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Evolution Dynamics of Biological Systems with Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneities

©Yu Jin

A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Mathematics and Statistics Memorial University of Newfoundland

October 2008 submitted

St. John's Newfoundland Canada Abstract

Biological invasion is an important phenomenon in ecology. Mathematical studies of biological invasion involve reaction-diffusion equations which consider continuous reproduction and random movements of species, and integro-differential/difference equations which describe population dispersal via various types of dispersal kernels. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the spatial dynamics of some reaction- diffusion and integro-differential/difference population models with spatial and tem­ poral heterogeneities. Introduction and overview of mathematical investigation of biological invasions are presented in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, we present some terminologies and theorems which are based on the theories of global attractors, uniform persistence, monotone dynamical systems, asymptotic speeds of spread and traveling waves. Chapter 3 is devoted to the study of spatial dynamics of a class of periodic integro- differential equations which describe the population dispersal process via a dispersal kernel. By appealing to the theory of asymptotic speeds of spread and traveling waves for monotone periodic semiflows, we establish the existence of the spreading speed c* and the nonexistence of time-periodic traveling wave solutions with the wave speed c < c*. In the autonomous case, we further use the method of upper and lower solutions to prove the existence of monotone traveling waves with the wave speed c > c*, which implies that the spreading speed coincides with the minimal wave speed for monotone traveling waves. In Chapter 4, we investigate a non-local periodic reaction-diffusion population

n Ill

model with stage-structure. In the case of unbounded spatial domain, we establish the existence of the asymptotic speed of spread and show that it coincides with the minimal wave speed for monotone time-periodic traveling waves. In the case of bounded spatial domain, we obtain a threshold result on the global attractivity of either zero or a positive periodic solution. In Chapter 5, we consider a class of discrete-time population models in a pe­ riodic lattice habitat. When the recruitment function is monotone, we show that the spreading speeds coincide with the minimal wave speeds for spatially periodic traveling waves in the positive and negative directions, by appealing to the theory of spreading speeds and spatially periodic traveling waves for monotone systems in periodic environments. When the recruitment function is not monotone, we also ob­ tain the existence and formula of the spreading speeds via the comparison method. Moreover, we prove the existence of spatially periodic traveling waves by using the Schauder fixed point theorem. In Chapter 6, we consider a class of cooperative reaction-diffusion systems, in which one population (or subpopulation) diffuses while the other is sedentary. We use the shooting method to prove the existence of the bistable traveling wave, and then obtain its global attractivity with phase shift and uniqueness (up to translation) via the dynamical system approach. The results are applied to some specific examples of reaction-diffusion population models. A brief summary of this thesis and some future work are presented in Chapter 7. Acknowledgments

Foremost, I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Xiaoqiang Zhao, for his careful guidance, unbelievable patience, invaluable suggestions and financial support throughout my Ph. D. program. Without his help, this work would not have been possible. His wide knowledge, perpetual energy and enthusiasm in mathematics research have greatly motivated me and impressed me as a model of a respected scholar; his kind encouragement, sound advice and great effort of training has helped me grow into a mathematical researcher. Thanks also go to Mrs. ZhaoVHer kind"help"> made my life in St. John's much easier." I warmly thank Professors Hermann Brunner and Danny Dyer for teaching me and topology, Professor Andy Foster for teaching me dynamical systems and giving me constant encouragement, support and invaluable suggestions. I am also grateful to Professor Edgar Goodaire for being my teaching supervisor in the Graduate Program of Teaching and giving me encouragement and constructive comments. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the NSERC of Canada, MITACS of Canada, the School of Graduate Studies for providing me financial support for my projects and for my attendance in conferences, summer school and workshops. I am also grateful to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics headed by Professor Chris Radford for providing me with financial support for conferences, a teaching assistant fellowship and convenient facilities. My sincere thanks are due to all staff members at the department for their help during my time at MUN. I express my sincere thanks to Professors Ivan Booth and Jie Xiao for being in my


Supervisor Committee, Professors Philip Heath, Chris Radford and Bruce Watson for making the comprehensive exams for me. I also owe my warm appreciation to Professors Chunhua Ou, Wendi Wang, Yuan Yuan and Jie Xiao for their constant encouragement and suggestions. I am grateful to Fang Zhang, Jiajia Zhang, Yubo Zou, Seungbyong Go, Baozhong Zhang and Dongmei Lin for helping me get used to my life in St. John's and demon­ strating understanding, encouragement and a willingness to help whenever possible. I also thank Bei Sun, Jing Zhang, Ting Hu, Lingling Fan, Wei Yuan, Yijun Lou, Jian Fang and Luju Liu for always offering me support, help and understanding. Thanks go to all friends I shared the happy time with in St. John's. My special gratitude is due to my brother, and most importantly, I wish to thank my parents, to whom I am forever indebt for their love and support. To them I dedicate this thesis.

Yu Jin

St. John's, Newfoundland October, 2008. List of Figures

1.1 Traveling waves for (1.1) (|c| > 2) 4 1.2 Evolution of a solution to (1.1) with initial data having compact support. 5 1.3 Evolution of a solution to (1.1) 6

3.1 The solution of (3.26) with the initial function tpi(x) 48 3.2 The solution of (3.26) with the initial function

5.1 A solution {<}iez of (5.15) when n= 1,5,10,20 112

vi Contents

Abstract ii

Acknowledgments iv

List of Figures vi

1 Introduction 1

2 Preliminaries 8 2.1 Global attractors and uniform persistence 8 2.2 Monotone dynamics 10 2.3 Periodic monostable evolution systems 12 2.4 Discrete-time systems in a periodic habitat 17 2.5 Functional differential equations 20

3 A Periodic Population Model with Dispersal 24 3.1 Introduction 24 3.2 The well-posedness and the comparison principle 28 3.3 The asymptotic speed of spread 32 3.4 Traveling waves 41 3.5 Numerical simulations 48 3.6 Discussions 50

vn viii

4 A Non-Local Periodic Reaction-Diffusion Model with Stage-Structure 53 4.1 Introduction 53 4.2 Spreading speed and traveling waves 57 4.3 Dynamics in a bounded domain 74

5 A Discrete-Time Population Model in A Periodic Lattice Habitat 83 5.1 Introduction 83 5.2 Monotone case 86 5.3 Non-monotone case 98 5.4 An example 109

6 Bistable Waves for A Class of Reaction-Diffusion Systems 113 6.1 Introduction 113 6.2 Existence of bistable waves 116 6.3 Attractivity and uniqueness of bistable waves 125 ... 6.4 Examples ...... ,...... , ...... 127

7 Summary and Future Work 130

Bibliography 134 Chapter 1


Biological invasion happens when an organism or any sort of organism arrives some­ where beyond its previous range [89]. As organisms migrate or disperse by walking, flying, swimming, or being transported by wind or flowing water, biological invasions occur almost everywhere on the surface of the earth that we live on, and are now recognized as one of the most important components of global 'environment change (e.g., [2, 21, 64, 65, 70, 89]). Although natural invasions occur from minor changes in a small range to major migration across continents, most invasions are due to human induced changes to ecosystems, such as climate change, land-use change, overfishing, chemical pollution, physical destruction of the environment (agriculture, forestry, in­ dustrial development and human settlement), fires, the rise in CO2, the expansion of human populations, and so on [64]. While human activities are causing more and more invasions, invasions have also been greatly influencing the global environment. They help to establish many aggressive species across the globe, but at the mean time, threaten or cause extinction of native species in some environments, and also increase the spread of infectious diseases (of humans, animals and plants) across the globe. To some extent, biological invasions alter population and community structure of native ecosystems, and their functioning and long-run economic potential as well. The consequences of biological invasions can be clearly seen in New Zealand (e.g., [2, 21, 64]). With no native mammals except bats and seals, New Zealand has been

1 2

dramatically altered by the colonization. Lots of native species are extinct and more than hundreds of native species are threatened, while human beings, many animals (e.g., rats, pigs, mice, red deer, and so on) and plants have been introduced and naturalized (e.g., over 25,000 alien plant species being imported during the past 200 years and at least 2,000 of them having been naturalized). Biological invasions have been attracting increasing attention of biologists, ecolo- gists, mathematicians, and so on. Many mathematical models have been established for the invasion process. The mathematical analysis of these models help determine the level and rate of alien invasions and understand the factors that control invasions and the consequences of invasions for ecosystems. Reaction-diffusion models are the first mathematical models that describe invasions of species. Let u(t, x) be the den­ sity of a population at location x 6 f2 at time t, where fi is the habitat. In 1937, Fisher [23] first proposed a one-dimensional equation for population genetics:

ut = uxx+ u(l— u), i6R, t > 0, (1.1) where u{\ — u) is the recruitment function and diffusion is only considered along x-axis. This model describes the process of spatial spread when mutant individuals with higher adaptability appear in a population. Meanwhile, Kolmogorov, Petrovsky and Picoounov [42] considered a similar equation with u(l — u) replaced by a function f(u) having two zeros (e.g., /(0) — 0, /(l) = 0), that is,

ut = uxx + f(u), xgl, t > 0. (1.2)

This model has been extended to many higher dimensional models to describe the diffusion for many species and more factors (death of populations, age-structure of a population, competition or cooperation between species, etc) have been considered in the models [4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 22, 23, 31, 32, 35, 39, 51, 42, 57, 65, 67, 70, 71, 72, 75, 78, 82, 90, 91, 92, 94, 97, 98]. By reaction-diffusion equations, the reproduction and diffusion are assumed to occur continuously and the diffusion is subject to random dispersal [40]. Recently, many new models in different mathematical frameworks have been developed to describe more complex features in real-ecosystems, [7, 8, 10, 15, 3

24, 30, 38, 40, 41, 44, 49, 54, 55, 59, 60, 67, 68, 69, 70, 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 98]. Among these models, integro-differential/difference equations have been fascinating and using a dispersal kernel to describe the spatial movement of a population is more realistic in cases of long distance dispersal. The simple cases of these models are

^M = F(u(t, x)) + J k(x, y)u(t, y)dy, and

un+1(x) = / k(x,y)F(un(y))dy, n > 1, where F(u) is the recruitment function, k(x, y) is the dispersal kernel that prescribes the proportion of the population leaving from location y to location x, and un(x) is the density of the population of the n-th generation. These models and their improvements have been extensively used to model the disease spreading process and the dispersal process in ecosystems such as streams [24, 38, 40, 41, 44, 49, 55, 59, 60, 67, 68, 81, 87, 88], A traveling wave is a special solution of the form u(t, x) = U(x — ct), where; c is the wave speed. The profile £/(•) travels in the speed c and it is invariant with respect to translation in space (see Figure 1.1). Fisher [23] showed that for (1.1), the traveling wave solution u(t,x) = U(x — ct) exists if and only if |c| > cm,„ — 2. Kolmogorov et al. [42] established similar results for (1.2). After their pioneering work, traveling waves have been attracting increasing attention. Extensive investigations of traveling waves for a variety of evolution systems can be found in [5, 6, 19, 38, 47, 52, 53, 59, 69, 78, 88, 90, 94]. A time-periodic traveling wave is a solution of the form u(t, x) — U(t, x — ct) with U{t,£) = U(t + T,£) for some T > 0 and for all * > 0, £ 6 R. It has been studied for many systems in which some terms are periodic with respect to the time t [52]. In this thesis, to simplify the notation without any confusion, we call a time-periodic traveling wave "a periodic traveling wave". A spatially periodic traveling wave is a solution of the form u(t, x) = W{x,x — ct) with W(x, s) = W(x+L, s) for some L > 0 and for all x € M, s € M.. This type of special solution always occurs from systems in Figure 1.1: Traveling waves for (1.1) (|c| > 2). periodic environments. Weinberger [86] investigated the existence and minimal wave speed of spatially periodic traveling waves for monotone maps in periodic habitats. Berestycki, Hamel and Roques [8] investigated the existence of pulsating traveling waves, which actually correspond to spatially periodic traveling waves, for a type of reaction-diffusion equations in a periodically fragmented environment. Quo and Hamel [30] then studied pulsating traveling waves for discrete periodic monostable equations. The invasion speed is a fundamental characteristic of biological invasions, since it describes the speed at which the geographic range of the population expands, and in particular, it can help estimate the rapidity of disease spread ( [34, 43, 45]) (see Figure 1.2). In mathematical models, we describe the invasion speed by the asymptotic speed of spread (in short, the spreading speed). The concept of the spreading speed was first introduced by Aronson and Wein­ berger [5] for reaction-diffusion equations. Aronson and Weinberger [5, 6] studied a class of reaction-diffusion equations and proved the following result.

Theorem 1.0.1 Let u(t, x) be a nonzero solution of (1.2) with u(0, x) having compact support. Then the following two statements are valid:

(i) lim u(t,x) = 0, Vc> 2; t—»oo,ja;|>ct 1.2 u(t,x) -

0.8 t=2o/ I f A ^r ^ 3 / / / \ \ \ 0.6 C \ \ c - - / / / i 1 \ + 0.4 1 1 - t=4/ A \ 0.2 j J . V. V U\-2 0 2 i X

Figure 1.2: Evolution of a solution to (1.1) with initial data having compact support.

(%i) lim u(t,x) = 1, VcG (0,2). t—>oo,|a;|

(a) lim u(t, xQ ± ct) = 0, Vc> 2; t—>oo

(b) \imu(t,x0±ct) = l, VcG (0,2). t—*oo We can easily see from this observation that if one leaves XQ at a speed exceeding c*, one will outrun the population, whereas if moving at a speed less than c*, the population will overtake the observer [76]. The second observation is that if u(t,x) satisfies properties (i) and (ii), then for any given p G (0,1), it follows that

t—K» t

p p uniformly for p in any compact interval contained in (0,1), where x +(t) and x _{t) are 6







-10 -8-6-4-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 X x?(18) XP(10) XP(5) x.(0) xj(0) xj(5) xj(10) X;(18)

Figure 1.3: Evolution of a solution to (1.1). the most right and left points with u(t, x±{t)) = p, respectively (see Figure 1.3). Thus, if we consider that x± (t) as the distances that the population moves (to the right and left) during the time interval [0, t], it is natural to call c* = 2 as the asymptotic speed of spread. In fact, Aronson and Weinberger [5, 6] also confirmed Fisher's conjecture in [23], which stated that cmj„ = 2 is the asymptotic speed of propagation of the advantageous gene. After their early works, the spreading speed has been investigated extensively. Weinberger [85, 86] and Lui [54] studied the spreading speeds of monotone maps in homogeneous and periodic habitats. Li, Weinberger and Lewis [50] studied the spread­ ing speed for reaction-difusion systems with positive diffusion coefficients. Liang and Zhao [53] developed the theory of the spreading speed for discrete and continuous monotone semiflows. Liang, Yi and Zhao [52] further generalized this theory to monotone periodic semiflows. Spreading speeds for non-monotone systems have also been studied in [38, 76, 78]. Many other works about the spreading speeds can also be found in [5, 6, 20, 38, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 76, 77, 78, 85, 86, 98]. In this thesis, we study evolutionary dynamics of some reaction-diffusion and 7

integro-differential/difference models. We mainly study the spreading speeds and the existence and nonexistence of (periodic) traveling waves for four models. In chapter 3, we study spatial dynamics of a class of periodic integro-differential equations, which describe the population dispersal process via a dispersal kernel. We establish the existence of the spreading speed c* and the nonexistence of periodic traveling wave solutions with the wave speed c < c*. In the autonomous case, we further prove the existence of monotone traveling waves with the wave speed c> c*, which implies that the spreading speed coincides with the minimal wave speed for monotone traveling waves. In Chapter 4, we investigate a non-local periodic reaction-diffusion population model with stage-structure. We establish the existence of the asymptotic speed of spread and show that it coincides with the minimal wave speed for monotone periodic traveling waves in the case of unbounded spatial domain, and obtain a threshold result on the global attractivity of either zero or a positive periodic solution in the case of bounded spatial domain. In Chapter 5, we consider a class of discrete-time population models in a periodic lattice habitat and show that the spreading speeds coincide with the minimal wave speeds for spatially periodic traveling waves in the positive and negative directions in both cases of monotone and non-monotone recruitment functions. In Chapter 6, we consider a class of cooperative reaction-diffusion systems, in which one population (or subpopulation) diffuses while the other is sedentary, establish the existence of the bistable traveling wave, and then obtain its global attractivity with phase shift and uniqueness (up to translation) via the dynamical system approach. These results are applied to some specific examples of reaction- diffusion population models. Chapter 2


In this chapter, we present some terminologies and known results which will be used in this thesis. They are involved in global attractors, uniform persistence, monotone dynamical systems, theories of spreading speeds and traveling waves for monotone periodic semiflows and for discrete-time systems in a periodic habitat, and theories of existence of solutions and stability of positive periodic solutions for functional differential equations.

2.1 Global attractors and uniform persistence

Let X be a metric space with metric d and / : X —> X be a continuous map. Let n X0 C X be an open set; define 8X0 := X \ X0 and Ma := {x 6 dX0 : f (x) € dXo,n > 0}, which may be empty.

Definition 2.1.1 A bounded set A is said to attract a bounded set B in X if

lim sup{d(/"(x),i4)} = 0. n_>°° xeB A subset A C X is said to be an attractor for f if A is nonempty, compact and invariant (f{A) — A), and A attracts some open neighborhood U of itself. A global attractor for f : X —> X is an attractor that attracts every point in X.

8 9

Recall that the Kuratowski measure of noncompactness, a, is defined by

a(B) = inf{r : B has a finite cover of diameter < r}, for any bounded set B of X. It is not hard to see that B is precompact if and only if a(B) = 0.

Definition 2.1.2 A continuous mapping f : X —> X is said to be point dissipative if there is a bounded set BQ in X such that B0 attracts each point in X; compact if f maps any bounded set to a precompact set in X; a-condensing (a-contraction of order k, 0 < k < I) if f takes bounded sets to bounded sets and a(f(B)) < a(B) (a(f(B)) < ka(B)) for any nonempty closed bounded set B c X with a(B) > 0; asymptotically smooth if for any nonempty closed bounded set B C X for which f(B) C B, there is a compact set J C B such that J attracts B.

Theorem 2.1.1 ([9, Theorem 3.2]) If f : X —> X is compact and point dissipative, then there is a connected'global attractor A that attracts each bounded set in X.

Definition 2.1.3 A function f : X —> X is said to be uniformly persistent with n respect to (X0,dX0) if there exists rj > 0 such that liminf d(f (x),dX0) > rj for all n—>oo x € XQ. If " inf" in this inequality is replaced with "sup", then f is said to be weakly uniformly persistent with respect to (X0, dX0). Theorem 2.1.2 ([97, Theorem 1.3.3]) Let f : X —+ X be a continuous map with f(Xo) C XQ. Assume that f has a global attractor A. Then weak uniform persistence implies uniform persistence.

n Let {S }^=1 be the discrete semidynamical system defined by a continuous map

S : X —> X with S(X0) C X0. A point Xo € X is called a coexistence state of n {S }^L\ if XQ is a fixed point of S in Xo, i.e., x0 6 X0 and S(xo) = XQ. We have the following result on the existence of coexistence states. 10

Theorem 2.1.3 ([95, Theorem 2.3]) Let X be a closed subset of a E, XQ be a convex and relatively open subset in X, and S : X —> X be a continuous map with S(Xo) C XQ. Assume that S : X —> X is point dissipative, compact, and uniformly persistent with respect to (XQ, dX$). Then there exists a global attractor A for S in XQ and S has a coexistence state x0 € A.

2.2 Monotone dynamics

Let E be an ordered Banach space with positive cone P such that int(P) ^ 0. For x,y € E we write x > y if x — y E P, x>yifx-y€.P\ {0}, and x ~> y if x — y € int(P). If a < b, we define [a, b] :— {x £ E : a < x < b}.

Definition 2.2.1 Let U be a subset of E and f : U —> U be a continuous map. The map f is said to be monotone if x > y implies that f(x) > f(y); strictly monotone if x > y implies that f(x) > f(y); strongly monotone ifx > y implies that f(x) S> f{y)-

Theorem 2.2.1 ([18, Proposition 1]) Let U\ < Ui be fixed points of the strictly mono­ tone continuous mapping f : U —» U', let I :— [1*1,^2] C U, and assume that f(I) is precompact and that f has no fixed point distinct from U\ and u

(a) there exists an entire orbit {xn}'^L_0O of f in I such that xn+i > xn, Vn 6 N,

and lim xn = U\ and lim xn = U2, or n—*—00 n—>oo 2n suc (b) there exists an entire orbit {j/nl^L-oo °f f -^ ^ that yn+\ < yn, Vn € N,

and lim yn — u-z and lim yn = u\. n—»—00 n—>oo Recall that a linear operator L on E is said to be positive if L(P) C P, strongly positive if L(P \ {0}) C int(P). The cone P is said to be normal if there exists a constant M such that 0 < x < y implies that ||x|| < M||y||. Denote the Frechet derivative of / at u = a by Df(a) if it exists, and let r(Df(a)) be the spectral radius of the linear operator Df(a) : E —> E.

Theorem 2.2.2 ([99, Theorem 2.1]) Let the positive cone P be normal. Assume that 11

(1) S :V — a + P —*V is asymptotically smooth and monotone;

(2) S(a) = a, DS(a) is compact and strongly positive, and r(DS(a)) > 1.

Then either

(a) for any u > a, lim ||5"(u)|| = +oo, or n—>oo (b) there exists u* = S(u*) S> a such that for any a < u < u*, lim Sn(u) = u*, and there exists a monotone entire orbit connecting a and u*.

Recall that a subset K of E is said to be order convex if [u, V]E C K whenever u,v G E satisfy u < v. A family of mappings {$t}t>o is said to be a semiflow on a an metric space (M, d) provided that 0 = I, $t^t2 = $ti+t2> d $t(v) is continuous in (t, v) G K+ x M. A point e € M is called an equilibrium of {$t}t>o if $t(e) = e, Vi>0.

Theorem 2.2.3 ([97, Theorem 2.2.4]) Let U be a closed and order convex subset of an ordered Banach space E, and $(t) : U —> U be a monotone semiflow. Assume that there exists a monotone homeomorphism h from [0,1] onto a subset of U such that

(1) For each s G [0,1], h(s) is a stable fixed point for $(£) : U —• U;

(2) Each orbit of $(t) in [h(0),h(l)]E is precompact;

(3) One of the following two properties holds:

(3a) Ifu( h(s0) for some SQ G [0,1) and (j> G [h(0),h(l)]E> then there exists Si G (so, 1) such that u() > h(si);

(3b) If u((f)) < h(ri) for some r\ G (0,1] and 4> € [h(0), h(l)]E, then there exists ro G (0,ri) such that u((f)) < h(ro).

+ Then for any precompact orbit 7 (o) of $(t) in U with CJ(^0) n [h(0), h(l)]s ^ 0, there exists s* G [0,1] such that u((f>a) = h(s*). 12

Definition 2.2.2 Let U C P be a nonempty closed and order convex set. A contin­ uous map f : U —> U is said to be subhomogeneous if f(Xx) > Xf(x) for any x G U and X G [0,1]; strictly subhomogeneous if f(Xx) > Xf(x) for any x G U with i>fl and X G (0,1); strongly subhomogeneous if f(Xx) 3> Xf(x) for any x G U with x S> 0 and X e (0,1).

Theorem 2.2.4 ([96, Lemma 1]) Let either V = [0, b]E with b > 0 or V = P. Assume that f :V —> V is continuous, strongly monotone and strictly subhomogeneous on V. Then f admits at most one positive fixed point in V.

Theorem 2.2.5 ([36, Theorem 5.5] and [97, Theorem 2.3.2]) Let f : U -* U'. Assume that f is monotone and strongly subhomogeneous or that f is strongly monotone and strictly subhomogeneous. If f admits a nonempty compact invariant set K C int(P), then f has a fixed point e>0 such that every nonempty compact invariant set of f in int(P) consists of e.

Theorem 2.2.6 ([96, Lemma 1] and [97, Lemma 2.3.2]) Let either V = [0, b] with b » 0 or V = P. Assume that S : V -^ V is continuous, 5(0) = 0, and DS(0) exists. If S is subhomogeneous, then S(u) < DS(0)u, W € V; If S is strictly subhomogeneous, then S{u) < DS(0)u, Vu G V n int(P).

2.3 Periodic monostable evolution systems

k We equip M with the norm \(ui, u2, • • • ,Uk)\ = max{|uj| : 1 < i < k} and the positive cone M.+ of Rfe, such that Rfe is an ordered Banach space. Let r be a nonnegative real number and C be the set of all bounded and continuous functions from [—r, 0]xi into Mk, where H = R or Z. Clearly, any vector in Rfe fc and any element in the space Y := C([—T, 0],R ) can be regarded as a function in C.

For u = (ui, u2, • • • , uk),v = (vi, v2, • • • , vk) G C, we write u > v(u 3> v) provided that Ui(9,x) > Vi(d,x)(ui(9,x) > Vi(9,x)), \/i = 1,2,• • • ,k, 0 G [-r,0], x G H, and u > v provided u > v but u ^ v. For any two vectors a, b in Rfe or two functions a, b 13

in Y, we can define a > b(>,^>)b similarly. For any r G Y with r > 0, we define

Yr = {tp G Y : 0 < tp < r} and Cr = {ip G C : 0 < ip < r}. We equip Y with the usual supreme norm || • ||y and C with the compact open topology, that is, um —> u in C means that the sequence of um(9, x) converges to u(9, x) as m —> oo uniformly for (9, x) in any compact set on [—r, 0] x H. Moreover, we can define the metric function d(-, •) in C with respect to this topology by

oo max \u{9, x) — v(9,x)\ d{u,v) = 2_^ —k , Vu,v€C, fe=l l where | • | denotes the usual norm in Rk, such that (C, d) is a metric space. Let X be the space of all bounded and continuous functions from HI into M.k equipped with the compact open topology. Let u G C. Define the reflection operator 1Z by

K(u)(9, x) := u(9, -x), V0 G [-r, 0], x G E.

Given y G R, define the translation operator Ty by

Ty(u)(9,x) :=u(9,x-y), V(9 G [-T,0],i£i

Let Q : Cb* —> Cf be a map, where b* G Y with 6* S> 0. Assume that

(Al) Q{7l(u)) - K(Q(u)), Tv{Q{u)) = Q(Ty(u)), Wy G R.

(A2) Q : Cb* —> Cb* is continuous with respect to the compact open topology.

(A3) One of the following two properties holds:

(a) {Q(u)(-,x) : u G Cb*,x G H} is a precompact subset of Y. (b) The set Q(Cb*)(0,-) is precompact in X, and there is a positive number <; < T such that Q(u)(9, x) — u{9+$, x) for —T<9< —

S{u){9,x) := •{ { Q{u){9,x),-q<9<0, has the property that S(D)(-,0) is precompact in Y for any T -invariant set D C Cb« with D(0, •) is precompact in X. 14

(A4) Q : Cb* —» Cf is monotone in the sense that Q(u) > Q(v) whenever u > v in Cb'.

(A5) Q : Yfe. —> Y6. admits exactly two fixed points 0 and b* and for any positive number s, there is an a € Y;,. with || a ||y< e such that Q(a) 3> a.

(A6) One of the following two conditions holds:

(a) Q{Cb*) is precompact in Cb*.

(b) The set Q(Cb*)(0, •) is precompact in X, and there is a positive number ? < r such that Q(u)(6, x) = it(# + s, x) for —T<6< —q, the operator

u(0 T B q S[u\(9,x)cr ua ^ :=

to beiT-ihvariantilf"TyW"="VP forall^G M.

Theorem 2.3.1 ([53, Theorem 2.11, Theorem 2.15, Corollary 2.16] or [52, Theorem A])

Suppose that Q satisfies (A1)-(A5). Let UQ G Cb* and un = Q(ttn_i) /or n > 1. ITien i/iere is a reai number c* such that the following statements are valid:

(1) For any c> c*, ifO

then lim un(8, x) = 0 uniformly for 9 € [—r, 0]. n—>oo,\x\>cn (2) For any c < c* and any a € Y&. with a » 0, £/iere exists r^ > 0 suc/i £/m£ ?/

""()(•) x) > cr(-) /or x on an interval of length 2ra, then lim un(6, x) = 6* (5) n—>oo,|x|

uniformly for 9 € [—T, 0]. // m addition, Q is subhomogeneous on Cb*, then ra can be chosen to be independent of a 3> 0.

