Name: Floyd L. Williams DATE OF BIRTH: September 20 ,1939

PLACE: Kansas City, Missouri

RESEARCH AREA: Holomorphic, cohomological , and representation theoretic aspects of Lie . Also mathematical , zeta functions and automorphic forms.


1962 Lincoln B.S. 1965 Washington University M.S. 1972 Washington University Ph.D.

Inducted into the Lincoln University Hall of Fame on July 23rd,2011 Inducted as a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society in January , 2013


1970-72 University of California/Irvine Associate Instructor 1972-75 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Instructor/Lecturer 1975-78 University of Massachusetts Assistant 1978-84 University of Massachusetts Associate Professor 1984 University of Massachusetts Full Professor 1988-89 State University of New York /Stony Brook Visiting Professor 1990 Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan Visiting Professor

1997 State Technical University, St. Petersburg , Russia Visiting Professor

2001 Institute of Theoretical Physics,Sao Paulo , Brazil and State University of Londrina , Londrina , Brazil : Joint Visiting Appointment

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Major Addresses (off campus) 1972 Dartmouth , Hanover , NH. 1974 Washington University, Saint Louis,MO. 1975 Iowa State University ,Iowa City 1975 University of North Carolina ,Chapel Hill 1975 Summer Institute on Several Complex Variables, Williamstown, MA. 1976 Clark University,Worcester , MA. 1976 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ,Cambridge , MA. 1977 University of Liege, Liege, Belgium 1978 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India 1978 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1979 Punjab University, Chandigarh, India 1979 Indian Institute of , Powai, India 1979 Univeristy of Mannheim, Mannheim, W. Germany 1979 Address to American Math. Society, Washington, D.C.: Invited Address (one hour) 1979 Piano Recital, Belgaum, India 1980 Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 1980 Yale Univeristy, New Haven, CT 1980 University of Mannheim, Mannheim, W. Germany 1980 Marseille Conference on Non Abelian Harmonic Analysis, Marseille, France 1981 University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada 1981 University of California, Berkeley 1981 University of California, Los Angeles 1981 University of California, La Jolla 1981 Math. Institute of the Polish Acad, Sci., Wroclaw , Poland 1981 University of Mannheim, Mannheim, W. Germany 1981 University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, W Germany 1982 University of Hull, Hull, England 1982 Harmonic Analysis Conference, Marseille, France 1982 University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland 1983 Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan 1983 Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan 1983 Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan 1983 Osaka University, Osaka, Japan 1983 Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan 1983 University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 1984 University of Copenhagen, Denmark 1984 Selberg Trace Formula Conference, Brunswick, Maine 1985 University of Oklahoma (J. Clarence Karcher Lecture) , Norman , Oklahoma 1986 Washington University, St.Louis, MO ,Colloquium Lecture 1986 University of Chicago, (Conference on representation theory and automorphic forms) 1986 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 1986 Bowdoin College, Maine (Cecil and Marion Homes Lecture) 1987 George Mason University ,Fairfax , VA 1987 New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 1987 University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P.R. 1987 Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach,, Oberwolfach , Germany (Conference on automorphic representation of reductive Lie groups) 1987 University of Maryland 1988 Pan Am. University, Texas (Piano Recital , and The Alfred E.Crofts Jr. Memorial Lecture) 1988 University of Washington, Seattle, Colloquium Lecture 1988 Purdue University, Indiana 1989 Address to American Mathematical Society, Phoenix, Arizona (20 minute invited lecture) 1989 Howard University, Washington, DC 1989 Yale University, New Haven, CT (Mostow seminar lecture) 1989 State University of New York, Stony Brook ,Colloquium Lecture 1989 Carlos Paz, Argentina (International Conf. on representation theory and applications) 1989 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Inst. of Math . , Pure and Applied) 1990 Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan 1990 Osaka University, Osaka, Japan 1990 Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan 1990 Yokohama City University, Yokohama, Japan 1990 Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 1991 Address to Math. Association of America, San Francisco: Invited address (fifty minutes) 1991 U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, Colloquium Lecture 1991 Oklahoma State University , Stillwater , OK 1992 Holyoke Community College, Keynote speaker: Forum on Diversity, Excellence and Motivation, Holyoke, MA 1993 Yale University, New Haven, CT ( Mostow seminar lecture) 1994 Invited Address to the American Mathematical Society, Cincinnati, OH (30 minute lecture) 1994 Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC (an address to the majors and a 2nd address to the faculty) 1994 Academy of Mines and Metallurgy, Krakow, Poland 1995 Adam Mickiewicz University, Posnan, Poland 1995 University of Vermont, Burlington, VT (20 minute AMS invited lecture) 1995 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong (Kowloon) 1995 National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, Singapore

