Spreading theMessageGreen 01 活动表 CONTENTS 目录 EVENTS CALENDAR

PUBLICITY & COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE (PCC) Chairman Kabirdas Perumal, PBM, PBS Website Dr Intan Azura Mokhtar Lim Chee Kong Margaret Lim Beng Hoon Deputy Chairman Philip Ang Poon Kok General Enquiries David Ng Siew Cheong, PBM Pragash S/O Kulasagar 6453 0511 Chang Sek Yew, PBM Sabaria Bte Umar, PBM MICA(P) 130/04/2012 Sim Mong Hong Circulation: 94,000 Secretary Wong Chun Yin Marvin Poh Yong Kee Chow Design and Production Focus Publishing Ltd Members (A subsidiary of Press Holdings Tel: 6319 2392) Adeline Lee Hui Min E-mail 02Chew Thiam Kwee, BBM Ang Mo Kio Town Council: Photo Images by iStockphoto Chua Soon Huat [email protected] Printed by Ho Bee Print Pte Ltd YEAR EVENTS CALENDAR 活动表 2012/2013


“Let’s Discuss!” 惹兰加由市镇言论会 Jalan Kayu Town Hall Meeting

he Jalan Kayu Town Hall Meeting was held at Hwi Yoh 兰加由市镇言论会于11月18日在缶窑民众联 TCommunity Centre on 18 November and was hosted by 惹络所举行。这场言论会由基层组织顾问殷丹博 Grassroots Adviser Dr Intan Azura Mokhtar. The members of 士主持,出席的基层组织顾问包括成汉通先生和杨 the panel included Grassroots Advisers Mr 木光先生。 and Mr . 居民在言论会上提出了他们生活中的一些困扰, The residents raised a myriad of issues including problems 其中包括噪音和社区的卫生问题。一些居民建议有 of noise pollution and cleanliness of the estate. There were 关当局在停车场增设更多停车位,以解决停车位不 also suggestions like increasing the number of parking lots. 足的问题。言论会当天,新短程巴士116号开始投入 Some residents also expressed their appreciation to Dr Intan for 服务。因此,居民借此机会感谢殷丹博士为他们努 helping them push for a new bus service 116, which also began 力争取增设这项服务,让他们日后出入更方便。 operations on the day of the meeting. 言论会结束前,基层组织顾问也向居民介绍 At the end of the meeting, the Grassroots Advisers 了宏茂桥市镇理事会推出的智能手机应用程序 announced that residents can now provide feedback via the iConnect@AMK,希望居民能通过这个适用于 smart phone application, iConnect@AMK, for both Android Android和iPhone的应用程序向市镇理事提出会反 and iPhone users. 馈。 Gordon Chua, 16, who was there to help his grandmother 16岁的蔡鼎祥陪伴奶奶出席言论会,并代她发 voice out her concerns, felt that the Advisers were very open and 言。他说:“议员们的态度都十分坦率,和居民之 there was no barrier between the Advisers and the residents. 间没有隔阂。” 04 IN FOCUS 放大镜 Building our Clean and Green home 共建清洁与绿化家园

t the launch of “Our Clean & Green AHome” campaign on 11 November, Guest-of-Honour Prime Minister pointed out that Singapore is “cleaned” but has yet become a “clean” city. The two-year campaign aims to educate and engage residents to take ownership of the environment, in addition to promoting clean and green practices. Grassroots Adviser Dr said: “While enforcement and punishment can be an effective deterrent to stop residents from littering, educating residents is necessary for the effort to be sustained.” The event was held at Hougang Ave 9. The Best Cleaner Award was also given out to this year’s winners: Mr Yu Guochuan, Mdm Tauyanagi d/o Narayanasamy Gopalsamy and Ms Sharifah Noraidah Syed. PM Lee’s message of the day was for residents to remind one another to keep the environment clean and not simply rely on the cleaners.

