November 29, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 23319 all of the wonderful family and friends for those who need to carry on in this It is important because countries that have accompanied me to show time of crisis. around the world, including Africa, support for me today. The lyrics are powerful and uplifting: Eastern Europe, the U.K., Australia I am also fortunate to be joined by ‘‘Our tears may fall and our hearts and Japan, are seeing increasing cases two former Members of this illustrious may be shattered, but deep down in our of HIV and AIDS. We must educate body, Mr. John Paul Hammerschmidt souls we are strong. We are proud. We young people as well as others how to and the senior Senator from , are bold. We have the strength. We prevent the scourge of AIDS and carry Senator . have the power no terrorist could with- out that responsibility. We must also For 26 years, Congressman Hammer- stand. We will not hide. We will not invest resources so our health care sys- schmidt served the Third District of cower. We will stand up for the rights tem can treat. Arkansas and set a standard of excel- of our land. We are America. We are f lence and dedication that the people of America, America, you are grand.’’ the third district have come to expect Please join me in congratulating Ann IN APPRECIATION OF U.S. from all that have succeeded him. I S. Miller and Ted Maliaris, two proud CAPITOL POLICE Americans, proud to be serving our share Congressman Hammerschmidt’s (Mr. PITTS asked and was given per- country. immense respect for this institution mission to address the House for 1 and for the good people that I have f minute and to revise and extend his re- been elected to serve. WORLD AIDS DAY marks.) Senator HUTCHINSON continued the (Mr. FOLEY asked and was given per- Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, since Sep- rich tradition of tireless service to the mission to address the House for 1 tember 11 America has been extra secu- third district and is doing a wonderful minute and to revise and extend his re- rity conscious. Congress too has been job representing Arkansas in the marks.) taking extra precautions to make sure Senate. I look forward to Mr. FOLEY. Mr. Speaker, since AIDS the people who work here are safe and working with him and the rest of the was first recognized 20 years ago, 58 as they do the people’s business. We delegation on behalf of our home State. million people have been affected; and have extra jersey barriers up and a cou- I also would like to take a moment at the current rate of spread, the total ple of side streets are blocked off to to thank former Congressman Asa will exceed 100 million by 2001. traffic. There is one more measure that Hutchinson, who recently departed According to the Centers for Disease I think we need to recognize. The Cap- Congress to head the Drug Enforce- Control, there are currently over itol Police are working overtime, a lot ment Administration. President Bush 900,000 people infected and living with of overtime. recognized Asa’s talent and selected HIV and AIDS in the United States. The dedicated officers of the Capitol him to lead the Nation’s efforts to There are approximately 40,000 Ameri- Police have been working 12-hour shifts eradicate illegal drug use. It is by no cans infected each year. Worldwide this with only 1 day off a week. They are means an easy job, but if anyone is up year there were 5 million new cases, doing this to keep all of us safe. They to the task it is . and of that, 800,000 were under the age are doing this to protect this building. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to follow in of 15. This building is the symbol of Amer- the footsteps of these fine public serv- Worldwide there are over 40 million ican democracy. It is the symbol of ants. I am committed to keeping alive people currently living with HIV and freedom around the world. the tradition of service and conserv- AIDS; 18 million are women and 3 mil- So thanks to the men and women of ative values that the people of the lion are children. the Capitol Police, the rookies and the third district have come to expect from AIDS kills more than 7,000 people in veterans alike. Do not think that you their representative in Congress. I look sub-Saharan Africa each day. President are not appreciated. What you are forward to my service in this body and Bush this year has committed over $200 doing is greatly appreciated by all of again express my deep appreciation for million to a global fund to fight HIV us. the welcome I have received. Thank and AIDS. I have requested additional f you very much. money along with other Members of f Congress to pursue this very worthy THE BIG BITE ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER goal. (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was PRO TEMPORE Today we should reflect on those lost given permission to address the House and use their memories to fuel our ef- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. for 1 minute and to revise and extend forts to eradicate this pandemic. his remarks.) SHIMKUS). The Chair will entertain 10 f one-minute speeches per side. Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, as a f REMEMBERING WORLD AIDS DAY former athlete, I thought I saw it all. (Ms. KILPATRICK asked and was Great celebrations after grand slams HONORING ANN MILLER AND TED given permission to address the House and Hail Marys. But this time it has MALIARIS for 1 minute and to revise and extend gone too far. (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was her remarks.) News reports say after a game-win- given permission to address the House Ms. KILPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, ning goal at a soccer match in Spain, a for 1 minute and to revise and extend today I rise to acknowledge and com- player celebrated his teammate who her remarks.) memorate World AIDS Day, which is scored by biting him on the genitals. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I Saturday, December 1. Today, world- Beam me up. would like to recognize two patriotic wide, AIDS is the fourth largest killer Now I have heard of high fives, back Americans from my congressional dis- of people. Forty million people, as has slaps, butt slaps, but this takes the trict today, Ann S. Miller and Ted been said, are living with AIDS today. family jewels. Maliaris. They have written and pro- As has been said, 900,000 here in Amer- The team says the player is doing duced ‘‘A Tribute to America—a 21st ica and 13,000 in my own State of fine, but I suspect he will speak from Century Anthem.’’ Michigan. Half of the infected cases are here on in like a soprano. This is going Ann Miller’s song is delivered with young adults between 13 and 25. a little too far. I yield back what has love and compassion by her son Ted The cost of treating AIDS is astro- now become known as ‘‘The Big Bite.’’ with the help of their publicist Angel nomical. Our health system is not able f Duke. Theirs is an anthem for all today to carry that cost, and we must Americans, dedicated to our Armed invest in our health system from top to HONORING CHANCE KRETSCHMER Forces, to our men and women in uni- bottom so we can treat those who are (Mr. GIBBONS asked and was given form, risking their lives every day and infected. permission to address the House for 1

VerDate Aug 18 2005 08:57 Sep 01, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0687 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\H29NO1.000 H29NO1 23320 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE November 29, 2001 minute and to revise and extend his re- minute and to revise and extend his re- for 1 minute and to revise and extend marks.) marks.) his remarks.) Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, I come Mr. LOBIONDO. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. KNOLLENBERG. Mr. Speaker, to the well of this great body to recog- today on a sad anniversary for a family leadership is only proven through ac- nize the achievements of Chance in southern New Jersey. On November tion, and throughout its history the Kretschmer, a freshman running back 25, 1991, 11-year-old Mark Himebaugh United States has proven itself to be a for the University of Nevada, Reno, left his Middle Township, New Jersey, leader. But as we lead the world in an Wolf Pack football team. home to watch firefighters respond to a effort to eradicate terrorism, we risk Chance Kretschmer broke not only brushfire. He was returning as his mom abdicating our position of leadership in every Nevada football rushing record was leaving to run an errand. His an area that is just as vital to Amer- for number of yards, number of carries mother told him that she would be ica’s well-being and that is inter- and number of touchdowns, but he is right back, and Mark replied, ‘‘Okay, national trade. also the lead rusher in the NCAA. Mom.’’ Those would be the last words With more than 130 trade agreements Born and raised in a small rural anyone would hear from Mark. Now, 10 in effect in the world today, it is town, Tonopah, Nevada, the young years later, Mark sadly is still missing. shocking that in the U.S. we are a football star joined the Wolf Pack foot- This heartbreaking story is just one party to only three. National security ball team as an unknown walk-on of so many in our Nation where FBI and economic security are not mutu- freshman. Now, not only are the UNR statistics show that more than 876,000 ally exclusive. Exports strengthen our fans and coaches taking notice, but all adults and children were reported as country by creating jobs and strength- of the college sports community is missing during the year 2000. The Con- ening the economy. The jobs stay here doing so as well. gressional Caucus on Missing and Ex- and the exports go overseas. One in 10 In his last game, Chance ran for an ploited Children, of which I am a mem- Americans work in jobs that depend on amazing 327 yards on 45 carries and ber, is working to raise the profile of exports. One in 10. And