By Theorem 2.3.1, it follows that Q admits an asymptotic speed of spread c* provided that (A1)-(A5) are valid. To estimate c*, a linear operator approach was developed in [53], Let M : C —• C be a linear operator with the following properties: 15

(Bl) M is continuous with respect to the compact open topology.

(B2) M is a positive operator, that is , M(u) > 0 whenever u > 0.

(B3) For any uniformly bounded subset A of C, the set {M(u)(9,x) : u G A,9 G k [-T,0],X G H} is bounded in R .

(B4) M{K{u)) = K(M(u)), Ty(M{u)) = M(Ty{u)), V^C,y€l.

(B5) For some A G (0, oo], M can be extended to a linear operator on the linear space lX x C := {u = u1{9,x)e" + u2(9,x)e^ :

uuu2 G C,fiufi2 e (-A, A),0 € [-r,0], x G H},

such that if un,u G C and un(9,x) —> u(9,x) uniformly on any bounded set of [—r,0] x H, then M(«„)(#,a;) —> M(u)(9,x) uniformly on any bounded set of [-T, 0] x M.

By property (B4), M is also a linear operator on Y. Define the B^ : Y -> Y by

x BM(<7)(0)=M((re-'' )(0,O), VaeY, /iG(-A,A), 9E[-T,0\.

J,x In particular, 50 = M on Y. If cr„, a G Y and cr„ —> cr as n —> oo, then an(9)e~' —> a(9)e~'J'x uniformly on any bounded subset of [—r, 0] x EL Thus,

S„K) = %«"'")(•- 0) - M(ae-^)(-, 0) = 5», and hence, 5M is continuous. Moreover, B^ is a positive operator on Y. Assume that

(B6) For any /j, G [0, A), B^ is a positive operator, and there is nQ such that B™° = B^Bp • • • B^ is a compact and strongly positive linear operator on Y.


(B7) The principle eigenvalue A(0) of B0 is larger than 1. 16

Let $(/i) = lnA(/z)///, /i G (0, A), where X(/J.) is the principle eigenvalue of B^. The following result is useful for the estimate of the spreading speed.

Theorem 2.3.2 ([53, Theorem 3.10]) Let Q be an operator on C&* satisfying (Al)- (A5) and c* be the asymptotic speed of spread of Q. Assume that the linear operator M satisfies (B1)-(B7), and that either M has compact support or the infimum o/$(/i) is attained at some finite value // and $(A) > $(/x*). Then the following statements are valid:

(i) IfQ{u) < M{u) for all u €. Cb*, then c* < infp€(0,A) $(M)-

(ii) If there is some rj G Y with r\ 3> 0 such that Q(u) > M(u) for any u G Cv, then

c* > infMe(0,A)$(/i)-

Definition 2.3.1 Let u > 0. A family of operators {$t}t>o is an u—periodic semi- flow on a metric space (E,p) with the metric p, provided that {$t} satisfies

(i) $0(v) = v, \/v G E;

(ii) <*>t($») = $t+», Vi > 0, v G E;

(Hi) $(t,v) = &t(v) is continuous in (t,v) on [0,+oo) x E.

Theorem 2.3.3 ([52, Theorem 2.1]) Let {Qt}t>o be an ui-periodic semiflow on Cb* with two x-independent ^-periodic orbits 0

Q — Qu satisfies all hypotheses (Al)-(A5) with b* — u*(0), and Qt satisfies (Al) for any t > 0. Let c* be the asymptotic speed of spread of Qw. Then the following statements are valid:

(1) For any c > c*/u>, if v G Cb* with 0 < v

bounded interval, then lim Qt(v)(6,x) = 0 uniformly for 6 G [—r, 0]. t—»oo,|x|>ct

(2) For any c < c*/u and a € Yj. with a 2> 0, there is a positive number ra

such that if v € Cy and v(-,x) » CT(-) for x on an interval of length 2ra, then lim (Qt(v)(9,x) — u*(t)(9)) — 0 uniformly for 0 G [—r, 0]. //, in addition, t—*oo,\x\

We say that W(9, t,x — ct) is a periodic traveling wave of the w-periodic semiflow {Qt}t>o if the vector-valued function W(9, t, s) is w-periodic in t and

Qt(W(-,0,-))(9}x) = W(9,t,x-ct), and that W(9, t,x-ct) connects u*(t) to 0 if W{-, t, -co) = u*(t) and W(-, t, +00) = 0.

Theorem 2.3.4 ([52, Theorems 2.2 and 2.3]) Let {Qt}t>o be an u-periodic semiflow on Cb* with two x-independent uj-periodic orbits 0

(1) For any 0 < c < c*/ui, {Qt}t>o has no u-periodic traveling wave W(8, t,x — ct) connecting u*(t) to 0.

(2) Suppose that H = M, that Qu further satisfies (A6) with b* = u*(0), and that

Qt satisfies (Al) and (A4) for each t > 0. Then for any c > c*/u, {Qt}t>o has an u-periodic traveling wave W(9, t, x — ct) connecting u*(t) to 0 such that W(9,t,s) is continuous and nonincreasing in s G R.

2.4 Discrete-time systems in a periodic habitat

Let H be an unbounded closed d-dimensional subset of M.d with d > 1. The recursion

Wn+l = Q(un), Un(x) € W*, Vx € H, 71 G N, has two nonnegative fixed points 0 and it\{x). Define

M. := {u : u is continuous on H, 0 < u(x) < iri(x), VX G H}.

The following assumptions come from [86, Hypotheses 2.1].

(CI) The habitat H is a closed subset of M.d, which is not contained in any lower- dimensional linear subspace ofR.d. 18

(C2) Q is order preserving in the sense that if u(x) < v(x) on H, then Q(u)(x) <

Q{v){x). That is, an increase throughout Ti in the population un at time n

increases the population un+i — Q(un) throughout H at the next time step.

(C3) There is a closed d-dimensional lattice C such that H. is invariant under trans­ lation by any element of C, and Q is periodic with respect to C in the sense that

Q(Ta{u)) = Ta(Q(u)) holds for allu 6 M. and a G C, where T is the translation

operator defined as Ta(u)(x) :— u(x — a). Moreover, there is a bounded subset V of H such that every x € fi has a unique representation of the form x = z + p with z in L and p inV.

(C4) Q(0) = 0, and there are C-periodic equilibria ir0(x) andiri{x) such thatO < no <

TTI, Q{ITQ) — 7r0 and Q(TTI) = Tt\. Moreover, if ir0 < UQ < 7Ti, UQ is periodic with

respect to C, and UQ ^ 7r0, then the solution un of the recursion un+i = Q(un), which is again periodic with resect to C, converges to TT\ as n —• oo uniformly

on Ti.. (That is, TT0 is unstable and TT\ is stable.) In addition, any C-periodic equilibrium n other than -K\ which satisfies the inequalities 0 < 7r < 7Ti also

satisfies n < n0.

(C5) Q is continuous in the sense that if the sequence um € M. converges to u 6

M., uniformly on every bounded subset of H, then Q(um) converges to Q{u), uniformly on every bounded subset ofH. That is, a change in u far from the point x has very little effect on the value of Q(u) at x.

(C6) Every sequence {um} of functions in M. contains a subsequence {umi} such that {Q(Umi)} converges to some function, uniformly on every bounded set.

Theorem 2.4.1 ([86, Theorem 2.1]) Let (C1)-(C6) hold. For each unit vector £ there exists a spreading speed c*(£) € (—oo, +oo] such that solutions of the recursion un+i =

Q(un) have the following spreading properties:

(1) Ifuo(x) > 0, inf[7Ti(a;) — UQ(X)] > 0, and UQ(X) = 0 in a half-space of the form 19

£ • x > L and «/c*(|) < oo, then for every c > c*(|),

lim sup _sup [un(x) - TT0(X)} <0; ^•x>cn


(2) I/O 0, then for every c < c*(£),

lim sup [7Ti(x) -un(x)] 0. £-x

Let L be a linear operator on nonnegative functions which are continuous on 7i. Suppose that L is strongly order preserving in the sense that if u > 0 and u ^ 0, then L(u) > 0. Also suppose that L is periodic with respect to C if TaL = LTQ for x all a € £, where Ta is the translation operator. For each fi, we say that L[e^' l] exists if the nondecreasing sequence L[min{n, e^}](y) converges to_ a function, which we call L[e^](y). If L[e^} exists, we define

L^}(y) := e^L[e-^(x)}(y), for all nonnegative periodic (with respect to C) functions ip : H »+•

Theorem 2.4.2 ([86, Theorem 2.4, Theorem 2.5, Corollary 2.1]) Suppose that the lin­ earization MofQatu — ^ satisfies

(1) Q{u) < M(u) for all u with 0 < u < 7n;

(2) M is C-periodic and strongly order-preserving , and M[eM'x'] is defined for all


(S) There is a positive C-periodic function r such that M(r) > r, and the truncated operator Q\M>T\u) := min{M(u),r} satisfies (Cl)-(C6). 20

Moreover, assume that for each small positive 5, there is a positive number n such that Q(u) > (1 — 6)M(u) for every u with 0 < u < r\, and that above assumptions (2) and (3) also hold if M is replaced with (1 — 5)M. Then

/x>0 A*

where \(fiq) is the principal eigenvalue of Mr.. Thus, the spreading speed is linearly determinate in all directions under these conditions.

Definition 2.4.1 ([86, Definition 2.1]) A solution un of the recursion un+1 = Q(un) is called a spatially periodic traveling wave of speed c in the direction of the unit vector

£ if it has the form un(x) — W(£ • x — cn,x), where the function W(s, x) has the properties:

(a) For each s the function W(£ • x + s, x) is continuous in x &H.

(b) For each s, W(s,x) is C-periodic in x;

(c) For each x € 7i, W(s, x) is nonincreasing in s;

(d) W(—oo,x) = TTI(X);

(e) W(oo, x) = 0.

Theorem 2.4.3 ([86, Theorem 2.6]) Suppose that TTQ = 0. Then there is a spatially periodic traveling wave of speed c in the direction £ if and only if c> c* (£).

2.5 Functional differential equations

Let r be a positive number, Y = C([-T, 0], R) and Y+ = C([-T, 0], M+).

Theorem 2.5.1 ([93, Proposition 2.1]) Assume that a(t) and b(t) are T-periodic and continuous on [0, oo) and b(t) > 0, \ft > 0. Let P : Y+ —> Y+ be the Poincare map of

it = a(t)u(t) + b(t)u(t - r). 21

Then the spectral radius of P, r(P), is positive and is an eigenvalue of P with a positive eigenfunction 0, then r(P) — 1 has the same sign as f0 (a(t) + b(t))dt.

Consider a nonlinear T-periodic equation

u = f(t,u(t),u(t-r)), u(s) —

Assume that the continuous function f(t, vi, v2) is T-periodic in t and Lipschitzian in (vi,v2) in any bounded subset of R+. Moreover, f(t,0,0) = 0, f(t,0,v2) > 0,

(d/dv2)f(t,vi>v2) > 0, Vvi,v2 > 0; / is strictly subhomogenous in the sense that for any a 6 (0,1), f(t, avi,av2) > af(t,vi,v2), ^Vi,v2 > 0; there exists a positive number L > 0 such that f(t, L, L) < 0.

Let Pu be the Poincare map of the linearized equation associated with (2.1) at u = 0, and r = r(Pu) be the spectral radius of Pu. Then we have the following results.

Theorem 2.5.2 ([93, Theorem 2.1]) Suppose that (2.1) satisfies above assumptions. Then the following statements are valid.

(1) Ifr < 1, then zero solution is globally asymptotically stable for (2.1) with respect toY+.

(2) If r > 1, then (2.1) has a unique positive T-periodic solution u(t,p0), which is globally asymptotically stable with respect to Y+ \ {0}.

Let X be a real or complex Banach space with norm denoted by | • | and r be a positive number. Denote by Y := C([—r, 0},X) the space of all continuous functions ip : [—T,0] —> X with \\(p\\ = max{| 0, we define wt € Y by wt(s) = w(t + s), Vi G [0,b), s G [—r, 0]. It is then easy to see that t —> u>t is a continuous function from [0, b) to Y. Let a be a real number and D be a closed subset of [a — r, oo) x X, and assume 22

D(t) := {x € X : (t, x) 6 D} is nonempty for each t > a — r. Let P is the closed subset of [a, oo)xY defined by V := {(£, p) : p(0) e D(t + 6), V-r < 0 < 0}. Define Z?(£) :={) € 2?}, Vt > a, and assume that V(t) is nonempty for each set t > a. Let E be a subset of [a — r, oo) x X such that £(£) := {a; £ X : (£, a;) G £} is nonempty for all t. Let B be a continuous operator from [a, oo) x Y into X satisfying that for each R > 0, there are an LR > 0 and a continuous v#.: [0, oo) —> [0, oo) such that I>.R(0) = 0 and


for all (t, s > a} be a family of bounded linear operators from X into X. Assume that S(t, t)x = x and S(t, s)S(s, r)x = S(t, r)x for all t > s > r > a, that for each x € X, the map (t, s) —> S(t, s)x is continuous for t > s > a, and that there are numbers M > 1 and a; G K such that

\\S(t,s)\\:=suv{\S(t,s)x\:\x\ s > a.

Suppose that v~ and v+ are continuous functions from [a — r, b) into X such that v~(t) < v+(t) for te[a-T,b), and that [v~ (t), v+(t)} C £(£) for all a - r < £ < b. Assume that for each a < c < b, there exists a continuous and increasing function vc : [0, c — a] —> [0, oo) with Pc(0) = 0 such that

It^OO - tr^s)! < Pc(|t - s\), for all a < t,s < c.

Moreover, assume that

t+h S(t + h, r)B(r, v;)dr / and t+h / S(t + h,r)B(r,v+)dr for a < t < t + h < b. 23

Theorem 2.5.3 ([58, Corollary 5]) Suppose that B is quasi-monotone on Y in the sense that

lim d(i>(0) - 0(0) + h[B(t, il>) - B(t, 4>)},X+) = 0, (2.2) h—>0+ for all 4>, ip € Y with (s)

u(t) = S(t, a)x(0) + A 5(t, r)B(r, ur)dr, a < i < b, J a * u(a + 0) = xlfi) for - r < 0 < 0, . x e P(o)

/ias a (unique) solution u(-,x) on [a,b) where a < b = fr(x). Furthermore, if v~ < X < ip < v+, then

+ v~(t) < u(t, X) < u{t, il>) < v (t), Vt G [a, b), where b = min{&(x), Kip)}. Chapter 3

A Periodic Population Model with Dispersal

3.1 Introduction

Population dispersal is a very common phenomenon which exists almost everywhere at any time. Due to the variations of the environmental and social conditions in different places, populations have to move for food, propagation, work (especially for humans), etc. As a result of dispersal, evolution dynamics, including the spatial distribution of a population and the spatial spread of a disease, may be greatly influenced. A typical example is the spread of diseases such as influenza, measles, malaria, and SARS. Thus, spatial dispersal is an important topic in population dynamics. To take into account the large-scale effects of a dispersal process on evolution dynamics, ordinary differential equations or difference equations are usually used, see, e.g., [10, 15, 84]. These models, however, represent the habitat by discrete patches and are appropriate only when we consider population jumps among some discrete patches. A traditional way to describe the evolution of population dispersal in continuous spaces is to use reaction-diffusion models, e.g., [5, 65, 94]. However, reaction-diffusion models may underestimate speeds of invasion [16, 43]. Further, there are more general dispersal processes than diffusion and advection as well as long-range effects.

24 25

Recently, integro-differential models have been presented to study biological inva­ sions and disease spread. Such a model, to some extent, describes population dispersal better than ordinary differential/difference equations or reaction-diffusion equations. This is because it takes into account the long-distance dispersal and describes the dispersion via a dispersal kernel, which specifies the probability that an individual moves from one location to another in a certain time interval as a function, see, e.g., [24, 41, 44, 55, 59, 60, 67, 88]. In particular, Medlock and Kot [59] investigated the effects of population dispersal using the DI epidemic model

^=0I(N-I)-DI + DJ k(x,y)I(t,y)dy, (3.1) where N is the density of the total population, I(t,x) is the density of infective individuals of the population at the point x € fi at t > 0, (3 > 0 is the transmission rate, D > 0 is the rate at which infective individuals move from one location to another, k(x,y) is the dispersal kernel (i.e., the density function that prescribes the proportion of infectives leaving y to x). Lutscher, Pachepsky and Lewis [55] presented and analyzed a stream population model

——^— = f(u(t, x)) - /iu(t, X) + /J, k(x, y)u(t, y)dy, (3.2) where u(t, x) is the density of a stream population at the point x € Q, at t > 0, f(u) describes the population dynamics such as birth and death, \x > 0 is the jumping rate, and k(x, y) is the dispersal kernel. Similar models were also studied by Fedotov [24] and Mendez et al.[60]. Medlock and Kot [59] derived the minimal wave speed by the "linear conjecture" approach [63] and gave some approximation of the shape of traveling waves. Lutscher, Pachepsky and Lewis [55] also used the same method as in [59] to obtain the minimal wave speed for (3.2), and showed that under certain technical conditions on the asymmetric kernel k(x, y), this minimal wave speed is the spreading speed in a weak sense. Actually, in their works, c± are called the spreading speeds in the positive and negative directions, if

' u, c*_ < c < c*+, lim u(t, x + ct) = '^°° ' ' 10, c < c*_ or c> •+c;' 26

for any x E Cl, where u > 0 is a positive equilibrium of (3.2), see also (3.13) in [55]. Note that (3.1) and (3.2) are special cases of the following general integro-differential equation du(t, x) F(u(t,x)) + a /. k(x,y)u(t,y)dy, dt where u(t, x) is the spatial density of a population at the point x € R at time t > 0, F(u(t,x)) is the reaction function which governs the population dynamics, a > 0 is the rate at which an individual leaves its current location, k(x,y) is the dispersal kernel. For simplicity, we assume that the dispersal kernel k(x, y) depends on the distance between x and y, that is, we write k(x, y) — k(x — y). Then we obtain the following system: x, = F{u{t, x)) + a [ k{x - y)u(t, y)dy, (3.3)

Define a probability measure H{B) on R+ x R by

fi(B)-= [ XB(0,-y)k(y)dy,- JB where B is a Borel set in R+ x R and XB is the characteristic function of B. It follows that

/x * u(t, x) := / u(t - s, x - y)fi(ds, dy) = / u(t, x - y)k(y)dy, and (3.3) can be written as

du(t, x) f(u,fi.*g(u)), (3.4) dt where f(u, v) = F(u) + av, g(u) — u. Schumacher [68] established the spreading speed and the existence and nonexistence of traveling wave solutions for (3.4) under appropriate conditions on / and g. We should point out that the spreading speed in [68] was also defined in a weak sense (see, e.g., (3.13) in [55]). It is observed that time-varying environments (e.g., due to seasonal variation) affect population dynamics very much. This suggests that nonautonomous systems 27

be more realistic for some populations. Therefore, in this chapter we consider the following periodic evolution equation

^^ = F(t, u(t, x)) + a(t) J k(x - y)u(t, y)dy, (3.5) where u(t,x) is the spatial density of a population at the position x 6 M. at time t > 0, F(t,u(t,x)) is the reaction function which governs the population dynamics such as birth and death, and other removal terms such as emigration of individuals at the position x € R at time t > 0, a(t) > 0 is the rate at which an individual leaves its current location at time t > 0, k(x,y) is the dispersal kernel that describes the probability that an individual moves from position y to position x. Moreover, two continuous functions F and a are w-periodic in t for some u > 0, and a(t) ^ 0. For simplicity, we neglect the birth and death of the population during the dispersal process and assume that k(x, y) depends only on the distance between x and y, and then write it as k(x — y) (usually such a k is said to be "isotropic"). We adopt the definition of spreading speeds in a strong sense (see Theorem 3.3.1) and study the spreading speed and periodic traveling waves for (3.5). It seems to be difficult to apply the approach in [68] to the periodic equation (3.5). However, it is natural to use the theory in [85] for monotone discrete-time systems to study the spreading speed for the time period map associated with (3.5). In order to carry over the results to (3.5), we appeal to the theory recently developed in [52] for monotone periodic semiflows. More precisely, we use this theory to establish the existence of the asymptotic speed of spread c* and its explicit formula, and the nonexistence of periodic traveling waves with the wave speed c < c*. However, we cannot apply this theory to prove the existence of monotone periodic traveling waves with the wave speed c > c*. This is because the solution maps associated with (3.5) lack the compactness with respect to the compact open topology (see [50, 53]). In the autonomous case of (3.5), we are able to prove the existence of monotone traveling waves via the method of upper and lower solutions and the limiting argument. This chapter is organized as follows. In section 3.2, we prove the well-posedness and the comparison principle for (3.5). In section 3.3, we establish the existence of 28

the spreading speed c* for solutions of (3.5) with initial data having compact supports by using the general results in section 2.3 (see also [53, 52]). In section 3.4, we show the nonexistence of periodic traveling waves of (3.5) with the wave speed c G (0, c*) by Theorem 2.3.4, and the existence of monotone traveling waves with the wave speed c > c* in the autonomous case. A short discussion section completes the chapter.

3.2 The well-posedness and the comparison prin­ ciple

In this section, we establish the existence, uniqueness and forward invariance of so­ lutions and the comparison principle for system (3.5). Assume that

2 (HI) F(t,u) = ug(t,u) withg G C^R) andgu(t,u) < 0, V(t,u) G R +, J£(g(t,0) + a(t))dt > 0, and there exist u > 0 and L > 0 such that g(t, u)+a(t) <0,\/t> 0,

and |F_(«,MI) -F(t,U2)\ < L\ux -u2\, _Vt >0!ul,«i!.€W'.:=[gju]. _

(H2) k(y) > 0, k(—y) — k(y), / k(y)dy = 1, and the integral / k{y)eaydy converges Ju JR for all a G [0, A), where A > 0 is the abscissa of convergence and it may be infinity.

For convenience, we set mi — max ait). te[o,w] Consider the spatially homogeneous system associated with (3.5)

^- = F(t,u(t))+a(t)u(t). (3.6)

By [97, Theorem 3.1.2], it then follows that (3.6) has a positive w-periodic solution u*(t), which is globally asymptotically stable in [0,u] \ {0}. The subsequent result is on the global existence, uniqueness and forward invariance of solutions of (3.5). 29

Theorem 3.2.1 For any u0 G C(M, W), (3.5) has a unique solution u(t, •; uQ) satis­

fying u(0, •; UQ) = UQ and u(-; uo) G C(R+ x R, W).

Proof Define an operator Q[u] on C(R+ x R, W) by

Q[u](t,x) — au(t, x) + F(t, u(t,x)) + a(t) / k(x-y)u(t,y)dy, a > 0. JR

By (HI), for any Ui,U2 G [0,u], u\ > u2, we have

au\ + F(t, tii) - "w2 - F(t, u2) > {a — L)(ui - u2), Vi > 0.

Then if a > L, era + F(t,u) is strictly increasing in u on [0, v] and hence, Q is

a nondecreasing map from C(R+ x R, V7) to C(R+ x R,R+) with respect to the pointwise ordering. Clearly, (3.5) can be written as

U^X' = -au(t,x) + Q[u}(t,x), a> L. (3.7)

Given the initial condition u(0, •)••= u0 G C(RT W), (3.7) is equivalent to the integral equation at a{t s) u(t,x) = e- u0(x)+ I e- - Q[u}(s,x)ds. Jo

Define ,5:= {u G C(R+xR,W) : u(0, •) = u0} and an operator G : S -> C(R+ xR,R) by at ait s) G[u](t,x) = e~ u0(x) + [ e- - Q[u](s,x)ds, V(t,s) G R+ x R.


0 < G[u](t, x) < e~atu + Q[u] f e'a{t~s)ds < e~atu + «(1 - e~at) = u. Jo Thus, we have G{S) C S. For any u, v G S, define

d\(u,v) := sup |u(£,a;) — u(i,a;)|e_A*, xeK,teR+ 30

where A > 0 is a constant. Then S is a with metric d\. For any u,u G S, we have

u}(t,x)-G[u](t,x)\e-xt [ e-a(t-s)(Q[u}(s,x) - Q[u}(s,x))ds

< f e-(<*+W-s)dx(u^)(a + L + a(s) I k(x - y)dy)ds Jo _ Jw a + L + m1 < a + X: dx{U,U). This implies that d (G{u],G[u}) < a + L + mid (u,u). x a + A x Choose A > 0 large enough such that a+a+™1 < 1- Then G is a contracting mapping on (S,d\). By the contracting mapping theorem, G has a unique fixed point in S,

which is a solution of (3.5) with u(0, •) = it0. •

In order to establish the comparison principle for upper and lower solutions of (3.5), we first introduce the following concepts.

Definition 3.2.1 A function u G C(M+ x R, W) is called an upper solution of (3.5) if ^ exists and

du(t, x) > F(t, u(t, x)) + a(t) I k{x - y)u(t, y)dy. dt Jn A function u G C(M+ x R, W) is called a lower solution of (3.5) if ~X'X' exists and

du(t, x) < F(t,u(t,x)) + a(t) / k(x-y)u(t,y)dy. dt

Theorem 3.2.2 Let u(t,x) andu(t,x) be upper and lower solutions of (3.5), respec­ tively. Ifu(0, •) > u(0, •), then u(t, •) > u(t, •) for all t > 0.

Proof Define v(t,x) = u(t,x) —u(t,x), V(t,a;) G R+ x R, and w{t) — iniv(t,x), \/t > 0. Obviously, w(t) is continuous in t and w(0) > 0. Now we show that w(t) > 0, 31

Vi > 0. Assume, for the sake of contradiction, that this is not true. Then for 5 > 0, there is to > 0 such that w(t0) < 0 and

5t 5t ST w(t0)e' ° = rain w(t)e~ < w(T)e~ , Vr G [0,t0). (3.8) t€[0,to]

It follows that there exists a sequence of points {a^}^ such that v(t0, xk) < 0, VA; > 1 and lim v(to,xk) — w(t0). Let {tk}^ C [0, t0] be a sequence such that k—+oo Stk 5t v{tk,xk)e" = min w(t,Xfc)e-' . (3.9) t€[0,to] -(5i For any e 6 (0, £o)i let m£ — min w(i)e . By (3.8), we have te[o,t0-e] lto Sto lira v(t0,xk)e~ = w(t0)e- < me. k—»oo

Thus, there exists an integer KE such that for all k > Ke,

st0 St St v(t0, xk)e-

By (3.9), we obtain

sth 5t St v(tk,xk)e~ = min v(t,xk)e~ < v(t0,xk)e~ °, : te[o,to] and hence, tk G [to — £, to], Vfc > K£. It then follows that, lim tk — to- Since k—»oo 4to ftfc Stk St u(to,xfc)e- > «(tjt,ifc)e- > w{tk)e- > w(t0)e- °, we have 5 5 v(t0, xk)e- ^-^ > v(tk, xk) > w(t0)e- ^-^.

Letting k —> oo, we obtain lim v(tk,xk) = w(to). Then (3.9) implies that, k—»oo e °^ ^ W= ( ^ 5v(tk,xk)), and hence, " gt < Sv(tk,xk). Since v(tk,xk) < 0, we have

_ du\tk,xk) _ du(tk,xk) dt dt

= F(tfc,-J2(*fc,xfc)) - F(tk,u(tk, xk)) + a(tk) / fc(a;fe - y)(u(tk,y)dy - u(ifc, y))dy JR

> Lv(tk, xk) + a(tk) / k(xk - y)v(tk, y)dy. 32


0 < *' - Lv(tk, xk) - a(tk) / k(xk - y)v(tk, y)dy

<(6- L)v(tk, xk) - a(tk) / k(xk - y)v(tk, y)dy JM < (6 - L)v(tk,xk) - a(tk)w{tk)

< (5 - L)v(tk,xk) - mju;^). Letting k —>• oo, we have 0 < (5 — L — mi)w(to). For 5 > L + mi, this implies that t^o) > 0, a contradiction. Therefore, for any t > 0, we have w(t) > 0. Thus, v(t,x) > 0, and hence, u(t, •) > u(i, •), Vi > 0. •

3.3 The asymptotic speed of spread

In this section, we use the theory developed in [85, 53, 52] to prove the existence of the asymptotic speed of spread and obtain its explicit formula.