月11日,活动主宾李显龙总理在“共建清洁与绿 能起阻吓作用,但我们认为,要遏制居民乱丢垃圾的不 11化家园”运动推介仪式上指出,新加坡只是“被 良行为,唯有通过公共教育,效果才能长久。”活动在 清洁得很干净”,而不是一个清洁的城市。 后港9道举行。 因此,这项为期两年的运动旨在向居民传递“共建清 当日,余国川先生、那吉女士和莎丽珐女士这三位 洁与绿化家园,人人有责”的信息,并且推广各种清洁 尽责的幕后英雄也获颁“最佳清洁工人”奖项。 与绿化环境的知识,希望居民在日常生活中能运用这些 活动上,李总理说,环境清洁不能只依赖清洁工 知识,培养良好的生活习惯。 人,居民应该时时刻刻相互提醒。 基层组织顾问蓝彬明医生发言时说:“惩处机制当然

05 LOOKING AROUND 左邻右舍 AMK celebrates active ageing 活跃乐龄周晚宴

taying active is the best way for senior Scitizens to keep themselves healthy, both physically and mentally. In conjunction with the Senior Citizens’ week, the “Active Ageing Dinner Celebration” was held on the evening of 25 November at Ang Mo Kio Community Centre (CC) basketball court. It was jointly organised by the Ang Mo Kio CC Management Committee and Ang Mo Kio CC Senior Citizens' Executive Committee. A total of 640 residents participated in the event. They were served a sumptuous dinner for the night. While enjoying their feast, participants watched entertaining getai performances. Residents were also able to interact closely with Grassroots Adviser Mr Inderjit Singh and strengthen their bonds with the grassroots leaders over dinner.

持活跃,是乐龄保持身心健康的最佳方 保式。 为配合乐龄周,宏茂桥民众联络所管 理委员会以及宏茂桥民众联络所乐龄执 委会联合举办“活跃乐龄周晚宴”。 晚宴于11月25日在宏茂桥民众联 络所的篮球场举行。共有640名居民 参与晚宴。他们一边享用丰盛的晚 餐,一边观赏富有娱乐 性的歌台表演。 晚宴上,基层组 织顾问殷吉星与居 民密切互动,增 进感情。


艺术走进社区 Passion for the Arts! n 30 September, the PAssionArts Hotspot Event Oat Sengkang Recreation Centre Atrium attracted a crowd of 150 with Hokkien Opera and Beijing Opera performances by the Singapore Chinese Opera Museum. This is the first Hotspot event organised by Sengkang West Community Arts and Culture Club. PAssionArts Hotspot events are part of People's Association’s effort to promote arts appreciation among the residents. These events take place in various community clubs around Singapore. They allow community performing groups and interest groups to share their passion for the arts with residents. Mdm Quek Puay Sie, who watched the opera performances, commented: “The performances are very exciting and professional. It has not only attracted the Chinese residents, but also residents of other races to watch it.” Sengkang West Community Arts and Culture Club will continue to organise arts and cultural events at different locations around Sengkang West to bond the community through the arts.

月30日于盛港体育与休闲中心礼堂演出的福建戏曲与 出平台,让这些艺术爱好者与其他居民分享他们对艺术 9京剧吸引了150名居民到场观看。这场演出由新加坡 的热忱。 华族戏曲博物馆呈献,是盛港西社区艺术与文化俱乐部 到场观看表演的郭佩诗女士受访时说:“演出十分精 为居民首次安排的“社区艺术站”活动。 彩,也十分专业。这场表演不仅吸引了华族居民,也吸 “社区艺术站”是人民协会推出的计划,目的是希望 引了异族同胞前来观赏。” 加深居民对艺术与文化的认识,让艺术与文化成为日常 盛港西社区艺术与文化俱乐部将会继续在盛港西的各 生活中不可或缺的一部分。“社区艺术站”在各民众俱 组屋区为居民举办各种艺术与文化活动,通过艺术加强 乐部成立,为各社区的表演团体与兴趣小组提供一个演 居民的凝聚力。


屠妖节齐欢庆 Deepavali Delights

eepavali, 妖节,也称光明 Dalso known 屠节,是印度族群最 as “festival of lights”, 隆重的传统佳节之一。 is one of the most 今年在各个选区举行的 important festivals of 庆祝活动,吸引了许多宏茂 the year celebrated by the 桥集选区和盛港西单选区的 Indian community. 印度居民一同前来参加,大 Riots of colours and many delicacies 家都穿着亮丽的传统服装, were seen at each constituency’s Deepavali 为活动增添色彩和喜庆气 celebrations. The Indian residents of Ang Mo Kio 氛。基层组织顾问和其他种 GRC and Sengkang West SMC came dressed in 族的居民也齐来欢庆,一起 their traditional costumes. They were also joined 观看舞台表演和享用美食。 by their Grassroots Advisers and residents of 此外,受邀的基层组织顾 other races. Apart from the sumptuous spread, 问也按照传统习俗,与居民 there were stage performances and lighting of 一起点油灯,以此象征“光 small clay lamps as part of the festival tradition 明驱走黑暗,善良战胜邪 to signify the triumph of good over evil. 恶”。








