eve to save his must leave town first. Everyone about agents. Never once did any assistance. Barbara is crushed to paper from Lawrence. Eve was wants Keith out of office and Julia group based in Philadelphia. learn about Tom and Ceara of the actors come out of Choice COr11lection is currently arrested for Nick's murder. as his replacement (a psycho character. (Ceara sure does move fast!!) Everyone testified against her at DA.?-that's a new one!!) performing a Rap-Rock Education Travis serves Erica with divorce One hopeful actress was 25 year program for schools in the the preliminary trial. (Guess she's old Rachelle Bildner from New papers asking for full custody of up the river!) Mickey goes to The Young and The Restless Bianca on grounds of Erica's Horida to be with Maggie on their Cassie and Brad are divorcing. adultery (I guess she didn't know anniversary. Little does he know, Brock was shot by an unknown City of David at Berman that when you cheat, you get but she just slept with Neil ... robber, but Clint saved his life. caught!). The City or David: Discoveries holy life 4,000 J-dlS ago in thc Clint took a bullet in his hand and from the Excavations, featuring Holy Land. General Hospital is hiding out at Gina's. Nina Another World 2.75 rare objects that were The exhIbition was organized in Anna ties Robert up with her bought a gun to protect herself Taylor is PSYCHO! She unearthed during an eight-year cooperation with the Institute of stockings (Kinky!!) As ELQ's ship and Phillip from David, and hid it anonymously tipped Charlene that archaeological dig, is now open in Archaeology, The Hebrcw sinks in the harbor, protestors in the kitchen. (why?) David DOr11la was ir11locent and to meet the Berman Museum of Art. On University of Jerusalem, Israel. On protest on the deck. Billy Eckhardt know~ that Darmy, Cricket, and her in an abandoned warehouse. view for the fll'St time in the display through June 30, the (and his family)-a Luke Spencer Nina are onto him, but wants John found her there, where she United States, the elegant pottery, cxJubition will be circulated to four look-a-like and cousin-tum up in Nina's money and won't give up gave birth to Gregory John ancient coins and inscriptions, other U.S. cities by the Berman town. Robert's hot brother, Mack until he has it (pretty greedy!!) ltatuettes, primitive figurines and Museum of Art over the next two Hudson. John lost his limp in arrowheads help paint a picture of years. Page 8 The Grizzly •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••March 19, 1991 ** •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sports • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ** Extra Men's Lacrosse Club Wins Season Opener BY KATHLEEN WALTON from the novices, the veteran (4), Short (1), and Zartman (1). defense in front of him, Velte Of The Grizzly players were able to show-case Sean Hagan played his defensive denied Muhlenberg any goals in their abilities. position relentlessly, giving up the second half. Point Alex Bradley and Dennis Short When the home club is down by nothing to the Mules. Hagan also The Grizzlies' season opener three goals, winning doesn't seem both managed to penetrate the came up with some solid, if not was fast, hard-hitting, and if it is BY A. JUDD WOYfEK probable, much less possible. On Muhlenberg defense easily, scoring illegal, hits. Staz and Chris an indication of things to come Sports Editor Saturday, the Men's Lacrosse Club two goals each. Barnaby Draper, Keohane also aided the defensive the "Rock Pile" is the place to ~ This Extra Point is a put that idea to rest with a Trey Gelston, and Chris Tracanna efforts. Goalie Eric Velte came this Spring. Next Saturday, the ontinuation of the column THE stunning come-from-behind win each scored a goal. Assists were alive in the second half and club faces off against Penn State ANGERS OF STEROIDS wh ich over Muhlenberg. Down 2-5, with made by Tom Delaney (1), Draper garnered 17 saves. With a solid DelCo. Be there. IfJpeared in the last four issues of a defense that seemed to be falling 'he Grizzly. apart, the chances for a win Jodie Slothower in her January appeared to dwindle, but in the 1988 Health magazine article calls second half, UC regrouped and the aforementioned behavior exploded with five goals, and "Bodybuilder's Psychosis." She also denied the Mules a win. cites the Pope study and reports The season opener brings not that 5% of the respondents only a new season, but a new suffered from depression and 10% coach. The lack of a coach has suffered from auditory been a problem since the team's hallucinations of voices. Among inception because the club lacks women, 60% had a heightened funds to pay a salary. Paul Purdue, sexual drive, yet 80% complained a former Division III Lacrosse All- of emotionally disruptive episodes American, volunteers his time for among family and friends. Shepard Ursinus, and his efforts paid off in his March 1989 Scholastic against Muhlenberg. In past Coach article calls the psychotic seasons, the club had a tendency to crumble when losing. The new ffects of steroids "Roid Rages." attitude