Let C be the set of all bounded and continuous functions from 1R to K and Cr = {u 6 G : 0""< u(x)"< r, Vaf € K}, for any r > 0. Throughout this section, we equip C with the compact open topology, that is, vn :->• v in C means that the sequence of functions vn(x) converges to v{x) uniformly for x in every compact subset of M.. We define the metric function d on C by

oo max|u(:r) — v{x)\ d(u,v):=J2lX]'k ok -> V^eC. tl 2 Thus, (C, d) is a metric space and its induced topology is the same as the compact open topology.

Define a family of operators Qt on C(M, W) by Qt((p)(x).:=u(t,x\ip), VzeK, t>0, where u(t, •; ip) is the solution of (3.5) satisfying u(0, •; ip) = ip.

Lemma 3.3.1 {Qt}t>o is a monotone periodic semiflow on C(M.,W). 33

Proof We prove that Qt is a periodic semiflow on C(R, W). Qt satisfies Definition 2.3.1 (i) obviously. It follows from the existence and uniqueness of solutions to (3.5)

that Qt satisfies Definition 2.3.1 (ii). It remains to prove that Qt satisfies Definition 2.3.1 (iii).

Given tp € C(R, W). By the form of (3.5), it is easy to see that M|S£l is bounded for all (t, x) eR+xR and hence, there exists L = L(cp) > 0 such that |

| u{t\,x\ip) -u(t2,x;ip) \< L | ti — t2 |, Vx € R, t\,t2 S R+.

Thus, Qt(

Claim. For any e > 0 and t0 > 0, there exist 5 = 5(e, t0) > 0 and M = M(e, t0) >

0 such that if ipi,(£,a;) = u(t, x; (pi) — u(i, x; (p2). Then to(t,x) satisfies

^^-^F(t,u1(t,x))-F(t,u2(t,x)) + a(t)Jk(x-y)w(t,y)dy.

Case 1. tp2. By Theorem 3.2.2, u(-;tpi) > u(-;ip2). Then w(t,x) > 0 and 9u;(i, x) < Lw(t,x) + a(t) / k(x — y)w(t,y)dy. dt JR We write the linear integro-differential system

^^ = Lv(t, x) + a(t) J k(x - y)v(t, y)dy (3.10) as a system of integral equations

v(t, x) = eLtcp(x) + / eL(*-s)a(s) / k(x - y)v(s, y)dyds, (3.11) Jo Jm. where (p(x) = v(0,x) G C(R,W). 34

Define Vo(t,x) — eLt

Lt L{t s) Vm(t,x) = e 0,x € R,m > 1. (3.12) By induction, we have m Vm(t,x) = ^2ak(


'ao( 1. We define a map P : C& —> C by

P(¥>)(x) = / fc(x - y)

Then P(0) = 0. For any e > 0 and K > 0, since fRk(y)dy = 1, there is an M0 > 0

such that Jy>Mo %)dy < ^. For x e [-if, K], we have

P(<^)(:E) = k(y)(p(x - y)dy,

Mo /•

/ k(y)(p(x - y)dy + I k(y)ip(x - y)dy •Mo J\y\>M < 1 • max ip(x — y) + -. 0 ~ ve[-M0,Mo] 2 Let 5 = f. If <£>(£)

Thus, P(v) is continuous at

By induction and the assumption fu k(x — y)dy = 1, \/x G R, we see that

a^)(t,x) € Cfi. Thus, we have

iflpLtQrmkj.k 10 Vm(t,x) <£ ., , V(*,s) € [0,*0] x R. fc=o *• 35

Hence, for any to > 0, the sequence of functions Vm(t, x) converges to a function l V(t,x) = J2 0'k{ P){t-,x) uniformly for (t,x) G [0,£o] x K- Letting m —> oo in (3.12), fc=0 we see that V(t, x) satisfies (3.11) and V(0, x) — - Suppose that V(t,x) is another solution of (3.10) with V(Q, x) = (p(x). It follows that L \V(t,x)-V(t,x)\ = f e <«->a(s) I k{x - y)(V(s,y) - V{s,y))dydt Jo JR < f e^'-M*) I' k(x-y)\V{s,y)-V{s,y)\dyds. Jo JM. Let G(t) = sup \V(s,x)-V(s,x)\. Then ir6R,sg[0,4]

G{t) < [ eL^-s)a(s) f k(x - y)G{s)dyds = I eL{t-s)a{s)G{s)ds, Vt > 0, Jo Jw JO which implies that

u Ls L3 ~G{i)er <"ml I e~ G\s)ds 0. Jo Jo By the Gronwall inequality, this implies that G(t)e~Lt < eemit, Ve > 0, and hence G(t) = 0. This proves the uniqueness of the solution of (3.10) with V(0, •) = 0, since Vm(t, x) —> V(t, x) as m —> oo, uniformly for (£, x) G [0, i0] K,

it follows that for any e > 0, there is an integer N ='N(t0, e) > 0 such that V(i,a;) <

VN(t,x) + e, VXGM, te [0,t0]. By the continuity of P( 0, Pk{}p) : Cy, -^ C is continuous at <^ = 0 with respect to the compact open topology. Then there is a sufficiently large M > 0 and a small number S > 0, such that Pfc((x) < 5, \/x G [-M, M}. Thus,

N N k k Lt f +L VN(t,0) = J2ak( ^pP^)(0) < ee^ »°, V« G [0,i0]- fc=0 fc=0 It follows that (mi+i)t V(t,0) < e + ee °, Vi G [0,t0] 36

provided that (p G C(R, W) with ip(x) < 6, Vrr G [-Af, M].

Let ip{x) — 0, a; € R, where V^O.a:) = v?(x). Thus,

(mi+L to u(t, 0; yi) - u(t, 0; y>2) = u>(i, 0) < V(t, 0) < (1 + e > )e, V« G [0, to], provided that 0 <

Case 2. y>i ^

(px{x) = max{

Then 2(z)| and

u(t,x;i), u(t,x;ip2) < u(t,x;


|u(i,a;;^i) - u(£,:r;<£2)| < tt(<,a;;^i(a;)) - u(i,x;<^2(x)).

By case 1, we see that the1 claim also holds for

Qt is a continuous w-periodic semiflow on C(R, W). By Theorem 3.2.2, the map Qt is monotone on C(R, W) for each i > 0. •

Lemma 3.3.2 Assume that (HI) holds. Then for each t > 0, the solution map Qt of (3.5) satisfies (Al)-(A4) with b* = u and Q^ satisfies (A5) with b* — u*(0).

Proof By Lemma 3.3.1, it is easy to see that Qt satisfies (Al)-(A4) with b* = u.

Let Qt = Qt\[o,u\- Then Qt : [Q,u] —> [0,u] is the ^-periodic semiflow generated by (3.6). Since (3.6) is a scalar equation, the uniqueness of solutions implies that Qt is strongly monotone on [0,u]. Note that (3.6) has a positive w-periodic solution u*{t) which is globally asymptotically stable in [0,u] \ {0}. We see that Qu is strongly monotone on [0, u], and has only two fixed points 0 and u*(0) in [0,u]. Thus, by the 37

Dancer-Hess connecting orbit lemma (see, e.g., Theorem 2.2.1), the map Qu admits a

strongly monotone full orbit connecting 0 to u*(0). Therefore, Qu satisfies (A5) with b* = u*(0). •

By Lemma 3.3.2 and Theorem 2.3.1, it follows that Qw has an asymptotic speed of spread c*u > 0. Consider the linearized system of (3.5) at the zero solution

dU{i]X) =g(t,0)u(t,x) + a{t) [ k(x-y)u(t,y)dy at H (3.13) = g{t,G)u(t,x) + a(t) \ k(y)u(t,x-y)dy.

For any a € (0, A), let u{t,x) — e~axv(t). Substituting u(t,x) into (3.13) yields

ax ax aix y) e- v'(t) = g(t, 0)e- v(t) + a(t) f k{y)e~ - v(t)dy.

Then v'(t) = A(a,t)v(t), (3.14) where A(a, t) = g{t, 0) + a(t) f k(y)eaydy. (3.15) Jut Thus, if v(t) is a solution of (3.14), then u(t,x) = e~axv(t) is a solution of (3.13). Q d Note that the solution of (3.14) can be expressed as v(t, v0) = v0e^o ^( .*) *) \/VQ g R. Define ax A ds B^vo) := Mt(v0e- )(0) = v(t,v0) = v0e^ ^ , where Mt is the linear solution map denned by (3.13) and v(t,vo) is the solution of l (3.14) with v(0,vo) = v0. Therefore, B a is the solution map associated with (3.14) l A a s ds on R and B a is strongly positive for each t > 0. Then B£(v0) = v0ett ( > ) . Let 7(a) := ef° Ai-a's)ds, and define a function

A a s ds 'fc(a) := -In 7(a) = I in e^ ^')* = Jo ( > ) (3-16) a aa a By [53, Theorem 3.8], we have the following result. 38

Lemma 3.3.3 The following statements are valid

(1) $(a) —» oo as a —> 0.

(2) $(a) is decreasing near 0.

f3j $'(a) changes its sign at most once on (0,A).

(4) lim $(a) exists, where the limit may be infinite. Q-+A- Proposition 3.3.1 Assume that (HI) and (H2) hold. Let c£ be the asymptotic speed

of spread of Qu. Then • r .*./ >> • r JQ A{a,s)ds c* = mf $(a) = inf ^— —. 0«*

A s ds J s 0 a s 7(0) = eIo (°< '> = e/o' (9( . )+ ( ) S^{y)dy)ds _ ej£{g{s,0)+a{s))ds > ^ and hence, the condition (B7) is satisfied. Now we prove that <&(A) = 00. First we consider the case A = 00. Since fMk(y)dy = 1, i.e., 2 f™ k{y)dy — 1, there is a sufficiently small y0 > 0 such that f£k(y)dy>0. Then

p poo poo / eayk{y)dy > / eayk(y)dy > eayo I k{y)dy > 0, JR Jyo Jyo and hence, , v fn a(t) L k(y)eaydydt f°° f" , lim $(a) = lim Jo W M w — > / k(y)dy • / a(t)dt • lim OO, i.e., $(00) = 00. In the case where A < 00, we have lim Lk(y)eaydy = 00 and a—>A- hence, lim $(a) = 00. Therefore, the infimum of 3>(a) is attained at some value a—>A~ a€ (0,A). Note that M^ and 5£ satisfy (B1)-(B7) and that (HI) implies F(t,u) < g(t,0)u,

Vtt > 0. By the comparison theorem, we have'Qu(

By (HI), lim ^^ = g(t,Q) uniformly for t G [0,w]. It follows that for any u—»0+ u e G (0,1), there exists S > 0 such that

F(t, u) > (g(t, 0) - e)u, V0 < u < 5, t G [0, u].

Moreover, there is r\ — rj(S) > 0 such that for any ip G Cv, we have

0 < u(t, x; if) < u{t, rj) < 6, Vx G R, t € [0, w].

Thus, for any <£> € C,,, u(£, a;) := u(t,x;ip) satisfies du(t,x)^ > {g(t, 0) - e)u + a(t) I k(x - y)u(t, y)dy, Vx G R,£ G [0,to

£ Let Mt , £ > 0, be the solution maps associated with the linear system du(t,x) = (g(t,Q)-e)u + a(t) / k(x-y)u(t,y)dy. dt

The comparison principle implies that M^(p) < Qt( G Cv,t € [0,u>]- In particular, M^(p) < Qu(

Mt. It follows from Theorem 2.3.2 that inf $e(a) < c*. Thus, 0

inf $£(a) 0, we have c£, = inf $(a). • 0

The following result shows that c* :— ^ = - inf ^—w0_! jg ^g Spreading to o;w 0 speed of solutions of (3.5) with initial functions having compact supports.

Theorem 3.3.1 Assume that (HI) and (H2) hold and let c* — C^/UJ. Then the following statements are valid:

(1) For any c > c*, if

oo,\x\>ct (2) For any 0 < c < c*, there is a positive number r such that if (p G C„»(o) with 0 for x on an interval of length 2r, then lim (u(t, x; ip) — u*(t)) = 0. £—*oo,|x|

(3) In the case where a(t) > 0, Vi € M, for any c G (0, c*), if ip £ Cu»(o) with

Proposition 3.3.1 implies that there is a sequence of linear operators {Mn}+f£ with

£n = ^>Vn € N, such that each Mn[ 0, n G N.

Moreover, each Mn satisfies (B1)-(B7) and the spreading speed c* of Mn converges to

c*u as n —* oo. Let c < c* be given. It then follows from [53, Theorem 3.5] that ra can be chosen to be independent of a > 0. Thus, Theorem 2.3.3 implies the conclusion (2). In the case where ait) > 0, Vi e R we have rri2 := min a(t) > 0. To prove the te[o,w] y conclusion (3), we need the following claim on the strong positivity of solutions. Claim. For any

0 for all (t, x) G (0, +oo) x R. Indeed, for a given

0, Vx G [—r, r] for some r > 0. Let u(t,x) = u(t,x;ip). It follows from the continuity of u(i,x), there is an e > 0 such that u(t,x) > 0, V(t,a;) G [0,e] x (—r,r). Let a be sufficiently large such that au + F(t, u) is increasing in u G [0, u\. Then au + F(t, u) > 0, \/u G [0, u] and t > 0. By the proof of Theorem 3.2.1, we have u(t, x) — / e Q(t s)[au(s,x) + F(s,u(s,x)) + a(s) / k(x - y)u(s,y)dy]ds Jo JR a{t s) > m2 I e- - f k(x - y)u(s, y)dyds. Jo JM.

Set [a0,60] = [—r,r}. Since JRk(y)dy — 1, there exist p and ro with ro > 0, such a( t s that k(y) > 0 for almost every y G (p,p + r0). Then we have f0 JMe~ - ~ ^k(x — y)u(s,y)dyds > 0 for any t G (0,e] and x G (ao + p,bo + p + ro), which implies that u(t,x) > 0, Vi G (0,e],x G (a0 + p,&o +P + ^o)- By induction, ti(i,x) > 0 for 41

all (t,x) € (0,e] x (a0 + mp, b0 + mp + mr0), Vm > 1, m G Z. Let am = a0 + mp,

&m = bo+mp+mr0. Thus, bm—am —* oo as m —> oo and there exists an integer m* > 0

such that am+i — 6m < 0, Vm > m*. Let a* = am«. It follows that u(t,x) > 0 for all

x G Um>m«(am,6TO) — (a*,+oo) and £ G (0,e]. Since k(—y) — fc(y),w e have k(y) > 0 for almost every y G (— p — ro, —p). Then (x — (—p), x — (— p — ro)) D (a*, +oo) 7^ 0 for every x G (a* — p — r0,+oo). It follows that u{t,x) > 0 for i G (0,e] and a; G (a* —p—ro, +00). By induction, u(t, x) > 0, V(i, x) G (0, e] x (a* — mp — mro, +00) for all m > 0, which implies that u(t,x) > 0, V(i,x) G (0,e] x R. By (3.5), we have

^ > F(t,u{t,x)), Vi > 0, x G R.

Given a; G R. Let w(t), t > e, be the unique solution of the ordinary differential system — = F(t,w) satisfying w(e) = u(e,x) > 0. Then the standard comparison at principle implies that u(t, x) > w(t) > 0, Vt > e. Thus, u(t, x) > 0, V(t, a;) G [e,+00) x R. Consequently, u(t,x) > 0 for all (t,x) G (0,+oo) x R. This completes the proof of the claim.

For any ip G Gu*(o) with ip ^ 0, we fix to >.0 and take u(to, •; ^) as a new initial value for u(t,-;ip). By the claim above, we have u(t0,x;ip) > 0, Vx G R, and hence, the conclusion (3) follows from the conclusion (2). •

3.4 Traveling waves

Definition 3.4.1 u(t,x) = U(t,x + ct) is an to-periodic traveling wave of (3.5) connecting 0 to u*(t) if it is a solution of (1.5), U(t,£) is u-periodic in t, and U(t, —00) = 0 and U(t, 00) = u*(t) uniformly for t G [0,UJ].

As a straightforward consequence of Theorem 2.3.4, we have the following result on the nonexistence of monotone periodic traveling waves of (3.5). 42

Theorem 3.4.1 Assume that (HI) and (H2) hold. Let c*w be the asymptotic speed

of spread of Qu and c* = c^/cu. Then for any c G (0, c*), system (3.5) admits no to-periodic traveling wave solution

As mentioned in the introduction, the theory in [53, 52] cannot be applied to estab­ lish the existence of monotone w-periodic traveling waves for periodic equation (3.5). However, we are able to prove the existence of traveling waves for the autonomous equation (3.3) under the following assumption:

(HI)' F(0) = 0, F"(0) exists, F'(0) + a > 0 and there is u* > 0 such that u* is the unique positive zero of the function F(u)+au in [0, u*], F is Lipschitz continuous on W := [0, u*] with the Lipschitz constant L > 0, and that F{u) < F'(0)u for all u € [Ov-n*].

Throughout this section, we assume that (HI)' and (H2) hold. Let c* be the spreading speed of (3.3), which is denned as in Theorem 3.3.1. Then

c* = inf *(a), (3.17)

ay where $(a) := A(a)/a and A(a) := F'(0) + a Jm k(y)e dy. A traveling wave solution of (3.3) is a solution with the form

u(t, x) = (j>(x + ct) —

Thus, the wave profile

C*M = F((s - y)dy. (3.19)

as Ju Definition 3.4.2 A function p G C(M.,W) is called an upper solution of (3.19) if it is differentiate almost everywhere and satisfies the inequality

MIL > F{p{s))+a r k(y)p(8 _ y)dy. as JM a lower solution p € C(R, W) of (3.19) can be defined by reversing the inequality. 43

F a k eavd We consider the function *(a) = ^ = '^+ k ^ y 0 < a < A. As discussed in section 3.3, there is a € (0, A) such that c* — $(a) = inf $(a). Let 0 c*, there exists at least one a G (0, A) such that $(a) = c. If there are more than one values of a such that

Let a = oti, v(0) = v0 > 0, s = x + ^ul*. Then

aix aix Aiai)t 1 a s u(t, -x) = e v(t,v0) = e • e v0 = e" ^^'^ = e ' v0 = i>(s).

Note that u(t, —x) satisfies the equation du(t, x) = F'{0)u{t, x) + a k(x- y)u(t, y)dy, dt JR and that TJJ(S) is the solution of the linearized equations of (3.19) at zero solution

m$ = F,(0)^(s) + a f k{s _ y)i,(y)dy. (3.22) as JR aiS Substituting i/;(s) = e v0 into (3.22) yields

ai3 ais aiy ais aiis v) cate VQ = F'(0)e v0 + a [ k(s- y)e v0dy = F'{0)e v0 + a [ k(y)e - v0dy, JR JR which implies that aiy cax - F'(0) - a f k(y)e- dy = 0. JR

Letting e > 0 be sufficiently small, we can obtain a£ = ai + e € (0, A) and A L c* < c£ < c, where c£ = $(ae) = ^ - Since

a x A(a £ ac u(t, -x) = e ^ e ^v Q = e % = ^e(a) 44

is also a solution of (3.21) with VQ > 0, it follows that c£ and a£ satisfy

aEy c£a£ - F'(0) - a [ k{y)e~ dy = 0. JR

Let 5£ = c — c£ > 0. We then have

a y cae - F'(0) - o / k(y)e~ ' dy = d£a£ > 0.

2 By (HI)', we can choose A; > 0 and S0 E (0,u*) such that F(u) > F'(0)u - ku , Vu e [0,<5o].

Motivated by [19] and [78], we define two functions

ais ais ae3 p(s) :=mm{u*,u*e }, p(s) := max{0, <50e - S0Me }, Vs G R, where M satisfies 8£a£M — k5o > 0 and M > 1. Clearly, p(s) < p(s). Set QlS acS aiS £s /(s) - <50e - 50Me = S0e (l - Me ), r = -- In Af < 0. e Then /(r) = 0, /(s) > 0, Vs < r, and /(s) < 0, Vs > r. Let 0 < e < c^. Then we have p2(s) < 6^ai+e> = 5%ea*s, Vs e R.

Lemma 3.4.1 For any c > c*, the above defined p(s) and p(s) are upper and lower solutions of (3.19), respectively.

Proof If s > 0, p(s) = u* and dp(s) —c- + F(p(s))+ a f k{y)p(s - y)dy < F(u*) + a I k(y)u*dy = 0. ds JM JR If s < 0, p(s) = u*eais and

dp(s) aiy aiS F(p(s))+a I k{y)p{s-y)dy < (~cai+F'(0)+a f k{y)e- dy)e u* = 0. ds JR JR Thus, p(s) is an upper solution of (3.19). Now we consider p(s). If s > r, then f(s) < 0, p(s) = 0 and

dp(s) F(p(s)) + a k(y)p(s - y)dy = a k(y)p{s - y)dy > 0. ds + JR JR 45

aiS s If s < r, then f(s) > 0, p(s) = 6Qe - 50Me°* and

dp(s) F(p(s)) + a k{y)p(s - y)dy ds + JR. 18 s = -CQ^oe" + cS0Ma£e°" + F(p(s)) + a k(s - y)p(y)dy J — oo ais a s > -cai50e + c50MaEe * + F(p(s)) +a k{s - y)f{y)dy h ais s = -co!i(5oe + c80Mase°" + F(p(s)) +a k{y)f(s - y)dy Ju ais aiy > (50e (-cai + a / k(y)e~ dy + F(0)) Ju a s a y 2 +5QMe ' (ca£ -a / k(y)e- * dy - F'(0)) - kp {s) JR. a 3 > 80e ' (5eaeM-k50) > 0.

Thus, p(s) is a lower solution of (3.19). •

Note that the wave profile equation (3.19) is equivalent to

^ + 6(s) = 6(s - y)dy, 6 € R. (3.23) ds c cjs Since we are interested in traveling wave solutions connecting 0 to it*, we always suppose (—oo) ,== 0. Then (3.23) is reduced to

0(a) = e~Ss f e5tG[4>](t)dt, J —oo where G[](s) = 8(s) + *Ffa(a)) + f /R k(y)(s - y)dy. Suppose that ip{t), Vt € R. Then

G[0](t)~GM(*) = 5(4> - tf>)(t) + Vw*)) - F(V(t))) + - / fc(i/)(0(t - ?/) - ^(t - y))dy

( c c JR Thus, for sufficiently large 5 such that 6 - f > 0, we have G[4>](t) > G[ip](t), Vi G provided that <£(£) > ^(t), V£ G R. Moreover, G(0) = 0 and G{u*) = Su*. 46

Define an operator T on C(R, W) by

T{cf>)(s) := e^s /" e"G[0](t)dt, Vs e R. J — oo

It is easy to obtain the following results.

Lemma 3.4.2 The operator T has the following properties:

(1) If (f> E C(R, W) is nondecreasing, then so is T(j>;

(2) If4>>tp, then Tj> > Tip;

(3) If (j> is an upper (lower) solution of (3.19), then (s) > (T(s) < (T)(s)),\/seR;

(4) If 4> is an upper (lower) solution of (3.19), then T is also an upper (lower) solution of (3.19).

Now we are in the position to prove the existence of monotone traveling waves.

Theorem 3.4.2 Assume that (HI)' and (H2) hold. Letc* be defined in (3.17). Then for any c > c*, system (3.3) has a traveling wave (f)(x + ct) connecting 0 to u* such that (f)(s) is continuous and nondecreasing in s EM..

Proof Case 1. c > c*. By Lemma 3.4.1, there exist an upper solution p(s) and a lower solution p(s) for (3.19). Let (po = p, 4>m = T'Pm-ii Vm > 1. By Lemma 3.4.2, we then have

0 < p{s) < ... < 0ro(s) < (pm-i{s)< -. < p{s) < u*, Vs G R.

By the monotone convergence theorem, there is a continuous function

4>(s) = lim 4>m{s). By the construction of m, we see that is a fixed point of T, (f> m—>oo is nondecreasing and p(s) < (s) < p(s), Vs E R. 47

Since p(—oo) = 0, we have (—oo) = 0. Moreover, since p(s) < (f)(s) < 0(+oo) < u* and p ^ 0, we havha e (+oo) > 0. Since lim ^ = 0, it is easy to see that (+oo) — s—»+oo "s is an equilibrium of ^- = F(u(t))+au(t). (3.24)

Thus, <^(+oo) = u*, and hence, (p(x + c£) is a monotone traveling wave solution of (3.3) connecting 0 and u*.

Case 2. c = c*. Let {cm} C (c*, c* + 1) with lim cm — c*. Since cm > c*, by Case m—too m m 1, (3.19) admits a nondecreasing solution 0( )(s) for each cm, such that 0^ '(—oo) = 0 and (j)(m\+oo) = u*. Without loss of generality, we may assume that (^m)(0) = \u*, Vm > 1. Note that ftm\s) satisfies

m Cm i F'^is)) + a I' k{y)^ \s - y)dy as and (s) = e~B' f esWm)(t) + —F{^m\t)) + — f k{y)^m){t - y)dy}dt, (3.25) J—oo ^m Cm JM

m where 8 — j; > 0. Since {^ )(s)} and < ds \ are uniformly bounded on R, {mfc}, which converges to *{s) as k —»• oo, uniformly for s in any bounded subset of K. Note that 0*(s) is nondecreasing and

f(s) = e~Ss f est[5*{t) + ±F(*(t)) +-! k{y)*{t - y)dy]dt, Vs € R, which implies that cf>* is also a solution of (3.19). By the L'Hospital rule and 0*(-co) < (f)*(+oo), we have 0*(-oo) = 0 and *(+oo) = u*. Thus, *{x + c*t) is a monotone traveling wave of (3.3) connecting 0 to u*. •

By Theorems 3.4.1 and Theorem 3.4.2, it follows that the asymptotic speed of spread for the autonomous equation (3.3) coincides with the minimal wave speed for monotone traveling waves. 48

3.5 Numerical simulations

In this section, we provide numerical simulations for the DI model presented in [59]

du (3u{N -u)-Du + D k(x- y)u(t, y)dy, (3.26)

which is a special case of (3.3). We choose (3 = 1, N — 2, D = 1 and the Gaus­ sian kernel k(y) = g^e-*1 with 9 — \J\- Then F(u) = u(l — u), the inte­ gration / k(y)eaydy converges for all a G (0, +co), and (3.26) satisfies (HI)' and (H2) with u* =. 2. Moreover,' F(uj < F'(0)u, Vu € [0,u*]. By (3.15), A(a) = 1 + eife. It follows from Theorem 3.3.1 that the asymptotic speed c* = inf ^^- w 8.016706232, and that for any continuous initial function ip with compact support, we have lim u(t,x;tp) = 0, Vc > c*, and lim u(t,x;ip) = 2, Vc G (0,c*). t—»oo,|x|>£c i—*oo,jx|

Figure 3.1: The solution of (3.26) with the initial function

We discretize (3.26) by the finite difference method coupled with the composite trapezoidal rule for integration on a finite spatial interval, which is sufficiently large in comparison with the domain in which the solutions rapidly change shapes. We 49

Figure 3.2: The solution of (3.26) with the initial function

choose the initial function as

0, if x < —7r/2, ir/2, and show the corresponding solution of (3.26) in Figures 3.1 and 3.2. Furthermore, choosing function

' 0, if x < -2, Va(aO = \ (2 + s)/2, ifx€(-2,2),

k 0, if x>2, we show that the shape of the solution of (3.26) with initial function

Figure 3.3: The solution of (3.26) with the initial function ip2(x).

