
U.S. Open Season Is Seen in Editing of Animals By AMY HARMON

NOV. 26, 2015


A calf, left, approximately the same age as the first two genetically modified calves to have their DNA edited so that they do not grow horns, right. Credit Jenn Ackerman for ‘The New York Times’ SIOUX CENTER, Iowa — Other than the few small luxuries afforded them, like private access to a large patch of grass, there was nothing to mark the two hornless dairy calves born last spring at a breeding facility here as early specimens in a new era of humanity’s dominion over nature.

But unlike a vast majority of their dairy brethren, these calves, both bulls, will never sprout horns. That means they will not need to undergo dehorning, routinely performed by farmers to prevent injuries and a procedure that the American Veterinary Medical Association says is “considered to be quite painful.”

Instead, when the calves were both just a single cell in a petri dish, scientists at a start-up company called Recombinetics used the headline-grabbing new tools of gene editing to swap out the smidgen of genetic code that makes dairy cattle have horns for the one that makes Angus beef cattle have none. And the tweak, copied into all of their cells through the normal machinery of DNA replication, will also be passed on to subsequent generations.

A genetically engineered , top, and a regular one. Credit Paul Darrow for The New York Times

“It’s pretty cool,” said Micah Schouten, the calves’ caretaker, looking at his charges.

The uproar over the new ease and precision with which scientists can manipulate the DNA of living things has centered largely on the complicated prospect of editing human embryos. But with the federal government’s approval last week of a fast-growing salmon as the first genetically altered animal Americans can eat, a menagerie of gene-edited animals is already being raised on farms and in laboratories around the world — some designed for food, some to fight disease, some, perhaps, as pets.

Just this week, researchers reported having edited mosquitoes so that they will no longer carry the parasite that causes malaria. And the power to reshape other species, scientists and bioethicists say, raises questions that are both unique to animals and may bear on the looming prospect of fiddling with our own. “We’re going to see a stream of edited animals coming through because it’s so easy,” said Bruce Whitelaw, a professor of animal at the Roslin Institute at the University of Edinburgh. “It’s going to change the societal question from, ‘If we could do it, would we want it?’ to, ‘Next year we will have it; will we allow it?’ ”

Animal breeders have for Centuries scoured species for desirable traits and combined them the old- fashioned way, by selective mating. But that process can take decades to achieve a particular goal, like cows that are both resistant to disease and produce a lot of milk. And until recently, techniques used to manipulate DNA had been so imprecise as to make them too expensive and difficult to perform in many animals.

But the new techniques, collectively called “gene editing” to reflect the relative ease of their use, have made all manner of previously impossible or impractical goals sufficiently fast and cheap for many to find worth pursuing. Using enzymes that can be directed to cut DNA at specific locations, they allow scientists to remove and replace bits of genetic code more or less on demand. “It’s like a find-replace function in the genome of these animals,” said Scott Fahrenkrug, the chief executive of Recombinetics, based in St. Paul. “It allows us to find the natural variation that exists across a species and quickly bring it under one hood.”

At Roslin, for instance, Dr. Whitelaw has changed three in domesticated pigs vulnerable to African swine fever, which can devastate herds, to resemble those from wild pigs that are resistant to the disease. He is now breeding them to put them to the test.

With a tool called Talens, Recombinetics says it has created gene-edited pigs that can be fattened with less food and Brazilian beef cattle that grow large muscles, yielding more meat that may also be more tender. Others are working on chickens that produce only females for egg-laying and cattle that produce only males, since females are less efficient at converting feed to muscle.


Pig26, which was genetically modified as part of the research by the University of Edinburgh’s Roslin Institute to develop resistance to African swine fever. Credit Norrie Russell/The Roslin Institute Chinese researchers have produced meatier cashmere goats that also conveniently grow longer hair for soft sweaters, miniature pigs lacking a growth gene to be sold as novelty pets and bulky beagles lacking a muscle-inhibiting gene, an edit that could make for faster dogs.

Using the most powerful of the new tools, called Crispr-Cas9, in pursuit of treatments for human disease, researchers are also altering pigs in hopes of making them grow human organs and creating “gene drives” that would ensure that the edit to make mosquitoes malaria-proof, for instance, would spread through the whole population.

An Accelerating Pace

But the rapid advent of gene-edited animals threatens to outstrip public discussion of their risks and benefits, some scientists and bioethicists have warned.

“This essay is, in essence, a plea — let’s not ignore the nonhuman part of the biosphere,” Alta Charo of the University of Wisconsin and Henry T. Greely of Stanford University cautioned in an article titled “Crispr Critters and Crispr Cracks,” to be published in The American Journal of next month. “Not only is it much larger than the human part, but it is much more susceptible to unobserved or unfettered — but not unimportant — changes.”

The discussion of gene-edited animals in farming, in particular, will most likely be colored by the existing debate over the merits of genetically engineered food, which for decades has largely centered on corn and soybeans, altered with older technology to resist pests and tolerate herbicides. Opposition to such crops, known as genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, has prompted some retailers to decline to sell food made with them, and efforts to pass legislation to label them, even as farmers have widely embraced them and scientific organizations have said they are as safe for human health and the environment as conventional crops.

Many of the new generation of edited animals do not contain DNA from another species, a frequently cited concern among opponents of genetically engineered foods, which incorporate genes from bacteria. But some consumer advocates say it may be even more difficult to reach consensus on what, if anything, should be done to the DNA of animals.

“Animals on some level will always be more controversial,” said Greg Jaffe, director of biotechnology for the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a non-profit consumer advocacy group. “If only because people think of them as closer to humans.”

Beagles bred to build more muscle. CreditZhiwei Wu Advocates of the technology argue that it can make farming more efficient to help feed a growing world population with less of a toll on the environment. One projection published in a leading animal breeding journal, Selection Evolution, suggests that genome-editing could significantly increase the efficiency the livestock industry is able to achieve through conventional breeding within the same time period.

Today’s chickens, for instance, produce nearly 80 percent more meat for the same amount of feed as the chickens of the 1950s; if chicken breeders had had access to genome technology over that time, said John Hickey, a quantitative geneticist and a co-author of the paper, farmers would have been able to achieve that increase and also be able to grow chickens on half the land.

Others say the technology could benefit human health. The National Science Foundation is underwriting an effort to create dairy cattle that can resist a parasite that causes sleeping sickness in sub-Saharan Africa, a blight often treated with an antimicrobial drug that ended up making its way into the meat consumed by humans.

Several projects underway to edit genetic resistance to a variety of diseases in livestock could theoretically reduce the overuse of , which has made it harder to treat human bacterial infections. With funds from the United States Department of Agriculture, Bhanu Telugu, a University of Maryland researcher, is trying to design pigs so they can no longer serve as a reservoir for the flu virus. He argues for on behalf of animal health, too. “If we know we can eliminate the disease and we don’t, it is in my mind animal cruelty,” he said.

Fallout in the Food Chain

Still, some consumer advocates urge caution in applying techniques that are still so new to animals that will be consumed as food. Gene-editing tools are known to sometimes make changes to genes other than their intended targets, raising flags about how the changes might affect an animal’s health or the composition of milk or meat.



Tom Magnum

1 minute ago

This was an interesting article.Once the genie is out of the bottle there is no possibility of putting it back into the bottle. There should...

Bonnie Weinstein

7 minutes ago

The real problem is not the genetic alterations themselves, but the imperative of the corporate profit motive that funds this science that... fritzrxx

7 minutes ago

Reading this article, my 1st thought was if this knowledge is applied to humans, then partly realizing 'Brave New World' could be a matter... “You are reducing the universe of potential risks by moving into these techniques,” said Doug Gurian-Sherman, a senior scientist at the Center forFood Safety, a consumer advocacy organization that has been at the forefront of opposition to genetically engineered plants and animals. “But that is not to say we should not still proceed with great caution.”

And some animal rights advocates say gene-editing is simply a means to prop up an industry that causes animals to suffer.


The calves who were modified to not grow horns. “It’s pretty cool,” said Micah Schouten, their caretaker. Credit Jenn Ackerman for The New York Times

“Even if they can point to good intentions, it’s just exacerbating the problem,” said David Byer, a spokesman for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. The organization, which has urged the dairy industry to stop the practice of dehorning cattle, does not support gene-editing as a solution.

“People should stop consuming dairy or meat or eggs, not further manipulate animals by playing with their DNA,” Mr. Byer added.

The Food and Drug Administration has not said how or whether it will regulate the gene-edited animals to come. But even with the government’s stamp of approval, biotechnology advocates know that farmers are unlikely to embrace technology if they fear consumers will reject it.

And it has not helped the popularity of genetically engineered crops that their chief benefits so far — easier control of weeds and pests for corn and soybean farmers — are not terribly compelling to the eating public.

That is one reason Recombinetics has begun to show off its hornless calves.

Dehorning, which involves burning off horn-buds to stop the flow of blood to the horn tissue, has already garnered a degree of popular concern. Videos of the burning procedure carried out on Holsteins, the black-and-white breed largely responsible for the nation’s milk supply, and circulated by animal rights groups, draw long strings of critical comments.

“We know there’s a negative public perception of dehorning, and it’s certainly not a fun chore for the farmers,” said Lindsey Worden, the executive director for genetics at the Holstein Association.

A small fraction of Holsteins are naturally hornless, and several companies, including General Mills, Dannon and Walmart, have encouraged their dairy suppliers to increase their population through conventional breeding. Farmers have made some headway, with the population of hornless Holsteins climbing to about 4 percent last year from 3 percent in 2013.