and support that coach Marshall adds in his article from 'Purdue brings with him prevented cience that heavy steroid users a collapse, and instead helped UC ay become sociopathic and injure to rally to their ftrst win. thers as well as themselves.. A Obviously not all the credit can uote form Pope in Cowart's go to the coach. The talent for ovember 10, 1989 lAMA article UC, especially new talent, refused says, "Acne will go away and to give up. First year players Blair esticles will return to normal size, Zartman and Chris Foust put in ut if you're in jail for 20 years solid performances throughout the ecause of steroids, that's a pretty serious effect in itself." game. In his ftrst game ever, new­ comer Pete Staz came up with a Many of the steroid abusers massive hit late in the third Chris Tracanna (I) and Sean Hagan (r) show the Mules who is in controL acquire the drugs from coaches, trainers, or fellow athletes. The quarter which eventually led to a Buckley survey previouslylL~U~C~g~oal~.~VV~i~th~e~ff~o~rt~s~l~ik~e~th~e~s~e------r------~------~------mentioned found that most teens • Seaso"n Five Named to obtained steroids from a coach, a MAC Honor Roll private gym employee, or other Tennis Teams BegIn bodybuilders. One-ftfth of the BY MICHELE MCCABE doubles teams battled to three setter, 6-7 (4-7),6-4,6-1. They had From Gazette Sports Update respondents, however, said that sets, only the pair of Sedgewick Of The Grizzly a slightly tougher time with SpOI1S Infonnation they had obtained the drugs from and Clarke pulled out a win at doubles when number one and health-care professionals such as The Men's and Women's Tennis number two 6-3, 4-6, 6-3. three lost tight setters. Second Four members of the men's doctors, veterinarians, or teams had their season openers on Despite this disappointing loss, doubles pulled it out for the win phaqn.acists. In Cowart's swimming team and one member Saturday at home against coach Mary Ann Harris is with a decisive 7-5, 6-4 score. of the wrestling team were recently November 10, 1989 lAMA article, Elizabethtown College. The optimistic about the rest of the Both teams sharpened their she says that 80% of the steroids named to the MAC Winter women dropped a 4-5 thriller and season. "We are a stronger team skills in pre-season play in Hilton Academic Honor Roll. Senior used by students and athletes are the men posted a 5-4 win. The than last year with a strong Head Island, where they obtained from health professionals. Frank Chrzanowski, Juniors Matt experienced women's team plays nucleus. We just need to stay participated in the 5th annual Landis and Steve Grubb, and According to Marshall's Science senior co-captain Janet Crutcher at mentally tough and play like we're Rossingnol Spring Break magazine article mentioned above, sophomore Mike Baganski join number one singles, junior Alison capable of, and we will do Tournament. Teams from all over with junior wrestler Rodney "a huge black market has Sedgewick at number two, senior extremely well this season." the United States flock to this developed," which FDA Hessinger as honorees from co-captain Michele McCabe at The men's team fmished off growing tournament, and there Ursinus. For students to qualify enforcement officials think may three, senior co-captain Helena their foes in a nail-biter ending in was a lot of superb tennis action. involve over $100 million in annual for the honor roll, they must be Hertlein at four, junior Cleary a 5-4 win. This strong team The women fmished with a 1-3 sophomores who are starters or sales. Cowart in her June 16, 1989 Clarke at five, and freshman includes senior Pete Smith at record, dropping two matches in lAMA article cites John M. significant contnbutors to their Yvonne Pirowitz at six. McCabe number one singles, sophomore close 4-5 scores. They played respective sports, and possess at Hoberman, PhD, associate and Hertlein pair up for a third Christian Sockel at two, freshman Guilford College, Barton College, professor of Germanic languages least a 3.40 cumulative grade point year at first doubles, Sedgewick Dave Washburn at three, senior Armstrong State College, and average. The honor roll included at the University of Texas, saying and Clarke follow at second Steve Bronstein at four, freshman Roanoke College, all of whom are 76 students form 22 colleges. that "some athletes and their doubles, and Crutcher and Dave Miller at five, and junior strong schools. The men posted a coaches and trainers see chemical Pirowitz team up at third doubles. Keith Kratz at six. Doubles teams 1-1 record, defeating Roanoke ------substances as simply a progressive The netters entered doubles include Smith and Sockel at one, College 6-3 and losing to Avarette SPORTS EDITORS development in the sport and not action in a 3-3 deadlock with their Washburn and Miller at two, and College 2-7. All matches helped NEEDED FOR NEXT as ethical misconduct." Cowart also opponents. Wins included number Bronstein and senior Kevin gear the players up for tough, but YEAR!!! says that "physicians who have three McCabe triumphing over her Athaern at three. very promising seasons. athlete patients should no only opponent 6-2, 6-1; number five The Bears entered doubles The men's next match is at Anyone interested contact tell them that using anubolic Clarke defeating her opponent 6-3, action ahead 4-2. Victories came home on Wednesday and the Judd Woytek at 454· steroids has health risks, but also 6-3; and number six Pirowitz, in from Smith (6-4,6-4), Sockel (6-3,6- women's next match is at home on 0153 or Steve Grubb at that it's illegal and morally wrong." her college debut, winning handily 4), Washburn (6-1,6-3), and Thursday. 