Archbishops of Canterbury DEANS. Right Honble. Lord CharlesAynesley,M.A.,-) June 22, 1803. I Tdward Auriol Hay Drummond,D.D. Manners ChristopherWordsworth,M.A. , . Sutton. "E. A. H. Drummond,D.D. I May'20, 1808.' CharlesBarton, Da E. A. H. Drummond,D.D. I May 2, 1816. . ,, Howley. CharlesBarton, D.D. Hugh James RO'se,B.D. } Ja.n.26, 1830. "William RoweLyall, M.A , March 4, 1834. "William Rowe Lyall, M.A. Sir Herbert Oakley,Bart., M.A. I March 11, 1834. Sir Herbert Oakley,Bart., M.A. "Henry Barry Knox, M.A. 1 Sept. 7, 1841. "Henry Barry Knox, M.A. 1 AprilHenryCarrington;M.A. 18, 1845.


The names of the Rectors of Hadleigh: which in the Archbishop's Registers at Lambeth is severally written Hadleigh, Hadley, Haddeley, Hadleighe, and Iladeleigh. ' This List ivas made by Dr. David Wilkins, and is inserted with some variations both,in his MS. account of Hadleigh, and in the Parish Register of ,Baptisms, 1682-1789. The •iogmphical notices have for the most part been subsequently added either by Dr. Wilkins, by others, or more especially by myself.

A.D. 1292. Rob. de Oysterne. 1317. Johan. de Greneford,collatedby Archbp. Reynolds. Johannes de Camera resignedto Bis successorfor Worwell. In an old Institution Book at , it is said:that ye A. B. C. (Archbishop'OfCanterbury)empoweredthe Bp. of Norwich to take Camera's resignation of Hadleigh, and upon his .being instituted to Norwell (J. de Wasing's living) to collateWasing to Hadleigh. 4) ( /r16 Gy y , d)

zo-11-.1.44in.;61,&-tri-e AcT-t. l'54-'1-2‘""1-• / 3 Alts. • ti.Cir:4,_ ,A;PPE DIX E. Teec.- 73 4.4,04. eyirivn. , 1325. .Gregorius de Wasniggs (Wasing), collated by Archbp. Rey- mi. Julio. nolds. 1340. Nicholaus .de Ake. 4868. Joh. Baslet, collated by Archbp. Langham. Resigned. He was Rector of Chelsey, 1368, Oct.; and Rector of Chadwell, in Essex, 1389, Jan. 12. 1368. Tho. Preston, AM. Resigned. He was Rector of Chelsey, 1368, and of St. Margaret, Lothbury, London, 1393. 1368. Will. Pakner. .1381. Johan. Balsham. Resigned. In Canterbury Register he is called Waltham. V.E.4.. - ii40 =c4 .1384. Johan. Bacon, coliated-by-Amhbp:-Geurtney.‘7tou2a7e. Zra.t#4 1415. Will. Chicheley, collated by Abp. Chicheley. He was after- wards Archdeacon of Canterbury. The annualvalueof the Archdeaconryof Canterburyin 1379,was £157. 10s. Od.—SeeFuller's Church History, vol.ii., p. 351. The Chicheleyswere probably natives of Northamptonshire,and brothersof the Archbishopof that name. 'The Archbishop,at all events,wasbornat Higham Ferrers,wherea brassin the church, (placedthere no doubt by him),marks the graveof his parents. He is saidto have attracted the noticeof Williamof Wykehain, as he kept his father's sheep; but in the midstof the honours which he afterwardsattained,he was carefulto advance,though not unduly,the -interestsof his own family. He died in 1443, andwasburiedonthe southsideofthe Presbytery,in Canterbury Cathedral.=Pook's History of Architecture, p. 367. luller tellsthe followingcurious•aneddote,which shewsthe origin, as I suppose,of William Chicheley,our Rector also:—" I have nothing else to observeof ArchbishopChichele,savethe common tradition howKing Henry the Sixth,acted hereinby somemiso- dere courtiers(otherwisein himselffriendenoughto churchmen), +sentthe Archbishop,for a new-year'sgift, a shred-pieindeed,as containingpiecesof cloth andstuff of severalsorts and colours, in jeer because his father was a tailor at Higham Ferrers in Northamptonshire. TheArchbishopthankfullyreceivedthe 4,-ift, evenafterhehadseenthe entrailsthereof, and courteouslyenter- tained the messenger,requestinghimtoreturntohisGrace, ifmy Lord the King do but as far exceedHenry the Fifth (whomGoa assoil),his father, as my meannesshath gonebeyondmy poor lathe; hewillmakethe mostaccomplishedmonarchthat everwas -in Christendom.'"—Church History, vol.ii., p. 451. 1108. Thos. Walbere, collated by Abp. Chicheley. He was Rector of Hadstock, in Essex, 1498, Oct. 2; and Prebendary of Twyford St. Paul's, 14-16, June 4. 1438. Thos. Chicheley, collated by .Abp. Chicheley, obiit. Ile was likewise Archdeacon of Canterbury ; Prebendary of Cad- ington Minor; St. Paul's Ch., London, 1429, 18 Feb. ; and held many other preferments. He was one of the attesting witnesses to the Founder's (Archbishop Chicheley's) .Statutes TOL. III. 2


