Osborn Center Local drug bust opening slated Charles E. Noel, 409 E. Plymouth police department pur­ for Nov. 1 Washington St., Culver, is being chased a two-pound block of held on S20,000 bond in the marijuana from him. Holmes Culver ;and Union Township Marshall County jail on three added three additional two-pound project~ for 1975 wi ll include the drug charges. blocks of marijuana were con­ fiscated at the same time. dedication of the hbtoric Culver Arrest was made Thursday, Hotel. renamed O~born Center. Oct. 24. in Culver. Noel is set for Saturday. Jan. 26. by the According to Culver Police charged in Marshall Superior Chief Ri chard Woodward, this is Bicentenni:d Commis~ion of Court with delivery of a controlled Mar~hall County. The ~arne day. the largest marijuana bust ever ~ubstance, possession of a made in the county. He said the William 0. O~born. president of controlled substance with intent The State Exchange Bank. will be bricks would have a street value to deliver and possession of a of about SIS an ounce. honored with a public dinner on controlled substance. his 90th birthday. Persons a~si1.ting in the Marshall County Prosecutor investigation and arrest include Osborn Center h 'cheduled to David R. Holmes said the open Nov. 1. The opening was Woodward and Officer James FLOYD FITHIAN , candidate for Congress, 26-ycar-old Noel faces three Caudill of Culver. Trooper Robert ended his Cuh er campaign in shirtsleeve originally set for Oct. 15 but ha~ additional charges as a result of a been po~tponcd due to legal search of his borne by Marshall Ruff of the Indiana State Pollee, weather Saturday. Taking advantage of a delay. beautiful day in Cul ver, Fithian did a hand County police last Friday. Noel Marshall County police and an shaking to~tr of the town. Along the way he \\aS arrested last Thursday after officer from the Plymouth police The fully-eqUipped hotel will be an undercover officer from the department. talked with Don Shock at his barber shop. for the com cnicncc of elderly per~ons. with recreation for everyone and a meeting place for Osborn heads Seal campaign organit.ations with no permanent headquarters. W .0. Osborn is the 1974 ing among the more than 40 Christmas Seal Chairman for million men, women and children Fithian in Culver thi~ Since is a non-profit Marshall County. He was named who have some form of chronic corporation. funds :1 nd volunteer Congrc~siona l Candidate Floyd He has also proposed stricter by Dr. James M. Wilson. re~piratory disorder. These in­ help will be nccc:.sary at first. president of the American Lung clude emphysema, chronic bron­ Fithian (0- Lafuycttc) c:lm· enforcement of anti- trust laws Wh en all debts arc paid, the paigned in Culver Saturday. and a 10 per cent pay cut for Association of North Central chitis and asthma. Emphysema­ Center will become the property Indiana. incurable and irreversible - " We a~ Americans cannot federal employees making over of the community and will be Osborn said he is pleased to aftlicts I ,500,000 pcr~on~. About afford to stay home from the polls $25.000 a year as ways to slow the ad ministered by the board of lend his support to the annual 6,500.000 have chronic bron­ this year. We all kn ow the intlation spiral. ' 'We're going to director~o. Christmas Seal Campaign to save chitis. Over 6 million have chronic have to cut down on federal problems that we have faced in lives. There are annually 170.000 asthma. All respiratory diseases This hotel has been acquired on deaths from all forms of cost the nation Sl2 to St6 billion the past months-the trouble!. of spending and restore competition contract: the down payment met Watergate and the inflation which to business in this country or r e~pi ratory disorders both chronic annually in medical and per\onal and co~>t to tenants held at as low and acute. or about nine per cent expenses in addition to lost is hurting every working person's we're all going to be hurting a lot a figure as pm.,ible. more than we are now." of the total deaths. income. Respiratory disorders are rated Osborn is president and chair­ paycheck. But in order to solve Officers for the purpo'c of Fithian ~aid over half the man of the Board of The State these problems. we've got to incorporating arc: Mr1.. Mildred fourth among the leading disease work together and cooperate on people in the country belic\'C we killers in the US. exceeded only Exchange Bank of Culver. arc headed for a depression. "I Kyle. pre~>ident: Donald Muehl­ b) heart. cancer and s troke. Vikki Carr. recording person­ some sensible solutions. And that hau:.en. vice prc~ident; Mrs. know from the people here that Christmas Seal contributions help ality. is national Christmas Seal means going to the polls and confidence in the go,·ernment of Margaret Carter. 'ecretary: Carl conquer these diseases through chairman for 1974. Allergtc to voting to choo~e the kind of this country is the lowest it's been M. Adam<; Jr.. treasurer. research. professional and public cigarette smoke. she almoM lost people we have running the health education. her \'Oice and her life. She now government. "Fithian said. since the 1930's. We desperately Director~> arc: Arthur E. Birk. Mrs. Sadie H oc~>cl. Rev. John Traditional Christmas Seal insists on a smokeless rmgside need a change in Washington so Campaign helps alleviate suffer- when performing. Fithian, who has traveled some that people can start believing in Krueger. Ll oyd R. Moscng. 60.000 miles in his campaign for Herbert R. Newman. Glenn thi~ country again. Congress the Second District scat. stressed especially has got to get back to Overmyer and Mr\. Edna Reed. the need for workable solutions to the job of representing the lighting inflation. · T m against people. UNICEF the five per cent surtax plan." he "That's why it's absolutely said. ''I don't think the earnings Anyone not contacted by of middle-i ncome families is the critical that people in the Second District gel out and vote on Nov 5. UNICEF volunteer~> who wishes to contribute m;1y bring donations Name I place to ~ t art a war on inflation. If we don' t make some changes I ------~ And I've talked to famili es here in now. we're going to continue with to Mr. T's Rexa ll Drug Store or Culver many times who feel the the same ineffeciive Congress 704 Academy Rd.. Culver. The I .. Maxinkuckec .Junior Women's same way. and biting high prices we have for a long, long time." Fithian said. Club is in charge of the UN ICEF I Addre ss~·------~ "Instead of taxing the working drive. I I famili c~. I'd like to l>Ce some tax I I reform . We should end 'the oil ANNUAL FEATHER PARTY I Cit) Zip I depletion allowance and other BLOOI) PRESSURE CUNIC The Annual Feather Party b~ loopholcl> which allow the multi­ 'I he Tri- Kappa's month- national oil corporation<; and the the American legion Po" IOJ. 1 0 Qn: Yeu ;5.00 0 Two Yea~ $8.50 1) free Blood Pre~sure Clinic will rich to get away without paying Culver. will be Thur~da}. No'. 7. he Thur~day No". 7. in the at 8 p.m. at the Legion's Post A.OOf'lf'TY CEI'tTS f'OffSU8SCAIPTIOI'tS OUTSIO£ IHPIANA their fair share of taXC\. I'm also ba-.cmcnt of the Cul\'cr Public I Home. Rd. 10. Ol:"erl\ and hot io favor of inuca~ing the pcrsunal Librar} from I :00 to 4:00 p.m. SEfiD TO TIM Cui~CITitEM, ,.ottOU. ..Jtto . C¥'-.l,._.St drinh "111 be -.crvcd Guc~t'i arc P~Use •llo~~t IIU'ee f.,r ~lr:r of w~•ptiol'l .._ exemption on ~tandard dcdul· [, ervonc i~ urged to take ______•-s ... ______ne 1111 lions ... .td\ antagc of this free sen·ice. '' clcun1c. I

,; c: SEE INSIDE: -o!: e I u.~ - BAYH ·LUGAR .& m ~~ "'c: • • o c "CC"' UNION TOWNSHIP E,_ .,. ., c: :J 41 ·- Town Hall, PERSONAUTY Cl> >- 'D .c... Precinct 1 504 Lake St . 0 IU C 1- a:~~g Precinct 2 Culver Jr. PROFILE PAGE TWO THE CULVER CITIZEN OCTOBER 30, 1974