1996 AMS Special Session on Group Representations and , University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa (30 minute invited lecture) 1996 Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, New Jersey (1 hour invited lecture: 2 nd Conference for African-American Researchers in the Mathematical ) 1997 A.F. Loffe Physico-Technical Institute, 60 minute invited address to Physicists, St Petersburg, Russia 1997 School of Economics and Finance, St. Petersburg, Russia 1998 Twelfth Annual Workshop on Automorphic forms (45 minute lecture), Columbia, MO. 1998 Astronomical Observatory, Fourth Alexander Friedman International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology (40 minute invited lecture), St. Petersburg, Russia. 1999 Londrina State University, Londrina, Brazil, Winter School on Mathematical Methods in Physics, (invited to give four lectures). 1999 AMS Special Session on Representation Theory of Reductive Lie Groups, Providence College, Providence, Rhode Island: Invited address (twenty minutes) 2000 Address to National Association of (William Clayton Lecture): Invited address (sixty minutes), Washington, D.C. 2000 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK (colloquium lecture and a lecture in the Lie Groups Seminar). 2000 Eleventh International Colloquium on Differential Equations, Plovdiv, Bulgaria (60 minute invited address) 2001 International Meeting on Quantum Gravity and Spectral Geometry, Naples, Italy, (50 minute invited lecture) 2001 Fourteenth Latin American Colloquium on Algrebra, La Falda-Sierras de Cordoba, Argentina (60 minute invited lecture) 2001 Institute of Theoretical Physics, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2001 Londrina State University, Department of Physics, Londrina-Parana, Brazil 2001 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Joint Mathematics and Physics Dept. Seminar on PDE 2002 Institute for the Problems of Mechanical , Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersburg, Russia. 2002 Friedmann Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Andrey Grib Seminar, St. Petersburg, Russia. 2002 School no. 554, invitation to speak to 3 classes of elementary/middle grade students, St.Petersburg, Russia. 2002 University of Iowa, Iowa City, Colloquium Lecture 2002 Catholic University of Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile, Convocational address to faculty and students of the School of Architecture. 2003 Fifteenth Latin American Colloquium on Algebra, Cocoyoc, Mexico (30 minute invited lecture). 2003 Quantum Field Theory Under the Influence of External Conditions, International Conference, Norman, Oklahoma (30 minute invited lecture) 2003 International Meeting on Locally Symmetric Spaces, Mathematical Research Institute, Oberwolfach, Germany (60 minute invited lecture). 2003 Holyoke Community College, Forum on Mentoring (60 minute invited address). 2003 XXX Semana De La Mathematica, Catholic University of Valparaiso, (60 minute invited address on educational issues to undergraduate math. majors, math. Educators, and math. researchers), Valparaiso, Chile 2003 Catholic University of Valparaiso, Dept. of Physics, Valparaiso, Chile (60minute invited physics lecture). 2004 National University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina (seminar lecture) 2004 Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri ,Colloquium Lecture 2004 University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa . 2004 Am. Math. Soc. Special Session on Spectral Geometry, 30 invited lecture, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2004 Fourth International Winter School on Mathematical Methods in Physics, 60 minute invited Lecture, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

