SCHOOL P St J Bowen Worcester Road Deputy Headmaster Bromsgrove B61 7DU

Tel: 01527 579679 Fax: 01527 576177 Email: [email protected]

13th October 2014

Dear Parents and Guardians,

What is it about rugby fixtures against Millfield? We always know we will face very competitive teams and are in for epic struggles. So it was again. A rugby fixture against Millfield School is always a highlight of the season and the 11 matches played on Saturday did not disappoint. The standard of rugby on display from all boys was extremely high and there were stirring victories for the 2nd XV, 3rd XV, U16As, U15As and U15Cs. And there was a titanic encounter on Big Side….

Lower Charford. 2.35 pm. Autumnal Saturday. Showers easing. Glorious afternoon for rugby. Veterans of the 1964 School XV meet on the touchline for a reunion. 30 seconds. We concede a try. Some sides would now wilt against Millfield. Not this one. Heads remain high, confidence and resolve strong, our boys patient and calm. Handling suddenly impresses. A midfield war of attrition. Our pack utterly magnificent. We hardly give them anything. From a driving line-out Harry Lloyd-Jones brings us level 5- 5. The fight back begins. Our players passing and linking superbly before a final pass creates space for Tom Roberts in the corner. A fine team try. 2 minutes to half-time. 10-5. Crucial psychological blow. The interval. Another fiercely contested half starts. Few chances. Heroic defence when needed. 20 minutes to go. Anyone’s game. With real power and pace Harry breaks through a number of Millfield tacklers and scores again. 15-5. Some daylight. 20 minutes still to go. Millfield miss a kick. The clock winds down. Final whistle. Bromsgrove 15 Millfield 5. Big cheers from the home crowd. The team wearily but happily embraces. Postmatch huddle with the Coach. The Headmaster joins in. Millfield’s Head is an Australian.

This year’s 1st XV knows what it is to be a team; they played superbly but also supported and encouraged each other in an admirable display of remarkable character. They will remember the match for the rest of their lives; those privileged to be present will say ‘I was there’.

Well done to all rugby teams. One also had to keep glancing across at the heroic 2nd XV who also enjoyed a tremendous victory.

We enter the final week before half-term. We eagerly look forward to the House Song Competition on Wednesday with Olivia Safe OB TC as the Adjudicator.

The CD recording of choirs from all sections of the School was a resounding success. The first edit will be with the Director of Music by the end of this week and production will be completed by mid- November in readiness for release at the Advent Carol Service. Producer, Adrian Lucas, paid particular tribute to the decorum and manners with which our 280 pupils presented themselves, pupils of all ages from 5 to 18. As an ABRSM examiner and recording producer, he visits a large number of schools and was effusive in his praise of the School.

U6th who have been all the way through the School always readily and fondly recall the L4th Malvern walk and camp at Symonds Yat. So it was that time and season again but the sunlit days of September a memory. Went the day well? It certainly did.

On Wednesday afternoon the L4ths – our youngest and newest year group – enjoyed their trek over the wonderful with views in various directions to romantic Bredon Hill, much beloved of Old Bromsgrovian poet A.E. Housman:

‘In summertime on Bredon The bells they sound so clear; Round both the shires they ring them

Chairman of Governors: Mr S Towe CBE

Bromsgrove School is a company limited by guarantee in and . Co No. 4808121. Reg Charity No 1098740 In steeples far and near, A happy noise to hear.

Here of a Sunday morning My love and I would lie, And see the coloured counties, And hear the larks so high About us in the sky’.

And to the rising , the South Shropshire hills and in the far, misty distance Wales and the Black Mountains.

The weather was much kinder than anticipated and much of the walk was accomplished with just a few brief showers. Heavier showers did little to dampen spirits in the final stages over North Hill and into Malvern town and the pupils impressed us with their determination. The hills were sometimes shrouded in mist but never really enveloped for long.

