Palaeont. afr., 18, 89- 131 (1975)


by C. E. Gow


Comprchcnsive descriptions o f the osteology of Youngina capensis Broom and Prolacerla broomi P


INTRODUCTION are notas generalised as has until now been believed. The are an within the Subclass The Permian eosuchians, typified by Youngina, are and in the light ofthe present study must generally considered the hub oflater reptilian be added to Romer's (1956 ) otherwise satisfactory diversification (e .g. Romer, 1956 ). definition that dorsal dermal armour was present. The Youngina is relatively poorly known ; thus part of the genera comprising Romer's family Younginidae are a present study will describe the anatomy of this reasonably homogeneous group, with the exception in detail. To begin with it will be necessary to decide of Noteosuchus, which shows rhynchocephalian af­ just what we mean by Eosuchia and to try to decide finities (Carroll, pers. com.). Of the rest the best what is to be understood as comprising the material in existence is that of Youngina (with its tax­ You ngina. Here it is necessary to be very explicit as it is onomic variants), and these with their smooth peg­ becoming clear that the Upper Permian was a crucial like marginal dentition can be distinguished from period in sauropsid and that relationships H eleosaurus (Carroll, in press) which has serrated 90 marginal dentition and certain other features which Material referable to Youngina capensis Broom 1914. put it more closely in line with the Archosaurs. A.M. N.H. 5561: Younginacapensis Broom 1914. Broom (1914 et seq.) was responsible for the three and vertebrae, in American Museum of Natural generic and five specific names with which what is History. mani festly one form (Youngina capensis) is presently en­ Locality: New Bethesda, Graaff- Reinet. cumbered. This string of names is misleading; all the Collected: R. Broom. specimens come from the same horizon, differing only u.c. 1528: Youngoides romeri Olson and Broom 1937. in size, state of preservation and preparation, and Skull in University of Chicago. nature of deformation, which factors adequately ac­ Locality:Towerwater, Murraysburg. count for all supposed taxonomic differences. One R. C. 90: Y oungopsis rubidgei Broom and Robinson can have no doubts about synonymising them all un­ 1948. Very good skull. der Youngina capensis to stress the probability that this Locality: Doornkloof, Graaff- Reinet. was a single monospecific genus. This work will pre­ Collected:J. W. Kitching, 1939. sent a detailed description of this animal based on all R. C. 91: Youngoides minor Broomand Robinson 1948. useful material. A poor partial skull. A second undescribed Pro lacerta (Parrington, 1935), on the basis of its in­ specimen with the same number is also Youngina. complete lower temporal bar, has been considered to Locality: New Bethesda, Graaff- Reinet. represent a stage between the Eosuchia and the Collected: Kitching Bros., 1940. , but this concept must be reject~d. Acritical T.M. 1490: Youngopsis kitchingi Broom 1937. A very re-examination of the true position of Prolacerta is poor skull. necessary. Until now Pro lacerta (which includes Pricea) Locality: New Bethesda, Graaff- Reinet. has been known from a few and some cervical Collected:J. W. Kitching. vertebrae. Largely on the basis ofan incomplete lower T.M. 200: Younginacapensis Broom 1922. Fragments of temporal bar it has been regarded as ancestral to the postcranial skeleton, now even fewer than when Squamata. The present study describes the whole described by Broom, but certainly ofYoung ina. skeleton and the animal is shown to be Archosaurian Locality: New Bethesda, Graaff- Reinet. in almost every respect. Collected: I. Venter, circa 1920. The braincase ofProterosuchus is here re-described in T.M. 3603: Posterior half of a large skull, now acid some detail for comparative purposes. prepared. No catalogue data. R. C. 625 and 626: Two poorly preserved skulls. YOUNGINA Locality : Well wood , Graaff- Reinet. Collected: S. H. Rubidge, 1936 -45. MATERIAL AND METHODS R.C. 714: Incomplete skull. The descriptions of Youngina are based on Locality: Ganora, New Bethesda, Graaff-Reinet. material in the Bernard Price Institute (BPI) and one Collected: S. H. Rubidge, 1940. partial skull from the Transvaal Museum (TM). The K. 106: Badly flattened skull in the collections of the several specimens in the Rubidge Collection (RC) Geological Survey, Pretoria. - were examined. Professor Crompton kindly provid­ Locality: Blaaukranz. ed copies of his unpublished drawings of Youngina Collected: A. W. Keyser. rubidgei; these, though useful, have not been used B.P.1.375:Skull. here, and there are one or two points where we Locality: von der Waltzhoek, Graaff- Reinet. differ. These points of difference are those which it Collected:J. W. Kitching, 1946. has been possible to prepare more fully. A cast and B.P.1.2459: Small flattened partial skull. photographs of the Chicago specimen (Youngoides Locality: Klipplaat, Richmond. romeri ) were made available to the author. Collected:J. W. Kitching, 1951. All Youngina material comes from the Dap­ B.P.1.2871 : Skull. tocephalus zone of the Karroo. The state of preserva­ tion is rather different from that of the millerettids Locality: Beeldhouersfontein, Murraysburg. (Gow, 1972) of the same age, which might imply Collected:J. W. Kitching, 1958. some ecological differences in life. While the B. P.1. 2859: Skull and skeleton. millercttids are articulated and distortion free, the Locality: Doornplaas, Graaff- Reinet. younginids are disarticulated and the skulls are dis­ Collected:J. W. Kitching, 1964. torted. Most of the Youngina material has in the past been OSTEOLOGY OF YOUNGINA subjected to mechanical preparation which had caused some damage and also restricted the scope of The Skull further work. Fortunately it was possible to prepare Dnma/ bonf'1 of the skull roof a good braincase and skeleton in formic acid; other details were pieced together from mechanical PTf'1llaxil/a (Figures 1 and 6). The premaxilla is preparation of selected areas of different skulls. fairly well represented only in B.P.I. 2871. There 91