Grooving to a new beat 09 LOOKING AROUND 左邻右舍

Celebrating culture

heng San Community Club trembled with deafening Ccheers from 400 audiences on 11 November when Guest-of-Honour Ms , Senior Minister of State for Law and Education took to the stage to learn a new Bangra dance. Bhangra is a fusion of music and dance originating from Punjab. The three-hour long session, organised by Young Sikh Association and People’s Association Indian Activity Executive Committees Council, was the second Bhangra Bonanza event held and it showcased the best Bhangra groups in Singapore. “It was rewarding because dancing showcased our talent and brought Punjabi culture to the forefront,” said Ms Arti Gupta, 22, member of Bhangra De Sitare that was one of the eight performing troops. The evening rounded up with residents joining the performers in a mass Bhangra session.

10 LOOKING AROUND 左邻右舍 A community that cares and shares! 关怀邻居,分享温情!

o foster a greater sense of Tcommunity spirit among Jalan Kayu residents, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Grassroots Adviser Dr Intan Azura Mokhtar officially launched a Care and Share initiative on 14 October at the Hwi Yoh Community Centre as part of Jalan Kayu Day. Despite being a new project that was recently started in June, 120 families have pledged their support for it. Volunteers will go to these families’ doorsteps every two months to collect food items like rice, canned food and biscuits. The volunteers will then pack the food items and redistribute them to 200 needy families. Dr Intan hopes that the “many helping hands” approach will cultivate important intrinsic values among the residents. “When it comes to helping, each and every one of us can help. Needy families that are receiving aid now could also pay it forward in future,” said Dr Intan. There were also stage performances and health check-ups at the event.

了培养居民的关怀精神,李显 类干粮,如白米、罐头食品、饼干 一件事。现在在计划下受益的家庭, 为龙总理与惹兰加由基层组织顾 等。义工们每两个月会到这些捐赠者 在往后的日子里,也能秉持着相同的 问殷丹博士于10月14日,在惹兰加 的家中收集干粮,然后把食物分发给 精神,帮助更有需要的家庭。” 由日正式推出“关怀与分享计划”。 从计划中受益的200户贫困家庭。 当天,现场还有身体健康检查服 这项活动在缶窑民众联络所举行。 殷丹博士希望这项计划所采用 务和舞台表演。 虽然“关怀与分享计划”从今年 的“多方援手”方式,可以在社区 6月推行至今,只有短短几个月的时 内培养优良的团结互助氛围。她指 间,但已获得120户家庭定期捐赠各 出:“团结互助是每个人都做得到的 11 LOOKING AROUND 左邻右舍

ebun Baru and Ang Mo Kio- Boo! It’s Halloween! KHougang residents celebrated their Mid-Autumn Festivals in the 鬼魅之夜 parks this year. Kebun Baru’s Mid-Autumn entor Vale Playground was Festival Celebration was held at transformed into a spooky L Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park on 22 compound on the evening of 27 September. On the other hand, Ang October. Mo Kio-Hougang’s celebration was More than 500 Yio Chu Kang held a week later on 29 September residents, children and adults alike, at Punggol South Park. dressed up as ghosts, pirates and At the Kebun Baru event, Prime witches for Halloween Night 2012. Minister Lee Hsien Loong led 1,000 The event was organised by Lentor residents in a lantern procession Neighbourhood Committee (NC). around the Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park. This is the second time that PM Lee observed that the event Lentor NC has organised attracted many residents of other this popular event for the races to participate as well. residents. He said: “The annual Mid-Autumn Grassroots Adviser Mr Festival Celebration is one of the Seng Han Thong attended most popular events in Ang Mo Kio the event and interacted because everyone can participate in with the residents while it. There are many Malay and Indian children participated in a faces tonight. We hope that we can “searching for the skull” create an inclusive community in treasure hunt. There were which every citizen feels a sense of also stage performances belonging.” to entertain the crowd. The annual festive event held on Prizes for Best Outfit and 29 September, jointly organised by Ci Best Gate Design were also Yuan Community Centre Management awarded to those who have Committee and Ang Mo Kio-Hougang displayed extraordinary Zone 1 to 5 Resident Committees, creativity. also drew a crowd of 1,000 residents. Grassroots Adviser Mr Yeo Guat 于伦多谷的游乐场在10月27日傍晚摇身一变,成了诡异阴森的“鬼 Kwang joined residents in this joyous 位屋”。500多名居民纷纷乔装成了鬼魅、海盗、巫师等,参与伦多居 celebration and participated in a 民委员会主办的第二届万圣节庆祝晚会。 lantern procession around the park. 基层组织顾问成汉通先生也到场支持这次活动,与居民同欢共乐。当 They also took part in a giant lantern- 晚,孩子们参加了“寻找骷髅”寻宝游戏。舞台表演也十分精彩。此外, making activity by writing well-wishes 邻里居委会还颁发了“最佳服装”和“最佳大门设计”奖,肯定居民的过 on coloured stickers before sticking 人创意。 them onto the giant lantern. Ci Yuan CC YEC clinches SPBA 青年执委会荣获新加 坡金字品牌奖