3.6 Discussions

Population dispersal is an important strategy in ecology since it may influence, for example, the distribution of a population or the spread of an disease. In this chapter, we have investigated the spatial dynamics of a class of periodic integro-differential equations which describe population dispersal in a periodic environment. The au­ tonomous version of this model is essentially the same as those in [55, 59]. It is very interesting that the autonomous equation (3.3) can be written as a special case of the general model studied in [68] via a specific probability measure. However, our analy­ sis for periodic equation (3.5) improves and complements the earlier results for (3.3). More precisely, we proved the well-posedness and the comparison principle for the periodic model (3.5), and then established the existence of the spreading speed, its computation formula, the nonexistence of periodic traveling waves, and the existence of traveling waves in the autonomous case. Our work has two advantages over the earlier ones. First, we used the concept of "spreading speeds" in a strong sense for the periodic equation (3.5) (see Theorem 3.3.1) and showed that, in the autonomous case, the asymptotic speed of spread coincides with the minimal wave speed for monotone 51


2 - •'' 7 ' - ' / 1.5

U i.: ' / ' / 1 " " '• ' / HI •'• > I 0.5 • u - ••'/ f -"15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 X

Figure 3.4: The solution of (3.26) with the initial function

traveling waves. Secondly, we allowed the convergence abscissa A of / k(y)eaydy to Jm be either finite or infinite. Since the theory of spreading speeds and traveling waves were developed in [53, 52] for monotone semiflows under a general setting, its application to a specific evolution system with spatial structure is nontrivial technically. For example, we need to prove that the periodic equation (3.5) admits the comparison principle (see Theorem 3.2.2) and generates a periodic semiflow which is continuous with respect to the compact open topology (see Lemma 3.3.1). Further, one should choose appropriate linear equations to obtain an explicit formula for the spreading speed (see Proposition 3.3.1). In the autonomous case, although the method of upper and lower solutions have been applied to prove the existence of monostable traveling waves by numerous researchers (see, e.g., [19, 78, 88, 90] and the references therein), the key point is to construct and verify an ordered pair of upper and lower solutions for the wave profile equation associated with a specific evolution system (see, e.g., Lemma 3.4.1). With the theory developed in [53, 52], we only obtained the nonexistence of pe­ riodic traveling waves with the wave speed c < c* for the periodic system (3.5). 52

Regarding the existence of periodic traveling waves with the wave speed c > c*, we can not appeal to the same theory since the compactness assumption does not hold for (3.5). As illustrated in [69], we can employ the "vanishing viscosity" approach to obtain monotone periodic traveling wave solutions with c > c* in the sense of distri­ bution. However, we are not able to prove that this traveling wave is a classic solution of (3.5). Thus, the existence of periodic traveling waves of the periodic equation (3.5) remains open. We leave this problem for future investigation. Chapter 4

A Non-Local Periodic Reaction-Diffusion Model with Stage-Structure

4.1 Introduction

Age structure has been an interesting topic in population dynamics (see, e.g., [1, 3, 4, 27, 28, 29, 51, 61, 75, 78, 91]), since we can investigate the separate quantities of immature and mature populations in an age-structured population model. To derive a model for a single species of population with age-structure and diffusion, we usually assume that individuals move around not only after matured, but also while immature. For a standard argument, [61] gives du du _,. .d2u . . Tt + d~a = D{a)W ~ M(aK where u(t, a, x) is the density of the population of the species at time t > 0, age a > 0 and location x in a spatial domain fi; D(a) > 0 and fi(a) > 0 are the diffusion rate and the death rate of the population at age a, respectively. To study the behaviors of immature individuals and mature individuals, we can also divide the population of a species into two groups: immature population and

53 54

mature population. For simplicity, we assume that the maturation time (or the length of the juvenile period) is the same for all juvenile individuals, denoted by T > 0. For distributed maturation delay, see [3, 4]. Assume that the diffusion rate and death rate are age-dependent for immature individuals, but age-independent for mature individuals. As a result, we have the following system for a single species of population with age-structure and diffusion (see also [27, 75, 78, 91]):

dtu(t,a,x) + dau(t,a,x) = dj(a)Au — [ij(a)u(t,a,x), t > 0, 0 < a < r, x G fi,

u(t,0,x)=f(um(t,x)), t>-r,xeil, (4.1)

dtum(t,x) —dmAum- g(um(t,x)) + u(t,T,x), t > 0, x G ft,

where u(t, a, x) is the density of the population at time t > —r, age a > 0 and location

x G ft, um(t,x) is the density of the mature population, f(um) and g(um) are the birth rate and the mortality rate of mature individuals, respectively, dj(a) > 0 is the

diffusion rate of the immature individuals at age a G (0, r), dm > 0 is the diffusion rate of the mature individuals, fJ>j(a) > 0 denotes the per capita mortality rate of juveniles at age a, u(t,r,x) is the adults recruitment term, being those of maturation age r, A is the Laplacian operator on 1R. In fact, the dynamics of many populations are influenced greatly by time varying environments (e.g., due to seasonal variation). For example, in a year period, the birth rate may be high in spring and summer and low in winter, while in winter more individuals might be at the risk of death because of low temperature, lack of food or some other reasons. Moreover, populations usually like to move in good weather during the spring and summer time. Therefore, it is more realistic to consider a nonautonomous version of (4.1) for population dynamics. In particular, a periodic model, in which the birth rate, mortality rates and diffusion rates are assumed to be periodic in time, is probably the simplest but an interesting and realistic case. In this 55

chapter, we consider the following model:

dtu(t,a,x) + dau(t,a,x) = dj(t,a)Au - fij(t,a)u(t,a,x), t > 0,a e (0, r), x € Q,

u(t, 0, x) = f(t, um(t, x)), t > -r, x € Q,,

dtum(t,x) = dm(t)Aum- g(t,um{t,x)) + u(t,r,x), t > 0, x G fi, (4.2) where OCR, dj(t,a) > 0 and fij(t,a) > 0 denote the diffusion rate and the per

capita mortality rate of juveniles at age a at time t, respectively; dm(t) > 0 denotes

the diffusion rate of mature individuals at time t\ f(t,um) and g(t,um) are the birth and mortality rates of mature individuals at time t, respectively. Similarly as in [78] (see also [73]), we integrate along characteristics to reduce the system (4.2) to one equation with nonlocal term. Let v(r, a, x) = u(a + r, a, x), where r is regarded as a parameter. It follows that

dav(r, a, x) = [dtu(t, a, x) + dau(t, a, x)]t=r+a i = dj(a + r, a)Av(r,a,x) — fij(a + r, a)v(r, a,x),

v(r,0,x) = f(r,um(r,x)).

Integrating the last equation, we obtain

v(r,a,x)= / r(C(r,a),x-y)F(r,a)f(r,um(r,y))dy, Jn where T is the fundamental solution associated with the partial differential operator

dt — A and

((r,a)= / dj(s + r,s)ds, F(r,a) — exp i— / /J,J(S + r, s)ds I . (4.3)

Since u(t, a, x) — v(t — a, a, x), it follows that

u(t,a,x)= / T(C(t -a,a),x- y)F(t - a, a)f(t - a,um(t - a,y))dy. (4.4) Jn Set

a(t):=C(t-T,r), b(t):=F(t-T,r), f-T(t,u) := f(t - r,u). 56

Substituting (4.4) into the equation for um in (4.2), we finally reduce the age-structured population model (4.2) to the following time-delayed reaction-diffusion equation for mature individuals:

dtum(t,x) = dm(t)Aum-g(t,um{t,x)),

+b{t)fnT(a(t),x-y)f-T{t,um(t-T,y))dy, t>0,xeCl,

um(s,x) = (j)(s,x), s G [-r,0], x G CI, (4.5) where

dtu(t,x) — d(t)Au — g(t,u(t,x))

+b(t)far(a(t),x-y)f..r(t,u(t-r,y))dy, t> 0, x G CI, (4.6) u(s,x) = 4>(s,x), SG[—r,0], x £ Cl.

Basically we assume that dj(t,a) and fij(t,a) are periodic in t > 0 with the period u> > 0 for a G (0, r), and that d(t), g(t, u) and f{t, u) are periodic in t with the period u > 0 for u G M.+. This implies that a(t) = a(t + u>), d(t) = d(t + w), b(t) = b(t + u), g(t,u) = g(t -f ui,u) and f(t,u) = f(t + w,ti) for all i > 0, u 6 M.+ . Moreover, we assume d(t) > d > 0, Vt > 0, and

1 1 2 (H3) / G C ([-T,+OO)XR+,R+), g G C (M +,E+), f(t,0) - 0 for t > -r, /U(t,«) > 0 for all £ > —r and ii > 0; g(t, 0) = 0 for t > 0, and there exists l\ > 0 such that |<7(£,u) — 5(t,w)| < h\u — v\, for alH > 0 and u,v G R+.

(H4) G(t,u,v) := —g(t,u) +b(t)f-T(t,v) is strictly subhomogeneous in (u,u) in the sense that for any a G (0,1), G(i, au, av) > aG(t, u, v), Viz, v > 0.

(H5) There exists a positive number L > 0 such that G(£, L, X) < 0, V£ > 0, X > L.

The purpose of this chapter is to study the asymptotic speed of spread and periodic traveling waves of (4.6) in the infinite spatial domain, and the global attractivity of zero or a positive periodic solution of (4.6) in a bounded spatial domain. For the autonomous case of (4.6), the dynamics, including the spreading speed and traveling 57

waves, have been studied extensively. So, Wu and Zou [75] investigated traveling wave fronts in the case where fi = R, g(u) — (3u. Gourley and Kuang [27] established the linear stabilities of two spatially homogeneous equilibrium solutions, studied traveling wave fronts in the case where Q — R, /(it) — au and g(u) — (3u2, and obtained a global convergence theorem in the case of bounded intervals. Thieme and Zhao [78] studied the traveling wave solutions, minimal wave speed and asymptotic speed of spread in the case of Q = Rn. Xu and Zhao [91] established a threshold dynamics and global attractivity of the positive steady state when 0, is a bounded domain in

This chapter is organized as follows. In section 4.2, we first establish the well- posedness and the comparison principle for (4.6) with fi = R, then prove the existence of the spreading speed c* for solutions of (4.6) with initial data having compact sup­ ports and show that it coincides with the minimal wave speed for monotone periodic traveling waves, by appealing to the theory of the spreading speed and traveling waves for monotone periodic semiflows in section 2.3 (see also [52, 53]). In section 4.3, we use the theory of monotone and subhomogeneous dynamical systems to investigate the global dynamics of (4.6) in a bounded domain Q C R, and obtain a threshold result for global attractivity of zero and a positive periodic solution.

4.2 Spreading speed and traveling waves

In this section, we consider that the population diffuses in an unbounded spatial domain and study (4.6) with fi = R:

dtu(t,x) = d(t)Au — g(t,u(t,x))

+b(t)fRr(a{t),x-y)f_T(t,u(t-T,y))dy, t>0,xeR, (4.7) u(t,x) = (p(t,x), te[-T,Q],x€R.

In the following, we first apply the threshold dynamics in a scalar periodic and time- delayed equation, Theorems 2.5.1 and 2.5.2, to the spatially homogeneous system associated with (4.7), to find a periodic solution of (4.7). Then we use the theory of 58

abstract functional differential equations and reaction-diffusion systems to establish the existence of solutions to (4.7) and comparison principle. Finally, we prove that the solution periodic semiflow of (4.7) satisfies all the assumptions on monotone periodic semiflows in section 2.3, and hence, we obtain the existence of the spreading speed and periodic traveling wave solutions for (4.7). Let Y be the space of all continuous functions from [—r, 0] to R with the usual supreme norm || • ||Y ( i.e., Y = C([-r,0],R», and Y+ = C([-r, 0],R+). Then

(Y, Y+) is an ordered Banach space. For

Yr = {tp G Y : 0 < ip. < r} for any r G Y with r > 0. Let X be the set of all bounded and continuous functions from R into R and

X+ = {ip G X;tp(x) > 0,Vx G R}. For u in X means that the sequence of um{x) converges to u(x) asm-»oo uniformly for x in any compact set on M. Define oo max \u(x)\ Hullx=H^^fc . V«GX, where | • | denotes the usual norm in R. Then (X, || • ||%) is a normed space. Let d%(-,-) be the distance induced by the norm || • ||%. It follows that the topology in the metric space (X, d%) is the same as the compact open topology in X. Moreover,

(Xr, dx) is a complete metric space. Let C be the set of continuous functions from [—r, 0] into X, C+ = {(p G C,

X+,s G [-T,0]} and Cr = {(p G C : 0 < tp < r} for any r G Y with r > 0. Then

C+ is a positive cone of C. For convenience, we also identify an element tp G C as a function from [—r, 0]xl into R defined by ip(s, x) = ip(s)(x), for any s G [—r, 0] and ieR. For X, 6 > 0, we define w( € C by tot(s) = io(t + s), Vt G [0,6), 59

s € [—r, 0]. It is then easy to see that t —> wt is a continuous function from [0, b) to C. Moreover, we also equip C with the compact open topology and define the norm onC: oo max |w(s,a;)| II || V-^ M<*:.s€[—r,0] „ Vu € C II M ||c= 2_, 2* ' ' fc=l where | • | denotes the usual norm in R. For any constant N > 0, N denotes the constant function with value N in Y, X orC. Now we consider the spatially homogeneous system associated with (4.7). Letting u(t,x) = w{t), we have

^ = -g(t,W(t))+b(t)f„r{t,w(t-T)), t>0,

w(t) =

The linearized equation associated with (4.8) at w = 0 is

^- = -gu{t, 0)w(t) + b(t)duf-T(t, 0)w(t - r), t > 0, w(t) = p(t), • t6[-r,0], .

Since #, 6 and /_r are periodic functions in t > 0, we can easily see that for any ip G

Y+, (4.9) admits a unique solution w(t, —r with w(s, -0, where {tft}t>o is the solution semiflow for

(4.9) defined by wt( 0.

Define the Poincare map of (4.9) P.: Y+ -»• Y+ by P(y?) = ^((/?), VV G Y+) and let r = r(P) be the spectral radius of P. The following two results follow from Theorems 2.5.1 and 2.5.2.

Proposition 4.2.1 r = r(P) is positive and is an eigenvalue of P with a positive eigenfunction ip*. Moreover, if r = ku for some integer k > 0, then r — 1 has the same sign as JQ[—gu(t,Q) + b(t)duf-T(t,Q)]dt.

Theorem 4.2.1 Let (H3)-(H5) hold. The following statements are valid. 60

(i) Ifr < 1, then zero solution is globally asymptotically stable for (4.8) with respect


(ii) Ifr>l, then (4-8) has a unique positive u>-periodic solution /?*(£), and f3*(t) is

globally asymptotically stable with respect to Y+ \ {0}.

In the remainder of this section, we further assume that

(H6) r = r(P) > 1.

By (H5) and the proof of Theorem 2.5.2 in [93], it is easy to see that /?*(£) G [0,L] for all t > —r and [0, L] is positively invariant for (4.7). Define (3$ G Y^ as

0*o(s) = {3*(s), Vsef-r.O].


dtu(t,x) = d(t)Au, t > 0, (4.10) u(0,x) = (t>(x), x€R,(peX.

The solution of (4.10) can be expressed as

u(t,x,)= fr(r)(t),x-y) 0, (4.11) Jn where n(t) — fQd(s)ds. According to [35, Chapter II], (4.10) admits an evolution operator U(t,s) : X —> X, 0 < s < t, which satisfies U(t,t) — I, U(t,s)U(s,p) = U(t,p), V0 < p < s < t, and U(t,Q)((f))(x) = u(t,x,), for t > 0, x € R and G X, where u(t,x, 0 for all 0 < s < t, x G R and 4> G X provided that (f>(x) > 0 and ^ 0. Define B : [0,00) x C -• X by

Bit, cf>) := -g(t, 0(0, •)) + &(*) / r(a(t), • - y)f-r(t, 4>{~r, y))dy, 61

for any t G [0, oo), 0 E C. Then (4.7) becomes

dtu(t,x) = d(t)Au + B(t,ut), t>0, (4.12) u(t,x) =

u(t, -, 0) = U{t, 0)0(0, •)+ I U(t, s)B{s, u3)ds, t > 0, 0 G C, (4.13) Jo whose solutions are called mild solutions to (4.12).

Theorem 4.2.2 Let (H3)-(H6) hold. For any 0 6 C^, system (4-7) has a unique mild solution u(t, x, 0) with UQ(-, •, 0) = 0 and ut(-, •, 0) G C^, Vt > 0, and u(t, x, 0) is a classic solution when t > r. Moreover, if u(t,x) and u(t,x) are a pair of lower and upper solutions of (4-7), respectively, with uo(-,-) < Uo(-, •), then ut(-, •) < ut(-, •), Vt > 0.

Proof We first show that B is quasi-monotone on [0, oo) x Cj in the sense that

lim d{i;(0,-)-(j){0,-) + h[B(t,^)-B(t,(j))},X+) = 0, (4.14) h—>0+ for all ,ip G Ci with 0(s, a;) < ip(s, x), Vs G [—r, 0], x € R. In fact, for any 0, ip G C^ with (s,x) < ij){s,x), V(s,x) G [—r, 0] x R, we have

m-)-(0,-) + h[B(t,tl>)-B(t,)] = V(0, •) - 0(0, •) + h[-(g(t, ^(0, •)) - g(t, 0(0, •)))]

+h[ [ i>(t), • - y)6(t)(/_T(t, 0(-T, y)) - /_T(t, 0(-r, y)))dy > (o, •) - 0(0, •) - %(t, v(o, •)) - g(t, 0(0, •))) > (1-^)^(0,-)-0(0, •))•

Thus, for 1 - hh > 0, ^(0, •) - 0(0, •) + h[B(t,i/>) - B(t, 0)] G X+, and hence, (4.14) holds. Then by Theorem 2.5.3 (for v~ — 0, v+ = L, S = U), (4.7) admits a unique mild solution u(t,-,0) on [—r, oo) for any 0 e Cj and ut(-,-,4>) € C*£, Vt > 0. Moreover, the comparison principle holds for lower and upper solutions. • 62

In the following, we study the spreading speed and periodic traveling waves for (4.7). Define a family of operators {Qt}t>o on C^ by

Qt(4>)(s,x) = u{t + s,x,4>), W>o, se[-r,o], xel, 4>eCz,

where u(t,x,(s,x) for s € [—r, 0],

iGM. Note that for any (t0, 0) e R+ x Cj, we have

II QM) - Qt0(o) \\c<\\ QM - Qt{o) lie + II Qt(

and that U(t, Q)ip is continuous in (t, tp) 6 [0, oo) x X with respect to the compact open topology. By a similar argument as in [57, Theorem 8.5.2], it follows that Qt{4>)

is continuous at (tQ,(f>0) with respect to the compact open topology. Thus, {Qt}t>o is an a>-periodic semiflow on Cj.

Lemma 4.2.1 For each t > 0, Qt is strictly subhomogeneous.

Proof For any ^ 6 Cj with ^ 0, let u(t,x,(p) be the solution of (4.7) with u(s,x) =


= d(t)A(ku)-kg(t,u(t,x)) + kb(t) [r(a(t))x-y)f„T(t,u(t-T,y))dy

< d(t)A{ku) - g(t, ku(t,x)) + b(t) / T(a(t),x - y)f-T(t, ku{t - r,y))dy. JR Thus, ku{t,x,4>) is a lower solution of (4.7) with ku(s,x,(f>) = k(s,x) for s G [—r,0},x 6 M. Then, ku(t,x,cf)) < u(t,x,k(f)) for t > 0, where u(t,x,k(/)) is the solution of (4.7) with u(s,x,k(s,x) for (s,x) G [—r, 0] x K.

Let w(t,x) = u(t,x,k(p) — ku(t,x,(f>). Then w(six) = 0 for (s,x) G [—r, 0] x R and w(s,x) > 0, for (s,x) € [—r, oo) x R. We further show that w(t,x) > 0 for all i>0,i£l. For simplicity, we write

Fit, u(t, x),v(t, x)) = -g(t, u(t, x)) + b(t) f F(a(t),x - y)f-T(t, v(t, y))dy. JR 63

It follows that dw(t,x)

at _dt = d(t)Au(t,x,k(fi) + F(t,u(t,x,kcf)),u(t — T,x,k) + F(t, u(t, x, ), u(t - r, x, <£))] = d(t)Aw(t,x) + [F(t, u(t, x, k), u(t — T, x, k(j>)) — F(t, ku(t, x, (f>),ku(t — r, x, ))] +[F(t, ku(t, x, 4>),ku{t — T, x, 4>)) — kF(t, u(t, x, (f>), u(t — r, x, 4>))] = d(t) Aw (t,x) — g(t,u(t,x,k4>)) + g(t,ku(t,x,(f)))

+b(t) I r(o(i), x - y)[f-T(t, u(t - T,y, k4>)) - f_T(t, ku(t - r, y, ))]dy + h(t,x) JR > d(t)Aw(t, x) — g(t, u(t, x, k(f))) + g(t, ku(t, x, 0)) + h(t, x) > d(t)Aw{t,x) — lxw(t, x) + h(t, x), (4.15)


h(t,x) — F(t,ku(t,x,(f)),ku(t — r,x,(j))) — kF(t,u(t,x,(f)),u(t — T,X,4>)).

Let U(t, s) : X —• X, 0 < s < t, be the evolution operator of

dtu(t,x) = d(t)Au — liu(t,x), t > 0, u(0,x) = t/;(x), xeR;tp£X.


U(t,s)(ip){x) = e-h{t-s)U{t,s){ip){x), Vi > s >0,ie!],^C, where U(t, s) is the evolution operator of (4.10). Thus, the equation

dtu(t, x) = d(t)Au — liu(t, x) + h(t, x) (4.16) u(0,x)=ip(x), xeR,tpeX can be written as

i(t, x, ij>) = U(t, 0)(ip)(x) + / U(t, s)h(s, x)ds, t > 0, x £ R, ip € C. (4.17) Jo 64

By (H4), we have h(t,x) > 0 for all t > 0,x G R. It then follows from (4.17) and the property of U(t, s) that for any tp > 0 with ip ^ 0, the solution of (4.16) satisfies u(t,x,ip) > 0, Vi > 0, x G R. Then by (4.15) and the comparison principle, we have w(t,x) > 0, \/t > 0,x G R. Therefore, u{t,x,kct>) > ku(t,x,(/)), Vt > 0,x € R, and hence, Qt{k) > kQt{4>) for all t > 0, which indicates that for each t > 0, Qt is strictly subhomogeneous. •

Lemma 4.2.2 For any

0, for allt >T, x e R.

Proof Let ip G C£ with

0 for all i > 0 and x G R. It follows from (H3) that for any t > 0, u(t,x,(p) satisfies

dtu(t,x) = d{t)Au- g(t,u(t,x,tp)) +b(t) F(a(t),x - y)f^.T(t,u(t - r,y,ip))dy Js. > d(t)Au —g(t,u(t,x,ip)) > d(t)Au — liu(t,x,tp).

By [82, Theorem 5.5.4], u(t,x,ip) > 0, \ft > 0, x G R, provided that 0. Now we show that for any ip € Cj with ip ^ 0 and (0, •) = 0, there exists £o = toiw) £ [0, T] such that u(to, -, 0. Assume, by contradiction, that for some (f G Cj with ip ^ 0 and

0= [ U(t,s)b(s) [r(a{s),x-y)f-T(s,ua(-T,y))dyds, £G[0,T], JO JR which implies that JRT(a(s),x-y)f-T(s,us(—T,y))dy=0 for any s G [0, r], and hence,

/_T(s,tzs(-T,y))=0 for any s G [0,r], y G R. Then by (H3), us(-r,y) = 0 for any s G [0,r], y G M. That is, v? = 0. A contradiction. Thus, we have u(to, -, 0 for r some t0 = *o(¥>) € [0, ]- Then for any t > t0,

l U(t,t0)[u(to,; 0, and hence, by the comparison principle, we have u(t, x, ip) > 0 for all t > tQ, x G R. Therefore, for any

0 for alH > r, x G R. • 65

Lemma 4.2.3 For any t > 0, Qt satisfies (Al), (A2), (A4) and (A6) with b* = L, and Qu satisfies (A5) with b* = (3Q, where ffi elj with 0o(s) = /3*(s), Vs G [—r,0].

Proof It is easy to see that Qt satisfies (Al), (A2) and (A4) with b* = L for any t>0.

Let Qt = Qt\Yz- Then Qt : Y^ —> Y^ is the w-periodic semifiow generated by

(4.8). Moreover, it is not difficult to see that Qt is strictly monotone for any t > r and strongly monotone for any t > 2T on Yj. Note that (4.8) has a positive w-periodic solution /?*(£) which is globally asymptotically stable in Y£ \ {0}. We see that Qu has only two fixed points 0 and /?£ in Yg, where 0Q(S) = P*(s)> ^s e [~T>0]- Thus, by the Dancer-Hess connecting orbit lemma (see Theorem 2.2.1), the map Qw admits a strictly monotone full orbit {(pn}foo ^ ^ connecting 0 to 0Q and (pn < ipn+\ for any n = 0, ±1, ±2,.... For any n G N such that nu > 2r, since Qnuj is strongly monotone, we have QnU^n) = <9£(¥>n) < QZifn+i) = Qnw(

That is, <£„+fia, < (/pn+1+fia;, for any n = 0, ±1, ±2,.... Therefore,

Now we show that Qt satisfies (A6)(a) with b* = L for t > r. Fix t0 > r and set a = to —r, fr = to- Let u(t,ip) be the solution of (4.7) with Uo{

a(A) = inf{r > 0 : A has a finite cover of diameter < r}.

First we prove that {u(t,tp) : a < t < b, tp G C^} is compact in X. By (4.13), for any e G (0, a), t G [a, 6] and (/? G C^, we have


= U(t,0)tp(0,-)+ U(t,s)B(s,us)ds + U(t,s)B(s,us)ds JO _ Jt-e

= U(t, t-e)[U(t-e, 0)ip(0, •) + / U(t - e,s)B(s,us)ds] + f U(t,s)B(s,us)ds JO Jt-e

= U(t,t-e)u(t-e,(p)+ / U(t,s)B(s,us)ds. Jt-e 66

Since {u(t — e, tp), t G [a, b], ip G Cz} is bounded in X+ and U(t, t — e) is compact, we have

a({U(t, t - e)u(t -e,tp),t€ [a, b],tp€ Cz}) = 0.

It is easy to see {U(t,s)B(s,us) : t G [a, b],s G [0,£],v? € Cz} is bounded in X+. Let

N > 0 such that || U(t,s)B(s,us) ||x< JV for all £ € [a,6],s € [0,t],ip G Cz. By the fact of a(A) < S(A), where 5(A) is the diameter of A C X, we have

a(\ U(t,s)B(s,u3)ds:t€[a,b},se[t-e,t},ip



< a({U(t,t-e)u{t - e,tp),te [a,b],

+a(< U(t,s)B(s,us)ds : £ G [a,b],s G [t-e,t],


< 2eN.

