
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 65 (2018) 843–854 843 DOI 10.3233/JAD-170475 IOS Press Alterations of Effective Connectivity Patterns in Mild Cognitive Impairment: An MEG Study

Carlos Gomez´ a,∗, Celia Juan-Cruzb, Jesus´ Pozaa,c,d,Saul´ J. Ruiz-Gomez´ a, Javier Gomez-Pilara, Pablo Nu´nez˜ a, Mar´ıa Garc´ıaa, Alberto Fernandez´ e,f and Roberto Horneroa,c,d aBiomedical Engineering Group, University of Valladolid, Spain bDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands cIMUVA, Instituto de Investigaci´on en Matem´aticas, University of Valladolid, Spain dINCYL, Instituto de Neurociencias de Castilla y Le´on, University of Salamanca, Spain eDepartment of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain f Laboratory of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience, Center for Biomedical Technology, Complutense University of Madrid and Technical University of Madrid, Spain

Accepted 10 August 2017

Abstract. Neuroimaging techniques have demonstrated over the years their ability to characterize the brain abnormalities associated with different neurodegenerative diseases. Among all these techniques, magnetoencephalography (MEG) stands out by its high temporal resolution and noninvasiveness. The aim of the present study is to explore the coupling patterns of resting-state MEG activity in subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). To achieve this goal, five minutes of spontaneous MEG activity were acquired with a 148-channel whole-head magnetometer from 18 MCI patients and 26 healthy controls. Inter-channel relationships were investigated by of two complementary coupling measures: coherence and Granger . Coherence is a classical method of functional connectivity, while Granger causality quantifies effective (or causal) connectivity. Both measures were calculated in the five conventional bands: delta (δ, 1–4 Hz), theta (θ, 4–8 Hz), alpha (␣, 8–13 Hz), beta (␤, 13–30 Hz), and gamma (␥, 30–45 Hz). Our results showed that connectivity values were lower for MCI patients than for controls in all frequency bands. However, only Granger causality revealed statistically significant differences between groups (p-values < 0.05, FDR corrected Mann-Whitney U-test), mainly in the beta band. Our results support the role of MCI as a disconnection syndrome, which elicits early alterations in effective connectivity patterns. These findings can be helpful to identify the neural substrates involved in prodromal stages of dementia.

Keywords: Coherence, connectivity, Granger causality, magnetoencephalography (MEG), mild cognitive impairment, neuroimaging

INTRODUCTION until 1995 that Petersen defined it as an indepen- dent clinical condition [2, 3]. MCI is described as a The concept of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) disorder characterized by a cognitive decline higher was first mentioned in the literature in the late 1980s than expected by age and education, but insufficient as the result of a growing concern in portraying the to meet the criteria for the diagnosis of dementia [4]. early stages of dementia [1]. However, it was not Even if cognitive activity is impaired, these patients maintain their independence in their functional and ∗Correspondence to: Carlos Gomez,´ Biomedical Engineering Group, E. T. S. Ingenieros de Telecomunicacion,´ Universidad de social skills. Worldwide studies recently estimated Valladolid, Paseo Belen´ 15, 47011 Valladolid, Spain. Tel.: +34 983 the overall prevalence of MCI within a from 423981; E-mail: [email protected]. 12% to 18% for elderly people over 60 years [5].