2004 Sixth Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation, 30 minute invited lecture, Cargese, France. 2004 International Conference on Zeta Functions, 60 minute invited lecture, Okinawa, Japan. 2005 International Conference on Zeta Functions, 60 minute invited lecture, Okinawa, Japan. 2005 Piano Recital, Okinawa Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan. 2005 Kyushu University, seminar lecture, Fukuoka, Japan. 2005 Einstein 100 Year Theory of Relativity, an International Conference, 30 minute invited lecture, A.I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania. 2005 Sixteenth Latin American Colloquium on Algebra, 30 minute invited lecture, Colonia, Uruguay. 2005 International Conference on Relativity Commemorating 100 Years of Einstein Relativity/ 1905- 2005 ( 30 minute invited lecture), Amravati University, Amravati, India. 2006 Fifth International Winter School on Mathematical Methods in Physics, 60 minute invited lecture, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2006 Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Relativity and Cosmology, 20 minute invited lecture, Free University, Berlin, Germany. 2007 University California, Berkeley, 60 minute invited lecture, Workshop on Lie Groups, Lie Algebras ,and their Representations 2008 University California, Santa Cruz, 60 minute invited lecture, Lie Groups, Lie Algebras Seminar. 2008 Math. Science Research Institute, University California, Berkeley, Organizer and Speaker, 2 week Summer Workshop on “ A Window into Zeta and Modular Physics “ 2008 STEM Middle Academy, special address to sixth graders, Springfield, MA. 2008 Baylor University, Colloquium Lecture, Waco, Texas. 2009 Baylor University,Invited AMS Lecture (40 minutes) , Waco , Texas 2009 Medgar Evers College, Distinguished Lecture Series (first invited speaker) Brooklyn, New York. 2009 Medgar Evers College , New York Topology Seminar speaker, Brooklyn ,New York 2011 Baylor University , Colloquium Lecture , Waco ,Texas 2012 University of Massachusetts at Boston , Conference Board on Mathematical Science program on Unitary Representations of Reductive Groups ( 60 minute invited lecture) . 2012 Idaho State University , Colloquium Lecture , Pocatello , Idaho 2014 AMS Special Session on Spectral Geometry (40 minute invited lecture) ,Albuquerque , New Mexico 2015 Western New England University ,Colloquium Lecture ,Springfield , MA.


1973 Book: Tensor Products of Principal Series Representations, Lecture Notes in Mathematics Series, Springer- Verlag, 358, 132 pages.

1974 Laplace operators and the h module structure of certain cohomology groups, Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 197, 1-57.

1975 Complex homogeneous bundles and finite-dimensional representation theory, Am. Math.Soc.Proc.Sympos.Pure Math., Part 2 , Vol 30 on Several Complex Variables,317-320 .

1977 Topological irreducibility of non-unitary representations of group extensions. Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 223, 69-84.

1978 The Cohomology of semisimple Lie algrebras with coefficients in a Verma module, Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 240, 115-127.

1979 Complex-foliated structures (with Hans Fischer) : Cohomology of the Dolbeault-Kostant complexes, Trans. Am.Math. Soc., 252, 163-195.,

1980 Lie algebra cohomology of infinite dimensional modules, Advances in Math. 35, No. 1, 19-29.

1981 Vanishing theorems for type (o,q) cohomology of locally symmetric spaces, Osaka J. of Math., 18, 147-160.

1981 Remarks on the unitary representations appearing in the Matsushima-Murakumi formula. Proceedings of the Conference on Non- Communitive Harmonic Analysis and Lie Groups, Marseille-Luminy, France, Springer- Verlag Lecture Notes in Math. 880, 536-553.

1982 Unitarizable highest weight modules of the conformal group, Advances in Math., 45, 1-20.

1982 Frobenius reciprocity and Lie groups representations on del- bar cohomology spaces, L’Enseignement Mathematique II serie, Tome XXVIII, 13-30.

1982 Solution of a conjecture of Langlands .Proceedings of the Conference on Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis and Lie Groups,Marseille-Luminy ,France,Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Math.1020 179-187. 1983 Vanishing theorems for type (o, q) cohomology of locally symmetric spaces II, Osaka J. of Math. 20, 95-108.

1984 Discrete series multiplicities in L2 (Gamma\G), Amer. J. of Math. 106, No. 1, 137-148.

1984 Borel-LePotier diagrams (with H. Fischer):Calculus of their cohomology bundles , Tohuku Math. J. 36, 233-251.

1984 Note on duality on polarized symplectic manifolds (with H.Fischer), Reports on Math.Physics 20 , No.3,357-363.

1985 Formula for the Casimir operator in Iwasawa coordinates, Tokyo J. Math. 8, 99-105.

1985 Some new results on L2 (Gamma\G) multiplicities, Proc. of the RIMS Symposium on Representations of Lie Groups, Kyoto, Japan, No. 503, 93-109.