Proposed amendments THE CULVER CITIZEN (EDITOR 'S NOT E: When lnd· a vote cast for one is a vote cast Established July 13, 1894 ian a voters go to the polls Nov. S, for the other, and to provide for they will find three questions on the selection of a Governor and Published Every Wednesday Except For The Week Of July Fourth And The Week Of the ballot concerning the ratifi· Lieutenant Governor in the event December Twenty-Fifth By The Culver Citizen Corporation. Post Office Box 90. Cuher. cation of proposed amendments of a tie in the general election?" Indiana 46511. All Hours Telephone (219) 842-2297 to the Indiana Constitution. The Those who favor a "yes" vote Peg Graham, Editor proposals involve changes in the argue that the team concept legislative and executive branch· serves the public interest by Second Class Postage Paid At Culver. Indiana 465 II es of government as well as in the increasin~ the likelihood of state militia. The In diana Forum, cooperation between the Gover· SUBSCRIPTJON RATES Inc., (IN FO) a non-partisan . nor and Lieutenant Governor. One Year ...... SS.OO Two Years ...... S8.SO non-profit, educational organiza· They maintain that the election of Fifty Cents Additional For Subscriptions Outside Indiana tion, has prepared the following a Governor from one party and a article which discusses these Lieutenant Governor from an­ Member. Hoosier State Press Association National Newspaper A ~soc tatto n proposed changes.) othe r party could result in Culver Area Chamber of Commerce non-s top political bickering. Those who favor the amend· In 185 I , the writers of our state ment al so call attention to the constitution worried about cit- problems that could develop izens' right to know what is when a Governor dies or included in laws passed by the otherwise leaves office. If the POLICY REGARDING General Assembly. The consti· Leiutenant Governor belongs to YOU ' RE NOTA LETIERS TO VICTIM OF WEATHER tution writers feared the import· the opposition party, there could THE EDITOR ant (larts · of a law might be be a major political upheaval in All te llers submitted for buried in a tangle of legal state government. That could publication must bear the language. interfere with governmental ef· REMIND name and address of the Bible people. in the midst of To solve this problem, the 1851 ficiency and disrupt services on YOURSELF writer, and authorship wiD their storms, turned to God state constitution declared that a which the public depends. be vertOed before publi­ for help. Jaw must be limited to a single Those who plan to vote " no" Vote Yes or No On Indiana's cation. subject and that subject must be on the amendment question, The CITIZEN wiD, bow­ Broadcast this week over spelled out in the Jaw's title. argue that the elimination of the Constitutional ever, honor requests to many stations including Almost imme diately. there separate election of the Lieuten­ Amendments withhold the name of the were questions. Does a law ant Governor reduces the author. WSTB 960 kc dealing with the speed of horses people's right to choose their own Adclreu letters to the 9: IS a.m. Sunday on public highways have one officials. They maintain that a Editor to: subject?. Or three? And how can Lieutenant Governor should be a complicated subject be express· elected on merit, not on the basis Editor THE CULVER CITIZEN ed in the title of a law without of party identification or loyalty to Post Office Box 90 compounding the confusion? a nominee for Governor. Culver, Indlana 46511 the TRUTH The courts decided that under Opponents of the amendment, that HEALS the 1851 constitution it would be believe that it might be healthy to nearly impossible to codify or have a Governor and a Lieutenant revise all of Indiana's laws. To Governor of opposite political codify means to arrange the laws beliefs. That would provide an into a system. But the courts effective system of checks and ruled that enacting such a system balances. They also worry that would be unconstitutional be· the amendment would concen­ cause it would involve more than trate too much power in the a single subject. governor's hands and reduce the To provide for codification-and Lieutenant Governor to a " rubber Church Directory to allow the shortening of law stamp" supporter of the Gover· titles- a constitutional amend· nor's point of view. ment was adopted in 1960. That The militia -a force of cit· accomplished, the General As· izen-soldiers that can be CULVER BIBLE CHURCH SAINT MARY'S OF THE lAKE MONTEREY SAINT ANN'S Rev. Edward Clark , Pastor. CA THOLIC CHURCH CATHOLIC CHURCH sembly moved at once to simplify mobilized in times of emer· Sunday School 9:30 a.m.. M orning titles and to codify the Jaws. The gency-dates back to colonial " The Church With The Gold Crosses" Sunday M asses 7:30 and 9:30 a.m .• N orsh1p t0:45 a.m .. Young People's Rev. Joseph A . Lenk, Pastor. Weekday M asses 8:00 a.m. Monday, codification process led to the times and was given official Serv1ce 6:t5 p.m., Evening W orship Saturday Mass 5:30 p.m., Sunday Tuesday and Thursday, 7:30 p.m. on Indiana Code which was adopted status in our state constitution. 7:00 p.m .. Wednesday Night Prayer Mass 11:00 a.m., Religious Instruction Wednesday and Friday Saturday by the 1971 General Assembly Now Indiana voters have a chance Meeting and Bible Study 7:30 p.m., for Young Adults 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Masses 8:00 a.m. and 7:30 p m Holy Thursday Noghl Home Boble Sludy 7:30 Sunday, Confessions before ~ass . Days of Obligation 7:30 a.m. and 7:30 without a negative vote. to change the constitution's p.m Before the year ended, the militia article: p.m. Confessions alter Wednesday and TRINITY LIJrHE-AAN C H URCH Friday evening Mass, and Saturday State Supreme Court ruled that .. Shall the constitution of the UNION CH URCH OF THE BRETHREN Locat ed at 330 Academy Road , from 4:00 10 5:00 p.m. the JndianaCode did not meet the State of lndiana be amended to At 1he corner ol Slate Road 17 and Culver. Rev. Roger L. Sommer, Pastor. lOB Road . Bert Cramer. Superinten­ Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m., Sunday FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. requirements of the state consti· provide that the militia consist of SCIENTIST tution as amended in 1960. That all persons over the age of 17 dent, Shared Pastorate: Bruce Weaver. School and Bible Class tO:t5 a.m .. wesley Brubaker. Larry Banks Women's Guild on First M ondays 8:00 Loca ted at 428 South Michigan Slreet, Plymouth decision set the stage for the (except those persons exempted Sunday Church School 9:30 a.m .. p.m . and Alternate Thursdays W orshop Serv1ce t 0 30 a m . amendment question that will by taw), that the militia be Worshop t 0 30 a m 7.30 p.m. face voters Nov. S. That question: divided into active and inactive Wednesday Evenong Servoce 7 45 p.m. t1 UAA OAK CHURCH OF GOO "Shall Section 19 of Article 4 of classes , and that certain other GILEAD UNITED METHODIST ST . THOM AS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Darrell G. Maddock, Pastor, M rs. the Constitution of the State oi specified changes be made Alva C. Ward, Pastor. Cecil Charters, Located al the corner ol Cenler and John Orang, Sunday School Superln· Indiana be amended to read as concerning the militia?'' Superintendent of Studies. Sunday Adams Streets, Plymouth Rev James tendent. school every Sunday at tO:OO a.m. G. Greer, Pas lor follows: 'An act, except an act Sunday School 9:30 a.m., M orning Worship every first and th ird Sundays Sunday Services. Holy Communion for the codification, revision or Under existing constitutional Worship t0:30 a.m., Senior Youth at t t :00 a.m. 7:30 a m .. Family Eucharosl 9·30 a.m .. rearrangement of Jaws, shiilt be provisions, the militia should be Fellowship 6:30 p.m., Junior Youth Parish Nursery 9.30 a.m. confined to qne s ubject and made up of "all able-bodied Fellowship 6:30p.m., Evening Worship LEITERS FORO M ETHODIST njatters oroperly connected male persons between the ages 7:30 p.m . , Wednesday " Hour of Leon Welling. Sunday School Super· PRETTY LAKE TRINITY intendent. therewith.'?" of18 and 45 years, ex~ept such as Power'.' Service 7:30 p.m. UNITED M ETHODIST Church School tO :OO a.m .. Worship Rev. Richard Lewke, Pastor. In national elections, nominees may be _exempted by the laws ?f Service 1t:OO a.m .. M .Y.F. on Second ZION GOSPEL CHAPEL Morning W orship 9:30 a m .. Sunday for President and Vice President the ~~ti ed States, or of thts and Fourlh Sundays. Steven Bradl ey, Pastor. M arion School t 0:20 a.m run as a team. When you vote for state. ,(hne. Su nday School Superintendent , William Sheridan. Assistant Superin· LEITERS FORO CIRCUIT RI CH LAND CENTER President you automatically cast a The proposed ;amendment! tendent. Rev. Phi llip Lulz, Pastor vote for hi s Vice Presidential would broaden the militia to UNITED M ETHODIST CH URCH Sunday School 9:30 a.m .. M orning Rev . Terry Shumaker, Pastor, Robert running mate. include all persons-male and worship t0:45 a.m .. Evenong Service M ONTEREY M ETHODIST Worship Service 9:t 0 a.m .. Church J . Nellans, Lay Leader, Howard U.nder the present Indiana female- over the age of 17. 7:30 p .m., M id-Week Service on Conrad, Superintendent. Telephone School tO: t5 a.m. State Constitution, the nominees excluding those exempted by law. Thursday at 7:30 p m. Rochesler 223-3751 . Worship Service 9:30 a m on Second for Governor and Lie ute nant Proponents of the change say it CULVER M ILITARY A CADEMY Governor run separately· You can would make clear to all citizens and Fourth Sundays. t0:30 a.m. on MEMORIAL CHAPEL MOUNT HOPE UNITED METHODIST First and Third Sundays, Church School flev. Calvin A. Couch, Chaplain. vote for one party's nominee for that it Is their duty to unite for Alva C. Ward, Pastor, Eldon Davis, al alternating times Governor and another party's mutual protection in times of worshop Servoce 11 ·00 a.m . V1sitors Superintendent of Studies. Sunday are always welcome nominee for Lieutenant Governor. school every Sunday morning at tO:OO BURTON UNITED This method of election is the great emergency. a.m. Worshi p on the second and fourth METHODIST CHURCH GRACE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST is the subject of a constitutional If the amendment question is Sundays at t1 :00 a.m. Rev Terry Shumaker, Pastor, John Rev John Krueger, Pastor Cessna. Lay Leader. Margaret Belcher, amenl' •nent question. The pro· approved, it would make it Church School Classes 9. 15 a.m .. SANTA ANNA UNITED posed amendment also provides possible to do away with the Superintendenl Telephone Rochester Worshtp Serv1ce tO 30 a m METHODIST CHURCH 223·375t . for the possibility of a tie vote. military position of Quarter ­ Rev. Roscoe Pheneger, Pastor, Worship Service 9:30 a m on First EMMANUEL UNITED Phillip Peer, Superintendent. Breaking of the tie would be a master General and Commissary METHODIST CHURCH and Third Sundays, t0:30 a.m. on responsibility of the General General. And commissioned Church School tO:OO a.m., Worship Second and Fourth Sundays. Church Rev. Maurice Kessler. Pastor. Service t 1: 00 a.m. every First and Third School a1 alternating times. Methodisl Assembly with Assembly mem· offi cers would no longer be Worship Service 9:30 a.m .. Church Sunday. Youth Fellowship 5:30 p.m. Sunday. bers voting to elect a Governor-- appointed by the Governor . School 10:35 a.m. Wednesday: M id· POPLAR GROVE Lieutenant Governor team. week Service 7:00p.m., Choir Rehear· UNITED METHODIST The new amendment would. sal 8:00 p.m. Rev. Roscoe Pheneger, Pastor, Ellis For correchons or edditlons , The amendment question make the Governor the com- Clifton, Superintendent. Worship Ser­ reads: mander-in-chief of the militia, WESLEY UNITED M ETHODIST vice 9:30 a.m., Church School t0:30 pleese contect: On the corner ol School and Lewis a.m. "Shall the Constitution of the a post he does not hold under Streets. Rev . Earl W . Sharp, M inister, The Culve r CITIZEN State of Indiana be amended to current constitutional provisions. M rs. Ted Strang, Director of Christian Post Olfice Box 90 provide that candidates for This ~ou l d ~ nable h!~ . ~o Education. Culver, lndlene 465 tt Governor and Li eutenant Gover· tmmedtately acttvate the mthtta tn Church School 9:30 a.m., Worship •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nor run for election i )intly so that times of need. Service 10:40 a.m. OCTOBER 30, 1974 THE CULVER CITIZEN PAGE THREE

CROSSWORD PUZZLE GET YOUR WORTH BY SALLY AND JIM ADAMS ACROSS 45. Nocturnal 25. Sweetening 40. - tor, 1. Jewish month mammals agent chooses 5. Dutch pamter 47. Make amends 26. Instant 42. On the double CUT APPLI ANCE REPAIR COSTS - I 9. Rib (An ~ t.) (for) 27. Fairy-tale (SI.) When you add up all the appliance and electronic 14. Fury 49. Private monsters 45. Dress cinctures gear in your home - TV, stereo, stove, refrigerator, 15. Arrow·poison 53. Geraniumlike 28. Li fting 46. French city dishwasher, washer-dryer, garbage disposal, vacuum tree pl ant· (Comp.) implement 47. Tuscan river cleaner, etc. - and think that they might break down, 16. Group of eight 55. Breakwater 29. Black and fire 48. Comet's il's scary. And eventually an appliance will break 17. Pothers 56. Si ng le things luminous trai n down, being a machine. 18. Creates 57. Poker stake 30. Growths of 49. Conifer When it happens, keep cool. There arc ways to harmony (2 58. Geraint 's wife long shaggy 50. Nothing protect yourself against unnecessary repair bills and Wds.) 59. Machetes hair 51 . Dismounted against dishonest repairmen. Fraud and incompetence, 20. Innkeeper 60. Nazi official, 31. Condition 52. Helen of surveys show, account for about IS percent of every 22. Aside Rudolf - 33. Exposes Troy's rna repair dollar. 23. Past 61. Bristle (Anat.) 36. Analyzes 53. Aspiring Boy When the appliance conks out, your first step is to 24. Jaw part DOWN 37. Couples Scout get out the usc-and-repair manual. Incidentally, 1it's a 25. Ag ate or 1. Certain semite 39. Tawny female 54. Exclamation good idea to keep all the appliance manuals in the emerald 2. Pedestal pa rt feline of disgust same place, for easy reference. The manual will 28. Windows over 3. Dramatic probably include a checklist to follow when the gadget doors conflict malfunctions. Is it plugged in? Is a fuse blown? Do the 32. Impels 4. Submissive controls need resetting? Don't laugh - a lot of people 33. French market 5. Rational call the repairman before making these simple checks. town 6. Swiftly 1f the appliance is really out of order, consider 34. Glib 7. Lagoon, e.g. doing the repair job yourself. More and more people in 35. Encircle 8. Compass point this inflated economy are at least making the attempt. 36. Himalayan (I nit.) Some repairs arc simple, within anyone's competence. bear 9. Stealing (51.) Suppose the switch on the vacuum cleaner doesn' t 37. Norwegian 10. Great expanses work. You can buy the proper replacement switch at river 11. Asterisk the dealer's and install it yourself; it's no big chore. Or 38. Tennis point 12. Savoir·faire maybe you ha•,e a broken refrigerator shelf, or your 39. Spacious 13. American dishwasher needs a new gasket and seal above the 40. Young, humorist motor. Try applying fust aid yourself and save money. nocturnal bird 19. Vas t desert If the job is too big for your talents, find an 41. Breathes region authorized repairman, rather than someone who 43. Sheriff's band 21 . Adversaries advertises himself as an all-round fixer. The authorized 44. Arctic explorer 24. Not refined repairman is, or should be, an expert on yo':u particular appliance. The use-and-repair manual will probably include a list of service centers. If not, look Answer ro puzzle in the Yellow Pages under the type of appliance and the specific brand name. Or you can call the dealer who sold you the appliance and ask for recommendations. Check the warranty. Some authorized representatives make warranty repairs, some do not. Next week: Keeping The Repairman Honest. ((c) 1974, McNaught Syndicate, Inc.)