TOM MAGNUM Texas 6 minutes ago

This was an interesting article. Once the genie is out of the bottle there is no possibility of putting it back into the bottle. There should be an all out effort to inform in greater depth so that the public can judge what is and is not acceptable and beneficial. For instance GMO's. I have heard so many things that I can't easily verify. Then there is the extreme problems like a rogue country like North Korea building Frankenstein monster soldiers.

BONNIE WEINSTEIN San Francisco 12 minutes ago The real problem is not the genetic alterations themselves, but the imperative of the corporate profit motive that funds this science that can't be trusted. There is innumerable examples of corporations putting profits over safety—GM, VW and are three giant corporations that immediately come to mind. How will this genetic-altering industry be any different? And how much more harm could their greed cause?

FRITZRXX Portland Or 12 minutes ago

Reading this article, my 1st thought was if this knowledge is applied to humans, then partly realizing 'Brave New World' could be a matter of time.

How far to stretch possibilities? Eliminating genes that bring birth defects or introducing genes to produce a TV-news-anchor- good-looking woman (with 135 IQ), to produce potentially Olympic-quality athletes, von Neumanns, etc.

And who would decide the possibilities to stretch? One person or a jury of qualified people from different institutions? Scarey!

Loud wails over GM-crops and -animals are, however, a puzzler. Do alarmists fear that these crops' and animal's consumption would rearrange the alarmists own genes? If so, how would that happen after crops had been milled and cooked, then subjected to the alarmists' digestive juices?

Designer-people seem the real worry. If designing physically and mentally vastly superior people is possible, then would that technology be available only to the few? In a brave new world, who would take scut jobs? Those jobs would remain even in a world of designer-people. So would some be designed to become Alphas and many more be designed to become Deltas?

DAVID X new haven ct 12 minutes ago

As one of many victims of an experiment on humans, my hope is that genetic research will be done to find cures for us.

Certain humans have a genetic predisposition to damage from statins. There is a robust association between the SLCO1B1 gene and statin induced myopathy.

Rather than creating new monsters, one hopes that scientists might focus on curing the monstrous things that have already been done to many humans. if research were being done, there would at least be some hope.

Thousands of people view the photos at the following site, and we hope that one of them might be a genetic scientist focused on cures:

KEITH FERLIN Canada 12 minutes ago

So far most of the comments seems to be based on a basic distrust of science meddling with nature. Those concerns have justification considering past practices. These comments show a knee jerk reaction rather than an intelligent evaluation of what was printed. This does not mean we should rush to develop this technique without careful study of possible effects. My understanding is that this replicates what happens in nature but in a controlled manner. If this is proven to be safe and can be done in ethical manner rather than the model displayed by Monsanto there is great promise for grappling with food production geared towards feeding people rather than just profits.

DD Cincinnati, OH 12 minutes ago

Some of you are serious hypocrites. While I agree that all studies or procedures that involve DNA manipulations in animals should proceed with caution, here are some things you can do to help in the meantime:

1-If you don't like how animals are treated in the meat and dairy industries, don't consume meat, eggs, or dairy! Or, purchase these products from small farms that use more human growing methods. Money talks; spend yours in ways that reflect the things you claim to believe. 2-If you are concerned about genetic manipulation of pigs to produce organs for human transplantation, sign your organ donor card! Be an organ and tissue donor! Donate blood. 3-If you don't want to see dogs housed in dirty cages, go to your local ASPCA or animal shelter and adopt a dog today. Ditto if you don't like the idea of creating specialty animal breeds to show or keep as pets. Spay/neuter your cats and dogs. 4-Be informed! Learn as much as you can about what molecular genetics currently has to offer, what new techniques are on the horizon, and speak to your local and federal representatives if you have concerns. Don't complain about what scientists are doing in their ivory towers if you aren't going to take the time to understand it or express your opinions in a thoughtful, meaningful way.

PAT Mystic CT 45 minutes ago

It would be wonderful if CRISPR would be used to allow dogs to live longer. It is heart-breaking to lose your best, furry friend at age 8, 9 or 10. How about 25-30 years? JEFF California 45 minutes ago

I am appalled at the complete lack of scientific knowledge of the general population as demonstrated by the posters to this news story. You all think that our DNA is unchanged since the first primate crawled out of the primordial seas. You also don't know that almost all of the animal and vegetable products we eat are the result of gene manipulation. Most were created by cross- breeding, a slow and hit or miss proposition. Cross breeding plants in a garden modifies their DNA. When a man and a woman create a child, that child's DNA has been modified from that of its parents.

JIM WADDELL Columbus, OH 48 minutes ago

At some point the controversy over the labeling of GMO foods will end, because all food will be GMO food. We don't label food as "hybridized" today even though almost all grains used in human and animal consumption are hybrids.

DAVID California 48 minutes ago

On one side this article lists very specific benefits of gene editing - mosquitoes that don't transmit disease, cattle that use less antibiotics, chicken that grow faster and meatier, on the other side the article lists vague fears (most with no known basis), the opinions of ivory tower "bioethicists," the radical views of PETA (who would ban all meat). Where is the evidence of harm? Maybe all the hand wringing will get traction in the West, but countries like China, with huge numbers of mouths to feed, is not going to slow down based on these vague fears.

RQUEEN18 , DC 48 minutes ago

Is anyone saving the genetic material of "unedited"animals, as is done with plants?

GEORGE Monterey 48 minutes ago

Mankind has been modifying crops and farm animals for thousands of years, along with dogs, cats and rose bushes. Lots of hysterical comments here but very few seem to be fact based. Some have even accused corporations of doing this for profit. Really? That cow left the barn a while ago.

It's Black Friday, get out there and shop with the rest of the lemmings.

W. OGILVIE Out West 48 minutes ago

The Luddite reaction to genetic science is akin to those who deny climate change.

MICHAEL N. ALEXANDER Lexington, MA 48 minutes ago

Since, as the article states, gene editing sometimes alters genes other than the intended targets, perhaps companies should be required to sequence and analyze all genes of the altered plant or animal; only after rigorous and impartial analysis of the results should the altered species be permitted.

EXPAT FROM L.A. Los Angeles, CA 48 minutes ago

"I never saw a purple cow, I never hope to see one; But I can tell you, anyhow, I'd rather see, than be, one. -- Gelett Burgess, 1895

What's to stop anyone with bad intentions from inventing anything they want?

DEAN Cincinnati 48 minutes ago The pessimistic responses here remind me of an essay I read about the introduction of surgical anaesthesia in the mid-19th century. Even then, a host of "intellectuals" responded with the typical complaints and failed entirely to recognize the spectacularly good consequences of a new technology. It is depressing how people take today's world for granted. The hardships we have been spared are so staggeringly cruel and immense, there is a dreadful irony about the continued resistance to life-improving innovations. They expect perfection, and they expect that we should magically be able to know everything that will happen in the future before we make a change that, by all reasonable standards, presents an opportunity for miraculous good. In fact, the consequences of stagnation are far more fatal. Our time is not special. New developments will be adopted, some accidents will probably happen, but overall we will see the world get a little better.

SLANN CA 48 minutes ago

So instead of "editing" mosquitoes so they cannot reproduce, they only eliminated a malarial parasite? This is one case where the "tyranny of the majority" should have been imposed.

STEVE FANKUCHEN Oakland, CA 48 minutes ago

Apparently lacking in the education of the scientists, businessmen, and policy makers involved in genetic modification are courses in humility and history. Instructive for these people -- and the public in general -- would be delving into the history of the development of the physics and subsequent application of nuclear energy.

The genuinely international community of theoretical and experimental physicists that existed in the first four decades of the 20th century rapidly evolved under the pressures of World War II and the subsequent Cold War into a highly controlled national weapons policy and profit oriented paradigm. In the process, scientists had to, for the first time, consider and then face the consequences of their own actions as scientists. That history is replete with lessons that would be hugely helpful in informing current discussions about genetic modification.

An excellent, informed volume on the subject is "Lawrence and Oppenheimer", by Nuel Pharr Davis. A broader, equally interesting read is "Brighter than a Thousand Suns", by Robert Jungk. The Davis book, especially, gives a sense of how the science has changed dramatically from a model primarily based on the joy and wonder of discovery to one based on profit and weapons. Note that these books were written a half century ago, not as part of any current advocacy.

The issues faced by the public with genetic modification are much the same as those faced in the development of nuclear energy.

CARLO 47 Italy 48 minutes ago

That's why Europeans don't want to enter in the TTIP.

JOHN MICHEL South Carolina 1 hour ago

Hopefully this will bring about the end of the pernicious human race but will not destroy much other life on this beautiful world.

JEFF California 45 minutes ago

Why do you have such self-hatred? We humans are just another animal on Planet Earth.

JOHN MICHEL South Carolina 6 minutes ago

"We" humans are not just another animal. We are maligned and pernicious, destroying everything for our greed and self- importance. I do not hate myself like you do. I am trying to not be a part of Man's suicidal behavior by being vegan (for most of my 73 years), not consuming more than my basic needs require and being aware of reality as it pertains to human folly. But you, Goldilocks, are living in a dream world of denial.