1985 Discrete series multiplicities in L2 (Gamma\G) II, Proof of Langlands’ conjecture, Am. J. Math., 107, No.2., 367-376 .

1985 On the dimension of spaces of automorphic cohomology , Algebraic Groups and Related Topics (Kyoto/Nagoya),Advanced Studies in Pure Math.6 ,1-15,North Holland,Amsterdam.

1985 Almost paracontact and parahodge structures on manifolds (with Soji Kaneyuki), Nagoya Math. J. 99, 173-187.

1985 The Borel spectral sequence (with Hans Fisher) :Some remarks and applications ,Differential Geometry, Calculus of Variations,and their Applications,edited by G.Rassias and T.Rassias,255-266, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Math.100,Dekker,New York.

1985 Dimension of spaces of automorphic cohomology, Advanced Studies in Pure Math., 6, 1-15.

1985 On a class of quantizable co-adjoint orbits (with Soji Kaneyuki), Algrebras, Groups, and Geometries, 2, 70-94.

1985 The heat kernel on the 2-sphere (with H.Fischer and Jerry Jungster),Advances in Math.54 ,226-232.

1986 A solution of Warner’s 3rd problem for representations of holomorphic type , Trans.Am.Math.Soc.293 , 605-612.

1986 Finite spaces of non-classical Poincare theta series, The Selberg trace Formula and Related Topics, Contemporary Math. 53, 543-554, Am.Math.Soc.Pub.

1987 Note on a theorem of H Moscovici, J. Functional Analysis 72, 28-32.

1987 On the finiteness of the L2 automorphic cohomology of a flag domain, J. Functional Analysis, 72, 33-43.

1988 The n-cohomology of limits of discrete series, J. Functional Analysis, 80, 451-461.

1988 Unitary representations and a general vanishing theorem for (o, r) cohomology, Osaka J. Math., 25, 599-606.

1991 Spectral multiplicity of derived functor modules, Advances in Math., 85, 145-160.

1991 Lectures on the spectrum of L2 (Gamma\G) (a book), Pitman Research Notes in Math Series, Longman House 242, John Wiley and Sons (co-publisher ), 348 pages.

1991 History and variation on the theme of the Frobenius reciprocity theorem, The Mathematical Intelligencer, 13, 68-71.

1992 Periodic zeta functions for rank 1 space forms of symmetric spaces (with Leticia Barchini). Hiroshima Math J., 22, 33-56.

1992 Some zeta functions attached to Gamma\G/K, New Developments in Lie Theory and Their Applications, Progress In Math 105,edited by Juan Tirao and Nolan Wallach ,163-177. Burkhaüser Pub.

1992 An analogue of Hüber’s formula for Riemann’s zeta function, L’Enseignement Mathématique, 38, 133-149.

1992 A factorization of the Selberg zeta function attached to a rank 1 space form, Manuscripta Math, 77, 17-39.

1993 On certain definite integrals which arise in automorphic Lie theory, Journal of Physics A.26 3515-3526.

1993 Some remarks on ICME-7, American Perspectives on the Seventh International Congress on Mathematical Education (1993), 67-68, Nat. Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

1995 Spectral zeta series for rank 1 space forms, Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis, A Conference Honor of Ray.A. Kunze,Contenporary Mathematics Am.Math.Soc. Vol. 191, 245-254.

1996 Group Theory:The Language of Symmetry in Science and Technology (with 12 other members on a Panel on Group Theory,AMS Board on Math.Science),National Research Council, National Academy Press,Wash.,DC.

1997 Topological Casimir energy for a general class of Clifford-Klein spaces- times, Journal of Math. Physics, Vol. 38, 796-808.

1997 The role of Selberg’s trace formula in the computation of Casimir energy for certain Clifford- Klein spacetimes, African Americans in Mathematics, DIMACS Vol. 34, edited by Nathaniel Dean , AMS Publication, 69-82.

