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VOLUME XXXII • ISSUE 4 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2007 CONNECTICUT COLLEGE, NEW LONDON, CT College Celebrates Latino Heritage Month to the campus. BY LAUREN MORROW 09 The theme for Latino Heritage Month this year is "Paso a Paso: Marching Onward." Civil rights are the stoff writer focus of each of the heritage months run by Unity House Hispanic Americans have played a major role in this year because this April marks the 40th anniversary shaping contemporary American culture as we know it. of Dr. Martin Luther King's murder. Along these same Hispanic ideas, experiences and traditions have con- lines of civil rights, Dr. Stephen Pitti from Yale gave a tributed to the progression of the United States through presentation September 26 entitled "The Passion of the literature of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Sandra Ceasar Chavez", which was very well-attended. Chavez Cisneros, the music of Celia Cruz and Carlos Santana, was an advocate for Mexican workers, who took a 000- and the scientific discoveries of Mario Molina and violent approach to gain rights for migrant farmers. Severo Ochoa. Furthermore, there is a photo exhibit in Unity House dis- In 1968, the United States government decided to playing work that reflects Latinos in America during the acknowledge the accomplishments of Latinos with Civil Rights movement. Hispanic Heritage Week. Finally in 1988 September 15 On Friday, Ocrober 5 there will be a related Common through October 15 was declared Hispanic or Latino Hour, "From the Sixties to Today: Puerto Rican Radical Heritage Month. Movements and Latina/o Rights" hy Dr. Andres Torres.

o Today, there are 42.7 million Hispanics in the United That same evening at 7:00 Dr. Jose Gonzalez will share

States, making them the largest minority group, at 14% 0 some of his work at Unity Poets Cafe in Unity House. of the total population. It seems that Latino Heritage Tbis event will offer a comfortable ambiance to hear a Month should be widely celebrated and appreciated, yet poetically expressed view of what it means to be many are not aware of this commemoration. Some Hispanic in America, while enjoying a cafe style menu. members of the administration here Connecticut College This month's celebrations will commence with a party is trying to change this. thrown by La Unidad on Saturday night in the 1941 Elizabeth Garcia and Aracelis Vazquez of Unity room. House have taken charge of a large effort to raise aware- Although Latino Heritage Month is almost over, ness about various heritage months. Before Garica and there are upcoming heritage months that Unity House Vazquez arrived at Connecticut College, nothing was will be commemorating. November is Native American being done to recognize Latino Heritage Month. This Heritage Month, February is Black History Month, and was simply because students did not have the time to April is Asian and Pacific Islander History Month. All' arrange events on their own, and there were very few students are welcome to help out with the planning for Kenneth Rivera speaks at Latino Heritage Month Convocation (Kaminsky) faculty members (administrators) backing them. Now, these heritage month events; you can contact Aracelis these two women, along with student organizations and Vazquez at [email protected] for more informa- various other administrators and offices at the college, tion. are making these heritage months more publicly known Sources:; . Campus Security Stiffens in Aftermath of Viclence

BY KASEY LUM '11 ty of students. ments have been implemented this year. Last The recent shootings at Delaware State and St. Wednesday was the first trial run of the college's new staff writer John's University all seemed to occur when public sen- emergency "alert system, Connect-ED. Patricia Carey, timent was still wary about new campus safety policies. Vice president of College Relations explained the pur- Around college campuses nationwide, recent inci- However, the procedures exercised by these colleges o pose of the system: "Our first hope is that we will never dents of campus violence has simultaneously stirred ter- during the events proved everyone wrong. Using new have to use this system. However, if we do face an ror and confusion. Yet along with the fear, there is now security systems that alerted students and faculty emergency situation, this system should. permit us to a stronger determination for change. Since the Virginia through text messaging, campus security was able to alert our corrununity more quickly and efficiently than Tech incident of last April, colleges and universities quickly close down campuses and safely direct students ever before. Having this capability increases the safety around the country have updated and improved security away from the violence. These events have awakened measures drastically. In addition to mental health train- public attention and influenced new actions by campus SEE CAMpUS-SeCURIlY ing and new alert systems, it seems that colleges are tak- safety. ing as many precautions possible to guarantee the safe- Continued on page four At Connecticut ~ollege, similar security improve- News A&E Sports See pages 3&5 for Tum to pages 6&7 for Look at pages 8&9 for the Pressing Issues reviews of The Darj.. /;ng the latest on Men's IJd and The Kingdom; Soccer, a profile on the Around the World, _ pages 1.4&15 for a and Meet the Women's soccer coach, Radiohead expose and pep rally photos Housefellows, pari 2 . , .... ," ...,, -

2 • OCTOBER5, 2007 • THE COlliGE VOICE EDITORIAL Superfans of Big Hig

It is safe to say that I am not a morn- President Higdon has become some- ing person, yet I found myself awake, what of a pop culture phenomenon on dressed and outside at 7:45 am last campus. He is Conn's leading celebrity Saturday. I wanted to be part of the Fun and has earned the endearing nickname Run with President Higdon. He was "Big Hig." His face and name are even speaking with an older crowd outside of emblazoned on tee shirts created by var- Cro, standing there in his running shorts ious student groups. and telling them about the renovations So what has Lee Higdon done to earn over the summer, the plans for next sum- such a devoted student following? This mer, and that he wants to increase stu- sort of reaction to an administrative dent-friendly hangout spaces on campus. leader is opposite to what I'm used to. Us Always hyping Conn, Higdon gets us reckless teenagers are meant to stick it to hyped because we are living the changes "The Man," not actually think that "The his administration ushered in and we are Man" is, in fact, the man! But President watching him in action. Rather, we are Higdon has made continual efforts to invited to participate in the process. appeal to the students' want~ and needs. Last year Higdon opened a dialogue He respects us, and as a natural reaction, with the editors-in-chief, Pete Sterling we respect him. Since Higdon's ani val and Steve Strauss. Claire and I met him to Connecticut College, the atmosphere at the end .ofthe year, and since then, we has changed. I can say that it changed for know that the school is supporting our me personally because our collective endeavor 100% and want The Voice to be efforts at The Voice were finally getting as great a weekly as we-not just Claire attention from the college at large. We and I, but the students-s-can make it. In all believe that a student newspaper can my other capacities at Conn, I still get to be very effective and representative of see Higdon in action. He has caused the campus mentality, and we are contin- quite. the stir, yes, and I think we gravi- ually working toward that goal. tate toward him because he sincerely President Higdon is an ever-present takes the students here seriously and val- force on campus. He isn't some mysteri- ues their words, behaviors and contribu- ous bigwig in a power suit up in his tions. Moreover, I know from the strate- office, and I think that is why students gic plan where the school is going and I are drawn to him. He is putting a face seriously consider my senior gift because and a personality to his name, and on a I have faith in this institution, knowing small campus like this, that is what the man in charge. should be happening. Anonymity is not. Plus I want his job: ) conducive to fostering a strong campus community, and at the heart of Higdon's - Areti efforts, I believe, is the desire to build such, community. PLAY BALL: President Higdon taking his turn at the dunk tank at Friday s Pep Rally (Kaminsky) - Claire . Conn Student to Celebrate Bat Mitzvah at POLICIES Harkness Chapel On Saturday, October 20, at 10:30 portion and discussing her sermon. ADVERTISEMENTS LEITERS TO THE EDITOR AM sophomore Julia Berman will cele- Rabbi Rosenberg mentioned that another The College Voice is an open forum. The Letters to the Editor are due strictly by brate becoming a Bat Mitzvah at student, Heather Wolpert, became a Bat opinions expressed by individual adver- 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding Harkness Chapel. Julia, who hails from Mitzvah at Conn College over a decade tisers are their own. In no way does The publication. The College Voice reserves Harvard, MA says that she did not come ago. The rabbi truly relishes the opportu- College Voice endorse the views the right to .edit letters for clarity and from a religious family, but always felt nity to study intensely with interested expressed by individual advertisers. The length. No unsigned or anonymous let- that something was missing in not students. College Voice will not accept ads it ters will be published. However, names becoming a Bat Mitzvah at "age 13. Julia Berman has welcomed the chal- deems to be libelous, an incitement to may be withheld upon the author's Although she began Hebrew studies in lenge of fitting her Hebrew studies into violence, or personally damaging. Ad request. The College Voice will not pub- the past, she says that she did not fully her busy schedule. She is a Theater rates are available on request by calling lish letters deemed to be a personal understand or appreciate the full mean- major with a focus on stage management (860) 439-2813; please refer all ad attack on an individual. The College ing of Bat Mitzvah. and set design. This past summer she inquiries to the Business Manager, Voice cannot guarantee the publication Shortly after beginning her studies stage managed Richard III with Nicu's Claire Gould. The College Voice reserves 'bf any submission. Letters should be sin- last year at Connecticut College, Julia Spoon in New York City. Julia and her the right to accept or reject any ad. The gle-spaced, no longer than 300 words, approached Rabbi Aaron Rosenberg, a parents, Mindy and Daniel Berman, Editors-in-Chief shall have final content and must include a phone number for Jewish chaplain, and shared her interest would be delighted to have you join approval. The fmal deadline for advertis- verification. Please send all letters as a in beginning the process to become a Bat them for this special occasion. ing is 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday pre- Microsoft Word attachment to: Mitzvah. Julia and Rabbi Rosenberg ceding publication. [email protected] have been meeting weekly practicing prayers, learning her torah and haftarah i 4