N ------t.


Figure I. Youngina capensis B.P.I. 287 J.

appear to have been three premaxillary teeth. The Parietal (Figures 2, 4, 5 and 6). The parietals enclose a important feature of the premaxilla is its medial ex­ large pineal opening and send out posterolaterally tent in the palate: the premaxillae run well back in­ directed wings. The area bordering the upper tem­ side the maxillae in a strong contact and meet in the poral opening is deep and has a shallow pocket in the midline. posterior corner affording a strong area of origin for (Most Figures). The maxilla sheaths most of the part of the adductor muscle complex. The wings slender, rather shallow snout, and has an extensive are joined by a slight ridge between skull table and oc­ contact with the palatine. The teeth are conical, sharply ciput. Each lateral wing forms important at­ pointed and not serrated; they thicken lingually at the tachments; anteriorly there is an extensive firm con­ base much as described for (Cow , 1972); they are tact with the squamosal (Figures 4 and 6): applied to sub-thecodont and become firmly ankylosed in deep pi ts. the posterior surface are a post-parietal and tabular, An exact count is not possible but there are about30 tooth while the tip is sheathed by a supratemporal whose ex­ positions with alternate replacement so that one gets a act relationships will be discussed separately. The count of about 20 functional teeth of different ages. An lateral wings roof large post-temporal fossae and important aspect of the maxillary tooth row is that it there is no firm contactwith the supraoccipital. extends back to below the postorbital bar (c.f. Postfrontal. The postfrontal is firmly sutured Cruickshank, 1972, and crocodilians, but between frontal and postorbital. not ) . Postorbital. The postorbital is overlapped above by SeptomaxiLla. Detailsofthis bone are totally lacking. the post-frontal (this region, the anterior border of Nasal (Figures 1 and 6). The relationships of the th e upper temporal opening, is deep); ventrally it has a nasals are clear except anteriorly where there is some rigid sloping contact with the jugal, and posteriorly a doubt as to the exact position of the sutures with the broad flat sheet has an extensive overlap onto th e premaxillae, but this is oflittle consequence. squamosal. Lacrimal (Figures 1 and 6). The lateral exposure of Jugal (Figures 2, 5 and 6). This is a straightforward the lacrimal is reduced to a short distance in front of elementhavinga longslopingcontactwith the maxilla the orbit. A single foramen runs the full antorbital ex­ and short rigid connections with post-orbital and tent of the bone (as seen in section in R. C. 625 ). quadratojugal. Where it forms the anterior border of . Prefrontal. As figured, requires no special descrip­ the lower temporal opening there is a distinctive tIO n. depression (indicated in Figure 6, lateral view). Inter­ Frontal (Figures 2 and 6). The frontals are the only nally the jugal has the ectopterygoid abutting against .skull roofing elements which have roughened sur­ it. It has not been possible to expose the inner surface faces, notably between the postfrontals and above the ofthis region ofthe jugal. orbits. The frontals are rigidly sutured to theparietals. Q.uadratojugal (Figures 2 and 6). This is an element 92