1998 Meromorphic continuation of Minakshisundaram- Pleijel series for semisimple Lie groups, re-written version of an earlier paper, Pacific Journal of Math, Vol. 182 (1998), 137-156.

1998 Zeta functions on a product of Einstein manifolds, and the multiplicative anomaly(with Andrei Bytsenko) Journal of Math. Physics, Vol. 39, 1075-1086.

1998 The conformal anomaly associated with an operator product acting in rank 1 symmetric spaces (with Andrei Bytsenko and Antonio Goncalves) ,Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Vol.67,176-181.Also published in Modern Physics Letters A13, No. 2 (1998), 99-108.

1998 Zeta function regularization and the thermodynamic potential for quantum fields in symmetric spaces ( with Andrei Bytsenko, Antonio Goncalves, and Iver Brevik), J. Physics A 31 No. 19, 4437-4448.

1999 Asymptotics of the heat kernel on rank 1 locally symmetric spaces (with Andrei Bytsenko) J. Physics A 32 No.31 (1999), 5773-5779.

1999 One-loop effective potential for quantum fields on hyperbolic Kaluza-Klein space times, Proceedings of the Fourth Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Comology, IMECC (1999) 351-358. St. Petersburg, Russia.

1999 Anomalies and analytic torsion on hyperbolic manifolds( with Andrei Bytsenko, Antonio Goncalves, and M.Simoes), Journal of Math. Physics, Vol. 40, No. 8 (1999), 4119-4133.

1999 A BBG type resolution of holomorphic Verma modules, Illinois Journal Math., vol. 43 (1999) 633-653.

2000 Mathematical Methods in Physics: Proceedings of the 1999 Londrina Winter School/Brazil (co-edited with Andrei Bytsenko) World Scientific Pub. ,244 pages.

2000 Group representations, Landau spectra and magnetic zeta functions, Proceedings of the 1999 Londrina Winter School, World Scientific Pub. 209-226.

2000 Chern -Simons invariants of closed hyperbolic three-manifolds( with Andrei Bytsenko and Antonio Goncalves), Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 15, No. 16, 1031-1035.

2001 Remarks on the Klein-Gordon equation in a Roberston-Walker universe, International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications, Vol. 2,No.1., 93-102.

2001 Calculation of bosonic matter fields on an n-sphere, Proceedings of the 2000 Londrina Workshop on Geometric Aspects of Quantum Fields, Londrina-Pr., Brazil,edited by A.Bytsenko, A.Goncalves,and B.Pimentel,World Scientific Pub., 194-203.

2001 Localization of equivariant cohomology- introductory and expository remarks (with Andrei Bytsenko) , Proceedings of the 2000 Londrina Workshop on Geometric Aspects of Quantum Fields, Londrina-Pr., Brazil, April, 2000, 40-55.

2002 Heat coefficients for p-forms on hyperbolic space, Proceedings of the International Meeting on Quantum Gravity and Spectral Geometry(Napoli, Italy), Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 104, edited by G.Esposito, G.Miele, and B.Preziosi, 221-223.

2003 Forms on vector bundles over compact real hyperbolic manifolds (with A.Bytsenko and A.Goncalves), International Journal of Modern Physics A18 ,No.12,2041-2050.

2003 A zeta function for the BTZ black hole, International Journal of Modern Physics A, 18, 2205-2209.

2003 Selberg zeta function and trace formula for the BTZ black hole, ( with Peter Perry), International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 9, 1-21.

2003 On (2+1) – dimensional Friedmann- Robertson- Walker universes: an Ermakov- Pinney equation approach (with Panos Kevrekidis), Classical and Quantum Gravity, Letter to the Editor, 20, L 177-L184.

2003 Coupling fields and underlying space curvature : an augmented Lagrangian approach, ( with A. Bishop, I. Kevrekidis, P. Kevrekidis, and B. Malomed), Physical Review E(3) 67, 047602- 047606.

2003 Topics in (book), Progress in Mathematical Physics Series, 27, Birkhauser Publishers,396 pages.

2004 A brief reflection on work of Professor S. Minakshisundaram, Indian J. for the Advancement of Mathematics Education and Research, 93-94.

