
Algebraic Theory

Dietrich Burde

Lecture Notes 2021


Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Chapter 2. Integral extensions 5 2.1. Globalfieldsandintegralclosure 5 2.2. Rings of integers 11 2.3. Krull dimension 14 2.4. Norm and trace 15 Chapter 3. Ideals of Dedekind rings 25 3.1. Fractional ideals 25 3.2. Unique factorization of ideals 26 3.3. Ideal norm 33 Chapter4. Finitenessoftheclassnumber 37 4.1. Minkowski theory 37 4.2. Rings of integers as lattices 44 4.3. Class number 1 52 Chapter 5. Dirichlet’s unit theorem 59 5.1. The of units 59 5.2. Analyticclassnumberformula 65 Chapter6. Splittingandramification 69 6.1. Localization 70 6.2. Degree theorem 71 6.3. DecompositionsinGaloisextensions 76 6.4. Ramificationanddiscriminant 80 Chapter 7. Cyclotomic fields 83 7.1. Roots of unity 83 7.2. Theringofintegersofacyclotomicfield 84 7.3. Fermat’s equation 88 Chapter8. Valuationsandlocalfields 93 8.1. Valuations 93 iii iv CONTENTS 8.2. Ostrowski’s theorem 96 8.3. Discrete valuations 99 8.4. Completions 101 8.5. Local fields 105 8.6. FailureoftheHassePrinciple 109 Chapter9. TheTheoremofKronecker-Weber 113 9.1. Preparations 113 9.2. Reductiontothelocalversion 115 9.3. Proof of the local version 117 Bibliography 123 CHAPTER 1


Number theory is a branch of pure mathematics devoted to the properties of integers and integer-valued functions in the broadest sense. It is one of the old- est sciences. The main subdivisions of are elementary number theory, , theory, Diophantine geome- try, probabilistic number theory, and computational number theory. There is also an area called , which is a sort of number theory using the methods of algebraic geometry over Z, Q, Fp instead of C, or over other algebraically closed fields. Many problems however include several sub-directions. A prominent example is the proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem - FLT, which uses almost every area of number theory and many other methods, too. Fermat’s equation is the xn + yn = zn for n ≥ 2 over the integers. It also had a great influence in the development of . It shows us a motivation to study rings of integers in number fields. Already for exponent n = 3 we see how important this is. An integer solution (x,y,z) of xn + yn = zn is called trivial, if xyz = 0. Indeed, we have infinitely many trivial solutions, e.g., (0,y,y).

Proposition 1.0.1 (Euler 1770). The Diophantine equation x3 + y3 = z3 has no nontrivial integral solution.

Proof. We don’t want to give a full prove here, which can be found, say, in [6]. We only want to give an idea, why and how rings of integers are important for the proof. Let ζ = ζ3 be a primitive third root of unity, so for example 2πi ζ = e 3 . The minimal polynomial of ζ over Q is x2 + x +1. Thus Q(ζ) | Q is a quadratic field extension and Q(ζ) is a vector space over Q with basis {1, ζ}. The polynomial t3 − 1 splits over Q(ζ) as

t3 − 1=(t − 1)(t − ζ)(t − ζ2).

Substituting t = −x/y and multiplying up yields

(1.1) z3 = x3 + y3 =(x + y)(x + ζy)(x + ζ2y).

1 2 1. INTRODUCTION Thus we have written Fermat’s equation as a product decomposition of a third power over the ring Z[ζ]= {a + bζ | a, b ∈ Z}. This ring is also called the ring of Eisenstein integers. It has very good prop- erties for solving Fermat’s equation with exponent 3. It is a Euclidean ring and hence a PID and a UFD. The unit group is isomorphic to C6, given by the six units ±1, ±ζ, ±ζ−1. The ring Z[ζ] is the ring of integers of the quadratic number field Q(ζ). Note that 1+ ζ + ζ2 = 0. Now suppose that (x,y,z) is a nontrivial solution of Fermat’s equation and all integers are pairwise coprime. Then it follows that 3 | xyz, because otherwise we would have x3 + y3 ≡ −2, 0, 2 mod 9 and z3 ≡ 1, −1 so that x3 + y3 =6 z3. Consequently, at least one of the integers x,y,z is divisible by 3. We may as- sume 3 | z and 3 ∤ xy. Then we can reformulate the problem as follows. We need to show that the equation (1.2) x3 + y3 = (3mz)3 has no nontrivial integral solutions, with x,y,z pairwise coprime, 3 ∤ xyz, and m ≥ 0 a non-negative integer. For m = 0 we just have seen that there are no nontrivial solutions. From (1.2) we derive, like from (1.1) earlier, that (3mz)3 =(x + y)(x + ζy)(x + ζ2y) in Z[ζ]. The three factors are not pairwise coprime. However, it is easy to see that their greatest common divisor is each time given by the prime element 1 − ζ. For example, because of 3 = (1 − ζ)(1 − ζ2) we have 1 − ζ | 3 | x + y and hence 1 − ζ | x + y. Now we come to a crucial argument, using that the ring Z[ζ] is factorial. The three factors in the equation are again cubes, up to units and powers of 1 − ζ. Arguing with elementary division properties in Z[ζ] one can show that we have x + y =33m−1c3, x + ζy = (1 − ζ)ρ3 with ρ ∈ Z[ζ], c ∈ Z, where c and ρ are coprime and not divisible by 1 − ζ. Hence we also have 3 ∤ c. Writing ρ = a + ζb with a, b ∈ Z in the second equation, we obtain, with ζ2 = −1 − ζ, that x + ζy = (1 − ζ)(a + bζ)3 = (1 − ζ)(a3 − 3ab2 + b3 +3a2bζ − 3ab2ζ) =(a3 + b3 +3a2b − 6ab2)+ ζ(−a3 − b3 +6a2b − 3ab2). 1. INTRODUCTION 3 A comparison of the coefficients yields x = a3 + b3 +3a2b − 6ab2 and y = −a3 − b3 +6a2b − 3ab2, so that 9ab(a − b)= x + y = 9(3m−1c)3, i.e., ab(a − b)=(3m−1c)3. Because of xyz =6 0 we also have that a, b, a − b are nonzero. Moreover they are pairwise coprime. Since the ring Z is factorial, a, b, a − b are also cubes in Z, namely 3 3 m−1 3 {a, b, a − b} = {x1, y1, (3 z1) } with x1, y1, z1 pairwise coprime and with 3 ∤ z1. Since a + (−b) = a − b, a +(b − a)= b and b +(a − b)= a we obtain an equation of the form (1.2) with 3 3 m−1 3 x0 + y0 = (3 z0) , where x0, y0, z0 are pairwise coprime with 3 ∤ x0y0z0, but with exponent m − 1 instead of m. So we can descend to m = 0 (the method of descent was already used by Fermat for his equation x4 +y4 = z4 with exponent four). But the case m = 0 is impossible and the proof is finished.  One would like to use this idea for all equations xp+yp = zp with p prime, but unfortunately then the ring Z[ζp], for a primitive p-th root of unity, is no longer factorial for bigger p - actually it is factorial if and only if p ≤ 19. Moreover the j units of Z[ζp] are not all of the form ±ζ with j ≥ 0. After all, at least Z[ζp] is still the ring of integers of the number field Q(ζp), and it is rewarding to study these rings. However Kummer made big progress with Fermat’s equation by replacing the lost uniqueness of the factorization of irreducible elements of Z[ζp] by the unique factorization of ideals in Z[ζp] into prime ideals. This was in a way the birth of modern algebraic number theory. Bibliography

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