A B c


_ C ___",2iij l'::ffi====-_ . BPI. 3859. FIgur. e 2 . Youngma. capenslS. .



L --+:177/r-.. ! PRF

:J--v \ F



ST -~~'/I SQ 2cm

FIgure. 3 . Youngma. capensls . B ...PI375. 93


(C) (0)

pp T SO ST par. proc. SQ EO Q q.ra. pt.


Figure 4. Youngina capensis T.M. 3603. A, Dorsal ; B, Ventral; C, Occipital ; D, Internal detail of frontoparietal region.

critical to phylogenetic discussion. The contact with Sclera. These are present in B.P. I. 2871 and suggesta the jugal presents no problem; itis the relationships to ring of ± 12 flat plates. squamosal and quadrate which are important. With The palate. The palate of Youngina has to date been B. P. I. 3859 (Figure 2) it was possible to remove part of poorly known and imaginatively drawn. Olson's the squamosal to reveal the full extent of the (1936) reconstruction is poor and has been used by quadratojugal beneath it. T.M. 3603 provides a check Romer (1956): in this, the anterior ofthe palate is quite in that the upper two-thirds of the inner surface of the wrong as is the epipterygoid stuck in the articula­ squamosal are clean and there is no sign of any dorsal tion. continuation of the quadratojugal. Unfortunately no Vomer (Fi gures 2 and 6). The vomers are fused in specimen shows the contact of quadrate and the midline. Anteriorly they disappear above the quadratojugal. palatal extensions of the premaxillae which are also Squamosal (Figures 2, 4, 5 and 6). The squamosal united in the m idline. Relationships with palatine overlies part of the quadratojugal below, then rises up and pterygoid are clear. Median and lateral borders in contact with the quadrate, finally turning inwards to of each vomer bear a row of small teeth: the median cap the quadrate, running under a facet of the post­ row divides into two along the posterior third of its orbital and lapping against the parietal wing. length . Medial to the tooth rows where the vomers Postparie tal, Tabular and Supratemporal (Figures 4, 5 meet they are upturned to form what in palatal view and 6). There is reasonable certainty regarding the is a narrow smoothly rounded trough. There are presence of these three elements. and two or three larger teeth grouped at the tip of each tabular are simply applied against the back of the vo mer. parietal. The supratemporal on the other hand is more Palatine (Fi gure 2). The relationships of the complex; it lies against the back of the parietal wing palatine are clear; it bears four rows of teeth, one a and extends beyond its tip, turning down and continuation of the lateral row on the vomer, the forwards to form a hook which lies against the top of others of corresponding rows on the palatine. The the pterygoid flange of the quadrate. This hooked foot in contact with the maxilla projects downwards supratemporal possibly supported a cartilaginous somewhat from the level of the palate. pad which could rotate against the paroccipital EctojJter.Yf!,oid (Figures 2 and 6). The ectopterygoid process. overlaps onto the palatal surface of the pterygoid, 94