2004 Remarks on harmonic maps, solitons, and dilaton gravity, Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Quantum Field Theory Under the Influence of External Conditions, Edited by Kimball Milton, Rinton Press, 370-372.

2004 On solitons, non- linear sigma models, and two-dimensional gravity, Proceedings of Science, electronic journal: POS (IC 2004) 003.

2005 BTZ black hole and Jacobi inversion for fundamental domains of infinite volume, Algebraic Structures and their Representations ( Cocoyoc,Morelos,Mexico) edited by la Pena,E.Vallejo,and N.Atakishiyev Contemporary Mathematics 376, Am.Math.Soc. 385-391.

2005 Localization of equivariant cohomology for compact and non-compact group actions (with Andrei.Bytsenko and Matvei Libine), Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric 3, 171-195.

2005 Einstein field equations: an alternate approach towards exact solutions for an FRW universe International Journal of Modern Physics A 20,No.11 2481-2484.

2005 Remarks on Einstein Field Equations and non-Abelian gauge fields in higher dimensions , Proceedings of an International Conference of Relativity (100 Years of Einstein Relativity,Amravati Univ.,India) ,edited by Kishor Adhav,99-109.

2006 On (3+1) – dimensional scalar field cosmologies (with T. Christodoulakis, T.Grammenos, C. Helias, P. Kevrekidis, and G. Papadopoulos) , Trends in General Relativity and Quantim Cosmology,edited by Charles Benton, Nova Science Publishers,37-48 .

2006 Conical defect zeta function for the BTZ black hole, Scientific Annals of Alexandru Ioan Cuza Univsrsity, (Iasi,Romainia) ,54-58.

2006 Further thoughts on first generation solitons and J- T gravity, Trends in Soliton Research edited by L.V.Chen , Nova Science Publishers,1-14.

2006 Note on quantum correction to BTZ instanton entropy , Proceedings of Science ,electronic journal :POS (IC2006) 006 .

2007 A non-linear type Schrodinger type formulation of FLRW scalar field cosmology ( with Jennie D’Ambroise), International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,34,No.1. 117- 127.

2007 Remarks on the spectrum and truncated heat kernel of the BTZ black hole ( with Andrei Bytsenko and Marie Guimaraes ), Letters in Mathematical Physics 79, No.2, 203-211.

2007 Explicit soliton- black hole correspondence for static configurations (with Shabnam Beheshti), Journal of Physics A:Math. and Theor, 40,No.14, 4017-4024 .

2007 From Feshbach- resonance managed Bose- Einstein condensates to anisotropic universes : applications of the Ermakov- Pinney equation with time- dependent nonlinearity ( with G. Herring, P.Kevrekidis, T. Christodoulakis, and D. Frantzeskakis), Physics Letters A 367, 140-148.

2007 A deformation of the Patterson- Selberg zeta function, Actas del XV 1 Coloquio Latinamericano de Algebra Commented [fw1]: (Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay, August, 2005), published by Biblioteca de la Revista Matematica Iberoamericana, 109-114.

2008 A resolvent trace formula for the BTZ black hole with conical singularity, Council for African American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences, Contemporary Mathematics 467,edited by A.Noel,D.King, G.N’Guerekata,and E.Goins , Am.Math.Soc. 49-62.

2008 An EMP model of Bianchi I cosmology, Proceedings of The Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (Freie University, Berlin, Germany) , edited by Hagen Kleinert and Robert Jantzen World Scientific Pub. Part C, 2222-2224 .

2010 A dynamic correspondence between Bose-Einstein condensates and FLRW and Bianchi I cosmology with a cosmological constant (with Jennie D’Ambroise) ,Journal of Math.Physics 51,No.6, 062501-062511.Also e-print : arXiv:math-ph/1007.4237 .This paper (which was among the top 20 downloaded in June 2010) was also selected to be part of the July 2010 issue of the Virtual Journal of Atomic Quantum Fluids ,published by the American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics.