Fulton County Atlas for sale

The 1883 Fulton County nesses, government officials and Hi\torical Atlas is being reprinted Lake Manitou monster. by the Fulton County Historical Pre-publication price is SIO Society. until Dec. 3 I. After that date the Thb rare book contains not only price will be S 12. Mail orders are $1 extra. or the book may be SWIITS PREMIUM PROTEN CULVER BllJLE CHURCH map~ . but also a hbtory of the county and each township. It has picked up at the museum i~> 10 ROUND STEAK LB. $139 Last Saturd

Meat program 'Show and Tell' at Ancilla If that old Chinese plate hidden members of the Museum's in the anic. or that object d'art curatorial staff, have a "Show If you have ever had a question Great Aunt Jane gave Grandma. and Tell" session in the about the kind'> of meat, cuts uf NEXT WEEK'S or Uncle Henry's wild painting luncheonette on the parking level meat or how to proper!) prepare long ago shelved turns out to be a of the Krannert Pavilion. meat. some quel>tions might be HOROSCOPE true treasure, it may be worth a The public is invited to bring answered in a seminar entitled IJy Clay R. J>r~llan drive to Indianapolis. treas ure~. This is a start in "What You've Always Wanted to Note pia ruler of r birth bol Women from 46 Indiana cities finding out if an art object is junk Know About Meats, But Had o FOR WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, NOV. 4 , 1974 and towns have been invited to or of value. One to Ask ... altend a special "Show and Tell" "Show and Tell' is just one of Sponsored by Ancilla College in * If your birthday occurs this week ... brunch at the Indianapolis the many free services of the cooperation with Dave and Ray's ... sincerity is the. keynote of your characll'r and Multeum of Art today. Indianapolis Multc um of Art. you are candid to a fault. You usually mean what Supermarkets. In c .. the program you say. You are able to spot a phony. You revere Mrs. John F. Edgell of Culver, Public tours are conducted at 2 will be Monday. Nov.4, at 7:30 integrity and will cast aside anyone possessing ques­ along with her guests. will attend p.m. each day (except Monday) p.m. Its purpo\e is to g1' c the tionable traits. You thrive under pressure. A new the event which features a session and arc free. An) organi.~:ation customer a better understanding challenge will find you emerging victorious. with Robert A. Yassin. chief may arrange a free tour. of the frelth meats sold in the curator of the IM A. He will I f!llt Aries I Mar. 21 · Apr. 19 I Pluto 0 I retail store today. discuss the age. quality, authen­ Professional meat cutters from Tf single, don't hesitate to try yom· hand at writing SEPARATE BANK ACCOUNTS love letters. Your capacity for lyncal expression will ticity, condition and history of Dave and Ray's Supermarket will give pleasure to other people. If married, don't b<: such treasures they may bring A marncd woman "ho has her be on hand to cut meat. e :~.plain surprised 1f your partner gets a bee in hisl her bonnet along. own ~a' ings and checking the cuts and di\cuss preparation. about making an extensive trip, or suddenly becomes The women, all volunteer account may be playing 1t smart, All types of bee I. pork and poultry tremendously palsy with a neighbor. chairmen. captains and workers says Jean W. Bauer. will be di~cu~scd. Time will be for the 1975 Operating Fund available for questions. )i1tf Taurus 1 APr. 20 · May 20 Venus 9 An extension home manage· I Campaign, will be guests of the mcnt-family economic\ specialist As a special flature. Your strength lies in your practicality and shrewd­ Executive Council of the funds at Purdue Universit}. Bauer sa~\ refreshments" ill be prepared by ness, your capacity to utilize etTectJvely what you campaign which aids the opera­ have in hand. A happy feeling prev:uls that thmgs separate bank accounts can be a Da\e and Ra~··, Deli Department. are going you1· wa,..v. A fantastic idea comes that could tions of the Museum and help legal asset-especially if you and Participation is open to the be a money-maker. A debt will be repaid- something keep it open free to the public. your husband own real estate public. you'd probably forgotten. Every Tuesday afternoon from jointly. For rcgi\tration call Ancilla 1·3 p.m., Yassin and other "This is especially true if your College, 9Jo-9936. I fJ: Gemini May 21 · J une 20 I Mercury l;l I husband dies first."' she adds. Don't be surprised to find yourself comparatively hard "Our federal estate tax law~ up . this week. Probably this will be due to over­ NIPSCO RATE SCHEDULES Protect) oung trees and lthrubs generosity. Differences of opinion arc indicated over Northern Indiana Public Scrv· require that the wife prove she with mulch of well-rotted manure, the terms of a financial arrangement. Gains can be icc Company hns been notified by has contributed to the payment of leaves, wood chips or peat moss. made by following up introductions, making use of one of its suppliers, Natural Galt real est:tte throughout her life. recommend extension horticul­ business contacts. Protect your valuables. The easiest way to do so is to Pipeline Company of America. of tunl>ts at Pu rdue University. Al~o an annual increase of S281.4b7 in make \Ome payments from the Cancer 1 J u ne'21 - July 22 I Moo n (' guard against possible winter I ~ I ga~ wife· s separate account. .. the cost of to Nl PSCO damage by rabbit~ or mice. The week's indications are curiously mixed. On the effective Nov. 2. one hand, there's a tendency for romance to blossom. To offset this increase, NIPSCO On the other hand, malefic influences may plague your love life. Personality counts. Set out to create filed new rate scheduled with the a good impression and you'll succeed. It's wiser to Public Service Commission of say or wr1te as little as possible. Indiana in accordance with an TALL AND order of the Commission issued I ~ leo I July 23 ·Aug. 22 I Sun 0 I Dec. 11, J 970. authorizing gus EXTRA BIG! You w ill probably feel a bit disillusioned about dbtribution utilities in Indiana to friends, feel that they've let you down or rather recover such gas supply increal.CS played on your affections for them. Older, serious whenever they have been allowed WE HAVE companions are bette1· for you than highly strung by the Federal Power Commb­ types. A good deed done in the past may be forgotten. sion. Friends may dampen your enthusiasm. As a result of this latcl>t flannel shirts increase, the average NIPSCO to neck size '19 I ~ Virgo I Aug. 23 • Sept. 22 I Mercury tl I residential customer using gas for It is pretty certain that you'll get more fun and en­ home heating will pay approxi­ joyment through leisure activities. You will enjoy a mately 1.5 cents per month or 18 flattering burst of social popularity. Find time for cents per year more for gas hooded and artistic, creative activities and interests. A light touch !>crvice beginning in November. is needed with people who are irritable and quarrel­ whi le NIPSCO residential cus­ :;...... ncrew neck some. tomers usi ng gas for household purposes 01her than home sweatshirts I ~ Libra I Sept. 23 ·Oct. 22 I Venus 9 I heating will pay 213 cent per to size 58 The events of the week may be mildly unsatisfactory. month or eight cents per year There may be an element of uncertainty, a lack of more. confidence and enthusiasm. Money may be in short supply. It is quite a good time to tighten up expenses The effectiveness of the new 1 and practice rigid economy. The financial outlook, rate schedule b subject to the insulated jackets however, will improve shortly. approval of the Public Service to size XXXL Commission of Indiana. I C!E Scorpio Oct. 23 ·Nov. 21 I Mars 6 I Don't be surprised if ;rou are feeling sorry for your­ self, neglected and misunderstood. This will be only a passing phase and you'll quickly regain your nor­ mal poise. Expect a show of affection from your mate. Something exciting and completely unexpected hap­ tI L~~~f"O<- ...J •. V 1 A c • insulated pens. Play it cool and health will benefit. coveralls Thurs. thru Sun. I ~Sagittarius Nov. 22 · Dec. 21 I Jupiter U I A week in which to be on your toes so far as your Robert Redford work, career and business interests are concerned. 0 There'll be minor developments, projects discussed, in ( new ideas will surface and attractive openings may "The Great Gatsby" \ ocs:ur. Your stock will definitely rise. A clever bit of 0 showmanship on your part will help. rated PC I ~ Capricorn I Dec. 22 • Jan. 19 I Saturn ~' I 7: 15 p.m. and 9:40p.m. ANDY'S Culver Clothiers This is a time at which to favor the mixing of busi­ ness and pleasure. It's in your interest to put in ap­ pearance at functions, dinners, meeting places, where people frequent who can be of use to you. Don't be surprised if someone met makes a definite pass at you. Your prospects are outstandingly good. Your Support Greatly Appreciated I ~ Aquarius I Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Uranus Jtf I EDUCATION: It is possible that new ambitions will stir within you. Perhaps you'll feel that the time has come to investi­ Graduate of Culver High School. gate the possibility of a change of scene. Important Anlhony Wayne Busmess College, and \ 1ans can be put into effect, and infl uential people can be met. Friends who're generously inclined are lnlernalional Accounlants Society, Chicago willing to help, if asked. EXPERIENCE: I : Pisces I Feb. 19 · Mar. 20 I Neptune IV I 3 years in a commercial bank This is a time to recruit the support of others for your plans and ideas. A fine business opportunity 9 years with Federal Land Bank may occur at the ):>eginning of the week. Also, it's a 4 years in a CPA off1ce good lime to understand the feelings of others and to setlle differences. Constructive aspects indicate a 5 years in a real estate and insurance office harmonious atmosphere in general. 5 years in public accounling • ERMA R. (Heiser) SLONAKER WELL QUALIFIED TO GIVE COURTEOUS AND EFFICIENT SERVICE 16iil' • @ 1974 McNaught Syndicate Democrat Candidate For Marshall County Recorder - Tues., Nov. 5, 1974 -----'--'- • • • _.._ t ...... Paid political ad '


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IS SMOKJNG WORSE THAN OBEStTY? WINT ER CA RE AT Dear Dr. Esse: It's likely my problem is universal. The question is whether I am in greater danger from FOR HOUSEPLANTS 7 /je fitt(e (ja((ery The com in g of colder being fat and not smoking, or from being thin and weather means thai you, as smoking a couple of packs of cigarettes a day. well as some of your plants, I don't recall how many times I've given up will be moving indoors for cigarettes and subseq~:~ently put on more weight. But it the winter. The transition has been the typical Yc>- Yo syndrome. When I smoke, from outdoors to indoors can G~.Tro!~L.~~ ~.~.!!IY I'm not hungry and keep my weight in bounds. When I be as traumatic for your African trade beads quit tobacco, I begin eating more. plants as it is for you, I'm only 43, apparently healthy, and a happily especially when it comes to Indian Jewelry married man with a wonderful wife and three prize watering. But don't overreact by overwatering. Spend your children. I want to be around as long as I can. But I maternal instincts on your know that both excessive weight and cigarettes are spouse, children and pets - Beatrix Potter threats to my well-being. mini-jigsaw puzzles I indoor plants prefer more I Which of the two is the greater threat? Overeating, restrained affection. The soil ~ or smoking? If I'm fat, I invite heart trouble, high of semitropical and tropical blood pressure, diabetes, gallbladder trouble and all the plants (such as the rubber Adult Puzzles rest of the things you've listed in the past. If I'm thin plant) should be kept consistently damp but never and smoking, all I would be gambling on is Moses in the Bull rushes emphysema, or lung cancer. soggy. Succulents such as PI ants What do you advise? Thank you. -Mr. S. cacti should be allowed to Terrarium plants Swedish ivy dry thoroughly between COMMENT: Ideally - loving your family as you do Lipstick plant Fire and Ice wateriugs. And the whole - it would make good sense if you were able to range of foliage plants which summon enough willpower to quit both of your bad fall somewhere in between Backgammon habits - overeating and oversmoking. the tropical and !nlcculent It is not inevitably true that they are linked. I have species are best watered known many patients who quit cigarettes and· did not according to the climate of put on an extra ounce. And I have also had patients their native origins. ( I think who were able to reduce without resorting to smoking Australia, for example, when to cut their appetite. caring for my Ti-plant.) Re-elect Which is worse? Obesity or smoking? There will be Hanging plants are often medical disagreement, but the weight of opinions, I the most temperamental JUDGE HUFF believe, is on the side that there is greater danger if about indoor heating systems you continue to smoke. According to one statistician because they are higher up • Experienced - and he may be overstating - you'd have to gain where the air is even drier. Place a few ice cubes on the 120 pounds to equal the potential dangers involved in • Qualifled smoking two packs of cigarettes daily. soil (away from stems and Frankly, I don't know. I can't say without I eaves, please) every other day or so. As the ice melts, • Impartial equivocation which is worse for you, Mr. S. But what I the plant will be watered can say is that ·neither is GOOD for you. regularly and evenly, just as it Political Advertising Paid For When you give up one bad habit and make only likes to be. Tom K. Huff one-sided imprdvement, you have taken a jump from Indoor rainmaking can be the frying pan into the flre. Who is to foretell whether easily accomplished by more serious complications will come from smoking or spraying smaller plants about obesity? One person may get lung cancer from once a week. I like to put my smoking; another may get diabetes from being larger plants in the shower for overweight. Or il may be the other way around. Some two or three minutes about people may get diabetes even though they are thin once a month for their rain. J ust make sure your rain (being overweight is only one factor), and others may water is on the warm side of get lung cancer even though they have never smoked room temperature, SINCE 1866 (since smoking is only one cause). It's best to give up ((c) 1974,McNaught Synd.) CORSAGES & all causes if possible. FUNERAL DESIGNS I think you will agree that if you quit smoking AND OF ALL KINDS overeating, it is more likely you will be around longer Plant new peonies before the to enjoy that nice family of yours. end of October, counsel extension horticulturists at J>urdue Uni· WE ARE AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELE PIHO~lE I Keep remembering that smokers hate to quit. They versity. Plant each clump three to are always looking for excuses in the form of four feet apart. in holes I 0-12 CALL rationalizations. As I said, it is not inevitable that one inches deep. Mix fertilizer into Plymouth 936-3165 must gain weight when one gives up cigarettes. the loose soil in the bottom of the ((c)·l974, McNaught Syndicate, Inc.) hole. Cover so that the buds are FR£.£ DAILY DELIVERIES TO CULVEII no more than two in ches below 627 S. MICHIGAN .the ground. County leads tax reduction