SALLY ECKHOFF Philadelphia, PA 1 hour ago

Take a look at the photo of the beagles in this article. Hopeful, trusting animals living on dirty lab kennels, in bad light...this is science's plan for pets. What good is more muscle going to do for house-pets, anyway? Shame on people who support this wasteful pursuit. Most beagles are primarily pets who live indoors. But where I live, beagles are working dogs, carefully bred for scenting and running abilities. Yearly competitions in hunting communities have yielded famous, sought-after bloodlines with nary a scientist in the kennel. I don't understand why the Times journalist makes no effort to distinguish among the genetic manipulations in the article. Some, like breeding cattle to be naturally "polled," have clear potential benefit (genetically polled cattle already exist, by the way). Others veer away from the paths of usefulness into exploitation and abuse...and some are just plain wasteful.

GREENPA MN 1 hour ago

"The world needs more meat." "The world needs more milk and cheese." "We must produce more food for the growing human population."

None of these are true. We already produce far more than humans need, and we waste half of it- and in the USA, about 40% of our corn crop is now burned as fuel. Hunger has nothing to do with food production. Obesity does, however.

"The world needs" and "We must" are not statements generated by any world council of elders; they are corporate selling points which then are repeated as religious mantras by those who live by corporate processes; grants and sales. The mantras are fed steadily to young farmers and young scientists, and become unchallengeable revealed truth.

Swapping genes is easy, fast, cheap, and generates lots of press. Actually finding ways to feed those who are hungry - is slow, difficult, and far away. Easy to decide where to invest, isn't it?

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NYT Pick MSPEA Seattle 1 hour ago

There is no doubt that there is a benefit to gene editing. Breeding a mosquito that will not spread malaria could save many, many lives in countries that are still devastated by that disease. But, a faster Beagle?

Some of this stuff appears to still be in the "just because we can" stage, and has no real purpose. It's just tinkering with nature for the fun of it. Anyone who has ever watched a science fiction movie knows that almost always the crazy professor will pay for meddling where he doesn't belong.

GATRELL Kentucky 1 hour ago

How does genetically modifying an animal to make more meat create less suffering for the animal?

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DAVID California 48 minutes ago

As long as it doesn't cause more suffering what's the harm? More meat is sounds better than less meat.

NONSTER bay area, ca 1 hour ago

NO way, No how, will I ever support in any way, shape or form the genetic manipulation of life. I sincerely wish these talented and well-funded scientists would turn their attention to more affordable access to health care--including promoting vegetarian/veganism & birth control. Due respect to the intelligence of the parties involved, but you forgot the most important part of our species--the HEART!

DAVID California 48 minutes ago

If you own a dog you support genetic manipulation.

JEFF California 48 minutes ago nonster: Well, you will have to just quit eating and starve to death. Ever hear of Gregor Mendle? Human beings have been manipulating genes since time immemorial. Take corn for example. Take corn for example. Originally it was very small, about the size of a finger. We used cross breeding, a crude form of gene manipulation, to create the corn we have now. Everything we eat has been improved with gene manipulation.

In reality, you support and approve of gene manipulation every time you eat.

STEVE BOLGER New York City 1 hour ago

When these sorcerer's apprentices knock out the aging self-desruction genes from the human genome, extinction will be nigh.

JJ Bangor, ME 1 hour ago

The fear of this form of genetic engineering of farm animals comes from the misconception of the lay person thinking that we can design traits ad libitum. That's not the case. What these techniques allow us to do is simply accelerate natural selection or selection through breeding (already the ancients where highly accomplished genetic engineers!). We cannot really (yet) predict reliably how to change the DNA of an animal to produce a certain trait, unless nature has already done it for us in the same or another species and now we use CRISPR to transpose that information on a new species or breed.

Essentially, what CRISPR allows us to do is speed selection by producing "speed congenics". It allows us to link desirable traits in the same anmal faster than through traditional selection methods that take decades or centuries.

MATTY Boston, MA 2 hours ago

This IS the beginning of the end of the road. Deliberately messing with DNA (I'm sure some regressive wingnut will suggest that culling herds or putting down sick or defective ANIMALS (not people, wingnuts) is "deliberately messing with DNA and it's been going on for eons), but deliberately messing with it at the molecular level, for good reasons (to cure debilitating diseases, not just in people, but in things like honey bees, and flora) or for other reasons such as making a better cow, sheep, or a better, faster, stronger, human being, it is the slow, sure road to irrevocably screwing up genomes that have been evolving naturally since time began. Once these modifications get out and are let loose in the general population, either deliberately or by mistake, there's no going back. No, this isn't a "Dr. Moreau" doomsday scenario, but the natural state of everything stands to be altered, in ways it never has been, and this probably isn't a good thing.

WFISHER1 fairfield, ia 1 hour ago

It's about balance and it's about nature. I understand the reasons the supporters claim will help animals and humans. I can even see some benefits. But I also understand unintended consequences. The modified genes will get out and will be let loose into the general population. The balance nature has achieved over millions of years of evolution will be broken. Who really knows what will happen then. Who is to say we really understand all there is to know about changing genes and DNA?

JEFF California 49 minutes ago

"Deliberately messing with DNA" is what plant and animal breeding is about. Luther Burbank did it by cross breeding plants. Everything raised for food is the result of genetic breeding. The only difference between doing it in the lab and in the field of farm is that doing it in the lab is much more precise.


The moment someone creates a house, he or she uproots the natural habitat of a lot of worms, bacteria, ants etc. Now to argue that we shouldn't alter the ecosystem of beings that we can't really see to make a house is silly (in my opinion).

Every new scientific endeavor has opportunities and threats. If we weigh in the opportunities and take necessary prevention against the threats, human ingenuity will win out.

And so goes with Gene Editing. I'm all for it. At this time, its a necessity to feed the World.

PS: I am an omnivorous but have tried vegetarian and remained vegan occasionally. I see the issue with people getting freaky about Gene Editing as not being able to see all the harm that they have done to their environment all these years. My heart goes out for all the worms and ants they have replaced from their natural habitats. And for the vegans, plants do feel pain when

JOHN BRADY Canterbury, CT. 2 hours ago

I can see using genetic modification on plants and vegetables or on insects to thwart diseases. I mean a worthy project might be the developing of a potato with healthy nutrients and the taste of a cheese burger. But modifying animals for the butcher shop? Not so much.

DD Cincinnati, OH 46 minutes ago

If you can modify animals so that each animal produces more meat, milk, or eggs, fewer animals overall will be needed to supply the same amount of food. Hence, fewer animal lives needed to achieve the same results.

FRANCAS Florida 2 hours ago seems that these firms start the so called problem and then come up with the so called solution . Like a crime organization who sends thugs to bully U and then the other fraction come in and says they will protect U for a price , same group and pocket just a different face . Here U state that farmers embrace GMO's in 1 statement then U say they won't use GMO's, , ???? Frankenfish , Frankencows Frankenpigs Frankenmosquitoes most of the environment now has been effected by uncontrolled species that have mysteriously escaped or a plant or tree that planted for 1 reason or another creating an unforeseen problem because of no foresight . You don't have enough of information to do this stuff You use us so many scientist are on big corporate payrolls with grants or indirect monies , Who do U trust ? Government officials gets paid under the table , they have packs that allow the funneling of monies to them undetected. This is a unnatural that’s all there is to it. Our salmon are an endangered species already the nature of the natural is threatened day after day man screwing up but making us believe it is for the better. Let nature be natural, it has been the way of the world for millions of years and it's been pretty darn good so far.

SKM Texas 2 hours ago

I suspect we've already seen the results of humankind's genetic manipulation in purebred bulldogs bred to have chests so wide they must be born via C-section and Persian cats bred for flat faces who then suffer chronic sinus infections.

When we pick and choose the traits we want our fellow animals to have, we seem to have a habit of seeing only what we want to see: the "perfect" bulldog and the "perfect" Persian. Or in the case of this article, the "more useful" cow and the "more useful" salmon. Little attention is paid to the downstream consequences -- unless they benefit us in some way.

In all of this picking and choosing, we tend not to imagine the broader impacts. The earth and all its flora and fauna comprise a massive organism. We all know how an earthquake in one area can result in tsunamis in another. Nature is constantly teaching us about itself, if we care to pay attention.

But we seem to be a self-interested species, with short memories and a drive to "have dominion" over all we survey. So while I hope scientists and geneticists remember that a tweak to a gene here might have unintended consequences elsewhere, I'm not holding my breath.

NATHAN REIGNER Barre, VT 2 hours ago

The moral and ethical questions posed by these new technologies need far more consideration before "scientists" plunge ahead. And the FDA certainly is not the appropriate regulatory body.

To what extent are manipulated genetic products "animals"? If it is possible to create a cow that cannot feel pain, what does that mean for animal cruelty laws? If we can produce cows without sight, can we keep them in the dark continuously, or constantly under fluorescent lights? If pigs can't get sick, do we need to keep their pens clean? If they can't develop infections, do we need to treat wounds?

Just a few questions of the many that are posed by these new technologies, which must be fully addressed before proceeding.

EMILE New York 2 hours ago

It's easy to get in line with the chirpy and optimistic proponents of gene manipulation. After all, who wouldn't want to reduce animal suffering, or increase the food supply for an out-of-control human population? Until, that is, you remember the law of unintended consequences.

Or until you remember Horace's words, "You can drive Nature out with a pitchfork, but she keeps on coming back in."

HARRY Michigan 2 hours ago

If the definition of God for ancient humans was to create life than what are we? Given time humans will not just manipulate genes but go a lot further and create new species. Maybe even seed life on other worlds?