• for All Souls' College,,dated at Lambeth, April 2, 1443. " Prnsentibus tune ibidem venerabilibus viris Magistris Thoma Chichele,ArchidiaconoCantuarensi," &c. 1467. Thos.Rotheram,Keeperof the Privy Sealto KingEdward IV., collated by Abp. Bourchier. He was afterwards Lord Chancellor,and Bishopfirst of Rochester,then of Lincoln; and lastly Archbishopof York. ThomasRotherhamwasMasterof PembrokeHall, in Cambridge, Chaplainto King Edward the Fourth ; Provost of Beverley; Keeperof ye King's Privy Seal: Rectorof St. Vedast,London, 1465; Rector of Hadleigh, 1467; Bishopof Rochester, 1467; of Lincoln,1471; Lord Chancelor,1474; Archbishopof York, 1480; dyedMay 29, 1500,--1'id. Godwyn de Prwsulibus Anglice, p. 698. 1472. Will. Pykenham, ob. He was Archdeaconof Suffolk, 1471; Prolocutor 1481, prmsentatus per Dec. S. Pauli, Lond., et Archidiac.Cantuar. He wasLL. Doctor; Deanof Stoke College; Vicar of Ruthyn, in Kent ; Rector of Rayleigh, in Essex, Aug. 3, 1462; Vicar of Hatfield Regis, 1465; ChancellorofNorwich; Rector ofHadleigh,1472; Preben- dary of Wenlakesbury,in St. Paul's Ch., London, 1472; Prebendary of Leighton Busard, in ye Cathedral Ch. of Lincoln, 1483; Prebendaryof Gaia Major, in Ch. of Lich- , field, 1485; Prebendary of West Thurrock, in ye Free Chapel of Hastings. He died 1497, and was buried at Stoke Clare. Newcoures Repert. vol. i., 221 ; ii., 592 : Willis's Cathedr, vol. ii., 205 : Broum'sAntiq. of Norwich. (In his will in ye PrerogativeOffic; he callshimself Rector of St. George'sWroteham, in RochesterDiocese.) 1497. Joh. Rice, LL B., collatedby Archbp. Morton, ob.. [Dining the interval betweenRiceandBedyll,therewasa Thomas Rosehere, either as Rector or Curate. Fore, whose Acts and Monumentswerepublishedin 1562,saysit wasthen " about47 yearsago or thereabout,whichwouldbe 1515. Rose appearsto havebeenCurateofPolstead,to " oneMasterFabian," andby his means was afterwards" placedin the town of Hadley,wherehe, firstcomingtosomeknowledgeofthe Gospel,beganfirstthere to treat upon the Creed; and thereuponto take occasiontoinveigh against purgatory and praying to saints and images." His preachingsoinflamedthezealoffourmenthat " they adventured to destroythe roodof Dovercourt,whichcostthree of themtheir lives," and Rose,to whomit was brought,burnt the coatofthe said rood. Rosehad enemies,however, at Hadleigh, who in- formedagainsthim,andhe wasarrestedandcommittedtoprison, in the Bishopof Lincoln'shouse' in Holborn,where he wasvery cruelly treated,and not allowedtohaveany interviewwith some Hadleighfriends,or evenwith his mother. He wasafterwards set at liberty throughthe influenceof Cranmer,but wasnot al- lowedto comewithintwenty miles of,Hadleigh. Someof his friendswishedto have him back, and obtainedpermissionfrom the Archbishop; but the " cure" havingbeenfilledup, he could Lot be re-instatedin it. He then becameChaplaintothe Lord