THE COlliGE VOICE • OeroBER5, 2007 • 3 NEWS ArounCfihe Workl: Pressing Issuesorthe Week Middle East: Korea, signed the armistice that ended the war. South COMPILED BY DASHA LAVRENNIKOV AND GOZDE ERDENIZ Blackwater Sought to Cover Up Shoolings Korea did not sign the armistice and remains technically Employees of Blackwater USA have engaged ill at war with the North. Moreover, they agreed on eco- news editors nearly 200 shootings in Iraq since 2005, in a vast major- nomic steps that include resuming cross-border freight National: ity of cases firing their weapons from moving vehicles service across the heavily fortified harder for the first Bush Vetoes Children's Health Bill without stopping to count the dead or assist the wound- time in more than 50 years. Further reached agreements President Bush vetoed the children's health insurance ed, according to a new report from Congress. included establishing a joint fishing zone in a disputed bill which was approved by Congress with unusual In at least two cases, Blackwater paid victims' fami- sea area and on holding regular summits. bipartisan support. The measure would expand the State ly members who complained, and sought to cover up Source: bbcnews.corn Children's Health Insurance Program, or Schip, from its other episodes, the Congressional report said. It said current enrollment of about 6.6 million children to more State Department officials approved the payments in the Latin America: than 10 million. It would also provide $60 billion over hope of keeping the shootings quiet. In one case last Banco Will-Mart de Mexico the next five years, $35 billion more than current spend- year, the department helped Blackwater spirit an Wal-Mart is in the process of opening its own bank ing and $30 billion more than the President proposed. employee out of Iraq less than 36 hours after the employ- in Mexico. Branches of the bank, to be known as Banco "It is estimated that ifthis program were to become law, ee, while drunk, killed a bodyguard for one of Iraq's two Wal-Mart de Mexico Adelante, are schedule to open as one out of every three persons that would subscribe to vice presidents on Christmas Eve.' soon as November. It is the second retailer to gain the new expanded Schip would leave private insurance," The report by the Democratic majority staff of a access to Mexico's banking sector. In 2002, Mexican the President said in explication of his veto. "The poli- retail and financial services group Elekra launched a cies of the government ought to be to help poor children banking operation - leading to the foundation of Banco and to focus ou poor children, and the policies of the Azteca. government ought to be to help people find private insur- Wal-Mart's Mexican division is the country largest ance, not federal coverage. And that's where the philo- retailer and private sector employer with about 950 busi- sophical divide comes in." ness units. "With Banco Wal-Mart we will be able to But the philosophical divide IS not just between complement the services we provide to the segment of Republicans and Democrats, as the reaction of some the population that currently lacks the benefits of having Republicans demonstrated. accessible banking services," said Wal-Mart de Mexico's "Unfortunately, I believe that some have giveo the Chief Executive Officer Eduardo Solorzano. President bad advice on this matter," said Senator Orrin Source: G. Hatch, Republican of Utah. He said supporting the health bill "is the morally right thing to do," and that he Africa: hoped Mr. Bush's veto could be 'Overridden. Peacekeepers Attacked in Darfur "Today we learned that the same president who is An African Union peacekeeping base in the central willing to throwaway a half trillion dollars in Iraq is Darfur region of Sudan was overrun by hundreds of unwilling to spend a small fraction of that amount to Darfurian rebels in a surprise raid over the weekend. bring health care to American children," said According to African Union officials, at least 10 soldiers Democratic Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the chairman were killed, dozens more were kidnapped, and the of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions African Union peacekeeping supplies, including heavy Committee. weapons, were stolen. Source: "Bush Vetoes Children Health Bill." By House cormnittee adds weight to complaints from Iraqi s "It's indicative of the .complete insecurity," said officials, American military. officers, and Blackwater's David Stout. The New York Times. Alun McDonald, a spokesman for the Oxfam aid organ- competitors of that company. Guards have taken an ization in Sudan. "These groups are attacking anybody aggressive, trigger-happy approach to their work and Europe: and everybody with total impunity." have repeatedly acted with reckless disregard for Iraqi Pulin says he might become PM after end of term It is estimated that most of the base's troops were life. . Russian President Vladimir Putin announced . Nigerian. More than 50 are still missing. Since mid-2006, Blackwater has been responsible for Monday that he would be the leading candidate on the The conflict has expanded and transformed from a guarding American diplomats in and around Baghdad, ticket of Russia's dominant political party in parliamen- rebellion and brutal counterinsurgency into a free-for-all while DynCorp has been responsible for the northern tary elections in December, and said he might become among dozens of armed groups, with aid workers and part of the country and Triple Canopy for the south. the country's prime minister next year. He is barred by peacekeepers as targets and victims. Source: "Report Says Firm Sought to Cover Up Iraq the Constitution from seeking a third consecutive term as . Sudanese government officials blamed a splinter fac- Shootings." By John M Broder The New York Times President when his current term expires in 2008. tion connected to the Justice and Equality Movement. Putin's statements strongly suggested that he planned Yet the Iustice and Equality Movement denied involve- Asia: to maintain a hold on much of the power he had accrued ment and hlamed the govermnent for staging the attack. during his eight years in' the Kremlin, a period during Peace Deal between North and South Korea This attack happened just as the United Nations has which Russia's economy and international influence The leaders of South and North Korea have signed a been trying to persuade member countries to commit have expanded and living conditions improved for many joint 8-point declaration calling for a permanent peace troops and support to a hybrid Darfur peacekeeping Russians. He is popular among Russia's citizens and has .deal for the Korean Peninsula. After three days of talks force which would expand the number of peacekeepers a centralized lock on his govermnent, has often said that in Pyongyang, South Korea's President Roh Moo-hyun from 7,000 to 26,000. There is now fear that some of he intends to remain involved in politics beyond his sec- and North Korean leader Kim Jong-il issued the declara- those countries may reconsider participating. ond term and even that he might seek re-election after tion. The declaration called for international talks to dis- Source: another president had held the office. cuss a treaty to replace the armistice that ended the. Source: "Putin says he'll lead party in next elec- Korean War. It called for leaders of the nations con- tion." By C. 1. Chivers. The International Herald cerned to meet on the Korean Peninsula and agree to an Tribune. end to the 1950-1953 war. These talk would likely involve the US and China, which, along with North 4 • OCTOBER5,2007 • TH' colliG' VOICE NEWS "Human Rights:Are They Really Universal'" FRANNIE NOBLE '08 women's rights. During her their confrontation with human career Jefferson saw women's rights. Female genital mutila- contributing writer rights move from the margins of tion, land inheritance, and sexu- human rights' discussions into al reproduction rights are just a the core of the movement. The few issues caught between cul- Fall weekend 2007 brougbt advances she has seen in the tural practice and international Conn. alumni back to campus, field of women's rights overall human rights. Yet Jefferson including LaShawn Jefferson may be attributed to advocacy, argued that a desire to preserve '88, a keynote speaker and guest the status quo is both dangerous of the Toor Cummins Center for tenacity and education, said Jefferson. Although great prob- and unrealistic. Cultures are in a International Studies and Liberal continuous process of evolution Arts (CISLA). Jefferson, for- . lems still remain, Jefferson was proud to say that there have been and practices within a culture merly the Executive Director of few setbacks. change as well. Thus, harmful the Women's Rights Division of traditions may be phased out or Human Rights Watch, spoke Human rights as a whole are the tools for those working for replaced and brought more in about her experience and per- and benefiting from advances in line with human rights stan- ception of human rights in her discussion "Human Rights; Are social activism. These rights, dards. Jefferson reminded the audi- With the constant challenges They really Universal?" ence, are under constant attack associated with human rights, Jefferson graduated from around the world" Within the are they really universal? Connecticut College in 1988 United States a woman's right to According to Jefferson, yes, but with a double major in govern- make decisions concerning her this universality must come with ment and English, and acknowl- own body is currently in jeop- the availability of recourse under edges that her college experi- ardy, and the present administra- the law for those whose human ence strongly inspired her inter- tion supports an abstinence-only rights have been violated. est in human rights. She remem- sex education program. These A division of Human Rights bers the influences of Professor examples make it clear that Watch solely devoted to LaShawn Jefferson '88 delivering keynote speech for CISLA last Janet Gezari, the Lucy Marsh acceptance of human rights does women's rights is not a positive Saturday (Scarano) Haskell ' 19 Professor of not mean perfect implementa- indicator of the current world English, and Professor Marian local levels is fundamental to tion of women in advance of tion; however, Jefferson believes system. Ideally, Jefferson admit- Dodor, the Lucy Marsh Haskell the sustained advance of human their own rights, and the grow- that this acceptance is the first ted, advocacy for women's , 19 Professor Emeritus of rights and women's rights in par- ing understanding of the power step on the state level, and that rights should put people like her- Government. ticular. The United Nations of human rights treaties, laws and implementation will self out of a job. Jefferson added With 14 years at Human holds promise as an effective Jefferson noted, is "a picture of follow. that she hopes that in the future Rights Watch, Jefferson was player in the development of hope in the face of staggering Many of the most important women's rights work becomes able to travel the world and fur- women's rights, but individual, human rights abuses." issues in women's rights today preventative, not responsive. ther develop her interests in local, and state responses are stem from cultural practices and Continued mobilization on international issues and also necessary. The leading posi-

CAMPUS SECURITY Connect-Ed proved successful "We are asking everyone to The Committee has also been Continued from page one and Carey reports that 96% of keep their campus voice mail conferring over an emergency the contact numbers and email boxes cleaned out so messages pandemic plan for protection and security of the campus Although the money spent addresses uploaded to the can reach you there. We also against such things as flu epi- community." Though this new on these security improvements Connect-ED database had want to remind everyone that if demics and widespread conta- alert system, students, faculty is substantial, colleges seem to received messages produced by a key phone number or e-mail gious illnesses. and staff create a list of primary be willing to learn from past the program. Minor glitches address changes---either yours Ultimately, there seems to be and emergency contacts who events and be more prepared. involving computer program- or one of your emergency con- . some light coming through the can also be reached through The University of Toledo in ming did occur and the observa- tacts'-you should go into the dark tunnel of campus violence. email, voicemail or text messag- Ohio spent $13,800 on 15 long- tion that the different contact system on CamefWeband make One can only hope that ing should a campus emergency range rifles to be stationed on mediums received messages at the change as promptly as possi- improvements through these occur. campus as well as $71,000 different times were noted. Text ble." changes will influence future At rhe cost of $7,720 per worth of deadbolt locks for resi- messages were the fastest option The college's Emergency safety endeavors. As more col- year, the Connect-ED system dence hall rooms. Similarly, followed bye-mail messages Response Committee bas been leges start to buckle up on safe- was initiated at Conn not only . Hofstra University proposed a and phone voicernail. discussing future safety endeav- ty measures and worries begin because of the event at Virginia $750,000 emergency communi- To the small portion of stu- ors to put into practice as well. to fade, hopefully school-wide Tech but additionally for the cations system featuring alerts dents who opted not to partici- Proposals to install more blue violence will also see to its need to acquire new safety via email and cell phone as well pate in the Connect-ED system, lights equipped with sirens or demise. measures. Carey explains, "We as remote building lockdowns. Carey pointed out that the level alarms on campus and to pro- Sources: began looking at alternate emer- There have also been moves to . of the system's usefulness is vide campus safety officers with gency communications systems train faculty and resident advi- dependent on student participa- guns or other deterrents (batons more tban a year ago, but the sors to identify and report trou- tion and those who chose not to or pepper spray), have been pre- tragedy at Virginia Tech certain- bled or psychologically stressed be involved will risk not being sented and are being considered ly increased our sense of students. instantly aware of emergencies. by the college administration. urgency." Last week's testing of --- THE COLLEGEVOICE· OCTOBER5, 2007 • 5 NEWS Getting to Know the Heusefellows; Part 2