extending well down the pterygoid flange. This ele­ POF ment is poorly known in more primitive reptiles, but by analogy with Millerettids it appears that the in­ fraorbital fenestra in Youngina is formed by reduc­ tion of the ectopterygoid. The extent of the surface abutting against the jugal is not clear. pterygoid (Figures 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). The palatal por­ tion of the pterygoid bears a double row ofteeth on the mesial edge continuous with a double row on the vomer. Three rows of teeth fan out from near the basal 2cm

articulation and continue onto the palatine. The (D) (El strongly down-turned flange of the pterygoid bears a row of 6 or 7 robust teeth. The articulation with the basisphenoid is freely movable. The quadrate ramus of the pterygoid is a rigid triradiate structure with its edges directed laterally, mesially and dorsally, enclos­ ing a dorso-mesial depression (for the protractor pterygoideus). There is a considerable overlap between pterygoid and quadrate, and a marked sup­ portingridge on the quadrate. The palatoquadrate Epipterygoid (Figure 5 E). Both epipterygoids are par­

tially exposed in T.M. 3603. The upper portio!, of the lcm shaft is missing; there is no sign of an attachment area on the parietal. A broad footplate rests on the pterygoid very much as illustrated for Milleretta (Cow, 1972, Figure 8) and, by analogy, probably caps the basal articulation. Figure 5. Youngina capensis T.M. 3603. A, Lateral view; B. Mesial Quadrate (Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6). The quadrate isheld view of quadrate and cheek region; C, Saggital section laterally and dorsally by the squamosal and internally through braincase; D, Braincase dorsal view; E, by parietal and supratemporal above and the Braincase lateral view. pterygoid below. Anteriorly it is braced by the quadratojugal. l'his is a rigid system. The pterygoid specimen), so that the prootic appears susp~nded ramus is a tall flat sheet. The ridge supporting the from astrong suture with the supraoccipital whileven­ quadrate ramus of the pterygoid extends to the back of trally it rests on the basisphenoid. The system of inner the quadrate, as is clear from Figures 3, 5 and 6; lateral ear canals converging at the fenestra ovalis from to this and sloping in from the back of the outer con­ supraoccipital, opisthosthotic and prootic is well dis­ dyle is an abrupt depression. The stapes would have played in the specimen. passed across this region. As is plain from the Basisphenoid (Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6). Basisphenoid reconstructed lateral view the quadrate is held ver­ material is poor. The nature of the basipterygoid ticallyand the term "otic notch" hardlyapplies. processes is clear and the articulation possible here is very similar to that described for millerettids (Cow, The braincase (Figure 5) 1972); the low clinoid processes too are very similar. Supraoccipital. The relationships of this element are Parasphenoid (Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6). The largely evident from the figures. The supraoccip~al parasphenoid is edentulous. It overlaps the basioc­ runs in under the parietals, this area being bridged by cipital extensively and has a pronounced semicircular the . The bone slopes obliquely down lip posteroventrally (seen in section in Figure 5 C). and backwards. Stapes (Figure 6). The stapes is a thin rod pierced Opisthotic. The structure and relationships of the near the proximal end by a stapedial foramen. The opisthotic are clear from the figures. The point to note foramen is bounded by an extremely thin bridge here is that the paroccipital process articulates in a which is bowed slightly outwards; such a foramen pocket formed by the supratemporal (Figure 5 E). could well disappear in later forms. Exoccipitals and Basioccipital (Figures 4, 5 and 6). These form a fused unit. The exoccipitals almost meet The lower jaw (Figure 6) above the foramen magnum behind the supraoc­ There is no good lower jaw material: the region of cipital. The overlap between parasphenoid and the retroarticular process is eroded off in all basioccipital is clear from Figure 5 C. specimens. The tooth~bearing rami are rather slender Prootic (Figure 5C, 0 and E). The region of the while the region of the adductor fossa is considerably fenestra ovalis is poorly ossified (and this is a large deeper. .. ". . ." ." -." .. -

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. ,.".