Our 153 pupils were enthusiastic, energetic and displayed great determination to fulfil the objectives. The day comprised the usual range of challenges - effective map-reading, close team work, communication skills, leadership and initiative. They climbed steadily up onto the Malvern Ridge, climbing the Beacon before dropping down to where I photographed every group with those ‘coloured counties’ as a stunning background. (The Headmaster suddenly appeared, striding purposefully and enjoying the walk tremendously). Lunch was taken at the car park and the café again proved very popular. Then it was back up on to the ridge, conquering Tumuli then the Worcestershire Beacon, the highest point on the walk at 425m. Opposite the delightful Victorian bus shelter I handed out the traditional Mars Bars and photographed all the groups again with Herefordshire and Wales behind them. All year groups remember this big moment and when the Headmaster received his Mars Bar it meant that he has now ‘really arrived’ and is one of us.

Pupils then continued onto North Hill, the final checkpoint, and headed back down to the coaches waiting in Malvern town.

Well done to our L4th (behaviour perfect and such ambassadors) and also to Mrs James who again co- ordinated and masterminded this major undertaking with such professional skill, allied to great support and encouragement on the day.

It is good to record the resurrection of the School Expedition Club. Mr Tamplin and Mrs Newton led a trip of 12 pupils to Snowdonia over the weekend to experience a variety of challenging climbs.

Another new initiative involved 6 pupils entering a ‘5km Park Run’ at Arrow Valley country park. All enjoyed the experience and are looking forward to experiencing further runs in the future.

Two weekends ago ten cadets and two officers embarked on a three day military skills competition against 21 teams from all over the . It is the first time we have entered for some years. They spent the entire competition living in the field and put in 20 hour days to find the best cadet team in the Brigade area in disciplines including shooting, patrolling, command tasks, night navigation, first aid, speed marching, and military knowledge. Whilst we finished outside the medals we achieved a commendable 5th place in the shooting and a great time was had by all. Well done to the team of Cpl Dominic Hegarty, Cpl Sam Croft, Cdt George Goodall, Lcpl Callum Stirrat, Cdt Fraser Hale, Cdt Oliver Hall, CSgt Anurag Pun, Cpl James Bruton-Gibney, Cdt Daniel Johnson and Cpl Theodore Roberts. We look forward to seeing the team compete again next year.

There was another delightfully informal concert in Old Chapel last week. They increase in popularity and I commend them to you for a tranquil end to the day. We enjoyed a wide range of music with something for everyone. Well done to Rachel Weller on the tuba (‘Strictly Come Dancing’); Kate Duffy regaled us with ‘If I love you’ from ‘Carousel’; there was great playing on saxophone from Max Lee (‘Black Sheep of the Family’), Felix Chan (a Bach Allegro) and the superb quartet of Mr Tom Martin with Brook Rotheroe, Matthew Collins, and Dan Johnson playing an excellent arrangement of ‘What a Wonderful World’; Marija Vasurkina entertained us with a Chopin ‘Nocturne’ and then a memorable Lithuanian folk song from her homeland; Emily Collie was also in fine voice in ‘O, Goddess Wise’ from one of Gilbert and Sullivan’s lesser known operettas ‘Princess Ida’; Ed Grayson played one of his own compositions, a

Chairman of Governors: Mr S Towe CBE

Bromsgrove School is a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales. Co No. 4808121. Reg Charity No 1098740 wonderfully lyrical impressionist piece on piano; Sam Makar made us smile with both his introduction and performance on guitar of Tame Impala’s ‘Elephant’; flautist Tiffanie Tseng played (unaccompanied) Debussy’s haunting ‘Syrinx’; and Tristan Hall rounded off the evening with Saint-Saens well-known ‘Danse Macabre’ on the euphonium. It was a rich feast of music-making where pupils simply volunteer to share their music with us.

L6th art students Howard Li, Celina Harto and Laura Elliott visited the Pre-Prep to assist Year 1 pupils with their 'Into the Woods' photography project. After a brief presentation by Ms McWilliams, who teaches photography in the Senior School, the young pupils used their IPads and digital cameras to take pictures in their wooded play area with the support of the L6th helpers. All had a wonderful afternoon.