Cromwell but having preachedagainst the pointscontainedin the Six Articles,he was sought for by the Duke of Norfolkin person andan ordergiventhat whosoevershouldtakehim should hang himon the next tree. He thereuponescapedtoZurich,and remainedwith Bullingerfor a time,and afterwardshe went to Basle. By and bye he returned to with his wife and child, and was protectedby the Earl of Sussex,till the deathof Henry the Eighth. He was appointedby Edwardthe Sixth,to the beneficeofWestHam,near.London; but onthe accessionof QueenMary,he was again exposedto persecution; but he was again fortunate enoughto escapein safety " overthe seas,"and continuedthereuntil the Queen'sdeath. He returnedto England whenElizabethcameto the throne.—SeeFore's Acts and Monu- ments, vol.viii. pp. 581-590(Seeley'sed., 1839). Thereis also a brief notice Of Rose in the Parker Society's Zurich Letters, part ii., p. 773. It will be observedthatthis confirmswhatI havepreviouslystated about Hadleighbeingremarkableforits leaningtowardsthe Re- formation,beforethe timeofRowlandTayler. 1521. Thos.Bedyll,LL.B., collatedby Archbp.Warham. Resigned. He was Rector of Bocking,1522, Nov. 20, and resigned 1532. He had St; Dionis Backchurch, London, March 12, 1527; resignedDec., 1530; wasArchdeaconof Cleve- land, 1533, June' resignedAug. following; Archdeaconof London, 1538, Aug. 5; resigned Dec, 1537; Prebendary of Mapesbury, London, 1537, Dec. 17; resigned 51 days 'after ; Rector of All Hallows, ye Great,London,1534, Dec. 30. Obiit 1537, 18 Septr. 1534. Will. Ryvett, LL.B., collatedby Archbp. Cranmer; ob. Arch- deacon of Suffolk, 1510-1 1541. joh. Vyall, D.D., collated by Archbp. Cranmer,ob. He was also Vicar of Hayes cum Capella de Norwood. 1544. RowlandTaylor, LLD., collatedby Abp. Cranmer; -martyred 1555. 1554. Joh. Nowell, S.T.B. Rector of Monk's Eleigh, May 6, 1554; was Dean of Bocking,June 1, 1556. Resigned. 1560. Thos. Spencer,M.A., collatedby Archbp. Parker, ob. 1571. Joh. Styli, B D , collated by Archp. Parker. Margaret Pro- fessor in Cambridge, 1570; Hector of Hadleigh, 1571 ; Dean of Bocking and Prebendary of Westminster, 1573; Archdeacon of Sudbury, 1576; Prolocutor, 1588; Master of St John's, and afterwardsofTrinity College,Cambridge; consecratedBishop of Bath and Wells, Feb. 11, 1592. Dyed 26 Far., 1607; buried in the Cathedral Church of Wells. Therewasa GeorgeStill, Rectorof Whatfield,from1556to 1581; probablya nearrelationofour Rector,but not a son,if the list of BishopStill'schildrenat pp. 137-8,nOte,becomet. 1592. Joh. Beaumont, D.D., presented by Qu. Elizabeth upon the promotion of Dr. Styll. He was one of the earliest scholars 276 HADLEIGEL

elected from Westminster School to Trinity College, Cambridge, 1568; B.A., 1572; Fellow of Trinity, 157—;. M.A., 1576; resigned his Fellowship 1581; B.D , 1583. Alumni Westm., p. 41; buried at Hadleigh, April 27, 1599: " DominusJohnBem'ont Sacre TheologieDoctor et Hector istius EcclesieSepultus erat vicessimoseptimo."—Churek Register. He is mentioned as being present at parish. meetings at Hadleigh, in 1595, 1596, and 1597,in the Churchwardens'and Collectors'Book. Dr. Beaumontseemsto have beenRector of Whatfieldbeforehe wasappointedto this living. He wasmadeRectortherein 1581, and appearsto haveheldWhatfield.with Hadleigh,till his death,. in 1599. 1599, Geo.Meriton, B.D , collated by Archbp. Whitgift. He was a native of Hertfordshire. He was originally of St. John's College Cambridge,and there took the degree of B.A. in 1584-5, and of M.A. iu 1588; he was afterwards, July 4, 1589',-elected Fellow of Queen's; was Junior Bursar, 15954; Senior Bursar, 1596-7; and there proceeded B.D. in 1596, and D.D , 1601; Dean of Bocking, 1599; Dean of Peterborough, June, 1612; Dean of York, 1617. He was buried in the south aisle of York Minster; and there is this inscription on his grave : " Here lyeth the body of George Meriton, D.D., late Dean of this.Church, who departed this life, Dec. 23, A.D., 1624."—Drake's York Minster. – Whilst at Cambridgehe appearste havebeenengagedin a contro- versy with Thomas Brightman," a dissaffectorof the Church disciplineof England." " (Irightman) wasbornin the town of Nottingham,bred at Queen'sCollege,at Cambridge,wherea constantopposition,in point of judgmentaboutceremonies,was maintainedbetweenhim and DoctorMeryton'afterwardsDeanof York."