489-2080. See Extra Point page 9 6-3, 6-2. Although all three Bronstein in an exciting three l. .~ " '.,. _, "~I\ "'.1\ ,\. .. r,)\.\1\h' ."\ ,.\!\O\ ''"\J .'\.:.: .... ,\. March 19, 1991 The Grizzly Page ~ ***************************************** ******************************************. ***************************************** Sports ******************************************. Softball Starts Season Baseball World Tour '91 BY ERIKA COMPfON Estelle gave up nine hits in four Of The Grizzly innings, allowing three earned BY HARLEY DAVID RUBIN were certainly not ready. After us into our game that afternoon, runs, walking one batter, while Of The Grizzly getting hammered in the second and an obnoxious team from The Bears softball team began striking out two. Chandler pitched game by Wesley College, the Madonna College (that's their real its season with a somewhat the last two innings, giving up one We're not the monsters of Rock, team's spirits were understandably name-I couldn't make this stuff disappointing start. On Tuesday, hit, walking one, and fanning two. and we're certainly not the dampened a bit. An 0-3 start is no up) beat us with some cheap runs March 12, the ladies dropped two Willever (2-2) led the Bears' in Grateful Dead. But that didn't way to begin a season. So through in a late game (10:00 P.M.). We games to host Villanova. On game two with help from Estelle stop the Ursinus College Baseball extra concentration and team were 3-6 and had one game left to Saturday, March 16, they travelled (1-2) and Quinn (1-2). Deanna team's trip to Cocoa, Florida form meetings (held by senior co­ go. to Philadelphia Pharmaceutical Prickett scored UC's only run on a being "a tour to end all tours." But captains Bruce McNutt and Mike Nine o'clock on a Friday and Science (PCPS), where they stolen base. this was just the beginning of the Roman), your Bears decided to morning is not the first time you lost a double-header. The Lady Bears' fIrst game season for the Battlin' Bears. battle back. would think of when asked the Considering that Vi1Ianova is a against PCPS was tied through the When we stepped from that Keene State from New Jersey best time for a baseball game. But Division I team, fust year coach 7th inning. In the bottom of the airport in Orlando and felt the was our frrst victim on Tuesday for the Ursinus Bears, it was as Don Groff and assistant coach 8th inning, PCPS scored on the warm Florida sun on our cold morning, as we took out all our good a time as any. The Mount Alex Churgai were pleased with frrst baseman's error. In game one, Collegeville faces, it was defmitely troubles on them. After spanking Union team had the element of The team's performance. Jacquie Coryell (1-3), and Reynolds (1-3). time to play ball. the Keenesters, the Mount Union revenge on their side, but that was Ager pitched the first game, Ager was the losing pitcher, Our frrst game was three hours team that was our opponent that all they had. Remember when we allowing three earned runs and walking fIve and fanning one. after we got off of the plane on afternoon was no more than a beat them way back on Tuesday? giving up fIve hits. The offense was Chandler began pitching the Saturday, March 2, and it was one group of sitting ducks. Jesse (Fish) As Yogi Berra said, "It was deja led by Dawn Estelle (1-1, one run second game, followed by Ager. of the tougher opponents we Searfoss and Jamiel (Squid) vu all over again." A gutsy job on scored), Robyn Quinn (2-3), and Chandler allowed seven runs, would face in F1orida-a Division Ambrad combined to drown the the mound by Paul Guenther and Amy Coryell and Kathy Willever, struck one out, and walked three. II team from St. Joseph's College Mount Union batters handily. r n a solid all-around defensive effort who each went 1-3 and scored a Megan Love and Quinn helped in Indiana. Needless to say, we one day, we went from a 0-3 led us to a victory in our fmal run. Villanova scored their runs out on the scoring end. Love (1-2) gave it our best shot, but came up down-on-our-Iuck team to a 2-3 game of the tour. Head Coach early, and UC battled back late in had a double and two RBI's in the short in a tough loss to a team up-and-coming team. It was easy Brian Thomas and Assistant Coach the game, but never caught up. second inning. Quinn went 2-4 and that brought to Florida what to see that we were coming Mike Svanson both expressed their together as a team. The fmal score was 5-3. scored a run. Amy Colistra was a seemed to be about 30 players. happiness with