Last Thursday 43 aspiring ‘Legal Eagles’ enjoyed a legal workshop run by Harrison Clark Rickerby’s Solicitors, culminating in a mock trial in Old Chapel before a Judge. OB Elizabeth Beatty (TC) who is a Partner with the firm was impressed by the enthusiasm shown by the pupils. Taome Jennings (L6th) wrote:

‘We spent the first part of the morning speaking to the lawyers about different areas of practice that we could venture into. We asked questions about studying law at University and the realities of working in a law firm. This was really beneficial as we got a great insight into what is required in each law degree and what a career in law consisted of. We particularly enjoyed the replica documents they brought in for use to examine and, with their guidance, signed some 'real' documents. After lunch we were divided into half, one half being the defence and the other the claimant. We were then given a case in which we had to read witness statements, identify flaws and generally design a well-constructed set of questions and points for us to use in the case. We then proceeded to have a mock trial in the old chapel, the lawyers that worked with us earlier played a pivotal part in the trial, acting as different witnesses in the case. We also had an actual judge present, which made the whole experience seem more real (and exciting) as the terminology and points she raised were similar to a real scenario. There was eager participation from all involved, voicing their opinions and putting forward their arguments and counter arguments until finally the verdict was made that the defendants had won. We all had a tremendously enjoyable day and for me it just reinforced my desire to do law in the future. Many thanks go to everyone who came to help us’.

Assembly on Friday witnessed an historic event – the ceremony of the signing-in of new School Monitors. Four U6th were added to the team for 2014-15. Well done to Sam Bellamy, Will Hands, Harrison Hill and Marie Kriegler. Well done also to Emily and Niall who conducted the Ceremony with impeccable dignity, grace, composure and style. The School responded in kind. The Headmaster spoke about his philosophy of leadership.

The girls’ and boys’ swimming teams competed in the first round of the ESSA National Schools at Warwick School. All relay teams swam well winning their races. We now wait to see if the times recorded will qualify them for the National Finals. Last Thursday the girls swimming teams swam in a triangular match beating Cheltenham College but losing narrowly to Cheltenham Ladies College.

In basketball the U15s played their first match of the season and - although they lost narrowly 59-56 - there were pleasing signs that augur well for the next match.

The U14A hockey team won the County Cup. They played good hockey and did not concede a goal – defeating RGS Worcester 2-0, King’s Worcester 2-0 and drawing 0-0 with Malvern College. The U18 indoor team finished runners-up in the Country Championship and have qualified for the Midlands Finals. The U15As beat King Edward’s VI Aston 27-12 in the second round of the Nat West Cup. Well done to all.

All the games were closely fought against Trent College, with victories for the 2nds, U15Bs and U14As. The U14Bs and U16Bs both drew 1-1. The 1st team played well but unfortunately did not convert their chances, narrowly losing 2-1.

In basketball the U18s’ winning run came to an end when they lost a close match against Old Swinford Hospital School 53-61.

The boys’ badminton played really well to win 6-3 against a very strong Rugby School. It is very pleasing to note the progress they have made this term.

Chairman of Governors: Mr S Towe CBE

Bromsgrove School is a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales. Co No. 4808121. Reg Charity No 1098740

A weakened netball 1st team played well to restrict a strong Oxford University squad - who were preparing for the Varsity Match - to a 23-16 victory.

Well done to the following who received their Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award at Assembly on Friday: Tom Challand, Jonathan Howcroft, Archie Parker, Michael Leung, Thomas Lynch, Benjamin Davis, Olivia Berwick, Natasha Osborn-Patel, Olivia Sutherland, Karan Gour, Charlotte Fraser, Samuel Makar, Edda Fleysher, Nathalie Plummer, Thomas Trow, William Edwards, Ellie Day, Rashid Khashiev, Niall Slater, Henry Brewster, Daria Tarasova, Nyree Williams, Hemlata Limbu, Amy Mason-Towers, Jacob Harvey Fentao Zhang, Georgina Lord, Swikriti Bhattachan and Alice Payne.