those jobs pay scored an amazing six touchdowns between 13 and 18 percent more than leading the UNR to victory. And as this issue. The best way to help find kids like the national average. only a freshman, this Nevada native America must lead in international Mark is to look at the photographs of certainly has an exciting future ahead trade in order to effectively lead the missing children posted at many of him. Congratulations, Chance world. Fortunately, 1 week from today, venues around the Nation and call the Kretschmer, on your athletic accom- December 6, Congress has a chance to National Center for Missing and Ex- plishments. You have made all of Ne- pick up the mantle of leadership by ploited Children’s toll-free number at vada proud. passing trade promotion authority. 1–800–THE–LOST. At their Web site, f I urge all my colleagues to join me in, you can see pic- supporting TPA, trade promotion au- SUPPORTING WORLD AIDS DAY tures of Mark. Please do your part to thority. help out. (Ms. LEE asked and was given per- f mission to address the House for 1 f THE ACCESS AND OPENNESS TO minute and to revise and extend her re- DR. GEORGE SIMKINS, JR. marks.) SMALL BUSINESS LENDING ACT Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, on December (Mr. WATT of North Carolina asked (Mr. UDALL of New Mexico asked 1, communities across the globe will and was given permission to address and was given permission to address acknowledge World AIDS Day. The the House for 1 minute and to revise the House for 1 minute and to revise global AIDS pandemic is the greatest and extend his remarks.) and extend his remarks.) humanitarian crisis of our times. Mr. WATT of North Carolina. Mr. Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. Three years ago in my district, we Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to Speaker, we all agree that small busi- declared a state of emergency on HIV Dr. George Simkins, Jr., a resident of ness is the engine of economic growth and AIDS in the African American my congressional district, who died on in our Nation. As a member of the community. Since then the number of November 21 and is being funeralized Committee on Small Business, I have new infections has begun to slowly de- today in Greensboro, North Carolina. worked with my colleagues in both par- crease, but millions of dollars are need- Dr. Simkins, a former president of the ties to ensure that access to capital is ed in our urban and rural communities Greensboro NAACP for 25 years, was a there for those who need it, especially to tackle this pandemic. civil rights pioneer who helped inte- women and minority-owned businesses. AIDS, like many diseases, knows no grate the Greensboro City Council and I am pleased to join today the gen- borders; nor does it discriminate. HIV open public facilities to African Ameri- tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. has infected over 57 million people cans. MCGOVERN) in introducing legislation worldwide. AIDS, TB, and malaria Dr. Simkins was a vigilant and con- that will allow us to determine if fi- claim over 17,000 lives each day. stant warrior for equity, equality, and nancial institutions are responding to We know how to prevent the spread justice. In this role, he paved the way the credit needs of minority- and of HIV. We know how to treat AIDS pa- for many of us to achieve successes women-owned businesses. From this tients, and we know we must continue that would otherwise have been unat- data, we will be able to determine what our work in vaccine development. tainable and then stood shoulder to United Nations Secretary General is working and what needs fixing. shoulder with us to continue the fight. This legislation is supported by the Kofi Annan and global AIDS experts es- Politically, George was a strong sup- National Women’s Business Council, timate that it will take $7 billion to $10 porter, adviser and mentor. Personally, the Women’s Business Development billion annually to launch an effective George was my tennis and my Centers, the National Community Re- response. The United States should true friend. investment Coalition, and the Hispanic contribute at least $1 billion to this Greensboro, North Carolina, and our Economic Development Corporation, to fund as the wealthiest and most power- Nation have lost a sturdy warrior name a few. ful country on Earth. The human fam- whose important work will be remem- I look forward to working with the ily is at stake. We can and we must do bered for years to come. I offer my con- gentleman from Massachusetts and all more. dolences to the family of Dr. George my colleagues to achieve passage of f Simkins, Jr. this important legislation. b 1045 f f A SAD ANNIVERSARY TRADE PROMOTION AUTHORITY URGING ACTION ON A FARM BILL (Mr. LOBIONDO asked and was given (Mr. KNOLLENBERG asked and was (Mr. OSBORNE asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 given permission to address the House permission to address the House for 1

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