Property tax relief for Marshall Indiana Commission on State Tax County, unde' provisions of the and Financing Policy, said it has Legislature's 1973 tax package. been successful and. over-all, has has resulted in a 36.4 per cent reduced property tax rates on the reduction, a tax authority said. average from 16.2 per cent in Jay For Fair Assessment Donald W. Keifer, writing in County to 36.47 per cent in the Indiana Business Review, a Marshall County. Re-Elect for County Assessor publication of the Indiana Uni· The Kiefer report is carried in a versity School of Business. said special tax issue of the IU that the purpose of the 1973 tax Business School magazine, which package was to attain a sub· is being sent to local and state tax stantial, visible and lasting officials, the governor's office, property tax relief. trade associations and labor union MAURICE A. CURTIS Kiefer, who is director of the officials. • THANK YOU 16 years experience *ANDY' S CULVER CLOI'HIERS 12 years *THE K ELLY SHOP Township Assessor *THE CULVER CITIZEN and • 4 years County Assessor for your support of Union Township 4-H CLUBS Your support appreciated Paid for by Maruicc A. Curtis - -- - . Bayh's fa y life during campaign • IS long distance

By BILL ALLEN campaign. It's a good thing I like them." "There are Jots of rewards in serving in the Nixon Newspapers Writer Personal aide Bob Blaemire, press aide U.S. Senate. I like whatl'm doing now. I know Mike Trapp and driver Jerry Jeter arrived newsmen are cynical of anyone who says this, The curly-haired man with the boyish grin promptly at 5:30a.m. and we were off for the but I can't think of anything I'd rather be than got off the airplane and walked slowly Olrysler Plant gate where it was dark and a senator." through the midnight darkness to the waiting cold. Bayh said that didn't mean be would turn car. A diet soft drink can and a glass of ice " Hi, I'm Birch Bayb," the senator said as down a chance to become president if magically appeared from the cooler in the he trotted from group to group shaking as someone would ask him to take the job. But station wagon's tailgate and were thrust into many bands as possible. By 8:15 a.m., it was one doesn't become president that easily. his waiting hands. daylight, warmer, the shift change was over "The biggest sense of satisfaction I've He popped open the can and poured the and it was time to leave. gotten so far was to get the 25th amendment contP.nts over the ice. "Today is a special day," Trapp said as he regarding presidential succession and As the car started to move, he reached for forked his french toast in a restaurant near disability passed and on the books. That was a the telephone in the car, rapidly dialed a the Hoosiers for headquarters at great sense of satisfaction in itself, but then to familiar number and waited. 1040 N. Meridian St. " Usually we don't get see it work this past summer under very " Hi, Evan, where have you been? I tried to any breakfast." adverse circumstances was an even greater call you earlier from Fort Wayne." "Or lunch," Blaemire added. thrill. I became a senator because I want to He paused. Barely audible sounds came " We get so many Dairy Queen sandwiches­ make my life count as much as poss.ible in Sen. Bayh greets workers leaving Indianapolis Chrysler pl a nt from the receiver. to-go I feel I own stock in the company," solving as many problems affecting as many "No, I'm still in the car ...just outside In­ Trapp said. lives positively as I can." dianapolis. We're headed for a motel now. Meanwhile, Sen. Bayh, who ordered two But there's another side to the coin. Klu Klux Klanner. He wouldn't shake hands another 20 persons attending a family life hours of sleep and a 16-hour day with t I've a plant gate early tomorrow." cantaloupe slices, scrambled eggs, bacon and " I wish the pace were slower-especially with me. That bothered me." education conference and was interviewed for He slouched down in his black trench coat hours yet to go. milk, conversed with Bill Wise, his chief press through the campaign," Bayh said. "I'd like When a person reaches the point criticism television. The talk ended. It was time to go. for privacy as he talked to his freshman son at aide, at another table. Other conferences to get to the little towns and just walk around doesn't bother him , he'd better get out of the Minutes after taking off for Fort Wayne, Indiana University. The walk back to the airplane was halte followed at headquarters which gave me time the town squares. But instead we're forced to business, because he has become so in­ Bayh, Blaemire and Trapp were asleep a brief telephone booth visit. Another snatch of conversation came to talk to members of his staff. whip around the state in an airplane flying sensitive he doesn't recognize he can make again. They didn't awake until the wheels through " I tried to call Marvella in Richmond, Two pretty regulars from Bayh's over those places." mistakes, the senator said. touched down at the Fort Wayne Baer Field said, "but she's already sacked out. She n " Your mother and I both were in Fort Washington staff, Jane Merkin and Kathy The senator also would like more time with '·As far as this hatchet man business goes, airport. Wayne today. No, I didn't get to see her. But I more sleep than I do." Jackson, schedule the senator's campaign his family. I've pretty much come to the conclusion we The daily schedule tabbed the one-hour stop The plane lifted off the Baer Field rut talked to her on the telephone. On the way to appearances. "Evan was slx when I became a senator. need some people today who are ready to at the Hilton Inn as a time to rest and freshen the airport I went right past her hotel. How at 11:27 p.m. headed for Indianapolis. "The strategy people decide what general I've just had to put aside chunks of time for stand up and take on some of the tough bat­ up before a $50-a-plate fund-raising dinner at Sen. Birch Bayh was on his way to anc are things with ... " areas need the most concentration and we him. One time I had a Paris meeting, but I tles. There are a lot of people ready to fight the hotel. The conversation became private father­ shor t motel night and another long da work out the details for Birchbayh," one of wasn't able to spend any time there after the the easy ones. If picking on John Mitchell and Bayh entered the room, shed his coat and campaigning. son talk ~gain. them said. meeting because I wanted to get back home to makes me a hatchet man, then shoes, pulled a plastic bag of toilet articles This is election year for Sen. Birch Bayh. I crawled into my car and wearily drov1 Birch Bayh rolled off her tongue as one see him pitch in an important Little League so be it. I don't like the moniker, but..." from his brief case and grunted in disgust. 47 miles home to a warm, familiar bed a With his wife, Marvella, also campaigning word. game." His voice trailed off. " I used my last razor blade this morning. normal life. and his son, Evan, a freslunan at Indiana " We call him senator or Sen. Bayh when we It also is difficult for Birch and Marvella A wrong turn going to the Meshingomesia Would you see if you can find one." University, his family life is long-distance. talk to him, but when we refer to him we just Bayh to have a private life outside their Country Club dead-ended in a soybean field. Blaemire left. · Finding times and places for intimate call him Birchbayh," they said. home. We finally arrived at the Marion RCA 25th Bayh flopped on the bed and dialed family telephone conversations isn't easy The girls' toughest problem is getting "Sometimes the constant lack of privacy anniversary luncheon at 1 p.m . - 30 minutes Hoosiers for Birch Bayh headquarters in when surrounded by aides, newsmen and specifics for the road show daily scheduling even in intimate moments can be a little behind schedule. Indianapolis. wellwishers during most of the 18-hour sheet. trying. Especially if I take my wife out for an The senator minced his steak and lobster Conversations with aides in Indianapolis campaign days, but Bayh makes the extra "That's what they call us---a road show," anniversary dinner and we're recognized by lunch, then pumped hands until the program consumed the next 30 minutes. They were effort. Blaemire grinned while we waited to leave. someone who pulls up a chair to discuss started. interrupted only when Mrs. Bayh unex­ Calls are made from borrowed motel Blaemire, 25, a political science graduate of business." The program over slowly hand­ pectedly appeared on a television interview. too~ , ~ote l the other ~·auu, na ''"J} ~lits_re '~~tiol_! shaked his W!IY erclwd paused for "Hold everything, I want to watch Mar- swept, coltf, !Hil"e:s-- w*l e.l.l into t.he .,. " - l .. -··· -~ ·""-...... n-• " · - - . ' ' """' . • swept, Coler; U o PJ out-<>f·the·way • to a ::.._ . -- . ~ "~ar¥elli 1 b~iness • .agon ... aay, Bayh seen me SAra~ •'Sen I • t I -' Bia1!rin':~ several days now aLd our paths won't cross in June from a South Bend radio . really sort of belong to the people. U we're not "Senator, that man's name is Ed, not Pat," senator finished his conversations. for another two weeks. I try to call Evan Jerry Jeter, 38, is a former state policeman willing to give up some of our privacy, then Blaernire prompted. " Would you use this as soon as you can," he every day. Marvella also calls him often." on leave of absence from his insurance ad­ we shouldn't be in this business." Sen. Bayh quickly rolled down the window. said holding out a razor. "I told the man I'd My task was to spend a campaign day with juster's job. He was Bayh's driver during the Bayh for years had a listed Washington " How's yow- daughter doing in college," he bring it right back. I couldn't find any razors Sen. Birch Bayh, peel off the public veneer last campaign. telephone, but a crank telephone call changed called after the departing back. The man or blades for sale in the entire hotel." and glimpse the individual. It was 11 :05 a .m . as Jeter eased the white that. turned. His namecard, " Pat," glistened in the Bayh stripped off his shirt, started for the As the east side Indianapolis motel phone Pontiac station w<1gon into Meridian Street "A TV network had done a very laudatory sun. Bayh made small talk and the car bathroom, changed his mind and padded into jangled at 4:45 a.m. and I stumbled to the traffic. Blaemire fed telephone numbers and piece and called me the John Kennedy of the headed for the airport. the hall - topless and shoeless. Ten seconds shower, a question came to my mind: names to Bayh who made calls on the car's Midwest. Evan answered the telephone and a "Sorry, Senator," Blaernire said. later, he returned, shrugged into his shirt and " Why did I pick today - starting with a telephone. As the car neared Noblesville, Sen. caller said, 'Tell your daddy if he's going to be In Marion, a car pulled al.ong side. The horn disappeared into the hallway. plant gate visit, then a Marion luncheon, Bayh swung around in his seat. He was ready the next John Kennedy, I'm going to be the beeped and a youthful passenger leaned out I recalled Bayh's earlier words. Terre Haute meeting and a Fort Wayne fund to chat. next Lee Harvey Oswald.' I don't mind taking the window, waved his fist and shouted, ''Sock " I don't care what some people say about raiser. Bayh was born Jan. 22, 1928. He was that stuff myself, but I don't think my family it to 'em, Birch." me and the image they say I try to portray. The shower slowly jogged awake a lack-<>f· graduated from Fayette Twp. High School at should be exposed to it." Bayh chuckled as the car pulled away. I'm the kind of a guy who likes to just kick off sleep-fogged mind. New Goshen and School of Bayh keeps in shape with tennis ("I prefer " That makes campaigning fun, " he said. my shoes and be me." I had joined Sen. Bayh the night before in Agriculture serving as Purdue Senior Class golf, but I can get the same amount of " Last week I walked out of a hotel and heard When Bayh returned and stood in the Fort Wayne and £!own with him back to In· president. exercise in about one-fifth the time.") and two guys yelling, 'Give it to him, Birch. We're bathroom shaving, Blaernire stood at his dianapolis. He met and competed against Marvella in exercises ("I force myself to do situps, chins with you all the way. • I couldn't find them at shoulder feeding him names of persons he As the twin~ngine Cessna smoothly lifted December, 1951, at a National Farm Bureau and pushups each night during the news."). first. They were several floors UP on a scaf­ could eXPect to greet and their wives' names. into the 32-rdinator Susan Mc­ the day. " I'm my own worst enemy when I get before the char ter flight to Fort Wayne. defeated in a political campaign. " Not by my friends," he grimly replied. " It Carthy, discussed the juvenile justice bill tired. The sharpness needed in campaigning "I a te it en route to F ort Wayne," he said. Political life has both a dvantages and bothers me some. I'm bothered and I hope I with 20 persons in a conference room of the leaves me." Bayh waits outside a plant gate for me "I eat a lot of cheeseburgers during the disadvantages, Bayh said. always be. One rt:l3n at the plant gate was a hospital where he was born, shook hands with That sharpness had been blunted by four hands to shake