Letting e —> 0, we have a({u(t, ip) : £ G [a, b], ip G Cz}) — 0, and hence, {u(t, ip) : £ G [a,&], 0 : / C [—Ki,Ki]}. Since

{u(t,(p) : £ G [a,b],ip G Cz} is precompact in X, {u(£,<^)|j : £ G [a,b], (p G Cj} is equicontinuous in X, that is, for any e > 0, there exists 8 > 0, such that


for all £ G [a,6] and

0 and Uo(t) be the semigroup generated by ut = Au. Then

f*+o+oo r^.a-yM^dj/, V£>0, x G R,

By the properties of T, we can find an JV0 > 0 such that J, ,>N T(bi,y)dy < e. 2 Since ^^ > 0 for all t > 0 and y > 2£, we have J]yl>Nl T(t, y)dy < e, for all 67

t G [ai, 61], where Ni — max{iVo, V%bi}- Moreover, since J_^ F(t, y)dy is continuous in t G [ai, 61], there is a 81 > 0, such that | J_^ (T(ti, y)-T(t2,2/))dj/| < e provided that _ ii,<2 € [01,61] and |£i —12| < #i- Therefore, for any £i,£2 € [ai,&i] and |ix h\ < Si, if) G Xj, a: G J, we have

(£/o(ti)^)(x) - (£/o(<2)^)(x)|

/ r(t1,x-y)ip(y)dy- / T(t2,x - y)ip(y)dy JR JR

f(T(ti,y)-T(t2,y))^(x-y)dy JR

< f (r(ti,y)-r(t2,y))4>(x-y)dy + [ ' (T(tuy) - F(t2,y))^(x - y)dy J\v\Ni < 2eL

It follows from the continuity of r)(t) in t G M.+ and definitions of Uo(t) and U(t,s) that there exists 52 > 0, such that

!([/(*!, 0M0, •))(*) - (£/(t2,0)^(0,-))(x)| < 2eL, for all x G /,

(0,min{e,<52}). Then for x G /, ip G Cj, £1,£2 G [a,6] and |£i — t2\ < 8, we have

|ii(ti,x,^) -u(£2,s,v?)|

< |(£/(tL,0)^(0,-))(x) - (U(t2,0M0,-))(x)\

+ [\u(tus)B(s,us)){x)ds- f\u(t2,s)B(s,us))(x)di (4.19) Jo Jo < 2Le + 2N-2K8 < 2{L + 2KN)e, where N was defined in the former paragraph of this proof. This implies that u(t, x,

Consequently, by (4.18) and (4.19), for any ip G Cj, 0i,02 G [—r,0], Xi,x2 G / 68

with |#i — 62] < 5 and \xi — x^\ < S, we have


= \u(tQ + Ouxi,ip)-u(to + e2,X2,

< \u(t0 + Oi,xi,tp) -u(t0 + di,x2,

Therefore, {uto(p) : (p G Cz} is precompact in Cz and (A6)(a) follows from Qto(Cz) =


Finally, we show that Qt satisfies (A6)(b) with b* — L for 0 < t < T. Fix ti G (0, r] and define S[

Cz. Let Dbea T-invariant subset of Cz (i.e., TyD = D,\/y € R) with D(0, •) being precompact in X. Now we show that for any given compact interval / C R, S[D] is equicontinuous on [—r, 0] x /, that is, for any e > 0, there exist 5i,52 > 0, such that \S[

\9i - 92\ < 5i, \xi - x2\ < S2. Since S[(p](9,x) =

Note that there exists N > 0, such that || U(t,s)B(s,us) \\x< N for all £ G K [0,ti],s G [0,t],v3 G Cj. Let SQ = min{e/(2 A/'),i1}. Then for any £ < d>0, x G / and (p € D, we have K [ U(t,s)B(s,u.)(x)ds <2 N60 = e. (4.20) Jo 69

Let T{t, ip) := U(t, 0)I/J, for (t, ip) € [0, S0] x D(0, •). Then T is continuous on [0, S0] x D(0, •) and ^"([O,^] x D(0, •)) is precompact in X. Thus, for above 7, there exists

52 > 0, such that for Xi,x2 G 7 and \x\ — x2\ < 52, we have


Moreover, since T is uniformly continuous on [0,50] x 7?(0, •), there exists Si > 0, K <53 > 0, such that || T{iui>i) - ^2,^2) ||x< e/2 , if *i,*2 e [0,(0, •) - and |ti —*21 < <^i! llV'i i>2\\x < <^3- In particular, we have || U(ii,0)ip — U(t2,0)ip \\x< K e/2 , if tui2 G [0,($0], V e £>(0, •) and |*i - i~2| < ft. Then


for any ^ G £>(0, •), a; E 7, and iu i2 G [0, S0] with |i~i - t2| < ft. By (4.20)-(4.22), we

can easily obtain that if 6\, 92 G [—ti,So—ti],Xi,x2 G 7and|#i — 62\ < ft, \x\— x2\ < ft, then for any


= \Qtl[

+ / U(t1+61,s)B(s,us)(x1)ds- U(t1+e2,s)B(s,us){x2)di Jo Jo

< \(U(t1+e1,0)ip(0,-))(x1)-(U(h +9^0^(0,-)){x2)\+

|(tf(ii +^i,0M0, -))(X2) - (U(h + e2,0M0,-))(x2)\+2e < 4e, which implies that S[D] is equicontinuous on [—ti,So — *i] x 7. By a similar argument as for (A6)(a), it is easy to see that S[D] is equicontinuous on [S0 — ii, 0] x 7. Therefore, S[D] is equicontinuous on [—r, 0] x 7, and hence, S[D] is precompact in Cz. Thus, (A6)(b) is valid for Qt, t G (0,r]. •

It then follows from Lemma 4.2.3 and Theorems 2.3.1 that Qw has an asymptotic speed of spread c£ > 0. 70

Consider the linearized system of (4.7) at the zero solution:

dtu(t,x) = d(t)Au — gu(t,0)u(t,x)

+b(t)duf-T(t,0)f1ir{a{t),x-y)u(t-T,y)dy, t > 0, x E K, u(t,x) = 4>(t,x), t e[-r,o], x eR. (4.23) For a > 0, let u(t,x) = e~axv(t). Substituting u(t, x) into (4.23) yields

ax 2 ax ax e- v\t) = d(t)a e- v(t) - gu{t,Q)v(t)e- a x +b(t)duf-r(t,0)v(t-T)fRr(a(t),y)e- ( -rtdy.

Since T(t,x) is even in x and by [78, Proposition 4.2], we obtain

2 ay v'{t) = d(t)a v(t) ~ 9u(t, 0)v(t) + b(t)duf-T(i, 0)v(t - r) / F(a(t), y)e dy,

2 ay = d(t)a v(t) ~ 9u(t, 0)v(t) + b(t)duf-r(t, 0)v(t - r) / T(a{t), y)e' dy,

2 a2a = d(t)a v(t) ~ Quit, 0)v(t) + b{t)duf-T(t, 0)v(t - r)e «. (4.24) Then u(t,x) = e~axv{t) satisfies (4.23) with ${s,x) = e-axv(s) for s E [-r, 0] and x EM, if v(t) satisfies (4.24) for t > 0.

Let Mt be the linear solution map defined by (4.23) and v(t, vo) be the solution of (4.24) with v(s,v0) = v0(s) for s E [—r, 0], v0 E Y. Define

ax B^vo) ~ Mt(voe- )(0), v0EY.

f It is not difficult to see B^VQ) = v(t, v0), and hence, B a is the solution map associated with (4.24) on Y. Let 7(a) be the spectral radius of the Poincare map associated with (4.24). Then Theorem 2.5.1 implies that 7(a) > 0. Moreover, it follows from the proof of Theorem 2.5.1 in [93] that there exists a positive w-periodic function w(t) such that v(t) — eHa)tw(t) is a solution of (4.24), where A (a) = ^SJ-fsl. Define ij> E Y by ip(9) = ex^6w{9), V0 e'[-T,0]. Clearly, v(t,^) = ex^lw{t), Vt > 0. Then we have

x{a)t x{a)9 B'a{il;)(6) = v(t + 0,il>) = e e w{t + 9), V0 E [-r,0], t > 0. 71

By the u-periodicity of w(t), it follows that

BZM(0) = ex<-a)ue*a)Ow(0) = e^a)ujiP($), \/6 £ [-r,0],

that is, B%(ip) = ex{a)ujip. This implies that eA(a)<" is the principle eigenvalue of ££ with positive eigenfunction i\). Let $(«):= Ilne^ = ^ = ^H a a a Then we have the following result.

Proposition 4.2.2 Assume that (H3)-(H6) hold. Let c*u be the asymptotic speed of

spread ofQu. Then c* = inf $(a) - inf ^^. a>0 a>0 " Proof When a = 0, (4.24) becomes (4.9). It follows from (H6) that 7(0) > 1, and hence (B7) in section 2.3 is satisfied. Now we prove that $(00) = 00. By (4.24), we have 2 v'(t) > \a d{t) - gu{t,0)}v(t)yt > 0,

and hence, >a2d(t)-g (t,0)-X{a). w(t) u Then u f w'(i) C" 2 -0 = / -Udt> / (a d{t) - gu(t,0))dt - \{a)u, JQ W(t) JQ which implies that 2 \{a)u>a l d(t)dt- gu{t,0)dt. Jo Jo Therefore, .tt,),»>.r 00, we can easily obtain $(00) = 00. Since G(t,-,-) is subhomogeneous in (u,v), it follows from Theorem 2.2.6 that

G(t, u, v) < Gu(t, 0,0)u + Gv(t, 0,0)v, that is,

-g(t, u) + b(t)f-T(t, v) < -gu(t, 0)u + b(t)duf.T(t, 0)v, 72

and hence, we have

-git, u(t, x)) + b(t) f r(a(t),x - y)f-T(t, u{t - r, y))dy Jm < -gu(t, 0)u(t, x) + b(t)duf-T(t, 0) / T(a(t),x - y)u(t - r, y)dy.

By the comparison principle, we have <5w() < Mu(0 _

Let K>0 such that K-gu{t,0) > 0, W G [0,w]. Set G(t, u, v) = Ku + G(t,u,v).

Then Gu(t, 0,0) > 0, G„(i,0,0) > 0, V£ G [0,a;]. It is easy to see that for any e € (0,1), there exists S — 6(e) G (0, L), s.t.,

2 G(t,u,v)>(l-e)Gu(t,0,0)u + (l-e)Gv(t,0,0)v, V{u,v) e [0,<5] , and hence, for any (u, v) G [0,6]2,

G(t, u, v) = -Ku + G(t, u, v) > [(1 - e)Gu(t, 0,0) - eK]u + (1 - e)Gv{t, 0,0)w.

Moreover, there exists £ = £(5) > 0 such that for any (p G Ct, we have

0 < u(t, x, ip) < u(t, x, i) < 5, Vx GR, t G [0,w].

Thus, for any

dtu(t, x) > d{t)Au(t, x) + [(1 - e)gu(t, 0) - eK]u(t, x)

+(l-£)6(t)^/-T(*,0) [r(a(t),x-y)u(t-T,y)dy, V*e[0,w].

Let M/,t > 0, be the solution maps associated with the linear system

dtu(t, x) = d(t)Au(t, x) + [(1 - e)gu(t, 0) - eK]u(t, x)

+(l-e)b(t)duf-T(t,0) [r(a(t),x-y)u(t-T,y)dy, V*E[0,W]. JM. The comparison principle implies that M/() < Qt(-,i G [0,u]. In particular, M^(ip) < Q^if), V

0 Therefore, inf $e(a) < c* < inf $(a), Ve G (0,1). Letting e —*• 0, we have a>0 Q>0 c£ = inf$(a). • a>0 73


c- = £ = ±inf*(a) = ±inf^(£!). (4.25) The following result shows that c* is the spreading speed of solutions of (4.7) with initial functions having compact support.

Theorem 4.2.3 Assume that (H3)-(H6) hold. Then the following statements are valid.

(1) For any c > c*, if tp € Cp> with 0 < ip ct (2) For any c < c*, if ip £ Cp* with

lim (u(t,x,

Proof Conclusion (1) follows from Theorem 2.3.3. By Lemma 4.2.1 and Theorem 2.3.3, for any c < c*, there is a positive number o s.t., if tp 6 Cp* with ip(-,x) > 0 for x on an interval of length 2a, then lim (u(t,x, 0 for all t > 2r. We can fix to > 2r and take Qt0(

We say u(t,x) = U(t,x — ct) is an w-periodic traveling wave of (4.7) connecting P*(t) to 0 if it is a solution of (4.7), U(t,£) is w-periodic in t, and U{t, —oo) = /?*(*) and U(t, oo) = 0 uniformly for t G [0,w]. By Theorem 2.3.4, we have the following result about traveling waves of (4.7).

Theorem 4.2.4 Assume that (H3)-(H6) hold. Let c* be defined in (4.25). Then for any c > c*, (4-7) has an u- periodic traveling wave solution U(t,x — ct) connecting f3*(t) to 0 such thatU(t,s) is continuous and nonincreasing in s. Moreover, for any c < c*, (4-7) has no u-periodic traveling wave U{t,x — ct) connecting /?*(£) to 0. 74

4.3 Dynamics in a bounded domain

In this section, we consider (4.6) in a bounded spatial domain

dtu(t,x) = d(t)Au-g(t,u) + b(t) [ r(a(t),x-y)f_T(t,u{t-T,y))dy, Ju

< (t,x) G (0,oo) x Q, Bu(t, x) — 0 on (0, oo) x dQ, u(t,x) = 4>(t,x), £€[—r, 0], x G Q, (4.26) where fi C Rn is a bounded domain with boundary dti of class C1+e(0 < 6 < 1), the boundary condition is either Bu — u (Dirichlet boundary condition) or Bu = (du/dv) + a(x)u (Robin type boundary condition) for some nonnegative function a G Cl+6(dft,,M.n), du/dv denotes the differentiation in the direction of outward normal v to dCl. Let p G (1, oo) be fixed. For each (3 G (\ + j-, 1), let Xp be the fractional power space of Lp(fi) with respect to —A and the boundary condition Bu = 0 (see, e.g., [35]). Then X^ is an ordered Banach space with the positive cone Xt consisting of all nonnegative functions in Xp, and X^ has non-empty interior int(Xp~). Moreover, X^ C C1+l/(fi) with continuous inclusion for v G [0, 2(3 — 1 — -). Denote the norm on Xp by || • \\p. Then there exists a constant kp > 0 such that || € C as a function from [—r, 0] xfi to!" defined by (fi(s,x) = (fi(s)(x). For any .AT > L, let C# = { G C : 0 < 0(s, x) < N, (s, x) G [-r, 0] xfl}. For any function y(-) : [-r,6) -> X^, where b > 0, define yt G C, by yt(s) = y{t + s),Vs G [-r,0], te [0,6). Note that the differential operator A generates an analytic semigroup Uo(t) on Lp(fi) and that the standard parabolic maximum principle (see, e.g., [72, Corollary 7.2.3]) implies that the semigroup Uo(t) : Xp —>• Xp is strongly positive in the sense that Uo(t)(Xt \ {0}) C int(Xt), Vt > 0. By the similar analysis as in section 2, we 75

can write equation (4.26) as an integral equation (4.13) with UQ = €. C+. It then follows from Theorem 2.5.3 that, for any

u(t,x,(f)) with Uo(-,-,cf)) = (j) and ut(-,-,4>) £ &£, ^ — 0- Moreover, u(t,x, r and the comparison theorem holds for (4.26). Define a family of operators {Qt}t>o on C+ by

Qt()(s,x)=u(t + s,x,), V^eC+.iefi, t > 0, sG[—r,0].

Similarly as in section 2, we can show that {Qt}t>o is a monotone w-periodic semiflow on C+; u{t,x,4>) > 0 for t > r, x G CI, 2r; moreover, Qt is compact on C for all t > r. Let + ni = min{n € N, nw > 2T}. Then <3„lW is compact and strongly positive on C . We can further show that the periodic semiflow {Qt}t>o is point dissipative on C+.

+ Theorem 4.3.1 Let (H3)-(H5) hold. Then Q„1W admits a global attractor on C .

Proof We show that Qt is point dissipative for any t > 0. In the case where (H6) holds, Theorem 4.2.1 implies that for any (f> G Y+ with (f> ^ 0, the unique solution w(t,)oi (4.8) with w(s,(p) = 0(s),Vs G f-r,0], satisfies lim l| w(t,(p)-P*(t) ||oo= 0. _ _ *—*°° Let-/?* = max/3*(£). It follows that lim sup w(t,) < 2/3*, V0 G Y+. In the case where te[o,w] t_»oo (H6) doesn't hold, also by Theorem 4.2.1, this limit inequality is valid for any j3* > 0. For any given cf> G C+, let (s) = max{0(6>,x) : 6 G [-r,0],x G Cl}, Vs G [-r,0]. Then limsupty(i, ) < 20*. Note that for any given t > 0 and ? G C+ with ?(s, •) < t—>oo u;(i + s, <£), Vs G [—r, 0], we have

«;(*, 0) - ?(0, a;) + /i(-5(t, w(i, $)) + 6(t)/_T(«, w(t - r, 0)))

-A(-s(i, ?(0, x)) + b(t)f_T(t, ?(-r, x))) > w(t, j>) - ?(0, x) - hg(t, w(t, 4>)) + hg{t, ?(0, x)) > 0, for 0 < h < 1, x G CI. By [58, Proposition 3},u(t,x,(p) < w(t,4>), Vx G Cl,t > -r. Then lim sup u(t,x,) < 20*, Vx G fi, and hence, lim sup || u(t, -,) ||oo< 2/3*. Thus, t—»oo t—>oo 76

there exists to > 0 such that || u(t, -,4>) ||oo< 2/3*, Vi > t0. By the definition of || • ||0 on Xo = X, we have

II U(t,;<(>) ||0< k0 || u(t,;CJ)) {]„,< 2kO0*

for some positive number k0, Vi > io- For any £ > to + 2u>, let n = [~] — 1. Then no; > to and (n 4- l)tu < t < (n + 2)u. Moreover, similarly as (4.13), (4.26) can be written as

u(t,-,4>) = U(t,nuj)u(huj, -,(/)) + / U(t,s)B(s,us)ds, t>nuj, J nu) where U(t, s) is the evolution operator of

dtu(t,x) = d(t)Au, t>0, x G T2, (4.27) u(0, x) = ip(x), i £ fl, i/3 £ X^.

Since (4.27) is an w-periodic system, we have U(t + ui, s + cu)(p — U(t, s)ip for all 0 < s < t and (/> G Xp. By (11.9) in [35], there exists d = Ci(0,/3,7i) > 0 such that II U(t,s) \\o,0< ci(t — s)-71 for 0 < s < t < 2u>, f3 < ji < 1. Moreover, there exists c3 > 0 such that. ||

Xo is a continuous injection. Then for any t > t0 + 2u>,


< \\U(t,hoj)u{nu,-,4>)\\p + \\ I U(t,s)B(s,us)ds\\p Jnui

= || U(t — nu, Q)u(nu, •,) \\p + || / U(t — hu,s — nu)B(s,us)ds \\p Jnui

< || U(t - nu, 0) ||0,/3 • || u(hu, •, ) ||0

+ / || U(t - nu, s - nu) \\o,p • || B(s, u3) ||0 ok Jnuj -71 71 < ci(i-nw) || w(no;,-,) ||0 ds y™ 71 7l < c\(t — nw)~ || w(no;, •, 4>) ||0 + / ci(i - s)~ c2c3 || it(s, •, 0) ^ ds, •/riu 77

where C2> 0 depends on 2kQ(3* by (H3). A general Gronwall inequality implies that

II u(t, -,<(>) ||/3 < ci(t - nw)-71 II «(nw, -,0) ||o -e/L'iW-)-71* (2M)1"'"1 ClC2C3 < Cl(t - nw)-^ || tt(nw, -, 0) ||o -e -^^r- (2w)1_Tl 71 clC2C3 < ci • a;" • 2A;0/?* • e ' »-n , Vt > t0 + 2u, where we have applied the inequality /^(i — s)~J1ds < ^^—-, for nui < s < t < (n + 2)w. Therefore,

(2m)1—H 71 1C2C3 limsup || u(t,-,(/)) \\0< ci • uT • 2&0/3* • e° ' ^i . t—»oo r+ + It follows that Qt : C ~> C is point dissipative. In particular, Qniuj is point dissipative. + Note that QniU is compact on C . By Theorem 2.1.1, Qniu admits a global attractor on C+,- which attracts any bounded set in C+. •

Consider the linearized system of (4.26) at the zero solution

dtu(t,x) — d(t)Au — gu(t,0)u(t,x)

+b(t)duf-T(t,0)Jar(a(t),x-y)u(t-T,y)dy, t>0,xeQ, Bu(t,x) = 0, t>0, x€dtt, u(s,x) — (j)(s,x), s € [—r, 0], x e Q, (f> £ C. (4.28) Similarly as in Theorem 4.2.2, we can show that the comparison principle holds for

(4.28), and hence, the solution map ut of (4.28) is monotone increasing for all t > 0. Now we consider (4.26) and (4.28) as niu;-periodic systems. Define the Poincare map of (4.28) Px : C -> C by

where uniU)((/))(s,x) = u{niuj + s,x,(f>), V(s,a;) G [—r, 0] x Q, and u(t,x,4>) is the solution of (4.28) with u(s,x) = (f>(s,x), V(s,x) G [—r, 0] x fi. Similarly as in section

2, we can obtain that Pi is also compact and strongly positive. Let ra = r(P1) be the spectral radius of -Pi. By the Krein-Rutman Theorem (see, e.g., [35, Theorem 7.2]), + T\ > 0 and Pi has a positive eigenfunction 4> e int(C ) corresponding to rx. 78

Lemma 4.3.1 Let \i = — ^ lnri. Then there exists a positive n\U)-periodic function v(t,x) such that e~iltv{t,x) is a solution of (4-28).

Proof By the definitions of r\ and 0, we have P\4> = r\4>. Let u(t,x,(s,x), Vs G [—r,Q],x G fi. Since 4> » 0, it is not difficult to see that u(-, -,4>) » 0. Let \i = —— lnri and v(t,x) = e^'u^x,^), - 1 \/t > -T,X G ft. Then rx = e " ^ and u(i,x) > 0, Vt G [-r,oo),x S ft. Moreover,

vt(t,x) — e^utitjX, 4>) + fie^U^t,!,^) Mt = e [d(i)Aii-2u(i,0)£(i,x,<£)]+

e^b(t)duU(t, 0) /n r(a(t), x - y)u(t - r, y, frdy + fj,v (4.29)

- d(t)Av-gu(t,0)v(t,x) ir +e' b(t)duf-T(t,0) fQT(a(t),x - y)v(t - r,j/)dy + pv, for all (£,x) G (0, co) X Q. Thus, j;(i, x) is a solution of r^w-periodic equation (4.29) with Bv = 0 on (0,oo) x dQ and i>(s,x) = eMV(s,x), Vs G [—r,0],x G fi. For "any (9 G [—r, 0], x G fi, we have

1 (niW+e) u(nia; + 0, x) = e^" "^ • Pi (<£)(#, x) = e^ • n0(0, x) - e"* • u(0, x, 0) = u(0, x).

Therefore, VQ(6, •) = vniU(9, •), V# G [—r, 0], and hence, the existence and uniqueness of solutions of (4.29) implies that

v(t, x) = v(t + n\u), x), Vi > — r, x G ft, that is, v(t,x) is an niw-periodic solution of (4.29). Clearly, e~,av(t,x) is a solution of (4.28). •

Define P0:<5->.<7 by

W)=M$, V0GC, where u(t,x,(s,x), Vs G [—r,0], x G ft. Let ro = T(PQ) be the spectral radius of PQ. 79

Theorem 4.3.2 Let (H3)-(H5) hold. For any (f> 6 C+, denote by u(t,x,) the solu­ tion of (4-26) with u(s,x) = (s,x) for all (t,x) G [—T, 0] x fl. Then the following two statements are valid.

+ (i) Ifr0 < 1, lim || u(t, •, ) \\0= 0 for every G C . t—*oo (ii) If ro > 1, then (4-26) admits a unique positive to-periodic solution u*{t,x) and lim || u(t, •, (j>) - u*(t, •) 11/3= 0 for all G C+ \ {0}. t—>oo

1 Proof Since Px = uniu), PQ = uu and u„lU1 = u™ , where ut is the solution map of

(4.28), by the properties of spectral radius of linear operators, we know that r(Px) = ni ni (r(P0)) , i.e., f! = {rQ) . Note that the qualitatives of solutions of (4.26) and (4.28) do not change whether we consider them as niu -periodic systems or w-periodic systems. The conditions in Theorem 4.3.2 can be replaced by T\ < 1 and rx > 1, respectively. In the following, we will consider (4.26) and (4.28) as riiW-periodic systems and prove the theorem under the conditions of r\ < 1 and n > 1. In the case where r\ < 1, we have \x = — ^jlnri > 0. By Lemma 4.3.1, (4.28) has a solution u(t,x) := u(t,x,4>) = e_A1*?;(t,a;) with u(s,x) = S int(C+) is the positive eigenfunction of Pi corresponding to r\ and v(t, x) is r^w-periodic in t > —r. Then v is bounded on [—r, oo) x Q, and hence, there exists p > 0 such that || v(t, •) ||oo< p, Vi > —r. Thus, lim || u(t, •) ||oo= 0. By t—>oo a similar argument as in Theorem 4.3.1, it follows that lim || u(t, •) \\p= 0. _ _ _ t—*oo Given G C+. Since lim (0 — 5(f)) = € int(C+), for any e > 0, there exists _ S—>0"*" _ _ + 6$ > 0, such that, — 5(f) 6 Be(4>) C C , for 0 < 5 < 5$, where Be(^) is an open ball in C+ centered at with radius e. Therefore, 0 > ^ in C+. It then follows from the comparison principle that u(t,x) > S^u^^x,^), Vi > —T,X € fi, where u(t, -,(f)) is the solution of (4.28) with u(s,x) = ) i|oo= 0, and hence, lim || u(t, -,(f>) \\a= 0 for any (f> G C+. t—*oo t—>oo Note that every solution of (4.26) satisfies

dtu(t, x) < d(t)Au - gu(t, 0)u(t, x) + b(t)duf_T(t, 0) / T(a(t),x - y)u{t - r, y)dy, Ja 80

for t > 0, x G fi. Similarly as in the proof of Theorem 4.2.2, we can show that the comparison theorem for abstract functional differential equations [58, Proposition 3] can be applied to (4.26) and (4.28). Therefore, for any (f> G C+, u(t, •, ) < u(t, •, ), Vi > —r, where u(t, •, (f>) and u(t, •, ) are solutions of (4.26) and (4.28), respectively. It then follows that solutions of (4.26) satisfy Km || u(t, -,) \\B= 0, V^ G C+. t—»oo In the case where r\ > 1, we have /i < 0. Let Co = {(f) E C+ : 4> ^ 0}, dCa = C+ \ Co = {0}. Similarly as in the proof of Lemma 4.2.2, we can show that for any cf) € Co, the solution u(t,x,) > 0, for all t > r, + x eQ. It follows that Qt(C0) C ini(C ), V* > 2r. Clearly, Qt(0) = 0, V* > 0. We future claim that Claim Zero is a uniform weak repeller for Co in the sense that there exists 6o > 0 such that lim sup || Qt() \\p> <$o>V0 G Co- t—»oo Indeed, we consider the following system E e e dtu (t, x) = d(t)Au - (gu(t, 0) + e)u {t, x)

+6(*')('^/-r(*,'0) - e) Jn T(a(t), x - y)u*(t - r, y)c%, i > 0, x G ft, BuE(t,x) = 0, t>0,s;eaf], e u (s,x) = (f)(s,x), s E [—T,0], x E Q, (p E C. (4.30)

Define the Poincare map of (4.30) P£ : C —> C by

pe(0) = *) = « (iiw + s,a,0), V(s,x) G [-T,0]xfi and ue{t,x,4>) is the solution of (4.30) with uE(s,x) = 4>(s,x),\/s G [—r, 0],x G Q. Let r£ = r(PE) be the spectral radius of Pe. Since ri = r(Pi) > 1, there exists a sufficiently small positive number e\ such that re > 1 for all e G [0,£i). We fix an e G (0,£i).

Since lim ^ = gu(t,Q) and lim ^^ = du/_T(*,0) uniformly for t G [O.niw], u—>0+ «—>0+ there exists Se > 0, such that g(t, u) < (gu(t, 0)+e)u and /_T(t, u) > (duf-T(t, 0) —e)u for w G (0, <5£), £ G [0,niu;]. Let 5Q = 5£/kp. Suppose, by contradiction, that there 81

exists o G Co such that lim sup || Qt{4>) ||/?< ^o- Then there exists to > r such that t—»oo || u(t, •, (fio) ||oo< kp || u(t, •, 0o) ||/3< 4 for all t > t0. Therefore, u(t, x, 4>o) satisfies

dtu(t,x) > d(t)Au-(gu(t,0)+e)u(t,x)


for t > to,x G fi. Let 4>£ be the positive eigenfunction of P£ associated with re E and /J,£ — —^jlnre. Then by Lemma 4.3.1, the solution u (t,x,(f)E) of (4.30) with E e u (s,x) = 4>£(s,x), Vs G [—r,0], x G fi, satisfies u (t,x,E) = e'^v^t,x), where i>e(£,:r) is a positive nio;-periodic function in t > —r. Since u(t,x, 0, Vi > r, x € fi, there exists £ > 0 such that

e u(i0 + s,x,0o) > Cu (s,x,^e) = C£(s,x), Vs G [-r, 0], x G Cl.

By (4.31) and the comparison theorem, we have

£ lc{t to) u(t, x, (p0) > Cu (t - t0, x, 4>£) = (e-' - ve(t, x), Vi > t0, x G ft.

Since [iE < 0, it follows that u(t, x, 4>o) is unbounded, a contradiction. Thus, the claim is true.

