Congressional Record—Senate S11778
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S11778 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 25, 2005 THE GRAND OLE OPRY The legislative clerk read as follows: and serves as an emissary of American music Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, this year A resolution (S. Res. 286) commending the and culture; and Grand Ole Opry on the occasion of its 80th Whereas the Grand Ole Opry will continue the Grand Ole Opry celebrates 80 years to impact American culture and music, and of star-studded country entertainment. anniversary for its important role in the popularization of country music and for its 8 play an important role in presenting the best This venerated institution stands as decades of musical and broadcast excellence. in country music to new generations of fans one the most important traditions in There being no objection, the Senate throughout the world, touching millions radio broadcasting and country music. proceeded to consider the resolution. with music and comedy: Now, therefore, be it If not for the Grand Ole Opry, my Mr. FRIST. I ask unanimous consent Resolved, That the Senate commends the hometown of Nashville would most that the resolution be agreed to, the Grand Ole Opry on the occasion of its 80th likely have never gained that title of preamble be agreed to, and the motion anniversary for its important role in the ‘‘Music City USA.’’ to reconsider be laid upon the table. popularization of country music, and for its The Grand Ole Opry first broadcast The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- 8 decades of musical and broadcast excel- on November 28, 1925. Originally called pore. Without objection, it is so or- lence. the WSM Barn Dance, the weekly radio dered. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- show featured comedy and blue glass, The resolution (S. Res. 286) was gospel and country. Radio host George pore. The Senator from Tennessee is agreed to. recognized. D. Hay made sure that every broadcast The preamble was agreed to. was kept ‘‘real down to Earth.’’ The resolution, with its preamble, Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I Today, the Opry stands as the longest reads as follows: join the majority leader in the resolu- running continuous weekly radio S. RES. 286 tion that I have cosponsored honoring broadcast, with over 4,000 consecutive Whereas the Grand Ole Opry is a pioneer of the Grand Ole Opry on its 80th birth- Saturday evening shows. Audiences can commercial radio in the United States, and day. tune into the Grand Ole Opry via radio, is the longest running continuous radio pro- satellite, television or Internet. The gram in the United States, having operated I ask unanimous consent to bring on show is even broadcast by the Armed since November 28, 1925, and having broad- the Senate floor this piece of demon- Forces Radio and Television Services casted over 4,000 consecutive Saturday strative evidence which I hold in my Network to entertain our troops evening shows on WSM Radio, Nashville, hand and to which I will refer in a mo- around the world. Tennessee; ment. Whereas the Grand Ole Opry played an in- Throughout its history, the Opry has The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- embraced and celebrated the best in tegral role in the commercial development of the country music industry, and in estab- pore. Without objection, it is so or- family entertainment, including those lishing Nashville, Tennessee, as ‘‘Music City dered. musical performances and comedy USA’’; Mr. ALEXANDER. Those of us of a sketches that have warmed the hearts Whereas the Grand Ole Opry has consist- of millions throughout the South, all ently promoted the best in live entertain- certain age will recognize this straw over the country and, indeed, through- ment and provided a distinctive forum for hat with a garland of flowers and a out the world. Country great and Opry connecting country music fans to musicians price tag that says $1.98 as the kind of member Dolly Parton explains that at so as to promote the popularity of this hat that Minnie Pearl wore on the the Opry, ‘‘there’s a circle of friends, uniquely American genre; Grand Ole Opry on Friday and Satur- and a circle of performers and a circle Whereas the Grand Ole Opry serves as a day nights every year for about 40 of love at the old place.’’ unique American icon that enshrines the years. Most of the time, Minnie Pearl Jeanie Seely puts it this way: rich musical history of country music, and preserves the tradition and character of the was the Grand Ole Opry, along with The Grand Ole Opry is not an institution. genre through commemorative performances Roy Acuff. She welcomed people with: It’s not a building. It’s the people, the per- Howdy, I’m so proud to be here. I didn’t formers, the people who come. That’s the and events; Grand Ole Opry. That’s what makes it spe- Whereas the Grand Ole Opry is committed say it the way she would always say it. cial. to quality performances, and the member- Thousands and thousands of Americans And for new members, joining the ship of the Grand Ole Opry represents the sat on the uncomfortable wooden pews elite of country music performers, including in the back of the Ryman Auditorium Opry is joining a pantheon of country generations of America’s most talented mu- music greats. Roy Acuff, Chet Atkins, sicians, encompassing the music legends of and later at the Opry to watch this Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Minnie old and the superstars of today that continue radio show. One of those was a young Pearl, Grandpa Jones, Garth Brooks, to define American country music; man from Minnesota named Garrison Vince Gill, and Reba McEntire, all Whereas performers at the Grand Ole Opry Keillor, who, in the 1970s, sat back have been members, and the list goes have included such universally recognized there and imagined the show which we on. Even President Nixon has played on names as Roy Acuff, Chet Atkins, Johnny call today ‘‘The Prairie Home Com- Cash, Patsy Cline, Porter Wagoner, Little that Grand Ole Opry stage. panion.’’ As Loretta Lynn recently told a Jimmy Dickens, Connie Smith, Earl newspaper: Scruggs, George Jones, Grandpa Jones, Lo- A couple weekends ago, I was the retta Lynn, Uncle Dave Macon, Dolly If you’ve never played at the Grand Ole guest announcer on the Grand Ole Opry, you haven’t quite made it, yet. Parton, Minnie Pearl, Jim Reeves, Hank Wil- Opry. They didn’t trust me with the liams, and many more; Goo Goo candy bar commercial or with The Opry has promoted country Whereas the Grand Ole Opry celebrates the music in a unique way. It has promoted diversity of country music, with membership the 7 p.m. show which is nationally it to the entire world and has invited spanning both generation and genre, rep- televised, so I was on at 8. But I did get new generations to hear the best that resenting the best in folk, country, blue- to do the Martha White flour commer- country has to offer. I am honored to grass, gospel, and comedy performances; cial and to introduce Porter Waggoner represent the home State of such a dy- Whereas the Grand Ole Opry continues to three times. utilize technological innovations to develop namic part of American culture and There is nothing quite like the Grand music history. new avenues of connecting country music to Today, I proudly introduce a Senate its fans, and can be seen and heard around Ole Opry. There are 3,400 people out resolution commending the Grand Ole the world via television, radio, satellite there every Friday night, every Satur- Opry for 80 years of music excellence. radio, and the Internet; day night, now sometimes on Tues- Whereas the Grand Ole Opry provides f days. Flashbulbs are popping. Every- heartening support to members of the Armed body is having a good time. COMMENDING THE GRAND OLE Forces by participating in the Department of OPRY Defense’s America Supports You Program, There was Jimmy C. Newman from Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask providing live performances to American Louisiana who next year will be on the unanimous consent that the Senate Forces serving abroad via the American Grand Ole Opry for 50 years. There was Forces Radio and Television Services net- now proceed to the consideration of S. Susan Haynes, the daughter of my law work; school roommate. This is her first year Res. 286, which was submitted earlier Whereas the Grand Ole Opry is recognized today. as the world’s premiere country music show, on the Grand Ole Opry. There was The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- and continues to entertain millions of fans Carol Lee and Nora Lee, the back-up pore. The clerk will report the resolu- throughout the world, including United singers. They have been there a long tion by title. States Presidents and foreign dignitaries, time, too. VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:23 Jan 30, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2005SENATE\S25OC5.REC S25OC5 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY October 25, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11779 At 7 o’clock, there was Vince Gill Mr. President, I yield the floor. doggles, and maybe it is a boondoggle, who ended his hour-long session with a f but the people in Alaska didn’t think piece of jazz music. The Grand Ole so. They have 100 projects. All States Opry is getting more diversified. There RESERVATION OF LEADERSHIP do it differently. But in Alaska, they was Keith Bilbrey backstage inter- TIME list 100 projects that are the projects viewing people.