BY CHRIS BUONINCONTRI '08 HOUSEFEL- LOWSI contributing writer Far left: Zach "Come in," Bianca called out to a vis- Olson, Leigh itor at the screen door to her suite in 360 Ahrensdorf, house. Inside, wrapped snugly in a blan: Hannah Fisher, ket, she sat behind a small table in the Bianca Kissel: middle of a big room, smiling despite the Right: Sarah ootes and physics books spread out in VanHoogenstyn (Shipper) front of her. After offering apple pie, and Not pictured: Jeff 'going to the .kitchen to heat up a piece, Postera and she began discussing how her year as Jessica La Vallee housefellow has peen thus far. "Nobody thinks I'm a housefellow' Like Jeff, Leigh Ahiensdorf was ini- that it would be more stressful," she anyway," She said laughingly, "Overall for an upcoming exam to talk about her last few weeks as house fellow. "The tiallya little concerned about the changes. went on, laughing as she described her though; the year's going 'ducky.' Or "People are surprised when they walk in year so far. "It's been surprisingly good would it be 'swimmingly?" Her friend, year's been good so far.., the cops com- for the first time." She said, According to on weekends ... and I've met a lot of new seated next to her, nodded in approval at ing the first week did not make me happy, her, however, it's been the "same bonding people." the suggestion of 'swimmingly.' though." "I wanted to be a housefellow since experience" so far. Sarah admitted that some Plex dorms Bianca Kissel, just turned 22, is in the freshman year, mainly because I had a The common 'room was one of the seem "a little disconnected," saying that CCBES program, runs both the 400 meter areas most affected by the construction, the problem is often "a lot of closed and 100 meter hurdle for the.track team, great housefellow then." She explained . while settling down, Indian-style on her looking much different than it had last doors," as well as the layout of the dorms and just returned from the "best, summer futon. "I chose the Ridge this year year. In addition, a freshman seminar is themselves. "Even my room's off in an of her life" working in Peru. In the year because it's all upperclassmen, and every- now held in the room, which now con- alcove." She stated to explain that most of ahead, she has big plans for her houses; body here wants to be here. It's a lot eas- tains classroom furniture and is bordered her dorm was made up of singles. In order both to dispel. any false stereotypes and ier for us to mold our community togeth- on one side with a glass wall, separating to work against this, Sarah has organized show the real Earthl360 to the campus at it from the hallway. a number of study breaks, including pizza large. "Earth House is a great model for er." Jess admits, though, that the layout "We recently had a study break with and Chinese food breaks. "A lot of people environmental living, and can serve as a creates challenges. "Some people want"a wings from HotRod's," said Leigh, "And have come to the events." She said. role model to all of us." She said, adding: community, while others would rather we still have kegs and social events in the As a member of CISLA and a double "We have some awesome themes in 360 keep more to themselves. The biggest common room. We just move everything major in sociology and Hispanic studies, this year too. I hope people keep their challenge is figuring out what works best out before hand." Sarah knows what it's like to have to put eyes out for upcoming events." for everyone." She went on to praise the new group in a lot of work. At the same time, she Across the highway, Hannah Fisher As a note to the campus, "River Ridge of housefellows, as well as the ResLife advises Conn students to reap the benefits watched Family Guy in her Abbey House is quiet housing: if you do stop by, you . staff, especially Sarah and Joe. "I'm their of their time here at school. "It's a unique suite after coming upstairs from a home- need to respect the residents and commu- favorite." She laughed. "Shh, don't tell situation, because the vast majority of cooked meal in the basement. "We have a nity. Because people come down here and anyone]" . people live on campus. We have a tight wonderful community here," she began, act like fools." Over in KB, Zach Olson talked about community here, and I hope everyone going on to explain that this was her sec- Jeff Postera has lived in Hamilton all his year, describing it as "really tiring, but takes advantage of that." ond year living in Abbey. "It became like four of his years at Conn. "I'm kinda Mr. good overall." a family for me last year, so Ifigured I'd Hamilton," he said, going on to explain "Going to the hospital, not so much." take some responsibility and see if! could the differences in his suite, and the entire He added, noting that he's had to go twice make it even better this year." donn, after the recent renovations. already for people in his dorm. "The little things I miss from home "I was a little afraid," he added, Overall, though, he described his- are here, and more," she added: "sitting "because this building usually has a good dorm as "very relaxed.. much more around fires, hunting for firewood, great sense of community, and I didn't want the relaxed than expected. If they're having cooks making dinners every night, and Housefellows 10 be featured in changes to affect that. Fortunately, it did- floor parties here, they're doing a good cookies at midnight-I mean, you can't the next issue of The Vo;';", n't lose the sense of what it used to be." job keeping it from me." He laughed, beat that. " Jeff, of Exeter, New Hampshire, admitting that this wasn't entirely expect- Hannah, 21, from Los Angeles; also Eliza Cooper - Smith seemed pleased with the way the year has ed, given the KB stereotype as a louder has big plans for her dorm this year. been going. "I've been pretty direct inmy donn. Kate Deconinck . Burdick Currently, her and her housemates are dorm," he said, going on to say that there Zach, an international relations major Matt Dyer. Blackstone planning to meet with the administration haven't been many problems in from Lake Tahoe, California, relaxed on Neal Gibeault· Freeman to discuss renovations for Abbey. "We're Hamilton, and across campus for that the couch in his suite. "We also expect to Elizabeth Bennett· JA trying to spread the word to fix this place matter. "When one of [the housefellows] dominate Camelympics this year." Katrina Scherben . Harkness up for us, and for future generations. The are in trouble, we all descend on that Just north in Morrison, housefellow house is an important part of the Conn Heather Munro· Know/Ion house and help out." Sarah VanHoogenstyn also relaxed on her community, and I don't want to see it fade Colleen Cowperthwait - Windham On the other side of the fishbowl, couch: she, however, had a much more into the background." Mike Panoli . Laz/War Marshall appeared even more drastically difficult time moving around on her Just down the short, crater-ridden altered following the summer's renova- crutches, given her injured leg. "I'm the road to the Ridge Apartments, Jess tions: for one, the housefellow suite had third housefellow this year to be on LaVallee took a moment from studying been moved to the other side of the hall. crutches!" She joked. "I honestly thought 6 • OcrOBER 5, 2007 • THE CDUEGE VOICE ARTS&ENTERTAINMENT The Darjeeling Ltd. Film Review of an Advance Screening of Wes Anderson's New Film at Lincoln Square Theatre BY BRIAN MCCARTHY '08 staff writer Baggage becomes a prominent if clunky piece of symbolism in The Darjeeling Limited, and the fact Wes Anderson's new movie comes saddled with some of its own sbould not be surprising, It's his first movie since 2004's The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, which, while it received mixed reviews from critics, was beloved by teenage and twenty-something audiences. Darjeeling has also received mixed reviews from critics, most of them claiming that Anderson is wallowing in the same sort of thematic and visual tropes that have been in his previous movies with diminishing returns. I'm inclined to agree somewhat as my favorite of his work Kingdom of Violence was his second movie Rushmore. which solidified both his visual style and his thematic concerns into an almost perfect whole. BY JACOB TISHER '08 revenge. too stark and the moral iroplica- Besides his direction and script (co-written with Owen Wilson),' . tions too weighty for audiences staff writer If you find fault with the Rushmore featured fantastic performances from Jason absolute righteousness of the to marvel at the artistry of the When the summer is over, I Schwartzman, Bill Murray, and Olivia Williams. But Anderson's film, Chris Cooper's character, action sequences. Rather than expect Hollywood to stop trying post-Rushmore movies are a great example of what happens when Grant, politely explains that it is functioning like a conventional to sell Hummers, Pepsi, and a~ auteur believes too much in his own "auteurness": he recycles because you haven't experi- action film, The Kingdom Burger King and be happy that his material into significantly lesser movies. What seems revelato- enced violence and death like a makes an attempt at a complete somebody bought a ticket. ry in Rushmore or Bottle Rocket becomes cute in The Royal soldier ~ anyone with experi- understanding of the political Sadly instead of selling a Tenenbaums, which becomes tired in The Life Aquatic, which final- ence on the front lines would situation in the Middle East. It Hummer, Jamie Fox was selling ly becomes annoying in The Darjeeling Limited. Tbe good news understand the fragility of life is oddly regrettable that tbe tbe enduriog ability of violence about Darjeeling though is that Anderson seems to be leaving at and gain absolute.moral author- movie tried to communicate too to inspire belief. Is it possible least some of these tropes behind. ity. Grant makes the familiar much; if it had enough sex that America has grown dispas- .The story revolves around three brothers on a soul-searching claim that atheists do not exist appeal, or any sex appeal for sionate and started questioning tram voyage across India. The trip is spearheaded by reckless . in a foxhole. Trying to separate that matter, to counteract the the abilities of violence to solve leader Francis (Owen Wilson), with the lovelorn Jack (Jason the characters from one another onscreen violence, audiences political crises? Possibly ... Schwartzman), and puckish Peter (Adrien Brody) in tow. That is difficult. But before the audi- would feel invigorated by the The Kingdom begins with a sketch of a plot, along with some beautiful shots of India is what ence becomes weary, the char- pull between extremes. The bal- cartoon plane flying into a bar propels Darjeeling through its 91 minutes. Most of the actors are acters are abandoned in favor of ance between creative and graph of international oil con- from Anderson's usually stock company, and as such they perform blood, guns, and explosions. By destructive forces is the promise generally the same roles, albeit no worse than they have before. sumption then cuts to, of all bombarding the audience with of a good action movie, making Schwartzman's dead-pan delivery and charm work perfectly here, things, a baseball game. This shocking scenes or brutality and a film exciting rather than and his eyes are always inquisitively staring off in the distance baseball game is tragically gore the film hopes that by the depressing like The Kingdom. It somewhere. Wilson's usual laid-hack persona works well here as interrupted by two rampaging it time the end credits roll we will could have been a half decent always does, and Brody, as main newcomer to Anderson's movies gunmen, a suicide bomber who believe in something. Th~re are action movie, and had it lived adds a fresh voice to the otherwise usual players. . ~ , uses jacks and marbles as shrap- no atheists at a screening of The up to that potential, the film's Some of Anderson's directorial quirks are pushed to the limit in nel, and an ambulance filled Kingdom. heavy-handed moral message Darjeeling - particularly penchant for slow-motion sequences with explosives. The tension his Sergeant Haytham, a com- would have been seen for what set to pop songs. This time Anderson uses three well-placed Kinks and suspense is cut short when mon Saudi military official, is it was: the need for an enemy. tunes for these moments, but by the third time we're bored with the the audience learn that tbe base- the only character with depth - I doubt many people will trick. The Life Aquatic felt smug and lacking in' feeling compared to ball game is being played on an but "depth" here does not neces- botber to go see it, but The hIS other work; overly concerned with the creation of the "comic American oil-company employ- sarily iroply that the character is Kingdom is one of many films book" style mise-en-scene that Anderson and longtime cinematog- ee compound in Saudi Arabia particularly well developed. As to come that will begin to rapher Robert Yeoman have always tried to create, Aquatic con- and not in Texas as you the film progresses, Haytham address America's crusade tained none of the emotional honestly that worked so well in assumed. By blowing up an fights against his iroplied reli- against Islamic extremism, Rushmore. Perhaps this smugness can attributed to Anderson's way innocent baseball game The gious bias without reconstruct- including the war in Iraq. of operating but the script for Darjeeling was co-written by Kingdom reminds America that ing that bias and comes to see Unfortunately the current finan- Anderson, Roman Coppola, and Jason Schwartzman and no doubt we are the targets of radical Americans as righteous in their cial climate of the film industry this collaboration has helped him to move away from hermetic aes- Islamists, putting the audience need for revenge. Haytbam will not allow for the risks ~etic~into more emotionally honest territory. In fact, the sequence one step closer to condoning must act as a constant reminder involved in directly approacb- in which the brothers go to the funeral of an Indian child and expe- vigilante justice. Luckily for of the extreme danger involved ing the subject. Multiroillion- nence a flashback to their father's funeral ranks among some of the America, Jennifer Garner and in the American's presence in a dollar investments cannot afford finest material Anderson has ever done. There is also an unhealthy Jamie Fox (along with Jason Musliro country. By the end of to polarize audiences. The amount of exoticism in Anderson's vision of India; the brothers are Bateman for comic relief), have the courage to ignore state the film Haytham is reduced to Kingdom hoped to survive polit- portrayed as generally self-absorbed tourists, so in a way the vision an Indian guide in a western, or department directives, while ical polarization' by not making fits WIth the characters. But at the end of the day, Darjeeling does a reformed convict in a cops and Jeremy Piven and career threat- sense; nevertheless, it will get resonate ill a subtler, more quiet way than any post-Rushmore robbers film: a one-dimensional ened liberal politicians and go the lack-luster audience recep- effort. If there's anything one can say about the film is that it cer- character. Unlike westerns or to Saudi Arabia in order to satis- tion it deserves. tainly represents a few steps, however slowly, in a new direction for crime dramas, The Kingdom is Anderson and his collaborators. fy their personal need for --'------