By the claim above, Qniu> is weakly uniformly persistent with respect to (Co, dCo). + Since QniuJ admits a global attractor on C , it follows from Theorem 2.1.2 that Q„lW is uniformly persistent with respect to (Co, <9Co) in the sense that there exists 5t > 0 such that lim inf || Q"() \\fi> 5uy G C0. n—>oo

Note that Qniu is compact, point dissipative and uniformly persistent. It follows from Theorem 2.1.3 that Qniu : Co —• Co admits a global attractor A0 and has a fixed point (j> in A0. Similarly as in the proof of Lemma 4.2.1, we can show that QnibJ is strictly subhomogeneous. Then Theorem 2.2.4 implies that QniiV has at most one fixed point. Thus, Qniu has a unique equilibrium (f> in Co- Clearly, by the strong + monotonicity of Qniu, we have G int(C ). Moreover, it follows from Theorem 2.2.5 that Ao — {4>} since QniuJ is strongly monotone and strictly subhomogeneous. Thus,

(f> is globally attractive in Co for QniU. 82

Let u(t, x, 4>) be the solution of (4.26) with u(s, x) = (f>(s, x), V(s, x) € [—r, 0] x Q.

Since ) is an niui- periodic solution of (4.26) which attracts all solutions of (4.26) in C+ \ {0}. That is,

lim II u(t, •, ) — u(t, •, 4>) 11/3= 0 for all (f> € C0. 4—*oo Now we show that u(t, x, 0) is also w-periodic. Since Qniu(4>) — , we have

which implies that Qu{4>) is also a fixed point of <5„1W. By the facts that 4> ;» 0 and

Qu is monotone, it follows that Qu>() ^ 0. Note that Qnifjj has a unique fixed point + in int(C ). Then Qw() = 4>, that is, 4> is a fixed point of Qu, and hence, u(t, x, (f>) is an w-periodic solution of (4.26). Thus, u*(t, x) := u(t, x, ), V(t, x) E [—r, oo) x fi, is the desired u—periodic solution. • Chapter 5

A Discrete-Time Population Model in A Periodic Lattice Habitat

5.1 Introduction

Integrodifference models have been attracting more and more attention since they consider the importance of nonoverlapping generations and various types of dispersal kernels, see [38, 40, 49, 81, 87]. A simple case among them is the following discrete- time model in a homogeneous habitat:

un+i(x) = k(x,y)f(un(y))dy, x€R, n G N, (5.1) Js. where un(x) is the density of the n-th generation of the population at location iel, k(x, y) is the dispersal kernel, / is the recruitment function of the population. Although most of earlier studies assumed that the environment is spatially homo­ geneous, the real environment is generally heterogeneous, due to natural phenomena or exposure to artificial disturbances. The investigation of aliens in Chile ([64]) states that roads and city streets constitute less competitive habitats than do agricultural fields, allowing apparently for colonization by a greater diversity of alien species, and hence, roads, city streets and vacant lots constitute more stable habitats than agricul­ tural fields. More examples can be found in [7, 8, 11, 25, 26, 30, 40, 70, 71, 81, 86, 87]. 83 84

This indicates that in the study of biological invasion it is important to understand how spatial heterogeneities influence the characteristics of front propagation such as front speeds, front profiles and front location. As a generalization of (5.1), one may consider the following discrete-time model in a heterogeneous habitat:

u„+i(x)= k(x,y)f(y,un(y))dy, x € R, n € N, (5.2) JR where k(x,y) is still the dispersal kernel, which may not be symmetric, f(x,u) is the recruitment function of the population with density u at location x G K. The simplest case of the spatial heterogeneity is a periodic habitat, by which we mean that the recruitment function (or the growth function) and dispersal proper­ ties vary periodically in the habitat. Freidin and Gartner [25, 26] used probabilistic methods to study the spreading speed for an equation of Fisher's type in which the mobility and the growth function vary periodically in space. In the ecological context, Shigesada et al [71] first introduced a reaction-diffusion model for the spread of a sin­ gle species in a patchy environment with periodic variations in diffusivity and growth rate. Weinberger [86] presented a general model in periodically varying environments and investigated the spreading speed and spatially periodic traveling waves in the case where the recursion operator is monotone. Guo and Hamel [30] studied the front prop­ agation of a monotone lattice model in a periodic habitat. More recently, Kawasaki and Shigesada [40] considered propagating waves in a periodic environment in the framework of integrodifference equations (an example of (5.2)), by the linearization method and numerical simulations. Weinberger et al. [87] established the spreading speed for (5.2) in a periodic habitat in the case where the recruitment function is not necessarily monotone in the density of the species. However, the proof of the existence of periodic traveling waves for (5.2) in this case is still an open problem. It is impractical to measure the population densities at all points at all times and computations for continuous models are often obtained as the approximation of the related discrete models ([11, 85, 98]). It is then reasonable to consider the following lattice version of (5.2) in a periodic habitat in the case where the recruitment function 85

is not necessarily monotone:

+00 <+i = E PM<), ^ Z, neN, (5.3) j=—00

l where u n is the density of the n-th generation of the population at the z'-th location, Pij is the dispersal kernel, which is the fraction of those individuals who successfully migrate from the j-th location to the i-th location, fj(u) := f(j, u) is the recruitment function of the population with density u at location j G Z. The purpose of the current chapter is to study the spreading speeds and spatially periodic traveling waves for (5.3) in both monotone and non-monotone cases of fj(u). Throughout this chapter, we always assume that (5.3) satisfies the following con­ ditions:

+00 (H7) P^ is nonnegative; P^ — PI+LJ+L, VZ,J G Z, for some L > 0; ^ P^ — 1, j=-oo +00 Vi G Z; and £• Pye-^-^ is uniformly bounded for ^ G (-A+, A-), i G Z, j=-oo where A+ and A- are positive and can be infinity.

(H8) For any i G Z, ft G C^R+.R); /*(0) = 0, //(0) > 1; M[0,b]) C [0,6] for some

6 > 0; /j(u) = fi+L(u), Vu G [0,6]; ^^ is strictly decreasing in u G [0,b\. There

exists L > 0 such that |/i(ui) — /»(«2)| < £|«i — U2I, Vui, u2 G [0,6], Vz G Z.

We also use the following notations:

X = {{

For UGX, j£l, u < v means ul < v',Vz £ Z; « < D means K! < */, Vz G Z but u ^ u; and uCu means u* < ?/, Vz G Z. The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. In section 5.2, we consider the case where the recruitment function fi(u) is monotone in u for all z G Z and establish the existence and computation formula of spreading speeds and their coincidence with the 86

minimal wave speeds for spatially periodic traveling waves in both positive and neg­ ative directions. In section 5.3, we extend these results to the case of non-monotone recruitment functions by using the comparison method (for spreading speeds) and the Schauder fixed point theorem (for spatially periodic traveling waves). An example is also given in section 5.4 to illustrate the obtained analytic results.

5.2 Monotone case

In this section, we consider model (5.3) with a monotone recruitment function. In addition to (H7) and (H8), we further assume that

(H9) fi(u) is nondecreasing in u € [0, b] for any i G Z.

Define an operator Q on X by

-foo (Q(v)Y = E ^W)' iez, ipex. (5.4) " " " j=-oo

l Then for un = {u n}i^z S X, (5.3) can be written as

Un+1 — Q(U„).

To find a fixed point of Q in XL, we restrict Q on XL as Q:



By using the periodicity properties of / and tp, we can write Q as

_ +0O (Q(

L r for any i G Z, ip G X . Since Py = PI+LJ+L f° any « G Z,j € Z, we have (0(¥>))* = (Q(v))i+L, V* G Z, and hence, Q : XL -» XL. By the periodicity of elements in XL, it is easy to see that XL is actually equivalent to R+. Thus, Q can be considered as an operator from M+ to M+:

L m (Q(m/m(¥> ), Vie {1,2, ••-,£}, ^elj,

+00 where aim = £ ' Pi,fc£+m, for i, m G {1, 2, • • • , £,}. fc=—00 Let L0 = £><2(0) be the derivative of Q at 0. It then follows that

+00 (Lo(

L L Similarly as we do for Q, we can also show that L0 : X —> X and then consider Zo as a linear operator from ML to M.L. Moreover,


+00 0 for where A = {aim)LxL, aim = £ Pi:kL+mfm( ), i,m € {1,2, • • • , L}. fc=—00 We further assume that

(H10) A is irreducible, and for any u0 e R+, there exists A; = k(u0) G N, such that k Q (u0) » 0.


r(Z0) = max{|A|, A is an eigenvalue of A}.

Then by [74, Theorem A.4], it follows that r(L0) is a positive eigenvalue of A and

that there is a strongly positive eigenvector of A associated with r(Z0)-

Lemma 5.2.1 Let (H7)-(H10) hold. If r(L0) > 1, then there exists a unique fixed point j3* » 0 in Xfc such that every forward orbit of Q in Xfr \ {0} converges to j3*. 88

Proof Let S := (b, b, • • • , 6) € RL and Rf := {

VI < i < L, and tp ^ ifi,we have

L L m m (Qb))' = J2 *™fm{

Thus, Q(^) < Q(ip) and Q is monotone on Rf. Let a € (0,1) and (p e Rf with ip » 0. Since ^^fl is strictly decreasing in u G [0, 6], it follows that for any i G Z, /* is strictly subhomogeneous on [0,6] in the sense that /•H > a/i(w), \/u G [0,6], a € (0,1), and hence,

m m m (Q(a ^ aim-a-fm(

))\ m=l ro=l m=l for all 1 < i < i. Then Q(otip) » «0(v) m ^L! which indicates that (Q is strongly subhomogeneous on Rf.

Note that r(Lo) is a positive eigenvalue of L0 with a strongly positive eigenvector e G Rf. Since r(Lo) > 1, as argued in the proof of Theorem 2.2.2 in [99], we see that there exists EQ > 0 such that Q(ee) ;§> ee, \/e G (0, £o]. For any given «6l' with u » 0, there exists sufficiently small e > 0 such that u > ee. Then we have

Q{u) > Q(ee) > ee, and hence, Q"(u) > ee, Vn > 1.

Therefore, the w-limit set of u, ui{u), is a nonempty compact invariant set in Int(R+). By Theorem 2.2.5, Q : Rf -> Rf has a fixed point /3* G /ni(R^) such that every 89

nonempty compact invariant set of Q in JTni(R+) consists of /3*. Thus, for any u G 7nt(K+) nlj', /?* attracts the forward orbit of u. Moreover, (H10) implies that 0* is globally attractive in Rf \ {0}. •

To study the dynamics of invasion for (5.3), in the rest of this section we always assume that

(Hll) r(Z0) > 1.

Thus, Q admits a globally attractive fixed point /?* S> 0 in Xfc \ {0}. In the following we study the spreading speeds and spatially periodic traveling waves by the theories in section 2.4.

Lemma 5.2.2 The operator Q in (5.4) satisfies (Cl)-(C6) with H = Z, C = {nL :

n G Z}, V = {1, 2, • • • , L}, 7T0 = 0, 7Ti = /?*, and Al :={¥>€*: 0 * < /3", V* G Z}.

Proof (Cl) and (C2) are obvious. It remains to verify (C3)-(C6). We define the translation operator

i i a {Ta(u)) = u - , ViGZ, a €7i, ueX.

Clearly, H is invariant under translation by any element of C and every x G 7i has a unique representation of the form x — z + p with z G C and p G V. For any a££, u G M, we have

+oo a (Ta(Q(u))y = (g(«)r - ]T ^-/JV),


+oo +oo +oo P uJ a Z a (Q(Ta(u))y = Yl vfi( ~ ) = •?' - E *VH./*+«(«") = J] ^-».*/*(«*)- J = —OO 2=—OO Z=—OO Therefore,

(Ta(Q{u))Y = (Q(Ta(u)))\ Vae£,ueM,ieZ, which indicates that Q is periodic with respect to C. This verifies (C3). 90

By Lemma 5.2.1, it follows that if 0 < UQ < /?*, u0 is periodic with respect to C and UQ ^ 0, then the solution un of un+i = Q(un) through UQ, which is again periodic with respect to £, converges to (3* as n —• oo uniformly on H. Then (C4) is valid.

To verify (C5), let {um}m€^ C M. with um = {um}iez € X be a sequence such that um ~* u E M uniformly on every bounded subset of H, as m —> oo. Given a bounded subset B of H, for any e > 0, i G B, we have

+00 +oo KQM)'-(

~ +oo

j=-oo +O0 Since J2 Py- — 1 for any ieZ, there exists M > 0, such that ^ Py- < e for i £ B. j=-oo \j\>M

Thus, there exists JVj € Z, JVk > 0, such that |(<5(um))' - (Q(«))'| < £(e • 2/?0 + e) for l j any i £ B, where 0o — max \/3* \ and-iV]. satisfies that for m> ATr, [u^ ~- u \ < £, i€{l,2,--- ,L} for all j € {—M, • • • ,M}. This implies that Q(um) converges to Q(u) uniformly on every bounded subset of 7i.

Any sequence {um}me^ in M is uniformly bounded. Moreover, since H is count­ able, it is easy to see that {Q(um)}meN is equicontinuous on H. Therefore, there exists a subsequence {umic}keN of {«m}meN such that {Q(umk)}ke® converges to some function uniformly on every bounded subset of H. Thus, (C6) is valid. •

Let LQ = DQ(0) be the derivative of Q at 0. Consider the negative direction £ = — 1. Following section 2.4 (see also [86, Section 2]), we define L-^ : XL —> XL by

(£_»)* = e-^{La{u))\ VieZ, (5.6) for jj, 6 (0, A ),ii£ XL, where v — {e^u1}^. It is easy to see that

i+L L (£_„(«))* = ( , Vi eZ,ae X . 91


+00 (L_,(u)Y = e-r* £ Piifffleriv? j=—oo +00 = E Pafffle-rt-fiui j=—oo +00 L i fcL ro fci+ = £ E ^,fcL+m/^+m(0)e-^ - - )tx - fc=—00 m=l L / +00 \ ML m = E £ (^,feL+me ) • ^/^Oje-"' u , m=l \A;=—00 / L L for any i 6 Z, it € X . Thus, L_M can be considered as a linear operator from M to RL: L^(u) = A-pU, Vu G EL, where ,4_/U = (a~£)LxL with

+00 kL m X by

(£»)* = e^(L0(v))\ Vz G Z, (5.7)

+ L _/i for /i G (0, A ), u G X , where v = {e V}iez. Furthermore, £M can also be considered as a linear operator from RL to M.L:

L^u) = A^u, \/u G RL, where A^ = (afm)ixL with


and c*(-l)= inf -lnA_„, (5.9) 0

Lemma 5.2.3 Let (El), (H8) and (H10) hold. J/A+ = A" andPij = Pji} ViJ € Z, tfienc*(l) = c*(-l).

Proof Let C = diag(f{(0) • • • f'L(0)) and B = (Bim)LxL with

+oo kL m Bim = Y. {PiML+m^ V e-»\ Vi.m € {1,2, • • • , L}. k=—oo

It is easy to see that A_M = BC. Moreover, we have


k=—oo +oo L ii - E (^n+^,ie^ )e-/ //(0)e^ &=—oo -foo


T T for all i,m € {1,2, ••• ,L}. Then ^4M = 5 C, where B is the transpose of B, and hence, A^ = CB. Since C is invertible, we obtain C • BC • C~l — CB, which indicates that BC and CB are similar, and hence, a(A-li) = cr(Aj) = a{Ati), where a(M) denotes the set of all eigenvalues of matrix M. By the definition of c*(£), it then follows that c*(l) = c*(-l) provided that A+ = A~. •

The following result shows that c*(£) is the spreading speed in the directions |*=±1.

Theorem 5.2.1 Let (H7)-(H11) hold. Then the following statements are valid:

(i) For anyu0€M:={ipeX:0< K for some K £ Z, the solution of (5.3) satisfies

lim uj, = 0, Vc> c*(l). n—•oo,z>cn 93

For any u$

lim (<-/T) = 0, Vc

l fnj For any ii0 € M. with u 0 = 0 for i G Z and i < K for some K G Z, the solution of (5.3) satisfies lim < = 0, Vc> c*(-l). n—*oo,z<—en For any u0 € Af \ {0}, the solution of (5.3) satisfies

lim (<-/T) = 0, Vcoo,i> —en

l (Hi) For any u0 G M. with u Q = 0 /or i outside a bounded subset of Z, the solution of (5.3) satisfies

lim < - 0, VCl > c*(-l), Vc2 > c*(l). n—•oo,2<—cin Or j>C2n fi^ For any UQ € A4\ {0}, tfie solution of (5.3) satisfies

lim ' (<-/T) = 0, ^^(-l)/ Vc2oo,—c\n

+oo +00 (g(«))' = E PM*) < E ^/,'(°X' = (W)\ vz G z. j=-oo j=-oo

Thus, Q(u) < L0(«) for all 0 < « < /?*.

Clearly L0 is ^-periodic and strongly order-preserving. For any n G Z, let

{<^}ieZ G X with ipn = min{n,e^l}, Vz G Z. Then

(£„(¥>„))' = E ^/j(0K = X) *Vi(°)"+ E ^/K0)^1. VzGZ,nGN. j=-oo l^l^J lil

+ 0O Given a bounded subset B of Z. Since E Py-ew' is uniformly bounded for /u, G j=—oo [0,A_), zGZ, and E ^/i(O)^1 < nu* {/j(0)} J] P^, lilSL^J UI

J we can obtain that E PiJ-/'(0)e'*' '' is uniformly bounded for alH G P> and n > 0. bl oo uniformly for z G P. Then there exists M > 0 such that QJ _aj Py-e ' < 1 for i € B, j > M, and hence, Py < e for i € B, j > M. Therefore, when |_—J > M, for any i € B, we have

£ *Vj(0)n < . maxM{/j(0)} £ P{jn

< max {/j(0)} £ e-^n

neQ(1-^' < . max {/'(0)} je{i,2,-,L}1 J' ea - 1 which indicates that £ Pijfj(tyn tends to 0 as n —• oo uniformly for i € B.

Similarly, we can prove that £ Py-/j(0)n.tends to 0 as n —> co uniformly for i £ B. Thus, £ Pijf'j(tyn is uniformly bounded for alii 6 S and n > 0, and lil^J hence, (Xo („))* is uniformly bounded for all i E B and n > 0. The equicontinuity of {I*o(<£n)}neN hi i € B is obvious since BCZ. Then by the Arzela-Ascoli theorem,

{Lo(ipn)}ngM has a subsequence {-ko(v?nfc)}keN> which converges to some function / on every bounded set of Z. By the definitions of LQ and ipn, it is easy to see that

{L0(ipn)}neN is increasing in n. Thus, {L0(ipn)}ne^ itself converges to / on every bounded set of Z. By the theory developed in [86], we can define L0(e^) = f. Since fi{u) < //(0)u, Vz £ Z, u G [0,6], we have

+oo +oo

j=—oo j=—oo 95

L that is, L0((3*) > /?*. Define a translated operator Q^ °^ by

L Ql °'W(u) = min{L0(u) ,/?*}, Vuel with 0 < u*

Then we have the following observation. Claim. Q^a^{u) satisfies (Cl)-(C6) with H = Z, 7? = {1,2, • • • , L}, C = {nL : n e Z}, and X - {{v'}i6Z € X : 0 < ^ < /?*\Vz € Z}.

Indeed, (Cl) is obvious. By the monotonicity of L0, for u € Ai, v € A^, we have

{Q^'\u)Y = minKLoH)4,/?"} < min^Lo^))',/^} = (Q^*1 («))*> Vz E Z.

Thus, <5'Lo'/3*] is monotone. £o is periodic with respect to C, so is Q^Lo^*\u).

Q[io,/3*](0) = 0, Qt^^*](/9*) = mm{L0([3*),P*} = 0*. By the properties of L0, if 0 < UQ < (3* with UQ periodic with respect to C and UQ ^ 0, then the the solution io,/3 un of un+\ = Q' *'(itn) is again periodic with respect to C Since Q{UQ) < L0(u0) [L ] L and Q(u0) < Q{P*) = /?*, we have Q(u0) < Q °^ (u0) < Q^ °^(P*) = /?*. Then it Lo,/3 follows from Q(un) —• /?* as ra —• oo that un+1 = <9' *'(w„) —* /?* as n —> oo. Let

{^m}meN Q A^ bea sequence such that «m->u6Masm->oo uniformly on every bounded subset of Z. Given a bounded subset B of Z. For any e > 0 and i € S, by the continuity of L0 and uniform convergence of um on B, we can obtain

[L 0 ] lL 0 ] \(Q °> * (um)y-(Q °< ' (um i = | mm{(L0(um)Y, /?*} - min{(L0(u)) , /3**}|

' KLoK))^ - (L0(«))*|, if /?* > max{(£0K.))\ (£<>(«))'}

[/?** - /?*'|, if /?** < min{(L0(um))\ (£o(«))'} i |(L0(Um)) - /^|, if (L0(um)Y < /?** < (L0(U))'

_ |/3- - (L0(u))'|, if (L0(u)Y < P" < (L0(um)y

< \(L0(um)Y - (L0(u))'|. < e, for m > Ni for some JV; > 0. Note that B is a finite subset of Z. We can further find an N > 0, such that 96

L /3 For any sequence {um}meN in M, {Q' °' *1 (um)}meN is clearly uniformly bounded by Lo,/3 on /3*. For any bounded subset B of Z, the equicontinuity of {<2' *'(um)}meAr B follows from the fact that N contains only countable elements. Therefore, {wm}mejv contains a subsequence {umk}keN such that {Q(umk)}keN converges to some function on every bounded subset of Z. Therefore, Ql^'l satisfies (Cl)-(C6). This proves our claim above.

Since r(L0) > 1, there exists 60 > 0 such that r((l — 6)L0) > 1, V<5 G [0,50). Since

/i is increasing in u G [0,6] and /, = /,+L, i G Z, we can find ax,a2 > 0 such that

0 < ai < //(0) < a2, for all i € {1, 2, • • • , L}. For any 5 in (0, <50), there exists q > 0 such that

ZiH > (//(0) - ai

Mu) > (//(0) - M)u > //(0) • u - 8fi(0) • u = (1 - *)//(0) • «, for 0 < u < q, i G {1, 2, • • • , L}. Thus, for any u G [0, q],

+oo +oo P 1 5 UJ (Q(U)Y = J2 PafM ^ E ^ ~ )f'M = (i - WoH)'. vz G z, i.e., Q(u) > (1 - 5)Lo(«), V0 < u < q. Clearly, (1 — 5)LQ is £ -periodic and strongly order preserving. Similarly as we did for L0, we can define (1 — 8)L0(e^) for all fx G (0, A~).

For simplicity, we let M := (1 — 6)L0. Then r((l — 5)Zo) > 1 and there exists

Xfr such that ip is an eigenvector of (1 — 5)LQ, corresponding to r((l — S)L0). Noting that (1 — S)L0 is the restriction of M on Xfc, we have M( 9?. Moreover, we can choose

(g[M'¥'!(u))i - mm{(M(u)Y, ip1}, Vu € X with 0 < u* < q\ Vi G Z.

Then QtM^(0) = 0 and Q[M^(<£) = p. By similar arguments as in [53, Lemma 3.3], we can prove that QlM^ admits exactly two fixed points 0 and ip in [0,

Note that Q^M^ is strongly positive and monotone increasing in u 6 [0,?]. Similarly as we did for Q^L^'\ we can verify that Q^l satisfies (Cl)-(C6). By Theorem 2.4.2, it then follows that the statements (i) and (ii) are valid. State­ ments (iii) and (iv) are straightforward consequences of (i) and (ii) (see also [87, Remarks 2]). •

Motivated by Definition 2.4.1, below we introduce the concept of spatially periodic traveling waves for system (5.3).

l Definition 5.2.1 A solution {u n}i&z of the recursion (5.3) is called a spatially peri­ odic traveling wave with speed c in the direction of the unit vector £ = — 1 if it has l the form u n — W(i, i + cn), for some function W : Z x {i + en : i € Z, n E N} —> R+! with W(i,s) being L-periodic in i for each s; Such a wave is said to be nondecreasing if W(i, s) is nondecreasing in s, and to connect 0 to {(3*l}iez if lim W(i, s) = 0 1 l and lim W(i, s) = 0* uniformly for i G Z. Similarly, a solution {u }i€z of the s—>+oo recursion (5.3) is called a spatially periodic traveling wave with speed c in the direc­ tion of the unit vector £ = 1 if it has the formu\ — W(i,i — en), for some function W : Z x {i — en : i € Z, n € N} —-> R+, with W(i,s) being L-periodic in i for each s; Such a wave is said to be nonincreasing if W(i, s) is nonincreasing in s, and to z % connect {P* }ieZ to 0 if lim W(i, s) = [3* and lim W(i,s) = 0 uniformly fori G Z. s—>—oo s—>+oo The subsequent result is a consequence of Lemma 5.2.2, Theorem 5.2.1 and The­ orem 2.4.3, which shows that c*(£j is the minimal wave speed for spatially periodic traveling waves in the direction £. Theorem 5.2.2 Let (HI)-(Ell) hold. Then the following statements are valid. (i) For any c > c*(l), (5.3) admits a nonincreasing spatially periodic traveling wave W(i,i — en) connecting {(3*l}iez to 0; and for any c < c*(l), (5.3) has no spatially periodic traveling wave W(i, i — en) connecting {P*l}iez to 0.

(ii) For any c > c*(—1), (5.3) admits a nondecreasing spatially periodic traveling ! wave W(i,i + en) connecting 0 to {/?* }jgz; and for any c < c*(—1), (5.3) has no spatially periodic traveling wave W(i,i + en) connecting 0 to {P*'}iez- 98

5.3 Non-monotone case

In this section, we study spatial dynamics of system (5.3) with a non-monotone recruitment function. Motivated by the recent works in [38, 87], we employ the comparison method and Schauder fixed point theorem to establish spreading speeds and spatially periodic traveling waves for (5.3). Firstly, we define a nondecreasing function

f?(u) := max {/<(«)}, Vi G Z, u € [0,6]. i>e[o,u]

It follows that that /+ is Lipschitz continuous in u with the same Lipschitz constant L as fi has, that is,

+ U ^i)-/i>2)l<£k-u2|, V*GZ, Ul,u2e[0,b}.

Then for the monotone system

4-oo ...... - <+i - Yl W/(<). *e Z, nGN, (5.10) j=-oo

l by Lemma 5.2.1, there exists u+* = {u\,}iez G Xf with u +if = u'+f, Vi 6 Z, such that u+» is a fixed point of (5.10). We define another function

fr(u)= min {/<(«)}, Vu €[(),<,], ieZ.

It then follows that ff is nondecreasing in u € [0, u\^\ for all ieZ, and that f~ is l Lipschitz continuous in u G [0, u +t] with the Lipschitz constant L, that is,

l/rW-/rWI<£K-^|, V«I,«2G[O,U*.J, iez.

Similarly, by Lemma 5.2.1, the monotone system

+oo 99

l admits a fixed point u_* = {u!_,};6z £ X„ with u!_„ = u *J", Vi 6 Z. By the definitions of /±, it is easy to see that the recruitment function / is bounded ± above and below by f > that is,


% and 0 < u!_* < u +tr < b. Moreover, it follows from Theorem 5.2.1, (5.10) and (5.11) admit spreading speeds c+(±l) and c*_(±l) (in the directions of £ = ±1), respectively. By fi(0) > 1, Vz € Z and the periodicity of fa, there exists <5o £ (0, min uL.], je{i,2,-,L} such that f±(u) = fi(u), Vi £Z,u £ [0,50], and hence, f+'(0) = fr'(0) = //(()). Since c+(±l) and c!_(±l) are determined by the linearization systems of (5.10) and (5.11) at u = 0, respectively, we then obtain c+(l) = cl(l) and c!j_(—1) = c*_(—l). Let c*(l) := <(1) = cl(l) and c*(-l) := <(-l) = c* (-1). By Theorem 5.2.1, c*(l) and c*(—1) are actually defined in (5.8) and (5.9), respectively. We restrict Q on XL as Q as we did in section 2 and consider that Q is an operator from R^ to K£. It then follows that + + u_» = Q~(u^) < Q-(u) < Q{u) < Q (u) < Q {u+*) = u+«, Vu £ [«-„«+•] C R£, and hence, Q : [u_*,u+*] —> [u_»,u+*]. By the Brower fixed point theorem, Q admits L a fixed point (3* in [u_*, u+»] C R , and hence, Q admits a fixed point (3* in A"^ with «'l, < P" < «'+„ V* G Z. Instead of hypothesis (H9), we assume that

(H9)' There exists a > 1, 5* > 0, a > 0 such that fi(u) > f-(0)u - aua, Vz e Z, « e [0,6*] C [0, min <.]. ~ je{i,2,-,L} + We then have the following result on spreading speeds for (5.3).