—Fuller's Church History, vol.v., p. 383. The Registershewsthat he had severalchildrenbaptizedhere; and the Churchwarden,s'and Collectors' Book thathewasveryregular in his attendanceat parishmeetino.'s,evenafterhe had beenmade Deanof Peterborough,until 1616. Thelatter containshis auto- graphsignaturein oneor twoplaces. From the latter book it also appearsthat onleaving Hadleigh,he - made-somegiftsof moneyto the town,for thereis the following Memorandumatp. 362:-1620. " Therewastennepoundsreceived this yeare last past of Dr. Meriton, wch he gave to the towne, whereoffivepoundswasbestowedin the charge forthe minister's, dyett, wth the exerciseon Mondays; and the other fivepounds was distributedin linnen andwoollenclothe,to the poorepeople ofthe towne." " AlsoChristopherMeritonbroughtin at this accomptefivepounds, given by Mr. Dr. Meriton,web five poimdswas payed to Mr. Fowler,towardsthe minister'sdyett" Andat p. 367,there arethesefurthermemorandain referenceto Dr. Meriton " The first five pounds wch was given by Mr. Dr. Menton,Deane of York, at Christmas,was employedinthe chargeofthe minister'e dyett, 1619."


" The next fivepoundswasdistributedin linnenand woollento the poorepeople,in the year 1620." " Thethird fivepoundswasbestowedinthe chargeofthe minister's dyett,as apearethby accomptetakenin y°writingofMr. Fowler, 1621." " The 4th five poundswas distributedin linnen and woollen as apearethin the CollectorsBook,1621." " The fifth five poundswas paid by Mr.Alabasterto Mr. Fowler, forthe minister'sdyett." I cannot understandwhat the paymentfor the "Minister's dyett" refers to, unlessit was intendedto gotowardsthe supportofthe Lecturer,whopreacheda sermononthe marketday. The extract at p. 43,relating to the bells,—"forringingof the bell on Mon- daysto the Sermon,"—appearstostrengthenthis conclusion. 1618. Thos. Goad,Provost of King's College,Cambridge; (this is a mistakeofDr. Wilkins') Prebendaryof CanterburyandWin- chester; Prmcentorof St. Paul's, London; Rector of Black Notley, in Essex; Chaplain to Archbp. Abbott; Dean of Booking. Died Aug. 8, 1638, and was buried in the Chancelof Hadleigh durch, next day. 1638. Robert Cottesford,D.D., was Rector as appearsin the Church Register, 1641, but was ejected before Oct. 12, when his son Isaac was christned; Vicar of Canewdon,Essex, 1629, Dec. 13 ; Prebendary of Hopton in St. Paul's Ch., London, 1633, Sep. 12; Rector of Monk's Eleigh, 1635, coll. by Archbp. Laud, ejected1643; Dean of Bocking, 1638. Isaac Harrison, M.A. (calledDoctor in Divinity, in Register of Baptisms, 1658), ejected; dyed at Easton; was Rector of this parish in 1647 and 1656, as appearsby the Church Registersatye christning-of his children—Feb.20, 1647; March 16, 1650; Dec. 24, 1654; Aug. 26, 1656;—but how long after doesnot appear. 1662. Dan. Nicholls, B.D., collated by Archbp. Juxon; admitted Pensionerof Queen's College,Cambridge,31 March, 1645, tutore Mr° Sillesby; elected Scholar, Feb. 10; admitted Feb. 14, 1645-6: transferredto the foundationof George Mountague, Bp. of York, 19Jan., 1646-7; admitted Jan. 20 ; B.A , Jan. 1648-9; M.A., 1652; B D., 1659; D.D., 1664; elected Fellow, March 1, 1648-9; admitted Jan. 7, 1649-50,in locum Mni13arksdall;re-electedand re- admitted, Aug. 23, 1660, in locum Mr, Sparrow (Essex). He held the following CollegeOffices: Prmlector Setoni, 1651-2; Przel. Grtecus, 1652-3; Prml. Arithm. 1654-5;' Decanus Sacelli, 1655-6; Censor Philos. 1656-7; Thes. Super. and Censor Theolog.,1657-8; Prml. Heb., 1658-9; Prml. Arithm. 1659-60; DecannsSacelli,1660-61; Censor Theol., 1661-2; Scrutatorof the lJnivY.,1659-60; nomi- nated to the Vicarage of Oakington,Cambs., Oct. 17, 1658, but does not seem to have held it, as his successor was 278 HADLEIGH.