FRED Kansas 2 hours ago

The ability to change DNA can help improvements of farm animal’s efficiency. We should require proof that DNA change was not more aboard than needed. The people must concern what is more important DNA changing used to provide better and more food or less food or higher cost resulting in more with lack of food to eat?

SLANN CA 49 minutes ago

Requiring "proof" is certainly sensible, but to do that, multiple (at least two) generations of the organism need to happen for us to accept that proof, and even then there may be aberrations that only happen after two generations. No transnational corporation in the food/agro business wants to wait that long, do they? We may be seeing more and more odd and unanticipated mutations as we go down this road, especially as this technology is so easily disseminated.

CHARLES - CLIFTON, NJ is a trusted commenter 2 hours ago

We're in a brave, new world, but with a quandary. While there is an optimistic desire for progress, there is equal, if not more, skepticism of genetic engineering. There appear to be big benefits, but there is also a possibly threatening unknown.

Some of the problem with genetic engineering is that it is driven by science and economics. I think it was Polanyi who proffered that science was amoral. So with economics. Either can be used to benefit people or be destructive. The argument of detractors is that a few people could benefit at the possible deterioration of humankind by something yet unknown.

Bhanu Telugu of Maryland also brings a moral take to the amorality: “If we know we can eliminate the disease and we don’t, it is in my mind animal cruelty,” The problem with this is, suppose that in eliminating a specific disease we alter organisms in some deleterious way over time. That is to say, the philosophy that altering genes to prevent disease is beneficial could lead to destructive consequences for humankind, in general, on an evolutionary scale..

It's easy to see where this is all headed. People will genetically engineer their offspring for sports or academic capability. They compete to get their kids into the best elementary schools today.

I suppose few have stood next to a Texas longhorn. We won't lose this breed; indeed, a geneticist might say, "If you are impressed by those horns, we can make them even bigger!"

SUSAN New York, NY 2 hours ago

The writer Margaret Atwood touched on this subject in her book "Oryx and Crake." That said, this article just illustrated why I no longer eat beef or pork.

COOLHUNTER New Jersey 2 hours ago

When we imagine that we are in control of life – our own or someone else’s – we have fallen prey to the ancient whisper in the Garden: “You shall be like gods.”

HARVEY WACHTEL Kew Gardens 2 hours ago

If you consider that "falling prey". The tree of knowledge fable always struck me as an allegory for the human condition. It’s what we are.

DR. MARCIA SHERMAN Santa Barbara 2 hours ago

When human beings begin to act as if they think they are God, obviously the whole world of the human race will have to account for our incredible arrogance. It's almost as bad as the discovery and use of nuclear energy that will contaminate our world for thousands of years. What, exactly, is the definition of the word, stupid?

ERIC JACKSON Juán Díaz de Antón, Panama 2 hours ago

Doesn't it ultimately matter who gains control of this as a business, and for what purposes the technology is employed? The trouble with most gene-edited food crops is not the genetics or the food values per se, but that they have been designed to be grown in a broth of toxic chemicals. This has happened because the companies doing this have bought too much influence over governments that are supposed to protect us from carcinogens like glyphosate. So what risks will companies pass on to us via THIS set of technologies, all the while calling anyone who asks a question a neo-Luddite?

DD Cincinnati, OH 13 minutes ago

The rationale for many genetically modified crops is to reduce, not increase, the amount of toxic chemicals required to efficiently grow them.

If you fear being labelled a "neo-Luddite," make sure you are fully informed before asking your questions. But by all means, ask away! Taxpayers have funded much of the research that has led to this point in technological history; we have the right to ask questions and demand answers.

CHRISTOPHER Mexico 2 hours ago

The horse (or cow, or pig, or chicken) is already out of the barn on the matter of gene editing to better mass produce animals for human consumption. The next step, already underway, is selling it to the general public. Yet I find it curious that the objective isn't something more useful, such as gene editing humans to reproduce less, or be less predatory and aggressive, or more rational, or just less self centered. But oh, we wouldn't want to mess with human nature, it being so sacrosanct. We really have no idea what we are doing. But we do it anyway.

SHELLEY St. Louis 2 hours ago

What the article doesn't seem to explore is the fact that supposedly improving animals in one direction typically opens up new negative consequences not necessarily envisioned by the scientists.

Take our modern turkeys, for instance. Using rigorous natural selection, which bred for larger breast meat, the turkeys are now so deformed, They can barely walk without falling over. And this is using traditional, albeit rather fanatical, natural breeding.

Breeding mosquitoes that kill Malaria seems a win/win, but will they transmit other diseases instead, in five years? We don't know. We've not had the time to see how the mosquitoes will mutate, or what will happen to them once they're no longer contained in the lab.

We've seen the negative consequences with plants. Super weeds now flourish, requiring farmers to spread even more herbicide, or companies like Monsanto to develop even more deadly herbicides. Single crop farms less able to adapt to new challenges, butterfly and bee kill-off, and polluted lakes and streams.

And what happens when the genetically modified genes contaminate native plants and animals? Oh we're told, no worries, won't happen. That genetically modified salmon won't escape into the wild.

But what if it does?

How about those genetically modified animals engineered to only have male or female offspring?

TRBLMKR NYC 2 hours ago

As an aside, why can't bull’s horns be dulled by filing or having rubber caps placed on their tips? I'll bet it's because it costs a few dollars more than the one-off cruel procedure of de-horning.

I would gladly pay a few pennies more for my steak and we wouldn't have to de-horn or "edit." Who's with me?

ELB New York, NY 2 hours ago

Evolution sees to it that organisms are expertly matched with their environment. The more we monkey with both and alter that critical symbiotic relationship we were designed for and are dependent on, the greater the danger to that balance and to our survival. How much of earth's living organisms have we already destroyed? How much longer before it is us?

DAN Texas 1 hour ago

Humans and domesticated animals make up the vast majority of mammalian biomass on Earth. Natural evolution of mammals ended decades ago.

BRO houston 49 minutes ago

Evolution sees to it that organisms are matched with their environment slightly better that other organisms. There are numerous imperfections in the human body alone. A blind spot in the eye, a back bone that is no good for walking on two legs, appendix etc. etc.

SEE ALL REPLIES ANONY Not in NY 2 hours ago

Jevon's Paradox is at play. "Advocates of the technology argue that it can make farming more efficient to help feed a growing world population with less of a toll on the environment" In the 19th century, the English economist perceived that the emergence of more efficient engines did not lead to less use of coal, but more and hence, the paradox. Similarly, farming will become more efficient with gene editing, but unregulated growth in the whole system will lead to a greater toll on the environment. The expansion of technologies which enhance efficiency must be accompanied by overall limits to the economy.

ED Clifton Park, NY 2 hours ago

Until recently I was worried about artificial intelligence or AI for short. Now I see those who are going to make our lives better by gene editing will finish us off perhaps quicker than AI of Global Warming. The fundamental problems with humans is there is a scant supply of really smart ones and then there are the rest of us. The Smart ones invent some good things and some very bad things. The trouble begins when the knowledge spreads and governments don't regulate. Or in this case a technology becomes common enough that many can use it. Perhaps this is what happens over and over in the universe intelligent beings unlock knowledge that destroys them. That's why we may never hear any replies to our search for life outside our solar system. These tools for change are wrong and I believe will eventually have a disastrous effect on this planet.

DD Cincinnati, OH 13 minutes ago Yet so many politicians (and the general public) bemoan government regulation of industry, and detest the thought of tax increases that are needed to prevent further cuts to critical government functions. You can't always have your cake and eat it too.

RH FL 2 hours ago

Wow, did my trips to the grocery store just get more complicated. Have I missed the long term studies that show that these edited genes are a non-issue for humans? Genes to eliminate horns? Sounds benign enough, I don't have horns. Keep on the grocery list. Genes that edit: growth/disease resistance/egg production/muscle mass/longer hair/production of only male offspring/production of only female offspring? Hmmm, I think I have some of those gene sequences myself. Keep on the grocery list? If I assume that long term exposure to edited genes has no impact, grocery shopping done. If I want to make an informed choice(not based on wild assumptions) and analyze the studies that show these edited genes have little to no impact on humans over time....I guess I'm part of that study. Your welcome.

LEVAS Hunt Valley, Maryland 2 hours ago

I would like to know if gene editing could be applied to resistant bacteria to cause the bacteria to not develop resistance to antibiotics? Could it be used to go one step further to shorten the replication abilities of bacteria? If it is not possible, please explain why not?

DAN Texas 1 hour ago not possible, for quite a few reasons. There are a number of reasons why this isn't possible, primarily related to genetic diversity and lack of requirement for recombination.

BRO houston 49 minutes ago

It would be tricky to develop bacteria that can't develop antibiotic resistance by any technique as long as you want to keep using antibiotics. Supposed we did develop bacteria that don't develop antibiotic resistance. If we then used antibiotics to kill them, the bacteria that were not engineered would be free to take over.


GARDENER Ca & NM 2 hours ago

These animal deforming genetic experiments are targeted to relative short term, huge profits in mass production, rather than long term, quality, animal husbandry and agricultural health and safety of animals, plants and, "we the people," who serve corporate science as "lab rats" in America.

Grow a garden if you have the space at home, in your community, and insist upon knowing where your food comes from and who grows it if you live in an area where this is possible.

HOW ARD G New York 2 hours ago

One wonders what the comments reaction would be if - instead of genetically removing horns from farm animals - the article announced that scientists - via "genetic manipulation" - had managed to eliminate the gene which causes Cystic Fibrosis -or Tay-Sachs disease - ?