Just above the center of the picture, Sen. Bayh shakes hands through audience at Fort Wayne REMC meeting Interviews are conducted at almost every stop. Dick Lugar working hard to unseat opponent In• senatorial race

By AI Sp1er s Ranger turbo-prop helicopter to fly to South pious proposals to roll back petroleum prices rem arkable record of challenge. Nixoo Newspapers Writer Bend's Indiana University Center . after backing a maritime union's pet bill com petition, excellence and unfailing Also aboard were Rick Hoblt, Lugar's mandating oil shipments in American success. Study his brief but bright record, then aide. and Andy Nickle, young lawyer and tanker s. Hoosier born and largely farm raised. Dick spend a day in close, probing touch on the volunteer advance man. In barely five That bill. Lugar charged angrily, would was an Eagle Scout in boyhood and campaign trail and you come a way minutes. we put down on IU's rooftop cost taxpayer s something like $4 billion in graduated No. 1 1n Shortridge llence . productivity . " Hello - I'm Dick Lugar... running for he'd provided a strong partisan speech. One Underdog in a city long dominated by responsibility. self-discipline. Senate." veteran party worker probably spoke for all Democrats. Lugar set a fantastic campaign Heretofore such preachments have not Most people were friendly, or at least when he said: pace - endless 18-hour days of pavement often profited a politician pursuing high polite One fat, longhaired professorial type " It's encour aging to know our Rhodes pounding. hand-shaking. speechmaking. office. Promises. pleasantries and pap have murmured, " Lotsa luck." then, leaving. scholar can give a good. gutty fight talk, listening. persuading. He won by just under wooed more votes. But Lugar believes a new­ threw this over his shoulder : " I'm voting for calling Bayh the two-face he is. We've got to 9, 000 votes. ' politics age is dawning. and he strives to be a the other guy." get that message across. and it takes fight Smce taking office Jan. 1. 1968, Mayor new breed of poht1c1an. " Do such rejections bother you?" I asked. talk to penetrate public apathy .. Lugar has "'Tought a notable change m Hence the gamble for big stakes - Birch The quick Lugar grin came. "Once they Afterwards I studied Lugar's appearance Indiana's once sick and neglected cap1tal Bayh's U.S Senate seat. did Then I learned to live with the sunple as he circulated again, saying thanks and city. a1ded by able subordinates and many As a political "'Titer. I'd watched from reality that you can't please everyone. and a farewells. Physically. he's not imposing. citizen volunteers. afar D1ck Lugar's s wift rise from cand1date only needs one more than half the Fact sheets give his height as 5-10. weight 165 City serv1ces have been restored. political Indianapolis srhool board, to mayor . to voters to win an election.·· - but he looks an inch or two shorter. hacks pur ged. costs cut; operations architect of a bold new city-county concept At 11 :50. our chopper soared anew to 700 perhaps 10 pounds leaner. streamlined. communication lines to the of government. and to landslide re-election feet and sped east. At 13(}.mph we flowed His garb was neat but drab - dark blue people established. And notwithstanding and budding national stature - including an smoothly across South Bend, Mishawaka and suit: white shirt with mild red spots: blue tie debatable exposes by the Indianapolis Star . opportunistic 1972 boom let for vice president Elkhart to put down at noon on Elcona with subdued stripes: black shoes and socks, which despises Lugar's political manager. on the chance Spir o Agnew might be Country Club's green grounds where GOP and no jewelry except a tie clasp and gold Keith Bulen, the capital's police for ce has dumped. Chairman Roy Rogers Jr. waited to whisk wedding ring. been significantly upgraded. Recently I spent a full day on the campaign Lugar to a party luncheon. Lugar's hair is coal black except for a few Along the way. Lugar spearheaded. then trail to get a close-up look at Dick Lugar's After a quick men's room fresh-up. Lugar specks of gray, quite thick but neatly implemented Unigov, an efficient. practical hurTlan side - h1s fancies. foibles, life style. circulated among about 250 people. mostly trimmed. Greenish-brown eyes have a consolidation of city and county sto•ver·nn1en dreaflls. goals. hopes. It was a hard day at A his has blil r~wat d;ng ~ .. "' .... - ru e '.Arrlet Lugar al 10 a.m on the W t;:;~esdjy ;t ~O! VJ &en,. s .oi • IIC t CdC ! met Lug';r a i iO a .m 1)0 ... ~,.. ..,..-.... ph..,,..,. b~ \I ....,. .,..... ~~.:I t ~ fJ:_. flen..,·s t .,.- 1\L,I o .11 'd i'lown from lndian~polis rolls. iced tea. Lugar grace .. face.. ..on -a ·in-engine Beechcraft. He was a few cleaned his plate and by 1:05 was at the almost lim alertness and energy. Aides time he was ta nt Nixon's mutes ahead of schedule. so there was time lecturn. again with no notes yet unfailingly say he has only one pace - all out. Respites "favonte mayor" -an accolade that helped -a bnef get-acquainted chat over coffee in naming every person present who rated others might use for naps or amusing win landslide re-election in 1971, but has ~Stockert Flying Service lounge. thanks or recognition. diversions. Lugar devotes to extra work or doubtful value today. Amenca's 1lls merely to woe easy votes. ncochetmg off the huge room's concrete :\!ready well into a long work day, Lugar No notes is a risk, but rewarding. A catch-up reading. A non-smoker and virtual On the eve of 1972's GOP national " I insist on being what I am ... he said. "In floor. round brick sides and foil-wrapped d risen at 6 a.m., toiled unshaven in PJ's at supporter whose name comes right out of teetotaler ing along. fight and fire. interview for this article. no lime on what-might-have-beens "They liked Bay h ... what he said... what Ignoring Bayh. he dwelled mostly on the fhat day, dressing after breakfast, Lugar It came presently. and as Lugar turned Actually Lugar did relax during the It does bug Lugar a bit to have to obscure he's done for RE:viC .. what he promises. But positive aspects of b1s own programs. the d dictated a halfdozen letters and several onto his opponent, Birch Bayb, he seemed to interview. since it dealt not with tense. some of his intellectual brilliance. That's most will vote for Lugar Why? Because. need to dissolve pleasant 11lus1ons and come ~ mos while being driven to the airport. His turn himself on ... and the audience, as well. touchy issues but the candidate's human simply being pragmatic. It's a hard reality of they said. 'he'll save us from our own to gr1ps with hard realities. the importance auffeur delivered the paperwork to city Slugging away, Lugar called Bayh two­ side. htS hopes, dreams. life style, fancies politiCS that many voters have an almost folhes .. of volunteer action. and how much one II after dropping the mayor. faced - liberal darling in Washington, and foibles. superstitious suspicion of brainy or near­ Lugar has had his share of shaftings by person can make himself count. He saw rhe hour-long flight to South Bend also was cornpone conservative in Indiana. He Jackets shed, ties loose, stretched in easy perfect candidates. c Remember Tom hostile journalists, political foes, opposition great peril in world-wide inflation and global Jen to municipal work. Now it was pounded at Bayh's prodigal Washington chairs we chatted around a tape recorder Dewey?) elements and others. Yet his acceptance of energy shortages - but no doom for mpaigning time and Brian Elliott waited spending while pretending frugality back and pitcher of iced tea, beginning with But Lugar still won't peddle pap or soften our free society's seamier aspects is mankind. th a fiveplace chartered ( $80 an hour ) Bell home. found blatant hypocrisy in Bayh's Lugar's life story to now - a rather the harsh remedies he prescribes for noteworthy. Somehow. despite the awful hall and cool " You've got to make-do with what we crowd he conveyed his own total faith in the have... he sa1d. " It seldom helps to rail capac1ty of free people. working together. to aga1nst o r bemoan our system's solve any problem - g1ven knowledge. will ineffiCiencies, or its reluctance to accept and opportunity. even good changes quickly. Important Ensuing questions were essentially reforms can be achieved by working sincere, probing, inquiring. not hostile or patiently with and within the system. That's loaded. Lugar answered patiently until what I try to do ... and it helps make life an nearly 10 p.m., then raced a block to appear exhilarating adventure. •· live with Newscaster Harry Kevorkian in He th1nks every good citizen ought to " help WNDU-TV studios, answering a filmed Bayh wrestle with the problems of America" to needle from a local-area supermarket that preserve and deserve "the kind of life we tried to pin soaring grocery prices on want to lead." To "tune out and hope that Republicans. we'll somehow drift through ... is madness.·· At 10·25, riding back to the airport, I asked At 4:15, left alone finally, Lugar chose to Hohlt who bad made the obvious hall relax by reading - swiftly scanning a South blunder. The meeting place should have been Bend Tribune, Wall Street Journal, Time a small, intimate room with excellent magazine, some campaign clips and similar acoustics. material. For him. reading is better than " Their fault - and ours. too'" said Hohlt catnapping - even though he now rarely wryly. " We assumed w1th months to do it reads anything that doesn' t add to they'd line up a suitable meeting place. So knowledge. we didn't bother to check That's a lesson At 5.35. we went to a reception hosted by learned. Won't happen agam ... " banker Lex Wilkinson at a club atop the Characteristically, Lugar wasn't upset. In soaring new American National building. fact, he seemed quietly pleased, sensing that Lugar mel all of about 50 guests, spoke 20 he'd probably gained new admirers - and minutes outlining basic views and asking for voles! - by his grin-and-bear it patience contributions or workers. with the hall's horrors. By 7. we were back in the rooms having " You win some. you lose some." he steaks. baked potatoes. salads. rolls - aides chuckled as we neared the airport. "You and I m one room, Lugar alone in the other can't win 'em all, but you only need three out with more reading and mumc1pal paper work of hve to make a landslide. " between bites. Lugar's chartered Beech was ready and Al8 in Andy's station wagon we rode out to waiting. Soom it soared into black but star­ Notre Dame and a small disaster. studded skies, delivenng Lugar and aid Way back in June, Notre Dame's Hohlt back to Indianapolis about midnight. "Academic Comission" had booked Lugar The mayor would get home a haU-hour for what aides assumed would be a major later - reviewing a new package of appearance. Despite the early booking. the chauffeur-delivered c1ty hall paperwork en meeting was set up in cavernous Stephen route Then he'd snatch a few hours sleep Center. a vast. circular acoustical horror in and awaken, fresh and eager. to another busy wh1ch a crowd of 100 (all that showed) looked campaign day. piddling The reason offered. No other It would be the same next day ... and the facilities were available. next.. .and the next... until Nov. 5 when After a cold, brief introduction, Lugar voters will decide whether one of Indiana's began speaking at a mike -equ1pped lecturn. brightest new political stars IS to be given' a It was like muttering into a multiple echo bigger, broader field of action in the U. S. TV interview at South Bend's WNDU-TV is regular part of campaign day for GOP senatorial candidate Dick Lugar chamber, his words bouncing and Senate.