Theorem 5.3.1 Let (El), (H8), (H9)', (H10) and (Ell) hold. Then the following statements are valid:

l (i) For any UQ = {ugjiez £ [0, u+*\ with u Q — 0 for i € Z cmc? i > K for some K £ Z, ifte solution of (5.3) satisfies

lim < = 0, Vc> c*(l), n—*oo,i>cn 100

and for any uo = {uo}iez € [0,u+»] \ {0}, the solution of (5.3) satisfies

limsup (< - u\_J < 0 < liminf (u„ - uL*), Vc < c*(l). n-»oo,t

(M,) For an?/ Uo = {uo}iez G [0,w+*] urai/i UQ = 0 /or ieZ and i < K for some K G Z, i/ie solution of (5.3) satisfies

lim < - 0, Vc> c*(-l), n—*oo,i<—en

and for any UQ = {woj-jez £ [0,«+*] \ {0}, the solution of (5.3) satisfies

l limsup (uj, - u +J < 0 < liminf (uj, - uLj, Vc < c*(-l). n-»oo,i>-cn n—>oo,i>-cn Proof For convenience, we define

+oo +oo

J = — OO j — — OO for any 93 € X with * G [0, u+J, Vi G Z. Then Q+ and Q~ are monotone on X and + ( l Q~( if for some if G Z, let

n + n un = Q (u0), u+ = (Q ) (u0), Vn>0.

By the comparison principle, we have

0 < < < <\ Vi € Z, n > 0.

For any c > c*(l), Theorem 5.2.1 implies that lim u+l — 0, and hence, lim u\ = 7i—*oo,i>cn 71—*oo,z>cTi 0. l l For any u0 = {'Uo}iez £ [0, «+*] \ {0}, define v0 = {v 0}i& with v 0 = minjuj,, uij,

Vi G Z. Then v0 € [0,u—] \ {0}. Let n + n «» = (G~)>o), un = Q (u0), u+ = (Q ) (u0), Vn>0. 101

Since VQ < Uo, it follows from the comparison principle that

0 < M~* < < < u*, V* G Z, n > 0.

For any c < c*(l), Theorem 5.2.1 implies that

lim (*C-t*l„) = 0, lim «'-oo,ioo,i

% l liminf (u n — u _m) > liminf (u~*- uL.) = 0, n—*oo,i

This completes the proof of statement (i). •

Now we consider spatially periodic traveling waves in the direction £ = — 1. Let c£l and a > 0 be given, and define

Xc = {i + en : i £ Z,n £ N}

and Tc,a as the set of all functions from Z x Xc to [0, a]. Let U £ Fcfr. By Definition 5.2.1, we say that U(i,i + en) is a spatially periodic traveling wave solution of (5.3) l with wave speed c if {u n}i&z — {U(i,i + cn)}ieZ, Vn £ N, satisfies (5.3) and U(i, s) —

U(i + L,s),VieZ,s-eXc.

Note that one should take Xc = {i — en : i £ Z, n G N} and replace £/(«, i + en) with C/(z, z — en) in order to obtain spatially periodic traveling waves in the direction £= i.

Theorem 5.3.2 Let (H7), (H8), (H9)', (H10) and (Hll) hold. Then the following statements are valid:

(i) For any c < c*(—1), (5.3) has no spatially periodic traveling wave U(i,i + en)

with U £ J^c,«+. \ {0}, U(i, -co) = 0, \/i £ Z, and U(i, i + en) ^ 0 for (i, n) G ZxN. 102

(ii) For any c > c*(—1), (5.3) has a spatially periodic traveling wave U(i,i + en) r such that U G •7 c,-u+. \ {0}, U(i, —oo) = 0, and for any i € Z,

3 min {wi*} < lim inf U(i, i + en) < lira sup U(i, i + en) < max{u +A. loo n-»oo l

(Hi) For £ = 1, similar results hold for spatially periodic traveling waves U(i, i — en) with U(i, oo) = 0.

Proof For any c G R, let u\ = U(i, i -f en), Vi € Z, n G N. Then (5.3) becomes

U(i, i + c + en) = ^ -^i/i(^0"> i + c™)) • J =—00 Let s = i + c + en. This equation is written as

+CO U(i,s) = £ PijMUUJ + s-i-c)) j=-oo —oo k = i-j Yl Pi,i-kfi~k{U{i -k,s- k-c)) fc=oo_ _ ..... - . • --- .- •-• • •• - "- " "OO "" J = k £ Pi,i-jfi-j(U(i-j,s-j-c)). j=-oo Thus, we only need to consider the following wave profile equation

oo U(i, s) = J2 Pi,i-jfi-j(U(i -j, s-j- c)). (5.12) j=—oo

For any U G C(Z x Xc, [0, b]), define


T(U)(i,s)= J2 Pi,i-jfi-j(U(i-j,s-j-c)), V»€Z, s € Xc. (5.13) j=—oo Similarly, we define T+ and T~ as in (5.13) with / replaced by /+ and /~, respectively. It then follows that T^ are nondecreasing and that

+ T-(U)(i,s) < T(U)(i,s) < T (U)(i,s), W G C(Z x Xc> [0,6]), i G Z, s£ Xc.

In the following, we only prove (i) and (ii) (i.e., in the case where £ = —1). The proof for £ = 1 is similar. 103

Assume, by contradiction, that for some c0 < c*(-l), (5.3) has a spatially periodic traveling wave U(i,i + c0n) with U e C(Z x X^, [0, u+*}) \ {0}, U(i, -oo) = 0, Vz € Z,

and £/(z, z + CQU) ^ 0 for (a, n) € Z x N. Let i^ = U(i, i + c0n). Fix two real numbers ci and c2 such that c0 < Ci < c2 < c*(—1). Since U(i,i + c0n) ^ 0, there exist n0 % and i0, such that U(io,io + c0n0) ^ 0, i.e., u °Q ^ 0. Regarding u„0 as a new initial l % value, we then see from Theorem 5.3.1 (ii) that liminf (u n — u _„) > 0, and hence, 71—+00,Z> — C2U l liminf u n > 0. By letting % — \_-c\n\, it follows that n—>oo,i>—C2« 01 1 liminfujf ™- = liminf £/(|_-CinJ,c0n + |_-CinJ) > 0. n—*oo n—*oo Since lim U(i, s) = 0 uniformly for t £ Z, we have s—>—oo

lim inf U{ |_-CinJ, c0n + I —cinj) = 0. n—>oo A contradiction. Let c > c*(—1) be given. It follows that there exists /J,I G (0, A~) such that —^^ =• c. Without loss of generality, suppose that n\ is the smallest p, such that n Cfil " ~ — c. Thus, A_M1 = e . Let {ipl}iez be the nonnegative eigenvector of L_w

+L corresponding to A_Ml with ^ = IJJI , VZ € Z. Then

oo p e w(w) = eCM1 v eZ (L_W(^))^ E ^'(°)^ " ^' * - J=-oo

+ Define 4> on Z x Xc as

+ ilS ^ (i,5)=min{^e' ,^+J, Vi 6 Z, s e Xc.

Then for any i £ Z, s G Xc, oo

j=-oo oo

j=—oo oo

j=-co Since fi(u) < //(0)u, Vu G [0,6], i e Z, we have

ft{u) = max ft(v) < max //(0)u - //(0)«, Vu G [0, 6], i € Z, t)6[0,u] u£[0,u] and hence,

CM T+(cf>+)(i,s) = E PiA-jft-jtt+ii-JiS-j-c)) j=—oo oo < E Pi.i-ifi-M^ii-J^-j-c)) 3=-oo oo < E Pi.i-if'i-jW^^"^ j=—oo

for any i 6 Z, s £ Ic. Thus,

+ 18 + r+((£ )(i, s) < min{u;„ $e" } - <£ (*, s), ViGZ,sG XC.

- Let e > 0 be sufficiently small such that 0 < e < H\{u — 1), fiE := \i\ +e G (0, A ), n Ce/iE and ce := " "^ € (c*(—l),c). Then A_^E = e is the principle eigenvalue of L_M£ Z with a nonnegative eigenvector {iple}iez with V'U = V'*J '> V* S Z, that is, oo (L-^OM)' - J] Py/j(0) • #, • e^(i-j) = e^(^), Vz G Z. j=-oo

Define (p~ on Z x Xc as

1 ^-(i, s) = max{0, ^Je" * - ^e"**}, Vi 6 Z, s € Xc.

We choose suitable {ipl}iez and {ipl£}iez such that


+ Then (f>~(i, s) G [0,5*] and cp~(i, s) < 4> {i, s), \/i € Z, s G Xc. We claim that

s {-(hs)Y

If 4> (i, s) = 0, it is obvious. If 4> (i, s) > 0, then s < 0. Since 0 < e < fii(a — 1), we have es + fas > [ii

8 and hence, (~(i, s))* < {iplYe^ , Vi € Z, s G ATC.

Clearly, T"(<£")(i,s) > 0, Vz G Z, s G Xc. Moreover, T~ WW, s) oo = E pi,i-jh-M~(i-3,s-3-c)) j=-oo oo > E Pit-iifLjiOW-ii-3,8-j-c)-a(-(i-j^-c-j))') j—-oo oo oo i /il(s j c) Me(s J c) 6 > .E ^,i-.7/-j(0)(^r e - - -V'ire - - )- E Pi.i-ia^&rye^^-'- ) J=: —OO J = — CO OO _ pHi(s~c) — e E Pis-jfl-Mti-ie-™ j=-oo oo _e*(«-<0 £ pM_. (^.(0)^e-^' + a(#-')"e-^) J=—oo • • - oo- - • do j > epi{-c) £. pitjf^0)^ie-Mi-J) - ene(s-c) . £ Pi,i-jfl_j(0)rpi- e-i^ • e^^ j=-oo j=-oo oo 0 1 (s_c) (c_CE) P = eM*- ). e^ • V* - e^ • e ^ £ u7j(°)V4 ' e^^ j=-oo

lS = e" ^ - e"'*$e) for any i G Z, s € Xc. Thus, T~ ((/>-)({, s) > tf>-(i, s), Vz G Z, s G Xc. Fix some /z G (0, //i) and define

A 1 Xfj, := {(f>\(p : Z x Ic -» i, sup maxi(i, s)|e~ " < oo, sexc c()(i,s) = (i)(i + L,s), V(i,s)GZxXJ and

|H|M = sup max |^,5)|e-^, V0 G XM.

+ It follows that {X^, || • ||M) is a Banach space. Then ,

Y := {(f> G X„ : -(i, s) < (i, s) < e Y,

- < T~(-) < T-{4>) < T() < T+() < T+0+) <

Moreover, we have

oo T((f))(i + L,s) = J2 Pi+L,i+L-jfi+L-j{(f>(i + L-j,s-j-c)) j=-oo oo = £ Pi,i-jfi-j((i-j,s-j-c)) j=~oo = T(tj>)(i,s) for any i£Z and s € Xc, and 0 < sup max |T(

oo p s .= sup1 max J2 i,i-jfi-j(

seXc i<*<£ j=-oo (5.14) = sup max T+{cl)+){i,s)e'^ i i L - - Sexc < - < sup max cf>+(i, s)e_AiS

Therefore, for any €Y, T() e Y, and hence, T(F) C F. For any

= sup max \T(

= sup max £ Pi,i-j[fi-j('P(i -3,s-j- c)) - /i-j-^C* -j,s-j- c))] -/4S J=—oo oo


\\ A* 107

for some L > 0 since ]T) P^-^e-^ < oo. Thus, T : Y —• V is continuous. j=-oo + By (5.14), it follows that {T{$) : 4> G Y} is uniformly bounded by 0 and ||^ ||M.

Since both Z and Xc consist of countable elements, it is obvious that {T() : EY} is equicontinuous on any bounded subset of Z x Xc. It follows from the Arzela-Ascoli theorem that for any given sequence {tpn}n>i in T(Y), there exist nk —> oo and

^:ZxIc->l such that

lim ipnk{i,s) = ip(i,s) k—>oo uniformly for (i, 5) in any bounded subset of Z x Xc. Since

+ ~(i,s) < ipnk(i,s) < (i, s), Vi € Z, s G Xc, we have + ~(«, s) < ^(i, s) < 0 (i, s), Vz G Z, s G Xc.

Moreover, by the periodicity of ^nfc with respect to L, we also have ip(i,s) = tp{i+L, s), tl Vi G Z, s G Xc. The boundedness of sup••max~\ip(iys}\e~ * is obvious. Therefore, ip G y. Note that lim (^+(i,s) - 0-(*,a))e-'" = 0, s—»+oo lim (0+(2, s) - 4>-(i, s))e~^ = 0, s—»—00 uniformly for i G {1,2, • • • , L}. Therefore, for any s > 0, there exists M > 0 such that + 0 < (4> {i, s) - (p~{i, 5))e-'" < e, Vs G Xc, |s| > M, 1 < * < L, and hence,

- + ls |^nfc(z,s)-^(z,s)|e ^ < \(p (i,s)- M,l

_/iS Since lim \ij)nk(i,s) — ip(i, s)|e = 0 uniformly for 1 < i < L and s G Xc with |s| < M, there exists an integer N > 0 such that

/ |^njk(t,s)-'0(i,3)|e- " N. 108

It then follows that

MS \\^nk -1>\\n = sup max \il>nh(it s) -ip(i, s)|e"~ < e, Vk > N, and hence, lim jpnk = ip in X^. Thus, T(Y) is precompact in X^. k—*oo Thus, by the Schauder fixed point theorem, there exists U G Y such that U = T{U), and hence, U(i,s) is a traveling wave of (5.3). Since +

l l l liminf (u n - u _*) > 0 and lim sup (u n - u+J < 0. n-»oo,i>-cn n->oc,i>-cn Then for sufficiently small e > 0, we have

liminf_ uj, > min {ui*} — e > 0 and lim sup uj, < max{u+»} + e, n-*oo,i>-cn 1oo,i>-cn l

liminf U(i,i + cn) > min {ui„}— e and limsup U(i,i + cn) < max{ui_t} + e. n-*oo,i>-cn 1<7<£ n->oo,i>-cn 1<3 —en. Thus,

J liminf U(i,i + en) > min {u _t} — e and lim sup U(i, i + en) < max{ui„} + £. n-KX loo 1

min fui«} < lim inf U(i, i + en) < lim sup U(i, i + en) < max {«+»}. l „_0o 1<7<£ This completes the proof. •

As a remark of this section, we point out that the domains for all spatially periodic traveling wave profiles with speed c > c*(£) are not the same, and hence, it is not easy to use these wave profiles to approximate the possible spatially periodic traveling wave profile with c = c*(£). Thus, we are not able to prove the existence of the spatially periodic traveling wave with speed c = c*(£) at this moment. 109

5.4 An example

In this section, we present an example of (5.3) with a specific recruitment function and dispersal kernel to illustrate our main analytic results. Consider the Ricker type recruitment function

fi(u) = auer{i)-qu, Vi G Z, u G R, where 0, r is an L-periodic function defined on Z for some L G N, and aerW > 1, Vi G Z. Inspired by the exponentially damping kernel function for a continuous habitat (see [40]), we choose Py- = ^=^e~ ~d with d > 0, for any i,j G Z. Then (5.3) becomes

+00 i _ 1 <+i = J2 -i e-^auie^-^, i G Z, n G Z. (5.15)

r Clearly, for any ieZ, /fe C^R), £(0) = 0, //(0) = ae « > 1,

r(i) 9u r{i+L) qu fi(u) = aue - = aue - = /i+L(«), Vu G R, and fi(u)/u = aer^~qu is strictly decreasing in « G R. Moreover, for any i G Z, 1 max /iM = /i(i) = fe'-W- . Let

& = {b}i€Z S X with 6 = max/*(-), i€Z q and L= max |//(«)|= max aer(0_«u|l- qui l

|/i(«i) - fi(u2)\ < L\ui - u2|, \/i £Z,u1,u2 e[0,b}. oo It is easy to see that Py- = Pi+Lj+L, Vi,j G Z and ]T) P^ = 1. Moreover, for J =—OO /zG[0,±),JGZ,

i i OO e"~1 V" .-^.-^-i) •i=-oo es + 1 ^.fToo (e3 - l)ett(ei - 1) (e3 + l)(e'i+3-l)(e3 - e") 110

Thus, £ Pije~^{i~i] is uniformly bounded for /x € [0, ±), z G Z. j=-oo For cr — 2 and a satisfies 0 < —>-(«—) ,<, i- , Vi G Z, we have rv — n > i fi{u) > f-(0)u - cm", WieZ, uE [0, b}.

• T»i Define LQ : as

L L0(

r(Lo) = max{|A|, A is an eigenvalue of A}.

In this case, we have i -, oo l •|t-(fc&+m)| a. = ae^—~- E e <* ed + fc=—oo ed — 1 r(m) e<* — i / ^i+mi i — m — L ae d +e d if i > m, (ea + lJ(l-e-7) V )

,r(m) e'd — 1 / -i+m-L i-m \ ae Te •<*•- + e <*- 1 , if z < m, (e3 + l)(l-e-t) for i,m G {1,2, • • • , L}. As long as'r(Zo) > 1, the assumptions (H7), (H8), (H9)', (H10) and (Hll) hold, and hence, Theorems 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 hold for system (5.15). The spreading speed in the direction of £ = — 1 is InA. c*(-l)= irf M6(0,i). it where A_^ is the principle eigenvalue of L_^ : RL —> ML:

where A-^ = (ai7%)LxL with +0O 1 1 |i ( +m?l m, ed + 1 1 _ e-(/^+f) i _ e(^-|) - < 2 ea-1 ,r(m)—/i(i—m) e ^^-^ e^P «——r< , if i < m, 1 _ e-(l*L+±) + 1 _ e(nL-±) e3 + 1 Ill

for i,m € {1,2, • • • ,L}. The spreading speed in the direction of £ = 1 can be similarly defined as

c*(l)= inf 1^, M6(0,J) M

L L where Ap is the principle eigenvalue of L^ : R —> R :

'-—/j,L where ^ = (afedm) iX—£ 1wit h e d e <* a— < )r(m)+/i(i—m) if i > m, ea + 1 i _ (^-t) + i _ (-/^-$)

T easy to see that v4_M = BC and ^4M = J3 C, where

ed — 1 e—3—+»L -/*(»—TO) e a a—3 1 + H i > m, ed + 1 1 _ e-(Mi+*) i _ eU^-V Bim \ rn — i — L ,,T t — m c — 1 ,—/X(J—TO) e d a—j < Hi < m, ed + 1 1 _ (,-(*£+*) + 1 - e^-V for i,me {1,2,-•• ,L}, and C = diag{er^,er^2\ • • • ,er}. In particular, we choose

ri, nL — L\ < i < nL, r(i) r2, nL < i < nL + L2, for any i£Z, where n € N, Li, L2 € N and L\ + L2 = L. This indicates that each period part of the whole periodic habitat is composed of a favorable habitat (corre­ sponding to max{ri,r2}) and an unfavorable habitat (corresponding to min{r1,r2}). 112

l Figure 5.1: A solution {u n}i€z of (5.15) when n = 1,5,10, 20.

Let a — 1.2, q = 1, d = 1, L = 2, L\ = L2 = 1, ri = 0, r2 = 1. Then we have

1.979266244 0.4718686397 4 = 1.282671949 0.7281313600

and r(L0) = 2.351990990 > 1. Moreover,

(e + 1) (e + 1) 4-t l.2e^(e-l)(ir^ + T^_) 1.2(e-l)(ir7^ + If^r) (e + 1) (e + 1) and c*(l) = c*(-l) « 2.069595656.

Choosing the initial function tii as

< / 1, i = 0, I 0, V*^ 0,

l we can draw the graph for the solution {u n}iez of (5.15) when n = 1,5,10,20, which is shown in Figure 5.1. Chapter 6

Bistable Waves for A Class of Reaction-Diffusion Systems

6.1 Introduction

Classic reaction-diffusion models usually take the form 2 du ^ d u ri. .

where u and v are densities of two populations (or subpopulations of a population, or two particles) at location x and time t, Di and Z?2 are positive diffusion constants, F(u,v) and G(u,v) are reaction functions. This model has been generally applied to describe the dispersal dynamics of populations, disease transmission dynamics, chemical reactions, and so on ([12, 46, 62, 66]), and it seems to work well in most cases. However, it has been recently noticed that in some situations during the dispersal process, one of the reacting populations diffuses so slowly in the habitat, compared with the other, that its diffusion can be almost neglected. This phenomenon is very interesting in the study of population dispersal and it naturally suggests that only one of the diffusion constants be positive while the other be zero, when we describe

113 114

the dispersal dynamics in reaction-diffusion models. To model fecally-orally trans­ mitted diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, infections hepatitis, polyometitis etc, Capasso and Maddalena [12] assumed that the bacteria diffuse randomly in the habi­ tat, while the diffusion of the human population can be neglected with respect to that of bacteria. As a result, they studied the following model 2 dui(x,t) ,d ui(x,t) . L. , ±s h = d— \ - anui{x, t) + a12u2(x, t), a $ *\ dx (6-2) ——— =-a22U2{x>t)+g{u1(x,t)),

where Ui and u2 denote the spatial densities of the infectious agent and infective human population, respectively; d > 0 is the diffusion constant of bacteria; 1/au is the mean lifetime of the agent in the environment; l/

of the human infectives; a12 is the multiplicative factor of the infectious agent due to the human population; g{u\) is the infection rate of the human population under the assumption that the total susceptible human population is constant during the evolution of the epidemic. Other examples come from reaction-diffusion models for single species. Recently, some authors assumed that only part of the population is migrating and the other part is sedentary. Cook [65] studied a Verhulst type population model with a sedentary and a migrating subpopulation, assuming that there is a joint carrying capacity for both subpopulations and that the offspring of both groups forms one pool which is then distributed; to both subpopulations at constant proportions:

( vt = rv(u + v)(l - (u + V)JK) + Dvxx,

\ wt = rw(u + v)(l - {u + v)/K). Lewis and Schmitz [48] studied another Verhulst type model in which it was assumed that individuals switch between mobile and stationary states during their lifetime and that the migrants have a positive mortality while the sedentary subpopulation reproduces and is subject to a finite carrying capacity:

f vt = DAv - nv - ~/2v + 71W, < (D.4J { wt = f(w) - jiw + 72v, 115

where f(w) — rw(l — w/K). Hadeler and Lewis [32] proposed a Fisher type equation with a quiescent state:

( vt = DAv + f{v) - 72v + 71 w, \ (6-5) { wt = j2v - jiw, where individuals in state v move and interact as in the standard Fisher's equation while those in state w are quiescent. Such behavior is typical for invertebrates living in small ponds in arid climates which dry up and reappear subject to rainfall [32]. Motivated by (6.2)-(6.5) and other recent works (see, e.g., [14, 31, 79, 92, 94]), we consider the following general reaction-diffusion system du ~d2u _, . IT ^+ ("'°)' («••) where u(t,x) and v(t, x) are densities of the migrating population and sedentary population at the location x and time t, respectively; D > 0 is the diffusion constant of the migrating population, F(u, v) and G(u, v) are reaction functions. Systems (6.2)-(6.5) have been investigated extensively and many results have been established in the monostable case, where the corresponding reaction system admits zero equilibrium and a stable nontrivial equilibrium. The stability of the trivial and nontrivial equilibria for (6.2) was studied in [12]; the existence of monotone traveling waves and the minimal wave speed for (6.2) were established in [100], and it was shown in [78] that this minimal wave speed is also the spreading speed for solutions with initial functions having compact supports. The minimal speed for monotone traveling waves for (6.4) was determined in [48] from the linearization at the zero equilibrium, under the assumption that the emigration rate is less than the intrinsic growth rate for the sedentary class; the authors of [32] studied the spreading speed, minimal wave speed, and the persistence of the population in different domains for (6.4); the spreading speed and traveling waves of (6.4) were also established in [83]. System (6.5) was briefly discussed in [32] and it was shown in [94] that the spreading speed coincides with the minimal wave speed for monotone traveling waves. 116

In epidemiology, large outbreaks usually tend to a nontrivial endemic state, while small outbreaks tend to extinction. This may explain why, even though we are ex­ posed to many infections, only some diseases have evolved into an endemic state [14]. Mathematically, this leads to the study of epidemic models with bistable nonlieari- ties. There are some results for (6.2) in the bistable case: a saddle point structure was obtained under Neumann boundary conditions in [13] and under Dirchlet bound­ ary conditions in [39]; a complete analysis of the steady states was obtained under Dirichlet boundary conditions in [14]; the existence, uniqueness and global exponen­ tial stability with phase shift of bistable traveling waves were established in [92]. In this chapter, we are interested in the existence, uniqueness and global attrac- tivity of traveling waves of the general system (6.6) with bistable nonlinearity. The organization of this chapter is as follows. In section 6.2, we establish the existence of bistable traveling waves for (6.6) by the shooting method (see, e.g., [79]). In section 6.3, we obtain the global attractivity with phase shift and uniqueness (up to transla­ tion) of traveling waves via the dynamical system approach (see [92, 97]). In section 6.4, we present some specific examples of (6.6) to illustrate applicability of our main results.

6.2 Existence of bistable waves

Throughout this chapter, we make the following assumptions to obtain the coopera­ tive and bistable nonlinearity for system (6.6).

(H12) There exist three points £L = (0,0), E0 = (a^&i) and E+ = (a2,b2) with

0 < a,\ < a-i and 0 < 6i < b2 such that

(i) F,Ge C^R^.R), FV(U,V) > 0, Gu(u,v) > 0 and Gv(u,v) < 0 onR^, and G„(0,0)>0.

(ii) E-, E0 and E+ are only zeros of f(u,v) := (F(u,v),G(u,v)) in the order interval [E-,E+]. 117

(iii) All eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrices Df(ES) and Df(E+) have nega­ tive real parts, and Df(Eo) has an eigenvalue with positive real part and another with negative real part.

(iv) Fv(u,v) > 0 for (u,v) € [0,a2] x [0,b2].

Consider the spatially homogeneous system associated with (6.6)

(u'(t) = F(u,v), \v'(t) = G(u,v).

By the assumption (H12), (6.7) has only three equilibria .&_, EQ and E+ in [£L, E+], £L and E+ are stable, EQ is a saddle. In this paper, we will study the existence of bistable waves of (6.6), i.e., traveling wave solutions connecting E_ and E+. Let T — x + ct and (u(t, x),v(t, x)) = {U(x + ct), V(x + ct)) be a traveling wave solution of (6.6). Then the wave front profile (U(r), V(r)) satisfies

( cU' = DU" + F(U,V), \cV' = G(U,V), where / denotes jk Since we are interested in traveling waves connecting E- and E+, we impose the following asymptotic boundary conditions on (6.8)

f U(-oo) = 0, V(-oo) = 0, U'(-oo) = 0, (6.9) \ U(+oo) = a2, T/(+oo) = b2, U'(+oo) = 0.

In the case where c = 0, (6.8) becomes

DU" + F(U, V) = o, (6.10) G(U, V) = 0, which is equivalent to U' = W, (6.11) w>= mv* (U)) D where V*{U) satisfies G(U,V*(U)) = 0. By (H12) and the implicit function theorem, it is not difficult to see that V*(U) is continuously differentiate on [0, oo). Since 118

E- and E+ are stable for (6.7), we can easily see that (0,0) and (a2,0) are saddles

of (6.11). Then a traveling wave of (6.6) connecting E_ and E+ with wave speed c = 0 corresponds to a heteroclinic orbit of (6.11) connecting (0,0) and (a2,0). The solutions of (6.11) through (0,0) can be expressed as

•1 £ F(t,V*(t))dt. 2 Thus, (6.11) admits a heteroclinic orbit connecting (0,0) and (a2,0) if and only if £2F(U,V*(U))dU = Q. In what follows, we mainly consider the case where c > 0. It is easy to see that (6.8)-(6.9) is equivalent to

U' = W, G(U,V) V = (6.12) cW - F(U, V) W = D with boundary conditions

£/(-oo) = 0,l/(-oo) = 0,W(-oo) = 0, (6.13)

U(+oo) = a2,V(+oc) = b2,W{+oo) = 0. (6.14)

Clearly, (6.12) has three equilibria (£L,0), {E0,0) and (E+,0). Thus, a traveling wave solution of (6.6) connecting E- and E+ with positive wave speed corresponds to a solution of (6.12) connecting (-B-,0) and (E+,0), i.e., a solution of (6.12)-(6.14).