appointed three months after ; Chaplain to Archbp. Suxon, who presented him to Stisted, Essex, 5 March, 1662, and in the same year to Hadleigh, by which his Fellowship was vacated. He died,!.Sep. 10, 1665, and was buried on Sep. 12, on the south side of the Chancel of our Church, within the rails. The following too fulsome inscription marks his grave :—

Hicjacet quodmoripotuit DANIELIS Thcolms,SS.T.D.,olimColl.,Itegin.Cant.Soc. Re Du. Dn. G. Juxon, Arch.Cantensia Sacris, Hnjus et Ecelesiaode Stistedin agro EssexiensiRect. Atnonhie tumulatursola Corporiscadaverosamoles; Verumimmaculatxanimaepurioresexuviw. Quippequa Deumcoluit,spectandapietasmeritosiet, NonunicurnParochianorumexemplum, Sedbonoruniomnium. Nonbonisoperibusinnixusest sedfecittamen;, Nectantum strictaspietatislegesnunquamtransilivit, SedTemperantiao,Modestiw,Inedireultrô,sibi ArctioresposuitCancellos. Regemquemhonorabatexulem,reaucernvenerabatur EeclesiamAnglicanam,quamlugebatdepressam, Ornabatrestitutam. Habebisbrevi QuwcunquesibiDoctrinavindicavitaut virtus, Ea hic (henpigetdieere)sepeliuntur. Eum hincpenemediisanniskistulere Nonprwmatura,quiaad Cwlos,fata. Obiitannowtatissum36; 10m.die7bria.; VerbiIncarnati1665. 1665. Thos. Cooke, 13.D, c011atedby Archbp Sheldon. He was a native of Warwickshire ; B.A., 1652.3 ; Fellow of Pem- broke hall, Cambridge, 13 April, 1652 (1653 probably the correct date) ; M.A., 1657 ; readmitted Fellow, 1660 ; B.D , 1664 ; Rector of Hadleigh and of Booking (Stisted ?); 1665 ; D.D. 1679;Chaplain to Archbishop Sheldon, and Henchrnan, Bishop of London; collated to the Archdeaconry of Middlesex, Dec. 7, 1669 ; he A!NrasDean of Booking 1669 ; Prebendary of Willesden in St Paul's, Sept 29, 1670; collated to the Treasurership of St. Paul's, March 25, 1672 ; in 1679, May he is mentioned in Dugdale'sSt. Paul's, in the List of Subscriptions for rebuilding that Church " Given byThomas Cook,of Hadley, in Com. Suff. 0010. 00. 00." He died, according to the epitaph on his grave, on Sept. 25, 1579, aged 47, and was buried in the Chancel of our Church, according to the Register on the day of his death : " Sept. Dr. Cooke, Rector " The following is the epitaph :— In SpeBeatreResurrectionis Hiejacet VenerabilisvirTHOMAS COOK, S.T.P. HujusEcelesimRector. APPENDIX E. 279

EximiusSacrazScriptumInterpres QuamsicDocendoelucidavit, Vivendoornavit, Moriendofirmavit, Ut par ubiq.sibiagnosceretur. ObiitSeptemb.25o AnnoDomini1679, Aetatissure47. There is a Mr. Richard Cooke mentionedas Rectorin the Liber Actorum, 1669 and 1670, although the Venerable ThomasCookeiVpoken ofjust beforeas Dean of Bocking. In 1670 Mr. ThomasOleyis mentionedas Curate after the name of Mr. Richard Cooke as Rector, which looks as if the Living of Hadleigh had been given up to Mr. R. Cooke; but on the other hand, Dr. Thomas Cooke is said both in his epitaph and in the Church Register to have been Rectorhme at the time of his death in 1679. 1679 Carol. Trumbull,LL.D., collatedby Archbp. Sancroft, Rector of Stisted,Essex, 1679, Oct.3. Deprived. Obiit 40Jan., 1723-4 aged 78, and was buried in the Chancel of our Church, under the site of the present pulpit, on Jan. 10. 1691. Zach. Fiske, of Queen's College, Cambridge• B.A., 1668 ; M.A., 1673; presented by K. William an Q. Mary, ob. Ile was Rector of Cockfieldin Suffolk,and held fladleigh Living for Dr. Trumbull, who enjoyedthe full perquisites of it. Thos.Fiske was then Curate, whom Dr. Smallbroke discharged when he cameto the living. Zachariah Fiske was buried at Cockfield,in Septr., 1708,but there is no monumentalrecord of him there. ,1709. Lich. Smalbroke, D.D., collated by Archbp. Tenison. Re- signed. Fellow of Magdalen College,Oxford; Bishop of St. David's first, and afterwards of Lichfieldand Coventry. 