ISSN 1387-2877/18/$35.00 © 2018 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved 844 C. G´omez et al. / Alterations of Effective Connectivity Patterns in Mild Cognitive Impairment

Some of them remain stable or return to normal over The characterization of AD and MCI using MEG time, but more than 50% progress to dementia [6]. has been addressed in the last decades by apply- The conversion rate to dementia due to Alzheimer’s ing different signal processing techniques. Until disease (henceforth AD) is approximately 15% per the introduction of methods derived from nonlinear year [7], although MCI can also be a prodromal stage dynamics, MEG signals were explored with linear of other dementia subtypes, such as vascular demen- techniques based on spectral analyses [26, 32]. The tia [8], dementia with Lewy bodies [9], or Parkinson’s most common marker in AD and MCI patients is a disease [10]. For this reason, current perspectives on slowing of MEG activity during resting-state. In par- MCI interpret this condition as a risk state and/or ticular, MCI subjects showed intermediate prodromal stage for various types of dementia and frequency values between AD patients and controls not as an independent clinical condition [11, 12]. [26]. Several non-linear analysis methods suggested Pharmacological intervention is currently unsuccess- that AD and MCI elicit a complexity decrease in ful in the treatment of MCI or dementia. However, spontaneous brain activity as well as an increase an early and conclusive diagnosis is necessary, since of regularity [27, 28]. Using Lempel-Ziv complex- the medication used to delay the symptoms and opti- ity, Fernandez´ et al. [27] showed that AD patients mize the overall clinical and functional condition of and controls exhibit a parallel tendency to dimin- the patient is more effective in the first stages of ished complexity values as a function of age, but dementia [13, 14]. MCI patients did not show such normal tendency. All During the last decades, functional magnetic these methods (both the spectral and the non-linear resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission ones) measure local activation patterns in individual tomography (PET) have been used to investigate cere- sensors. However, it has become clear that simple bral changes in AD and MCI. Previous fMRI studies activation studies are no longer sufficient for a full reported impairments in brain functional activity in characterization of brain dynamics [36]. For this the default network of MCI subjects [15, 16]. reason, attention has shifted to coupling analyses During associative encoding of picture-word pairs, during the last years. For instance, Escudero et al. MCI subjects exhibited increased fMRI responses [25] found that AD and MCI cause slight alterations in the posterior hippocampal, parahippocampal, and in the MEG connectivity. Another study [29] revealed fusiform regions [17]. On the other hand, PET stud- significant differences between MCI subjects and ies suggested that changes in glucose metabolism controls in the beta frequency band for both coher- might be useful to predict the conversion from ence (COH) and synchronization likelihood (SL). MCI subjects to AD [18]. Other authors demon- A more recent measure, called phase lag index (PLI), strated that the retention of an amyloid-imaging revealed that AD is associated with a synchroniza- PET tracer in MCI subjects is at an intermediate tion decrease in the lower alpha and beta bands [34]. level between healthy controls and AD patients [19]. Bajo et al. [22] analyzed the MEG activity obtained PET and fMRI exhibit a good spatial accuracy, but during a memory task in 22 MCI subjects and 19 both offer a poor temporal resolution to study brain controls by means of SL. Their results revealed dynamics. On the other hand, electroencephalog- an increase in long distance inter-hemispheric con- raphy (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) nections in MCI, but a decrease in anteroposterior have much higher temporal resolution than fMRI functional connectivity [22]. All these coupling and PET, allowing the real-time recording of neu- methods (COH, SL, PLI, etc.) measure functional ral activity. EEG and MEG have also proved their connectivity (i.e., dependencies between remote usefulness to characterize the brain abnormalities neurophysiological events) [37]. However, although associated with MCI and AD [20–37]. Compared to awareness of the existence of a connection is EEG, MEG offers reference-free recordings. Addi- important, mapping the directional relationships is tionally, the effect of the heterogeneous conductivity essential to fully characterize information flow of the skull and the scalp is significantly lower for dynamics in MCI. For this reason, measures of magnetic fields. Finally, MEG provides better spa- effective or causal connectivity (i.e., the influence that tial resolution than conventional EEG. Due