Figure 6. Youngina capensis . Composite skull reconstruction.

ThepostcranialskeletonOfYOUNGINA . The first sacral is missing; in the second the ribs are The skeleton ofB.P:1. 2859 was jumbled together in directed forwards and the distal ends. bifurcate, the a tight bundle behind the skufl and part of it had more anterior branch articulating with the iliumand already rotted away. Before acid preparation could the posterior branch forming a continuation of the commence the skull which had been extensively caudal transverse processes and a site of attachment mechanically prepared had to be removed along a for caudal musculature. The caudal vertebrae with natural joint. The forelimb too was prepared their strong transverse processes and deep haemaL mechanically and removed. The remainder was then arches indicate a deep ' and powerful tail. A small. disentangled by the repeated use of formic acid. The number of symmetrical middorsal scines are preserv­ skeleton comprises a nearly complete set of presacral . ed (Figure 8), sufficient to indicate that there was one to vertebrae apparently lacking only the atlas, axis and each but there is no indication as to the extent first sacral. The second sacral and first caudal are at­ ofthe row. tached and there are two other caudals and two haemal arches (thought absent by Broom, 1922). Girdles and limbs (Figures 9and 31) There are several plates of middorsal armour. There The pectoral girdle comprises a T-shaped In­ are several ribs. All elements of both girdles are terclavicle (with anteroventral notches for the represented. The left forelimb is complete, also the ), and a scapulocoracoid anteriorly notched right humerus. The left femur and the proximal end of to leave a gap between it and the . The ends of the tibia and a presumed fourth metatarsal are all that the humerus are rotated at 900 to each other. There is remain of the hind limb. Thus it is only the hind limb an entepicondylar foramen and a pronounced which is incomplete. ectepicondylar groove. Radius and require no additional description. The wrist is practically intact: Vertebrae (Figure 7) and ribs there is a large ulnare and a rather small radiale, an in­ The neural arches are broad and flat with moderate­ termedium, lateral and medial centrales, and five dis­ ly tall spines. The zygapophyses are horizontal, the tal carpals. The digits are complete and bear powerful, transverse processes are pronounced, slanted, and laterally compressed, curved claws. The pelvic girdle is have facets for single rib heads. The centra are rather similar to that ofHowesia(Broom, 1906). The il­ amphicoelous and notochordal and invisibly fused to ium has a short, almost vertical blade, the pubis a the neural arches. Intercentra are present. pronounced thickened outturned antero-ventral 96




OJ . "... .: .:.. ;;

(F 1 (Gl (E 1

Figure 7. Youngina capensis B.P.1. 3859. A, Cervical vertebra; B, Anterior dorsal vertebra; C, Se­ cond sacral and first caudal vertebrae; D, Proximal caudal vertebra; E, Proximal haemal arch; F, Distal caudal vertebra; G, Distal haemal arch. (Cross hatching of neural spines and articular facets does not indicate damaged surfaces.) 97

(8) - lcm \lI 2cm

I I I I '. .... ",: )~:;;: .. .' .'. ' ---' \!%).< : ... '\.

I I 1!f!rI I Figure 8. Youngina capensis B.P.I. 3859. Mid-dorsal scutes. "\ I " process, and the ischium extends well back. The Figure 9. Youngina capensis B.P.!' 3859. A, Left forelimb ; B, Femur, tibia and fourth metatarsal in anterior view; proximal and to acetabulum is confined the ilium. The notch distal ends of femur; C, Right aspect of pectoral girdle; D, between pubis and ischium would, according to Ri ght pelvic girdle. Romer (1956, p. 318), indicate incomplete ossification and notan incipient thyroid fenestra. The femur is primitive, though with a marked cur­ impression are the apparently unspecialised terminal ~a ture which seems natural. The tibia is unfortunately nares. Incomplete. There is a single metatarsal which is Broom (1922) figured the humerus and tibia of almost certainly the fourth. Youngina; combining measurements from these with The following are the limb element measurements data available from the present study we can conclude In mm: with a fair degree of certainty that the tibia was shorter Humerus 23 than the femur, but not dramatically so-this points Ulna 16 Radius 18 towards a terrestrial quadrupedal existence. Femur 34 The tail is important, but as the interpretation oftail The skeletal fragments described by Broom (1922) function is important with Prolacerta as well, and as this were alm

Scm ' . -.'