THE COLLEGEVOICE· OCTOBER5, 2007 • 7 ARTS&ENTERTAINMENT I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance With You


staff writer If I were going to make a music video where a bunch of kids in acid-washed jeans and converse high tops busted through the double doors of a high school gymnasium and unleashed a perfectly choreographed mass-dance onto the neighborhood streets of some Midwestern suburb, I would set the video to ' "I'm Not Genna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance With You." he frequently finds himself in at parties in Black Kids' performance at Athens vocals and steady rock beats, Black Kids This song scatters the pastel glitter of his hometown of Jacksonville, Florida:' Popfest in August-said by some to be offer a new spin on a style of old \ a disco ball upon a time when one is "Jacksonville is a sort of anomaly," the highlight of a festival featuring big- favorites. Even since I started this young enough to expect justice from love' explains Youngblood, "in that despite timers like Ted Leo and the Pharmacists. review, Black Kids has made good on and carefree enough to get up again after being a somewhat culturally hereft city, I can see how Black Kids would be their easy-to-Iove sound, booking a fall heartache knocks the kid on his/her inex- we have amazing dance parties at which great live. I haven't seen them though, show closer to our neck of the woods perienced ass. While the synthesizers v.:edance like motherfuckers. So, in this because they haven't gone on tour yet. than theirs. My bet is that the just-posted and Robert Smith-like vocals conjure up environment, I've repeatedly found Nor have they made an or signed New York show (October 18th) will be as much 80s nostalgia as Cyndi Lauper's myself in situations where girls love to with a label, or done any of those other the first of many appearances for Black "Time After Time," the lyrics take "I'm dance with me, (cos I can move, baby) serious band things. At the moment, all Kids. Not Genna Teach" to the anthem level but usually go home with some else, who that Black Kids' have produced is an EP for those who make up for a lack of can't dance for shit. It's a problem." demo, Wizard of Ahhhs, which is free on dance partners with an abundance of Apart from this bummer of a trend, their Myspace page. Few as they are, super sweet moves. Youngblood seems to be doing all right. these Wizard of Ahhhs tracks are fun and Check Out For singer/guitarist Reggie. The synth-pop band he formed with his relatable enough to suggest that we can Youngblood, it's not that dance partners Wizard of Ahhhs sister, Ali, and friends Owen Holmes, expect a lot more of this band. are hard to come by; the problem is that The First EP by Block Kids Kevin Snow, and Dawn Watley is the Youngblood has the perfect dose of when that night is through, these partners buzz of many blogs these days. desperation in his voice to make cute tend to go home with other guys. In an gave the band an extra boost hy featuring lyrics like "Didn't mean to do you no www.myspace.comjBlackKidsRock interview with Vice magazine, the abovementioned hit on their site's harm, I just underestimated my charm" Youngblood describes the predicament "forkcast." Much of the fuss is thanks to sound cool. With peppy background

issue, hoping something might spark my sees are dollar signs. Cancel My Subscription interest, but even the "cuttingedge" fea- A long time ago, Jann Wenner and tures on gay porn directors who are mys- company decided not to cater to music BY CLAIRE DOWD '08 There is a difference between being teriously murdered or the crystal meth fans, but to use their covers to draw in the editor-in-ehief critical and being disrespectful, but even epidemic in America are dry and robot- casual, apathetic consumer who sees the Like most teenagers back in the early 1970s, the publication ronic. It's as if the writers /hate/ what artist-du-jour that is currently making who saw Almost had its own agenda: to be as famous as they do, and in turn want to make us feel headlines across the country. And every Famous, I fell hard for the people they write about and sell their pain. month, in response to these covers, there the romanticized image copies. Since cares so little are several passionate letters-to-the-edi- of Rolling Stone that Instead of seeing the truth in Bangs' about everything, I find it highly ironic tor saying, "I am cancelling my subscrip- Cameron Crowe paint- statements myself, I foolishly spent my that now they decide to write ahout the tion. You suck." But the magazine is ed. I quickly decided money on an unlimited subscription and demise of MTV and its apathy toward adept at giving the reader just enough to that one day I would allotted space in my bedroom for over music, 10 or 15 years after MTV stopped stay tuned. It waftles between covering write for said publication. Initially, 100 issues. As I progressed through high caring about music and started to "get iconic figures of the past -Pink Floyd, William Miller, the film's protagonist, school, my awareness of Rolling Stone's real". The article is entitled "MTV's Led Zeppelin, Hunter Thompson - and gets brutally rebuffed by the magazine, complete shittiness began to grow. Their Midlife Crisis: VMAs Ratings Are Up; pleasing the young generation, who they but they have a change of heart and give political commentary is a sham. I respect but is MTV Still Music Television?" horribly stereotype as being interested in the kid a cover story in the end. The a publication's right to have a certain This same question could be asked no-talent, flash-in-the-pan "hotties", magazine redeems itself and assures the affiliation, but Rolling Slone is about as directly of Rolling Slone. Is Rolling This past year, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At audience that they care about both writers subtle as Fox Newson the fourth of July. Stone still a music magazine or more The Disco, Maroon 5, and Fergie have all and music. Lester Bangs, a legendary It is not concerned with providing accu- specifically a music magazine concerned graced the cover of the "hallowed" music critic and "gonzo" journalist, is the rate information or well-balanced opin- with music that matters? They are still Rolling Slone. only rational character in Almost ions, but they only end.up being political publishiing the Billboard Top 40 , This past summer, in an effort to up Famous, warning Miller to "beware of tirades that use maybe one or two slanted as if the CD sales of Hannah Montana circulation, Rolling Stone chose Zac Rolling Stone." Bangs notoriously was at sources to prove its point. and Nickelback are any indication of Efron, that kid with the blonde higWights odds with the publication after he was But political coverage is the least of what music fans actually listen to. Of and stage makeup from High School supposedly fired for writing an unfavor- my concerns; I initially read the maga- course, the magazine still has reviews Musical, to be their latest cover boy. able review. Jann Wenner, editor-in- zine for its music content, and as the and articles about musicians, but the I rest my case. chief, then accused him of being "disre- years go by, that content has fallen by the quality and interest that the publication spectful to musicians." . wayside. I flip through each anemic holds in its content is questionable. All it 8 • Ocr,,"ER S, 2007 • THE COLlEGE VOICE CAMEL SPORTS Coach's Corner: Winnie Edmed of Women's Soccer