to the one neural system exerts over another) are needed aforementioned advantages of MEG over other neu- to overcome the limitations of the aforementioned roimaging modalities, neural dynamics in MCI were analyses [37]. evaluated in the current study using this non-invasive The aim of this study is to analyze MEG con- technique. nectivity patterns in MCI by means of COH,a C. G´omez et al. / Alterations of Effective Connectivity Patterns in Mild Cognitive Impairment 845 classical measure of functional connectivity, but also The local Ethics Committee of San Carlos Uni- using Granger causality (GC), a measure of effective versity Hospital approved this investigation. Controls connectivity. To our knowledge, this is the first study and patients’ caregivers signed the informed consent that uses an effective connectivity measure to char- for the participation in this study, which was con- acterize the MEG brain dynamics in MCI. We want ducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki to address the following research questions: 1) Can guidelines. these measures (COH and GC) be useful to iden- tify MCI as a disconnection syndrome?; 2) Can GC MEG acquisition and pre-processing provide further insights about the abnormal connec- tivity patterns in MCI to those obtained using COH?; Continuous resting-state MEG activity was 3) Which measure provides a better discrimination acquired by qualified technicians using a 148-channel between controls and MCI subjects? whole head magnetometer (MAGNES 2500 WH, 4D Neuroimaging) placed in a magnetically shielded MATERIALS AND METHODS room at the MEG Centre Dr. Perez-Modrego´ (Madrid, Spain). The participants lay awake in a stretcher with Subjects closed eyes. For each subject, 5 min of MEG were acquired at a frequency of 678.17 Hz. In this study, MEG signals were recorded from 44 A process of down-sampling by a factor of four was subjects: 18 patients diagnosed with MCI and 26 con- accomplished to reduce the data length, with a sub- trols without past or present neurological disorders. sequent sampling rate of 169.55 Hz. Clinical diagnosis was determined through psychi- For each MEG recording, the following pre- atric and neurological examinations at San Carlos processing procedure was applied: 1) application of University Hospital (Madrid, Spain). MCI patients independent component analysis (ICA) to minimize were diagnosed according to the National Institute the presence of artifacts; 2) data filtering with a on Aging-Alzheimer Association (NIA-AA) criteria 1–65 Hz band-pass filter and a 50 Hz notch filter; 3) [11]. Based on their cognitive profile, all of them were visual inspection to select artifact-free epochs of 5 s classified as amnestic MCI patients. Besides meeting (848 samples); and 4) normalization of the artifact- the core clinical criteria for MCI, patients also exhib- free epochs to have zero- and ited significant hippocampal atrophy according to the of 1. Signal pre-processing was conducted using Mat- evaluation of an experienced neuroradiologist, who lab (version 8.4, Mathworks, Natick, MA). was blinded to the clinical outcome. Consequently, patients were categorized as “MCI due to AD inter- Connectivity measures mediate likelihood” [11]. For each subject, cognitive grade was assessed The study of neural interactions seeks to under- by means of the Mini-Mental State Examination stand how different regions of brain communicate (MMSE) test [38], while functional status was evalu- with each other. In this research, we focused on ated with the Global Deterioration Scale/Functional two complementary points of view, which have been Assessment Staging (GDS/FAST) system [39]. The developed to analyze neural connections: COH and main clinical and socio-demographic data are sum- GC. Both measures were computed for the five con- marized in Table 1. There were not statistically ventional frequency bands: delta (δ, 1–4 Hz), theta significant differences between both populations in (θ, 4–8 Hz), alpha (␣, 8–13 Hz), beta (␤, 13–30 Hz), terms of age (p > 0.05, Mann-Whitney U-test) and and gamma (␥, 30–45 Hz). The result of computing gender (p > 0.05, Chi-square test). each measure for all pair-wise combinations of chan- Table 1 nels was an M × M matrix (M = 148), where each Socio-demographic and clinical data from MCI patients and entry Mjk contains the COH or GC value between healthy controls the channels j and k. The matrix was symmetric for MCI patients Controls COH, whereas it was asymmetric for GC,asitis Number of subjects 18 26 an effective connectivity measure. Afterwards, con- Age (y) (mean ± SD) 74.89 ± 5.57 71.77 ± 6.38 Gender (Female:Male) 10:8 17:9 nectivity results were grouped into eight brain areas MMSE (mean ± SD) 25.67 ± 1.82 28.88 ± 1.18 (see Fig. 1), and intrahemispheric (i.e., between two FAST (mean ± SD) 3.00 ± 0.00 1.73 ± 0.45 different areas within one hemisphere) and inter- SD, standard deviation. hemispheric (i.e., between homologue regions of two 846 C. G´omez et al. / Alterations of Effective Connectivity Patterns in Mild Cognitive Impairment

