Historical books Prophets & Biblical Time Line other writings

Genesis Adam & Eve (c4000BC) “ “ “ “ Noah (Flood c2348BC) “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Abraham leaves Haran c1921BC “ “ “ “ Jacob & Joseph c1800BC “ Egypt c1700 Exodus Leviticus, Numbers Deuteronomy, Joshua The Exodus - Moses c1491BC Judges “ Judges Ruth “ 1 & 2 Samuel Judah Israel Psalms 1 & 2 Kings (Temple begun 1012BC) Proverbs etc “ 1 & 2 Chronicles “ “ Prophets “ “ Amos, Hosea “ “ Isaiah, Micah “ “ “ “ Deported to Assyria “ “ c720BC “ “ “ “ “ “ Jeremiah “ Fall of Jerusalem 586BC “ Zeph,Nah,Hab “ Exile in “ Ezra Babylon Daniel, Ezekiel Nehemiah Ezra & Nehemiah Esther Hagg. Zech. Obadiah The long wait Malachi

John the Baptist Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Jesus The Acts of the Apostles Letters of The Gospel Paul, Peter, to the Nations James, John & Jude

...... Revelation The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah Approximate dates 1095 Saul 1047 David Judah 1015 Solomon Israel 975 958 Nebat 955 Asa 953 Nadab Assyrian Empire 952 Baasha 929 Elah Elijah 928 " 928 & rivals " 923 Omri alone " 917 914 Elisha " 895 Ahaziah " 893 Jehoram 889 Jehoram " 882 Ahaziah " 881 " 881 876 Joash " Amos " 854 Jehoahaz " " 838 Jehoash 837 Amaziah " " 835 Jeroboam co-regent " 822 Jeroboam 808 Azariah () " " 881 11 years no King mentioned " Hosea 770 Zechariah " " 769 Shallum Isaiah " 769 Manahem " 758 " 757 756 Jotham " Micah 740 " " 736 ruling but not King 727 Hoshea becomes king 724 720 Siege of 718 Fall of Samaria 696 Manasseh 641 Amon Jeremiah Babylonian Empire 639 " 608 Jehoahaz " 626-605 Nabopolassar 612 Fall Nineveh 607 " 1st deportation 605- Nebuchadrezzar 609 Fall Assyria 597 Jehoiachin " 597 2nd deportation Ezekiel Daniel 586 Temple & city destroyed 3rd deportation 562-560 Evil-Merodach Babylonian 560-556 Nergal-Sharezer Exile 556 Labasi-Marduk 556- Nabonidus 549-539 Belshazzar Persian Empire 536 Decree of Cyrus Fall of Babylon 539-530 Cyrus (Darius the Mede) 535 Temple foundations laid Haggai, Zechariah 536-522 co-reg Cambyses 516 Temple complete 522 Pseudo Smerdis 515 Estjer 522-485 Darius I 467 Ezra to Jerusalem Obadiah 485-464 Xerxes I (Ahasuerus) 454 Nehemiah to Jerusalem 464-424 Artaxerxes 454 Walls rebuilt 441 Malachi 424 Xerxes II

Inter-Testamental period 331 Persian Empire falls to Alexander the Great 323 Empire divided into four when Alexander falls 171 Antihochus Epiphanes plunders the second Temple 164 Maccabean revolt and founding of in Judea. 63 Pompey takes Jerusalem for Rome 40 Herod the Great appointed King of Judea by Rome 20 Major renovation of Temple begins under Herod