i Yuan Community Centre (CC) with only 19 volunteers and now has division, the YEC has been named the CYouth Executive Committee (YEC) grown its membership to 40 volunteers. Best Constituency in Central Singapore has been awarded the Singapore From pre-schoolers to the elderly, Ci for their devotion in spreading the green Prestige Brand Award (SPBA) in Yuan CC YEC has developed “green” message. They will also be conferred recognition of its efforts to raise programmes for everyone. More the Best Team award at the Clean and environmental awareness. than 2,000 youth participated in the Green Singapore Carnival 2013. This is the first time a YEC receives YEC’s National Youth EnvirOlympics the SPBA, which honours local brands Challenge while the elderly had been that are developed and effectively invited to learn about waste processing managed through branding initiatives. in Pulau Semakau. Ci Yuan CC YEC started in 1999 Together with Ang Mo Kio-Hougang 12 LOOKING AROUND 左邻右舍 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration in the parks 月圆人乐庆中秋

年,哥本 鲁和宏茂桥-后港的 李总理察觉,这项活动也吸引了许 茂桥-后港第1区至第5区的居民委员 今居民都在公园欢庆中秋节。 多异族同胞前来参加。他说:“一 会主办。这次的活动也吸引了1000 哥本 鲁的中秋庆祝会于9月22 年一度的中秋节庆祝会是最受宏茂 名居民参与。基层组织顾问杨木光 日在碧山-宏茂桥公园举行。宏茂桥- 桥居民欢迎的活动之一,因为每个 先生与居民一同参与这项欢愉的庆 后港的庆祝会则于9月29日在榜鹅南 人都能参与。今晚,我们看到了许 祝活动。居民先提灯游园,然后一 公园举行。活动当天,两个公园都 多马来与印度同胞与我们同乐。我 起参与巨型灯笼的制作。他们纷纷 被灯笼微暖的柔光照耀,化身成了 希望我们能建立一个具包容性的社 在色彩鲜艳的贴纸上写上自己的祝 一片灯海。 区,让每个人都有归属感。” 语,并将贴纸粘贴在巨型灯笼上。 9月22日的晚上,李显龙总理带 宏茂桥-后港的常年庆祝会今年 领1000名居民一起提灯笼游公园。 由茨园民众俱乐部管理委员会和宏

青年执委会荣获新加 坡金字品牌奖

力于推广环保意识的茨园民众 工,为各个年龄层的居民主办各种 致联络所青年执行委员会,荣获 活动,以提高大家的环保意识。它 新加坡金字品牌奖。 主办的“全国青年环境奥运会”就 新加坡金字品牌奖旨在肯定和表 吸引了2,000余名青年前来参加。另 扬那些有效地通过各种品牌相关活 外,乐龄人士也受邀到实马高岛参 动来建立和管理品牌资产的本地企 观和了解废物处理过程。 业。这是该奖首次颁发奖项给一个 该青年执委会在推广绿化生活 青年执委会。 所做的努力让它与宏茂桥-后港选区 茨园民众联络所青年执委会成 一起获选为新加坡中区的“最佳选 立于1999年,刚开始只有19名义 区”。明年它也将获颁清洁与绿化 工。迄今,青年执委会已有40名义 新加坡的“最佳团队”殊荣。 13 LOOKING AROUND 左邻右舍

Dance and stay evergreen! 跳跳舞,保青春! he music played, and the dance floor was filled. By 6pm, they were enjoying Line Dancing, Social TIt was an evening of feasting and dancing at Ang Mo Dance, Latin and Ballroom Dancing. Kio Community Club. Participants also enjoyed a 9-course dinner while some The event was held on 17 November to celebrate the of them also won prizes from a lucky draw. grandparents' week. Many of the 200 participants were The event provided a platform for dancing enthusiasts, senior citizens and grandparents. The Guest-of-Honour in particular senior citizens, to enjoy a memorable night. was Grassroots Adviser Mr Inderjit Singh.