Barbara E. Hughes Doris C. Peterson Donna R. Bombassaro Susan K. Donnelly Teresa V. Sutter • • ]Olll The Culver Citizen Advisers CMA staff Five new advisers have joined High School from .1968 until and a lieutenant in Culver 's the staff at the Culv<.'r Academy accepting h·er position with the Summer School of Horsemanship presents for Girls. Two are senior advisers Academies. in 1973 and Brad, a freshman at to the 152 girls, while three are Doris C. Peterson, senior Culver Military Academy. resident advisers and live in the adviser, is a magna cum laude Donna R. Bombassaro, resi­ dormitories. graduate from Cornell University. dent adviser , graduated with Barbara E. Hughes, senior She has done additional graduate distinction from Purdue Univer­ adviser and instructor in the work at Rutgers and Seton Hall sity in 1972. A native of Gary, she English department. received her universities in New J ersey. managed a McDonald's restau­ degree from Eastern Michigan Peterson has been an assistant rant in West Lafayette in 1973-74. University and has done graduate professor at Pratt In stitute in New Bombassaro will also instruct work at Indiana and Purdue York and Montclair State College swimming. universities.A native of Dear­ in New J ersey. She also taught Susan K. Donnelly, resident born, Mich., Hughes has lived in chemistry in the New Jersey adviser, is also an assistant Culver for a number of years. public schools and conducted instructor in the hi story depart­ Her late husband, Arthur G. graduate workshops for teachers. ment. She is the daughter of Hughes, was chairman of the fine Peterson and her husband, Alfred J. Donnelly of the CATALOGS IN STOCK NOW arts department at Culver. She Ross. have three sons: Eric. a mathe matics department. She was the chairman of the English junior at Syracuse University; graduated from Washington Uni­ department of Culver Community Kendall, a cadet at West Point versity in St. Louis in 1972 and attended one year at th e University of Lancaster, England during 1970-71. On the dean's list at Washing­ MEDICINE ton University, she was the production manage r of the student newspaper. During most by H. BOSWELL YORK. R. PH . CHEST of 1973, Donnelly worked as a graphic artist for Publishers Are tranquilizers still very popular? What type of Professional Services in Seattle. Teresa V. Sutter, resident conditions do physicians prescribe them for? •. P.T. adviser, was the senior resident Minor tranquilizers still lead the list of the most adviser of a dormitory at the prescribed drugs. They are most often prescribed by University School of Mi.lwaukee geueral practitioners and internists. They were not for I 0 years before coming to Culver. She has received formal prescribed for psychiatric disorders either. The drugs training as a resident adviser at were used mainly to relieve or prevent emotional lllinois and Wisconsin un iver­ distress that might accompany or aggravate a physical s ities, plus participating in disorder, e.g. headaches, heart palpitations, stomach numerous seminars on advising in Illinois. She is a native of • • disorders, etc. Use of tranquilizers is higher in persons Chicago. 30 years old or older and more is used in the West than in other parts of the . Tranquilizers will retain their popularity until people find more HOWELL ELECTED HEAD OF effective means of coping with the stresses of life. EDUCATIONAL BUYERS ((c) 1974, McNaught Syndicate, Inc.) Lt. Col. Winfred D. Howell, US AF (ret.), director of the purchasing department at the Culver Academies, has been FOR JUDGE elected president of the Indiana group of the National Association of Educational Buyers. You can depend on Howell , who first joined the Culver staff in September 1965, is in charge of all purchasing for the I ,500-acre Cul ver campus. Culver Ken McDermott enrolled 671 cadets and coeds in • the college preparatory academ­ ies this fall , and over I ,400 of* Cards attended the II summer schools A Showcase to and special camps last summer. In addition to his duties as Say, 'Season's Greetings' purchasing director, Howell is Republican director of Culver's Aerospace Education and Flight Training We're proud to p resent a showcase department. A recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross, witft of cords to soy season's greetings to 700 combat flying hours, Howell graduated from Miami of Ohio one and all. Choose from humorous, he believes: Un iv e rsity and served a full career as an Air Force officer traditional, personalize d and juvenile before coming to Culver. IT IS NOT WHO IS RIGHT themes. Sensibly priced. IT IS WHAT IS RIGHT l Rural residents who plan to use septic tanks for effluent waste disposal should look carefully at Is that what you believe? the soils, stress Purdue Uni­ The Culver Citizen versity extension agronomists. Standard percolation tests will POST OFFIC£ BOX 90 vary considerably with seasonal • CULVER, I NOIANA 46611 - T Ei..EPMONE ( 2 1St ) 842.. 2297 soil moisture levels. Ask your county extension agent or soil • conservation service for informa­ Paid political ad tion about the soils in the septic .. tank field. .., _ -


JAMES L. DREWS KENNETH M(DERMOTT DAVID R. HOLMES ROBERT REESE State Representative Judge Prose(uting Attorney County Clerk -


• •

J PAUL T. SNYDER DALE E. KAUFMA N DALEB AKER JOHN R. ZENTZ COUNTY COUNCIL 2nd DIST. COUNTY COUNCIL lrd DIST. COMMISSIONER 1st DIST. COUNTY COUNCIL 1st DIST. Serving Union, Walnut, Green, Serving North, Polk, N . Half of Serving German & Bourbon Twps. Tippecanoe & South Part of West and Pet. 1, Center Twp. West


' MILAN LEVETT " LOREN A. W. MERYL SHIVERS COUNT¥ COUNCIL 4th DIST. County Council At-Large County Council At-Large Serving Center Twp. Pets. 2 • 5 County Council At-Large -- DEDICATED TO SERVING INDIANA AND MARSHALL COUNTY OCTOBER 30, 1974 THE CULVER CITIZEN PAGE NINE Fireplaces conserve With the possibility that care and ~torage of firewood, the hardwoods to achieve an natural gas may be in short good fire· building techniques and easily-ignited and long-lasting ~upply this winter, homeowners careful fireplace maintenance." fire. whose dwellings have fireplaces Softwoods, like pine and Moisture content of the wood should lind these especially cozy. spru ce, arc easy to ignite because also wi ll affect its heat capacity. Besides being aesthetically they arc resinous. However. they Dry wood is easier to start. will enjoyable, fireplaces can supple· burn rapidly with a hot flame. smoke less and will yield more mcnt your furnace heat output Hardwoods-especially the heav· heat than green (wet) wood. and help you maintain the icr hard"oods such as hickory. Si.:c also affects the burning of standard of warmth de!>ired. oak and ash-burn less vigorous· wood; the smaller the piece, the point" out Ed Lott. P urdue I) and produce steady, glowing greater its ability to bur n. Uni"er~ity CJCtcnsion forester. coals. A full cord of dry hickory Fuclwood should not eJCceed eight "Good planning is necessary, "ood "cighs about two tons and inchc~ in diameter without being ho" ever, if the homeowner i~ approximately equal in heating !.plit into halves or quarters. says expect~ to benefit fully from hi~ value to a ton of hard coal or 200 Lott. fireplace." Loll adds. "This gallons of fuel oil. Some people Poor care and storage of involves proper wood selection. like to mix the softwoods and fi rcwood can destroy all benefits gained from proper selection. Food storage practices Avoid storing firewood in a cool, damp. shaded environment. An determine bacterial growth open location aids drying of the There may be danger lurking in refrigerated longer than one or wood and reduces the likelihood of inltccl'> and decay. The wood your kit(:hcn-bacteria that can two day~.the same is true of multiply during improper food pile !.hould be slightly elevated to cooked meats and fresh and avoid (:Ontact with the ground "Sorry, Bud, if you're the dnver, I've got to charge ,.,toragc. But you can protect your cooked poultry. Throw out any you with breaking and entenng a dwelling." family b) storing fOc. Resist the temptation to taste Maintaining good fireplace Proper Attic Insulation Purdue University. foods that do n_ot seem right. To help evaluate your food • Arc your refrigerator and free1.er conditions will add to the heating value of wood. Ashes should be ~ t orage practices, Allen offers (:Old enough? If you want to keep removed from the fireplace since Reduces Hea And Cooling Costs thi~ quit: food for only three or four days. a ' • Arc perishable foods sitting on refrigerator temperature of 45 wood ~mothered in ashes will not kitchen counters or range tops? degrees F. will be satisfactory. If receive adequate air for proper burning. They ~hou ld not be. Perishable food i ~ to be kept longer. the Improper flue adjustments aho food~ :.hould be kept cold. refrigcrntor temperature should Otherwise. the bacteria in such be kept colder-40 degrees F. or decrease the amount of heat foods can multiply rapidly. ltmcr. The freezer storage should "hich radiates from a fireplace. With the flu wide open. most of • Arc ~hclf-stored foods free of be kept at zero degrees F. or contamination? The tops of the IO\\Cr. the heat is carried up and out the can\ \hould be clean. Cans should People often mistake food borne chimnC). This can be corrected by reducing the flue's opening to the not stick to the shelf. a sign of illnc~s for a simple bug or viru~. point where there is only enough po~'>iblc 'poilage. And can~ The real cause may be food that labeled ·refrigerate' should be was not properly handled. draft to carry the smoke up the kept in the refrigerator not on the prepared or served. chimney. • shelf. Keep cold foods cold-below 40 • Do you slurc food in cabinets degree~ F'. And keep hot foods SPECIAL SALE ! ! ! through which hot water pipes. hot-above 140 degrees F. This is ARTISTS REV ERSED drain pipes or heating pipes pass? c~pccia ll y imJ>ortant for perbh· Insulate a 12x12 ceiling for $11.52 Fuod\ .'.hould not be kept in such able foods such as cream pies, Although concert dates will cabinets. sea food~ and dishes made with remain the same, both guest also n' ailablc: • Arc you storing refrigerated egg~. fhh. meal and pouhry. artist~ and programming will be food!. too long't Roasts and chops Food\ l.hould not stand at room ~witched for the Fort Wayne *WEATHER STRIPPING can be refrigerated three to five temperature longer than t\\ o Philharmonic's second and third sub'>cription concerts. *STORM SASH Babcock Lumber da).'.; bacon. seven days and ham hour~. the specialists warn . *CAULKING ~liccs. three days. Ground ste\\ Other" ise harmful bacteria may Pianist Robert Preston. originally and Su ply and variety meats should not be ha•e a chance to multiply. .'.chcdulcd ov. 22 and 23, will perform the Brahms Piano ...... Concerto No. I Oct. 29 in the Scottil.h Rite Auditorium. • Paul Schocnfield, pianist orig1· • ]0ep your gifting budget • ~~U' • nally to appear Oct. 29. will play • • the A Major Concerto of Liszt • • • • Nov. 22 in the Scottish Rite and • PAUL T. SNYDER, • Nov. 23 in the Performing Arts ever green, wilfL a • • • • Center. All concerts are at 8:30 • Republicon Condiclote • • • p.m . Chr~tmEJ$ Club . • Ticket sales, mail orders and • County Council, telephone reservations are avail· • • • able at the Philharmonic office . • 2nd Dist. • : 927 S. Harrison. Tickets will also • : be available at the door. • Sen.Jing UnUm, • • • Soon it will be Christmas • • • Walnut, Green, • holiday shopping time. A • • large numbe r of persons • : Store fall varieties of apples • Tippecanoe ha\ e 11 1974 " poke,''- a • • just above freezing. This. coupled Christ mas Club Savings, .• arui South part with hig!1 (85 per cent) relative ~ l o r c d UJ> for ready usc. • • humidity, can help you keep • of West Twps . • apples fresh for two or three Lucky persons. Perhaps it's • • months for home usc. advise suddenly occurred to you • experienced PAUL T. SNYDER • Paid Political Ad Purdue Universty eJCtension hor- that )Ou''e a great deal of • shopping coming up soon, ...... ticu ltu ra lists . and ) Our '