2010 Lectures on zeta fuctions,L-functions and modular forms with some physical applications, A Window into Zeta and Modular Physics ,co-edited with Klaus Kirsten,Math.Science Research Institute Publication 57 ( Univ.of California at Berkeley) and Cambridge University Press,351 pages,7-100.

2010 The role of the Patterson-Selberg zeta function of a hyperbolic cylinder in three-dimensional gravity with a negative cosmological constant , A Window into Zeta and Modular Physics ,co-edited with Klaus Kirsten , Math. Science Research Publications 57 ( Univ.of California at Berkeley) and Cambridge University Press, 329-351 .

2010 On some single-hump solutions of the short-pulse equation and their periodic generalizations (with D.Frantzeskakis , P.Kevrekidis ,Y.Chen, A,Saxena , and N.Whitaker ), Physics Letters A 28 , Vol (374)(29),2964-2967.

2010 On generalized monopole spherical harmonics and the wave equation of a charged massive Kerr black hole , (with Shabnam Beheshti ) , Modern Physics Letters A25 , 3191-3200 .Also e-print : arXiv:math-ph/1009.1129 .

2011 The local zeta function for symmetric spaces of non-compact type (with Tomas Godoy and Roberto Miatello) , Journal of Geometry and Physics 61,125-136.

2011 Parametric solution of certain nonlinear equations in cosmology (with Jennie D’Ambroise) , Journal of Nonlinear Math.Physics 18,No.2 ,269-278 .Also e –print : arXiv:gr-qc/1202.4422 .

2012 Parametric solution of certain nonlinear equations in cosmology II (with Jennie D,Ambroise) , Proceedings of Science,electronic journal:POS (ICMP 2012) 007 .Also e-print:arXiv:gr-qc/1208.4812 .

2012 Remarks on the Patterson-Selberg zeta function , black hole vacua and extremal CFT partition functions , Journal of Physics A ,Math.and Theor.45 , No.37,Special issue in honor of Stuart Dowker’s 75th birthday,Guest editors Fay Dowker,Emilio Elizalde,and Klaus Kirsten ,doi:10.1088/1751-8113/45/37/ 374008 .

2013 Zakharov-Shabat systems and conformal immersions induced by Dirac spinors , Proceeding of Science , electronic journal : POS (ICMP 2013) 015 .

2013 BRST-invariant deformations of geometric structures in topological field theories (with A.Bytsenko,M.Chaichian , and A.Tureanu International Journal of Modern Physics A 28,No.16 doi:10.1142/SO217751X13500693 .

2014 Zeta functions on tori using contour integration (with E.Elizalde,K.Kirsten,and N.Robles),International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 12,doi: 10.1142/SO21988781550019X .

2014 Some selected thoughts old and new on soliton-black hole connections in 2d dilaton gravity, The sine-Gordon Model and its Applications-From Pendula and Josephson Junctions to Gravity and High-Energy Physics, co-edited with Jesus Cuevas-Maraver and Panayotis Kevrekidis ,263 pages,Springer Pub.177-205 .

2014 Remainder formula and zeta expression for extremal CFT partition functions ,Symmetry:Representation Theory and Its Applications ( In Honor of Nolan R.Wallach) ,edited by Roger Howe, Markus Hunziker,and Jeb.Willenbring ,538 pages, Progress in Mathematics 257,Birkhauser , 505-518 .

2015 Zeta function expression of spin partition functions on thermal AdS_3,Mathematics 2015,3, 653-665 ;Special Issue on Mathematical Physics;doi:10.3390/math3030653 (open access on-line journal ).

Others: Unpublished manuscripts : ------

Cohomology of discrete series representations, paper presented at the Belgium Nato Conference, Liege, Belgium (1977) .

The g- cohomology of holomorphic discrete representations.

An alternating sum formula for the multiplicities of unitary highest weight modules.

Some thoughts on teaching and learning, and uses of knowledge- a keynote address presented at Holyoke Community College (1992 ) .

A bright star in Mathesis- a Board on Math. Science Project Report On Group Theory (1993) .

The scalar curvature of a Kaluza-Klein metric: Towards the unification of gauge fields and gravitation.

The second fundamental form of a map of two affinely connected manifolds.

Topology of the BTZ black hole with a conical singularity .