Fig. 1. Distribution of MEG channels into eight brain regions: left-anterior (dark orange), left-central (dark purple), left-lateral (dark blue), left-posterior (dark green), right-anterior (light orange), right-central (light purple), right-lateral (light blue), and right-posterior (light green). Midline MEG sensors were not used for our connectivity analyses. Examples of artifact-free epochs at different MEG channels from a control subject (blue) and a patient with MCI (red) are also displayed.   ∗ hemispheres) connectivity patterns were calculated. Sjk (f ) = Xj(f )Xk(f ) , (4) The connectivity value between two regions was esti- ∗ mated averaging values for pairs of sensors, where where designates the complex conjugate and · the each sensor was in a different brain region. inner product. COH between channels j and k is defined as the absolute value of the normalized cross-spectrum Coherence (COH) [29, 40]: COH is a well-known method to assess brain con-   nectivity. It measures the existing linear pair-wise  2  Sjk(f )  correlations between two in a specific fre- COHjk(f ) =    S f S f  quency band. This method has been widely used to jj ( ) kk( )   study the coupling patterns in AD and MCI [23, 29,  2   31]. However, COH is not able to provide information    ajakexp(iϕ)  =    , about the direction in which the neurophysiological       (5) connections are addressed.  2 2   aj ak  Let xj (t) and xk (t) the time series from two MEG j k channels and . Their complex Fourier transforms where ϕ is the instantaneous phase difference can be expressed as: between the time series xj (t) and xk (t). COH values range from 0 to 1, indicating the degree of connec- Xj (f ) = ajexp(iϕj), (1) tivity between the aforementioned two signals. In our study, the COH algorithm was applied to each Xk (f ) = akexp(iϕk), (2) pairwise combination of MEG channels. where aj and ak are the amplitudes, while ϕj and Granger causality (GC) ϕ k are the phases of the time series at a given fre- Effective (or causal) connectivity measures emerge f quency . The power auto spectral density function as key tools to deal with the evaluation of the direc- S f j jj ( ) of channel (analogous expression for chan- tionality in which a neurological event is exerted k S f nel ) and the cross-spectral density function jk ( ) [37]. One of the most popular measures of causal j k for channels and are defined as [40]: connectivity is the GC, which has been applied in a   ∗ wide range of areas, such as economy [41] or mete- Sjj (f ) = Xj(f )Xj (f ) , (3) orology [42]. The idea of causality was proposed C. G´omez et al. / Alterations of Effective Connectivity Patterns in Mild Cognitive Impairment 847 by Wiener in 1956 [43]: one signal xj (t) is called Multiplying both sides of the equation by the inverse causal to other xk (t) if the prediction of the second of A(f ) matrix, the following expression is obtained: one is improved by adding past information of the X (f ) H (f ) H (f ) E (f ) first one, compared to past information of xk (t) only. 1 = 11 12 1 , Subsequently, Granger reformulated this statement X2(f ) H21(f ) H22(f ) E2(f ) in terms of autoregressive models [44]. Let xj (t) and (10) xk (t) denote the time series from two MEG channels where H(f ) is called the spectral transfer matrix. j and k. The bivariate autoregressive models for xj (t) Finally, GC from signal xj (t) to xk (t) is given and xk (t) could be written as [45]: by [47]:  p Skk(f ) GCj→k f = ln , xj t = A u xj t − u ( ) ∗ (11) ( ) 11( ) ( ) H¯ kk(f ) · k · H¯ kk(f ) u=1 S f x t p where kk ( ) is the autospectrum  of k ( ) and H¯ f = H f + γk H f + A12(u)xk(t − u) + γj(t), (6) kk( ) kk( ) k kj ( ). u=1 In pursuance of a best fit of the real system to the , an appropriate model order p should be determined. As the model order represents p the total number of past samples considered, a low xk(t) = A (u)xj(t − u) 21 value provides a sparse representation of the data, u=1 while high model values overestimate the system. p In this research, an autoregressive model order of + A u x t − u + γ t , 22( ) k( ) k( ) (7) p = 28 was selected from the minimum obtained after u= 1 applying the Akaike and the Bayesian Information where ␥j (t) and ␥k (t) are the prediction errors at each Criterion [48]. time instant and A(u) are model parameters. If the of ␥j (t), denoted by j , is reduced by the Statistical analysis inclusion of the xk terms in the first equation, then it is possible to say that xk causes xj . Firstly, a descriptive analysis was carried out to As neurophysiological time series contain relevant study the distribution of the connectivity results. information in the , causal interac- Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Shapiro–Wilks tests were tions are usually represented with a spectral approach. used to evaluate