1712. Rob. Clavering,M.A., collatedby Archbp Tenison. Resigned. Originally of Lincoln College, Oxford,where he took the degree of M.A., on May 20, 1696; incorporatedof Cam- bridge, 1698; Fellow and Tutor of University College; B.D. and D.D., March 2, 1715; and Canon of Christ Church; and for morethan forty years Regius Professorof Hebrewat Oxford—from1705to 1747; consecratedBishop of Llandaff,Jan. 2, 1724; andin 1728,translated to Peter- borough. Died in 1747, and was buried near the altar, in the choir of Peterborough Cathedral. His coffinwas ex- posed to view in 1858,when the stone pavement under which it lay, was removed for the purposeof introducing gas fittings over the altar. No inscription, except the name, was found on the coffin,and no.entry or record of


any particulars of his life and episcopateis to be gathered from the Cathedral Archives. BishopClaveringis saidin Nichols' Literary Anecdotes, vol. ii., p. 604,to haveassuredFrancis Peck that The Whole Duty of Mau waswrittenby one Basket, a SomersetshireClergyman. I suspectthat BishopClavering'sfamilymust havebeenconnected by marriagewith that of BishopHough,but I havehadno means ofverifyingthe conjecture. 1713. Rich. Ibbetson,M.A., collatedby Archbp.Tenison. Resigned. Was Rector of Lambeth; Residentiary of Exeter ; and ArchdeaconofExeter and Chaunter. In Tanswell'sHistory of Lambeth, pp. 138-9, he is thus noticed:—" Richard Ibbetson,(appointedRector), Septr. 30, 1717, by the king, on Gibsonbeing made Bishopof Lincoln. He was a native of Yorkshire,ofOrielCollege,Oxford(M.A. Oct. 14, 1701), ofwhich he was afterwardsFellow' Chaplainto Archbishop Tenison,who conferredon him the Lambeth degreeof D.D. He died Septr. 2, 1731,at Canterbury, andis buried in the Cathedral.' There is no record, however,of his burial in the Cathedral Registers; nor is it known that any monu- ment was ever erectedto his memory. 1717. Will. Byrche, M.A., collated by Archbp. Wake. He was third son of Thomas Byrche, Esq , of Leycroft, Stafford- shire ; admitted into Westminster School,in 1703; elected to Trinity. College, Cambridge, 1706; B.A., 1709-10; Fellow of Trinity, 17... ; M.A., 1713; LL.D., but not of Oxfordor of Cambridge,17.. ; Rector of Hadleigh, 1717, and of Monks' Eleigh in the same year; resigned these livings in 1719, when he was appointed Chancellor and Prebendary of Worcester,and much about ,the sametime he was presented to the large living of Fladbury, near Pershore (probablyas an " option"), by Archbp. Wake. " He has a good£1,000 a year in preferment" (writes the illustrious Bishop Hough, to whom Dr. Byrche was a first cousinonceremoved,in Feb., 1727), " no part of it or of his business,lying aboveten milesfrom his house, which is a very goodone and charminglysituated." On Oct. 27, 1727, he was collated by Bishop Hough to the living of Blockley,in the samecounty. Dr. Byrche was also nephew to Lady Lee, whomthat Bishop married,andshebequeathed£20to himin her willto buy a ring. Hewas the authorof the " ModestApologyfor Punning," in the Gudrdian, No. 36. He arrangesthe severaladvantagesof " the art " under three generalheads—Intellectual,Moral,and Physi- eal:—L Intellectuallyit (1) givesus the compassof our own language,by causinga searchforthe wordswhichagreein sound, but have'differentmeanings; (2)it ends disputeswith a joke, " theclashingofwordsbeingpreventedbythe jinglingofwords;" (3) it promotesattentionof mind," the company being constantly as it appears,withgout.