Would the same people then be screaming about the profit-driven "Big-Pharma" industry and exclaiming that such genetic manipulations are a crime...?

DEAN cincinnati 1 hour ago

Yeah, I reckon they sadly would. BRO houston 49 minutes ago

Probably not. Nobody scream about GMO insulin.

JIM WADDELL Columbus, OH 2 hours ago

At one point there was widespread belief that the world was headed for mass starvation. Remember "The Population Bomb?" Then came the Green Revolution. Gene editing has the potential to be as dramatic as the Green Revolution in providing more and cheaper food for a growing world population.

I read an article yesterday comparing the costs of Thanksgiving dinner items today to what they were 50 years ago. In inflation adjusted terms, costs were less than half. If you are against genetic engineering you have to be in favor of letting billions of people in poorer countries starve.

GORDON Michigan 2 hours ago

I mourn for the changes and loss that we humans inflict on the Earth and the plant and animal kingdoms for the sake of profit. I feel helpless watching these changes being made at a rapid pace without coordination or discussion across nations and among scientists. I strongly suspect that these changes will ultimately effect our health and that of future generations.

DAN Texas 1 hour ago

Scientists and countries to talk about this quite a bit but these discussions are not reported in the media because of lack of interest by the general public (I guess). I am sure those discussion are reported in the NY Times, but probably not front page news.

DD Cincinnati, OH 13 minutes ago

Don't feel helpless. Speak up, and not just here on these pages--get involved! You are not alone, and there is power in numbers. Be informed, and make sure your elected officials know what you think.

STEVE SHERIDAN Ecuador 3 hours ago

The huge flaw in genetic engineering is the Law of Unintended Consequences. Somehow mankind´s knowledge always manages to exceed our wisdom--and the result is a history of disastrous unintended consequences.

Are we really better off for having discovered atomic energy, for example? Do any of its benefits out weigh the capacity to destroy civilization?

Until we have managed to eliminate human greed or corruption or megalomania, or our numerous other character flaws, how can we trust ourselves to open Pandora´s Box, and start fiddling around with the basic building blocks of the Universe?

The general public seems to understand this cautionary concern much better than "the best and the brightest," whose hubris knows no bounds.

Do we really need to continue learning about the Law of Unintended Consequences the hard way? Why don´t we put all that scientific talent to use solving the problem of Global Warming, which threatens our extinction? In the meanwhile, creating hornless cattle is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

MELINDA Mueller 2 hours ago

Not possible to say it any better, Steve.....

TRUTH Boston, MA 1 hour ago

I couldn't agree more. Very well said. SEE ALL REPLIES

RURIK HALABY Ridgewood, NJ 3 hours ago

Excellent article by an accomplished jounalist. The tone of panic in many readers's comments made me think of what people would say in the 15th century: Sail too far west and you will fall off the face of the earth.

JUSTICE HOLMES Charleston 2 hours ago

Bull....and pun intended.....

One diesnt have to live in the 15th century to see that big food has used good science to do bad things, dangerous things to humans. All one has to do is live in the fact based world of today.

SALLY ECKHOFF Philadelphia, PA 3 hours ago

The Times displays its usual gee-whiz response in the face of radical (and mostly clandestine) experimentation with domestic animals. "Meatier" chickens with the same skeletons of the old variety? Pigs with human organs? Years from now, we'll read that the bulkier chickens couldn't walk, and that the human organs in pigs have mired their caretakers in ethics controversies. The article even suggests, approvingly, that the same number of chickens might be grown on half the land if they had more meat on their already-overtaxed frames. I could go on.

Who knew? The Times did. But it passed on the potential for mayhem by quoting the approving bystander: "It's pretty cool."

LESLIEMCD Minneapolis 3 hours ago

Haste makes waste! If there are already 4% of naturally or traditionally bred hornless Holsteins, why are we not using them to increase the population? It makes no sense, other than giant agriculture companies want to control a market segment, ownership of patented animal DNA, and control over farmers for profit. Just like GMO crops, nature will adjust, at the expense of our environment, biodiversity, and our health.

BRYAN QUANBURY Walkerton, ON 2 hours ago

Leslie, Your comments are valid. I work with farmers who have been naturally breeding polled holsteins. They are getting closer in performance to horned holsteins. This is a dominant trait which is easy to introduce through breeding. I worry about the future of livestock breeding and biodiversity when genetics leave the hands of farmers.

REB 2 hours ago

Traditional breeding has only increased the percentage by one over the last few years. How long do you want to wait?


BOB BURNS Oregon's Willamette Valley 3 hours ago

Another instance of playing with the work that nature has done over the millenia through natural selection? What worries me is the loss of the original versions of these creatures. If "edited" get into the gene pool of wild chinook salmon it pretty much spells the ultimate end of the creature Mother Nature handed off to us.

The ethics of this all is really very disturbing. Will any part of our food supply remain natural?

REB Maine 2 hours ago

Re salmon, read the details. The engineered fish are sterile females so even if they do, they can't breed and spread the trait.

JUSTICE HOLMES Charleston 2 hours ago

Ethics don't matter to big food. Neither does public health. None of it matters only $$$$$$$$$$$maters!

SEE ALL REPLIES R. E. Cold Spring, NY 3 hours ago

We now know that claims that GMO crops resistant to herbicides have no negative impacts on the environment and on human health were false. Unfortunately, it took years to recognize the resulting water contamination from carcinogenic herbicides because of the chemical industry's insistence that they were safe. We'll never know how many cancer deaths resulted. For now consumers must rely on products that are NonGMOVerified because of the success of lobbyist against GMO labeling. It took years of ecological depredation to recognize the dangers of DDT. I'd like to believe that we've learned something from that disaster, but when corporate profits are concerned it still seems that ignorance is bliss.

STINA723 New York City 49 minutes ago

In regards to non gmo project - its underwritten by Silk. Yes Silk, the soymilk brand that was caught using conventional soybeans when the package said organic. according to non gmo project's own guidelines, food are allowed around 7% gmo contents to be considered non gmo. so you are still eating gmo anyway! There is only one tried and true way to NOT consume gmos - and that is to not eat anything that has been genetically modified - with corn, soy, canola and sugar beets topping my list.

DDCADMAN CA 3 hours ago

The temptation to enhance the human genome is too great. It will be done. We are part of the last few generations of the wild strain of humanity.

ALEXANDER B. Moscow 3 hours ago

The debate on GM fascinates me as a sociologist - it is a tiny yet very strong indicator. The crowd that opposes GMO is quite interesting collection of different kinds on ignorance: - not letting anyone "play god" (with capital letter, obviously) - unwillingness to educate (evolutionary and cell biology are new kind of "rocket science", it appears) - failure to recognize the problem of feeding the population of the countries that haven't yet passed "demographic transision" - failure to educate how modern agriculture works (and how much it, especially in its "organic" kind, consumes of water, land and produces of waste and greenhouse gases).

SALLY ECKHOFF Philadelphia, PA 2 hours ago

Dear Alexander B.: I was unaware that I'm a member of a "crowd" in my questioning the wisdom of gene editing in domestic animals. I live in a food-producing area where the fastest-growing segment of the business is local farmers who feed the populace according to its tastes, not those of scientists. It seems as though the gene editors strive to offer not healthier alternatives to crowded factory farms, but more of the same. This new trend in food production has nothing to do with reducing world hunger. It merely aims at feeding the tastes of Americans who want meat at every meal, and damn the consequences.

JUSTICE HOLMES Charleston 2 hours ago I guess you're safe as long as you don't deny the Armenian Genocide!

Look educated people with lots of experience with big food have serious and well founded concerns. It's time to look those concerns in the face and stop demeaning them.

MARY Somerville 3 hours ago

Oh, the hornless cattle--what a great application of this technology. That's better for animal welfare in a couple of ways. Not only will it avoid dehorning (this is excruciating to watch, but you can find it on youtube), but it could also protect other animals from injury. And farm workers.

I really hope that activists can get out of their own navels and understand the animal welfare benefits of gene editing. They don't seem to appreciate technology that helps farmers and farm animals. In the case of the disease resistance traits, it may also really help poor farmers. See the article "Genetically-Modified Cattle May Help Reshape African Farms" by Tamar Haspel (links never work here, you'll have to search).

SHABMAN Cumming, Ga 3 hours ago

World Populations are growing. They require more food, land, water to live and sustain existence thus the quest to find a way to increase food production at an affordable price.

The problem is increased growth of the human population which in turn produces more humans with more demands and needs of food, land, medicine, water, and other material goods.

As a result of these improvements humanity will desire and demand an improved quality of life - it's natural. We see it already.

How long can this planet support such growth? At what point will scientists or a government/s decide that a more practical plan of action would be to decrease the birth rates of human populations?

It would be easy to do - get the people used to the concept of GMOs in food, animals, insects, bacteria (you get the idea) then insert a gene that limits pregnancies or produces sterility in certain populations - voila! The problem is fixed.

But how to decide? Now, there's the rub! Keep an eye on the global populations folks, the final solution may already be implemented.

SWEINST254 nyc 3 hours ago

As a vegan, you could say I have no dog in this hunt, but an argument can certainly be made that this is no different from what nature does according to Darwin. That is, the particular animals of a species that have an altered gene which proves more successful to its environment survives and breeds more successfully than others, i.e., natural selection.

So in that sense, gene editing, far from unnatural, is merely doing what nature does.