当音乐响起,居民就滑进舞 每池,翩翩起舞。 这是一个享美食,跳热舞的夜 Keep your homes safe 保持警惕,预防盗窃 晚,地点就在宏茂桥民众俱乐部。 “永青社交舞之夜兼祖亲周庆祝 During this festive season, the Police would like 警察吁请居民在这佳节期间,尤其当 to advise all residents to secure your homes and 您和家人出国旅行时,必定要锁好 会2012”于11月17日举行,参与活 belongings to avoid becoming a victim of crime, 门窗并将贵重物品收好,以免成为匪 动的200余名居民都是乐龄人士,其 especially if you are going overseas. We wish 徒的目标。我们祝所有居民圣诞节快 all residents a Merry Christmas, and a Happy 乐,新春愉快。 中不少已是爷爷奶奶。活动主宾是 New Year. 基层组织顾问殷吉星。 当天傍晚6时,他们已在舞池尽 情地大跳排舞、社交舞、拉丁舞和 国标舞。 之后,大家一起享用晚餐,一些 幸运儿还在抽奖中赢得礼物。 这项活动除了庆祝祖亲周外, 也提供平台让热衷跳舞的居民,尤 其是乐龄人士,度过一个难忘的夜 晚。

14 AMK MAKAN 寻找美食

于后港8道第 位644座大路咖 啡店的“瑞市”, 售卖的沙爹多汁美 味 , 广受居民的欢 迎。 周爱香(52 岁)是这个拥有高 人气摊位的忠实顾 客。她笑说:“我 觉得他们的沙爹很 好吃,烤的时间刚 刚好。我从他们 开始营业就光顾至 今,每个星期至少 都会来吃两次。如 果参加烤肉会,我 还会向他们订购。” 美味沙爹赢人气 老板娘李美叶(55 Yummy satay 岁)和丈夫陈先生于25 find their satay delicious, they are Block 644 Hougang Ave 8 in Broadway 年前开始售卖沙爹。刚开 “Icharred just right. I’ve been coming Coffeeshop. 始营业时,他们只售卖羊 here at least twice a week ever since It was started by Mdm Lee Bee Heok, 肉、鸡肉和猪肉的沙爹。 they started. I even order it when I attend 55, and her husband Mr Tan 25 years ago. 从去年起,他们也开始售 barbeques!” said loyal patron of Swee They first started selling mutton, chicken 卖炒萝卜糕和蚝煎,为食 Satay, Mrs Chew Ai Hian, 52, with a laugh. and pork satay but have since expanded 客提供更多的选择。 The well-loved stall is famous for its their menu to include fried carrot cake and juicy and tasty satay and is located at fried oyster last year.

QUIZ TIME 问答游戏 ANSWERS FOR LAST ISSUE 1. 15 July 2012, 2012年7月15日 1: Name the initiative that was launched by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and 2. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, 李显龙总理 Grassroots Adviser Dr Intan Azura Mokhtar on 14 October at the Jalan Kayu Hall. 请列出李显龙总理与惹兰加由基层组织顾问殷丹博士于10月14日,在惹兰加由大 WINNERS FOR LAST ISSUE • Tan Took Hoon (SXXXX712E) of 礼堂正式推展的计划名称。 Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 (宏茂桥10道) • Woo Wai Heng (SXXXX138E) of Hougang Ave 8(后港8道) 2: How many residents attended the first PAssionArts Hotspot Event at Sengkang • Lim Bong Hong (SXXXX100D) of Recreation Centre Atrium on 30 September? Serangoon North Ave 4(实龙岗北4道) 9月30日于盛港体育与休闲中心礼堂演出的福建戏曲与京剧吸引了多少名居民到场观看? • Answers can be found in this issue of Our Home. • Answers will be published in the next issue of Our Home. • Winners will be notified by post. Three lucky winners will each receive $20 worth of NTUC Fairprice vouchers. Entry Rules 1. Only HDB residents of Ang Mo The three lucky winners will each receive a Kio GRC and Sengkang West SMC are eligible to participate. 2. Each household is allowed to send in only ONE entry. 3. All entries must NTUC Fairprice shopping voucher worth $20! be made on the official entry form. 4. Councillors and staff of Ang Mo Kio Town Council and their immediate families are not allowed to Winners will be notified by post. participate. 5. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained. 以上三名优胜者将各得20元的职总平价合作社礼 券。优胜者将获书面通知。