Lemma 6.2.1 For any c > 0, the Jacobian matrix of (6.12) at (£L,0) has one positive eigenvalue A(c) and two eigenvalues with negative real parts.

Proof The Jacobian matrix of (6.12) at (£-,0) is

0 0 1

Gu(0,0) Gv(0,0) Q

F„(0,0) Fv(0,0) _c. D D D 119

The characteristic equation of JQ is

G„(0,0) ' c\ , Fu(0,0)^ , Gu(0,0)^(0,0) A " D + ~:D-)+ Wc ~ °-

Consider /(A, m). = (x - ^f^1) (A2 - % + ^±g^) + m. Then we have F (0,0)G„(0,0) /A, u ^ ^ £>c A2 ( c + G„(0,0)A) + FM(0,0) + Gv(0,0)

Since Df(E-) is stable, it follows that

Fu(0,0) + G„(0,0) < 0 and Fu(0,0)G„(0,0) - F„(0,0)Gu(0,0) > 0.

v Then it is easy to see that /(A, " Dc ) has three solutions 0 , Ai and A2 with

Ai < 0 < A2, and hence, /(A, " je ' ) has one positive solution and two solutions with negative real parts. Thus, JQ has one positive eigenvalue A(c) and two eigenvalues with negative real parts. •

By Lemma 6.2.1, (6.12) has a one-dimensional unstable manifold corresponding to A(c) at (£L,0). Let X — (Xi,X2,X3) be an eigenvector of JQ corresponding to A(c). Then there is a nonconstant solution of (6.12)-(6.13), which tends to (i£_,0) as r —> —00 and whose tangent vector at r = —00 is the eigenvector X or —X. It follows from the equation J0X = X(c)X that

X3 = X(c)Xu Gu(0,Q)X1 , G„(0,0)X2 + = X(c)Xa, FuCo,0)X1 Fv(0,0)X2 ; cX3 D D + ~D = KC)X*-

Without loss of generality, we can assume that X = (1, CXM^G°(OO)' ^(C)). Since

Gu(0, 0) > 0, G„(0,0) < 0, A(c) > 0, c> 0, we have Xt > 0, i = 1,2,3. In the rest of this section, we assume that (17, V, W) is a solution of (6.12)-(6.13) with the tangent vector X at r = —00. By the above analysis, we can easily obtain the following result. 120

Lemma 6.2.2 Let (U,V,W) be a solution of (6.12)-(6.13). Then near r = -oo, (17, V, W) satisfies U > 0, V > 0, W = U' > 0, and V > 0.

Definition 6.2.1 Let (U,V,W) be a solution of (6.12)-(6.13). Let r0 = T0{C) be the first zero of U' if it exists and u = U(TQ) (U may be 4-ooj.

Since U > 0 and U' > 0 on (—oo, r0), we can express V and W as functions of U for U e (0,u). Let V(U) - V(T(U)) and W(U) = W(T(U)) for U e (0,u). Then V and W satisfy the following equations

, _ dW _ cW - F(U, V) w - ^ - —DW—' (6-16) for U G (0, u) with the initial conditions

V(0)=0,W(0)=0. (6.17)

Lemma 6.2.3 Let (U,V,W) be a solution of (6.12)-(6.13). Then V'{T) > 0 for all


Proof Since V'{r) > 0 near r = —oo and U'(T) > 0 for r G (—OO, TO), we have

V{U) > 0, and. hence, G(U,V(U)) > 0 for all U G (0,«o) for some uQ e (0,4 If uo < u and G(uo, V(«o)) = 0, then V'(UQ) = 0. However, ^\U=UQ < 0, that is, iW ~^~ lv ' fu][/=u < 0' which implies that V'(iio) > 0, a contradiction. Therefore,

V'(f/) > 0 for all U G (0,tZ), and hence, V'(T) > 0 for all r G (-oo,r0). •

Lemma 6.2.4 Let (U,V,W) be a solution of (6.12)-(6.13). If U(r) G (0,a2) for some T G (—oo, To), then V(T) € (0, b2).

Proof Clearly, we have U(T) G (0, a2) and V(r) G (0,62) when r is near —oo.

Suppose that there exists f G (—oo,r0) such that [/(f) € (0,a2),V(f) = b2. Then

G(C/(f), l/(f)) = G(U(f),b2) < G{a2, b2) = 0 since Gu > 0. Thus, we have V'{f) < 0, a contradiction to V'(r) > 0 on (—oo,r0). • 121

Lemma 6.2.5 There exists no nontrivial solution (U, V, W) of (6.12)-(6.13) satisfy­

ing U(TQ) = a2, U'(TQ) — 0 and U"{TQ) < 0 for some finite TQ.

Proof Suppose that there is such a solution. Then either U"(rQ) < 0 or U"(T0) = 0.

If U"(T0) = 0, then by (6.8) we have F(U{TQ), V(T0)) - 0. Since Ufa) = a2, we

have V(r0) = b2, which contradicts the uniqueness of solutions. If U"(T0) < 0, then

F(Ufa),Vfa))) > 0, i.e., F(a2,Vfa))) > 0 = F(a2,b2). Since F„ > 0, we have

V(T0) > b2. ByGv < 0, we have G(U(T0),V{T0)) - G(a2,V{r0)) < G(a2,b2) = 0.

Thus, we have V'(T0) < 0, which contradicts V'(T0) > 0. •

Theorem 6.2.1 System (6.6) has a monotone increasing traveling wave solution

(U(x + ct),V(x + ct)) connecting E_ to E+ for some real number c such that the wave speed c has the same sign as the integral f^2 F(U, V*{U))dU, where V*(U) sat­ isfies G(U,V*(U)) = 0.

2 Proof Since V*{U) is continuously differentiable on [0, a2], f^ F(U, V*(U))dU is well defined. In the case where f£2 F(U, V*(U))dU = 0, we have shown that (6.11) has a hete-

roclinic orbit connecting (0,0) and (a2,0), and hence (6.6) has a monotone traveling wave solution with c = 0. 2 Next we consider the case where /0° F(U, V*(U))dU > 0. We proceed with the following four steps. Step 1. We claim that u > Oi. Indeed, it follows from Lemma 6.2.3 that V'(U) >

0, that is, G(U, V(U)) > 0 for all U G (0, u). Since Gv < 0 and G(U, V\U)) = 0, we have V(U) < V*(U) for all U G (0,u). By (H12) and the implicit function theorem,

we can also find a continuously differentiable function Vp(U) on [0,a2] such that

F(U,Vf(U)) = 0 for all U G [0,a2]. Again by.(H12) and the qualitative analysis of (6.7), it is not difficult to obtain V*{U) < V£(U) for all U € (0,ai). Assume, by contradiction, that u < 0l. Then F(U,V(U)) < F(U,V*(U)) < F{U,Vp(U)) = 0 on (0,12), and hence by (6.16), W(U) > % > 0 on (0,u), which implies that W{u) > 0. This contradicts VV(ft) = 0. 122

Step 2. We claim that if c is sufficiently large, then there exists a finite f such that U'(T) > 0 on (-co, f] and U(f) = a2.

Choose c0 >'-J^HiiR where mi = max F(u,v). We claim that u > a2 V °l («,w)e!0,a2]x[0,62! for c > Co. Suppose that this is not true. Then there is some c > Co such that u < a2 and W(u) — 0, where (V, W) is the solution of (6.15)-(6.16) corresponding to c. By analysis in step 1, W > -^ for [/ € (0,0!]. Then W(ai) > -^ai. Since

W(u) = 0 and u < a2, we have W(C) > -^a\ for all t/ G [ai,u] for some u G (fli,a2) and W(u) = ^ax < W(ai). On the other hand, for all U G [ai,u), W(U) = 2 i - ^1 > l _ ^t > A _ m^ = A _ ^1 = c- -2m1_D/aI Q Th ^ increases in U G [cti,u), and hence W(u) > W(ai), a contradiction. Thus, if c > Co, we have u > a2, which indicates that there exists some finite f such that U'{T) > 0 on (-co, f] and t/(f) = a2. Let (U(T),V(T),W(T)) be a solution of (6.12)-(6.13). Set

Pi = {c > 0 : £/'(r) > 0 on (-co, f] and f/(f) — a2 for some finite f}.

Then Pi is not empty and Pi is open by continuous dependence on c. Moreover,

Pi 2 (c0,+co). Step 3. We claim that for sufficiently small c > 0, there is a finite f with U'(f) = 0 and U(f) € (ai,a2). + Suppose that this is not true. Then there exists a sequence {ci}jGjv Q K with lim Cj = 0 such that the corresponding solutions (Ui,Vi,Wi) of (6.12)-(6.13) satisfy i—»+oo

(Ui)' > 0 on (—oo,fj) and Ui(fi) = a2 for some fj(fj may be infinity). By (6.16), we have v >v?(t/>_-rs™- r r«v.„., ^.^«(>))i dS] W£|(W (6.18) Let

Aj = sup Wj(f/) and m2 = min F(u,v). £/e[0,a2] (u,tOe[0,a2]x[0,62]

c Then ^ > 0, m2 < 0, and ^ < -^ - ^. Thus, f + ^ff < c*f. Since f + sgaa increases in a; G (0, +oo) and Q —* 0 as i —> +oo, we obtain that for large i, At is 123

uniformly bounded. This implies that Wj(£/) is uniformly bounded on [0,a2] for large J6JV.

Let Mi(U) = G(U, Vi{U)), for U E [0, a2]. Then

M[{U) = Gu + Gv-Vi{U) = Gu + Gv-^^


J ds Js dt Mj(C^) = M*(0)e ° W-> + / Gu(s,Vi(s))e ««w4i«) ds

Js dt Gu(s,V;(s))e 'i^w ds. (6.19) I/o

Since Wj(C/) is uniformly bounded on [0,a2] for large i E N, CiW%{U) —> 0 as i —> 00

uniformly for t/ G [0,a2]. Gu(U,Vi(U)) is bounded for [/ G [0,a2] since G(?i,f) G

C^RxM). Moreover, there exists S > 0 such that Gv < -S for (£/, V) E [0, a2] x [0, b2}.

Then we finally obtain Mi(U) —> 0 as i —> 00 uniformly for U G [0, a2]. This, by the

definitions of M{(U) and V*(U), implies that G(t/, V{(U)) -• G(£/, F*(f/)) as i -> 00,

uniformly for U G [0,o2], that is,

lim \G(U, Vi{U)) - G(U, V*(U))\ = 0, uniformly for U E [0, a2]. (6.20) i—*oo

For any [/ G [0, a2] and i G N, we have

6i-\Vi(U)-V*(U)\ < J GV(U, Vi(U) + s{V\U) - Vi(U)))ds(V*(U) - Vi(U))) G(U,Vi(U))-G(U,Y*(U))\,

where Si > 0 is such that Gv < —Si on [0, a2] x [0, b2}. Then by (6.20), we have

Vi(U) -> V*(U) as i -• 00 uniformly for [/ G [0,a2], and hence, F(U,Vi(U)) ->

F(t/, V*({7)) as i —+ 00, uniformly for U G [0, a2]. Then, letting U — a2 and i —> 00 in (6.18), we obtain DV\P(n ^ Z""2 fa2 lim ^ 2; = lim / F(s,Vi(s))ds = F(s,V*(s))ds. (6.21) t—00 2 i-,00Jo Jo 2 2 Thus, /0° F(s, V*(s))ds < 0, which contradicts our assumption that J^ F(s, V*(s))ds > 0. 124

Let (U(T),V{T),W(T)) be a solution of (6.12)-(6.13). Set

p2 = {c> o : [/'(f) = 0 for some finite f G K and U(f) G (0, a2]}.

Then P2 is nonempty and contains (0,c) for some finite eel

Moreover, for each c G P2, since To = To(c) is the first zero of [/', we have U"{TQ) <

0. Then by Lemma 6.2.5, U(T0) G (ai,a2). Suppose that U"(T0) = 0. By (6.12), we have F(U(T0),V(T0)) = 0 and G(U(T0),V(T0)) > 0. However, by (H12)(ii), we have

G(U(T0),V(T0)) > 0, that is, V(T0) > 0. It then follows that

U"'(T0) = W"(T0) = ^W'(T0)-~FU-U'(T0)-±FV-V'(T0)

= -±FV(U(T0),V(TQ))V\T0) < 0.

This contradicts the definition of To- Thus, we have U"(T0) < 0, and hence, P2 is open. + Step 4. Let c* = supP2. By above two steps, c* exists and c* G M \(PiUP2). Let (£/*(r), V*(T), W*(r)) be a solution of (6.12)-(6.13) corresponding to c*. Then U*' > 0 and V*' > 0 on R. Moreover, £/*(r) G (0, a2) and V*(r) G (0, 62) for all r6i Then as r tends to +00, 17*(r) and V*(r) have limits. Since u > a1; we have lim C/*(r) = T—>+0O a2 and lim V*(r) = b2. Thus, (U*(T), V*(T) is the bistable traveling waves of (6.6) connecting i?_ to E+ with positive speeds c* when f^2 F(U, V*(U))dU > 0. Finally, we consider the case where f°2 F(U,V*(U))dU < 0. By a change of variables u = a2 — u, v = b2 — v, (6.6) reduces to du ^d2u -._ . § ^ (6.22)

where F(u,v) = — F{a2 — u, b2 — v), G(u,v) = —G(a2 — u,b2 — v). Letting G(u,v) — 0, we have v = v*(u) := b2 — V*(a2—u). Then/(u, v) := (F(u,v),G(u,v)) has only three zeros E- — (0,0), E+ = (a2, b2) and E0 = (a2 — 01, b2 - 61) on [.EL, EL]. Moreover, it 125

is easy to see that (6.22) satisfies (H12) and

ra.2 _ pa2 / F(u,v*{u))du = - F(U,V*(U))dU>0. Jo Jo It follows from what we have proved that (6.22) has a monotone increasing traveling wave solution (U(x + ct), V(x + ct)) connecting £?_ and E+ for some c > 0. Define

17(0 = «2 - U(-0, V(0 = b2- V(-0, V£ G R. Clearly, (U(-oo), V(-oo)) = (0,0)

and (U.(oo), V(oo)) = (a?,, b2). It then follows that (U(x—ct), V(x — ct)) is a monotone increasing traveling wave solution of (6.6) connecting E- and E+. H

6.3 Attractivity and uniqueness of bistable waves

In this section, we discuss the global attractivity with phase shift and uniqueness (up to translation) of the bistable traveling wave of (6.6). In addition to (H12), we further impose the following conditions on F and G.

(H13) F and G can be extended to the domain {—I, oo)2 for some I > 0 such that

2 2 (i) F,G G C (H,oo) ,E), Fu{u,v) < 0, Fv(u,v) > 0, Gu{u,v) > 0 and 2 Gv(u,v) < 0 for (u,v) G (-Z,oo) .

(ii) There exists L > 0 such that for any l2 > L, there exists l\ > 0 such that


Let X = BUC(M., R2) be the Banach space of all bounded and uniformly continu­ 2 ous functions from R to R with the usual supreme norm. Let X+ = {(^I,^) G X : ipi(x) > 0, VIE G R, i = 1,2}. Then X+ is a closed cone of X and its induced partial ordering makes X into a Banach lattice. For any I/J1 — (ipl,tjjl),ip2 = (V'2,^!) e ^> 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 11 1 2 we write ip - V .€ X+ \ {0}, ijj if ^2-^G/nt(X+). By the arguments similar to those in [92, Lemma 3.1], we can prove the following result for (6.6). 126

Lemma 6.3.1 For any ip € X+, (6.6) has a unique bounded and nonnegative solution ($!(t)i/j)(x) :— (u(t,x,ip),v(t,x,ip)) with ^(Q)ijj — tp, and the solution semiflow $(t) of (6.6) is monotone on X+. Moreover, (*(t)^;1)(a;) 0 and 1 2 1 2 x € ffi. whenever tp ,-^ € X+ toii/i •0 <\ip .

In view of section 2, we assume that {x — cb) — (4>i(x — ct), 4>2{x — ct)) is a strictly- increasing traveling wave solution of (6.6) connecting E- and E+. Letting z = x — ct, we transform (6.6) into the following system:

ut(t, z) = cuz(t, z) + Duzz{t, z) + F(u(t, z),v(t, z)),

vt(t, z) = cvz(t, z) + G(u(t, z),.v(t, z)).

It is easy to see that (p(z) is an equilibrium of system (6.23). Denote ($(t)ip)(z) := (u(t,z,tp),v(t,z,ip)) as the solution of (6.23) with $(0)^ = ip € X+. Then the solution (ty(t)ip)(x) of (6.6) with initial value ip is given by (^f(t)tp)(x) = ($(t)ip)(x — ct). Moreover, the comparison principle holds for (6.6) and hence for (6.23). By constructing upper and lower solutions for (6.23) in the same way as in [92], we can obtain the following result.

Lemma 6.3.2 The wave profile 4>{z) is a Liapunov stable equilibrium of (6.23).

Since $(i) : X+ —> X+ is the solution semiflow of (6.23), it follows that $(i) :

[E-,E+] —> [E-,E+] is monotone and for any -s G R, (- + s) is a stable equilibrium of $(t). Consequently, by using the convergence theorem Theorem 2.2.3 and the similar arguments as in the proof of [92, Theorem 3.1], we can establish the following result on the global attractivity with phase shift and uniqueness (up to translation) of the bistable wave of (6.6).

Theorem 6.3.1 Let cj)(x — ct) be a monotone traveling wave solution of system (6.6) and ty(t,x,ip) :— (u(t,x,ip),v(t,x,il))) be the solution of (6.6) with ^(0,-,tp) = ip €

X+. Then for any ip G X+ with

limsupi/KO < Eo < liminf ?/>(£), (6.24) 127

there exists s^p G R such that lim \\^f{t,x,ip) — (x — ct + s^,)|| = 0 uniformly for £—++00 i6l. Moreover, any traveling wave solution of system (6.6) connection E_ and E+ is a translate of (p. Remark 6.3.1 By the spectrum analysis of the linearization operator of (6.23) at the equilibrium solution (j>(z), as in [92, Section 4], we can obtain the local exponential stability with phase shift of the bistable wave 4>(x — ct) with c ^ 0. This, together with Theorem 6.3.1, implies the global exponential stability with phase shift of the bistable wave (f)(x — ct) with c ^= 0 of (6.6).

Remark 6.3.2 Recently, Tsai [80] studied the global exponential stability of traveling waves in monotone bistable systems: du d2u — = D^ + F(u), (t,x)e(0,oo)xR, u(i,i)£R",

u(0,x) = u0(a;), igl, where D is a diagonal matrix of order n with elements of the vector (D\, • • • ,Dn) on the diagonal, with Z?, > 0 for i — 1, • • • ,n1; and Di — 0 for i = n\ + 1, • • • ,n. In this work, he used some basic tools of comparison principle, super-sub solutions construction, and squeezing methods, instead of spectrum analysis. However, it was 1 required that dF /dui > 0 and dF^ jdu\ > 0, for all i, j G {2, • • • , n}, on the interval between two positive equilibria, which is stronger than our conditions in (H12) and (HIS).

6.4 Examples

In this section, we apply the results in sections 2 and 3 to some reaction-diffusion population models and show the existence and global exponential stability of bistable waves. Example 1. Consider a reaction-diffusion epidemic model (see, e.g., [12] and [92]) •. r dUtfat) _32u {x,t) = d ^-l T Ui(x,t) + aU (x,t), ax 2 BTT% ,s (6.25) 2i ' ' =-0U {x,t)+g{U {x,t)), dt 2 1 128

where d, a and /? are positive constants, U\ and U2 denote the spatial densities of infectious agent and the infective human population, F(U\,U2) — —Ui(x,t) + aU2(x,t), G(JJ\,U2) = —0U2(x,t) + g(Ui(x,t)). The existence, uniqueness (up to translation) and global exponential stability with phase shift of the bistable traveling wave with nonzero wave speed were established for (6.25) in [92]. However, it seems that the claim in step 2 of the proof of Theorem 2.1 (for the existence) in [92] needs to be readdressed since the inequality

• c r)-au2 c b-r) 1 1 V (77) = -, TZ < - + —j. TT = -(c ) c a md(r] — 0) a md(rj — 0) d m cannot be obtained as the authors stated there. By Theorem 6.2.1, we can establish the existence of the bistable wave under the assumptions (Al), (A2) and (A3) in [92]. Example 2. Consider a reaction-diffusion model with quiescent phases (see, e.g., [31, 48, 83])

( vt = DAv - (j,v- -y2v + jiw,

[ wt = g(w) - 71W + 72W, where v and w are densities of two particles, g is smooth, £),//, 71,72 > 0. For system (6.26), F(v,w) — — fiv — 72^ + 71 if, G(v,w) = g(w) — -jiw + 72W. Then 2 Fv = —/j, — 72 < 0, Fw — 71 > 0, Gv = 72 > 0. Assume that g G C (—1,00) for some I > 0 such that g(0) = 0, g'(w) > 0, Vu> > 0, and g'(w) < 71 on (—I,+00), that g(w) — 2^ has only three zeros 0, 61, b2 on [0,b2], and that g"(w) > 0 for w G (0,6i), g"(w) < 0 for w > by. It is easy to check that system (6.26) satisfies (H12)-(H13). By Theorems 6.2.1 and 6.3.1, it then follows that system (6.26) admits a bistable traveling wave, which is globally attractive with phase shift (or even globally exponentially stable with phase shift when the wave speed c ^ 0) and unique (up to translation). Example 3. Consider a reaction-diffusion model with a quiescent stage (see, e.g., [32, 94]) ( du\(t,x) DAui(t,x) + f(ui{t,x)) -72Ui(t,x) +i1u2(t,x), a4dt U „ , „ «, (627) dt -j2Ul{t,X) -JiU2{t,X)), 129

where tti, u% are densities of the dispersal and nondispersal subpopulations, D > 0, f(u) is a nonlinear continuous function, 71 and 72 are the emigration and immigration rates, respectively. For system (6.27), F(ui,u2) = f(u\) — 72^1 + 7i«2, G(-Ui,u2) =

72^1 — 7i«2- Then FU2 = 71 > 0, GUx — 72 > 0, GU2 — —71 < 0. If we further assume that / e C2(-l, 00) for some I > 0 such that /'(«i) - 72 < 0 for ^i e (—Z, 00), that /(tti) has only three zeros 0, ai, 02 on [0,02], and that /'(0) < 0, /'(ai) > 0 and

/'(a2) < 0, then (6.27) satisfies (H12) and (H13). Thus, Theorems 6.2.1 and 6.3.1 imply that system (6.27) admits a bistable traveling wave, which is globally attractive with phase shift (or even globally exponentially stable with phase shift when the wave speed c 7^ 0) and unique (up to translation). As a particular example, / can be chosen as f(ui) — ui(ui — a)(l — Ui) for some 0 < a < 1. Chapter 7

Summary and Future Work

In this chapter, we briefly summarize the results in this thesis and present some possible problems as future work. In this thesis, we studied the evolution dynamics of four population models with spatial and temporal heterogeneities. The main topics of all these projects are about traveling waves and spreading speeds, which are very important characteristics in biological invasions. In Chapter 3, motivated by the autonomous integro-differential models in [55, 59, 68], we considered that population dynamics depends on the time-varying environ­ ment and proposed a periodic model (3.5). We generalized the results about the spreading speed and traveling waves for the autonomous models in [55, 59, 68] to our periodic model and obtained the existence and formula of the spreading speed c*, the nonexistence of periodic traveling waves connecting 0 and a positive periodic solution when c < c*, and the existence of traveling waves when c > c* for the associated autonomous system. Note that in the above three mentioned references, the spread­ ing speed was studied in a week sense (see Chapter 3) and mainly by the "linear conjecture", while we studied the spreading speed in a strong sense (see Chapter 3) with rigorous mathematical analysis. One thing that has to be pointed out is that, the existence of periodic traveling waves when c > c* remains an open problem.

130 131

In Chapter 4, motivated by the study of some reaction-diffusion models with stage- structure in [27, 75, 78, 91]), we investigate a non-local periodic reaction-diffusion population model with stage-structure (4.2). We successfully generalized the results of the spreading speed and traveling waves in unbounded domains and the thresh­ old result in a bounded domain for the autonomous models in [27, 75, 78, 91]) to the general periodic system (4.2). More precisely, in the case of unbounded spatial domain, we established the existence of the asymptotic speed of spread and showed that it coincides with the minimal wave speed for monotone periodic traveling waves connecting 0 and a positive periodic solution; in the case of bounded spatial domain, we obtained a threshold result on the global attractivity of either zero or a positive periodic solution. In Chapter 5, we considered a class of discrete-time population models (5.3), which was proposed in [85], in a periodic lattice habitat. The spreading speeds and travel­ ing waves for the continuous version of this model in homogeneous habitats when the recruitment function is not necessarily monotone have been studied in [38, 49]. The continuous version in periodic habitats when the recruitment function is not necessar­ ily monotone has also been studied numerically in [40] and the spreading speeds have been obtained in [87]. There is no result about the existence of the spatially periodic traveling waves in this case. We studied the lattice model (5.3) in two cases. When the recruitment function is monotone in the population density, we obtained the for­ mula of the spreading speeds and showed that the spreading speeds coincide with the minimal wave speeds for spatially periodic traveling waves in the positive and neg­ ative directions. When the recruitment function is not monotone in the population density, we constructed two monotone systems to control the nonmonotone system and used the spreading speeds for the monotone systems to estimate the spreading speeds for the nonmonotone system. In this case, we also showed that for any wave speed greater than the spreading speed, there exists a spatially periodic traveling wave, while for any wave speed less than the spreading speed, there is no spatially periodic traveling wave. However, we did not obtain any result about the existence 132

of a spatially periodic traveling wave with wave speed equal to the spreading speed. In Chapter 6, motivated by some specific population models in [12, 32, 48, 65, 92], we proposed a general model of a class of cooperative reaction-diffusion systems (6.6), in which one population (or subpopulation) diffuses while the other is sedentary. The monostable case has been well studied for specific examples of (6.6) in [12, 32, 48, 65], while it seems that the bistable case has only been studied in [92] for a specific example. The existence, uniqueness and global stability of the bistable traveling waves have been obtained there. In our work, for the most general model (6.6), we established the existence of the bistable traveling wave by the shooting method, and then obtained its global attractivity with phase shift and uniqueness (up to translation) via the dynamical system approach. The results can be well applied to the examples in [12, 32, 48, 65, 92] and all other examples which satisfy the basic assumptions for (6.6). Besides the unsolved problems arising from the finished projects in this thesis, which are mentioned above, there are quite a few related problems which may be my future work. In the first two projects, I considered the time periodic systems which are obvious more realistic than autonomous systems for many species. However, the time periodic systems are still simple cases of most general situations. As future work, I would like to study the almost periodic case of the models or simply assume that the parameters generally depend on the time t. Moreover, in Chapter 4, I assumed that the maturation time for all individuals are the same, which implies that the maturation recruitment at any time t simply depends on the population at time t — r. However, in real situations, for some populations, the maturation time is not always the same for all individuals. This results in the possibility of distributed delay or time delay depending on time t. Therefore, I would also like to study the model (4.2) in the almost periodic case or under the assumption of r = r(t). In the first three projects, I only considered the monostable case, another interesting problem would be to investigate these models in the bistable case. To include the water flow in the stream population models, we may add an advection term in a reaction-diffusion 133

model and then study the spreading speeds and (periodic) traveling waves. Noting that the dispersal of immature population and mature population may not be the same, we can also incorporate age-structure into a model with long-term dispersal, for instance, (3.5). Finally, it is very important to consider the long time dispersal in a stochastic model. This may also be a part of my future work. Bibliography

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