the way our team The second game consisted of pinch runner in the ftfth inning One cool fact was that we played Our team's takeoff to stardom came together, and we all hope the combined pitching efforts of and scored on a wild pitch. The this game in an honest-to-goodness was suddenly delayed on that you guys will come out to our Estelle and Natalie Chandler. fmal was 10-6 in favor of PCPS. stadium (capacity 5,(00). I can't Wednesday when we lost to a games and watch us improve and p~t into words the excitement I team from Guilford College in become one of the best teams felt just warming up on the field, North Carolina (where they play around. Extra Point Cont'd. Indoor Track and I wish that everyone in the ball all year long) and a team from FINAL NOTES: Co-captains Something needs to be done to world could have that type of Barton College that plays a lot of McNutt and Roman hit .433 and stop the growing use of these Finishes Season feeling at least once in their Division I and II teams. These .360, respectively, and certainly led dangerous drugs. As of now, there lifetime. tough losses came due to better by example ....Other upperclassmen BY NEIL SHAFER are drug testing programs which On Sunday, we were scheduled prepared opponents and more hitting well were Paul Madson and Qf The Grizzly attempt to deter steroid use, but to play a team from Minnesota exhausted Grizzlies, but we weren't Bob Yetman, who batted 370 and the present system is a joke. In named Bemidji State, but they done yet. There was no way we 342... As a team, we hit .285 .... 0n Before March Madness Steve Wulfs June 1, 1987 Sports didn't show up due to a lack of would settle for being 2-5. the mound, four different pitchers Illustrated article, he told of how began the indoor track season communication and bad weather. Thursday came and our team (Ambrad, Guenther, Searfoss and some athletes would mask their was coming to a Close. The So instead, the game was played needed a boost. Bob Yetman Yetman) gained victories .... The Monday morning, and we took a provided that boost with a superb steroid use. 'The guys would put Ursinus squad sent four writer of this article didn't get a big loss. Unfortunately, due to a pitching effort in a victory over motor oil on their hands, then piss members to the East Coast hit in two at-bats but scored a, Clarion university from on the motor oil ... or they'd take in Athletics Conference scheduling problem, we only had well, exciting run. Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, this bottles with someone else's urine." Championships at Bates about ten minutes to eat lunch and momentum wasn't enough to carry Cowart adds in her April 7, 1989 College, Maine. get to our next game, for which we JAMA article that 'The timing of The team as a whole scored drug testing correlates poorly with 11 points, and ftnished 12th out drug taking and a significant of 22 teams. Head Coach number of users don't face drug Richard Whatley and Company testing at all." flew to Bates for the ftnal Also, the current system of chapter of the '91 Indoor regulation and penalization for steroid use in the school systems campaign. Bill Bnnel ran to a does not send a strong enough sixth place finish in the 400 message out to the student. meter run. His time was 51.67. According to the Pennsylvania Bunnel earned 1 pt. for the Interscholastic Athletic Bears. Association's guidelines on steroid John Martin won the 5000 use among athletes, a fust time meter run in a time of 15:10. offender is only suspended from Martin scored 10 pts. for school athletics for the remainder Ursinus. Senior Tim Driscoll of the season. A second time fmished 7th in the 3000 meter offender would be suspended for run in a time of 9:05. Driscoll the remainder of the season and for the following season. A third was followed by Brian time offender would be Drummond. Drummon (15th permanently suspended from place) ran 9:31. school athletics. That allows three All four men participated in chances for students to use the distance medley relay. The steroids and get caught! Most of team finished 7th in the relay them won't get caught one time, with a time of 10:56. but if they are caught once, the The outdoor season has punishment should be stronger. begun. The Bears ftrst meet is This spedIJI edition of EJtInI POW -mE at the Greyhound Invitational DANGERS OF ~wi1I be on March 23rd at Moravian. ~ tIuougltouJ lite IIDI few issues of Bob Yetman gets. hit. lkGrizzly. g March 19, 1991 =pae=10=The G=riZZly=Q pin ion s I Lette rs = Campus MeIno

