University Initiative A project of YU Center for the Jewish Future – Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary

Yeshiva University Kollel Initiative Mission Statement: The mission of the YU Kollel Initiative is to enrich and engage the greater Jewish community with inspired living and learning. The Kollel is an open community of study that celebrates three core values: the primacy of Torah U’mada, understanding and contributing to the world community, and dedication to Eretz Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael. The kollel fellows will bring passion and commitment to a vibrant “Beit without walls,” engaging the community as they grow personally and professionally. Torah MiTzion Beit Midrash Zichron Dov, , Canada: Position: Kollel Fellow Website: Rosh Beit Midrash: Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner, [email protected]

The mission of the Yeshiva University Torah miTzion Beit Midrash Zichron Dov is to promote the values of Yeshiva University and Torah miTzion to the Jewish youth, collegiates, women and men of the Greater Toronto Area, and to provide Torah education and on‐the‐job rabbinic training for avreichim who embrace those values.

The Toronto Jewish Community initiated our beit midrash in order to create a flagship Torah centre for the Tzioni, Yeshiva University‐oriented population in this city of approximately 200,000 . We are located in Yeshivat Or Chaim, an all‐male yeshiva high school affiliated with Yeshivot . Our goal is to present role models for children, to create a place for collegiates and post‐collegiates to study, to provide a destination for shiurim and chavrutot and to demonstrate the importance of Torah in the Modern Orthodox world. In our four years in Toronto, HaShem has blessed our efforts with success beyond our wildest dreams.

The ideal Avreich has a love of Torah, a positive and warm personality, and a relentless work ethic. The ideal Avreich is passionate about building and promoting the Beit Midrash, and about maximizing his personal and professional growth. The ideal Avreich wants to develop social as well as pedagogic relationships, loving others and bringing them close to Torah.

In addition to his direct work in the Beit Midrash, each Avreich takes a role as Rabbinic Assistant for a local , teaching and gaining shimush experience during weekday evenings and on . The Avreich is also paired with a Ram at Yeshivat Or Chaim, a boys' Bnai Akiva high school, for classroom work three times each week.

The package for the Avreich includes a generous scholarship, as well as government and supplemental health insurance. The Avreich’s wife receives an automatic open work permit; qualification examinations for certain types of work do apply. Cosmopolitan Toronto, Canada’s largest city, has a large, diverse and wecloming Torah‐observant population (almost 200,000 Jews) and all of the amenities. Avreichim will have many opportunities to grow professionally through our partnerships with CHAT, Yeshivot Bnei Akiva, NCSY, Torah High, Bnai Akiva, JLIC at University of Toronto and York University, JCC's, the Toronto Beis Din, the COR and Toronto , as well as through our and publication opportunities.

Avreichim of the Yeshiva University Torah miTzion Beit Midrash emerge from their time with us armed with two extra years of learning, practical experience in the rabbinate and in education, training by experienced synagogue , and a formidable resume.

For 2013‐2014, we are seeking at least two couples, who would be making a two‐year commitment.

Responsibilities include:  Keep to the curriculum and schedule of seder  Attend shiurim of the Rosh Beit Midrash and Sgan Rosh Beit Midrash  Prepare and deliver at least one community shiur per week  Participate in Beit Midrash activities, such as publication of the weekly “Toronto Torah” dvar torah bulletin  Prepare materials for the Beit Midrash website, under the direction of the Rosh Beit Midrash  Serve a local synagogue as Rabbinic Assistant, teaching, speaking, counseling and officiating under the Rabbi's guidance  Be an active, warm, engaging representative of the Beit Midrash in the community  Reach out to community members, including beyond Seder time, to bring them into Beit Midrash activities  Welcome community members into their homes for with reasonable frequency  Represent the values of Yeshiva University and Torah miTzion positively in the community  Wives share the mission of our beit midrash, and their participation in programming is enthusiastically welcomed but not obligatory.