BY ABIGAIL MAYER '10 Sbe tben coacbed at Babson Klein's techniques. "It is impcr- their coming performances works to balance her team and College for one year, before tant to incorporate a fun environ- against Eastern Connecticut her family, as she feels lucky to staH writer spending two seasons at ment with a competitive one in State and Trinity. he able to enjoy both. Mitchell College. order to attain success," reveals Edrned hopes tbat the girls It is not bard to see how Edrned kept in toucb with Edrned. Her philosophy also will make it into the NESCAC Winnie Edrned found her way Klein. as he served as a mentor instills confidence, sportsman- tournament, as much of the into coaching. A stellar alblete in and friend to her over the years. ship, and a strong work ethic in team's success is attributed to her own rigbt, Edmed, a They ran into one another at a ber players which allows them to tbe six seniors, all ofwborn have. Connecticut native, began her wedding in the summer 0[2005, be aware of their abilities. played for four seasons. "I think own soccer career at Keene and be immediately offered ber a The team's ability to succeed State. She later transferred to all of lbe girls want to do it for position as Part-Time Interim is evident, explains Edrned, as them," remarks Edrned. Eastern Connecticut State and Head Coach of women's soccer the girls have won four games in Edmed and her husband, majored in physical education. for tbe following year. "It was a a row. Their most recent victory Facing many injuries, including Josh (the women's volleyball very quick process," says was an exciting double over- a tom ACL and a broken ankle, head coach), live in New Edrned. Tbis is her seoond sea- time win against Wesleyan. The London with their nine-month Edrned turned to coacbing as a I son in this position. team is well-represented, as way to remain involved with the old, Caeli. When asked whether Edrned was initially drawn to Sharon Katz '10 was recently sport. we should watch for Caeli on the Connecticut College because ber acknowledged as the NESCAC For six years, Edmed. stood field or on the court, Edrned older sister played for Klein dur- player of the week. Still, Edrned as the assistant coach to former says, "I want her to be a volley- ing her four years at Conn. is concerned with individual head coach Ken Klein (currently ball player. Ever since I met Josh Edrned admits that her coaching injuries on the team, and she the associate athletic director). at Conn, I have a greater appre- Coach Edmed (Mayer) style is directly derived from hopes that tbey will not impede ciation for the sport." Edrned

Camel Kick-Off: Pep Rally Pumps Campus for Fall Weekend CAMEL SCOREBOARD

Men's Soccer Women's 1~1 Soccer 4-3 Field Hockey Men's Water 44 Polo Women's 0-10 Volleyball

Top: Sailing Team (Kaminsky) 12-3 Left: Dance Team (SchuerhojJ) Above: Dunk Tank (Kaminsky)

77 f TH€ cousce VOK:!' • OCTOBER5, 2007 • 9 CAMEL SPORTS Vi eto ry With in Rece h For Th-e-M:-:--e-n"":"'"s-S~o-e-e-e-r"""':T=-e-c-m~-


staff writer In seven games this season, Conn's Men's Soccer team has held its opponents to two or fewer goals on six occa- sions. Allowing just II goals, Conn has not lost a single game by more than two scores ",Unfortunately, the Camels only have four goals of their own, and they been victorious just once this season (1-5-1) and fmd themselves in second to last place in the NESCAC standings (9th). The team has experienced many disappointments during the final moments of their matches, and this trend continued over Fall Weekend. Tbe men enjoyed a definite borne field advantage as they took to Harkness Green against Wesleyan ~.!~~;;;;;' where hundreds of fans had gathered to watch the game. 6' After seeing the women pull off a come from behind, double overtime victory (2-1), the fans were anxious to see how the men would fair against Wesleyan. The visiting 'Cardinals had a NESCAC record of 1-3 entering Saturday's match, and the Camels certainly saw this as a great chance to obtain their first NESCAC victory of the season. The ftrst half proved to be a continuation of Conn's streak of competitive games, and there was no score at half- time. Wesleyan got on the board early in the second half with Accompanying these chances were a few breakaways that could not find the twine a score from Jory Kahan #10 in the 53rd minute. From this point on, however, the for the Camels, including an extremely close call by David Kellogg '09 in the last Camels dominated play out-shooting the Cardinals 10-3 in the second half. Conn had three minutes. The Camels posted twelve sbots on goal, yet the Cardinals only need- many chances to even the score in the closing minutes of the game on breakaways as ed ten shots to win. Similarly, Ted Lane '09 managed an impressive six saves in a los- well as set plays. One of these premier opportunities came from David Driscoll '08, ing effort, while Hiteshaw only had to stop six to come out on top. as he sent a rocket just over the crossbar off of a brilliant chested ball from Kyle The team has literally been inches away from success all season, and there is still Neidhardt '08. a lot of soccer left to be played. Despite their record, the Camels are poised for a great Another notable near miss came off a beautifully placed comer kick from the set close to their season and can still make the post season. Their next chance will be this play specialist GL Genco' 10. Well aware of Alex Sanuna ' 10 breaking to the goal, Wednesday at 4:00 PM on Harkness Green against NESCAC leader Amherst. Sitting Genco floated one right on Sanuna's head who propelled the ball straight down and at 7-0 overall and 4-0 in conference play, Amherst has only been scored on in three of out of the reach of the Wesleyan keeper, Jamie Hiteshaw '08'. Unfortunately, the ball the games, and only one team has managed more than one tally against them. leapt over the crossbar-a play that mirrored a great scoring chance in the match Although the Lord Jeffs may be feeling untouchable, the Camels plan to prove that against Bates two weeks ago. this is far from the case.

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- - 10 • OCTOBER5, 2007 • THE COllEGE VOICE Connecticut College Faculty Concerts October 1Oth and 25th

NEW LONDON, Conn. - The Rieko Aizawa, adjunct instructor of Connecticut College Department of music, will perform a Piano Concert, Music will present Faculty Concerts on with special guest Jesse Mills on the vio- Oct. 19 and 25. lin, at 8 p.m. on Oct. 25 in the college's Linda Skemick, adjunct instructor of John C. Evans Hall, Cummings Arts music, will play the harpsichord and spe- Center. cial guest Julie Ribchinsky will play the Tickets are $10, $5 for students and cello at "An All-Bach Evening of seniors. For tickets and information, call ... Harpsichord Music" at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. (860) 439-2720. 19 in the college's Harkness Chapel. -CC-

Walking Tour of "Eugene O'Neill's New London" RESCHEDULED FOR 10 AM SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1.4 Waterford, CT - As part of its 8th Annual Eugene O'Neill Celebration weekend, the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center offers the popular walking tour of "O'Neill's New London," led by historian Sally Ryan ($5 charge). The walking tour leaves Union SAC Announces RJD2 to Perform at F-allConcert Station, New London at lOam on Sunday, October 14th and lasts one hour. It does not include the Monte Cristo Cottage on its itinerary, so please plan to visit the on Saturday, October 20th Cottage separately. On Tuesday, October 2nd, mtvU invited student journalists to a press conference The O'Neill Celebration has been made possible in part by a generous gift from for some of the top emerging artists on the college music scene to discuss the 2007 The Frank Loomis Palmer Fund. "mtvU Woodie Awards." Areti Sakellaris, Voice editor-in-chief, participated. Our Sunday, October 14: Fall Concert performer, RJD2, was added to the roster last minute. 10:00 am ~ 11:00 am - Walking tour of Eugene O'Neill's New London with his- torian Sally Ryan - $5 - meet at Union Station How does it feel to be nominated for "Best Video Woodie" for "Work it Out"? 1:00pm - 3:00 pm - Free tours of The Monte Cristo Cottage, 325 Pequot Avenue, RJD2: It's great, it's the first time I've ever been nominated for an award, for any New London - Boyhood home of Eugene O'Neill - a National Historic Landmark sort ... It's mostly a testament to the directing a~d the performance in the video. It For more information about the Eugene O'Neill Celebration events, call has nothing to do with me 860-443-5378 x288