BY RICHARD P. RICHTER The Barry M. Goldwater average are eligible to apply The Grizzly Scholarship, which makes generous Professor Berry is the faculty This is the season when a awards for each of the junior and contact for Fulbrights also. Editor-in-Chier Krishni Patrick committee of Ursinus faculty and senior years to students who have Winners of such competitive Associate Editor Eleanore Hajian staff choose an Ursinus student to outstanding potential to pursue scholarships get much more than Editorial Assistant Denise Makoid compete against those from other careers in mathematics and natural financial aid. They gain unusually News Editors Eleanore Hajian area colleges for the St. Andrew's sciences. Professor Peter F. Small valuable learning opportunities, as Krishni Patl"ick Scholarship, awarded annually by in Biology is the faculty contact. we have heard for many yean Features Editors Coleen Casciano the St. Andrew's Society of The Rhodes Scholarship, which from St. Andrew's scholarShip Kate Grim Philadelphia. Four winners receive supports two years of postgraduate winners returning from Scotland. Arts and Entertainment Editor Jennifer Strawbridge the S1. Andrew's scholarship each study at the University of Oxford And they gain a valuable Assistant Arts and Entertainment Editors Sara Jacobson year and go to one of three in England for 32 American endorsement for the rest of their Danieile Owens universities in Scotland for their citizens each year. Criteria include professional lives. In the Sports Editor A. Judd Woytek junior year, with all expenses academic achievement, moral force competitive process of fmding the Assistant Sports Editor Steven Grubb covered. of character and ability to lead, right job or professional Science Editors Eric Bleickardt Over the years more Ursinus and success in sports. Professor appomtment, a candidate with a Todd Koser students have won the St. Victor Tortorelli in Chemistry is prestigious scholarship on his or Opinions Editors Yvette Dennis Andrew's Scholarship than those the faculty contact. her resume gains an added Mark Hallinger of any other competing college. Mellon Fellowships in the advantage. Photography Editors Peter Senescu Ursinus students need to work Humanities, which support I encourage students who have Kristen Schwartz for a better showing, however, in beginning graduate work in an interest and think they may Sports Photography Editor Kathleen Bowers competition for other external preparation for a career of qualify to see the faculty memben Assistant Photography Editors Karla Hummel scholarships. Among these are tht teaching and scholarship in a field named above or to consult with Toni Castells Talens following: of the humanities. Professor John Dean William E. Akin. B~siness Managers Pam Parkhurst The Harry S. Trumal Wickersham in Classical Studies is Meghan McCormick Scholar~hip, which makes generou! the faculty contact. Circulation Manager John Petko awards for the junior and senior Fulbright Grants, which provide Computer Consultant Erik Moore years and two years of graduate support for graduate study abroad. Kenn Bradley school. It aims to encourage tOf' More than a hundred countries Gar Donecker students for public service. receive Fulbright scholars in all Typists Tara Livingston Professor Nicholas O. Berry in fIelds of study. Graduating seniors Danielle Owens Politics is the faculty contact. with a minimum 3.0 grade point Proofreaders Scott GaJiger Linda Fisher Sara Jacobson Faculty Adviser Mrs. Agostinelli On Teaching Catalan

First of all I would like to thank Spanish as the only official learning, let's say, Lithuanian, you Erika Compton for her article on language. Both Catalan and can do it as long as you fmd a Staff Members: Aileen Bidelspach, Jennifer Blay, Matt Becker, Kathleen the Catalan language. I think, Spanish are offIcial in Catalonia. tutor, and an outside authority in Bowers, Louis Bove, Becky Carreon, Reed 'Trash" Coats, Erika though, that a few aspects of her After a 270 year-old political the language to evaluate a fmal Compton, Dawn Deraney, Dianne Gabel, Scott Galiger, Trey Gelston, article were not exact, and need to prosecution of the Catalan examination. Bob Gonzella, Lori Gosnear, Diane Griffin, Amy Flemming, Adria Harris, be clarified, especially since at language, we can be glad enough Finally, I would like to clarify Rebecca Heyl, Terri Johnson, Tara Livingston, Evelyn Kousoubris, Ursinus, there are 200% more that our language has still not that I am not working for the Christopher Major, Michele McCabe, Sheri McCloskey, Megan Mendte, Spanish people than Catalan. disappeared. The use of Spanish, Catalan autonomous government. Melisa Miller, Dennis Moir, Casey Neal, Naimish Pandya, Sona Rewari, On Catalonia, it has to be said though, is still common, especially They have been very helpful and Harley Rubin, Aladdin Sane, Neil Schafer, Satsuki 1. Scoville, Cristina that the defInition that she gave, "a after a huge wave of immigration encouraging, and they are still Seliga, Gabi Scheel, Ellyn Shatz, Pete Smith, Susan Steele, Jen Stritch, small country under the rule of from other parts of Spain in the providing materials. Just last Tonya Ugoretz, Kathleen Walton, Mark Wilhelms, Cassandra Yutzy, and Spain," is illY subjective defInition, 1960's. It is inaccurate to say, week, we received a package with Laura Zobel. t - the way! like to defme it. When therefore, that "Spanish is not a dictionary and several exercise I said the word "country" I meant spoken" in Catalonia. books. I feel as if I were working Any omission in the staffbox is an unintentional Editors error. Our sincere "nation" in the meaning Dr. Berry On the course, the College for my government, and I am apologies. taught me in Politics 100, and the Scholars Program, I really hope it proud of it, but I am really first meaning of The American is not limited to "second semester working for my three students and The Grizzly was founded in' 1978, replacing the previous campus Heritage Dictionary: "A people freshmen, sophomores, and' for Ursinus College. newspaper, The Ursinus Weekly. The Grizzly is published and edited who share common customs, juniors" because only one of my This being said, I hope nobody entirely by students, and the views expressed in the paper are not origins, history, and frequently three students, Amy Beil, falls into was offended by the uecwsa.