,___ , The hostess in your area will call UNDER ONE MANA GEMEN T CULVER I on you with a variety of helpful PlYMOUT H ·•·••• community information along with "The Bllnfl Thnt GOOD WI Ll Built .. ARGOS ~(C gifts and greetings from local mer­ • chants. FAn~IJ<: ns S'l'A'l~J<: B .AXK Charlene Strang lAPAZ I Te I cphone 842-2986 PAGE TEN THE CULVER CITIZEN OCTOBER 30, 1974

looking checks. These he reported police role in the search. to the police. "The search was just as 'offi­ YOU EN THE Result: the guest was arrested cial'," said the court, "ns though for posses~ing forged cheds. The the officer had acted in person." SE SANTA rc'>JRRE:C.T NUMBER~ judge said that even though the YOU MAY Rf­ ARE Pur IH THE' manager had no right to look into A public ser' ice feature of the E ~ E SL.ANK~ BEl-OW/ the suitcase, the·evidence he found American Bur Association and c ...... - ,RE W()R.O . THEY WI~J- ADO was nevertheless admissible in the lndianu State Bar A!soda· FILL. IN THE 2 uP ro 17r:L . court. ation. Written by Will Demurd. MIS?IHG a.1NE!i.E 11/?E ->IDES Tatl!etale Bookkeeper But the rule changes when the © 197 4 American Bar Association TO FIND our TrJ EVERY STrJRY· search, although conducted by a WHAT IT IS.. private person, is done at police t: .4 M~NIU. T£AM instigation. Another motel man­ H/IS_ MEM8E,f'$. Parker, a businessman, was S) s· I F ager told a policeman that he sus­ Late fall ~eedings of Ia" ns ...,.... ______.._, C.- NE19tJS ;<;R£ tem:uically cheating on his incom~ taxes. One day his conscience· pected one of his guests of being a should contain good bluegra\\C\. BE7TER rHAN ONE. stricken bookkeeper took several drug pusher. Instructed to search remind Purdue Univer~ity e~ten­ d . ,4 CWI9RTE7TE incriminating documents out of the man's room, he did so-and sion ;agronombts. Add red fescue CC/115/S T'!S OF_ . Parker's safe and handed them found heroin. and ryegra\~ to provide quick But this time, the evidence was winter co, cr. Cool soib respond e. H CIRCLE II/IS over to the Internal Revenue Ser­ __ S / OES . vice. rejected in court because of the to hca\') fertilitation. 2 ,000 f. _ ,4 LOI9F IS + In short order, Parker was ~UMDS BEffER 11-IIIN NOHE. charged with income tax evasion. 1 But in coun he insisted that the {i'il FIND OUT WH!iT 711£ 8Ri.LOON evidence, ha•ing been taken ille­ THE CULVER CJTIZEN ~ H~f. ro SAY /IBOV r WO~LP gally, could not be used against C(;Wf)/rtOHf,. REARRANGE 114E him. ~OUP.S OF-LE:TTERS BELOW I N I • .I~~ t-...... THEIR CORRECT OROER. ~e ,.11 , , ,, f'l-• R'RST AND LAST ~UP~ ARE' n. •- I' ''* ' ALitE'AJ7Y IN lHE RIGHT Pl..ACE . 1 • .!J.-11.,1, ...... ••• , 11.:.~ ... ,1,. THE $1.AS.HES AND PUNCWATION n.- r-.. •.• • WILL. HELP $EPARATE THE WORD$. lo':A...J~ ... - 'I.J-...... , ~..___ E/ TI VHA rjAL ··~ 1'1-J..._ "• K..,., 41'-'­ VTH ATI ON? ME! "•1-, ·------j '3WlL 3Hi ,V ..1.1 3AtfH I ,t..NOIJJI1.:iN.;_jl...­ i L ~/, '::J 'o ·f!J '-n · 'l: ':> , '-? ' oz; '"' .! (JnOSJ NOL NOM .J.d I •• "This clearly falls under the ;' Fourth Amendment," he said, ~ "which forbids unreasonable . search and sei£ure.'' ..~ Moll.,(_~ Sllt have sometimes Courts generally agree. They Layering-11.earing one article endured con'>idcrable discomfort say the Fourth Amendment was of clothing over another-is in an effort to present a pleasing designed to protect citizens from Pre-GhristmasJale comfortable and fashionable, says appearance ... Or. Goodrick say\. prying by the government, noth­ Jean Goodrick, extension clothing Will practicality continue to be ing more. Athough the private Rytex Antique Vellum and textiles specialist at Purdue important to consumers? The searcher may indeed be commit­ University. extension specialist predicts that ting an offense, the evidence that Personalized Stationery ··Genera II>. several fabric it will. "The current shortage~ he finds remains acceptable. layers hold body heat more and inflationary trends may cause The same is true if the evidence efficiently than a single layer of us io shift our values and the is discovered purely by accident. Sale Price 595 (regularly 10.00) fabric," she e~plains. adding that prioritic~ we ~ct. Comfort and In another case, a departing guest the layers trap still air much like a practicality may well become in a motel left a suitcase in his traditionallettersheets & new semi-notes - double-paned glass window. more important th;an how we look room. The manager, peeking into Unfortunately. you can no in our clothes ... ·he suitcase, noticed some odd- This luxurious vellum paper with its longer count on getting this subtle laid-mark pattern assures good insulation feature from a single taste for all your wrtlir>g needs A per­ ready-made garment. Why? fect setting for your J-1nitial mono­ Bonus Because many ready-mades are gram or name and address printed an no longer lined. Or. Goodrick blue, dark grey or raspberry red ink Value says. In an effort to cut the cost of Select your paper color in creamy An addiloonol 50 production, many manufacturers white. soft blue or colonial grey. match1n1 un printed sh ttts are making unlined or partially for u:se u second Our new semi-note in Antoque Vellum p••u (naulatly lined garment~. is a full-size princess sheet which $1.50) now only "The unlined trend is even Sl.OO wollt youa folds to show your imprint on the order. being seen in menswear. espe· front. So stylish, and versatile for all cially in unstructured suits. shirt your casual correspondence. suits and sportswear,'' she says. Womenswear. too. has turned 150 princess sheets & 100 envelopes to layers. The layering trend is a or 100 monarch sheets & 100 envelopes blend of fashion and practicality. or 100 semi-notes & 100 envelopes Functional, put eye-appealing Purdue University extension horticulturists recommend that MAIL ORDER COUPON you have top soil ready to mound 'I he Culver Citizen around roses. Cover the roses P.O. Box 90 after they are partially defoliated Culver. IN 4651 I and the soil is about to freeze. ANTIQUE VELLUM:...·__ .,.,,., (-oublo •••otily)aa5.95• k• Cart Included INCLUDE I ONUS: 0 (thttk) 50 u tro 'l01o tooprmte4) sbootut Sl 001 box lmpttntHa"'e er Monogtam: ______Van's Mobile Strut ______Service -- en,, ______State ____ z,, ____ . -.... c••a PRINCESS SIZE: l W~•te 135001 0 81ut (3550) 0 G10y 135601 • Carpet and tj•ICI IIOI'IARCH SIZ£: 1.J W (3600) 0 Blue 1'1591 0 G11r (lUOI • Furniture $£111-NOTtS r 'lo It tNlSDDl 0 Bin (H3SSOI Gtr1 ~ 35501 • Cleaning Service 19• d1agonal pacture Soltd State ChaSSIS l11p1tn! Sly It 0 MC 0 At 0 VS t••••r,.• ,.,,.PIA/If ,..,loptJI CoiG< Ink 0 Bluo 0 C11y 0 R•spbtrry Shag Specialists (except only four tubes) 'lnsta-Ma ttc"Color Tuning. O•dered by· • Bright Pacture Tube Strut______Apt ____ High J>re,,urc hot water Model WP5522LW. removes deep dirt to special Cny ______Swo___ _ _ z,,, ___ equipment m our ~pecial \an. Al's TV & Appliances • Acctul'lt ko ------~-·------~ Mike & Glen R aff~ rt) 115 South Main Street, CaJver 0 Chtgo 0 Check or M 0 onclose- I ____ s.. .. ,. •• c 0 0 ., Culver 842·2756 Phone 842-2982 Knox 772·4852 " Your Culver Communiclltions Center" l OCTOBER 30, 1974 THE CULVER CITIZEN PAGE ELEVEN

COMPLETE SUPPLIES FOR M ODEL AIRPLANES Rubberband-R I C-G liders U / C-Bulk Fuel GEORGE'S DRYLAND M ARINA ­ AND M ODEl AIRPLANE SHOP THE CITIZEN AlSO CO MPLETE TUNE & REPAIRS ON OUTBOARDS.LAWN MOWERS (ANY MAKE)-SMALl d ENGINES-CHAIN SA WS.BOATS BALANCE & SHARPEN BLADES BILLBOARD 1 M ile South of Horse Pataca on 7o0E Awoman has to be fwice as good as a PROFESSIONAL tMal-t to DIRECTORY go Classified Advertising Rates Phone 8<1 2-2297 hat f as fdr-- llll In 2' """'rd-., t I{)() 2 WcC' I..-; S 1.&0 J W('(l..~ S1 40 •I W"•t•l.. ' S} 1'$0 FANME HUR~T Up 11• iO -. ~o ~td \, $2 00 2 W~(' l.. ) S3.60 3 We~l.. '> S4.80 I W t~-l.. ' SS 60 DENTIST Cash In Advance For C lassifieds , Please . Thomu M. Pugh, R.PH., D.D.S. Oflke Houn by Appointment 10(11 Lake Shaft Drive Phone 842-346S LAND' No kidding! 10 acres will '" trade lor good looking car or what PERSONALS have you. Call S. Chase 616-931-4351 . Powers Realty OT OPTOMETRIST