kept on the watch for,somethingamusing;" (4) and thus, by means of the ridiculous,producesmirthand good humour. II. Morally,it is adornedwith (1)humility; (2)urbanity; (3) and justice. III. Physically,it contributesto health,by throwingoff all the bad humours,and occasioningsucha brisk circulationof the blood,askeepsthe lampof lifein a clearand constantflame; —punstersbeing for the mostpart of a " corpulent make and a round vacant countenance." The author professestowrite from experience; but the lettersof-BishopHough shewthat he wasfrequentlyill, sometimesthrough some malady in Insfoot; nowwithpleurisy; noWwithfever; nowwith ague; andonce, ' He married somewhereabout 1727-28, Elizabeth, daughter,of Thomas Savage, Esq., of Elmley Castle, Worcestershire,who brought him a fortune of about £800a year, and eventuallyhis son becameheir of Elmingham,—andtook,with the property, which was worth £44,000, the nameof Savage. This son,how- ever,diedwithoutissue,in 1776. Dr. Byrche himself died in 1741, and was buried in the south cloisterofWorcesterCathedral. Thefollowingisthe inscription to his memory,on a brass plate,attachedto the wall,near his grave BylICHE, LL.D., of Leycroft,in the Comity of Stafford;Chancellorofthis Diocese; Rectorof Flad- dury, in this County; died A.D. 1741. He married Elizabeth,daughterofThomasSavage,ofEhnleyCastle, Esq., andleft issueElizabeth,Thomas,andJane." See Nash's History of Worcestershire; Green's History of Worcester ; and Wilmot's Life of Bishop Hough. Ins. David Wilkins, D.D., collated Nov. 17, by Archbp. Wake. He was Rector also of Monks'Eleigh,,collatedNov. 25, and inducted Dec. 4, 1719; Prebendary of Canterbury ; and Archdeaconof Suffolk. Buried in the chancelof Hadleigh church. [Dr. Wi]kins'List endshere.] 1745. Thomas Tanner, of Christ Church, Oxford, M.A., Tune 14, 1740; collated by Archbp. Potter, whose daughter he married; inducted Oct. 26, 1745; Dean ofBocking; Rec- tor of Monks' Eleigh, inducted Oct. 29, 1745; Prebendary of Canterbury. Died March 11, and was buried in Had- leigh church, near the vestry, on March 20, 1786 Thereis a small mural monumenttohis memory,in the upperpart of the north aisle,or Lady Chapel,oppositeto the vestrydoor, andit bears this inscription -- Sacred to the memoryofTHOMASTANNER,D.D.,Rector ofthis Parish; PrebendaryofCanterbury;whodeparted this life,Marchllth, 1786,agedsixty eight; andalsoto the memory of Mary Tanner, his wife,who dyed the 30th of April,1779,aged fifty six. In filial affection and gratitude(asa smalltribute to the exemplarycon- duct andmanyexcellentvirtues,of twomostindulgent andkindparents),this monumentiserected. 1786. March 28. ThomasDrake, born at Halifax, in Yorkshire, in 1745; B.A., 1768; M.A., 1771; Fellow of St. John' s yin. III. 2 o


College,Cambridge; S.T.B., 1779; 1784; collate& by Archbp. Moore; was Chaplain to the Archbp.; Rector of Little Hormead,Herts ; Dean of Booking; one of the principalRegistrarsofthe Prerogative Court ofCanterbury; removed July 26, 1790, to the Vicarage of Rochdale, Lancashire; died at Rochdale, Septr. 12, 1819, and was buried in the new churchyard;:where a table tomb enclosed with iron railings, was erected by the parishioners, " in testimonyof their affectionateregardforthe memoryof their late worthy Vicar." The followingis the inscription:— H. S. E. THOMASDRAKE,S.T.P., Natu Halifaxiensis, Coll.Div.John Cant.quondamSocius; Reverendissimoin Xto Patri Joh. Moore, Archiep.Cantuar.a sacrisDomesticis; Deinde Eccl. dc Hadley,Corn. Rector; Demum hujusParochim de Rochdaleper annosxxixVicarius.. Quidiemob.supremumSep.xiie MDCCCXIX. annummtatisagens LXXV. Vir doctus,mitis,vitminteger. 