Across By Sob Klahn Would you say that your latest record is a change of sound? 1. Trinket 3 s • 9 11 12 13 1. RJD2: It's not a complete 180. Internally .. I feel like it's a lot of small changes, the 11. Vall hauler 15. Christmas dropping 15 " summing of all those changes, it. .. [it may feel like 180 for others] ... New tools, 16. Tennessee Williams 17 for what it's worth, I totally understand, I just want to clarify, this record is [not a "Summer and Smoke" change] heroine 17. Delivered 18. Ho Chi Minh Trail Who'd you vote for? locale. RJD2: If Justice is nominated for dance, I probably vote for that because it's the 19. Srain check, briefly 20. Advanced only one I've seen. 22. Shelley'S "queen _" 25. Ricky, really Where did the inspiration for the whole dance sequence come from? 28. Scimitars, e.g. 29. Lined up RJD2: [It had] nothing to do with me whatsoever. ... It's completely 1000% the 31. Fatuous fellow director. It's a weird thing because he wrote this treatment for another song ... He 33. Sub system worked a new treatment for this song, and be knew Bill, the main character for the 35. Meteorological yardstick video .... I think it's the best video I've ever had ... It's light years ahead of any 38. Oldest city of all U.S. other videos I've had ... The video is kinda an exercise in minimalism. capitals ss 60 61 82 40. Apprentice 41. "Cltntcn's ditch" sa Which recent release you'd like to work with? 43. Medicinal legume ss RJD2: Probably Kayne West, anything on that... Ne- Yo's last album, not the new 44. Viking who discovered one. His songs are great. .. His records have this over-gloss to them. Vinland .19gs Cro~nE",gy S!P1diealE" 46. Olds oldies 6. Small anchors 34.11'5 just north of 47. Leatherneck 7. Recent beginning Kenosha For more on RJD2, visit his MySpace at http://www.myspace.comlrjd2 and get 49. Doubl ets 8. Tom SWiftie wd. 36. Salami selection ready for the concert! Voting for the Woodie Awards is open until November 2nd. 51. Charlotte or-aananas- 9. Red's rube 37. Nullif1 52. RID beach in a 1964 hit 10. lamplighter? 39. Snorkel's companion song 11. Gossip . 42. Virgin Island hrs. The "Woodies" are the only awards honoririg the music voted best by the college 54. tjne score letters 12.1982 Harrison Ford 45. Surefire audience and this is a chance for student writers, radio DJs and bloggers to speak 56. "The Missile Crisis" flick 47. Personal appearances author Abel with some of the up-and-coming acts poised to break big at this year's show. 13. Parisian passion 48. Topnotch 57. Get better 14. Grates upon 50. Shimmied During its first two years, college students have established the "mtvU Woodie 63. Crackers 21. Longtime Playboy 53. Exiled Ugandan Awards" as a crystal ball for the music of tomorrow - helping to launch the careers 64. Uke alternating current pinup painter 55. The Auld Sod 65. Boom producers of winners like Fall Out Boy (Streaming Woodie '04), the Killers (Breaking 22. Poolroom ploy 58. Roxy Music cofounder 66. Rap joke Woodie '04) and Plain White T's (Breaking Woodie '06). 23. Bellowing 59. Jean-_ Picard rstar Down 24. "Love Sneakln' VP on Trek" captain) 1. Australian road Sign You~ singer eo. Hubbub The 2007 "mtvU Woodie Awards." will premiere simultaneously on mtvU and abbr. 26. Lorelei and Circe 61. Center of marked 2. ~PartyMachine" November 15th at 8pm ET, with an encore performance on MTV2 27. ''Youmaysay_ success? Peeples dreamer" (Lennon lyric) 62. Caribou kin November 18th at 12:30 am ET; MTV will also showcase stand out performances 3.8&8 30. Gruel quality from the 2007 "mtvU Woodies." Winners are entirely determined by student voting 4. Forfeit 32. Talk or ncnueeoer 5. Hit below the belt, on; the 2007 "Woodies" voting deadline is November 2nd, 2007. perhaps - THE COU£GE VOICE· OCTOBER 5, 2007 • 11 CAMEL SPORTS The Value of Veterans in Sports The Slide Anderson, a former Phillies second I 8Y JASON STARR '09 ..... 8Y BEN EAGLE '09 will be counting on his expenence more baseman, shouldn't have been a Met. The than his pitching to advance in the post staff writer Phillies chose not to offer Anderson a sports editor season. contract after the 2003 season because Do young ath- Moyer has been in the playoffs twice they were waiting on top prospect, Chase It was a warm letes dominate pro- in his career-most recently in 2001 Utley, to emerge as their next second evening towards fessional sports? when the Mariners lost to The Yankees. basemen. After bouncing around the As college stu- Although he is not their best pitcher, the end of August league for some time, Anderson signed when the Mets dents, we tend to Moyer will guide this young pitching with the New York team in July of 2007. fixate on the young staff and will help them manage post came to When the next batter, Shawn Green, Philadelphia. The stars whose raw season pressures. While talent and time- blooped a Brett Myer's change-up to the Blue and Orange athleticism contin- ly hitting got them into the playoffs, shortstop, Anderson began a sprint to sec- ues to amaze us. Moyer's veteran leadership will enable had lost five of the ond base that would greatly affect the rest last seven, but had L.JL:I!!lI!!~.":We also associate them to advance to the NLCS. of the Mets' season. As Tadahito Iguchi, only spent thirteen days not sitting atop physical endurance with youth which Whereas Jamie Moyer offers prima- the Phillies second basemen, caught the the NL East standings. In the other gives them an advantage over older ath- rily intangible qualities to the Phillies toss from the shortstop, Jimmy Rollins, dugout sat the Philadelphia Phillies, a letes in our mind. . Brett Farve's physical abilities as well as Anderson strayed outside the base path team who had looked as though its NL While the energetic nature of young his leadership skills account for the and slid into Ighuci to disrupt the double East hopes were dashed. The Fighting athletes can excite a team, this does not Pa~kers 4-0 record. Entering his 20th play. The umpire called interference, and Phils' had lost four games at home before compare to the effect that veteran leader- season in the NFL, Farve's critics pro- the game was over: Phillies win. the Mets came to town, and it seemed as ship has on a team. If you examine the claimed that his career was over and that The irony: Rollins' throw was too though the Phillies had more to play for Philadelphia Phillies, Green Bay he is primarily a detriment to the team. slow. If Anderson had simply been tagged than the Mets. Packers, and New England Patriots, He threw for two touchdowns on Sunday out, the throw would never have made it The game was one for the history threeteams that have been quite impres- and set a new record for career touch- to first, and the runnerwould have scored books. The Mets, as was their calling sive, you will notice that a large 'portion down .passes with 422- a record that from third to tie the game. card this season, started the game off of their success stems from the leader- Dan Marino held since 1994. So, what does this game matter? In a slow. They fell behind 2-1 in the first ship and elevated performance of veteran Farve had a terrible season in 2006; season where there are 162 games, where he had the same number of touchdown inning and tied it up in the fourth. But players. does one game f t in? 10 the light of the they fell behind again on a Pat Burrel sac- The pres~nce of a veteran will gener- passes and interceptions (18). Farve Mets' historic fall, this game matters a lot. already has 8 TD passes and is complete- rifice fly in the fifth. The innings passed, ate numerous intangible qualities that The Mets blew a seven game lead with 17 and the Mets. found themselves on the greatlyenhance a team. Their experience ly responsible for the team's command- games to play, and a slide of this magni- wrong side of a 3-2 score in the top of the allows them to handle pressure with ing lead in the NFC North. tude is unprecedented. You can identify Unlike the Packers, the Patriots' suc- ninth. poise which often sustains a team this game against the Phillies as the The Mets usually thrived in the ninth throughoutthe season. A veteran's com- cess cannot be attributed to just one play- beginnings of the Mets' collapse because er. However, they have received a signif- though. The back-cover of the NY Post posure enables him to mentor young Philly went on to sweep the series and ) icant boost from a veteran that the major- was littered with the late inning heroics of players, and his ability to perform at a win the division. ity ofthe league had given up on: Randy the Mets this summer. Whether it was high level will cause them to excel as My condolences go out to all those Moss. The Patriots acquired the Moss Carlos Delgado's two walk-offs in May well. sullen Mets' fan everywhere, but this sea- from Oakland for a fourth-round draft (one of which was part of an epic two- Look at how the Phillies overcame a son is historic, and history has to take its homerun evening) or Endy Chavez's tremendous deficit and won the NL East pick. casualties. This season is Moss's tenth, and he walk-off drag bunt on April 25th, New on the last game of the regular season. currently leads the league in receiving York was accustomed to dramatic, come- They stole the division from the New yards (505) and receiving touchdowns from-behind victories. And it seemed as York Mets by winning an astonishing {7). He is also the first player in NFL though it had found another hero during thirteen oftheir last seventeen games and history to have over 100 yards in the first the Phillies game: Marlon Anderson. clinched their first playoff berth since four games with a new team. Moss, 30, There was one 00, and no outs, when 1993. has not looked this explosive since 2003 Willie Randolph told Anderson he would Although they clearly never would when he had over 1,600 receiving yards be pinch-hitting for the petulant, but tal- have made the playoffs if the Mets had- with the Vikings. ented, young outfielder, Lastings n't imploded in September, the Philles While the younger members of the Milledge. Always one to rise to the occa- have a very talented team which includes Phillies, Packers, and Pats have, con- sion, Anderson ripped the first pitch he two MVP candidates: shortstop Jimmy tributed to their team's success, veteran saw for a single. Runners on first and Rollins and first baseman Ryan Howard. players have the ability to enhance the second with one our. Was this the begin- Anderson ~ slide into Iguchi was the start These two players are extremely talent- performance of their teammates. Their ning of another Mets comeback? oj the end for the Mets (Web) ed, but Rollins and Howard do not have years of experience allow them to men- anypost season experience, and the team tor younger players and cultivate their must rely on the veteran leadership of raw athleticism into mature talent. Older Jamie Moyer. players may not be the most exciting . Moyer, a left-handed starting pitcher, players to watch, but no team can make IS 44 years old and has 20 major-league it to the post season without them. s.easons under his belt. The Phillies acquired Moyer from the Seattl~ Soures: Mariners in the middle of the 2006 sea- http://ESPNcom son, and he got the win in the crucial last game of that season. While Moyer's record is just a little better than average Superfans at the Pep Rally last Friday (SchuerhofJ) (14-12, 2-2 in September), the Phillies -...... - ----",

12 • OcT06ER 5, 2007 • THE COlliGE VOICE OPINION In This Kingdom By The Sea Help Me Get To Hartfordl