the normality of the data, whereas Geweke [46] reconstructed the time-domain Wiener- Levene test was employed to assess the homo- Granger Causality into its spectral configuration. This geneity of . As COH and GC results did current study relies on this spectral representation not meet the parametric test assumptions, statisti- for the analysis of MEG causality. To examine the cal differences between MCI patients and control causal relations in the spectral domain, the Fourier subjects were evaluated with the Mann-Whitney transforms of the bivariate autoregressive models U-test. In order to deal with the multiple compar- of equations (6) and (7) can be represented as isons problem, -based follows [45]: (FDR) was applied [49]. Finally, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, with a leave-one-out A11(f ) A12(f ) X1(f ) E1(f ) cross-validation procedure, were used to assess the = , ability of COH and GC to discriminate MCI patients A (f ) A (f ) X (f ) E (f ) 21 22 2 2 from elderly controls. Statistical analyses were (8) performed using Matlab (version 8.4, Mathworks, f where the elements of A( ) matrix are: Natick, MA). p Alm(f ) = δlm − Alm(j) exp(−i2πfn), RESULTS n=1 Connectivity patterns obtained for each frequency 1ifl = m with δlm = (9) band are presented in Figs. 2 (COH)and3(GC). 0ifl/= m For both figures, the first column shows the results 848 C. G´omez et al. / Alterations of Effective Connectivity Patterns in Mild Cognitive Impairment

Fig. 2. COH results for each frequency band. Left and central columns depict COH values for controls and MCI patients, respectively. Right column displays statistically significant values between groups, where connections between regions were only displayed when statistically significant within-group differences within groups were obtained (Mann-Whitney U-test, FDR-corrected p-values < 0.05). Red color tones indicate significant connectivity increases in MCI in comparison with controls, whereas blue color tones denote significant decreases. C. G´omez et al. / Alterations of Effective Connectivity Patterns in Mild Cognitive Impairment 849

Fig. 3. GC results for each frequency band. Left and central columns depict GC values for controls and MCI patients (the arrows indicate the directionality of GC for a specific coupling between regions), respectively. Right column displays statistically significant values between groups, where connections between regions were only displayed when statistically significant within-group differences were obtained (Mann-Whitney U-test, FDR-corrected p-values < 0.05). Red color tones indicate significant connectivity increases in MCI in comparison with controls, whereas blue color tones denote significant decreases. 850 C. G´omez et al. / Alterations of Effective Connectivity Patterns in Mild Cognitive Impairment for the healthy group, while the outcomes for MCI MCI as a disconnection syndrome group are presented in the second column. Finally, between-groups statistical results are illustrated in the The first research question pointed out in the intro- third column. Note that only statistically significant duction posed the issue whether COH and GC can be differences (FDR-corrected Mann-Whitney U-test) useful to identify MCI as a disconnection syndrome. between MCI and control groups are displayed using Our COH results revealed that MCI group is charac- a color-code: red color tones indicate significant con- terized by a global decrease of functional connectivity nectivity increases in MCI patients in comparison in all frequency bands. However, no significant differ- with controls, whereas blue color tones denote sig- ences were found between MCI and control groups. nificant decreases. Evidence for a functional connectivity loss in AD Our COH results showed that MEG activity comes from several previous studies. For instance, in MCI patients is characterized by an overall Besthorn et al. [23] found a COH decrease in AD. connectivity decrease in all frequency bands. Statis- This effect was most pronounced in frontal and cen- tically significant differences between groups were tral EEG channels in θ, ␣, and ␤ frequency bands found before the FDR correction for the following [23]. An EEG study revealed diminished SL values interactions: between left-frontal and right-frontal for AD patients in all frequency bands, in compari- (θ band), between right-lateral and right-posterior son with subjects with subjective memory complaints (θ band), between left-lateral and left-posterior [33]. However, SL significantly decreased only in (␣ and ␤ bands), and finally between left-central the 14–18 and 18–22 Hz bands [33]. Other func- and left-posterior (␤ band). However, no connections tional metrics, such as PLI [34, 50] and global field remain statistically significant after FDR correction, synchrony (GFS) [30], confirmed the disconnection as Fig. 2 shows. GC results supported the connec- syndrome in AD. Although the