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Munich's Architectural Jewels – Some Modern Highlights from A to Z

ADAC Headquarters The ADAC headquarters building is the most recent structure in designed by the German-British architectural team Matthias Sauerbruch and Louisa Hutton. The bright yellow window trimming, star-shaped base construction and 93 meter high tower make this building a new architectural landmark in the Munich Westend quarter. Its environmentally friendly energy concept is also outstanding: Heating is provided by centralized district heating and geothermal energy; electrical power is generated by a photovoltaic system.; Architects: Matthias Sauerbruch and Louisa Hutton (Berlin, London) Completion: 2012 Location: Hansastrasse 19, Munich-Westend

Allianz Arena With the , Herzog & de Meuron have designed a stadium construction of world-class standards. The external skin and the roofing of the stadium ring are made of thousands of diamond-shaped, air-filled cushions which, during home games, are illuminated in the colours of Munich’s two major football clubs: red for FC Bayern and blue and white for TSV 1860.

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The stadium’s three steeply pitched tiers of seating (75,000 capacity) allow spectators to enjoy matches from up close. Architects: Herzog und De Meuron (Basel, Switzerland) Completion: 2005 Location: Werner-Heisenberg-Allee 25, Munich-Fröttmaning,on the northern edge of the city

BMW Welt (BMW World) BMW Welt is the company’s new car delivery and BMW experience center. Opposite the suspended roofs of the Olympic complex and right next door to the BMW skyscraper and company museum, the BMW Welt lives up to the architectural challenge of its environment and surroundings. The dynamic arc of the building’s opposing cone structure swirls up into the air, crowned by a roof which the company calls “the cloud”. The curved, solar-paneled flat roof covers an area of 15,000 m². Architects: Wolf D. Prix (Coop Himmelb(l)au, Vienna, Austria) Completion: 2007 Location: Lerchenauer Strasse 57 / corner of Georg-Brauchle-Ring, Munich-Schwabing

Fünf Höfe (Five Courtyards) A stylish shopping complex, which stands for fresh architecture combined with respect for existing, organic inner-city structures: With the “Fünf Höfe” in the Theatinerstrasse, architects Herzog & de Meuron have opened a previously closed-up, historical old- town block and transformed it into a modern ensemble of courtyards and passageways. Elegant stores, cafés, restaurants and various art and design installations give each of the courtyards and each of the passages its own unique flair. The art collection of the Kunsthalle der Hypokulturstiftung is housed here as well ( The building onto the Theatinerstrasse openes through foldable, closing metal elements. In the second phase of construction, the façade on the Salvatorstrasse side of the building was designed by the Munich company of Hilmer & Sattler.

Contact: Department of Labor and Economic Development München Tourismus, Trade & Media Relations Sendlinger Str. 1, 80331 München, Tel.: +49 89 233-30345 Email: [email protected], Page 3 Architects: Herzog & de Meuron (Basel, Switzerland), Hilmer & Sattler (Munich) Completion: 2003 Location: Corner of Theatinerstrasse and Salvatorstrasse

Herz Jesu Kirche (Herz Jesu Church) Munich’s most modern Catholic church, the “Herz Jesu Kirche” in the Neuhausen quarter of the city, impresses through its clear and reduced form. There is no ornament or painting which could distract from visitors’ search for introspection and peace. Valuable, noble materials and light - which falls through the external glass cover of the building and is filtered into the church’s interior through vertical, light wooden slats - create a warm and contemplative atmosphere. The monumental, two-winged entrance gate of blue glass, which commands practically the entire façade of the church, is opened in summer for concerts and festivals. Architects: Allmann Sattler Wappner (Munich) Completion: 2000 Location: Lachnerstrasse 8, Munich-Neuhausen

HFF Munich (Munich University of Television and Film) and Munich State Museum of Egyptian Art under one Roof Across from the art gallery, the Cologne architectural office of Peter and Gottfried Böhm built the new home for the HFF Munich (University of Television and Film) and the Munich State Museum of Egyptian Art. The different requirements posed by the two tenants for the new structure suggested a uniform, joint facade in front of two clearly distinct building elements with separate entrances. Via an entry which is situated on a lower level, visitors access the display area of the museum. In homage to an archeological excavation site the Böhm architects accommodated the exhibition rooms below ground; daylight is provided via an atrium that was cut into the lawn. The entrance area of the HFF Munich, on the other hand, is at ground level and