·i1y those held by the administration faculty, or a consensus of the language; nationality." Currently, that category. I am also teaching misuderstandings of last weeit's student body. The staff of The Grizzly invites opinions from the college Catalonia is part of Spain, except to Kevin Athearn, a second article on teaching Catalan, and I community and will publish them as time and space permit. The Grizzly the little county of Rossell6, that semester senior, and to Odile would like to thank Erika reserves the right to edit all submissions for both gram'mar and content. is part of France since 1659. Piloz, a language assistant. Compton, Qnce again, for her On the language, Catalan, Also, you do not need foreign interest in the Program. It is our feeling that HOpinions" pieces and the dialogs they often although it is widely spoken and students to teach you their inspin ore the most interesting section of a a publication, Expression of publically used, it has not replaced language. If you are interested in Antoni Castells i Talens opinion is ClUCiai for positive change to occur on the Ursinus Campus; this Catalan Instructor ~on of ideas requires input from both faculty and students. The Opinions section of The Grizzly is intended to be a fmum for discussion. Letter Policy Your opinions ore needed to keep discussion broad based and pertinent. Letters must be typed and no more than 300 words. Topics can range from local or campus issues and international Name and telephone number are required for verification issues. Single submissions on any topic will be welcome. The length of a purposes. Letters can be deposited in the Grizzly mail box in typicoJ opinion piece is usually between 200 and 400 words. Any article JUeived by a Thursday can be printed in the following Monday's Grizzly, as Olin Hall or outside of the Publications Room (third Door of space allows. Bomberger Hall, Myrin Ubrary side) by Thursday. The Grizzly Pieces may be delivered directly to the Publications Room (3rd reserves the right to edit all letters. Requests for anonymity will Floor Bomberger-Librrvy side) be considered by the editorial board. -Opinions Editors

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Student Apathy Is Growing BY A. JUDD WOYfEK as many Resident Assistant to Reimert at 5:00pm on Friday that happens on this campus? Did I bet you would all be wanting to Sports Editor applicants as they did last year! and does not leave the building you know that there are supposed join a committee or attend a The Inter-FratemityCouncil (IFC) until Sunday at noon to go study to be student representatives on meeting to do something about it! only had two members show up at again! these committees? Instead of So why don't you become involved Student apathy is becoming a last week's meeting. There are two Why don't some of you get up complaining about how much the in other ways? major problem on the Ursinus frats on campus with less than five off your butts and do something school costs, get your money's As the 1991-92 President of Campus. This is evidenced by the pledges. Even Reimert social while you are here at Ursinus for worth out of it ! Instead of USGA, I have already proposed recent decision to cancel the activities on weekends are poorly four years? The close to $16,000 complaining about things that that a new Campus Finance Board Ursinus Student Government attended this year! Admissions has that you will pay to come here happen on campus, Jom a be set up to allocate the Student Association (USGA) elections trouble finding hosts for next year does not all go directly committee and do something Activities Fee which all of you pay because no one running had any perspective students who come to to the professors. YOUR MONEY about it!! Instead of having (it's going up to $125 next year). competition. Only one person ran Red & Gold Day functions. The pays for the entertainers at nothing to do on weekends, go see The positions to this board would for each of the five executive Lantern has received very few Reflections. YOUR MONEY goes an entertainer or a movie in be elected by each class. I have positions! Some positions for class submissions for their next issue. to pay for the publication of The Wismer! There is a large sum of also proposed to hold campus wide offices do not even have one The Grizzly is having trouble Glizzly, The Lantem, and The YOUR MONEY