study of neural cou- tivity loss previously found using COH measure. pling patterns in MCI is less common, some previous With this effective connectivity measure, statisti- studies also suggested that this disorder is also asso- cally significant differences were obtained in all ciated with disrupted brain networks. Koenig et al. frequency bands, with the exception of δ band (see [30] showed that MCI is associated with decreased Fig. 3). Particularly, almost all interhemispheric GFS values in ␣, ␤, and ␥ frequency bands. A global and intrahemispheric connections remain significant connectivity decrease in ␤ band was also reported after FDR correction in ␤ band. using SL [29]. The same measure revealed signifi- ROC curves with a leave-one-out cross-validation cant differences between MCI subjects and elderly procedure were used to assess the ability of each intra- controls in δ and ␣ at frontoparietal electrode pairs hemispheric and interhemispheric connectivity value [20]. Another study showed decreased levels of local to classify MCI patients and control subjects. The and large-scale connectivity in δ and θ during eyes- highest accuracy for COH results was achieved in closed condition [35]. These studies agree with our ␥ band for the interhemispheric connection between results and support the notion that the functional dis- central areas: 77.27% (sensitivity = 44.44%; speci- connection between brain regions is a characteristic ficity 100%; area under the ROC curve = 0.72). With feature of MCI [35]. GC, the highest accuracy values (accuracy = 79.54%; Besides that, our GC results also suggest that the sensitivity = 77.78%; specificity 80.77%; area under brain dysfunction of MCI patients is associated with the ROC curve = 0.83) were reached for two different reduced values of effective or causal connectivity. connections in ␤ band: from left-posterior to right- To date, there are only a few MCI studies that ana- posterior and from left-anterior to left-central. lyzed the causal interactions between different brain regions. Dauwels et al. [24] applied different connec- tivity measures based on GC, observing a reduction DISCUSSION of EEG synchrony in MCI patients with most mea- sures. In a previous fMRI study [51], a loss of causal The goal of this study was to evaluate the presence interactions among the resting state networks was of disconnection patterns in the prodromal stage of reported in MCI patients compared with normal con- dementia. For that purpose, a measure of functional trols. Babiloni et al. [21] highlighted the loss of the connectivity (COH) and one of effective connectivity parieto-to-frontal coupling, suggesting that the pos- (GC) were applied to spontaneous MEG recordings terior regions operate over the frontal ones in MCI. from 18 MCI patients and 26 control subjects. However, this disrupted coupling is also a significant C. G´omez et al. / Alterations of Effective Connectivity Patterns in Mild Cognitive Impairment 851 feature in AD and in dementia with Lewy bodies [52, icant when grey matter volume is included in the 53]. In sum, our research and all these previous stud- analyses as a covariate [59]. This fact may suggest ies support the hypothesis that AD, and also MCI, that this connectivity loss contributes to the impair- can be identified as disconnection syndromes [54]. ment of episodic memory retrieval in MCI patients This decrease in functional and effective connectivity [59]. is typically identified with neuronal loss and neo- The aforementioned studies support evidences cortical disconnection, which gradually increment as for considering MCI as a disconnection syndrome, dementia progresses [23]. although the involved brain areas differ. This dispar- ity on the results could be due to the heterogeneity Abnormal connectivity patterns in MCI of MCI, the different neuroimaging techniques used to measure the brain activity, the different connec- The second research question was aimed at analyz- tivity methods applied, or a combination of these ing whether GC provides more information than COH factors. Notwithstanding, all these studies seem to about the abnormal connectivity patterns in MCI. link up MCI with a connectivity loss, at least at ␣ Our results suggest that GC is more adequate than and ␤ bands. Our results confirmed these findings. COH to characterize the neural coupling patters in These abnormal connectivity patterns may be due to MCI. GC provides information on the directionality the brain structural changes suffered by MCI patients: of the connections, but it also showed statistical dif- decrease in the size of the hippocampus, high atrophy ferences between groups that COH could not detect. in the medial temporal lobe, white matter damage in Particularly, statistically significant differences were posterior areas, and loss of the global volume of the found in all frequency bands with the exception gray matter [60–63]. of δ band. Interhemispheric GC