The lunchtime Friday debate – ‘This House Believes Fathers Should Have a Choice When Discussing Abortion’ – proved a lively affair. Well done to Chair Madelaine Barber Fray, the Proposition Niall Hegarty and Matthew Hegarty and the Opposition Abbi Davis and Emily Kinder.

I thoroughly enjoyed visiting Oakley last week – the boarders on Monday evening and day pupils on Tuesday morning (with a sneak preview of their House Song). Klara Hunt (Head of House) and her Deputies Maria Kriegler and Nadescha Heine were the perfect hosts. I also enjoyed visiting Hazeldene’s House assembly on Thursday and another invite to hear a song…. we look forward to hearing what will be the feel-good House event of the year on Wednesday.

U6th and L6th Biology and Geography Field Trips depart at 4.00 pm Thursday and 8.40 am Friday respectively.

There will an additional newsletter this Friday.


1. On Friday the senior sports team photographs were taken - Rugby 1st XV, 2nd XV, 3rd XV, 4th XV, U16A, U16B, U16C; Hockey 1st XI, 3rd XI, U16B. If you would like to order a photograph please see the attached information from the School Photography Company. 2. The U6th Parents’ Evening takes place tomorrow Tuesday 14th October. Please see the attached letter from Mr Dowling. Please ask if unsure of any arrangements. 3. This Wednesday October 15th the House Song Competition takes place; please note that all pupils will be involved and it will not finish until about 5.30 pm. 4. The Informal Concert is available to view on the School’s YouTube Channel at

Yours sincerely,

Philip Bowen

Deputy Headmaster


As we approach our Music Festival (the House Song part), we go back to when it all began:

‘The Summer of 1934 was especially interesting to music-lovers as marking the introduction of our first inter-house music Competitions. Each house was invited to muster its forces, not this time for the athletic field, but for the sole purpose of “music making”. As any new venture in a fairly conservative community is usually regarded with suspicion until it has “proved itself”, it was both interesting and encouraging to notice how splendidly nearly every house supported the idea. One should say that official help was severely limited and most of the real hard work had been done by the leaders and their houses, and so it may be truthfully said that the competition fulfilled the end for which it was intended – namely, to provide some means whereby a house could interest itself ibn artistic expression, and take part in what might be called a private music festival. To add still further incentive, a beautiful silver bowl was most generously given by Mr Wallace-Hadrill, to be presented to that house which should gain the highest general level of performance for whole competition.

Chairman of Governors: Mr S Towe CBE

Bromsgrove School is a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales. Co No. 4808121. Reg Charity No 1098740

It was divided into Singing and Instrumental. The Singing consisting of a unison song, chosen by the house, and in which not less than seventy-five per cent of the members joined, a Psalm and a glee (both set pieces) performed by a limited four-part choir selected to represent the house. The Director of Music from Berkhamsted School adjudicated. The morning was devoted to Instrumental and the Vocal solos, the afternoon to house choirs, and the evening, at which all competing houses and their supporters were present, to unison songs.

The songs were Wendron Brahms’ ‘The Blacksmith’, Lyttelton German’s ‘The Yeomen of England’, Elmshurst Parry’s ‘England’, Millington ‘German’s ‘Rolling down to Rio’ and Oakley Holsts’ ‘I Vow to thee my country’. All also had to sing Psalm 23 and the glee song Morley’s ‘It was a lover and a lass’.

Wendron were the ‘first house to hold the music trophy’. ‘Our sympathies to Lupton who through lack of numbers were unable to produce performances that would have justified them. We wish them better luck for future years’.

‘One would like to mention Elmshurst, who in the part song, finding themselves lacking the necessary trebles, nothing daunted produced a male voice trio. An exceedingly sporting effort – and though they may have lost by it musically, they certainly gained our respect by their keenness and courage.’

Chairman of Governors: Mr S Towe CBE

Bromsgrove School is a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales. Co No. 4808121. Reg Charity No 1098740