By Nick Sullivan '08 By Alex Frecon '09

With the that need to be discussed. When We can't take a stance on a Going back home should recent flurry of people are afraid to speak because region or country without first not run you back a semes- controversy they fear offending someone, the knowing the reasons behind their ter's worth of books, or about the passionate, and often times extreme arguments. six thirty racks of PBR. Iranian presi- views, dominate the conversations. There is an explanation for why Yes, that's right, SIX den t In turn, they clog the argument Ahmadinejad has been so popular thirty racks of PBR! Ahmadinejad because they are the only represent-- with some people in the Middle I really wish Conn and the politi- ing one voice. People need to stand East. If we just write him off as a would have my back cally charged up, listen, and speak back to open madman and ignore the situation, every once and awhile, ad from up the dialogue. Go on and offend than we are ignoring the problem So I got locked out of whether it's for the little, tbe argument them. Make them think. and the solution. It scares me that my room last things or the more daunt- over free speech has made headlines Why aren't people raising their people want to silence the conversa- night ... sweet. ing task of getting its stu- once again. Free speech needs to be hands in class and asking the hard tion and have threatened to cut off But enough about dents to the airport for an discussed now and in the future. questions? funding from Columhia for allow- that. I'm stuck in a bit of a affordable price. I under- I never thought I would quote If you don't agree with the ing someone to speak. quagmire right now. See, stand we're small, but is it Colin Powell, but his words, "Free speaker, their opinion makes you Why do our politicians repri- as you all know fall break that farfetched to start a speech is intended to protect the reflect, create an argument, and mand political groups for their ads, is coming up and nnlike student or school run controversial and even outrageous strengthen your own beliefs. The but are unable, or far worse unwill- most of you, I live a pret- shuttle service to the word; not just comforting platitudes rational and stronger argument ing, to do anything .to alleviate the ty decent distance away Hartford airport? I would too mundane to need protection," should prevail when free speech problems in the Middle East, or to (a two hour plane ride). happily wait an extra two are correct. The atmosphere around works correctly. address our dwindling economy, or Nowadays, Northwest hours at the airport in conversations today, particularly in I knew what my answer was to draft any new immigration Airlines is so stellar that exchange for a .decent academia, is one of. fear - fear of when asked, "Should Ahmadinejad reform? It's pathetic! All they want they only offer direct rate. In fact I would be offending, fear of being politically be allowed to speak at Columbia?" to do is tell the opposition to sit flights out of Hartford, a more than happy. I would incorrect. I heard a slew of arguments down and be quiet as the problems fifty-minute car ride be impressed. F-k political correctness! against it, such as, "He's irrational" get worse and worse. Our civil liber- away. Sure, money's tight (Ironically enough, that will be cen- or "You're just giving him more ties and our voices are being muz- That fifty-minute car aroundhere, but it doesn't sored). power." These differing opinions zled. Where's the outcry? ride however, is one of seem that way. We just Tell me something crazy and allowed me to have one of the most I urge people to stand up and the hardest things to come spent nine million dollars new. I want to be offended. I want to interesting conversations I've had in talk. Ask yourself: why something by on this campus. It's renovating dorms. Did think. I want to hear your thoughts. a while. People are starting to talk is so offensive? College should be a probably harder than you see those new lamp- Just don't give me silence. about Iranin a way that is illuminat- place where you learn how to artic- finding a party with more posts? The new signs? What would we do if Charles ing, and these conversations are ulate your ideas. Now, more than than two kegs. Honestly? That SWEET kiosk in Darwin, Martin Luther, or Susan B. encouraging people to learn more ever, we need to be asking the right Every time I do go home, front of Cro? We must Anthony just listened to the critics about the country, namely the state questions and hearing new ideas. I I secretly regret it, have money, or at least 10 society and sat idly? of affairs in Iran and its political don't want our generation to be because I know I'm going we're trying to pretend Controversial ideas are the thing context in the global community. known for its apathy and silence. to have to beg every sin- we do t8 impress prospec- gle friend I know to drive tive students. I say we Right Strokes For Conn Folks me out there. And let's be should rely on our aca- honest, nobody wants to demic reputation to lure By John Swig '08 drive someone out to students in and use the Hartford and then back. money to help out the stu- Why do guys get erections Why do guys wont to put it in my butt? - Emily You know what's dents that are already while grinding? J Samantha. It's a natural impulse to stick your penis into an awesome about Yale? here. Unless you are in high school, unknown hole. Given the chance, a man will stick it into They have a scbool shut- Maybe I whine a lot, it's the rubbing. If you are in high bird feeders, beehives, car exhausts, golf ball cleaners, tle bus that will take you maybe I'm just crazy, but . school, you get them from any- bagel holes, hoses, pool jets, drains, raccoon traps, elec- directly to the Hartford it's just so frustrating to thing. Wind blowing, clock tick- trical sockets, squirrel holes, vases, wann apple pies, airport or pick you up for have these problems ing, reading about the Great and those weird holes that are sometimes in the walls of nnder forty or fifty bucks. because I know they can Depression. It's more helpful to bathroom stalls in public restrooms. You don't bear Do you know how much . be fixed easily. I know know when guys get boners versus about this often because you don't need to ask a garbage it costs me to find trans- they can because other why tbey get them. For that I bave disposal if it wants company portation to the airport? schools do it. And lets be included a useful chart. I had my shirt off while hooking up with a girl and Like cabs or limo drivers honest, nobody's smarter her boyfriend knocked on the door. I jumped out the 101> or shuttle services? 120 than Connecticut College. window shirtless and now I see him walking around freaking dollars. But seriously, I need a ,. with it on. It's my favorite shirt ... how do I get it back? chance Why does Yale get a ride to tbe Hartford of boner -Tom shuttle service and we Airport on Thursday, If he also really likes that shirt, you are out of luck. don't? We need to take October I !th, for a 2 pm The best you can do is to have the girl take it back and charge here, and lend a flight. I AM WILLING give it to you, but don't wear it around here for a while. helping hand to the stu- TO PAY! Also, next time make sure to pile all your clothes on the dents who can't just hop o D II;) floor and maybe bring a rope ladder. in their parents' car and Time Grindin (min) Want to submit a question? Email [email protected] drive forty minutes borne.

----'------',~ -==-"=====;;;:;o,;jI THE COI.llGE VOICE. OcrOllfR 5, 2007 • 13 OPINION Dreaming With Atomic Andy Margenot

By Andrew Margena! '10

Given that the pregnant women. Giving birth doubles a believed them to be real. In 2005, - Are dreams in color or black and amount one sleeps is woman's nocturnal motor activity; the researchers also found that cutting 30 white? Well, it depends on the century. inversely propor- same group of postpartum mothers minutes of sleep one night would While studies in the 1950s were reported tional to the tempo- moved, kicked, and swung twice as much increase the amount of dream time-- dreams to be colorless, it was recently ral progression of as pregnant or non-pregnant women dur- known as REM-by over 30% the next found that people do in have Technicolor the semester, a look ing sleep. Though the harmless habit of night. dreams. Professor Schwitzgebel of ue at recent discoveries snoring is also likely to develop in preg- - Contraryto common belief, dreams Riverside suggests that the content of our in sleep research is nant women, it could lead to the more do more than rehash the day's events. dreams-color included-is heavily merited. Thanks to serious sleep disorder of obstructive Normal, everyday experiences from up to influenced by cultural conceptions. He the cocaine-inspired sleep apnea (OSA). The actual details on . seven days past remain candidates for argues that sixty years ago people dreamt rants of Freud, society misconstrues how pregnancy and birth affect dreams your dreams (no, not the kind inspired by in black and white because color televi- sleep as one of the few truly mysterious are insanely complex, but the phenome- Disney). This discovery has prompted sion had yet to be invented. Now, with. workings of the human body. That non is understandable given the complete some to suggest that "sleeping on it" may even our cell phones producing a frenzy dreams have only recently come under rewiring of the female body that occurs very well be an effective problem-solv- of neon flashes, our colorful media the scope of science speaks to the widely upon conception. ing strategy. Subjects in a study by the allows us to dream with colors. If held notion that they have little or no - The minimalist motto, "Less is University of Alberta were more likely to Professor Schwitzgebel's theory is cor- rational explanation. The research begs more", may hold true when it comes to produce solutions to a problem they had rect, the extent to which dreams are influ- ~ to differ. Dreams have a neurological sleep and dreams. Scientists have found been assigned one week prior. It is no enced by culture is highly underestimat- basis that can, and is, being studied. This that the number of dreams one has each surprise that your brain continues to ana- ed in 21st century sleep research. week I bring to you some rather intrigu- night is roughly constant. Therefore, if lyze problems even while you sleep- ing tidbits of the science of sleep: you get half as much sleep one night as what is important is that your mind may Sources: - This month scientists found that you usually do, your mind has to cram be looking at these problems differently conception and birth negatively influence the dream content of an ordinary night through dreams. The next day-aha!- mothers' dreams. Postpartum mothers into half as much time. On four nightly you suddenly come across the solution, experienced nearly 20% more night- hours of snooze, sleep subjects experi- when the problem was really solved at mares, notably starring their baby, than enced dreams so vivid that many the wee hours of REM.

Educational opportunity for all can be realized through dedicated and talented teachers. Those who say it can't be done are usually interrupted by others doing it. - JAMES BALDWIN