1790. GeorgeWatson, B.A., 1770; M.A., 1774; Fellow of Trinity- College,Cambridge; collatedby Archbishop Moore,in ex- change for the Rectory of Elwick, Durham; Dean of Booking, 1791; D.D., April 30, 1792; removed to the Rectoryof Rothbury, in Northumberland, Feb. 10, 1796. 1796. Feb. 9-. Edward Auriol Hay Drummond, born April 1.0', 1768, the fifth son of the Honble. and MostRev. Robert Hay Drum.mond, Archbishop of York, by Henrietta; daughter and coheiressof Peter.Auriol, Esq., Merchant, of London; of Christ Church, Oxford;• Student, May, 1774; BA., 1777; M.A., 1780; B. and D.D., 1794; Prebendary of York, 1784; Chaplain in Ordinary to King Georgethe Third, 1789; Rector of Rothbury, Northumberland; Rector of Hadleigh,through an exchangewith Dr. Watson,. 1796; Prebendary of Southwell, 1806 ; Rector of Dalham,. Suffolk, 1822. He married (1) Dec.12,.1782,Elizabeth, daughterof Williamde. Visme Esq.,by whomhe had two sonsand fourdaughters; and- (2)his cousin,Amelia,daughterof James Auriol,Esq., andhad by her twomoresonsandtwo daughters. He was the author of "A Tableof CatecheticalQuestions,priorto, Confirmation"; London,1813,18mo. He died on Dec. 30, 1829; was buried at Hadleigh,on Saturday,. January 9th, 1830,withinthe altar-rails,in our Church; and his, - Funeral Sermonwaspreachedonthenext day,by his Son-in-law,.


the Rev. Dr. Wilkins,now Archdeaconof Nottingham.—See Gentleman's Magazine, 1830,part i. There is a mural monumentto bis memory,whichwas originally placed on the northwallof the chancel,but haslately beenre- moved to the south wall of the Lady ChapeL It bears this inscription:— M. S. EDVARD.AnimaHAYDRUMMOND,S.T.P., ViziprmnobilisRobertiArchiepiscopiEboracensis Filii nattiquinti; llajestati Regin Sacrisdomestic:is; BokingminComitatuEssexim Decani; EcclesimDiviPetri Eboracensis, NecnonSouthwelliensisinagroNottifighamim Prebendarii; Hujus Parochiaetrigintatres mums Rectoris. Quicuraepastoralistrenuamliperam.clabat, Pietatemetga Deumsummain hominesbenevolentia, Acmorumelegantiaornabat.: Literisac studiisdoctrinminstitutus, In concionibussacrisexstititprofiuensvalens,nervosus. Obiitxxx Decemb.annoDonini MDCCCNICTX. ' Annumagensseptuagesiniumsecundum.•• 1.30. Hugh JamesRose,of Trinity College,Cambridge,B.A.,1.817; M.A., 1820; R.D., 1827: collatedby ArchbishopHowley, January 26, 1830. /833. William RoweLyall, of Trinity College, Cambridge; B.A., 1810; M.A„ 1816: collated by Archbishop liowley ; Resigned, 1841; Dean of Canterbury, 1845; died, 1857. 1841. Henry Barry Knox, born Oct, 7, 1807; secondson of the Right Honble. GeorgeKnoxfourth son of the first Viscount Northland, brother of the first Earl of Ranfurly, by Anne, daughterofSir RobertStaples,Bart., D.C.L, andfortherlyM.P. for the Universityof Dublin;FellowCom- moner of Trinity College, Dublin ; B.A. Feb. 19, 1E28; M.A., March 6, 1832; ordained both Deacon and Priest, . the latter July 1833, by the Honble. Dr. Edmond-Knox, Bishopof Killaloe and Kilfinora; collated to the Rectory of Monks' Eleigh by Archbishop Howley, in 1835,and to the Rectoryof Hadleigh and joint Deaneryof Bocking,by the same patron on Oct.30, 1841,vacating Monks' Eleigh; Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Down, Connor, and Dromore. - Mr. Xnoxmarried(1) Septr.30, 1841,Jane, eldestdaughterof the late HonbIe.and Rev. ArthurVesey,who died,leaving an only daughter,Nov. 13, 1846;'and (2) ElizabethJane, eldestdaughter of the Honble. Vice-AdmirarE. S. P. Knox, and she left him againa widower,withanotherdaughter,on March4, 1855.