JUSTINE Wyoming 2 hours ago

Creating a new huge salmon by inserting a pout gene, an eel-like fish, is not what nature would have ever done.

Although I thoroughly oppose gene altering, playing with farm animals that have been domesticated for thousands of years to suit humans is vastly different than altering wild animals that depend on natural ecosystems for their survival. Soon we will be creating coyotes that can't breed because we don't like them, or grizzlies with no claws so they can't hurt us.

WILL DUFF Tijeras, NM 3 hours ago

The CRSPR-Cas9 gene editing technology is simply the biggest science story of these times. Heritable human genetic manipulation is as inevitable as climate change and many times faster. Animals - as usual - are the testing grounds for human. The course change in human evolution will be like those insta-turns in the old Tron film.

PANTHIEST Texas 3 hours ago Does everyone recall that a mule is half horse and half donkey and that all mule's are sterile and can't reproduce? We need to tread lightly.

JON W Portland 3 hours ago

One of the harder aspects of this technology is the understanding of the end results for living creatures as we know them today and the future effects it will have on life when I am long gone.Will nature adapt to these changes and most importantly how and to what extent.

How will Mother Nature react.

Using the example of how we currently use antibiotics and nature reacts to and redefines how to combat them(antibiotics) from their perspective.How will the change in genetic make ups, change the way nature reacts to the gene changes in their bodies from their perspective,in this case a gene not to grow horns from another animals gene make up. Future Life begins today....

ELIZABETH West palm beach 3 hours ago

So what's the advantage of no horns? So they can cram 10 times as many of the poor animals in a smaller pen and avoid damaging the meat? Upside is maybe more people will give up beef in order to avoid consuming something they don't know the long-range effects of.

W NH 2 hours ago

Speaking strictly about dehorning, it is a very painful procedure for calves. I have only know of one veterinarian in my lifetime of 62 years who had used medications to make the process more humane.

UGH NJ 3 hours ago

Have a yard? Start growing your own food. It's fun, relaxing, good exercise, and if you start reducing lawn and grow organically, better for you and the environment. This year I grew almost all the vegetables I ate in a small "edible landscaping" garden around my pool...I just replaced some of the lawn with fruits, vegetables and edible annual flowers in a border that would otherwise be made up of boring shrubs and same-old decorative flowers. It looked beautiful and tasted great. I managed to grow 60 different varieties of edible plants. It's really fun to walk out the back door to go "grocery shopping" in the yard. And it's amazing to see the wide variety of bees and birds that visit. There are lots of organic, non-GMO seeds available online. Give it a whirl. Eat better, get fresh air and exercise, and hit the GMOers right in the pocketbook.

HUGH JAZZ New York, NY 2 hours ago

No, I don't have a yard.

ALEXANDER B. Moscow 2 hours ago

Did you consider testing your produce for the chemicals used to clean pool water, such as chlorine?

Why is it universally believed that the food grown in the backyard is by default safer to eat - opposed to the farm that gets its water and soil routinely checked?

SUSAN Wisconsin 3 hours ago

Actually the thing I find most interesting is that we don't ask the question if it is providing a better life for the animal involved? In the case of the hornless cow the answer would be no. There is a health benefit for a cow to have and retain their horns.

MIKEH Upstate NY 3 hours ago

Please explain. The article indicates that dehorning is done so the cows don't gore each other. Breeding cows without horns seems like a health benefit. What is the benefit of having horns, in an environment where there are no enemies/predators to defend against?

JIM WADDELL Columbus, OH 3 hours ago If you read the second paragraph, dehorning is done to prevent injuries. I would presume horns developed through evolution as a defensive mechanism against predators, but on a dairy farm, who needs horns?


Playing god is a dangerous business. As a society we should be very wary. Scientists and companies could be engineering biological disasters. They have no idea how what they do impacts other genes. They think they can control everything. Or these assess it as a reasonable risk. They cannot control recombination once a gene is in the gene pool. When you read about it, you think, "What a great idea." Unfortunately, if it goes wrong, there is no undo. Corporations are motivated by profit not social good.

MAERE FORBES new jersey. USA 3 hours ago

I agree. I am appalled at the arrogance of most of humans that accept this trend to their own satisfaction and self- centrednes.

ALEXANDER B. Moscow 2 hours ago

"They cannot control recombination once a gene is in the gene pool." You can't control your genes either. Once you are walking on the street on a sunny day and heavily charged particle from a distant galaxy or from the Sun's core flies through your body it can break a few structures in your own DNA. Should you consider not having kids since mutations like this may occur every single moment in every living creature? Farmers relied on those mutations and selected the "good" ones in lengthy and mundane process. Now we have tools to introduce change in targeted way, reducing the risk of unintended ones. Why the former is considered good and the latter - risky?

SEE ALL REPLIES BILLAPPL Manhattan 4 hours ago

Just makes me edgy, since these animal products have never, ever been part of the human diet. And the government's acquiescence, to prevent labels from demanding gene-spliced meat be identified as such, is reckless and makes a bad situation worse for anyone wanting to avoid such products.

ALEXANDER B. Moscow 2 hours ago

The whole purpose of our digestive tract is to break any protein and any long molecule, including DNA, into basic elements, such as sugars. You can't get any, say, cow's DNA in your cells by eating steak - neither "organic" nor one made from GM animal. This is how nutrition and food do work, basically. Labeling GM food will only aid ignorant crowd and dishonest politicians who prey on them. I suggest to direct the concerns to the antibiotics used in mass food production, or known carcinogens. They are known to cause harm - but general public chooses to be scared by GMO instead.

FACT OR FRICTION? maryland 4 hours ago

One of Obama's biggest disappointments is his lack of engagement with this. Concerns about GMOs are based on informed science (and not the opposite, as GMO proponents like to claim). Obama paints himself as the objective fact-based ponderer/decision-maker. Why's he totally MIA on GMOs?

MM Fairfax, VA 3 hours ago

No, really scientists are nearly as much in support of GMOs as they are about increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere. It's not that different from breeding, just more efficient. JUSTICE HOLMES Charleston 2 hours ago

Because he's a corporatist PANDERER! If it's good for corporations he's for it. Evidence: TPP.

SEE ALL REPLIES DAVEYG Westchester, NY 4 hours ago

First of all the long term impact of genetically modified animals is a long way off. Will these bulls be able to breed, will the milk from GMO cows have different proteins and the list of questions goes on and on. As for the salmon? Eventually one or two of these fish will escape, or someone will deposit one into the open sea. When that happens you have an issue; a GMO fish that can out eat, out grow and out compete its natural competitors. This upset in the ecosystem should worry people. All you have to do is understand the impact of invasive plant species, feral pigs etc. to many ecosystems the world over. We are messing with stuff because there is money to be made, is it so bad to have to dehorn a bull (truthfully I don't know if this hurts the animal or not) or is it just cheaper to grow one without horns in a petri dish? Once again the pursuit of profit blinds us, many of us, to the potential risks involved when you mess with mother nature. Maybe years from now everything will be fine but there is no way of telling what the long term impact is going to be on humans, on the planet. So for this reason alone I say tread very very carefully.

ENIKO Hungary 4 hours ago

I just read a book to my children about dinosaurs, about how they evolved throughout millions and millions of years. It's kind of freaky to read that the same evolution can be achieved by merely modifying a gene. We are not God, but we are playing God. And the fire might just burn us :-D.

PERSONA NYC 4 hours ago

This news makes me sad, horrified, and angry. Mankind (mostly men, I would guess) think we can be gods and magicians. We are so smart. We can perform marvelous new tricks every day. Maybe we can make cows that produce eggs. Or humans that produce milk and eggs. All this brainpower and money and resources going toward fixing what ain't broke. When there is so much that really does need fixing.

MF Erlangen, DE 2 hours ago

Why "mostly men"? There is no real basis for your prejudice against men and applications of genetics. The CRISPR/Cas9 technology was developed by two excellent women scientists, Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna.

HUGH JAZZ New York, NY 2 hours ago

You guessed wrong. CRSPR-Cas9 was developed by two women, American Jennifer Doudna and French-born Emmanuelle Charpentier. Nice that the times would "pick" a comment with a nasty and ill-informed swipe at an entire gender.

ABO is a trusted commenter Paris 4 hours ago

"Today’s chickens, for instance, produce nearly 80 percent more meat for the same amount of feed as the chickens of the 1950s..."

But are they tastier? Quantity over quality, the modern mistake.

DKM CA 12 minutes ago

That has nothing to do with genetic engineering: the changes result from to increase the frequency of "naturally" occurring traits.

MALCOLM NYC 4 hours ago I am not of a rabid anti-GMO persuasion. Many of the arguments, especially taken individually, make sense to me. But if you can't perceive a Pandora's Box here then you really should put on your glasses. Many countries, and many organizations, will soon be editing genes, in many organisms. Modified species will soon be pouring out into the environment, and this going to result in some profound consequences for the natural world, and therefore for humans. I am not concerned about hornless cows, but what about those modified mosquitoes and salmon, or the modified microbes that may quickly follow, potentially altering the bases of food chains? The little campfire that warms your face can also spread and consume whole forests.

SECULARSOCIALISTDEM Bettendorf, IA 4 hours ago

When the sanctimonious animal rights type get going they should remember eating peas is like eating babies out of a mothers womb! Mowing the yard is an ISIS terrorist activity from the grasses perspective.