Answers / 答案 1 ______2 ______

Name / 姓名: ______NRIC / 居民证号码: ______

Address / 地址: ______

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Please send in your entry on the back of an envelope to: Our Home Quiz Blk 342 Ang Mo Kio Ave 1, #01-1561, Singapore 560342 15 请将表格贴在信封背面并寄交到:《家园》问答游戏 Blk 342 Ang Mo Kio Ave 1, #01-1561, Singapore 560342 MEET THE PEOPLE 会见民众

ANG MO KIO-HOUGANG 宏茂桥-后港 SENGKANG WEST 盛港西 MP Yeo Guat Kwang 杨木光议员 Dr Lam Pin Min 蓝彬明医生 Blk 632 Hougang Ave 8, #01-28, Blk 303A Anchorvale Link, #01-81, S(530632) S(541303) 8pm, every Thursday* 8pm, every Tuesday* 后港8道第632座,#01-28,邮区530632 安谷连道第303A座,#01-81,邮区541303 每星期四,晚上8时* 每星期二,晚上8时* Tel/电话:6282 6567 Tel/电话:6312 2961

CHENG SAN-SELETAR 静山-实里达 TECK GHEE 德义 MP 洪鼎基议员 PM Lee Hsien Loong 李显龙总理 Blk 533 Ang Mo Kio Ave 5, Blk 322 Ang Mo Kio Ave 3, #01-4100, S(560533) #01-1928, S(560322) 8pm, every Thursday* 8pm, every Wednesday* 宏茂桥5道第533座,#01-4100,邮区560533 宏茂桥3道第322座,#01-1928,邮区560322 每星期四,晚上8时* 每星期三,晚上8时* Tel/电话:6458 9560 Tel/电话:6552 6055

JALAN KAYU 惹兰加由 YIO CHU KANG 杨厝港 Dr Intan Azura Mokhtar 殷丹博士 MP Seng Han Thong 成汉通议员 Blk 522 Serangoon North Ave 4, Blk 644 Ang Mo Kio Ave 4, #01-154, S(550522) #01-850, S(560644) 8pm, every Thursdays* 8pm, every Thursday* 实龙岗北4道第522座,#01-154 ,邮区550522 宏茂桥4道第644座,#01-850,邮区560644 每星期四,晚上8时* 每星期四,晚上8时* Tel/电话:6483 4341 Tel/电话:6458 7376

KEBUN BARU 哥本峇鲁 MP Inderjit Singh 殷吉星议员

Blk 109 Ang Mo Kio Ave 4, AVE 1 OFFICE #01-04, S(560109) Blk 342 Ang Mo Kio Ave 1, #01-1561, 8pm, every Thursday* Singapore 560342 Tel: 6453 0511 Fax: 6453 0122 宏茂桥4道第109座,#01-04,邮区560109 AVE 10 OFFICE 每星期四,晚上8时* Blk 528 Ang Mo Kio Ave 10, #01-2385, Tel/电话:6454 8792 Singapore 560528 Tel: 6456 1633 Fax: 6456 1225 AVE 4 SERVICE CENTRE Blk 161 Ang Mo Kio Ave 4, #01-500, Singapore 560161 Tel: 6457 3500 Fax: 6453 6733 ANG MO KIO – HOUGANG SERVICE CENTRE * Closed on Public Holidays Blk 662 Hougang Ave 4, #01-415, + On the first Thursday of every month, there will be a rotation of MPs for Singapore 530662 Ang Mo Kio GRC. Tel: 6385 1631 Fax: 6387 4052 + Registration starts before 8pm SENGKANG WEST OFFICE * 公共假期休息 Blk 410 Fernvale Road (opposite Fernvale Point), + 宏茂桥集选区的国会议员将在每个月的第一个星期四轮流到其他选区 #01-01, Singapore 790410 + 将在8时之前开始登记 Tel: 6634 9215 Fax: 6634 9219