Contact: Department of Labor and Economic Development München Tourismus, Trade & Media Relations Sendlinger Str. 1, 80331 München, Tel.: +49 89 233-30345 Email: [email protected], Page 4 encompasses a generous foyer which can also be used for public events and communicates to the outside. Halls, main auditorium including cinema, seminar rooms, library and student cafeteria are located in the back of the building.;; Architects: Böhm Architectural Office (Cologne); Landscape architects: Lill and Sparla (Cologne) University of Television and Film (completion 2011) Egyptian Museum (opened June 10, 2013) Location: Gabelsbergerstrasse 35, across from the Alte Pinakothek art gallery, Munich- Maxvorstadt

Museum Brandhorst A vividly colorful house for art of the 20th and 21st centuries: The is the impressive new addition to Munich’s art quarter, the “Kunstareal”. The museum, created by the German-British architectural team of Matthias Sauerbruch and Louisa Hutton, is a long, narrow construction. The external skin of the building is made of a kind of blind, created from 36,000 glazed ceramic rods, which shimmer in varying colors, according to the prevailing light conditions. Inside, three exhibition areas are revealed, connected to each other through large stairways. Alongside its exceptional aesthetics, the Museum Brandhorst is also a role model of environmental responsibility due to a modern lighting concept which places natural daylight at the fore, as well as the building’s energy-saving temperature regulation systems, ground water pumps and use of heat-exchange technology. The building’s external “cloak” also soaks up street noise, leaving a serenely quiet interior. Architects: Mathias Sauerbruch and Louisa Hutton (Berlin, London) Completion: 2009 Location: Theresienstrasse 35a

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Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism The new building, whose construction was begun in the fall of 2011, was designed by the Berlin architects Georg-Scheel-Wetzel. They won the competition for the Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism with their structure in the form of a white cube made from exposed concrete. This design was chosen to contrast the buildings of the time and neighboring developments that date back to the Nazi period. Windows generously extending over two stories facilitate a great variety of visual references. The concept of the exhibition includes the environment of the building which provides an important access point for dealing with the past.; Architects: Georg Scheel Wetzel (Berlin) Completion: 2015 Location: Brienner Strasse 34, east of Königsplatz square

Ohel Jakob Synagogue The synagogue stands on Sankt-Jakobs-Platz in the heart of the city. Designed by architects Wandel Hoefer Lorch, the synagogue is part of the „Jüdisches Zentrum Jakobsplatz“ (Jewish Center Jakobsplatz), which also features the Jewish Museum, a community house with concert hall and restaurant, as well as a school and library. As the most important structure in this group, the synagogue stands alone on the square. Its pediment, covered with natural stone, is reminiscent of the temple in Jerusalem. The bright, glass construction with a skeleton of steel, reminiscent of intertwining Stars of David, stands for the original tented temple or tabernacle of Jewish tradition. This roof construction is illuminated at night. Cedar wood from Lebanon and stone from Israel are the most important interior materials. Awarded the German Award for Town Planning (Deutsche Städtebaupreis) in 2008 the Jewish Center Jakobsplatz has, through its architectural and urban concept, turned a previously largely ignored corner of the city into a place of cultural and human contact and exchange. Architects: Wandel, Hoefer und Lorch (Saarbrücken, Germany); Urban design by Regina Poly

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(landscaping, Berlin, Germany) Completion: 2006 (synagogue) and 2007 (community hall and museum) Location: Jakobsplatz

Pavilion Architecture in Petuelpark The Pavilion from Uwe Kiessler in Petuelpark, in the northern part of Schwabing, is a much more temporary feature and can be enjoyed the whole year through. The two- story, cube-form building has a projecting flat roof and generous glazing. The light, white park pavilion is used as a café (Café Ludwig) and as exhibition space KUBUS. The Petuelpark is a modern, newly constructed park, created over the Petuel tunnel in northern Munich, furnished with public art and water features. Architects: Jühling + Bertram (landscaping), Uwe Kiessler (Munich) Completion: 2004 Location: Klopstockstrasse 10