going toward the elections for two of the most candidate running in the election finding editors for next year! RA's Ruby. YOUR MONEY pays the renovation of Wismer Hall to turn important groups on campus, the scheduled for this Wednesday! We are constantly complaining that not Resident Assistants who try to the old auditorium into a multi­ Campus Life Committee and the also see apathy when we look at enough of their residents provide you with a community in purpose room. You should have a Judicial Board (J-Board). You can the upcoming Dance Marathon. participate in hall programs. The which to live. YOUR MONEY say in how it is designed and what become involved in these and Approximately only 50 people have Forum requirement is under pays for things like the Food functions take place there. Yes, a other committees which will enable signed up to dance and raise evaluation because of extremely Service, the operation of the committee of mostly students told YOU to decide how YOUR money for the Leukemia low participation. Committees that residence halls, the renovations the architect what the room should MONEY is spent! Foundation. Reflections is attended meet on campus cannot function being done to Wismer Hall, the look like and how it should be So become involved! Please!!! by only a few people, except when bf"cause student representatives do Musser programs, the things that able to function. Why weren't you Remember, it is YOUR MONEY Dave Binder is here (and he didn't not show up! CAB and USGA do, the there to voice your opinion? Get and YOUR school. Don't you even get more than 100 people at What are all of you doing with maintenance and cleaning crews, involved! Do something with the think YOU should have a say in his flCst show this year). The your lives?? Classes are not the the Red & Gold Day receptions, four years you are here! It is part what goes on? By the way, the Residence Life staff was only thing that Ursinus offers to its the receptions coming up in April of your education! proposed changes mentioned disappointed with the number of students! Certainly not everyone at for accepted students, and many If I were to tell you that the above for the alcohol policy-they students attending AlRBAND and this school sits in their rooms other things that happen on ALCOHOL POLICY might be were not hypothetical. with the low number of T-shirts studying every minute that they are campus every day! undergoing some changes for next sold to benefit Amanda King. not in class or practicing for a Did you know that there is a year leading to the strict Residence Life also received half sport! Certainly not everyone goes committee for almost everything enforcement of underage drinking,

Consider Women's Studies Coming Events "The Soviets: A Personal Portrait" Forum Speaker, Dimitri Next Semester Devyatkin

Wednesday, March 20 BY JEN RAUSIN course last semester. I found that 7:30 P.M., Olin Hall I learned to appreciate the With registration approaching in difficulties of the women that a couple of weeks, many people came before me as well as what is will be wondering about electives in store for me as a woman in the open to them. One of the less "real" world. The history behind Open Dialog on the long term effects of the Persian Gulf War. known though very popular classes the many women's movements Moderated by Dr. Berry, Dr. Saleh, Dr. King, and Dr. Hood. one might keep in mind is IDS helped me to realize that the fight 301, Women's Studies. This class for equality continues on through Wednesday, March 20 examines the interaction between my actions and those of others. women and men in society. Michelle's experience with the 12:30 P.M, Parents' Lounge Specifically, gender roles in areas course was "both frustrating and mch as politics, religion, the work enlightening. When the semester place, and education are analyzed ended I was left with many and evaluated. Using literature, different emotions about my Student Debate: "The US Coalition should have used military essays, and personal experiences, gender: fear, happiness, confusion, students consider the changing anger, and relief. However, those force to liberate Kuwait" 'place of women and their future. futeen weeks helped me to learn a History is also examined in an great deal as well. To become effort to discover some of the aware of the ways in which women For Proposition: Rob Pohl and Cassandra Yutzy possible roots of today's societal are still a large minority in society characteristics. Finally, the concept was a valuable lesson. With and philosophy of feminism is Women's Studies behind me, I feel Against Proposition: Susana Camargo and Jonathan Cole discussed at length so that students that I'm better prepared to control can . try to form a fair my life and its direction." understanding of this movement. If you are open-minded and Class discussion is the rule, and in alrious about what it is and has Thursday March 21 this class it can be lively. been to be a woman, this is Michelle Festa and I both deftnitely the class to take next 3:30 PM Bomberger Auditorium learned a great deal from this semester.