-- . ~ I

'4 .1lcT08ER 5, 2007 • THE COLLEGEVOICE ARTS&ENTERTAINMENT Che 8ellal Magic and Mishaps in Milan 8Y ARETI A. SAKELLARIS '08 including pants indicates the Gianfranco, "the architect of editor-in-<:hief functionality of the collection fashion:' and would the house and its success in compromis- continue to work within his Newcomers to the fashion ing a wardrobe. clearly masculine-inspired aes- arena, Not all looks were belted or thetic? Tommaso emphasized the natural waist; Phelps reports that there is Aquilano and some looks flowed while oth- a "big disconnect between the ers floated. With 6267 women oeuvre of a designer who did- Roberto Rimondi, the have the option to suit their n't chase trends." Repulsed by design duo own body types and dress some of the more voluminous ....,ut;"--....:o-.Jbehind 6267, within the same overall design trapeze dresses, Phelps cast are on their way to fulfilling aesthetic. them off as "this summer's chain-store fare." demands that established The editing, manifested in Italian fashion houses are not , the progression, is on-target. However, both Dolly Jones addressing. Starting with navy and white for British Vogue and Stella 6267 proposes a fifties sil- looks, the show eased into Almondo for Vogue ltalia houette with a Japanese twist. . white, a gold dress prepped a sense that the collection ost essential to the spell cast red and gold look before echoed Ferre's spirit quite launching into more patterned at the September 25th presen- accurately through the sculpted tation was the quality of the and colored looks, and finally pieces. Jones comments that the "combination of couture clothing and it's decidedly settling with blue tones. under-the-radar status. 6267 On the other manicured attitude and modem thinking does not lend itself to looking hand, Gianfranco Ferre's that Ferre made his own" is The Lonesome Heroes design team presented a collec- like a branded, designer look transposed into this collection. 8Y GA8RIELLA GEISINGER '11 reach out to everyone. "The best from head-to-toe. With every- tion for the prestigious label. While the precision and After Ferre passed away unex- quality may be up to par with thing we have found," Russell one acting as a stylist these staff writer pectedly in June, the creative says, "from touring and playing days, the 6267 team raised Ferre's work, the high-waist Imagine Brooklyn. Now all over is that. despite the shop- their profile from last season. director position is currently 1940's style shorts were very imagine Texas. Now comes the ping malls and suburbs and poli- Their autumn/winter 2007 vacant (although it is rumored tired looking. Had one director to be soon filled by Lars hard part: try and mesh those two tics and global warming or what- show needed "advice on pres- created pieces for the collec- Nilsson). Further indicating a tion, it would have done away together. If you're finding it diffi- ever irks us all, or divides us, entation and making sure their cult, here's a hint: The Lonesome there are so many awesome peo- identity comes through more changing of the guard, the with ambivalence regarding Heroes. Russell Russel ple scatted throughout this coun- ~""trongly:' said Sarah Mower of spring/summer 2008 collection future direction. Had someone was presented in' the (Brooklyn, NY) and McMean try that it seems you could never Vogue. Gone are the hats; the edited the pieces into a more McMean (Austin, TX) are a psy- stop traveling. Sometimes it's pulled-back and short hair- Fondazione Arnaldo cohesive vision, the show chedelic country duo that com- easy to forget that when you lis- styles let the audience focus on Pomodoro, a Milanese muse- would have been triumphant. um. Usually the show is at the bine playful guitar with soulful ten to the news or get lost in your this collection. Moreover, it But it was a conglomeration of designer's headquarters. the trendy with Ferres cre- and sincere lyrics. Admittedly, own bubble ... we're having so looks more streamlined and the idea of country may tum you much fun playing music and confident. The variety of looks Like Nicole Phelps at ations, and it lacked a strong off, but withhold your judgment bringing it to new places that we demonstrates that a collection rogue, I wondered if this was structure propelling the girls meant to be an-all encompass- and you'll quickly fall in love. can hardly keep up." need not be completely short or down the runway. ing retrospective for Sources: style. com style. it Their newest EP, Don 1 Play To It's hard not to have fun while long; mixing lengths and vogue. Loose, has 5 tracks that have abil- listening to Lonesome Heroes. ity to make you want to sing and Their simplistic recording style fill you with emotion. The gui- reflects their grounded nature, tars, both acoustic and lap steel, genuine love of music, and a have voices of their own, setting desire to meet anyone and every- the tone for each song. The one they can. This same vibe is acoustic emphasizes the joyful transmitted live; on and off the melody, while the lap steel high- . stage, McMean and Russell are lights the lyrics. Russell's jovial down-to-earth, friendly musi- and unprocessed voice is-perfect cians. The only drawback is their for the thoughtful, toe-tapping few-and-far-between East Coast tracks like "Halos Above Our tour dates, though "I think we Heads", and McMean's ethereal will be in NYC in December or dreamy voice highlights the sub: January" Russell says. All in all, tie beauty in the lyrics of The Lonesome Heroes put them- "Oyster". selves into everything they do, The music isn't handed to you and their EP reflects this. Don 1 on a silver platter; as a much Play ToLose keeps your attention needed contrast to over-produced and sounds new every time you studio albums, you won't find an listen. If you expect. a typical overt beat or heavy. bass. Not low-budget recording, be pre- only is the music progressive, it pared to get blown away. represents the band's desire to Dr. Dog at The Paradise in Boston, 10/3/07 (Dowd) THE COLlEGE VOICE • OCTOBER 5 2007 • 1 5 ARTS&ENTERTAINMENT Allowed Everything View from th Hum Radiohead's. Revolutionary Marketing BYJACQUES SWARTZ '09 staff writer So if you've got a leak, pay what you want, pulse and you're even funding through an ill tangentially interested in bonus package. current music, you've Then now the ques- ..- probably heard that tion is some combination Radiohead is releasing a of "How cool is that?" new album. After about a and "How can they do month of posting cryptic that?" The answer to both messages to their web- lies in what may become site-which were loving- a growing trend in the ly (and erroneously) marketing and business BY DAN SILBERBERG '10 & ALEX KROGH-GRABBE '08 decoded by fans-c-they models of the record made the announcement industry. Radiohead is last week that the new banking on the fact that The Classics Revisted album would be out in ten they have essentially a days. "It's called In cult following, one which Radiohead Rocks Out Definitively on The Bends will gladly shell out dis- Rainbows." Of course, BY JACOB MEADE '08 And if you take a look at the album's lyrics, you'll much flipping out took proportionate money for see what Yorke was gettmg so pissed off about. place, but there are addi- what some would possi- staff writer Thematically, The Bends is a very negative album. It's Back in 1993, the British band Radiohead shot to tional rammifications - bly say is a fetishist item. all about decay, a very unspecific (and very '90s) sick- fame with a strange little ode to self-loathing called beyond just what is What's also important is of-everything-ness that Radiohead spoke to better than entailed by an awesome that the band has been so "Creep," off their debut album Pablo Honey. The song any- other band of their day. Yorke gets right to the forthcoming album. successful that they don't was a comically straightforward statement of lead malaise on opener "Planet Telex," which finds him These aspects have seri- entirely need tn be raking singer Thorn Yorke's inferiority complex, as he mum- wailing "Everything is broken! Everyone is broken!" bled the lines "I want a perfect body! I want a perfect ous implications concern- it in on this album, should Two songs later he croons, "All your insides fall to soul" over an equally bummed-out post-grunge arrange- iog the current state ofthe serious sales fail to mate- pieces! you just sit there wishing you could still make recording industry and rialize. Their whole ment. "Creep" seemed an automatic flash-in-the-pan love." And it doesn't get much cheerier from there. the band's creativity in approach here is rooted in single, a brief chance for outcasts everywhere to wail at This all would have been hopelessly depressing had dealing with it. a certain kind of ethos. mainstream America before it promptly turned its atten- the band not also been cranking out killer rock anthems, tion back to Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love The first serious red Making the download and had lead guitarist Jonny Greenwood not tapped into flag is that this major new available for free creates a You." such a blazing, majestic sound on home-run album cuts album is about to drop kind of incentive to buy Accordingly, like "Bones." The added assistance of Yorke and third Radiohead's fol- and there hasn't been a the blowout version or to guitarist Ed O'Brien made an assault that was forceful, low-up album The single thieved bootleg to at least pay money to the well-wrought and searing. Bends, released in grace the interweb. The band because it creates Before they decided to kill melody on 2000's Kid A, second is that you can what at least seems like a 1995, had only Radiohead sure had some great ones. "High and Dry" faint underground download the album from bond of trust and respect. and "Fake Plastic Trees," the album's most straightfor- success in the US. the band's website for any They're playing it cool ward pop songs, both boast stately melodies and an ele- Americans were price you choose. The and looking to reap seri- giac tone that, believe it or not, landed them on radio. notion here IS that ous benefits in the "a.t.iiW=.I.J=.uI:\::::~~::idapparently ready Elsewhere, hooks pop up everywhere. - to dismiss them as Radiohead will not make process. The band was both embracing the irresistibility of iust another of the you pay for an album you The fact that they familiar song structures and playing around with them, '90s' long list of will eventually be able to have total control over the to staggering effect. "Just" goes through its obligatory "~------~--one-hit-wonder acquire for free, but they album is what's allowed verse-chams-bridge before a false ending of screeching will give you the option to them to keep it under bands. But what many somehow missed was that feedback jumps back into a full-on rock assault that'll pay them, if you want. So wraps, keep the demo out Radiohead had bashed out a guitar rock masterpiece. leave you gasping for air. But the best merging of how, then, will they make of the hands of tech Today The Bends sounds utterly enduring, with song melody and innovation wnuld have to be the momen- any money? Enter flag dweebs, and allowed after song of riveting guitar fireworks and soaring tous title track, which wedges a transcendent crescendo number three, coming them to write the terms of melodies. (and Yorke's finest vocal moment) between hailstorms Thorn Yorke always bas been and always will be here in the form of the the release itself. If of clamoring guitar havoc. It's a towering achievement Radiohead's weakest link. He's so caught up with his boxed set, also pre-order- they're successful, not that Radiohead haven't been able to match since. own misery and the urge to sing in a bleached-out, able from the website. just in a cultish fever kind Radiohead would go on to worldwide recognition' dying-puppy falsetto that he forgets he's fronting one of Inside you find the new of way, but in a feasible- with 1997's mega-ambitious attack on the technology the best bands of our time. This became more apparent album on vinyl, on CD, business model type way, age, Ok Computer. But what you hear on The Bends is and an enhanced CD with then we can expect to see on Radiohead's later albums, in which the guy seemed something warmer and ultimately more appealing than new songs, photos and something that's perhaps to be draping his voice over the rest of the band's bril- on their later releases: a damn good rock band making a artwork all contained been missing from the liance like a wet rag. But for one brief moment on The damn good rock album. It may be only 12 years old, but within a discbox further creative music industry Bends, Yorke got it just right. He kept it restrained and The Bends is one for the ages. featuring a bunch of other lately: creativity on the melodic, and only deployed said wimpiness for the sake , gnodies. This'll run (with business end too. of galvanizing transitions into rage. The Bends showed shipping) about 80 US listeners that when wusses rock out the effect can be beans. So, to review: No even scarier than when metalheads do it. .. 16 • ocroees 5, 2007 • THE Course VOICE


Saturday, October 6th: Monday, October 8th (continued): Women's Tennis VB. Bowdoin, 11 am, tennis courts "'Just a Word, Just a Symbol:' Recent Racist Events on U.S. College Campuses," <, Men's Water Polo Tournament, noon, Lott Natatorium discussion with James Downs, assistant professor of history, and David Canton, "Where We're Coming From," a student-generated performance piece that explores assistant professor of history, 4:30 pm; Olin 014 experiences of race, ethnicity and identity, 2 pm, 8 pm, Tansill Theater, $6 students Free Kickboxing Classes, 6:30 pm, 7:30 pm, Cro's Nest

Sunday, October 7th: Tuesday, October 9th: Men's Water Polo Tournament, noon, Lott Natatorium Personal Trainer, noon in the Athletic Center, 5 pm in Cro's Nest, $12.50 Arboretum Afternoon Tour, 2 pm, front of Olin. Community Yoga, 5:30 pm, 1941 Room, Cro, students $6/session or $60/semester "Where We're Coming From," 2 pm, Tansill Theater, $6 students College Republican Meeting, 8 pm, Alice Johnson Room, Cro Wednesday, October 10th: Fall Break begins at 5 pm Monday, October 8th: Open House for prospective students, 8:30 am - 4 pm Monday, October 15th: Personal Trainer, noon, Athletic Center, $12.50 Classes resume "Two Case Studies in Sport Psycbology: Examining tbe DualRole of a Clinician Working with Division I Athletes," a Department of Psycbology Colloquium Series Friday, October 19th & Saturday, October 20th: lecture by Robin 1. Surwilo, a private practice psychotherapist, 4:30 pm, Bill 106 Camelympics, all campus event Fall Concert featuring RJD2, Palmer The College Voice