Pinakothek der Moderne The ““ is one of the world’s largest museums for the graphic art of the 20th and 21st centuries. Four independent institutions present themselves under one roof with permanent and temporary exhibitions: The collection of modern art of the Bavarian State Art Collection (, the “New Collection” of the International Design Museum (, the Architecture Museum of the Technical University of Munich (das Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität München -, as well as the state-owned “Staatliche Graphische Sammlung” collection of works ( The building, created by Munich architect, Stephan Braunfels, reflects the autonomy of each separate collection while also reflecting their affiliation to the whole. From the outside, it is a free-standing quadratic block of white concrete with a column feature in front of the glazed entry area, yet the construction is completed by an interior dominated by a central, light-flooded rotunda. Under the massive glass dome are the entrance foyer and the conical steps which lead to the various exhibition

Contact: Department of Labor and Economic Development München Tourismus, Trade & Media Relations Sendlinger Str. 1, 80331 München, Tel.: +49 89 233-30345 Email: [email protected], Page 7 levels. Undisturbed sight lines allow for suprising insights and long views from the foyer into the individual collections. Architect: Stephan Braunfels (Munich, Berlin) Completion: 2006 Location: Barer Straße 40

Städtische Galerie im The Lenbachhaus has been completely overhauled and expanded by the architects Foster + Partners, and soon famous works by Wassily Kandinsky, Gabriele Münter, Franz Marc, August Macke and Paul Klee will again be on show in Munich. These are the works that give the Lenbachhaus its world reputation. Sir Norman Foster’s new masterpiece – well known in Germany for his outstanding design of the Berlin Reichstag building – in Munich provided the setting that the Blue Rider deserves. The other focuses of the collection, which make the museum in the former villa of painter Franz von Lenbach so unusually diverse, will also be on show again. Treasures of nineteenth-century painting and a large international collection of contemporary art will be presented in the refurbished villa and the new building, including unique work groups by artists like Gerhard Richter and Joseph Beuys, which so perfectly represent the creativity and range of contemporary art. Architects: Foster & Partners Reopening: May 2013 Location: Luisenstraße 33

Wohnturm Park Plaza (Residential Tower Park Plaza) The ”Wohnturm Park Plaza“ from Munich architects, Otto Steidle + Partner, has become a symbol for the new quarter of the city which has developed on the old exhibition center site, in the ”Westend“ area of Munich. The construction’s 44 meters of height have taken the place of the exhibition center tower, which previously stood on the same site. The strong color scheme of warm orange is typical for the architects.

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Balconies and apartments run out from all sides of the block, like the drawers of a cabinet and, together with the unevenly distributed windows, bring movement into the building’s façade. With 14 floors, the “Wohnturm Park Plaza” is one of the very few high-rise buildings in the city center, and is used solely for residential purposes. Architects: Otto Steidle + Partner (Munich) Completion: 2002 Location: Ganghoferstrasse, Theresienhöhe, Munich

Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof – ZOB (Central Bus Station) The futuristic gate to the city for all those arriving in Munich by coach or bus, is the new central bus station at the “Hackerbrücke“ bridge. A huge mantel of slim aluminum pipes bends itself around the slanting glass of the actual building. The ground floor terminal, with parking bays for 29 buses, is for guests to arrive and depart. On the floor above, travelers and residents can shop or eat and drink. On the second floor, passengers can buy their tickets. From the terrace and the large, open waiting room above, visitors can enjoy the view to the “Frauenkirche” cathedral and the main railway station. Below the central bus station, ten meters underground, is Munich’s newest dance location, Neuraum ( The central bus station is well connected to other public transport in Munich. There are direct links to the city center via the S-Bahn railway (Hackerbrücke station) and tram. Architects: Auer, Weber und Assoziierte (Stuttgart, Munich) Completion: 2009 Location: Arnulfstrasse 21


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München Tourismus is organizationally assigned to the Department of Labor and Economic Development of the City of Munich. Together with its partners from the private business sector, the Tourismusinitiative München TIM e.V., München Tourismus develops marketing and PR measures as well as tourist products to position the destination Munich as a leader among its international competitors and to promote tourism to Munich. The strategic focus is determined by the Munich Tourism Commission, a joint board of the city council and the local tourism industry.

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