Figure 10 .. Youngina capensis. ·Reconstruction of the skeleton.

parisoris we find .that in Sphenodonthe chevrons are YOUNGINARELATIONSHIPS substantial but balanced . by tall neural spines. While the skull of Youngina is essentially Permian Something dosely approaching the Youngina condi­ (braincase, palatal dentitiOn} it exhibits certain ad­ tion is seen in one of our local lizards, Cordylus vances which foreshadow the Triassic early thecodont giganteus , a fairly large spiky armoured lizard of the grade (considerable palatal .extent of premaxillae, grassveld. Pairs live in burrows of their own making, suborbital vacuity, and slender stapes). This should and judging by the even distribution of burrows are not be construed to imply a direct relationship strongly territorial. In this animal neural spines·are between Youngina and a possible Prolerosuchus-Prolacer­ very poorly developed throughout and the chevrons ta ancestor. These are simply time grades of reptilian are comparable iii size to those of Young ina. This evolution, and while it is useful to know what the similarity of tail structure, however, may be just that "Eosuchian" skull looks like there are other small lit­ and no more, anditis interestingthatSphenodonandC. tie known U . .Permian eosuchians which rria y prove to giganteuswhich have moreor less the same way oflife in be more directly· on specific lines to the Triassic several respects should have such different tails. C. Thecodonts (e .g.Hel eosaurus) . giganteus would probably fare poorly as a swimmer. One must concede that the diapsid upper temporal This may be a case where it is not possible roexplain opening is a rigid distinctive feature shared by the observed differences in functional terms. Youngina and its kin plus all later . The one It should be noted that in swimming reptiles (e.g. serious drawback to Youngina as a thecodont ancestor , monitors) the distal caudal vertebrae have is in the structure and relationships of the quadrato­ tall neural spines which balance longchevrons in sup­ jugal. Both the tall "archosaurian" quadratojugal ot porting a flattened, moreor less symmetrical, tail. e.g. Proterosuchus and the small articulating slip of a There can be little doubt that Youngina was a bone inProlacerta are readily derivable from the sort of terrestrial animal. Girdle measurements relating to condition seen in millerettids (Gow, 1972, Figures 8 body sections are given in Table 1. and 22 ) but not from the arrangement in Youngina.

Table I

. " . Crocodylus Youngina Sphenodon Chamaeleo Prolace rta niloticus capensis punctatus dilepis parringtoni

Measurements in mm.

Intergleno id width IGW 241 28 34 II 32 Interacetabula r width lAW 127 19 28 9 30 P",o" 1 } girdle depth 17 8 18 33 18 50 Pe lvi c girdle depth Taken together as girdle depth GO 17 8 22 34 16 46

Rati os IGW : IAW 2 :1 3 :2 1:1 1 :1 1:1 IGW :GD 4 :3 3 :2 1 :1 1 :2 3 :5 IAW :GD 2:3 1 :1 1 :1 1 :2 3 :5

Bo dy Shape Do rsoventra II y Round La tera ll y compressed bodied compressed 99 '

. This is notto suggest arelatio'nship between milleret- ·.· . has undescribed material. of equivaleni:;ige. collecred tids and thecodonts. Thisquadratojugalobjection . by Kitchirig. in .l Pro[acerta.broomfwasfirsr does not (lpply to-rhynchocephalian derivation from ' described ' by Pairing-ton .' inT935. parr-jng-ton' s . Youngina, but it does rejecra too Close relationship specimen lacks ,the posterior spur of t~ejug