1----- . Page 12 The Grizzly

I think thy thoughts a[er the!!, 0 Cod-Keplcl Science News Rw still try. for who knows what is possible - Faraday

Bolt to Latest Discoveries Mascot May Be Worth Million Some Day BY TODD A. KOSER Science Editor Pan daAmerica Getting an Early Start American Grizzly Bears were ravages of man, there are only a ll bison. but their threat to man and The sonogram allows parents to look at their child before it is even worshipped by the Sioux, stalked estimated 600 to 900 in the contigu­ domestic livestock has been born. Working from the knowledge that babies are often seen sucking by early trappers, and now face ous Unites States, with an additional greatly exaggerated. Tn this their thumb in utero one scientist is trying to fmd out more about the threat of extinction. It is 40.000 t 60,000 in the wilds of Alaska century, only 14 people and a few estimated that fewer than 900 and Western Canada. hundred farm animals have been handedness, left verses right, and its origins. His fmdings so far show thai Grizzlies survive in the wild in Its scientific name of Ursus Arctos killed by the total North Ameri­ 92% of all babies prefer the right hand to the left. This closely reflects the contiguous United States (48 Horribilis is misleading. since Griz­ can population of about 50,000 the 9:1 ratio of right to left handers that is present in the population. States). Two hundred years ago, zlIes feed mainly on nuts, berries. Grizzlies. This suggests that handedness is the function of genetics and not culture the Grizzly population in the roots and fish. these 200 pound tll These majestic animals arc or birth defects as has been suggested to explain the heavily weighted same area was in the tens of nearly one ton omnivores do occa­ favorites with wildlife artists, and phenomenon. Psychologist Peter Hepper plans to follow the develop­ thousands. Today, thanks to the sIOnally bring down small moose and have been featured twice on ment of the babies he studied to see if this preference shifts over time. United States half dollars com­ memorating the 1925 California Tiny Earthquakes-Lab Sized Even Diamond Jubilee and the 1936 One of the events during an earthquake is that cracks spread through Opening of the San Francisco­ the rock of the epicent,er at speeds exceeding 7,000 mph. The study of Oakland Bay Bridge. These rare this occurrence in the lab is hampered by the speed of the process. coins are now valued at up to Researchers at U.S. Geological Survey have found a way to slow down the process in the lab in order to study it better. Cylinders of granite the size of beer bottles are squeezed by a metal ram. Acoustic sensors on the "~: ~~i " ~;~~g~~;£~;[re,:tI' samples hear when microcracks are forming to fast and the pressure is .' .i; .ti} , \'< J ~ .~ :~: $40. reduced in order to prolong the process. The sensors also are good .. : . > ~f~.~.. ~' .:~~ . CJ The 1990 American Grizzly simulations of the seismographs that record regular quakes. These '. . T. • ~. Sterling Silver coin was minted for observations provide new information that will be helpful in predicting the Cook Islands, a member of . ' .' :' : 11v ~ ~i future earthquakes.

Military Technology: A Peaceful Use Satellite data often comes in the form of billions of pieces of informa­ J tion that must all be sorted out by million dollar equipment before it /~~ A •• :':··:: b ·~; r:'::' :.;. ;.~.;.~ .i.'!'~-of;','!" ':~;" ':l'"~~ ~cJ> ~:::,:~;~:!~!::1~~" handles by regular home computers and not the institution sized N~·~ __...... ,_,~ ...w. d " . Bridge of California Jubilee coins. computers that were formerly required. Now it may be possible for a ______~~~(1r__----~ farmer to analyze the run-off from his fields from satellite pictures. (JUSINUS Retinoic Acid All Over tbe Place Scientific American this month reported ti1'l~ retinoic acid is very LI~GE COI .. successful treating some forms of leukemia. The r.ar.cer, !eukemia, is caused when blood cells reproduce too quickly. These cells remain in the immature phases of development and cause serious problems. Retinoic acid is thought to control cell development and maturation. Patients who ZAeK'S MENU FOR WEEK OF: . ~ I took retinoic acid did have cells mature to near normal conditit.ns. This Wed. 3/20 - Tues. 3/26/91 r~qC~S would suggest that retinoic acid plays a very important, some argue most di'CUCE important role in cell differentiation and development. However this Wed., 3/20--Zackburger & Mpd . Urink .. $2.00 week Science News has published information about a study tlt3t £eems to refute the central role of retinoic acid in cell differentiation. Introduc­ Thurs.,3/21-Turkey Melt o n Gagel. .$1.75 tion of this acid to the limb buds of chicks failed to produce differentia­ tion as was predicteu. These researchers fell that this points to the acid Fri., 3/22--Tuna Sand. w/Fri e s. .$2.00 playing a role in aiding cells in communicating with each other, which in turn controls de'lelopmeJlt and differentiation. Mon., 3/25--Taco Salad ...... $2.25 Floating (Not Flying) Fish Tues.,3/26--Cheeseburger w!Free Reg. Superconductors are materials that conduct electricity with no Soda ...... $1.50 resistance. The latest quest in the field has been to produce samples thai had larger crystalline "grains" in them. These grains give rise to the levitation that allows magnet to float over these superconductors. Up till now the quality of the superconductors was such that they could not @ support magnets larger than the size of coins. Researchers in Tokyo have managed to produce a superconducting sample that was able to levitate The DANCE MARATHON FOR LEUKEMIA is Coming Soon!!! goldfish in a 4.5 pound tank that was atop a ring magnet. The progress toward mag-lev trains, magnetic levitation trains, has been slow, but March 22-23 at Helferrich Hall. steady. This was an important step in working towards frictionless groun transport.