Committed environmentalists would commit suicide, until then they are just trying to ram their self-righteous agenda down other peoples throats. They are not materially different from religious fundamentalists and ultra nationalists who say my way or the highway.

BLANK BALLOT South Texas 4 hours ago

This is why we need labels.

"Recorded Deaths from GM: In 1989, dozens of Americans died and several thousands were afflicted and impaired by a genetically modified version of the food supplement L-tryptophan creating a debilitating ailment known as Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (EMS) .

"Near-deaths and Food Allergy Reactions: In 1996, Brazil nut genes were spliced into soybeans to provide the added protein methionine and by a company called Pioneer Hi-Bred. Some individuals, however, are so allergic to this nut, they can go into anaphylactic shock (similar to a severe bee sting reaction) which can cause death. Using genetic engineering, the allergens from one food can thus be transferred to another, thought to be safe to eat, and unknowingly.

This is what we need. The "source" list MUST be in common language not scientificees.

Label 1. The genetic modification of this food could have been achieved by selective breeding and/or hybridization. Then a list of the plants/animals used.

Label 2. The genetic modification of this food COULD NOT have been achieved by selective breeding. Then list the sources of the genetic material.

Label 3. The genetic modification of this food used DNA from things not normally eaten by humans. Then list the sources of the genetic material.

ANTHROPOCENE2 Evanston 4 hours ago

"But the rapid advent of gene-edited animals threatens to outstrip public discussion of their risks and benefits, some scientists and bioethicists have warned." I don't know enough about this specific topic to write about it conclusively. But if I pull back to a larger scale, put it in a larger pattern, in an evo context, that yields some perspective. "The rapid advent" is happening repeatedly in how we interface with reality, with geo eco bio cultural & tech networks. The NYT ran a recent article about hoverboards: "Laws Struggle to Keep Up as Hoverboards’ Popularity Soars" We have the same problem (pattern) with drones, with carbon emissions, etc. We've added roughly 5.5 billion people since 1915. An increasing number of people in this exponential spike wield technology that has greater reach across the networks and across time (downstream effects). But we don't have the legal & other codes to bring order and function to all the new relationships and impacts of our new reach. Our cultural genome, the infrastructure for how we interact with the world, has been overrun by complexity. We don't seem to be able to get a handle on this problem, and a significant part of it is the lack of a world wide enforceable code that addresses complexity. I argue for the creation of technological genome, one capable of processing exponentially more relationship information with greater speed, accuracy & power. Our cultural one is ineffective, & appears increasingly non-selectable.

GLENN new york 4 hours ago

Impressive....a shame we can't light up the research board with a cure to cancer!

CPBROWN Baltimore, MD 4 hours ago

Prudent caution is one thing, and should and usually is practiced by most scientists. But what is mostly espoused now is the Precautionary Principle something that is actually a destructive perversion of caution, and the antithesis of science.

Science & knowledge proceed using trial and error, which means that there will likely be some error. Errors that can & will be corrected. Trying to stop any progress, until we are absolutely sure that *no* risk of any unintended consequences, will create stasis & stagnation. We can never approach 100% certainty of anything, we can only get more evidence of the costs & benefits of any scientific advancements.

As the evidence for the safety & equivalency of GMO agricultural products have come closer to certainty, there are instead more & shriller voices denouncing them still. Rational caution on GMO's should have yielded to scientific consensus, as it has with climate science. Instead we have mostly intensified unreasoned hysteria.

I suspect the real problem is fears about technology & modernity. Fears of those broad concepts will never be mollified with facts or reality. And should be treated as the unthinking superstitions that they are.

TRBLMKR NYC 2 hours ago

@CPBrown I think the crucial difference here is that unlike GMO plant products which, so far, are made purposely so they can NOT reproduce (new seeds needed every season) the point of these "edited" animals is that they indeed reproduce in order to increase the population of the "improved" animals. There is inherently less control in this model. One needn't engage in "unthinking superstition" to recognize that.

KATE Philadelphia 2 hours ago

No, the real problem is that these errors can't and won't be corrected.

Levels of pesticides have grown larger since the introduction of GMOs into our food, with a negative effect on humans-- experience ignored, reported results by scientists from profiting companies taken as fact. The science reports rapidly while changes may not be seen for a generation or more.

If they're so harmless, what's the harm in labeling them?

SEE ALL REPLIES MDMD Baltimore, Md 4 hours ago

It is a brave new world , here now. I worry when I read about altering pigs to make them swine resistant: does this mean they will be more resistant to some other super-bug that they will pass on to humans? We need to move slowly in this area with over- sight by thoughtful scientists. Are all of these changes approved by the FDA?

GATRELL Kentucky 1 hour ago

The FDA will approve almost anything if there is enough money in it.

JBS Florida 4 hours ago

In thinking about science as an art form, I wonder if the people with the test tubes try to over-reach and compensate for other world citizens whose view is repeatedly demonstrating other basic human traits, like hatred and self interest. See. We are really very smart.

MR Detroit 4 hours ago

Not too far away from 'improving' humans via DNA editing. By 2050 we will see a race of superhumans, and the media will fawn over one named 'Khan Noonien Singh'. He will sound a lot like Trump but will tout his superior intellect and strength instead of money as his qualifications to lead.

DAVE BROWN Denver, Colorado 4 hours ago

When an alteration is organic, if it happens through anevolutionary cause, it seems humaine. Interrupting a natural process to make money, or cuteness just seems so Koch industry-ish. Like what is best for me and never mind what might be best. This is an ugly industry. TRBLMKR NYC 4 hours ago

"To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction..." What applies to the physical world may indeed apply to bio-genetics. My admittedly limited layman's understanding is that genes act in combinations of pairs and groups when determining the existence or absence of traits in living beings. This article seems to contradict that understanding. I am an unabashedly a pro-science person, but to my eye it seems we are always in a reactionary mode as a society when it comes to new, complicated scientific advances, especially at a molecular or genetic level. We are great at slamming barn doors too late. Scientists should eschew hubris (I detected some in a few of those quoted here) and proceed with great humility. Let's remember thalidomide and DDT! What happens if a more buff beagle is also a biter or, worse yet, is uncontrollably incontinent?

TRBLMKR NYC 2 hours ago

Did not receive an email notification. Please "unclog". Wish you could genetically edit your outbox!

MARYM New Jersey 4 hours ago

Can we create hornless Rhinos and tuskless Elephants? We could save these species from extinction.

NORTHERNVIRGINIA Falls Church, Va 3 hours ago

We have to, because creating more intelligent humans does not seem possible.

NYT Pick RENE JOSEPH LOUIS LEFEBVRE Montreal 4 hours ago

Changing the DNA of animals should be made a crime. Scientist who approve of those manipulations in their labs are dangerous people who must be kept under surveillance by the NSA. Manipulating the bricks with which everything is made is playing with fire and constitutes reckless endangerment.

JJ Bangor, ME 1 hour ago

From your comment speaks the fear of not understanding what exactly CRISPR accomplishes and what it does not do. It really only accelerates natural selection in farm animals. Only beneficial traits will propagate, anything that does not help the species to survive will be selected against. Please note the examples the article gives. These are all naturally occurring mutations that have arisen in animals throughout the world. Instrad of using tradional methods to combine all the desirable traits in one animal, which would require decades of breeding, CRISPR allow us now to do this very quickly. There is nothing nefarious about it. We merely are accelerating meods that have been used for thousands of years using this new method. As for NSA surveillance: I am sure they already keep an eye on both of us. One eye each. Do you prefer the left or the right one?

JEAN MILLER chicago 13 minutes ago

Mankind has been changing the DNA of animals for thousands of years. This article just discusses a new methodology. You don't think that Holstein cows, English bull dogs and draft horses are an act of nature, do you?

SEE ALL REPLIES ERIK new york 4 hours ago The main driver behind genetic modification in agriculture is not the 'greater good' but profit. By growing bigger, faster, cheaper.

But even more important is the ability of corporation to patent the technology which prevents farmers from cross breeding at will (as farmers have done since the beginning of farming). Either because they are prohibited form doing (e.g. by contract) or by design (e.g. the AquAdvantage Salmon is sterile).

We should by very wary of a handful of corporations owning the food supply and determining its future. As US regulators are already on board, we consumers are the only ones with the power to prevent that.

TEA LEAF READER New Mexico 2 hours ago

Some aqua advantage salmon may not be sterile. It is not fool proof.

BILL Ohio 4 hours ago

Would love to see the genetic neutering of stinkbugs. Please.

RICHOPP FL 4 hours ago

Now with CRISPR on the horizon, we will have all manner of genetic "fixing" to deal with. I suppose that as long as someone makes a dollar off it, nothing is wrong anymore. We should simply accept that money now rules all governments, along with Jesus, of course, and wouldn't Jesus WANT a few people to have trillions of dollars for changing all the genes and chromosomes we are stuck with? Imagine 25,000 lb cows that are all steak, 10,000 lb chickens that are all fingers and nuggets, and crops where you plant one seed and a million whatever's grow. Think of all the people we could save and all the cash I can make if I own all this! Not only that, imagine that ALL humans were white, 6'5" tall, had blonde hair and blue eyes (both are genetically weak) and were beautiful or handsome forever. Now you're talkin'! A "master race" is only a few generations away, and the money I can make--wow!

JANEYSBABY8 va. beach, va 4 hours ago

Frankenscience sure is scary.