decrements were found between frontal areas (both directions) in θ, Discrimination of controls and MCI patients ␣, and ␤, from left central to right central in θ, between posterior brain regions in ␣ and ␤, and finally We raised the third research question about which between temporal areas (from right to left in θ, and measure (COH or GC) provides a better discrim- in both directions in ␣, ␤ and ␥). This interhemi- ination between MCI and control groups. For this spheric disconnection syndrome may be associated purpose, ROC curves were calculated for each con- with the memory and cognitive deficits in AD and nection and frequency band. Our results showed MCI [55]. that the highest classification accuracy obtained On the other hand, statistically significant dif- with GC (79.54%) was slightly better than COH ferences in intrahemispheric couplings were found results (77.27%). The best classification results were mainly between frontal, lateral and posterior areas, obtained in the ␤ band. Previous studies reported that but also from these aforementioned areas to central this frequency range is related with the impairment regions, and between posterior and frontal regions. of cognitive functions, such as language and memory These results agree with previous EEG, MEG and [64, 65]. Therefore, ␤ rhythms may be of diagnostic fMRI studies, which showed decreased levels of importance in dementia, especially in its early stages connectivity between different brain areas [21, 31, [29, 33]. 56]. An fMRI study revealed that posterior areas Other coupling measures and ROC curves have and medial temporal lobes show remarkable distur- been used to distinguish MCI patients from con- bances in neuronal communication in early phases trols. Bajo et al. [22] achieved values of area under of dementia [56]. These alterations can be due to the ROC curve between 0.72 and 0.82 for a MEG the deposition of neurofibrillary tangles and to brain database composed by 22 subjects with MCI and 19 atrophy [56]. However, other authors suggested that controls. In another MEG study [29], accuracy val- these changes may also affect other areas [57, 58]. ues of 69.8% were reached using COH and SL. Other Moretti et al. [31] reported a COH decrease of authors implemented more complex classification intrahemispheric fronto-parietal couplings at both approaches to help in MCI diagnosis. For instance, hemispheres. Babiloni et al. [21] found that parietal the use of linear and quadratic discriminant analy- to frontal direction of the information flux within sis, combining results from full-frequency directed EEG functional coupling was stronger in controls transfer function (DTF) and stochastic event syn- than in MCI subjects, specifically at ␣ and ␤ rhythms. chrony methods, yielded classification rates of 83% Actually, this disconnection effect was still signif- [24]. Lastly, Escudero et al. [25] distinguished MCI 852 C. G´omez et al. / Alterations of Effective Connectivity Patterns in Mild Cognitive Impairment subjects from controls with an accuracy of 77.3% ACKNOWLEDGMENTS using stepwise . It is important to note that all these results should be cautiously under- This research was supported by ‘Ministerio stood due to the use of different databases, usually de Econom´ıa y Competitividad’ and ‘European with small sample sizes. Regional Development Fund’ under project TEC20 14-53196-R, by ‘European Commission’ and ‘Euro- pean Regional Development Fund’ under project Limitations and future research lines ‘Analisis´ y correlacion´ entre el genoma completo y la actividad cerebral para la ayuda en el diagnostico´ Several issues of this research merit further consid- de la enfermedad de Alzheimer’ (‘Cooperation eration. Firstly, the sample size is too small to prove Programme Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal POCTEP the usefulness of our methodology as a diagnostic 2014–2020’), and by ‘Consejer´ıa de Educacion´ de la tool. For this reason, larger patient populations should Junta de Castilla y Leon’´ under project VA037U16. be analyzed in the future. Secondly, connectivity val- Pablo Nu´nez˜ was in receipt of a ‘Promocion´ de ues were grouped into eight pre-defined brain regions empleo joven e implantacion´ de la Garant´ıa Juve- to facilitate the interpretation of the results, despite nil en I+D+i’ grant from ‘Ministerio de Econom´ıa y the loss of MEG spatial resolution. Future studies Competitividad’ and University of Valladolid. might benefit from exploring the affected regions in Authors’ disclosures available online (http://j-alz. detail. Additionally, only two connectivity metrics com/manuscript-disclosures/17-0475r1). (COH and GC) have been applied in this study to characterize the connectivity patterns in MCI, but several others (e.g., SL, PLI, GFS, DTF) might also provide valuable information about neuronal distur- REFERENCES bances in this disorder. 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