SAW SHARPENING-Carbide, circular Dr. F. L. Babcodl CARD OF THANKS and hand saws. Router bl:s. One mile east of Memorial Forest on West 14 We would like to express our sincere Offke Houn by Appolat-..t appreciation to all of our friends and Follow The Key! Road . Ray Huller. 8012TFN Tunclay, Thunday, Friday, 9 to 5 neighbors lor their kind expressions WednHCiay ud Satuday 9 to J2 ot sympathy. C1oeed Monday M rs. Florence L. Walls Be~utll ul 2 bedroom home with and family lake access. Dining room, WRECKING OlD BUILDINGS-Farm, Phone 842-3372 Fireplace, breezeway, atlached Home and Commercial. 25 years garage, carpet and parquet experience, free estimates , fully • • floors. $38,500. insured. Robert Cloud, 832-4675.19TF HIGH QUALITY 5 to 50 acres - about 2 miles from PRESCRIPTION RENT Culver. 3 bedroom home, 20x40 metal shed. Excellent location. DRUGS Give us a call. FELKE at low prices' Fast. courteous servtce UNFURNISHED-2 btdroommodern Nice little one bedroom home. FLORIST apartment lor rent. Call 842-2700. Well cared lor, new furnace, 2 Plymou th Mr. T's Rexall Drugs yrs. ago. Good 8043 Culver, Indiana Call Us For 24 Hour Phone 842-2700 Nice little one bedroom home. Flowers For Any Occasion. FOR RENT -Clean, nicely furnished W ell cared for, new furnace 2 three room apartments. Also sleeping yrs. ago. Good basemen t. A Daily Deliveries YOUR ••exall PHARMACY rooms. Phone 842-3442. TFN good retirement home for on ly To Culver • . " $8750. W e Are A s Close A s You r Phone Plus many other town, country CLINICS CULVER CLINIC and lake properties. m Call936-3165 TF N SALE 820 Aclldemy Roed Serving you full time. lJl Phone 842-3351 Phone 842-2710 RfAUOR' • • • FOR SALE: Red 1970 VW bus. Jack M. Miller, D.O. WANTED PIANOS - any atyle:con­ Excellent condition, gas heater. One Joh.n E. Mann, D .O. dltlon, also furniture, old or modern. MEDICA l TECHNOLOG IST owner. Call 842-3604 days, 842-2308 Phone or write M ercer Sales, Celina, MT(A SCP) or MlT (ASCP) are you after 6:00 p.m. LG Ohio 45822. Ph. 419-586-2588. OT dissatisfied with your present area G. W. Steven-, D .O . and posi tion? Try our small, clean, 4 General FamUy Practice seasons vacation city with no social Offke Houn By Appobn-.t YARD SALE- 509 S. Plymouth St., problems. Good schools, new lab well 11 It' s Phone 842-3351 Culver. Child's canope bed, Swinger equi pped , f ive reg istered ASCP camera, kitchenware, lots of toys, technologists at present desire to adult and children clothes. This Is our Increase staff. Competitive salary Real Estate last yard sale of the year. Nov. t ,2,3, w i th all fri nge benefits. Contact See 9-5. James F. Graham, Personnel Di­ PHYSICIAN rector, Memorial Hospital of Mason Donald J . Faulkner, M.D. County, ludington, M ich. 49431 , or C.W. Epley ph, 616-843-2591 . OT REALTOR .114 Lake Shore Drive I 842-3387 Office Hours By Appointment 450 Foresl Place. Culver Thomas PIA NO WAREHOUSE SALE - Phone 842·2061 Example $995 Wurlitzer Consoles $750 - 2 used consoles, 1 used Kimball Sales Appraisals Real Estate spinet 2 yrs. old- 24 used organs $350 TFN and up. Store hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. PHYSICIAN • Gerald Thomas Broker Fri. 9 p.m. Thompson M usic House 500-506 North St., logansport. 8046. LAK E SHORE CLINIC V irginia Thomas 92 1 Lake Shore Orin• Salesman Phone 842-3327 Marjorie Schmoll Salesman (842-2132) Michael F. Dee-ry. M .D . , Before Decldlhg, talk with us. 157 North Terrace ASTRONAUT , Culver 842-2311 y Clean Ca PHYSICIAN COL. JAMES IRWIN and use Instantly General Medicine and Obstetrics TIMBER WANTED- We buy logs Music By: Office H ours b~ Appointment and standing timber. No less than 5 M. GEO RGE RO SE RO M.D. acres. We do not buy fence row trees RE 'GENERATION, 17 E.ast Main Street . K ewanna or yard trees. Precision Pallets and Ofnce H ou rs Appointment Skids, Inc., Walkerton, Ind. Phone Nashville, tenn. b~ 586-3068; nights 586-3052 or 586-2688. Phone: Ofnce 653-2383 Oc31 NOVEMBER 3rd If no ans,.er phone 653-2565 Boetsma Rome 7:00 p.m. I W ill come and do your weekly ·cleaning. For prices and appoint­ Furnishings, Inc:. CENTENNIAL ments call 842-2063. 8043. Culver 842-2626 AUDITORIUM• PLYMO UTH• INDIANA CORN SHEllED by or stored, wet or dry, top price paid. Call lor quote. HUDON TYPEWRITER SERVICE Trucks available VOETBURG FEED 103 West LaPorte Street, Plymouth. AND GRAIN' Caledon ia, M ichigan Sales- Service-Rentals. Typewriters 49316 or Phone 616-698-61 4 7. OT and Adding Machines. Repairs on all Adulls-$2.25 makes. Royal Portable dealer. Phone 936-2728. TFN FOR SALE 10 acres In 12 & under- $1 .50 Northern Michigan. Located 4 m iles south of Mancelona on a year around MR. ED'S LOCK SH OP-Keys made, • novelties, saws · and all tools and country road. Property Is completely Box 466, Plymouth, IN. wooded. mowers sharpened. locks repaired. SKI & SHORE PROPERTIES' Inc. Ed Rathbun, Certified Locksmith, 124 936-6144 Kalkaska, M ichigan 49646 Eas t Walnut Street, Argos, Indiana. 616-258-8611 TFN PAGE TWELVE THE CULVER CITIZEN OCTOBER 30, 1974

Philosophe r Gus Harness. * * * while riding th e A- 1 garbage ... It Must Be disposal truck. thought up this At times. 0 Lord. we become weary of the monotony of daily 1HE scheme to stop the thievery going by MARY FUREY CRYMES on here. Just have the stolen routine. but when You walk with THE lAKE goods gathered by the thieves for us. regular tasks can become a garage sale' and let the owners opportunities for great accom­ buy them back. plishments. TRUSSING TIP: Ever wonder what to do with WATER -30- those huge safety pins you've been saving in a drawer By Bob Kyle * * * somewhere? Use them for closing up the holiday bird. Highway bids Eliminates all those easily lost skewers and messy PLANNED PARENTHOOD strings. Added plus: They're reusable. has just come up against a new . NOW IS THE TIME to harvest SWEET SAVER: Keep the kids from wasting obstacle in: opened for your garlic. It has a bad name but precious sugar through spills or overpouring by keeping th ere are those of us who like it 17 projects table sugar in a large salt shaker. It goes farther and nontheless. Many a household ·'There was a young fa1·mer stays neater. Word of caution - be sure to warn Dad! couldn't exist without garlic. and named Graham, Indiana State Highway Com­ WHIPPING WOES: Next tin1e your whipping cream its cousins, onio11S and leeks. Who, though bugs ate his crops, mission opened sealed contract refuses to whip, add a sprinkling of unnavored gelatin There is now garlic in every wouldn't spray 'em. bids on 17 proposals for projects to the cream. If you're out of gelatin, add 4 drops of Holiday Inn Restaurant and He explained: "I've a droll. but throughout the state. lemon juice instead. Then whip away. possibly in every· Howard effective control: Contractin g companies bid HALLOWEEN HOOPLA~ For a festive Halloween Johnson's Caesar salad if the $7,988,432.70 on 14 of the truth were known. Most persons I just catch all the females dessert, hollow a pumpkin and heap high with rum proposals compared to the raisin ice cream. Use the pumpkin fruit for pie. who hate garlic can't tell the and spay 'em." Highway Commission Engineer difference. Lake Wate r has estimate of $9.542,457.08. The loaded things with garlic just to * * * ONION WALLFLOWER? If people back away from bid price on the remaining three you because you've just eaten onion or garlic, run for test th e taste buds and they ate it proposals could possibly be Paul Begin. who lives at Yellow the kitchen and munch on one of these instant breath without detection or di re results River bridge at State Road 17. has within the tive per cent allowable and cried for more at our menage . tigure for an award. fresheners - an unpeeled apple, several sprigs of been around a long time after parsley, or a .few grains of coffee. They all do the Most everything about garlic many years at South Bend. where McMahan-O'Connor Construc­ with its pungent thrust, is veiled tion Company, Rochester. made trick. he was an accoun tant. A native COSTLY DRIPS: Keep the high cost of living down in rumor, including its member­ Easterner. he likes this com­ an apparent low bid on 7.961 ship in the lily family. munity where he is fast becoming mi les of the dual lancd program a bit by repairing leaky hot water faucets pronto. A It is hard to grow just right, as acquainted ... First (Iassman Alan on US 41 from the north edge of leak of only one drop per second means a loss of 7 00 is the finest paprika, the Bradchardt, Eagle Grove, Ia .. set Boswc:ll to just south of the gallons of hot water per year if left unchecked. It can succulent leeks and the many a new relay record at CMA junction with US 52 in benton also erode valve seats. varieties of onions. Garlic is said recently and a national scholar­ County. This project also includes SLIP AND SLIDE: If you have troubie with slacks by good medical authority to have ship for '74-75 ... Mrs. Erwin a bridge structure on US 41 over slipping off those rounded hangers, wrap masking tape the power to forestall the gout. Goss. I 00, and Mrs. Margaret Mudd Creek just north of SR 18. on the hanger at one inch intervals - with the sticky One time I had to settle a Widman, Bremen, were seen on Contractors' United, Inc. of side up. Pants, lingerie and other slideables will stay in dispute between a window Beatrice Goss' front porch Columbus submitted an apparent place. dresser in a Baltimore depart­ recently. according to Pastor R.L. low bid for bituminous surface LIPSTICK LOSERS: Approaching holidays mean ment store who disputed one of Sommer, who was once a paving. grading and drainage of the merry Andrews of motion guests, and guests mean lipstick on napkins! Be Baltimore Sun copy boy under 1.243 miles from the interchange picture press-agentry. He had in­ prepared for the problem by remembering this the iconoclast Henry L. of 1-65 and SR 46 to US 31 solution. Saturate the spot with salad oil and give it a cluded a braided rope of garli c in Mcncken ... alternate in Columbus. a trunk of gorgeous costumes for brisk rub. Let stand about I 0 minutes before Mr. and Mrs. Mathew J. Timm Beaty Construction Company. "The Sea Hawk." a silent movie Inc.. Fort Wayne. had the laundering. visited their home on Cass Street ((c) 1974, McNaught Syndicate, Inc.) starring Milton Sills, Doris over the weekend. They came appar ent low bid for recon­ Kenyo n and Wallace Berry. It so fro m Flushing, Mich., where he is Struction and bituminous overlay happened that it was Preakness supervising engineer of a $22 to present US 30 bridge over the Week at th e Pimlico race track million sewage disposal plant... St. Joseph River in Fort Wayne. and a sloe-eyed masterpiece for the George Rogers Clark National which Baltimore was noted, OPEN HOUSE Hi storical Park continues to be UNlTED FUND DRIVE ENDS awaited in the clubhouse. And I the tourist atraction of the middle VFW POST 6919 Culver was anxious to referee something west. It commemorates the Oct. 31 is the final day of the different. winning of the old Northwest Culver-Union Township United These costumes were being Territory on the Western frontier Fund drive. Workers have been CORNED BEEF OR HAM AND displayed in the store window, during the Revolution ... making calls during the month in draped in braided garlic neck­ ... Hersh Rector an effort to visit every family in CABBAGE SUPPER laces. The draper insisted that displayed two bushels of beautiful . the township. these per fumed baubles be shell -bark hickory nuts he picked Fund drive chairman Emery sponsored by Fathers Auxiliary removed, and the press agent up under two trees, somewhere Davis urges anyo••e who has not insisted they stay or he would jerk he won't tell ... been contacted to contact him so From 5 - 8:30 p.m. _Nov. 2 out the whole exhibit. I ruled it Bob Listenberger's big red that workers can complete their • should stay due to its aesthetic balloon piloted by Chuck Shafer canvass. He also requests that value, since sea pirates always again hovered over Maxin kuckee captains turn in their fu nds. Dancing from 9 - ? chewed the lily and everything Sunday afternoon, recharged at Davis reports that 57 workers should be authentic. Then I Ruhnow's south of town and then and captains canvassed in the J 2 Music by missed the seventh race. took off. scaring barnyard fowl geographical areas of Culver and and causing them to lay Union Township, providing a Bob Flora's Band donation $2 double-yolked eggs. personal and thorough service to * * * the community. VOTE FOR JOE BA TCHO Democrat For County Commissioner

l. I believe in government of the 3. let's give the people back the right to vote in important issues people, by the people, not such as: County Zoning, Trash dictatorship by one commissioner. Pickup, Etc. 4. let's stop wasting large swns of 2. The decisions of 20,000 taxpayers money on so called out of town are much wiser than that a£ one experts: $58,000 for land fill study, $60,000 for Zoning and start putting commissioner. our roads back in shape.

• Joe Batcho *FARMER * BUSINESSMAN *QUALIFIED *CAPABLE Paid political ad