SHERR29 New Jersey 4 hours ago

"a new era of humanity’s dominion over nature" -- there is something chilling about those words considering the mess that we've created with air and water pollution and the devastation of forests and land tearing up the earth to extract carbon products and other minerals. If calves are being "altered" to prevent them from growing horns -- something that sounds benign when attached to the idea that "dehorning" is quite painful -- what else is being "manipulated" in the animal population that isn't so benign? And, of course, the question facing all of us is when will this ability to have "dominion over nature" extend to dominion over human genetic makeup which is also part of "nature?"

TASHMUIT Cape Cahd 4 hours ago

What all of these genetically altered (contaminated) animals have in common is their ability to produce money. No rational oversight, Wall Street ethics, no idea of unplanned consequences several generations down the road. This is science with selfish dirty hands. How long before transformed (warped) animals will be interbreeding in the wild? Not long. How long before some gene hacker makes a frankenbeing to indulge a need for malicious destruction? Count on it. How long before that Gotcha! You Stupid Human Beings moment?

PATRICK HASBURGH Sayulita, Nayarit, Mexico 4 hours ago

I'm all for this... Heaven is in our genes.

NYT Pick DAN W Florida 4 hours ago

Just because science is able to do something, doesn't mean we need to. I wonder how many generations of the "new" offspring have been bred successfully to produce the same constant results? Because we are modifying an animal, does that mean that the bacteria that naturally inhabit that animal are not modified because of their changing environment. Are we possibly cooking up a new generation of pathogens for which we have no cure. The implications here are infinite. Mother nature selects the healthiest of the species to continue the blood line, and become more adaptive. Man on the other hand is just monkeying around the edges of creation. We have the tools, but don't know what the final result may be. It might take 50 years for these modified organisms to become a planet wide threat. Especially splicing the genes of two different organisms together to form a newer, better species, modified for the benefit of man. We need to step very carefully and slowly in this area. Not a nutcase, just someone who knows enough genetics to be somewhat afraid of the eventual outcome.

UWSDER. NYC 4 hours ago

Unfounded speculation (re: bacteria, etc) is likely to die out faster than any GMO animal. Please cite the basis for your concern.

BEN NYC 4 hours ago

OK let's get a few things straight here. DNA is DNA - it's just chemically identical amino acids that happen to occur in a certain order. There is nothing different between the DNA of, say, a Rose versus the DNA of a cow. In fact, we share huge quantities of our DNA sequences with other organisms.

Second, transgenesis occurs in nature all the time. Viruses are constantly moving genes from one species to another. Something like 20% of the human genome is made up of retroviral DNA that was co-opted by our ancestors and repurposed. One of the genes necessary to make a placenta in mammals was taken from a viral infection. Pieces of isolated human DNA were put into a viral protein shell and behaved like ordinary viruses.

There is no evidence that human-guided transgenic organisms are dangerous PER SE. You can argue against putting in genes that code for mycotoxins on the basis of the toxicity of the mycotoxin, but that doesn't mean that GMO is dangerous because it is GMO.

That said, there are some arguments against GMO foods. They are genetically identical, and variety is good (see: Banana blight). If the intent is to combat insects or molds we're going to lose - recently a cornworm evolved around the mycotoxin in the GMO corn that was designed to thwart it. Many countries have banned GMOs for national security reasons which are perfectly rational.

Cancer-causing? Intrinsically poisonous? No, no, no. No evidence of any of that.

PAT Mystic CT 2 hours ago

DNA is a polymer of nucleotides, not amino acids. Proteins are polymers of amino acids.

TRUTH Boston, MA 1 hour ago

The difference here vs. your example of viruses, is that with a virus, oftentimes the host doesn't incorporate fragments of genes. There is a give and take relationship between the two - sometimes things are incorporated, sometimes not. And whether or not those traits are carried forth in the organism can take thousands of years. Here, when creating genetically altered genes, targeted, for a specific *human desired* trait, the host has no chance of rejecting what has been spliced or inserted. Will the trait be carried forth in it's progeny? Perhaps not. But it wasn't *selected* by the host either. That's not to say viruses are benign...but the host usually has some kind of fighting chance. The truth is, this is brand new science. We just don't know - enough. Cancer- causing? We really can't say - where are the studies done over numerous years with large sample populations to say not? Show me the studies.

SEE ALL REPLIES UGH NJ 4 hours ago Interesting, the ease with which the NY Times has adopted the term "editing" to describe troubling genetic manipulation. With long histories of deceiving, poisoning and experimenting on the human population, our pharmaceutical, scientific, medical and chemical communities should not be trusted with creating a and letting loose on society a new wave of frightening Frankenfoods. Let's call them what they are—GMOs—and insist on clear labeling. And put the onus and expense of testing and labeling on the peddlers of GMOs, not on the people who grow foods naturally.

DAN W Florida 4 hours ago

The Trans Pacific Trade agreement would prohibit listing the source of many foods produced in the far east. It would also prohibit suits against foreign countries based on US law. If you haven't noticed, finding the country of origin and processing country is getting increasingly difficult. Try looking at many brands of tuna, and you will find there is no identification as to where the fish was caught, how it was caught, or where it was processed. This is a slow but crucial process to integrate substandard foods into the US system. Living on the US/Canadian border part of the year is an enlightening experience, just seeing the difference between US and Canadian law. They, tend to forget two countries share one bay.

NAN SOCOLOW West Palm Beach, FL 4 hours ago

Today, another piece on tinkering with animal genes -"Open Season Is Seen in Gene Editing of Animals", by Amy Harmon - following yesterday's piece on animals, vegetables, fruits and fish by Owen Guo on "The Biggest Animal Cloning Center Set for '16 in a Skeptical China". Manipulating the DNA of living things to prove humanity's dominion over nature harks back to Germany in the 1930s and 40s. There wasn't a "People for the Ethical Treatment of Humans" way back then. and euthanasia were created by the Nazi Government based on social policies that placed biological improvement of "The Master Race" - Aryans - and the elimination (read extinction) of "untermenschen" from the chain of heredity. Not quite like gene editing calves to be hornless, salmon cloned with poutfish, beagles to be more muscular, but the worst kind of social Darwinism. The Rockefeller Foundation funded Dr. Josef Mengele before he went to work at Auschwitz "Arbeit Macht Frei". Isn't there an organization of "Luddites Against Genetic-Modifying All Humanity's Flora and Fauna"? Maybe there should be. PS Look at how the Third Reich's tinkering with eugenics and "social biology" 80 years ago has benefited today's unified Germany with the 950,000 Syrian refugees - bless them - finding new lives in Deutschland. Germany's genetically unmodified chickens coming home to roost?

SHAWN Pennsylvania 4 hours ago

Wow. Godwin's Law writ large.

JACK upstate ny 4 hours ago

As I am approaching old age, dare I say it, I wonder if we could gene edit the ability for animals to talk. I would be very interested to hear what they have to say!!

JF Wisconsin 4 hours ago

Impossible not to imagine this will be applied to humans, and for things other than preventing disease or disabilities.

CRITICAL NURSE Michigan 5 hours ago

The core position of stopping people from consuming dairy, meat or eggs strips validity from any position PETA takes. It seems like they're advocating a return to loin cloth wearing tribes living only on fruit and vegetables that were ethically harvested from ground fall.

LRW Maryland 5 hours ago

While caution is always prudent, the reality of expanding population and changing climate will make these techniques essential to meeting the nutritional needs of the world in the future. Some people have the luxury of electing to reject perfectly edible protein produced with lower consumption of resources; most of the world does not.

JOEGIUL Florida 4 hours ago Agree wholeheartedly. People have been modifying animals and plants for thousands of years in an hit and miss manner. The calculated means of deriving benefits should be a boon for all.

ANTHONY Sunnyside, Queens 5 hours ago

"Advocates of the technology argue that it can make farming more efficient to help feed a growing world population with less of a toll on the environment..."

You can't have both, but nice try. Doesn't seem that the earth nor our socio-economic systems can accommodate a growing world population in the range of 9-12 billion with "less toll to the environment" regardless of promises made by the false optimism and promises of food science industry and their well fed advocates. Provide more questionable food schemes, surge human populations, and continue to exacerbate the impacts on finite and dwindling resources as well as exponential increase in Co2, methane, sewage, and human waste.

So long as profit and control is at the end of the genetic rainbow they won't stop

JOHN W LUSK Danbury, Ct 4 hours ago

Unfortunately wars "thin the herd" and I see another one coming.

IMPEDIMENTUS Nuuk 5 hours ago

Gene editing of humans will be next.

JAVIERG Miami, Florida 5 hours ago

Now if we could only modify humans to be less aggressive, that would be great.

DKM CA 14 minutes ago

The unmodified, and thus more aggressive, humans would become dominant.

RAMKI4 Bangalore 5 hours ago

China plans to set up the world's largest facility.China ‘cloning factory’ to produce cattle, racehorses and pets China aims to produce a million cattle a year, along with other animals .This is the Brave New World. These are new exciting technologies and like all new technologies it has also inspired fears of its potential implications

JOHN W LUSK Danbury, Ct 4 hours ago

I agree I believe the profit motive often causes us to ignore problems made by new technology

JAMIE State College 5 hours ago

An element that will grow in profile as these animals are rolled out is the assessment of possible environmental risks. Interestingly enough, AquaAdvantage's operations are all out-of-country, seemingly in an attempt to avoid US laws. FDA certainly made use of that fact in its approval of the salmon last week. See our story about the National Environmental Policy Act implications (and likely lawsuit) here:

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